Submitted to: Golder Associates, Inc. Okeechobee System Research Division 6241 N.W. 23 ~ Street, Suite 500 Gainesville, FL 32653-1500

Submitted by : Karen M. Bums James K. Culter Mote Marine Laboratory 1600 Ken Thompson Parkway Sarasota, FL 34236

September I, 1998

Mote Marine Laboratory Technical Report Number 591 .

This document is printed on recycled paper. TABLE OF CONTENTS ·


SORTING AND IDENTIFICATION METHODS ...... 1 Ichthyoplanlcton Protocol ...... •...• ... •... 1 Sample Sorting ...... • ...•.. . 1 Sample Resorting ...... • ...• . . .• ...... • ...... 1 Specimen ldentification ...... 1 Data Entry ...... •....•... •...... •...... 2


FISH ...... • ...... 3

Anchoa mitchilli ...... 3 Commercial and Recreational Importance ...... 3 Range and Ecology ...... • ...•.. 3 Food and Feeding ...... •...... 3 Habitat ...... _ ...... • ...... 4 Abiotic Factors ...... 4 Temperature and Salinity ...... • ...... 4 Turbidity ...... •...•...... 5 Dissolved oxygen (DO) ...... • ...... •... • . . 5 Ind icator of Environmental Stress ...... 5 References ...... 5

Menidia sp ...... '...... •. , ...... , . . , .. • . . 9 Commercial and Recreational Importance ...... 9 Range and Ecology ...... • . . . • • ...... • . . 9 Food and Feeding ...... • .. . • ...• ...... 10 Habitat _ ...... • . . . • . . . • • . . . • ...... • • . . • . . . • . . . • .. 11 Substrate ...... , , ...... 11 Temperature ...... 11 Salinity ...... __ ...... • . . • • . . • . . . • . . . • ...... 12 Dissolved Oxygen and pH ...... • . . . . • ...... 13 Indicator of Environmental Stress ...... 13 References ...... , ...... 13

Bairdiella chrysoura ...... , ...... 18 Commercial and Recreational Importance ...... 18 Range and Ecology ...... • ...... • . . . • . . . • ...... 18 Food and Feeding .. 18 Habitat ...... , ...... 18 Abiotic Factors ...... · ...... 19 Temperature ...... · ...... 19 Salinity ...... · ...... 19 Indicator of Environmental Stress ...... 19 References . . . . 20

Gobiosoma robustum ...... 22 Range and Ecology ...... • ...... • . . . • . . • . . 22 Habitat ...... •...•... • ...• . . •..... 22 Indicator of Environmental Stress . , ...... 22 References . . . · ...... " ...... 22 Syngnathus floridae ...... · ...... 23 Commercial and Recreational Importance . . · ...... , . . . . 23 Food and Feeding ...... 24 Habitat ...... · ...... 24 Abiotic Factors . · . . · ...... 24 Temperature · ...... 24 Salinity ... 24 Indicator of Environmental Stress 25 References · ...... 25 CRAB .... 28 Eurypanopeus depressus ...... 28 Range and Ecology . 28 Habitat ...... 28 Abiotic Factors ...... 28 Depth . 28 Salinity 28 References . · ...... 28 Rhithropanopeus harrisii · ...... 30 Range and Ecology 30 Food and Feeding · ...... 30 Habitat ..... · ...... 30 Abiotic Factors ...... 30 Salinity ... " ...... 30 Temperature ...... 31 Indicator of Environmental Stress 31 References ...... 31

11 Sesarma (Chiromantes) cinereum (Bose) ...... • . . • . . .. 33 Commercial and Recreational Importance ...... 33 Range and Ecology ...... • ...... • . . • . . . • . . • . . .. 33 Food and Feeding ...... •. ..• . ..•...... • .. • . . .. 33 Habitat ...... • ...... • ...... • . . • . . .. 33 Abiotic Factors ...... 33 Temperature ...... 33 Salinity ...... •.. . • . ..•..•...... •.... 34 Indicator of Environmental Stress ...... 34

Sesamw (Sesamw) retieularum (Say) ...... • . . . • . . • ...... • . . .. 35 Commercial and Recreational Importance .....,...... 35 Range and Ecology ...... • . . . • • . . • . . . • . . • . . • . . .. 35 Food and Feeding ...... 35 Habitat ...... 35 Abiotic Factors ...... • . . .. 35 Temperature ...... 35 Salinity ...... • •...... •...... •...... 35 Indicator of Environmental Stress ...... 36

Palaemonetes Heller 1869 ...... •.. • . ..• . . •. . •. . .. 37 Commercial or Recreational Importance ...... 37 Habitat ...... • . . • . . . • . . • . . • . . .. 37 Abiotic Factors ...... 37 Temperature ...... ' 37 Salinity ...... •...••...•...... •. . •...... 37 Indicator of Environmental Stress ...... 38

RESULTS ...... 39

QUALITY ASSURANCE ...... 40 Laboratoty Procedures ...... 40






ichthyoplankton Protocol

Sample Sorting

Each sample was signed out before processing and then signed in after sorting was completed. A copy of the sorting sign out sheet is included in Appendix B.

All ichthyoplankton samples were poured into an appropriate sized. mesh sieve and rinsed with fresh water. Sample volume was recorded. Each sample was examined in a series of 10 m1 aliquots withdrawn from each well-mixed sample, poured into a gridded petri dish and sorted under a dissecting microscope for fish eggs, fish larvae, juveniles and adults, shrimp larvae, juveniles and adults, and crab zoea, megalopa, juveniles and adults. Each aliquot was examined twice, with agitation between examinations. In those samples where seagrasses were abundant, . the grasses were rinsed in the sieve to remove any organisms from the blades and then the grasses were placed back in the sample jar. All fish, shrimp and crab life stages were removed from the entire sample and then identified, enumerated and put in consecutively numbered vials filled with 70% ethanol.

The number, species, and life stage of each target organism and the vial number containing the organism were recorded on a bench sheet (Appendix B). This infonnation was also recorded on a vial catalogue sheet (Appendix B).

Sample Resorting

All samples were resorted after the initial sorting process as part of Mote Marine laboratory's (MML) internal Quality Assurance Program. Any target organisms found during the resort were recorded and added to the vials of other organisms from that sample. .

Specimen Identification

All fish eggs and fish larvae were identified to the lowest possible taxon. Most fish eggs were identified to family , while the majority of fish larvae were identified to the species level. Fish larvae were also classified by developmental stage. Identification of eggs and larvae were made by use of standard literature sources and MML's Reference Collection. It was necessary to send out one species of the family Syngnatbidae to an external taxonomic consultant for species verification.

MML maintains an ichthyoplankton reference collection which follows the guidelines for standard curatorial procedures for proper custody of larval fi sh reference material. MML' s ichthyoplankton reference collection already contained representative well preserved undamaged specimens of the various sizes and developmental stages for all the fish eggs and fish species

I collected. Meroplankton species collected were placed in 2 dram glass vials and preserved in 70% EtOH. Any specimens not in the reference collection were added to MML's reference collection.

Many aspects of measures taken by MML to assure quality assurance are described in the Quality Assurance section (p. 40). Copies of the ichthyoplankton sample sorting log, bench sheet, and vial catalog sheet are in Appendix B.

Data Entry

Data including the number per life stage of each of the target organisms identified to the lowest possible taxon were entered using Excel software. Results of the analyses in table format are included in Appendix A. Printouts were checked for errors. Computer diskettes of the data in Excel format as well as a copy of this repon in WordPerfect 5.1 are enclosed with this repon.



Family: Engraulidae Scientific Name: Anchoa mitchilli Common Name: Bay Anchovy

Commercial and Recreational Importance

Commercial: Due to its small size, the bay anchovy is not currently harvested in the United States.

Recreational: The bay anchovy is an important prey species for many game fish species making it indirectly important to recreational fisheries (Hildebrand 1943, Christmas and Waller 1973, Robinette 1983).

Range and Ecology

Ranging from Maine to the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula, bay anchovies probably comprise the greatest fish biomass in estuarine waters off the southeastern of the U.S. and the U.S. Gulf of Mexico (Reid 1955, Perret 1971 , Christtnas and Waller 1973, Hoese and Moore 1979, Perry and Boyles 1977, Perry 1979, Shipp 1986). During the summer, Anchoa mitchilli larvae are one of the most abundant species found in the ichthyoplankton in the Gulf of Mexico (Raynie and Shaw 1994).

As one of the most important estuarine forage fishes, it is the predominant prey of many bird and recreationally and conunercially important fish species, and as such, serves as a critical link in the estuarine food web between zooplankton and higher trophic level predators (Hildebrand 1943, Reid 1955, Christtnas and Waller 1973, Robinette 1983, Shipp 1986).

Food and Feeding

Anchoa mitchilli feed primarily on zooplankton in currents at night (Reid 1955, Bechtel and Copeland 1970, Daly 1970). Larval bay anchovies feed on small zooplankton ( Nauplii and retifers) until they reach approximately 7 mm, when they switch to larger zooplankton (copepodites and ) (Darnell 1958, Detwyler and Houde 1970). In addition to zooplankton, detritus is also ingested. is not usually consumed (Darnell 1958). The diet of larger anchovies includes small shrimp, larval and juvenile fish, mysids, insect larvae, crab zoeae, clam larvae, cladocerans, schizopods, gastropods, copepods, isopods, malacostracans, oligochaetes, polychaetes, and is supplemented by detrirus from occasional bottom feeding (Hildebrand 1943, Reid 1954, Reid 1955, Darnell 1958, Arnold et al. 1960, Darnell 1961, Bechtel and Copeland 1970, Detwyler and Houde 1970, Carr and Adams 1973

3 Weaver and Halloway 1974, Sheridan 1978, Levine 1980), Darnell (1961), reported the diet of anchovies 30 to 49 mm consisted of 9% microinvertebrates; 58% zooplankton, and 33% organic detritu~ from gut content analyses .

. Habitat

Anchoa mitchilli are primarily a shallow estuarine and inshore coastal water species (Gunter 1945, Kilby 1955, Arnold et a1. 1960, Springer and Woodburn 1960, Swingle and Bland 1974, Jones et a1. 1978, Sheridan 1978, Ward and Artnstrong 1980, Sheridan 1983) and are found in bayous; off sandy beaches; in open bays and muddy coves; grassy areas along beaches; around mouths of rivers and in both shallow and deeper offshore waters (Reid 1955, Swingle and Bland 1974, Swift et al. 1977. Jones et a11978, Sheridan 1978), but prefer bays and estuaries (Gunter 1945, Kilby 1955, Springer and Woodburn 1960, Christmas and Waller 1973). This species, which is extremely abundant in primary and secondary bays, around shallow bay marinas, islands, spoil banks, and sheltered coves, occurs less frequently in tertiary bays (kilby 1955 , Simmons 1957, Swingle 1971, Ward and Annstrong 1980).

According to Simmons 1957, Perret 1971 , and Swingle and Bland 1974 adults are euryhaline occurring from fresh to hypersaline waters (maximum salinity 80 ppt). They occur from water depths of 0.5 to 20.0 m, with a preference for depths of 2 to 3 m (Reid 1954, Renfro 1960, Miller 1965, Bechtel and Copeland 1970, Franks 1970, Perret 1971, Swingle 1971, Dunham 1972, Dokken et al 1984).

Larval Anchoa mitchilli primarily occur in surface waters at about 11 DC and higher. In Chesapeake Bay, collected in greatest abundance at 3 to 7 ppt, upstream migration may occur. Very common in Biscayne Bay, Florida at 30-35 ppt.

Juvenile bay anchovies are euryhaline, ascending rivers in Virginia 64 Ian above brackish water; but are most abundant in brackish water.

Abiotic Factors

Temperature and Salinity

Anchoa mitchilli eggs have been collected in salinities ranging 8 and 15 ppt with spawning and development documented at 30.9 to 37 ppt and at temperatures ranging 22° to 32°C (Kuntz 1913, Hoese 1965 , Detwyler and Houde 1970, Dunham 1972, Houdes 1974, Tarver and Savoie 1976) . Preferred temperatures range 27.2· to 27.8·C (Ward and Annstrong 1980).

Bay anchovy larvae, juvenile, and adult stages are designated as both euryhaline and eurythennal because they occur in waters ranging from 0.0 to 80 ppt and at water temperatures ranging 4.5° to 39.8·C (Gunter 1945, Reid 1954, Kilby 1955, Simmons 1957, Renfro 1960, Springer and Woodburn 1960, Miller 1965, Edwards 1967, Franks 1970, Perret 1971, Swingle 1971, Wang and Raney 1971, Dunham 1972, Wagner 1973 , Gallaway and Strawn 1974, Swingle and Bland

4 1974, Juneau 1975 , Pineda 1975, Tarver and Savoie 1976, Swift et aJ. 1977, Barrett et aJ. 1978, Chung and Strawn 1982, Cornelius 1984). Larvae occur in greatest abundance between 3 and 7 ppt (Perry and Boyes 1977, Ward and Armstrong 1980).

Adults 3re most commonly collected at temperatures ranging 8.10 to 32.2°C with one Mississippi study reporting greatest abundances between 20° to 30 0 e (perry and Boyes 1977. Ward and Armstrong 1980). Chung and Strawn (1982) repotted a potential upper lethal limit of 4Q°C.

Salinity does not appear to influence juvenile and adult distribution and abundance (Haese 1965, Christmas and Waller 1973, Krull 1976, Perry and Boyes 1977, Ward and Armstrong 1980, Cornelius 1984). Reponed salinity ranges vary among the different life stages and among different locations. Larvae migrate to low salinity nursery areas to mature. Juvenile and adult anchovies, move to deeper, more saline areas (Gunter 1945, Roese 1965, Edwards 1967, Swingle and Bland 1974, Killam et aJ. 1992)


Collected in water with turbidities ranging 0.5 m to 0.7 m secchi depth (Reid 1955), suggests that this species is attracted to areas of high turbidity (Livingston 1975).

Dissolved oxygen (DO)

Barrett (1978), reported collecting the bay anchovy in Louisiana waters with dissolved oxygen readings ranging 1.5 [0 11 .9 ppm. DO concentrations below 3 mgll probably limit the viability and productivity of this species in the Chesapeake Bay (Killam et al. 1992).

Indicator of Environmental Stress

According to Shipp (1986), Anchoa mitchilli can be regarded as an indicator of estuary health due to its importance as a forage species. Texas Water Quality Board supported studies demonstrated that it can be used as an indicator of poor water quality because anchovies can quickly adapt to pollution stress. Its small size and short food chain allow it to become the dominant species of a polluted area. According to Bechtel and Copeland (1970) and Livingston (1975), dominance in a specific location for two or more consecutive seasons can be indicative of deteriorating water quality .


Arnold, E.L., R.S. Wheeler, and K.N. Baxter. 1960. Observations on fishes and other biota of East Lagoon, Galveston Island. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. , Spec. Sci. Rep. No. 344, 30 p.

5 Barren. B.B., I.L. Merrell, T.P. Morrison, M.C. Gillespie, E.I. Ralph, and I.F. Burdon. 1978 . A study of Louisiana's major estuaries and adjacent offshore waters. LA WildL Fish. Comm. Tech. Bull. No. 27, 197 p.

Bechtel, T. J. and B.l. Copeland . 1970. Fish species diversity indices as indication of pollution in Galveston Bay Texas. Contrib. Mar. Sci., 15 :103-132.

Carr, W.E.S. and C.A. Adams. 1973. Food habits of juvenile marine fishes occupying seagrass beds in the estuarine zone near Crystal River, Florida. Trans . Am . Fish. Soc. , 102(3):511-540.

Christmas, I.Y. and R.S . Waller. 1973. Estuarine vertebrates, Mississippi. p. 320-406, In: Christmas, J.Y. (ed.), Cooperative Gulf of Mexico Estuarine Inventory and Study, Mississippi. Gulf Coast Research Lab ., Ocean Springs, MS .

Chung, K. and K. Strawn. 1982. Predicted survival of the bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilll) in the heated effluent of a power plant on Galveston Bay, Texas. Environ. BioI. Fishes, 7(1):57-62.

Cornelius, S. 1984. An ecological survey of Alazan Bay. Texas. Vol. 1. Caesar K1eberg Wildl. Res. Inst. Tech. Bull. No.5. Kingsville, TX, 163 p.

Daly, R.I. 1970. Systematics if southern Florida anchovies (Pisces: Engraulidae). Bull. Mar. Sci ., 20(1):70-104.

Darnell. R.M. 1958. Food habits of fishes and larger of Pontchartrain. Louisiana, an estuarine community. Publ. lost. Mar. Sci., Univ . TX, 5:353-416

Darnell . R.M. 1961. Trophic spectrum of an estuarine community , based on studies of Lake Pontcharuain, LA. Ecology, 42(3):553-568.

Detwyler, T.M. and E.D. Houde. 1970. Food selection by laboratory-reared larvae of the scaled sardine Harengula pensacolae (Pisces. Clupeidae) and the bay anchovy Anchoa mitchilli (Pisces Engraulidae). Mar. BioI., 7:214-222.

Dolcken, Q.R. , G.C. Matlock, and S. Cornelius. 1984. Distribution and composition of larvae fish populations within Alazan Bay, Texas. Contrib. Mar. ScL. 27:205-222 .

Dunham, F. 1972. A study of commercially important estuarine-dependent industrial fishes . LA Wild I. Fish . Comm. Tech. Bull . No. 4, 63 p.

Edwards, E.S. 1967. Studies on populations of Anchoa mitchilli in Mississippi Sound, with special reference to the life cycle and seasonal variations in abundance. M.S. thesis , Univ . Mississippi, 28 p.

6 Franks, I.S . 1970. An investigation of the fish population within the inland waters of Horn Island, Mississippi, a barrier island in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf Res . Rep., 3(1):3-104.

Gallaway, B.l. and K. Strawn. 1974. Seasonal abundance and distribution of marine fishes at a hot-water di scharge in Galveston Bay , Texas. Contrib. Mar. Sci., 18:71-137.

Gunter. G. 1945 . Studies on marine fi shes of Texas. Publ. lnst. Mar. ScL, Univ. Texas, 1(1): 1-190.

Hildebrand, S.F. 1943 . A review of the American anchovies (family Engraulidae). Bull. Bingham Oceanogr. Coli., 8(2):1-165.

Hoese, H.D. 1965 . Spawning of marine fishes in Port Aransas, Texas, area as detennined by the distribution of young and larvae. Ph .D. dissertation, Univ. Texas, Austin, TX. 144 p.

Hoese, H.D. and R.H. Moore. 1977. Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico. Texas A&M Press, College Station. TX. 327 p.

Houde, E.D. 1974. Effects of temperature and delayed feeding on growth and survival of larvae of tluee species of subtropical marine fishes. Mar. BioL, 26:271-285.

Jones, P.W., F.D. Martin, and J.D. Hardy Jr. 1978. Development of fishes of the Mid­ Atlantic Bight-An atlas of egg, larvae and juvenile stages, Vol. I, cipenseridae though ictaluridae. U.S. Fish Wildl. Servo BioI. Rep . FWSIOBS-781l2. 366 p.

Juneau, C.L., Jr . 1975 . An inventory and study of the Vennillion Bay-Atchafalaya Bay Complex. LA Wildl. Fish. Tech. Bull., (13) :21-74.

Killam, K.A., R.J. HoChberg, and E.C. Rzemien. 1992. Synthesis of basic life histories of Tampa Bay species. Tech. Pub. No. 10-92, Tampa Bay National Estuary Program, St Petersburg, FL, 295 p.

Kilby , J.D. 1955 . The fi shes of two gulf coastal marsh areas of Florida. Tulane Stud. Zool. , 2(7):175-247.

Krul, R.M . 1976. The small fi sh fauna of a disturbed hypersaline environment. M.S. thesis, Texas A&I Univ., Kingsville, TX, 112 p.

Kuntz, A . 1913. The embryology and larvae development of Bairdiella chrysura and Anchovia mitchilli. Bull. Bur. Fish. 33:3-19.

Lee, D.S., C.R. Gilbert, C.H. Hocutt, R.E. Jenkins, D.E. McAllister, and J.R. Stauffer, Jr. 1980. Atlas of North American Freshwater fishes . North Carolina St. Mus. Nat . Hist., Raleigh, NC, 854 p.

7 Livingston, RJ. 1975 . Impact of kraft pulp-mill effluents on estuarine and coastal fishes in Apalachee Bay, Florida, USA. Mar. BioI. , 32(1):19-48.

Miller, J.M. 1965. A trawl survey of the shallow Gulf fishes near Port Aransas, Texas. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci., Univ. Texas, 10:80-107.

Perry, A. 1979. Fish of Timbalier Bay and offshore Louisiana environments collected by trawling. Rice Univ. Stud., 65:537-545.

Perry, H.M. and D.L. Boyes. 1977. Menhaden and other coastal pelagic fish. Unpublished manuscript. Gulf Coast Res. Lab. , Ocean Springs, MS, 35 p.

Pineda, P.H.A.K. 1975. A study of fishes of the lower Nueces River. M.S. thesis, Texas A&I Univ., Kingsville, TX, ll8 p.

Raynie , R.C. and R.F. Shaw. 1994. Ichthyoplankton abundance along a recruitment corridor from offshore spawning to estuarine nursery ground. Est. Coast. Shelf Sci., 39:421-450.

Reid, G. K., Jr. 1954. A ecological survey of the Gulf of Mexico fishes in the vicinity of Cedar Key, Florida. Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf Caribb., 4: 1-94.

Reid, G.K., Jr. 1955. A summer study of the biology and ecology of East Bay, Texas: Part II. Tex. J. Sci., 7:430-453.

Renfro, w.e. 1960. Salinity relations of some fishes in the Aransas River, Texas. Tulane Stud. Zool., 8(3):83-91.

Sheridan, P.F. 1978 . Food habits of the bay anchovy, Anchoa mitchilli, in Apalachicola Bay, Florida. Northeast Gulf Sci., 2(2): 126-132.

Sheridan , P.F. 1983 . Abundance and distribution of fi shes in the Galveston Bay system, 1963- 1964. Contrib. Mar. Sci., 26:143-163.

Shipp, R.L. 1986. Guide 10 fishes of the Gulf of Mexico. Dauphin Island Sea Lab. , Dauphin Island, AL, 256 p.

Sinunons, E.G. 1957 . An ecological survey of the upper Laguna Madre of Texas. Pub) . lost. Mar. Sci., Univ. Texas, 4(2): 156-200.

Springer, V.G. and K.D. Woodburn. 1960. An ecological study of the fishes of the Tampa Bay area . FL Board Cons . Mar. Res. Lab . Prof. Pap. Ser. No. I , p. 104

8 Swift, C., R.W. Yerger, and P.R. Parrish. 1977 . Distribution and natural history of the fresh and brackish water fishes of the Ochlockonee River, Florida and Georgia. Bull. Tall Timbers Res. Sta., No. 20, 111 p.

Swingle, H.A. 1971. Biology of Alabama estuarine areas-cooperative Gulf of Mexico estuarine inventory. AL Mar. Res. Bull., 5:1-123.

Swingle, H.A. and D.G. Bland. 1974. A study of the fishes of the coastal watercourses of Alabama. AL Mar. Res. Bull., 10:22-102.

Tarver, J. W. and L.B. Savoie. 1976. An inventory and study of t~e Lake Pontchartrain-Lake Maurepas estuarine complex . LA Wild!. Fish. Carnrn. Tech. Bull. No. 19, 159 p.

Wagner. P.R. 1973. Seasonal biomass, abundance, and distribution of estuarine dependent fishes in the Caminada Bay System of Louisiana. Ph.D. dissertation, LA St. Univ., Baton Rouge, LA, 207 p.

Wang, J.C.S. and E.C. Raney. 1971. Distribution and fluctuations in the fish fauna of the Charlotte Harbor Estuary. Florida. Charlotte Harbor Estuarine Studies, Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, FL, 64 p.

Ward G.H. and N.E. Armstrong. 1980. Matagorda Bay, Texas: Its hydrography, ecology and fishery resources. U.S. Fish Wildl. Servo BioI. Rep. FWS/OBS-81152, 217 p.

Weaver, J.E. and L.F. Holloway. 1974, Community structure of fishes and macrocrustaceans in ponds of a Louisiana tidal marsh influenced by weirs. Contrib. Mar. Sci., 18 :57-69.

Family: Atherinidae Scientific Name: Menidia sp. Common Name: Silversides

Commercial and Recreational Importance

Commercial: The only commercial value silversides have IS as forage for commercially important fish (Kendall 1902, Garwood 1968, Benson 1982).

Recreational: Silversides provide important forage for game fish, and are occasionally used as bait (Simmons 1957, Garwood 1968, Benson 1982, Hubbs 1982).

Range and Ecology

Menidia beryllina occurs along the coast and in estuaries, bays and sounds, and in freshwater rivers and impoundments from Massachusetts to Vera Cruz, Mexico.

9 There are two species of Menidia commonly found in the estuaries of the Gulf of Mexico, the inland silverside (M. bery/lina), and the tidewater silverside (Menidiapeninsulae) (Johnson 1975, Chernoff et al. 1981, Robins et al. 1991).

Adult Menidia bery/lina can be separated from adult M. peninsulae through the morphology of the rearward extension of the swim bladder (Echelle and Echelle 1997) which is long and transparent in M. beryllina. and short and opaque in M. peninsulae. Adults and larger juveniles can also be distinguished by the distance between the dorsal and anal fins relative to standard length (Chernoff et al. 1981, Middaugh and Hemmer 1987a).

Larval silversides are not as easily distinguished. Much of the life hi.story information available, is not on individual species but attributed to Menidia, Menidia species or silversides.

Hybridization between Menidia peninsulae and M. menidia has been reported in northeastern Florida (Johnson 1975), and hybridization between M. beryllina and M. peninsulae is known to occur in Texas estuaries (Echelle and Echelle 1997).

Silvers ides are one of the most plentiful nearshore surface fi shes. They are secondary consumers, and are a very important prey species for top carnivores in nearshore waters (Simmons 1957, Hellier 1962, Garwood 1986). Because a substantial portion of their diet includes aquatic insects, they are considered useful as biological control agents of mosquitoes and gnats (Hubbs et al. 1971, Middaugh et al. 1985).

Food and Feeding

Silversides are carnivores. They are secondary consumers which feed primarily during daylight hours, especially in the early morning with some additional afternoon feeding by adults (Darnell 1958, Middaugh et al. 1985, Wurtsbaugh and Li 1985). Trophic partitioning by Menidia species has been reported (Lee et al. 1980, Bengtson 1984, Bengtson 1985).

Larval and adult crustaceans are the dominant food items of Menidia (Odum 1971, Levine 1980). Silversides less than 16 mm SL mostly consume the larval stages of copepods and other crustaceans (Odum 1971), while juveniles 15 to 42 mm SL are known prey upon mollusc veliger larvae. Detritus is a major dietary item in small size classes, but is also common in adults as well, although lesser in importance (Darnell 1958, Ruebsamen 1972, Carr and Adams 1973, Diener et al. 1974). Juveniles also feed on isopods and amphipods, with isopods and veligers decreasing in the diet in fish larger than 40 to 54 mm TL. At the larger size, they are replaced by insects, especially chironomid larvae, pupae and adults (Darnell 1958, Levine 1980). Larger fish also eat more megalops larvae, copepods,and mysids (Carr and Adams 1973). Fish prey including bay anchovy, gulf menhaden, silvers ides, and gulf pipefish, are a small but significant diet item (Levine 1980).

10 Habitat

Silversides are estuarine species (Wagner 1973). Most occur in the top 30-40 em of the water column and near vegetated shorelines (Kilby 1955, Breuer 1957, Darnell 1958, Hoese 1965, Wilson and Hubbs 1972, Wagner 1973, Benson 1982). They inhabit lagoons, estuaries, bays, marshes, beach passes, ponds, rivers, canals, and (Gunter 1945, Bailey et al. 1954, Gunter 1958, Arnold et a!. 1960, Springer and Woodburn 1960, Hellier 1962, Tilton and White 1964, Haese 1965, Parker 1965, Perret et a!. 1971, Wilson and Hubbs 1972, Christmas and Waller 1973 , Wagner 1973, Cornelius 1984, Loftus and Kushlan 1987).

Habitat partitioning among M. beryllina, M. peninsulae, and M. clarkhubbsi has been reported in Copano Bay, Texas (Echelle and Echelle 1997). M. peninsuiae were principally collected in seaward bays and connected tidal pools with mesohaline, polyhaline, and euhaline salinities. M. beryllina were conunon in freshwater streams and bays, isolated pools, and tidal creeks with limnetic , oligohaline, and mesohaline salinities. Both species, their hybrids, and M. clarkhubbsi co-occurred in shallow bays and tidal pools with mesohaline salinities.


Silversides occur over many bottom types including sand, mud , shell, clay, clay-shell, clay-sand, and silt-clay (Simmons 1957, Haese and Jones 1963, Swingle 1971, Benson 1982). They are abundant near inundated terrestrial plants and aquatic vegetation such as Thalassia (Hildebrand 1922, Kilby 1955, Haese and Jones 1963, Zinunerman 1969, Franks 1970, Fisher 1973 , Swingle and Bland 1974), and are often associated with structures such as islands, piers, and oyster reefs (Benson 1982) .

Abiotic Factors

Menidia species are eurythermal and euryhaline (Gunter 1956, Renfro 1960, Franks 1970, Middaugh et a1. 1985), but temperature and salinity do affect their distribution (Kilby 1955, Renfro 1960, Springer and Woodburn 1960, Swingle 1971). In general, M. beryllina is most abundant at salinities < =19 ppt, whereas M. peninsulae is most abundant at > 15 ppt (Middaugh et a!. 1986).


Menidia beryllina eggs have been reported to develop from 13.2 ° to 34.2°C (Hildebrand 1922, Garwood 1968, Hubbs et a!. 1971, Fisher 1973, Hubbs 1982 , Middaugh et a!. 1985). High survival rates were reported from l7.00to 33.5°C and optimum survival from 20.0 0 to 25.0°C. Upper lethal limit for eggs is approximately 35.0°C (Hubbs et a!. 1971).

Menidia beryllina larvae have been raised under laboratory conditions and captured in the field at temperatures ranging 21 ° + 1°C to 30° + 1° (H ildebrand 1922 ,. Garwood 1968, Hubbs et at. 1971, Bengtson 1985).

11 Menidia sp. juveniles have been taken in the wild at temperatures ranging 5.0°C to 34.9°C (Garwood 1968, Franks 1970, Perret et al. 1971, Pineda 1975, Bonin 1977). They are reported most abundant at 26.5°to 21.8°C (Bonin 1977).

Menidia sp. adults collected in Gulf of Mexico estuaries have been collected at temperatures ranging 5.0°C to 34.9°C (Chambers and Sparks 1959, Renfro 1960, Franks 1970, Perret et al. 1971 , Christmas and Waller 1973, Perret and Caillouet 1974, Pineda 1975, Tarver and Savoie 1976, Barren et al. 1978, Middaugh et al. 1985).


Menidia sp. eggs have been collected at salinities varying 0.0 to 31 .5 ppt (Fisher 1973, Garwood 1968, Hubbs et al. 1971) . A laboratory study of M. beryl/ina (reported as M. audens) from lake Texoma, a freshwater reservoir, reported that salinity affected temperature tolerance limits of eggs: No survival at 100% seawater (33 ppt); nonnal range of 17° to 33 °C at 25% seawater; 19°to 33°at 50% seawater; and only 22°to 31.3°C at 75% seawater (Hubbs et al. 1971), concluding that M. beryllina eggs become more stenothennal as salinity increases. Middaugh et aL (1986) compared survival of M. beryllina and M. peninsu/ae embryos incubated at an array of salinities. He found that M. beryllina were euryhaline, with 73-78% survival at 5, 15, and 30 ppt while M. peninsulae embryos had 90% hatch at 5 ppt, but only 65% hatch at 30 ppt. T~is suggests M.peninsulae is less euryhaline than M. beryllina at this life stage.

The reported salinity range for Menidia larvae is 0.0 to 30 ppt , with higher concentrations of larvae M. beryl/ina occurring at 2 to 8 ppt (Garwood 1968, Manin and Drewry 1978, Bengtson 1985).

Menidia juveniles have a reported range of 0.0 to 34.5 ppt salinity (Gunter 1945, Gunter 1950, Garwood 1968, Franks 1970, Pineda 1975, Bonin 1977, Martin and Drewry 1978). Juvenile Menidia are reported to occur by size class in the following salinities: 3.3 to 19.4 ppt for fish 1422 mm TL; 2.2 to 23.8 ppt for 23 to 36 mm TL; and 2.2 to 28.3 ppt for 40 to 47 mm TL in the Mississippi Sound (Garwood 1968).

Menidia adults are abundant up to 45 ppt (Sinunons 1957), and have been collected in hypersaline conditions at 120 ppt (Copeland 1967). They have been collected in waters with 0 to 120 ppt salinity (Gunter 1945, Gunter 1950, Simmons 1957 , Renfro 1960, Copeland 1967, Franks 1970, Perret et al. 1971, Swingle 1971, Christmas and Waller 1973, Perret 1975, Tarver and Savoir 1976, Barrett et al. 1978, Cornelius 1984) . Reported salinity ranges include 5.0 to 9.9 ppt (Tarver and Savoie 1976); 0.0 to 4.9 ppt and 15.0 to 19 .9 ppt (Swingle 1971); 10.0 to 24.9 ppt (Perret et al. 1971 ); 21.0 to 30.0 ppt (Cornelius 1984); and 22 .5 ppt or higher (Franks 1970).

M. peninsu/ae is found primarily from estuarine to marine salinities (Echelle and Mosier 1982). In a study of Copano Bay, Texas, M. peninsu/ae was predominant in seaward bays and connected tidal pools (salinity range 13 .5-32.5 ppt, mean 18.9 ppt). M. beryllina were

12 predominant in freshwater streams and bays (salinity range 0.1-2 .3 ppt, mean 0.8 ppt), isohted pools (salinity range 2.3-20 ppt, mean 7.5 ppt), and tidal creeks (salinity range 3,5-7.8 ppt, mean 5.1 ppt) . Both species, their hybrids, and M . clarkhubbsi co-occurred in shallow bays and tidal pools (salinity range 6.0-18.5 ppt, mean 11.4 ppt) (Echelle and Echelle 1997).

Dissolved Oxygen and pH

M. beryllina can tolerate dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations as low as 1.7 parts per million (ppm) (Middaugh et at. 1985), but have also been captured at dissolved oxygen concentrations ranging 9.5 and 11.0 ppm DO (Barrett et al. 1978). They have been collected in a pH range of 7.2 to 9.4 (Middaugh et al. 1985).

Indicator of Environmental Stress

Silverside eggs and larvae have been used to study the toxic effects of chlorine as a biocide (Morgan and Prince 1977) . They are deemed to be good indicators of oil pollution (Solangi 1980) and are used as bioassay organisms by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Poole 1978) .


Arnold, E.L., Jr., RS. Wheeler, and K.N. Baxter . 1960. Observations on fishes and other biota of East Lagoon, Galveston Island. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Spec. Sci. Rep . No. 344, 30 p.

Bailey, R.M., H.E. Winn, and C.L. Smith. 1954. Fishes from the Escambia River, Alabama and Florida, with ecologic and taxonomic notes. Proc . Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 106:109-164.

Barrett, B.B., J.L. Merrel, T.P. Morrison, M.C. Gillespie, E.J. Ralph, and J.F. Burdon. 1978. A study of Louisiana's major estuaries and adjacent offshore waters. LA Dept. Wildl. Fish. Tech. Bull . No. 27, 197 p.

Bengston, D.A. 1985. Laboratory experiments on mechanisms of competition and resource partitioning between Menidia menidia (L.) and Menidia beryUna (Cope) (Osteichthyes: Atherinidae). J. Exp. Mar. BioI. Ecol. 92: 1-18 .

Benson, N.G., (ed.). 1982. Life history requirements of selected finfish and shellfish in Mississippi Sound and adjacent areas. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv o BioI. Rep . FWSI OBS-81151, 97 p.

Bonin , R.E. 1977. Juvenile marine fishes of Harbor Island, Texas. M.S. thesis , Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX, 109 p.

Breuer, J.P. 1957 . An ecological survey of Baffin and Alazan Bays, Texas. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci. , Univ. TX, 4(2):134-155.

13 Carr, W.E.S. and C.A. Adams. 1973. Food habits of juvenile marine fishes occupying seagrass beds in the estuarine zone near Crystal River, Florida. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 102(3):511-540.

Chernoff, B., J.V. Conner, and C.F. Bryan. 1981. Systematics of the Menidia beryl/ina complex from the Gulf of Mexico and its tributaries. Copeia, 1981(2):319-336.

Christmas, J.Y. and R.S. Waller. 1973. Estuarine vertebrates, Mississippi. In: Christmas, J. Y. (ed.), Cooperative Gulf of Mexico Estuarine Inventory and Study, Mississippi. Gulf Coast Res. Lab., Ocean Springs, MS, p. 320-434.

Copeland, B.l, 1967. Environmental characteristics of hypersaline lagoons. Contrib. Mar. Sci., 12:.207-218.

Cornelius, S.E. 1984. An ecological survey of Alazan Bay, Texas. Caesar Kleberg Wildl. Res. Inst. Tech. Bull. No.5, Texas A&I Univ., Kingsville, TX, 163 p.

Darnell, R.M. 1958. Food habits of fishes and larger invertebrates of Lake Pontchartrain. Louisiana, an estuarine community. Publ. lost. Mar. Sci., Univ. TX, 5:353-416.

Diener, R.A., A. Inglis and G.B. Adams. 1974. Stomach contents of fishes from Clear Lake and tributary waters, a Texas estuarine area. Contrib. Mar. Sci. , 18:7-17.

Echelle, A.A. and A.F. Echelle. 1997. Patterns of abundance and distribution among members of a unisexual-bisexual complex of fishes. Copeia, 1997(2):249-259.

Echelle, A.A. and D.T. Mosier. 1981. All-female fish: a cryptic species of Menidia. Science, 212: 1411-1413.

Fisher, F. 1973. Observations on the spawning of the Mississippi silversides, Menidia audens, Hay. CA Fish Game, 89(4):315-316.

Franks, 1.S. 1970. An investigation of the fish population within the inland waters of Horn Island, Mississippi, a barrier island in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf Res. Rep., 3(1):3-104.

Garwood, G.P. 1968. Notes on the life histories of the silversides, Menidia beryllina (Cope) and Membras martinica (Valenciennes) in Mississippi Sound and adjacent water. Proc. Southeast. Assc. Game Fish Comm., 21:314-323.

Gunter, G. 1945. Studies on marine fishes of Texas. Pub!. Inst. Mar. Sci.. Univ. TX, 1(1): 1-190.

14 Gunter, G. 1950. Distributions and abundance of fishes on the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, with life history notes. Publ. inst. Mar. Sci., Univ. TX, 1(2):89-101.

Gunter. G. 1956. A revised list of the euryhaline fishes of Nonh and Middle America. Am . MidI. Nat., 56:345-354.

Gunter, G. 1958. Population studies of the shallow water fishes of an outer beach in south Texas. Publ. inst. Mar. Sci., Univ. TX, 5: 186-193.

Hellier, T.R., Jr. 1962. Fish production and biomass studies in relation to photosynthesis in the Laguna Madre of Texas. Publ. Mar. inst. Sci., Univ. TX, 8:1-22.

Hildebrand, S.F. 1922. Notes on habits and development of eggs and larvae of the silversides Menidia menidia and Menidia beryl/ina. U.S. Burl Fish. Bull., 38:113-120.

Hoese, H.D. and R.S. Jones. 1963. Seasonality of larger animals in a Texas turtle grass community. Contrib. Mar. Sci., 9:37-47.

Hubbs, C., H.B. Sharp and l.F. Schneider. 1971. Development rates of Menidia audens with notes on salt tolerance. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 100:603-610.

Hubbs, C. 1982. Life history dynamics of Menidia beryllina from Lake Texoma. Am. MidI. Nat., 107(1):1-12.

Johnson, M.S. 1975. Biochemical systematics of the Atherinid genus Menidia. Copeia, 1975(4):662-691.

Kendall, w.e. 1902. Notes on the silversides of the genus Men/dia of the east coast of the United States, with descriptions of two new subspecies. U,S. Conun. Fish and Fisheries, Comm. Rep., 1901, p. 241-267.

Kilby, J.D. 1955. The fishes of two Gulf coastal marsh areas of Florida. Tulane Stud. Zool., 2(8): 175-247.

Lee, D.S., C.R. Gilbert, C.H. Hocutt, R.E. Jenkins, D.E. McAllister and l.R. Stauffer, Jr. 1980. Atlas of North American Freshwater fishes . North Carolina St. Mus. Nat. Hist., Raleigh, NC, 854 p.

Levine, S.J. 1980. Gut contents of forty-four Lake Pontchanrain, Louisiana, fish species. In : Stone, J.H, (ed.), Environmental analysis of Lake Pontchartrain , Louisiana, its surrounding wetlands, and selected land uses, Vol. II, p. 899-1030. Center for Wetland Resources, Louisiana St. Univ., Baton Rouge, LA.

15 Loftus, W.F. and I.A. Kushlan. 1987. Freshwater fishes of southern Florida. BUll. FL State Mus. Nat. Hist., 31 :147-344.

Martin, F.D. and G.E.' Drewry. 1978. Development of Fishes of the Mid-Atlantic Bight, Vol. VI , Stromateidae through Ogcocephalidae. U.S . Fish Wildl. Serv., BioI. Servo Prog. FWSIOBS-78-12, 414 p.

Middaugh . D.P. and M.J. Hemmer. 1987a. Reproductive ecology of the tidewater silverside, Menidia peninsulae (Pisces: Atherinidae) from Santa Rosa Island, Florida. Copeia, 1987 :727-732 .

Middaugh . D .P., M.J. Hemmer and Y. Lamadrid-Rose . 1986. Laboratory spawning cues in Menidia beryllina and M. peninsulae. with notes on survival and growth of larvae at different salinities. Env. BioI. Fishes , 15(2): 107-117.

Middaugh, D.P., P.G. Hester, M.V. Meisch and P.M. Stark. 1985 . Preliminary data on use of the inland silverside, M enidia beryllina, to control mosquito larvae . J. Am . Mosq. Control Assc., 1(4):435-441.

Morgan, R.P., II and R.D . Prince. 1977 . Chlorine toxicity to eggs and larvae of five Chesapeake Bay fi shes. Trans . Am . Fish. Soc., 106:380-385.

Odurn , W.E. 1971. Pathways of energy flow in a south Florida estuary. Univ. Miami Sea Grant Tech. Bull. No. 7, 162 p.

Parker, J.C . 1965 . An annotated checklist of the fishes of the Galveston Bay System , Texas. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci., Univ. TX, 10:201 -220.

Perret, W.S. and C.W. Caillouet, JT. 1974. Abundance and size of fi shes taken by trawling in Vennilion Bay, Louisiana. Bull. Mar. ScL, 24:52-75 .

Perret, W.S., W.R. Latapie, I.F. Pollard, W.R. Mock, G.B. Adkins, W.l . Gaidry and C.l . White . 1971. Fishes and invertebrates collected in trawl and seine samples in Louisiana estuaries. p. 41 -105 In: Cooperative Gulf of Mexico Estuarine Inventory and Study , Louisiana . Louis. Wildl. Fish. Conun., New Orleans, LA

Pineda , P.H.A.K. 1975. A study of fi shes of the lower Nueces River. M.S. thesis, TX A&I Univ., Kingsville, TX, 118 p.

Poole, B.M. 1978. Off-season spawning of Atlantic silversides. Prog . Fish-Cult., 40:72.

Renfro , W.C. 1960. Salinity relations of some fishes in the Aransas River, Texas. Tulane SOld. Zool. , 8(3):83-91.

16 Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lacimer, R.N. Lea and W.B. Scott. 1991. Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada, Fifth Edition. Am. Fish. Soc. Spec. Pub. No. 20. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD, 183 p.

Ruebsamen, R.N. 1972. Some ecological aspects of the fish fauna of a Louisiana intf:rtidal pond system. M.S. Thesis, Louisiana St. Univ., Baton Rouge, LA, 80 p.

Simmons, E.G. 1957. An ecological survey of the upper Laguna Madre of Texas. Pub!. lnst. Mar. Sci., Univ. TX, 4(2):156-200.

Solangi, M.A. 1980. Histopathological changes in two estuarine fishes exposed to crude oil and its water soluble fractions. Ph.D. dissertation. Univ. S. Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS, 78 p.

Springer, V.G. and D.D. Woodburn. 1960. An ecological study of the fishes of the Tampa Bay area. FL Board Cons., Prof. Pap. Ser. No.1, 104 p.

Swingle, H.A. 1971. Biology of Alabama estuarine areas-cooperative Gulf of Mexico estuarine inventory. AL Mar. Res. Bull., 5:1-123.

Swingle, H.A. and D.G. Bland. 1974. A study of the fishes of the coastal watercourses of Alabama. AL Mar. Res. Bull., 10:22-102.

Tarver, J.W. and L.B. SavoIe. 1976. An inventory and study of the Lake Pontchartrain-Lake Maurepas estuarine complex. LA Wildl. Fish. Comm. Tech. Bull. No.19, p. 1-159.

Tilton, J.E. and R.L. White. 1964. Records of Menidia beryllina from several central Texas impoundments. TX J. Sci., 16(1):120.

Wagner, P.R. 1973. Seasonal biomass, abundance, and distribution of estuarine dependent fishes in the Caminada Bay System of Louisiana. Ph.D. dissertation, Louisiana St. Univ., Baton Rouge, LA, 207 p.

Wilson, S. and C. Hubbs. 1972. Developmental rates and tolerances of the plains killifish, Fundulus kansee, and comparison with related fishes. TX J. Sei., 50:119-137.

Wurtsbaugh, W. and H. Li. 1985. Diel migrations of a zooplanktivorous fish (Menidia beryLlina) in relation to the distribution of its prey in a large eutrophic lake. Limnol. Oeeanogr., 30(3):565-576.

Van. H. 1984. Occurrence of spermatozoa and eggs in the gonad of a tide water silverside, Menidia beryl/ina. Copeia, 1984(2):543-544.

17 Zimmerman, R.I. 1969. An ecological study of the macro-fauna occurring in tunle grass (Thalassia testudinum Konig) surrounding Ransom Island in Redfish Bay, Texas. M.S. Thesis, Texas A&I Univ., Kingsville, TX, 129 p.

Family: Scientific Name: Bairdiella chrysoura Common Name: Silver Perch

Commercial and Recreational Importance

Commercial: Bairdiella chrysoura, silver perch, are not commercially important. When taken, they are incidental in the catch of commercial fisheries.

Recreational: Although caught by anglers fishing with hook and line, silver perch are not a "targeted species. Due to their small size they are often discarded (Fischer 1978, Manooch 1984, Shipp 1986) or used for bait by recreational fishermen (Fischer 1978, Manooch 1984).

Range and Ecology

Silver perch occur from the state of New York to Mexico. The silver perch is primarily a benthic carnivore that consumes a diet consisting mostly of crustaceans (Killam et at. 1992). It is an abundant species in estuaries (Sheridan et aL 1984), and plays a key role in the ecology of those estuaries. Because of its abundance, it is the prey of numerous piscivorous fish species (Killam et al. 1992).

Food and Feeding

Bairdiella chrysoura, primarily a benthic carnivore, feeds mostly on crustaceans, polychaetes and nematodes (Darnell 1958, Springer and Woodburn 1960, Diener et al. 1974, Gosselink 1984, Killam et al. 1992, Schmidt 1993). The diet of larval and small juvenile silver perch consists mostly of zooplankton (copepod and fish larvae) (Hildebrand and Cable 1930, Darnell 1958). Small juveniles (7 to 20 nun TL) feed on invertebrates including copepods, ostracods, cladocera. schizopods. amphipods, mysids, and annelids. When they reach 50 to 80 mm TL. silver perch feed on annelids, larger crustaceans (such as shrimp), molluscs, and chironomidae larvae. In addition to invertebrates, larger juveniles and adults also feed on small fishes such as pinfish, anchovies, gobies and crabs (Darnell 1958, Springer and Woodburn 1960, Diener et al. 1974, Levine 1980, Gosselink 1984, Killam et al. 1992, Schmidt 1993).


Bairdiella chrysoua are estuarine-dependent. Spawning occurs in the estuary (Johnson 1978), and larvae are pelagic (Ditty and Shaw 1994). Although most juveniles are collected in estuaries

18 (Lee et al. 1980), they inhabit many different habitats, including backwater areas, tidal tributaries, and bare bottom areas, however they favor shallow vegetated seagrass regions (Killam et al. 1992). They are also found in large numbers around other structured habitats including rocks and seawalls. Adults are most abundant in bays and quiet lagoons (De Sylva 1965), but can also be found in sandy unvegetated habitats in shallow nearshore waters of the Gulf of Mexico at depths up to 18 m (Gunter 1945, Miller 1964, Killam et aJ. 1992).

Substrate: While adults occur over mud and sand bottoms (Robins and Tabb 1965, juveniles are found over a greater variety of habitats including along shore zone rivers in ditches, in lower portions of marsh creeks over mud and sand bottoms (Thomas 1971), over heavy detritus (Hildebrand and Cable 1930) and frequently in grass beds (Hoese and Moore 1977, Lee et aJ. 1980).

Abiotic Factors


The silver perch is a eurythennal species because it is very tolerant of wann water conditions which are typical of estuaries (Killam et al. 1992). Eggs have been collected at temperatures ranging 19.4 to 28°C (Johnson 1978). Larvae have been collected in temperatures from 16.4° to 31.8°C (Roessler 1970, Darovec 1983). Upper lethal limits reported for fish measuring 20 to 200 mm were LD50 at 34° to 37°C after 3 hours, and LDloo at 37° to 40°C after 30 minutes (Killam et aJ. 1992).

High mortalities have been reported during extreme low water temperatures caused by seasonal cold fronts.


The silver perch is a euryhaline species (Killam et al. 1992). with eggs collected at salinities varying 14.3 to 26 ppt (Johnson 1978). Larvae have been collected in a very wide range of salinities from < 1 to 37.4 ppt, although most occurred at salinities > 10 ppt (Lippson and Moran 1974, Killam et aJ. 1992). Although juveniles occur in salinities from 0 (Thomas 1971, Wang and Raney 1971, Lee et aJ. 1980) to 35.5 ppt (Springer and Woodburn 1960; Wang and Raney 1971 , Wagner 1973), they are most abundant at salinities >20 ppt (Killam et aJ. 1992). Adults occur in salinities ranging 0 to 48 ppt (Gunter 1945; De Sylva 1965; Wagner 1973, Darovec 1983), but favor estuarine areas characterized by moderate to high salinities (Killam et al. 1992). Thus, all life stages appear to favor polyhaline to euhaline salinity bays and are more abundant in moderate to high salinities.

Indicator of Environmental Stress

In the Pensacola estuary, Hansen Wilson (1970) found DDT concentrations and its metabolites from 0.02 to 1.26 in O-class fi sh.

19 References

Darnell, R.M. 1958. Food habits of fishes and larger invertebrates of Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, an estuarine conununity. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci., V.oiv. Texas, 5:353-416.

Darovec, I. E., Jr. 1983. Sciaenid fishes (Osteichthyes: Perciformes) of western peninsular Florida. Mem. Hourglass Cruises, Vol. 6, pt. 3, 73 p.

De Sylva, D.P. 1965. In: McClane, A.J. (ed.), McClane's Standard Fishing Encyclopedia. Holt, Reinhart and Winston, Inc., New York, 1057 p.

Diener, R.A., A. Inglis and G.B. Adams. 1974. Stomach contents of fishes from Clear Lake and Tributary waters, a Texas estuarine area. Contrib. Mar. Sci., 18:7-17.

Ditty, I.G. and R.F Shaw . 1994. Preliminary guide to the identification of the early life history stages of sciaenid fishes from the western central Atlantic . NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SEFSC-349.

Fischer, W. (ed.). 1978. FAO Species Identification Sheets for Fishery Purposes, Western Central Atlantic (Fishing Area 31), Vol. IV , Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.

Gosselink, I.G. 1984. The ecology of delta marshes of coastal Louisiana: A community profile. U.S. Fish Wildl. Servo BioI. Rep. FWS/OBS-84/09, 134 p.

Gunter, G. 1945. The marine fishes of Texas. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci., Univ. Texas, 1(1):1-190.

Hansen, D.I. and A.I. Wilson. 1970. Residues in fish, wildlife and estuaries. Pestic. Monitor. J., 4:51-56.

Hildebrand, S.F. and L.E. Cable. 1930. Development and life history of fourteen telostean fishes at Beaufort, NC. U.S. Burl Fish. Bull., 46:383-488.

Haese, H.D. and R.D. Moore. 1977. Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico: Texas, Louisiana and Adjacent Waters. Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX, 327 p.

Johnson. G.D. 1978. Development of Fishes of the Mid-Atlantic Bight: An Atlas of Egg, Larval and Juvenile Stages, Volume IV, Carangidae through Ephippidae. U.S. Fish Wildl. Servo BioI. Rep. FWS/OBS-78/ 12 , 314 p.

Levine, S.l. 1980. Gut contents of forty-four Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, fish species. p. 899-1030, In: Stone, J.H. (ed.), Environmental analysis of Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, its surrounding wetlands, and selected land uses, Vol. II. Center for Wetland Resources, LSV, Baton Rouge, LA.

20 Lippson, A.J. and R.L. Moran. 1974. Manual for identification of early developmental stages of fishes of the Potomac Estuary. Maryland Dept. Nat. Res . Power Plant Siting Prog. PPSP-MP-13, 282 p.

MiUer, J.M. 1964. A trawl survey of the shallow Gulf fishes near Port Aransas , Texas. M.S. Thesis, Univ. Texas, Austin, TX, 102 p.

Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, I.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea and W.B. Scott. 1991. Common and scientific names of fi shes from the United States and Canada, Fifth Edition. Am. Fish. Soc. Spec. Pub. No. 20. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD, 183 p.

Roessler, M.A. 1970. Checklist of fishes in Buttonwood Canal, . Everglades National Park, Florida, and observations and life histories of selected species. Bull. Mar. Sci ., 20(4):860-893.

Schmidt, T. W. 1993 . Community Characteristics of Dominant Forage Fishes and Decapods in the Whitewater Bay-Shark River Estuary, Everglades National Park . Tech. Rep. NPSI SEREVERlNRTR-93-12. U.S. Natl. Park Serv., S. FL Res. Ctr., Homestead , FL, 67 p.

Sheridan, P.F., D.L. Trimm and B.M. Baker. 1984. Reproduction and food habits of seven species of northern Gulf of Mexico fishes. Contrib. Mar. Sci., 27: 1 75-204.

Shipp, R.L. 1986. Guide to Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico. Daup.hin Island Sea Lab., Dauphin Island, AL, 256 p.

Springer, V.G. and K.D. Woodburn. 1960. An ecological study of the fishes of the Tampa Bay area. FL Board Cons. Mar. Res. Lab. Prof. Pap. Ser. I , 104 p.

Thomas, D.L. 1971. The early life history and ecology of six species of drum (Sciaenidae) in the lower Delaware River, a brackish tidal estuary. Part 111 , In : An ecological study of the Delaware River in the vicinity of an Artificial Island, Progress report for the period Jan .-Dec. 1970. Delaware Progress Report 3, Ichthyological Associates, 247 p.

Wagner, P.R. 1973 . Seasonal biomass, abundance, and distribution of estuarine dependent fishes in the Caminada Bay System of Louisiana. Ph .D. dissertation, LSU, Baton Rouge, LA, 207 p.

Wang, J.C.S. and E.C. Raney . 1971. Distribution and fluctuations in the fish fauna of the Charlotte Harbor Estuary, Florida. Charlotte Harbor Estuarine Studies, Mote Marine Lab ., Sarasota, FL, 64 p.

21 Family: Gobiidae Scientific Name: Gobiosoma robustum Common Name: Code Goby

Commercial and Recreational Importance

Commercial: The code goby is not commercially valuable, other than as a minor for commercially important species.

Recreational: The code goby has very limited recreational value. Occasionally kept in marine aquaria, it can be viewed by recreational divers and snorkelers.

Range and Ecology

Found from Chesapeake Bay to Florida and throughout the Gulf of Mexico to the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, the code goby is a small predator, and a dominant species of shallow grass flats (Hildebrand 1954, Spinger and Woodburn 1960, Hoese and Jones 1964, Zimmerman 1969, Odum 1971). According to Tabb and Manning (1961), the code goby is the most abundant goby in the saline waters of northern Florida Bay.


Code goby adults are usually collected from oligohaline to euhaline estuaries in shallow water seagrasses , primarily Thaiassia, but also in Diplanthera, Rupple, Halodule, and Cymodocea grass beds. They also occur in bays, beach ponds, oyster reefs, river sloughs, rocky channels, and among mangrove roots (Breder 1942, Bailey et a1. 1954, Hildebrand 1954, Kilby 1955, Springer and Woodburn 1960, Springer and McErlean 1961, Tabb and Manning 1961, Zimmerman 1969, Bonin 1977, Hoese and Moore 1977, Huh 1984, Thayer et a1. 1987). A shallow water species, most are collected at depths of a few centimeters to 6.1 m (Breder 1942, Springer and Woodburn 1960, Springer and McErlean 1961, Huh 1984). They are commonly found in association with pigfish (Onhopristis chrysopteris), gulf pipefish (Syngnathus scivelli), and dusky pipefish (Syngnathus floridae) (Hildebrand 1954).

Indicator of Environmental Stress

The code goby is not used in studies of environmental stress.


Bailey. RM, H.E. Winn, and C.L. Smith. 1954. Fishes from the Escambia River, Alabama and Florida, with ecologic and taxonomic notes. Proc. Acad. Nat!. Sci. Phila., 106:109-164.

Hildebrand, H.h. 1954. A study of the fauna of the brown sbrimp (Penaeus aztecus Ives) grounds in the western Gulf of Mexico. Pub1. Inst. Mar. Sci. Univ. TX, 3(2): 1-366.

22 Hoese, H.D. and R.S. Jones . 1964. Seasonality of larger animals in a Texas turtle grass community. Publ . Inst. Am,. Sci., Univ. TX, 9:37-47.

Hoese, H.D. and R.H. Moore. 1977. Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico. Texas A&M Univ. Press, College Station, TX, 327 p.

Huh, S. 1984. Seasonal variations in populations of small fishes concentrated in shoal grass and tunle grass meadows. J. Oceano!. Soc. Korea, 19(1):44-55 .

Kilby , J.D. 1955. The fishes of two Gulf coastal marsh areas of Florida. Tulane Stud. Zoo!., 2:177-247.

Odurn, W.E. 1971. Pathways of energy flow in a south Florida estuary. Univ. Miami Sea Grant Tech. Bul!. No.7, 162 p.

Springer. V.G. and A.J. McErlean. 1961. Spawning season and growth of the code goby, Gobiosoma robustum (pisces: Gobiidae), in the Tampa Bay area. Tulane Stud . Zoo1., 9(2):77-85.

Springer, V.G. and K.D. Woodburn. 1960. An ecolog ical study of the fi shes of the Tampa Bay area. FL Board. Cons. Mar. Res. Lab. Prof. Pap. Ser. No. I, 104 p.

Tabb, D.C. and R.B. Manning. 1961. A checklist of the flora and fauna of nonhern Florida Bay and adjacent brackish waters of the Florida mainland collected during the period July 1956 through September 1960. BUll. Mar. Sci. Gulf Caribb., 11(4):552-649.

Thayer, G. W., D.R. Colby, and W.F. Hettler, Jr. 1987 . Utilization of the red mangrove prop root habitat by fishes in South Florida. Mar. Eco!. Prog. Ser., 35:25-38.

Zimmennan, RJ. 1969. An ecological study of the macro-fauna occurring in turtle grass (Thaiassia testudinum Konig) surrounding Ransom Island in Redfish Bay. Texas. M.S. thesis, TX A&I Univ., Kingsville, TX, 129 p.

Family: Syngnathidae Scientific name: Syngnathus floridae Common name: Dusky pipefish

Commercial and Recreational Importance

Syngnathus floridae has no commercial or recreational value except as forage for commercially or recreationally important fish species.

23 Range and Ecology

It is a very common inshore pipefish found off the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico from Chesapeake Bay to the Laguna Madre at Port Isabel, Texas. Smaller populations occur off Bermuda, the Bahamas and on Caribbean mainland coasts from Mexico to Panama. Although found in a wide range of coastal or estuarine habitats, S. floridae is most often found on or near "grass beds" or bottoms vegetated with Agardhiella, Halodule. Thaiassia, Ulva, Zostera, etc, Although juveniles (37-54 nun) have been collected in offshore surface samples over depths of 18-55 m (Dawson 1972) and specimens have been trawled in offshore depths of 18- 22 m (Spinger and Bullis 1956), they are most abundant from depths of 5 m or less.

Food and Feeding

S. floridae feeds almost exclusively on microcrustaceans (Reid 1954, Brown 1972) but larval Syngnathus sp. afe sometimes eaten by subadults or adults. Brown (1972) reported that copepods accounted for 9% of the food items in young fish (51-90 mm), whereas small shrimp ·or mysids made up more than 80% of the diet in 92.5-lSI mm specimens. Other prey consisted of amphipods, isopods, ostracods and larval decapods.


Adults occur over sand or mud bottoms of shores, flats , bays, harbors, tide basins, and mouths of creeks; usually associated with aquatic vegetation such as Zostera, Ulva, Agardhiella, and turtle grass. They have also been found to be associated with Sargassum.

Abiotic Factors


The average temperature range is 25.1 o-29.SoC. Recorded temperature extremes are 10.0°C (Reid 1954) and 32.5·C (Springer and Woodburn 1960).

They are most abundant inshore in Florida Bay from October through February.

Seasonal differences in inshore abundance of Florida populations may be temperature related (Springer and Woodburn 1960, Springer and McErlean 1962, and others).


Reported salinity range is 12.3-38.8 ppt; however, Wang and Raney (1971) reported a 211 mm fish from freshwater. Maximum reported salinity is 40 ppt (Roessler 1970). Most investigators report a range of 10-39 ppt. Mercer (1973) reported greatest abundance at 17-22 ppt.

24 Indicator of Environmental Stress

No infonnation found .


Beebe, W. and J. Tee-Van. 1933. Field book of the shore fishes of Bermuda. G.P. Putnam's Sons. p. 83

Brown. J.D . 1972. A comparative life history study of four species of pipefish (Family Sygnathidae) in Florida. Ph.D. thesis Univ. FL, Gainesville, FL .

. Collette. B.B. 1962. Hemiramphus bennudensis. a new haltbeak from Bermuda. with a survey of endemism in Bermudian shore fishes . BUll . Mar. Sci. Gulf. Caribb., 12(6):432-449

Dawson, C.E. 1972. Necktonic pipefishes (Sygnathidae) from the Gulf of Mexico off ·Mississippi. Copeia, 1972(4):844-848

Dooley , J.K. 1972. Fishes associated wiili the pelagic Sargassum complex, with a discussion of the Sargassum community. Contrib. Mar. Sci. , 16:12

Evermann, B.W. and M.C. Marsh. 1902. The fi shes of Porto Rico. U.S. Comm . Fish. Bull., (1900)20: 160

Evermann, B.W. and S.F. Hildebrand . 1910. On a collection of fishes from the Lower Potomac, the entrance of Chesapeake Bay, and the streams flowing into these waters. Proc . BioI. Soc. Wash., 23 :157-164

Gudger, E.W. 1906 . The breeding habits and segmentation of the egg of the pipefish, Siphoslomaf/oridae. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. , 29:446-499

Gunter, G. 1945. Studies of marine fi shes in Texas. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci. Univ. TX, 1(1):48

Herald , E.S. 1942. Three new pipefishes from the Atlantic coast of North and South America, with a key to the Atlantic American species. Stanford . Icthyol. Bull ., 2(4):128-129

Herald, E.S. 1943. Studies on the classification and interrelationships of the American pipefishes. Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford Univ., 46,100:190-192

Herald , E.S. 1965. Studies on the American pipefishes with descriptions of new species. Proc. CA Acad. Sci., 4th Ser., 32(12):367-370

Hildebrand , S.F. and W.C. Schroeder. 1928. Fishes of Chesapeake Bay. U.S. Bur. Fish. Bull ., 53(pt.1):183-184

25 Hoese, H.D . 1958. A partially annotated checklist of the marine fishes of Texas. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci. Univ. TX, 5:328

Jordan, D.S. and B.W. Evennann. 1896-1900. The fishes of middle and North America. A descriptive catalogue of fishlike vertebrates found in the waters of North America, north of the Isthmus of Panama. U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull., 47(In 4 parts) :759

Joseph, E.B., and R.W. Yerger. 1956. The fishes of Alligator Harbour, Florida, with notes on their natural history ., FL State. Univ. Stud., (22):129-130

Kilby, J.D. 1955. The fishes of two Gulf Coastal marsh areas of Florida. Tulane Stud. Zool., 2(8):228

Lippson, A.I. and R.L. Moran. 1974. Manual for identification of early development stages of fishes of the Potomac Estuary. Power Plant Siting Program of MD Dep. Nat. Resour. PPSP-MP-13: 160

Longley, W.H. and S.F. Hildebrand. 1941. Systematic catalogue of the fishes of the Tortugas, Florida with observations on color habitats and local distribution. Carnegie Inst. W A Publ. 535. (pap. Tortuga Lab 34). xii 63-64

Mansueti, R.I. 1962. Checklist of fishes of the Paxutent River drainage and of Chesapeake Bay off Calvert County, Maryland. Univ. MD Nat. Resour. Inst. Chesapeake BioI. Lab. Ref., 62-36:3

Mansueti. R.I. and R.S. Scheltema. 1953. Summary of fish collections made in the Chesapeake Bay area of Maryland and Virginia during October, 1953 . MD Dept. Res. Educ. Chesapeake. BioI. Lab. Field Summary I. 5

Mercer, L.P. 1973 . The comparative ecology of two species of pipefish (Sygnathidae) in the York River, Virginia. Masters Thesis, Coli. Wm. Mary. vii(2)7-IO, 13-16. , Nichols, J.T. 1929) The fishes of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Branchiostomidae to Sciaenidae. NY Acad. Sci., Scientific Survey of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, lO(part2) :2 17

Reid, G.K. Jr. 1954. An ecological study of the Gulf of Mexico fishes in the vicinity of Cedar Key, Florida. Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf. Caribb., 4(1):26-27

Roessler, M.A. 1970. Checklist of fishes in Buttonwood Canal, Everglades National Park , Florida, and observations on the seasonal occurrence and life histories of selected species. Bull . Mar. Sci., 20(4): 860-893

26 Schwartz, F.I. 1961. Fishes of Chincoteague and Sinepuxent Bays. Am. MidI. Nat., 65(2):394

Smith, H.M. 1907. The fishes of North Carolina. NC Geol. Econ. Surv. 2. xiv:170

Springer, Sand H.R. Bullis, Ir. 1956. Collections by the Oregon in the Gulf of Mexico. List of Crustaceans, molluscs, and fishes identified from collections made by the exploratory fishing vessel Oregon in the Gulf of Mexico and adjacent seas 1950 through 1955 . U.S. Fish Wildl. Servo Spec. Sci. Rpt. Fish. 196. ii + 134 p.

Springer, V.G. and K.D . Woodburn. 1960. An ecological study of fishes in the Tampa Bay area. FL Board Conserv., Mar. Lab. Prof. Pap. Ser. 1 V. 31-32

Springer, V.G. and A.I. McErlean. 1962. Seasonality of fishes on a South Florida shore. Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf. Caribb., 12(1):39-60

Wang, I.C.S. and E.C. Raney. 1971. Distribution and fluctuations in the fish fauna of the Charlotte Harbour estuary, Florida. Charlotte Harbour Estuarine Studies, Mote Mar. Lab., Sarasota, FL, p. 28.


Family: Xanthidae Scientific Name: Eurypanopeus depressus Common Name: Flat mud crab

Range and Ecology

The flat mud crab, Eurypanpeus depressus, occurs from Massachusetts to Florida and in the Gulf of Mexico to southern Texas; as well as in the Dutch West Indies; Bennuda and Uruguay _ [USNMj

E. depressus is commonly found in estuaries. Walton and Williams (1971) found it to be the most abundant xanthid on artificial reefs in three small experimental estuarine ponds in North Carolina, after the reefs were heavily seeded with esruarine the previous year.


Ryan (1956) found E. depressus to be the dominant mud crab species on Chesapeake Bay oyster bars , and demonstrated a positive relationship between the presence of oyster shells and this species. Other investigators have reported the same habitat preference (Lunz 1937a; Rouse 1970; Tabb and Manning 1961; Grizzle 1974).

Abiotic Factors


Cowles (1930) reported the depth range was 1.8 to 27 m in Chesapeake Bay. Elsewhere the species is reported to occur from shore to 48 m.


Reported salinity range is 4.5 to 20.4 ppt (Cowles 1930). Sandifer (1973d) found larvae only three times during an extensive plankton survey in southern Chesapeake Bay (June and July). In his review of other studies, he reported larval presence in : May~October in Newport River, NC, most in salinities> 26% (Pinsdunitt 1963); in low concentrations outside Beaufort In1et from May-October (Dudley and Judy 1971); occurring from May-October with peak in June­ July in the Patuxent River, MD, Herman et al. (1968); and from Apri l ~ October with a maximum number collected in August in the St. Johns River, FL (Tagatz 1968).


Cowles, R.P. 1930. A biological srudy of the offshore waters of Chesapeake Bay. Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish., 46:277-381.

28 Dudley, D.L., and M.H. Judy. 1971. Occurrence of larval, juvenile, and mature crabs in the vicinity of Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina. NOAA Tech. Rpt., NMFS Spec. Scien. Rpt. Fish. No. 637, 10 p.

Grizzle, R.E. 1974 . The estuarine decapod crustaceans in Brevard County, Florida. FL ScL, 37(3): 129-141.

Herman, S.S., J.A. Mihursky, and A.J. McErlean. 1968. Zooplankton and environmental characteristics of the Patuxent River estuary 1963-1965. Chesapeake Sci. , 9(2):67-82.

Lunz, G.R., Jr. 1937a. Xanthidae (mud crabs) of the Carolinas .. Charleston Mus. Leaflet, 9:9-27.

Pinsclunidt, W.C. 1963. Distribution of crab larvae in relation to some environmental conditions in the Newport River estuary, North Carolina. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Zoology, Duke University, Durham, NC, i-x + 112 p.

Rouse, W.L. 1970. Littoral Crustacea from southwest Florida. Quarterly Journal of the FL Aca. Sci., 32(2):127-152.

Ryan, E.P. 1956. Observations on the life histories and the distribution of the Xanthidae (mud crabs) of Chesapeake Bay . Amer. MidI. Nalrl., 56:138-162, 2 plates.

Sandifer, P.A. 1973d. Distribution and abundance of decapod crustacean larvae in the York River estuary and adjacent lower Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, 1968-1969. Chesapeake Sci., 14(4):235-257.

Tabb, D.C. and R.B. Manning. 1961. A checklist of the flora and fauna of northern Florida Bay and adjacent brackish waters of the Florida mainland collected during the period July 1957 through September 1960. Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf & Carrib., 11(4):552-649.

Tagatz , M.E. 1968. Biology of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, in the SI. Johns River, Florida. Fish. Bull., 67(1):17-33.

Walton, E. and A.B. Williams. 1971. Reef popUlations of mud crabs and snapping shrimp. p. 205-238, In: E.J. Juenzler and A.F. Chestnut (eds.), Structure and functioning of estuarine ecosystems exposed to treated sewage wastes. Annual report for 1970-1971 , Optimum Ecological Designs for Estuarine Ecosystems in North Carolina, Sea Grant No. GHI03, Project UNC-IO, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and Morehead City, 345 p.

29 Family: Xanthidae Scientific Name: Rhilhropanopeus hamsii (Gould) Common Name: Mud Crab

Commercial and Recreational Importance .

This species has no reported commercial or recreational value, except as a prey item for various fi sh species. Sikora et a1. (1972) reported that two species of hake. Urophycis regius and U. fioridana, preyed upon R. hardsii, and Heard (1975) found it as forming a significant part of the part of the diet of the white catfish, lctalurus catus.

Range and Ecology

The natural range of this species is in fresh to estuarine waters from the southwestern Gulf of S1. Lawrence, Canada, to Veracruz, Mexico. It has been introduced on the west coast of the United States and in parts of Europe.

Food and Feeding

Success of R. harrisii in the estuarine environment is emphasized by its role in the food web. Odum and Heald (1972) found more that 40 animals per meter in an estuarine stream draining a Juncus marsh in south Florida. An omnivorous diet was dominated by mangrove leaf detritus, Crustaceans such as small amphipods and harpacticoid copepods were eaten more often by small crabs.


Ryan (1956) reported finding this species primarily in upper Chesapeake Bay and tributaries of the lower Bay at depths ranging from 0 [0 9 m in a salinity range of fresh to 18.6 ppt. consistently associated with some type of shelter: oyster bars, living and decaying vegetation, old cans, and other debris. Similar habitat was reported for the upper Delaware Bay (McDermott and Flower 1952) and the tributaries of the Neuse River estuary in North Carolina, as well as estuarine streams in southern Florida (Odum and Herld 1972). Surface to 36,6 m.

Abiotic Factors


Rhithropanopeus harrisii flourishes in a wide range of salinities. Osmotic capabilities of the adult crabs consists of hyper-regulation of chloride and osmotic pressure in salinities up to 60%- 70% that of sea water and a slight tendency to hypo-regulate in higher salinities (Smith 1967).

Connolly (1925) reported that four zoeal stages and megalopa constitute the larval and postiarval development of this species. Development was best at 6 to 10 ppt salinity. Developmenta1 time

30 increased with decreasing temperature. Results on developmental time of larvae in estuaries agreed with those of laboratory culturing at similar salinities and temperatures. Adult occurrence in fresh water was believed to be a result of migration after larval stages were complete.

Bousfield (1955) found larvae in salinities < 20 ppt in the Miramichi estuary. Pinschmidt (1963) reported larvae in the Newport River, NC, roughly paralleling that in the York River, but with greatest abundance at 31°C in a salinity range of 13-19 ppt. Herman (1968), Tagatz (1968), and Williams (1971) reported additional evidence for occurrence of larvae (as late as November in Florida), at the same level of salinity.


Earlier Costlow et al. (1966) had found that time of development in non-cycled temperatures was not significantly affected by salinities of 5-35 ppt. Survival to first crab occurred in 2.5 to 40 ppt salinity; 60-90% of zoeae survival to megalopae in 15-25 ppt salinity, but in lower and 'higher salinities there was reduction in percent survival to first crab. Duration of stages as well as mortality was affected by temperature. The authors suggested that the capacity to develop normally within this broad range of environments May have contributed to the wide distribution of this species.

Field studies agree with experimental evidence. Herman et al. (1968) found zoeae present from May to October in the Patuxent River, MD, with peak occurrence in June-July . Sandifer (1973d) found larvae common to abundant mostly at 0-10 ppt salinity in the upper York Pamunkey rivers tributary to lower Chesapeake Bay , and to lesser extant in the Bay proper. Most occurred at temperatures ranging 25°_29°C.

Indicator of Environmental Stress

No information was available on these species being used as test animals, however; Christiansen and Costlow (1975) reared them from hatChing through the first or second crab stages under experimental conditions in 11 combinations of salinity and cyclic temperatures and concluded that larval development of R. harrisii is strongly influenced by environmental factors and not solely related to genetic differences.


Bousfield , E.L. 1955 . Ecological control of the occurrence of barnacles in the Miramichi estuary. Nat. Mus. Canada Bull., Vol. 137, iii, + 69 pages.

Christiansen, M.E. and J.D. Costlow, Jr. 1975 . The effect of salinity and cyclic temperature on larval development of the mud-crab Rithropanopeus harrisii (Brachyura: Xanthidae) reared in the laboratory . Mar. BioI. , 39(3):281-288

31 Family: Grapsidae Scientific Name: Sesarma (Chiromantes) cinereum (Bose) Common Name: Wharf crab or Square-backed fiddler crab

Commercial and Recreational Importance

No commercial or recreational value has been reported in the literature.

Range and Ecology

Sesarma cinereum occurs from Chesapeake Bay to Veracruz, Mexico (Abele 1973).

Food and Feeding

Sesarma cinereum feeds on Spanina shoots Seiple (1979).


An estuarine species , Sesarma cinereum inhabits supralittoraI zones of marshes typified by high salinity (x = 27.9%) and sandy substrates (Seiple 1979). They are also found crawling about on wharves and stone jetties or resting in shallow burrows above tidemark along shores .

Abiotic Factors


Pinschmidt (1963) , in Newport River near Beaufort, N.C., found stage I and II zoeae in low concentration from June to September in water of 19° to l30e and 7 to 36 ppt salinity, but most numerous in August at 25 ° to 31°e. Sandifer (1973d) found the larvae rarely in York and Pamunkey Rivers, VA, in June and August, the three samples being from bottom water or 24.8° to 26.6"C in 11.9 to 19.64 ppt salinity. Dudley and Judy (1971) found larvae of the genus Seasarma more abundant inshore (1.6 Ian) than offshore (6.5 Ian) from June to September ofr Beaufon Inlet, NC. and more numerous at 8-m depth than at the surface. Tagatz (1968) found larvae of the genus Sesarma. the second most abundant form in St. Johns River , FL, from April to October, with the greatest abundance in August.

Temperature was found to have more effect on length of larval development than on monality, with higher temparature speeding development. Teal (1959) found some evidence for thermal acclimation of metabolism, but more evidence for acclimation by selection of microclimate.

33 Salinity

According to Costlow et at. (1960), there are optimum salinities for each larval stage, but development is best in the 20-26.7 ppt salinity range.

This species is capable of surviving considerable periods of time in dilutions of sea water and also shows considerable resistance to desiccation (Pearse 1929).

Indicator of Environmental Stress

No infonnation found.


Abele, L.G. 1973. Taxonomy , distribution and ecology of the genus Sesarma (Cruslacea, Decapoda, Grapsidae) in eastern North America, with special reference to Florida. Am. MidI. Nat., 90(2):372-386.

Costlow, J.D., Jr. and C.G. Bookhout. 1960. The complete larval development of Sesarma cinereum (Bosc) reared in the laboratory. BioI. Bull., 118(2):203-214.

Dudley. D.L. , and M.H. Judy. 1971. Occurrence of larval , juvenile, and mature crabs in the vicinity of Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina. NOAA Technical Report, NMFS Special Scientific Report - Fisheries, 637, 10 p.

Pearse, A.S. 1929. The ecology of certain estuarine crabs at Beaufort, NC. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc., 44(2):230-237.

Pinschmidt, W.C. 1963 . Distribution of crab larvae in relation to some environmenral conditions in the Newport River estuary, North Carolina. Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Zoology, Duke Univ., Durham, NC, I-x + 112 p.

Sandifer, P.A. 1973d. Distribution and abundance of decapod crustacean larvae in the York River estuary and adjacent lower Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, 1968-1 969. Chesapeake Sci ., 14(4):235-257.

Seiple, W. 1979. Distribution, habitat preferences and breeding periods in the crustaceans Sesarma cinereum and S. reliculalum (Brachyura: Decapoda: Grapsidae). Mar. BioI., 52(1):77-86.

Tagatz, M.E. 1968. Biology of the blue crab, Callinecles sapidus Rathbun, in the S1. Johns River, Florida. Fish. Buli., 67(1):17-33.

34 Teal, J .M. 1959. Respiration of crabs in Georgia salt marshes and its relation to their ecology. Physio!. Zoo!., 32(1):1-14.

Family: Grapsidae Scientific name: Sesarma (Sesarma) relieulalum (Say) Common name: none found

Conunercial and Recreational Importance

No conunercial or recreational value ,has been reported in the literature.

Range and Ecology

Sesanna reticulatum occurs from Woods Hole, MA, to Calhoun County, TX, and is an . inhabitant of estuaries.

Food and Feeding

Crichton (1960, 1974) reported that the main diet is Spanina, and the crabs often cut swaths through this marsh grass. He also found that this species will eat fiddler crabs (the burrows occasionally intersect) when it is able to capture them.


This species lives in burrows in muddy salt marshes with a mean salinity of 16.2 ppt (Seiple 1979).

Abiotic Factors


Sandifer (1973d) found larvae in June, an increase in July-August, and then absent by October, in a temperature range of22.8° to 27.9°C. Stage I comprised 73% of the larvae collected, and > 80% of all captured were at the bottom. Sandifer (1975) regarded this depth distribution as an adaptation for retention in estuaries. Pinschrnidt (1963) reported the similar trends.


Sandifer (1973d) collected larvae of S. reticulatum in the York and Pamunkey Rivers, in a salinity range of 2.04 to 20.24 ppt, however; they were never abundant. Few larvae occurred at less than 10 ppt salinity. Most were collected at ranges between 15 and 20 ppt, although one larvae was found at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay.

35 Foskett (1977) found that larvae are hyperosmotic over the salinities above that throughout zoeal stages and the early rnegalopa. He felt that this trend may serve to increase density of the larvae. helping to promote retention within the estuary. Hyper-regulation may also act to provide turgor pressure ensuring integrity of the thin larval cuticle, but the rapid molting cycles do not affect blood osmotic concentrations. Foskett also noted that adults hyper-regulate in salinities above that, acquiring the adult regulatory pattern during early juvenile crab stages.

Indicator of Environmental Stress

No information found.


Crichton, O. W. 1960. Marsh crab, intertidal tunnel-maker and grass-eater. Estuarine Bulletin. University of Delaware, 5(4):3-10.

Crichton, O.W. 1974. Caloric studies of Spanina and the marsh crab Sesanna reticulaturn (Say). Pages 142-144, In: F.C. Daiber (ed.), Tidal marshes of Delaware, p. 99-149 In: H. T. Odurn, B.l. Copeland and E.A. McMahan (eds.), Coastal ecological systems of the United States. Vol. II. The Coastal Conservation Foundation. Washington, D.C .• 521 p.

Foskett. 1.K. 1977. Osmoregulation in the larvae and adults of the graspid crab Sesarma reticulatum Say. BioI. Bull., 153(3):505-526

Pinschmidt, W.C. 1963. Distribution of crab larvae in relation to some environmental conditions in the Newport River estuary, North Carolina. Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Zool., Duke Univ., Durham, NC, i-x + 112 p.

Sandifer, P .A. 1975. The role of pelagic larvae in recruitment to populations of adult decapod crustaceans in the York River estuary and adjacent lower Chesapeake Bay, Virginia. Est. Coastal Mar. Sci., 3(3):269-279.

Sandifer, P.A. 1973d. Distribution and abundance .of decapod crustacean larvae in the York River estuary and adjacent lower Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, 1968-1969. Chesapeake ScL, 14(4):235-257.

Seiple, W. 1979. Distribution, habitat preferences and breeding periods in the crustaceans Sesanna cinereum and S. reticulatum (Brachyura: Decapoda: Grapsidae). Mar. Biol., 52(1):77-86.


Family: Palaemonidae Scientific Name: Palaemonetes Heller 1869 Common Name: Marsh Grass Shrimp

Commercial or Recreational Importance

No commercial or recreational value was mentioned in the literature except that they are eaten by predatory fishes (Sikora et al. 1972).

Range and Ecology

This species occurs from the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula.


Palaemonetes sp. is found in estuarine waters, especially in beds of submerged vegetation. They occur from the water's edge to (rarely) 15 m.

Abiotic Factors


Sandifer (1973a) concluded that optimal conditions for survival, rate of development, and number of instars are at 25°C over a salinity range of 10 to 30 ppt.


In North Carolina waters, P. vulgaris is commonly found in waters of 15 to 35 ppt salinity. Wilson (1969) reported that it preferred saltier parts of the Louisiana canal·Iake area, especially flowing canals. According to Bowler and Seidenberg (1971), extremely low salinity is not tolerated well and can be fatal, confinning the findings of Nagabhushanam (1961); however, in salinities of 36-40 ppt this species is much more tolerant than P. pugio, indicating that this tolerance may help to separate niches of these species which otherwise are apparently similar. Thorp and Hoss (1975) confinned these findings but thought predator-prey interactions, competitions, or behavioral differences rather than physiological tolerances may help to explain co-existence of these species.

Under experimental conditions, P. vulgaris larvae can survive a wide range of temperatures and salinities, if sufficient food is available. Salinity alone at five levels from 15 to 35 ppt had no effect on development of larvae, but temperature significantly affected both molting frequency and rate of growth.

37 Indicator of Environmental Stress

No information was found in the literature.


Bousefield, E.L. 1956. Studies on the shore of Crustacea collected in eastern Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, 1954 . ArulUal report of the National Museum of Canada for the Fiscal Year 1954-1955 . Bull., 142:127-152

Bowler, M.W. and A.J. Seidenberg. 1971. Salinity tolerance of the prawns, Palamone/es vulgariS and P. pugio, and its relationship to the distribution of theSe species in nature. VA J. Sci., 22(3):94

Holthius, L.B. 1952 . A general revision of the Palaeomonidae (Crustacea Decapoda Natantia) of the Americas. II. The Subfamily Palaemoninae. Allan Hancock Foundation Publications, . Occasional Papers, 12:1-396.

Nagabhushanam, R. 1961. Tolerance of the prawn, Palamonetes vulgaris (Say), to waters of low salinity. Sci. Cult., 27(1):43.

Sandifer, P.A. 1973a. Effects of temperature and salinity on larval development of grass shrimp, Palaemoneres vulgaris (Decapoda, Caridea). Fish. Bull., 71(1): 115-123).

Sikora, W.B ., R.W . Heard, and M.D. Dahlberg. 1972. The occurrence of food habits of two species of hake Urophycis reg/ius and U. floridanus in Georgia estuaries. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 101(3):513-525

Thorp, J.H. and D.E. Hoss. 1975. Effects of salinity and cyclic temperature on survival of two sympatric species of grass shrimp (Palaemonetes), and their relationship to natural distributions. I. Exp. BioI. Ecology, 18(1): 19-28.

Wilson, B. 1969. Ecological survey of penaeid shrimp of the central Louisiana Gulf Coast and estuarine waters. Report to the Louisiana State Science Foundation, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 140 pages.


Plankton samples were sorted for all life stages of fish , crabs and shrimp. All organisms were identified to the lowest possible taxon. In total, five families of fi ~hes. three families of crabs, and two of shrimp were represented (Tables 1 and 2).

Crab zoea wefe by far the most abundant organisms collected. These were followed in abundance by fish larvae. Shrimp were the least abundant. Tables 3, 4 and 5 list, in rank order, all of the organisms by life stage and quantity by station, replicate, and date.

Additional infonnation for each of the abundant species is included"in the Life History Review (beginning on page 3), Infonnation on the commercial and recreational importance, range and ecology. food and feeding, habitat, abiotic factors affecting abundance and distribution, results on any available studies on the organism as an indicator of environmental stress and the references from which these data were obtained are included.

All of the organisms collected are classified as estuarine. Most of the species are characterized as being both euryhaline and eurytbennal because they can survive in a very wide range of salinities (freshwater to saline) and temperarures. Only the shrimp, Palaemonetes sp. is intolerant of low salinities, which can prove fatal to this species.


To assure completeness and accuracy of sample sorting, each aliquot of a sample is sorted twice, with agitation between examinations. All of the samples wefe resorted and verified by a qualified individual other than the person who did the initial sorting and identification. Sorting efficiency is maintained above 95% for all selected Important Organisms. The 1.0. Supervisor (K. Bums) regularly spot checked sorting procedures and identifications to recommend corrective action needed.

Upon arrival at MML, an MML staff biologist, after recording the number of containers received, verified that the designations of the containers rece ived were the same as those listed on the custody forms and entered the infonnation on the Sample Sorting Log (Appendix A) .

During sample sorting, samples were signed out to the sorter by the PI or her designate . Upon the completion of sorting, samples were returned by the sorter and signed over to the PI or her designate. Prior to and following sorting, samples are kept in locked storage area.

Laboratory Procedures

For all samples collected, entire replicate samples were analyzed. Prior to sorting, the sample was poured onto a 505 urn mesh sieve and washed with fresh water to remove formalin. The sample was placed in a 1,000 ml Erlenmeyer flask after the volume had been adjusted to allow efficient sorting. The sample was agitated thoroughly, and 10 ml aliquots were drawn off into a gridded petri dish. Each aliquot was examined twice, with agitation between examinations.

Data were entered by the sorters on standardized bench sheets (Appendix A) .

All ichthyoplankton and meroplankton consisting of crab or shrimp taxa were identified and enumerated; identification was made to the lowest practicable taxon (usually family for eggs, and species for larvae).

Individual organisms removed from the sample were placed in 70% ethanol in numbered vials. A catalog of the contents of each vial is maintained. Those species not already represented in the MML reference collection were added to the collection. After samples were sorted, they were returned to the original sample jar and preserved with 5 % formalin.

Identification of target specimens at each life stage is made through the use of standard literature sources and MML's reference collection of taxonomically confirmed species.



Hardy, J.D., Jr. [ed.]. 1978. Aphredoderidae through Rachycentridae. In: Development of fishes of the mid-Atlantic Bight: an atlas of egg, larval and juvenile stages. U.S. Dept. Interior Fish. Wildl. Serv., BioI. Servo Prog. FWS/OBS-78/ 12, Vol. m, 394 p.

Jones,P.W., F.D. Martin and 1.0. Hardy, Jr. reds] . 1978. Acipenseridae through lctaluridae. In: Development of fishes of the mid-Atlantic Bight: an atlas of egg, larval and juvenile stages. U.S. Dept. Interior, Fish. Wildl. Servo Prog. FWSIOBS-78/12, Vol. I, 366 p.

Pattillo, M.E., T.E. Czapla, D.M. Nelson, and M.E. Monaco. 1997. Distribution and abundance of fishes and invertebrates in Gulf of Mexico estuaries, Volume II: Species life history summaries. ELMR Rep. No. 11. NOAA/NOS Strategic Environmental Assessmenrs Division, Silver Springs. MD. 377 p.

Sears Foundation for Marine Research. Memoir. Fishes of the western north Atlantic. 1948. Parr, A.E. [ed.]. No. I, Pt. I. 1953. Parr, A.E. red ,]. No.1 Pt. 2. 1963 . Olsen, Y.H. [ed.]. No. I, Pt. 3. 1964. Olsen, Y.H. [ed.]. No. I. Pt. 4. 1966. Olsen, Y.H. [ed .]. No. I , Pt. 5. 1973 . Cohen, D.M. [ed.]. No. I, Pt. 6. 1977. Gibbs , R.H., Jr. [ed.]. No. I , Pt. 7. Bobike, J.E. [ed .]. No. I , Pt. 8. 1982.


WilIiams, A.B. 1965. Shrimp. lobsters and crabs of the Atlantic coast of the eastern United States, Maine to Florida. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC. 550 p.


TABLES Table 1: Key of code numbers.

Code Family Scientific and Common Names

1001 Atherinidae Menidia sp (Silverside) 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (Bay anchovy) 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 1004 Palaemonidae Palaemonetes sp (Shrimp) 1005 Xanthidae Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Mud crab) 1006 Grapsidae Sesarma sp (Fiddler crab) 1007 Syngnathidae Syngnathus sp (Pipefish) 1008 Portunidae Portunidae sp (Swimming crab) 1009 Sciaenidae Sciaenidae sp (Drum) 1010 Gobiidae Bathigobius (Notch tongue goby) 1011 Xanthidae Eurypanopeus depressus (Mud crab) 1012 Gobiidae Gobiidae sp (Goby) 1013 Sciaen idae Bairdiella chrysoura (Silver perch) 1014 Penaeidae Penaeidae sp (Shrimp) 1015 Damage Decapoda sp (Shrimp)

Table 2: Ranked total of all species.

Code Family Fishes Quantity Eggs 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (Bay anchovy) 60 11 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 57 1007 Syngnathidae Syngnathus sp (Pipefish) 12 1001 Atherinidae Menidia sp (Silverside) 5 1010 Gobiidae 8athigobius (Notch tongue goby) 1 1012 Gobiidae Gobiidae sp (Goby) 1 1013 SCiaenidae Bairdiefla chrysoura (Silver perCh) 1 1009 Sciaenidae Sciaenidae sp (Drum) 11

Crabs 1005 Xanthidae Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Mud crab) 1923 1006 Grapsidae Sesarma sp (Fiddler crab) 75 1008 Portunidae Portunidae sp (Swimming crab) 1 1011 Xanthidae Eurypanopeus depressus (Mud crab) 1

Shrimps 1004 Paraemonidae Paraemonetes sp (Shrimp) 25 1015 Damage Decapoda sp (Shrimp) 4 1014 Penaeidae Penaeidae sp (Shrimp) 4

Sheet 1 Page 1 Table 3: Rank order for each station and collection type. Caloosahatchee Ichthyoplankton

Net mesh size: 50Sm Sample date 4/98 Station 1 Replicate 1 Code Family Life stage Quantity Egg count 1004 Palaemonidae Pataemonetes sp (Shrimp) 1 2 1001 Atherinidae Menidia sp (SHverside) 2 1 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 1

Sample date 4/98 Station 1 Replicate 2 Life stage Quantity Egg count 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 3 1004 Palaemonidae Palaemonetes sp (Shrimp) 1 1

Sample date 4/98 Station 2 Replicate 1 Life stage Quantity Egg count 1005 Xanthidae Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Mud crab) 1 9 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 B 1001 Atherinidae Menidia sp (Silverside) 2 4 1006 Grapsidae Sesarma sp (Fiddler crab) 1 2 1004 Palaemonidae Palaemonetes sp (Shrimp) 1 2 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (Bay anchovy) 1

Sample date 4/9 8 Station 2 Replicate 2 Life stage Quantity Egg count 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 4 1004 Palaemonidae Palaemonetes sp (Shrimp) 1 4 1007 Syngnalhidae Syngnathus sp (Pipefish) 2 1 1006 Grapsidae Sesarma sp (Fiddler crab) 1 1 1014 Penaeidae Penaeidae sp (Shrimp) 1 1

Sample date 5/98 Station 1 Replicate 1 Life stage Quantity Egg count 1006 Grapsidae Sesarma sp (Fiddler crab) 1 17 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 6 1002 EngrauUdae Anchoa mitchilli (Bay anchovy) 3 5 1007 Syngnathidae Syngnathus sp (Pipefish) 2 2 1005 Xanthidae Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Mud crab) 1 1

Sheet 2 Page 1 Sample date 5/98 Station 1 Replicate 2 Life stage Quantity Egg count 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 19 1006 Grapsidae Sesarma sp (Fiddler crab) 1 5 1007 Syngnathidae Syngnathus sp (Pipefish) 2 2 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (Bay anchovy) 3 1

Sample date 5198 Station 2 Replicate 1 Life stage Quantity Egg count 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (Bay anchovy) 3 22 1005 Xanthidae Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Mud crab) 1. 7 1007 Syngnathidae Syngnathus sp (Pipefish) 2 3 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 3 1006 Grapsidae Sesanna sp (Fiddler crab) 1 2 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (Bay anchovy) 2 1

Sample date 5/98 Station 2 Replicate 2 Life stage Quantity Egg count 1002 EngrauHdae Anchoa mitchilli (Bay anchovy) 3 25 1006 Grapsidae Sesarma sp (Fiddler crab) 1 9 1005 Xanthidae Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Mud crab) 1 5 1007 Syngnathidae Syngnathus sp (pipefish) 2 5 1008 Portunidae Portunidae sp (Swimming crab) 2 1 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 1 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 3 1

Sample date 6/98 Station 1 Replicate 1 Life stage Quantity Egg count 1005 Xanthidae Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Mud crab) 1 387 1006 Grapsidae Sesarma sp (Fiddler crab) 1 22 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 5 1004 Palaemonidae Palaemonetes sp (Shrimp) 1 5 1013 Sciaenidae Bairdiella chlYsoura (silver perch) 2 1 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (Bay anchovy) 3 1 4

Sample date 6/9 8 Station 1 Rep licate 2 Life stage Quantity Egg count 1005 Xanthidae Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Mud crab) 1 57 1006 Grapsidae Sesarma sp (Fiddler crab) 1 14 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 5 1004 Palaemonidae Palaemonetes sp (Shrimp) 1 3 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (Bay anchovy) 3 1 4

Sheet 2 Page 2 Sample date 6/98 Station 2 Replicate 1 Life stage Quantity Egg count 1005 Xanthidae Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Mud crab) 1 218 1004 Palaemonidae Palaefl)onetes sp (Shrimp) 1 3 1006 Grapsidae Sesarma sp (Fiddler crab) 1 1 1009 Sciaenidae Sciaenidae sp (Drum) 9 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (Bay anchovy) 1

Sample date 6/98 Station 2 Replicate 2 Life stage Quantity Egg count 1005 Xanthidae Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Mud crab) ·1 1239 1004 Palaemonidae Palaemonetes sp (Shrimp) 1 4 1006 Grapsidae Sesarma sp (Fiddler crab) 1 2 1010 Gobiidae Bathigobius (Notch tongue goby) 2 1 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 1 101 1 Xanthidae Eurypanopeus depressus (Mud crab) 1 1 1009 Sciaenidae Sciaenidae sp (Drum) 2 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (Bay anchovy) 1

Sample date 11/95 Station 2 Replicate lA life stage Quantity Egg count 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (Bay anchovy) 2 1 1004 Palaemonidae Palaemonetes sp (Shrimp) 1 1 1014 Peneidae Peneidae sp (Shrimp) 1 1 1015 Damage Decapoda sp (Shrimp) 1 1

Sample date 11/95 Station 2 Replicate 1 B life stage Quantity Egg count 1012 Gobiidae Gobiidae sp (Goby) 2 1 1015 Damage Decapoda sp (Shrimp) 1 1

Sheet 2 Page 3 Table 4: Rank order of each station with combined replicates. Caloosahatchee Ichthyoplankton

Net mesh size: 505m Sample date 4198 Station 1 Replicate 1+2 Code Family life stage Quantity Egg count 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 4 1004 Palaemonidae Pa'aemonetes sp (Shrimp) 1 3 1001 Atherinidae Menidia sp (Silverside) 2 1

Sample date 4/98 Station 2 Replicate 1+2 life stage Quantity Egg count 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 12 1005 Xanthidae Rhilhropanopeus harrisij (Mud crab) 1 9 1004 Pataemonidae Palaemonetes sp (Shrimp) 1 6 1006 Grapsidae Sesarma sp (Fiddler crab) 1 3 1001 Atherinidae Menidia sp (Silverside) 2 4 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (Bay anchovy) 1

Sample date 5198 Station 1 Replicate 1+2 life stage Quantity Egg count 1006 Grapsidae Sesarma sp (Fiddler crab) 1 22 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 25 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchitli (Bay anchovy) 3 6 1007 Syngnathidae Syngnathus sp (Pipefish) 2 4 1005 Xanthidae Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Mud crab) 1 1

Sample date 5/98 Station 2 Replicate 1+2 life stage Quantity Egg count 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (Bay anchovy) 3 47 1005 Xanthidae Rhilhropanopeus harrisii (Mud crab) 1 12 1006 Grapsidae Sesarma sp (Fiddler crab) 1 11 1007 Syngnathidae Syngnathus sp (Pipefish) 2 8 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 4 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 3 1 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa milchilti (Bay anchovy) 2 1 1008 Portunidae Portunidae sp (Swimming crab) 2 1

Sample date 6/98 Station 1 Replicate 1+2 Life stage Quantity Egg count 1005 Xanthidae Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Mud crab) 1 444 1006 Grapsidae Sesarma sp (Fiddler crab) 1 36 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 10 1004 Palaemonidae Palaemonetes sp (Shrimp) 1 8 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchitli (Bay anchovy) 3 2 8 1013 Sciaenidae Bairdiella chrysoura (Silver perch) 2 1

Sheet 3 Page 1 Sample date 6/98 Station 2 Replicate 1+2 Life stage Quantity Egg count 1005 Xanthidae Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Mud crab) 1 1457 1004 Palaemonidae Palaemonetes sp (Shrimp) 1 7 1006 Grapsidae Sesarma sp (Fiddler crab) 1 3 1010 Gobiidae Bathigobius (Notch tongue goby) 2 1 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 1 1011 Xanthidae Eurypanopeus depressus (Mud crab) 1 1 1009 Sciaenidae Sciaenidae sp (Drum) 11 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (Bay anchovy) 2

Sample date 11/95 Station 2 Replicate 1A + 18 life stage Quantity Egg count 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (Bay anchovy) 2 1 1004 Palaemonidae Palaemonetes sp (Shrimp) 1 1 1012 Gobiidae Gobiidae sp (Goby) 2 1

Sheet 3 Page 2 Table 5: Rank order of combined stations and replicates.

Sample date 4/98 Station 1+2 and Replicate 1+2 Code Family life stage Quantity Egg count 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 16 1004 Paiaemonidae Paiaemonetes sp (Shrimp) 1 9 1005 Xanthidae Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Mud crab) 1 9 1001 Atherinidae Menidia sp (Silverside) 2 5 1006 Grapsidae Sesarma sp (Fiddler crab) 1 3 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (Bay anchovy) 1

Sample date 5/98 Station 1+2 and Replicate 1+2 life stage Quantity Egg count 1002 Engrauiidae Anchoa mitchiili (Bay anchovy) 3 53 1002 EngrauJidae Anchoa mitchilli (Bay anchovy) 2 1 1006 Grapsidae Sesarma sp (Fiddler crab) 1 33 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 29 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 3 1 1005 Xanthidae Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Mud crab) 1 13 1007 Syngnathidae Syngnathus sp (Pipefish) 2 12 1008 Portunidae Portunidae sp (Swimming crab) 2 1

Sample date 6198 Station 1+2 and Replicate 1+2 life stage Quantity Egg count 1005 Xanthidae Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Mud crab) 1 1901 1006 Grapsidae Sesarma sp (Fiddler crab) 1 39 1004 Palaemonidae Palaemonetes sp (Shrimp) 1 15 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 11 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (Bay anchovy) 3 2 10 1013 Sciaenidae Baird iel1a chrysoura (Silver perch) 2 1 1010 Gobiidae Bathigobius (Notch tongue goby) 2 1 1011 Xanthidae Eurypanopeus depressus (Mud crab) 1 1 1009 Sciaenidae Sciaenidae sp (Drum) 11

Sample date 11/95 Station 2 Replicate 1A + 18 life stage Quantity Egg count 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (Bay anchovy) 2 1 1004 Palaemonidae Palaemonetes sp (Shrimp) 1 1 1012 Gobiidae Gobiidae sp (Goby) 2 1

Sheet 4 Page 1 Table 5: Rank order of combined stations and replicates.

Sample date 4/98 Station 1+2 and Replicate 1+2 Code Family Life stage Quantity Egg c,?unt 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 16 1004 Palaemonidae Palaemonetes sp (Shrimp) 1 9 1005 Xanthidae Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Mud crab) 1 9 1001 Atherinidae Menidia sp (Silverside) 2 5 1006 Grapsidae Sesarma sp (Fiddler crab) 1 3 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (8ay anchovy) 1

Sample date 5/98 Station 1+2 and Replicate 1+2 Life stage Quantity Egg count 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (8ay anchovy) 3 53 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (8ay anchovy) 2 1 1006 Grapsidae Sesarma sp (Fiddler crab) 1 33 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 29 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 3 1 1005 Xanthidae Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Mud crab) 1 13 1007 Syngnathidae Syngnathus sp (Pipefish) 2 12 1008 Portunidae Portunidae sp (Swimming crab) 2 1

Sample date 6/98

1005 Xantl1idae Rhithropanopeus harrisU-(Mud crab) ,,';" . " ", 1006 " Grapsldae Sesar:ma sp (Flddler~ crab) " • < - . • , f' 1004 -1 Palaemo..nidae-'palaem6rietes . ~1?. (Shri.!!'J?Y ' _ ::.. 1003 Gobiidae Gobiosoma robustum (Code goby) 2 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (8ay anchovy) 3 2 10 1013 Sciaenidae Bairdiella chrysoura (Silver perch) 2 1 1010 Gobiidae Bathigobius (Notch tongue goby) 2 1 101 '!.. Xanthid!~ ~urY pa~o~~~ d~J:fessus (Mud cra.b r ~, 1 1 if" 1009 Sciaenidae Sciaenidae sp (Drum) 11

Sample date 11/95 Station 2 Replicate 1A + 18 Life stage Quantity Egg count 1002 Engraulidae Anchoa mitchilli (8ay anchovy) 2 1 1004 Palaemonidae Palaemonetes sp (Shrimp) 1 1 1012 Gobiidae Gobiidae sp (Goby) 2 1

These ,were added to Mote Marine Caboratory's existing Reference Collection • - <> - - ~ • - _.

Sheet 4 Page 1 APPENDIXB


Vial Catalog Sheet Sample Sorting Log Bench Sheet Ichthyoplankton

Vial Number Contents Station Date

. , .



MOTE MARINE LABORATORY 1600 Ken Thompson Parkway. Sarasota, Florida 34236

Please post while this set ofsamples are being processed

MML Project No,: Biological Component: .

Date Samples Collected: Principal Investigator:

Sample Code Sort Checked Sample Code Returned By: ReturDed To: (checked out) Out By

S1a. Rep.# Initials Date Initials Date Sfll. Rep.1I Initials Dale Initials Date


Received From Transporter By: Date: Time: MOTE MA RINE LABORATORY: 1600 Ken Thompson Parkway, Sarasota FL 34236 Zoopla nkton

Sor ted Dy: Da te: Sin tion/Replicate: T ime to So rt: hrs/d nys

Dale: Time: Volu me J" ili C! rcd: Illl Chl(, By: Da te: (Nil:htJ Net Mesh Size: Sa mple Vol ume: In itial Vol.:

Rinse Vo!.:


Clupcidae Ilrcvoortia (Menhaden)

Harengulu jllguna (J'caied sardines)

Sardinella (spanish sardine)

Opishtonema oglinum


Anchoa mitchil1i (bayanchory)

Anchoa hepsc\us (striped anchovy)

GobiesocidllC Gobiesox strumosus (skilletjish)

Atlu,;rinidae Menidin beryllina (infand silver-side)

Mer,lbras martinica (rough silvers ide)

Syngnathidae Hippocampus ercctus (lined J"I:ahol'se)

Hippocampus zosterae (dwarf seahorse)

Syngllmhu$ (pipe fish)

Carangidlll: Chlolo$combrus cillysunis (A/lamie hUll/per)

Oligoplites snurus (fealherjackel)


Cynoscion arcnnrius (sand seatrout)

Cynoscion ncbulosus (spoiled sea/rou!)

Leiostomus xanthurus (spa!)

Menl ici rrhus americanus (sollillerl! kingfish)

Mcnticirrhus saxalilis (nor/hem kingfish)

Pogonias cromis (black drum)

Sparidae Archosargus probatoccphalus (sheepshcad)

Lagodon rhomboidcs (pinfish)

Blen iidae Chasmodcs (slriped Florida blenny)

I-Jypsoblenniu5 hcntzi (fealher blenny)

HypleurochiJus (oySler, barred, crusted)

Gobiidac Balhygobius (nolch lonque, goby)

Gobiosoma robustum (code goby)

Microgobius guJosus (clown goby)

Tri glidac Prionotus (sea robin)

Solcidac Achi rus !inc.llus (lined sofe)

Trinectes mncuJatus (hognoker)

Cynoglossidac Symphurus pJagiusa (bfackcheek (olmgefislz)

Mugi lidac Mugil sp, (mulle!) I

Microdesmidae Microdesmus Jongipi nnis