
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/866186; this version posted June 19, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

A multiscale view of the record reveals the three major biotic transitions

Alexis Rojasa,1, Joaquin Calatayuda, Michal Kowalewskib, Magnus Neumana, and Martin Rosvalla

aIntegrated Science Lab, Department of Physics, Umeå University,SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden; bFlorida Museum of Natural History, Division of , University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA

This manuscript was compiled on June 2, 2020

1 The hypothesis of the Great Evolutionary is a foundational questions: How can we identify global-scale mega-assemblage 27 2 concept of macroevolutionary research postulating that three global shifts without relying on critical methodological decisions? 28 3 mega-assemblages have dominated Phanerozoic following And given the underlying Earth-Life , how should we 29 4 abrupt biotic transitions. Empirical estimates of this large-scale pat- represent the paleontological input data to accurately cap- 30 5 tern depend on several methodological decisions and are based on ture complex interdependencies? These limitations result in 31 6 approaches unable to capture multiscale dynamics of the underlying methodologically volatile and often inconsistent estimates of 32 7 Earth-Life System. Combining a multilayer network representation large-scale macroevolutionary structures, thus obscuring the 33 8 of fossil data with a multilevel clustering that eliminates the subjec- causative drivers that underlie biotic transitions between suc- 34 9 tivity inherent to distance-based approaches, we demonstrate that cessive global mega-assemblages. As a result, whether abrupt 35 10 Phanerozoic oceans sequentially harbored four global benthic mega- global perturbations, such as large bolide impacts and massive 36 11 assemblages. Shifts in dominance patterns among these global volcanic eruptions (12, 13), and long-term ecological changes 37 12 marine mega-assemblages are abrupt (end- 494 Ma; end- (14) both operate at the higher levels of the macroevolutionary 38 13 252 Ma) or protracted (mid- 129 Ma), and rep- hierarchy remains unclear (14, 15). 39 14 resent the three major biotic transitions in Earth’s history. This find- Our understanding of the macroevolutionary dynamics of 40 15 ing suggests that the mid-Cretaceous radiation of the so-called Mod- Phanerozoic life is being transformed by network-based ap- 41 16 ern evolutionary , concurrent with gradual ecological changes proaches (6, 16–18). Because the input network can capture 42 17 associated with the Marine Revolution, triggered a biotic the complexity inherent to the underlying system, network 43 18 transition comparably to the transition following the largest extinc- analysis has become an increasingly popular alternative to the 44 19 tion event in the Phanerozoic. Overall, our study supports the notion typical procedures used in almost every area of paleontological 45 20 that both long-term ecological changes and major geological events research (19–22). However, as might be expected of an emer- 46 21 have played crucial roles in shaping mega-assemblages that domi- gent interdisciplinary field, methodological inconsistencies and 47 22 nated Phanerozoic oceans. conceptual issues in the body of network paleobiology research 48 make it difficult to compare outcomes across studies. Also, 49 Phanerozoic | Biotic transitions | marine faunas | multilayer networks the rapid development of the broader field of network science 50 demands a major effort from paleobiologists working across 51 1 epkoski’s hypothesis of the Three Great Evolutionary disciplinary boundaries. Moreover, current network paleobi- 52 2 SFaunas that sequentially dominated Phanerozoic oceans ology studies use standard network representations based on 53 3 represents a foundational concept of macroevolutionary re- pairwise statistics and clustering limited to a single scale of 54 4 search. This hypothesis postulates that the major groups of analysis (6, 18, 19, 21). That is, they use only the connection 55 5 marine archived in the Phanerozoic fossil record were strength between nodes of geographic areas and taxa in the 56 6 non-randomly distributed through time and can be grouped paleontological data and apply standard network clustering 57 7 into Cambrian, , and Modern evolutionary faunas of nodes into communities, which does not capture temporal 58 8 (1). Sepkoski formulated this three-phase model based on a interactions between components or multiscale dynamics of 59 9 factor analysis of family-level diversity (2), which became a the underlying Earth-Life System (23). 60 10 framework-setting assumption in studies on the of We employed a multilayer framework that integrates the 61 11 marine faunas and ecosystems (3–6), changing our view of the higher-order relationships over time in the underlying paleonto- 62 12 Phanerozoic . However, because Sepkoski’s study logical data (23, 24). Specifically, our input network takes into 63 13 predicts unusual volatility in the Modern evolutionary fauna account the temporal arrangement of in the geological 64 14 starting during the mid-Cretaceous, a three-phase model fails record, combined with multilevel hierarchical clustering (25) to 65 15 to capture the overall diversity dynamics during long portions test for major biotic transitions in the Phanerozoic fossil record 66 16 of the Mesozoic (7). Whether such mid-Cretaceous radiation of the benthic marine faunas (11). This multilayer network 67 17 (8) represents an intra-faunal dynamic or a biotic transition approach is transforming research on higher-order structures 68 18 from Sepkoski’s Modern evolutionary fauna towards a ne- in both natural and social systems (26), and can help us to un- 69 19 glected mid-Cretaceous- fauna remains unexplored. derstand the structure and dynamics of the macroevolutionary 70 20 Despite recognition that Phanerozoic marine diversity is

21 highly structured (9), empirical estimates of the macroevolu- A.R. conceived the project. A.R., and M.R. designed the experiments. A.R. performed the network 22 tionary pattern depend on several methodological decisions, in- analysis. J.C., A.R., and M.N. performed the robustness assessment. A.R., M.K., and M.R. wrote the manuscript with input from all authors. All authors discussed the results and commented on 23 cluding background assumptions, statistical threshold, hierar- the manuscript.

24 chical level (1, 6, 7), and the choice of input data: for example, Authors declare no competing interests. 25 Sepkoski’s compendia or benthic taxa from the Paleobiology 2 26 Database (1, 10, 11). These limitations raise two fundamental To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]

1–6 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/866186; this version posted June 19, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

A. Bipartite B. Unipartite C. Multilayer In our network representation, we account for this higher- 113 layer order dynamic to reveal the multiscale organization of the 114 115 t1 Earth-Life System, which can be translated into a macroevo- lutionary hierarchy (27). We analyze multilayer relationships 116 state node (23, 24) in the paleontological data (11) using a multilayer 117 t0 network framework (25, 29). Network layers represent or- 118 119 physical node dered geological stages (30), and physical nodes depicting the taxa are split into state nodes (24), with one state node per 120 areas taxa each geological in which a given taxon occurs (Fig. 1C; 121 Data S1). This higher-order network representation captures 122 Fig. 1. Network models used in macroevolution. A-B. Standard first-order network both the geographical and temporal aspects of the underlying 123 representations. A. Bipartite occurrence network. This representation comprises Earth-Life System simultaneously. 124 two sets of nodes that represent geographic areas and taxa (21). B. Unipartite co- We use the map equation multilayer framework (31), which 125 occurrence networks (6, 18). These representations are weighted projections of the bipartite network onto each set of nodes. C. Higher-order multilayer representation. operates directly on the assembled multilayer network and 126 In this network, nodes are organized into layers representing a of time intervals thereby preserves the higher-order interdependencies when 127 (t0, t1). The physical nodes resenting taxa are split into state nodes, with one state identifying dynamical modular patterns in the data. The map 128 node per layer in which a given taxon occurs (24). equation framework consists of an objective function that mea- 129 sures the quality of a given network partition (32), and an 130 efficient search algorithm that optimizes this function over 131 71 hierarchy. different solutions (24). This algorithm provides the optimal 132 72 We demonstrate that Phanerozoic oceans sequentially har- multilevel solution for the input network, eliminating the sub- 133 73 bored four global mega-assemblages that scale up from lower- jectivity of distance-based approaches (6, 20). Although our 134 74 scale biogeographic structures and shift dominance patterns input network better represents the underlying Earth-Life Sys- 135 75 across the major biotic transitions in Earth’s history. We tem compared with standard network approaches (6, 18, 21), 136 76 found that abrupt global perturbations and long–term changes and our clustering approach allows to capture its hierarchical 137 77 both played crucial roles in mega-assemblages transitions. Our modular structure, it can still be affected by numerous biases, 138 78 study sheds light on the emergence of large-scale macroevolu- including spatial and temporal variations in sampling effort, 139 79 tionary structures (12, 27). For example, we show that bio- inequality in the rocks available for sampling, and taxonomic 140 80 geographic structures underlie the marine evolutionary faunas inconsistencies (33). We employed a parametric bootstrap 141 81 and that long-term changes controlled the shift to the modern to asses the potential effects of these biases on the modular 142 82 mega-assemblage, which first emerged during the early Meso- structures delineated in the assembled network. 143 83 zoic but did not become dominant until the mid-Cretaceous. 84 We also provide an integrative framework of the metazoan 85 macroevolution for future research. The three major Phanerozoic biotic transitions 144

We found that the assembled multilayer network is best de- 145 86 A multilayer representation of the Earth-Life System scribed by four significant modules at the first hierarchical level, 146 87 Standard first-order network representations, including bipar- which correspond to Phanerozoic marine mega-assemblages of 147 88 tite networks and one-mode projections, overlook the temporal highly interconnected marine benthic taxa and geographic cells 148 89 constraints in the underlying paleontological data and thus (reference solution, Data S2). These large-scale modular struc- 149 90 cannot properly capture temporal interdependencies in the tures characterize the underlying Earth-Life System (Fig. 2A): 150 91 Earth-Life System. A bipartite network representation of the The Phanerozoic oceans sequentially harbored four overlapping 151 92 Earth-Life System uses physical nodes for taxa and geographic mega-assemblages that shift dominance patterns over the three 152 93 areas (i.e., localities, grid cells, political units), representing major global biotic transitions in Earth’s history, taking place 153 94 its components, and weighted links between them to describe at end-Cambrian (∼494 Ma), end-Permian (∼452 Ma), and 154 95 their interactions (21)(Fig. 1A). To understand the dynamics mid-Cretaceous (∼129 Ma) times. The four-tier structuring of 155 96 and structure of such a system, we can model the connectivity the Phanerozoic marine faunas differs from standard geological 156 97 between geographic areas and taxa analyzing the trajectory eras (Adjusted Mutual Information, AMI = 0.71), indicating 157 98 of a random walker on the bipartite network, also known that not all major biotic transitions occur at their boundaries. 158 99 as network flows. T his s tandard n etwork m odel b ased on Although different from the three units discriminated in Sep- 159 100 pairwise relationships in the raw data captures first-order de- koski’s factor analysis (1), the classes of marine 160 101 pendencies (24): A given step on the network, for example, that contribute the most to our Cambrian, Paleozoic, and 161 102 from a geographic area toward a taxon, depends only on the combined -Cenozoic mega-assemblages match those 162 103 currently visited geographic area. In this representation, a from the hypothesis of the Three Great Evolutionary Faunas 163 104 random walker currently at the Stage (∼88 Ma), (Fig. S1). This consensus suggests that the macroevolutionary 164 105 for example, may move to geographic areas in the units are unlikely to represent artifacts of the factor or network 165 106 stage (∼35 Ma) or the stage (∼85 Ma) with sim- analyses. 166 107 ilar probabilities, irrespective of the previous visited stage, The three major biotic transitions among the Phanerozoic 167 108 ignoring temporal constraints that influence the dynamics in marine mega-assemblages vary in timing (Fig. 2B) and poten- 168 109 the underlying Earth-Life System. Projecting bipartite net- tial causative drivers. The end-Cambrian mega-assemblage 169 110 works into unipartite networks (28) of taxa or geographic areas shift appears to be an abrupt transition at the base of the 170 111 washes out even more information in the paleontological data uppermost Cambrian stage. However, the limited number of 171 112 (Fig. 1B). fossil occurrences from that interval precludes a better un- 172

2 Rojas et al. bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/866186; this version posted June 19, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

173 derstanding of the transition (Materials and Methods). The 174 end-Permian mega-assemblage shift is also abrupt. The Paleo- 175 zoic and Mesozoic mega-assemblages overlap in one geological 176 stage and share only a few taxa (Jaccard similarity index = 177 0.03). This biotic transition coincides with the Earth’s largest 178 mass event (34), which is considered to have caused 179 the global shift in life at that time (35). In contrast, the 180 mid-Cretaceous mega-assemblage shift is protracted, represent- 181 ing a gradual shift in dominance among two mega-assemblages 182 that share more taxa (Jaccard similarity index = 0.11) and A 183 exhibit substantial overlap in geographic space. 1.0 0.8 Cm Pz Tr-lKr mKr-Q 0.6 184 The protracted mid-Cretaceous mega-assemblage shift end-Cambrian end-Permian mid-Cretaceous 0.4 185 (Fig. 2B) is reminiscent of the gradual Mesozoic restructuring 0.2 probability 186 of the global marine ecosystems, which included changes in 0 Paleozoic Mesozoic Cenozoic 187 food-web dynamics, functional ecology of dominant taxa, and 188 500 400 300 200 100 0 increased pressure (8, 36). These changes in the Time (Ma) 189 marine ecosystems started during the Mesozoic and contin- B 190 ued throughout the Cenozoic (37, 38), but were particularly -50 median global 191 concentrated during the mid-Cretaceous (39). Our results sug- 0 192 gest that such changes in the global marine ecosystems may Latitude 50 193 have been responsible for the gradual emergence of modern Cm end-Cambrian 194 benthic biotas. However, regardless of the specific transition 195 mechanism, our results indicate that modern benthic biotas -50 196 had already emerged during the early Mesozoic but did not 0 197 become dominant until the mid-Cretaceous (∼129 Ma). In this Latitude 198 50 way, the quadripartite structuring of the Phanerozoic marine Pz end-Permian 199 fossil record captured by a multilayer network analysis cou-

200 ples the Three Great Evolutionary Faunas and the Mesozoic -50 201 Marine Revolution hypothesis (1), which postulates the grad- 0 202 ual diversification of the Modern evolutionary fauna during Latitude 203 the Cretaceous (8). Sepkoski’s simulations arguably antici- 50 Tr-lKr mid-Cretaceous 204 pated the Mesozoic transition (7) delineated in the multilayer 205 network analysis presented here. -50

206 To evaluate the robustness of the four-phase model, we 0 207

explored the landscape of alternative solutions (40). With Latitude 50 208 alternative solutions obtained from parametric bootstrapping mKr-Q 209 of the original network and subsequent clustering, the solution 500 400 300 200 100 0 210 landscape shows that our four-phase model describing the Richness 211 Phanerozoic benthic marine faunas is highly robust to biases Time (Ma) 212 (Fig. 3). Alternative solutions reproduce either a four-phase 0 100 200 213 model with a younger Cretaceous biotic transition, Sepkoski’s Fig. 2. A. Large-scale modular structures in the network of Phanerozoic benthic ma- 214 three-phase model with biotic transitions occurring at rine faunas. The significance is the probability of retrieving a given mega-assemblage 215 boundaries, or a three-phase model with a mid-Cretaceous but across 100 bootstrapped solutions and captures the instability of the modular struc- 216 not end-Permian biotic transition. Regardless of the number tures in the assembled network after the Earth’s largest mass (34). 217 of mega-assemblages delineated, these alternative solutions Mega-assemblage shifts occur at the following boundaries: End-Cambrian (com- 218 demonstrate that the major biotic transitions in Earth’s history bined / to Age10), end-Permian ( to ), and mid-Cretaceous ( to ). B. Heatmaps of mega-assemblages’ 219 occurred across the end-Cambrian, end-Permian, and mid- genus richness across time. Heatmaps are interpolated from underlying paleonto- 220 Cretaceous boundaries. However, network clustering shows logical data for 10°latitudinal bands at each geological stage. Shifts in dominance 221 instability of the marine mega-assemblages at the geological among mega-assemblages are either abrupt global perturbations (end-Cambrian 222 stages following the Permian-Triassic boundary (Fig. 2A). The and end-Paleozoic) or protracted changes with substantial spatiotemporal overlap (mid-Cretaceous). Abbreviations: Cambrian (Cm); Paleozoic (Pz); Triassic to lower 223 significance of the mega-assemblages drops at this boundary Cretaceous (Tr-lKr); and mid-Cretaceous to (mKr-Q). 224 and then increases, likely reflecting the recovery of the benthic 225 marine faunas and ecosystems after the Earth’s largest mass 226 extinction event (41). Although the punctuated nature of 227 this presumed recovery pattern should be further explored, 228 our results indicate that the full biotic recovery from the end- 229 Permian crisis was completed by the Early , at which 230 point the mega-assemblages became robust. However, our 231 stage-level analysis does not capture the fine-scale dynamics of 232 this biotic recovery, which is believed to have been completed 233 during the Middle to (42).

Rojas et al. PNAS | June 2, 2020 | vol. XXX | no. XX | 3 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/866186; this version posted June 19, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

Reference solution Sepkoski’s Evolutionary Faunas occurrences from 18,297 genera representing the well-preserved 274 benthic marine invertebrates (18). The PaleoDB assigns col- 275

mKr-Q lections to paleogeographic coordinates based on their present- 276 geographic coordinates and age using GPlates (43). We 277 aggregated data using paleogeographic coordinates into a reg- 278 Tr-lKr ular grid of hexagons covering the Earth’s surface at each 279 geological stage (4,906 grid cells with count > 0; inner diam- 280 Pz eter = 10° latitude-longitude) using the Hexbin R-package 281 (http://github.com/edzer/hexbin). This binning procedure 282 Cm provides the symmetry of neighbors that is lacking in rectan- 283 Bootstrapped solutions gular grids and captures the shape of geographic regions more 284 naturally (44). The selection of an optimum grid size is a 285 Fig. 3. Alluvial diagram comparing our four-phase reference solution against al- compromise between the lack of spatial resolution provided by 286 ternative solutions obtained from bootstrapped networks. The alternative solutions hexagons with inner diameter => 10° and the increased num- 287 represent either four-phase (Fig. 2A) or three-phase models (1). Regardless of ber of hexagons without occurrences when shortening the inner 288 the number of mega-assemblages delineated, these alternative solutions show that the major biotic transitions in Earth’s history occurred across the end-Cambrian, diameter. However, recent studies have demonstrated that 289 end-Permian, and mid-Cretaceous. Abbreviations: Cambrian (Cm); Paleozoic (Pz); network analyses are robust to the shape (irregular, square and 290 Triassic to lower Cretaceous (Tr-lKr); and mid-Cretaceous to Quaternary (mKr-Q). hexagonal), size (5° to 10° latitude-longitude), and coordinate 291 system of the grid used to aggregate data (16, 45). 292

234 Implications for the macroevolutionary hierarchy Network analysis. We used the aggregated data to generate a 293 294 235 We demonstrate that the Phaneozoic benthic marine faunas ex- weighted bipartite multilayer network (24), where layers repre- 295 236 hibit a hierarchically modularity in which first-level structures, sent ordered geological stages (30), and nodes represent taxa 296 237 representing the four Phanerozoic marine mega-assemblages, and geographic cells (21) (Fig. 1). We capture the collection- 297 238 are built up from lower-level structures in a nested fashion based structure of the underlying paleontological data (11) by w 298 239 (Fig. 4). The second-level structures underlying the four mega- joining taxa to geographic cells through weighted links ( ). wki k 299 240 assemblages represent sub-assemblages organized into time in- Specifically, for weight ( ) between geographic cell and i k 300 241 tervals that are equivalent to periods in the geological timescale taxa , we divided the number of collections at grid cell that i 301 242 (AMI = 0.83). The third- and lower-level structures underlying register taxa by the total number of collections recorded k 302 243 the mega-assemblages form geographically coherent units (21) at geographic cell . A similar link standardization has been 303 244 that change over geological time. Likely due to limitations employed in previous studies (18, 21). We combined the last 304 245 in the existing data, we were unable to map these evolution- two Cambrian stages, that is, Jiangshanian Stage (494 to 489.5 305 246 ary bioregions through the entire Phanerozoic. Nevertheless, Ma) and Stage 10 (489.5 to 485.4 Ma), into a single layer to 306 247 our results demonstrate that local to regional biogeographic account for the lack of data from the younger Stage 10 and 307 248 structures underlie the global-scale marine mega-assemblages to maintain an ordered sequence in the multilayer network 308 249 in the macroevolutionary hierarchy. This multilevel organi- framework. However, our results show that the Cambrian 309 250 zation of macroevolutionary units represents the large-scale to Paleozoic mega assemblage shift occurred before the gap, 310 251 spatiotemporal structure of the Phanerozoic marine diversity. and they are not directly related. The assembled network comprises 23,203 nodes (n), including 4,906 spatiotemporal 311 252 Without the inherent subjectivity of other approaches, our grid cells and 18,297 genera, joined by 144,754 links (m), 312 253 assessment of the Phanerozoic marine diversity, conducted distributed into 99 layers (t) (Data S1). 313 254 simultaneously at different scales, can help us to comprehend We used the flow-based map equation multilayer framework 314 255 the drivers and impacts most relevant at different macroevolu- with the search algorithm Infomap to cluster the assembled 315 256 tionary levels (12). For instance, we show that both long-term multilayer network (31). This high-performance clustering 316 257 ecological interactions and global geological perturbations seem approach (46) allowed us to model interlayer coupling based 317 258 to have played a critical role in shaping the large-scale struc- on the intralayer information of the multilayer network using 318 259 ture of the marine animals. However, some of the widely ac- a random walker (24). The intralayer link structure repre- 319 260 cepted major geological perturbations, including widely known sents the geographic constraints on network flows at a given 320 261 global extinction events such as the Cretaceous- extinc- geological stage in Earth’s history, and the interlayer link 321 262 tion, control second-level but not first-level structures in this structure represents the temporal ordering of those stages. In 322 263 macroevolutionary hierarchy (Fig. 4). Each level of organiza- this neighborhood flow coupling, a random walker within a 323 264 tion in the emergent macroevolutionary hierarchy is structured given layer moves between taxa and geographic cells guided 324 265 as a network itself and can be studied independently. Our by the weighted intralayer links with probability (1-r), and it 325 266 integrative approach simultaneously quantifies both spatial moves guided by the weighted links in both the current and 326 267 and temporal aspects of the metazoan macroevolution and adjacent layers with a probability r. Consequently, the random 327 268 connects natural phenomena observed at global scales with walker tends to spend extended times in multilayer modules 328 269 those observed at local scales. of strongly connected taxa and geographic cells that corre- 329 spond to Phanerozoic marine mega-assemblages. Following the 330 270 Materials and Methods methodology of previous studies, we used the relax rate r=0.25, 331 271 Data. We used resolved genus-level occurrences derived from which is large enough to enable interlayer temporal dependen- 332 272 the Paleobiology Database (PaleoDB) (11), which at the time cies but small enough to preserve intralayer geographic informa- 333 273 of access consisted of 79,976 fossil collections with 448,335 tion (47). We tested the robustness to the selected relax rate 334

4 Rojas et al. bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/866186; this version posted June 19, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

Evolutionary Faunas bioregions 299-296 ma

mKr-Q * Pz Permian * * * * Cm

296-290 ma Tr-lKr * *

Fig. 4. Visual representation of the nested hierarchical structures in the reference solution (Data S2). Modular structures at the higher levels of organization in this macroevolutionary hierarchy correspond to marine mega-assemblages, which are build up from lower-level entities, including sub-assemblages, evolutionary bioregions, and taxa. Elements in this representation do not represent nodes from the original network but emergent structures and their interactions.Abbreviations: Cambrian (Cm); Paleozoic (Pz); Triassic to lower Cretaceous (Tr-lKr); and mid-Cretaceous to Quaternary (mKr-Q).

weight by dividing the sampled number by the total number 354 [485.4 - 477.7 Ma] [477.7 - 470.0 Ma] 90 90 of recorded collections. Using Infomap with the arguments 355 P =0.75 45 45 0.7 detailed above, we clustered these bootstrapped networks and 356 P0.7=0.51 P0.7=0.60 0 357 0 P0.7=0.75 compared the results against the reference solution. Specifi-

Latitude (dd) Latitude (dd) P =0.84 358 −45 P0.7=0.24 −45 0.7 cally, for each reference module, we computed the proportion

P0.7=0.51 359 −90 −90 of bootstrapped partitions where we could find a module with −180 −120 −60 0 60 120 180 −180 −120 −60 0 60 120 180 Jaccard similarity higher than 0.5 (P05) and 0.7 (P07) (Tables 360 Longitude (dd) Longitude (dd) S1-S2). We also computed the average probability (median) 361 [470.0 - 467.3 Ma] [467.3 - 458.4 Ma] 90 90 of belonging to a supermodule for nodes of the same layer 362 (Fig. 2A). This procedure for estimating module significance 363 45 P =0.91 45 P0.7=0.80 0.7 P =0.03 0.7 364 P =0.78 is detailed in ref. (40). 0 0.7 0

P0.7=0.76 Latitude (dd) −45 Latitude (dd) −45 P0.7=0.02 P0.7=0.59 365 −90 −90 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank the contributors to the Pale- −180 −120 −60 0 60 120 180 −180 −120 −60 0 60 120 180 obiology Database who collected data. We thank S. Finnegan and 366 Longitude (dd) Longitude (dd) D. Edler for useful discussions, and R. Nawrot for helpful comments 367 on an early version of the manuscript. A.R. was supported by the 368 Olle Engkvist Byggmästare Foundation, J.C. by the Carl Trygger 369 Fig. 5. Examples of lower-level structures across geological stages. Lower-level Foundation, and M.R. by the Swedish Research Council, grant 370 modules form geographically coherent units underlying the Phanerozoic marine mega- 2016-00796. 371 assemblages. Circles represent the center of the geographic cells colored by their module affiliation (Data S2). 1. Sepkoski JJ (1981) A factor analytic description of the Phanerozoic marine fossil record. Pa- 372 leobiology 7(01):36–53. 373 2. Sepkoski JJ (1984) A kinetic model of Phanerozoic taxonomic diversity. III. Post-Paleozoic 374 families and mass . Paleobiology 10(2):246–267. 375 3. Peters SE (2004) Relative abundance of Sepkoski’s evolutionary faunas in Cambrian- 376 335 by clustering the assembled network for a range of relax rates deep subtidal environments in . Paleobiology 30(4):543–560. 377 336 and compared each solution to the solution for r=0.25 using 4. Meroi Arcerito FR, Halpern K, Balseiro D, Waisfeld B (2017) Tempo and mode in the re- 378 337 Jaccard Similarity. We obtained the reference solution (Data placement of evolutionary faunas from the Cordillera Oriental basin (Northwestern 379 Argentina). Comptes Rendus Palevol 16(8):821–831. 380 338 S2) using the assembled network and the following Infomap ar- 5. Brayard A, et al. (2017) Unexpected marine ecosystem and the rise of the 381 339 guments: -N 200 -i multilayer –multilayer-relax-rate Modern evolutionary fauna. Science Advances 3(2):e1602159. 382 340 0.25 –multilayer-relax-limit 1. The relax limit is the 6. Muscente AD, et al. (2018) Quantifying ecological impacts of mass extinctions with net- 383 work analysis of fossil communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 384 341 number of adjacent layers in each direction to which a random 115(20):5217–5222. 385 342 walker can move; a value of 1 enables temporal ordering of 7. Alroy J (2004) Are Sepkoski’s evolutionary faunas dynamically coherent? Evolutionary Ecol- 386 ogy Research 6(1):1–32. 387 343 geological stages in the multilayer framework. 8. Vermeij GJ (1977) The Mesozoic marine revolution: evidence from snails, predators and 388 grazers. Paleobiology 3(3):245–258. 389 9. Hofmann R, Tietje M, Aberhan M (2019) Diversity partitioning in Phanerozoic benthic marine 390 344 Robustness analysis. We employed a parametric bootstrap communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(1):79–83. 391 345 to estimate the significance of the four Phanerozoic mega- 10. Sepkoski JJ (1996) Patterns of Phanerozoic Extinction: a Perspective from Global Data 392 Bases in Global Events and Event Stratigraphy in the Phanerozoic, ed. Walliser OH. (Springer 393 346 assemblages in the reference solution. This standard approach Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg), pp. 35–51. 394 347 accounts for the uncertainty in the weighted links connecting 11. Peters SE, McClennen M (2016) The Paleobiology Database application programming inter- 395 348 taxa to geographic cells due to numerous biases (33). We face. Paleobiology 42(01):1–7. 396 12. Myers CE, Saupe EE (2013) A macroevolutionary expansion of the modern synthesis and 397 349 resampled taxon occurrence using a truncated Poisson distri- the importance of extrinsic abiotic factors. Palaeontology 56(6):1179–1198. 398 350 bution with mean equal to the number of taxon occurrences. 13. Hull PM, et al. (2020) On impact and volcanism across the Cretaceous- boundary. 399 351 The truncated distribution has all probability mass between Science 367(6475):266–272. 400 14. Voje KL, Holen ØH, Liow LH, Stenseth NC (2015) The role of biotic forces in driving macroevo- 401 352 one and the total number of collections in the grid cell, thus lution: beyond the Red Queen. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 402 353 avoiding false negatives. We obtained the resampled link 282(1808):20150186. 403

Rojas et al. 5 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/866186; this version posted June 19, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

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6 Rojas et al. bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/866186; this version posted June 19, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

A. Bipartite B. Unipartite C. Multilayer layer


state node


physical node

areas taxa bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/866186; this version posted June 19, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

A 1.0 0.8 Cm Pz Tr-lKr mKr-Q 0.6 end-Cambrian end-Permian mid-Cretaceous 0.4 0.2 probability 0 Paleozoic Mesozoic Cenozoic

500 400 300 200 100 0 Time (Ma) B

-50 median global latitude

0 Latitude 50 Cm end-Cambrian


0 Latitude 50 Pz end-Permian


0 Latitude

50 Tr-lKr mid-Cretaceous


0 Latitude 50 mKr-Q

500 400 300 200 100 0 Richness Time (Ma) 0 100 200 bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/866186; this version posted June 19, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

Reference solution Sepkoski’s Evolutionary Faunas





Bootstrapped solutions bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/866186; this version posted June 19, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

Evolutionary Faunas bioregions 299-296 ma

mKr-Q * Pz Permian * * * * Cm

296-290 ma Tr-lKr * * bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/866186; this version posted June 19, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

Tremadocian [485.4 - 477.7 Ma] Floian [477.7 - 470.0 Ma] 90 90

45 P0.7=0.75 45 P0.7=0.51 P0.7=0.60

0 P0.7=0.75 0

Latitude (dd) Latitude (dd) P =0.84 −45 P0.7=0.24 −45 0.7

P0.7=0.51 −90 −90 −180 −120 −60 0 60 120 180 −180 −120 −60 0 60 120 180 Longitude (dd) Longitude (dd)

Dapingian [470.0 - 467.3 Ma] Darriwilian [467.3 - 458.4 Ma] 90 90

45 P0.7=0.80 P0.7=0.91 45 P0.7=0.03 P =0.78 0 0.7 0

P0.7=0.76 Latitude (dd) −45 Latitude (dd) −45 P0.7=0.02 P0.7=0.59 −90 −90 −180 −120 −60 0 60 120 180 −180 −120 −60 0 60 120 180 Longitude (dd) Longitude (dd) bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/866186; this version posted June 19, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

S3 r = 0.25 Jaccard similarity Jaccard 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

relax rate (r) bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/866186; this version posted June 19, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.


3000 Corals Mollusks

2500 Bryozoans 2000


1000 mid-Cretaceous to Quaternary 500

0 C 1000

500 Triassic to lower Cretaceous

0 B 2000 Number of genera per classs Number of genera 1500

1000 Paleozoic


0 A 1000

500 Cambrian


TrilobitaChileataCraniata Crinoidea ObolellataPaterinata Asteroidea DiploporitaEchinoidea Kutorginata Coronoidea OphiuroideaRhombiferaStenuroideaGastropoda HolothuroideaParacrinoidea RhynchonellataStrophomenataGymnolaemata CtenocystoideaCyclocystoideaEdrioasteroideaHelicoplacoideaOphiocistioidea Camptostromoidea Major orders in each mega-asssemblage bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/866186; this version posted June 19, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.


3000 Corals Mollusks

2500 Bryozoans Arthropods Brachiopods Echinoderms 2000


1000 mid-Cretaceous to Quaternary 500

0 C 1000

500 Triassic to lower Cretaceous

0 B 2000 Number of genera per classs Number of genera 1500

1000 Paleozoic


0 A 1000

500 Cambrian


TrilobitaChileataCraniata Bivalvia Lingulata Anthozoa Crinoidea Decapoda ObolellataPaterinata Asteroidea DiploporitaEchinoidea Kutorginata Coronoidea Eocrinoidea OphiuroideaRhombiferaStenuroideaGastropoda Stenolaemata HolothuroideaParacrinoidea RhynchonellataStrophomenataGymnolaemata CtenocystoideaCyclocystoideaEdrioasteroideaHelicoplacoideaOphiocistioidea Somasteroidea Camptostromoidea Major animal orders in each mega-asssemblage