Hawklet Injured MOldy Cloudy IOWA-MOIIUJ cloud, toda,. POII­ 80b Beck Breau Wrist In Clt1 slbl, ahoweq In extreme lOaUi portion; allchtlT wanner In cen- to Hl,h Grid Practice • tr.1 and aoriJl portio .... See Slor1, pace S I , , , o a c i t Y , M o r n n , N e p p e r

.. = Tbe AlIaocla_ P.- IOWA CITY, IOWA SATUltDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1938 VOLUME XXXVII NU?tlBER 283 FIVE CENTS == Will Tydings, George, O'Connor Win, Too? Old Sourdough Swap Yarns • • • • • • Strike Movement Adds T~ll at Convention of ' ucker Claim' That Paid Out Thousand To Foreign Troubles PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 2 (AP) Chllkoot Pass the day after a - Stori of "sucker claIms" which $now slide klll~ 20 gold seekers. m9de millionaires out of seeming- ~aid Dawson, the Yukon gold 1y gullible tenderfeet in the Klon- eUI m nt, had a "sucker claim" (Iyke 40 years ago enriched the 'hat changed hands for as little Of French Statesmen ;.nnual conv ntion of the Alaska- .. 'I a couple or bottles of whlslfY 'rukon International Sourdougbs t. fore lOme newcomer decided • • • • • • • • • • today. to make the most of his bad bar- T. G. Wilson, onc of the aid flai n nd smk a shaft. 'fhe claun timers, told how a Captain Jottn- paid out nearly $1 ,000,000. Hitler Re erves Labor Conflict Fon- none recalled his first name Most" uclcer claims" were just -piled up his schooner on the lh.t, Morrow said, and were val­ heach near Nome. u I but every once in a while Right to Decide. Threaten At Disgusted, he traded the strand- . n Inadequately-tested "diggings" ('1.1 craft for Nome's current "suck- got a eputatlon for barrenness Czech Quarrel Critical Time (,I' elaim." ~ nd was kicked around for months Johnson spent Sevel'al days befor somebody tested it InteW­ rl row n i n II his mislortune at genUy and struck it heavy. D r Fu hrer Probably Arbitrators U All I\'ome's numcrous bafrel houses The sourdoughs are the men Advi ed Hen1ein 1'0 and at length decided to investi- '/ho stayed with the Alaska-Yu­ Mean Po ible To Senator Walter 11'. Georce 8eDalor Millard E. TydtJlp Bepreeenf&Uve .Iohn J. O'Connor i:.Jte his claim. , I;on gold rush long enough to . , ••• Georgia ••• Maryland ••• Ne" York tick to Program That night he came back jal I:!ccome inured to its hardshJps. Pr vent Wa1k Outs bering incohcrently about gc.!:l. Ther 15 an old sayIng that a BERCHTESGADEN. (1ermany, He had his pockets full of it. The bourdough 1 one who has (a) I Sept. 2 (AP)- Adolf H.ltler. high PARIS, Sept. 2 (AP) - Thl! next day he re-vlslted the place ~ en the ice break up In the YU-I on a Bavarian mountainside, to­ Fr nch govl'rnml'nt desperately' with b tI r tools lind took out kon riv r, (b) lived with a squaw' l night res~rved to hlmRei! B.lone the fought today aJ!alnst 8 strike move­ ~50,OOO in 24 hours. The "sucker ~ Ild (c) shot a reindeer. final decISion on Germany s futUre ment which threat"nt'd to engull claim" ultimately netted more The s tock r ply of those who Icour e .m th quarrell with Ctecho- . $2000000 '''ant to shock Inquirers about slovakia. France at a mom nt when the In- tn~~ A: Morr~w ot Milwaukie, these QuaUClcations is; Today and yesterday he IIs te~ed ternatlonal crisis over Czecholllo- "1 "to reports on the status or negotia- Orc., who cro sed treacherous never shot a r !ndeer. tlons between leaders or the 3,500,- vakia already was severply taxln, 000 Sudeten G rman minority, statesmen in th Ir ((orts to pre- presented by Konrad Henleln. head erve peac . Conduct Search in alifornia of the Sudeten Germ n party. Labor ministry arbitrators. using Whntever the advice Relchs­ every means fi t their di sposal, tried Cuehr r gave to Henleln today In to seUll' the labor canmct, Invol- For Wife of Rancher Reported their noon-time meeting In the modernistically - styled study or vl n nearly 500,000 workers who 6f>rghof, Hitler's mountain retreat, threa t ned to strIke. Kidnaped; k$15,OOORan om r melned n mO t carefully guarded They scored a mlnor .•hort-Uved seen-I. victory by reducing the number of Circumstantial evidence, how- strikers In textill! pl9nts at AmIen Search r Find 0 WHERE' FIDO? ever, pointed to the Ukellhood that Hitl r advi ed the Sudeten Ger- rrom 14 ,000 to 2,500 during the day, Cl tie to F ate or P 1 D' 1 man It'llder to stick to his elght- bu tonight the workers walked out Woman Carried Off 0 ice 18pO ed of 8 point progl'am ot demands voiced I again. Senator Elllson D. Smith Sheridan Downey' Senator Guy Gillette Rep. D. Worth Clark __ Dog in August April 4 b forl' (I congress of his Red '196 WI'TI! hoisted over 2.4 •• , South Oarollna ••• OautorDia ••• Iowa ••• ldabo YUBA CITY, Cal., Sl'pt. 2 (Ap) party at Karlovywvary. C9CtOriCS at Amiens and Abbeville As the primary elections swing \ three men marked on his "purge" feated G~v. Olln D. Johnston; Sen. - A torce or more lhlln 250 na So that's what happened to (In essence, this program over and plckcts occupied the bulldlngs. I tlonal guardsmen, peac officers Fido! which :H nlelnlsts and the Praha into the home stretch, a glance at list. Sen. Walter George of Geor- Guy Gillette of Iowa. who Crowds ot strikers d monstrated the records shows that there is I gis, Sen. MilIlltd E. Tydings of emerged victorious over Repro­ and citizens spread through or- Chid or Police William H. Ben- government have been In dispute about a 50-50 split in new deal IMaryland and Representative sentath'e Otha D. Wearin; Repre­ chard! and river bottom brush der's monthly police report sub- ever si nce was a demand for au­ In streets of both towns, carrY­ victories and losses among demo- IJohn J . O'Connor of New York. sentative D, Worth Clark of landR todaY In 8 hunl tor Mrs. W. 'nltled to the city eouncil's .last tonomy with complete Uberty In ing banners demanding that Pre­ crats who received the adminis-I Four democrats who won over Idaho, who beat Sen. James P. R. Meeks, 55, whose rancher hus- night showed that it was neces- Sudeten German districts to pro­ mier Edouard Daladlt'r "respect tration nod or disapproval. And administration-backed candidates Pope, and Sh rid an Down y, vlc­ band reportcd she was kidnaped sary for the pOlice department to fess th German Weltanschauung the social- laws or resign." now polltical observers wonder I are Sen. Ellison D. "Cotton Ed" torious over Sen. William Gibbs lost midnight by two men who dlRp08 or 16 dog this month. - world outlook or nazi ideology. Leftist worker and m mbers of how the president will fare wtth I Smith of South Carollna, who de- McAdoo in California. demanded $15,000 ran. om. This number was five I . s than (This, in lhe view ot the Praha the Paris region unlolU numberln, government, if granted. would .. F. WhItney 20,000 demonstrated their opposl- • • • • • • • • • I • • • • • • • •• • ••••••••• The searchers returned her e ..we~1' eradicated )n either June or ('On8titute. ottlc-llIl t('CO pltinn ot Coil s of a ted ral media II j tlon to n altldler ~ plan {or scrap­ owly liS nl"h~'"pl>roH cP'r ed wtth· July, Bender'd r pCrt dilid . nIIU(mal 'sociallsm (nazlism) In out I' porting anything th y con- Total expel). e to the city In Crechoslovak1a.) board's attempt to settle 8 15 per ping Ule 40-hour week In national sidered a clu to the woman's ellminatlng in Cll nines amounted c('n t wagc cut dispute b tween defense Industrl 5. A cryptic communique statin" the nation's railroad.- anP. fail- They ass mbled in the spOrts Roosevelt Extends New Deal's fate. to $12.50 lor the three months. tha Hiller and Henl In see eye- way workers I' ults m an lmme- palace auditorium here shouting Piles ot burned debris and old to-eye lett observers guessing wh.t dlate naUo n- wide strike vote. Or- "Daladler resign." clothing, found at various loca- Pn- on Head would be the consequences of the ders ror the vote were issued in Five hundred moblle lUard Welcome to Liheral GOP Men tions in the bottom of the Bear conferences b lween the Relchs- Chicago con ferences Of 1,000 gen- armed with carblnt's and 600 po_ river, were discredited as passl- tuehrer and his Sudeten German eral chairmen.. representing the lice stood by. but they had nothing ble clues by searching leaders, 11 utenant. • • • • • • • • • Bl d F brotherhoods In the Railway La- to do tor the crowd's protest waH Political Star Rises I who said su(,h discoveries were arne or Yesterday 'Field Marshal Her- bor Executives' associal.lon, whose only vocal. Moves Against frequent in this "peach bowl" mann Wilhelm Goering, Propagan- 'presicl nt is G cor g e Harrison, Building trades and northern Board Told area of migratory farm workers. Four Death Q, da Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels Sheriff A. W. Kimerer said ~ and ot representatives of the textile industry workers number­ Meeks reported that his wife was and RudolI Hess, deputy nazi par- Brothcrhood of .Rallway Train- ing several hundred thousand stood Conservatives carried ort by two men who in _ ty leader, joined In the Hitler-Hen~ men, whose preSident Is Alexan- hard on their threat to go out un­ About U e Of leln conference. Today's meeting vaded their home, bound them, PHILADELPHIA ' S ep.t 2 (AP) I I H l' H der F. Whitney. Both Harrison less they got satisfaction on pay and ransacked the place shortly -"CrimInal negligence" in the ~r~'s~XClU8 ve y It er sand en- and Whitney said their members and collective contract demands. Action Opens Way were overwhelmingly in favor of The labor problem was consid­ 'Dummy" Plates aCter the departure of several "baking" deaths of four county I The threads or Britlsh interest in For New Deal To guests. G a strike to resist any pay cuts. ered by the cabinet in a 2 1-2 hour Two companlca of nat ion a I "risonerl! was oWclally laid today mediating a solution of the er- They have insisted throughout ses Ion devoted for the most part Swing Its Support DES MOINES, S pt. 3 (AP)- to top-ranklng prison executives man-Czechoslovakian quarrel met guardsmen, totaling 120 men, d the parley that the roa~s can cure to the international situation. A . Tbe state motor vehicle d part- from here and nearby Marysville r nd a dozen subordinates, in- In Berchtesga en. their troubles by reduclllg indebt- short communique after the meet­ WASHINGTON, Sept. 2 (AP)- ment reported to th legislative were ordered Into the search by (')uding two physicians. German Foreign Minister Joach- edn rather than cutting down iog did not state whether definite President Roosevelt opened the committee today that more than Gov. Frank F. Merriam before After a three-day Inquest and 1m Von Ribbentrop, who saw Brit- on current oper9Ung costs. Car- action was t9ken to enforce modi­ way today for the new deal to 200 state officials and cmployes department. 01 justice agents ar- two and a hall hours' deliberation, ish Ambassador Sir Nevile Hen- riel'S had estimated the proposed fications in the 40-hour week de­ awing its support to "liberal I'e- have "dummy" automobile license , rived irom San Francisco and a specially-selected coroner's jury derson yesterday at Sonnenberg, cut would save approximately cree for war and related indus- publicans" in its efforts to re- pJates in addition to their offielal clamped the usual lid of secrecy accused Warden William B. Mills, visited Berghol .brlefly ,then left $2110,000,000 a year. tries. move "conservatives" from con- plates. on the Jnv~tJgGtion . I)e"'uty Warden Frank A. Craven from Wlndng ~rport for BerUn. At LIlle 800 municipal street car ~o p .. , He had sai~ he mtended to stay at gress. The legislative committee r e - Meeks told oincers the raiders ~uard Capt. James McGuire. Dr. Berchtesgaden four or five days workers remained in their barns, Those eHorts have been con- quested the report yesterday apparently entered tho house George Enoch and Dr. Hans Abr.- for mountain climbing. Ertropean Crisis forcing the citizenry to walk to fined thus far to attempts to in- upon motion of Representative while he and his wl£e wer~ at hD,ms, and G.uards , Alfred D. Sir Nevlle had seen the foreign work. The dispute concerned the Btall 100 per cent new deal demo- Dewey E. Goode (R-Bloomfield). the Iront door saying good-mght I l~IOugh, FranCIs Smith .Edward minlstcr fresh from London here Responsible For discharge ot 37 employes. crats in otfice in place of demo- "Why would they want these to departing guests. Corkery, Samuel James, Thomas last Tuesday. The British cabinet The general confederation of la­ crats considered too conservative, county numbers if they already The rancher reported the two CSvanaugh, John Mulhern. Syl- was believed to have drafted a Fleet in Atlantic? bor stood {irm on its promise to but the president said at his press have official license plates?" men, one ot them brandishing a ': ester Weaver, William Staines message of caution to the Berlin back any workers outside the arms conieren('e tOday: Representative Leo Elthon (R- pistol. first ransacked th~ house nod Robert Morrow. government or to HlUer personally. WASHINGTON, Sept. 2 (AP)- industry who r fused to carry out "If there is a good liberal - Fertile). asked. and coUect~d ~6 o~ $7 .lD cash . The enUre group was held for Henlein's vislt itself was at least The nature and circumstances of the government's new decree eJ(­ ning on the repu~lica n ticket, 1 "I don't know," Goode r e - be!ore mentiomng kldnapmg. He j!rand jury actioD, Mills and Cra- perily the result of British medla- the navy's announcement. that it tendlng the 40-hour week. would nol have the slightest ob- plied, "but they could use them said the jnva~ers then bound Mrs. ven under $10,000 bail each. Bail tion between the Praha govern- soon would form the first Atlan- The 14,000 textlIe workers in jeetion to his selection. The for driving with the family after Meeks and himself. 'or the others was less ment on one hand and Hitler and tic fighting force since 1932 In- Amlens went on strike today in 'poaodI.ty .•?f the country rises above supper or on Sunday or to go "Unless you pay $15,000 by - The warden his d~PUty and the Germanic minority on the creased speculation loday that the protest agaInst proposed pay cuts fishing." tnldnight Sat~rda'y YO~',l1 never most of the others were taken In other. maneuver was decided on at least fanging from 11 to 19 per cent. He turned aside Questlons de- Goode said he was not object- \ see your Wife .gain, Meeks custody immediately arter the partly lor Its eUect on the EUfO- The government arbitrators In­ alened to bring his remarks down ing to use oC the "dummy" plates qu.o, ted, the men as SIl;Ying. l.'(Ironer's inquest in a city hall Rider Saves Girl . pean crisis. duced the workers to engage in to specific cases by asserting he for the bureau of investigation We 11 contact you m a couple . SKEGNESS, F;ngland (AP)- An The navy designated the ships, regular conciliation proceedIngs Was speaking from a national where it is necessary for the ot days for that $15,000," th e l'o ~rtroom ,crOWded With specta- unknown horseman rode into the the commander and the date lor and give up their strike movement pOint of view and was interested agents to travel incognito, ranchers quoted tbem as saying lors that mcluded ~,lack-garbed sea and saved,. girl who got into assembling the new force. But for the present. They failed In . lJl principles rather than indlvl- "But why does the secretary as they carried Mrs. Meeks Lo the "elatives o~ the pUnishment difficulties while swimming. He inquiries as to its rendezvous, base, one plant, the only one occupied duals. He did say, however, that Sberldall 00,"",,, of the fair board need 'dummy' car. treatment" ViCtims. Moments i?t- forced hJs horse to swim, grasped and pOssible part to be visited by the workers. Twenty-rive hun­ he knew several liberal republi- .•.•• *" DOli~Cl8I. propW, Iplates?" Inquired Representative I. r the board of county prison 11\- the girl and dragged her ashore. brought non-committal replies. dred declined to arbitrate. cans who "ere unnl'ng for of Political star pf Shendan Downey, . Claim Warden nnPctors suspend~ all 14 men f \, I' - 54-year-old CaUfornia lawyer and Gustave Alesch (D-Marcus). ,..- I ed th . te '" i- Ices. "Or the board of assessment of and pac e prison mporar Since Mr. Roosevelt has de_ ladvocalte Of . the f$~O-a~w~~ p~n- review or the liquol' commission Iy in charge of Its chief physician, St te Su b -t Ch k S- gned By nounced the participation of ad~ Stlon p an'SrlsesWoill·oWlnGg ·bbls vMlc- or the 'conservation commission 0; Abused Men Dr. Frederick S. Baldi. a Dli s ec I · · · l ory over en lam 1 5 c- A . ta t D' t · t Atto J h heren t S 0 f one par ty In pnmarles Ad b ked' b th 'd t. i the commerce commission?" add- SS IS n IS rIC rney 0 n of an opposition party, political Ith oOC' li~fc nI Yd e pre:.1 en n ed Goode A. ~oyle, chief Inquisitor at the 8 -H· · E d feN observers expressed the view he t e 1 .or a IC sena- Goode ' declared that manY 0 .... t Inquiry, announced he would seek. ' W Id ' . bli orl a prImary. eTmh~r~IS IS a new FRANKF R~ , Ky., Sep. 2 . di t ts d l.y trl I f IDeS" as n 0 ase ears ou not mtervene In repu - i t f D state-owned cars do not have the (AP) _ Warden James Hammond III c men an an ear a or can primaries on behalf of lib-I p~~~y. name of the department lettered of the state prison :farm was ac- ' each and every one" 01 those frals. D. I A. on the side as provided by law. cusecl today of beating and mls- accused today. * * * Mr. Roosevelt indicated clearly, lSC ose ttempt I In the presence of M. R. Pier- treating prisoners, using "vulgar" When lhe jury of four business NEW YORK, Sept. 2 CAP) - A between 1933*** and 1935. and that With that.*** the prosecution 101- bowever, that he would regard 0 L'f f U S son, secretary of the state board language and displaying a pistol men and two clubwomen an- cancelled bank check for $500 en- on June 22, 1935. her brother cal- lowed up testimony by Max O. • repUblican opposing a conserva- n l, eo.. of education, H. B. McCoy, Os- while discharging two employes. nounced its findings, the crowd dorsed by "J . Hines" was introduc- led her from out ot town and told Steuer, Tammany legal strategist t1ve democrat as conducting him- M I I P R kaloosa attorney, today repeated Thirteen witnesses testified on upplauded. Craven's wife took a cd today by the state as It neared her: and a friend oC Hines for 30 years, Stll in the public interest, pro- arsna,.. his charges tha.t the board had the charges, brougbt by Dr. John seat beside him and draped an the end of its case against Tam- "Rose, get $500 and take It down and Hines was so intimate wi\.h Viding the former was liberal at ignored' low bids submitted by his Lowe Fort, executive secretary of r>rm around his broad shoulders. many District Leader James J . to the old man on the 30th floor," Schultz that he sought legal aid beart. . PONCE, Puerto Rico, Sept. 2 clients lor the Iowa State eol- the Louisville council of churches, Mills pufled a cigar. Hines, accused poiJtical fronl for Both Davis and George Wein- for "the Dutchman" in his 1933 In- On hearing of Mr. Roosevelt's (AP) - An attempt on the life lege coal contract. before Welfare Commissioner The detention of the physicians the Du~ SchulCz multi-mUll on berg, another SchuUz hoodlum, come tax troubles. • remarks, Chairman Sohn H~mil- of a United State~ marshal was McCoy charged that the board Frederick A. Wallis. . ;as a surprise. Deputy Coroner dollar .pOlicy racket. have testified during the 3-weeks- Steuer corroborat~ Dixie Davis' ton of the republican natIOnal disclosed today whIle the govern- could have saved $5,546 by buy- \ Wallis recessed the heanng un- Vincent Moranz in his charge to Testimony that the 61-year-old old trial that they referred to testimony that Hines tried to have ~mmlttee issued a state~el1t say- ment was in .the midst of trials .of ing from his clients, and t h.a t til next Wednesday, saying th~t the jury askin~ criminal negll- ~emocraUc ~.a~ boss accepted Hines as "the old man." Steuer intercede with United StateS hIg he could not believe 'Mr, nine nationalists charged with fir- there would have been a savmg when completed he would subl1\l.t gence findings against at least mob money' ln his role as alleged Davis at that time maintained a Attorney ~rge Z. Medalie for Roosevelt actually meant what he Ing at Gov. Blanton Winship last of $13,162 at the state university a report tQ Gov. A. a. Chandler, ha\f a do:u!n prison officers had court fixer for the gambling syn- lavish set of law offices in the Schultz. laid "because if he does his state- July 25. last year If the board had bought now vacationing in Canada. t tl ed th 'dIcate came from Mrs. Rose Wen- same buildIng as Joseph Shelleck, The mobster at that time was In lIIent constitutes a repudiation of Police said the marshal, Donald from two Oskaloosa strip mine After several witnesses testi- nOD me~ onn e~d I l 't' droff' 31 , 50ft-spoken slster of J. Hines' attorney. hiding and worrying, according to I the new <\eal and a large number A. Draughon, was attacked by a owners who he represents. ried prisoners had been beaten r. DC, an e. ~r y v 51 109 Richard "Dixie" Davia, fallen "kid The bank check was payable to Davis, over the .fate of his $20,000.­ ot his followers on Capitol Hill." group of unidentified men as he Pierson said the education with bickory canes, Walter E. Ph~slcian, had testified that.he mouthpiece" of the Schultz gang, ucash" and was endoried by "J. OOO-a-year racket which Hines Is • "True Uberals, today as- always, drove alone Tuesday night. He board's action "represented the Browning, former receiving clerk urrulted the customary inspectIon just a few minutes before court HInes" and "Ed Holly." District accused of heiping protect throush Ire those who are makin, a de- escaped injury at the hands of the best judgment of a majority of at the prison, said he saw a of the five men confined In the adjourned until Tuesday. Attorney Thomas E. Dewey con- intercession with judIcial officer.­ !ermined tight against the cen- attackers, .who fired a bullet the members," and declared he janitor "cleaning up blood" In the Heamlng "Klondike" punishment The witnesa said she personally ceded that the signature on the for a consideration - in having tralization of government powers through the left iront tender of was ready to prove the board had warden's office alter • convict ?en because Craven told him to handed money to Hines - "usually back of the check apparently was Imen and women, arrested in polley ill one man," Hamilton said. his ~ar. accepted the lowest bid, hllr;i been bellWtI. W~t. ___ _ _ 'libout ,500" - fQur or five times not the r;iefendllnt's hllndwritinl. raids dlachar,ed, _ . .AGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY THE DAILY,' tOWAN OFFICIAL DAILY BULLETIN! Published every morning ex- Health Hints Washington cept Monday by Student Publica· ltelll!l In the UNIVERSITY CALENDAR ar( &.ona lncorpor&ted, at 126-130 seheduled In the office 01 the President, Old Capi­ By Iowa avenue, Iowa City, Iowa. tol. Hems lor Ule GENERAL NOTICE are de­ World posited wltb the campus editor of The Da\ly Iowan, I Logcl1I Clendenil1g, ~oard of Trustees: Frank L. or may be placed In the box provided for their de­ posit In Ihe offices of The Dally Iowan. GENERAL M.D. tm Mott, Odis K. Patton, Ewen M. NOTICES must be at Tbe Dally Iowan by 4:30 p.m. ______By CHARLES P. STeWART @OOOO® MacEwen, Karl .E. Lelb, Amos tbe day preceding first pubUcatlon: notices will NOT I . . Cenlral Press Columnist NATI( Pearsall, Robert Dalbey, Ben M. be accepted by telephone, lind must be TYPED or ~ I have discussed thiS week the WASHINGTON, Sept. 2-The S1A!bheus, David B. Evans, Orval LEGmLY WRITTEN and SIGNED by a respousible .preparation of the child who is first I British government has evolved a By GEORGE TUCua Pittsburgh - Q. Matteson. With person. I entering school, first, from the I scheme for a whale 01 a big res- NEW YORK-CONGRATULA· Cincinnati . Fred M. Pownall, PuDlisher VOL. xn, No. 80 Saturday, September 3, 1938 . standpoint of protection against Chicago ..... I lUERLE MILLER ervoir up the River Thames val- I TrONS: to TWA tor those little Donald J. Anderson, -- Jdangerous contagious diseases and, New York .. ley to keep the surrounding coun- COJllmunications the pilot~ give Boston ...... Business second, from the standpOint of ef- ======:. -:======GeDeral NotiCf'III fecti vesness of vision, try /iupplied with moisture in o>\t on all ships. These aren't St. Louls ... Entered as second class mail MELLOW MOOD the reports I hear - from 84- seasons ot drought. letters of the sort that say, "Dear Brooklyn ... Employment and 1:00-5:00 p.m. Special hours But there ar~ many other physi- :matter at the postoffice at Iowa cal deteels that should be consid- 'fhat'5 1& awell article, Paul hour-a·wel;k employes... I wouldn't have supposed that Joe, that's a nice tie you're wear­ philadelphia Board, three meals a day, can for departmental libraries will ,'City, Iowa, under the act of con­ ered. Wbiteman's "The AU-American that particular area, with ils ex- :ng and I hope you enjoy the Yesh be earned at the University Hos­ be posted on the doors. Wishes ~ess of March 2, 1879. The child at school is exposed to Swing Band," In lhis week's Col­ ceedingly da,mp climate, would c'hlcken dinner." St. Louis pital from the present time until GRACE VAN WORMER, And Betty Braverman's leav­ Only gam Sept. 25. The work occurs at new responsibilities, and it should lIer's... "I've nothlng but coo­ lleed to be very dependent upon Bllt they're something you re­ Subscription rates-By mall, $5 Acting Director. be ascertained that he comes to his Ing today, with my besl wishes G I per year; by carrier, 15 cents mealtime hours. and predict/ons that she'U be irrigation, and I surmise that that member and tell your friendl Chicago a In order that we may retain competitive job, so tar as possible, tempt," WhJt.eman writes, "for proposed reservoir had been sug- ubout. 1 have several of them weekly, $5 per year. Library Notices with a healthy and efficient body. the so-called music lovers . who hitting high in a year or so ... Philadelph the maximum number of student That Cedar Rapids photo mao's rested to provide work for a lot to!cled in my pocket that Miss New York The main reading room in Mac- This, as Dr. Allen G. Ireland look at swine with contempt. .. The Associated Pl'ess is exclu- jobs during the school year, these window has a sign, "Your baby ot the region's unemployed rather Ilavely, the stewardess, gave me St. Louis aively entitled to use for republi- openings must be filled now. We 'd H II 'U bled S t says, is decidedly the parents' job, Swing music has made lite gay- !Ilan because It Is much or an on a recent flight to St. LouIs, B f! e, a WI e c os on a - and it is the most important way in .. enlarged, tinted and framed for MIER cation of all news dJspatch~' urge men and women students, urday, September 3rd all day, for which they can help the school to et for mllUons of people. . .. 98 cents...... actual necessity. English unem- The pilot makes U1em out and credited to it or not otherwise non-students, and others availliPle ployment is not, comparatively, as thc hostess hands them around New York .. credited in this paper and also for this work to Inquire at the cleaning. do b tter work, Learning means) , --- GRACE V AN WORMER strain on ev ry resource of the ,. And there re good words, too, for What U. hospital medical man bad as ours is. Still, there is tl) the passengers. And they're Boston ..... fue local news published herein. Employment BW'eau, Old Dental appears to have his autobiog enpugh of it. ('ailed "Up to the minute tlIeht Cleveland Building, immediately. Acting Director I mind and body and effectiveness is Bix Beiderbecke, "Beau Guest of The point is that the story has mJormation." Here's what one oj Detroit ..... EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT The .university Libl':Jrie ~'1 a mallei' of fit~es s; that is, physical the Trumpet. .... <'The sheer beau­ about ready to publish, has calied LEE H. KANN, it, "I've Seen a Thousand Mlln an interesting American angle. them says: Washington John Mooney _...... Editor Manager. All depar tments of the Upiver- and mental preparedness to do ~ of some of hiS. pass.ages ,nngs Live"? . . The publishers've sent Press Asks a Question "Our position at 5:58 p.m, Wit Chicago .. Jamel Fox ...... Managing Editor sity Library will be closed all one's be~t. Teachers know how III my . ears as I wr~~e thiS. It s too a copy of Rex Stout's "Too Many Elltimates are that this English S'lIlbury, Pa. Tailwind 17 mil!$ Sl Louis tderle Miller _...... City Editor Library Hours day Labor Day, September 5th. true that is. Too many of them are bad Blx had to go, Paul states ... I Cooks" - which promises to be artificial lake will cost 1,2 00,000 per hour. Ground speed 187 mil!$ Wayne Fisher ...... ~ .. .sports EdItor From Aug. 27 through Sept. 24 GRACE V AN WORMER, burdened with classes of unfit chil- 'II Actl'ng DI'ra'.. tor dren. By the way, Isn't Collier's be- a ' ~we ll mystery with pages of pounds t9 create, or approximate- I'er hour. Altitude above IU Loren Hickerson .... Campus Editor the Library reading rooms WI ~ mJ I I li cookable recipes in the back.. . Eulalia Klingbeil .... Society Editor be Ilpen from 8:30 a.m.-12:00 m., The University Libraries.) The commonest handicaps, ac- co ng a must week y, with ts - ;Y $5,000,000. Accustomed as we le vel 8,000 It. Altitude above , -======:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;===::.....:===== 'cording to careful surveys, are de- bera! editorial attitude... are here to reckoning in billions I ground 7,550!t. We arrive in ' BUSINESS DEPARTMENT . cayed tecth, sOI'e gums, adenoids, Iowa City 'S basic philosophies SCI small an item as these few Pittsburgh at apprOXimately 6:53 Tom E. Ryan, Circulation Mjp'. diseased tonsi ls, defective vision, Wind Without Ratn seem to be formed, In the main, millions seems trifling, but it's a I p.m. Remarks: built on the site Agnes W. Schmidt, Office Mgr. impaired hearing, and malnutri­ Herb Krause's "Wind Without by the chaps at College and Du­ }nug sum to the thrifty British, of Ft. Augusta which was an Holly\vood Sights ana Sounds tion. All of these can be remedied Rain" 'U be out Oct. 28 .•. Those buque corner-as near's we with thelt I1asSion for budget bal- outpost during the French and TELEPHONES By ROBBIN COONS and the tim to do it is before Who've read It say Bobbs-Merrlll ha ve to Ihe. small-i.owll. \fhlitlers ancing. . I ndian war. 'E'dlson developed -'Edltorlal Office _...... 4.192 ------..:.., ------school opens, To wait until after have somethlog there... It's Herb's . . . Which recalls that quip­ Accordingly the British press is the. commercial electrical lightlng .Suelety Editor ... __ .. _...... _.... .6193 _ - "It' 11 th " h . school frequently means loss of Ph.D. thesis of Minnesota farm lite, If the whole bunch were lald demanding to know what a sim- !,ystem '1 t Sunbury, Arrive over Buslness OWce ...... _.. .4.191 HOLLYWOOD Irene Cas s a ere, s e says, 111- ) t' f th '1 d f th t autobiographical In that it's Krau­ '. tl ' . t di t· '1 f a b k dIme or e pup I an ur er pos - end to end, they'd be a lot more iJar improvement would cost the Bellefonte at 6:14 p.m. Sig~ e s III own, ca mg a PI e 0 scr p 00 s an ponement b the parent Consult se's country, his people... "A grand I comfortable . . . U. S. government. AHon N. Parker, Captain." :SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1938 It you've got a date tonight to a single large trunk near her 1 h J d d . ti t novel," says Ihe publisher's blurb. truck over to a Big Apple con- de ~k. "I've brought out Vernon's ir°~:e Pt::~~I~a~Jicap~n t~ ~~:ct The British n wspapers' idea is You get one of these every liour Prof. .r ames Breasted , in the (1' test, that w0!l't mean an extra uniforms and , some ?f my cos- school work removed before your Hurrah for torCh-song "So Help Ihat their government should ask so and not only does it quicktl1 . 'Iowa Fights' - ~ nap ot the fmgers to you. But tumes. They re a htpe frayed child gets off to a poor start in the l\'ew York World- Tellie says Interior Secretary Harold L'! m terest in the country you're Me." ... And venders of cigarets, we're at the dawn of a new civi­ , It Will to your Ma and your Pa. and faded, but they'll give an Idea \ n t . cigars and peanuts at the Chicago ickes, as American public work's passing ever-it makes for con· More Than Just And pretty soon it'll mea n of styles and colors-and of cou rse eTw epl~ . I T a he associ ti Uzation . . . Which may explain administrator, to make a bid on versation and lends color to I ' 'h' t t b th' , . I h h e aren - e c r, a on game hailed, "Nuts and Butts." . . . A C h Ph ' mgs 0 you, 00, ecause ey re we re usmg on y t ose costumes i en a ed 'n man excellent il ... It's always darkest before the job. It rip that is i un anyway. A swtIJ ate· rase ~aking a ~ovie abo u t Iren~'s adaPtable graCef~,))Y in the light ;rojecfs gror tl~e wel1Zre of child- The moon was particularly good the dawn, .. Their Reasoning idea. IOWA FIGHTS! This phrase lite. A!ld Just, to be .sure :l:'0u II of modern styles" . reno But in my opinion they are last night. . . And listen for local I don't mean to imply that Un- • • • has sent injured men back into go see It, they re put~ng .G I~ger Mrs. ,Castle, tWICe marrie~ sm~e Imaking one contribution which labor disputes - and not In, an I.C. AS IF IT REALLY MATTER- cle Sam would get the contract in Another swell Idea is Yermi the athletic fray, has inspired Rogers, and Fred Astan'e, l,n It. Vernon s d ea~ but still usmg hiS stands out above all others, Ire- buslness, If you know what I 1m-That P. Henry fathered five (Jny event-not even if Icltes were Stern's house of Santa Claw, , mediocre players to rise to the Fred s ~n It beca,use. It s also name pl'of~sslonally, Sits at that fer to the school lunch _ either mean.•• ('hildren, probably regretting his to offer to cut the ,British figure Imagine looking through the tront ,heights of greatness, has been the about Velno~ CasUe slife - the ~esk-:-a slim, completely , Ch81~- 1 the mid-session milk luncheon 01' "liberty or death" words-which, If1 two. cloor of a model home, about three ' key symbol of Iowa spirit for . story of MI. and Mrs. Vernon m~, Vitally young person !n white the organized hot luncheon at Explanation of course, he didn't write but Instead the British theory is r nd a half feet long and seein& , generations of Iowans. ~stle,. dancers de luxe of the skirt and blouse--and s~e s happy noon. At this point it's up to me to ex­ merely orated, alter stealing the that our interior secretary, if he ~ Jive Santa Claus, maybe 10 ' Friday night a differenl inter- lffimedlate pre-war era. to be t~el'e . Sh~ doesn t want to N vel' before has there been plain myself, not excuse myself. .. words from an English orator of can be induced to submit an es- inches high, who is a real man. / pretation will be given this old .Mu and Pa (if you ask them) act agal? Durlll ~ t~; w~r" she greater ne d for the Parent-Teach­ You see, writing 24-inches of col­ a century earHer. (The fellow tlmate, will submit one two 01' who talks to you, makes toys, l'UIII phrase. Friday night Iowa boost- Will probably tell you what the starred In the serial Patrla - er associations to plan good and umn copy a day, six days a week, died unknown!) , . . Stonewall till' e times higher than British i'lectric trains, asks you questions, ers - alumni and _ Castles did for, "the dance" in :'but I hadn:t any lalent for ' adequate school luncheons. The n~n- alumni r~al it's a race to fill space ... That's Zackson prayed fervently before bidders' own. Thereupon the lattet· tosses [J ba ll around, and does will gather in the Iowa Union in Amenca. Dancmg, as they may It. I l1ke thiS better. I economic conditions or recent why occasionally items slip in that ('\ ery battle (God, as usual, was will say, "See how moderate we 1Jlly thing that you can do. Make tribute to the university, the remember, was in a pretty bad Founded Dog Refuge ) years have deprjved many house- would have been better left out. . . on both sides,-Quote W. E. lire!" And British taxpayers wlll no mistake about it, the man II ' coaches and the team. way along about 1910. People The movie won't be complete holds and their children of physical V/oodward.) lall for $5,000,000 at once. .. hve. He is real. He eals meat This time it will not be a test were tossing, twisting and gyrat- unless it shows up the Ca s tle~ as and emotional security, Food has Such a one was yesterday ... The prospective British con- "lid bread and potatoes the same of the team or the coach - this ing in motions labeled "the Griz- complete softies w here children been less plentiful and less wisely Goethe took about 37 years to tractors' notion is that Ickes will "S you. How is it done? What is meeting will not test their loyalty zly Bear," the "Texas Tommy" and animals are concerned. Tour- chosen. And in some cases, school To the boy who answers phone write "Faust" . . . And the avo I;,e sufficiently accommodating (or it? ~ or their ability in any sense of and the "Bunny Hug." ing in vaudeville, they used to boards have been compelled to calls 84 hours a week - 12 hours I'rage per on uses twice his welght huch a sucker) as to boost their Not by mirrors. It's by special the word. Rather, Friday night Editors, preachers, clubwomen Ibuy up all the . trained animal acls \ withdl'8w financial sllpport for the daily, seven days a week - at In paper every year (wonder will be a test of our loyalty and were viewing with alarm. that looked rrustre'ated. , luncheons. University hospital and whom program along. Ir·nse. One lense brings the 5Ce1l" whose I use) . . . And Khudorek Jckes won't do it, of course. IlltO the room and another re- 1 l' 0 I've never met - but should, abili ty. Then came the Castles. Bell- She's ueen a dog-lover mi' Is a Russian vllJage Inhabited eu­ Every athle c contest is a cru- room dancers. They took the 'way back. Her father, a judge, QUESTIONS FROM READERS apologies for yesterday's ill-tast­ Labor's Wages ) cuces. Santa, of course, is in tlrely by professional poets. (Aud It's a tunny thing! , room going through ill cible to!' testinlt the abilities of same dances, Irene Castle says, had 75 pedigreed dogs on the i r I J , W. .: "wm you please give ing crack... And to the friends­ ~ llother I J know a town Inhabited almost the athl ete~ and 1'hr coaches-Fri- and "did them in a whisper." place when she was a girl, and , a diet Ji st [or one who has amoebic of mine and his-who called, I'm Naturally an American con- the motions, and the "sight" 01 (. nth-ely by amateur colonists.) Qay night e ,ec ',Il' own loyally They took dances that were "ac- Irene used to pick up strays - dysentery?" sorrY· .. tractor can't underbid an English him is conveyed into the doll· t~!Isted 0\'("" till' "L\llla! gridiron tive, angular and unbecoming" which caused no end of confusion, Answer: Th er~ is no speci(ic. diet con t ~actor in England, becatlse sized house for ~ou to see. Theft I dinner. II I, a ;11' t , when Iwe and made them dances instead of Today she picks up strays on a for .. moebic dysentery, but whiie And to those who're In ) like Dorothy P"rkers, "He American wages are much higherl is a telephone in lhe room and one \ who have W('lI ilnd lost with the athletic workouts. They also did large scale. Eleven years ago she the inside of the intestines are stili charre--have yo u been reading loved :\11 the right thlna-s-just than Englisb wages. in tront of you, so that you may team in pa 1 .. '" meet to toast the Tango, the Hesitation, and the founded a dog refuge in Deer- I'aw, it would b advisable to eat ahout 40-hour weeks and mini­ as soon as possible after some­ Yet American unemployment is ~'pe ak to him and ask questfons. this year's ll··,m ,md pledge them Maxixe. And the Castles became I field, Ill., where each year thou- only soft lood with no residue - mum wage scales? .. Not from ) one told him they were rirh"" more prevalent than unemplOY- 1 This is Yermi's idea for a dis· our support. THE dance team. sands of lost pets are accept d avoid vegetables, fruits, except ,------ment is in England. It would ap- , play at Christmas time. He hpoes Friday night is our night, too. Ire Died in Crash either for reclamation, distribu- fruit juices aDd stringy meats. II aI', therefore, that ow' wages I to have a thousand of them " Whlle the principal guests of In 1915 Vernon, a British sub- tion to families wanting them, or When healing is complete a gen- should be lower than in England. I lound the country by Thanks­ honor at the entertainment will ject, joined the Royal Fly in g pumane disposal. el'31 diet is advisable. Ancient Plant, Flax, May Be The reverse is true. giving. They can't be purchased be the team members, we, too, Corps. A couple of years over "Well," one may argue, "in - he only rents them, and they will be honored. It is our team- the battle fronts, and he was The little boy next door, who O. B,: "I was so unfortunate as Important for Erosion Control spite 01 locally adverse conditions, gc to one store exclusively IJJ win or lose-we have backed it transferred to teach flying to listens to the radio a lot, asks us to eat a cracker which had red American trades unionism has .,ach city. The stores may keep 'through fat and lean years; we Americans and British in Texas. if we know what kind of break­ ants on it. What effect will they kept labor's pay upon a higher lhem from Thanksgiving to New 'will continue to back it in the lu- There a plane crash ended his fast food Jim Thorpe lJsed to have on my system? I imagine I By The AP Feature Service level than the old world's. Year's. It certainly seems odd "ture. life - and there, too, the film eat. feel them crawling under my skin." ATLANTA, Ga. - Modern sci- crushes and rubs the woody shive B ut that reasoning won't hoI d , to talk with a man only 10 inche5 Iowa fights-has fought, wi 1 I record will end. Answer: Your imagination is ence has been put to work on one of the. flax straw from the fibre, water, either; English trades I,igh. tight-we are proud of our teams Irene Castle is here to advise Capt. George Eyston better working overtime. They were of the most ancient of man - used r~ movmg the seed at the same unionism is air-tighter than ulllon- • • • ot other years; we are justly technically, to help in the writ­ than 345 miles an hoUl' on the killed by your digestive juices fibres - flax. Researchers want time. ism i here I s Today was a good one for au 0- proud of this team which we will ing, and to design the costumes Utah salt beds. His machine hap­ within three minutes of the time to find If there isn't a place for it Bundles of decorticated flax are Bu·yln.. Power give our vote of confidence dur- Ginger will wear as Irene Castle. pens to have no back seat. you swallowed them. .. p'raph hunters. lIad you poked on American farms,. t ld treated chemically in huge steam I There's thl's to be consJ'der'ed. your head into Sardi's you wou Id ing the Kick-Off dinner. "Iowa Their objective IS wo-fo: pressure vessels to remove gummy In the Unl'ted Stales $1 wI'11 . EIrrl 1igh ts" is more than just a catch 1. To develop a profitable crop, have seen: two playwnghts, er phrase to stir enthusiasm during SCHOOL BEGINS! easy on the soil and well adapted substances. The fibre is then fed buy about 90 cents' worth. In RIce and Robert Sherwood, lunch· pep meetings and athletic con­ to erosion contl·o!. into a machine which cuts it Into England the equivalent of $1 ing at a side table; BlUy RIlse tests-it signifies all the esprit de 2 . .xo provide an economical do- lengths from one to one and a half will buy about $1.20's worth. Itt a table nearby; Sir Cedric corps, all the camaradie which mestic supply of fl ax for mixing inches for spinning on cotton mill The American workingman does har'dwicke, the aelor, I.n the Im- goes to make up a great institu­ with cotton, rayon or wool, custo- equipment. . have to have a bit h ighet· pay mediate vjcinity, and next to him tion like the University of Iowa. mer-attracting fabrics. . Jones ~elieved that With a, re- than the Briton to break even Gloria Swanson with some peop~ The annual "Kick - Off" dinner Shaves ImPort Prices vlval Of. fibre flax productIon, de- with the latter. ) I did not recognize. which we celebrate Friday nigbt "While we still have problems to corticatlOn and deseedlllg could .be Maybe there's a slight margin in I Dick Maguire of Honolulu and I~ just another evidenc~ of the solve, the outlook is promising," done commerCially at comm~lllty his favor in the American's mat- Mrs. Maguire have been recent old tradition, "Iowa }'igh ts," · t plants. A central plant, he thinks" , . . ' repor ts P 1'0 f . C . A . J ones, dIrec Or . ht d th f' b t t 'l tel' of paY- lIl dollar and cents. VISitors to New York. MagUIre II 4 Id fl . t f mIg egum eire, or ex I e B t h ' h' b ' 'oY and of a Lour-year-o ax pro)ec 0 mills might prefer to treat their u not muc III IS UYlng pow- dllef announcer for KGu The report that new carpet is the Tennessee Valley Authority, own flax fr. And less III the matter of while he was here he had tlJe U> be laid in the White House the State Engineering Station at Off-Season UtlUty sec,urity of employment. , Oh, yes, pleasure of participating in a two stirs the fellow at the next desk Georgia Tech and Georgia farm Oil mills, Jones suggests, might we reo ge ttI ,ng ' s ome IIlcrease d way b roa d cas.' t N . Y .-to-Hono lul u- to ask if the old one was worn experiment stations. utilize off-season periods profit- worklllgman s msurance here, bul ;'lld-back-agam. The Maauiru out by congressmen who had From experimental data, Pro- 't h 't b t "t k " WIIII.II. rf fessor Jones estimated that cut- ably in processing flax seed into I asn egun 0 a e appre- were gu ~s t s of Mr. and Mrs, AI· Lewl •• Ib ' been called on it. Tru·ll. 8, staple lIax suitable for spinning linseed oil and meal. c1ably. thur (W'lU street) Parmelee. Uonuu" lb . Ickes Won't Bite SImmons. It on present cotton mill machinery Test fields in Georgia indicate ~ ( yor . Ib .. , Coming Events might be produced domestically an average yield of 3,000 pounds Anyway Ickes isn't in a posi- A writer points to increuiDC Welt, cf ., tion yet to bid against English sales of go lf balls as 3n indica· Ferrell. c . . at 25 to 30 cenis a pound. That's of flax straw and seed to the acre. Chue, P ... Cmt Their Shadow. slightly less than current quota- At $20 a ton - the figure used in workers on an English reservoir. I lion of improved business, If Before Them tions for imported fibre of the the fibre cost estima tes - the far- The British simply are trying to you are one of those who 1,* 'I'otalo same quality. mer would obtain $30 an acre from make us look silly. I five balls during II Sunday round, or JAPAN, our little brother with "We are con(ident," he adds, a quick-growing crop requiring lit- Ickes isn't going to be fooled , maybe you li re not so sure . . ' .he big brother complex, has just Finney. rt : ~uffered another series of reverses "that with further development tie cultivation, Sperry, 2b of mechanical and chemical pro- The flax plant, farm experts SI.berl. 1 b along the Chinese front, To some, Chapman, It this may mean nothing at all, but cessing of flax and of commercial say, lends itsell' readily to soil ~COTT'S SCRA.PBOOK R. J. Seo" John,on, d farm production, the cost could be building and erosion control pro­ Werber, Sb , to students 'If world affairs it hilS HilyeR, ~ . • the effect of a shadow on the in­ materially reduced." grams. And it is not affected by Am bler• •• ,' ternational wall. Flax cultivation was practi ced tile boll weevil and other common Pott.r, p • lIlMoee • • , •• , Two years ago, the big threats by the Swiss Lake Dwellers back crop pests. I!l. Smllh, p ;0 world peace were the "great" in the Stone age. The plant will ------Total. powers of Italy, Germany and grow on suitable soils over prac- Farme~ Trades Bear I -Balted \Japan. Today, the militaristic tically the entire United States • \nyth which was J apan slands as and its production for cloth-mak­ For a Tractor a spectre, for Japan today car­ ing purposes was an important ries n,o more weight as a military household industry in the coun­ WICHITA, Kan. (AP)- A black 1 power than Ethiopia. J apan has try's early history. bear, a larmer's need for a tractor " been called upon to meet the su­ Ouated By Cotton and a zoo that needed the bear ' preme test - war - and has Old methods of extracting the were the ingredients a sah!sman • t>een founding wanting - many fibre from the stalk by water ret­ placed together recently to make a . things in fact. ting and combing the fibre by deal. t So to~ay the two big threats to hand, however, were tedious. The bear belonged to Leonard , international peace are Germany When King Cotton took the throne, Drake, Caldwell farmer. It had ; and Italy. Germany still stirs the the domestic fibre flax industry gr'own to large to please him. The : pot of unrest; Italy vents her collapsed. (Flax is stili grown In salesman was R. C. Allman 01 ~ fpleen on the Jews, Japan, in a Amel'ica for -its seed from which Wichita, who sells farm equip­ ' aense, is no more' as a power to oil is extracted). ment. He accepted the bear as part : be reckoned with. The handwrit­ Age-old processing methods are payment on a tractor, then deliv­ , ing Is on the wall for the trouble­ still used in Ireland, Holland, Bel­ ered the bear to the Wichita zoo, ' makers, International strife, like gium and other foreign flax-pro­ where one was needed. ' other crime, does not pay. ducing areas. Professor Jones and other American scientists working Iron Cross Shlpped with flax are developing new BRANDON, Man, (AP)-Larg­ The Louisville girl who pitched money and labor-saving ways of est single casting ever made in a : 310 innings in a day knows how doing the job, ' Brandon plant, a 17 -foot iroll ~ an American league hurler feels In the Georgia Tech Textile di­ cross welghine 1,500 pounds has ' lifter going the route against the vision, a compact, power-driven been shipped to the Ruthenian • Yankees. "decortlcatln." machine with flut­ 'Greek Catholic Church, Goodeve, ed rollers and redprociltina knives Sask. Ruffing Takes : SPORTS The Dailv Iowan SPOR TS II • II II Twentieth Win STATE * * LOCAL NATIONAL * * * WOIlLD WlDB Of Year, 6-4 NATIONAL LEAGUE The Associated Press IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, SEPTE mER 3, 1938 Central Press Assodatlon W. L. Pc&. G. B. Big Red Pitches As ' Pittsburgh ...... 74 49 .602 Cincinnati ...... 68 56 .548 6 lAo Ruppert Rifles Add Chlc.ago ...... 68 56 .548 61Ao New York ...... 67 56 .545 7 To Lead Over 80 ton Boston ...... 61 60 .504 12 51. Louis ...... 60 65 .480 15 NEW YORK, Sept. 2 (AP BrooklYn ...... 55 67 .451 17 lAo Cards Nose Out Pittsburgh, 11-10 Backed by the first full team the Philadelphia ...... 38 82 .317 34 lAo Yankees have put on the field in Yesterday's Results a week, big Red Rufling became Sl Louis 11; Pittsburgh 10 Injury Strikes peaking of Giallts- I the major leagues' first 2o-game Only game scheduled Gashouse Gang pitching winner of the year today Games Today BITS by hurling the world champions to Chicago at Cincinnati (2) At City High a 6 to 4 victory o\'er the Boston Philadelphia at Boston Piles Up Early Red Sox. New York at Brooklyn abou~ Along with the return of Red St. Louis at Pittsburgh Lead to Win Gridder Again Rolfe, Bill Dickey and George Sel­ AMERICAN LEAGUE kirk (rom the hospital list. big Red W. L. Pet. G. B. Sports Bob Beck Lo t To also had the advantage ot a slu(­ New York ...... 86 39 .688 Don Gutteridge Belts ging show put on by Joe DiMag­ Boston ...... 70 51 .579 14 BT quad for ix Week gio in reaching the "-10" Cleveland ...... 69 53 .566 15 ">' Homer, Triple, Single hurling mark ror the third straight Detroit ...... 63 60 .512 22 8COTTY With Fractured Wrist To Pace Redbirdf! season. Washington ...... 62 63 .496 24 FISHER DiMaggIO whacked hls 27th Chicago ...... 52 67 .437 31 City High's football hopes suf­ homer with two aboard In the first S1. Louis ...... 44 77 .364 40 PITTSBURGH, Sept. 2 (AP)­ (ered somewhat o( a setback yes­ inning, singled and scored In the Philadelphia ...... 44 80 .355 41 1Ao The revived SI.. Louis Cardinals HIGHLIGHT OF THE ALL- terday when Bob Beck, leading Yesterday's Results third. and then doubled to drive went on a scoring spree for three STAB. GAM&-ShlreT's pasa In· candidate (or a tackle poSition another marker across during the Washington 4; Philadelphia 2 this year, fractured his wrist dur­ New York 6; Boston 4 innlngs today and then Just nosed tercepUon In Ole openlnl' mln­ game-winning raUy in the seventh. ing the morning drill. A letter­ Ruffing's performance was con­ Only games scheduled out the National league leadlng utes, followed by McDonald'. man from last season, Beck will Games Today J 1 to 10 In the field foal. . . Redsklns' march sJ derllbly ofr his u.ua I rorm. He be lost to the sq uad tor 51 x weeks. was ta!!ged tor 13 hits. while the Boston at New York Beck's Injury was the third in only game on the senior circuit all-all'M doW1l tbe field tor a Yankl; coli ted only eight of( Washington at Philadelphia program. touchdown alter the next kickoff the Little Hawk camp 80 far. Fred Cleveland at Sl. Louis Parks and Leroy Weeks being ex­ Jackie Wilson and Emer on Dick­ The win sliced hall a game (rom . . • Ba~h PlS8lnl' and Krause Detroit at Chicago cused tram driU with a dislo­ man. the Bucs' league lead, leaving them poundlnJ the Une unlll the last 4 cated knee and Injured shoulder, 80 TO'! ADI\ K 0 I B 1-2 games in Irani of the Idle line Is crossed. . . Washln«ion respectively. Both players will be t't'.. m.r. rt , D J • Today"s IIurlen bench l'Oeil wild ... IJIbeU', heave out (or about a week. , and . Vn.mfk. l' .. , ••••• t 0 nt ,4 • 0 Taking advantage of the exceJ­ "'0),:11. 1n ..... • ...... I I • 1• 0 ~------Paced by Don Gutteridge. whose to PrInceton'. Jack White, food ("rn"tn...... 1 I • I I • NEW YORK (AP) - Probable homer, triple and single drove (ive tor 32 yards .•• Lent football weather, Coach JlJ'8Jn•. Jb ••• ~ ••• \ ... J 0 I I l 0 Herb Cormack put his charges '"hallman, rf .. #) I I o 0 pitchers in lhe major leagues runs In, the Cards landed on Cy Washington's goal-line Btand ... Doert". tb •.•••.••••••• \. , , \ today: through a long workout yester­ r' aeor k , c ... ••• • 1 ] a American League Blanton and Joe Bowman in lhe Whiner White tak s punt but day in preparation lor their first \\"II_on. p • ••••••••••• 2 t I J •, 0 drill undcr the lights next Tues­ \.~(\~'l\ \\.\f..,,,,~ ...... l 0 o Boston at New YOI'k - JIevlng fourth. filth and sixth (rames t.o slips on wet grass and falls ... l>It'knl~". » ,. .... • I) • 0 •o •0 day. (4-2) vs. Gomez (15-10). score all their runs. I White fumbles on attempted punt 1·ot.1 . , • II %4 I • Washington at Phiindelphi<'l - BUC8 Rally . . . Karamntic comeR in and SIKlla l Drill :a: natlr,t (Dr WII"on in .th Weaver (7-6) vs. Caster (13-17). After thus spqtling the GM marches lhrough All-Star line... The practice consisted mainly I Nf.1 \\' 'OHK ,\" H II 0 A • Cleveland at. St. Louis - Hal'- House gllngsters an eight-run edge•. White JOtercepts Tuckey's ! 0 n g ot kicking and passing with an der (13-9) vs. Hildebrand (8-9). the Bucs came back In lhe late pass. . . Karamatic inter<:epts hour of signal drill. One team CrOlf'UI. •• • • J 0 , I 1 used by Cormack during the sig­ - !IoU.. Jb ...... I I • I • Detroit al Chicago - Bridges (rames to drive Lefty Bob Weiland White's long pass . . . stopped llt nrlth. tr ••••••••• S J t I • • (9-8) vs. Knotl (4-10). to the showers under a six-run from touchdown only by McDon- nal drill was made up of Wright, tt')!" eln. f: r •• •• :s 1 • It. center; Caywood and Fetig, lI.hrl,. JI> ...... 1 ~ J • b , National Learue barrage in the seventh. and scored aid's magmflcent flying tackle... 1.l1t'''.''. f": ...... , 2 • I) , t 0 Chicago at Cincinnati (2)-Page anolher In the ninth. But. with the Riley Smith boots field goal from guards; Beck and Maher, tackles: ~.Iklrk . If ...... t4 " 0 I • 0 Crumley and Walsh. ends; Mc­ Gordon, ! h ••••• ,.. . ' 0 • I , 0 (3-2) and Carleton (10-9) vs. tying run on second base. Fiddler 29 ... Halt.. . Looks like pro all RuW".. p • 0 I I I 0 Derringer (\8-10) a nd Wallers McGee got AI Todd on an out1leld the way.. . Ginnis, quarterback; Stoner and McLaughUn at the halves. and -we have some too. And on Lu('bckp hll~ reiurnt'd from his pects for Coach lrl Tubbs' 1938 Total. • . . Jl • • tl U 1 (11-14). fly to end the game and save the Washington receives, punts..• Snll"f\ b InA1 ...... Walden at fullback. lhe len youe his uniform as homc in Chi ('ago. Rnd declares he cleven. Philadelphia at Boston- ,Butcher 15th win of the year (or WeLland. Isbell lays pa In KovaUl h's arms Ao.toll •. one ttl OO$~ On another leven were Par- compared with that an aver­ is In flne fettle Cor the coming Jo/.w York . . . 301 000 10'-1 (8-5) vs. MaeFayden (11-6). Johnny Rizzo matched Gutter- on 15 and Ko vaUlh drags tackler ot Luebeke, when leamed up with ker, center; Cockerell and Han- age Iowa football player. 11 I, scaRon, lhl' ankl he broke in the t RUIl_ batted 111 - 01 \ ....10 oehrl •• New York at Brooklyn - Gum- idge in run-making lot' the day, over Joal. .. 10-9... AlI- tar line big Jim Kelly, another a c k I e Ct\fIloman. t".,"I" \'ct.,nlk • • nenrlch, son, guards; Bothell and White. known around th('se parts a~ Wp,hlngton gam las y ar hav­ ,.'40 h. ~ hll,,- U hrla. Cron\n, pta .. bert (11-11) vs. Fitzsimmons whflcking a homer and a single and playing with more fire. hurlll back prospect. brings the weigh t oC tackles' Martin and Gay ends' Henry Luebcke, around othpt· Big jng healt'd perfectly. Hank Is on Old Gold tackles up around the cock, fl' 1a.,lo ·fhr-.... hl:llfl hU-lten­ (9-6). driving a total of five runs home. a ttack. . . Santa. Clara-'s DouJh- rirh. "om. run- DIM ••lla , fIa("rltte. Heacock, quarterback; Swane; I Ten' foot.b U camps as "danger." or lhe outsL