Hawklet Injured MOldy Cloudy IOWA-MOIIUJ cloud, toda,. POII­ 80b Beck Breau Wrist In Clt1 slbl, ahoweq In extreme lOaUi portion; allchtlT wanner In cen- to Hl,h Grid Practice • tr.1 and aoriJl portio .... See Slor1, pace S I , , , o a c i t Y , M o r n n , N e p p e r .. = Tbe AlIaocla_ P.- IOWA CITY, IOWA SATUltDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1938 VOLUME XXXVII NU?tlBER 283 FIVE CENTS == Will Tydings, George, O'Connor Win, Too? Old Sourdough Swap Yarns • • • • • • Strike Movement Adds T~ll at Convention of ' ucker Claim' That Paid Out Thousand To Foreign Troubles PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 2 (AP) Chllkoot Pass the day after a - Stori of "sucker claIms" which $now slide klll~ 20 gold seekers. m9de millionaires out of seeming- ~aid Dawson, the Yukon gold 1y gullible tenderfeet in the Klon- eUI m nt, had a "sucker claim" (Iyke 40 years ago enriched the 'hat changed hands for as little Of French Statesmen ;.nnual conv ntion of the Alaska- .. 'I a couple or bottles of whlslfY 'rukon International Sourdougbs t. fore lOme newcomer decided • • • • • • • • • • today. to make the most of his bad bar- T. G. Wilson, onc of the aid flai n nd smk a shaft. 'fhe claun timers, told how a Captain Jottn- paid out nearly $1 ,000,000. Hitler Re erves Labor Conflict Fon- none recalled his first name Most" uclcer claims" were just -piled up his schooner on the lh.t, Morrow said, and were val­ heach near Nome. u I but every once in a while Right to Decide. Threaten At Disgusted, he traded the strand- . n Inadequately-tested "diggings" ('1.1 craft for Nome's current "suck- got a eputatlon for barrenness Czech Quarrel Critical Time (,I' elaim." ~ nd was kicked around for months Johnson spent Sevel'al days befor somebody tested it InteW­ rl row n i n II his mislortune at genUy and struck it heavy. D r Fu hrer Probably Arbitrators U All I\'ome's numcrous bafrel houses The sourdoughs are the men Advi ed Hen1ein 1'0 and at length decided to investi- '/ho stayed with the Alaska-Yu­ Mean Po ible To Senator Walter 11'. Georce 8eDalor Millard E. TydtJlp Bepreeenf&Uve .Iohn J. O'Connor i:.Jte his claim. , I;on gold rush long enough to . , ••• Georgia ••• Maryland ••• Ne" York tick to Program That night he came back jal I:!ccome inured to its hardshJps. Pr vent Wa1k Outs bering incohcrently about gc.!:l. Ther 15 an old sayIng that a BERCHTESGADEN. (1ermany, He had his pockets full of it. The bourdough 1 one who has (a) I Sept. 2 (AP)- Adolf H.ltler. high PARIS, Sept. 2 (AP) - Thl! next day he re-vlslted the place ~ en the ice break up In the YU-I on a Bavarian mountainside, to­ Fr nch govl'rnml'nt desperately' with b tI r tools lind took out kon riv r, (b) lived with a squaw' l night res~rved to hlmRei! B.lone the fought today aJ!alnst 8 strike move­ ~50,OOO in 24 hours. The "sucker ~ Ild (c) shot a reindeer. final decISion on Germany s futUre ment which threat"nt'd to engull claim" ultimately netted more The s tock r ply of those who Icour e .m th quarrell with Ctecho- . $2000000 '''ant to shock Inquirers about slovakia. France at a mom nt when the In- tn~~ A: Morr~w ot Milwaukie, these QuaUClcations is; Today and yesterday he IIs te~ed ternatlonal crisis over Czecholllo- "1 "to reports on the status or negotia- Orc., who cro sed treacherous never shot a r !ndeer. tlons between leaders or the 3,500,- vakia already was severply taxln, 000 Sudeten G rman minority, statesmen in th Ir ((orts to pre- presented by Konrad Henleln. head erve peac . Conduct Search in alifornia of the Sudeten Germ n party. Labor ministry arbitrators. using Whntever the advice Relchs­ every means fi t their di sposal, tried Cuehr r gave to Henleln today In to seUll' the labor canmct, Invol- For Wife of Rancher Reported their noon-time meeting In the modernistically - styled study or vl n nearly 500,000 workers who 6f>rghof, Hitler's mountain retreat, threa t ned to strIke. Kidnaped; k$15,OOORan om r melned n mO t carefully guarded They scored a mlnor .•hort-Uved seen-I. victory by reducing the number of Circumstantial evidence, how- strikers In textill! pl9nts at AmIen Search r Find 0 WHERE' FIDO? ever, pointed to the Ukellhood that Hitl r advi ed the Sudeten Ger- rrom 14 ,000 to 2,500 during the day, Cl tie to F ate or P 1 D' 1 man It'llder to stick to his elght- bu tonight the workers walked out Woman Carried Off 0 ice 18pO ed of 8 point progl'am ot demands voiced I again. Senator Elllson D. Smith Sheridan Downey' Senator Guy Gillette Rep. D. Worth Clark __ Dog in August April 4 b forl' (I congress of his Red '196 WI'TI! hoisted over 2.4 •• , South Oarollna ••• OautorDia ••• Iowa ••• ldabo YUBA CITY, Cal., Sl'pt. 2 (Ap) party at Karlovywvary. C9CtOriCS at Amiens and Abbeville As the primary elections swing \ three men marked on his "purge" feated G~v. Olln D. Johnston; Sen. - A torce or more lhlln 250 na So that's what happened to (In essence, this program over and plckcts occupied the bulldlngs. I tlonal guardsmen, peac officers Fido! which :H nlelnlsts and the Praha into the home stretch, a glance at list. Sen. Walter George of Geor- Guy Gillette of Iowa. who Crowds ot strikers d monstrated the records shows that there is I gis, Sen. MilIlltd E. Tydings of emerged victorious over Repro­ and citizens spread through or- Chid or Police William H. Ben- government have been In dispute about a 50-50 split in new deal IMaryland and Representative sentath'e Otha D. Wearin; Repre­ chard! and river bottom brush der's monthly police report sub- ever si nce was a demand for au­ In streets of both towns, carrY­ victories and losses among demo- IJohn J . O'Connor of New York. sentative D, Worth Clark of landR todaY In 8 hunl tor Mrs. W. 'nltled to the city eouncil's .last tonomy with complete Uberty In ing banners demanding that Pre­ crats who received the adminis-I Four democrats who won over Idaho, who beat Sen. James P. R. Meeks, 55, whose rancher hus- night showed that it was neces- Sudeten German districts to pro­ mier Edouard Daladlt'r "respect tration nod or disapproval. And administration-backed candidates Pope, and Sh rid an Down y, vlc­ band reportcd she was kidnaped sary for the pOlice department to fess th German Weltanschauung the social- laws or resign." now polltical observers wonder I are Sen. Ellison D. "Cotton Ed" torious over Sen. William Gibbs lost midnight by two men who dlRp08 or 16 dog this month. - world outlook or nazi ideology. Leftist worker and m mbers of how the president will fare wtth I Smith of South Carollna, who de- McAdoo in California. demanded $15,000 ran. om. This number was five I . s than (This, in lhe view ot the Praha the Paris region unlolU numberln, government, if granted. would .. F. WhItney 20,000 demonstrated their opposl- • • • • • • • • • I • • • • • • • •• • ••••••••• The searchers returned her e ..we~1' eradicated )n either June or ('On8titute. ottlc-llIl t('CO pltinn ot Coil s of a ted ral media II j tlon to n altldler ~ plan {or scrap­ owly liS nl"h~'"pl>roH cP'r ed wtth· July, Bender'd r pCrt dilid . nIIU(mal 'sociallsm (nazlism) In out I' porting anything th y con- Total expel). e to the city In Crechoslovak1a.) board's attempt to settle 8 15 per ping Ule 40-hour week In national sidered a clu to the woman's ellminatlng in Cll nines amounted c('n t wagc cut dispute b tween defense Industrl 5. A cryptic communique statin" the nation's railroad.- anP. fail- They ass mbled in the spOrts Roosevelt Extends New Deal's fate. to $12.50 lor the three months. tha Hiller and Henl In see eye- way workers I' ults m an lmme- palace auditorium here shouting Piles ot burned debris and old to-eye lett observers guessing wh.t dlate naUo n- wide strike vote. Or- "Daladler resign." clothing, found at various loca- Pn- on Head would be the consequences of the ders ror the vote were issued in Five hundred moblle lUard Welcome to Liheral GOP Men tions in the bottom of the Bear conferences b lween the Relchs- Chicago con ferences Of 1,000 gen- armed with carblnt's and 600 po_ river, were discredited as passl- tuehrer and his Sudeten German eral chairmen.. representing the lice stood by. but they had nothing ble clues by searching leaders, 11 utenant. • • • • • • • • • Bl d F brotherhoods In the Railway La- to do tor the crowd's protest waH Political Star Rises I who said su(,h discoveries were arne or Yesterday 'Field Marshal Her- bor Executives' associal.lon, whose only vocal. Moves Against frequent in this "peach bowl" mann Wilhelm Goering, Propagan- 'presicl nt is G cor g e Harrison, Building trades and northern Board Told area of migratory farm workers. Four Death Q, da Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels Sheriff A. W. Kimerer said ~ and ot representatives of the textile industry workers number­ Meeks reported that his wife was and RudolI Hess, deputy nazi par- Brothcrhood of .Rallway Train- ing several hundred thousand stood Conservatives carried ort by two men who in _ ty leader, joined In the Hitler-Hen~ men, whose preSident Is Alexan- hard on their threat to go out un­ About U e Of leln conference.
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