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List of References List of references . I ABDEL RAHMAN, A. & A.I . EL MOGHRABY, 15 AKINTUNDE, B . A . , 1982 . Feeding rhythm 1984. Use of the frontal bone in age in relation to changing patterns of pH in determination of Labeo horie (Pisces, the gut of Sarotherodon qalilaeus (Artedi) Cyprinidae) in Jebel Aulia Reservoir, of Lake Kainji, Nigeria . 97 : 179-184 . Sudan. 110: 281-286 . 16 ALEXANDER, W .J .R . , 1985 . Hydrology of 2 ABDEL RAHMAN, A. & A.I . EL MOOHRABY, low latitude Southern Hemisphere land 1984 . Breeding of Barbus bynni (Pisces, masses . 125 : 75-83 . Cyprinidae) in Jebel Aulia Reservoir, Sudan. 110 : 319-325 . 17 ALHONEN, P ., 1983 . Aspects of the developmental history and paleolimnology of 3 ABU-OIDEIRI, Y .B ., 1984 . Implications lakes in Finland . 103 : 1-4 . of sea mining for the Red Sea environment . 110 : 15-19. 18 ALI, M.T ., 1984 . Fishes and fisheries of Lake Nubia, Sudan . 110 : 305-314 . 4 ACHITUV, Y. & E. VAGO, 1985 . 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