Ingham County "News." Davelonlng Tha Buit
Twli*.• riMeiiU''eMN;te«i<'. /'Tiie Buokeyci Maiobltie: Co. m«kes To oitizens of MIoblgan during the tlie following atateinent in regard to past week, and reported for this OTICB IN ATTACHMENT. THECIUCUIT Court for tho Connty of Ingham. Binder Twine and tiie price tbat farm paper by C. A. Snow & Co., patent NLyman W.Baker, Admln-1 ers win pay for it the coming season; litrator of the Estate of Kd- lawyers, opposite tf. S. Patent Ofllce, THIS ZS WHiLT ward 0, Colbath, decoaiud, In Attachment. "InMmuob as we handle auob a large Washington, D. C.: *'A niM moy lament the monejr he ipenti Pranklln L.'jerrells. ) ' For thlnga only meant to be guile; quantity of the article we claim to OeorgeP. Puller, Kalamacoo, wash board; Oiii* Oiiistoiiiei*is ^a.y: Notice Is hereby elvun thut ou tho 4th day of But never oi yet did a Ihrmer regret, know a little more in regard to the P. B. Hall, Detroit, telephone supporl; O, A. March, A. D. 1B89, a writ of attachment was Jenliou, Lansing, latoli; O. II. Land, Detroit, duly lasned out of the circuit court fur the The money expended (or tile." Binder Twine situation than, any of Cuuuty of Ingham at the suit of Lyman W, artlflelal tooth; J. W. Loree, Fenwiob, poutto "It is a fact, we can buy better Boots and Shoes 1*^ 1 , —FnoK BABKKB dt Co. Bukur. administrator of tlic estate uf Edward O. these rural editors tbat have lately ap digger; J. It. Ryan, Suult Bt. Marie, snap Colbath, dccoaacd, Itiu abovo uniued plaintllT, for less money at Brown Bros.
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