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Abbeys, see Acre, Beaulieu, Cistercians, -ill of Savoy 102, 106 nn. 16 & 20 Clairvaux, Limoges, Nicosia, Saint Denis, Amalric I, son of Fulk, king of Jerusalem, 184 Tours, Tripoli, Vauluisant, Waverley Amaury, count of Montfort, father of John of Abruzzi (ltaly), 117 Montfort, 206 n. 10 Acre (Palestine), 114, 184,200; council at Andrew of Montbard, grandmaster of the Tern­ (June 1148), 113, 116 nn. 33 & 38; Saint plars,62 Giles' church in, 184; Saint Mary Angouleme, Fulcher of, patriarch of Jerusa­ Magdalen's abbey irt. 184, 199-200,203-4 lern, see Fulcher of Angouleme Adalbert of Prague, 17 -William VI Taillefer of, see William VI Adela, queen of France, 114 Taillefer -of England, wife of Stephen of Blois, 105 Anjou (France), 103 Adelaide, of Le Puiset, wife of Roger II of --counts of, see Fulk, Geoffrey Montgomery, 105 Anthony, of Chanas, bishop of Lirnassol, 203 -of Normandy, mother of William Tete-Hardi -ofCremona, 185 ofBurgundy, 102 Anti-sernitism, 143 -of Ponthieu, wife of William ill of Warenne, Antiaurne, Elizabeth, abbess, see Elizabeth 103, 106 n. 22 Antiaurne, abbess Agnes, daughter of Queen Adela, empress of Antioch (Turkey), 53, 58, 80, 83, 112, 131 Constantinople, 114; voyage of to Constan­ -princes of, see Bohemund II, Raymond tinople, 117 n. 53 Aqsa Mosque (Jerusalern), 57, 175-6 -of Beaugency, 103; sons of (counts of Nev­ Aquitaine, Eleanor of, queen of France, see EI- ers), see Robert, William II eanor of Aquitaine, queen of France Aimery, constable of Cyprus, 203 Archirnbaud VII of Bourbon, 102 cAin KJrim [Saint John in the Woods] (pales­ Architecture, see Byzantine Empire, Crusades tine), 184-5, 188-90, 197 n. 47,199,207 n. and Crusaders, Dome of the Rock, Holy 26; church of Holy Cross [Dain as-Salibl Sepulchre, ltaly, Jerusalem, Palestine, in,185 Rome, Romanesque Albano (Italy), 138 Armenia, 80 -Matthew of, see Matthew of Albano Amaldi, Castellum, see Castellum Amaldi Albert the Bear, margrave of Brandenburg, 20 Amold of Wied, archbishop of Cologne and Aleppo (Syria), mosque irt. 117 chancellor to Conrad ill, 141-2, 144, 147, Alexander,ill,pope,16 152 n. 5 -IV, pope, 201 Arriere-ban, 122 Alexis II Cornnenus, son of Manuel Com- Arsuf [Tel Arsuf] (Palestine), 121 nenus,114 Art, see Byzantine Empire, Crusades and Cru­ Alfonso, VII king of Leon-Castile, 102 saders, Germany, ltaly, Jerusalem, Jerusa­ -I king of Portugal, 102 lern (Latin Kingdom of), Manuscripts, Alfred de BendaviJIe, 158 Palestine Alice, daughter of Louis VII king of France, Ascalon (Palestine), 119-25, 126 n. 11; strate­ 113 gie irnportance of, 121; Project (1148),119- -of Montlhery, wife of Hugh I of Le Puiset, 20, 123-4, 128 n. 46; seige of (1153), 119, 104 123-4, 167 Alix ofMontbeliard, 201 Attalia [Antalyal (Turkey), 112 C Allar as-Sufla [Horvat Tannur] (Palestine), Aubert, abbot of Beaulieu, 207 n. 32 189-90 Augustine, saint, 14,74 Almeria (Spain), 165 Augustinians, 58 Alsace, Henry of, see Henry of Alsace --canons of Little Dunmow, 157-8 Altercatio inter clericum et monachum, 18 Augustus, Roman emperor, 146 Alvernhe, Peire d', see Peire d'Alvernhe -see also Philip Augustus, king of France Amadeus, II of Savoy, 103 Autun (France), church of SI. Lazare at, 174 Index 255

Avenay (France). convent of. 113 137 1Hugh. abhot of Premontre. 133 /Iohn Avignon (France). 104 of Casamari. 135 1Louis VII. 84 1Peter the Ayalon, Valley of (Palestine). 123 Venerable. 95 1 Queen Melisende. 621 Suger. 133; Council of Chartres and. 132, Bab al-Futuh ['Gate ofConquest·]. see Cairo 135-8; Council ofTroyes and. 58-9; Count Thibaut II of Blois-Champagne. friendship Bagatti. Bellarmino. Franciscan priest. 186 with. 109-11; crusade theology of. xxii. 17. Baldwin. II. king of Jerusalem. 57-9. 62. 183. 67; Defensor Ecclesiae and. 8; Eleanor of 190 Aquitaine. meeting with at Saint Denis. -mo king of Jerusalem. son of Fulk and 111; eschatology of. 35. 38-41; Eugenius Melisende. 62. 123. 125. 167 m and, 25. 27-9. 94; faiJure of Second Cru­ Balian the Eider of Ibelin. 122. 127 n.37 sade and. xxii. 8. 20. 35. 67. 75. 87. 97. Baltic regions. 40 135. 159-60. 167; geographie al horizon of. Bamberg (Germany). 17. 18.20 38; Holy Land and. 135; Hospitallers and. -bishop of. 39; see also Otto. bishop of 159-60; influence on others, 8. 27. 28. 35, Bamberg 36,40, 50. 83. 183-4; Latin Kingdom and, -Saint Michael's monastery in. 18; monle of. 52; Louis VII, advice 10, 92-3. 112; love see Ulrich of the Michelsberg and desire and, 67. 74, 75; malitia and, 49- Bar-Ie-Duc. Stephen of. see Stephen of Bar-le­ 51,60; militia and, 49, 51, 53, 54, 60; Duc model for crusading army, 29, 30; Nego­ Bara (Syria). 176 tium Dei, 132, 135; preaching by, 3, 8, 18, Barbarossa, Frederick. see Frederick Barba- 29.35,38.55 nn. 5 & 13, 69. 84, 87, 92-3, rossa 95-7,132.138,143. 164; treatises of, 29; Barluzzi. Antonio. architect, 186 Vezelay. at, 92, 95, 96; war, on the right to declare/wage, 27-8. 32 n. 18,37; Wendish Barris. Ebrardus of. see Ebrardus of Barris Crusade, involvement with, 36; works by: Basil. miniaturist. 172 29.591 De consideratione, 25, 97, 1351 Beatrice ofTuscany. 103 De laude novae militiae (In Praise of the Beaugency. see Agnes of. Lancelin of. Ralph New Knighthood), 7, 49-51, 54, 59. 60, of. Odoof 145 1letter no. 457, 36-38, 42-3 Beaujeu. see Guichard of. Humbert m of Bemard of Parma, 28 Beaulieu (Cyprus). abbey of. 200-01. 203-05; Bemards ofBre. 101, 106 n. 3 abhots of. see Aubert. George of Car­ Berry, Virginia Gingerick, 91, 94 mandino. Henry Chappe. Jerome. lohn Bethgibelin [Bet Guvrin) (Palestine), Hospital­ Beauvais (France). council of. 53 lercastleat, 122,124,161 n. 21 -Philip. bishop-elect of. see Philip. bishop- Bethlehem (Palestine), 123 elect of Beauvais Biblical citations, loshua 7:1-20, 166; Mat­ Bellapais. see Episcopia thew 16, 146/24:14,37/27, 146128:19. Belleme. Mabel of. see Mabel of Belleme 16; Mark 13:10,37; Epistle to Romans Belmont (Lebanon). Cistercian abbey at, 184. 9:18.15111 :25-26,37; I Peter 5:5165-6; 188. 190. 199.202.207 nn. 25 & 26; abhot Ezekiel1 :15,4:1-3,5:1-5,5:11,8:6-8, 144 of. 199-200.202 19:1-11, 145122, 146/22:26,23:38, 143 Bendaville. Alfred deo see Alfred de Benda- /26. 146/43:8. 143/4044. 145 ville Bir al-Annezieh, cistern of SI. Helena at, see Benedict XII, pope. 204 Rarnla -of Nursia, saint, 60. 63 Bira, al-, see Magna Mahumeria -see also Templars. Rule of St. Benedict and Blanchegarde [Tel Tsafit) (Palestine), 123-4 Benencasa of Arezzo. decretist, 28 Blois, Thibaut V, count of, see Thibaut V, Benvenisti. Meron. 189 count of Blois Berges. WilheIm. 17 -Stephen of, see Stephen of Blois Bernard, abhotofClairvaux. saint, xxi-iü. 67. Blois-Champagne, counts of, see Thibaut II, 69.83-4.86-7. 106 n. 2. 107 n. 32. 115 n. count of Blois-Champagne 26.131.183-4.190; biography of. 91; Bohemund II. prlnce of Antioch, 58 canon law and. 7. 25-7. 31; chivalry and, Boniface vm, pope, bulls of, Unam sanctam, 49-51.54; correspondence with: Baldwin 28 II. 62. 184 1Bohemian Crusaders. 301 Con­ Bonn (Germany). 141 rad m. 71 Eugenius m. 84. 87. 96.132. 256 The Second Crusade and the Cistercians

Bonnevaux, Gozewin, abbot of, see Gozewin, -<:Ouncil at (1150),131-8; see also Bemardof abbot of Bonnevaux Clairvaux, Louis vn (king of France) Bordeaux (France), 110, 134; archbishops of, -Ivo of, see Ivo of Chartres see Geoffrey, archbishop of Bordeaux Chateau-Gontier, farnily of, 108 n. 47 Bouchard, Constance, 103 -Reynold ITIJIV of, see Reynold ITIJIV of Bouillon, Godfrey of, see Godfrey of Bouillon Chateau-Gontier Bourbon, Archimbaud VTI of, see Archimbaud Chäteauroux, Odo of, see Odo of Chäteauroux vn of Bourbon Chatillon, Walter of, see Walter of Chitillon Bourges (France), 82, 164; archbishop of, 110; Chaureth [in Broxted] (Essex, England), Chrisuoas Council at (1145), 91-5, 111 church of, 158, 161 n. 8 Breteuil, see Everard m of, Walter of Cherines, Martha of, prioress, see Martha of Brindisi (Italy), 114 Chermes, prioress Bruno of Querfurt. 17 Chivalry, Bemardine vision of, see Bemard of Bulst-Thiele, Marie Luise, 178 Clairvaux; education and, 50; ideals of, 52, BurchardofWorms,15 54; public opinion on, 51; religious vs. scc­ Burgundy (France), 174 ular, 49-50; treatises on, 54 -dukes of, see Hugh 1, Odo I, Robert Chodorow, Stanley, 26 -Florina of, see Florina of Burgundy Chrishall (Essex, England), 155 -Williarn Tete-Hardi of, see Williarn Tete- ChriSlianilas, 3, 4, 8 Hardi of Burgundy Chrisuoas Council (1145), see Bourges Buyuk Menderes, see Maeander river Chronicle 01 Morigny, see Morigny, Chronic/e Byzantine Empire, architeeture of, 174, 176, 01 187; art of, 172-3; churches of, 174, 183; Chronicon, see Dtto of Freising collapse of, 164; hardships suffered in, 165 Chronique d' Ernoul, see EmouJ, C hronique d' Chrysostomos Henriquez, Menologium ordi- Cairo (Egypt), Bab al-Futuh ['Gate of nis CiSlerciensis, 63 Conquest'] in. 176 Churches. see Acre. cAin KJrim, Byzantine Calixtus TI, pope, 102; see also Guy, son of Empire, Chaureth, Compiegne, Dijon, Williarn Tete-Hardi of Burgundy France, Holy Sepulchre. Jerusalem, Maple­ Calvary. see Holy Sepulchre, church of, holy stead (Little), San Marco, sites in Schwarzrheindorf, Spain, Vauluisant Canterbury, Gervase of, see Gervase of Canter­ -see also under Saint bury Cistercians, xxi, xxiii, 35, 58-61, 63, 132, 136, Capetians and counts of Blois-Charnpagne, 138-9, 184, 199 109 abbeys of, 159, 199-205 (see also Beaulieu, Capua, Richard of, see Richard of Capua Gibelet, Nicosia, Saint Mary Magdalen, Carla Carilalis, see Cistercians, Carla Car- Saint Theodore, SalValio, WaverJey); ad­ ilalis of ministrative sites of in England, 159; Carla Carilalis of, 63, 133; daughter houses of, Casarnari, John of, see John of Casarnari xxiü, 183-4; Exordium Parvum (history of Caspar, Erlch, 94 the first foundation) of, 133; General Chap­ Castellum Arnaldi [Yalu] (Palestine). 122 ter of, 200-02; growth of, 158-9; law and, Celestine ß, pope, 111 27; material situation of, 203-04; patronage Cercamon, troubadour, 69 of,159 Chalons-sur-Mame (France), episcopal see of, Citeaux (France), 60, 63, 95, 184; abbot of, 110 see Guido Champagne, counts of, see Henry, son of Clairvaux (France), abbey of, 35, 96; abbot of, Thibaut see Bemard Champagne de Parce, family of, 108 n. 47 -Geoffrey of, see Geoffrey of Clairvaux Chanas. Antoine of, bishop of Limassol, see Clemency, daughter of William Tete-Hardi of Antoine of Chanas Burgundy, 102 Chappe, Henry, abbot of Beaulieu, see Henry Clement V, pope, 26 Chappe Clerkenwell (Middlesex, England), 155 Charlemagne, emperor, 146 Clermont (France), Council of, 15, 143 Chartres (France), bishop of, see Williarn, Clermont-Ganneau, Charles, 189 bishop of Chartres Index 257

Cluniacs, General Chapter of, 134; influence Cyprus, 183, 199-205; constable of, see Aim­ of, 102; law and, 27; ery; kings of, see Henry I/ll monasticism, 103; priory of, see Lewes Cluny (France), abbot of, see Peter the Vener­ Dain as-Salib, see CAin Kl rim able; patronage of, 102-3 Damascus (Syria), 61, 63, 165, 167; Syrian Coggeshall, Ralph of, see Ralph of Coggeshall Campaign against (1148), 123-4 Cognitio extraordinaria (procedural system), - Tughtegin of, see Tughtegin of Damascus 26 Daniel, abbat, Russian pilgrim, 185, 188 Cologne (Germany), 145; archbishop of, see Dante Alighieri, 57 Amold of Wied De Consideratione, see Bemard of Clairvaux, Colonization, see Jerusalem, Latin Kingdom worksby of De laude novae müitiae, see Bemard of Comnenus, see Alexis n, Manuel I Clairvaux, works by Compiegne (France), 138 De profectione Ludovici septimi in orientem, Congar, Yves, 26 see Odo of Deuil, works by Coniuratio (swom association), 29 De vita vere apostolica, 18 Conon of Praeneste, cardinal, 53 Decretum, see Gratian, works by Conrad, m, king of Germany, 36, 80, 86, 116 Defensor Ecclesiae, see under Bemard of n. 38, 123, 141, 144-5, 147, 165, 167-8, Clairvaux 171 Deuil, Odo of, see Odo of Deuil -of Alemania, monk, 207 n. 32 Deutz, Rupert of, see Rupert of Deutz Constable, Giles, 29, 67, 96, 163 Devizes, Richard of, see Richard of Devizes Constantine I, Roman emperor, 146 Dialogus inter Cluniacensem monachum et Constantinople, 62, 103, 112, 114; emperor Cisterciensem, see Idung of of, see Manuel I Comnenus; empress of, Prüfening, works by see Agnes, daughter of Queen Adela Diceto, Ralph of, see Ralph of Diceto Comelius van Bruyn, topographer/traveller, Dietrich, archbishop of Wied, 154 n. 36 186-7 -count of Wied, 154 n. 36 Councils, see Acre, Beauvais, Bourges, Dijon (France), Saint Benigne, church of, 102 Chartres, Clermont, Pisa, Second Lateran Dome of the Rock [Templum DominIl (Jerusa- (1139), Troyes lem), architecture of, 176; canons of, 57-9; -see also under, Bemard (abbat of Clairvaux), possessions of, 185 Louis VII (king of France), Suger (abbat of Dreux, Robert I of, see Robert I of Dreux SI. Denis) Drogo, I of Mouchy-Ie-Chatel, 103, 107 n. 37; Courtenay, Peter of, William of see wife of, see Edith of Warenne Craon, Maurice 11 of, see Maurice 11 of Craon -11 of Mouchy-le-Chatel, 103, 107 n. 32 Cremona, Anthony of, see Anthony of Dunmow, Little (Essex, England), 157 Cremona Crocker, Richard, 68 Easter meeting at Vezelay (1146), see Vezelay Crusades and Crusaders, architects and archi­ Ebo, author, 13; works by: Ottovita, 15 tecture of, 174-6, 177; arrny as societates, 29; artandartistsof, 141,171,173,176, Ebrardus of Barris, grandmaster of the Tem- 177 -8; as papal triumph, 3; crosses as por­ plars, 62-3 tents of, 145, 153 n. 25; donations made in Ecclesia, 3, 4, 7, 8 support of, 156; failure of, xxii-iii, 35, 75, Edessa [Urfa) (Turkey), 80-1,92-3,111,164, 131,141,143,159; family comrnitment to, 167; counts of, see Joscelin 11; fall of 101-5; First, 29, 105 n. I, 173; foolhardi­ (Christmas Day, 1144),39; Muslim occupa­ ness of, 165; ideals of, 52; kings, tombs of, tion of, 91, 164 174; naval bases/forces of, 122-4; oaths Edith ofWarenne, wife ofDrogo IofMouchy­ and vows of, 29-30; origins of, 79, 87, 171; le-Chatel and Gerard of Goumay-en-Bray, preaching of, 54, 141, 154 n. 25, 164; sal­ 103 vation for, 60; songs of, see Songs; sources Edward the Confessor, king of England, 52 for, 163, 168; States, security of, 125, 126 Egypt, 119, 121, 123-4, 127 nn. 22 & 24, 184 n. 6; strategy of, 120, 123-5; Third, 163-4, -see also Cairo, Fatimid empire, Sinai Desert 167-8; women and, 102-5 Ehrenkreutz, Andrew S., 128 n. 57 -see also under Missions and missionaries Eibe, River (Germany ), territories east of, 17 258 The Second Crusade and the Cistercians

Eleanor of Aquitaine, queen of France, xxii, Fontevrault (France), 134 1l0-13, 167 Fortresses, castrum-type, 122-3, 127 n. 33 Elias, abbot of Palmarea. 184 ...{Jegenburgen, 122-5, 127 n. 33 Elizabeth, saint, mother of John the Baptist, France, 35, 39, 60, 173, 177; kings of, see 185-6 Louis VI/VII; queens of, see Adela, Elea­ -Antiaume, abbess, 203 nor of Aquitaine; churches of, 174 England,60, 155-61, 165, 167 -see also Hugh the Great of, Marie of France -kings of, see Edward the Confessor, Henry -see also under individual place names II, Richard I, Stephen Franciscans, 200-01; of the Strict Observance -Adela of, see Adela of England (Zoccolanti), 204; settlements of, 200, 205 --Cistercians in, see Cistercians Fran~ise, abbess of St Theodore, 204 -Hospitallers in, see Hospitallers, Preceptories Frankfurt a/M (Gerrnany), 40 -Templars in, see Templars Franks, peace of with Greeks, 62 -see also under individual place names Frederick Barbarossa. duke of Swabia and Episcopia [Bellapais] (Cyprus), 202 Holy Roman Emperor, 116 n. 38, 167 Ennintrude, daughter of William Tete-Hardi Freising, Olto, bishop of, see Otto, bishop of ofBurgundy, 102 Freising Ernoul, chronic1er, 57 Fulcher of AngouH\me, patriarch of Jerusalem, --Chronique d', 166 174 Eschatology, 35-41, 142 Fulk, tifth count of Anjou, king of Jerusalem, Essex (England), 155-8 62,121-2,125 ~hurches in, see Hospitallers, in England -places in, see Chaureth. Chrishall, Dunmow Galeranni, Theodoric, see Theodoric Galeranni (Little), Maplestead (Little) Galilee (Palestine), 120 -preceptories in, see Preceptories Gaza (Palestine), 123-4, 167 Eudes, see Odo Gembloux, Sigebert of, see Sigebert of Eugenius [Eugene] III, pope, xxii, 81-7, 101, Gembloux 133,135-8 Genoa (Italy), 202 -attitude of to the Latin Orient, 85-7 Geoffrey, archbishop of Bordeaux, 134 -Bernard of Clairvaux and, see Bernard of ~ountofAnjou, 167 Clairvaux ~f Auxerre, secretary to Bernard of -bulls of: Against the northem pagens (April Clairvaux, 115 n. 20 11,1147),40,44-5; Immensumpietatis ~fClairvaux, 183 opus (1150), 132, 135-6; Quantum ~f SabJe-sur-Sarthe, 104 praedecessores nostri 1(1145),8,82-4,86, George, count ofWied, 154 n. 36 91-3,95,164; Quantumpredecessores ~f Carmandino, abbot of Beaulieu, 207 nn.28 nostri II (1146), 87, 92, 94; Sacrosancta &32 (1152), 133 Gerald ofWales, 164, 167 -Louis VII, king of France and, 83-4, 94 Gerard, ofGournay-en-Bray, 103 ~fNazareth, 184 Eustorge of Montaigu, archbishop of Nicosia, ~f Wied, 154 n. 36 200,202 Gerhoch of Reichersberg, 18,25 Everard, father of Hugh of Puiset, 53 Gerrnany, 165, 173, 177; king of, see Conrad -III, grandson of Waleran I of Breteuil, 104 III; art of, 177; preaching in, 164 Extirpare de terra, see Heathens -see also under individual place names Gertrude, wife of Thierry Il of Upper LoT- Fatimid empire, conflict of with crusaders, raine, 105 119-20; decline of, 121, 127 n. 23; land Gervase ofCanterbury, 165-6 forces of, 119-21, 123; naval bases/forces Gesta Francorum, 5 of, 120, 126 n. 11; rule of Ascalon by, 119 Gesta Friderici primi imperatoris, see Otto, Felix Faber, monk, 186 bishop of Freising, wor!es by Ferrieres, see Letitia Gibelet [Byblos] (Lebanon), Saint Serge, Flanders, counts of, see Thierry Cistercian abbey of, 199; abbot of, 200, -Robert II of, see Rohert II of Flanders 202, 207 n. 26 Florina of Burgundy, 106 n. 15 Gilchrist, John, 99 n. 24 Index 259

Gisela, daughter of William Tete-Hardi of Bur- -(;ount of Anjou, 115 n. 26 gundy, 102 -(;ount of Champagne, son of Thibaut, 111-13, Glaber, Ralph, see Ralph Glaber 116 nn.30 & 33 & 47; chaplain 10, see Mar­ Gloucester, Philip of, see Philip of Gloucester tin; marriage of 10 Marie of France, 115 n. Gnesen [Gniemol (Poland), 20 26,116 n. 44 Godfrey, de la Roche, bishop of Langres, 83, -grandson of Robert 1 Burgundio, 104 86,92-3, 111, 133 -of Alsace, 105 -of Bouillon, 119 -of Huntingdon, 163-6 Gosford (Devonshire, England), 155 -I ofToul, 105, 108 n. 63 Goumay-en-Bray, Gerard of, see Gerard of Heraclius, patriarch of Jerusalem, 156 Goumay-en-Bray Herod the Great, king of Judaea, 185 Gozewin, abbot of Bonnevaux, 133 Hilo, abbot of Saint-Just, 134 Graboi's, Aryeh, 30,164 Hirsau, reform movement, 17 Gratian, 3, 7,16; works by: Decretum, 14,28 (see also Paucapalea/Rolandus, commenta­ Historia Tripartita, 164 tors on) Holy Land, see Palestine Greeks, peace of with Franks, 62; plundering Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem), chureh of, 159, of,166 171-7,181 n. 8; architecture of, 181 n. 11; Gregorian reform, 3, 4, 49 holy sites in, 174; prior of, 57; scriptorium Gregory, I, the Great, pope, 14, 19,40 of,l72 -VII, pope, 5, 28,102-3 Honorius Augustodunensis, cleric, 18 -IX,pope,202 Hospitallers, xxiii, 122, 155-60; Bemard of Guichard, father of Hwnbert ill of Beaujeu, Clairvaux and, see Bemard of Clairvaux; 108 n. 54 eastles of, see Bethgibelin; initial military Guido, abbot of Citeaux, 132 role of, 159, 161 n. 21; papal eharter to Guigo, abbot of the Grande Chartreuse, 58 (1113), 155; piety and, 157; preceptories Guitier of Rethe!, 104 of, see Preceptories Günther the Herrnit, 17 -in England, 155; administrative sites of, 159; cartulary of, 157; ehurches of in Essex 156; Guy, 1 of Lusignan, king of Jerusalem, 184, 199 estate building by, 158; grants 10, 157; growth of, 158-9; priory of, 156, 159; count of Rochefort, 102, 104; daughter of, -n, serfs, transfer of by, 158; sisters of the see Lucienne Montlhery of Rochefort Order of, 155; term leases by, 158 -of Le Puiset, 53 -in France, priory of, 156 -son of William Tete-Hardi of Burgundy, 102; -see also Military Orders see also Calixtus n, pope Howden, Robert of, see Roben of Howden Hugh,abbotofPremontre, 133 Harnilton, Bemard, 184 -bishop of Jabala, 80-2, 85-6 Harding, Stephen, see Stephen Harding -I, duke of Burgundy, son of William Tete- Harold, son of Godwin, king of the Anglo-Sax- Hardi, 102, 107 n. 27 ons,52 of Jaffa, 53; revolt of (1133/34), 121 Haverfordwest (Wales), 164 -n -I of Le Puiset, 53, 104 Heathens, 47 n. 17; baptism of, 38; Extirpare de terra, 36-7; force against, 14-17, 36-8, -of Lusignan, 69 40; in Jerusalem, 36 -lofMatheflon,I04 -see also Idols and idol worship -of Payns, grandmaster of the Templars, 50, Hebron (Palestine), 123 57-9,61 Henriquez, Chrysostomos, see Chrysostomos -of Saint VielOr, 58 Henriquez -I of Vaudemont, 105 Henry, I, king of England, 155 -the Great of France, 103 -I, of Lusignan, king of Cyprus, 200 Hugacio, eanonist, 7 -n, of Lusignan, king of Cyprus, 203 Hwnbert, archbishop of Lyon, 134, 136 -n, Plantagenet, king of England, 114, 158-9, -ill ofBeaujeu, 102, 104, 108 n. 54 167 -II of Savoy, 102-3 -bishop of Troyes, 111 Huntingdon, Henry of, see Henry of -Chappe, abbot of Beaulieu, 203 Huntingdon 260 The Second Crusade and the Cistercians

(see also Baldwin 11, Baldwin lII, Fulk); !belin [Yavne] (Palestine), 122 military history of, 120; queen of, see -Mary of, see Mary of !belin Melisende, queen of Jerusalem; westward -Balian of, see Balian the EIder expansion of, 121 Iconography, battle ofvirrues and viees, 142, Johannes, Monachus, 28 146; Byzantine, 172-3; CrucifIXion, 142, -Teutonicus,28 146; Crusader, 172-3; Ezekiel's vision, John, Apostle, saint, Gospel of, see Manu­ 142-6; Purification of the Temple, 142, scripts 145-6; St Michael, 142, 146, 154 n. 31; -the Baptist, saint, 185-6; Rock of Conceal- Transfiguration. 142, 146 ment of, 185-7 Idols and idol worship, 144, 146 -xxm, pope, 203 Idung of Prüfening, wodes by: Dialogus inter -Comnenus, emperor of Constantinople, 80 Cluniacensem monachum et Cisterciensem. -abhot of Beaulieu, 207 n. 32 18,27 -{Jf Casamari, 135 IIe de France, 174 -{Jf Montfor!, 200, 204 Immensum pietatis opus, see Eugenius m, -Phocas, 185 pope, bulls of -{JfSalisbury, 165, 167 Innocent, 11, pope, 60,110; bulls of: Omne -Soulouan, 204 datum optimum, 62 -see also CAin KJ rim -m, pope, 26, 139, 207 n. 26 -IV, pope, 16,200 Jordan, River (Palestine), 57 IsabeI of Vermandois, daughter of Hugh the Jordan, son of Ralph of Bricett, 155-6 Great of France, 103 Joscelin 11, count of Edessa, 164, 167 Italy, 60; arehitecture of, 176-7; art of, 172-3, Jubin (Turkey), 199; abhot and monks of, 200- 177 02 -see also untier individual place names Judean Mountains (Palestine), 122 Ivo of CharlIes, 26 Juliana, wife of William son of Audelin, 158 Justinian, Roman emperor, 26 Jabala, bishops of, see Hugh, bishop of Jabala Jacqueline, Msgr. Bernard, 26 Kahl, Hans-Dietrich, 15 J acques, see Jarnes Kalokhorio [Stasouza] (Cyprus), 201 Jaffa [Yafo] (Palestine), 120-23 Kennan, Elizabeth, 26 -Hugh 11 of, see Hugh 11 of Jaffa KJirou (Cyprus), 204 Jarnes, ofVerona, 186 Knights and knighthood, behavior of, 53; dis­ -{Jf Vilry, 26 tinction arnong, 52; 'good' vs. 'evil'. 49, Jaufre Rudel, troubadour, 68-70, 74-5, 76 nn. 51-2; 'new', 49; secular, 49; transforma­ 12 & 14; see also Songs tion of, 50, 54 Jerome, abhot of Beaulieu, 203 -see also Hospitallers; Military Orders; Tem­ Jerusalem (Palestine), xxii, 15,20,36,37,39, plars 51,81-3,91, 102, 105, 106 n. 2, 119-23, Kristeva, Julia, 74 164, 167, 183-5; art and architecture of, 143-5,153 n. 22,171-2,174-5,177-8; Laarhoven, Jan Van, 3 ehurehes of, 175 (see also Holy Sepul­ Ladner, Gerhart, 3 ehre); Clairvaux Abbey and, 96, 99 n. 18; fallof, 119, 159; in song, see Songs; libera­ Lancelin of Beaugency, pilgrimage of, 107 n. tion of, 4, 9; loss of, 167; Louis VII, king 41; sons of, see Odo, Ralph of France and, see Louis VII, king of Langres (France), 110 Franee; palliarehs of, 104 (see also Fulcher -bishops of, see Godfrey de la Roche of Angouleme, Heraelius, Stephen, Wil­ Languedoc(France),132 liarn of Messines); SI. Anne, church of, 175 La7Ujuanti Li jorn son lonc en mai, see Songs -see also Palestine, Pilgrims and pilgrimage Laon (France), 131-2 Jerusalem, Latin Kingdom of, 58, 119, 124-5, Latin Orient, fate of, 80-1, 84-6; major figures 178, 184, 189; art of, 141, 171; eivil war in of, 104; papal attitude to (1145), 81, 83-5, (1152), 125; eolonization and development 87 of, xxüi, 120, 122; constitutional crisis of, 125; internal eonflicts of, 121; kings of, 62 Index 261

Law, advocates, 26; Bemard of Clairvaux and, Lusignan, Henry I/II of, see Henry I/II of see Bernard, abhot of Clairvaux; canon, 25- Lusignan 31; civil, 26; summary procedure, 26 -Guy of, see Guy of Lusignan Le Puiset (France), 53, 56 n. 23 -Hugh of, see Hugh of Lusignan -family, 104, 108 n. 48 Lydda (Palestine), 122 -see also Adelaide of, Guy of, Hugh of, Lyons (France), 131, 134; archbishop of, see Leach, Peter E., 189 Humbert Leclercq, Jean, 67 Leo IX, pope, 5, 27 Mabel of Belleme, wife of Roger II of Mont­ Leon-Castile (Spain), 102 gomery,105 -Alfonso VII of, see Alfonso VII of Leon-Cas­ Mäcon, counts of, see William, count of tile Mäcon Letitia Ferrieres, 155 Maeander river [Buyuk Menderes] (Turkey), Lewes (Sussex, England), Cluniac priory of, 112 103 Magdeburg (Germany), 13, 15,20; archbishop of, see Adalgot Liber Extra, 28 Magna Mahumeria [al-Bira] (Palestine), 121 Liege (Belgium), 39 Mainz [Mayence] (Gerrnany), archbishop of, Limassol, bishop of, see Anthony of Chanas 39 Limoges (France), Saint MartiaI, abbey of, 76 Malandes [Malounda] (Cyprus), 204 n.9 Malitia and malice, Bemard of Clairvaux and, Limousin (France), 101 see Bemard of Clairvaux; criteria of, 49; Lisbon (Portugal), 165 juvenes, 50; vs. mili/ia, 49-54 Lorraine, Matthew I of, see Matthew I of Lor- Malounda, see Malandes raine Manuel I Comnenus, emperor of Constantino­ Lothar, emperor, 20 pie, 112, 114, 116 n. 50, 165-6 Louis VI, king of France, 52, 109 Manuscripts, Gospel Book (Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, ms.lal 276), 173; Louis VII, king of France, xxii, 54, 62, 86-7, Gospel of Sl John (paris, Bibliotheque 108 n. 56,164-5,167-8,169 n. 17; Adrian Nationale, ms. lat. 9396), 172; illuminated, IV, correspondence with, 116 n. 47; aspira­ 172; Melisende Psalter, 172-3; Missal tions offor the crusade, 81-3, 86,92-3; at (Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, ms. lal Bourges (Christrnas, 1145),86,91,92; at 12056),172; with Ezekiel cycles, 142, 152 Chartres, 131-2, 136; at Damascus, 165; n.8 brother of, see Robert, count of Perche; EI­ eanor of Aquitaine, marriage to, 110-13, -see also under ruunes 0/ individual works 116 n. 45; Eugenius III, correspondence Map, Walter, see Walter Map with, 83-4, 94 (see also Eugenius III. pope, Maplestead, Little (Essex, England), church buBs of, Quantum praedecessores /'lOs/ri and preceptory of, 158, 161 n. 10 I/II); failure as a leader, 112, 171; Henry, Marcabru, troubadour, 69; see also Songs son of Thibaut and, 113-14; in the East, Marie of France, daughter of Louis VII, 111, 116 n. 30; Manuel I Comnenus, emperor, 113; marriage ofto Henry, count ofCham- and, 116 n. 50; pilgrimage of, 93, 111, 164, pagne, 115 n. 26, 116 n. 44 171; regency of, 109, 112-13; Syrian Cam­ Mark, saint, 16 paign and Ascalon Project, participation in, Marle, Thomas of, lord of Coucy, see Thomas 123; Thibaut II, count of Blois-Champagne of Marle, lord of Coucy and, 109-112, 115 nn. 17 & 22 Marseilles (France), 114 Love, amor de loing [distant love] xxii, 69, Marshali, William, see William Marshall 70,73,74,76 nn. 11 & 16; Bemard of Martha of Cherines, prioress, 203 Clairvaux and, see Bernard ofClairvaux; Martin, chaplain to Henry, count of Cham- courtly, 70; desire and, 74, 75; divine (sa­ pagne, 112, 116 n. 30 cred), 67, 68, 75; human (profane), 67, 68; Martoni, Nicola of, see Nicola of Martoni in crusade ideology, 67; in songs, see Songs; importance of to crusades, 75 n. 2; Mary, ofIbelin, nun, 201 salvation and, 75 -see also Marie Lucienne Montlhery of Rochefort, 104; son Matheflon, farnily of, 108 n. 47 of, see Humbert III of Beaujeu -Hugh I of, see Hugh I of Matheflon 262 The Second Crusade and the Cistercians

Mathilda, daughter of Hugh the Great of Montgomery, Roger II of, see Roger 11 of France,103 Montgomery -of Savoy, wife of Alfonso 1 of Portugal, 106 Montlhery, family, 104, 108 n. 52 n.21 -Alice of, see Allce of Montlhery -ofTuscany, 103 -Lucienne of, see Lucienne Montlhery of Matthew, saint, 16 Rochefort -cardinal of Albano, 58 Morigny, Chronicle of, 52, 55 n.19 -I of Lorraine, 105 Morimond (France), daughter houses of abbey Maudud 1 of Mosul, 120 of,184 Maurice 11 of Craon, 104 -Raynald, abhot of, see Raynald, abhot of Mayence, see Mainz Morimond; Mayer, Hans Eberhard, 96-7 Mosques, see Aleppo, Aqsa McGinn, Bemard, 35, 39 Mosul, Maudud of, see Maudud of Mosul Melisende, queen of Jerusalem, daughter of Mouchy-Ie-Chätel, see Drogo IJII of Baldwin 11, wife of Fulk, 62, 125; Psalter Mount Joy [Nabi Sarnwil] (Palestine), church of, see untier Manuscripts and 10mb of the Prophet Sarnuel on, 183; Menologium ordinis Cisterciensis, see Premonstratensian church on, 190 Chrysostomos Henriquez, works by Mount Cadmus [Honaz Dagi] (Turkey), 112 Messines, William of, patriarch of Jerusalem, Mowbray, Roger of, see Roger of Mowbray see William of Messines Muslims, as enemies of Christ, 4; occupation Metz (France), 112 of Edessa by, see Edessa; war against, 49; Meulan, Waleran of, see Waleran of Meulan war tactics of, 61, 165-6, 168 Michael the Syrian, 165 Michelsberg, Ulrich of the, see Ulrich of the Nablus (Palestine), 57, 184 Michelsberg Nevers, counts of, see Robert, Williarn 11 Military Orders, patronage of in England, 159- Newburgh, Williarn of, see Williarn of New- 60 burgh -see also Hospitallers, Templars Nicolas of Martoni, pilgrim. 202 Militia and milites, Bemard of Clairvaux and, Nicosia (Cyprus), 199-201,203-05; archbish­ see Bemard of Clairvaux; Christi, 5, 8, 49; ops of, see Eustorge of Montaigu, Thierry; criteria for, 49, 51, 54; Fidelis sancti Petri, Cistercian houses in: St. Blaise, 202; St. 5,102-03; transformation of bellatores, 51; Mary Magdalene, 199-200; St. Theodore, vs. malitia, 49-54 201,203-05,208 n. 44 Missions and missionaries, Biblical definition Niger, Ralph, see Ralph Niger of, 14; conversion by, 14-15; 'crusade' of Normandy, dukes of, see Robert I (duke of (Missionkreuzzug), 40; to Pomerania, 18, Normandy) 20 -Adelaide of, mother of William Tete-Hardi Monachus, Johannes, see Johannes Monachus ofBurgundy, see Adelaide ofNormandy Monks and monasticism, as model for crusad­ ing army, 29; brought to the Latin East Normans, campaign against, 27; conquest of from the West, 201; dress code and, 30, England by, 52; involvement in Third Cru­ 184; reform theology of. 16, 103 sade, 168; in ltaly, 103 Mont St. Michel (France), 163; abhots of, see N? r al-Dm, son of Zengi, Zengid ruler of Robert of Torigni Syria, 165 Montaigu. Eustorge of. see Eustorge of Montaigu Odo, I, duke of Burgundy, 102 Montbard. Andrew of, see Andrew of -of Beaugency, 107 n. 41 Montbard -of Burgundy, son of WiIliam Tete-Hardi, 102 Montbeliard, Alix of, see Alix of Montbeliard -of Chäteauroux, 200 - Thierry II of. see Thierry II of Montbeliard -ofDeuil, xxii, 79, 82-4, 86-7, 94-5,112,116 Monte Cassino (Italy), 172 nn. 30 & 50; on Louis VII, king of France. Montferrat, William V of, see William V of 82, 94; works by: De profectione Ludovici Montferrat septimi in orientem. 82, 84, 92-3 Montfort. John of, see lohn of Montfort -William, count, benefactor ofCluny (981- 1026},102 Index 263

Oilly, Roben of, see Robert of Oilly Pisa (ltaly), council of (1135), 61 Omne datum optimum, see Innocent II, bulls of Plantagenet, Henry, see Henry II Plantagenet, Orientalis ecclesiae calamitatem, see Suger, king of England worksby Poitiers (France), 110 Otto,l, bishop ofBamberg, 14-20; 'Apostle of Political, power, priestlyIprincely, 27; theorY, Pomerania', 20; preaching of, 17-8 27 -bishop of Freising, xxü, 29, 35, 39, 79-87, Pomerania (Poland), 'Apostle of, see Otto of 95,141, 144, 168; Roger ll, king of Sicily, Bamberg and, 82, 88 n. 11; works by: Chronica, 79- -missions to, 13, 14, 16-20 82; Gesta Friderici primi imperatoris, 79, -Wratislaw, duke of, see Wratislaw, duke of 81-4, 92-3, 95 Pomerania Ottovita, see Ebo, works by Ponthieu, William of, see William of Ponthieu Popes, see Alexander III/IV; Benedict XII; Painter, Sidney, 50 Boniface Vill; Calixrus ll; Celestine TI; Palestine, xxü, 14,50,60, 119, 141, 164, 174, Clement V; Eugenius m; GregorY Vll/lX; 178; art and architecture of, xxüi, 177-8, Innocent ll/IIIIlV; lohn XXIll; Leo IX; 190; Cistercians in, 199; crusader settle­ Paul11; Urban TI ment in, 58; pilgrimage to, 16, 57; protec­ Porrugal, 165 tion of, 49, 159-60; Templars and, 60, 62-3 -Alfonso I of, see Alfonso I of Porrugal -see also, Bemard, lerusalem, Palestine, Suger Praeneste, Conon of, see Conon of Praeneste -see also under individual place names Prague, Adalbert of, see Adalbert of Prague Pahnarea (Palestine), 184; abbot of, see E1ias, Prawer, 10shua, 92 abbot of Palmarea Preceptories, Hospitaller, in England, 156, Papacy, buHs of, see Boniface vm, Eugenius 158, 159, 161 m, Innocent ll; claim of 'Fullness of - at Barrow, Derby, 161 n.ll; Buckland, Som­ Power' [Plenitudo Potestatis] by, 5; coer­ erset, 161 n. 10; cive power of, 3; titles of, 5 Carbrooke, Norfolk. 161 n. 9; Harefield, Mid­ -see also, Popes diesex, 161 n. 9; Maplestead, Little, Essex, Parma, Bernard of, see Bemard of Parma 161 n. 10; Me1chboume, Bedfordshire, 161 Partner, N.F., 166 n. 9; Ossington, Nottinghamshire, 161 n. 8; Passenham (Northamptonshire, England), 155 Mount SL lohn, Yorkshire, 161 n. 8; Paucapalea, commentator on Gratian's Decre- Slebech, Pembroke, 161 n. 9; Standon, tum, 28 Hertfordshire, 161 n. 8; Swinford, Paulll, pope, 203 Leicestershire, 161 n. 11; Trebeigh, Corn­ Pax christiana, 51 wall, 161 n. 11; Winkburn, Payns, Hugh of, see Hugh of Payns Nottingharnshire, 161 n. 11 Peace and Truce of God, 5, 50-2 Premonstratensians, 18, 132, 183, 190,202 Peire d' Alvernhe, troubadour, 69 Premontre, Hugh, abbot of, see Hugh, abbot of Perche, counts of, see Roben, count of Perche Premontre Peter, Apostle, saint, 80, 102 Priories, see Cistercians; Cluniacs; Hospitallers -Darnian, saint, 153 n. 25 Prison of Christ, see Holy Sepulchre, church of, holy sites in -the Chanter, 26 Prüfening, Idung of, see Idung of Prüfening -<>f Courtenay, 114 Pyrgos (Cyprus), 200-01 -the Venerable, abbot of Cluny, 95, 134, 137 Philip, ll, Augusrus, king of France, 114, 167 Quantum praedecessores nostri (1145, 1146), -bishop-elect ofBeauvais, 114 see Eugenius m, bulls -brother of Louis VII, 81,93 of -<>f Gloucester, 105 Querfurt, Bruno of, see Bruno of Querfurt -the Grammarian of MontgomerY, 108 n. 57 -<>f Montfon, lord of Tyre, 206 n.lO Rainald, see Reynold Picardy (France), 53 Ralph, count of Vermandois, royal seneschal, Pilgrims and pilgrimage, 16, 57, 200; from 109-10; divorce of 110 Germany, 1064-65,39; in song, see Songs; -<>fBeaugency, 103,107 n. 41 principal route for, 121-2; protection of, 121-2 -<>f Coggeshall, 165 264 The Seeond Crusade and the Cistereians

-of Diceto, 163-4; worles by: Abbreviationes -see also Lucienne MontIhery of Rochefort Chronicorum 163; Ymagines Historiarum Roger, ll, king of Sicily, 82, 86-7; Louis vn 163 and, 169 n. 17 -Niger, 168 -of Howde:n, 163, 168; account of the First -see also Raoul Crusade, 168 n. 2; Louis vn and, 169 n. 17 Ramla [Ramie] (Palestine), 122-3; cistern of -n ofMontgomery, 105 St. Helena [Bir al-Annezieh] at, 175, 181 -of Mowbray, 103 n.13 Roland, Song 0[, see Songs Raoul Glaber, 51 Rolandus, master, commentator on Gratian' s Rassow, Peter, 94 Decre:um, 28, 32 n. 22 Ravenna, Romuald of, see Romuald of Romanesque architecture. 174, 176; of pilgrim­ Ravenna age churches, 181 n. 10; pointed arches Raymond, ll, count ofTripoli, 106 n. 18 and, 181 nn. 11 & 12 -prince of Antioch, 112, 167 Romanorum rex, 36 -of Burgundy, son of William Tete-Hardi, 102 Rome (ltaly), 4, 7, 94; architecture of, 187 -IV of St. Gilles, 102, 119 Romuald of Ravenna, 17 Refesio (Sicily), abbey, 207 n. 26 Roseher, Helmut, 40 Regensburg (Germany), bishop of, 39 Rosenstein, Roy, 69 Reichersberg, Gerhoch of, see Gerhoch of Runeiman, Steven, 92 Reichersberg Rupert of Deutz, 142-3, 154 n. 33 Reims (France), 110, 131 Rupp, Jean, 3 Reinhard ID ofToul, 108 n. 63 Rethel, Guitier of, see Guitier of Rethel Sable-sur-Sarthe, Geoffrey of, see Geoffrey of [Rainald], abbat of Morimond, 133, Sable-sur-Sarthe 137 Sacrosancta, see Eugenius ID, bulls of -1,102 Saint Anne, church of, see Jerusalern -ll of Burgundy, son of William Tete-Hardi, -Anselm,31 102 -Benigne, church of, see Dijon -ID of Chateau-Gontier, 104 -Blaise, priory of, see Nicosia -IV of Chäleau-Gontier, 104 -Clement, church of, see Schwarzrheindorf Rhineland (Germany), 143 -Denis (France), 110, 174; abbey of, 53; abbat Ricardus Anglicus, 28 of, see Suger Richard I, king of England, 167 -Giles, church of, see Acre -of Capua, 102-3 -Gilles-du-Gard (France), 146, 156; Raymond -of Devizes, 167 IV of, see Raymond IV of SI. Gilles -son of William Sorrel, 155 -Helena, see Bir al-Annezieh Richer, abbat of Salvatio, 184 -Jean-d'Angely (France), 134 Riley-Smith, Jonathan S.C., 29 -John in the Woods (in nemore), see cAin Rivet, William of, see William of Rivet KJrim Robert, countofNevers, 103 -Just, abbat of, see Hilo, abbat of Saint-Just -count of Perehe (-1152), brother of Louis vn -Lazare, see Autun, church of king of France, 110; I of Dreux (1152-88), -Martial, abbey of, see Limoges 102, 116 n. 39; disloyalty of, 112, 116 n. 33 -Martin. abbey of, see Tours -duke of Burgundy, grandmaster of the Tem- -Mary Magdalen, abbey of, see Acre plars, grandson of Robert I Burgundio, 62, -Michael, see Iconography; monastery of, see 104 Bamberg -I, duke of Normandy, 102 -Serge, monastery of, see Gibelel -I Burgundio, son of Count Rainald I of Nev- - Theodore, abbey of, see Nicosia; abbess of, ers, 103 see Franyoise -ll of Flanders, 102-3, 105 - Victor, Hugh of, see Hugh of SI. Victor -ofOilly, 155 -see also Augustine, BenedicI, Bemard of -of Torigni, abbat of Mont SI. Michel, 163-5 Clairvaux, Elizabeth, John, Mark, Mal­ Rochefort, counts of, see Guy ll, count of thew, Peter, SanMarco Rochefort Saladin, 184; tithe, 159 Index 265

Salisbury, Jolm of, see Jolm of Salisbury and, 131-2; Holy Land and, 138; on 'good' Salvatio [Saluatio] (Palestine), Cistercian vs. 'evil', 52; works by: Orientalis abbe~, 184, 189-90, 199,207 n. 26; see ecc/esiae calamitatem (letter), 133-4; Vita also Allar as-Sufla Lodovici Grossi, 52 San Marco (in Venice,ltaly), church of, 176 Syrians, Latin, 167 Samuel, prophet, tomb of, see Mount Joy Saracens, see Muslims Tarsus, Chaldean archbishop of, 203 Savoy, see Amadeus IIJIII of, Humbert II of, Templars, xxü-iü, 58-63,63 n. 11,64 n. 21, Mathilda of 104, 146; accused of bribery and treason, Schwarzrheindorf, church of Saint Clement in, 63, 165-7; administrative sites of in En­ 141-7 gland, 159; as Poor Knights of the Temple Second Lateran Council (1139), 62 (pauperes mi/ites Templi), 61; Bemard of Seguin, Andre, 92 Clairvaux and, see Bernard of Clairvaux; founding of, 121; Gegenburg of, 123; Sens [Senones] (France), 134, 174 grandmasters of, see Andrew of Montbard, Sibyl of Burgundy, daughter of William Tete­ Ebrardus of Barris, Hugh of Payns, Robert Hardi, 102-03 (duke ofBurgundy); grants to, 157; growth Sibylline prophecies, 35-8 of in England, 158-9; leadership by, 112; Sieily (ltaly), 202; king of, see Roger n. king privileges of and gifts 10, 61-2; patronage of Sicily of, 159; recruitrnent ofknights by, 54 Sidon (Syria), 122 -Rule of, 63; French, 60; Latin, 60-1 Sigebert of Oembloux, works by: Continuatio -Rule of St. Benedict and, 59, 60, 63 Premonstratensis, 131, 138 TemplumDomini, see Dome of the Rock Simon, of Vermandois, san of Hugh the Oreat Teutonicus, lohn, see lohn Teutonicus of France, 103 Theodoric, Oaleranni, 134 -Qf Wares, 157 -German pilgrim, 184 Sinai Desert (Egypt), 120 Theodosius, Roman emperor, 146 Soissons (France), bishop and chapter of, 116 Thibaut II, count of Blois-Champagne, 54, n.47 109-12 -Ivo, count of, 116 n. 33 -V, count ofBlois, 114 Songs, as 68; crusading, 68, 69 (defi­ chanson, Thierry, archbishop of Nicosia, 202 nition of), 76 n. 9 (earliest exarnple); Jeru­ -I count of Flanders, 105, 112, 116 n. 33 salem in, 67-70, 72, 74, 76 n. 9; Lanquand li jorn son lonc en mai (Jaufre Rudel), 68- -II of Montooliard, 103 74; monophonie, 68; Pax in nomine Do­ -II of Upper Lorraine, 105 mini (Marcabru), 69; pilgrim imagery in, Thomas of Marle, lord of Coucy, 53, 56 n. 25 n; polyphonie, 68; Song 0/ Roland, 68; Tithes, see Saladin theme of 'love' in, 67-69; troubadour, 69; Torigni, Robert of, see Rohert of Torigni, Qan 10 rius de la/ontana, 69 abbot of Mont St. Miehel Sonia (Cyprus), 199 Toul, see Henry I, Reinhard m of Soulouan, Jolm, see lohn Soulouan Toulouse (France), 110 Southern, R.W., 61 Tours (France), St Martin's Abbey in, 51 Spain,50, 165; churches of, 174 Toussaints-en-l'lle (Chälons, France), monas- Stasouza, see Kalokhorio tery of, 116 n. 30 Stephen, king of England, 159 Treitler, Leo, 73, 74 -archbishop of Vienne, 134 Trie, William Aiguillon II of, see Williarn -patriarch of Jerusalern, 58 Aiguillon II of Trie -QfBar-le-Duc, 102 Tripoli (Syria), 184; countess of, 70; St. Mary -Qf Blois, 105 Magdalene's abbey in, 200 -1 of Burgundy, son of William Tete-Hardi, Troubadours, 76 n. 9; see also Cercamon, 102 laufre Rudel, Marcabru, Peire d' Alvemhe -Harding, abbot of Citeaux, 132 Troyes (France), bishop of, see Henry, bishop Sterviga (Cyprus), 204 ofTroyes Stettin [Szczecin] (Poland), 20 -Council of, 57-8, 60-1; see also Bemard of Suger, abbot of Saint-Denis, 52-4,83-4, 109- Clairvaux and 11, 131, 134, 136, 139; assembly at Laon Tughtegin of Damascus, 120 266 The Second Crusade and the Cistercians

Tuscany (ltaly), 177 Wendish Crusade (Wendenkreuzzug) of 1107- -see also Beatrice of, Mathilda of 08,13,17,19,20; of 1147,13,19,20,36, Tyre (Syria), 120, 122 40; sirniIarity of to Second Crusade. 20 - William of, see William of Tyre Wied, see Amold of. Dietrich of, George (count of). Gerard of Ulrich of the Michelsberg, monk, 14 Willerns. Eugene, 92 Unam sonetam, see Boniface VIII, bulls of William, the Conqueror, king of England, 52 Upper Lorraine, Thierry TI of, see Thierry TI of -bishop of Chartres, 114 Upper Lorraine -IV, count of Micon, 102, 112 Urban TI, pope, 5, 8, 15,31,83,91,93, 143-4 -ll, count of Nevers. 103 Urfa (Turkey), see Edessa -AiguiIlon TI ofTrie, 104 Usmah ihn Munqidh, 124 -of Courtenay. 104 Utrecht (Holland), bishop of, 39 -of Messines, patriarch of Jerusalem. 173 -Marshali. 50 Vacandard, Ephege, 91-2 -VofMontferrat, 102 Valens, Roman emperor, 164 -of Newburgh. 164-7 Vallery-Radot, Irem,e, 91-2 -of Ponthieu, 102 Valley of Ayalon, see Ayalon, Valley of -of Rivet, 200 Vaudemont, Hugh I of, see Hugh I of Vaudem- -son of Audelin. 157 ont -TaiIlefer ill of Angouleme, 108 n. 58 Vauluisant, abbey-church of, 115 n. 22 -TaiIlefer VI of Angouleme, 105 Verrnandois, see Isabei of, Ralph (count of), - Tete-Hardi of Burgundy, 102-3; daughters Simonof of. see Clemency. Errnintrude; sons of, see Verona, James of, see James of Verona Hugh. Odo. Raymond, Reynold TI, Stephen Vetralla (ltaly), 80, 91 Iof Vezelay (France), 69, 92, 95, 141; Easter meet­ -ofTyre, 6. 57, 79. 84-6. 87.104.113-14,121- ing at (1146),82,84,94, 111-12; see also 22. 124, 165-6. 175. 181 n. 15, 184 Bemard, abhot of Clairvaux at -1 ofWarenne, 103 Viearius Christi/Pelri, see Papacy, titles of -ill ofWarenne, 102-3 Vienne (France), archbishops of, see Stephen, Wolfram 1, abhot, 17 archbishop of Vienne Wollin [Wolin) (Poland), 20 Worms, Concordat of. 5 Viterho (Italy), 80 -Burchard of, see Burchard of Worrns Violence, against holy places, 143-6; sacred, Wratislaw, duke of Pomerania, 16 27 Wurzburg Annalist, 165 Vita Lodoviei Grossi, see Suger, works by Vita per/eeta, principles of, 49 Yafo. see Jaffa Vitry [Vitry-le-Fran~ois] (France), 111 Yalu, see Castellum Amaldi -James of, see James of Vitry Yavne, see Ibelin

Waleran. I of Breteuil, brother of Hugh 1 of Le Zechariah. father of John the Baptist, 185 Puiset,104 Zoceolanti, see Franciscans -of Meulan, 103 Wales, Gerald of, see Gerald of Wales Walter, ofBreteuil, son ofWaleran 1 of BreteuiI, 104 -of ChatiIlon, 26 -Map, 164, 166-7 War, Bemard of Clairvaux and, see Bernard of Clairvaux; considered 'just', 51 Warenne, see Edith, William I!lTI of Wares, Simon of, see Simon of Wares Waverley Abbey (Surrey, England), 163 Welshmen, preaching to, 164