Armchair Travel _ Destination - Vietnam _ Interesting Facts Vietnam, officially the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, is the easternmost country on the Indochina Peninsula. It has an area of 331,210 square km. Hanoi is the country’s capital and Ho Chi Minh City is its largest city. Vietnamese is the official language of Vietnam. Its official currency is Dong (VND). It is bordered by three countries – China, Laos, and Cambodia. These interesting facts about Vietnam, explore how fascinating the country has become over the years; with beautiful scenery, amazing cuisine, and an awesome kaleidoscope of cultures. Vietnam’s history and culture Legend has it that the peoples of this land originated from a union between an immortal Chinese princess and “The Dragon Lord of the Seas.” The country’s name was originally spelled as two words, Viet Nam. Their culture is a complex adaptation of Chinese, Japanese, French and American colonial influences. In 938 AD, the Vietnamese developed a trade system to exchange animal skins, ivory and tropical goods for Chinese scrolls on administration, philosophy and literature. The body of their first president Ho Chi Minh (Uncle Ho) was embalmed, and is on display in a mausoleum. Their flag consists of a golden star with five points to represent farmers, workers, intellectuals, youth, and soldiers. The red background pays tribute to the bloodshed during the wars. © Copyright
[email protected] 2019. All Rights Reserved 1 Armchair Travel _ Destination - Vietnam _ The national flag of Vietnam. Traditional Vietnamese culture revolves around the core values of humanity, community, harmony, and family.