THE HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS IN BELGIUM By Dr. Armand Julin Director-General of the Belgian Labor Bureau, Member of the International Statistical Institute Chapter I. Historical Survey A vigorous interest in statistical researches has been both created and facilitated in Belgium by her restricted terri- tory, very dense population, prosperous agriculture, and the variety and vitality of her manufacturing interests. Nor need it surprise us that the successive governments of Bel- gium have given statistics a prominent place in their affairs. Baron de Reiffenberg, who published a bibliography of the ancient statistics of Belgium,* has given a long list of docu- ments relating to the population, agriculture, industry, commerce, transportation facilities, finance, army, etc. It was, however, chiefly the Austrian government which in- creased the number of such investigations and reports. The royal archives are filled to overflowing with documents from that period of our history and their very over-abun- dance forms even for the historian a most diflScult task.f With the French domination (1794-1814), the interest for statistics did not diminish. Lucien Bonaparte, Minister of the Interior from 1799-1800, organized in France the first Bureau of Statistics, while his successor, Chaptal, undertook to compile the statistics of the departments. As far as Belgium is concerned, there were published in Paris seven statistical memoirs prepared under the direction of the prefects. An eighth issue was not finished and a ninth one * Nouveaux mimoires de I'Acadimie royale des sciences et belles lettres de Bruxelles, t. VII. t The Archives of the kingdom and the catalogue of the van Hulthem library, preserved in the Biblioth^que Royale at Brussells, offer valuable information on this head.
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