Volume 106, Number 1, January–February 2001 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology [J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. 106, 279–292 (2001)] Statistics and Measurements Volume 106 Number 1 January–February 2001 M. Carroll Croarkin For more than 50 years, the Statistical En- survey of several thematic areas. The ac- gineering Division (SED) has been in- companying examples illustrate the im- National Institute of Standards and strumental in the success of a broad spec- portance of SED in the history of statistics, Technology, trum of metrology projects at NBS/NIST. measurements and standards: calibration Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8980 This paper highlights fundamental contribu- and measurement assurance, interlaboratory tions of NBS/NIST statisticians to statis- tests, development of measurement meth-
[email protected] tics and to measurement science and tech- ods, Standard Reference Materials, statisti- nology. Published methods developed by cal computing, and dissemination of SED staff, especially during the early years, measurement technology. A brief look for- endure as cornerstones of statistics not ward sketches the expanding opportunity only in metrology and standards applica- and demand for SED statisticians created tions, but as data-analytic resources used by current trends in research and devel- across all disciplines. The history of statis- opment at NIST. tics at NBS/NIST began with the forma- tion of what is now the SED. Examples from the first five decades of the SED il- Key words: calibration and measure- lustrate the critical role of the division in ment assurance; error analysis and uncer- the successful resolution of a few of the tainty; design of experiments; history of highly visible, and sometimes controversial, NBS; interlaboratory testing; measurement statistical studies of national importance.