Men's soccer, field hockey teams give Brown the Hues Seebackpage __^______——___———______--___~—-—______——_.^-——————————_ tEbe lath} (ffettntnta Serving the Storrs Community Since 1896 Vbi LXXXVIIINo. 39 The University of Connecticut Thursday, Nov. 1, 1984 KennedycampaignsforMondale, other stale Democrats in Waterbury By Paul Thiel topher Dodd. Staff Writer Kennedy, who received a three-minute stands WATERBURY— U.S Senator Edward M Ken- ing ovation when he arived here, stressed party nedy (D-Mass.) accused President Ronald unity and the need of the Democrats to defeat Reagan of "masquerading as a Democrat" and President Reagan Charging Reagan with "being offering voters nothing but "empty platitudes" tough on poor, young mothers, but easy with during rallies for Democratic Congressional the Pentagon," and making "shallow appeals to candidates and the Mondale/Ferraro ticket here selfishness," Kennedy said "He (Reagan) is out and in New Haven Wednesday afternoon of depth, and should be out of office." U.S. Reps Buce Morrison, of the 3rd District, Kennedy criticized Reagan's foreign and and 5th District Rep* Bill Ratchford were the domestic policies, and his habit of quoting past main beneficiaries of rallies in a downtown New Democratic presidents. "Ronald Wilson Reagan H^ven church and at the Hamilton Park Pavillion has no right to quote John Fitzgerald Kennedy," here Both face tough Republican challengers the senator said "But I can see why he does it— on Nov. 6: Morrison, a freshman, is involvedin a who would want to be associated with heated contest against former U.S. Rep. Larry (Republicans) Harding Coolidge, Hoover and DeNardis, while Ratchford faces two-term State Dewey?" Representative John Rowland Ratchford who Saying Reagan is "the biggest spender in his- is going for his fourth term, has called the tory," Kennedy said the Reagan defense plan is race "intense." wasteful. "I believe in a strong defense," he said Each rally drew about 700 banner and sign "but not an inefficient one Under this adminis- waving supporters, despite only one day's tration we pay more for a wrench than we pay to nou>*». to see Kennedy Gov. William O'ftleill and house a soldier and i\is family in Germany." the junior Senator from Connecticut, Chris- See page 5

Opa the clown, a IJConn alumnus who performs with Student Sports Center plan finalized; Ringling Brothers and Bar pum & Baily circus, dances dur- ing ha I ft i me of the men's soccer match Wednesday. Meanwhile the Huskies celebrated Halloween with a win fund-raising, parking still up in air (John Metaxas photo). By Dana Gauruder next four years. realized about 40 percent of Sports Editor According to Toner, Phase the total amount on con- The final architectural 2 has not gone as well as the tributions," he said "UConn (hejk,slemirdsconif)Uun plans for the Students Sports $2.5 million Phase 1 did "With Club Committee members Center have been finished two months to go on our self- have been split into teams and but fund raising for the new imposed deadline we have See page 5 about Frats kitchen debts building and the parking pro- blems it will create have yet to By Joanne Zuzick more but getting less food," be resolved Staff Writer Oliver said Students will be able to use Kitchens falling into debt The chefs complained of the $15 million facility as due to decreasing food bud- having insufficient funds to much as the field house, ac- gets have prompted chefs and properly supply their kitchens cording to UConn Athletic stewards of Northwest cam- and to feed the students, Director John Toner. pus to file a complaint with the which result in growing defi- The two-tiered six sided university ombudsman, the cits. structure which will be loc- Daily Campus has learned " I have 38 years experience ated between the field house **jThe complaint involves a and I can't live with this low and Stadium Road will be snprtage of funds the chefs budget," said Albert Bertifey, connected to the field house nee*! to adequately serve the Terry B's chef. via a tunnel. The lower level students. Dr. Charles Oliver, In an earlier comment, John will be seven* to eight feet university ombudsman, said DeJoseph said the chefs in- below ground level, while the he wit) conduct a full inves- tent in bringing the matter to upper level will have outdoor tigation and meet with Gerald the ombudsman was to help entrances and will be used N. Weller, an administrator of the students. "I just want to only for spectating purposes. the Department of Student see the kids get a better dead," Funds which need to be Commissaries (DSC). said the Terry A chef. raised for the facility is still The complaint was filed at a DeJoseph said that his ongoing and currently the meeting between Oliver and dorm has approximately university is trying to obtain approximately 15 chefs and $ 1000 a week to buy their sup- $1.1 million from businesses, stewards. plies, such as paper towels or alumni and friends. It is Phase Noting "Something is chinaware, plus their food 2 of a three-part plan to raise wrong here," Oliver said food "You just can't do it" $4.5 million for the Sports budgets are approximately DeJoseph's dorm is currently Center by the university. The Sports Center exterior is shown on top of this cart In $2000 less than last year but running a $1400 debt, the first Already, $2.5 million has been Athletic Director John Toner's office. Below It Is the students are paying higher in eight years. raised and the rest will come original design for the new building (George Edwards fees. "Students are paying Seepage5 through university fees in the photo). Inside Today: ■N/"Weather Forecast: Sunny today but increasing cloudiness > Channel 20 signs contract to broadcast several men's bas- by late afternoon Highs in the 50s ketball games See backpage Cloudy and breezy tonight with a 30 # Interview inside Brian DePalma See page 15. ' percent chance of showers Lows in the 40s —T -. . <-. • Page 2 The Daily Campus, Thursday, November 1. 1984

News Roundup SPORTS Witch hunt denied HARTFORD (AP)—Chief States Attorney Austin J. McGuigan says his Ilit: first X-ray lasers were unveiled at the annual meeting ot the American Physical plan to establish a public integrity unit within his office to deal ex- Society in Boston on Monday. It was built by scientists on opposite sides of the country clusively with government corruption is not meant to be a "witch at Princeton University and University of California and is believed to have many medi- hunt" "We want to institutionalize corruption cases so that the process \& a cal and scientific applications (UPI photo). normal part of the business of investigation and prosectuion," McGuigan said Tuesday. "They're not witch hunts, just part of the process. "Corruption cases are not going to be handled like an everyday case, World but they should be an everyday occurrence," he said However, the chairmen of the legislatur i r*8 Judiciary Committee, State Rep. Richard D. Tulisano, D-Rocky Hill, questioned McGuigan's motives for forming the special division. Gvil rights upheld New violence springs "My gut reaction is it's being used as an emphasis to get additional WASHINGTON (AP)-The Justice Department funds for his staff," Tulisano said "I don't know if it's a shifting of obtained a court order today requiring Household priorities." Finance Corp., one of the nation's largest consumer from Gandhi's death cash lendeYs, to refrain from discriminating against women, unmarried people, and people receiving NEW DELHI (AP)—The assassination of Indira Coke ring busted public assistance. Gandhi reportedly by Sikh extremists, is expected to Assistant Attorney General William Bradfird mean a prolonged period of political uncertainty in HARTFORD (AP)—Three Connecticut residents were among six peo- Reynolds, head of the department's civil rights divi- the worlds biggest democracy. Within minutes of her ple who pleaded guilty to federal charges stemming from one of the sion, said the order, in the form of a consent decree, death today, communal tensions exploded into largest cocaine arrests in state history. was filed in US District Court in Chicago. It will fresh violence The six were arrested last spring after authorities said they seized become effective 60 days after the court's ap- The slaying of India's longtime prime minister also more than 21 pounds of cocaine worth $1 million. proval thrusts a new generation of the "Nehru dynasty" Harwinton businessman Willliam K. Yeske Sr,. 49, pleaded guilty to a into power. charge of distributing cocaine and faces up to 15 years in prison a In a swift move to avert a political crisis, the govern- $25,000 fine and probation for the rest of his life. More than 10 pounds of Israel and Lebanon ment swore in her 40-year -old son, Rajiv, grandson of cocaine were found in his office safe at the now-defunct Tye Spring and India's first prime minister. The next step was expec- Stamping Co. in Plymouth agree to talk ted to be the speedy formation of a new Cabinet to Carlos "Chino" Alvarez-Guzman of Miami and Colombia withdrew his UNITED NATIONS (AP)—Secretary General Javier ensure stability and continuity. plea of innocence before his jury trial was to begin Tuesday. Through an Perez de Cuellar has arranged military level talks bet- The new prime minister, a former airline pilot interpreter, Alvarez-Guzman pleaded guilty to aiding in the distribution ween Israel and Lebanon to discuss the withdrawal of entered politics only four years ago and is considered of cocaine Israeli forces from southern Lebanon, it was announ- a political newcomer untested m the fierce political ced Wednesday. arena where his mother excelled Francois Giuliani, the secretary general's spokes- Mrs. Gandhi apparently had been grooming him to Toxic materials measured man said in making the announcement that the con- succeed her, however. After she returned to power in ference is to begin Monday at the headquarters of 1980 and did not appoint a deputy prime minister, DARIEN (AP)—Authorities say about 175,000 tons of toxic materials the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon at Naqoura opponents said she was planning to perpetuate the were legally generated in Connecticut in 1983, or about half of the 1979 The announcement said "Following consultations Nehru line in power. state estimate with the governments of Lebanon and Israel, the Sec- The chairman of a quasi-state agency that oversees the production retary General has convoked a conference of and disposal of hazardous waste in Connecticut acknowleges, however, military representatives of Lebanon and Israel to dis- Government named that neither the 1979 figure nor the 1983 figure reflect waste that has cuss military aspects relating to the withdrawal of been generated, shipped or disposed of illegally. Israeli forces and security arrangements in South TOKYO (AP)—Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, The recent figure was prepared by the Connecticut Hazardous Waste Lebanon" named a new government today after legislators in Management Service with the help of a consultant and is based on his governing Liberal Democratic Party unanimously annual reports submitted by about 530 Connecticut industries to the endorsed him for a second term as party leader and state Department of environmental Protection Payment delayed prime minister. Top economic and foreign affairs The figures, said to be the first accurate data on legally generated ministers retained their posts. waste, were released Monday night at a meeting of the service in CONCORD, N.H (AP)—Near-bankrupt Public Ser- Because the Liberal Democrats have a majority in Darien vice Company of New Hampshire asked state reg- the Diet, Japan's parliament the party's president ulators Wednesday to let it delay repaying an est- automatically becomes the prime minister. The party imated $5.5 million in refunds due customers until its which despite its name is basically conservative has Pie-throwers being tried financial situation improves. governed Japan since 1955. Instead of reducing the typical residential cus- Naksone, 66, will be officially installed by Emperor BRIDGEPORT (AP)—A lawyer and his wife were granted separate tomer's fuel bill $3.19 in November and December, Hirohito on Thursday along with the rest of the new trials on charges they threatened and tried to bribe a clown they Public Service wants to spread payment over seven government He becomes the first prime minister allegedly hired to stuff a pie in the face of a Fairfield school official months, beginning in December. Public Service pro- since 1972 to serve more than a single two-year last June. poses paying 8 percent interest an amount some term. Attorney James Diorio, 43, of Fairfield and his wife Mary, 36, are critics say is too low at a time when the utility is paying Hours before the new government was named the accused of trying to cover up their alleged involvement in a pie-throwing investor more than 20 percent previous Cabinet resigned to allow for the new prank that occurred during their daughter's eighth-grade graduation Public Service, the chief owner of the Seabrook appointments. ceremony. nuclear power plant, has been struggling to survive Nakasone is expected to continue his commitment In the incident, the owner of a local joke shop—dressed as "Tickles for months and has said it only has enough cash to to fiscal austerity, reform of the nation's railway and the Clown"—smashed a whipped-cream pie in the face of William last into next month The utility has been trying to telecommunications corporations and in foreign Stansfield, a dean at Fairfield's Tomlinson Junior High School. conserve cash until a planned $400 million securities affairs, strong links to the United States and other The clown, whose real name is Robert Fuller, claims the Diorios paid sale can close. The sale has been stalled because Western democracies. him to throw the pie. The Diorios have denied his claim, but are charged investors want to be sure appeals won't invalidate with threatening Fuller and trying to bribe him $10,000 to remain silent it later. about their alleged involvement Mourning continues No charges have been filed against Fuller or the Diorios in connection with the pie-throwing itself, but Diorio is charged with conspiracy to Heart attacks studied WARSAW (AP)—Pope John Paul II said today the commit bribery and tampering with a witness, and Mary Diorio is slaying of a pro-Solidarity priest has shaken conscien- charged with conspiracy to commit bribery. BOSTON (AP)—About 30 percent of all heart ces throughout the world and the primate of Poland attack victims do not realize they have suffered one, appealed for mercy for his killers. but these quiet seizures are just as likely as painful More than 2,000 mourners gathered at the Rev. ones to foreshadow serious health problems, a new Jerzy Popieluszko's St Stanislaw Kostka church in Pot distributors arrested study concludes. Warsaw to light candles, pray, and leave flowers in EAST HADDAM (AP)—A couple accused of being major marijuana "Tothink we finally convinced physicians some honor of the priest whose body was found in a river distrubutors in the area were arrested at their home and more than 40 wars ago that an actual heart attack could escape after his alleged abduotion by three members of the pounds of the drug were confiscated, state police reported detection," said Dr. William B Kannel of Boston secret police Police said the couple identified as Barry Bernard, 31, and Joanne University School of Medicine "We now have Popieluszko's body was pulled from a reservoir on Bernard, 30, both of East Haddam, were arrested on a warrant Tuesday. evidence that it's even more common that we the Vistula river in northern Poland on Tuesday, 11 They were charged with possession of more than one kilogram of mari- originally thought it to be" days after he was kidnapped juana with intent to sell, state police spokesman Adam Berluti said. Results of the long-running Framingham Heart Three Interior Ministry officers—who government Each also faces charges of simple possession of hallucinogenens, Study, analyzed by Kannel and Dr. Robert D. Abbott. spokesman Jerzy Urban said were members of the cocaine and paraphenelia, Berluti said He said each was released on showed that more than a quarter of heart attacks in secret police—have been charged with the abduc- $25,000 bond pending a Nov. 14 appearance in Middletown Superior men participants and about a third in women par- , tion. They have not been charged formally with the Court ticipants were not recognized when they occured killing. Campus News, The Dally Campus, Thursday, November 1. 1984 Page 3 * 35th Senatorial District Election * Michael Skelley (Deiiiocrat^ncinribeiit) By Robert Wyatt people He takes pride in his numerous chairmanships re- Campus Correspondent leadership abilities and takes quire many meetings with Michael Skelley, the 38- every opportunity to criticize colleagues and constituents, year-old Democrat from Tol- Skelley s political inexperience. thus creating the high expen- land and 35th Senate district Skelley has been an active ses. "I've been criticized for incumbent, entered this ye participant in activities at the making mistakes in the past ar's race against newcomer university throughout his six and probably will be in the James Giulietti with six years years in office. Stressing that future, too," Skelley said "but of state senate experience to he "knows his district" and the person who never makes his credit During his senate that UConn is the "focal po- a mistake has never accom- tenure, Skelley has served as int" of this district Tin proud plished anything either." chairman of numerous com- of my association with the Skelley attributes the atta- mittees, including the Finance university," he said He has cks from Giulietti to lack of Revenue and Bonding Com- been involved in academic experience and lack of a bet- mittee and the General Law and faciltiy policies, and is a ter campaign platform "He Committee Noted for his familiar face such events as has said that he (Giulietti) straightforward demeanor this year's Homecoming foot- wouldn't do many things dif- and his "interpersonal skills," ball game ferently," Skelley said "So Skelley is the majority whip of Skelley has been criticized, what's the problem with the the Senate most strongly by Giulietti, for present situation?" Skelley Skelley puts great emphasis his acceptance of substantial will be relying on his proven on his accessiblity to con- lobbyist gifts and high enter- experience and his reputation Michael Skelley stituents and on his eagerness tainment expenses. In his with voters to help him keep (Incumbent Democrat from the 35th Senate District) and pleasure in dealing with defense, Skelley noted that his his senate seat Jiin (riulietti (Republican)

By Ron Eckert says that he is running for lobbyists" Giulietti says that Staff Writer office because the 35th sen- Skelley was entertained by Jim Giulietti (R-Vernon) is atorial district needs a "citizen lobbyists with luncheon or running close behind incum- legislator". According to Giu- dinners 79 times and accep- bent Michael Skelley (D-Ver- lietti that means "a senator ted $2,000 from those interest non) in an aggressive race for who is responsible to the groups, twice that of any the State Senate that may be needs of the people and not other State Senator in Con- decided by "500 votes either obligated to special interest necticut way," Giulietti said Wed- groups." Giulietti also says he wants nesday. Giulietti has directly con- answers from Skelley but "Mr. A 27-year-old mobile home fronted Skelley claiming "he Skelley has not challenged or developer, Giulietti has lived spends too much time and denied anything I said..He in Vernbn for 25 years He takes too much money from cannot just pass it off and say, well that's my style and we I^M| Big"Date? -Bring some flowers! should leave it at that', be- cause his style isn't right" Addressing issues affecting Campus the university (which falls in the 35th district), Giulietti says he wants "more state Jim Giulietti JtlOMT-Slt $2.99 a bunch education" and increased (Republican from the 35th Senate District) accesibility for in-state stu- Giulietti said bad that they can't be re- Red Roses &15.95/doz. dents. "Higher education in Leaking roofs and deferred paired" Giulietti said ROSES ARE ROMANTIC Connecticut is something I maintenance are problems Funding should come from believe in, having been a stu- that must be dealt with here the public and the private sec- Downtown Stan* 487-1193 dent at UConn for four years" before "the problems gets so tor according to Giulietti

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Paid tar by Whitham tor State Rsptesontatlv, Ramona R Prouty. Treasurer An Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F. UConn Co-op ^^»» Campus News, The Daily Campus, Thursday, November 1, (984 PageS ... Kennedy campaigns From page 1 am appearance on election ... Sports Center plans finalized Kennedy drew cheers from eve, 1960, when thousands of the crowd, which consisted voters waited to hear the can- From page 1 reational fields and also ter- house should be centrally lo- largely of senior citizens, didate s speech; raced for parking spaces," cated to accomodate stu- blacks, and women with "Many of the stakes are the have made presentations to Toner said dents," Toner Said "When children, when he ack- same this year," the former businesses, and we're waiting you try to locate a building nowledged the President's presidential candidate said for responses from them." Turning the Grad Field into something has to give and visit to Waterbury last month "The contest is still between a large parking area is not this outweighs the need for "I hear President Reagan the comfortable and the con- Toner is confident the among the top considerations parking" came here last month and money will be raised but cerned Give us your help and in finding additional space for Varsity sports to be held in was given quite a reception," on election day we will once there is still another major motor vehicles Kennedy said "I have nothing problem to confront parking the Sports Center include again pick this nation up and men's and women's basket- against that But I do think move it forward" The replacements of 180 par- Another uncertainty sur- voting for him would be carry- "President Reagan will not king spaces which will be lost rounding the Sports Center is ball, swimming, indoor soccer ing the famous Waterbury what kind of materi.d will be and field hockey. However, be re-elected in 1984," Ken- is not included in the Sports plans to move gymnastics hospitality a bit too far." nedy said Center plans, but Toner sta- used for its dome Toner re- The senior Massachusetts vealed that the two types un- meets into the new building In support of the Con- ted that finding new parking have been scrapped because senator frequently refered to gressional candidates, Ken- spaces is under considera- der consideration are a wood of lack of room his brother, President John F. nedy said Ratchford was tion A few plans are being dis- and aluminum dome. "The Kennedy, and his remarks to "leadership working for cussed including making the preliminary design has been Other activities in the new Connecticut voters during the Waterbury. (He is) a powerful big hill near McMahon Hall a finished but not yet approv- arena will be concerts and 1960 presidential campaign and experienced voice in Con- ed" he said "I expect by the graduation ceremonies He recalled his brother's 3:30 gress parking area "The top of that end of November bids will be area can be leveled for rec- "They won't have to separate sent out on the two roof types undergraduate and graduate under consideration. The vital exercises anymore," Toner exercise in choosing between said the two is keeping the facility .. .Chef$ complain about debts within the $15 million range" The arena itself can be used forjintramural and practice From page 1 have five people doing now," and their dorms upon re- There are arguments for purposes during normal class "It's a created debt by an Bertifey said quest, said Weller. both sides concerning what hours. The floor of the basket- administration that was ori- The chefs also questioned Weller also said that sur- kind of dome should be used ball court can be removed ginally formed to protect the $2017 kitchen main- plus funds from the main- "A wood dome is much hea- and converted into three kids," Bertifey said "We're tenance fee charged annually tenance fees are figured into vier and calls for heavier sup- smaller basketball courts, paying more for organization to each dorm. "No bill is seen next year's budget "If a dorm port sides. However, more four volleyball courts, or eight than for food" as to how much the main- has $80,000 in student fees things can hang from a wood badmitton courts The DSC warehouse is not tenance was when something and $2000 (from the previous dome. There are advantages doing its job of cutting costs needs to be fixed" said year) in surplus maintenance for each, and we are open- The seats on the lower level and providing quality food DeJoseph. "If it's not used up funds, their budget would be minded about what we will are also retractable for stu- according to the chefs we don't get it (the money) $82,000," Geller said use" dent use Lockers will be lo- "I don't think we are big back" The chefs claimed that they cated near the Olympic sized enough for what they have The bills were not signed by have never seen a full finan- No such uncertainty exists pool, which is at the far side of down there," Bertifey said the chefs because they are cial report and are requesting about the rest of the struc- the building (closest to the Prior to the warehouse, not always there, especially an audit of DSC. ture. The plans which were on football stadium). There will supplies were boughtdirectly for summer maintenance, Weller said that the DSC is display during the football be more men's than women's by the dorm. "The salesman Weller said privately after the audited annually by the State game Saturday, are very sim- lockers initially, since there took the order,...put it in,...and meeting However, these bills Internal Revenue Service and ilar to the original plans. It will are more men's varsity pla- it was delivered.what they could be seen by the chefs the University Budget Service. measure 300 feet in diameter, yers than women's players and will be the largest building However that can be changed on campus "From floor to if a larger percentage of wo- dome it will be 100 feet, give or men enter varsity sports take 10," Toner said "In com- Department of Counseling Services parison the library is between Classes for the Department 60 and 70 feet above gro- of Sports and Leisure Studies ^Outreach Programs und" Gestalt Approach to Counseling will be held in the new build- The Sports Center will in- ing and some varsity coaches A didactic presentation of Gestalt theory with individual will have offices there. No practice of intervention strategies. Designed for students clude a 8,035 seat arena and is designed to supplement the more classes or varsity sports will be held in Guyer Gym. entering helping professions and those persons working in such field house which is suffering fields. from severe problems with After the money is raised Nov. 8 &. 9 (2 sessions): 9:30-3:30 p.m. intramural activities because for the Sports Center, the Facilitator; Ruth Buczynski. of inadequate facilities "It will university will try to get $4.5 be utilized as much for stu- million to refurbish the field Racial Awareness dent use as our current fac- What is racism? Why does it exist? How does one cope with house The new facility is not a ilities," Toner said "We will be replacement for the field it? These important questions will be explored and discussed able to simultaneously do house but rather a supple- in this workshop. things that can only be done ment to it Nov. 13: 2:30-4:00 p.m. at once now." Toner also stated that the Facilitator: Winfield Coachman. One of the reasons that the Sports Center will be designed A Look at Professional Schools: Dentisty. Law. and Medicine site chosen for the Sports to accomodate the han- Center is in the middle of the dicapped and will maximize Each of these workshops will provide information about the campus is to service the stu- the recycling of both hot and nature of the work, preparation, admissions procedures, and dent body. "The new field cold air inside the building. courses of study. Dentistry - Nov 19: 2:00-3:30 p.m. Law - Nov. 29; 2:30-4:00 p.m. 10% off for UCONN Students Medicine - Dec. 4: 2:30-4:00 p.m. Facilitator: Winfield Coachman One oi the, 9 uLVjut idecUoru 0^ Qjuakq dumondi at utwMe plica ut Eadein Connecticut. !-

V/ikfon, jrtorlcrS

^—\3XCo 4234914 776 Mam St.. Willimantic tmmmemmmmmm***^^? Page 6 The Dally Campus, Thursday, November 1, 1984

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...... JU ItJttJS £4S** Mitt tt Ullll •• •• ?■••■• •• ' • • •"* * ■•J?ff «••*..■«.....«.«■«. kf|,tl«tlf**'*>lt*,,,>>*.•■«■>••«•"••■•••'■■• • • A -J Tt» n-.ik. r -»r»irxi ic TV.I irc^iM KU/omKar 1 1flO< o r» Life/Style "The Dally Campus, Thursday. November 1, 1984 Page 7 "Videoman" leads double life as student

By Ken Gosselin too Campus Correspondent For instance Krondes con- John Krondes leads a dou- vinced John Sprowl, a Pro- ble life fessor of Communication As a resident of Sherman Science that the Filming of a House in Towers, he lives in a portion of the video in 9' X14' room with one room- Sprowl's Communication mate He sleeps on a mattress Science 298 class would be an stuffed with foam rubber. He educational class project eats A.S.C. commissary food Sprowl agreed He walks down Towers Union "Video Man teaches the Hill every morning to attend public about video," said class. He writes notes. He Krondes, a junior majoring in takes exams. And, he communication science "and studies—like most students we figured that a classroom enrolled at UConn. scene would convey this But Krondes leaves all this idea" far behind when he steps in Before the cameras rolled front of the camera Dressed in Room 217 of the H.R. Mon- in black parachute pants, a teith Building, the students in red tee shirt, a black cape, the class were handed studded bracelets, red- diddley-boppers for their rimmed sunglasses and headgear which represented sneakers, he slips into the role TV antennas. Big sunglasses of "Video Man"—the symbolized the strength of superhero of the music the video following. Some video industry. students even streaked their "I play a Paul Revere-type hair with wild colors. Vldeoman John Krondes and the UConn cheerleaders do a spoof of the song'Mickey" character," said Krondes, "Professor Sprowl wore the at this year's Yale Game. while sitting back in a shell of a psychedelic colored cushioned couch in the television over his head with Kevin came up with this idea, Wendle agreed upon featur- lounge at Sherman House his face appearing where the "For the Boy George spot, it we co-wrote the song." ing take-offs of current pop- took Altered States' of Nor- "He runs around shouting picture tube usually is," Kron- The two songwriters injec- ular videos. des said "The song lyrics walk more than three hours to about the approaching Video ted an infectious energy into For example a spoof on were written on the board and make me up," Krondes said Revolution and that everyone the lyrics and the music that is Toni Basil's "Mickey" was should be a part of it" Video Man used a pointer to "They designed a wig with visually reflected in the filmed with the UConn braids and even found me a Video Man's message will 'teach' the song to the video. Cheerleaders at this year's class." hat When I was all made up, hit the television airwaves "The first scene we filmed UConn-Yale Game. After gain- "Professor Sprowl was per- my own mother didn't even next month when Krondes was an explosion of rowdi- ing the permission of the and his New York based pro- fect for the part," Krondes recognize me!" ducer release the video said "He's a real hip guy— a "Music Video is Here to Stay," regular comedian in class." to MTV, a 24 hour video music This novel approach He began hua*&ufa€ge€fitouhmhBmoordBd

Grad Students - $3.00 General Public - $7.00 LET YOUR ATM PAY

A Great time is guaranteed!!! attire please! (no jeans; no sneakers)

All you need is $50.00 in savings & a checking account. .--•*». I - Page 8 The Daily Campus, Thursday, November 1,1984 Life/Style

It's a starry, starry night over the south end of campus on magical All Hallow's Eve thanks to special effects from a bewitched Daily Campus r photographer (John Metaxas photo).

••• Video revolution comes to UConn cows From page 7 another songwriter as welL "Now, my father is an and hard work, Krondes had is entirely different than it was This past August Wendle "My father was a independent record producer fun with most of the scenes. ten years ago," Krondes said. scheduled one of Krondes' songwriter when he started in and he owns a recording For instance, Krondes "Music is not just an audio original compositions on the business," Krondes said studio," Krondes said "He's humorously suggests in one experience anymore If you ABC-TVs "The Morning "He wrote hit songs for given me a lot of advice— sequence that everyone and don't have a video, you might Show." Johnny Mathas and Earle especially about this video." everything will jump on the as well forget trying to get into Krondes draws upon sup- Grant that are still played on Even though the filming of video bandwagon in the the business. You need both a I port and inspiration from the oldies stations." the video is time consuming future. single and a video for "We shot footage at the exposure" cow barn with the cows wear- While Krondes wraps up ing the TV antennae," Kron- this $15,000 project he is des said "They didn't want to already planning his next cooperate at first They kept venture Eyeglass Wearers flipping off the antennae But "I wrote ten songs this sum- People who are nearsighted, farsighted, or we finally persuaded a couple mer and Td like to cut a demo of cows to keep the of them" Krondes said. who have astigmatism can now be fitted with antennae oa" 'Td probably call it 'I Need "I put the psychedelic TV You By My Side' and it would on the barn floor," Krondes include 'Music Video is Here said, trying to resist laughing to Stay.'" " and it looked as though they So move over Boy George EXTENDED WEAR were watching it." Cyndi Lauper, and Prince Maybe the UConn cows Make room for John Krondes. are not ready for the Video He has a message for the 80's: CONTACT LENSES Revolution yet The music "It's a video revolution/ It's industry, on the other hand, becoming an institution/ It's a has already accepted it video revolution/ MUSIC "Today, the music industry VIDEO IS HERE TO STAY!" Weekdays, Evenings, Saturdays by appointment Dr. Allen M. Goldstein, Optometrist LADIES NIGHT L^J MANSFIELD SHOPPING PLAZA 25 Route 44 (next to'A&P) Storrs, Connecticut 429-6111 Talk of The Town


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■ photo r^ Frank Carpenter 487-1043 . * 9 » ,,..... f . Arts The Daily Campus, Thursday, November 1, 1984 Page 9 Van Halen's Hot Eden Rowe trio in concert By Marc Frucht course, are loving it It's a Staff Writer wonder that since the girl gets Well, the next mini-movie is all her parts displayed, the 0nNovember6 at 8:15 pm. out The Van Haten boys have youngsters aren't portrayed in Von der Mehden Hall, the ■'-TPlll^L R .■■■■"'■ : ■■ jumped onto the full-length as popping out of their pants. Department of Musk will pre- feature trend. (Well, enough about middle- sent the Ellen Rowe Trio in a Entitled "Hot for Teacher" class hang-ups.) concert of jazz standards and off of Warner Brothers' 1984 "Hot For Teachei"as a song original compositions. album, this video is lackluster is quite entertaining, but the Composer/pianist Ellen at best; unoriginal at worst It video is about three years too Rowe was the 1982 winner of •3 even goes so far as to begin late If Police hadn't already "Downbeat Magazine's" Best with a little boy named Waldo arrived on the scene, the Original Student Composi- telling someone "I'm not like Haten quartet would be on to tion Currently she is arrain the other guys." First something, but they have got- ger/transcriber for jazz great ^m impulse is to think of the ten away with pushing Marian McPartland and assis- copyright laws, but then one another mediocre item out tant professor in music teach- remembers of Van Halen's into the public eye. As far as ing Jazz Composition and close collaborations with creative energy goes, they directs the Jazz Ensemble at Michael Jackson in the past must have been tired when UConn Joining Rowe are Van Halen ripped the they conceived this one bassist Mike Hall and drum- BOfitt video's theme—like a shirt But the acting is good; and mer Dave Ratacjzak right off the back—off Police's E Van Halen's solos are Mike Hill was bass player for "Don't Stand so Close to Me" clean and well-played as both Woody Herman and A student Waldo, is madly in usual But the song sounds Buddy Rich Big Bands. He has love with the teacher..The just like all the other Van also worked extensively with BHE*«3CZ? only sizeable change in the Halen tunes. Edgar Winter. Dave Ratacjzak Halen feature is the sex roles Dick Clark summed up this spent two years as the drumer 1 particular event too, when he with Woody Herman's Big The teacher appears in a said thirty years ago, "Where Band Currently he is a free- r±/Z skimpy bathing suit wearing a there's unoriginality, there's lance artist working in New ribbon, "Miss Phys. Ed" She rock n rolL" York with artists including dances around the classroom Bob Mintzer, Toshiko Akiyosi like a stripper in a Navy bar. and Ben Vereen Ellen Rowe in rehearsal in the Musk building. The students, all male of Galway tickets availible 5Er'«9* gu -«w«; •Vj3*rt H -.m? Tie James Galway concert cancelled for the original date of October 12th due to the peformer's illness, has been te, re-scheduled for Saturday evening, November 3rd at 8PM A few tickets for the concert—which was com- pletely sold out— are being returned by patrons unable to attend on the new date Returns will be accepted at the Box Office until Friday, October 26, and will be released for re-sale on Mon- COLLEGE day, October29Uiat9AM.

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..»« u •-»•*.-•.••»•.--••■■••.•••^ * * + **9 !*•••« I » ■ • • • I We The DaHy Campus, Thursday, November 1, 1984 Page 10 Editor-in-Chief John Paradis "CONN'S ANSWER TO JAYWALKING Managing Editor Brian Dion Business Manager Lynne Kerrigan Editorial Comment Vote for Pelto Jonathan Pelto's grasp on issues, his under- standing of details and his agressive approach are what the university and Mansfield needs for the state legislature We endorse Mansfield's Democ- ratic Town Chairman for the 54th state house district seat Pelto, 24, a 1984 UConn graduate, is running against Republican Town Councilman George L Whitham Whitham, 64, is a strong candidate in his own right but he has not proven that he is as knowledgeable as his opponent Pelto has chall- enged voters to learn the issues and he has forced students and residents alike to think over the pro- blems facing the university and Mansfield He alone has made this campaign interesting Letters to the Editor Both candidates are advocates of the university and both oppose formula budgeting and formula tuition. Whitham however, believes that more cooperation with the state Board of Governors for Higher Education is needed and that formula Pelto should have known rules budgeting is more-or-less here to stay. Pelto be- lieves that he should fight for an alternative The fis- cal problem the university faces will not take care To the Editor know and understand the debates between himself and of itself. I would like to respond to rules which govern his cam- his opponent George Whit- both your editorial in Mon- paign tactics The issue needs ham and between the College Pelto has addressed the issues His support for day's Daily Campus concern- to be addressed and brought Democrats and the College women's issues tax reform the environment and ing the College Republicans' to a conclusion in its own con- Republicans The bottom line education are well contructed positions and he has charge that Jonathan Pelto, text of this campaign and the is that Mr. Pelto, in seeking realistic plans to implement them The former state candidate for the 54 th district process as prescribed by this office must be as responsible campaign manager for Gary Hart has proven that he state House seat, illegally sent university and the law. in his campaign as an elected campaign literature to stu- Mr. Pelto says our concern official must be during his can complete a task dents at this university amd with these well understood term. Whitham should be commended for both his ' Tuesday's article that affirm- and accepted guidelines and Thomas Salzberg years of service to the university as associate direc- ed, through Mr. Pelto's own ethics of campaigning are Vice-Chairman tor of the Co-op Extension Service and as president admittance, that he know- petty and an insult to the College Republicans of the UConn Alumni Association. His experience at ingly and illegally solicited students of this university and door to door against policy as the Democratic process We the university and on the town council is at least as prescribed in the student are not insulting the students Editor's note- Jonathan valuable as his opponent's but the General Assem- handbook. nor the Democratic process Pelto has been cleared of bly needs a Jonathan Pelto—a candidate with vigor Whether Jonathan Pelto in our attempt to insure fair allegations involving charges and fresh ideas Pelto knows the political process in knowingly sent literature elections. of illegal campaigning The Hartford and he knows how to build effective politi- through campus mail or Laws are a major part of the Daily Campus believes that cal coalitions We feel confident that he'll be an whether he was aware of the Democratic process and contacting voters is not a form rules concering solicitation should not be taken lightly, of solicitation. Pelto's oppo- effective freshman legislator in Hartford on campus does not eliminate especially in their conjunction nent, George Whitham, stated the seriousness of unfair cam- with the elements of as impor- Tuesday that he also has paigning or the need for its tant a Democratic function as thought of campaigning door- proper resolution. Being ig- electing a community's rep- to-door on campus and that Look both ways norant of the law does not resentative The issues of this the College Republicans "stre- excuse one from it A politi- election year have been dis- tched the interpretation of the UConn students are a daring often reckless cian, in seeking office must if cussed contrary to Mr. Pel- law. I am sure Jon (Pelto) was lot who regularly play a kind of Russian roulette— he is to be taken seriously, to's observation, in both sincere," he said they jaywalk. Students jaywalk on their way to classes Students jaywalk on their way back from classes Students Whitham can work with both even spring out from between parked cars with the careless abandon of three year-olds Worst some students after a night out at Ted's or Huskies, stum- To the Editor and berating them how does Whitham in there, we'll get ble drunkenfy across UConn roads oblivious to Are UConn students ser- he expect anyone to work something for UConn I feel onrushing traffic iously thinking about sending with him? He'll just squeal on that George Whitham can Jonathan Pelto to the General and on, and UConn will keep work with both parties to help The pace of life on campus is such that pedestrians Assembly? I've always be- getting the shaft from the rest us, not like Jon Pelto, who's are under heavy pressure to get to places fast- lieved that in a legislature, - of the state been isolated in his faction of especially if a student doesn't want to be late for a you've got to cooperate and George Whitham seems the Democratic Party. class or dinner. The university, however, might think compromise in order to get like a guy you can work with. All in all, the choice for the about a planned pedestrian program anything done But the way He's worked with others for a UConn electorate is one bet- Pelto talks about the legisla- long time both in town and for ween words and deeds. Street lighting is appalling and road paint marking Mark Krishkans pedestrian crossings have faded A well used gallon ture now, constantly insulting the university. Maybe with of traffic paint plastic stripes or reflective markers when applied to a street surface can play a major role in pedestrian safety. Others have mentioned that an auto-restricted zone should be placed at key Pelto will fight for students areas of campus such as the center of campus near the Co-op, where the high volume of pedestrian To the Editor uate of UCona is aware ot costs go much higher, I won't traffic conflicts with driving Jonathan Pelto is the best what we as students, need be able to continue at UCona candidate for state represen- and what problems we are Jon will work for us He's Of course, the best way to prevent pedestrian tative Jonathan is dedicated facing, particularly in the area spelled out his proposal and traffic accidents is to be careful. Motorists on cam- to protecting the environ- of finance and tuition. stood up for our rights. We pus drive far too fast for a university of over 20,000 ment As state representative Jon has promised to fight need Jon Pelto has our voice people and students just haven't learned to heed he will fight for tough environ- for more scholarship money. in the legislature the advice given to them as youngsters- Look Both mental protection laws Many of us are low and mod- Ways Before Crossing The Street Jonathan, as a recent grad- erate income students. If Nicole Senecal PageH The Daily Campus. Thursday. November 1. 1984 Opinion Erskine Carter The Courant was right— but it ain't crazy 1 he cockroach crawled onto his head while he was sleeping. Little Tommy Cabassa instinctively pushed and drove the large bug into his ear canal. The doctor in Emergency had to dig it out You can read about it in the Hartford Courant Five year old May ra Ares's lips are blistered with sores They were bitten by rat mites May ra also has pneumonia and other respiratory diseases You can see her picture in the Hartford Courant Hetene Brown is two years disowns you You return to old. Her playroom is a vacant your car and notice a wino apartment littered with gar- slouched in a doorway. His bage Her playmate is a dead thin knees rattle together like rat in a pile of trash. uneasy bones 'IfsaCatch-22 situation." "Whafs happening?" landlord Anthony ). Sessa someone asks, the afternoon rationalizes. His offices are shadows masking his face located in scenic Hamden "Someone got stabbed" You can find the story in you mutter and get into the Hartford Courant your car. Or you can drive down You crisscross over to there and check things out Albany Avenue and do the lor yourself. Sunday spin through the Blue Co onaSunday afternoon Hills «-,ection of town The A Hartford tenement building on Washington Street buildings in question are one they know has moved tarily. You pass the State of there You take the long way. yet Yes some repairs were Connecticut Development You scoot round the pres- made but there's no notice- office the Department of tigious Institute of Living and able difference Yes you Human Services and a job drive along Washington could climb the stairs and bank. Near the Bushnell Street Trinity College is a break your neck falling Auditorium a thought barbs block to the left You catch a through the rotten wood- in your head Just the tip of glimpse of the Gothic work Yes landlord Anthony the slumberg, you think No ChapeL Isn't the Rose Win- J. Sessa of Hamden wants wonder the Washingtn dow lovely? You park behind everyone out so he can con- Street atrodties have the Steak 'n' Egg restaurant vert these heaps into expen- received so much attention take your camera and walk sive office rentals Yes the They had the nerve to rear over. The Courant was right children are bitten and their ugly heads right smack on, you think Every word scared. Yes yes yes on the periphery of Candy printed every picture taken, No. say the young couple, Ross Land is absolutely true shaking their heads They These heads are hydra The tenements stand would not like their picture heads, you think. But that against the Jefferson Street taken doesn't mean they cannot backdrop like two frozen You hurry through an and should not be lopped off toads In a failed garden. The unguided tour. A vacant as swiftly as they grow. Near windows are boarded or apartment is busted open the Civic Center you pull to broken A Halloween effigy The garbage and rats are the curb to make a call. You hangs from one and stares gone but the smell of fresh telephone Hartford Hospital out at the street with mur- waste remains This is a and inquire about the gentle- Hartford paramedics load a slabbing victim into an ambu - dered eyes Inside the front shooting gallery where jun- man who was rushed in door, the hall is strewn with kies assemble to crank up lance on Union Place earlier with stab wounds trash The paint on the walls is smack scored over on Broad "Which one?" the woman when the sun is shining and streetcorners are actively past peeling The fresh paint Street You head round back asks the Civic Center shops are clogged today. The pushers has gone for grafitti, and the Three men standing by a '64 The one at Union Place open. Don't go directly to are out You watch them play disconcerting artwork is Chevy eyeball you hostilely. you explain 216 and 218-224 Washing handslap and pass a packet oddly harmonious No Time to go, you decide your "Oh, him He II be all right ton Street though. Cruise of dope down the line to the children here today. The few gut hardening into a tight His condition has stabilized around a little After all. it's a lucky one who will pour it men and women scatter throbbing balL You snap a He's lucky. Another couple beautiful day and there's into a spoon, give it a quick when they see you few shots out front and hop of inches to the left and he'd plenty to see in Hartford cook and fire it into a sag- approach After all. you are into your car. Near the porch, be dead" Swing by Union Place the ging vein The girls hang from trailing a camera and pens the teenage couple stares at Crazy, you think, returning long, dark street in the the tenement windows their and papers are bursting out you. They turn to one to your car. Crazy. shadow of the ramshackle smiles are painted red and of your pocket They have another and embrace like But it ainf crazy, amigo. Its train station A crowd of men orange The tee-shifted men talked enough to the two paper dolls ruckin' tough. has collected opposite on the porches are somber, curious You head up Washington Erskine Carter is a Daily Cam- Bushnell Park. The women their dark faces masks of You question a young cou- Street and the sun glaring off pus columnist congregate nervously out- indifference At this distance ple Yes some of the tenants the gold dome of the Capitol Photos by Ian Waldie and side Mad Murphy's saloon A if s impossible to read into are being relocated but no Building blinds you momen- Erskine Carter man lies in the street blood their eyes but you think you gushing from his chest and know what they say and you —letters streaming across his hairy drive faster. stomach. You pull around You make a U turn before park in the railroad yard and the green pastures of West Whitham has long been active mingle with the sullen crowd Hartford cross Blue Hills body. while the paramedics load To the Editor Avenue and return down Mansfield needs someone He is the father of ten tion to being a charter mem- the whitefaced stranger into Albany Avenue The street children some still in college, ber of the Council. His the ambulance Sirens who knows you, your needs transforms in front of your and whose roots are here with and he is well aware of your volunteer work is in Mansfield scream through the silence eyes The cops patrol and the concerns. Over the years Nobody talks The men in the you and who will serve and and at UConn Now jpe should people flee inside till they represent you George has served on many give George the support he crowd are street people pass Men sip beer in old boards, committees and com- They saw nothing, their eyes I have been unable to find needs to contunue this ser- Caddies and Uncolns and any Committee, Board or missions researching and lay- vice and representation at the are forever cast to the women coax children up ing the ground work for our ground The wounded man is commission that Jon Pelto State leveL George Whitham's broken down church stops has served on in Mansfield or council-manager form of depth will provide continuity, one of their own, you think. You fade from black and strength and stability. "What happened?" you any evidence of time spent in government our board of white to hispanic but the pic- Mansfield as a volunteer. education and our youth Frances W. Slkand ask an old panhandler wear- tures remain the same So ing cracked white shoes His He has worked at the many kids The only visible legislature but not for eyes are sailor eyes adrift on grass is brown. The trees a booze-filled sea Mansfield or UConn are dead He grew up in Mansfield VOICE YOUR VIEWS "Looks like a stabbing," he Albany Avenue disgorges The Daily Campus welcomes all nyms and initials will not be used answers his eyes juggling up and was a UConn student but you onto Main Street You he has been out of town letters expressing all viewpoints The address and phone number and down the street float through Candy Floss Letters should be as brief as are for our verification only and "It's crazy," you say. Land for awhile The copper working for others, not possible and are subject to con- will not be published Letters are Mansfield or UConn densation, gramnvr. good taste printed only with names, but a 'It ain't crazy, amigo." he windowed bank buildings, name may be withheld on re- replies moving away. 'It's George Whitham is alsn a and the deletion of libel Letters the Old State House the UConn graduate and has long must be typed and double space quest Send to Letters to the ruckin' tough." Traveler's Building, isn't the and should include signature Editor. The Connecticut Daily The cops see you snap- Atheneum beautiful? Jeffer- been active in projects for the valid mailing address and tele Campus, 11 Dog Lane Storrs, University and its student phone number. If any. Pseudo- CT 06268. . ping pictures and the crowd son Avenue looms up. The Page 12 The Daily Campus, Thursday, November I, 1984 Marketplace Ride needed to and from North Hey my little pumpkin you are the Happy birthday Erica. Buckley 3rd Stephanie I still feel bad because Carolina for ThanksgMng break or best trick I have ever treated Floor. Love Eddy 3rd Floor. when you needed a friend I wasnt as far South on 1-95 as possible myself to For Sale there Sorry. In the future It wont Will share expenses Call Monica happen again Keep smilng! Kevin 487-7916. RBI 1/2 UNDA you red headed wild re foe &. Rums cepttonist woman you How could Tailoring by Neriman I DO EXPERT Thanks for saving me from going I have gone al these weeks without Sar-Bean Surprise! I thought It was TAILORING ALTERATIONS, to Buffalo sending you a personal I do about time I paid you back Thanks WEAVING FOR LADIES ANDGEN- EXPAND. TC for always going that extra mile TLEMEN, ONE DAY SERVICE and keeping me "In pace". In AVAILABLE OPEN MONDAY Help Wanted Synch is the best way to be!!! THRU SATURDAY 8to6 429 Tdjohn the TALLbouncer at Teds- When s your next night off?-The WaHy: Here's your second per- LoveShar 1444. FSI2/6 girl wfth dimples. Please Reply sonal from me I hope you The Toughest |ob You'll Ever Love understood the first one Do you P.G s PAPERCHASE offers Typing, Yes the Peace Corps Office is have any more papers that have to Proofreading Copies. Quality *' open.again! We're In Room 208 But Mike you must admit ft was oh be typed? Always Me Anna reasonable rates. Free pick-up and ,Hj»DynV and the number is 486 such a lovely reading HA-HA- HA Miscellaneous " fntfieareaCall684-9l45. 3013. So come by or gfve us a call Signed The Old Roommate Ml/I and see what's new In the work*! lane Ana Cheryl Sue Get psy- ched for one HELL of a night HWII/2 ANN. BEARD B 4th Floor, lo Penso Reflections will never be the same Unbeatable prices for the best P) Che tuseiSensazionale! PS. Bkie Freeze your singles and fust thlnk- 3 FORD LTD Station Wagon v- Waitresses Walters Flexible sound systems on campus Earl pu/e il rnto cokxe preferlto. Is this "The man of the year!" Love S5I engine ps/pb am/frn-8 schedule to suit your needs Apply Russ Earrs Traveling Disc All re- right? Me Your Driver quest dancing music Over a NOT A PORSCHE but It in person at the Country Squire 95K ml w/snows S550. Restaurant Rte 83 Ellington. Only decade in service Now there is no reason to go any place else 487-6716 FSI I/I 20 minutes from campus HW11 / Rob on second floor McMahon Grand Central's own D.I. SHOW Limited time only $85.00 on The Dog Is on the loose Watch the US YOUR UNDERALLS! Its a full sound system 423-1508. Ml 2/ Udes UCorm student selling brand ears they're sensitive Let me say moon Must be a freshman You II pew genuine Indian clothing at that since Love Grrr Carlo don t dance like one With love "1985-1986 Resident Assistant pirasttcally reduced prices. Must Brina positions- To obtain an application ■d complete stock before students must attend one of two PREGNANT? Consider Adoption Thanksgiving Blouses $2. Slacks Clamhead in Litchfield 302. Are scheduled meetings-Wednesday. a healthy artematilve Golden Cra- $4 and Dresses $5 Sunday at the you alive? How's your love life? Suha Al. Salamo. ARekum Mueeh November 14th or Thursday. dle Adoption Services A State Mansfield Flea Market Mansfield Come visit me! Love CMde Ckieen Shooftah MH. November 15th at 7:00pm In the licensed child placing agency. Call Drive-In on Route 32. FSI I /2 Cole Collect In Confidence WE CARE Physics Building Room 36. 2I5-289-BABYMI2/II Applications are due by 4:30pm Sandy In Terry A-One hostess with FOR SALE I97S OLDS 88 Runs on Thursday. December 13th" Pant Happy Birthday Crash! themostess. serve gtobs of chunky HWII/2 great Solid transportation Some Here's your first personal From peanut butter to our guests Your Looking for Auto Insurance? Our rust First $100000 takes ft Call who else but your favorite ex- roomie one stop protections Is al you eves, after 9pm 429-0099. Kim roommate I'm going to miss you need Find out from Tom Lobo FSI1/13 Pair of LEAFRAKERS for yard next semester! To My Secret Admirer from 423-6374. American Mututal S3.S0/hr./each One day work for Accounting 131.1 like your card- Insurance Companies Life/Auto/ two Rakes provided 3mL from To the sexy chick In BEECHER 2nd No more nightmares OK? Reply. Home/HealthMI2/ll campusfneed own car) 429- FOR SALE Royal Electric Typew- We hear its your birthday. Wish Mark riter $ 150.00 Manual return pre- 0809/486-3955 or stop by Mon- we could see you more Miss ya set tabs. Good condition Call tefth 318. HWII/I Love lack Rob, and Chris Hey UCONN. D.l Spitfire is back 487-1987. FSM/2 Can anyone tel me if I need a spe- playing the songs you want to hear. I want to be your number I > cial license to go on a MAN UNCLE AL THIS IS NO TIME TO BE HUNT!!? D.L Mark 646-3476. Ml 2/14 Earn extra money. The Law School SICK. THE WEEKEND S COMING Selection Service needs a campus UP! ALL MY LOVE. DEB PS HURRY representative Earning potential AND GET OUT OF THERE!! Imported Beer Taste with a Schltz great Work around your schedule To the Punk Priest Happy Anniver- For Rent pocketbook Make your own For additional information cal sary! We've shared a lot of special home brew. Its easy. Ask us collect(303)841-8305. HW1 l/l times In the last year-NY. B.H. I / BUENOS AMIGA MIA ALL THE 2L. to name a few. Thanks for CHAMPUON S GENERAL STORE ASHFORD 2 bdrm duplex CAR- RT275Eaglevllle429-l 144.MI 1/ WAY FROM STORRS. CONNEC always giving me a reason to smile PORT. APPLIANCES. COUNTRY 9 TrCUTI! THOUGHT THE CDC Lets fill a library of scrapbooks SETTING 10 mtns from campus VOCATIONAL TASK TEAM IN- WOULD BE A WELCOMECHANGE together. All My Love Princess $385/mo. pkBurJfttes CALL429- STRUCTOR TO WORK WITH MEN- TALLY RETARDED ADULTS IN FROM THE SAN PEDRO PAPER! LeiaP.S Lets go to London! 7110 (9am-2pm) on 487-0386 LOVE DEB Having a PARTY or DORM SEMI- (evenings). FRI1/5 JANITORIAL PROGRAM IN EARLY FORMAL? Call SOUNDON TAP-D| AFTERNOON AND EVENING BA feamle Z-Hey little sister what s SERVrCESI"Wel keep the music IN HUMAN SERVICES/APPRO- 1 Mike Thanks for a great year. All new? Have a great day and Til see flowing'at your next party. Ask for PRIATE RELATED EXPERIENCE RE- you soon! Love Annie your big sis- Chris. 487-8095.M11/20 QUIRED CONTACT DIR OF that sneaking paid off. Can't wait for 6/15/86. LAMP. PS I love ter. Get psyched for Saturday DEVELOPMENT COUNTRY IN- you night! Roommates/ DUSTRIES. P.O. BOX 14a COVEN- For the best variety of music cal Housemates TRY. CONN BY 11/9/84. HWI1/5 TC PRODUCTIONS D.L Service Tony(Toga). you dance ok for a Uso Happy Birthday. Good luck on Top 40. new wave disco, dance Freshman Sig Eps was fun your exam and your cow. When rock Lights Included Cal Ed $100.00-to put up 8'xl0' metal HOUSEMATE WANTED Large 2 Raggedy Ann does the section get its steak din- Anderson at 487-4832. Ml 2/11 Arrow Shed call 429-8051 ner? Dollar jfdroom townhouse 2.5 miles to HWII/I BCONN Sane rational pro- fessional or grad student pre- Press Agent Some people fust Kimmers Happy Birthday who DEADUNE FOR ALL CLASSIFIEDS ferred $250.00 Includes house- won't stop nagging until they get a knows 2 maybe 3 years until (INCLUDING PERSONALS) IS keeping Eves, after 9pm 429- personal We'll dedicate the next legality! Wi II you earn your Scarlett I :00. FOR THE FOLLOWING DAY Ml 1/2 0099. KlmRHI 1/13 concert to you Oanne and Arie "A" tonfte? EN|OY YOU LUSH! Personals Love Roomie See page 13 Responsible person to share two PHARMACY MAfORS Don't forget to stop by at "Add/Drop" and add bedroom apt 10 minutes from Amy. One year ago today was the ANTHONY AND SOCIETY 235 to UCONN $187 50 monthly plus PERSONAL OF THE MONTH beginning of the best year In my utilities Call in evening 429-8429. There one was a girl named Kate your course schedule Hfe Lets enfoy it In style and relive RHII/14 No one in Russell D could hate ' some memories. All my love Her birthday came here Kleran We've add a year Congratulations CHI PHI PLEDGES Room and board In exchange for and now she's no longer (aitoait! Kevin O, Steve Rick Bill and Ken care of three year old while single Happy Birthday. KMZ You are the best pledge class at Steve Happy day! Love always. father works Evenings 742-9575 UConn together with Kevin L. Me Keep Trying RHII/8 Todd Bob and Paul The proud TANGLEFOOT Is coming! T»l 1/5 tradition of CHI PHI will live on thanks to you I PAULTHE NEWS EDITOR BEING OF SOUND MIND(?) AND BODY, DO HEREBY PUBUSH AND DE- Show UConn spirit by supporting To Christ Our best customer at the CLARE THIS TO BE MY LAST WILL girls soccer with your atten- AND TESTAMENT. IF I SHOULD Wanted beer tenrj); There's no need to dance!!! FAIL TO RETURN FROM GHOST return the favor Just sending me BUSTING" I HEREBY GIVE THIS the personal brightened my day! Female roommate to share room Thanks Vkkl THURSDAYS NEWSDESK TO in 2 bedroom apartment starting To the cute little redhead who COUN Decl or Janl. Hot water inc scans the paper for her first per- sonal Wei. here It Is Word from $ 107 50 plus security. 429-2722 OK STATI10. here comes another the wise try to stay away from Kelry. the beautiful brunette in Jef- or 486-4118. Wl 1/7 exam I got a 94 on this one I embarasslng moments it Hallo- ferson I ve got to meet you How expect nothing less from you guys ween parties Mr. Ed of course about today 5:00pm at the Swan DON T SCREW UPIII know you can Lake bench Your admirer from do it Blow that curve Your kind Towers To the outstandi ng composer of wonderful extremely intelligent Rideboard WHERE ISTHECAMEMBERT." Tm TA PS Large sums of money hi so grateful for this contribution to exchange for "nicer grades cah be BOB-wkh a MOOSE? Thats dis- the music world and r d gfve you left in mail box at any time gusting! Ride needed to Boston Friday the world If I could don't ya November 2nd WM share expen- know You are also cordkrify Invited Happy Birthday Kim. Beard B The YOUR PACE OR MINE? Theres Needed to work ses. Please cal 429-2709 ask for to olne the Merritt way one of BIG 18. Lets go fox hunting on more than one cute redhead run- Mike Room 111 or Rob Room these days-love MCM horse badd Your oldest friend Val ning GurleyviRe on Sundays What 118. RBIl/l was I wearing? Tm interested 2 nights. Please Reply-Jai If you dWn't get an Orange Per- Ride needed Tufts U. or Boston Dear Kane I guess we have our dif- soanl don't feel left out-Green Per- DUDES-Thanx for the Tuck-ln!! PAID Friday-Sunday. WM share expen- ferences but I love you anyway. sonals wHI be here soon Nov. 1211! GET EXCITED!! See you ses Call before 1:30pm or after Good luck tomorrow. I wish I at HAPPY HOUR I wonder 6:00pm 487-7996. Sandra could be there Love Amy Sue POSITION who's????? RBIl/l Buckwheat Now that you are a PLEASE APPLY legal aduk what can you do? Vote Ride needed to the MUfbrd Area NATE BEWAREI WE KNOW YOUR and get a record Big thrills! Enjoy Black sweater girl: I am the original on Friday Noy.2. WBI help pay for YEAROFCFUBACY IS OVER WATCH your 18th but beware of the I was wearing a leopard skin scarf at the gas CaH-487-6600 after 4:00pm OUT FOR YOUR NACKERS AND S K P. D they have your plate num- and K left a note on my door-So RBI 1/2 DISAPPEARING ROTS ber. Love Wheatfree bug off. The real blonde at Teds Daily CamptM [ ■ ■ . t I ....-i Marketed The DaHy Campus. Thursday. November 1. 1984 Page 13 From page 12 LOST: 2 blue denim jackets and jogathon beneflttlng Wallace ii one white Nike jacket They were Village for Children Noon Sunday Events put in wrong car at Talc of the I l/l 1/84 at Track Field Spon- Town on Saturday Oct20th sored by Sigma CN in cooperation GOING OUT TONIGHT? Don't Please call ED at 487-7695 or with Teds and Holiday Spirit forget your UConn Student Fed- MATT at 429-9116 LFII/I Shops Huskies Mansfield Supply. eral Credit Union ATM card El I / J &. R and B & D Liquors Runner LOST: Pearl Bracelet Saturday night Sponsorship Appreciated 486- Come see Bogart at his best! in CrandalL Sentimental Value 5209. Al1/2 AlsopB presents "African Queen" Please contact Sue at 487-6622. SHOP in LS 154 on Friday. November LFI l/l 2nd. Times of showings are 7:00 CREW CLUB MEETING: and 9:00. Popcorn will be avail- LOST: Woman's jean jacket at THE CREW CLUB WILL MEET THIS able Price of Admission 50«. El I / Beerfest Friday night If found, call THURSDAY AT TED S AT 4:00pm Sonny at 486-3704. LFI 1/2 BE THERE! AND TELL YOUR BAGEL BRUNCH! Sunday. Nov. FRIENDS. Al l/l 4th 11:30am HILLEL HOUSE Three jackets were put in wrong PROF. BENSON GINSBURG fl car Saturday night at the Talk of the ISRAEL SEEN BY AN INNOCENT CAREER OPPORTUNITIES-John Town Two Jean and one white If ABROAD' $ 1.50 members. $2.50 Callahan from AETNA INSTITUTE you found them please call Ed at non-members. ALL WELCOME! OF CORPORATE EDUCATION wiH 487-7695. LFI 1/2 El 1/2 speak on job opportunities No- vember 1984 in Commons Room LOST: Girts Levi's jean jacket Lost UONa HAMPTON AND OR- 310 Admission 504 sponsored by In Dance at Frats Saturday Night CHESTRA NOVEMBER 13. EAS- theHDFRCIub.AII/6 TERN CONNECTICUT STATE UNI- Size 34. Please Return and save VERSITY STUDENTS $6 GENERAL your Soul. Sprague Room 346 -^ T»«~U)iA*&^— $10.00. TICKETS AVAILABLE AT 487-1500 ext6 Ask for Timothy. UNIVERSITY MUSIC FOR INFOR- Thank you LFI 1/2 Malarkay Farm By BobMonahan MATION CALL 456-2231 EXT 418. Ell/2 FOUND Set of keys in dark rust Buxton case Found in area of W- BElitveS THAT TOE W South Campus over Homecoming Relax during exams Qualified P.T. Weekend Can be picked up at f&HLEHb OF TUt R0RAHD SlCK. students giving massagesl Tickets Dally Campus LFI I 2 on sale Oct.30. 31 and Nov.!. SU SPRVIN& THftUOHOT TH£M*U>? 11 -3 and library 7-10. For yourself LOST: BROWN TWEED JACKET. or friend! Questions?? 487-6355. ROTC FRIDAY NIGHT. SENTIMEN- El l/l TAL VALUE REWARD WILL BE GIVEN CALL JIM 429-9707. LFI I / •••UCONN SKI CLUB*" 2 •••SKI SALE and EXPO*" Nov 3-6!! For new/used discoun- LOST: Set of keys on two key rings ted apline/XC equipment apparel Aquarius and blue university. If ski tuneups, ski-swaps. FREE ski- found please call Su-Ellen 487- passes, ski-reps and MORE!!! 8267. LFI 1/5 DONT MISS IT1! USG Funded El 1/6 LOST: THICK GRAY ENGUSH KARUKAS By Chris Karukas PAPERBACK ENTITLED HARPER 8. ••••THE EXORCIST!!"" ROW READER LAST SEEN IN CHEM Thursday Nov.l at 7:30 ft. 10 at BUILDING RM395 ON WED. CastJeman 207 (FLC 207) Come If OCT.24. IF FOUND PLEASE CALL you Dare!! JOANNE 429-2226 AFTER 6PM AND LEAVE MESSAGE WHERE I El l/l CAN FIND YOU LFI 1/5 A new course for the Spring Semester. Meteorotogy-RNR 298. For Information Call Dr. Miller 486- 2840. El 1/3 Activities PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL BY USCENCED Hypertrichologlst- electrollst using the more effective NURSING MAJORS!! Come to a blend method and air desenrJzer seminar with three nurses who'll for your comfort.For a free con- speak about what nursing is after sultation Call Lorraine Klldusf at graduation Brunch provided Wlndham Hospital Professional Nov.3 1030-12:30 Call 486-4903 GUT BY HICK SUTTON Bldg 456-2703 or 429-8289. RSV.P.AI1/2 Ml 1/2 CHIP, THIS IS MY PMCHD V UN1. WRAT A COSTUME.'.' SANPY FROM HOtft. SANDY, DISC JOCKEY. SPIRO the MO| ECONOMICS MAJORS are invited LOOK AT THAT PET4IL." (master of Jam) offering Top Big THIS IS MY POOMKATE CHIF> to the Undergraduate Economics COKE-BOTTtf MASSES, < Apple Sounds Equipment and Clubs WINE AND CHEESE PAR- KUR CALCVMORS, SL\0E lighting Over 1000 records. TY.Thursday. Nov. I. SU 217 from ir^m »- ffMfi, MECHANICAL Excellent references Professional 2:30 to 5:30 Chance to meet Service Call 429-1109. Ml 1/5 faculty and make friends Al III f _\ •PENCIL^

GREEK NIGHT Thursday Nov. 1.1/ NATIONAL SERVICE DAY this 2 Price off cover when wearing Saturday Nov.3. Do a service for pins or inslgnas..504 DRAFTS AT the campus an individual, of the THE COMMONS LOUNGE. El 1 / community! Alpha Phi Omega I National Service Fraternity. All/ SANDY. FOUR CORNERS' TYPIST 2 AT YOUR SERVICE ON SELECTRIC CALL423-6374 DAY BEFORE FOR LOW RATES/ACCURATE TYPING 754 Double Negotiable Books my BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed specialty. Free editing Transport arranged. Ml l/l WELL ft BAR IS HARPLYTHE ..SUCKING INTOXICANTS MOST APPROPRIATE PLACE W606H. WELL HERE i AM AND HOPING FOR A FOR A LOWLY. seNsmve, FOR A BETTERTOMORROW. VOTE AGAIN FEELING TOTALLY ume FEMALE SINCERE PERSON TO GO HOW I MISS MONDALE/FERRARO! Ml 1/6 RIDICULOUS... COMPANY. LOOKING FOR QUALITY '.SLURP/': COMPANIONSHIP. YEAH. otm.e

Lost and Found


FOUND I accidentally picked up a OJCK'. „„,„, women's jean jacket at the beer fest Friday night Please call 487- 6479 to identify and claim LFI l/l

FOUND White and orange cat in Towers parking lot-Please claim 487-6437. LFI l/l

LOST: License and photo-~rB Please call 487-1987. LFI I /I Pase 12 The friih/ Camnti*. Thursdav Nnvwnhw 1 t Qftd JVA~«..l,~*j._l Page 14 The Dally Campus Thursday, November 1, 1984

SKI SALES EXPO. Afro-American Cultural Center (located In the ground level of the Commons Building)

This years SKI SALE will be our biggest ever. There will be lots of discounted Ski Equipment and Apparel from many New England vendors S"l SWAP November 3rd 10-5 SKI TUNE-UPS Bring your old equipment to the 4th 10-5,6-9 Get your skis tuned up by members Afro-American Cultural Center 5th 9-5, 6-9 of the UCONN SKI TEAM anytime between 9 am &,9p.m 6th 9-5 "P-Tex", bottom repair and patching November 2nd Sharpening Hot Waxing SKI CLUB MEMBERSHIP UPCOMING TRIPS $ 13 annual membership fee includes: Mt Snow December 1, 1984 Discounted prices for all UCONN SKI CLUB TRIPS Park City Utah January 11-18, 1985 A FREE UCONN SKI CLUB T-Shirt (long sleeve) Sugarbush Vermont January 13-18, 1985 A FREE UCONN SKI CLUB Bumper Sticker Sign-up dates will be held 5% Discount at our fantastic SKI SALE in the Student Union Lobby $ 10 OFF MAJOR TRIPS November: Monday 12th A FREE SSA Discount Ski Card Monday 19th Special TED'S HAPPY HOURS, Monday and Tuesday, Tuesday 27th 6-10 p.m. December: Monday 3rd UCONN SKI CLUB Newsletters Tuesday 11 th SKI CLUB PARTIES and much more all dates: 12-3 .. r^.c . . Any questions, please call: _ . Usa DiScipio 487-53360 coo Rob Gagnon 487-6641 Anne Karl 487-4714 Pat McCabe 487-7653 Sponsored by TED'S RESTAURANT, SPIRIT SHOP, and GIANT GRINDER SHOP.

MWit'■ :-• : I i : ! W-.h'.i: >....' fixillllKMUiit . »''•»••■<•»'••■•■'» •.•»»'t"i WnWHWMttNWl^^ Arts The Daily Campus, Thursday. November t. 1984 Page 15 Brian De Palma holds to a dark vision of reality

By Jay Ltvernols Arte€dll0r«!?-*?*w' With Ronald Reagan about to sweep to a landslide victory on the votes of people who feel that art begins and ends with Teddybears, it comes as no surprise that Brian De Palma's new movie, 'Body Double," is being panned by critics and hated by the American public. The film is

■ despised by these "Ted- dybear barbarians" because it is thoughtful erotic horrific, and imaginative After a special screening of the movie for college arts editors at Columbia Pictures' offices in New York City, De Palma answered questions about himself and the film from the audience He seemed relaxed but not anx- ious to answer questions from a predominantly yuppie/ preppie group of college students. The bearded De Palma, 42, was tastefully dressed in a grey suit and plaid tie. Q: In "Body Double" why do you seem to play with a reality which moves between dream and death, and bet- ween psychosis and life? A An actor's role and his sense of identity is somewhat doubtful. Reality whatever that is, seems to always be in doubt, and that lack of cer- tainty terrifies people The uncertain scares. Q: How much of your work is derived from Alfred Hitchcock's? A When it comes to the suspense genre in film, Hitchcock was a master of it and one of its great pioneers. It would be stupid to try to make a suspense film and not use what he invented In "Body Double" I borrowed a lot from Hitchcock's films, "Rear Window", "Rope", "Psycho", and "Vertigo". Q: Why is the plot of the movie centered around a voyeur? A To some extent we are »DD,r!Ct0r Brtan DePainia lo°Wng tough on the set of the new movie has received because of a murder scene all voyeurs given the chance Body Double. After all the "Teddybear" brain reviews with an electric drill he probably looks much angrier. It gets us off to watch other people. Voyeurism is my way of taking in the audience and getting them involved with the movie. A large part of the To Use the horror and suspense of this film is the fact that the ESCORTSERWCE & 486-4809 audience watches as the vic- tim is about to be murdered K>OOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO< Q: Then are you saying that you are seducing us into the movie? Are you fucking with (M»»attpaM-(MPU4HW our minds to get us into it? A When you see anything, See page 16 BridgeBODY Street Plaza. WUIimantlcSHOP 4237471 WINTER BREAK cyWaiisfield ''Drive in presents Help us sponsor your Aerobic C/asses 1., school's winter break Michael Cristofer's FRI, SAT, SUN at 8:00pm . "Complete set of dumbbells ski trip and ski free! Pulitzer Prize Winning •Olympic weights and THE SHADOW BOX exercise machines • Power lifting (800) 368-2006 TOLL FREE American •Dietary Supplements «Free Routines Open tonight through Sat, SPRING BREAK Nov. 10at8:00 p.m PLUS tirls No performance Mon.Nov. i day 'a week month Help us sponsor your 5 Ft. Lauderdale trip Studio Theatre Dram/Music 6 months 160XW>y«» and you go for free! Bldg Tickets: $4.00-$5.00 SPECIAL - BRING A FRIEND - 2 ft* $30 (800) 368-2006 TOLL FREE Box Office 486-3969 (For 1 Month) tIEtf! ADULT* IN i 9W" C9V°» Page 16 The Daily Campui^TTWsday/November f. 1964 Arts an Brian De Palma sees morbidity9 in existence I ^* From page 15 lecture the ratings. We were given an porno video. The combina- Q: What do you read? A lecture on the art of Vin- whether you want to or not, "R" quite easily. My work is tion of a new wave group, por- A: I read non-fiction cent Van Gough will be given you are participating with not pornography becasue the nography, video, I think Ummmm I read John Barth November8 at7:30 p.m. in the your imagination as you see it sex is imagined more than produced an unusual scene in I'm sorry I didn't know to William Benton Museum of Yes, I guess I am. graphically seen This movie the movie bring a reading list Art on the Storrs campus of Q: Why do you make films is fiction, it has a story and its Q: How do you develop Q: Do you do any other kind the University of Connecticut that are so violent and per- main purpose is not sexual. your cinematic ideas? of art besides film? by Mark RoskilL Professor of verse? The world isn't that We are living more and more A I get my ideas from A: No. I can't paint I can't Art History at the University of way. in a repressive society and dif- places, r 11 be at a hotel, have sculpt This is it Massachusetts. Professor A: Well, the world I live in is ferent political groups are an idea, and then Til walk it Q: What will you do next? Roskiirs lecture is titled "Van this way. I have a very dark trying to impose their views through the place Til find A I would like to make a Gogh Self-Criticisrn and the vision of life and Hollywood.I on art and the way in which things that will seize my rock 'n' rolk movie probably Creation of Revised Ver- certanly live in the dark side they want to be portrayed imagination and Til work them with John Travolta I have also sions." The lecture spon- and I make my films conform Feminists want women to be into a movie been working on a movie sored jointly by the University to this realtiy or at least reflect shown in a certain manner no Q: Why do you use about the Yablonski of Connecticut Art History it matter if it is true or not This is museums in your films? murders. Colloquium Series and the Q: You say the world you not a artistic view of women A I have a fascination with Q: How much did it cost to William Benton Museum of live in is the dark side of exis- but a political one I make the space in museums. In make "Body Doubles"? Art, is free and open to the tence. Do you mean to say this movies to please myself and " Dressed to Kill" the seducton A: Ml millioa Well, this is public is Hollywood? my dark aesthetic vision. I scene with Angie Dickenson it A: Yes. know this will not please cer- begins in the Metropolitan Q: How do you think tain groups. Museum It is a great place to Hollywood evolved into a Q: Why did you cast meet people and very strange dark, pathological state? Deborah Shelton and Melanie with all the art around Bagley, conductor of A: I think Hollywood has Griffith as the two main female Q: Why does the main always been morbid or characters? character have pathological The reason it is A Deborah Shelten had claustrophobia? UGonn singers, will debut is because you have a com- qualities which reminded me A I didn't originally plan on bination of art and business. of a silent film actress. In the it in the film The places we The University of Connt close with works by J.S. Bach, Whenever an artist's imagina- film she probably had six began to shoot the film sug- ticut Concert Choir and accompanied by an tion' and a businessman's lines. As a former Miss gested situations which Chamber Singers will present instrumental ensemble the criminality join a morbidity America, her image has a would become more interest- works spanning four cen- first selection being the stir- develops. The artist cannot powerful presence We were ing if the main character suf- turies in a free concert at 3 ring Komm, Jesu komm and help but be frustrated by the originally going to use a real fered from claustrophobia. As p.m. on Nov. 11 in Von der the last being Singet dem smallness of the business porn star for the role Melanie a two bit actor in the film Medgen Hall in Storrs. Herrn ein neues Lied, which mind Those business types Griffith played Something Wasson plays a vampire in a The concert will mark the will feature as soloists sop- can ruin you. Look, probably came up for the porn star and porno film and I thought it Storrs debut of conductor Dr. rano Mariel Toyt, alto Megan the greatest American direc- Melanie auditioned for the would be funny to have a Peter RE. Bagley, recently Friar, tenor John Boyle and tor, Orson Welles, is forced to role and said she could do it claustrophobic vampire on appointed as Director of the bass Kurt Carr. Also on the make stupid wine commer- As you see she certanly top of it all. The problems he Choral Ensembles Program program are works from the cials because he is locked out could has are meant to be funny and Professor of Music. Prior 16th and 17th centuries by of work by the business side of Q: Why did you use the and strange to coming to Storrs, Dr. Hans Leo Hassler, Claudio Hollywood This isonlv one group "Frankie goes to Q: Why did you shoot the Bagley taught and conducted Monteverdi, Heinrich Schutz, small example of the perver- Hollywood' in the movie? passionate scenes with the at the State University of New Hohn Wilbye, Thomas Tom- sity found in this line of A I am alway fascinated by camera moving around the York, New Paltz, for 17 years. kins, and John Farmer. In work new genres which- come actors? He also has taught in the addition, the 19th century Q; "Body Double" is rated around When I wrote the A To move a camera public school system of composer Anton Bruckner is " R" but seems to border on an screenplay, MTV was new around a passionate couple Greenwich, Ct, and he is listed represented along with "X" rated film Do you believe so I wanted to see what I could makes the scene more erotic in Who's Who in the East and Zoltan Kodaly, Benjamin Brit- your work is pornography do with it in a movie. The song, The audience is able to see all Who's Who Among Black ten, and Ralph Vaughan and is it dangerous? "Relax and you'll come" fit in the reactions of the actors as Americans. Williams fromt the 20th A I had no problems with perfectly to make a musical the camera circles them. The program will open and century.

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Q Total Concern is a student organization that works to increase aware- , J JJ ness and accessibility of persons with disabilities on campus / X A $500 second-semester scholarship will be awarded to an applicant j X meeting the following criteria: X

^ a)sophomore, junior, senior or graduate standing at Storrs campus with a cumula- X u tive grade-point average of 2.7 or higher. J J b)personal disability and/or an interest in entering a helping profession such as X u physical therapy, speech pathology, rehabilitation services, psychology, etc to J J work with the disabled X X c)involvement in campus or community activities J X d)financial need (to be considered, but not the determin g factor). X

J Applications are available at the Financial Aid office and the Disabled Student X X Services Center. They must be returned to the Disabled Student Services Center by J J December 1 st and a copy of the applicants transcript must be attached X The Dally Campus. Thursday, November 1, 1984 Page 17 TED S & the




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UConn Ski Club Trip Vs. Smuggler's Notch

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*COME TO SUGARBUSH and CATCH THE SPIRIT OF SNOW!* Page 18 The Daily Campus, Thursday, November 1, 1984 =Sports ..Addington is heart of Huskies Mantle, Mays still banned From back page never lost his composure. He kept urging his reared its ugly head once again and the Huskies teammates on, trying to convince them of what ATLANTIC CiTY,N.J.(AP)— Mays to give up his $50,000- a- could only manage one .goal. Brown took over year coaching job with the he knew was true that they were the better team play in the first half but a stingy UConn defense Baseball Commissioner Peter no matter who they played He wanted the team Ueberroth has no immedite New York Mets after Mays and fine goal tending by Andy Pan tason preser- intention of reversing the accepted a casino prom- to remember that they were playing for ved the victory. Connecticut bans which prevent Mickey otions job at 13311/8 Park "Not many teams are supported like this one. "We needed this win, especially at this point in Mantle and Willie Mays from Place We love the fans and we want to show them we the season," Addington said "We knew how working for major league Last year, Kuhn told Mantle can win," Addington said "Every game, we have important this game was and we won it We may teams because of their casino he was out of baseball for something to prove to people, to ourselves, to not have scored a lot of goals but we still got affiliations, a spokesman for accepting a job as a "goodwill the school, to coa< h (Morrone), and to Connec- the win." Ueberroth said Wednesday. ambassador" with Del Webb's ticut That is a big responsibility for us." Claridge Casino Hotel. Mantle "Before the game, coach said to us 'guys, this Bob Wirz said it was Ue- had worked as a part-time The Huskies knew what was on their is it we have a couple of things to prove today' berroth's "early feeling that batting coach for the New shoulders coming into yesterday's game with What we did today was go out there and prove Bowie's Kuhn's handling of Providence. They were ranked third in New York Yankees what this team is made of," he said these matters was right" But The Press of Atlantic City, in England region (Harvard (2-0) and Providence) he said a full review has not a copyright story Wednesday, they could not afford to lose this game And once again they proved to the people of been conducted Connecticut that they really are the state's said Ueberroth would not The first half was totally dominated by UConn team In 1979, Bowie Kuhn, then change Kuhn's decision to bar but the problem of finishing off scoring chances the commissioner, forced See page 19 Soviet coaches suggest Olympic site change

* - MOSCOW (AP)-Two Soviet coaches have suggested that the 1988 Summer Olympics, scheduled to be held in South Korean capital of Seoul should be moved to another location in Europe. Writing in the government newspaper Izvestia, handball coach Anatoly Yevtushenko said Wednesday that Olympic officials should take "con- crete, wise steps" to preserve the ideals of the Games. His suggestions echoed an article by national wrestling coach Ivan Yarrygin publish- ed Tuesday in the sports daily Sovietsky Sport "The fate of the world Ol- ympic movement now is of great concern to the public. That is why it is important today to speak aloud of what is threatening the Olympic Games" Yevtushenko said "The time has come to take concrete, wise steps for the preservation of the Olympic ideals on earth." Yevtushenko said the choice of Seoul for the 1988 Games was made in a "secret vote" at a September 1981 Olympics meeting in Baden- Baden, West Germany. He said he was present at the meeting and that even then the choice of Seoul ap- peared to many coaches and other sports officials as "arguable" "Who can guarantee that these Games would not be made into political games?" Yevtushenko asked "It may also happen that the Olympic flag which depicts the bright ideals of peace and friendship will go from the frying pan of Los Angeles to the fire of SeouL" The Soviet Union boycot- ted the Los Angeles Olympics after a prolonged press cam- paign complaining of threats to Soviet athletes and over- commercialism. The decision caused spec- ulation about Soviet par- ticipation in SeouL Moscow C1984 Beer Brewed by MiHtfr6rewinp Co; does not maintain diplomatic relations with South Korea and backs the communist government in North Korea

■ - X.-.'j WOOfiflS J ♦•^.v ¥*VflT ■ Sports The DaHy Campus, Thursday. November I, 1984 Page 19 ...Fuchs, Hug, Smith score in UConn tan ..Musket I Mill games on TV From back page From back page more control and they were ing record, believes the team said whole package "Last year, include: Pittsburgh at UConn, able to dictate the tempo of is playing better now than at After defeating upstart Channel 20 did not pick up as Storrs on Jan. 12; BC at UConn the game early in the con- any other point in the season. Rutgers and now, Brown, many UConn games This in Storrs on Jaa 26, and test," Coach Wendy Anderson "We have the momentum everything appears to be season, the team will be get- Georgetown at UConn in said. right now and everyone has going in the Huskies favor. ting much more exposure and Hartford on Feb. 23. The nor- The Huskies received goals one thing in mind—winning" They have the momentum on that's a benefit to the fans. mal blackout of televised from Tracey Fuchs who in- she said "We were down after their side and are peaking at Being a part of the Big East, we games in the Hartford Civic creased her season total to 16 we lost two in a row, but I think the right time of year. can get this type of expos- Center will be lifted for the goals. Fuchs leads the team that just made us more hun- UMass arrives in Storrs ure" Georgetown game to allow in that category over Wendy gry to reach for the Final Saturday to play the Huskies In addit'on to the eight the game to be carried Hug and Rose Smith. Hug got Four." This proves to be a big show televised Big East road games, throughout the Northeast as two goals in the game and "We're peaking right now, down because of the rivalry three home conference part of the Saturday "Game of increased her season total to which is perfect because between the two and the games will also be aired They the Week" 13, while Smith also scored UMass is coming down Satur- possible number one seeding two goals, both times in the day and that is a 'must' game in the East that will ensure a second half. for us to insure home field bye in the first round of the Hug, who recently broke advantage and a possible first tournament Game time on .AJConn holds on for tan the all-time UConn goal scor- round tournament bye" Hug Saturday is IKK). From back page keeper Pantason was up to it The Huskies now play on every occassioa His save Rutgers on Sunday before the on a low liner from 10 yards Big East tournament out with 16 minutes to go was As for Brown, its tourna- the best of the day. ment hopes are pretty much "I thought we outplayed dead "We're just about out of them in the second half, we it but we've got some games just couldn't put it in," Brown left that could determine who coach Cliff Stevenson said. makes it" Stevenson said "The game could have gone "UConn is probably the best either way, but both teams in New England but the top six have a deficiency in putting or seven teams are all so the ball in the net" close" UConn did outshoot Brown The win was essential to the 16-12 in the second half but Huskies' playoff chances but the Huskies needed to use they can't stop here their corner stall at the end to HUSKY NOTES...The Huskies secure the victory by running haven't lost a game this sea- out the clock. son when they have scored "I don't like to'do it (the first..900 fans were in atten- stall), but the most important dance..."Opa the clown" per- thing at this point in the formed some balancing season is to win and we did," stunts at halftime. Morrone said .. JV!ai ltJe, Mays ban stands

From page 18 review the case citing the new Mantle and Mays from work- commissioner's busy first ing in major league baseball. month that included the UConn's Tracey Fuchs (9/ dr. » for a ball as a Brown player raises her stick to hit it Wirz, however, said Uebe- World Series and a strike by (John Metaxaa photo). rroth has not had time to umpires

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By Mark Pukalo In the first half the Huskies By Jim Acton pen, I feel a personal letdown. I just try to do my Associate Sports Editor outplayed the Bruins (7-4), Sports Editor best in getting the team a win." It wasn't pretty, but the outshooting them 13-5. Eric Matt Addington may be from Virginia, but he During pre-game warm-ups, Addington is the men's soccer team did what it Myren had two good chances is playing for Connecticut—both the university picture of concentration and once the referees had to do here Wednesday. from out in front qf the goal, and the state Even though he is from another signal the beginning of the game, he is totally They beat Brown 1-0. but one was shot right at the state he can still feel the pride that this state has consumed by the action on the field He scrapes, Matt Addington scored at goalkeeper Barry Friedman for its soccer team fights, dives, does anything he can to make sure 4:39 of the first half for all the and the other was just wide Every time Addington takes to the field he Connecticut comes out on top. Huskies needed It was the Brown's John Carroll had feels that pride run through him, and he shows it Before yesterday's win, UConn had recently junior forwards 14th goal of two good chances. The first by the way he plays. Being the leading scorer fallen on hard times. The Huskies has lost four the season and his sixth game time, his header was saved by and the designated cheerleader on the team, the out of their last five games with all losses being winning tally. UConn keeper Andy Pantason junior forward feels he is expected to help his by just one goal. In those four losses, UConn had "I'd like to have 11 Matt and the second one was kic- team win. outshot the opposition 81-35 and the scores of Addington's out there be- ked off the cross bar. And yesterday, Addington did just that—he the games were either 1-0 or 2-1. cause even when he is missing The Huskies (12-8), went won the game for Connecticut's team With just Addington took those losses harder than any some shots, he is such a com- into the break with a 1-0 lead over four minutes gone in the game Addington player on the UConn team You could see the petitor that he makes others but there was much work to took a rebound off an Eric Myren shot and blas- pain in his face after each game He would sit lim- play better," UConn coach be done in the second half. ted it past Brown goalie for a 1-0 UConn lead ply on the field and shake his head The games Joe Morrone said "He plays "Their strength speed and That was all the scoring Huskies would need as past-2-1 loss to Penn State 1-0 loss to Pro- with such intensity and is such sty It of play tired-us out a little they blanked the Bruins vidence 2-1 loss to UMass. 1-0 loss to Alabama a hustler that he could always in the second half," Morrone Winning a game for the Huskies is nothing A&M-and all UConn had to show in that stretch play for me" said "They use the long pass new for Addington. The goal was his sixth game- was a 4-0 win over a weak West Virginia team. Addington headed a free and only their forwards run winner and 14 th goal of the season. He also has "1 was crushed by all those losses, especially kick on to Eric Myren's foot while we all run up and down three assists for a total of 31 points. Addington is Alabama and Penn State" Addington said "We who blasted a shot off a the field This takes its toll pleased with his goal production this year, but outplayed ail the teams we lost to but we just Brown defender. Addington after a while" feels it is all a part of his job description. couldn't finish off our scoring chances. The drilled the rebound into the Brown had many chances "With the position I play, my role is pretty entire team was frustrated" net in the second halt but UConn cut—I have to create opportunities in the (scor- But through all the tough losses, Addintfon "It was a great goal," See page 19 ing) box," Addington said "If this doesn't hap- Seepage 18 Morrone said "We needed to get off to a strong start be- cause we knew we were hurt- ing and Brown would get stronger as the game went on" Injuries played a big part in the game again Joe Trager, Kieran Coffey, EJ. Raftery, Matt Addington and Srdjan Grbic all played with injuries. Grbic played little in the sec- ond half because of an in- step injury. "We played real well until Grbic went out, then we star- ted to slow a little," Morrone said " Srj is one of the few guys that can play in the middle, so when we lost him we had to move other people around which mixes up the chemis- try." Morrone has been pleased with Grbic's play. "He is com- ing into his own and even tak- ing charge" he said "He's been moving around all year and that is hard to do, so I've been happy with his. play all year." UConn's Matt Addington (second from right) takes a Assisting Addington on the play Is teammate Santiago Vigil swipe at a ball hidden by Brown's GlampleroADrosi (10). (right) as Joe Tra ger(2) looks on. (John Metaxas photo) LKhrm beats Brovm Road basketball games to be televised attacks on the Huskies, their By Matt Winans By Jim Acton "Game of the Week" at 12 tiate with the Big East We can efforts proved to be futile as Sports Editor noon on Saturdays. Of the Staff Writer UCon goaltender Terry Kix just make recomendations to If there was any questions A Waterbury television sta- nine Saturday games sched- the league" turned back six shots in tion, in conjunction with the uled to be broadcasted two about whether or not the field notching her tenth shutout of Three of the UConn games hockey team is ready to make Big East conference, will will be UConn games to be carried by Channel 20 their fourth consecutive run the season and improved her broadcast 12 UConn basket- "The administration feels overall record to 35-4-2 over will be televised nationally on to the NCAA Final Four, yes- ball games this season, the that this is the best television cable television, two by USA the last three seasons. most in the school's history. package the school has ever terday cleared all doubts Coach Diane Wright was and one by Eastern Sports about the Huskies All eight of UConn's con- had" Barry said "it will gen- Programing Network (ESPN) pleased with her team's per- ference road games and four erate more revenue for not The Huskies overwhelmed formance "Everything is just WTXX will also air the 1985 Big Brown University, 5-0 to raise other games will be broad only the school, but the entire East Conference Tournament their overall record to 14-3-0 falling in place right now, the cased by WTXX (Channel 20), league In addition, people in in March from Madison Squ- and secure a sixth-place team is really coming to- in conjunction with Metros- the state will have more of an are Garden in New York national ranking, while gether and at the right time," ports (the Big East's television opportunity to see the basket- Barry is very happy with the she said "We used the side- Brown's record slipped to 8- syndicator). Eleven of the ball team play." See page 19 5. lines very well and utilized the games will be between UConn UConn had no part in the corners to our advantage We and another Big East oppo- negotiations for the package UConn got the game winner feel our corners are becoming The women's soccer game from Wendy Hug at 9:21 in the nent with the other game Barry said Channel 20 made scheduled for today aginst more effective" being against Yale the request to broadcast the first half when she scored her Brown, currently first in the Ptymnouth State has been 12th goal of the season, on a According to Philip Barry, games and reached the agree- cancelled The next game for Ivy League played well, but Associate Athletic Director, ment with the Big East and pass from senior midfielder not well enough as the Hus- the team is this Saturday Lisa D'Amadio. the agreement will mean that Metrosports. when the Huskies take on Cor- kies played flawlessly. a broadcasted UConn game "When the schools joined The Huskies controlled "1 thought we played well tland State at 1 p.m. on the both halves of the game out- will be shown in nine different the Big East, they gave away UConn soccer field The game but you have to give credit to regions throughout the coun- certain rights to the league," shooting Brown by 36-6. Al- UConn, they just played with is the first round of the NCAA though Brown did make a few try. In addition, Channel 20 Barry said "It is uH to the Championship Tournament See page 19 will broadcast a Big East channels themselves to nego-

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