Friday, March 15, 2002

Much ado about cheating: Cracking concrete: structural TECHNIQUE honor review committee problems found in student “The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper” gives recommendations. center parking deck.

ONLINE NEWS page 4 NEWS page 3 Serving Georgia Tech since 1911 • Volume 87, Issue 26 • 36 pages Opinions 8 · Focus 15 · Entertainment 21 · Comics 26 · Sports 36 Campaign 2002: Battle for SGA kicks off By Jennifer LaHatte Nate Watson, who is currently Managing Editor serving his term as SGA Vice President, is running for this same Candidates take your marks. position again, unopposed. Set. Campaign. Since Wednes- Both the presidential and vice day morning at 12 a.m., candi- presidential candidate are elect- dates running in this year’s ed by a majority vote of the stu- Student Government Associa- dent body. If no candidate tion elections began campaign- receives more than 50 percent ing for one of the smallest of the votes cast, the two candi- candidate turn outs in recent dates receiving the highest num- history. ber of votes will compete in a This year’s list of candidates runoff election. is a meager 56, down 39 spots The polls open on Monday, from the 2001 election race. Only March 25 and close at 4 p.m. on three candidates are competing Wednesday, March 27. Although for the top seat in the SGA Un- Georgia Tech’s student body dergraduate House, but all three voter turn out is consistently are internal SGA candidates. among the highest in the na- “I was glad that we had three tion, Kavanaugh is expecting this very strong SGA candidates,” said year’s election to attract more Chris Kavanaugh, SGA Presi- voters than the usual 25 per- dent. cent. Andrew Keen, Management “I feel there’s a very strong representative, E.W. Looney, competition for president,” said Computer Science representa- Kavanaugh. “The three people tive, and Tiffany Massey, Jun- running are going to be cam- By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ior class representative, are UHR Presidential canidates Tiffany Massey (l), Andrew Keen (c) and E.W. Looney (r) began campaigning Wednesday running for SGA President, and See SGA, page 4 morning at midnight. The number of students running for positions this year is 56, which is down from 95 last year. SGA debates set for Thurs. Gates scholars bring two-year award total to nine By Jody Shaw Their awards, endowed by Mi- advice they received from Amanda how to apply and what qualities each Undergraduate Student News Editor crosoft founded Bill Gates, will pro- Gable in the Office of Graduate Stud- award is looking for,” said Hurst. Government Association Pres- vide for the two students to study at ies and Research. These information sessions came idential and Vice-Presiden- Two Tech students were recent- Cambridge University in England Gable is one of a number of indi- out of an informal steering commit- tial candidateswill debate next ly named recipients of the presti- beginning next fall. Silver will pur- viduals at Tech who has been work- tee formed by Hurst to address pres- Thursday morning at 11 a.m. gious Gates Cambridge Scholarship, sue a master’s degree in computer ing to increase the number of students tigious scholarship issues. Before the at the Campanile. The event bringing the number of students who speech, text and Internet technolo- who apply for prestigious scholar- committee existed, students and pro- is jointly sponsoredby the Stu- have won prestigious scholarships gy, while Bronn will study applied ships like the Gates. fessors usually distributed informa- dent Center Ideas and Issues in the last year to nine. math and theoretical physics. In the past two years, Tech stu- tion about the scholarships via word Committee and the Under- Throughout the last year, Tech Both students plan to pursue ca- dents have won more prestigious schol- of mouth. graduate Student Govern- students received Rhodes, Truman, reers in academia. Bronn currently arships than Tech students won in Because of the lack of informa- ment Assocation. Marshall, Goldwater and Fulbright researches advanced radar techniques the previous ten. tion being distributed, a number of scholarships. at Johns Hopkins University and Paul Hurst, Director of Market- potential scholars may have been over- Jay Silver, an electrical engineer- hopes to earn a Ph.D. in mathemat- ing and Special Programs, believes looked. Now many first and sec- Carter to speak ing major set to graduate in May ics after he returns from Cambridge. that the difference is more students ond-year students hear about the and Nick Bronn, who has two bach- Silver also plans to become a profes- know about the awards—due in part scholarships. next Friday elor’s degrees, one in physics and sor, though he prefers to work at a to a change in the way his office does “It was really interesting hearing Former President Jimmy another in applied mathematics, as college where he can focus more on business. about so many different scholarships Carter and Senator Sam Nunn well as a master’s in electrical engi- teaching than research. “A few years ago...we started hav- and grants available for undergrad will be the featured speakers neering, join the ranks of scholar- In addition to their passions for ing information sessions where we and graduate programs and learning at the annual celebration of ship winners by being named Gates teaching and learning, both students invite the whole campus, and we tell the Ivan Allen College Scholars. also share an appreciation for the them about the various scholarships, See Scholars, page 3 Founder’s Day. Carter will give a presen- tation on "An Open Society in an Age of Terrorism," to Rec center revival: New bowling lanes on the way members of the college as well By Tony Kluemper Stephens. “The lanes were orig- as attend a luncheon. The Assistant News Editor inally wood which need to be presentation will be held in resurfaced every two years. Since the Student Center ballroom Students who have visited the the lanes hadn’t been resurfaced and is open to all students. Student Center Recreation Cen- since 1996, they were in really The event will also include ter recently may have noticed bad shape.” a panel discussion on civil lib- some changes in addition to the “The new synthetic lanes erties moderated by CNN new Dance Dance Revolution should last more than 10 years, reporter Miles O’Brien. video game popular among many which is a much more cost ef- students. In fact, late last month fective option for us.” the center began renovations that The next step in the renova- Repubs host Lt. Student Center officials hope will tion process will be the refur- Gov. candidate attract more students and guests bishing of all of the gutters and to the area. approaches to the lanes. Stephens State Senator Mike Beat- According to Mary-Julia said that the process should be ty, a candidate for Lieuten- Stephens, the first step in reno- complete within the next few ant Governor will speak at vations was to replace the bowl- weeks and hopes to reopen the the College Republicans meet- ing lanes with a new, more bowling lanes by next Wednes- ing at 7p.m. on Monday, efficient surface. day or Thursday. March 18 in Student Center By Scott King / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS “We have already resurfaced However, the bowling lanes room 321. Beatty is challeng- Workers replace the wooden lanes at the Student Center Rec Center. The renova- all of the lanes and added a syn- ing incument Mark Taylor. tions to the area will include the addition of five new premiere billiards tables. thetic material to the floor,” said See Bowling, page 7 2 • Friday, March 15, 2002 • Technique NEWS

Technique Online Voice Your Opinion! From the archives... Last issue’s poll garnered 48 responses to the question: “Where are you living next year?” The ‘Nique’s top stories from: years ago: March 6, 1992—An issue of the ‘Nique did not run 10 this week due to Spring Break. However in the March 6 issue, the Jackets improved their chances for a NCAA tournament bid by completing a sweep of the NC State Wolfpack and Wake Forest. The Jackets finished the season 19-10.

years ago: March 6, 1982—Ronda Ragsdale was 20 elected SGA presdient in an uncontested race that drew twelve percent of the student voters. Tech opened the baseball season with an impres- sive 9-8 victory against South Carolina.

years ago: March 3, 1972—The Fa- 30 cilities Planning Committee vetoed Student Government’s plans to hold a rock festival on campus. The Spring- fest Rock Festival was set to attract 40,000 to 50,000 before the plans Image by Scott Meuleners / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS were canceled. The Jackets recorded This week’s poll is about housing. This week is a straw poll about the their sixth win of the season at AMC upcoming SGA presidential election. Who will you vote for? Tell us after returning from a dissapointing what you think at road trip that resulted in ten losses.

Quiz Around Campus!

And how was YOUR spring break?

1) Tuesday’s home game against East Tennessee State: a) went into extra innings. b) was called due to rain. c) was called due to the funky new turf. d) was rigged.

2) If Tyler Park- er could be any cartoon charac- ter, he would be: a) Droopy the Dog. b) Popeye. c) Shaggy. d) Nate Watson.

3) Admin- istration closed about 160 spaces in the Stu- dent Cen- ter parking deck be- cause: a) they can. b) it wan’t cost-effective to keep all 915 spaces open. c) the deck’s columns were in need of repair. d) to turn part of the deck into a night club.

4) GSS gave $10,000: a) to fund the Dance Dance Revolution Club. b) for the NCAA betting pool. c) for Student Center reno- vations. d) the picture gives you a big

hint. answers: 1) a; 2) a; 3) c; 4) c 4) c; 3) a; 2) a; 1) answers: NEWS Technique • Friday, March 15, 2002 • 3

Scholars from page 1 Past maintenance failures close about when and how to get started dent Wayne Clough. on applying for them,” said Ben- Vice Provost for Undergraduate Lawder, a second-year Management Studies and Academic Affairs Rob- spaces in deck , force future repairs major. ert McMath also noted that the schol- “Talking to Georgia Tech win- arship winners reflect positively on By Jody Shaw ners of some of the scholarships and the entire educational system in Geor- News Editor hearing their perspectives on the gia, since five of the nine winners application and interview process were in-state students. Auxiliary Services administrators was definitely helpful and informa- “I think it says a lot about the recently added metal supports to tive.” educational system in this state that the 915-space student center park- “I think if students get advice we have so many students going on ing deck after they learned that a earlier in their academic career, they to win these honors,” said McMath. number of the deck’s columns would can make better choices about pur- Each award is different, but each require repairs to increase their sta- suing courses that would broaden prestigious scholarship usually pro- bility. and deepen their education,” said vides a winner with funding that Administrators learned of the Gable. covers the cost of education and problems after a routine mainte- Gable, Hurst, Engineering As- living at an undergraduate or grad- nance inspection by a structural en- sistant Dean Jane uate program. gineering group discovered problems Weyant and As- The with the reinforcement bar inside sociate Director competition for four of the deck’s concrete columns. of the Office of “I think it says a lot these awards is “If we did not have somebody International Ed- stiff. 925 uni- out there looking at [the columns] ucation Amy Bass about the educational versitystudents to do this repair work, we might Henry work with system in this state competed for have never seen [the problems],” students from the the Rhodes said Rosalind Meyers, Associate Vice information ses- that we have so many Scholarship this President of Auxiliary Services. sions to the in- students [winning].” year in the Unit- The inspection was being con- terview process. ed States and ducted as part of a Department of Robert McMath They help the stu- only 32 win- Parking plan to inspect all parking Vice Provost dents complete ners. Since its facilities on campus for maintenance their applications inception in needs on a regular basis. and train them for 1903, the Though Director of Parking Rod their intense interviews with mock Rhodes Scholarship Trust has giv- Weis and Meyers knew the deck sessions. en awards to 2,950 American stu- would need maintenance this year, By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Their work seems to pay off; re- dents. Over ten percent of those they were unaware that it would Work began on the student center parking deck the Friday before spring cent Rhodes Scholar Will Roper have gone to students from Har- require actions as soon as it did. break to stabilize concrete columns that showed signs of potential and Marshall Scholar Andy Ozment vard, 28 percent to students from Several weeks ago, the engineering problems. Intensive repairs will begin at the end of the semester. noted the importance of staff sup- the eight Ivy League schools. The firm wrote its plan for summer deck port in winning their recognitions. average value of a Rhodes is $28,000 maintenance, but when the group members who hold A05 permits. deck without permits, so we are do- “Tech has plenty of people who per year. returned for a second inspection on “There is no danger now that we ing very aggressive enforcement in could have achieved this distinc- Over the years, many scholars the Wednesday before spring break, have everything shored up. We have the deck. If people are parking in tion. The only way I was able to do have moved into leadership posi- it noticed changes in the columns the weight taken off of the affected there without a permit, they will be it was with the help of the faculty tions. Former President Bill Clin- that required immediate attention. areas,” said Meyers. towed, because it’s not fair to indi- and staff,” said Ozment. ton and U.S. Supreme Court Justice The next day, the structural en- A number of adjustments have viduals who have permits who have Tech officials also believe the stu- David Souter are Rhodes winners. gineer and two civil engineers met been made to ensure that permit already been inconvenienced.” dent body is full of budding schol- New York Times columnist Tho- with Auxiliary Services officials. They holders receive as little inconvenience Once the deck fills, A05 permit arship recipients. mas Friedman is a Marshall alum- decided to close immediately the as possible. holders can park in street spaces on “The caliber and sweep of schol- nus, and former Clinton advisor area of the parking deck with the “We’ve lost about 160 parking Tech parkway. arships that our students are win- George Stepanopolous has won both faulty columns, and, on Friday morn- spaces, and it has caused some prob- “We know this isn’t the most ning shows not only that quality the Truman and the Rhodes. ing, students and staff were direct- lems because the former entrances convenient, but it is the best we can students come to Georgia Tech, but ed to new locations in the deck. cannot be used; only the exits can do given the circumstances,” said also that the quality of the educa- More information about presigious Thanks to the temporary sup- be used,” said Meyers. Meyers. tion received is equivalent to any in scholarships can be found online at ports put in place, the deck remains “Because of this, we realize that the country,” said Institute Presi- usable for students, faculty and staff there may be people going into the See Parking, page 7 4 • Friday, March 15, 2002 • Technique NEWS

cation packet and also attended a the Elections Committee to adopt a SGA from page 1 mandatory information session, watch dog attitude. Misconduct review group where Hargrove outlined important “Our role is not going to be in- paigning very hard, and that is a rules that are often violated. He cites vestigative in nature. We’re not go- direct reflection of voter turnout.” that during campaigning, candidates ing to be looking around for issues recommendations Last year’s election was marked often don’t realize that they will be violations of the election code, be- By Sriram Narasimhan administrative and legal control. by the appeals case of the five candi- held responsible for the actions of cause we feel like that would com- Senior Staff Writer A second sub-committee ana- dates who were disqualified because their campaign staff, which has been promise our objectivity a little bit.” lyzed the apparent low levels of fac- their failure to turn in campaign a source of misunderstanding in the Any Tech student can submit The Academic Misconduct Re- ulty involvement at various stages expense reports by the specified date. past. an election code violation in writ- view Committee met for the last in the process of handling a case of This year, Justin Hargrove, Elec- Specific rules about sign loca- ing at the SGA office. time this past Wednesday to final- academic misconduct. Under a new tions Committee Chair, feels that tion, including forbiddance to chalk The Elections Committee will ize drafts of a report that it will system proposed by the committee, the issue will not be a problem. campus walkways and roadways and then notify the accused, who is giv- submit to the Provost’s office, two faculty members would be given “We’ve made it clear as absolute not campaigning within 50 feet of en a chance to present a defense at a months after the ad hoc committee the opportunity to participate un- possible, and that’s one of the first an official voting station or com- hearing. If the candidate is unsatis- initially convened. The report fo- der an established honor code, in- things I tell people in information puter cluster, are also potential elec- fied with the Elections cuses primarily on the process by evitably giving them a greater voice sessions,” said Hargrove. tion code violations. Committee’sdecision, he or she can which cases are made involving stu- in matters dealing with students Each candidate received a copy Even though the list of rules is appeal to the Undergraduate Judi- dents who have been suspected of caught cheating on assignments. of the Election Code in their appli- extensive, Hargrove does not want ciary Cabinet. violating the honor code. According to the report, “the fac- According to the committee, the ulty member would be given a greater main issues surrounding this pro- role in the process of administrative Undergraduate cess include the current level of in- resolution from the beginning…in volvement of faculty members and the current system, once the case is Candidates Office of Legal Affairs, as well as turned over to the Dean’s office, proposals to restructure the author- there is no direct faculty involve- President AE Rep. ECE Rep.

ity over administrative decisions re- ment with this student.” Andrew Keen Keith Becker Bill Asher III

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

garding individual cases. However, some felt that this ac- E.W. Looney ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Tim Cailloux

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

One of the items discussed was tion could not be taken so far that Tiffany Massey Architecture Rep. Irene Chow

○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ increasing the number of faculty the accused student would lose some ○○○○○○○○○○○ Nekia Strong

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Eric Clopper ○○○○ Vice-President ○○○○○○○○○○○○○

members and students presently on voice over the matter. John Parson ○○○○

the Student Honor Committee. This “If you increase academic power Nate Watson Biology Rep. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○

○○○○○○○○○○○ Mario Vittes ○○○○

Srikanta Banerjee ○○○○○○○○○○○○○ measure would also include increas- over the process, you need to in- ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

Adeshoila Adeniyi ○○○○ ing the number of substitute panel crease the student’s power,” under- Freshman Rep. Brad Bolton ○○○○○○○○○○○○○

Ford Burgher ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○ members who would take charge of graduate student representative Sara ○○○○○○○○○○○ HTS Rep.

Brandon Clifford BME Rep. ○○○○○○

the committee during the summer. Cames, said. ○○○○○○○○○○○ Tiffany Turner ○○○○ Ayanna H. Miller ○○○○○○○○○○○○○

Another item discussed was the This level of interaction between Vickie Cherry ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○ Jennifer Hinkel Math Rep.

creation of a committee of academ- faculty and students would be fur- Hastie Karger ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○


Chris Lafferty Jim Ogilvie ○○○○ ic integrity to regularly advise the ther pursued through classes man- ○○○○○○○○○○○○○


Office of the Dean of Students and dated to first-time offenders of the Michael Lehman Co-Op Rep. ○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○ Claire Conner Management Rep.

other administration officials on the honor code. Although the details of Danny Puckett ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○

○○○○○○○○○○○ Ben Lawder


length and timeliness of individual such a course were only discussed Randi E. Truelove ○○○○ cases. Concerns were raised that the on generic terms, several commit- Sophomore Rep. CE Rep. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○

Normer Adams Michael O’Rourke

Office of Legal Affairs improperly tee members expressed interest in ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○ MSE Rep.

intervened in one instance of the assisting a committee of academic Eman M. Kirbah ○○○○○○

○○○○○○○○○○○ Bill Brackett ○○○○

misconduct process by canceling a integrity to develop outlines for the Alex Michaud ChemE Rep. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○

○○○○○○○○○○○ Glenn Matthews ○○○○

planned meeting of the Student class. Graduate student representa- Amy Phuong Bryan Shaw ○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○ Honor Committee several years ago. tive Trey Childress proposed spe- ○○○○○○○○○○○ ME Rep. CS Rep.

Administrators felt the case had not cifically that the classes be tailored Junior Rep. Josh Alexander ○○○○

Han Chang Adam Bernstein ○○○○○○○○○○○○○

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○

been handled quickly enough. for different types of students. ○○○○○○○○○○○ Corresha Thomas ○○○○

Adrienne J. Hairston Bryan Billings ○○○○○○○○○○○○○

Although the academic miscon- On a more holistic perspective, ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○


duct review committee felt that it the committee reviewed possible pro- Dae (Daniel) Kim Victor Galis Public Policy Rep.



was not qualified to produce specif- active measures for preventing situ- Chris Rankine Brandon Ogleslay Michael Handelman


○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

ic details of the timeliness of case, it ations in which the student felt Katie Rhode Chris Webb

○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ considered proper benchmarking of compelled to collaborate or cheat, ○○○○○○○○○○○ INTA Rep. Senior Rep. Andrew Hamilton Textile Rep.

adjudication and hearing times es- even after being given all the warn- ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

Carmen Jackson Amanda S. Pardo Joey Woodall

○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ sential to reevaluating the level of ings prohibiting such actions. ○○○○○○○○○○○ Technique NEWS Technique • Friday, March 15, 2002 • 5 Council Clippings Senate and House GSS funds student House debates its center renovations reapportionment By Jody Shaw By Jody Shaw News Editor News Editor

The members of the Graduate Student The Undergraduate House of Repre- Senate approved a bill to provide over $10,000 sentatives met for nearly three hours on to the Student Center for improvements to Tuesday evening, and, during that time it the theater. The money will allow the Asso- passed a number of financial bills. ciate Student Center Director Kim Har- The first controversial bill provided fund- rington to improve the theator’s sound and ing to the Electrical and Computer Engi- video capabilities. neering Student-Faculty Committee. The The senators originally tabled the bill group is holding an educational event in after questions arose about the various pro- Perry, GA for middle school students to posals Harrington received from potential learn about science and technology. The contractors and the necessity of some of the money the group requested from SGA was equipment she wanted to purchase. to purchase two different types of learning At-Large Senator Pelham Norville act- kits for the students. ed as the Student Center’s most vocal sup- Some of the representatives questioned port as senators discussed cutting various whether or not such a bill was an appropri- portions of the bill. ate use of student activity fees. Other repre- “If you are going to have a theater, you sentatives questioned whether or not the need a good projector and a good sound appropriation should come from the Un- system,” said Norville. dergraduate Legislative Reserve account or Eventually the senators passed the bill from the Capital Outlay account. Normal- after amending it according to the Joint ly ULR is used to fund undergraduate-only Finance Committee’s recommendations. activities, while the Capital Outlay account The senators also took up the resolution is used to purchase items that will last over about the Yellow Jacket Flying Club that By Brian Oxford / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS three years, like these kits; these bills must At-Large Senator Daniel Lane discusses a resolution at the Feb. 26 meeting of UHR. was narrowly defeated in the Undergradu- pass both the Senate and House. The repre- The resolution asked for permission to allow non-student voting officers in the Yellow ate House of Representatives last week by a sentatives decided that since only under- Jacket Flying Club. The House failed the bill, and the Senate followed suit this week. vote of 10-11-10. The senators originally graduates were participating in the event, failed the bill 0-19-16 with no discussion, the ULR account was the appropriate one but Math Senator Laura Sheppardson per- from which to draw. Eventually the bill suaded the group to reconsider the bill so Bills Considered passed. that it could offer the YJFC suggestions. Management Representative Andrew In discussion the senators recounted some Undergraduate House of Representatives Keen authored the other two highly dis-

Joint Allocation to Chinese Culture Fest. Author: Allan Coye passed

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ of the same arguments heard in the House ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ cussed bills of the evening. The first provid-

for why the club should not be allowed to Allocation to the ECE Stu. Faculty Comm. Author: William Asher, III passed ed money for the Panhellenic Association ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

operate with non-students serving as vot- Allocation to Woodstock Music Festival Author: Stephen Popick passed to rent the Ferst Center for its Greek Chic


ing officers on the executive board. Mem- Allocation to Phi Psi Textile Fraternity Author: Joe Woodall, Billy Dondero passed Fashion Show. Though SGA normally re-


bers of the club were again on hand to offer Allocation to Student Construction Comm. Author: Daniel Kim passed frains from funding events that could be


reasons why the club should be given an Allocation to Panhellenic Author: Andrew Keen passed considered philanthropy, the House decid-


exemption from the current SGA rules. Joint Allocation to GT Culture Festival Author: Brad Bolton passed ed that it could make an exception for a


The club noted that it has been operating Joint Allocation to Ind. Design Society Author: Justin Colton passed student group to rent the Ferst Center. The


under its current structure since 1946, while Joint Resolution to MOVEAuthor: otherAndrew bill was not an allocationKeen for a student passed


this SGA provision has only existed since Ammendment to UHR Bylaws Author: Brian George passed organization, but rather a resolution. The ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 1997. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ bill designated the MOVE Office and Pres-

Ammendments to UHR Bylaws Author: Michael Handelman passed ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ The senators decided that only students ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ident’s Council tier two organizations ac- should be voting officers and suggested that Graduate Student Senate cording to Joint Finance Committee policies. non-students serve as an advisory board to Tier two organizations differ from other

Joint Allocation to Student Center Author: David Maybury passed ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ aid the operation of the club. The senators ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

Joint Allocation to GT Amer. Soc. of CEAuthor: Christy Collins passed ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ failed the exemption 5-18-6. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ See UHR, page 7

Joint Resoltuion to GT Flying Club Author: David Maybury failed

○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 6 • Friday, March 15, 2002 • Technique NEWS

the results showed the students liked Bowling from page 1 the area but wanted something more Parking from page 3 Obituary Jonathan Uyesugi dependable and well maintained. will not be the only part of the area In addition, according to Stephens Visitor parking, which used to Georgia Tech recently lost a land with the marching band. affected by the renovations. “The Vice-President of Auxiliary Servic- occupy a portion of the deck’s low- member of its community when In addition to music, final step will be to cover four of the es Rosalind Meyers also listened to est level has been removed. Visitors Johnathan Paul Uyesugi passed Johnathan’s main passion was bowling lanes in order to make room the ideas and thoughts of the stu- can still park in the student center away on Tuesday, March 5. weightlifting and body building. for five more billiards tables,” said dents when making the decisions. surface lot, but once it fills, visitors Johnathan was a Chemical En- A service for Johnathan was Stephens. “Billiards is very popular Although the decision was made are directed to the north campus gineering major from nearby held last Saturday at St. Philip on our campus at this point. We to keep the bowling lanes in the parking deck and other locations Riverdale, Georgia. Benizi Catholic Church in Jones- almost always have a waiting list for Recreation Center due to student on campus. Jonathan was found in his boro. He is survived by his par- students wanting to play pool.” input, Auxiliary Services knew some- Though officials considered start- dorm room at Tech over the ents, Dan and Karen Uyesugi, Stephens also pointed out that thing had to be done. “Money was a ing full repairs on the deck immedi- break; the cause of his death was sister, Kelli Uyesugi, brother, the new tables will be of higher quality major issue in the changes,” said ately, they decided that such repairs unknown. Daniel Uyesugi, all of Riverdale; than the ones cur- Stephens. might result in losing more of the Jonathan attended Sandy paternal grandmother, Ruth rently in use in the “We were los- deck’s spaces—something they could Creek High School where he Uyesugi, maternal grandmoth- area. “We want stu- ing revenue not consider with eight weeks re- played in the marching band be- er, Barbara Grail and maternal dents to be able to because the maining in the semester. Instead, fore coming to Tech. He con- great-grandmother, Catherine play on premiere “It had gotten to the lanes were in Auxiliary Services will bid out the tinued playing his trumpet in Salino. level tables,” said point where the such bad con- repairs to a number of firms in the the Georgia Tech marching band. In lieu of flowers, the family He played the first trumpet part; would like contributions to be Stephens. bowling team wasn’t dition. We area, which will also enable them to The plan for the lost a number save money by obtaining the re- other members of the section made to the Sandy Creek High renovations is not practicing on the of leagues and pairs at a lower cost. describe him as a “screamer”—a School Band Scholarship Fund trumpet player who enjoyed belt- at 360 Jenkins Rd, Tyrone, GA, a new idea. In fact, lanes because it was even our own “If it were a real emergency, we Stephens has been bowling would have to get the work done ing high notes from his horn. 30290. The money will be used pushing for the damaging their balls.” team.” right away, and when you have to Members of the band called for SCHS band students who changes since she “The go right out and hire a contractor, Johnathan “woogie,” a pet name wish to attend Tech. Mary-Julia Stephens arrived at Tech over student sur- you usually don’t get the best price,” that came about as a derivative Johnathan’s memory will be Recreation Area Manager three years ago. vey also said Meyers. of his difficult to pronounce last honored at this spring’s “When “The lanes have showed us Once started, Weis expects the name, carried over from his high the Whistle Blows,” a ceremony been in terrible con- how popular repairs to take about thirty days. school years. Last year, Johnathan that honors deceased members dition for awhile,” said Stephens. billiards had become, so we wanted “This is not a complicated situa- had the opportunity to visit Ire- of the Tech community. “It had gotten to the point where to make changes to benefit those tion,” said Weis. the bowling team wasn’t practicing students as well. We had the money The problems in the deck came, on the lanes because it was damag- in capital funds and decided this in part, because of a lack of routine UHR from page 5 the measure was approved. ing their balls.” was the right time to makes these maintenance in the early life of the A dramatic moment occurred at Although Stephens has been changes.” deck, which was built in 1988. Un- student organizations because their the end of the evening when AE pushing for the changes, the future Stephens hopes that the new til a few years ago, the Department budgets are larger and they do not Representative Brian George mo- of the recreation center did not al- changes, which should all be com- of Parking did not have a long-term have to charge their members dues. tioned to extend the deadline for ways look bright. In fact, last sum- plete by the first of April, will at- maintenance plan, and, therefore, Some representatives felt that Pres- students to turn in applications to mer Auxiliary Services announced tract more serious bowlers as well as much needed work went unnoticed ident’s Council was too young of an run for UHR positions. There was that they were looking at making recreational bowlers back to the lanes. and undone. organization that only acted as a an argument about whether or not some major changes in the area that “With these changes, we will be With Weis at the reins, howev- communication body rather than a reopening elections required a sim- at the time included the possible ready if bowling really takes off again,” er, Parking has a master plan for governing board, but other repre- ple or two-thirds majority. In the removal of the bowling lanes. said Stephens. “We are all really upkeep and maintenance of all of sentatives argued that President’s end, the motion did not get the However, a student survey was excited about the possibilities for its facilities, which led to the un- Council could accomplish much if required two-thirds majority; there- conducted by Auxiliary Services and the future.” covering of the current problem. given the opportunity. Eventually, fore, the elections remained closed. page 8

Editorial Board: Quote of the week: OPINIONS “Far away there in the sun- Matthew Bryan, Editor-in-Chief shine are my highest aspira- tions. I may not reach them, Technique • Friday, March 15, 2002 Jody Shaw, News Editor but I can look up and see Mary DeCamp, Opinions Editor their beauty, believe in them OUR VIEWS Consensus Opinion Jennifer Hinkel, Focus Editor and try to follow where they Andrew Santelli, Entertainment Editor lead.” Derek Haynes, Sports Editor —Louisa May Alcott Daniel Uhlig, Photography Editor Candidate numbers too low Jamie Schulz, Advertising Manager With student government elections fast approaching, Tech’s Matt Flagg, Online Editor Jennifer LaHatte, Managing Editor student body is looking at an unusually small pool of candi- dates to choose from. There are a total of 56 students running to fill representa- tive and executive positions in SGA next year; this is well below the number of slots that actually exist and need to be filled. This could pose some problems that SGA has not had to face before. In many cases, students running for certain positions face no opposition. With so few contested categories, most stu- dents running have to put little or no effort into their cam- paigns and simply have to wait to be elected. This devalues the ideal of democracy, which hurts the foundation of Tech’s student government. Democracy is truly achieved when can- didates who are passionate about these positions work hard to achieve a truly well-deserved victory. Many of the students that are running for these positions have held positions in SGA in previous years. While maintain- ing a certain level of consistency with returning representa- tives is important, it is also necessary that new ideas and views be brought into the undergraduate house each year. New students with an eagerness to be involved and make a differ- ence should be coming in and filling many of these positions CHARLES FREY at the start of each new year in order to bring fresh voices and ideas to student government. Feminists should stop whining, make choices One explanation for such a small number of candidates By Cassandra Showell And furthermore that they have the career. could be due to the fact that many students were not made Oklahoma Daily “right” to serve in wars, or fight Enter the unequal pay farce: aware of the elections and what the deadlines were. SGA’s fires, or be CEOs, or have govern- Women only get 79 cents on a man's Public Relations Committee has a responsibility to inform the (U-WIRE)U. of Oklahoma—Last ment-provided child care, or to be dollar! Well, they can say this so week, I took feminists to task for paid maternity leave or whatever long as they can suppress any exam- student body of this important information. This year’s PR their disgusting exhibition of child else the women's lobby decides to ination of reality. Committee has done a poor job of fulfilling its obligations, rape in “The Vagina Monologues.” add to the list. Even women who choose high- especially when compared to more efficient and informative This week, I continue my anti- This is nonsense. Women can't er-paying male-dominated fields may feminist right-wing zealotry by tak- have it all. still choose to have children. This PR committees in past years. There were a substantial number ing feminists to task for their long Their special little “rights” are means more time off for childbirth of candidates last year due, in large part, to the hard work done string of some other crimes of non- going to put more of a drain on the and sick kids and days when the by that PR committee. sense. economy through government ex- baby-sitter cancels and the other “Women are oppressed!” they penditures than their working will burdens of parenthood that tend to SGA is an organization with substantial power. Represen- say. “They're held down and paid add to it, and in the meantime their fall upon the mother. tatives deal with and allocate large amounts of money to less than men!” The one thing that children are being dumped in day Less time to devote to career various student groups each year. Such an important role feminists keep repeating in their des- care from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pick one! means—I can't resist a “duh” here— perate attempt to make it true is Family or career, and you have to shoud not be taken for granted, and students should value the that women are “equal” to men. realize that a family will affect a See Feminists, page 10 parts that these representatives play and strive to become an active part of this organization. Class won’t solve problem The recently formed Academic Misconduct Review Com- mittee has come up with several new proposals with regards to dealing with the problem of academic misconduct. One of the proposed solutions is the idea of having first-time offenders take a class discussing the importance of academic integrity. While this is a noble proposal, it is unrealistic to assume that students will be enlightened as to the ideals of academic integrity and morality after being made to sit through one class and write a short essay outlining what that class taught. If a student commits an act of academic misconduct it is likely that the problem cannot be solved by having a student listen to one lecture for a few hours. Any academic integrity problems a student might have likely lie deeper than any one- time class can fix. This class should not be the hub of any plan implemented by the Provost’s office.

Consensus editorials reflect the majority opinion of the Editorial Board of the Technique, but not necessarily the By Matt Norris / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS opinions of individual editors. OPINIONS Technique • Friday, March 15, 2002 • 9 Tech students have many motivations for academic pursuits TECHNIQUE “The South’s Liveliest College It’s fun to observe what moti- Sometimes it’s hard to determine Newspaper” vates Tech students. For the major- “Take a walk and try to guess who these students are without talk- Established in 1911 ity of students, motivation is a what motivates the other students ing to them. I know a lot of these Editor-in-Chief necessity in order to graduate from students who are very slack yet per- Matthew Bryan Georgia Tech. who are motivated enough to form very well on tests and go on to • • • A great part of Tech academia is graduate school. I think that most study along with you.” News endurance, and one has to wonder of these students would rather think Jody Shaw, Editor what keeps someone going when Matt Flagg and theorize than produce and ap- Tony Kluemper, Assistant Editor you see him or her at 4 a.m. in a lab. Online Editor ply knowledge. Sriram Narasimhan Is it money? Is it a love for the area I also believe these students tackle Opinions Mary DeCamp, Editor of study? I think there are some the toughest areas of study and take Matt Norris clear classifications of these types of dents that are motivated by money hard time choosing a major since pride in their passion of a subject Focus students, and I’ll present and judge take a much more challenging path the truly decisive ones generally have that so many other students hate Jennifer Hinkel, Editor each of them here. to achieve their goals. These stu- a passion for the area of study in and fear. Madhu Adiga, Josh Alexander, Joshua The first and most obvious thing dents pursue discovery through in- pursuit and are mainly motivated Applied mathematics is a good Cuneo, Jennifer Lee that motivates a great many Tech vention, theory or, in general, the by this passion and less by the need example of a topic area that attracts Entertainment Andrew Santelli, Editor students is money. These students unlocking of a secret that has some to fit into society in a respectable these types of students. I don’t know Bryan Basamanowicz, Assistant Editor have dollar signs in their eyes when very valuable application. What if a manner. very many applied math students Madhu Adiga, Jon Kaye, Ananya Paul, they’re slaving away late at night materials engineer unlocked the se- A lot of these students come to who are not passionate about what Hesam Panahi, Kimberly Rieck and then update their resumes the cret to producing spider silk, an Tech because their family came here they study. You really need to ap- Sports Derek Haynes, Editor next morning. extremely strong and flexible mate- and have always told them college preciate the art of proving things Derick Stanger, Assistant Editor This type of student usually hopes rial? stories of tradition and pride. These and have a creative mind to excel in Joseph Jeong, Al Przygocki, to excel rapidly in a very high-pay- I am sure that there are plenty of students lean towards the traditional this area. Kimberly Rieck ing career field and then hopfully companies that would pay big bucks college experience of campus life, The next time that you are study- Production retire early. The Georgia Tech style for this. A less daunting task that athletics and Georgia Tech pride ing in the common area of the build- Jamie Schulz, Advertising Mgr. of doing this is to pursue a particu- falls in this class is that of invention. when discussing Georgia Tech with ing for your college of study, take a Copy Editing lar area of one’s major that is in It is probably safe to say that those their peers and away from the pro- walk and try and guess what moti- Jennifer Schur, Benjamin Small Tiffany Vliek highest demand in private indus- people who pursue the challenges fessors, projects and, in general, ac- vates all of the other students who try. of invention are most likely moti- ademia. are motivated enough to sit and Photography Daniel Uhlig, Editor The example I’ll use here is the vated by other factors besides just On the other end of the spec- study along with you. I think that Wade Burch, Darkroom Mgr. computer science specialization of money, but I’m sure that there’s a trum, we have the “hard core” stu- there is a clear spectrum of all of Ian Clark, Assistant Editor Scott Meuleners, Assistant Editor database design. If you graduate from small group here at Tech with hopes dents that are highly driven by their these various types of motivation, Danielle Bradley, Rob Hill, Kimberly Georgia Tech with a decent knowl- for more than fame and contribu- love of their academic area of inter- and, by coming up with your own Hinckley, Peter Jensen, John Jewell, Scott King, Zachary Kraus, Marques McMillan, edge of databases and have experi- tion. est. classifications, you can judge what Brian Oxford, Andrew Saulters, Matthias ence with particular database Aside from money, a lot of Tech Determined to learn as much as really motivates you. Shapiro, Clinton Smith, June Zhang management systems, it’s quite easy students are motivated by the sim- possible and further contribute to Why are you working so hard to Online to find a job that pays very well. ple need to do something construc- their area of study, these students graduate from Georgia Tech? Is it Matt Flagg, Editor Martin Wiggins, Assistant Editor This is a very popular area of study tive with their lives. Unwilling to are strong candidates for graduate the idea of graduation that drives for the computer science students have an unrespectable career that school and love to look for interest- you to work? Managing Editor that want the easiest path to gradu- doesn’t require a college degree, these ing undergraduate research projects. Once you’ve answered these ques- Jennifer LaHatte ation with a degree in computer students have always done well Instead of reading entertainment tions and reflected on your own • • • science and a means to make good throughout school and know how magazines and novels, these students motivation at Tech, you should ask Board of Student money. to work hard. read textbooks and academic jour- yourself, “Am I proud of what mo- Publications A much smaller group of stu- tivates me?” Dr. Carole E. Moore, Chair Usually, these students have a nals. RoseMary Wells, Publications Mgr. Billiee Pendleton-Parker, Advisor Advertising and Accounting U.S. should help other nations achieve global security Nancy Bowen, Business Mgr. Marcus Kwok, Accounts Mgr. In October of 1986 the Cold the table. The money is not really Donna Sammander, Advertising Mgr. War felt a momentary brush of warm “If America is to be a harbinger there to back it up, but the other • • • air. It happened during a summit in players still only see the chips. What’s Reykjavik that brought the leaders of must do so unfortunate, though, is the fear that Copyright Notice Copyright © 2002, Matthew Bryan, of the two most powerful nations in through diplomacy.” prevails from having another coun- Editor, and by the Board of Student history together to attempt to ease try being provided a diplomatic voice. Publications. The Technique is an official publication of the Georgia Tech Board of the tensions that then existed. In a Ian Clark The US has enjoyed having the loud- Student Publications. No part of this Assistant Photography Editor paper may be reproduced in any manner private meeting between President est voice in global politics for quite without written permission from the Reagan and Soviet Premier Gor- some time and it rightfully deserves Editor or from the Board of Student Publications. The ideas expressed herein bachev perhaps the greatest chance it. However, this voice shouldn’t be are those of the editor or the individual at ending nuclear arms prolifera- and is again threatening to make a that prevented either the US or the used to squelch dissident voices in authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Board of Student tion and perhaps even eliminating mockery of American diplomacy. Soviet Union from destroying each the same manner that we protest Publications, the students, staff, or faculty nuclear weapons altogether was This newest incarnation of Reagan’s other during the Cold War. those nations squelching their own of Georgia Tech, or the University System placed in President Reagan’s hands. sci-fi fantasy has a slightly different The current design of the ballis- dissidents. of Georgia. Gorbachev, attempting to bring tone to it. The declared purpose is tic missile defense system is simul- If America is to be a harbinger of Advertising Information Information and rate cards can be found about an unprecedented set of re- to protect the US “against a threat taneously a technological feat and democracy and human rights it must on our World Wide Web site at forms in the Soviet Union, knew of a limited strategic ballistic mis- technologically ineffective. Provid- do so through diplomacy and not The deadline for reserving ad space and that perestroika could not be achieved sile attack from a rogue nation.” ed that the advancements that are just brute force. The perceived need submitting ad copy is noon on Friday, one if the Soviet Union was to continue However, it is flawed by both it’s needed are made, the US would for a ballistic missile defense is an week prior to publication. There are no exceptions to this policy. For rate to pour vast resources into arms premise and it’s execution. then be stuck with the equivalent of acknowledgement to the failure of information, call our offices at (404) 894- escalation. The perceived threat that a na- a $60 billion dollar policeman that American diplomacy. A missile de- 2830, Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Advertising space cannot be He thus approached Reagan with tion (North Korea is often cited) can be evaded through a $.0.50 do- fense would not be an insurance reserved over the phone. TheTechnique a proposal to begin to decrease the would develop the capability to send nut. policy against rogue nations but an office is located in room 137 of the Student Services Building, 353 Ferst number of missiles each nation had a weapon of mass destruction via a What is currently well beyond insurance policy for the US to con- Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0290. stockpiled. When it came down to long range ballistic missile is a relic our capabilities, and will continue tinue to ignore those nations. Questions regarding advertising billing should be directed to Marcus Kwok at numbers, both nations began best- of closed minded Cold War think- to be for some time, is being able to However, there is an alternative (404) 894-9187, or RoseMary Wells at ing the other with larger and larger ing. If the United States has learned distinguish between an actual war- that would allow the US to main- (404) 894-2830. cuts until eventually Reagan asked anything in the past six months, it is head and a dummy warhead. By tain diplomatic standing and still Letter Submission Policy why they couldn’t just eliminate that an attack is not going to come including a dozen or so fake war- develop a missile defense. If the US The Technique welcomes all letters to the editor and will print letters on a timely nuclear weapons in their entirety. from conventional weapons. heads, a ballistic missile can draw is concerned about protecting itself and space-available basis. Letters should be Not only was this concession The impetus for a nation to spend an intercepting missile away from a from other nations, then it should hand-delivered, mailed to Georgia Tech Campus Mail Code 0290, or e-mailed to made by Gorbachev, but he also the resources to develop a ballistic true threat. understand that other nations feel [email protected]. Letters agreed to the immediate removal of an obligation to protect themselves should be addressed to Matthew Bryan, missile solely to attack the US is lost Other than the already stated Editor. All letters must be signed and must all intermediate range ballistic mis- when one considers how much eas- issues, the development of a ballis- from the US. As such, it would be include a campus box number or other valid mailing address for verification siles from Europe as a precursor to ier it is for a nation to instead put tic missile defense system greatly perfectly fair for every nation to in- purposes. Letters should not exceed 350 the 10-year program. However, Gor- either an atomic or a chemical weapon damages the sacred institution of corporate a missile defense system, words and should be submitted by 8 a.m. Wednesday in order to be printed in the bachev knew that he would not be on a freight ship and anchor it in American diplomacy. Assuming that and the US could lead in this effort. following Friday’s issue. Any letters not able to due this with the support of New York harbor. A nation would a nation would never actually use a Rather than make missile defense meeting these criteria or not considered by the Editorial Board of the Technique to be the Politburo without a concession never risk an overt assault if it can ballistic missile against the US then an elitist tool, make it a global ini- of valid intent will not be printed. Editors from Reagan as well; Reagan need- remove itself from the political stage the question arises as to why a na- tiative and provide every nation with reserves the right to edit for style, content, and length. Only one submission per ed to cease development on his Stra- and instead attack through subter- tion would even go through the trou- the opportunity and the capability person will be printed each term. tegic Defense Initiative. In a true fuge. ble of developing a ballistic missile, to defend itself equally against a Contacting Us failure of diplomacy Reagan declined, If North Korea were to launch such as North Korea has already missile attack. Is it too socialist for [email protected] and thus nuclear arms build up con- against the US, it would do so know- done. the US to provide every nation with [email protected] tinued. ing that retaliation would be at least The answer is simple, status. an equivalent voice in global poli- [email protected] Now, 16 years later, the same equal but more likely much more Having ballistic missiles gives a coun- tics, or is it really just true democra- Online Star Wars program has resurfaced severe. This is the same doctrine try the chips necessary to come to cy? 10 • Friday, March 15, 2002 • Technique OPINIONS

Feminists from page 8 Techs and the City: Who can teach us integrity? less chance of job promotions and still married. By Jennifer Hinkel ethical ap- tutor can’t teach enough SAT math raises. When the child factor is set One hundred and fifty years ago Focus Editor titude or in six two-hour sessions for every aside, women get equal pay. They I would have enjoyed none of this, maturity of student to score a 600 on the do. which is where the original wom- The results of a recent AJC character, math part of the test, how could a Show me a woman who has not en's movement came in and did “Voice of Atlanta” poll suggests academic remedial class possibly instill in- had the distraction of children to good work. American women have some Atlanta area parents are more success tegrity into someone who has al- keep her away from work more of- more rights than women anywhere than a little confused. tends to re- ready fallen short of the mark? ten and prevent her from going the else on Earth. Almost ninety percent of the flect direct- Something must be missing extra mile -- in short, a woman who Why not concentrate on the bru- 583 people that answered the sur- ly on from the integrity equation. The is the equal of her male coworkers tal killing, maiming and oppression vey think that parents are failing parental involvement and inter- responsibility for instilling val- in every particular—who is still paid of women in other countries in- to teach their children “morals, est. I would argue that character ues should not fall upon college less, and I'll show you a woman stead of whining about the fictional values, and high standards,” in- development likewise depends on administrators. By that time, it’s smart enough to sue her employer patriarchy here? stead allowing their kids to learn parental attention and involve- way too late. for a clear-cut case of illegal dis- The answer, of course, is that from their peers and the media. ment. Others think that values If only parents of young chil- crimination. the women's movement in Ameri- Of course, over ninety percent also should be taught in schools. Who dren could hire integrity tutors There is absolutely no need for ca is incredibly politically power- think they do a very good job of should take responsibility for val- (or send send their children to the National Organization of Wom- ful. Focusing on international issues instilling values in their own chil- ues education? Catholic school—I found scare en to step in and whine about the would dissipate all of that domestic dren—in other words, the prob- Forty percent of those who tactics to be quite effective meth- oppression of all women based on political power in a hurry. They are lem must be what the other parents answered the AJC questionnaire ods of instilling values when I such rare instances. not happy unless they are legislat- are doing. Obviously, someone thought that schools should in- was eight), a lack of adulthood They will still whine that wom- ing how I should live my life and must be wrong. corporate teaching character and integrity might be less prevalent. en should not be "punished" for how I should be favored for my In my part-time job as an SAT values into their curriculum. Why? If the parents of Atlanta indicate having children, but this is a ques- gender instead of my accomplish- tutor, I spend time with a variety Most likely because that would the beliefs of most American par- tion of productivity— women with ments. of high school students. Although educate everyone else’s children ents, how will these kids func- children don't produce as much in Girl power. In this country I can they have one thing in common— on how to behave properly in tion once they reach college age? economic terms. Their contribu- do whatever the heck I want to—I their parents are willing to shell public. Remember, everyone At least Tech wants to address tion to society is their children, and can be a CEO or president or an out the cash to have a private SAT thinks their kids are perfect. (Ask the integrity issue. The plan may if they chose to have children, they astronaut. I just have to deserve it tutor explain the finer methods of your mom and dad—they will need work, but publicity about should realize and be content with first. test-taking strategy, reading com- substantiate this theory. Then, go honor code challenges at the uni- this. The lesson, ladies, is to put up or prehension questions and the ever- ask your childhood neighbors to versity level can spark conversa- Honestly, any businessman who shut up. Make the most out of your baffling idea of triangle geometry— rate your level of perfection.) tions in high schools and grade pays some employees twenty per- life, overcome whatever obstacles the similarities stop there. I see If parents aren’t doing a good schools. Maybe Atlanta parents cent more than the rest of the em- you face instead of inventing more students who are motivated to learn job of setting high standards for and teachers will watch, take note ployees based on a non-productivity to justify your failures and recog- and have continuous parental in- their children, how can schools and have a conversation with kids related factor will not be in business nize that having a family will affect put, and I see students who wish I such as Tech expect their students about cheating that leads to higher for long. your ability to make a ton of mon- would leave before the two-hour to exhibit integrity and charac- standards and values education. American women oppressed? ey. session is over so that they can ter? Tech plans to send those found Through setting high standards Pshaw. I today can vote, serve on a Feminism has done its job here. return to their regularly sched- responsible for cheating to a class itself, Tech can demonstrate the jury, testify before it, own property, Now the rest of the world's women uled lives of unsupervised bliss. on integrity. Students will have importance of integrity to its stu- gain custody of my children follow- are dying to have what we have. Pop quiz: which students end up to write a 500 word essay and dents and the community. Then, ing the very lenient divorce process with the better SAT scores? discuss ethics. students will be challenged to set for escaping an abusive marriage Email us with your views. Send mail Although quantitative scores I have doubts that such a meth- a precedent of honor and integri- and be legally recognized as a sepa- to [email protected] or can’t offer a measuring stick of od could be effective. If a private ty for future students to follow. rate human from my husband while [email protected] OPINIONS Technique • Friday, March 15, 2002 • 11 Buzz Around the

Josh Ebeling Rich Murphy Megan Preble Genevieve Wolff Campus ME Sophomore CS Junior ME Junior MGT Senior “I don’t have a com- “Even though I didn’t “It’s really easy to “Do what?” puter. What’s online?” apply, the webpage use.” looks nice.”

Question of the week “What do you think about the new online sign-up process for Jeff Kock Ben Walker Katy Gustashaw Holly Harris housing?” Arch Junior ID Senior CE Freshman TFE Freshman

Feature and photos by “Housing, how arous- “Quick and easy, just “I like anything “Didn’t we just have Brandon Cox ing” how I like it.” online. It’s more to do like one click?” convenient.” pageFOCUS 15 Technique • Friday, March 15, 2002 • 15 524,600 minutes? Find the luck o’ the Irish Rent, playing through this weekend at the Planning on St. Patrick’s Day in Savannah? FOCUS Fox, gets good reviews. If this is your season The story starts here, but the listing of of love, take a date. Story on Page 21. popular events can be found on Page 18. Technique • Friday, March 15, 2002 Construction takes a toll on campus convenience By Jennifer Lee lot worse on East Campus, but ly for those that live near con- literally right outside her win- Contributing Writer [construction] has never really struction sites. dow. [been] an inconvenience for me. Although Marlon admits that Most of East Campus is af- Clank. Bang. Boom. I never hear it on West,” she construction is “hardly the most fected by the construction in some It’s hard to ignore the construction said. extreme of problems” at a school way or another, either by the FE that is taking place all around the campus. However, where sleep is courtyard or the stadium. Bobby Dodd stadium, the FE courtyard just a block at a premium, “That robotic jackhammer on East Campus, and Caldwell Residence down the the loud con- they had for a while over there Hall on West are under renovation for street, Marlon “That jackhammer struction was awesome. ..Though not quite improvements. Earlier in the semester, Mooney, a they had was makes life that so awesome when they started construction often reduced traffic to one Folk resident, much harder. at some God-forsaken hour, like lane as cars squeezed by sites at the base- said of the awesome... not “I would ten or eleven in the morning,” ball stadium and the Earth and Atmo- Caldwell ren- quite so awesome come back to said Harris resident Andy Holt spheric Sciences building near Atlantic ovation, “Not my room after with a hint of sarcasm. Street. only does the at ten or eleven in classes, want- Power outages pose another And, to confirm that Tech is putting construction the morning.” ing to take a pesky problem for dorm resi- up new buildings like construction is go- interfere with quick nap, but dents. During one weekend pow- ing out of style, work has started on my sleep, but Andy Hold the noise of the er outage, students on East the long-planned SAC II. it’s also caused Harris resident drills and jack- Campus had to find somewhere With so many projects un- the hot water hammers else to go if they needed electric- derway, students have be- to be unavail- made it really ity or computer access during gun to complain about the able a few times. And for what hard to fall asleep,” said Nnen- an outage. Like many students, inconvenience. we pay for housing, that’s unac- na Okeke, who lives on the base- Holt trekked across campus. Many of the issues depend on ceptable.” ment floor of Harrison. “I went over to West, but location. Rachel Rose lives relatively Indeed, sleep loss is probably The construction of a new undisturbed in Montag. “It’s probably a the biggest complaint, especial- patio outside Harrison took place See Construction, page 19 Bust your post-break blues with Move over, secret diaries, and welcome online — St. Patrick’s Day in Savannah with completely public access By Josh Alexander “It’s the best St. Patrick’s Day enjoy Irish food, Irish arts and crafts, By Madhu Adiga of the practice. Contributing Writer celebration. It may not be the big- live performances by Irish and Celtic Staff Writer Carolyn Burke, who started gest, but it’s definitely the best,” he bands and a St. Patrick’s Day pa- writing in January of 1995, had Are you having trouble bidding said. rade that rivals any parade in the Dear Diary…I’ve abandoned many reasons for wanting to farewell to last week’s Spring Break Among Savannah’s popular St. country. you for my computer. What’s start an online diary. Aside from festivities? Still feel the need to par- Patrick’s Day festivities, visitors can Old Savannah comes alive for happening here? the fact that she was going ty some more before you get back to this festive event with green water In the midst of daily plan- through many changes in her school? Some students have found flowing from its fountains and green ners, music, personal and the perfect solution to the post- beer flowing from its taps. River and just about work life and break slump: Saint Patrick’s Day Street, the center of the festivities, everything else “This revolutionizes needed some- in Savannah. bustles with party-goers and the going online, one to talk to, Savannah, Georgia has estab- sounds of live Irish music provided even personal homepages... A lot Burke was also lished itself as the St. Patrick’s Day by Celtic bands that perform journals have of people are now seeking a fo- festivity center of the South. The throughout the weekend. followed suit. rum for the city hosts what is arguably the larg- Of course, the main event of the Keeping just using their free exchange est and most popular St. Patrick’s weekend is the St. Patrick’s Day online diaries blogs [weblogs].” of ideas and Day celebration in the U.S. Parade. The parade dates back has become a communica- Yearly, the festivities draw vis- to 1813, when members of Sa- trend for many tion that a web itors from across the nation. vannah’s Hibernian held a St. Tech students, Student weblog user diary could Trey Knight, a junior ME ma- Patrick’s Day procession to their though the offer. jor, makes the annual Saint Patrick’s practice has “An online Day pilgrimage. See Irish, page 18 existed for almost seven years now. diary, a place that exposed pri- The Online Diary History vate mental spaces to everyone’s’ Project, located on the web at scrutiny seemed like a social ob-, is ded- ligation to me. I felt at the time ‘Dance, Dance Revolution’ game icated to compiling the personal See Diaries, page 16 gathers popularity and spectators reminiscences of these pioneers By Jennifer Hinkel players must take. Different levels favor of the dance game. Reyes joked Focus Editor of play can accommodate the two- that while they may not skip lec- left-footed to the disco dancing ex- tures for playing, they might sneak While some Yellow Jackets might pert, with complexity and speed of into class late after a between-class- still be playing Quake, a new form dance moves increasing depending es dance-off. of video game entertainment has on the song difficulty selected. While the line to play (and the become the latest student addiction. “It’s pretty addictive,” said Reyes, watching crowd) grows during lunch With two gaming consoles in the who started playing in an arcade hours with the Student Center Student Center Recreation Area and before Tech bought the game in crowds, Reyes and Rathmann have the ability to play the game at home, January. Rathmann also started in noticed that often the same players Dance, Dance Revolution’s popu- another Atlanta area arcade. Since can be found dancing on a daily larity has grown, not only a physi- learning to play two months ago, basis. Correction cally interactive video game, but even she now plays from three to five “I think a lot of people are afraid In the March 1, 2002 issue of apartments. as a spectator sport. games almost daily at the Student to try [playing],” said Reyes. While the Technique several errors were Additionally, the Technique Pat Reyes and Susie Rathmann Center. some students might be afraid of made in the Oakwood Atlanta mistakenly printed that “many say that they play the game daily in “[The game] is good exercise,” subjecting themselves to public danc- listing of the story titled “The of the tenants have had com- the Student Center; Reyes bought a said Rathmann. “I actually went to ing humiliation in the busy entrance off-campus housing cheat sheet.” plaints about this complex,” dance pad so he can play at home. class one time [after playing], and to the Recreation Center, a second The prices listed were incor- refering to only two complaints Nicknamed “DDR” by its aficio- my professor said that I looked like console in the back corner of the rect, the complex does offer broad- on nados, the dance game involves step- I just ran a marathon.” Although room might offer the curious and band Internet access and the The Technique regrets the ping on a console in time with music she plays between classes, Rathmann complex has no three-bedroom errors. while a screen indicates dance steps has yet to resort to skipping class in See Dance, page 19 16 • Friday, March 15, 2002 • Technique FOCUS

are now just using their blogs for Diaries from page 15 “[Weblogging] is nice because my hand doesn’t their homepages,” commented one student. get as tired, as opposed to writing with a pen or “It’s so much better for readers that I could give back to society from commentaries to fiction and paper on a journal... Other people, when they’re to see something dynamic that gets something important: a snapshot creative writing efforts. Many peo- updated rather than your standard of what a person is like on the in- ple will post interesting links or their bored, can read what you’ve been up to. ” homepage that has your bio and side,” she remarked on the Diary perspectives on various topics. Irene Gung such and is never maintained,” said History Project. Many students at Tech, howev- Management freshman and LiveJournal user the student. What started out as posting per- er, use as another ven- The trend is so widely known, in sonal testimonies on web pages has ue for their personal journal entries. fact, that sponsors a now evolved into numerous web- Within the world of online journal- According to one student, “It’s has been happening in your life lately contest called the “Bloggie Awards,” sites dedicated to fostering commu- ing, Tech students have their own easier to type than it is to write, and allows everyone to read about it rather akin to the Grammys or Emmys. nities of online diarists. niche. Created by freshman Jenni- there’s so many cool things you can than you having to tell a story ten The contest awards the best blogs and are two of the fer Lee, writers can find the Tech do with online journals, like include times. Many Internet diary users in various categories such as Best most online diary sites among Tech blogger group called Only at Tech. links to things you don’t want to find the method especially useful New Weblog and Best Weblog about students. The trend stretches into the ce- explain.” for trying to keep in touch with Politics. LiveJournal was started in 1999 lebrity world, as well. Wil Wheaton, “Other people, when they’re friends who live out of town or at Many options exist for people by (wouldn’t you know it?) a com- known by Trek fans for his role on bored, can read what you’ve been different colleges. wanting to try out weblogging and puter science student who turned a the TV show Star Trek: The Next up to. I don’t even have to waste my One other notable feature of online diaries. The most popular database-driven method to update Generation, keeps a weblog at time talking to them,” added Gung. weblogs is that sites like sites offer simple interfaces and op- his own personal journal into a web-, and gets many hits Also, weblogging and posting to allow their users to personalize their tions that do not require HTML or based application his friends could every day from fans and people who online journals allow people a pub- blog pages. web design knowledge to create a use. Since then, over 400,000 peo- just enjoy reading his perspective. lic forum for their thoughts and “This revolutionizes personal forum for personal expression with- ple worldwide have been using Live- So why do people who rarely feelings while still being able to main- homepages because a lot of people out handwriting a single word. Journal. write in personal journals bother to tain their anonymity. Irene Gung, a first-year man- post online “You feel like you know the peo- agement major, has been using Live- diaries? ple whose weblog you’re reading, If you want to get your blog on... Journal since October of 2001. What’s the and vice versa. But at the same “It’s nice because my hand doesn’t appeal? time you don’t have to worry about The following sites provide options for “blogging,” or creating an get as tired as opposed to writing anyone harassing you or safety is- with a pen or paper on a journal.” sues,” said one student. online journal, or weblog, available to the public. Find one that is a forum found- Students find weblogging suits your tastes or explore the diaries, journals and logs of others. ed by Evan Williams for blogging, a more convenient way of keeping or weblogging, which can in touch with people. Posting what • consist of any- you did during the day and what One of the most popular web diaries, LiveJournal offers open thing source code and options for linking to your friends’ journals. • Blogger’s “instant publication” provides instant gratification. • This easily navigated site offers Blogger Awards for its best and most popular web logs. • MetaFilter creates a weblog community with several interesting features, including posts of interesting log excerpts on its main home page. FOCUS Technique • Friday, March 15, 2002 • 17 Tech Up Close email: [email protected]

Winner of the Tech Up Close contest receives a Technique T-shirt and a coupon for free Papa John’s pizza.

Last week’s Tech Up Close: Plaque for the Paul G. Mayer garden located at Skiles

Last week’s winner: Brian Leonelli

By Eric Auferhaar/ STUDENT PUBLICATIONS 18 • Friday, March 15, 2002 • Technique FOCUS

Irish from page 15 Savannah’s annual St. Patrick’s Day events church. To be held on Saturday pect plenty of fun, but in a clean, March 14 to 16: St. Patrick’s Day on the River March 16, the 2002 parade will host family atmosphere. Sponsored by the Savannah Waterfront Association, historic River Street opens in the city’s bagpipe bands, Irish dancing, floats, “I wouldn’t expect to see the kind traditional celebration of the Irish holiday. and many other performers. of craziness you might see on Spring “The Savannah nightlife on River Break,” Knight said. “It’s like fun Street, coupled with all of the St. for all ages.” March 14 to 18: St. Patrick’s Day at City Market Patrick’s Day events, makes Savan- In fact, there are some strict rules This annual event features musical entertainment at Savannah’s City Market nah the only place to be,” said one governing the weekend festivities; stage throughout the weekend and into next week. Tech student, “It’s really a great if you go, you should not expect atmosphere.” Mardi Gras. For instance, all un- March 16: St. Patrick’s Day Mass But don’t pack your bags and derage drinking and “indecency” Mass will be celebrated at 8:00 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. decide to drive towards the coast are not only discouraged, but se- just yet! Finding a room near Sa- verely reprimanded. Ordinances per- March 16: 2002 St. Patrick's Day Parade vannah for this St. Patrick’s Day at taining to such activities are strictly Savannah's 178th annual parade starts downtown at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday. this point would be a difficult—if enforced throughout the weekend The website offers live streaming video of the parade that not impossible—task. Reservations to maintain safety for the thousands morning for those who miss the real thing. usually fill hotels to nearly ninety of visitors that pour into the city percent capacity for St. Patrick’s Day each March. However, even the un- Savannah’s St. Patrick’s Day Web site also includes the history of Savannah’s celebrations (find out weekend the weekend following St. derage crowd can find plenty of fun, when the Savannah River was first dyed green); a helpful FAQ for those planning to visit; a hotel, restaurant Patrick’s Day itself, meaning that even if they can’t visit the pubs along and bar guide; links explaining the religious, cultural and historical significance of the Irish holiday; and tips hotel rooms for this year filled up in River Street. for the day after St. Patrick’s Day, just in case you need to recover from an excess of revelry. March of 2001. However, if you “I wouldn’t be anywhere else for are willing to pay the price of roughly St. Patrick’s Day,” said Knight. Compiled from $180 a night for a room located a If you get to Savannah, even for ten or fifteen minute drive from the one day, it will be worth your time, city of Savannah, plus the extra cost according to Knight and the others of a cab ride to River Street and who travel annually to the Savan- back, you may still be in luck. nah festivities. For those looking for a replay of But if you can’t, St. Patrick’s a wild and crazy Spring Break, the Day in Savannah happens every street party in Savannah has a slightly March—book next year’s hotel different flavor. Revelers should ex- rooms starting Monday. FOCUS Technique • Friday, March 15, 2002 • 19

the Alaska DDR scene alone. DDR Construction from page 15 DDR from page 15 has fans worldwide; the DDR Freak site has a “machine locator” for Eu- since it takes fifteen minutes to walk see the point of building it; I don’t timid a chance to play without an popular DDR websites, DDR Freak rope and Asia as well as the States. there, I only spent about ten min- really use it the way it is now.” audience. However, according to (, players can “We’re supposed to get Fifth utes there before I came back be- Tina Denq voiced similar doubts Rathmann, the second console takes find at least twelve game machines Mix—most people have Third,” said cause I heard the power was on again. regarding a different East Campus four tokens per player, unlike the in Georgia, including one at the Rathmann, speaking on the possi- It just seemed like a lot of hype.” construction project. “I have no clue one in the front of the room, which bility that Tech’s arcade will soon Even the threat of a power out- what they’re doing at the stadium. takes four tokens (a total of 80 cents) include a newer console. As of yet, age can be a nuisance. Harrison res- It’s just a very distracting form of for up to two players. “You just have to pay DDR Freak lists no Fifth Mix ma- idents were informed by their hall progress,” she said. Still, both Reyes and Rathman chines in Georgia. council newsletter that construction Logistical inconveniences and found the game’s concept easy to attention to the DDR fans go as far as down- would cause power to be out the distractions have been an ongoing learn, although “there’s a learning music... [Playing DDR] loading the game’s musical mixes Thursday before Spring Break from effect of the construction projects. curve to it,” said Reyes, much like and creating trick dance moves. Oth- 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Some FE students felt that the learning any new game. The physi- is more like line er players organize tournaments for In preparation for the outage, FE courtyard—surrounded by cal interaction adds another dimen- dancing.” DDR competition or attempt to set Onisha Laurence turned off her com- dorms—provided a little isolation sion of learning to the less records for hours of continuous play. puter. from the cityscape as one of the few coordinated. Susie Rathmann Even for non-players, DDR can “I had my computer turned off, green spots on East Campus. “You just have to pay attention Computer Science senior provide hours of spectator fun watch- and I was in bed During the to the music,” said Rathmann. “It’s ing other students dance through reading, having Harrison patio more like line dancing.” Addition- their lunch breaks. According to resigned myself construction ally, players can adjust the game so Mall of Georgia. California has 299 Reyes and Rathmann, the largest to not getting any “Today I was trying to project, howev- that two people can play simulta- consoles, but even Alaska’s one ma- crowds of both players and specta- work done while er, the courtyard neously but at different skill levels. chine has garnered enough of a fol- tors gather between 11:00 a.m. and the power was walk out of the was sectioned off According to one of the more lowing to spur several websites for 4:00 p.m. out,” said Lau- student center and in and filled with rence. concrete blocks, The power the middle of my bulldozers, and outage never usual path, BAM, they mounds of dirt. happened, but Besides the ob- nevertheless, “I put one of those vious inconve- could have been railing things.” niences of doing home- having a dorm work in the hour Stacy Farah exit blocked off or so that I was Montag resident (for Harrison expecting the residents), or power to go off. having to walk And plus,” Laurence added with a an extra couple of feet around the sheepish grin, “When I finally real- courtyard instead of across it—some ized that there wasn’t going to be a Harrison residents felt the project power outage, it was so hard to mo- ruined the courtyard’s atmosphere. tivate myself to get back to work.” For those who wish that Tech Judy Kuo, another Harrison res- had more trees and picturesque places ident, put a positive spin on the to study, the clanking of machinery construction. “It’s really good to and the mud filtering onto the streets see Tech building new things to is an ugly reminder of campus’ ur- improve the campus.” However, she ban location. admitted to some inconvenience. Stacy Farah, who lives in Mon- “On the other hand, its annoying tag, joked, “Today I was trying to that just so much construction is walk out of the student center and going on all at one time.” in the middle of my usual path, Also, regarding the new patio BAM, they put one of those railing outside of Harrison, Kuo is doubt- things. As if I don’t trip enough.” ful of its purpose. “It’s so… unim- But then she says, as an after- By John Jewell / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS pressive. It just looks like they put thought, “But, you know, I miss Anthony Ritz looks on as two Dance, Dance Revolution players take their turn at the arcade console. Some Tech down a bunch of concrete. Maybe walking on sidewalks sometimes.” players hope that the arcade will soon incorporate a newer version of the game named Fifth Mix. For now, the it’s not quite finished yet, but I don’t game’s popularity has become evident in the crowds it attracts during lunch hour at the Student Center. 20 • Friday, March 15, 2002 • Technique FOCUS

An Untitled Perspective The Superman Illusion: why the high school ego is out of style “Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity.” —Frank Leahy

By Joshua Cuneo ing themselves. complex integrals in n-dimensional Contributing Columnist I believe that some students have Multivariable calculus, ad- space, I become a little suspicious. yet to relinquish the pride they vanced thermodynamics, compu- Of course, students may fall When I return to my twenty- tational theory and the rest are victim to the Superman Illusion five year high school reunion, I’ll obtained from their easy high new to us, all of us, and these for understandable reasons. most likely have forgotten those school successes. subjects can’t be mastered with- For instance, often enough, ar- classmates with whom I had only out a great deal of practice. Aca- rogance is a passion-driven com- a distant association. Joshua Cuneo demic experience is bound to be pensation for personal problems. The memory of others will un- Contributing Columnist quite unpleasant without a few In other cases, it may be a weak doubtedly stay with me because dozen hours of intense weekly attempt to conceal character flaws. we ventured through those trying study, especially at Tech. But mostly, it’s generally a response years of academia together. A rare With these, he often included But, of course, the more trou- I emphasize this point because to failure, for failure invokes a sense few are unforgettable, however, half-witted asides that were comi- blesome ones are the outspoken I believe that some students have of inferiority, the single most de- due to their arrogant and egotisti- cal at times, but otherwise inap- and immodest, those who have an yet to relinquish the pride they testable emotion. cal blockheadedness that soured propriate. incessant hunger to announce, obtained from their easy high school The desire to escape this mis- certain aspects of my high school He was a victim of what I call without provocation, every accom- successes. erable feeling and reclaim superi- years. the “Superman Illusion.” We’ve plishment and success in their re- I myself have been forced to ority has been the driving force I remember one student, for all had our fair share of experienc- sume. I remember another adapt to the idea that clarity of the behind a millennia of wars. But instance, who bided most of his es with these people. These are the classmate who instantly balanced material doesn’t always come eas- we are of a more enlightened age, time upon the proverbial high pretentious blowhards who sit idly every failure with noisy announce- ily. It’s not a sign of idiocy to and as such, this egotistical drive horse, behaving as if he were the in class, ignoring their notebook ments of one or more recent suc- consult with professors and TA’s must end. supreme entity of literature. His and often the lecturer, deceptive- cesses in an attempt to make that and even other students after hours Milder cases may simply re- writing reflected this haughty, ho- ly believing that they are capable failure appear insignificant by com- to gain a better grasp of certain quire a slap in the face from a lier-than-thou attitude, and he re- of absorbing and retaining all of parison. concepts. friend. More serious cases require peatedly sacrificed content for a the required information to pass The Superman Illusion is par- A firm understanding is all that personal help and attention. But pseudo-Victorian professional style. the course. ticularly dangerous in college. courses care about—how you go in all cases, the victims of the Su- Furthermore, I sensed that he Their smug attitude betrays We’ve transgressed beyond the days about it is irrelevant. Tech does perman Illusion must resolve their was in direct competition with the their conviction that their mind is of high school when our classes have its share of “slack” classes, behavior or risk their own social brightest students in the class. He so keenly sharpened that any ad- were a simple regurgitation of facts. but I could count those on two damage. We may condemn fail- had an inherent need to respond ditional effort on their part is a Now everything requires analysis, hands. Furthermore, while ex- ure and strive to overcome it, but to many of the most brilliant com- waste of time. comprehension and composition. pressions of conceitedness are un- to deny its existence is a self-rein- ments, analyses and proposals is- They come in a variety of fla- The very foundation of our so- derstandable in health or forced delusion. sued throughout the course, a vors. I could relate anecdotes of ciety is based on application, and psychology, when I observe a stu- These egotists need to shift their practice that he carried out in a classmates whose egotistical arro- application doesn’t come easily. dent conveying these same expres- personality to acknowledge infe- competitive rather than intellec- gance is betrayed only through their Those who think they can breeze sions while my professor explains riority. They need an attitude ad- tual manner. body language and speech. through their courses are delud- for the first time how to compute justment. ENTERTAINMENTpage 21 Technique • Friday, March 15, 2002 • 21 Gravity dragging you? What’s the Buzz? You might like the Jennifer Nettles That’s what the Technique asked the ENTERTAINMENT Band’s new release entitled Gravity: baseball team’s junior catcher Tyler Drag me Down. They’re playing Parker in a new question-and-answer Technique • Friday, March 15, 2002 Eddie’s Attic tomorrow. Page 23 column in Sports. Page 29 It’s ‘Showtime’ for De Niro and Murphy Eddie Murphy and Robert De Niro take comedic antics to the crime scene in director Tom Dey’s dangerously funny new cop-action spoof Showtime. William Shatner also makes an appearance as none other than himself. By Chris Webb holds a boot camp, so that the Staff Writer officers can “properly” jump onto car hoods and test for drugs. Of Film: Showtime course, TJ Hooker never had to Studio: Warner Bros. deal with the reality of car repair Starring: Robert De Niro, or as Preston explains, “There’s Eddie Murphy, Rene Russo a reason why cops don’t taste MPAA Rating: PG-13 cocaine, it could be cyanide.” Rating: yyy 1/2 In further hopes of making Preston a bigger star, the pro- Eddie Murphy and Robert ducers replace his land yacht for De Niro put on a badge and a jet-black Hummer and con- lay on the laughs in Showtime. vert his living room into a ad- The movie is a lampoon of TV vertisement for Ikea. Their hands shows such as Miami Vice and even renovate the police station movies like the Lethal Weapon from a grungy mess of papers series. into a slick office with chic com- Mitch Preston (De Niro) is puter desks and a confessional a “by the book” 26-year veter- for one-on-one time with the an detective with a penchant TV audience. for pottery. While on a drug Nevertheless, Preston takes bust, a media helicopter swarms no pleasure in the changes that in creating confusion and a have become imposed upon his deadly gun battle. In the midst life. He grudgingly accepts the of battle, the drug dealer, played torture if only to keep from get- by rapper Mos Def, pulls out a ting fired. The best lines in the gargantuan gun that fires ura- movie come from his witty com- nium-depleted bullets. In a race ments about the “realness” of thing in the movie might be the to catch the fleeing dealer, Pre- the whole situation. gun. The movie isn’t that bad, ston gets entangled with a me- The movie could have picked the gun is just that good. Imag- dia cameraman. He shoots the up the jokes and run with them ine if someone carried around a camera in disgust. for a few more laughs. Shatner bazooka the size of a machine In trouble with the police was superb as himself, but a few gun. Even though De Niro in- for destroying the camera, Pre- more cameos would have gone a forms the audience that real cops ston is forced to participate in long way to pick up some of the don’t have gun battles or see the reality-based cop show duller moments. Perhaps Judge exploding cars, this spoof is full “Showtime.” His new partner, Reinhold could have appeared of them. Critically, this is also Officer Trey Sellers (Eddie to reprise his Beverly Hills Cop the worst part of the film. In the Murphy), is an incompetent role. process of making a cop spoof show-off more concerned with Showtime isn’t a bad movie, the writers fell into the same his struggling movie career than but it isn’t the sidesplitting com- traps of cars explosions and bank catching criminals. The remain- edy that its talent warrants. The robberies. That shouldn’t dis- der of the movie involves the result relies too much on the tract you from seeing the movie. two police officers’ quest to comedic talents of Robert De You will like this movie if find the gun. Only steps be- Niro, known far more for his you watch any kind of cop show hind them trail producer Chase dramatic acting. Eddie Murphy just to laugh at their stupidity. Renzi (Rene Russo) and a cap- plays essentially the same jokes This movie will suit you per- tive TV audience. throughout the movie. There are fectly. Expect this movie to be The best parts of the movie only so many times that his in- the major blockbuster of the Photos courtesy WARNER BROS. PICTURES are found when Renzi tries to tentionally poor acting resonates weekend. If you can, wait until Eddie Murphy and Robert De Niro (top) are the stars in the reality-based television make Preston into a cop star. into a laugh. your friends see it to gauge their show called ‘Showtime’ in the new movie of the same name. Rene Russo and William Shatner (as himself) Sadly enough, the coolest reaction. William Shatner (bottom) are the producers trying to weave a tale of TV gold. Minogue continues Australian invasion By Kimberly Rieck tastes are fickle, the fad ended, Touring Rent Staff Writer and Minogue became a virtual unknown again in the United show delights Artist: Kylie Minogue States. Label: Capitol Records Despite the fact that Minogue Title: Fever had lost her popularity in Ameri- crowds at Fox Tracks: 12 ca, she continued to rise in popu- Rating: yyy larity with worldwide audiences. By Bryan Basamanowicz The former Neighbours star re- Assistant Entertainment Editor It appears that every few years leased eight in addition the U.S. pop scene reaches out to to her greatest hits collection and It’s been six years since Rent a specific culture and grants a few a live . Minogue has had opened off Broadway. Ironically, just of the culture’s superstars their over 30 hit singles and sold over hours before the first cast took their 15 minutes of fame. It was not 30 million records. In , positions on the stage for the show long ago that the Latin pop scene she’s their answer to Madonna or debut in January of 1996, Rent’s writer had a heavy impact in pop music. Janet Jackson. Like Madonna and and composer, Jonathan Larson, died Before that, European pop was Jackson, she has acted in numer- suddenly on account of an undiagnosed all the rage on MTV. Now it ous films and collaborated with aortic aneurysm. appears that the newest fad has numerous international pop stars Since its creator’s untimely death at come full circle from the 1980s. like Robbie Williams and the Pet 35, Rent has earned the late Larson a Back then, Kylie Minogue was Shop Boys. Pulitzer Prize for Drama, four Tony singing “Loco-motion,” which In 2000, U.S. audiences once Awards (including Best Musical), and dominated the charts in 1987. again heard the Kylie’s name when a $5 million deal with Miramax for During that time, Crocodile she performed ABBA’s “Danc- movie rights, attracting the interest of Dundee movies were also enor- ing Queen” and her song “On A directors such as Spike Lee. By Steve Shaw / CAPITOL RECORDS mously popular with audiences. Night Like This” in front of over See Rent, page 22 Incredibly popular and successful in her homeland, Australian pop Then Americans proved that their princess Kylie Minogue is attempting to find an American niche. See Kylie, page 24 22 • Friday, March 15, 2002 • Technique ENTERTAINMENT

cess have been brought along for gela Wendt and Tony Award-nom- Rent from page 21 the show’s run in Atlanta. inated choreographer Marlies Yearby. Paul Clay, stage designer for on- The acoustics of the Fox The- In addition to Larson’s own fame, Broadway sets for Rent has brought atre are stretched to their peak per- Rent has also launched the careers his vision to the Fox. The stage at a formance via the efforts of sound of many of its original Broadway glance seems to just be a loud as- designer Steve C. Kennedy whose cast members. Jesse Martin launched Broadway credentials include Cats, from his role as Collins in the orig- Starlight Express, Song and Dance, and The Phantom of the Opera. inal Broadway show into a role on It’s an outrageously NBC’s hit series Law and Order as The cast of this touring produc- detective Ed Green. Taye Diggs fun procession of loud tion is full of a rightfully aspiring energetic team of musicians and ac- (Broadway’s Benny) went on to land music, loud acting, major roles in films such as How tors that keep the energy of the show Stella Got Her Groove Back and Go, and explosive visual well afloat. Notable performances include those of many debuting stage and is also starring in the upcoming decadence... within film adaptation of Chicago along- actors such as Krystal L. Washing- side Catherine Zeta-Jones and Ri- an intelligent and ton (Mimi) and Kevin Spencer (Rog- chard Gere. deeply moving theme er), each of whom make convincing Six years after the fact, Rent is no contributions to their characters. less an extravagant experience to have. Atlanta is one of the first stops On stage, it’s an outrageously fun on a tour that has almost three months procession of loud music, loud act- sembly of randomness. However, left to it so some of the actors haven’t ing and explosive visual decadence, as soon as the actors start supplying quite yet broken into their roles en- all situated within an intelligent and and applying the stage design with tirely, yet the overall energy of the deeply moving theme. purpose it takes on an highly organ- show is still almost more than the Thanks to the Atlanta Broad- ic character that brings Bohemia to Fox Theatre can contain. way Series, Rent is once again in life. feeling like Nostradamus lately? put that to work. Atlanta, hosted by the Fox Theatre. Other notable Broadway talent Rent will be showing at the Fox this To sweeten the deal, much of the being showcased at the Fox includes Saturday at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. and forecast the Academy Awards. talent behind Rent’s Broadway suc- the work of costume designer An- Sunday at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. ENTERTAINMENT Technique • Friday, March 15, 2002 • 23 Atlanta fan favorite Jennifer ...10101010 10 10101010100101010...... Two Bits Nettles Band back at it again This is a very important year for Train” was the band’s last big hit. you that it’s all his parents’ fault By Madhu Adiga to rock to bluegrass, the band fol- the Technique. Yours truly, the Two Feeling quite self-satisfied, I thought that he works in a toll booth. Staff Writer lows the variety of themes in the Bits Man is celebrating Ten Years to myself, “Hmm. Serves them Walk forward with me, into the album without missing a beat. of Cynicism in a year long salute to right.” I suppose that was also my mid-90s. We learned that as long as Artist: Jennifer Nettles Band The seamless blend of musical negativity. I realize that Disney is first taste of schadenfreude, but I’ll the economy is good during a pres- Release: Gravity: Drag Me Down styles reflects Nettles’ upbringing; also having a yearlong celebration let someone else have a yearlong idency, you can forget about the Label: independent she grew up around rock, blues, to commemorate 100 Years of Magic celebration of schadenfreude. associated debauchery. I would like Genre: Folk/Rock folk, and soul. She first broke out in but as year-long salutes go, I can Since 1992, amazing innovations to take a moment to reflect on this Tracks: 12 the Atlanta acoustic scene in 1996 yyyy guarantee you that if you must cele- have occurred in the world of cyni- fact: “Yaaaaaay!” It proves that you Rating: with the now-disbanded Soul Min- brate something this year, go with cism. For example, in the mid-90s, can simultaneously be happy and er’s Daughter, flexing her song-writ- the cynicism. In the card game of it was cool to hate the world. In cynical, because respect for the Amer- After telling the Story of your Bones, ing muscles with this project. In life, cynicism trumps magic. (Ac- fact, if you hated yourself as well, ican Presidency was at an all time Atlanta-based musician Jennifer 1999, she formed the Jennifer Net- cording to standard rules though, that was considered a major bonus. low, yet we all voted for The Mighty Nettles is back with Gravity: Drag tles Band with bassist Wesley Lupold, stupidity always wins the game, and I remember my sophomore year in Bill. I know I would have were the Me Down, the eclectic and soulful drummer Brad Sikes, percussionist that explains middle school and high school when an über-punk- ’96 election not a few short weeks follow-up to her band’s 1999 debut Mike Cebulski, and pianist Scott middle management.) angry-chick started yelling at me before my eighteenth birthday. album. Nicholson. The era of cynicism started with because I never really got into Nir- Shortly thereafter, what was then The album covers the broad spec- The band’s debut CD, Story of the 1992 release of Soul Asylum’s vana’s music. “ died the most fearful event in human trum of human emotions and expe- Your Bones, sold 4000 copies in its Grave Dancers Union. Many of you for our sins you (expletive delet- history, occurred. I, of course, am riences, and the musical styles remember when the truly elite tee- referring to Y2K. In the last few employed follow suit. From blues See Nettles, page 24 nyboppers in your eighth-grade class months of 1999 events occurred learned the riff from “Some- Your own Two Bits that polarized cynics. Negative peo- body to Shove.” Those were the ple were divided into rivaling fac- kids who got all the dates. Their Man is celebrating tions: those who thought the world moms were always taking them and Ten Years of Cynicism, would most assuredly end on Janu- their seventh-grade girlfriends to see ary 1, 2000 and those who thought PG-13 movies and eat at Mc- in a special year-long that the aforementioned faction was Donald’s. I digress though. I don’t salute to negativity. comprised of nitwitted nebbishes. really want to dwell on my pubes- I should note that I was on the latter cent loneliness, just because I didn’t side, yet I still respected the others learn to play guitar until college. because they worked to promote Instead, the Two Bits Man recalls ed)!” I told her that I didn’t appre- the cause of cynicism. Soul Asylum for their other big hit ciate her comparing Kurt Cobain By the end of 2000, it was back from Grave Dancers Union, “Run- to Jesus like that. After all, I feel to politics. The 2000 election made away Train.” If you remember the relatively confident that Jesus was a the whole country lose faith in Flor- early pre- 90s, then you should far better singer. ida. By the end of November, it was be imminently acquainted with that Around the same time, Genera- simply called “that other state.” I socially motivated and fairly grat- tion X started to stand up and whine. can’t recall any event that brought ing ballad. MTV showed the video While the Two Bits Man has made cynics as closely together as the hang- for that song at least twice hourly a writing career of cynically ranting ing chad. I salute Florida for prov- because it featured posters of ab- about the world, X-ers made it their ing that nepotism is alive and well, ducted children, which were released life’s work. This is a whole subclass and for ending 2000 on a cynical in three different versions in three of the population famous for utter- note. different videos. ances like, “Dammit. I don’t know I won’t bore you with the rest of That song also marks the very why I can’t get a six-figure salary the story, since I’m sure that the rest first cynical thought which I can with a masters degree in East Asian of the cynicism is still fresh in your recall. Yes folks, when that song Studies.” I am about nine years too mind. On behalf of the Technique, came out, I thought to myself, young to be an X-er, and as such, I I welcome you to celebrate Ten Years Photo courtesy 360 MEDIA “Hmm. I bet those media leeches am only an amateur cynic. If you of Cynicism with us. Until next Born and raised in South Georgia, Jennifer Nettles earned her chops on did that just for the air time.” It want to find out how to truly object week, this is your Two Bits Man the Atlanta music scene. Her band is back with their latest release, worked stupendously. I would like to the world, talk to your neighbor- wishing you a cynical Saint Patrick’s Gravity: Drag Me Down and will be playing at Eddie’s Attic tomorrow. to further point out that “Runaway hood thirty-two-year-old. He’ll tell Day. 24 • Friday, March 15, 2002 • Technique ENTERTAINMENT

The opening track, “What You Far from the diluted angst or Head” is an entertaining, dance mix. Nettles from page 23 Signed Up For,” is a sassy testimo- fluff that dominates the women’s Kylie from page 21 The lyrics describe obsessive love, ny of a woman tired of her lover’s folk and rock scene, Nettles is known and the song itself is one that will first six months, and was a popular games set to a backdrop of a relaxed for her mature song-writing, and is sure to be one that you will keep mainstay on many college radio sta- blues groove and a voice bleeding a candid but poised storyteller. She 4 billion people at the closing of the hearing over and over again on pop tions in the South. Nettles herself with soul. declares in “Page #2,” “And as long Sydney Olympic games. Madonna radio stations, TRL and VH1. The has gained much acclaim, landing a The vocals and music of “Change” as I’m breathing I’ll sing my joy and even provided free publicity when title track “Fever” is a great dance spot on the 1999 Lilith Fair tour, are reminiscent of a smoke-hazed my grieving/And I’ll fumble with she wore a bejeweled “Kylie” shirt song that is the ideal club music. and was recognized as Independent the guitar until arthritis takes these at an awards show that was similar Minogue is subtlely encouraging Musician of the Year in 2000. She hands.” to her infamous Britney Spears t- audiences to discover her in the same and her band have performed at Nettles’ voice is as The crunching and drums shirt. Film audiences also got a way that the rest of the world has. many venues around the South and in “Shift” prove that Nettles can do glimpse of Minogue when she ap- “More More More” wonderfully at such popular festivals as Music dynamic on this more than “fumble” with her in- peared as The Green Fairy in Mou- augments Minogue’s exotic diva vo- Midtown and 99X’s Big Day Out. album as the lyrics strument and that the band rocks lin Rouge. cals. “Gravity” and “Drag Me Down,” out as deftly as they deliver the blues. Minogue’s latest album Fever Unfortunately, most of the al- the two title tracks on this album, and musical With such versatility and matu- has sold over 2 million copies and bum is a disappointment. It is de- juxtapose the surrendering attitude styles...she gives the rity, this band will definitely keep a went double platinum in the U.K. pending on a few good songs to of someone who has been broken strong fan base and be a mainstay in Capitol Records is releasing Fever catapult Minogue to U.S. stardom. down with pure defiance, accord- kind of delivery her folk rock. Gravity: Drag Me Down in the United States in the hopes The other songs sound like they are ing to Nettles. The album has al- lyrics demand. does not follow any rules, and it that Minogue can capitalize on her blatantly trying to follow the same ready sold 2000 copies in its first also has something for everyone to recent publicity, and the new wave corporate machine-formula that has week of release. enjoy. of popularity for Australian culture. launched other TRL acts into the Nettles’ voice is as dynamic on Her album comes out at a time when pop stratosphere. The few songs that this album as the lyrics and musical jazz lounge, and the chorus seam- During their current tour, the Jen- fellow Aussies Russell Crowe and are good will most likely be enough styles. With the ability to sing at a lessly breaks out with a gospel feel. nifer Nettles Band will be making a Nicole Kidman are nominated for to give Minogue her 15 minutes of soft twang at one minute and then “El Camino,” by contrast, is rich stop in Atlanta at Eddie’s Attic to- Oscars as well as Moulin Rouge for fame on MTV. belt out with all the power and col- with the energy of a bluegrass barn morrow night and the Roxy on April Best Picture Oscar. Over the past However, if Minogue is looking or her vocal chords possess, she gives dance, as Nettles sings invitingly 19. Tickets for the Roxy show are month, Natalie Imbruglia and Ka- for the album to catapult her into exactly the kind of harsh and hon- with her Southern twang, “Hey babe, currently $12 in advance and $14 at sey Chambers have also released al- superstar status in America, she has est delivery her lyrics demand. why don’t we go honky tonkin’?” the door. bums. to produce more quality songs than Fever highlights Minogue’s cor- the few that are offered in Fever. porate pop sensibilities. The inter- She has the potential to achieve lon- national diva fails to produce any gevity, but first she has to break out new sounds or insights. Her vocals of the corporate mold and produce are great, but only a few tracks stand a full album instead of only a couple out. “Can’t Get You Out of My infectious songs.

The Live List: Your Official Spring Break Edition!

COTTON CLUB (152 Luckie St.) PHILIPS ARENA (1 Phillips Dr.) (404) 688-1193 (404) 878-3000 cottonclub.asp 3/25 Santana 3/18 12 Stones 4/8 Champions on Ice 3/19 Eels 4/17 Crosby / Stills / Nash & Young 3/27 Anti-Flag ROXY (3110 Roswell Rd.) 3/29 Soul Underground 3/30 Poison the Well 3/15 Angie Aparo 3/31 Damian Marley & The Ghetto Youth 3/16 Puddle of Mudd Crew 3/22 Ruben Blades 4/6 Millencolin 3/30 They Might Be Giants 4/8 Tanya Donelly 4/13 Cracker 4/13 Big Wu / Strangefolk SMITH’S OLDE BAR (1580 Piedmont Ave.) 4/15 Eyes Adrift (404) 875-1522 4/16 Vox Rox the Stage 2002 4/21 Local H 3/15 The Hot August Nights / Lithp / Field Day 4/23 Apex Theory 3/16 Kinchafoonee Cowboys 4/25 Talib Kweli / Blackalicious 3/18 Hardly Time / Adam Wolfe / Aslyn 4/26 Mary Prankster 3/19 Open Mic / Late Night with Antigone 4/28 Dave Weckl Rising 4/30 Super Furry Animals 3/20 Railroad Earth / Barefoot Manner ECHO LOUNGES (551 Flat Shoals Rd.) 3/21 Kevn Kinney Band / Grob Droll (404) 681-3600 3/22 Reckless Kelly / Cross Canadian Ragweed / Blue Jays 3/15 Crybaby 3/23 Gran Torino 3/16 Bitch and Animal 3/24 Dan Bern / Ian Webber 3/17 Holly Golightly (ex-Thee Headcoatees) 3/25 Copper / Maple Yum Yum / Homemade 3/18 Hood Water 3/19 Girls Against Boys (Jade Tree) / The 3/26 Launching Dragon / Comedy Haha Pattern (Lookout Records) Show 3/20 Ted Leo and the Pharmacists 3/27 Charlie Robison / Lucero 3/21 The Briefs (From ) / Lords of 3/28 Black Goldstein / The Hiss Altamont (ex-Bomboras) 3/29 Ghost Trane / Baseman / Captain 3/22 The Woggles (Telstar Records) / The Soular Cat Deadly Snakes (feat. Greg Oblivian) 3/30 Push Stars / Hanging Francis FOX THEATRE (660 Peachtree St. NE) 3/31 Ed Zachary / X List (404) 881-2100 TABERNACLE (152 Luckie St.) (404) 659-9022 3/12-3/17 Rent 3/18 Robin Williams 3/15 Nelly Furtado 3/21-3/24 Hearts of Men 3/16 Buddy Guy 3/25 Royal Winnipeg Ballet (Sleeping Beauty) 3/17 Jars of Clay 3/29 Steven Curtis Chapment 3/18 311 3/30 Jerry Seinfeld 3/21 Bush 4/5-4/7 Madame Butterfly 3/23 112 4/9-4/14 Music Man 4/1 Tenacious D 4/17 Grigorvich Ballet (Spartacus) 4/2-4/3 Pat Metheny Group 4/18-4/19 Barry Manilow 4/9 Brute 4/20-4/21 String Cheese Incident 4/11 Gov’t Mule 5/2-5/5 La Rondine 4/14 Youssou N’Dour GEORGIA THEATRE (Athens) 4/18 Sevendust 4/19-4/20 Willie Nelson 3/15 Second Annual Zac Weil Memorial 4/24 Rob Zombie Benefit 5/6 Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds 3/16 XXX Harddrive / Wide Open / Yucko the 5/13 Belle & Sebastian Clown UNDER THE COUCH (Couch Bldg.) 3/26 Bob Mould Carnival of Light and Sound (404) 206-0985 / Her Space Holiday 3/28 Club D’Elf 3/16 Used For Comparison, The Orphins, 3/29 Cosmic Charlie Popad, Polly Factor 4/2 Pat Mcgee Band 3/18 Unearth, From Autumn to Ashes, Diecast, 4/3 Nickel Creek Black Paper Diary, Cast Aside The Fallen 4/4 Dave Matthews Cover Band VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (1099 Euclid Ave.) 4/5-4/6 Soundtribe Sector 9 (404) 521-1786 4/11 Tony Furtado 4/17 Rollin’ in the Hay / Deep Blue Sun 3/15 Joan Baez 4/18 Gran Torino 3/16 Larry Keel / Hackensaw Boys MASQUERADE (695 North Ave.) 3/18 Stanton Moore (404) 577-2007 3/20 Leftover Salmon 3/22 Rhonda Vincent / DaVinci’s Notebook 3/19 Mushroomhead 3/23 Norah Jones 3/22 Victory Records Tour Feat. Catch 22, 3/24 Micheal Brecker Quartet Grade, Reach the Sky 3/27 Bob Mould 3/30 Business 3/28 Steve Smith’s Vital Information 4/4 Hatebreed 3/29 Jump Little Children 4/5 Flogging Molly 3/30 Cubanismo 4/17 Twiztid ENTERTAINMENT Technique • Friday, March 15, 2002 • 25

now, i get to say “bring it on.” last fall, you had to beat it’s time for the first ever technique

matthew bryan, andrew santelli, oscars forecast editor-in-chief entertainment editor in the football forecast. try to be the movie expert. enter at 28 • Friday, March 15, 2002 • Technique SPORTS Beyond the White and Gold Intramural Notebook Are these Techsters born to be athletic? with Jack B. Nimble By Derek Haynes Van Beisel—This research engi- Braves. I have a feeling he might not Sports Editor neer obviously has a name very sim- have power at the plate, but his Hockey finishes 3rd in USA ilar to an actor in one of the worst acrobatic feats in the infield will Gotta feel sorry for those club Grapplers dominate the mats There are certain names that, movies of my lifetime, Fast and the more than make up for it. hockey team members. After fin- Congrats to the club wres- given to newborns, seem destined Furious. This guy sounds powerful; Rodney Ice—There is no ques- ishing 27-2 and finishing as the tling squad qualified three mem- to create athletic stars. Some of my I imagine Beisel as a fullback for the tion this radiation safety officer has ACHA D-III Southern Division bers to the 2002 NCWA National favorites include former North Caro- the potential to step in the ring and Champions and winning the Championship. lina cornerback and current St. Louis do some major damage. Ice would Thrasher Cup, the team fell just Tourney Time Ram Dre’ Bly, former Georgia cor- Christopher Cruz — probably start out as a light heavy- short of winning the Division Softball nerback and current Washington weight but should move quickly up III national championship. March 22 marks the begin- Redskin Champ Bailey, and Travis Cruz has a name that the ladder. The squad lost a close game ning of the softball tourney. Show Lee, a first baseman for the Phillies. seems to roll off my Students to eventual runner-up Wyoming your stuff on the artificial dia- Monday night I looked through Holly Fay—Holly sounds like a 2-0 but then rebounded to thump monds of the SAC field. To reg- the Georgia Tech campus directory tounge...could be a shooting guard with deadly aim from Muskegon 5-3. Congratulations ister, visit the intramural office and came up with a list of people gold-glove winning behind the arc. I can also see a ca- on another successful season fellas. located on the bottom floor of that I feel aren’t destined for life in a reer ahead of her as a color com- Division II next year? the SAC. boring classroom. They have a name shortstop for the mentator. Phase II Action Begins Ping Pong that should almost guarantee them Braves. Meredith Nash—Meredith Monday marks the beginning It’s all about reaction time— success on athletic fields. would have been making noise at of Phase II action. The sports? tourney begins April 5. Visit the Faculty and Staff the Olympics in Salt Lake City had Softball, racquetball, 3-on-3 bas- IM office for more details. Maurice Azar—Azar, an assis- she gone with her real talent, snow ketball, tennis, and co-rec vol- Badmitton tant professor with ROTC, could Pittsburgh Steelers. boarding. leyball. Show your stuff in the sport have been a prolific defensive back. Christopher Cruz —Cruz has a James Street—This fleet-footed I can’t wait to get in the rac- that has the most creative name I imagine he would be a heavy hit- name that seems to roll off my tongue. wide receiver would have no trou- quetball court and smash a cou- for the object in play. Tourney ter with Michael Johnson-like speed I bet this custodian could be a gold- ble beating the Seminoles’ defen- ple kill shots. takes place on April 7. on the gridiron. glove winning shortstop for the sive backfield. SPORTS Technique • Friday, March 15, 2002 • 29 ramblin’ withwith tyler parker by kimberly rieck junior catcher Tyler Parker began his career KR: What sports do you like other than Buckhead, and stop by the Gold Club—the home from Buckhead. with the Yellow Jackets in baseball? former Gold Club. 2000. The catcher from TP: I like golf, football, and jai alai. KR: If you don’t play Marietta saw a lot of action KR: What’s that KR: What do you do in your free time here? baseball, what would you on the field during his first TP: Jai alai TP: I don’t have any free time. Honestly, I don’t do instead? season. In his sophomore KR:Jai alai? know what that is. TP: I’d be a dictionary year, however, injuries TP: You know the thing where they salesman, definitely. sidelined him for most have the big scoops on their hands, and KR: What pitcher would you like to catch with, of the season. This year, they move the ball? The fastest moving dead or alive? KR: If you could be any Parker is healthy and ball sport in the world. It’s in Boston, you TP: I’d like to catch against Charlie Hough. I’d cartoon character, what ready to take on can bet on it. like to hit against Charlie Liebrandt. I want to hit would it be? competitors. off of him because he’s terrible, and I might TP: If I could be any KR: What’s your favorite tv show? actually be able to get a hit. cartoon character, I would TP: Temptation Island 2. definitely be Droopy dog. KR: What would be the craziest thing that you KR: Is that a cartoon character? KR: What would you would do for a million dollars? TP: Heck yeah, you don’t know who Droopy the recommend a person do in TP: I would kiss Steve Tamborra(the trainer) dog is? He can show up wherever he wants the city of Atlanta if they with an open mouth. and never goes fast. He’s awesome. only had one day to visit? KR: What’s one of the craziest things you’ve KR: Is there anyone that you would switch TP: I would say go to ever done? places with? the Varsity, Fellini’s, TP: The craziest thing I’ve ever done is walk TP: Peter North.


cot short of the Stanford Tree, put an answer for Boozer or Dunleavy. Victor’s done his fair share of Diary from page 31 up a fight against Duke and kept It’s hard to imagine how Duke lost Cuban from page 36 winning both in high school and at close most of the time, it seemed as three games in the season. How did Tech, but he still has a few goals left anything embarrassing. I think I held if Duke was merely toying with them. they ever lose to FSU for that mat- ew, Victor Menocal, who is also a to accomplish in his senior season. my own. How can any team compete against ter? team co-captain, a relief pitcher, and “I won’t settle for anything less Anyway, I digress. While I was arguably the three best players in All the Duke fans stayed for al- an enjoyer of hip-hop music. than an ACC title and going to in my stupor, I almost missed the the country? (Yes, I know about most an hour after the game to watch While winning three state titles Omaha. This is my last year to get best game of the tournament. Both Dan Dickau and Drew Gooden.) the ceremonies. Even though the and almost every high school award there,” says Menocal. “I definitely teams played amazingly well. NC arena is half full, if that, it’s still and honor possible at Gainesville think that we have a good chance State shot the lights out again and March 10, 2002 boisterously loud. I wonder what it High School in Gainesville, Geor- with the nucleus we have on this Maryland gave them an equal fight. Checked out of my hotel this would feel like if that was my team? gia, Victor became an ardent fan of team. I really think that it’s going to The best shot of the game? Defi- morning. (Aren’t free towels great?) Oh, well. Boozer seemed genuinely Georgia Tech’s last great shortstop, be a successful year for us. We’re all nitely the line drive three by NC The atmosphere is amazing. My surprised that he received MVP. True Nomar Garciaparra. a bunch of gamers and competi- State’s Julius Hodge to put them up first pro or collegiate championship reactions. That’s what makes col- Nomar actually called the Meno- tors, and I don’t think that anyone by six with only a minute left. It had game of any sport. It really doesn’t lege sports different from the pros. cal house when Victor was getting on this team will settle for less than such an awkward sideways spin on matter who’s playing. The ride back to Atlanta was ready to come to Tech. that.” the ball and the ball seemed like it Halftime now, not really a great uneventful. No cops this time, hardly “I didn’t get to talk to him. My Sometimes, you add all the in- never went above the rim. No one game but still good and that’s what as many truckers and no banjo boy mother got to talk to him. I was real gredients properly, but you feel like thought it went in. No matter how matters. NC State is behind by 14 (I kinda missed him). Instead it was disappointed because I was actually there might be a way to make it just many how many times it’s replayed, and looking kind of sluggish but a steady cruise back to Tech until out hitting some baseballs with one a little bit better. If the team needs a I still won’t be able to explain it. they can still go on a spurt. Who the obligatory slamming of the brakes of my buddies,” said Victor. “His fireballer out of the bullpen to get a The second game was a gimme. knows, maybe they’ll come out for as soon as I hit I-985. It just gave me reason for calling was to say that he few critical outs, Victor can do that I don’t think anyone would have the second half running the four- more time to look back at a great didn’t mind that I wore his number too as he closed in high school. In betted on Wake, not even some Wake corner offense. That would be fun. ACC tourney experience. five. I didn’t want to disrespect him his first mound appearance, his adren- fans. Duke was just playing too well. Well, it’s over. Wasn’t really a Next year it’s off to Greensboro, by wearing his number because it aline got the better of him, but it is And while the Deacons, who I be- great or good game, but Duke played where hopefully Tech will make a should be retired here at Georgia clear that when focused he can be as lieve have the weirdest looking mas- amazing. The Pack just didn’t have longer appearance. Tech.” hard to hit as he is to get out. 30 • Friday, March 15, 2002 • Technique SPORTS

of tricks and went throwback style started talking about how ingenious only down by 17. After all, we came Diary from page 32 to the ancient four corners offense. a plan this was. While it would push back to win against Wisconsin. Peo- Once Duke figured out what was the start of the Tech game back ple around me laughed a little but I ing was higher comedy than that. fresh kill. happening they simply setup in zone almost an hour, definitely a bad ignored them. The second half Until, of course, the next game. Finally the Duke/UNC game defense and let UNC’s Adam Boone thing, it did make for interesting seemed like a continuous anxiety First off, between the second and started. I’m sorry. Did I say game? I hold the ball at half court until 12 watching. But as I’m sure you know attack. Tech would come within third game there was a two-hour meant circus. Boos from through- seconds were left on the shot clock. already know, this helped, but the six, then go behind by 12, then break in which they kicked every out the arena rained down upon the Every time down the court Boone Tarheels could not pull the upset come to within three with almost one out of the arena. This gave way court when the Tarheels were an- repeated this until Coach Doherty over Duke, who won 60-48. Val- two minutes remaining. How hard to the infamous passing of the tick- nounced. The Reggie Love story gave him the go-ahead to run their iant effort but not enough execu- can it be to make a basket! Then of ets. Throughout the parking lot were was certainly spread around. What offense. And along with that each tion on defense in the second half. course every thing fell apart. “We eager Duke, Maryland and NC State was amazing, though, is what hap- time a chorus of boos and chants Too bad for the Heels though, who can still win, we only need how fans preying off the Virginia and pened during the game. Matt Doher- came from the arena in disapprov- had their first 20 loss season in his- many points?…Oh. Well, we’ve still FSU fans like vultures attacking a ty pulled a gameplan out of his bag al. However, those on press row tory. Jason Capel and Kris Lang’s got how much time on the clock? senior season was the worst season Oh.” That’s when it hits you. Your in school history; how would you team lost. like that as a label? It just wasn’t fair; Wake played too One odd thing though. Appar- well. Can you take away a win from ently Duke Coach Krysc…., Coach a team if they test positive for drugs, K, has a heart, despite what many like what happens with medals in Tech fans may think. With a little the Olympics? I hope that happens. over 30 seconds left on the clock Wishful thinking I guess. Jason Capel fouled out. In what The saddest part of the entire Coach K will probably say was a tournament was Tech’s press con- sign of weakness on his part, Coach ference. Only ten reporters filled K met Capel on his way back to his nearly 60 seats, since most had al- bench to shake his hand. Maybe he ready left by the time Tech Coach was trying to pass on a cold or a Paul Hewitt and Tony Akins ar- disease but it seemed genuine. rived. Both had watery, red eyes. Finally it’s the reason I came here, Both needed to compose themselves The Tech game is about to start. at one point or another while an- The Tech fan section is the only swering questions. I could tell Hewitt section that has plenty of open seats. was truly going to miss Akins. Too The majority of the press are in the bad he can’t stay one more year and back either writing stories on the watch this budding team develop. oddity that occurred in the just com- pleted game or fighting over the last March 9, 2002 few free Dove bars. Some of those I hope today’s games will be good guys can get viscous. I think I’ve so that I can forget about the prior had one too many pretzels. day’s events. It’s always bad when It’s halftime now and things don’t your team loses, but it’s worse in look good. Wake is having one of person. Anyway, that was yester- those games that NC State had what day, this is today. It’s before the seems like almost eight hours ago. games have started and I’m already Wake was shooting almost 65 per- happy. Ran into Dick Vitale or Dickie cent from the field and Darius Son- V and Mike Wilbon. Only thing gaila seems unstoppable. Why are missing is Stuart Scott. I’ll find him they playing so well today? It just somewhere. isn’t fair. I’m starting to believe that The Maryland game is over. Sorry the ball is loaded with cement judg- about the time lapse. I was still in ing on how every shot Tech takes awe of meeting Dickie V. I’m glad comes up short. People around me I didn’t say “It’s Awesome Baby” or are already giving me looks of pity. talk about some Diaper Dandies or “Good luck next year.” I’m not go- ing to give up yet though. We’re See Diary, page 29 SPORTS Technique • Friday, March 15, 2002 • 31

An ACC Men’s Basketball Tournament Diary Neal from page 35 a real influential character not on The scandals, the celebs, the games only in my conditioning but also in the way I play the game.” Assistant Sports Editor Derick Stanger traveled to Charlotte to take in the tourney experience. Neal considers the main high- By Derick Stanger couch. And of course some UNC ney. The grass is green, the sky is ing (you’d think they’d give more lights of his career as not only going Assistant Sports Editor students took advantage and start- blue and all is good in the world. time between games). I’m sure it to the NCAA tournament last year ing drawing on his face with mark- The only days better than today are was equally as riveting though. and getting to meet the basketball March 7, 2002 ers. Things escalated and, well, I’ll Super Bowl Sunday and the first The first half of the NC State/ great and Hall of Famer John Wood- Well, it’s official. March Mad- leave that to your imagination. day or two of the NCAA tourna- Virginia game was amazing, ACC en, but also playing at Duke and ness has begun. No, it is not the first Anyway, finally in Charlotte, NC, ment. And now that I know my basketball at its prime. Both teams North Carolina and averaging a re- round of the NCAA Tourney. The the home of this year’s ACC tour- way to and from the arena, it’s child’s shot over 50 percent and traded the bound per game versus Duke. play-in game (or first round to be ney, checked into my cheap hotel (I play. lead several times. The Second half, “To get to play at places like nice to the bottom dwellers) to the love AAA). I arrive at the Coliseum, I enjoy the pre-game meal and know on the other hand, gave way to a Duke and North Carolina is some- ACC tourney isn’t even until later where of course the it’s off to over ten blowout. The Wolfpack shot 70 thing every little kid dreams about,” tonight. No, the madness I’m refer- parking attendants hours straight of percent from the field and 90 per- Neal said. “Every game is a war that ring to is the enigma that is I-85. direct me to the ACC basketball. cent from beyond the arc. Nobody usually comes down to a last-sec- I’m sitting stopped somewhere in farmers market; ap- Am I in heaven in press row could believe how well ond possession and just being a part South Carolina sitting between two parently that’s more or what? First they were shooting. They only missed of that on a day-in day-out basis is semi’s. The river below me is so popular than bas- game is the one three in the second compared phenomenal.” muddy I refuse to believe that the ketball. By the time Maryland/FSU to Virginia’s seven. Virginia lost its Neal considers his career as a water can still move. I can’t imagine I park and head game. Maryland will and was down 92-72 when the Yellow Jacket a successful one and a it was far from where Deliverance through security— let the Noles stay final buzzer rang. The post game building block to a new Tech team. was shot. I swear I just saw that kid which is rather lax uncomfortably press conference was jovial. Star N.C. “Even though we haven’t won as with the banjo; maybe it was just compared to what close. Once State guard Anthony Grundy came many games as I would have liked the fumes from the semi’s. I thought it would Maryland step it out looking like a little boy that had to, I feel that with Coach Hewitt, I The traffic finally starts moving, be—and finally sit up, they put the just ravaged a candy store. He was have helped start something that is but because it’s I-85 the speed limit in my semi-court- tired Seminoles grinning from ear to ear and his going to be bigger than anything is 55 mph and there are actually side seat on press behind them. personality was contagious. Very anyone can imagine,” said Neal, who cops enforcing the mandatory 40 row, the national The Terps won soon his coach Herb Sendek was wore number 14 for the Jackets. days in jail speeding-in-a-construc- anthem had already by a deceivingly sparring right back with jokes. With As a dedicated teammate Neal tion-zone law, so of course every been sung and the lopsided score of the crazy mood going around one has used his hard-work ethic to in- one is going 45 mph. To kill some game has already began. Great per- 85-59. It seemed as if Gary Will- reporter (I swear it wasn’t me) had fluence many of those around him, time I turn on Fox Radio to listen to formances were given by two medi- iams, the Terps head coach, let the to blurt out the dumbest question not only on the basketball court, Jim Rome. What else would he be ocre teams, FSU and Clemson, who Noles stay in it out of respect for he could think of, “Besides playing but also off of it. “He has made my talking about but the next day’s fought for the right to lose the next head coach Steve Robinson, who your best what will you have to do transition over here [from Austra- Duke/ UNC game? In basketball, day to Maryland, a situation similar everyone knew was going to be fired. to beat Maryland?” And of course lia] a lot easier,” said freshman team- no schools have more hatred for to the recent Alcorn St./ Sienna game. (He was relieved of his duties on the obligatory response from mate Luke Schenscher. “He goes each other than Duke and UNC. The game went into overtime where Monday.) Back to the post-game Grundy, “Well… I guess we’ll just out of his way to help me when I So of course there’s a scandal a cou- the behemoth that is Nigel Dixon pressroom where Gary Williams was have to play our best.” Now that need it and always takes me places I ple days before the game. Reggie dominated and led the Noles to a boring yet respectful to the FSU might not seem funny to anyone need to go. He has also set an out- Love, a Duke bench player, was at a 91-84 victory. team. Juan Dixon gave his usual outside of the room, but to the peo- standing example on how to be a UNC party (not a smart move in lines. All-in-all uneventful. Couldn’t ple inside that was hilarious. Noth- model citizen and model student at the first place). He allegedly drank March 8, 2002 catch the FSU interviews since the Georgia Tech. He is a top bloke and to the point that he passed out on a First real day of the ACC tour- NC State/ Virginia game was start- See Diary, page 31 will be sorely missed.” 32 • Friday, March 15, 2002 • Technique SPORTS Fifth-ranked Jackets go 5-0 over break By Joseph Jeong help Tech hold on to a 6-4 victory. As expected, the Jackets’ offense Staff Writer Combining a couple of infield cooled down and the pitching still hits and a comedy of errors by the needs some work outside of Bakker The fifth-ranked Georgia Tech Jackets defense, Winthrop jumped and Burks. Patterson started the sea- baseball team came close to drop- to a 4-0 lead to start the second son 0-3 on the basepaths but has ping their first home game of the game. The lead was cut to 4-1 be- been on fire lately. Pitching coach season against two lesser opponents fore play had to be suspended due Bobby Moranda’s philosophy of over the break. They managed to to poor weather in the middle of the throwing more strikes is becoming hold off East Tennessee State and third inning. When play resumed, more and more evident as the pitchers Winthrop to maintain a pace to Tech didn’t gain the lead until the continue to be stingy about giving match their best start ever to a sea- seventh inning when they managed up free bases. They gave up just five son. to load the bases with no outs. The walks in the past four games while Tuesday’s game against East Ten- end result was a four run explosion striking out 36. nessee State went into extra innings that put the Jackets up in front for Player of the Week honors go to as the Jackets needed freshman Clif- good. Two more runs were added Burks for yet another versatile and ton Remole’s sacrifice fly to put the to pad the lead by Matt Murton in virtuoso performance. Burks pitched game away. Converted starter Jeff the next inning. Winthrop attempted ten innings, surrendering no earned Watchko was pitching very well until one last rally in the ninth when they runs and striking out 11. the sixth when he gave up five runs cut the lead to 7-5, but Watchko on five hits, which was all the of- closed the door on them as he picked Baseball America’s Top 15

TEAM W-L ○○○○○○

fense East Tennessee State could up his first save of the season. ○○○○○○○○○○○

1. Stanford 14-5

○○○○○○ muster. Brian Burks relieved him The last game of the series saw ○○○○○○○○○○○

and pitched a perfect four innings the matchup of Winthrop’s ace Ben 2. Clemson 10-0 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

to pick up the win. Thurmond and Tech’s versatile 3. Florida State 20-4


Kyle Bakker continues to solidi- Burks. Thurmond came close to 4. Rice 15-4


fy his status as the staff ace as he single-handedly beating Texas his 5. Georgia Tech 13-1


pitched eight strong innings against last time out, but he wasn’t able to 6. South Carolina 14-2


Winthrop. He struck out eight in replicate that performance against 7. Wichita State 8-1


the same number of innings, scat- Tech. He gave up eight runs on ten 8. Houston 12-4


tering ten hits over that period and hits while striking out five in seven 9. Louisiana State 13-5


gave up four earned runs. Burks innings. Burks fared much better as 10. Baylor 12-6 ○○○○○○ came in to shut the door on Win- he gave up seven hits in five innings ○○○○○○○○○○○

11. Nebraska 8-5 ○○○○○○ throp’s valiant rally as he pitched a but only let in one unearned run ○○○○○○○○○○○

12. Florida 13-3 By Scott Meuleners / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ○○○○○○ perfect ninth to pick up his third while striking out six. Remole hit ○○○○○○○○○○○

13. Wake Forest 13-2 6’9” starting pitcher Kyle Bakker delivers for the Jackets. Bakker has been ○○○○○○ save of the season. Freshman Eric his second homer of the season as ○○○○○○○○○○○ 6’9” starting pitcher Kyle Bakker delivers for the Jackets. Bakker has been

14. Texas A&M 16-5 the ace of the Tech staff this spring, going 5-0 with a 2.06 ERA. The lefty ○○○○○○ Patterson had a good day on the the Jackets cruised to an 8-1 win in ○○○○○○○○○○○

15. Mississippi 12-3 has also struck out 40 batters in 35 innings while giving up only 2 walks. ○○○○○○ basepaths as he stole four bases to the final game of the series. ○○○○○○○○○○○ thrashersatlanta last week’s winner numbers Congratulations to Scott SmithSmith. He was the first to correct- ly answer that 1 is the number of former Tech golfers to win the Masters Tournament. Larry Mize won the Masters in 1987.

explain what the number on page 36 represents, and win a pair of thrashers tickets SPORTS Technique • Friday, March 15, 2002 • 33 Senior Winston Neal leaves hard-working legacy behind Former high school class president and academic All-American satisfied with Rambling Wreck basketball career By Katie Neal the ACC.” which is playing basketball for Geor- Contributing Writer But Neal didn’t let what he calls gia Tech…this is the end of some- his “lack of skill” stop him from thing that I have always wanted and Editor’s Note: While few editors becoming a notable practice player I have enjoyed every minute of it. would feel comfortable allowing the and team motivator. He has been It’s the end of an era for me. This sister of a member of the basketball an Academic All-American for two will mark the end of my college team to write a story on her brother, I years and received the weight room years, more so than graduation will felt Katie would be able to provide a Iron Man Award twice. for me.” unique perspective of a situation few “Sure, it takes skill but there are He takes many enjoyable mem- of us will ever experience. sacrifices in the weight room, to ories with him due to his time on On Wednesday, February 27, your game, and to conditioning that the team, from both the end of Head Georgia Tech honored and said fare- nobody every sees,” he said. “No Coach Bobby Cremins’s era and well to three of their senior basket- one ever sees the hours I put in. No the start of Paul Hewitt’s. Neal said ball players at their last home game. one sees the ten hours a week that I one of his favorite memories from Along with Tech’s starting point put in lifting in the weight room or his early years is a team-bonding guard Tony Akins and Michael Isen- the thousands of shots a week I put getaway with Cremins at a camp- hour, who was unfortunately side- site outside of Atlanta. lined this year with acute lymphomic “I remember the whole team and leukemia, was one of the ‘big broth- coaches—particularly Coach Crem- ers’ on the team, Winston Neal, a “He has also set an ins—were dancing to the ‘Rosa Parks’ fifth-year senior guard. outstanding example song by Outkast,” he said. “I have Neal, who has played for the past never seen any human being doing four years and served his freshman on how to be a model what Coach Cremins was doing, year as manager of the team, says he citizen and model but it was pretty funny.” has welcomed this year’s added re- Even fellow senior Tony Akins sponsibilities as one of the “older student at Georgia has given Neal something to remem- guys” and leaders of the team. Tech. He is a top ber. “Tony is actually a phenome- “I enjoy being the big brother to nal artist who can sketch caricatures the freshmen,” Neal said. “I like bloke and will be really well—especially of teammates that coaching aspect, where you are sorely missed.” and coaches,” Neal said. “The pic- developing that young talent. All tures, along with his commentary five of the freshmen are going to be Luke Schenscher about the features and personalities unbelievable one day. I enjoy watch- on how Neal’s work ethic has of particular teammates and coach- ing them mature…I really like this influenced him. es, will leave you rolling on the floor freshman class. They are good kids, with laughter.” great athletes, and very good peo- Adding to his memories are the ple.” up by myself in the gym. Or the two talented individuals he has met along Although Senior Night was his miles I run around SAC fields just the way. “Foremost, the coaches have first time as a starting player in a so I can be in shape for practice the influenced me,” Neal said. “Espe- college basketball game, Neal will next day. Everybody just sees the cially Coach Hewitt and his atti- be the first to admit that sitting the end results and thinks it is so easy, tude toward basketball and life in bench doesn’t really bother him. yet no one realizes the dedication general. Player-wise, it would have “Not really,” he said. “I realized long and hard work that gets these re- to be Matt Harpring. I used to be ago that I did not have the athletic sults.” his rebounding buddy before, dur- skill to take my game to the higher Nevertheless, Neal doesn’t re- ing and after practice, and we were level to play in the ACC. I do have gret any of the sacrifices. To him, always in the weight room togeth- the basketball smarts and the work the past five years have all been worth er. I learned work ethic from him ethic that allows me to play, but as the effort. “They have been the best and how hard you had to work to By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS to getting playing time, I am just years of my life,” he said. “It was a accomplish your goals. He has been Winston Neal talks to Paul Hewitt as he leaves the Alexander Memorial not tall enough and can’t jump high great time and I have gotten to do Coliseum court for the final time after Tech’s 90-77 victory over Wake enough to be an impact player in what I’ve always dreamed about, See Neal, page 32 Forest. Neal started and played the first 1:13 but failed to score a point. 34 • Friday, March 15, 2002 • Technique pageSPORTS 36 ESPN Comes to Campus A championship diary AMC will host several TV personalities and The Nique’s Asst. Sports Editor Derick SPORTS college hoops stars on March 28. We’ll give Stanger traveled to Charlotte to soak in his a lowdown on the event. Next Week first ACC tourney experience. Page 32 Technique • Friday, March 15, 2002 Forward Halston by Ed Nelson claims ACC Hoops Lane to leave bas- the ketball squad Rookie of the Year Award The Sophomore Lane, who numbers became a fan-favorite during By Derek Haynes N.C. State’s Julius Hodge his freshman campaign for his Sports Editor and teammate B.J. Elder for the award, who finished ability to score in big games, 2 Freshman forward Ed second and third respective- has announced his intent to Number of times this year that Tech Nelson became the ninth ly. transfer to another school. golfer Troy Matteson has not fin- Tech basketball player to Tech has won a league- Lane, who averaged 6.1 ished under par in a team tourna- garner ACC Rookie of the leading nine ACC Rookie points and 2.6 rebounds as a ment. Both of which are the only Year Honors Wednesday of the Year awards. Nelson sophomore, did not have an two times that Tech as a team has after a stellar first-year cam- joins an exclusive club that increased role on the team as includes former Tech stars not won a tournament this year. paign. many expected during his sec- The 6’7” forward from Mark Price, Dennis Scott, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. aver- Kenny Anderson and Ste- ond season. The left-handed aged 10.4 points, 6.6 re- phon Marbury, who in shooter saw his playing time, 4 bounds and shot 54.2 1996 was the last to win points, and shooting percent- percent from the floor in the award. age decrease during his second Times within the last 12 minutes of ACC play. Nelson was sec- “I give a lot of credit to spring. Tech’s men’s basketball game against ond among rookies in scor- our coaches for helping de- Wake Forest that they cut Wake’s ing and tops among velop my game and help- lead to within 4. None of the times first-year players in both re- ing me gain the confidence Golfers capture were they able to capitalize. bounding and field goal to go out there every game shooting percentage. and play well,” said Nel- fourth-straight “I’m very happy for Ed,” son. tourney win said head coach Paul Nelson was often praised 9 Hewitt. “His hard work and throughout the season for Junior Troy Matteson won dedication was obvious to his poise on the floor. Nel- his record-setting third-straight anybody who saw him play son, along with Elder, By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS tournament and Tech won a Number of ACC Rookie of the Year this season.” seemed to be the most ag- ACC Rookie of the Year Ed Nelson goes up for a shot as fourth-straight team title, also Awards given to Tech players, Ed Nelson outdistanced gresive of Tech’s freshman. Duke’s Nick Horvath and GT’s Clarence Moore look on. a Tech record, as the top-ranked Nelson being the most recent. The Jackets dominated the field at number tops the ACC. UNC has the Las Vegas Collegiate, win- the second most with five. ning by 19 shots. Shortstop Victor Menocal The Jackets, who finished 20-under-par, were followed has unique Cuban heritage by tourney host UNLV and 1992 By Al Przygocki add equal parts extraordinary ACC rival N.C. State. Fresh- Last time the Lady Jacket basket- Contributing Writer defense, top-notch hitting, man Chan Wongluekiet, whose ball team won a women’s post-sea- intensity, joy, and leadership. second-round score of 66 was son tournament, the NWIT, which What does it take to make In case of emergency, add a the best of the tournament, later became the WNIT. That same a great shortstop? It’s like mak- splash of relief pitching. rounded out the top 10 with year was the last time the Jackets ing a quality cocktail. It’s not To be the original El Pres- an even-par performance. faced Miami, Tech’s first round just about having the right in- idente, you would have to be opponent this year. gredients; it’s also how you Mario Garcia Menocal, the mix them. president of Cuba from 1913 Men’s Swim- To make an El Presidente, to 1921, who was also a gen- ming finishes atlanta for example, add 1 and 1/2 eral, an engineer, and an en- ounces of light rum, 3/4 ounces joyer of cigars and apparently 2nd at ACC meet thrashers dry vermouth, and a splash of cocktails. Junior Shilo Ayalon earned number red Curacao. In case of a sub- To be Tech’s current great All-ACC honors in three events par mix, add a splash of gren- shortstop, you have to be El as Tech finished a distant sec- By Scott Meuleners / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS adine to make it all come out Presidente’s great, great-neph- challenge ond behind Virginia at the ACC Victor Menocal has a unique relative—his right. hint: Women’s Post-season Swimming and Diving Meet. great, great uncle was the president of Cuba. To make a great shortstop, See Cuban, page 29 The second-place finish was 3 the best ever for Tech. Here’s the number...what does it Hurricanes swamp Lady Jacket’s WNIT run, 73-64 represent? By Al Przygocki the Big East and you can see why. We got The first person to email Contributing Writer the ball inside in the first half when they [email protected] with were in a zone, but they pressured the the correct response to the chal- Miami used a 15-2 run to start the point in the second half with Saake.” lenge will receive a pair of tickets to second half as they overcame a 45-36 half- Five Tech players scored nine points an Atlanta Thrashers home game, time deficit and never looked back in end- or more with Sonja Mallory leading the where admission is always half-price ing the Lady Jackets season Wednesday way with 16 points and three blocks. Se- for select tickets with a student ID. night at Alexander Memorial Coliseum. niors Milli Martinez, Ashley Ebert, and Visit for Tech(15-14) built its halftime lead with Regina Tate played in their final game for more info on college nights. interior scoring and offense generated from the Lady Jackets. its suffocating half-court trap, but Mi- In front of a sparse but energetic crowd, ami(19-11) made adjustments to beat the Tech ended an up and down season with press and scored easy baskets in the sec- yet another close loss in a winnable game on ond half. When forced to using a more that once again left a bad taste in the patient, half court offense, the Lady Jack- mouth of the team and its followers. How- deck ets broke down in the absence of a veteran ever, there is reason to believe that this point guard and turned the ball over 27 season will be a solid foundation for fu- Event Date times which lead to 23 points. ture success, especially with one of the BM at Wake Forest 3/15-3/17 “I’m very disappointed in the loss be- nation’s top recruiting classes joining the TM vs. Maryland 3/16 cause we really weren’t ready to have the fold next year. TW at NC State 3/16 season be over,” said Tech head coach Women’s Hoops File WS vs. Princeton* 3/17 Agnus Berenato. “I think that the big Final RecordRecord: 15-14 TW at Wake Forest 3/17 difference in the game was guard play and ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ACC RecordRecord: 7-9 (5th place)

TM at South Carolina 3/20 our lack of a point guard. Not having a ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Leading ScorerScorer: Sonja Mallory, 14.1 ppg

SW at NCAA Championship3/21-3/22 veteran point guard was something that ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Leading FG PercentagePercentage: Fallon Stokes, .511

*Double Header, WS – Women’s Softball By Daniel Uhlig / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Miami really exploited in the second half. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Leading RebounderRebounder:Sonja Mallory,8.0 rpg

BM -- Men’s Baseball, TW – Women’s Tennis Tech guard Milli Martinez, shown in earlier action, scored 10 We faked it in the first half, but Meghan ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○

SW – Women’s Swimming, TM – Men’s Tennis points and dished out 9 assists in the Lady Jackets’ 73-64 loss. Leading PasserPasser: Nina Barlin, 7.9 apg points and dished out 9 assists in the Lady Jackets’ 73-64 loss. Saake is the defensive player of the year in ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○