40 Years of Gen Con Is a Trademark of Trident, Inc
40 YEARS OF 40 YEARS It started in 1967, with a gathering of about a dozen 40 YEARS OF people at Gary Gygaxs house in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Some 40 years later, Gen Con is now as large as a small city. ��obin D. Laws Robin D. Laws Robin ��G2702 ISBN 1-58978-097-3 $29.95 CREDITS AUTHOR & INTERVIEWER: Robin D. Laws COVER ILLUSTRATOR: EDITOR, GRAPHIC DESIGNER, & COORDINATOR: Eliane Lilith Bettocchi Michelle Nephew, PhD BACK COVER PHOTO: Randy Porter PUBLISHER & PROOFREADER: John Nephew PUBLISHER’S SPECIAL THANKS: RESEARCHER & PHOTOS: Randy Porter To Jerry Corrick and the gang at ADDITIONAL PHOTOS: Wendy Wyman the Source. INTERVIEW SUBJECTS: Peter Adkison, Dave Arneson, Len Nicole Lindroos, Ian Livingstone, Rick Loomis, Bland, Marc Blumberg, Anne K. Brown, Jeff Carey, Wes James Lowder, Jeff Martin, Dan McDonagh, Carpenter, Mike Carr, Alesia Clardy, Christopher Clark, Anne Merritt, James Mishler, Brian Misiaszek, Douglas Ernest Cline, Luke Crane, Paul Czege, Ryan S. Dancey, Niles, Terry O’Brien, Mark E. Olson, Mike Pondsmith, Andrea Dietrich, Chris Dietrich, Cindy Donovan, Ron Randy Porter, Chris Pramas, Kevin Preece, Jeff Ranger, Edwards, Larry Elmore, Douglas J. Equils, Zen Faulkes, Denise Robinson, Brian Rogers, Mark Rosewater, Todd Kaja Foglio, Phil Foglio, Matt Forbeck, Ed Greenwood, Rowland, R. A. Salvatore, Duke Seifried, Janice M. E. Gary Gygax, Bruce Harlick, Tracy Hickman, Kenneth Sellers, Andrew Shockney, Paul J. Siddens, Greg Stafford, Hite, Mike Holmes, Ian Houlihan, Bill Hoyer, Steve Ed Stark, Lisa Stevens, John Tynes, James
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