15 January 2008

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15 January 2008 Response to Flooding (Drainage and Watercourses) Recommendations Title of review Flooding (Drainage and Watercourses) Date review completed 31/07/2008 Chair of the Select Committee Yvonne Davidson Lead Scrutiny Officer Martin Gately Email [email protected] Telephone 977 2826 Total number of pages 14 Recommendation 1 (of 18) Highways gullies are emptied more frequently. Preferably, a spring and autumn clean of gullies should take place. PART ONE to be completed two months after publication of review Response from the Cabinet Member/Executive to recommendation Date due Date provided I am currently in conjunction with other cabinet members considering the need for an additional £600,000 for gulley emptying and drain cleaning. Any additional investment will need to be targeted with gullies in areas prone to flooding having an increased cleaning frequency and other gullies being emptied once a year. The identification of the areas requiring more regular cleaning will be done in partnership with other drainage agencies such as the Environment Agency. PART TWO to be completed three months after Cabinet Member’s response Response from the Communities Department to progress on carrying out recommendation Date due Date provided The current aim is to make more effective use of existing budgets, and to ensure that in areas prone to flooding the gullies are kept clean as well as the drainage system that the gullies connect to, in partnership with drainage agencies. Many reports of blocked gullies are due to other problems in the drainage system, and it is important that we address the wider issue including maintenance, breakages and improvements. The new electronic highway inspection system which has been recently introduced allows highway inspectors to now record blocked gullies electronically leading to the quicker cleaning of blocked gullies as well as leaving a clear audit trail. We are awaiting the outcome of a £600,000 bid for drainage cleaning monies and reviewing the impending flood risk management legislation. 05a_FloodingDrainageWatercourseResponse.DOC Error! Not a valid link. Recommendation 2 (of 18) Residents should be notified in good time when gully cleansing is due to take place so that they can avoid parking over gully drainage grates PART ONE to be completed two months after publication of review Response from the Cabinet Member/Executive to recommendation Date due Date provided November 2008 I do not believe this to be an achievable or realistic aim given the resources that would be needed to achieve this recommendation. The resources would be better used on dealing with drainage and flooding problems. PART TWO to be completed three months after Cabinet Member’s response Response from the Communities Department to progress on carrying out recommendation Date due Date provided November 2009 We need to use the resources available to reduce drainage and flooding problems. It is felt to be not practical or cost effective to inform residents of when gullies are being emptied. For information there are approximately 128000 gullies in the county. Recommendation 3 (of 18) Within the Authority’s budgetary constraints, the funding and development of a capital programme of prioritised highway drainage improvements should be considered PART ONE to be completed two months after publication of review Response from the Cabinet Member/Executive to recommendation Date due Date provided November 2008 A bid was made to create a capital drainage improvement budget funded from the County Council’s capital programme. However drainage improvements are not currently included in the County Council’s main 10 year capital programme but remain in the indicative programme. PART TWO to be completed three months after Cabinet Member’s response Response from the Communities Department to progress on carrying out recommendation Date due Date provided November 2009 The bid for a budget for capital drainage improvements is currently being considered by members as part of the review of the entire capital programme. Error! Not a valid link. Recommendation 4 (of 18) Internal Drainage Boards should more vigorously pursue, through the legal remedies that are open to them, riparian owners who do not properly fulfill their obligations. PART ONE to be completed two months after publication of review Response from the Cabinet Member/Executive to recommendation Date due Date provided November 2008 The Government intends to publish a draft ‘Floods and Water Bill’ for consultation in 2009 which will replace existing legislation. This follows both the Pitt Review and the Government’s long-term water strategy, ‘Future Water’ (published in February 2008). Once the Bill has undergone Royal Assent, the legal responsibilities of riparian owners, drainage undertakers and local authorities will be addressed and actioned as necessary. PART TWO to be completed three months after Cabinet Member’s response Response from the Communities Department to progress on carrying out recommendation Date due Date provided November 2009 There are 12 internal drainage boards operating within Nottinghamshire and each has a slightly different approach to dealing with riparian owners. The same situation occurs with the 7 district councils who deal with ordinary watercourses outside the IDB boundaries. There are proposals to merge some of the IDBs in the north of the county to form a North Nottinghamshire IDB. The Floods and Water Bill was published by the government in Spring 2009, and this if enacted gives the County Council a lead role in Flood Risk management including on ordinary watercourses. Recommendation 5 (of 18) Internal Drainage Boards should ensure that they robustly defend their critical assets from flooding (e.g. pumps) and invest in back-up measures wherever it is viable to do so. PART ONE to be completed two months after publication of review Response from the Cabinet Member/Executive to recommendation Date due Date provided November 2008 Nottinghamshire County Council can support the Internal Drainage Boards by providing Business Continuity advice and discussing alternative methods of resource provision, such as mutual aid. PART TWO to be completed three months after Cabinet Member’s response Response from the Communities Department to progress on carrying out recommendation Date due Date provided November 2009 The major IDBS in Nottinghamshire such as Newark IDB have investment programmes to protect their critical infrastructure, and have made bids to the environment agency for significant funding for these improvements. The County Council continues to liaise closely with the Internal Drainage Boards via the Drainage Manager in Highways Error! Not a valid link. Recommendation 6 (of 18) In association with relevant partners, this Authority should raise awareness about the severe problems that can be caused by disposing of cooking fat down drains PART ONE to be completed two months after publication of review Response from the Cabinet Member/Executive to recommendation Date due Date provided November 2008 Severn Trent and Anglian Water regularly notify customers about this issue. Information is included on customers’ bills and ‘fat-traps’ are freely available on request. NCC emergency planning, in conjunction with corporate communications, will liaise with Severn Trent to help raise public awareness. The effectiveness of this approach may be an issue for Severn Trent and Anglian Water to explore. PART TWO to be completed three months after Cabinet Member’s response Response from the Communities Department to progress on carrying out recommendation Date due Date provided November 2009 The main problem with fat occurs in public sewers which are maintained by the water companies and not in the highway drains maintained by the county council. However we will continue to assist the water companies in making the public aware of this problem. Both Severn Trent water and Anglian water continue to inform the public about this problem. NCC emergency planning staff have also raised this issue at public events such as Newark Show and Ashfield Show Recommendation 7 (of 18) This Authority should deploy temporary road signs in the approach to flooded areas warning of the severe “bow wave” effects that can result from large vehicles driving into floodwater at speed PART ONE to be completed two months after publication of review Response from the Cabinet Member/Executive to recommendation Date due Date provided November 2008 Meetings have been held between NCC highways, emergency planning and district/borough councils to address this issue. Some parish councils are keen to establish road closures themselves during a flood. Complex legal issues, training needs and methods of communication need to be considered before this can be implemented. PART TWO to be completed three months after Cabinet Member’s response Response from the Communities Department to progress on carrying out recommendation Date due Date provided November 2009 NCC highways will continue to deploy road signs in flooded areas to prevent people from driving through floodwater. It must be noted that poor driving conditions and the huge demand placed on highways staff during flooding can hinder the deployment of such signs in all affected areas at very early stages. Discussions have taken place with NCC highways staff, NCC emergency planning staff, borough/district councils and the Police about the implementation of road closures by parish council representatives. However, there are a number of outstanding issues
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