Parish Clerk: Sara Stilliard T The Old Milking Parlour, Cottam Road, South Leverton, , Notts. DN22 0BU. . Tel: 01427 881582

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 10th November 2020 This meeting was held remotely via Zoom and all documents had been circulated by e-mail prior to the meeting

Present: Cllrs M Newby (Chair), R Naish; D Cooke; V Wilson; M Burton; A Parker; J Goacher; D Cartwright; J Nixon; and Clerk: S Stilliard. Residents: none present Guests: CCllr John Ogle

PUBLIC FORUM – none present


Apologies for Absence – Cllr C Page

Declarations of Interest and Confidentiality – Planning Meeting – none

New Applications – none

Old Applications awaiting decisions – none

Decisions – none

Other planning issues

SWNP Neighbourhood Plan: The Wheatley Steering Group had a positive meeting and agreed a path forwards, subject to the publication of revised housing figures in Bassetlaw's updated Draft Local Plan. This will be published at the end of the month. Wheatley's figures will almost certainly be lower than the current 20% target due to the rejection of several sites by BDC, even though the Steering Group had approved them on behalf of the village

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11.20.01. Apologies for Absence – Cllr C Page and DCllr Naish which were accepted by Council

11.20.02. Declarations of Interest and Confidentiality None declared at this stage.

11.20.03. Report from the Chair – agenda issues The Chair gave a vote of thanks to DCllr Naish for producing the latest Covid update leaflet for Sturton Ward and to those who helped to deliver the leaflets. He also thanked Cllr Cooke for putting up the lamp post poppies in the village. Council voted to order more for 2021 Action Clerk to order another 20 at £3 each The Chair confirmed that a Poppy Wreath had been laid on the Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday and that a donation is being made to the Poppy Appeal

11.20.04. Police report PCSO Airey submitted his report and noted that there were 2 reported crimes in during October – the theft from a motor vehicle and a theft other.

This month there have been eight reported crimes of interest across the whole beat area. This compares with six crimes reported throughout September 2020 and ten crimes in the same month last year. From 01/04/2020, there have been forty nine crimes of interest reported across the beat area. This compares with fifty eight reported in the same period last year. As such, at the conclusion of the seventh month in this tracking year, these figures equate to a decrease in reported crimes of interest of nine crimes.

Please continue to report crime - and incidents - through to our control room on 101, or 999 as appropriate. Even in these most difficult of times, where possible, reported crimes will be dealt with in the same way as they have always been recorded, and dealt with. Please remain aware of any suspicious persons, vehicles and activity in the area and continue to report such instances through to our control room, as normal.

Nottinghamshire Police recently started using a new system for recording incidents. As from February 2020, the Police report will include anti-social behaviour incidents only, negating other incident types from this category, such as hoax calls to the emergency services, found/ abandoned vehicles and wildlife/ animal issues. Again, these figures should, therefore, start to decrease but will be more accurate in relation to actual anti-social behaviour incidents on the area. This month there have been six reported incidents of anti-social behaviour across the whole beat area. This compares with one reported incident for September 2020 and seven reported for the same month in 2019.

For those of you that follow national, and also regional, news programmes, certainly throughout the pandemic situation we are in, you will have noticed an increase in the number of incidents where a victim has been scammed. Some scammers are operating under the front of the situation, in relation to purporting to be able to supply equipment and supplies relating to the same. Police, and forces nationwide, does receive calls from victims, and potential victims, of scammers where phone calls are received and scammers are claiming to be from the Police, the Bank and also from HMRC department. Be clear, that you would never receive phone calls from these people asking, or making enquiries about your personal details, particularly bank details. Sometimes the scammers might give you a further telephone number to contact, including 999, which might sound very genuine. However, the scammers would invariably have not terminated the original call and when ringing the number, which you think you are ringing, the call is resumed by the scammers, probably even a colleague of the original scammer, which might make it seem even more genuine a call. Please terminate these calls as abruptly as you need to. Confirmation of any earlier call from your bank, or other organisation, can then be made from using contact numbers you have for them, either through paperwork you have in relation, or searching the intranet for customer services contact details. Towards the end of October, the control room received a number of calls from older residents, in rural Bassetlaw, including Ranskill and Blyth, who have been approached by telephone

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from people purporting to be working for the Metropolitan Police, and have subsequently been scammed out of money and/ or property.

It has become noticeable over the last couple of months, in particular, that criminals would appear to be targeting small trailers. Across the three beat areas which I cover, there have been three thefts of trailers over the last couple of months in , Clarborough and Beckingham. If you do own a small trailer, it would be good practice to store the same away from view from the public highway and also to chain it up to other items stored alongside, particularly to a non-moveable structure which would make a theft more difficult to succeed in.

Also, over the last few weeks, there has been a noticeable increase in scrap collectors operating in the area. Some of these, I am sure, will be operating legally with the appropriate licence. However, there will be others that are not. Over the last month, or so, there has been an increase in scrap metals being stolen from properties. Please ensure that this type of material, too, is not left in full view of the public highway offering temptation to any potential criminals.

There have been more recent calls received to the control room of door step salespersons operating in the area, particularly Clarborough and Wheatley, where one of the persons, themselves, had confirmed that he was working as part of a re offending scheme. Please continue to report this type of activity in the area to our control room so that Police attendance can hopefully ascertain identities of these cold callers and the organisations which they are potentially working for.

My contact number is 07525 226838 and my E mail address is [email protected] PC 3258 Jason Fellows is the beat manager for the area. He has a contact number of 07525 226893 and an E mail address of [email protected]

Please do not use these telephone numbers to report incidents and/ or crimes. Our works numbers should only be used for non-urgent matters – including seeking advice and/ or information. I continue to receive calls on my works phone from residents wising to report incidents and crimes. In many cases these calls are received when I am on rest days or annual leave and have not got my works phone to hand. Residents must be comfortable in reporting these occurrences to our control room on 101 in order to receive the best, and real time, service from those officers who are on duty. When ringing 101 the first item which is asked is which Police force you require. This is because 101 is the non-urgent number for all Police forces throughout the country and the signal is picked up from where you are ringing from. In rural East Bassetlaw many parishes are located close to county boundaries, hence the first question. Then, you are asked if you know the person or extension number of the department you require. At this stage, just hold the line. After this, there are a number of options available. For reporting an incident or crime the option is option 7 – there is no need to listen to all the alternatives before selecting this option number. Thanks again for all your interest and support. Please continue to follow the Government instructions and guidelines. Keep safe and best regards. PCSO 8139 Dave Airey

11.20.05. Community Speedwatch / traffic calming The Interactive speed sign has been delivered and Cllr Newby and Terry Davey met with an engineer who gave them an overview of the data collection process. The sign gives a car’s speed only up to 35 MPH to avoid racing vehicles trying to record high speeds. Above 35 MPH the sign says SLOW DOWN A lamp post in Low Street will be used as the first host for the sign which is easily movable so can be relocated in the future. Action Cllr Parker / Terry Davey to let the Clerk know which lamp post has been selected to inform Highways.

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11.20.06. District and County Councillor Reports CCllr Ogle told Council that there had been a response from Notts CC to the petition regarding North Leverton crossroads - they have agreed that a traffic survey will be commissioned and thereafter a residents meeting will be held to discuss the options Prior to the pandemic, Notts CC were £5 million short on their budget however the Government has awarded more money to the County as a result of Covid so the budget is now balanced.

DCllr James Naish sent a report in his absence on leave as follows:- COVID-19 response. A leaflet has now gone out on this. Many thanks to everyone who helped to get them out so quickly. We are updating the Sturton Ward Facebook page with relevant links to grants etc. and will consider another leaflet if the situation changes dramatically (not currently expected). Bassetlaw had the highest case rate in the county at 477.6 cases per 100,000 to the week ending 05/11, vs. an England average of 240.5 cases per 100,000. The rate is falling around us, however (e.g. City has fallen to 349.1 cases per 100,000) so we can hopefully bring that down over the next few weeks. For business support, please see: And for anything relating to domestic abuse, please see: living/domestic-violence-and-abuse/domestic-violence-and-abuse/. West Burton power station consultation. Given the need for another round of leaflets, I took the opportunity to start gathering local opinion about the future of West Burton A - the coal-fired part of the site which is due to be decommissioned before 2025 (and is likely to be sooner). Please take 10- 15 minutes to respond if you can. West Burton C. Planning permission for this 299MW peaking plant has been agreed but EDF has confirmed that it has no plans to build this out in the current economic climate, so this will be a watching brief.

11.20.07. Lengthsman Scheme The lengthsman is due to collect the Christmas Tree in the first week of December.

11.20.08. Finance Bank Reconciliation. The bank reconciliation to 30th October 2020 was approved Accounts for Payment. The following payments were approved. S Stilliard – salary and expenses £ 488.11 Freddie Allen – grass cutting for Oct £ 270.00 The Poppy Appeal – wreath and donation £ 50.00 The Play Inspection Company – play equipment audit £ 78.00 Fillingham Christmas Trees £ 120.00 The Urban Arborist – tree trimming in Playing Field £1,800.00 Carol Kirk – plants for the village £ 60.00 Jane Sanderson – plants for the village £ 60.00 David Cooke – plants for the village £ 30.00 G Presley – plants for the village £ 12.00 TWM Traffic Control Systems – interactive speed sign £2,396.84 TWM Traffic Control Systems – data collection unit £ 330.00 North Wheatley with Leverton Cricket Club – top soil £ 155.00 Action Clerk to make payments Funding applications The Clerk and Chair had a meeting with BDC’s funding expert, Karen Tarburton, on 15th October and she confirmed that funding is harder to access since the Pandemic started. She suggested applying for smaller funds of £1-2,000, several of which could help to fund some projects for next year Action Clerk to chase Karen for details of most appropriate funders

11.20.09. Minutes of the PC Meeting held on 13th October 2020. The minutes were agreed unanimously by Council and will be signed off by the Chair

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11.20.10. Matters arising from the minutes The Chair reminded Council that he had offered to write to Notts CC with Wheatley’s comments regarding Unitary government. He had not received any comments although 2 Councillors said that they had responded via the on-line consultation and 1 councillor had been contacted by phone and asked for their opinion. All those responding felt that the questions were ‘leading’ their answers towards a positive response for Unification. DCllr Naish had indicated that Nottingham was unlikely to be put forward as a Unitary authority before mid – late 2021 but if any other member of the PC wanted to make a comment they could do so via the Chair.

11.20.11. NALC / reports from outside bodies Notification of a digital Rural Conference on the afternoon / evening of November 30th had been circulated and Cllr Goacher signalled her intention to attend along with the Clerk – they will report back to the next PC meeting Action Cllr Goacher and Clerk

11.20.12. Correspondence / Reading bag There were 3 items of correspondence this month A letter from North Notts First Responders thanking the PC for their donation A document from BDC about the actions they are taking to Recover from the effects of the Covid Pandemic Action Chair to read and circulate E-mail correspondence from the treasurer of North Wheatley PCC about financial assistance from the PC to the Church. The Church has been in discussion about this and the PC awaits their response – in the meantime it will continue to share the cost of maintaining the churchyard

11.20.13. Playing Field / Pavilion / Community Garden Tennis Club lease Nothing to report – Action Clerk to inform the Tennis Club that this is being removed from the agenda assuming that no further action is required Tree trimming The Urban Arborist team did an excellent job of trimming the trees and were a pleasure to work with. Action Clerk send a letter of thanks to the Urban Arborist Working group to address minor repairs to playground equipment A recent audit of the play equipment has highlighted minor repairs needed. Cllrs Newby; Naish and Cooke to tackle these on Saturday 14th November at 10 am - anything needing more attention will be reported back at the next PC meeting Action Clerk to circulate the last 2 Play Inspection audits to all councillors

11.20.14. Highways / Footpaths / Water Course / Public Safety Street Lights / street furniture Nothing to report The Becks – quote for major works Cllr Naish has now been in touch with Ken Ilett who has also spoken with Ian Davis of Notts CC, who has returned to part time work. Ken has volunteered to arrange a site meeting with Ian to see if there could be any funding to help the PC, along with alternative ideas for stabilising the beck sides – there may not be enough room for baskets of stones for example Action Cllr Naish to co-ordinate this site meeting Other matters to report There was a suggestion that the PC could employ a company to maintain the 2 defibrillators in the village at a cost of £200 per year. Council thought that this was unnecessary but a spare battery and set of pads will be purchased to ensure that it was always in good working order, with records of any replacements Action Cllr Cooke Action Clerk to chase the restoration of the Footpath sign which has been knocked over and the application of the Yellow Lines outside the school

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11.20.15. Village Hall update Nothing to report. The Village Hall will be closed during lockdown in November

11.20.16 Website / Facebook page – change of management Cllr Wilson will be trained on the new website w/c November 16th such that the site can go live during that week. The new domain name will be Only the Chair / Clerk and Cllr Wilson (as administrator) will have e-mail addresses published on the site but all councillor names and photos will appear. The site will also feature photos of the village and anyone who has any photos they would like to see used on the site should submit them to Cllr Wilson Action All

11.20.17 Plaster Pits / Allotments An incoming resident has asked if she can have an allotment. When she has moved into the village she can be shown the available space and if she wishes to take it on the Clerk will issue the relevant paperwork and invoice Action Clerk and Cllr Naish

11.20.18 PC newsletter Brian Shead’s retirement to remain on the agenda until a suitable ‘event’ can be arranged for Brian and his helper volunteers

The Chair has written a first issue of the new PC newsletter and Cllr Cartwright has formatted it into a 4 page A4 leaflet. This will include details of the clubs and societies in Wheatley. The first issue will also carry a list of future projects which the PC could consider funding during 2021 and asks for resident comments. These comments to be posted in a Mailbox left outside the Open Door office in South Wheatley. Action Cllr Naish to buy a mail box The final version of the newsletter will be circulated for approval prior to distribution w/c 15th November Action Cllr Newby

11.20.19 Christmas tree Ian Wilkinson and Terry Kirk will erect the tree and add the lights during the first week of December

11.20.20 Dates of next meeting and meeting dates for 2021

December 15th

January 12th February 9th March 9th April 20th May 18th June 15th July 13th September 14th October 12th November 9th December 14th

Meetings will start at 7pm and will be conducted remotely via Zoom until further notice

Minutes subject to approval at the next meeting Sara Stilliard – Clerk, tel. 881582

Distribution list: All Parish Councillors, CCllr J Ogle, DCllr J Naish, Website, Terry Davey; PCSO Dave Airey, Notice boards

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