Postage Stamp Catalogue
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G ", - POSTAGE STAMP CATALOGUE AND Collector’s C utbe. TWENTY-NINTH EDITION. REVISED, CORRECTED, AND DROUGHT UP TO THE PRESENT TIME. HY D E . Y I N E E , EDITOR OF OFI’EN’S POSTAGE STAMP ALBUM. LONDON ; W ILLIAM STEVENS, 421, STRAND, W.C. 4 X í Г li E V A C 1A T h e Editor of “O ppen's Postage-Stamp A lbum,” in submitting tin’s Catalogue for public approval, begs to remark that it does not profess to comprehend all the numerous varieties of perforation, watermark, &o., col lected by many philatelists. All primary issues and marked variations in colour, &C., will however be found duly noted, and the list made up as nearly as possible to date of publication. No fewer than six additional pages were added to the later editions, an appendix of eleven more to that of 188U, and a second appendix in the last edition without increase of price. Room being still required for the numerous postal novelties .ever accruing, it is found impossible to supply this without exceeding the limits allowed for the Catalogue. The Editor has decided therefore to exclude henceforth the voluminous descriptions of the Russian and United States locals, which occupy an inordinate amount of space, and devote that to new normal issues. Some hundreds of German, Norwegian, etc., locals have cropped up during the past year or two, and these have an equal claim for mention with the preceding. It is an imperative necessity thus to chronicle alt or none. Telegraphic issues (which are virtually express postage stamps) have even more right to claim admission ; also the many fiscals which have been occasionally made to do duty fbr postage. To add these, as well as the bewildering varieties of surcharge found amongst the adhesives of Peru, the Philippines, and the Portuguese Indies, to the existing Catalogue, would pretty well double if.s size. The more noteworthy locals, surcharges, etc., will be found chronicled in the current edition. L o n d o n , Ul tuber, 18s ť , CONÏENTS EUROPE. Гл(;к A lsa c e .............................................................................................. 14 A u s t r ia ............................................................................................ 1 Ba d e n ....................................... 3 Bava b i a ................................. .............. »b. Belgium . ........................................................ ........ 5 Bergedork . О & 28 Bo s n i a ..................................... ...................................................ib. Brem к к .................................................................................................. tb. Sc 28 Brunswick ........................................................ ........ ib. & ib. Bulgaria ..................................................................................... 7 Danubian Principalities (M oldavia and W allach ia) iio\v Roumania 8 D anubian Steam N avigation Company ...... Э D enmark ............ ib. F inland . ......................................................... 11 France ...................................................................................................12 G erman Km p ir e ......................................................................................14 G ibraltar . 15 & 134 G reat Britain and Ireland . ib. Sc ib. G r e e c e ........................................................................ ........ 18 & 135 H a m b u r g .............................................................................................. 10 & 28 H a n o v e r ........................................ ........ ib. & ib. H e l i g o l a n d ...................................................................................... 20 H erzegovina (see Bosnia) ......... 6 H olland ..... 20 H ungary .• . 21 Iceland ................................................ ..... 22 I onian Is l e s ...........................................................................................19 It a l y ......................................................................................................23 & 135 L e v a n t ...................................................................................................24 L i v o n i a ........................................................ .... ib. Lo r r a i n e .......................................................................................... 14 L ü b e c k .............................................................................................. 25 & 28 L uxembourg ...........................................................................................ib. Ma l t a .............................................................................................. 26 Mecklenburg-Schwerin . ............................................. 27 Sc 28 M ECK LEN BURG - STRE IЛТ7, ............................................................ib. Sc ib. Mo d e n a ................................................ ib. M o n a c o .............................................................................................. ib. M o n t e n e g r o .......................................................................................... 28 N a p l e s .............................................................................................. ib. N orth G erman Postal D istrict ........ ib. N o r w a y ....................................................... 29 & 135 Ol d e n b u b o ............................................... 30 & 28 Papal States . ib. Parma ............. ib. Poland .......................................................................................... 3 1 Portugal ............ ib. Prussia ...............................................................................................32 & 28 Ro m a g n a .......................................................................................... 33 Koumaní a ( see Danubian P rincipalities) ..........................................8 Ro u m e l i a .......................................................................................... 33 Ru s s i a .............................................................................................. ib. Sc 135 San M a r in o ................................................ * .................................. 35 Sa r d i n i a ..............................................................................................ib. д а ------------------------------------------------------ -— . — — ----------= K ; • ? * ' I 1 Л CONTENTS. EUROPE. A ck ............................................................................................. 1 4 A u s t r ia ........................................................................................... 1 Ba d e n ...............................................................................................3 Ba v a r i a ...................................................................................ib. Be l g i u m ....................................................... 5 Be r g e d o r F ................................................................................... (i & 28 Bo s n i a ...................................................................................... tb. Bremen . ................................................ , ib. & 28 Brunswick . ■ . ib. & ib. Bulgaria ...... 7 D anubian Principalities (M oldavia and W allachia) dow Koumania 8 D anubian Steam N avigation Co m p a n y ................................................9 D e n m a r k ................................................ ib. Finland ........................................................................ ........ 11 Fr a n c e ................................................................................................. 12 G erman E m p ir e ..................................................................................... 14 G i b r a l t a r ........................................................................ 15 & 134 G reat B ritain and Ir e l a n d ............................................................. ib. & ib. G reece ............. 18 & 135 H amburg ................................................ ........ 19 & 28 H a n o v e r ..........................................................................................ib. & ib. H eligoland ......................................................................................20 H erzegovina (see Bosnia) .................................................................... 6 H olland .............................................................................................. 20 H ungary / ................................................................ ....... 21 Ic e l a n d ........................................................................................ 22 I onian I s l e s .......................................................................................... 19 It a l y ..................................................................................................... 23 & 135 L e v a n t .................................................................................................. 24 Li v o n i a ..............................................................................................ib. L o r r a i n e .......................................................................................... 14 L übeck ......................................................... ........ 25 & 28 L uxembourg .......................................................................................... ib. M alta ............ 26 M ecklenburg-Sc h w e r i