Transformation of the Biogeochemical Flows of Mercury in the Ecosystems of Abandoned Agricultural Lands in Russia
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804 Tobratov, S., Zheleznova, O. /Vol. 8 Núm. 23: 804 - 820/ Noviembre - diciembre 2019 Artículo de investigación Transformation of the biogeochemical flows of mercury in the ecosystems of abandoned agricultural lands in Russia Трансформация биогеохимических потоков ртути в экосистемах заброшенных сельхозугодий центра России Recibido: 12 de agosto del 2019 Aceptado: 26 de septiembre del 2019 Written by: Sergei A. Tobratov18 SPIN: 1708-3893 Olga S. Zheleznova19 SPIN: 9281-0357 Abstract Аннотация Using the methodology of critical loads, we С использованием методологии критических studied the geographic peculiarities of changes in нагрузок изучены географические the natural stability of landscapes to mercury особенности изменения естественной contamination through the atmosphere as a result устойчивости ландшафтов к ртутному of cropland abandonment; published the map of загрязнению через атмосферу под влиянием abandoned cropland in the central part of the забрасывания сельхозугодий. Публикуется Ryazan oblast as of 2015 (the materials are the карта заброшенных земель в центре courtesy of A.V. Prishchepov); identified and Рязанской области по состоянию на 2015 г. prioritized the main regional industrial emitters of (материалы любезно предоставлены А.В. mercury; estimated the average annual emission Прищеповым). Установлены и ранжированы of Hg by industrial facilities of various types по степени приоритетности основные based on the specific features of the production; региональные промышленные эмитенты and showed that the most contrasting impact is ртути. Рассчитана среднегодовая associated with the activity of a cement эмиссия Hg промышленными объектами manufacturer (a combination of notable amounts различных типов исходя из специфики of involatile Hg emission and the relatively low производства. Показано, что наиболее height of industrial chimneys (120 m)); and found контрастное импактное воздействие связано с that the colonization of abandoned land with деятельностью цементного предприятия woody vegetation covers only small-area (сочетание заметных объемов эмиссии Hg в windless regions of the forest already existing in труднолетучих формах со сравнительно the territory, which determines the overall небольшой высотой промышленных труб – deterioration of resistance to Hg supply. We also 120 м). Выявлено, что зарастание noted that abandoned lands feature favorable заброшенных земель древесной conditions for the sedimentation of anthropogenic растительностью охватывает лишь pollutants migrating in the atmosphere, which небольшие по площади ветровые тени уже among other factors causes an increase in the имеющихся на территории лесных массивов, concentration of biologically available forms of что определяет общее снижение Hg in post-agrogenic soils by 1.5~1.8 times устойчивости к поступлению Hg. Также compared to the arable land and normal soil under отмечено, что на заброшенных землях forest ecosystems. We detected a local but складываются благоприятные условия для contrasting anomaly of Hg in the tissues of post- осаждения техногенных загрязнителей, agrogenic woody plants, where the mercury мигрирующих в атмосфере, что в числе иных content exceeded the background levels by 20– факторов приводит к росту концентраций 200 times. It was noted that post-agrogenic биодоступных форм Hg в постагрогенных 18 Ph.D. in biology, Head of the Landscape Geochemistry laboratory, Associate professor at the Chair of Physical Geography Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yesenin 390000, Ryazan. 19 Ph. D. in biology Scientific worker of the Landscape Geochemistry laboratory, Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yesenin 390000, Ryazan Encuentre este artículo en o ISSN 2322- 6307 Vol. 8 Núm. 23 /Noviembre - diciembre 2019 805 ecosystems are less resilient to anthropogenic почвах в 1,5-1,8 раза относительно пашни и chemical pollution and their adaptation зональных почв под лесными экосистемами. mechanisms are more likely to fail. In the study Выявлена локальная, но контрастная of the dispersion halos of technogenic Hg, the аномалия Hg в тканях постагрогенной wood, bark, and branches of birch, being a древесной растительности, где содержание common plant component of abandoned lands, ртути превышает фоновые уровни в 20-200 should be recognized as the indicating biological раз. Отмечено, что постагрогенные objects. экосистемы обладают сниженной резистентностью к антропогенному Keywords: Biogeochemical anomalies, химическому загрязнению и высокой abandoned land, critical load method, mercury, вероятностью срыва адаптационных technogenic pollution through the atmosphere механизмов. Индикаторными биообъектами при изучении ореолов рассеяния техногенной Hg следует признать древесину, кору и ветви березы — распространенного растительного компонента заброшенных земель. Ключевые слова: биогеохимические аномалии, заброшенные земли, метод критических нагрузок, ртуть, техногенное загрязнение через атмосферу Introduction Abandonment of agricultural land is a multi- boundaries, and secondly, the main industrial factor socioeconomic phenomenon that is very emitters and the impact zones of their emissions widespread in the countries of the former USSR, are located within this territory. particularly in Russia (Prishchepov et al., 2012). For example, in the last 20 years in the center of The area of the research site is 1900 km2, of the Ryazan region 35% of agricultural land has which 41.5% falls on the area of sandy and light been abandoned (for various reasons) (Figure 1); loamy soils of the Meshchera lowland (where this figure tends to decline, but at a slow pace. woodland and marshy ecosystems predominate), 51.5% is the share of the landscapes of the Oka- Even in the 21st century, mercury (Hg) remains Don lowland and Central Russian upland, where one of the least studied elements, whose middle and heavily loamy soils, mostly plowed, background content in landscapes has not been prevail (including 2% being the territory of the even reliably estimated (Perelman and Kasimov, city of Ryazan), 7% is the area of the Oka and its 1999). At the same time, Hg, having the largest tributaries’ floodplains. The largest maximum affinity for air migration, is an massifs of abandoned lands are found in the indispensable companion of natural and southern Meshchera and in the north of the Oka- anthropogenic geochemical anomalies Don lowlands (Figure 1). (Kovalevsky, 1991) and, therefore, has an indicative value. This publication discusses some In February–March 2015, we tested the main geochemical and landscape-related aspects of landscape components (snow cover, soil humus abandoned cropland pollution with mercury. horizons, woody vegetation, surface water) in the ecosystems of abandoned lands (the sampling Research subjects and methods points are shown in Figure 1); the mercury content in the samples was determined by the The research area is a model site within the cold vapor method using a Spectr-5-4 atomic territory of one of the typical regions of the center absorption spectrometer. Mercury was extracted of the East European Plain, the Ryazan oblast, from the soil samples with an acetate-ammonium within 50~60 km from the regional center. This buffer solution with pH=4.8 (simulating the site is the geochemical focus of the entire region, response of the cell sap of the plants’ root hairs because, firstly, it contains all the main soil- and transferring the most bioavailable forms into geochemical conditions of the central part of the solution). Russia and has the most contrasting geochemical Encuentre este artículo en o ISSN 2322- 6307 806 To determine the reserves and increment of wood determined by an expert method by counting with bark on the abandoned cropland and burnt woody plants at test sites and analyzing high- wood, we used the middle tree method and the resolution multispectral satellite images (1 m per known patterns of the growth of birch, pine, and pixel). aspen tree stands of the central part of Russia (Usoltsev, 2002); the density of tree stands was Figure 1. The structure of the land reserves of the research area—the central part of the Ryazan oblast (compiled based on materials provided by A.V. Prishchepov (Prishchepov et al., 2012))* Encuentre este artículo en o ISSN 2322- 6307 Vol. 8 Núm. 23 /Noviembre - diciembre 2019 807 2011)): absorption by vegetation (Mupt); leaching Notes. Hereinafter, I–VIII are the points of with surface and ground runoff (Mrunoff); and biogeochemical testing in the abandoned lands, accumulation in immobilized forms in the soil R1 is the point of testing woody vegetation (55- (MSD(acc)). At the same time, the anthropogenic year-old silver birch Betula pendula) within the influx of pollutants into landscapes should be medium radius of impact of non-ferrous fully compensated by the process of natural metallurgy enterprise. remediation: max I. Central Russian upland, middle loamy CL = Mdep = Мupt + Mrunoff + MSD(acc). (1) soils; unexploited fruit-tree forests surrounded by birch forest belts; The accumulation of heavy metals in wood II. Meshchera lowland, sandy soils, biomass is calculated as: overgrown with pine (Pinus sylvestris); III. Meshchera lowland, light loamy soils, Mupt = Gan × Cback M, (2) overgrown with birch (Betula pendula, B. pubescens); where Gan is the