2012 Civil Engineering • A
Government College of Technology; Coimbatore – 641013 Academic Research International Journals - 2012 CIVIL ENGINEERING A.Gandhimathi, T.Meenambal, “Analysis of heavy metal for soil in Coimbatore by using ANN Model” – European Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN 1450-216X, Vol.68, No.4, pp.462-474, 2012. G.Prabhakaran, T.Meenambal and N.Ramesh, “Physico-Chemical Analysis of Kelavarapalli Dam Water in TamilNadu” – International Journals Pollution Research, 31(2), pp.273-276, 2012. Jino John, T.M.Maya and T.Meenambal, “Mathematical Modeling for Durability characteristics of Fly Ash concrete” – International Journal of Engineering Science & Technology (IJEST) – ISSN: 0975-5462, Vol.4, No.01, pp.353-361, January 2012. Gandhimathi, A., Meenambal, T., “Spatial Prediction of Heavy Metal Pollution for Soils in Coimbatore, India based on ANN and Kriging Model”. European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 79, No. 2, pp. 198-207, 2012. B.Haganesh, S.Nithiarasu, Dr.T.Meenambal and N.Balasubramanian, “ Statistical Approach for Crew Balancing in Construction” - International Journal Engineering Science & Technology (ESTIJ), ISSN: 2250-3498, Vol.2, No.4, August 2012. Haganesh.B, Shiva Prasad.B.M, Dr.T.Meenambal, “Use of Artificial Neural Network for workforce in typical residential buildings” – International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol 1, Issue 6, pp. 1-10, August 2012. Gandhimathi.A, B.Haganesh, Dr.T.Meenambal, “An Experimental study on fly ash blended cement concrete structures with organic (corrosion) inhibitor” - International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol 1, Issue 6, pp.1-12, August 2012. Haganesh.B., Senthilkumar.P., and Dr.T.Meenambal “Sustainable Energy Management by Optimizing Daylight with Artificial Neural Network” - International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol 1, Issue 6, pp.1-11, August 2012.
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