Media Handbook - Men May 18-29, 2006 Taube Tennis Center Stanford University Stanford, Calif. 2006 NCAA Division I Men’s & Women’s Tennis Championships May 18-29 * Stanford, Calif. * Stanford University Taube Tennis Center A GLANCE AT THE 2006 CHAMPIONSHIPS Official Website Phone Lines/Internet Access and through the NCAA website at There will be limited phone service in the media room located underneath the main grandstand on the south side in the Fluegel Room. Phones will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. Wireless Phone Numbers internet access is available. Press Box ..............................................................(650) 498-0442 Ticket Office ........................................................(650) 723-1021 Ticket Information Media Relations Office ........................................(650) 723-4418 The ticket office accepts Cash, Checks, Mastercard, Visa, Media Relations Fax ............................................(650) 725-2957 American Express There will be LIVE internet scoring for all matches Ticket Office Phone: 800-STANFORD, (800) 782-6367 or (650) 723-1021 Media Coordinators Jessica Raber, Media Relations Assistant All-Tournament Ticket: (May 18-29)
[email protected] Reserved - $125 (650) 723-0996 Adult General Admission - $75 Gary Migdol, Media Relations Director Students/Child/Senior General Admission - $35
[email protected] (650) 725-2958 Single Day Tickets: Reserved - $15 Television Coverage Adult General Admission - $8 ESPN2 will provide tape delay programming of the team cham- Students/Child/Senior General Admission - $8 pionship round, with the women’s title match airing on May 30 Student Groups of 10 or more arriving at the same time - $2 and the men’s title match airing on May 31. The NCAA Division I Tennis Subcommittees Satellite Feeds Representing Men’s Tennis TBA Peter Wright, California - Subcommittee Chair Matt Brachowski, Georgia Media Credentials B.J.