
The -Established 1904- rinity ripod T T Volume CXIV “Scribere Aude!” Tuesday, April 16, 2019 Number X SGA SGA Advised by What is Green Dot? Elections SHAWN OLSTEIN ’22 Administration to STAFF WRITER page Delay Churchill Vote SGA executive ment Association heard KIP LYCNH ’22 board elections updates from the Stu- were won mostly STAFF WRITER dent Life and Food Com- uncontested. The Student Govern- mittees. The Student 4 ment Association con- Life Committee reported vened on Sunday, Apr. its progress in receiving 14 in order to discuss an feedback on its initiatives Amnesty Internation- from the Women & Gen- Green Fest: al resolution, constitu- der Resource Action Cen- tional amendments, and ter (WGRAC). The Food Committee described its the Churchill Club. The SHAY HOPLEY Sustainability SGA also heard commit- plans to meet with Dan tee updates and a pre- Hitchell, the Vice Pres- ParticipatorsPmild.]Platon1 ft-omfrom the event: WallkWalk a Mile min Their Shoes. TRINSTAGRAM sentation by ConnPIRG. ident of Finance and The Trinity College Chief Financial Officer, in order to discuss the page The second an- chapter of ConnPIRG, an future of different meal nual GreenFest organization that focuses plans at Trinity College. happened outside on consumer and environ- The problems encoun- on the quad to ment protection, present- tered during the approval celebrate sustain- ed a resolution on textbook process of the Churchill ability initiatives. transparency. Noting the 7 oligopolistic market and Club have prompted the high prices of textbooks, SGA to discuss possible ConnPIRG advocated for amendments to the consti- Lil Yachty the increased use of text- tution of the student gov- books that are published ernment. The student gov- under an open copyright ernment debated the future Concert licence, allowing for easier of the positions of Secretary and Parliamentarian, and LIZ FOSTER’22 accessibility by lowering discussed amendments A&E EDITOR costs for students. With that, ConnPIRG is looking to the Articles pertaining to the Executive Board. The Tripod breaks for a vote of support from page down the exciting the student government JEN BOWMAN Lil Yachty concert for a textbook transpar- ency program that would 'l'h.eThe 'I'.iti.mtyTrinity lbaselballll.baseball team wearswea:rs greengireen in honol'honor of Green of Spring Week- Dot Week. end. list classes with open or low-cost textbooks. see SGA on page 4 Full story by Leah Swope ’22'22 on page 8. 9 The Student Govern- Men’s Crew Prof. Smith: Trinity’s Descent into Illiberal Education From the ridiculous to have thrown all manner of philosophical premises is without much in the way the reprehensible, the last counter-factual accusations nothing but hate speech. of moderating voices so far. Knecht Cup month has publicly demon- in the name of venting frus- It will predictably eventu- Some have even taken MATEO VAZQUEZ ’21 strated the descent of what trations that have little or ate in the unintended con- public documents and prior SPORTS EDITOR passes for intellectual life at no bearing to the Chur- sequence of the little boy communications, doctored Trinity into totally illiber- chill Club whatsoever oth- who cried wolf. The term them to say the opposite Rowing advances al, increasingly monolithic, er than that its members becomes meaningless when of what they initially said, page to the finals during tyranny. It has culminated wish to question what they it is a blanket curse hurled and made additions that are the Knecht Cup, in hate-filled threatening see as reigning, obviously at everyone with whom clearly intended to enflame wrapping up a acts that are only one step unchallenged curricular there is a philosophical passions. This behavior is not successful season. from the actual violence we assumptions on campus. difference of opinion. All only morally and intellectual- have witnessed at Berke- For this audacity these of this in turn has brought ly reprehensible, but since it 11 ley, Evergreen State and students have been sub- out actually threatening is done in written form, with Also in this week’s issue.... Middlebury—unfortu- jected to one-sided inqui- communications, some, clear intent, and then dis- nately to name but a few. sitions. Flyers with their in an as yet unexplained seminated, is literally libel. ToWltllTown lfllallsHalls AddressAdldiress Clbnwrclillll,Churchill, The recent attacks are pictures have been circu- fashion, having made their And all of this has been in the ]Pmge4page 4 ugly, and can be quickly lated on campus with the way into student mailbox- service of attempting to in- summarized. A group of heading “The new racism es. This has escalated to timidate a group of students O]PiruiOlDl: Trimty C!ll.llllll]PW! Opinion: Trinity Campus students have wanted to is as ugly as the old.” And the point where students who want nothing more than Climate, page 5-6 Climate, page 5-6 study things they think are the all too easy hurling of rightly feel threatened to host events, read books and under-represented in the the phrase “white suprem- and not just mentally but bring speakers to campus. SpringS]Pring WeellrelDldWeekend Reviews, curriculum. They have been acist” at people who merely physically as well. Pas- pmge7page 7 attacked by others who disagree on fundamental sions have been enflamed see LETTER on page 2

Published weekly at Trinity College, Hartford, CT TRINITYTRIPOD.COM 2 APRIL 16, 2019 The Letter to the Editor Trinity Tripod continued from page 1 their voices now that free views under alleged hu- speech, and simple safety, mor, we have the also Established in 1904 These attacks rep- are at issue once again? libelous “Liepod” piece “Scribere Aude!” resent an escalation of But even the ridicu- that joins the fray and, what has gone on for at lous elements of what we without of course any Editor-in-Chief least three years and have seen lately paint a evidence, accuses the GILLIAN M. REINHARD ’20 drawn the total silence of clear picture. Our An- Churchill Club of being the Administration. Fly- thropology Department a Nazi group. Really, the Managing Editor ers for a previous collo- has proudly announced name of Churchill is now BRENDAN W. CLARK ’21 quium were taken down that their discipline has associated with support- within minutes of being finally cracked the code ing Nazism. I know it is posted. A $400 banner on racism, and presum- probably too esoteric to NEWS EDITORS FEATURES EDITORS announcing a Churchill ably on the nature of the refer to anything as at- AMANDA HAUSMANN ’21 BHAVNA MAMNANI ’22 get together at home- human good more gener- avistic as facts, or the KAT NAMON ’22 AMANDA SCOPELLITI ’20 coming was vandalized ally, and any other opin- ancient history of 80-90 with the spray painting ion can now be rejected years ago, but the actu- Opinion Editors SPORTS EDITORS of “fascists.” A bulletin as false. Unfortunately al Churchill led the fight ALEX DAHLEM ’20 JOSEPH LADD ’19 board that announced these assertions are only of Western Civilization HUNTER SAVERY ’20 MATEO VAZQUEZ ’21 nothing more inflamma- supported by a thin gru- against one of the great- tory than internships and el of selective arguments est evils of all time. And it STAFF WRITERS A&E EDITOR graduate programs in drawn from Marxist and was one of the West’s fin- CAMERON CHOTTINER ’20 LIZ FOSTER ’22 political philosophy was Postmodernist sources. est moments in which it ELEANNA DAVOS ’20 defaced with hateful and Their assertions of fi- shed enormous amounts LIZ FOSTER ’22 SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER threatening speech. The nally having grasped the of blood and treasure to ERIN GANNON ’19 MADISON VAUGHN ’21 list could be expanded. whole truth are indica- defend principles that KIP LYNCH ’22 The silence about these tive of the larger prob- are now cavalierly dis- DAVID MAROTTOLO ’22 BUSINESS MANAGER events led to the present lem with the current in- missed as uniformly evil. CAREY MAUL ’21 EMILIO KARAKEY ’22 hateful escalation. The tellectual environment These trivial, and so eas- CAT MACLENNAN ’20 refusal of thoughtful in- at Trinity. These and re- ily repeated catechisms, DANIEL NESBITT ’22 dividuals on campus to lated kinds of views are speak to nothing so much JAY PARK ’22 step up and denounce part of the majority opin- as a limited education. SAMUEL TAISHOFF ’22 the present intimidating ion that now informs our AIDAN TUREK ’20 activity will lead to fur- curriculum. Alternate ther escalation. One can views are increasingly only hope that a faculty screened from the discus- The Trinity Tripod has been published by the students of Trinity Col- whose members rose up sion and then attacked lege since 1904. Its staff members are committed to the reporting in response to a recent when they sneak through 'l'heThe ll."estrest of the and distribution of news and ideas that are relevant to the College event on campus that has into the public view. articlearlfofo lbiyby lPll'ofessoll'Professor community. The Tripod is published weekly on Tuesdays during the been damaging to fund- Going further down GregoryGll."egoll'y Smith§m:i.th can lbiebe academic year. Student subscription is included in the Student Ac- raising will respond sim- the path of the ridicu- fo1um«:llfound on the Tripod'Jl'ripod tivities Fee (SAF). For non-students looking to subscribe, a one-se- ilarly to this affront to lous, despite the attempt welbis:i.teowebsite. mester subscription costs $10.00 and a one-year subscription costs free speech. Will we hear to disguise venomous $20.00. Please address all correspondence to: 300 Summit St. Box 702582 Hartford, CT 06106-3100 Phone: (860) 297-2584 Letter to the Editor In light of recent nity who are hurting in remember the atrocities Tripod Opinions expressed in editorials represent the views of the events, namely the dis- the face of intolerance that people of all faiths Tripod editorial board. Those opinions do not necessarily reflect tribution of the April and oppression. and backgrounds have the views of all contributors to the Tripod. Additionally, writing ex- pressed in the Opinion section belongs to the writers themselves and Fool’s Day edition of The In an age when more encountered. In these are not affiliated with the Tripod staff in any way. Trinity Tripod, we, the individuals of our gener- divisive times, students brothers of the Alpha Ep- ation forget the atrocities need a space to voice their The Trinity Tripod is always looking for student contributions in pho- silon Pi fraternity and of World War II and the personal, familial, and tography, writing, and graphic design. Anyone interested in joining members of Trinity Col- Holocaust, it is impera- cultural struggles. This the Tripod can email [email protected]. Additionally, all mem- lege Hillel, see the article tive that we promote a Walk to Remember is bers of the community are invited to our meetings, which are held entitled “SGA Considers dialogue regarding this intended for students to Sundays at 5 p.m. at our office in the basement of JacksonHall. Fascist Society Approval” subject and respect those talk and understand the as deeply offensive to the in our community whom events that their commu- All requests for advertisement placement in the Tripod can be members of the Jewish the Holocaust has affect- nities and peers have en- found by consulting the newspaper’s business manager at tripo- ed directly or indirectly. dured so situations like [email protected]. Additionally, our website holds information community on campus. regarding standard rates for advertisements. Our collective orga- The College represents this are less likely to oc- nizations condemn the itself as a hub of accep- cur. Through this event, use of the Tripod as a tance and diversity; how- we hope to help create a platform for distribut- ever, the increasing rhet- space where all members ing satire regarding such oric of this kind continues of our community will TrA~~A!rS~?,nu~ge subjects on a school-wide to reveal the extent of the feel validated, affirmed, Please visit our website: trinitytripod. level. We believe that work left undone. The and respected. com. Articles are published online the article’s invocation of members of Trinity Col- each week. Follow us on @ language in reference to lege Jewish community 'l'heThe BrotherslBrnthel"s of the TrinityTripod and visit our Facebook page at facebook.com/TrinityTripod. the Holocaust was both recognize that this in- AJl.phaAlpha EpsilonEpsHon PiJP:i. IB'l"at"Fra- -n inconsiderate and in- stance of rhetoric derives tell'n:i.tyternity and Memlbiel"sMembers of Corrections appropriate. One of our from a larger narrative of 'l'r:i.n:i.tyTrinity College H:i.UelHillel brothers, whose fami- hurtful rhetoric on a na- The article "Comprehensive Campaign Set to Raise $435 Mil- ly is active in the Pitts- tional level. We acknowl- The Tripod respects lion, Financial Aid, Academic Distinction, Athletics All Receive burgh Jewish community edge and affirm the hurt and understands the con- Funds," originally appeared in the April 2, 2019 print edition of that suffered the attack of all those who have cerns of the several in- the Tripod with erroneous financial information. The Com- in October, is deeply af- been affected by recent dividuals who expressed prehensive Campaign will seek to raise $435 million, not $460 fected by this entry and events on campus. their complaints. We tru- million as had been previously reported. Further, the Trinity sees this satirical piece In response to this ar- ly apologize for the unin- Fund will receive $60 million and not $160 milion as had been as a personal affront. We ticle and the aforemen- tentional offense this ar- previously reported. submit this letter in ac- tioned demonstrations of ticle caused to members knowledgment and sup- intolerance and hatred, of the Trinity community port of him and all other we will be hosting a Walk and beyond. members of the commu- to Remember on May 2 to Letter to the Editor Tripod Editorial out is deserved for Kathy This past week, sever- this organization, nor do I have stuck with the but have never seen ful- Andrews, who has always al disparaging flyers fea- we support their recent Tripod through three se- ly manifested first-hand. served as a resource to the turing images of members tactics. As a result, we mesters as editor-in-chief The Tripod maintains a Tripod. We wish her best of of the Churchill Institute have removed this post because of the people I difficult role on campus. luck next year. Professor Pa- and Club were distributed from our account. We can- have met along the way. We receive a lot of, often poulis embraced a tricky role on campus and on social not emphasize enough Reaching out to different deserved, criticisms. Any as our faculty advisor and media. We are deeply trou- that this act was not a groups on campus and praise, however, or indica- has provided us with worth- bled by the individual tar- coordinated effort among hearing their opinions tion we have readers at all, while input and direction. geting of students by mem- the opposition to Chur- has been one of the most is rare. But there is still I hope all of our readers bers of the opposition to chill’s approval. Rather rewarding aspects of my something that inspires me know that we always try the Churchill Club. While than personal attacks, time at Trinity. Working to stay on the Tripod year our best. We stay up late we remain opposed to the we encourage those op- as editor-in-chief of the after year, even though each Monday to ensure we approval of the Churchill posed to this group to Tripod and having the op- I still haven’t quite fig- release a product we can be Club, we condemn the engage in a rigorous and portunity to interact with ured out what that is yet. proud of. Despite how diffi- public attack on individ- impassioned dialogue in these diverse communities There are many people cult this semester has been ual members of Churchill disapproval of this group. has allowed me to explore who make the Tripod a suc- (I think, for all of us in the Club. Attacking individ- To this end, we enjoin all and appreciate the best of cess. This staff has been Trinity community), I’m uals is not conducive to members of the Trinity Trinity. Sometimes, when I the most accomplished and looking forward to my next an open dialogue about Community to oppose the wonder if I chose the right capable I have ever worked semester with the Tripod. the origins and impact of Churchill Club, but in a school, I am able to reflect with. Several editors are As usual, I, and the en- the Churchill Club, which way that is non-threat- on my time at the Tripod, now on their third or fourth tire staff, hope to provide is where our opposition ening to all involved. and immediately am able semester with the Tripod. the campus with accu- to this organization lies. to remind myself why I’m I am thankful to work rate, insightful reporting. Regarding this attack here in the first place. with my managing editor, specifically, we recently This semester was Brendan Clark ’21. His ad- posted a photo on our of- tough. I reported on (and vice has been invaluable ficial account experienced firsthand) a throughout the semester. in support of the “Militant very troubling side of Trin- Additionally, the Trin- Students” movement. Ob- ity culture, one that I have ity College Office of Com- -GMR viously, we had no idea at tried to point out in count- munications has been ex- the time that this group less editorials from both tremely helpful with their would step so far out of 'll'lbteThe 'll'rinityTrinity CollegeCoUege this semester and before, guidance. A special shout bounds in their actions. Democrats We are not aligned with

TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 2018 12:00-2:00 PM




Sponsors for Sexual Assault Awareness Month Events : Women & Gender Resource Action Center, Career Development Center, Human [email protected]; [email protected] Resources, Human Rights Studies Department, Office of Diversity Equity & Inclusion, Multicultural Affairs, SGA , SAIL, Dean of Faculty, Dean of Students, Athletics Department, Office of Health Education. WGRACMather Hall2nd Floor 4 NEWS SGA Update Addresses Churchill, Amnesty International weeks or delaying the vote continued from page 1 cultural Affairs Council so acting in the interests of the can feel safe and express that the position is elected overall student body. Dean their views. With that, the indefinitely. The adminis- The SGA discussed by the entire student body. Joseph DiChristina read a President’s Cabinet recom- tration and the President changing the election of the The Student Government letter from the President’s mended that the SGA con- of the SGA also received a representative of the Multi- Association also discussed Cabinet that acknowledged sider delaying the vote on letter from the non-profit cultural Affairs Council so codifying an impeachment the significant amount of the Churchill Club so that Foundation for Individual that the position is elected process for members of the pressure on the SGA from the administration could Rights in Education (FIRE). by the entire student body. Executive Board and releas- both inside and outside the bring in an outside consul- However, the letter was not The Student Government ing of SGA voting records. Trinity College community, tant to discuss the situation shared over concerns that Association also discussed The student government the lack of safety that stu- and ways to resolve it. With the letter may sway the codifying an impeachment discussed the Churchill dents feel, and the highly questions over whether the vote of SGA representatives. process for members of the Club and the effectiveness charged campus climate. opinions of SGA represen- The SGA also discussed Executive Board and releas- of the Town Halls in hearing Observing a breakdown in tatives are open to change, endorsing a resolution ing of SGA voting records. the concerns of students. communication on campus, the student government is from Amnesty Internation- The SGA discussed The student government de- the President’s Cabinet re- considering either voting on al that expresses support changing the election of the bated its role in represent- iterated its role in provid- the approval of the Chur- for refugees and immi- representative of the Multi- ing the views of students or ing a space where students chill Club in the next two grants on college campuses. SGA Election Results Announced for 2019-2020 of the Class of 2021, and cies that would require all Stone emphasized his role scribed a desire to uphold SHAWN OLSTEIN ’22 Jordan Lewis as the Pres- clubs to disclose outside as the youngest mem- open meeting policies and STAFF WRITER ident of the Class of 2022. funding sources before ber of the SGA executive bringing SGA directly to On Tuesday April 9, As the newly elected applying for SAF funding. board, emphasizing his student organizations the SGA announced the Vice President of Finance, VP of Communications desire to give a voice for to increase accessibility. results of the SGA elec- Hunter Savery ’20 told Jack Stone told the Tri- the first-year and soph- In the wake of the re- tions for four executive the Tripod of his plans pod of his goals to renew omore members of SGA, cent elections, SGA pres- board positions and three to increase the efficiency and revamp the role of which he felt were often ident for the 2018-2019 class president positions. and transparency of the the VP of Communica- overlooked or ignored. school year Kristina The four newly elected SAF club allocation pro- tions stating that in the McDevitt, who will Miele ’19 expressed her executive board members cess. He continued on to past the position, “has serve as SGA Vice Presi- confidence in next year’s are: Trinna Larsen ’20 state, “I will work with not been utilized to its dent in the spring semes- SGA executive board stat- as SGA President, Er- clubs and organizations full capacity.” Stone con- ter after returning from a ing “I believe that next ick Pena ’21 as SGA Vice to better help them man- tinued on to describe his term abroad, told the Tri- year the SGA will con- President in the fall of age their budget and will goals in this new role. pod of her goals to bridge tinue our initiatives from 2019 and Felicia McDevitt ensure that the budget is These include “overhaul- the divide between the this past year as well as ’21 in the Spring of 2020, fairly distributed.” Sav- ing the SGA website and SGA and students. McDe- pursue new goals as they Hunter Savery ’20 as SGA ery also explained his social media as well as vitt continued on to state, are raised by the Student VP of Finance, and Jack goal to educate the Trini- working in close proxim- “I believe that SGA needs Body.” Miele advised the Stone ’22 as SGA VP of ty community on how the ity with the Office of the to be more representative board to hear from as Communications. The SGA’s Budget Committee Communications and the and reflective of the di- many student voices as class presidents elected to operates, and how to best administration to foster verse student body that possible across campus, serve next year are Aar- apply for funding. Echo- more communication and we have on campus.” As and to work towards get- on Supple as President ing a common concern on clarity in important ac- a part of her goal to con- ting continues feedback of the Class of 2020, Lu- campus, Savery stated his tions that the school is nect SGA with the stu- from students through a cemy Perez as President desire to pursue new poli- taking.” Furthermore, dent body, McDevitt de- multi-channel approach. The College Campus Safety Report, April 2019 Thursday April 4 Saturday April 6 Saturday April 6 Sunday81U1nday April 7 WedbmesdayWednesday April 10Ull On Campus Summit Street North Campus On Campus Broad Street

One case of drug use vio- One case of vehicle van- One case of liquor law One case of sexual ha- One case of reckless lation reported at 23:52. dalism reported at 14:00 violation reported at rassment reported at driving reported at (open case). 20:38; 1 student in- 22:30. Referred to Title 19:21. One arrest issued. volved. IX Coordinator. Political Union Committee Holds Town Hall on Churchill KIP LYNCH ’22 hall, which requested that lated around Trinity’s cam- proval but added that the would fall under the Stu- speakers not direct com- pus with photographs of STAFF WRITER posters hung around cam- dent Integrity Contract. ments towards any per- individuals affiliated with pus need to be addressed. Vice President Zanger On Wednesday, Apr. 10 son unless to a moderator, the Churchill Institute. Meg Smith ’21 stated that ’19 adds that an SGA vote and Thursday, Apr. 11, the that speakers adhere to Daniel Nesbitt ’22 stat- she is not comfortable with does not give or take away Political Union Committee the time limit of 90 sec- ed that the club’s opposi- her tuition being used to an organization’s right to of SGA held two town hall onds, and that those who tion to participating in the fund groups that make be on campus; a vote of ap- meetings to discuss the wish to speak could sign forum is on the grounds her uncomfortable and proval only gives an organi- Churchill Institute and po- up when they arrived. that it is not necessary for her peers uncomfortable. zation the right to request tential SGA approval. SGA Students raised various club approval. Nesbitt add- Students also brought funding or space. Alison Ad- Vice President Lexi Zan- issues concerning SGA ap- ed that the club has ful- up what can be done to amski, SGA VP of Finance, er ’19 opened the event on proval of Churchill Club in- filled every requirement for change the SGA consti- addressed requirements Wednesday by going over cluding Churchill’s alleged approval and that the club’s tution. Zanger ’19 re- for clubs seeking funding. the guidelines for partic- use of dangerous rhetoric interest is an intellectual sponsed that edits will be Zanger ’19 notes that mem- ipating in the discussion. used to describe cultural pursuit of Western civi- voted on over the sum- bers of SGA have voiced SGA sent out an email to organizations, that claim- lization. Emilio Karakey mer and then voted on by concerns over retaliation the Trinity community on ing Western civilization is ’22 stated that he does not the student body, adding from votes. Lucemy Perez Apr. 9 with guidelines for superior is irresponsible, think the Churchill Insti- that any additions to pro- ’21 added she has concerns participating in the town and the issue of fliers circu- tute should receive SGA ap- tect marginalized groups for marginalized groups. OPINION Trinity Fails to Recognize the Truly Marginalized Berger-Sweeney share the College to invest in pro- White and rich students degree, some of us started KABELO MOTSOENENG ’20 the revised mission state- gramming that can trans- need not hurt first for the to hurt when Western civ- STAFF WRITER ment of the College? Ar- form our institutional cul- College to act, these mea- ilizers invaded our land “Our community is en’t we meant to Engage, ture? Where was this plan sures should have been in and killed our people. Our hurting,” read the e-mail Connect and Transform? of action when students place ages ago. The Col- hurt does not come from from Dean DiChristina. The protest represent- drew swastikas on the ve- lege continues to pander to our faces being flagged “Students from a range of ed a way students intel- hicles of other students? whiteness because that is all over campus, our pain backgrounds have been lectualized the notion of Or when the same students what this institution was comes from the daily vi- targeted and disrespected “Western civilization” and left misogynistic messag- by actions that have oc- wanted to connect the ing? Where was this plan of curred at Trinity,” the mes- community in question - action when non-American “The danger with the claim that our sage continued. I wanted to ing that premise, to ask flags belonging to students community is hurting is that not all slam my laptop across the if the College is willing were vandalized? Or when wall because the language to collude with such an the LVL Heritage Month of us are seen and heard. Perhaps our of this message was pre- organization. I am cer- banner was damaged? pain would matter if we were hundred dictable. I knew the e-mail tain that those students A certain group of stu- shades lighter and class-privileged.” dents had to hurt for the College to come up with a plan. Students who are “Where was this plan of action non-white, queer and poor founded on and contin- olence we experience on when non-American flags belong- have repeatedly reported ues uphold those beliefs. this campus. The violence ing to students were vandalized?” on the perpetual harass- This College broke my we experience in the class- ment they experience from heart several times and I room: that some educators their peers. Students have am to blame. This College say the n-word and claim led sit-ins, wrote letters of broke my heart because I that the text permits them would attempt to claim wanted to transform our demand, yet the College de- continued to believe that to do so; that I do not see that various students have culture of apathy, the idea cides to act in the last five change was in the air, that people like me in the texts been targets, but the ul- that Trinity College is weeks of the semester. The this place is meant for peo- that I read, that we are timate focus would be the an apolitical institution. belatedness of this plan of ple with bodies like ours. I accommodated as though recent protest action by a We can applaud the action reiterates the ques- continue to question this we are not meant to be group of students hoping Dean of Students office for tion that many of us having institution not because I here. The danger with the to underscore the impli- the recent plan of action. been trying to ask: Does loathe it — I believe that claim that our communi- cations of an organization Without a doubt, these Trinity care about people change is possible. I be- ty is hurting is that not whose mission is to restore measures are important, with bodies and realities lieve that this college can all of us are included in “Western civilization.” I but who had to be hurt like ours? The belatedness do more than admit stu- the banner of community; also knew that the e-mail first for this plan to come of this plan of action re- dents who do not repre- not all of us are seen and would claim that these ac- to fruition? Why wasn’t veals the reactive logic pur- sent the historical student heard. Perhaps our pain tions are against our val- this the plan of action ported by the College ad- body of this institution. would matter if we were ues. I find this claim quite in the Fall of 2016 when ministration that many of The truth is that we’re all hundred shades light- curious: didn’t President student organizers asked us have been aware about. not hurting at the same er and class-privileged. Atlas Shrugged: Good Ideas to Take in Moderation SAM SPENCER ’21 above all else. The only more, I also firmly believe argues that this is not the experiments in the United that some degree of govern- States have corroborated CONTRIBUTING WRITER role of the government is case; Goliath was too big to facilitate the right of ment intervention is neces- for his own good. In an these findings. Based on When Scottish poet Rob- the individual to fulfill sary to keep free markets atmosphere where speed these findings, it might ert Burns was plowing his their own personal desires running efficiently. Rand is and agility are beneficial, make sense to cut social fields, he accidentally de- he was cumbersome and safety programs. Howev- stroyed a mouse nest with lumbering. Effectively, he er, that too would be inef- the plow-head. Realizing “The only role of government is to fa- was a giant target. Up to a fectual. Similar research that he had inadvertent- point, larger stature is ad- indicates that some wel- ly ruined the mice’s only cilitate the right of the individu- vantageous, then it starts fare programs such as food protection from the winter, al to fulfill their own personal desires to be a detriment. Glad- stamps and short-term he penned one of his most well goes on to apply this unemployment benefits famous works called “To a through the accumulation of wealth.” parabolic returns curve to have a high rate of return. Mouse.” This poem explores most aspects of life. Wheth- Instead of treating wel- the unpredictability of life er it be student-to-teach- fare like a binary option, it as well as the limitations er ratios or proximity would behoove policy mak- of good intentions. Accord- through the accumula- staunchly opposed to any to a bomb detonation, ers and voters alike to rec- ing to Burns, “the best laid tion of wealth. Rand is sort of antitrust regulation. returns are not linear. ognize that it is a complex plans of mice and men do of- also an ardent support- Yet, there is much histori- This theory also can be issue that involves finding ten go awry.” Two centuries er of meritocracy. In her cal precedent to prove that applied to the ideas of Ayn the correct level of funding. later, a Russian immigrant view, the most qualified some regulation is prevents Rand. Recently, the BBC Arguably, the parabolic re- named Ayn Rand wrote people should be in posi- abuse. While I do not agree published an article that turns curve could be applied Atlas Shrugged which ex- tions of power. Race, gen- with some assertions, I do plores similar themes. der, family background, agree with others. I think In this work of fiction, and social class are all she makes an extreme- Rand explores the phil- irrelevant to an optimal- ly compelling argument “Instead of treating welfare like a bi- osophical movement she ly functioning society. for meritocracy, as well as nary option, it would behoove policy calls Objectivism. In her Since its publication, self-sufficiency. As is often makers and voters alike to recognize view, “the concept of man the book has remained the case with philosophers, [is] a heroic being, with his popular with libertarians I believe that their argu- that it is a complex issue that involves own happiness as the mor- and proponents of the ments have some merit, finding the correct level of funding.” al purpose of his life, with free market alike. Even but do not agree completely. productive achievement though I identify with In the book David and as his noblest activity, and both groups, I struggle to Goliath, researcher and au- reason as his only abso- agree with the extremes thor Malcom Gladwell ex- explored the high univer- to many problems facing lute.” Throughout the book that Rand proposes. In plores general perceptions sal basic income in certain United States policymak- she portrays Ultraism as my opinion, altruism is of what is advantageous. Scandinavian countries ers. Perhaps recognizing fundamentally misguided. one of the best elements In the Biblical narrative, and found that they did that complex problems According to Rand, society of the human condition. many assume that David little to decrease unem- have complex solutions would function optimally Throughout my life, I have was the underdog in com- ployment. In some cases, would help to mend the if everyone were to priori- benefited from the kind - parison to the gargantuan it actually increased un- partisan rift and help tize their own self-interest ness of others. Further- soldier. However, Gladwell employment. Smaller scale move America forward. 6 APRIL 16, 2019 Trinity’s Militant Movement Is Just Plain Mean SAMUEL TAISHOFF ’22 and ultimately cruel move- dorm at 4 am on Wednes- extreme, violent, or con- run free at Trinity simply STAFF WRITER ments that this school has day, Apr. 10th. The poster frontational methods.” shows that the administra- seen in a very long time. tion is too afraid to step in. I’m sure that anyone I believe this for a vari- I would like to commend reading this article is al- ety of reasons, but the most Dean Joe however, for his ready familiar with the pressing is their methods of “While it may be unclear as to who email which calls for the Churchill Club (a small attack. They hung posters the mastermind is behind this hate end of the bullying and dis- group of students who wish with pictures of students group, their members are easily iden- crimination against mem- to get together and study and adults who are mem- bers of the Churchill Club. Western civilization and bers of the club or insti- tifiable both on Instagram and on I personally hope that culture). However, many tute with a caption saying security footage around campus.” over the summer, everyone students are unaware of “The new face of racism is is able to just calm down the hate group that has just as ugly as the old.” To and realize there is no been founded in response attack people in such a di- harm that will come from to the club. This group rect and shameless matter featured a doctored email While there is no proof having the Churchill Club appears to have sprung is utterly detestable, but with words that were taken that the Militant Move- on our campus. They are up sometime during the they refuse to stop there. out of context from an ar- ment at Trinity is pursu- just a group of students week of Apr. 7th to the They have made several ticle by the Churchill Club. ing acts of violence, this who want to study a sub- 13th and refers to itself as other posters which include When I first saw it, I had to definition must be -some ject and be part of a larg- the Militant Movement. fake racist emails, attacks do several double takes and thing that we keep in mind. er group. Clubs at Trinity Their goal appears to be on western civilization, even had to ask some of my While it may be unclear are very rarely able to do to socially exile, attack, and and even a few posters that friends what it was about. as to who the mastermind something that influences bully members of the Chur- seem to be asking for some One of my friends di- is behind this hate group, the direction of the school. chill Club and the Chur- sort of call to arms for a pro- rected me to the Trinity their members are easily Furthermore, I can say chill Institute through ven- test against the club. Many Young Democrat’s Insta- omous posters and hurtful of these can be found simply gram page which included rumors. I’d like to make by searching the “militant a post with the Militant it very clear that I strong- movement” on Instagram. Movement hashtag in “They are just a group of students who which the 3 leaders of the want to study a subject and be part of a Young Democrats were fea- larger group. Clubs at Trinity are very tured. They had writing “They have made several other posters on their hands that read rarely able to do something that in- which include fake racist emails, attacks on “We are the majority” and fluences the direction of the school.” “Militant Student.” Their Western Civilization, and even a few post- language implies a resis- ers that seem to be asking for some sort of tance to any ideology that call to arms for a protest against the club.” differs from their own. identifiable both on Insta- with a rather sound mind, For anyone unaware, gram and on security foot- that there is no chance or too lazy to look it up, age around campus. While Joanne Berger-Sweeney a “Militant” is defined as I am not making any calls would let this campus be- ly condemn all forms of One of the first exam- “a person who is combat- to arms against them, I come anything less than hate. This is no exception. ples of the Militant Move- ive and aggressive in sup- strongly encourage Trinity the amazingly diverse I believe this movement ment that I saw was a port of a political or social to put a stop to this. To let and intellectual commu- is one of the most vicious poster hanging outside my cause, and typically favors a hate group of this caliber nity that currently exists.

GET HELP WITH • Résumés No appointment needed • Cover Letters LinkedIn Admissions Building Peter B’s • Ground Floor in the Funston Café • Handshake Monday - Friday Monday 1:00-5:00 PM 7:00-9:00 PM FEATURES GREENFEST Celebrates Sustainability at Trinity

The second annual GreenFest celebrated sustainability at Trinity out on the quad Sunday. Many thanks to the countless mem- bers of the community who planned this event! All photos courtesy of Sus- tainability Coordinator Rose Rodriguez. Tripod Reviews Spring Weekend, This Weekend Hallapalooza Heaven and Hell, Cleo “Impeded by a lack of ice cream.” “I got mono in the confessional.” **** *** AD Psi U “I stopped to get a beer on my way to the Hall.” “Was promised a major lazor, got a minor lazor.” *** ****

A Capella Formal PIKE “I lost my juul, my phone, and my dignity.” “Not what it used to be.” *** * 8 APRIL 16, 2019 Common Hour on Medical and Recreational Marijuana AMANDA SCOPELLITI ’20 undoubtedly bring in a taking the drug. However, contradictory to the ste- mean much in this day and age, Dr. Pearlson says FEATURES EDITOR large amount of revenue. Dr. Pearlson was happy to reotype that “stoners” This is important since report that research shows don’t do well in school. good dispensaries should On Tuesday, April 9, according to the Office of that marijuana use among In a study he conducted be able to tell customers 2019, Godfrey Pearlson, Fiscal Analysis, debt ser- high school students has involving students from about the effects that dif- PhD, MD from the Olin vice costs now account for remained steady, de- Trinity in addition to oth- ferent products produce. Neuropsychiatric Research 13% of Connecticut’s annu- spite several states le- er universities, he found Some are indeed relaxing, Center, part of Hartford’s al budget, which equates galizing marijuana for that cannabis does not while others make users Institute of Living, came to $2.9 billion in 2019. adult recreational use. have an effect on college feel energetic and social. to Trinity’s campus to Dr. Pearlson supports An additional concern grades and does not have Dr. Pearlson concluded talk about his research the legalization of both of Dr. Pearlson’s is the an effect on brain regions. his presentation on mar- on medical and recre- medical and recreational dangers of driving while Alcohol consumption, on ijuana by talking about ational marijuana. This marijuana but believes in under the influence of can- the other hand, was pos- how more research needs is somewhat of a hot top- the importance of rules and nabis. Just like alcohol, itively correlated with a to be done on the plant, ic in Connecticut since on regulations so that it isn’t marijuana alters a per- decrease in college grades. especially in relation to Mar. 25, the General Law marketed and sold to in- son’s consciousness, and An additional myth treating psychological dis- Committee voted to pass dividuals under the age of individuals are more likely that Dr. Pearlson busted orders such as Post-Trau- a bill that will regulate 21. Dr. Pearlson’s research to get into an accident if during his presentation matic Stress Disorder. the production and sale of reveals that consuming they’re driving while high. was the difference be- Unfortunately, this is ex- cannabis for recreational marijuana before the age Fortunately, a company re- tween Indica and Sativa tremely difficult because consumption in Connecti- of 21 can have a negative cently developed a breath- strains of cannabis. It is marijuana is still classified cut among adults 21 and impact on the vulnerable alyzer that tests for can- widely believed that Indi- as a Schedule I drug by the older. Marijuana has al- adolescent brain and in- nabis compounds and has ca strains produce relax- U.S. government, meaning ready been decriminalized crease the risk of psychosis the ability to determine ing effects while Savita’s that they have determined by the state, and it’s legal in individuals who have a if someone has recently make users feel alert and cannabis to be a drug that for medical use among pa- genetic predisposition. He ingested marijuana. This energized. However, the has no medical use and a tients with a valid Medical is concerned that just like new breathalyzer will like- research shows that the high potential for abuse. Marijuana Card. One huge tobacco and vape compa- ly be implemented by police different “strains” are just This makes it extremely benefit of marijuana legal- nies, marijuana will be officers in the near future. labels at this point since so difficult for researchers to ization in CT is that it’s a marketed to young people During the talk, Dr. many hybrids have been study cannabis, despite the multi-billion dollar, heavi- that could experience ad- Pearlson presented com- produced. Even though fact that its medical bene- ly-taxed industry that will verse effects as a result of pelling research that’s “Indica” and “Sativa” don’t fits are well-documented. Green Dot Program Aims to Improve Campus Culture tle, posting on Facebook, power and seeks to teach LEAH SWOPE ’22 or talking with friends them first and foremost. STAFF WRITER about intervention are all Groups can come to Following the recent ways to create Green Dots Green Dot and choose to implementation of the and spread the word about get overviewed in order Green Dot violence pre- the strategy. Eventually, to become a Green Dot vention strategy on cam- Green Dot hopes to create certified club/organiza- pus, Trinity held “Green a campus culture where tion. Green Dot has seen Dot Week” as an opportu- people strive to look out a strong response specifi- nity for students to learn for each other. As their slo- cally from Greek organiza- more about the program. gan states; “No one has to tions on campus who have Green Dot seeks to train do everything, but every- chosen to get their mem- students, faculty, and staff one has to do something.” bers overviewed. The over- in bystander intervention Laura Lockwood, the view is never mandatory, to help prevent instances Director of WGRAC and but as Green Dot has seen, of power-based personal the Green Dot Coordina- once one club or organiza- violence. A “Green Dot” tor, has seen the evolution tion gets certified, it places is classified as any act of of campus response to vio- a sort of positive pressure positive intervention that lence over her time spent on other organizations to would counter or displace at Trinity. In the 2000s, she become certified as well. LAURA LOCKWOOD a “Red Dot” (any negative notes, that there was train- The overview focuses on SAAC Membel'sMembers Sam Mc§tookel'McStocker '21’21 (Swim) andand! action or violence) with the ing around consent and avoiding finger pointing CharlesChru"1es BarsellalBlru"selllla ’21'21 (Football)(lFootlballli) at goal of reducing the like- sexual misconduct/harass- or assumptions and focus- GreenG!'een Dot Game Day lihood that someone will ment protection, but not es on positive things every be hurt. The ultimate goal an overall effort on campus student can do to make is to have a campus cli- to address these things. As a change. In response to mate that cancels out all bystander intervention be- concerns about whether red dots with green dots. came more of a researched students will take what LAURA LOCKWOOD To clarify, a Green Dot topic, it became clear that they learn in the overview is a choice to do some- bystander intervention seriously or not, Green thing, anything to make was one of the best ways to Dot members replied that it less likely that someone prevent sexual misconduct. if even a few people in the gets hurt or an action that WGRAC kicked off its by- organization buy in, then it shows the people around stander intervention pro- starts a sort of trickle-down you that you don’t tolerate gram and has since trained effect where people start violence and are doing your hundreds of student lead- to make Green Dots. The part to prevent it. This ers, in addition to requir- point is to start small and could be an intervention ing sophomore students to give everyone the tools to to prevent hate culture, participate in bystander make the right choice if sexual assault culture, intervention training. De- they are in a poor situation. poor campus culture, etc. spite all of this, leaders From there, Green Dot will Every person on campus still didn’t see enough of a grow and change campus can be involved in creat- culture change. Green Dot culture from the inside out. LAURA LOCKWOOD ing a Green Dot campus differs from the previously For more informa- whether they realize they implemented programs as tion or to inquire about ParticipantsPartici.]Plants in WallkWalk a MilleMile in Th.errTheir Shoes. are creating Green Dots or it understands that there getting your organiza- not. Placing a Green Dot are people on campus who tion certified, contact sticker on your water bot- have social capital and [email protected]. Arts & Entertainment Lil Yachty at Trinity: Spring Weekend Has Sprung Spring Weekend 2019 ter two exhausting days Friday night kicked off recorded timeline of the LIZ FOSTER ’22 offered a variety of expe- of events, the Tripod re- with Lil Yachty pulling up evening, starting at 5 A&E EDITOR riences for the average flects upon a well spent to the Koeppel Community p.m.. The log is as follows: music loving Bantam. Af- weekend in Hartford. Center. I kept a carefully

5:005t00 Lil Yachty has posted on Instagram asking for the best pizza place in Hartford. I have DM’d him to go to Frank Pepe’s, no response.

5:305t30 I’m thinking about Yachty, and Yachty’s pizza. I order Frank Pepe’s.

8:408t40 I think I’m late to doors but my Uber and the lack of crowd makes me think otherwise. I have found Hunter Savery ’20.

8:568t56 I am waiting for Lil Yachty to appear eagerly. The time must be approaching soon.

9:359t35 Yachty has been on stage for a hot minute, but someone had decided to fight him. The person is unidentifiable from my position, but he appears to be claiming to have more talent than Yachty.

9:409t40 Yachty has paused the show to recognize how beautiful an audience member is. He takes the girl on stage and I want to be upset at this taking away from the concert, but it’s a genuinely wholesome moment.

10:03 Some people appear to be doubting Yachty, he decides to finish the show. I deduce he most likely will not come back to Camp Trin ever again.

Lil Yachty’s perfor- out the show Yachty called ruckus just as DJ should. mance was subpar for a for a mosh pit which was Walshy’s set covered Major concert as a whole, but more or less successful. Lazer songs as well as his the set up and timeframe Sweaty students jumped own works, even stretch- he was provided must be on each other and shoved ing into the far reaches taken into account. With- around as Mr. Boat yelled of his comrades discogra- out a flashy stage produc- out the lyrics to “NBAY- phy: notably playing Jack tion, looked a bit OUNGBOAT,” “One U’s reggae flared “Jun- lackluster in the crowded, Night,” and “Broccoli,” gle Bae.” The speakers sweaty hockey rink. The among his other hits. boomed through the tent venue was not proper- Saturday night at Psi of Psi U as Walshy Fire ly equipped for a perfor- Upsilon kicked off with a amped up the crowd con- mance from a superstar DJ set from Poolhaus that tinuously. Several classic like Yachty. When Yachty ranged from bad to slight- “white people bangers” [a] was speaking through the ly above average. The duo snuck through the other- microphone I could bare- played mostly generic wise rap and EDM heavy A&E Editor Liz Foster ’22 and Opinion ly understand him and EDM without interacting setlist, with a-ha’s “take Editor Hunter Savery ’20 enjoying the Lil not for a lack of enuncia- much with the crowd or on me” and Oasis’ “Won- Yachty concert. tion--the speaker system working to build an at- derwall” garnering the was just plain inadequate. mosphere. At times, the most successful responses. Nonetheless, the produc- songs were good enough to The set matched the cali- tion of the various songs carry themselves, but not ber expected from the likes still got to shine as it enough to carry the nearly of a group as renowned as boomed through the rink. two hours of the set. When --and Walshy Lil Yachty’s set itself midnight rolled around, did it all by himself. was rife with enough of his Walshy Fire of Major Spring Weekend 2019 popular and more niche Lazer took the stage. sprung as a lively, music songs to appease fans Major Lazer’s singu- filled weekend. With- no of all sorts. In between lar member commanded table figures from multi- songs, faux gunshots and enough presence to make ple ends of the industry air horns rang out, keep- up for a lack of and on campus, Camp Trin ing the energy high but . He encouraged lived up to its nickname detracting from the music. the audience to jump, raise with equal amounts of At multiple times through- their hands, and cause a vigor and neon lights.

Instagram: @lilyachty 10 APRIL 16, 2019 Billie Eilish’s (Rightful) Number One Debut LIZ FOSTER ’22 inspired. Draped in bag- manding “you should see Similarly playful is the Go? is no perfect album. gy silhouettes, streetwear The Office sampling “my A&E EDITOR me in a crown” all reflect Some songs straddle the brands, and hundreds of the various tones of Eil- strange addiction.” She line of repetitive and Ei- When We All Fall thousands of jewelry, it’s ish’s music. She’s fun, but croons about her love in- lish’s vocal range is re- Asleep, Where Do We Go? no surprise that some of she’s serious. She’s young, terest before descending duced to her signature is the hotly anticipated Eilish’s favorite artists, but she’s an old soul. She’s into an equally angsty, whisper-singing style. full length from alterna- friends, and influenc- spooky, but scared herself. equally wise-beyond-her- Where the production is tive pop star Billie Eilish. es are rappers. Acts like The production on these years bridge that begs most minimal, the songs Ever since “Ocean Eyes” are close songs aids in forming the “Tell me nothing lasts, rely most on Billie’s shot her to the top of the associates of Eilish, and atmosphere of both When like I don’t know.” voice and lyrics to carry industry’s watch list, Bil- the infamous, deceased We All Fall Asleep, Where The album’s more the song when they’re lie has been making her XXXtentacion is rumored Do We Go and Billie Eil- way towards household to be the friend in refer- ish as a whole. name status through her ence on “bury a friend.” The album’s strongest Ballads:B!Jl.ll!Jl.ds: dark lyricism, edgy style, Billie has a foot in each moments are when Billie i love you and surprisingly recent corner of the music indus- plays to her best skills, listen before i go birth date. Eilish boasts try, with enough conflict and where the instru- when the party’s over over 3.9 billion streams and cohesion to create mentation shines bright- and 7.3 million records something that resembles est. “bad guy” serves as sold worldwide to date... an alternative pop star. the album’s formal in- troduction, showing us somber moments appear not always capable. Her that Billie herself is the sprinkled throughout its energy is significantly Bangers: bad guy in question with positive moments. The more compelling on her bad guy fun, albeit questionable ballad “listen before i sassier, “edgier” songs. my strange addiction at times, rhymes. The go” strips down to Bil- For a seventeen year all the good girls go to hell song’s pounding bassline lie’s vocals over minimal old’s debut album, WWA- transitions into a trappy keys. Her voice is clear FAWDWG is a gold stan- breakdown before con- and vulnerable as she re- dard for Billie to set. The tinuing onto the contem- counts a suicidal cry to a piece is cohesive and pol- and she’s seventeen years The album’s titular plative “xanny.” The song lover. “ilomilo” exposes ished with maturity that old. question, a line from the vibrates as the 17 year- Billie’s fear of separation. comes with years she Billie Eilish refuses to single “bury a friend,” old ponders why seeming- Her anxiety is tangible as has had to make up for. fit snugly into one genre. questions the sleep paral- ly everyone around her is the production builds to a With Billie positioned While she definitely leans ysis that has plighted Ei- hooked on a drug of some swell. She is despair. The for a career of success pop, her implementation lish throughout her life. sort. The chorus rattles album concludes in the by fans and industry of haunting noises like a The album is an explora- through the ears in head- shudder inducing “good- members alike, it comes literal dentist tool (that tion into the mind of a pop phones but is best fit for bye,” which filters soft with no surprise that screeching noise on “bury star who only just earned the enveloping environ- vocals through vocoder the album debuted at #1 a friend”) and spidery im- her driver’s license. We ment of a car. as Billie sings out nota- on Billboard’s Hot 100, agery, see the can peer through the “all the good girls ble lyrics from each of amassing over 300,000 for “you should see me in Louis Vuitton layers that go to hell” keeps the al- the album’s songs. As the combined streams and a crown” immediately re- separate Billie Eilish the bum’s tempo fun and up- bass and piano shroud to sales. Even in its dull- move her from that main- person from Billie Eilish beat with light keys and nothingness, she calls out est moments, When We stream cultural land- the human, the teenager. warped Catholic imagery. one last time what feels to All Fall Asleep, Where scape. Her production and The album’s singles, She calls out about her be the core of the album: Do We Go? is compelling unsmiling call to alterna- the haunting “bury a “lonely” Lucifer as she “I’m the bad guy.” and, just like Billie Eil- tive influences, but her friend,” the soulful “when whisper sings in the most When We All Fall ish herself, utterly un- style is entirely hip-hop the party’s over” and com- Billie Eilish way possible. Asleep, Where Do We avoidable.


Tuesday, April 23, 2019 12:15 -1:30 p.m. WGRAC Lounge (2nd Floor Mather)–Lunch Provided

For more information: [email protected]; [email protected] WGRAC (WGRAC (2nd Floor-Mather) Resources available at https://www.trincoll.edu/TitleIX. Online Resource for Male Survivors: https://supportgroup.1in6.org/ Sponsors for Sexual Assault Awareness Month Events : Women & Gender Resource Action Center, Career Development Center, Human Resources, Human Rights Studies Department, Office of Diversity Equity & Inclusion, Multicultural Affairs, SGA , SAIL, Dean of Faculty, Dean of Students, Athletics Department, Office of Health Education. SPORTS Rowing Advances to Grand Finals of Knecht Cup MATEO VAZQUEZ ’21 SPORTS EDITOR

On Friday afternoon the Trinity College men’s rowing team departed campus and made the four-hour drive to Cherry Hill, New Jersey to face off against some great crews from around the nation at the Knecht Cup. The lineup of crews that they had the chance to compete against provided them with a vast array of competition outside of their typical crews in the NESCAC and New En- gland area. Some of the crews that were in the running included: Mich- igan, Virginia, Delaware TRINITY COLLEGE ATHLETICS Lightweights, North Caro- Tri-captain'Jl.'ri·ca]llltruin PauliPaul Swetz '19’19 hammer.m.ghammering :i.tit home to the finish.fimsh. lina, Army and Ithaca. All these respectable crews ately, beautifully shifted the grand finals on Sunday. not have the chance to start of the season. After have very fast programs together, which prevented In their semi-final heat, race against for the rest the races I got the oppor- and would be great com- Delaware from getting a the Bantams had to face off of the season. The teams tunity to speak with the petition for the Bantams large lead. Yet, North Car- against Mercyhurst, Mich- that were in the grand other tri-captain and bow- throughout the weekend. olina was still in the com- igan, Temple, North Caro- final were Michigan, man Paul Swetz ’19. When At around 5:30, the team petition and responded to lina and the University of Delaware, Colgate, Mer- asked about the team in finally arrived at the the increase as well still Connecticut. Throughout cyhurst, Trinity and Vir- general and this boat he course in New Jersey and keeping the race neck and the semi-final the crews ginia. It was amazing to stated “This is a great step were eager to get on the neck. At one point in the were relatively neck and see the start of the race in the right direction…not water and have a prac- last 300 meters, it looked neck off of the start, howev- as it was quite clear that having been to the grand tice run on the actual race as if Trinity was going to er, by the 1000 meter mark, these crews in the final finals at the Knecht Cup course. After a quick rig of take third and then it hap- the teams started to filter were some of the finest since I’ve been here speaks the boats, they were soon pened. From the shore, out and it became clear crews in the nation. As volumes about this crew. off to a great practice on the crowd could hear Abby that the teams fighting for the official called “Atten- This is a young boat that the water getting a feel Hart ’19 call to the crew spots in the grand finals tion! Go!” the sound to has a lot of potential in for the course. Despite the “up two in two that’s it…” were Mercyhurst, Michi- oar locks snapping and the last few weeks of the weather conditions that All at once, you could gan, Trinity and Temple. blades digging into the season to make an impact. turned from an overcast see the crew responding This race once again came water filled the air, fol- But even more so moving to a rain the crews per- to the calls in the shift as down to the last 500 meters lowed by the roar of the forward in the next few sisted through and got the stroke and tri-captain of the race. Mercyhurst was coxswains urging their years they have the oppor- in many good reps on the Jack Reid ’19 surged the out in front and maintain crews forward. All of tunity to take that great course giving them a good crew forward, increased the lead but second and the crews were relative- step toward moving Trin- outlook of what was to be the rate and pressure with third place were still very ly consistent throughout ity back into one of the top expected for tomorrow. each stroke they took off! much undecided. In the last the race until the last 25 crews. This is a special On Saturday morning It was quite clear that 500 meters the crews start- 500 meters when the boat that I will always re- the crews had expected North Carolina was beat ed to make their moves pack started to separate. member.” The crew is in a to be met with a down- as they frantically tried Michigan lurched forward The University of Dela- great position for the rest pour, but instead the to respond to the Bantam and Trinity followed just ware and Colgate were of the competition within weather took a turn in advance. However, it was a seat behind still holding in their own race as they their division. Even more their favor and hit a high too late for North Carolina onto third place. Yet, right surged forward and were so they have demonstrat- of 85 degrees, a perfect because the Bantams were next to them was Temple battling it out for first far ed to others that Trini- day to race. The 1V had gone as they kept push- trying to steal third to ad- from the rest. Then, they ty Rowing is a program their first race at 10:30 ing and pushing to the vance to the grand finals. were followed by Mercy- amongst the top crews, that morning against the line making a last effort However, the Bantams hurst and the University and that the program can Delaware lightweights, to catch Delaware. They kept their composure and of Michigan (who was compete with the larger North Carolina, and Vir- finished the first heat in stuck to the good dynam- favored to win). Not far competition. After the re- ginia. The crew from the second place with a time of ics of rowing that contrib- behind them was Trini- sults of the Knecht Cup start was consistent and 5.56.12. Just a mere 3.57 uted to their win earlier ty making a valiant ef- the crew is in a good po- striking the competition seconds behind the Del- in the day. The crew was fort to get into the fight sition for a very successful down as one unit. With- aware lightweights. The able to respond as a unit for the finish. While end of the season as they in the first few seconds of Bantams were able to se- and surge the boat ahead of the race for first and prepare these last few the race they had jumped cure a spot in the semi-fi- Temple by a second secur- second was over third weeks for their tough com- out ahead of Virginia and nals, where if they did well ing third place and a spot place was separated by petition at New England’s were neck and neck with would secure them a spot in the grand finals. This a few seconds apiece be- and NIRC. As the sec- Delaware and North Car- in the grand finals. While is a huge accomplishment tween the three crews. ond varsity four seat Ry olina. They continued the sun beat down on the for the crew alone since the In the grand finals, first Wenk ’22 stated “success this trend all the way un- rest of the competition, the Bantams haven’t advanced place went to the Uni- is only attainable if the til the 1200-meter mark Bantams retreated to the to a grand final round at versity of Delaware and entire team buys into the in which Delaware made bus with their bus driver, the Knecht Cup since 2013. second to Colgate and effort.” This past week- their move and started Carlos, as they hunkered Sunday afternoon was third to Michigan fol- end demonstrated exactly to advance away from the down and rested up for the the day that the Bantams lowed by Mercyhurst, those efforts in everyone rest slowly moving a seat semi-finals later in the day. had been preparing for all Trinity, and Virginia. on the team and is some- up and up. However, Trin- That Saturday after- weekend. It was the moment If the Bantams take thing that will continue to ity coxswain and tri-cap- noon, as the heat was be- to finally put their training anything away from be a driving factor for this tain Abby Hart ’19 called ginning to swelter, the to the test and see how they this weekend, it should team moving forward. We for a shift in the rate. The crew once again took to the stacked up against some be that they have made wish them the best of luck crew responded immedi- water to secure a spot to fast crews that they would major strides since the in their upcoming races. Inside Sports: Trinity College Men’s Rowing

This Week in Sports... Men’s Lacrosse Softball v. Wesleyan 1,L, 21-6 v. Amherst W, 10-2H)-2 v. Middleburty 1,L, 22-6 v. Amherst W, 7-07-0

Women’s Lacrosse Men’s Tennis v. Wesleyan 1,L, 14-6141-6 v. Colby 1,L, 7-2 v. Middlebury 1.14L, 14-8-8 v. Conn. College 1,L, 5-45-41

Baseball Women’s Tennis v. Colby W, 414-2-2 . Colby 1,L, 6-36-3 v. Colby w,W, 9-89!-8 v. Conn. College W, 7-27-2 Trinity Men’s Golf Captures First Win of Spring round, trailing two shots JOE LADD ’19 to Francesco Molinari. SPORTS EDITOR On Sunday, the Ban- While many of us were tams got an early start glued to the T.V. this past to the day and played Sunday as Tiger Woods steady golf throughout surged on the back nine the round. It was only of Augusta National Golf fitting that Tiger’s final Club en route to his fifth round tee time at the green jacket and fifteenth Masters coincided di- major title, the Trinity rectly with the starting College men’s golf team times of the Bantams. were busy capturing a ti- Many players juggled tle of their own. The Ban- the intensity of the tour- tams traveled to Ballston nament with the histo- Spa, New York to compete ry that was being made in the Dr. Tim Brown In- at the Masters, but the vitational hosted by Skid- Bantams remained fo- more College this past cused on their goal. Nick weekend and proved to Branchina ’19 came out the northeast that Trin- firing–posting a 5-under ity remains as one of the front nine score of 30. VICKY JUNGE top competitors in divi- Sophomore Ricky Leme sion three college golf. finished first with a score Trinity Men'sMen’s GolfGollf cefo1bratecelebrate theirtheu victocyvictory at Skidmore.§llci.dmore. The Bantams started the of 73, indicating positive tournament well, with outcomes from the Ban- were tied. Taylor Kay- to be decided with the low- aware of Tiger’s historic tri-captain Will Rosenfield tams. On the conclud- Green missed the green on est score of the fifth play- victory at Augusta and ’19 posting a 4-under par ing hole of Branchina’s his approach shot but man- er, whose score would’ve the energy was palpable. 67 to take the individual round, roars could be aged to get up and down been initially dropped in The second tournament of lead. Tri-captain Taylor heard from the Ballston on a brilliant chip shot regulation scoring. Senior the spring season is next Kay-Green ’19 helped the Spa Country Club club- from just left of the green, tri-captain Jack Junge’s week at Williams College, Bantams with an even par house. Unfortunately, which secured the stale- score of 73 was good followed by the NESCAC round of 71, as well. Head- these weren’t for the mate against the Panthers. enough to edge Middle- Championships at Mid- ing into the final round Bantams, but Branchina Rosenfield’s group was last bury, giving the Bantams a dlebury. The Bantams aim on Sunday, the Bantams hoisted that energy and to finish and the senior first-place finish. It wasn’t to defend their conference trailed Middlebury Col- finished with a 67. The tri-captain took advantage over yet, however. For title and make a nation- lege by three shots as they drama for the Bantams of a Middlebury bogey by the individual title, Ros- al showing at the NCAA posted a score of 290. 949 started to unfold once securing a clutch par on enfield beat Middlebury’s DIII Championships. miles away, in Augus- the last groups walked the eighteenth. With both number one player in a Some Sundays are better ta, , Tiger Woods up the eighteenth hole, teams in the clubhouse, the sudden-death playoff with than others, and last Sun- faced a similar deficit however. At this point, results ended in a tie. This a dramatic birdie. By this day was no exception for heading into his final Trinity and Middlebury meant that the playoff was point, everyone was well the Bantam golf program.

Coming Up for Bantam Sports: Tues. Thurs. Sat. Baseball v. Brandeis Women Tennis v. Bates Baseball v. Hamilton Men Tennis v. Bates Men Lacrosse v. Colby Men’s Golf @ Williams