The -Established 1904- rinity ripod T T Volume CXIV “Scribere Aude!” Tuesday, April 16, 2019 Number X SGA SGA Advised by What is Green Dot? Elections SHAWN OLSTEIN ’22 Administration to STAFF WRITER page Delay Churchill Vote SGA executive ment Association heard KIP LYCNH ’22 board elections updates from the Stu- were won mostly STAFF WRITER dent Life and Food Com- uncontested. The Student Govern- mittees. The Student 4 ment Association con- Life Committee reported vened on Sunday, Apr. its progress in receiving 14 in order to discuss an feedback on its initiatives Amnesty Internation- from the Women & Gen- Green Fest: al resolution, constitu- der Resource Action Cen- tional amendments, and ter (WGRAC). The Food Committee described its the Churchill Club. The SHAY HOPLEY Sustainability SGA also heard commit- plans to meet with Dan tee updates and a pre- Hitchell, the Vice Pres- ParticipatorsPmild.]Platon1 ft-omfrom the event: WallkWalk a Mile min Their Shoes. TRINSTAGRAM sentation by ConnPIRG. ident of Finance and The Trinity College Chief Financial Officer, in order to discuss the page The second an- chapter of ConnPIRG, an future of different meal nual GreenFest organization that focuses plans at Trinity College. happened outside on consumer and environ- The problems encoun- on the quad to ment protection, present- tered during the approval celebrate sustain- ed a resolution on textbook process of the Churchill ability initiatives. transparency. Noting the 7 oligopolistic market and Club have prompted the high prices of textbooks, SGA to discuss possible ConnPIRG advocated for amendments to the consti- Lil Yachty the increased use of text- tution of the student gov- books that are published ernment. The student gov- under an open copyright ernment debated the future Concert licence, allowing for easier of the positions of Secretary and Parliamentarian, and LIZ FOSTER’22 accessibility by lowering discussed amendments A&E EDITOR costs for students. With that, ConnPIRG is looking to the Articles pertaining to the Executive Board. The Tripod breaks for a vote of support from page down the exciting the student government JEN BOWMAN Lil Yachty concert for a textbook transpar- ency program that would The'l'h.e 'I'.iti.mtyTrinity lbaselballll.baseball team wearswea:rs greengireen in honol'honor of Green of Spring Week- Dot Week. end. list classes with open or low-cost textbooks. see SGA on page 4 Full story by Leah Swope ’22'22 on page 8. 9 The Student Govern- Men’s Crew Prof. Smith: Trinity’s Descent into Illiberal Education From the ridiculous to have thrown all manner of philosophical premises is without much in the way the reprehensible, the last counter-factual accusations nothing but hate speech. of moderating voices so far. Knecht Cup month has publicly demon- in the name of venting frus- It will predictably eventu- Some have even taken MATEO VAZQUEZ ’21 strated the descent of what trations that have little or ate in the unintended con- public documents and prior SPORTS EDITOR passes for intellectual life at no bearing to the Chur- sequence of the little boy communications, doctored Trinity into totally illiber- chill Club whatsoever oth- who cried wolf. The term them to say the opposite Rowing advances al, increasingly monolithic, er than that its members becomes meaningless when of what they initially said, page to the finals during tyranny. It has culminated wish to question what they it is a blanket curse hurled and made additions that are the Knecht Cup, in hate-filled threatening see as reigning, obviously at everyone with whom clearly intended to enflame wrapping up a acts that are only one step unchallenged curricular there is a philosophical passions. This behavior is not successful season. from the actual violence we assumptions on campus. difference of opinion. All only morally and intellectual- have witnessed at Berke- For this audacity these of this in turn has brought ly reprehensible, but since it 11 ley, Evergreen State and students have been sub- out actually threatening is done in written form, with Also in this week’s issue.... Middlebury—unfortu- jected to one-sided inqui- communications, some, clear intent, and then dis- nately to name but a few. sitions. Flyers with their in an as yet unexplained seminated, is literally libel. ToWltllTown Hallslfllalls AddressAdldiress Clbnwrclillll,Churchill, The recent attacks are pictures have been circu- fashion, having made their And all of this has been in the ]Pmge4page 4 ugly, and can be quickly lated on campus with the way into student mailbox- service of attempting to in- summarized. A group of heading “The new racism es. This has escalated to timidate a group of students O]PiruiOlDl: Trimty C!ll.llllll]PW! Opinion: Trinity Campus students have wanted to is as ugly as the old.” And the point where students who want nothing more than Climate, page 5-6 Climate, page 5-6 study things they think are the all too easy hurling of rightly feel threatened to host events, read books and under-represented in the the phrase “white suprem- and not just mentally but bring speakers to campus. SpringS]Pring WeellrelDldWeekend Reviews, curriculum. They have been acist” at people who merely physically as well. Pas- pmge7page 7 attacked by others who disagree on fundamental sions have been enflamed see LETTER on page 2 Published weekly at Trinity College, Hartford, CT TRINITYTRIPOD.COM 2 APRIL 16, 2019 The Letter to the Editor Trinity Tripod continued from page 1 their voices now that free views under alleged hu- speech, and simple safety, mor, we have the also Established in 1904 These attacks rep- are at issue once again? libelous “Liepod” piece “Scribere Aude!” resent an escalation of But even the ridicu- that joins the fray and, what has gone on for at lous elements of what we without of course any Editor-in-Chief least three years and have seen lately paint a evidence, accuses the GILLIAN M. REINHARD ’20 drawn the total silence of clear picture. Our An- Churchill Club of being the Administration. Fly- thropology Department a Nazi group. Really, the Managing Editor ers for a previous collo- has proudly announced name of Churchill is now BRENDAN W. CLARK ’21 quium were taken down that their discipline has associated with support- within minutes of being finally cracked the code ing Nazism. I know it is posted. A $400 banner on racism, and presum- probably too esoteric to NEWS EDITORS FEATURES EDITORS announcing a Churchill ably on the nature of the refer to anything as at- AMANDA HAUSMANN ’21 BHAVNA MAMNANI ’22 get together at home- human good more gener- avistic as facts, or the KAT NAMON ’22 AMANDA SCOPELLITI ’20 coming was vandalized ally, and any other opin- ancient history of 80-90 with the spray painting ion can now be rejected years ago, but the actu- Opinion Editors SPORTS EDITORS of “fascists.” A bulletin as false. Unfortunately al Churchill led the fight ALEX DAHLEM ’20 JOSEPH LADD ’19 board that announced these assertions are only of Western Civilization HUNTER SAVERY ’20 MATEO VAZQUEZ ’21 nothing more inflamma- supported by a thin gru- against one of the great- tory than internships and el of selective arguments est evils of all time. And it STAFF WRITERS A&E EDITOR graduate programs in drawn from Marxist and was one of the West’s fin- CAMERON CHOTTINER ’20 LIZ FOSTER ’22 political philosophy was Postmodernist sources. est moments in which it ELEANNA DAVOS ’20 defaced with hateful and Their assertions of fi- shed enormous amounts LIZ FOSTER ’22 SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER threatening speech. The nally having grasped the of blood and treasure to ERIN GANNON ’19 MADISON VAUGHN ’21 list could be expanded. whole truth are indica- defend principles that KIP LYNCH ’22 The silence about these tive of the larger prob- are now cavalierly dis- DAVID MAROTTOLO ’22 BUSINESS MANAGER events led to the present lem with the current in- missed as uniformly evil. CAREY MAUL ’21 EMILIO KARAKEY ’22 hateful escalation. The tellectual environment These trivial, and so eas- CAT MACLENNAN ’20 refusal of thoughtful in- at Trinity. These and re- ily repeated catechisms, DANIEL NESBITT ’22 dividuals on campus to lated kinds of views are speak to nothing so much JAY PARK ’22 step up and denounce part of the majority opin- as a limited education. SAMUEL TAISHOFF ’22 the present intimidating ion that now informs our AIDAN TUREK ’20 activity will lead to fur- curriculum. Alternate ther escalation. One can views are increasingly only hope that a faculty screened from the discus- The Trinity Tripod has been published by the students of Trinity Col- whose members rose up sion and then attacked lege since 1904. Its staff members are committed to the reporting in response to a recent when they sneak through 'l'heThe ll."estrest of the and distribution of news and ideas that are relevant to the College event on campus that has into the public view. articlearlfofo lbiyby lPll'ofessoll'Professor community. The Tripod is published weekly on Tuesdays during the been damaging to fund- Going further down GregoryGll."egoll'y Smith§m:i.th can lbiebe academic year. Student subscription is included in the Student Ac- raising will respond sim- the path of the ridicu- fo1um«:llfound on the Tripod'Jl'ripod tivities Fee (SAF). For non-students looking to subscribe, a one-se- ilarly to this affront to lous, despite the attempt welbis:i.teowebsite. mester subscription costs $10.00 and a one-year subscription costs free speech. Will we hear to disguise venomous $20.00. Please address all correspondence to: 300 Summit St. Box 702582 Hartford, CT 06106-3100 Phone: (860) 297-2584 Letter to the Editor In light of recent nity who are hurting in remember the atrocities Tripod Opinions expressed in editorials represent the views of the events, namely the dis- the face of intolerance that people of all faiths Tripod editorial board.
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