N° 7, Hiver 1998

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N° 7, Hiver 1998 rìE\/UE I,{o 7 INTERNANOMU DU LINCEUL DETURIN I I'ostension de Turin The exþosition of Turin r I'occultøtion du 21 øuril 1902 à l'Acødémie dløs scíences The 1902 concefilment r Ie Suøíre de Cnhors ou lø r Sainte-Coiffe t The Cnhors Shroud or the üoly Heøddrs$$) Hiver 1998 The exposition of Turin n the occasion ofthe hundredth anniuersary ofthe Shroud.'s first photograph tahen by Second,o Pia, a public exþosition of the Holy Shroud is to be held in Turin from the 18th of Aþril to the 14th of June 0 next. The CIELT høs been requesting such an exþosition since 1990. The last puhlic exposition of the Shroud goes bach tzøenty years: from the 27th of August to the |th of October 1978, when ouer three million pilgrims contemþlated the relic exposed øbove the high altar of Turin cathedral, The Shroud will this time be exposed inside the new steel and reinforced glass structure zohich is to house it from nozø on following the April 1997 fire. This case will be placed uertically on a side altar of the cathedral, Everyone, either in a grouþ or indiuidually, will be admitted to see the Shroud, on the sole condition that a visit time has been reserued beforehand, by telephone or through the Internet. Contemþlating the relic will doubtless be a profoundly moaing ønd. unforgettable exþerience for the pilgrims. There is no þlan to use this exþosition as an oþþortunity for further scientific studies of the Shroud. The Archbishop's palace in Turin has recently indicated that no such research is scheduled before the year 2000. The CIELT is organising a triþ to Turin for this exþosition on the |th, 9th and 10th of May 1998. Particiþants uill be able to discover, in the company of sþeciølists, the Holy Shroud tnuseum and the various other exhibitions organised. around the Shroud, Don't leaue it too løte to þut your name down! As a prelude to the exþosition, the CIELT is also orgønising ø big public rneeting on the 30th of March øt the palais de la Mutualité in Paris. The aim is to raise þuhlic øwareness of the Shroud. ønd to bring attention to hou it bears uitness to Christ's Passion. 1998 is set to be a very þublic year for the Holy Shroud. The coming sþring exþosition will demonstrate the ueneration in which the Church still h¡¡lds it, thus helþing to d.issipate the effect produced by the results of the 1988 carbon 14 dating exþeriment, which is still presenl in þeoþle's minds. Let us hoþe then that the Turin exþosition attracts enough attention to enable the wider public to discouer, or rediscover, the Shroud, and majs it be the occasionfor a comþlete and honest report ofthe facts concerning the relic, I Sommaure Editorial Arrnand Le Conte P. 1 Iioccultøtion ùt. 21 aaril 1902 à lAcadémie des Sciences Andrd uøn Cauwenberghe P. 2 The 1902 concealmenr Le Suøire de Cabors ou la n Sainte-Coiffe Robert et Natbalie Babinet p. 21 The Cahors Shroud or the .Holy Headdiéss," Les chapeaux des amicles sont de la rédactionlThe ìnnodnaory þaragraþhs are the editor's. / Uostension ditorial de T[rin u 18 auril au 14 juin þrochain, à I'occasion du centième anniversaire de la première þhotographie d,u Linceul réølisée par Secondo Pia, se déroulera à Turin I'ostension publique d,u Saint Suaire D que le Cielt apait réclamée dès 1990. La d.ernière ostension þublique du Linceul remonte à vingt øns : du 27 août au I octobre 1978, plus de trois millions d,e pèlerins auaient contemþlé la relique exþosée au-dessus d.e I'autel majeur cle la cathéd.rale de Turin. Le Suøire sera erþosé d.ans la nouvelle structure d'acier et de zterre blindé qui I'abritera désormais à la suite de I'incendie d'aztril 1997. Ce coffre sera þosé à la aerticale sur un autel løtéral de la cathédrale. Tous, aussi bien en grouþe qu'indiuiduellement, seront admis à voir le Linceul, à la seule condition d.'avoi,r þréalablement réserué un horaire de venue þør téléphone ou uia Internet, Nul d,oute que les pèlerins ztivent à la contemþlation de la relique un moment profondément émouuant et nxarqua.nt, Il n'est þas þrévu que cet éuénement soit I'occasion de nouueaux e&anxens scientifiques d.u Linceul. D'aþrès les dernières indications d.onnées þar I'archeuêché de Turin, de telles recherclt.es n'interuiendraient þas avant I'an 2000. A I'occasion de I'ostension, le Cielt organise un uoyage à Turin les 8, 9 et 10 mai 1998. Celui-ci þermettra aux þarticiþants de découurir en comþagnie de sþéciølistes le musée du Saint Suaire et dilférentes exþositions orgøaisties a,utour du Linceul. Ne tardez pas à vous g inscrire. En prélude à I'ostension, le Cielt orgønise également le 30 mars 1998 une grønde niunion publique au þalais de la Mutuølité à Paris. Cette manifestation øura þour but de sensibiliser le þublic sur le Linceul et mettra en tíuidence son cøractère de témoin de la Passion du Christ. 1998 sera pour le Saint Suøire I'année du grand public. L'ostension du þrintemþs prochain va rnanifester lø uénérati.on que I'Eglise continue à lui þorter. Elle þeut ainsi contribuer à effacer I'effet toujours actuel produit sur les esþrits þar les résultats de I'expérimentation au carbone 14 de 1988. Souhaitons donc que, þør le retentissernent qui løi sera donné, I'ostension de Turin þermette au þlus grønd nombre de découurir ou de redécouvrir le Línceul, et soit I'occasion d'une informøtion complète et honnête sur la relique. t Armand Le Conte - Etude. Tbe 1902 conceølrment Disinformation lcas long dogged the photographs of the Holy Shroud of Turin ta- tlce Sbroud, André aan ken by Secondo Pia on the occasion ofthe 1898 exposition of the Relic. Caaruenbergbe describes botu tbe Born in 1865 of a wealthy family from Lyon, þaþer presented by Professor Paul Vignon pursued his studies for a career in science, but his passion was mountain Deløge to tlte Academy of Sciences $reat climbing.' In 1895, having overexerted himseH on April2l, 1902, concerning in his studies and his sport, Vignon suffered a studies conducted uitb Paal nervous breakdown and spent a yearr convales- cing in Switzerland. There he took up painting, Vignon in øn atturnþt to explain in which he excelled rapidly, even to having a ltoou tbe irnage ouas irnþrinted on show in a Paris salon. It was in 1897, after he had regained his health, that Paul Vignon met tbe Sbroud, ouøs distorted in tbe Yves Dela¡¡e, a distinguished scientist not only "cornptes rendas de I'Acadérnie des professer at the Sorbonne, but director'of the sciences". Back in 1902, tlce relic Museum of Natural History and, since 1882, a member of the Academy of Sciences. Soon af- already aroused controoersy, just ter their meeting, Vignon collaborated with De- as it still does today, lage in the direction of Année Biologique, a jour- nal founded by Dela¿¡e in 1895, then later beca- f have here before me, since an hour a¡lo, me his assistant at the Sorbonne, sometimes two photo¡lraphic images, exhibited at substituting for him in his teaching. (.. I I the Academy of Sciences by Monsieur There was already talk about the photo- I Yves Delage, Professor of Zoology atthe graphs of Secondo Pia; but also of the historical Sorbonne, By tomorrow, their story will have objections to the Shroud made by the very emi- gone around the world, for they are the most nent Canon Cyr Ulysse Chevalief. John Walsh mysterious, the most improbable, the most im- writes that Delage saw more in the photographs pressive pictures that one could possibly imagi- than could be explained by the letter of Bishop ne, FIow can I tell, how can I express to others d'Arcis. [t was Delage who, in 1900, first sho- the emotion they arouse in me?" wed Vignon Pia's photographs. Vignon lost no This was the preamble to Florace Blanchon's time. That same year, he visited Secondo Pia, article in Le Fìgaro of 23 April 1902, the article who gave him copies on glass plates. It was in that launched Prof, Yves Delage into the news the guise of a connoisseur that Vignon evaluated 48 hours after he presented a paper to the Aca- these negative ima¡ies, for since he was an artist demy of Sciences. During the solemn meetinpi of as well as a biologist he knew that an imagie pro- Monday, 2I April 1902, Delage set forth, with duced directly in negative in the 14"'century was complete scientific objectivity, the results of the inconceivable, consequently the very notion of a work that Paul Vignon had obtained, based on 14'r' century forger was absurd, 2 I R"uu" lnternotionole ...du Linceul Uoccultation du 21 a,aril 1902 à fAcadérmie des sciences La dés information accornpagne vaux que son ami Paul Vignon avait réalisés à depuis longtemps le Linceal. partir des photographies du Saint Suaire de Turin, prises quatre ans plus tôt par Secondo André aan Cauutenbergbe expose Pia, à I'occasion de I'ostension de la Relique à comment la commanication faite Turin même. le 21 aoril 1902 le professeur þar La rnotiaation Delage à I'Acødérrzie des sciences à des sauants propos de traaaax réalisés aaec saiFqrH$44* PaulVignon pour tenter Né en 1865, d'une riche famille bourgeoise ù exþliquer I' irnpres sion de I' irnøge lyonnaise, Paul Vignon, n'ayant pas de soucis pratiqua la montagne jusqu'en sur le Linceal, dénatarée dans financiers, fut 1895, époque à laquelle une dépression phy- les "Cornptes Rendus de sique et nerveuse I'obligea à s'abstenir'de ce I'Académie des sciences".
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