Public Health Reports Vol.44 October 4,1929 No
PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS VOL.44 OCTOBER 4,1929 NO. 40 A STUDY OF RURAL SCHOOL VENTILATION THE SCHOOL VENTILATION STUDY IN CATTARAUGUS COUNTY, N. Y., 1926-27 Prepared by THOMAS J. DUFFIELD, Execuive Secretary and Director of Field Studies, New York Commnission on Ventilation 1 I. Introduction, The school ventilation study in Cattaraugus County, N. Y., is one of the three field studies undertaken by the New York Commission on Ventilation following its reorganization in 1926. In this study, as in that conducted in Syracuse, which has been reported elsewhere (1) (2) (3), the commission has been fortunate in collaborating with an enlightened public-health organization engaged in a "health demonstration." Both of these "demonstrations," testing the thesis Yf the late Dr. Hermann Biggs that public health is purchaseable, have received financial assistance from the Milbank Memorial Fund. This fund is also supportmg the current investigations of the com- mission, as it supported those of its predecessor, the New York State Commission on Ventilation. To the trustees of the Milbank Memorial Fund, to the officials of the Cattaraugus County Health Demonstration, to the superintend- ents of the rural school supervisory districts, and to the trustees of the various school districts, the commission expresses its appreciation for the opportunity of conducting this study. II. Object of the Study The primary object of the study was to determine just what were the air conditions in one and-two room rural sch-ools, with-the sec- ondary purpose of learning, if possible, how these air conditions affected the health of the pupils. Although the State department of education reports that it is unable to supply information concerning the number of one and two room rural schools and the number of pupils attending such schools either in Cattaraugus County or in the State as a whole, there is evidence that suggests that there are still more than 8,000 schools of this type in the State, with an average registration of more than 150,000 pupils.
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