Europska unija Zajedno do fondova EU ROMA INCLUSION IN THE CROATIAN SOCIETY identity, social distance and the experience of discrimination Nikola Rašić - Danijela Lucić - Branka Galić - Nenad Karajić Publisher: Office for Human Rights and the Rights of National Minorities of the Government of the Republic of Croatia For the publisher: Alen Tahiri, M.A.Pol Sci Year of publication: 2020 Original title: Uključivanje Roma u hrvatsko društvo: identitet, socijalna distanca i iskustvo diskriminacije Authors: Nikola Rašić, Danijela Lucić, Branka Galić, Nenad Karajić Reviewers: Helena Popović and Krunoslav Nikodem Translation: Sinonim d.o.o. Graphic design, editing and printing: Kerschoffset d.o.o. Circulation: 50 copies Cataloguing-in-Publication data available in the Online Catalogue of the National and University Library in Zagreb under CIP record 001083072. ISBN: 978-953-7870-26-3 Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda. Sadržaj publikacije isključiva je odgovornost Ureda za ljudska prava i prava nacionalnih manjina Vlade Republike Hrvatske. Za više informacija: Ured za ljudska prava i prava nacionalnih manjina Vlade Republike Hrvatske Mesnička 23, 10 000 Zagreb, + 385 (1) 4569 358,
[email protected] Više informacija o EU fondovima dostupno je na ROMA INCLUSION IN THE CROATIAN SOCIETY identity, social distance and the experience of discrimination Nikola Rašić - Danijela Lucić - Branka Galić - Nenad Karajić Zagreb, 2020 DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the institutions in which the authors are employed nor the views of the Office for Human Rights and the Rights of National Minorities of the Government of the Republic of Croatia.