Elias Howe. Elias Howe
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Postmaster General Creswell went saw what I did see, it was the saddest and then entered the fire room, while Germany. I 187 1. THE ITOBLD. 1871 " A Thing of Beauty. down to Long Branch to obtain the sig moment that I remember. And when I The clerical agitation throughout nature of the President to the treaty for from the rear of the Txriler and went to Prussia over the questions now pending The vcar 1871 bids fair to be one of the most looked into the mild blue eyes of that see cause. He gone riglits of Papal See important and fruitful in our political history. the interchange of money orders between the had but about relative to the the In it will be shaped the grt issues on which Great poor woman, and studied carefully that half way the length of the boiler, when continues. The question of the succes- the Presidential election of 18H2 must turn. It Riot in New York. SATURDAY, AUGUST, 5, 1871. McBllIDE Sc CO. the United States and United Kingdom pale and sorrow-lade-n face, could ne steam so aense sion to Papal chair, which is now will be an era of new political energy in the SMITH'S I but iound the that he could the which, for the first time in twelve years, of Great Britain ; also a postal convention feel that no amount of testimony, no ar- go no further. He turned to come back, being discussed in Rome, and in which comes unlettered iutos national canvass; and an Twenty-thre- e rattlesnakes already re--1 between the United States and thaAxgen- - up when he was struck in the lace by a fly- the college of Cardinals have taken ac era oi connoent Dopes to tne uemoerauc party ray of evidence that might be piled ing splinter and knocked down. He made tion, also excites considerable interest. everywhere. The superannuated issues on ported from Wisconsin, with seven tive Confederation. Of course it is against her, could ever convince me that wmcn tne Kamc&i party nave stood are pass- counties to hear from. his way to the deck as fast ss possible. The Prussian government has announced ing ont of Dolitics. and tlie blunderiue imbecili right that public officers should have she was the bad, bold woman that - the This hissing noise which he heard must its determination to prevent the attempt ty and profligate extravagances of General their proper recreations and relaxations press has stated that she is. Mrs. Fair have been the starting of the plate patch- of the Italian Cardinals to nominate a tyrant s administration need onlv to oe laithtui-l- y PHOTOGRAPHS, An exchange gives an account of a ing on the boiler and the first premon- successor. is stated that Cardinal exposed to turn the tide of public feeline from the labor of their offices. But after may not have been a saint, but she can It trontrlv atrainst it. In this, the oreat work of ISO Killed and monkey having picked a man's pocket of ition of the impending disaster. A cur- Pietie will probably be the nominee of the comimr vear. The Woblh will act no sec McBride & Co's Wounded; also all is'nt the present way becoming a not have been a demon. I think that the sory as rest- ondary part, its location in the great focus of something over a hundred dollars. Simp examination of the boiler, it the College of Cardinals. national commerce and intelligence, the fresh- MESSAGE little monotonous? Human nature is treatment of woman is an outrage ed the bottom of the revealed a ne Areh-liisn- op nas pro- ly anotuer note for this in boat, the oi n.rmeiana ness and abundance of its news, and its recog- Darwin, that's all. very much alike whether it is republican and a disgrace to city San Fran- 1 act that tne explosion occurred at the nounced the sentence of major excom- nized position as tlie leading organ of the Dem- From Retouched Negatives. To the Drug Doseing, Medicine Mixing, the of ocratic party, lay upon it a mission and apostle-- UKUCCKX uoiMU, louet f ixing, sweet ' rear, and that a piece about four feet long munication against Dr. Wallinan, and It is rumored Pope or democratic and the temptation to per cisco.". '.'-.-- - t - aiiip nmui il Ytiii uisuuHige w im unmui'iiuig Smelling, Candy Eating, Toy Giving, Fun that the is about tn sonal aggrandizement to patronage of and two feet wide was torn out of the directs tnat it be read irom an tne piu- boldness, vigor, fidelity, and zeal. It will be in Loving, Lamp Burning, Can Preserving Great Excitement In PaJuesville, There! not a good specimen of Arch-Episcop- Money Citizens county : withdraw from Borne and establish him- Is that Jacket and thrown a distance of about pits in the al diocese. constant counsel and communion with the tried and Saving of Lake office and to devote too much time to mere Mrs. Stanton's The woman one on a few places Alsace and leaders and sagacious statesmen of the party in self in some new locality. At, best this judgment. hundred feet to the dock at the In onlv in all the StHtes of the I'ninn. vnli!illv personal pleasure the expense of pub cold-blood- por municipal elections at was convicted of a ed and re barge office. Another and a larger Lorraine'have tbe ting with them, and they with it, in nuilding up 'A Joy Forever.' uouduuI. Such a course - would be nui. as hard to be resisted by tion ot the holier was forward on been declared void in consequence of ab me party m oraer ana unitv healing difler- lic duties, is just vengeful murder of a man because he thrown ances, en- cidal and as long as ; 5 par- infusing confidence, inviting and the guaranties of the to the bow of the boat. stention from voting, lhe rrericli leading on one as the other. What would the early would not desert Ms wife aud live in Lib- couraginir new nroselvtes. and the AT THE Italian government are kept there is l'iti No theory is offered by the officers of ty was successful at Metz, and the party as a ooia and unbroken pnaianx to Presidents or the country at large have adultery with this shameless harlot. The tne company lor the disaster. erals and Moderates elected their tickets the great triumph which awaits it in 1S72. THOSE ELEGANT ENAMELED " ' " Xlie share allotted to com- in aiouht ot Httle killing was having T he engineer or the- Westfield - says in the other towns. Thk Wold in this the Pa al resided Puties admitted, because it says a bined and discidliced movement of the - this nature, and what excuse can be of a that when the Westfield steamed out A London special that there is Democracy, in their onward march been committed in the presence cloud of growing public mind to victory, is the dissemination of political Germantown, found for any officer of the people being from the island she had four cocks uneasiness in the pro Montgomery county, re- of witnesses, could not be denied. The water, from feet only a over the fact that the cholera has raged truth; a work which can be fruitful onlv in joices a continually absent from his post, and the that portion to the extent of its circulation. We ask 33 O O UST City ft in genuine case of ghostly mani- found motive, too, was admitted, and it was slight report accompanied the explosion for two years in Russia. As this terri lemocrats everywhere to aid us in scattering N T S, Drug Store; festations official require his fron the good seed broadcast over the whole lane which defy all efforts to dis- even when duties what we have stated it to be. there could have been but a small head ble scourge has not yet found the cover per of steam on. a close watch has peen instituted to during tlie period which is so important in ref how they are done. Pots and pans, presence, merely from a seeking of In view of these undenied and unde- tier, erence to uie coming Harvest. plates sonal pleasure. Mr. Stevens. Secretary of the Staten prevent its progress. Apprehensions 8 for 75c; 4 for 40c. and potatoes, pies and pitchers are niable facts, what does Elizabeth Cady Island Company, says was a not having advanced into AS A VEHICLE OF NEWS all thrown Ferry there exist that it about in the most approved approaches for hold Stanton say? She "looks into the mild government safety valve attached to the Germany the usual way it has ap The Worlb (now in the eleventh vear of its ex Where daily large quantities of manner uu) . i , . .. As the time the proached may now come istence) has alwavs held the first rank amoner - pcopie 01 sec blue eyes of that poor woman and studies Doner. heretofore, it metropolitan journals. Its news on every topic of kw taat ing of the Conventions the question of The most reliable information shows by the sea, and the government has pre- tion are not a little excited carefully that pale and sorrow-lade-n interest, political, commercial, nterarv, social, over the candidacy for the several offices natur there must have been over fifty scribed regulations to be enforced on all domestic and foreign, is alwavs fresh, abundant. BEST strange ocenrances. that accurate, wThole THE LIGHT, Conveniences, ally excites much interest.