Secondary School Appeal Form 2020
Secondary School Appeal Form 2020 Pupil ID Name of pupil Date of birth Address Telephone contact numbers Email address Name of school appealing for Reasons for Appeal: Please continue on a separate sheet if you wish If you or your child have a disability which you believe is relevant to your appeal, please tick this box. If you intend to send a more detailed letter after you have returned this form, please tick this box. Signed (parent) Print name (parent) Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss Date Details of where to send your appeal are overleaf Appeals To appeal for a place at one of the following schools, you should send your appeal form to the Appeal Panel Administrator, Kent County Council, Legal and Democratic Services, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1XQ. Dover Grammar School for Girls North School Simon Langton Girls’ Grammar Tunbridge Wells Grammar Boys If you wish to appeal for a place at one of the following schools, you must first check whether that school uses their own appeals form or this form. Once you have ascertained which form you should use, it must be returned to the Clerk to the Governors at the school. You can find school contact details in the ‘Admission to Secondary School in Kent 2020’ booklet which you can find on the Council’s website at, or on the school’s own website. Abbey School Highworth Grammar School St Augustine Academy Archbishop’s School Hillview School For Girls St Edmund’s Catholic School Astor College Holmesdale School St George’s CE School Broadstairs Aylesford School
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