Extensions of Remarks E1179 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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June 10, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1179 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING WILLIAM LOBBINS III In closing, please join me in saying thank when they came across Edwards collapsed on you to Pat for his moving tribute to a fallen the pavement, a victim of an apparent heart HON. SAM GRAVES firefighter and for his inspiring story of selfless attack. service to the people of Clearwater, Florida. ‘‘When I got there I said, ‘It is time to go OF MISSOURI to work boys,’’ Conrey said. [From the St. Petersburg Times, May 29, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Arnold performed chest compressions on 2008] the 55-year-old runner as the rest of the Tuesday, June 10, 2008 FIREFIGHTER GEARS UP TO HONOR THE group assisted. Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I proudly FALLEN ‘‘If we hadn’t stopped to talk, we would pause to recognize William Lobbins III of Park- (By Terry Tomalin) have been in front of him,’’ Arnold said. ‘‘It ville, Missouri. Brett is a very special young Clearwater firefighter Pat Conrey started is little things like that make being a fire- man who has exemplified the finest qualities out wanting to honor a fallen comrade. By fighter so special.’’ the time it was over, his quest encompassed Conrey, who despite the gear and stops of citizenship and leadership by taking an ac- covered the course in 5 hours, 26 minutes, tive part in the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 26.2 miles, flying pigs, and ultimately, life and death. said he is still amazed at the difference a few 1395, and earning the most prestigious award Conrey had heard the story of Cincinnati minutes can make. of Eagle Scout. firefighter Oscar Armstrong III, who died ‘‘When you do what we do for a living, you William has been very active with his troop, battling a blaze in March 2003, leaving be- realize how precious time really is,’’ he said. participating in many scout activities. Over the hind a pregnant fiance´e and two children. ‘‘I am glad I was there to help make a dif- many years William has been involved with He decided to run Cincinnati’s Flying Pig ference.’’ scouting, he has not only earned numerous Marathon on May 4 in full firefighting gear merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- to raise money for Armstrong’s family. f ily, peers, and community. ‘‘Firefighters have this special bond,’’ Conrey said. ‘‘When one of us dies, we all feel TRIBUTE TO COLONEL LEAH Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join it.’’ WALLER me in commending William Lobbins III for his Conrey, who has completed 10 marathons, accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of ran the Times Turkey Trot in Clearwater in America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- 45 pounds of gear last year to raise money for HON. C.A. DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. families of fallen firefighters. OF MARYLAND ‘‘When you run in firefighter equipment, f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES you get people’s attention,’’ he said. CLEARWATER FIREFIGHTER PAT But running in full gear isn’t that glam- Tuesday, June 10, 2008 CONREY HONORS FALLEN COM- orous. Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Madam Speaker, I RADES ‘‘It was hot—real hot,’’ Conrey said. ‘‘You have to drink a lot of water.’’ rise before you today to honor Leah Waller, The 40-year-old Conrey, Clearwater’s fire- recently awarded the title of 2007–2008 Balti- HON. C.W. BILL YOUNG fighter of the year in 2007, trained for more City Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Waller OF FLORIDA months, logging several 13-mile runs in his has been a teacher with the Baltimore City bunker coat, bunker pants, air pack and hel- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Public School System for eight years, teaching met. Kindergarten and first grade at Maree G. Tuesday, June 10, 2008 ‘‘That is pretty out there,’’ said local run- Farring Elementary School. ning coach Joe Burgasser. ‘‘You don’t want Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Madam Speaker, I to carry any extra weight. I would not rec- When she’s not teaching at Farring Elemen- rise today to honor Clearwater firefighter Pat ommend that for any sane person.’’ tary, Mrs. Waller has taught Summer School Conrey, who I am proud to represent, for the Conrey, who earlier this year finished a 50- and tutored at the Jemicy School for Dyslexic remarkable tribute he has paid to a fellow fire- mile run through Withlacoochee State For- Children. She has served as a mentor teacher fighter who fell in the line of duty. est in 10 hours and 23 minutes, is used to peo- for student teachers and new teachers. In ad- In his effort to raise money for the family of ple thinking he’s crazy. dition, she has worked closely with the Chil- Oscar Armstrong III, a Cincinnati firefighter ‘‘I love it,’’ he said. dren’s Literacy Initiative and was selected to A month before the marathon, Conrey who died fighting a fire in March 2003, leaving learned two other Cincinnati-area fire- be a Model Classroom for Baltimore City. behind a pregnant fiance´e and two young chil- fighters also had died in the line of duty. Always well prepared for daily instruction, dren, Mr. Conrey did an extraordinary thing. ‘‘That made me want to make sure that I Mrs. Waller utilizes the curriculum and Balti- He donned 45 pounds of firefighting gear and finished even more,’’ Conrey said. ‘‘I would more City Public School System mandated ran the entire 26.2 miles of the Flying Pig Mar- run for all of them.’’ programs in an effective and engaging way. In athon held in Cincinnati last May 4th. Word spread through the Cincinnati fire- Mrs. Waller’s classroom, lessons are thor- Pat’s caring and compassion for others fighting community that a crazy man from oughly developed with the visual, auditory, Clearwater was running for the families of were on full display that day. After stopping the fallen. and kinesthetic learner in mind. Skills and con- along the route to pay respect to the Arm- ‘‘It really touched everyone,’’ said Joe Ar- cepts are successfully mastered through a va- strong family, Pat and a fellow firefighter re- nold, a Cincinnati firefighter who ran part of riety of strategies and techniques to ensure sumed running and soon came upon another the race, minus the gear, with Conrey. ‘‘To full comprehension from the students. runner who collapsed on the pavement from think this guy would come all this way and The individual needs of all students are met an apparent heart attack. Pat and his partner run a marathon in his turnout gear for peo- in Mrs. Waller’s classroom. Assessment data in the race, Joe Arnold, performed emergency ple he had never met . that is what it is is consistently analyzed to diagnose student all about.’’ strengths and areas for concern. This data is CPR on the fallen runner until an ambulance About eight miles into the marathon, could arrive. Conrey and a dozen other firefighters analyzed to help drive instruction in the most Madam Speaker, I am proud to say that Pat stopped at a fire station to pay their respects beneficial way. Because of the active partici- once again resumed running and completed to Armstrong’s family. pation in the learning process, the environ- the marathon in 5 hours and 26 minutes. Dur- ‘‘We didn’t know they would be there,’’ ment in Mrs. Waller’s classroom is very con- ing that time, he demonstrated to the people Conrey said. ‘‘There were lots of hugs, some ducive to learning. She holds her students to of Cincinnati the compassion, courage and tears. It was very emotional.’’ the highest expectations and creates an at- heroism that our Nation’s firefighters exhibit The unexpected stop put the firefighters mosphere of mutual respect between the behind schedule. While they were talking, a every day in our communities. Following my man named Bobby Edwards, a 10-year Flying teacher and students. remarks, I will include for my colleagues the Pig veteran, ran by. Mrs. Waller’s professional responsibilities full story of Pat Conrey’s run as reported by Once they resumed running, the fire- are fulfilled with great care. She maintains an Terry Tomalin in The St. Petersburg Times. fighters hadn’t gotten a mile down the road organized recordkeeping system that monitors ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:39 Jun 11, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K10JN8.007 E10JNPT1 erowe on PRODPC61 with REMARKS E1180 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 10, 2008 individual student achievement and progress. omy and infrastructure and with prospects of Texas. It is my hope that they will continue to Constantly interacting with students, parents, finding large deposits of oil, Guyana now has lead the way in pediatric care, maintaining the colleagues, and administrators, Mrs. Waller the potential for growth and prosperity ex- discipline, focus, and compassion that has works collaboratively to ensure the academic pected of it since the 1960s. earned them their reputations for excellence. success and social development of her stu- Guyana still faces many obstacles today. f dents. Earlier this year, two massacres took the lives Madam Speaker, I ask that you join with me of more than 20 men, women and children but TRIBUTE TO MR.