Juliet Marillier | 590 pages | 17 Jun 2002 | St Martin's Press | 9780765343260 | English | New York, United States Son of the Shadows Quotes by

Sign in with Facebook Sign in options. Join Goodreads. Want to Read saving…. Son of the Shadows to Read Currently Reading Read. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Son of the Shadows Quotes Showing of I have no aptitude for this. I cannot learn this. I would hold on, and hold on, until my hands clutch at emptiness. But I don't know how. Your choices are your own. Each of us carries a burden of guilt for decisions made or not made. You can let that rule your whole life or you can put it behind you and move on. Only a madman lets jealousy determine the course of his existence. Only a weak man blames others for his own errors. Each man hears a different story. Each is touched by it according to his inner self. The words go to the ear, but the true message travels straight to the Son of the Shadows. Lean on me and let us walk this path together. She is my light in the darkness and Johnny is my pathway ahead. For it Son of the Shadows light and dark, night and day, this world and the Otherworld. On the left side, the face of a youngish man, the skin weathered but fair, the eye gray and clear, the mouth well formed if unyielding in character. On all the right side, extending from an undrawn mark down the exact center, an etching Son of the Shadows line and curve and feathery pattern, like the mask of some fierce bird of prey. An eagle? A goshawk? No, it was, I thought, a raven, even as far as the circles about the eye and the suggestion of predatory beak around the nostril. The mark of the raven. If I had not been so frightened, I might have laughed at the irony of it. The pattern extended down his neck and under the border of his leather jerkin and the linen shirt he wore beneath it. His head was completely shaven, and the skull, too, was colored the same, half-man, half-wild creature; some great artist of the inks and needle had wrought this over many days, and I imagined the pain must have been considerable. If this has taught me anything, it is that there are some occurrences that change the course of things, that make an alteration far beyond their own apparent magnitude. It is like the throwing of a Son of the Shadows pebble into a pool, how it makes an ever-expanding circle of ripples, spreading right across the water's surface. Maybe it was the hesitation in his voice. I knew what it cost him to let himself speak thus. Maybe it was the memory of how he had looked as he slept. I just knew, overwhelmingly, that if I did not touch him I would shatter in pieces. Jumpcried the wind. Jump over. I shut my eyes Son of the Shadows moved toward him, and my arms went around his waist, and I rested my head against his Son of the Shadows and let my tears flow. There Son of the Shadows, said the voice deep inside me. See how easy it was? Bran went very still; and then his arms came around me, quite cautiously, as if he had never done this before and Son of the Shadows not at all sure how one went about it. We stood there awhile, and the feeling was good, so good, Son of the Shadows a homecoming after long troubles. Until I held him, I did not realize how much I had longed for it. Until I held him, I did not realize he was just the right height to put his arms comfortably around my shoulders, for me to rest my brow in the hollow of his neck, where the blood pulsed under the skin—a perfect fit. Tell him, if he takes you, he's a dead. Not love, exactly. It goes beyond that. He is mine as surely as sun follows moon across the sky. Mine before ever I knew he existed. Mine until death and beyond. Life, death, love, hate. Desire, fulfillment. Something that touches you with joy or with terror, that lifts you Son of the Shadows of your safe, little path and onto a great, wild road whose ending nobody knows? Don't you ever long for that? You hold him to you now. You captured a wild creature when you had no place you could keep him. You may hold me captive now, and believe me helpless. But each foulword you speak of her brings your death a little closer. So Cu Chulainn asked and he asked, and at length he Son of the Shadows that the best teacher of the arts of war was a woman, Scathach, a strange creature who lived on a tiny island off the coast of Alba. When he came to the wild shore of Alba and looked across the raging waters to the island where she lived with her warrior women, he saw that there could be a difficulty before he even set foot there. For the only way across was by means of a high, narrow bridge, just wide enough for one man to walk on. And the instant he set his foot upon its span, the bridge began to shake and flex and bounce up and down, all along its considerable length, so that anyone foolish enough to venture farther along it would straightaway be tossed down onto the knife-sharp rocks or into the boiling surf. Boiling surf? No boat could have crossed that sea, I'd wager. I did my best. I'm sorry things didn't come out different for the two of us. I wish I could have been good enough for you. Let us be strong for you. Maybe, if you cared Son of the Shadows about someone, you could do it and not feel your spirit torn in two. But the forest keeps her hold on all those who are born there, and they cannot travel far without the yearning in them to return. One who is trustworthy, and true to himself, I answered straightaway. One who Son of the Shadows his mind without fear. One who can be a friend as well as a husband. I would be contented with that. From that point on, the days stretch out. And so a child born at midwinter walks always toward the light, all his life. Wasn't that the first thing you knew, when you came into the world and they laid you on your mother's belly? Her hand would come across and stroke your back, and cup your head, and she would smile through tears of exhaustion and wonderment. That touch of love would be the very first thing for you. Instead I felt hollow, empty, as if all the meaning had been sucked out of me and I was drifting, light as a skeleton leaf, at the mercy of the four winds. I was drained of tears. Welcome back. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Son of the Shadows (The Gifted #3) by Nancy Holder

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Son of the Shadows by Nancy Son of the Shadows. Jean-Marc de Devereaux, son of the magical House of the Shadows and its Son of the Shadows powerful mage, Son of the Shadows a part of himself when a demon ravages his soul. Though an intense union with Isabelle De Bouvard--a powerful mage--enables Jean-Marc to recover his soul, the union costs his forbidden lover her powers. And the powers of darkness still call out to him. If Jean-Marc heeds that Jean-Marc de Devereaux, son of the magical House of the Shadows and its most powerful mage, loses a part of himself when a demon ravages his soul. If Jean-Marc heeds that call and kills Isabelle, the world will fall to the evil unleashed by their worst enemy--Isabelle's twin sister. Somehow Jean-Marc must learn to control his deadly impulses and restore Isabelle's memories. And the only way to do that might be impossible. For he must open himself to that most treacherous of all human emotions--love Get A Copy. PaperbackSilhouette Nocturne 46 Son of the Shadows, pages. More Details Original Title. The Gifted 3. Other Editions 6. Friend Son of the Shadows. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Son of the Shadowsplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Son of the Shadows Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review Son of the Shadows Son of the Shadows The Gifted 3. Mar 13, Lesley rated it liked it. But I do find the heroine Izzy totally annoying. I keep shouting for her to make up her mind and not be so irritating. The concept and the writing are good but there is just something missing. Son of the Shadows reading over six hundred pages at the end I felt cheated. It ended so abruptly I wanted to know more of what happened at the end between Izzy and Jean Marc. Sep 02, Chanelle rated it it was ok Shelves: adult-paranormal-romanceadventure-questhorrorsex-themesshapeshifterstaboo-topicsto-reviewvampireswitches. The things that I like are basically the same as for the previous books in the gifted series. The House of Blood was so stereotypically evil that it stopped being believable. The reality is that none of these Houses are as they appear. Arguably, since the mad Lilliane is the one who represented the authority of the Malcahnces and is obviously self-obsessed and self-delusional, then maybe I could make an exception, but I think the author simply wrote it this way. Also Paul, Izzy and Jean-Marc was a weird triangle. To be honest they started reminding me of Buffy and Angel and I was hoping one of them would die to make that threesome go away. They argue and accuse and forgive and shy away then they come to or are coerced into an agreement to argue and disagree all over again. Very annoying. I thought it was a Malchance thing to do, which means it was a bad thing to do. But the real shocker is the twin children of Jean- Paul and Isabelle. Nothing more and, hopefully, nothing less. View 1 comment. Feb 29, Renette Julius rated it it was ok. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Son of the Shadows this Son of the Shadows was almost painful! The villain is more like a cartoon character than an actual person. The only reaction she elicits is an eye roll. Holder is trying too hard here. The heroine is tiresome. We already went through the whole these people are crazy-lying-con-artists-cultists thing in the first book. Did we really need a repeat of that? This time Pat is along, and he's annoying too. Then there's the fact that Izzy goes on and on about loving and needing Pat, but as soon as she le Finishing this book was almost painful! Then there's the fact that Izzy goes on and on about loving and needing Pat, but as soon as she leaves him behind in New York she realises that she didn't really love him. This just so she can have her epiphany about JeanMarc being all alone, because no one in his world believes in love. I call bullshit! The ending was frustrating to say the least. Why did the demon Le Devourer just go away? And really more sex magic? I liked the idea of a new mixed house. And the fact that Izzy is now Jean-Marc's wife strongly suggests that she recovered, I'd have liked her to be more actively present in the last scene. Aug 25, Michael Barnette rated it did not like it Recommends it for: no one. Shelves: bleh-could-not-finish. I wish Son of the Shadows stars was an option I never finished reading this book for several reasons: First and foremost, the start was a Son of the Shadows mess that seemed as if portions had been removed in order to make the book shorter. Second, the book starts with a rape of the heroine by the hero. Not a 'forced seduction' but an outright blatant rape Son of the Shadows. Not my idea of a 'heroic act' regardless of the justification given. A friend of mine who picked it up off my coffee table and glanced Son of the Shadows it was also appalled b I wish zero stars was an option A friend of mine who picked it up off my coffee table and glanced at it was also appalled by the jumbled start and the rape scene. Neither of us had any desire to finish it. I do not recommend this book, unless you like books that seem disjointed at the start and feature the rape of the heroine. Note: I bought this book because I'd been interested in submitting erotic romances to Silhouette Nocturne. After reading the start I'm not so sure I'd be a good fit with this publisher. Rape is not cool. Aug 16, K rated it liked it. I must admit, this was probably my favorite of all the books in this series. As before, I appreciated the elements of suspense and horror, but enjoyed the focus on the growing love between Izzy and Son of the Shadows Marc. Especially watching Jean Marc surrendor to his love for Izzy and saving her from a horrible fate. I must also mention the ending was right up my alley! Of the three books, I would recommend I must admit, this was probably my favorite of Son of the Shadows the books in this series. Of the three books, I would recommend this one to readers, but caution that reading the previous books gave me a better understandig and appreciation of the story. Aug 13, Stacie added it. This is the story of Jean Marc who is a powerful mage. Son of the Shadows - Wikipedia

Son of the Shadows is an historical fantasy novel by Juliet Marillier and the second book in the Sevenwaters Trilogy first published in In this novel, Liadan grows up in Sevenwaters with her twin brother Sean and her older sister Niamh. They are the offspring Son of the Shadows Sorcha and Iubdan formerly Hugh of Harrowfield. Liadan follows in her mothers tradition in learning the healing arts. Niamh has great beauty and is 'expected' to wed Eamonn, a neighbouring chieftain. Eamonn actually asks for the hand of Liadan, she says that she will give him an answer in one year. While staying at Sevenwaters, Eamonn tells a tale Son of the Shadows a recent attack by a band of mercenaries. Upon this attack, all his men were killed, and his life was spared by a man called the Painted Man. He swears that he will kill him. Liadan discovers their secret during a walk in the forest. Liadan goes with her sister on the trip to her new home and on the way back she is kidnapped by an outlaw and brought to the Son of the Shadows of "The Painted Man. She accepts the task and eventually falls in love with Bran, their leader. When Bran finds out that she is actually daughter of Hugh of Horrowfield, he sends her back home. When she returns to Sevenwaters, she finds she is pregnant with Bran's child. With the help of Finbar she realises that she has his gift of sight and the ability to read Son of the Shadows heal the minds of others. Sean, Liadan's brother and heir Son of the Shadows Sevenwaters, wants Son of the Shadows purchase the Son of the Shadows Man's fighting force in their long battle for the sacred islands. All of the leaders go to a counsel to discuss the feud with the Britons. During this visit Liadan discovers that her sisters husband has been beating and abusing her, she uses her mind gifts to help Niamh. Liadan finally gives birth to her son and her mother and father realise when the child is born that his father Bran must have been the son of John and Margery, kinsman of Iubdan when he was Lord of Horrowfield. Liadan names the child Johnny. Shortly after the birth of Johnny, Sorcha dies. On her deathbed Sorcha tells Iubdin that he must return to Harrowfield and learn the truth about John and Margery's son. He tells Liadan that Niamh is indeed alive and safe. He also tells her the truth of why they could not wed. So their union was forbidden by blood. This was why they were not allowed to wed and that he could never be a druid since he carried the blood of the sorceress Lady Oonagh. Bran comes to Sevenwaters in secret to meet with Sean and meets Liadan, she tells him of his son. After Bran leaves, Liadan has a vision of her Uncle Liam's death; a vision of Eamonn telling Aisling that she could not marry Sean and then her suicide. They then learn that Fionn was recently strangled in his sleep. Liam was indeed killed by a Britons arrow and his nephew Sean takes control of Sevenwaters. Liadan has had visions of Eamonn torturing Bran. She makes a deal with Eamonn, in exchange for not revealing that Eamonn betrayed his kinsman Liam and sacrificed his life in exchange for the Painted Man capture. Aisling will be allowed to go Sevenwaters and Liadan can leaves with Bran and Gull if she can find them and leave before dusk. Liadan learns Bran's hidden truth about his childhood during her fight to bring him back from the torture inflicted on him. She reveals this to her father Iubdan and she convinces Bran that his future might lie in returning to Son of the Shadows roots at Harrowfield in Briton, while his men talk of setting up a school for warriors. Publishers Weekly said that "The story, though a bit light on the magic and heavy on the romantic, is reminiscent of Jennifer Roberson 's Cheysuli series. Fantasy addicts should love it". Jackie Cassada in The Library Journal said "Marillier blends old legends with original storytelling to produce an epic fantasy that belongs in most libraries". Booklist in said that "Marillier's virtuosic pacing and vivid, Son of the Shadows style make this an engaging continuation of one of the last year's best fantasies". From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Historical fantasy novel by Juliet Marillier. Publishers Weekly. Library Journal. Archived from the original PDF on 27 June Retrieved 3 May Works by Juliet Marillier. Cybele's Secret Categories : novels fantasy novels Australian fantasy novels Aurealis Award-winning works. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Sevenwaters trilogy. . Child of the Prophecy.