Plate 7. Vine Thicket (Type 3),Goodedulla National Park, West of Rockhampton (Site 73)
Plate 7. Vine thicket (type 3),Goodedulla National Park, west of Rockhampton (site 73). Note browning and loss of foliage due to extreme drought conditions (August 1994). Species include Backhousia kingii, Crown insularis, Owenia venosa, Geijera paniculata and Acalypha eretnorum (foreground). - - Plate 8. Interior of (type 3) vine thicket, "Cerberus", west of Marlborough (site 67). Species include Backhousia kingii, E.vcoecaria dallackyana, Guettardella putaininosa and Planclunzella cotinifolia var. pubescens. 142 CHAPTER FOUR A REGIONAL CONTEXT FOR VINE THICKET COMMUNITIES - FLORISTIC PATTERNS IN THE BRIGALOW BELT BIOGEOGRAPHIC REGION AND RELATIONSHIPS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL ATTRIBUTES, PARTICULARLY CLIMATE. Although the core area of distribution and major remnants of semi-evergreen vine thicket are located in central and southern Queensland, outliers of these communities occur extensively in the northern and southern Brigalow Belt Biogeographic Region. Time and other constraints resulted in the southern (i.e. north-western New South Wales) vine thickets being excluded from the detailed field survey (Chapter 3) and in the northern vine thickets being relatively under-sampled. The latter areas have since been included in a comprehensive floristic survey of northern inland vine thickets by Fensham (1995). Floristic data are available for several southern vine thicket locations (Floyd 1991, J.B.Williams, unpubl. lists), three of which were included in Webb, Tracey and Williams (1984) floristic analysis of Australian rainforests. It was considered desirable to test the robustness of the vine thicket classification/typology derived above (Chapter 3) using an enlarged floristic data set compiled across the entire Brigalow Belt Biogeographic Region. Inclusion of site data from Fenshams (1995) survey has two purposes; (i) to improve the intensity of sampling from the northern Brigalow Belt Biogeographic Region (see above) and (ii) to provide an opportunity to compare the vine thicket classifications from this study and that of Fensham, using a common data set.
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