Guide to Nantucket

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Guide to Nantucket CONTENTS DESCR I PT I VE I NDEX ALL POI NTS OF INTEREST Roads D rive s Li h thouse s L ts s e tc , , g , igh hip , are sh ow n u pon th e MAPS the I and and Count of Nantu e t of sl y ck , T n of Nantu t V a of S a n t ow cke , ill ge i sco se , R t and the St e amboat ou e . LOCAT ION A ND DESCR I PT ION Nantucke t I sland T ow n of Nantucke t History of Nantucke t Nantucket Wh ale Fishery and ‘ All Po ints ofo l éite re st ‘ ’ for wh ibh Con su lt I ndex on opposi t e pa ge . — d s i or a n m . e . st an s are n st atu t No t All di ce e , l , ile ! 0LA 4 9 7 9 6 2 R O C ET rst t o 1 a AG ICULTURAL S I Y , Fi exhibi i n held in 85 6 . F ir ro n so t e nd of Ora n t e t st on w r ta t g u d u h ge S re , ju bey d he e S e ’ R t rn ff f or Sconsct Ca ttl w oa d u s o See e Sho . T U ra r A HENE M , Public Lib y ' . n z i 1 T ET C C UB Or a n 9 03 . A HL I L g i ed See B ra n t Point . Nat ona a t h e f BANKS , Pa cific i l t hea d o M ain Stree t Square ; N a n t t nst t t on for a n s a n t t ar . ucke I i u i S vi g , M i S ree Squ e ’ T N ff a t in a a 39 Sconse t a 45 W a u BA HI G , Cli B h g Be ch , p ge ; , p ge ; ’ w ine t a 5 2 n t a 5 1 T om N r s a a , p ge ; Quid e , p ge ; eve He d , p ge 49 a rm a t a t r Ba t s a th o s n a r st am oat w a rf ; W S l W e h , b h u e e e b h , ’ a nd Sconse t . Nort e str Bea con Hill . See h V y BELL . See T ow er N M k t EN N R N R N . a a B JAMI F A KLI SP I G See dd e . O T O U E of th e Ma ssasch use tts man o t B A H S S Hu e S cie y , equipped w ith all th e app aratus necessary to rende r a ssistance in c ase of s w are o a t a t T u cke rnu ck a of mmo hip reck , l c ed , He d Hu ck ’ t n n M a . o or o Sconse a nd n t . R oa P d , F ked P d , Quid e See d p O T Sa oats w t or w t o t s rs are for a t t am B A S , ilb , i h i h u kip pe , hire S e boat or Old North W har ves f or FISHI NG and SAILING par ti E n es ; CLAMBAK S ca a lso be arra nged f or . w o t t l N rt f R N R o b a s can be hired a O d o h w ha r for OWI G , fi s n in th e Ha r or or CR N in T h e C r s n a r hi g b , ABBI G eek e M onom oy . B ooks r ela ting to Nantucket BRANT POINT CAMELS ” C amping Se eQuidnet ’ CAPTAINS RO O M . See Rotch Warehouse ’ N . conse t CASI O See S . tt ow . e e r t a o t Ca le Sh S Ag icul ur l S cie y . CEMETERIE S C E r t O RE T ONA s e rt C UR : s C N e No str a 34 . H H S Fi G GA I L , h Ve y , p ge R T t UN T N a . E OD T C n r tr t n a I A IA , p ge 35 M H IS , e e S ee e r a n r t 1 823 ars 1 n fi ont a m 1 840 fi st t o M i , e ec ed , pill dded , r Me h l i 1 t st r t n 799 . o n a r a nd on s tr s . di chu ch bui , S W c r er F i Ly S ee “ ’ 19 0 1 re E CO St . a s a r t et t PIS PAL , P ul , F i S re , erec ed , p s nt to th e ar s ss C . r n 0 1 oston a s a e ed p i h by Mi I W F e ch B , ‘ ’ memoria l to h e r father; th e first E piscopal church T rinity w as r t in 1 839 on n o t s of roa tr t n ar th e e ec ed , r h ide B d S ee , e i i f 1 R T corner of Cen tre ; t w as burned n th e great fi re o 846 . FI S T T mm t t so t form 1 839 n BAP IS , Su er S ree , cie y ed , buildi g d i 1 4 1 T r t 1 840 tow an str a d n 8 . C O C e ec ed , er ve y dde A H LI , “ ’ y r t t t 1 89 6 se 1 vrce s first h l St . ar s a r M Fede l S ree , e ec ed , e d i n H in 1 849 and a t r in a nt on Ha ll In 1 8 n T ow a ll l e P he . 85 Harmony Hall w as secured a nd used until it w a s removed to r m a ke room f or th e present structure . Chu ches are in dica ted up on M ap of th e T ow n of Nantucket C RT ORE LIFF NO H SH ” B a thing Bea ch Clo ck . See T ow er T U T f n ta t n L sa o s . COAS G ARD STA IONS . See i e vi g S i COA TUE T h e n arrow st of an o os t r ant o nt w , rip l d , pp i e B P i , hich sep a ra tes th e Harbor from th e Sound a nd from w hich th e EASTERN JETTY is built ou t to d eepen th e e ntranCe ' to th e ar o H b r . DES CR IP TI VE INDEX TO P OINTS OF IN TERES T Coffi n Hou se ’ C offin am Se m C ffin C t . c: a o s o n at . , Miri Miri u y Se COFFIN S CHO OL C NSUE R N O SP I G , See Spring s . T f m CO SKA A , that p art o th e island i media tely north of th e Hea d of th e Har bor w here THE CO SKATA LIFE SAVING S TA T i . ON t 1 883 s o at Se e at o .nt a I , erec ed , l c ed Gre P i , p ge 5 3 . f a n t n l — s Sta o s . See C ifif No t o See Li e vi g i r h Sh re . B ats . C rabbing . See o ’ C ran r Bo s . Se e Sconse t a 4 Ma dake t T 5 d a 5 4 . he be ry g , p ge ; , p ge s on ran r b o is th e R E T N E Gibb P d c be ry g LA G S SI GL , CULT IVATED CRANBERR Y BO G IN THE WORLD . DR IVING A RE RIN nt n a o t t r E T FI SP G , Fou ai b u hree fou ths of a mile beyon d o s on th e oa to a w n t is s w w a t from P lpi , r d W u i e , upplied ith er t E a t S r n w is o a s a n ice t nort . Fire p i g , hich l c ed ever l hu dred h Se e R oad Map . in E ss Offi a St t a . xpre ce , M ree Squ re R ROUND . r t r . FAIR , FAI G See Ag icul u a l Society st Ho s S oo o s T ow n o se a and R oa a Fir , Church , u e , ch lh u e , h u , J il d , p ge 1 6 at r o s a 43 Maddake t a 54 .
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