LCA 8515 John Young, Jr
7 ANA, KEON! Alii Award LCA 8515 John Young, Jr. [Called "brother" of Kaoanaeha in Indicesp. 58; that is an error: he was Kaoanaeha's son by John Young] . "Inherited landsII Note in Indices (1929: 58) reads: "See Foreign Register» VoL 2»page 68, for Will ofJohri Young, Sr., companion of Kamehameha I»who died Dec. 16, 1835, and Native Register for division of his lands among his children by the King.. Exempted from division and commutation by the Privy Council on Aug. 29, 1850, by Resolution passed as follows: 'Resolved that the Minister of the Interior is hereby authorized to grant Royal Patents to the heirs of John Young (Olohana) for the lands they severally inherit from their father, without commutation or division. '" NR 708.3 Keoni Ana describes the division of lands to the children of John Young: James Young Kanehoa, Kooni Ana, Pane [Fanny Kekelaokalani], [Grace] Kamaikui, Gini [Lahilahi]; to John Young's widow Kaoanaeha; the division of Isaac Davis's lands to his children, G.D. Hueu [George Hueu Davis], Kale [Sarah], and Peke [Becky]; and the lands of his wife [K/A] Julia Alapai Kauwa. Kooni Ana's inherited lands, by this division among the heirs, were: Kawaihae H. [Kawaihae Hikina, a.k.a. Kawaihae East! Kawaihae 2] Kukuau, ahp.» Kalana of Hilo» Hawaii Halehaku, ahp., Kalana of Hamakua, Maui Pahoa, ili no Waikiki, Kona, Oahu MAHELEBOOKpage 160(copy, 166) Relinquished[hisown acquiredlands]: Haleaha, ahp., in Kalanaof Koolau,Oahu Paiwa, iJino Waikele, Katanaof Ewa, Oahuand Moanui, ahupuaaof Kalanaof Lahaina»Maui (Signed) Received: Puunui, ili no Honolulu,Kona, Oahu Puunoa, ahp., Lahaina, Maui Puunui, ill no Honolulu, appears as an award to C.B.
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