4th International Seminar of Research Month Volume 2019

Conference Paper

Characteristics of Taman Sari Village, Licin District, Banyuwangi Based on Village Build Index (IDM)

1 Rossyda Priyadarshini , 1 Maroeto 2 Wahyu Santoso

1 Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” , 2 Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Surabaya, East Java


Taman Sari Village, Licin District is a developing village with an IDM value of 0.695. This means that efforts are needed to improve the level of the village economy as well as community welfare so that it becomes a developed and independent village. The determination of the IDM Value is determined using indicators and scoring. Viewed from the aspect of social security (IKS) there are still some weaknesses both in terms of health dimensions, human resources in the health sector; and from the educational dimension, namely the unavailability of advanced education, and in terms of variable access to knowledge. From the social aspect there are no obstacles, so too from the aspect of religion, and tolerance, and public space. But from the environmental aspect, especially the optimization of agricultural land is very limited so it still needs to be improved.

Keywords: taman sari village, community, and village development index (IDM)


Community and village development should be interrelated and have mutual influence. Empowered communities influence the pace of progress in village development. Conversely, a well-managed village can improve people's welfare (Li et al., 2019, Liu et al.,2018). Villages, sub-districts, districts, and provinces are hierarchical in order of administrative units in each province in . In this regard, (Antlöv, 2003) states that the village is the smallest regional representation that can describe an area. If more and more villages are developed, then it gives a picture that the advanced districts and more and more advanced sub-districts give a picture of developed districts and so on. This applies vice versa, the villages that are left behind will give a picture of the districts that are lagging, the districts that are left behind provide a picture of the districts that are lagging, and so on (Wattsa et al., 2019). The definition of a village that has been raised by experts means that the village is not just an administrative unit entity or as a residential area. The village is also the basis of an economic resource, a community base that has a variety of local values and social ties, and a governance base that governs and manages the resources and the community. Suroso (2019), argues that the improvement in the welfare of the community and the village lately uses the Benchmark Village Development Index (IDM). Efforts to realize independent villages and developed villages are the main challenges in village development. The Village Development Index

 Corresponding author Email address: [email protected]

How to cite this article: Priyadarshini, R., Maroeto and Santoso, W. (2019). Characteristics of Taman Sari Village, Licin District Banyuwangi Based on Village Build Index (IDM). 4th International Seminar of Research Month. NST Proceedings. pages 311-317.doi: 10.11594/nstp.2019.0444. 311

ISRM (IDM) is intended to support the achievement of the 2015-2019 National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) priority development targets, namely reducing the number of underdeveloped villages to 5,000 villages and increasing the number of independent villages of at least 2,000 villages in 2019. Since the launch of the village funding policy, the existence of villages that are categorized as independent and developed villages is still relatively small. (Indonesian Ministry of Labor PDTT, 2015). The Village Development Index (IDM) as a basic reference for measuring the achievement of village development goals. Through this IDM measurement, the village can become an instrument for measuring the achievements of development so that it is known which indicators have not been achieved and which aspects have been achieved (Setyobakti, 2017). Referring to the context of the implementation of the Village Law, for example, BUMDes will be strong if built and managed by villagers who are tested in terms of values and morals and have strong social capital, able to develop creations and the power to reach the capital, networks, and information. Taman sari Village is a village located in which has the potential to become a tourist village. This village has 7 hamlets consisting of Krajan, Sumberwatu, Jambu, Blimbingsari, Tanahlos, Kebundadap, and Ampelgading, where each hamlet has its tourism potential. Tourism that has the main attraction in Tamansari Village is Ijen Crater which is well known to foreign countries. Seeing the many tourism potentials in Tamansari Village, the Thematic Community Service Program is mapping new tourism potentials that are expected to develop in each hamlet, including the development of a creative economy based on the empowerment of the main tourism support communities so that they work together in realizing the development of nature, art tourism, and culture. Taman sari Village based on the Village Build Index (IDM) data is known to be 0.695, meaning that efforts are still needed to improve the economic level of the village as well as community welfare so that it becomes a developed and independent village. Empowerment in Desa Tamansari can create a business and development opportunity from several sectors, namely agriculture, animal husbandry, plantation and tourism that can help the community in economic development such as homestay, and home industry that can improve the economy of the community, thereby increasing individual income. In general, the land in Taman Sari village is classified as fertile, characterized by the level of productivity of agricultural land. However, in this region, there is still a need to increase the capacity of human resources in the field of advanced agricultural technology, as well as food product processing technologies and marketing concepts. The results of mapping and assessment activities in year 1 are compiled in the Village Development Priority Matrix, which is then followed up in the form of an activity program agreed upon by all citizens. This activity program is then set out in an action plan matrix over the next 5 years so that it is measurable and easy to implement. The Village Development Priority Matrix is adjusted to the village development indicators, so the planned action plan is an appropriate benchmark for measuring IDM. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify achieving IDM-based village development in Tamansari Village, Licin District, Banyuwangi Regency.

Research Method

The Village Development Index (IDM) was prepared by taking into account the availability of data sourced from Village Potential, which is published by the Central Statistics Agency. The procedure to produce the Building Village Index is as follows: 1. Each indicator has a score between 0 to. 5; the higher the score reflects the level of significance. For example: scores for indicators of access to primary school education; if Village A has physical access <= 3 Km, then Village A has a score of 5, and Village B has physical access> 10 Km, then has a score of 1. This means that residents of Village A have better access compared to residents of Village B.


ISRM 2. Each indicator score is grouped into variables, thus producing variable scores. For example, the health variable consists of indicators (1) travel time to health services <30 minutes, (2) availability of health workers, midwives, and other health workers, (3) access to poskesdes, polindes and posyandu, (4) posyandu activity level and ( 5) membership of the Social Security Administration Agency (BPJS). The total score of the variables is then formulated into an index:

Variable Index: Σ Indicators X Maximum Value (X)

1) The index of each variable becomes a Composite Index called the Building Village Index (IDM).

IDM = 1/3 (IS + IEK + IL) IDM: Village Build Index IS : Social Index IEK : Economic Index IL : Ecology Index

2) To determine the status of each village classification is done by calculating the range obtained from the maximum and minimum values. The range of values obtained are the status barriers for each village.

Table 1. IDM index

Source: Ministries of Village and Transmigration of Indonesia (2015).


ISRM Result and Discussion

The situation of Taman Sari Village based on Village Build Index (IDM) An important instrument in village development is the actual picture of village problems and how big or strong the village potential is. This data will provide an overview of the level of village independence. The implementation of the National Priority Defending National Community Service Program in the initial stages of regional mapping and identification conducted by UPN "Veterans" of East Java is expected to be able to photograph the real conditions on the ground and can be used as a basis for decision making to determine the types of activities that are appropriate to the conditions of the village's problems and based on innovative local wisdom. Most of Taman Sari's villagers are classified as seniors, most of the last education did not complete elementary school, and the main occupation was mainly farm laborers and farmers. However, from the aspect of environmental health, when viewed from the existence of latrines, most of the population already have latrines. The main superior products in this region are from the agriculture, plantation and livestock sectors; with the main agricultural commodities are coffee and milk from animal husbandry. Besides, other commodities traded are natural conditions, so this village is classified as a tourist village. Each village has aspects of tourism that can be developed.

Blimbingsari Hamlet The natural conditions in Blimbingsari Hamlet are still fairly beautiful, the rice fields and plantations that are spread out are broadly coupled with mountain views where the location of the Blimbingsari Hamlet has an attractive topographic geographical location in the form of a hill-shaped plateau that is crossed by many rivers, this can be seen through Java Banana Resort which has a very beautiful view to see, because of its very strategic location so that we can enjoy the beautiful scenery. Blimbingsari Hamlet also has its uniqueness as there is a community tradition that is thanksgiving at harvest usually people call it the term "Cak Sewu". Besides, the Blimbingsari hamlet community still maintains a cooperation culture and is very enthusiastic in developing a tourist village, it can be seen from the efforts done by the community in maintaining the Londo Dam tourist attraction with plans to reactivate water bikes at the dam and improve road infrastructure (Interview) Kasun Blimbingsari, 2019), not only that some people said they had participated in training for the development of tourism villages, in line supported by the BUMDES program by optimizing management in managing the tourism potential in Blimbingsari hamlet. With the rapid development of tourism, ancient villages have attracted increasing attention from tourists and have become thriving cultural tourist destinations (Lu et al., 2020).

Sumber Watu Hamlet The natural condition in Sumber Watu sub-village is quite interesting because it has a topographic location consisting of charming rice fields and river flows, we can enjoy it while in Sumber Watu sub- village, Sumber Watu sub-village has a quite attractive tourist destination and is very awake of its natural beauty namely Sendang Seruni, besides that the community is also enthusiastic in developing the potential of Sendang Seruni as a leading tourist destination in Tamansari Village, this is evident from the existence of community service activities in improving infrastructure access to Sendang Seruni. However, this is not supported by training in managing tourism potential to the community.

Ampel Gading Hamlet Ampel Gading Hamlet is one of the hamlets in Tamansari Village where the location of this hamlet is at the top of itself compared to other hamlets. The natural conditions are also very interesting because


ISRM in this village it is filled with coffee plantations and animal husbandry. The majority of plantation products in Ampel Gading Hamlet are coffee and cloves. As for the superior livestock products in Ampel Gading Hamlet, it is famous for its pure cow's milk. where one of the dairy farmers in the ampel ivory village has worked with Nestle Company to become one of the suppliers of raw milk. However, these dairy farmers have yet to make full use of the cow dung. So far, cow dung is just thrown away at dead times, which of course has an impact on the surrounding environment even though dairy farmers have given rewards to residents who have been harmed by the disposal of cow dung. Besides that, Ampel Gading Hamlet is located in the access of the provincial route to get to Ijen Crater. The Ampel ivory hamlet community is very enthusiastic in the tourism potential development plan that is the plan for coffee plantation agro-tourism, but until now the community has carried out tourism potential development activities only by word of mouth because there is no tourism potential development program in this village by the village government, and the people of Dusun Ampel Gading are still afraid of taking risks in developing their businesses, namely in the field of coffee processing, cow milk management, and other processing industries. However, according to Laverack and Thangphet (2009), community involvement and empowerment is also one way to improve the ability of the people who have been considered relatively weak, and will also help the government in the fight against urban sprawl which so far has not been an effective way to combat it. Cushnahan (1999) in his research exemplifies the role of local communities in supporting the development of agro-tourism which is realized in the provision of accommodation, canteens, transportation, handicrafts as souvenirs, and other types of service businesses.

Dadap Kebun Hamlet The natural conditions in Kebun Dadap are quite enough to make us feel more united with nature because here we can feel the beauty and authenticity of one of the assets of the Ijen National Park, the Kebun Dadap village has a tourist attraction that has important values and potential for the community, namely the Pine Forest, and the antusisas community is very enthusiastic in developing the tourism potential of the "Pine Forest", this is supported by the residents' plan to refresh the infrastructure in the pine forest, and to create a campsite area in the Pine Forest. So far, the management of the Pine Forest is still managed by the surrounding community, this is also supported by a program from the Village Government namely the development of the Pine Forest into a tourist attraction that has important potential for the community. But at this time the condition of the Pine Forest is not good and well- maintained, which used to have a treehouse at the moment is only former rubble of wood, and this is due to the extreme weather conditions in the Pine Forest that makes fast damage to facilities made of wood become fast damaged, and access roads to the Pine Forest were very difficult. Until now there has been no improvement regarding access to pine forests and pine forest facilities for the better.

Krajan Hamlet Krajan Hamlet is the location of the administrative center of Tamansari Village as well as a pivot road to travel to Ijen Crater so that many homestays are found in this Krajan Hamlet compared to the number of homestays in other hamlets. To support the development of this tourist village BUMDES established several homestays that also involved various communities in the management of this homestay. In addition to the homestay, there is a culinary center located in front of SDN 2 Tamansari, but community participation is still relatively low even though this culinary center can support the development of a tourist village. In managing homestays, the community is very enthusiastic to take part in several pieces of training, especially on homestay management related to the arrangement of rooms/rooms that are nice/beautiful and polite to the guests. The tourism potential that can be developed


ISRM in Krajan Hamlet is culinary tourism by utilizing and improving culinary centers that are currently available and supporting BUMDES planning programs by facilitating the "Plecit Market" for the development of tourist villages.

Jambu Natural conditions in the Jambu Hamlet area have the potential for tourism activities. besides having supporting natural conditions, Jambu Hamlet is also one of the main access points to the Ijen Crater. Some programs are carried out to strengthen the element of tourism which is supported by excellent road access to facilitate the transportation of tourists and residents. it is useful for the Jambu Hamlet community and the village to develop and grow the potential of Jambu Hamlet. The main point of attraction of the outside community is the variety of ornamental flower plants neatly arranged along the road. To maximize the potential that exists in Jambu Hamlet, the village government created several interesting places that can support the development of the hamlet community. One of them is the Guava Rest Area, which can be used by tourists to rest after a long journey before heading to the Ijen crater. The place is also a marketing platform for potential MSMEs in Jambu Hamlet such as tempe chips and egg beans to advance the economy of residents. Also, residents use the land they have for livestock and plantations that are suitable with the condition of Guava but not significant.

Tanah Los Hamlet Tanah Los Hamlet is not much different from other hamlets, namely, there are many coffee plantations and livestock such as cows or goats. Actually, in Tanah Los Hamlet there are tourism potentials, which are 7 springs, but the surrounding communities have not been able to exploit and optimize that potential. Besides, the access road to the seven springs is not very supportive. In addition to the 7 springs of Tanah Los hamlet, it also has the potential to become an agrotourism because there are many gardens. There is also an industry of palm sugar processing that can support the development of tourist villages. In Tanah Los Hamlet, it often holds soccer tournaments throughout Banyuwangi. However, this tournament was also attended by participants from outside the Banyuwangi district. The tournament can also be used as a media to promote tourism in the Tamansari Village.


The main sector of Tamansari village is in agriculture, plantation, and livestock sector of superior commodities in the form of coffee, rice, cattle, goats, and cloves. The leading forestry, wood products, and non-timber commodities are in the form of sengon and mahogany. The main commodities of fisheries are tilapia, koi fish, and carp. The leading mining sector is sulfur. The processing industry sector is coffee, bamboo, and milk


Thank you for conveyed to the LPPM UPN Veteran of East Java who has deigned to provide grants for KKN Belanegara Desa Nasional Priority.


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