DOI: 10.4467/25438700SM.19.040.11671

11 Pogląd silnie wyrażany np. przez Sharon Zukin, op. cit., s. 6 13 Sieverts T., Zwischenstadt. Zwischen Ort und Welt, Raum und Zeit, VIKTOR PROSKURYAKOV* 12 Sieverts T., Zwischenstadt. Zwischen Ort und Welt, Raum und Zeit, Stadt und Land, Bauverlag Gütersloh Berlin, Birkhäuser, Basel, Bos- Stadt und Land, Bauverlag Gütersloh Berlin, Birkhäuser, Basel, Boston, ton, Berlin 2008, p. 37, 23, 174 Berlin 2008, ss. 37, 23, 174 14 Fishman R., Urban Utopia in the Twentieth Century: Ebenezer How- 13 Fishman R., Urban Utopia in the Twentieth Century: Ebenezer How- ard, Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, The MIT Press, Cambridge 1982, ard, Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, The MIT Press, Cambridge 1982, p.6 s. 6 Scientifically applied activity

LITERATURA BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Alberti L. B., On the Art of Building in Ten Books., Book V On the [1] Alberti L. B., On the Art of Building in Ten Books., Book V On the Works of Individuals, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 1988. https://cate- Works of Individuals, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 1988. https:// of the architecture school [Accessed: 17.05.2019] [Accessed: 17.05.2019] [2] Fishman R., Urban Utopia in the Twentieth Century: Ebenezer Ho- [2] Fishman R., Urban Utopia in the Twentieth Century: Ebenezer Ho- ward, Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, The MIT Press, Cambridge 1982 ward, Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, The MIT Press, Cambridge 1982 [3] Gyurkowicz J., Miejskość miasta, Czasopismo Techniczne, z-2/2007, [3] Gyurkowicz J., Miejskość miasta, Czasopismo Techniczne, z-2/2007, s. 105-118 in the creation of architectural types s. 105–118 [4] Hughes R., Rome, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, GB 2011 [4] Hughes R., Rome, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, GB 2011 [5] Lampugnani V. M., Radikal Normal. Positionen zur Architektur der [5] Lampugnani V. M., Radikal Normal. Positionen zur Architektur der Stadt, Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern 2015 Stadt, Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern 2015 [6] Panerai P., Castex J., Depaule J.Ch., Samuels I., Urban Forms. The [6] Panerai P., Castex J., Depaule J.Ch., Samuels I., Urban Forms. The of buildings relevant for Death and Life of the Urban Block, Architectural Press, Oxford 2005 Death and Life of the Urban Block, Architectural Press, Oxford 2005 [7] Rossi, A., The Architecture of the , The MIT Press, Cambridge, [7] Rossi, A., The Architecture of the City, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England 1984 Massachusetts and London, England 1984 [8] Rykwert, J., The Seduction of Place: The History and Future of the [8] Rykwert, J., The Seduction of Place: The History and Future of the City. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2004 at the beginning of XXI century City. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2004 [9] Sieverts T., Zwischenstadt. Zwischen Ort und Welt, Raum und Zeit, [9] Sieverts T., Zwischenstadt. Zwischen Ort und Welt, Raum und Zeit, Stadt und Land, Bauverlag Gütersloh Berlin, Birkhäuser, Basel, Boston, Stadt und Land, Bauverlag Gütersloh Berlin, Birkhäuser, Basel, Bos- ton, Berlin 2008 Berlin 2008 Abstract [10] Zukin, S. Naked City: The Death and Life of Authentic Urban Places. [10] Zukin, S. Naked City: The Death and Life of Authentic Urban Plac- Oxford University Press, London 2010 es. Oxford University Press, London 2010 The article presents the searching and designing activity of Lviv architecture school on the example of the department of architectural environment design (AED)* in the creation of architectural types of buildings, important for Ukraine at the be- ginning of the 21st century.

Key words: architectural and researching, researching and designing activity of Lviv architecture school after creating new architectural types of buildings

Setting the problem tecture and designing have emerged in Ukraine. The Realia of the 20th century have shown that the incred- experience, the basis of which is formed by the ac- ible structuredness of the typological palette of the Soviet tivity of separate figures, engineering organizations, architecture, which Ukrainian architecture has inherited, architecture schools in modern Ukraine, in particu- which is, in particular, 17 groups of public buildings, 200 lar, the department of architectural environment different kinds and 3000 types, has not taken into consid- design of Lviv architecture school of the standard eration a lot of culturological and mental principles of the from beginning of the 21st century. Its architectural phenomenon of national architectures. At the beginning and typological activity is not limited by the borders of the 21st century in Ukraine in fundamental research of Ukraine. It can also be useful in other European works of famous Ukrainian architects – scholars, archi- countries. tects – designers, professors, in particular, Yu. Bilokon, L. Prybyega, V. Yezhov, L. Kovalskyi, V. Kutsevych, V. My- Analysis of the latest research studies ronenko, V. Proskuryakov, O. Sleptsov, V. Tymokhin, V. and publications Tovbych, B. Cherkes, V. Ureniov, V. Shtolko, V. Solobay, It was in the mid 90s of the 20th century when for- Candidates of Architecture I. Voronkova, O. Kordunyan, mer (in the times of former USSR) hypertrophic sys- B. Goy, S. Ivanov-Kostetskyi, L. Brynda, V. Meshcheryakov tem of narrowly-specialized scientific-research and and others, in research studies, searching and applied de- at the same time engineering organizations, that sign, that are conducted by academic, scientific and re- were functioning in the conditions of planned (sovi- search, designing, public architectural institutions of the et) economy and centralized funding with minor ex- country – Lviv Polytechnic National University, KNUBA1, ceptions, practically collapsed, having lost the vast KNUBA2, PSACEA3, OSACEA4, PNTU5 named after Kon- majority of all leading highly-qualified architects- dratyuk, Scientific Research and Design Institute of engineers, was found to be incapable of ensuring Urban Planning, National Union of Ukrainian Architects, the development of national science and practice on Ukrainian Academy of Architecture and others, architec- a high level [1]. tural and typological aspects occupy an important place Engineering and scientific structures of modern inde- and reflect both the realia of modern times and the prob- pendent Ukraine replaced the scientific-research and lems of the past in the country. However, it cannot be yet engineering institutions of the previous ideological claimed that our national architecture is provided suffi- structure, such as Moscow Scientific-Research In- ciently with modern scientifically proven project propos- stitute (ЦНДІІЕП) of academic buildings, Scientific-Re- als of public buildings in a wide genre, typological, archi- search Institute (ЦНДІІЕП) of performance and sports, tectural palette and it is created taking into consideration Scientific-Research Institute (ЦНДІІЕП) of accommo- national as well as European architectural experience. dation and others, Regional Scientific-Research and The experience, from which the principles of both archi- Engineering Institutes of Civil Construction in Ukraine,

* Viktor Proskuryakov – professor, PhD in Architecture, Head of the Department of Architectural Environment Design of the Institute of 42 Architecture at Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine), e-mail: [email protected], ORCID: 0000-0003-1022-8984 43 which designed and for many years were applying the mul- chitectural types of buildings, important for constru- the contribution of its graduates starting from 1854 till religiously-educational institutions in Ukraine and tistage system of urban settling, comprised of complex se- ction in the conditions of modern Ukraine and their 1979 into architecture development of Lviv and the west- Europe from the end of the 16th till the beginning ries range of residential and public buildings [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. approbation in real construction. ern region of Ukraine taking into consideration historical- of the 21st century, has composed their modern Engineering and scientific structures of independent ly-theoretical aspects only, without applied recommenda- typological palette and developed the recommen- Ukraine were then established. These were societies, Presentation of the main material tions for the development of modern architecture, then all dations regarding architecturally-planning arrange- workshops, cooperative societies, studios, salons and Since its creation (28 November 2003) the depart- the followings ones had suggestions regarding the imple- ment of the centres of higher theological education others, which in their potential could perform only sci- ment staff, apart from academic and pedagogical mentation of results into real and researching construc- of Ukrainian Greek-Catholic church in Ukraine [15]. entific and research activity on separate architectural ob- activity itself, have been actively working on scien- tion[12]. In the same way, the research by B. Goy is dedi- He implemented them into the construction of the jects, however, not complex research studies on creating tific grounding of applied aspects of new types of cated to presenting the main tendencies of development complex of Lviv Theological seminary in Lviv. (Ill. typological systems, which would satisfy architectural buildings architecture needed in the independent of historical and contemporary architecture of the Jewish 4.) R. Stotsko took the suggestions regarding the and construction development of Ukraine in general and Ukraine. This process was assisted by the fact that theatres in Ukraine and defining the principles of their ty- development of architectural typology of theologi- its regions, in particular. On the verge of the 20th and 21st the department founder – professor V. Proskuryakov pology and the basics of their modern design, which were cally-humanitarian academic institutions in Ukraine centuries Ukraine lost up to 70% of its scientific-engineer- – having defended a doctoral dissertation in Moscow approbated in the project of creating the theatrical stu- as the basis for the project of building the institute ing professionally-oriented architectural institutions, what and a habilitational thesis, already in the times of in- dio space of Lviv regional Jewish charitable foundation of socially-humanitarian sciences at Lviv Polytech- has undoubtedly influenced the level of architectural and dependence in Kyiv, had considerable experience in “Hesed-Arieh”. The same was for the build-up of the stage nic National University ordered by its management construction sphere development in comparison to the conducting fundamental researches of the architec- and the club hall at Ivan Franko National University in Lviv (Ill. 5). At the end of 2009 O. Kordunyan defended global experience. ture of theatrical and performing as well as cultural (Ill. 3), [13]. Basing himself on the research of historical a dissertation where he defined the proportioning However, at the beginning of the 3 millennium the work and educational buildings; and not only the sepa- types of the Jewish theatrical buildings and constructions principles in architectural typology of public build- in the sphere of architectural and typological science has rate objects but also complex typological systems. in Ukraine, B. Goy has suggested the modern forms of ings and structures in Ukraine as well as developed been activated due to the efforts of Ukrainian Academy Indeed, in times of USSR Proskuryakov suggested functioning, the mains ones being the Jewish theatre in the recommendations regarding their application in of Architecture, National Union of Ukrainian Architects, creating the systems of multipurpose relocatable a communal centre, in a culturally-artistic centre, a the- modern conditions. [16] Which were implemented some departments of Ukrainian Regional Scientific-Re- theatres (not to be confused with mobile theatres) atre in a separate immovable building and in the form of by him in the series of buildings in the city of Cher- search and Engineering Institute of Civil Construction, for serving the residents in the areas of mining op- a touring theatre. nivtsi (Ill. 6). Dissertation by S. Ivanov-Kostetskyi State Scientific Research and Design Institute of Urban erations, health resorts, recreational areas, in the Discovering modern tendencies of architectural energy was dedicated to architectural and functional re- Planning and Ukrainian State Institute of Urban Planning. regions with noticeable population migrations. He saving of school buildings and complexes and defin- habilitation of historical types of industrial archi- University scientific and applied activity has also con- suggested creating the systems which would com- ing their main principles, L. Shuldan has developed the tecture in Lviv. [17]. Its principles were later imple- tributed to this. These were not only the scholars who plete the systems of already existing immovable recommendations regarding the designing of new and mented by the author not only for renovation and came into architectural education from scientific-research buildings. In the times of independence, he became reconstructions of already existing school buildings in rehabilitation of historical industrial buildings (min- and engineering institutions – professors V. Kutsevych, the first one among Ukrainian scholars-architects Ukraine, taking energy-saving principles into account eral water plant, woodworking complex) but also O. Sleptsov, V. Shtolko, M. Dyomin, T. Panchenko from to be researching the culturological aspect of form- [14]. That’s what has been approbated in real design- for working projects and construction of new ob- Kyiv National University of Building and Architecture; ing the architectural typology of Ukrainian buildings ing and constructing. An architect R. Stotsko, research- jects in modern Ukrainian (Ill. 7). Designed by V. Proskuryakov, B. Cherkes, I. Gnes, M. Bevz, O. Ryb- and constructions, having also arranged the events ing the genesis and development of architecture of I. Voronkova architecturally-typological principles chynskyi from Lviv Polytechnic National University; V. regarding real implementation of TV show ideas, Myronenko, S. Chechelnytskyi, Yu. Shkodovskyi from monumental, virtual, total and other theatres (Ill. 1, National University of Building and Architecture; 2), [11]. Ill. 3. The project of the Jewish culturally-artistic centre with the theatre in Lviv in Kulisha street, designed by an architect V. Proskuryakov with V. Vadymov from National Technical University; L. During habilitational thesis defence the leading re- the participation of B. Goy. Photo from AED archive Prybega from National Academy of Fine Arts and Archi- searchers-architects, professors I. Fomin, V. Yezhov, tecture [7]. These were also those scholars-pedagogues V. Dyomin, V. Shtolko, L. Kovalskyi and others sug- who had been trained by them and who dived into the gested him to also expand the gained experience practical activity, not breaking the connection with aca- on the buildings of other architectural types: sacred, demic activity. medical-recreational, academical-pedagogical, A special place in this activity is occupied by Lviv archi- sports ones, buildings of the higher educational tecture school and, in particular, one of its departments – institutions, culturally-performing ones etc. During department of architectural environment design [8, 9, 10]. the last 15 years, 9 doctoral dissertations and one habilitational thesis have been defended at the de- Forming the aim of the article partment. To present the results of architectural and scientific activi- While the first dissertation by O. Pasichnyk present- ty of the department of architectural environment design ed the genesis and connections of Lviv Polytechnic of Lviv architecture school regarding developing the ar- National University architecture school and defined

Ill. 1. TV show theatre on the premises of Lviv TV station, 1999 Architect V. Proskuryakov. Photo archive of V. Proskuryakov Ill. 2. Landscape-folk theatre in the museum skansen “Shevchenkivkyi Hay” in Lviv. Built in 1989, architect V. Proskuryakov. Photo archive of V. Proskuryakov

44 45 Ill. 4. The project of architecture of religious-educational institutions in Ukraine. Architect R. Stotsko. The complex of Lviv Theo- logical seminary, 2008. Photo archive of R. Stotsko

Ill. 5. Project of the Institute of socially-humanitarian sciences building at Lviv Polytechnic National University, designed by an ar- chitect R. Stotsko by the order of the management, 2017. Photo from AED archive

Ill. 6. Shopping centre “Dytiachyi Svit” (Children’s World) in Sadova street in the city of . Architect O. Kordunyan 2009. Photo archive of O. Kordunya

Ill. 7. Implementation of the research results of an architect S. Ivanov-Kostetskyi into real construction of modern industrial buildings in con- temporary Ukraine in the cities: a. Brody. b. Zhovkva (the plants are currently on the construction stage), 2017. Photo from AED archive

and methods of renovating the libraries at higher educa- defined the principles of his artistic method. And tional institutions in Ukraine were implemented into the their influence on practising architects [19]. She creation of the bookstore chain in Lviv Polytechnic Na- has also used and developed them in real projects tional University buildings and during the reconstruction “Theatre of scenographic projections of Ye. Lysyk” of the building of the library named after V. Zabolotnyi in and researching project regarding renovating the Kyiv, during the renovation of old academic building of assembly hall of the 1st academic building of Lviv scientific library at National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Polytechnic National University with extending the Academy”, during the renovation of the library at Lviv theatrical functions (Ill. 9). Scientific-research work National Academy of Arts. [18], (Ill. 8). has been actively conducted by the department Researching the phenomenon, genesis, parameters and staff during the last few years. And while I. Gumen- place of architecturally-scenographic heritage of a world- nyk, researching the development of architectural wide-known theatrical artist Ye. Lysyk, Z. Klymko has typology of landscape theatres in Ukraine, [20] and

46 47 Ill. 10. The project of student’s polyclinic-club “Zdorovya” (“Health”) on the campus of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Architect O. Krasylny- kov. Photo archive of O. Krasylnykov

proposed before 2016 medical-prophylactic centres into the following being the most important ones: De- Ill. 8. The bookstore chain of Lviv Polytechnic National University, architect I. Voronkova, a., b. Photos from the archive of an architect I. Voronkova new architectural types – polyclinic-club (Ill. 10, 11.), and institutionalisation – avoiding the direct association the health club. Basing the research on the experience with a medical institution; transparency – using the of designing the environment of university medical-recre- “transparent” constructions which do not hide the K. Yanchuk – architecturally-theatrical activity of a world- to the medical needs of the youth, and the absence ational centres, in particular on Cannon Design, HMC Ar- processes that happen in the centres; designing the wide-known, born in Ukraine architect F. Kiesler, who H. of regulations for university buildings of medical chitects, Shepley Bulfinch, Ratcliff Architects, Duda Paine leisure places in the spatial structure of the centres; Hollein, Z. Hadid, F. Gehry called their teacher, specify, purpose also influences it [22]. While at the begin- Architects in the USA and their own scientific research, the proposal to add the functions of student’s club research deeper and develop important for Ukraine ning of his researches Krasylnikov directed his ef- the researching design of the health centres has also to the main functions; integration of centre architec- ideas of the previous architects-researchers [21], then forts into creating the system of medical aid objects been started at the department of architectural environ- ture with already existing architectural environment architects O. Krasylnikov and Yu. Filipchuk make ground on the campus premises, for ensuring the functional ment design. They serve as healthcare complexes for stu- of the campus etc. for new architecturally-typological directions with the component of students’ healthcare, which are poly- dents and have inter-university direction. Such projects Researching the system of theatrical buildings in help of their works. clinics, the centre of medical and prophylactic help, have the peculiarity of being similar to global tendencies, Ukraine, an architect-master Yu. Filipchuk has con- Having conducted a series of surveys in the biggest uni- consultation modules, first medical aid centres, then versities of Lviv, O. Krasylnikov has concluded that within having deepened his knowledge in global tenden- 3-4 years of studying the students’ health condition gets cies, his vector was directed at creating the build- two times worse, they practically don’t use the services of ings where the preference would be given to the Ill. 11. The project of inter-university centre of students’ health for higher educational institutions in Lviv. Architect O. Krasylnykov. Photo archi- student’s polyclinics because of unsatisfactory conditions psychological stabilization, healthy nutrition, physi- ve of O. Krasylnykov and psychological discomfort. Among 7 existing student’s cal activity and quitting bad habits of the students. polyclinics, none of them is built by the project adapted Thus, it was decided to transform in 2018-2021 the

Ill. 9. Theatre of kinetic projections of an artist Ye. Lysyk at Prague Quadrennial in 2015. Author prof. V. Proskuryakov with the participation of Yu. Filipchuk and Z. Klymko, 2015. Photo from AED archive

48 49 Ill. 12. Project proposal of creating the theatrically-performing centre for children and youth in the city of Kropyvnytskyi, architect Yu. Filipchuk (project delivered to the customer), 2017. From AED archive

cluded that by the genre and capacity it still consists of For approbations of his scientific research Yu. Fil- the theatres which were functioning during USSR pe- ipchuk under the supervision and authorship of riod. The theatres which were subsidized exclusively a professor V. Proskuryakov has designed the work by the government. This, in particular is related to the projects ordered by the management of the puppet theatres for children and youth as well as puppet the- theatres in the city of Kropyvnytskyi and Lviv (Ill. 12), atres which worked on the shaping of “the personality (Ill. 13). In the first case the idea of the second type of building ”. Practically all the theatres (8 was approbated, in the second one the first type of theatres for children and youth and 24 puppet theatres) theatrically-performing centre was designed. And were theatres of the same type, with the same stage of while in the first case the theatrically-performing remote type and a hall which could not be transformed centre based on the puppet theatre in Kropyvnytskyi to adjust to the ideas and concepts of the directors and was a rather mechanistic integration of designed scriptwriters who worked there. At the same time, the spaces in the building-ruin, which was located next analysis of work experience of performing institutions to the puppet theatre building, in Lviv the buildings in the World has shown that nowadays and in the fu- of theatrical space got a various functional and genre ture theatrically-performing centres are the most ef- development. After project search in the existing fective ones, their functional and genre palette has the space of the theatre in Lviv, a theatre-museum and features of theatrically-performing as well as culturally- a theatre-studio appeared and the main facade, apart educational function. Centres, the architecturally-spatial from its primary function, started playing the role of solution of which can have the following types: The first an interactive screen for advertising and presenting type – a separate building, when all the rooms are lo- needs of the theatre as well as cultural needs of the cated on the premises of one building; The second type city. It was also favoured by the staging by means – when the centre is created from the buildings that are of landscape, scenographic and urban design of the located nearby in the same area and are connected with environment of Danylo Halytskyi square in front of each other. The third type – the buildings of the centre the main theatre facade. This project was also ap- are located nearby but in the different areas; and The proved by the management and artistic council of fourth type – when the centre is connected by genre and the theatre however, it was not implemented due to function, operates in the scattered around the city areas, the lack of funding, moratorium on usage of which Ill. 13. Project of creating the theatrically-performing centre for children and youth in the building of Lviv puppet theatre. a. Project of the theatre- buildings, complexes connected solely by the activity has been still imposed in Ukraine because of Russian -studio. b. Project of museum theatre. c. Project of multifunctional environment within the space of D. Halytskyi square in Lviv. Architects prof. concept. [23]. aggression in the East of Ukraine. Proskuryakov, Yu. Filipchuk (project delivered to the customer), 2017. From AED archive

50 51 Ill. 16. Landscape design in urbanized environment for the leisure complex “Burevisnyk” in the city of . Architects Yuliya Bogdanova and Igor Kopylyak, 2017. Photo by Yu. Bogdanova and I. Kopylyak

Dzhygil, M. Yatsiv, Yu. Bogdanova and I. Kopylyak should [12] Pasichnyk O.S. Heneza arkhitekturnoyi shkoly Lʹvivsʹkoyi politekhniky definitely be counted to them. (Ill. 14, 15, 16). i vnesok yiyi vypusknokiv u rozvytok arkhitektury: Avtoreferat dys… kand. arkh.:18.00.01 – Lʹviv, 2004. - 20 s. [13] Hoy B.V. Arkhitektura yevreysʹkykh teatriv Ukrayiny. Pryntsypy typo- Ill. 14. The main facade of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. Architect Yu. Dzhygil, built in 2001. Photo by an architect Yu. Dzhygil ENDNOTES lohiyi ta proektuvannya: avtoreferat dys….kand. arkh.: 18.00.02 – Lʹviv, 2006. - 20 s. * AED – architectural environment design [14] Shuldan L.O. Pryntsypy arkhitekturno-typolohichnoho vdoskonalen- 1 Kyiv National University of Building and Architecture nya shkilʹnykh budivelʹ z vrakhuvannyam enerhozaoshchadzhuvannya: 2 Kharkiv National University of Building and Architecture avtoreferat dys…. kand arkh. 18.00.02 –Lʹviv, 2007. - 20s. 3 Conclusions At the beginning of the 21st century the need has Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture [15] Stotsʹko R.Z. Arkhitekturno-typolohichni pryntsypy formuvannya 4 Development of architecture in Ukraine as well as in the emerged in the country to define the general rules Odesa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture dukhovnykh osvitnikh zakladiv Ukrayinsʹkoyi Hreko-katolytsʹkoyi tserkvy 5 Poltava National Technical University World is happening as a result of realizing and general- of various architectural objects development and to v Ukrayini. Avtoreferat dys….kand. arkh.: 18.00.01 – Lʹviv, 2008. - 20s. [16] Kordunyan O.P. Pryntsypy proportsionuvannya v arkhitekturnykh ty- izing the artistic project experience. That is why the archi- work out the new ones, which are designed and built pakh hromadsʹkykh budivelʹ i sporud Ukrayiny: Avtoreferat dys….kand. BIBLIOGRAPHY tectural science cannot be separated from the engineer- by the unknown earlier principles. arkh.: 18.00.02 – Lʹviv, 2009. - 20 s. ing process. Practically each research work concludes Architectural needs of a young country on the cur- [1] Shtolʹko V.H. Akademiya arkhitektury v Ukrayini. Vidrodzhennya. Shcho dali? [17] Ivanov-Kostetsʹkyy S.O. Futurystychnyy dyzayn yak instrument [tekst] / V.H. Shtolʹko // Visnyk Ukrayinsʹkoyi Akademiyi Arkhitektury / Hol. red. prohnozuvannya maybutnʹoho. / S.O. Ivanov-Kostetsʹkyy // Arkhitektura: into certain artistic proposals. However, it is worth men- rent stage can be satisfied by architectural and re- Valentyn Shtalʹko. – K. UAA; 2000 – Vyp. 6. - S 10-11. Visnyk NU «Lʹvivsʹka Politekhnika» / Vidp. red. 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Osobennosty formyrovanyya obshchestvenno-zhyloho kom- [19] Zoriana Klymko. Wplyw tworczosci scenografa Eugeniusa Lysyka na pleksa v rekonstruyruemom tsentre krupneysheho horoda: avtoreferat dys... kand. tworzenie teatralnej i kulturalno – edukacyinej architektury Lwowa [текст] arkh. 18.00.02 – Moskva - 1985. - 19s. / Zoriana Klymko // Architektura zharmonizowana w przestrzeni miasta: [5] Anysymov A.V Arkhytekturno-typolohycheskye pryntsypy formyrovanyya by- Monografia – Architektura / Pod redakcia Lucjana W Kamoinki / - Kielce: blyotek uchebnykh zdanyy: avtoreferat dys…kand. arkh. 18.00.02 – Moskva - Politechnika Swietokrzyska, 2016. s.56-65. PL ISBN 978-83-65719-39-8. Ill. 15. Lighting of the main building of Lviv Polytechnic National University, architect M. Yatsiv, 2015. Photo archive of M. Yatsiv 1987. - 22s. [20] Humennyk I.V. Rozvytok arkhitekturnoyi typolohiyi landshaftnykh tea- [6]Hnedovskyy YU.P., Savchenko M.R. 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ISSN 978-966-553-818-9. technic National University // Development in urbanized, endangered and [9] Proskuryakov V.I. Kafedra DAS – Triumf prohresu. Vid mynuloho do difficult areas. – Kielce: Politechnika Swietokrzyskia, 2017. Monografia, maybutnʹoho [tekst] / V.I Proskuryakov // Arkhitektura: Visnyk NU «Lʹvivsʹka Poli- Architectura 6. – P 51-55. PL ISBN 978-83-65719-23-2. tekhnika» / Vid. red. B.S. Cherkes. Vyd. Lʹvivsʹka Politekhnika - № 793 - 2014. S. [23] Yurii Filipchuk. The architectural creation of theatrical and entertain- 5-8. ISSN 0321-0499. ment centers for children and young as a factor of increasting the attra- [10] Proskuryakov V.I Na shlyakhu do arkhitekturnoyi osvity i profesiyi maybutnʹoho. ctiveness of cities in Ukraine. The example of the puppet theater in Kro- Kafedri dyzaynu arkhitekturnoho seredovyshcha 15 rokiv. Zamistʹ zvitu. [tekst] / V.I pyvnytskyi / Yurii Filipchuk // Zabudova na obszarach zurbanizovanych, Proskuryakov // Arkhitektura: Visnyk NU «Lʹvivsʹka Politekhnika» / Vid. red. B.S. zagrozonych oras trudnyh: Monografia – Architectura 6 / pod redakcia Cherkes. Vyd. Lʹvivsʹka Politekhnika - № 895 - 2018. S. 4-10. ISSN 2523-4757. Joanny Gill – Mastalerchzyk – Kielce: Polytechnika Swietokrzyska, 2017. [11] Proskuryakov V.I Arkhitektura ukrayinsʹkoho teatru. Prostir i diya: Monohra- – s.56-66. PL ISBN 978-83-65719-23-2. fiya. – Lʹviv: Vyd-vo Natsionalʹnoho universytetu «Lʹvivsʹka Politekhnika», vyd-vo «Sribne slovo» - 2004. – S. 407-458. ISBN 966-8399-01-3.

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