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w iJiii!iinyn> 'i-ii ■MlrfillfiPf M JE G o o d im o r n i n g Schojols latckcejii^fiecli fire mspeii “ T bd^’slSrec- e c a s t : ' ' i\i ByXBitaToMiaa ■ • ■ ' '.vollolunwerlire departments, theth schools rely tricts-acrocross tlie.valley. B ur h e foundadjust ob- al stptc review^ — ------Silm dajrvariablc f . •Times-News'writer ewi sud -Superintendent Mike ible clouds with scatfei^ f ; . - ■ 0 “'a 8 '^ e ra l building Inspectiiction once a year vIousiHin;hings,'Poulin said. • Stefanlc. , showers. Highs J IS 80 to 85 and lows in y state officials who T h e r e c;ould o bc Bliss school h ; I. BURLEY-.^on-ca ol malnlcaancc workers needed’ - m id .4 0 s to low era-50s. 5 i-caused flames licked , sayly they would prefer «. ;s his in- only to fix bum thfou;^''the old Cassia ( 'W e’re not the, ax|:x p e r t s lumed-out emergency and exit • f ^ g « A 2 ia Couiity highzS^ool to) tsee local fire in- ^ . specters wo/ould not li^ts, according . two decadw ago,;destrc Ung to state records. But Poulin stroying the^building. spesectors involved as o>n r th e Are codel W e dO' ' catch, he'-' said - said the school Several years .ago,;a stonitorage shcd'filled with well >ol could have other problem s l o c tem s In whether’ wa/alls b e -» his^inspectbrdidididn’t find. ' ■ . ^ ■ sawdust outside the Haililailey higfi school sent “We’re not the ex- * aok , for certain itei __, tween the shiihop class • Even' wealthythy ;districts sometimes skimp / a sheet o f flames 50 feet!Ct Iinto the air. . . . , p e:its n on the fire code,” tth l e fire code,, an d Id -fire .; - ahdthcregulJiilhr 'clfliss- , on th^’r school>1 firflsafttyreyiews.,fl . Eycty year - p6 ssibly,fire^etyrexcep^for-th•» Big fart A Carey footbalball,piayer will be in S-baekks^lariP WashinEton. D.C., tithis w eek to inlerview ' NFL HallK)f-Famcficf Sieve Lar^nl..^^ ■ forvwelfare i Magic/m ice The A ssociateddPrew Pi i i S o m c /o f th e bdstdst llgurc skaters in the world"'were struttintting their stuff in Sun W A S H IN GTON T C — P,resident Cljntoj - Vqlfey Saturday. voiced supportt forfo a Senate. wsU}iire'«yt^ . ' . P a g e 0 1 haul plan sponsonsored by Senate M ajoriij' j ^ Leader Bob Dole)ole on Saturday, saying -$ puts the nationn “within striking distance? o f true w elfare rcreform f . ' : 2 •• Although the measiir^. ‘contains wm e dem ei^.' r v e Learning curvi he has resisted in tlio F in d o u t w h at teachers tea wish parents past. Clinton pfp- knew about theirr clchildren’s classroom nounccd it far.prefer? I success. able to a more restric­ P a g e C l tive welfare bill that passed the HOuse last -. ' Moving upcouim n t r y M areh. , Clinton used his -wc.ekly. scven-m tnutc- - • ..... Jeromc’s-John SpanbnucrSpt Sr.; having ' " radio. address to praise .' found 'success withith his Saturday night Clinton the Senate, for :Svisdom 1?am dances; is aboujout to move to larger . and couriigc" In a ^ ’es ■■... .,quaffors.,...,j . o f votes last w/cek «el that he sajd ipadc the '■'T' , iv ''P a g e .'C l' legisIMIonnjiwrMiT fl4 tip i!8 b le i^ * l^ ;''.'“ ' '• a olstuilehte;c9u(drj*tudele,co,riiiui>itf-rri.,t«^ O ft i^ f t^ 'r n u c h of, p a s t twtvvo ' Meanwhile, OolDole pre- /f k program^tbbk awffray teacher8 *;ablDiy to ^ . ' dieted passage c th e Jf ' . measure' w ith bipabipartisan f suppon on Tuesday Repairing i^eiii f a i r ^ Tht' GOP Icleader, Kv.v^g* 2 8 H n ^ teaming up withth } H ouse , . Despite recwt troul•oubles, the Twin Falls Seiit’s tio o k ^ Speaker Newt GinG ingrich ' County Fai^-and Rod■lodeo rem ains. a.o n e- for the GOP radia d io re - of-a-kind poramunity.ity. institution, today’s ; ;PT' sponse, called thith e 'b ill ■ editorial.says. ■ • “historic lcgislati< to P a ^ A f i truly end wclfbre as a M ' way of life” andd saids; it ■ a tro l froJ mI teaclh e i^ ' would “dramatiiaticaMy Dole I overhaul 60 yeai'e a r s o f . ^ . . passwcword, it would bccom c xmusaisable. He or and_ computer 1 the failed welfare pollc;sllcy.” ' ■ ■ cr lab s«tion\^t-thc top o f t! _ Turies»News vmtcr . •' • - she wcwould then lose access to stuistudent pass- screen.' - ______“Oncc the Setmtenate pasMs our plan ... we wordsIsland many oth“er parts olI ttietti system, NightingaleIc }sm d lh at al^cr taiking to ththe will ^et togetherr andan w e’ll resolve the few I Spokane inventor!3r saj^ his purifying .RUPERT - A MinicoCO High School stu- Nightiiitingale said. • student; he concludedcd that he m eant'n'no the differences thenhere are. and I hope Presi- system could revoluticutiohize the way peo- dent to.ok away teachersicrs” cootrbl o f tw o Befc5fore the cause o f the problenlem'vrns dis-. • harm' and j uist s t wanted ' to find out whetheh e r dent Clinton w ill11 ththen sign the bill,’’ Dole pie clean d i i i ^ h g watneni D ep u ty p r e s ss s(s e c r e ta r y M a iy E lle n jf' the computer poMwordss ofoi other students. were uiunafTccted and no equipmenlent or soft- o f the labs, Nighlightingale said. - Glynn ,sald Saturdarday that veto threat still ^ ■ • Viewers votcd'toI keepk< see the swim- . “His term,for it was,s tl the Trojan horse, ware wwas damajged, b ut SO to 60 hours of Jockson saidlid school computer lab stafafr stood: “ suit comprttiorirdiiriniring Saturday night's rheaning It sat there in the background and' compu]ruler lab instfiiction tim e andrid as many arc reinstallingng software 011 com putcre in ii The president’ss susupport for th c'D o le Icg - Miss Ameiica Pageant.int. ' d id s n e ^ little things,"" AAssistant Principal hours: of0 tracher labor were lost in dying 10 the other labI and ar hope to have. It .runningng ' • islation came reluciluctantly and only in the f, P a g e A 2 Kile Nightingale said. . solve ththe problem, Jackson said. Monday, ,. ; ] context of the h'arsI'arshcr provisions o f the' • The student told Nightghtingqle he.didn:t...... _T^_t5 Jcochciun 'charBC-oC onc.oln f th<» Inhc d-hitnlris fy looking at ways'to m ake .its-iti Houselegislatioa--— lo o k ot students'’w6'rk! confirmrmed. her suspicion th at a Hackcr Ha was computer systentems more ^u re, Ni^tihgalclie.’’ “We’re on the vav er^ of coming to grips 2 k. The program prevented.icd.tcacheis ahd ad- rwponsinsible'for the unuble w heni sshe spoke' Mid. ■' ' ^ ' !■' with one of the mostmo fundamenuil social ■ mimstratbra from callingg uii; p stiiclchts'^'paM-7 to'ahIBIBM empioyix iri Boise. Jackicksohsaid. ' Tlic studentat tdidn’t gain acxcss to'stu-;u- problem s' o f d u r■ tim tlri e— movfhg peoplq ■Marilyn rages >^ords and suptavising theitheir work, N i^ tin - A teaeacher found an unm arked[ didisk Tues- dents’ g ^ c s oror permanent records, whichch welfare to worivoili,” Clinton Said. “Now . galesaldi day. WlkVhen she examined its contiintents, she are kept on & neinetw ork used o nly b y p arwIts ts wc must finish thee jo b and;w e can ’t le t id6 ^ —Hurricane Mdrilyn/n tore-through the-- iWhen a teacher wouldlid enter his or her. found tlthe program-with the studenlent’s name and administratoators, he said. ological extremismsm and politics as usuj ‘ Virgin lislonds and Puei'ucrto Rico killing at L _____I ; . . . . P le a s< Icast3'pcoplcaiid.injurijuringJOO. ■ . >95e s M W !E E ;F A R eA 3 / , PasaES. • 4 . ______Spacewsalking aistronau stay^ars rihin H€ew duds : SertionA .MM o v ies...... -...7 ■■ _ - . ■ ■ Tbe Tl Asibciktpd Pm s G erald Miller, h NASA’s lead flijflight-con-^ H I -■ troller fcfor spacewalks. A precis S e c tio n D I figure CAPE, CANAVERAL. FlaFla.— They did won’t-bebe-ovallable-until-temperat sen- ■ , !;pplnlbn....„..^7 . S pf o rts..;-.....,.1-4 their th, b « l to chill, out in thele ffreezing vacu- sois are! eexamined after th e flight, ■ : v''" , um ur o f spacc, staying in thele sshadow o f the O ne b>by one, the sppcewalkers remr ained 'i'soeUonB ; SeiBtlon E : shuttle. sh .' motionlesless pn the robqt a rm in an attenmt! •: Local naw s ;;„ ..1 Ml V B u i.tp N A SA ’s delight, EntEndeavour’s tw o to get coliold ^ to no ayalL V o s i, in 1factt ;ipa{^aIkirig'ii5trohauts kept;ept,warm Satur- to,turn off0 the fingertip heater h is • day thanks to hew heated glisty long under- The twIWO men.were just a^'comim fo rta b lc ''' • ; • • ClaMlfled..-...^ Cl( > • ww< ear. ' bustling; arounda the cargo bay,' althcthough the S e c t i o n C “Couldn’t be more' cocom fortable.” . thcrmomeneter down there registeredred a m ere. ’ FeM ures1-8 • S e c tio n f '' M Mi ichael C^etnhardt ^ d . “Therhesc gloves aro minus 75. Dear,/^byivV.';5 CitCla8sified«;<,1-8 workingigreat wc I'm waifn.’’ . N ASAi wanu as much practice-a possi- Grosswoi^ w.i.6 ..’. • ; G * em U ^t and Jam u VossOSS spent nearly ble worki•king ih this deep*frceze e n v i^ n -_ ""/ ...... 'an 'an hoiiir'eacli oo the.eqd oft!if th e robot arm , . m eht befoibie construction o f an ioteitcniat>on<— / /., .raira ise d 30. feet >boye the core:argo bay in the nl-spaceststation begins 111 two years, coldest possible position to m V I rerB 5 )W e d p a p e r . ; s mimic a space Officialials .estimate Atherican astastronauts. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ K ?t^^;coijstruction siK^^ ■J' .j' - ■ will haverc to perform 200 to 25P) hhours'of r ^ - .'P le a s e t e'!=yl»ll°aal£..-:J.- c\H :;JS, 'down'toTnirtus spiicnratlolkrperyear^ih'1999*1 iiileha^G em liiai^l^g^•ifom ^eTp^^ inEiiSM voiufsaW ’ /TT / ' - y ? ‘ - ■■I ^ahrwhcit, said, a . , . / • f Please see ^TiRONXU nting his spsdtsuH S tou i r ^ . - T h e n ^ h I s iii tthe o * right eo m ^V , ■ M p a ljj£ ^ i0 O R ' J ' j ■■ '■ • 7 S m S^A -2 Tlmos-Now3.ivs. Twin Falls, Idaho • Sundo)doy, Soptombor 17,1995, TFIT '

i ^ . h m e aather I . . ' ■ .

lo forecasts BE ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ National temperatures Areu?We«iheT*l ...------Th(m e AccuWeathfif*fore(»istfornoon,-Sunday,8 t Sept 1 Max- Min Pep' .Alb.Albuquorciuo 77. 66.. .OS c Valley H Z n S H j AtlantaAUai 81 69 • "V ■ -10* ^ i . ioi voa BoaiBoston 67 49 . ------>—C------. T/«lay voxvariable clouds with widely scatteredsc showers and • Banda Mpar«t«r«t« i»mp«r>turt 2onM tar the da] ChlcOflO • 85 . . 61 . ..., . thundcrsho\vtiowers. Gusty winds and locacal blowing dust near Dallas' • • 96 ' 74 . ' m ^ - - thundershowlowers. Highs 80 to 85. Westt \winds 10 to 15 mph. Donvor. '.82 ' 54 • • [C o e u rp|-Al8n^ " a 7 ‘ I Tonight pari)>arlly cloudy with a few cvcninling showers and thun- Dos I'^olnos 81 61 .V., Ootrolt 82 52 ...... dcrshowcrs.rs. Cooler with lows in the mid-40s mi to lower 50s.' 4 ►Honolulu 90 75- ..... Monday mosnostly sunny and cooler. Highs - IS around 80. "* '.T l Hlouston 08 76 '.01 ' - C ffii TheulmjvUTjviolct index forecast is 5. a moderate exposure ' . H ndlanapolls 76 60 ' * [Lowiston>tOlH8< * M ^ , level. JOY CLOUDY 9®'*att Loke^ City 94 ■ 58 lows in the: upperup, 30s. Monday mostly sun ------^Sonon FFrancisco 69 58 ' unny and o little cool- e a ttia ...... 67 66 • -g n cr. Highs inn ththe lower 70s. • 'Spokipokano 83 54 SftOHjjir««nmn*i . „ TreasuriJre Valley Wash:'ashinflton 72 65 .02 • viTuMSMAMiOnen et Today andnd tonightt portly cloudy ond co.cooler. Isoloted oRct- P Idaho:iho: H i^ . 93 degrees at Pocatellilellj^Low , 30 degrees ot Stanley noon and cvei evening thunderhowers. Highshs in the lower 80s. Naliotlion: High, j I^ degrees ot LaEcaEc Havasu City, Ariz. Low, 2128* degrees at Clayton 128 Almanalac______Lows 45 to> 5050. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph today. Mon- Lakc,(c, Maine. ^ Todiroday's fire danger index for sijnny. Highs in thc lower 80s. • •______soudio u t h ^ Idaho: Idaho . ______tw in Fall :oc4bros(>]ar>drhigh:------?!15______N f f}m-Nevada i ------IQ Maxlax Min Pep Yostorday. 82i 48 ..... F'or o rr range lan^ h i^ . Bolso 92 92 56 ..... Last yoor ;71 41 ..... Today most!lostly sunny west. Partly cloud;ldy and not as wami TuneK t to the Notional Weothcr ServiTvice radio band ot VHF-FM 162.4or 16 162.55 MHZ Burloy 86 86 49 .... Normal 379 42 '.oi east wilJj a slightslifi chance o f moinly oficmc“noon thunderstorms. or calla ll 423-4423. le careful with fire. Folrfiold 84 Highs 80-90.10. Tonight foir skies. Lows in the mid- to upper l _ ! ^ _ Gooding “ m : : : : : . precipitatia t i o n 30s east lo' 4040s and lower 50s west ondnd central. M onday Hogorman e 88 s 47 ...... Month to dolo;j; .01 mostly sunny.ly. 1Highs in the 80s. Idaho Foils 89 89 42 ...... Nomial [no. to d. ) R a i n ffalls s from Oklatihoma to CaroliiU n a s Joromo 01 81 53 ...... V^alor yoar todsr!,T ..,.S Northerrirn Utah \J — ------Lowiston------92-9 2 S6 -rr .— Nofmolyaar tofltodato; ~>io;oe------Todayand'tifd tonTght pnHIy-cIoud>rA“ cHchancc oflftem b o n A'COld front slrelcliwl froiTrtlintliFUpperPSiiisulQofMichi; “ Molod 91 far'fnr^ and.ni^ttimene showers{ or thunderstofms. I gaja n through norihweslem WisiWisconsin, northwestern Iowa, m m .::: c o m f o r t * . Local south winds „ . Malta m f a c t o r s 10-20 mph. QQ:alcr. Highs in the-mid-8080s, Monday portly .J J *lin ; " fell Soturdoy from Oklohomi>ma to the Corolinas, with so:loutheastern Nebraska, northiirtheostcm Colorado and into McCall m m 46 ...... Humidity al 8 p.rp.m.: 33% cloudy. Highshs inear 80. Chancc o f rain 300 jMhrent this after- temperatures in parts ofthe Mlidwcst. id' , W;Wyoming.______Pocalollo 93 93 45 ...... Baromotor at 88 p p.m.: 29.98 noon and night EStcm Texas was drwiched by heavyh morning rain that M Solmon 82 82 43 ...... Pollon count: NANA mtulmiviolciolet index forecast is 6, a moden ded by the aflemooD. Showersrs iand thunderstonms fired W Stonloy m m 30 ...... CouctmyAtthmsaAJ: ong a frontal system in die GSreot ra Lakes and elsewhere W inter’s chill is for froni.MtM inncsota nnd our thoughts Sun Vol/oy m Idaho> Aweather sunrfnm ary i-^cM; Midwest. ' tow, but we’re always on the lookout for clues to what' ^ Skywatch A weak WC low pressure systemn im a d e its woy across kiti;ind o f season lies ohead. One Dm possible answer may be ‘ h The strongg hihigh pressure ridge that brouflught rccord or near no rthem en Nevada, with clouds aloilong i the line wilh Ore- grcrowing in your own back yard,yar so keep an eye on that reconl temperatutamres to southem Idaho on Fridri^y,continued over gon. corom . The husks moy providele somesc important information Sunset today 7:45 p.m. the state Saturda' SimrisototDonow 7;2I o.m. irday. For thc second day in a rowow, a reconi temper- Hurricrriconc Maril)7i moved ow ay.fh.from the Caribbean ol\er foror us. According to folklore,re, "If' com husks ore thicker ' corded ot Pocatello. Around.1:3 Lan«r phsse: Last quarter,:"scp.. S< 1:30.p jn. MDT, the makinglg at direct hit on St. Thomas oviovem ighL President Clin- - thla a n usual; a cold-winter is aheaiheadrComhusksgcrthickcr— at Pocotello had rcached 93 degegrees, breaking the ton dccia Sept. 24; first qunrtcr, Oct.;. UI; full.O ct. old record o f 90 1 xiared the U.S. Virgin Islandss aoi nd Puerto Rico disaster i fr tthc suinmer weather is wornwarmer and wetter than usual, 8. 90 degrees set in 1979. Temperamatures in thc south- areas SaturdaySo afler Morilyn barrele I west part of thcthc Istate were held to mainly the e le d through the islands, Sotom e believe that hot, w tt sumrummcrs are followed by cold- t e 805 cloud, in. deslroyi. VIslbla planots; Morning, Satu ying homes, knocking out an1 airportai tower and flood- er,r, drier winters. Whether there Evoning; Mars, Jupltor. Mona tho south and west early in thc da lere’s any ••kcmcr'of truth lo “ ing a hoshospital. thislls forecast is yet to be determiirmined. M 1 Fire__ ----- MUss Oklilafaoma gets Mililitaiy planes ; C o n tin u e d fro m A l were stostored in th e mechanical room.'n. Twin Falls FireJ Chiefi Phillip ; not saying it’s rt; J e r a s right. It's eco- Thcc Iboiler room still has its oldoli Clough, who inspecects Twin Falls ash killing 6 ; notnics.” d oor anand ceiling. And it’s toughh tot< schools, said schoolslls in h is district ^ J | ' XICO CITY (AP) — Four mil------1. ...And even i f agciwicw ics team up to in- keep thithe mechanical room clear o r o ^ foi r of arc faitly safe. Schoipol fire alarms r Wrthdlay , ^planes flying in l i^ t formation ■ : spcct schools, safetyly \violations go un- flammalnabte items;' said mainienancimce- ring in the fire departsrtmcnt, and fire ATLA crashedsi SSaturday during Mexican In- ; corrected. LANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP)') —- Supervis■visor Bill RufTcll. , . - inspectors gojthrbughll twicc a year. M iss OkOkl^oma Shawntel Smith g dependecidcnce Day festivities, killing In February, a state > g o t ate inspector found "ThatIiat’s a dilemma ^very schootool Fire d c p a ^ e n t inspispections are tho birthc■thday present many young ggir iris six crewew members, the Defense De- • L '1 four fire safety problci 7lems in Almo Ele- faces,, wherew to put sujjplies that yotyou cial, he said, in rcmoviving hazards and only dreiIream obout Saturday: S he w wi as partmcntent said - mcritaiy School in the the. Cassia County d o n 't hihave room for,” he said. “Ai“As. making sure eveiyonele can get out of ' ciovracdcd M iss Amcrica. ! crew mctpber parachutcd to . \ ■ School District, whicfj ich is also inspect- school1 districtsd expand and odd monlore the building. . . B u l she st had to share her part;ir ty . safcQ' andw d remained ho^italized later ' . 1 ; cd by the local fire dep department. classrooooms, they need more storage-age “Kicls go to school cxpcctinge;i th<^!ll Swimsuilmils toQk cenier stage as vievie w - ' Saturday^'la y - '’ . ,.■ • Thc boiler room ne< needed a door and spocc,, anand they find themselves takingdng be safe, so it’s our responsibilityre; to ers votecled overwhelmingly td retai:tain - A s^ ^ m t eo t from the Defense De- ceiling that would res resist fire for one over cuscustodial storage rooms so thcthe make sure that (hey are,”ar he said. “I the contrntroversial swimsuit com pel partment'^ld cnt' the ac!cldent bccuii^d • hour. An abovc-grouni ?cti> lund tank of diesel suppliesies they have in the custodialdial think? they put kids at riskris by not doing , tior^, inin keep in g with 75 y e a r s o c f w hm 'anin F t5 aiiplane collided with th e • ■ oil near tlic school w 1 was not marked roomss youy find in the mechanicalteal . f i r e inspections. You wantv. to prevent pageantIt hhistory. rear o fr a T-33, and. the fa^ng planes flammable, and combu ibustible materials room." tragedies.” • S h e blew bl kisses to the crowlar- was suippcd of her crorown for c^g. The rpbbery occurred at the >re. • - ...... ship andi a,a job to bccome a spokesper-•CT- geraling her academic rcrecord and vms i l * .?■ I T h e NNationali Aeronautics andid bench and performI otheri tests, son foryoyour platfomi, you should be Iw replaced by first ninncner-up Amber Times-News regrets th e er- ' nd maintain the Space AdAdministration sped up pro-o- About thc biggest probliblcm was low judged on your heart and mind ancim d M edlin. SL .That ’fi, four to - duction-- oj9f.thc:tottciy-hea!ed.:glove93 es—batten esrip •a'povei'tooool.-Thcy-aIso“ ,^»wyouhj'htm dlc yourselfrnot‘on*howow— MlSS-Ddaw^T^nchl I Making it more pal ihcTl^Htirris; a mt performed in followingng. February’s frigid spacc-c- read placards fh)m varyirying distances you w eartr svnmsuils,”s .Whitestone, th^ e e four-time loser in the MMiss New Jer- . Id a hho C lottery - . k spacewalking walk andid made other improvementsts to test their improved helmeth lights; first dcdfNf Miss Americi, said Friday, pageont, was grilledd over whether ...... : Hubble Spacc lo thc SIO10.4 million spacesuits. Rus-s- it almost sounded as5 thought Ihey The firstirst runner-up was Miss c5rc-re- she met eligibility requjuiremcrits'for ■ BOISE!E C(AP) - Winning numbers ' Astrona smonouts don't seem to suf- ision. sian cosmi f- w ere visiting thc eye dococtor. gon Emily:ly John Orton. Thc other e ig^ h t t th c title she won. drawn SaturdoySat: in the Powerball >sfu! spacewalk fcr fromn coldc hai]ds during spdce-:- It was the first spajaccwalk for finalistsI werew Miss Alaboma Leighs h And the first runner-uj Continued from A l •up in the Miss gamcare:•c: inh eased some walks bcclecause o f their thicker, bulLit G em hardt and Voss —-deliberate c on Shcrer. MissM Mississippi M onicaca Maryland pageant. Lindtida Yuch, sued ■ 5-6 -21-26-38; 1-2( Powcrball 7 (five, 2 0 0 1 to assemble and more cumlimbersome, gloves, NASA’s^part. The spiipace-agency Louwerens,« s. M iss Illinois Tracy H ayes,5S, th c stote and national pagageant b^use six, twentymty-one, twcnly-six, thirty- • - . , — _Jiugc.orbiiing outpost.te of confidence As forr sstation-style work, neither:r wants to increase its spacewalkingsf Mtss Neww Yori. Helen O o ld sb y /MISS. i^. she says last-minute qucuestions about,- eight;.PowcowerboU seven. Ol ' five times thc amount •dt n o r V o ss had any troublele expertise'and thus is spn^reading these Californionia Tiffany Stoker, M iss y on the right Gemhardt ss her residency eligibility/ prompted,\ of- • Estimatetlated jackpot: $9.7 million. ‘1993. NASA's peak s hondling.aj^an aluminurn shield similarIT stati^oii-practice spacew;walks around Kansas Air^ y Beth Keller, Miss M aIS- s- ficials to ensure she dicLt’iL’twin^..- , ■ year becausc of thc H will^^over-toemtemational-f ------sochusctts-its-Morcia-Tumcr oiid-Miss- irev io u s sp acci” to w h a t wi i l - f ^ tnnch a s p o ssib le,-'— S3 ------Yueh,-whowas-strippe?ed :Q 0 ier f ir s t'- " B O I S E 0(APT^'WiSnitigliurnfi^'" ' : Telescope refjair missioitronauts’ frccz- space statiiation to protcct against tinyy ! . F our m ore practice spapacew alks are A r k a i ^5 PiPaula Gaye Montgomery, ninner-up title, went tt< o c o u rt last d raw n ^SatiSaturday in the Tri-West • Saturday's successfiay’s excursion meteorites,lcs> or rolling up a'sheet of)f planned, with the nextct one during Pageantnt President Leonard Hornm Week iri a bid to stop th e3 (Migcanti from Lotto gtimeime are: 2J2 miles above Eqnhirs. ■ ■ therm al insinsulation. ' ■• ' E ndeavour’s next flighttin ii January, said thc goa!gc of the swimsuit poll»II b ein g held at all u n lessIS she was al- 3-e Marcia Grifnth retained:d the title of nine, thirty-rty-three) 1 1 that we’re certainly, T- i • _____ fastenersI aand connectors ot o, work...!c.„a K ^ c d y Space Centcrr lilanding. . pageant by .watching it on TV if the.le . M iss Maryland. .• • Estimatedated jackpot: $300,000.:.; ' — T ^ track,” Miller said; Unlike NASA’s.“prei ■ ^ T h e U xaM»Nen'B n c * ^ . ;,.walk,'‘cut short by astroa t i o n p-™- wcflkdiikdayt. T o report late inewa and and a Sunday S4.00 per week: i iulu.aner.5:30 and oa ,wwkia)d«, -S3.50S per week; Sunday only j^'irig fingers, S ajurday’iilonataco, I n f o r n lasted t& full hours. » 3i. . . weeK. Out of state rates: dally!^^s,Jid^y a .t* ^ a i r 7 3 + lioet tre open be- . ,-S3.00 per week; daily only S4.00OOperweek; - , ■ ‘*1 .have, somcthiniiJy.'Ifyoudonotre-' ' "i...... ' r A d v e r f i s i D g ' ' . sSund^ only S3.00 per wixk. SaSaln-tax in- - about," Voss isaid once p < b v'oritadvertJaingdlrtetof « ; . «'eluded in all above rate*. A S15 ■tfinsiffclhc c i w cabin. _t-, wish to place aa tdvntlseincnt, ^u^l be levied for all returned che 0 5 WEATHER : , 0931. Clasamed adf, catl 733- «^ no>couxcE*i sFcX»HICMSOIOa$CMO» /?T TrO T T E R Y ^ WLOCALfOfttCATrS > O iu iy '.- ' 0S31:Mo«li:aday through Friday from 7 a m •, McniBfaRnatloa until 3 pjn.4t:a.4WidSBhirday»ftooi7sjn. u n t i■ l „ The Tlme*-Newt (UPS 63! -0(-OM) ia^pub- ^ ^ •'■•r- ’ dlrculat 10«jD.{nronironnation oo disptey adt is avail- Vllahed / daily at 132 Third St. ' • t i'AllenWilioniclrculiilo• \ v ..,, ., . , tbib d^only.,Forlhe^;omoc.^J;.Palta, Idaho. 83301. by Magl ' C irculation fh o n e l{o< - . calli^r4042 . ..Newipyera Inc. Secondapertv’7a.ra., i ^ n t n . city «ad.eounty newapaper pummi s ■ - H ' ,- ftifyourwe*; • ‘ teliveiy: dally and Sunday, S3.1S‘ ‘ tion 6C-I08 ofthe Idaho Code. Tl . - ’.•> ' ./crntK-Wcftdell-Ooetfn, , per week{ daidaily. S2.S0 per wcekj Sunday, hereby he designated as tbe day of the w ^ ' *>;■ , 5J6.2S35 ; O T T S2.00perwee»eek. Mail tubscrfptioM mutt be on which legal notices will be pub L CAI\LL * . . paid In advaIvance and arc available only Poitmaater. please send chan;ange of ad* B ^ g c \ S 9 •r-rf .;->,--i:'fi78J532. aging editor \ w hm caHerrier delivery ia flot mainUioed. dreaa form fi: P.O. Box 548, TxTwin Falla. • OURS por;wl»htotan£io Local rstet:«: cdaily and Sunday; S3J0 per Idaho 83303, m 24 HC II dqwhmcot, Vall week;‘daJlyoy only S3.00 per Sun&y 00,.a.ra.'ind^30- doly S2.23>y pOT week. Idalto rates: daily ^ ADA i [ ? ] ''«^ -if]': i e g N e w i heTnneaNwgT .V !l •; , ' ' - W ..

^ ^ j < g w s ' J 'Citric WalwD^.managii ■ ■ ' . / ’ 1A " : • - ^ ' ______ify o u luve snew(>iia or ; . wmeoDo is tbe odjtorial dl T t - ...... L

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j Ilationn M a y o r b l aists * G ingrich’s NNew Y ork b^hing ■ 'I ______NEW Y O RK (AJ\P )'— After House Mayor:y-or Rudolph Giulioni sa'id Friday. - Speaker Newt Ginjngrich ripped New “K’s5 nonot the other w ay oround." I A I York City’s govcrsm m c n t os o "cul- . Giulii'iuiiani said the city sends obout [Teemconvictted of Ig urist in 3rd trijI ^ ^ J I lure o f waste fo r which w they expect S9 billibillion more to th’e federal gov- illing toi us to send a che p i i < w , 6 oti, sh to u ris t '"8 fcrO,•Oct. 19. ^ : in favor o f a conviction hearing h« had be^n cononvlcted of killing Brltlst ' • I m p rroved c Handling • SSafer o Driving, Colley, durlng^ht^ trial 8iSattirday In Pensacola,I, Fla.I Is 1plans to seek a new trialml o n ^ , * ; Crumitie testified hehe was was home Ci ’ groundsis Ithat only five blacks were I asJcep when Colley,:y, 34, was killed. “The laslast two years ht(vc b e e n vcrvery Assistant State Attcttomcy Michael the 50-m•member pool from which.T,h; t From thele Smallest Cars too 181 Wheelers, , . < Cpllcy’s longtirtitoojj-oompanion, 37- hard.” - Schneider said he be!eiievcd the out- jury wos'OS selected. Crumitie is blockbio • Plus Busises, Farm Machinei I yw-old Margaret'Ja^iS ^ c r, w as wound- T w o3 cco-defendants testified thatthe come was different thiihis tim e bccause and the! victimsvi white. nery & Othersl ■ I ed'in the.SepL 14,1993 22i>^09.ting :Shc_ Crurnitlg.^iL iinlj2aiticipaieliiLtbe.^QilOQN “the Witnpcr a n a d d i t i o n a l ; Sandra D ay O ’Connor,r, thett first womon nursc-micnidwife and founder of the ' on the Supreme Court;t; anda anti-lynch- Frontierr Nursing^ Servicc, crcatcd to I mnroim ing crusader Josephirhinc St. Pierre provide hohealth care in rural areas. • -RufUn, aii organizer o)f f bblack worhcn’s • A nne 1 IC Dallas Dudley (1876-1955), ^ w s p e r lbb . organi2Btions w ho dieddin in 1924. key Icade ^ I ider in passage ofthe 19th W E'VE jyiOVEDNEXTD Others arc Elizabethth Dole,I the first Amendmeinent, giving women the rightii f TINKEl. R ' S I • M ore S pace • M ore ^P nrc o D u c rs woman Secretary of' TrTransportotion, to vote; TcTennessee suflhigc and politi-ti. § SPRINKLERS&LANDiIDSCAPING ^ • •JSAME F«ie1TOR r ' ~ ■ ■ $ER)VIOiESPEECIALLS %

V, Custonmer SatJti^factioin! W ? i4 i £ i ■. nil Qualitity Care ■ |j| ^ ■ y ersenHcecfV. '- V B H S m R n n r ig h t o n.th d L i i i G ~ LEAN'FUir . a ; SYSTEI!M SPECIAIit > ; INJECTiTION SYSTEE M I y V IZI'' 'INCLUDES f % c y I i n c l u d e s I I > , • Inspect & tost y J l • Clean engine ,1 radiator for leak ;95: / I improves mili $45' ■ • Drain radiator • ■ I • Improves emi(missions I I - • InstalM gollonr* 2 8 ’= I , • Helps elimlna 1 of onti~fr0eze 3 , I hesitation I g n c m B ' You w/vouiarTT&i aiid a homT i e _ ^ ______1 ______^ I B S B S ------T-«-Checirho»es;— E ------»—f'-lmpVbves^hlg!ligh i B n f tif m^ i — I ------bdts & clompf* Quality Canare J. ^ speed, perfomormonce Quality C^ j a r e I. withoufl:a plan...VIvhy wouldd you I • Pressure tost systy ste m (hnulntUolettnftPt, OMufntWoioKnn - ...... tnrfUAffMntt I ...... - • indLubrteMnti/ra 1- M usf p re s e n t coup>upon when order Is writtonton. I ' M ust p r e s e n t ccc oupon w h en o rd e r is wriHitten. I deccorate withlout one? I' Cannot be combinc>lned w ith a iw o th er special:lals. I Cannot be comfcim bined w ith any o ther spececials. * ' ! t Plus (ax and shopsp supplies,s ^ ire s 9-30-9.■95 - * . \ Plus tax ond shopshc supplies, spires 9-30iO-95 I T !'"'bT COUPONI rkiRMSHONOREOit'DiAIERiS'' ' ;D 1-1''sEiiic - DMISCOUNTOR CITIZEi . Wekneweurcuitomtrmtrs expect superior svrvke wi ^ A with I , INCLUDES i/IAS>iEi;?PUW ^ cofflptKtiv* pricM, To idemooitrol# cur eommftmer I ' • 10% off Ports. I to y o iiw e v w lh e n er re eny i velkf Ford DMier c o u»»»• ^ n I Servke througl Vo: h e p e r f M solution to your decorating^i^allengeslOurNOCGCOST planning I WEWANTYOI^OU A s A CUSTOMERp I . I service departi y g j!jKlu^:Jf)niRlOB: «o r o l d .r . ------B IOS J g Am j f ;. -— t^-M utfUSSor j m m ; I V *Does not applppiy iMBBBnaHE9 I' ■ Quauality Care I tomenuitoms.ns- Quality Ca ' O«nafr>t«oremmtnfl M b utd iMtrtetntt . . •fttfLutrfeintf ‘ M uit'presentcoupcu pon y ^ e n o rd e r is v.rUfen^»h^‘ M iist p r e s e n t COIcoupon v/hen o rd e r Is writte ;| Cannot be combIne

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A-4 Tlmos-Nows. Twir — / ' ' V " Urbrban League chief: Nation ■ ' 9 ...... ' . : ■ ' ,Stuf]udy. police violence ------1 FOORT R' WAYNE, Ind. (AP) - r A side'ntial commission, is tiered Lofty goals, debateJ on futl]lire ^ piGhurciio3f Scieiitollogy' S;tudy police violence and’crcate p o licice c iguidelines to protcct citizem' stitutional rights, the presidj^nt ordered t(to return d he N ational.U rban League said. ^ surroimndMGUioiilV^^an Maarch * ilsks, "fsi'sHugh[ugh Price said his organization ■ T hte e W ’ &shingtoo I ^ s t M arshals Service,:e, after church will requestrec such a commission this , Los Azigcles 1111108 ' our proproblems," march leader Minisinister march has engaged1 tlthe black commu- law yers said they n e e d e d to block :k.' Louissporrakium i said in Loa^ Angeligeles nity as it attempts to3 develop( strategies WASHINGTONW j ~.A rnarnaidp further sprqid of thetli which ; I' . ‘This will be an amm a y that will be in - last weweekP'So we call for a daya y o f for dealing with whatlat it sees as a polil- L eirma, m an Arlington, Va., rm an t h ^ described a s s(sacred, inaterials Washington {tiled' ««with the spirit o f atoncmsnent to accept oiir responsibiliibillty ical climate hostilenitno the interests of - who'io“took"on'the ■ Church■ch~of— to“lre^ec^■’o^ly“^ynadvanccd------love for self, love forfor each other, love for ourur women and our communitiesties.” biqck people — a clirlimate in which the Scienientology by putting its texts5xts on church mem bers. ' Jwi^SciiBBtists ^ for our ramilies andnd fille d with the Many air w ho support the march see it very term “blackk men" ot tinies the: Internet,Ir has w o n a p a rtiaial l'vie- - Brinkem a said F rid a y th a t she deiermination thatat we should no as an-'in.'idea whose time should hha' a v e appears to refer os mimuch to a potholo- toryy wheni a federal judge ordeirdered , had meant for thebe aeorch to be Discover N^w longer and never agairjain be looked at as c o r ne e llong ago. But some are cocon-, gy as to race and genender. thatIt tht e church rem rn 58 comfimput- “narrow,” saying tlthe'church was Ifn Ihe criminals, Ihe■ clowns,cl the but- cem ed;d about; the exclusion of womc•men, “I ccrtainly supporlort the concept 100 c rdisks dis that it seized from him.lim.. allowed to exominine only files energy Product foons, the dregs ofsoc.society’.' aboutt tlthe march’s religious overtoneones, pejeent o f the n « d to comc together,” u .J U.S. District Judge Leonielie M. with any of threee e k e y 'w o r d s , . ugano, Sw5tterl»K»-After 25 yem of — Minister:er Louis1 Fonakhon , ■ and theJie question of whether the eveevent said Los Angeles writerw Earl Ofari Brinkinkema on Friday also verb)nbally including ”Sciraratology’^ ond , arch Lightning, 8j 8 wm developed o flhthe c Nation of Islam is moreore symbol than substance. Still St Hutchinson, authithor of “The slapp pped Scientology lawyers,s, ssay- , “Hubbard" — , Jfor L. Ron , 1 ibc help of Swill Uboratorie*. After -s em brace th& march’s m essajssage A ssa ssin a tio n o f tl ^ on the Millvlillidn Man March others « the Black Male ing; thtt eir handling o f L e i f ’s’s ffiles Hubbardt tbe late^ scienoe-fictions . *“Alive 5? testing wilh amazing resulu, less comfortable embracinglg itsi Image. “It sends a mi but arerc much needed mes- went;nt far beyond what shele h1 ad author who foundeded th e church. , hining 838 ii now available In the Even the name — Million Man- messeniengers. ’' sage any time you cancs get a show of authoiiorized as part o f a suit allalleg- Friday, Lermtna’s lawyers led ,States. Sclentiiu are amazed al ■ M arch — has an nUililliterotive appeal. Farram^ a n , the controversial leadsader unity among Africaran Amcricaj] men |ng5 copyrightc and trade-seen!crecy charged that Sclentcito lo g y searched Ughtnir>)tnin 2 828’f resulu on improved metn- I A nd many find ic difllcfficult to take issue o f thee INation o f Islam, has been1 fre- fr especially.” violatliations., computer files wit^ithout regard to ,aitattitude and aihietie performance, J - . ;w ith one o f its im por[jortont objectives: • quentljitly condemned* for his antanti- However, Hutchiihinson said he is ‘This “Tl case is somewhat out of whether they wer give gi honor,” said Lerar m a ’s la w y e r, reiultiIti were ulonliWng. Sludenu ; T h e idea is to osscissemblc 1 million Associaciation for the Advancementnt of< said. “Why (ask for)r) forgiveness.and .wholeolesale license to go throurough Michael D. Sullivaran. “ T h e y w ent obtninedIned higher scores In math, logfc and block m en in Washinglin g to n Ocl. 16 to Coloredred People’s executive direcu;c io r -.xeconciliation? For wlwhat? With alone- Mr.. LI e rm a ’s p o sse ssio n s'wwilly- il through e-mail afte^er e -m a il after phyilctliJcal education. confront themselves:s as£ much as the afler usiusing $332,400 to settle a formirm er /m en t there is on impliplication, intended nilly.’y .” e-maiLThisisane'gc'grcgicus viola- Tbitlit nm-witiiiirhmirsrn-judgc-i{c for ' tip n o f m y d igient’s Fqnnh ------fbrw fc can resolve their diff*ifferences, and to withoutlUt his board's approval, tuming inward, lookiking at yourself. the U.S.L 4th Circuit Courtirt of Amendment rights.s. (S cientology) nm ibemiboft of energy around mld-aftemoon seek forgiveness from>m one another Feww ;supporters, aside fromI'the th asking black men tto apologize to Appetpeals granted the church aItem- te must be.banned fnfro m u s in g th e • »nd need a liitle extra lifl. L i^ Q g 828 'and from black womeimen. It has begun organizeizers .themselves; uid they,, fetfeel blapk' wom en, allegc([cdly for all these porar•ary stay, preventing Len.erm a m aterial they seizedd in th is case.” wiicnn tokentol in tbe morning ^vei a ws- to tnke hold at a streetct levelll throughput the marcarch will ottmct anywhere nearMir 1 abuses." fro m receiving the disks ununtil * Earle Cooley,.a lah w y e r fo r the tained.sl. bbalanced form of energy th ro u ^ the United States, lorg(ugely without sig- millionin mi en — three times the sizesc cof That theme, he sasaid, “plays to a Brinknkema’s written opinionn caric church, defended:d t h e s e a rc h . he day. ; • :nincant exposure; iiin mainsti'eam the . legendarylc{ 1963 March on o certain stereotype3C about black be reviewed.rev “ T h e re w as no effuted history of suing jncri tic s o r new s ^ M»rtlart Pharmaciest Including: also hope to mobilizeX tblack economic or 200,03,000 black mqi to Washingtoo^ 'n , man, but an absencce comment. c w: . Make:e Tiie - * •tigators until threee imonths after ', W hite; House - throughout outour Fiske’s successcs6>, Kenneth 734-EYire s ^ . D i f f e rs e r e n c e ! INussbaum left.thc WliWhite House — inquiry.”/■" Starr, is conducti:tibg another TWIN FALU 9 K K )-6 .‘< ;rcfcr in several placesces to.'first lady ^ Whiteite H ouse law yer M aik Fabiani!ani r e v ie w o f F o s t e r’s.dcath; ’ s FBI ClosMlSatiitiiiday •Hillary Rodham Clintinton'and detail said Nu:■lussbpum’s siilccessor madeide agents returned .FiFriday to Ft. After Houri by A|Hp^ntnmil •Foster’s concern aboibout the travel , Foster’sr’s notebook available to ' Marcy Park, ylicre! IFoster's body ;oflice controvetsy befoisforc his death in Whitbvaw tAn prosecutor Robert Fiskeske was foimdi taokiMJ forj the bullet ______;1993. stairtng in-July I 1994. That;wos tho th a t k ille d hIiD.;: jh10 'o Woshington ; ' ■ ' “ W e w ere stuMcd.d. t

': I • , ★ * V . n ‘ A T ’S L(ONG. : ¥ -

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Sunday.ly. S eptsm tw r 1 7 ,199S Timos->loa-Nowa. Twin Folio. Idaho A-g Nation;: pfexasleetscarime\victims’ Police; find caaged lio;)ns, weaipons inn home^ 2 brooicsville V fFla. (AP) — RibhardNiiNugent. snakes and sore-infested:d dogs in cages, and statee wu ild life o fficers to o k thoT ifarniliess witness executionse ' There w.cre coged Jiontns in.the back Daniel1 LLee Henrich, 34, who is onon- ■ In the master bedrooi>om, w here one cougar to0 a licensed wildlife facility^! ing, . o f the bo>^ had b ^ ' wiwiitching televl- said' Hcrnirrniihdo County sherifPs; • ^CORPUS CHRIST] . yard, caged dogs In thele kitchen, AK- probationn ffor felony drug trafficking, STI, Texas (AP) Pinalll approvali of the policy ‘®is .47s in the bedroom andd two boys liv- faced 10) chidescl ranging from childlild sion, a loaded AIC-:477 was propped spokcsworvomaa Deanna Dammcrr {—^ It’s been two yearsyci since his contingeigent upon a legal opinion ing amid'fillh. ncglcct 100 wweapons possession. ogainst the window. TheT other boy Authoritiesies ’were trying to fmd ah o m e- > «tepsoh was stabbeded to death in o from Te* fexas Attomey General Dan nd these condi- Police wentW( out to his rural hom e; 45 was Ota friend’s house, forthe lions,ons, she said. * cdavenience store x After authorities found e robbery, and Morales,es, who supports the idea. e owned by an miles northrth o f Tampa W ednesday afterfter They olso found 13 asiissauk rifles and ' Judge PejPeyton Hystoj) on Thursday! Jlio m as D illo n says th f • tions at a mobilo’home 5theonly>vayhe And thehe Texas death chamber’s-?— animal breeder,. lhcy_anrrrpstrd .o n c-o fJieiienrich’s i neighbors-called, u..and.stacks of-rclcased-Hc-Hcnrich-on his-own-rccog-J.:------p n rp u rJ rb e h in d h lnnrlsto'walchThc-vjewmgl rl >0 he could continue treatment; k ilk rd ie . placed his ,stepsons, agig e s 9 and 10, worried abcabout the boys. am m unition. B ehind thithe trailer were nizancc so h to keepp tlthe victim’s relatives sepa-“ ■ with relatives. T u ck edjd'bctwecn ' stacks of dirtyrty two caged w hite lions ammd a cougar. ot a localtl didrug detoxificolion ccntcr. “ W e n eed to lookc intoin the eyes of rate from )m the killer’s, r 'T h e conditions insignogram, outhorilics said. wouldn’t be a thrill — it would b e a w ill not,!3t,serve as a time for me to closure.” cheer or to gloat or to celebrate,” On Friday, the TejTexas Bonrd of Matt Herlerdcn, his voice trembling,8. lN n ra|jV |n Criminal Justicc gave gi him t^e toldprisoison officials a t a h e a rin g .. opportunity, unanimoulously approving His 7‘79-year-old mother wasis a pdlicyjallowing famiunilies to watch . stabbedd aand beaten to death by anm the-cxccutions of theiheir loved ones’ intruderer in 1990. Her killer wasIS ^^aawSSKSWSfO. B| M BEH killers. ca u g h t,, aand Herden, a detective in ^ The policy allow;)ws up to five San Antodtonio, wants to see the exe-e- members of a victiirtim ’s family to cution. ! witness an execution;'n; The witnesses ' “I t willill give m e th e opportunityTWra^^^nS^W nH B iii m ust b e a t least 18. stand ina fifor m y m other and to final-1- It could be severalll monthsr before ly linoww that1 after years o f w aiting>8 Wm any victim s’ , relatives'CS get to w atch fo r th e endlessen appeals process, jus- ■ an execution. , ' tic e w ass Siserved.” , m — l^testeFS Singapore LAiwmwjui prime miiihister JWILLIAMSTOWN.ns, Mass. (AP) ' Gi&af^at m e ' ^ 41 - i About“70 studentsnts and faculty ' ------^ently4timed-thcir-fcir-backs- on*the------. prime m inister of’ SingaporeSi on ------^ ‘ Saturday as he enterec:red a convoca- tiori ceremony to rece an h on- onuydef^.' ... , i“We don’t (hinkk thei college should honor the lead:ad er o f a gov> cJnment that rcpressi;sses the same W V ly basic freedoms thatt aiare so valued on this campus,” saiclaid George T. Crane, political scienonii3na of aupoisun of yctterday andnd U>dny. hefcrM In Conccrt ha.Ims .earned the entertainmenl master’s degree att Williams\ io nd ■Um: "Show of the Year." "E••Enterwiw™ of t)>e Y « r ' and1 ■'Show- of Show*." awarded byyy ththo International Prenn 1^67, was awardedd ana honorary AMOCUI»n.SoetlM«o.«eou.sm . Marayn Monrao. iar Ganh BrooLa. unfontciublee RR< eU McEntire. doctorate of law. _ ■# “ - romanlio Rey OtlMaon and amoirux>fh Ne>] Diamond] 'Mt is all right ^ d[ properpr in con* m OFFi AmACnONS H«bw>y 10! Sept. 2626-Ort.l rWMMo«ii0tt3.15 text, b u t it is v e ry confunfusing to m e,y COMING ATI «U tU qiulny end ef B (m » a eW i U. Vcv*.^rW ilwwraani Kmntf Knncr Showi at 88|UTi.»dC.:kt.i]Sho^*t pjT 11 pm Goh said o f th e protest. • W* povitU' Sfrn'K^Sc ifoMlKKtrft* /««& ? & J u j t n iwiniluM nmulti a lihIIi aid tfuuwHMIm. CxktaJ i«|»n ricUtt. mar h. :.-He said the facultyty andi students « ik. H«J d-k.u R -m. w w M. U J -iI, VS kour bn«idd f. m TT. C>b SW nnn > »]«M«dar^ < S who opposed the collejllega’s decision UU 1-600-621-1103 for rccitcrvations and information to preseat him a degn!gree-were like & A e c e s s o r - iM members of the Cabiabinet openly / ■ I defying a p re sid o itiall l d

~ r

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I * .'-- ''

- ■’v<- \ , h . y i r i ■■ / * ' ’ * '^•W. hm '' - 'JBk —il ‘First Fed&ml is like /part of the? crew” J

F I R E OurIT building oew consistsf HrstFed^hdpeduiusbuild Fedetd-Theyky know banking. I aichitectsydesigngsand from the ground ly ..Vfetrust V That's what the ; D E T E C TTION ...... devdvdopQS.'Biit we don^t go—■3 — ihan.-'Ihey're sound.-L------...... M FIREE..:"^‘" ■ ■■ anywJ^^4lerewithoutou^ V\fe don't know bankii P T I n p srr r ,FEDERAL 'I V SUPI’PilESSIONl bankinkec Bist Fedeial's been bCdkl houses. That's w h a t w e H H m vINGS i n i BANK V \ soaofflomo therere since the b^tnntng. d a That's why we goptoRist ftaS ra g in g o u r of cocontroll A Destroyerl A KilECiUorl . F m E T h a t’s a w ildfire. ThT hey destroy n a tu r a l rosoulourcos. T hey coat FPBEVENTKON ^ hugA o s u m s o f moneyley to suppress. I n Id a h o alialone, n early 7 00,000 Qcrea bunieh a t h o haa to so y a n d consltisldcr tho simple logic.

‘ i •W ild fires r o a r o ut t ofol control whoa thoro is oor n abundance o f fiiol • old ggm ro ss a nd p la n t litto r. W hyly loavo '■ r,' t h a t o n th e la n d , wh«when it is tho perfect food1 forfo cows a n d sheep? Wo a11 ll heedr to start thinking offliv 1: o - stock-grazing os ann eeflecave (and econoinical)al) tool to control wildfires.. T b e o ltom ativo Is in creasese d ■ , S firiequoncy a n d in toQnsify'of n s wildfires an d astrotronomlcal fire fighting costs.”ts." • ' ^ Youf lif Idaho Cattle Assodjdation and Idaho Beeeef Council __ . ' " P O B o x lS16S97 • Boiae, ID 83715 Yourhm r - i JV ^ • 'S2Q8<8^-:1616 . ■r , : IWin F a lls -383 Sho!^hoshone S t North, 733-4222 • 88-B86 Blue Lakes Blvd. North, 733^33^122 . •. • ; “ t t : / C M - . ------B uW1 -123 -: Broadway A ^.N orth,,5 54: 4 « 8 8 1 » B a ri« y -2059 O valsrland A y ^ 6 7 ^ ^ » Rppertl-7017lhSt.,436^ - 7

' ■ • • • • f. "L ' •' ----- :------— - q ------

_J ijiiniI o n

- I Editpprial I M onre than neew managiger is • I RTOWETOglE i - \^ U 5 ,1 I needeisd for couinfy to failir well ) : Critics of thehe Twin Falls County The trick for a fairir managerr is to r i- ; Fair and Rodeo:o shouldn’t raise their’ combinc business senscnse wilh smooth ' ; hopes too high.;h. A new manager isi public relations. Thatlat challenge is <£>i> ; ' good stepr butt ssome common com- where Dcmoncy stumblnblcd. Whatever • plaints about thcth< fair have no easy else she did as fair manilanager, she also i solutions.' managed tb upset merchrchants, exhibit- I When the counmnty Fair Board forced ing organizations and1 a good portion 7'—■ —ourSecrcTar 7’=M=^v anagerCindy-De—— ofThegencral public., ;! money last wee!eek, the reasons were ‘Last sum m er, aftercr disgruntled SK. ‘ not fully explairained. But the central ' - high school rodeo lcadeidcrs threatened -■ ; : issue was clear:it: Demoney’s prickly to leave Filer for good,)ct, w c e d ito ria l- ; ,! demeanor andi inflexibilityir had irri- izcd that the fair staff'Heeded He to mas- tatcd far too marnany of the fair’s con- ter the art o f customlet et servicc. Ap------: — s t l tu o n tg tQ U p s ^ _patCQlly^hc_n5id5!d_cj]c^anees didn’t______: T h a t p ro b le mn alone c was enough to com e. warrant.the boan>ard's action. Even'so. The next fair manage)ger needs to be i ■ I it’s debatable justjuj how much blame not only someone whoho understands | ;; Dcmoney deserverves for the fair’s vari- the mechanics of runniiming a fair but ous troubles. also a skilled business;s managerr with ;; For instance,, thetl loss of the Idaho top-flight interpersonalU skills.s - I ;; High School RodeoRc and the Miss But even if the next fairfa manager is •- L ______' I r “ [^Rudfto Idaliu WUIcompetition“probably —a~wunderkindpheissoesicsthatirritatcd— :------" H K S o f T ;• h a d le s s to d o wwith i fair management the fair’s critics w on’t’t changc< al! at |__ ^ than with econonlomics and rodeo poli- once. Rodeo "events tha:hat have aban- ' ___ tics. Fairs in biggig g e r c itic s p re se n t stifT doned Filer w on’t be: bback anytime T rt, competition - especiallyes{ if the spon- soon. And if people whowh pay S5.50 J l ^ackwoo < od diariies showV bimbo[) politics: soring groups areu r domiiiatcd by Trea- to see a m ovie or S1818 to play golf sure Valley boost3sters. continue belly-achingg a b o u t S3 fa ir Reaeading ihc B ob Packwood ditdiaries-“My • y I A & T equipmentlent. 1 slill find il th e best for tele- ' O th e r c o m p laaims in about the fair of- tickets, the m anager caican’t do much LifeI AsA a Serial G roper" - 1 realijQlizc I’ve been j l ph o n es... B uilIwasmnd.,Theysoldmea tiv i , r ten focus on oost.)st. People gripe about a b o q t it. wrongng in describing the U.S. Sent Sandy round cord. Itt said,sai flat."' n Uh, senator,ir, pjpardon m e, bul w hat oboul • . ■ admission prices,es, about parking fees In spite of recent bumpsbi in the iften . I've alluded to the Senattlate's balloon- : JB world events,, ArAmerica’s future, the notion’s , road, everyone should: re m e m b e r th a t - d egos. ‘ This w as a lowball estestimate. Gpady . and about havingng to pay twice to cn- E problems? “Notli•Nothing during.lhe day,” Pack- '• y the Packw ood standard, yoi/our overage J'- ter the fairground:nds and the rodeo are- the fair rem ains a delighightfu! event - ' [tor’s ego fs tlic size o f a blimjimp. These I ' I wood writes, "bu"but a lot o f votes.” ti *■ na. A t the samele t tim e , th e y c o m p la in and a terrific entertainitinment value. fnivecs should have th e Snoopy logiogo and He notes'thollot ons oide takes care o f "all the ■ th a t th e f a ir h a s5 becomebi too commcr- Even though this valleycy is becoming -.'.Sodyear” paintccLoii ihctr sidesdes. Tokc the lormon, things I d on’tt like."lik K issin’ B ob lists' these cialized,-!osing-it‘;-its friendly, rural am r worldlier and-less-ruraliral, the fatr is- - jt’s,’s obvious w h y th e Senate ethethics panel V ogue mo< ;ess^ onerous uiflcs::s: "Social w elfare stuff, the* edu!- b ie n c e . still the social high pointint of our year. moved'cd to throw o ut Packwood,,R-Ore,:Em- R withhairo;the Hair T h in g .^ o TV anchoryr in cation, the handiiindicappcd, the blind, all these » The fact is, puti)utting on a fair is ex- The next m anager’s ggo o a l sh o u ld b e borros!asscd self-defense. “If peoplejIc sec in the M arch model 199 or Sam son w as so obses things I have so little1 patience for." ‘ ) p e n s iv e , a n d s o3 ijis keeping up a fair- to build on that solid basi)asc, enhancing diariesies what a dopey, chcap, smalnall-minded “I didn'tir os Kissin’ B ob. Diary enuylew i h urf- W hat’s scaryu y - -m a y b e te rrify in g -is that ) 1992: grounds. Quilt exiexhibits and dill-pick- the fair itself and addingin g n e w ev en ts dork: thistl guy is,” they reasoned,j, “ What w ill lil it was at t came Packwood w asos oneo: o fth e best legislators, a In't use any gel a t all. I just ble luvering o bill through the Fi- - le contests are: ccharming, but they to generate year-roundI rerevenue. With they thinkth of the rest o f us?” b ut looking right whiz at mancuve s about dry, com bed it, and itack c rather nance Committeelittce and the Senate, don’t pay the bilbills. Commercial ac­ the right leadership, ourur 1little festival Not01 much. about ofbo ire, everyone zeroes in on KisKissin'Bob’s confident.cing 1 just right. It had just the-rijhem .” You read thehe ddiary’s nerdy narcissism andi : tivities, big-namcme entertainment and in Filer can continue beircing one ofthe apades. Packw ood bragged1 tcto Barbara There’sf bouncc r and w ave. I came bac:hisofnce wonder: IfKissirissin’ Bob w as the best, what are best fairs anywhere. reasonable admisslission fees do. Walterters he “m ade love to 2 2 staffiiffers” and h ad floor withnt. JNow I think w e can beat thegue lakes ihe worst reallyIly like?Ii i; ------“passitsionate relationships with 7575 others.”< •, place ...:’s morc. As h e lies nude on .hi! The moral deadnessdca< is unnerving. W hen a Big'ig deal. W ilt C ham berlain saymys. between , She: “Yoith S-I (see above), this dialogi'Ouhave ’ session wilh Sen. John Danforth, R-M o., an missed1^ free throw s, he m ode loveve to 2 0 ,0 0 0 ov er people “Well, I ordained Episcopwopalian minister, turns into a r fW womeiim . I iigure Paclcwood’s 19,0i).003 scorcs think it’s‘You y< have no idea the hold yoi• woman) disaster, PackwcxwcJod’s bofHed: [ , TPheHiiMles-News^ behindndWilt. com bs it."ople." He: “W hat is it?" She: "H e (Danfonh;srth) doesn’t think extromorital*-- w . Packickwood’s so n -p o m raving; sosounds like B lo ws -^ your hair, the w ay (anothers v. world- sex is right. HeIc thinksili in the officc it’s doubly Stephen Hortgen dark Walworth AAUcn Wilson Peter Y ofa teen-ager w h o ’s mooneded over too class cgotist." linning unfair. I said, ‘W‘Wl hat did I do w rong? I only Publisher Managing editor COrculallon manager Advcrtl: y Playboy centerfolds. Here'sc's Packwood gray locks- ^ e1 d charisma! Folkii, tlmt'svirts o f - • misjudged th ese'!se women.’-He hit the roof... ing about a w ine-sipping tiyslysl on his Sen- B urke, Disrotism. Ah. but under those thin W hat, Packwot:wocxl worry? If tossed out, he \ Toard and vvritcrs o f editorials - T h eI mim em bers of the editorial bo> ifUce rug w ith a w om an identimtifiedasS-1: Here’s:I(s Pi Packwood claim s the smart:world , muses, "I couldlid getg my pension and Social ' ' • arc Stephenlen Hortgen. Clark Walworthrth, Steve Crump ond KevinI Miller.Mi , ihe was a v ery sexy thing. Bri]3right eyes an d events withDisraeli and G ladstone, finished I Sccuriiy and >cbc happyh ... (OrTl could.m akc '' I hair anand the ability to m ove her hhi| ip s... She vv-as ciasSlccs Packwood a fter discussing wthink- six, five, four hundredhur thousm d a s a lobby- ~ . has thehe most stunning figure, bigg bbreasts ...I ‘ ing!” vith a staflcr: ”B y the time 1 fin ist.” Plus a bundliindle writing H arlequin Ro- '' . . cnioycuoting My understandiandingofldahoCode, spccifi-' turbed by Superintendent Tc iMace. pepper and olhetherdcterrent.*Jonly at more m money from Iiccnscc aiand other funds. roo:jo f lo in stalL a c o a t h an g er:r tiedt Ip a . y o u r quote icxt step colly 67-2343;; is thatt "a 48-hour agendo no- • Jjcst delay eventual phyih y sic a l dam age o r The T rancher and the farmericr have done piccc oof wire. I understand Bren'cnt's fnistra* is to find's oi reaction to the defeot. Quij how to tice shall be requi:xjuirol in advance o f each regp- ' Jieath, mostly with chilthildren. that will morc m than the public giveses themt credit for. tion whvhen you d o n ’t g et.w hat yoyou pay for. get moreotc pt o fh is resp o n se, •'The ncjict m ay lar m ecdng; howcowever, additional agenda items Tome from vicious anirnimal attacks. The Leam L( what they do and you,-ou w ill find w c i T h at coatco h anger d id n ’t help aI bit.bi Not to try anotherd out whot went wrong pnd 1 m ay be added ai\caf\ercompletion ofthe ogendi'- e people to vote. The district ■ itigm a acquirod fromn tlthe miumatic expe- have hi a real friend and nott anat enemy bent ' mentioiion that m y s u p p e r w a sn't 't onc time - Apparent icht re- up to imd includinuding the hour o fth e m eeting I her lew in the spring." ' Snence o f being attacketked by-vicious ani------oron.dcstroying.the.Jand__ _------a n d coliold.;-.^------fiise s to acli rictts___ --provided th a ta ago^failhefibrti&madetoai{v.go — •ently..Supcrinlendcnt DonicI 7 Jnals and not being alioillowcd to defend one- As you mow your lawnn cachci w eek and A s I \was stm ining to &ec througlugh the tux-paying separate . cludein the nciticcitice all o^enda item s known od Ji je lf creates a lifelongJ f(fe a r o f most ani- fill fil the landfills, let the cow:ows and sheep “fuzz”!” and catch a glim{)se of sonom ething ex p en sivackriowlcdge e a that thedistricing. the tifrtt to b e pralprobable items of discussion."3t ng residerits don’t want a sq ^ Ijnals. nimow the public land that is ;arid anyw ay. other th.than a snow storm in Deccml:m bcr on the T h e schO' lumer- • is als9 m y understlerstanding ofldaho Code 67- S b'e alternative school buildini f • How many viciousI aranimals are being Leam Li the nitrogen cycle ancand you will find screen,I, imy boy walks in to intemim ipt m y o u s wcll-cq s th at 2347 that “i f anin action,ac or any deliberation 0 5 :hool district already has nui Siarbored in the TwinI FiFalls residential grazing gr is very im p o rtan t. viewingng with sto ries o f kids in highigh school are essentia lemoon decision-makingng ithat leads to an action, oc- « l-equippcd school buildings i ^rea? Do wc even dare,re leave'our houses? When you pull into a fast-Qst-food place havingB fights,I c lassro o m overcrowbw ding. B ut uniiil the foi lay curs qt any mcctin!Cting which fails to com ply S itially unused from mid-aflc gency that will han- and an buy a hamburger for lesless than a doi* - ju st a shi he started to tell me aboutul 1his con- th ro u g h Frii X»m F rir___ yi'ith.lh.c.pro.visionsions o f Sections 67-2346 ! _____ js there an existing agei following moming, Monda; yle this matter or do wcw c residents need to Jar. .lai you had better thank the rancher ancJ • ,ce m oflif the oquifer b ein g contamninatcd ir by day aftcmd klonday through 67-2346,46, Idaho Code, such action ! Friday. nnd all wcekcndJroi o v c th is threat? ' farm fai er. the shipipmcnts o f m d iatio n wastee tnday through F 0 T E R W IL L E O A ir NICKROKICH be a gooood boy and g o tell M om to get up o n n e e d in g th( ilicu, OjNTL.CAR:a r l i n ^ J'; * (MITCH $ M O N EY )' urday classes for thoso .stu the roofof again.” for whatevi get Jeromo . : Twin Foils B urley • - the alternative school mili ■ I lever reason, in order to ge , P oonesbiiry FFlashbacks By Garrvry Trudeau Ma.llaiard Fillmore By Bruce Tinsley; * ______MK.HAKKJS? Ka, H ' 4 * NOTAVCH,!H,rM TMTINTfCSmS /XMUe' W if a u o t K ■ . ^ v eowHAVHAT ' ■ '■emaa? H ttwicwrtf , ____• \OU ■ WfCV6H ; fiunaa vitHA 4 a ea e /v • j'TWSoN.otJTBE J \W tW N CK ' ■ T UNABiSTOTOFtND • on.yU6AL,/^^ , WONSOFOOB wcsTO rr^PK)' -ii— ^ n 'lf'ii flMf 'TKTSP' '(C5^VA rv>WK»K7 ( - T a -toiHe fiHB-AuNt 1 > \ V C «N fc*i(3/NC) ti i y

h ' ~ ' I- ■ I __/___ / Sumjnday, S o p tam b o f 1 7 ,1995 TinTlmos-Nowa. Twin Falle. Idoho A^7 u». '

A ' - , ' Opinion'

T mtCiihe to — r p\Write to us Tlte Times-News welcomes fel- tcrss frfrom readers on subjects of publicblic interest. To make sure yojir the ‘‘palrk t few£p-roiK, ______-1 Jctter.jtcr.is.P_ubli5hed promptly, here- barrel’ : a fcvi' guidelines to rcni'cmberTp ------■r-i ore a fi I ■ .The national parkrk systern6 includes Bach letter should include the] I many ofthe most specialspe - to some " R obert H. Kelson OTES witer's S signature, mailing address; FlMBERllTO andd telephone number.; ; people almost socrcd places in the " Ml ; United States. It alsoIso includes tt w hole' like"n pcwrilten letters arc preferred,' “national recreation a ^ ” :uusc they allow faster handling! • lot more. ‘.‘natioillonal lakeshore," “national her-' l^UKETW SJTOf ^ w ilhicih less chance o f error. ; : By Worid W ar II nm ost o f the best itage o 0 e corridor,” and “national militaritary 'kAC. .fe. J^ I I sites had already beer•een included in the park." .citcrs may be brought to our, ! notional paric s^ tean, m , b ut Congress Som O U l . 9 TwYn'i'in Falls office, mailed to P.O.' om e places like the Lincoln . Dcmu)5N«: • B oxx 5-548. Twin Falls. 83303, or . I could not leave well e :I1 enough alone. , Memonorial o r Independence HaU inil •!»' ■ J \ « sentIt by fax to (208)734-5538. : ' During the l970s,!)s, s o irumy new Philad(adelphia obviously belong in tiie i parks were being appippiovod forpoliti- nationi • , L.etters ett considered libelous,; oiul ^'steih . Bui Congress has KNlCt. M obsccrscene-or in bad tasie will be; [ cal reasons that the pt " A jr E J proccss beoune proraisaiscuously extended the historic>nc ^ I know as the “park boibarrel." Like tradi* duignj i ' — - rejcclci:clcd, as will material express-j gnofion to places like Stiamtowr racial, ethnic or religious big-! ; tional public w ori^s projects,pi the pur.' NoUoilioiial H istoric Site in Pennsylvani ■ ing rac < pose o f new parks waw as to reelect w hich!-h had a budget o f S9 millionr in . ”' : Congressmen by rewiew ardingcon- 1993 f< Ve do riot publish v erse o r poet-; 3 for what one historian describe:ibes' and.>ve generally remove or 1 stituentsondpromotitoting local econom- asa“s<“sccond rate” collection o f rail-Jl- J ; ic development Todaodoy, there are 368 roadar ^ limitil rcreligious quotations. Articles^ I antiquities. ^ takencn ffrom o A cr p u b lications will; 2 units in the nationalll pp. ark s>^cm . Evervety congressional district seemsans- I j Congiess/soowcp' considering Jegfs- jo'have ■ nol bbc c ireprinted. , ...... ' - 7 7 ------■ w e a building occupied at one • y J Bccalecausc of spacc constraints,; ! lation to move the parork system back ^ tim eorL or another a favored son tiiatihat . t t K f t ^ \ u ise limit letters 10 400 words.' ; tov^irds its original pipurpose-places / Congrcgress has now deemed worthy of ; like Yellowstone, Yosyosem ite and the inclusit J M . ; & igcr letters will bc shortened.! ision in the park system, W The: TirTimes-Ncws reserves the right; , I Grand Canyon. Thee N ationa! Park At tht the U ly ssa Grant Historic Sitelite in j *0 editditall I letters. ' ! Service would be dirolirccted to review Missouiouri, the small number of visitor ; current paiks and dravIraw up rlist of and hig ^c look forward to hearing high expenses result in a cost per B K H B M nyo u ! ______i — punitfr4o-bft-ck»od-or-«w-ttaDsfeired-elso- ■ viaitono r « f ^ 0 2 ^^houffAt-tiie------I where. . f TTiaddeIdeus K osciuszko Memorial in ! Under one possibllibility, modeled after Pcnnsyisylvania, cach visitor hour costs>sts H r 1 iH i7 oAaI ; the militaiy base closiiosing legislation, a $99. ; new park commissionion w ould review Undcnder the legislation before ; the Park Scrvice planan ai nd Congress Congre;ress,’ the units officially designaignat- \ > would bc required to vvote to accept or c d o sI “r“natioiul parks” would be . I reject the commission'ion*s recommenda- - exemptipt from the review process offthe th ifcS. n V j — — {-tions in-whole.------...... commi!mission. Other units of the parkik ...... /— The'additionofmarnaity n ew marginal system,rm, how ever, could be eliminatedIted GreenThumb* units has strained thele copabilitiesc of or transmsferred elsw here. the Park Scn^icc. AliJl o ver the countiy, in 191991, the Vail report, commis-s- W m W interizer trails are going unmaiimaintained, visitor sionedid tby the Park Service to celebralbrate L a w n interpretive servicess orare being cut its?5thith anniversary and set directionsions ‘— ■■■■ Fertilizer • back, and employee; housinghe is deten- forthe 1 le f u t u ^ recommended that #501-505, 5.000 oq, II. orating. The bacldogIg fofi r deferred - "somele specifics park units or pro^nm- maintenance has grow;ow n to more than matic: rcresponsibilities might, arguably ' $ 4 9 9 $4 billion. Politiciansns sees m ore politi- bebette« e r placed w ith otiier private, M l cal odVibi^ge in theJ “p“phottH jp” o f a state.. Iolocal, tribal o r federa! agencies.’ies.” RE^^$l3. $8.79 ...... bag liewpork, as comparec!iTM .with the mun- In Marcarch 1995. the General done taslcs oftaking5 carcca of existing Acwunlunting Ofiice made 0 similar rcc-irc In New Hampshire.c, tile state legisla- -them fit>mfit: foreign nations - lhat arc manogc^cntorasparHirt o f state park responsibilities. ommentendotion. , , ture in 1991 required1 tthat tiie state mostlikely lik to travel to parks, systems. Savings of'S200 $; million to W With the park systen»em a political Mtmym y existing poik units coiild be. park system fund all itits operations Thee problemsp o f ^e park systemtn area $300 million per yearar ^uld result football, its resourceses have1: been self finainoncing. if they were fiecd fromrom _ from fees m d otiier re;revenues collected the rcsulsuit o f the perwisive politicizinjizing Such ftmds would bec 1used to improve II diverted to maintain1 ururban parks like ' the’conssnstroints o f fedenU personnel,I, from users. that haslaS occurred over the post sevenverol th e management o f unitsun retained by - Gatewoy in New Yorkork a nd Golden contractacting and other rigid bureaucratOTt- A tthe federal level,;1, by contrast, decades.les.' the federal govemmerlent ' 1= ^ Gate in San Francisco.CO. ic rules,es. ' fewer than 10 percentIt Iofthc park sys- A fustfirs step in correcting these proiprob- - Congress should apapprove park com - ^ Only about 50 ofthethe total 368 units Apri'private non-profit group has sue-^le- tem costs are covercdd byI revenues col- 'lems willwil bc to eliminate the manyy ' ■ m ission legislation, andan help A m eridi [L in the system ore actua ll.iNjt3 M iia l tually called ' cessfuU]ully operated M t Vemon, tiie! lected from concessioroners, paiks users units (up(uf to 50 percent o f current parkpari get rid o f tiie “park baj - “H dp IIs Just A round T he Com cr” "national parks.” Thesnal . ------’28 Main Ave. South places - Olympic, Rlocky oc Mountain, de^desIes. Privately owned and man- 1* units do not have anyy ifee. The average systemm oc f parks. Robert Nelson tcadiches at the School Vvtn Falls • 736-0080 Greoi Smoky Mountaiiitains, G h icier- aged for profit, Lurny Caverns in fee paid is about 25^ci:cnts per visitor. Tlioscose selected to bc eliminatedI orj^W/c/UTiursoftAithcUniveisityof that most Amencans ai tURS: M ON..SAT. 8 «.m .-6 p.m . s a re famih'ar with. V i^ nnia io has long b ^ a Imding The bencficiories are: nnot the poor but from tiietiie ^ ste m should instead be: Maryland and is a senaiior fellow ofthe SUNDAY 11 s.m .-4 p.m . ’ More than 300 otherhers have names regionalnal tourist attraction. the well heeled visitonjrs - many of operatedtedindepcndcnily under privatevale Compeo'a'ye fiiro p risrise Insdtute. — Not innuch gr(•ound se]^paratess conserrVatives5 Testiis Saves Pr(*rogram , ' A s presidential cand:m didates spoke — " " In a speech beforee theI Heritage commonion enemy: big government^ T h e Je su s Saves'es ^ g ra m is for today’sy’s youth. ; It is a calling lo Edwin Feulner Foundation Presidentnt’sC liib, • T hisc before the national meley are given crcdit f o r - o r from our fam ilies andid o u r faith. T h e • ■ ant com m on even ackicknowledge. It’s not tiiat tiieyry values and v irtues thaiat contributed - there is also significant J.D.B. ground. don’t carcare about the ills plaguing to a coherent socictyr* have1 been . i H B H The dispute is usualtjally defined as society.y. It’s 1 that they trace many o f replaced by a value-fr•free g overn-. J* (A Brother in Christ) one between “libertariaiirians” w ho only these illsills to the government’s contin*in- m ent tiiat rew ards u s w> hen w e fail ' t want free markets andid ““d o n ’t care” uing raidlid on family pocketb6oks. a nd taxes us w hen wk'c e succccd .... I arc welcome. about social issues, andm d “ C hristion-, Thesocial so conservatives, mean- And as government hasht taxed us right extremists” who0 vwant the gov- while,O oa G ^ interested as anyone inn * ' m ore to take car^ o f'u u; s, o ur ability' em m ent to ban all form•rms of immoral reducingng the governm ent’s role in tiiethe to take care o f ourselv behavior. The truth iss a b it different. economymy. They undersumd that “fam-im- governm ent h elp h ass dimc inished.” f l r ee * a t J o b s A v ailab le!I On one side you haveave conserva- iiy valueues” su ffer when high taxes In otiier w ords, econ<}nomic conserv- Tem porary or tives who are focusedd - mainly, but and othether economic policies force . atives want govemmenenl lo stop Pfljrnianent. not exclusively - on ho'how government families» to t m ake flnmciol choices - ' spending tiie taxpayersrs’ money to intervention in the econx)nom y through such ass both b parents working, or oneic demoralize u s into dcfp(rpcndency. And taxation and regulationon is rnaking it parentw w< orking tw o jobs, social conservatives wsA'ant the govcm- n m^ERICA'S li EMPLOYER" haider for the average;e A m erican to That’st’s w hy I w as so glad recentlyy ment to slop demoraliziizingusinio make ends meet. These:se o re the eco- ' to hear• m m y frio id . Sen. Phil Gramm,n, dependency. i d O n B B V nomic conservatives. R-Tcxas•as - w idely perceived os ari Gel the picture? Instcstead o f two ^ ^PfRSOMHCl s tm ic is . ------l-On-the other-side you/o.a hove a group— L’cconomi)tnic.consetvahve’.I rvreach out_u t__ iiTCConcili^le cam'ps.inin tiic.conscrvo-. . . le concerns - but to socialal conservatives < and draw thee tive movement workingh g ot cross pur- Fn®r Av«r '7 3 5 Overisnd I that shares these same b In FalEs ' Burloy also is sick and tirt^ o f a1 governm ent very reola l connection between botii poses, Gramm and manany otiicrs see ^ 33-7300 3 .^ 678-4040 orking against a hellbent upon giving sp

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l i e II M i m *L Sisterr Agnes S u n■vivor's remn em b►er W:^ake I;slan d warmled you ByS. G aiber tb a B Timcs-News writer H oftighht pants TWIN FALLS - COn Dec. 8, 1941, on E an island 2,000 milniles west of Hawaii, ■ I’m supposed to0 btbe a “celebiity” caddy at M e rlin Loosli o f WeWeridell-wos installing H a benefit golf Jounuim ament loter this month, plumbing in a newV VWake Island hospital- H and I’m a liltle woiriiiiried about iny knickers, a n d d id n ’t believe the radio report of the H I bought them ptl aa garageI sale in 1976 ona Ja p a n e se atu ck on PoPearl Hartxn-. II Sotuiday motning wwh tm 1 w as seriously hung 3 H Blit hours loter,r, when\ Wake Island H over, and I kept themem for sentimental reasons. becom e' the site o f' thvilh pleats on the front and b e h in d a 3-1nch anti-ati-aircraft gun - almost H b o n ^ that button belowbeli the k n e t^ and th t^ - the first gun he’d everver seen. ‘ V g the Ford 'administnuio(L L o o sli w as one oof f tabout 1,100 remain- But when I triedd ththem on the other day, I . ing civilians who hahad been sent to the split out the seat, whic/hich was undet^tandable, I' island by Morrison-on-Kntidsen Co. and aEi suppose, because thehe waistband> did not ^ g in • seven othor construc:ruction companies to IG U} describe the ciicumlumfercnce o f the circle. T b u ild m ilitary barrack£icks, create a ir and sub- | H - ■------n ra rin trb a s c s T ^ dleirthc'uliunncl e ir to the islo n d ’s lagoon andI dndredge the lagoon. H StevlB A fter Japanese bonbombers attacked, the H carp en ters and iron wcworkers becaine sand- H Cramp b a g g e rs and trench digdiggers for the approx- H Don't ask me im ately 250 Morinesies and 90 Navy men H stationed'on Wake! uruntil Japanese forecs H . — . _Ianded.pn .Dcc..23_an_and_took^rnqst.of th e _ B it’s been a persistcnStent problem latcl^Ptinis ~ m en. including Loosli,)sli, to priso n camps in H that I ’ve worn morelore or less successfully Ja p a n and China. since the. invention1 oiof double*knit polyester O n Saturday, 1700 WakeV survivors and H arc suddenly refusing'ing to m eet m e halfway. th e ir w ives or widowiows gathered in Twin H I blame Dockets. ThThe Lori Stmuss Co.’s zil- Falls for the 37th annualam convention of libn-dollar'effort: to mask the effects of the Survivors of Wakeake, Guam and Cavite. H Newtonian physics haslas madei us all complooQOt This year, they are celebratingce their'SOth 1 also blame pride,ide, which has led more y e a r o f freedom fromm tthe p riso n camps. H thtm one adipose>en1-enhanced, middle-aged guy to his doom. WWe e should.have listened D e f e n d e r s c ap tu re< ,to Sister Agnes. J o e G oico ecT ica^^^Bois^ like several of HI i You see, when I wasw grow ing up, gravi­ h is friends, went to W take to w ork for MK DiroOYCM ty-ijipaired fcllbiytes worev huge trousers of , five jnonths before1 ththe Decembet l'94l Foiorm er W ake Island POVDW Dale P a ^ tt (center)e r ) ; o f A t a c a d e r o , C alif., and other form er POWi}Ws share stories of k h u i or w o o t whichich'-1 th ^ ’d have to pull up a tta c k . T he S 120 per)cr month, plus room thelelr tim e In the Japanesese,concentration campm ps In the lobby, of theI VWoston Plaza Saturday,ay. The stories can go e v ^ time thty stood» d up. T h ey ’d invariably and board, was attract•active to the 19-year- qj,n for hours, and the detletalls and chronologyy aare often debated backck a n d f o r th . trip over their own parpant legs every time they old, and he planned:d ito advance, on the w ent to the Kelvinatpritpr to g et a B lack Libel. tslim d a s an iron workeirker’s apprentice. ' ^Five were beheaded durinring the 12-day M y family photo} dbumd is liill o f grainy,'. “For young people,3lc, it was paradise,” ''°y 1 monochrome snapshoshots o f my uncles, who " C oiccw chea said. Paradiradisc,.until DccI'S. ■Th6' Japarlese:kcpL .ipO Americans'.bn A look ^ postd'bo)«5 fafor Oihar the Tentmokcr. H e said he remepibcmbera heading for the 'ake Island to work, and loterIt executed'; Biiano one thoii^tt^ t the worse of it God m ess hall just beforec n^romc the clothesline, shadiniding the entire patio. to fa ll and the men scatscattered "lik e a bunch c island. Then cam e the ’6(’60i, when tight jeans o f w ild sheep in a coyojyote p ack ." . m eant tiie differenceX be^eent cool and fos- In th e days that folicbllowcd, mililaiy men risoncrs of w ar silizcd. When we were,w a in junior high, my apd civilians - manyiny with no military Bowyer B said he spent abou)out three years H S E fig cousin B a r ^ UMdd'tq U buy a new pair of graining - workedI totogether td defend in. campsc near Shanghai1 before b being B S M P J . L evi’s, g et into bathiiithtiib o f real h ot water, W ake Island and carearc for the wounded, takeken to Japan. Goicoecheaa saids the pris- and mb,soap,all over,vef jhcm until they con- They damaged threhree cruisers, two oneilers of war built darns andani worked in .I^H S S S ' formed to his buit likeike asilky coat of Ijtra^ dcstroyerB and ollicr-slir-ships )owycr said. At wofc dungarees ~ lea^ Led R id m p u c h ^ '■nighfahd "did everytrrything wc coiild'to Satuiturday's convention, B bi^i^er explained on sa le -r on thq.weekcrik e iA aixt‘’slocks’* to class. fool and camouflage’’j’’ t as protective brush a sciset o f murals by a W ake susurvivor r depict- m H wBB ' . Slxties-style men’s;h’s slacks were a.not- d isap p eared from thee 3> squai'e m iles and ingg lifeI in th e prison cam ps. e'ntireiy-successfiilil iattempt to combine b u ilclin g s and tanks1 burned, bu Goicoechea TlThe illustrations showeded “ ho^C th e y "mod” feshion withI po!polymer cheiriistiy. ■ said . thrc'rcw cold water on us if wwe did some- ’•Mod,”, in case youyou’re imder.30, was a Am erican casualtiesties in the. battle for thinjing wrong’’ and how prisoisoners in - loQk ^ came oiJt oof f London in the wake W ake totaled I20killeclied. 49 wounded and 22-ii:-inch-w idc spaces, h e soid. ' bfi^rUKBeatles, rambiinbining -tight, stovepipe- two mining. \ OlOthoc pictu^f^, shb'w,ed priprisoners hud- in g -'tb g eih i:j’.''toTkccp •wdr/drm, hauling ' ' ' loggv trotisers with1th iclunky, square-toed ■Wheii the Japanese;c lilanded on Dcc.r23, dlin L o o sli. Goicoechea and Cecil Bowyer of hea'a v-y-bags, and .carryinglg buckets of - fe,' " BUOOYCHA 1' CH»RL£8 MAHOINEm» TVnw -.'^ o ^ l^ d shirts thatIt looked1< like the inside man wdste -tbUertilire fiellelds. T he last , • o^Tim othy Lcaiy’s brain.bra ' ' '' 'I Twin Falls were amornong the 1,200 U.S. hum civilians and militaryy pprispners transport- panqn<;l wa'S a .p lb ^ iiv b fia g ibard rd smoking. .WIUl.no0 success,a Cecil Bowyerar has searched severalrai cy ^nw ned a linenc ot f beltless, piotfrpoly- House s]spider seeeks She]ater ^ c s ^ pants that bagged»i nicelyr in all the wrong Rupert places ond'made mostst pe n y A l ^ Clodc albums hobo spider, is on the pro' hotJ crop n to causc the most'scricrious bites, and Bam un lund) boxascQ the leading icons o f V alley, seem rding to the University repoport. • tbe ore old photosIDS _____ slope to denim M l-bott((ottoms. ■ ' i ' irAG 1 “ - an annimual iradition -for Poro;-oz,' 67-, A few o f Her morere iircsotute'i students, ^Gomputer * -p-page’ rdllisidn in ju11. i C a JL . w h o se; uncle u taught him how to grow m yself included, in fact fa< wound up there, , the spic'>icy crop when he was a ; youth, swayed by honky-tonkink music and*5educed 1 features statsite’s best att Curry Cros^ s s i n s , on a farm in Mexico. by craven images o f MickMic Jagger and by the ^ P ecz re ztends the crop by hanin d and keting department "Ib e AssociBted l^esa ' ,L m Strauss Co. morkcti Thole T im es-N ew s du rin g5 hharvest slices many peppPPt^rs in ., ; W e’re the ones whQ'hQ w ore jean s into our . hot sun. IDAHO FALLS - CoiComputcr-savvy half, layiaying them to dry in the he ' forties and were, finallyIly Ipersuaded, more out TWIN FALLS - A collDllision nt Olherwi:wise, the peppers rot if ll•hey’re - o f hope than sense, thathal Dockers w oidd for- toiirislsTjlarfnrrig'ii'trip~ld"I *' ld"Id^6 can leam _ ^ about Shelley Spud Daysrs andc Sun Valley ^urrirry Crossing - at least thele ssecond in nol eaterten right away, ' give all the beer and nochosnoi w e could con' A'cek — in ju red a T w in Falls Fi man 'it’ss a a to u c h y deal;” P erez saidid. sume during an entire; NFLNl tiiple-hcader. , ®ski slopes through a coopeoperative program “ p ro m o tin g the state on thecInlcrnoL Ii Satulurday after he failed tott see an Therere won’t be a bumper crorop this W e were wrong,'ofif cccourse. T he D ockcr^- P co m in g c a r on H ighw ay 30.JO. y e a r, bccausc bci of the summer's’s short ■ •• too,- have been overwhrw helm ed, leaving u s ...... S ta te a n d federal ogcnciincies are working with the Idaho Outfitterters and Guides Robert Speyer of Twin1 FFoils was growiniing season, Perez saidid. He IK H kS iL ld . with only images o f oujour falhera and'Omor ^ :en by ambulance to Magiigic Valley expectsIts to lose half his crop,>. Frost —— —-- JBJENMFER OUNOVTTw-nmw-IMW the Tentmaker’s phonele nnumber. ^A ssociation to post eventsnts and recreation' gional Mcdical Ccnter, bgibgt nursing could hithi any day and ruin the" ." “Pj At top, Danielll PPerez tends the i And the knowledgiidge, sadder human spots o n th e worldwide corn;o tnputer netw ork. The Idaho Recreation servisors at the hospital weivere unable which1 didn’idi start growing unti, 1,1 mid 2,000 chlllos gre beings that we’ve beobecome, that the end - , on and Tourism S'*?® growing In his back- In itiativ e started an Idaho) reavidllcich wilh ' zly sow injuredrd at Kalispcll mon It waswt tho-park’s sccond grizziizzly seven puncture' wbui lunds and several ^rmy during World Tom:■ a abrother, Wardell; a sister, on a' trail in G lacierier National Park mauliniling o fth e week. cuts on,his ri^ t shot b m h drafted.Into the Ar loulder and lower ^ H H War II and sp en t ththe last year In the -Eleanornor Bradley: 14 grandchildren;, Saturday, but a compinpanion drove her Thele attacki lasted only sccondss butbi back, pork officials ^sa ^ H H ’ Philippines. i. and,twtwo o great-grandchildren.. He . After the Armyjy. Bari resumed was precededpr< In death by his ■ ‘ ■ I Blartdh a i A. Bradley work at Triangle D.Dairy in Boise. H e daughteiihter. Sue. ■ Foror obituary rate infonirm a tio n , _ , Barton o, A.-Bradloyi-81,-off Boise,B then began hTs.carareet-as.a.carpeiir-- Funenneral services will.beJisId aL . uaries callall 733-0931, extension' 2278 - - diedled Thursday. Sept. 14.*'l995.>95. a l a . ter bulldTno. housesjs.and went on the -jqisqD a.m.a.t Monday, S ept. 18. 1995, Obitu establish his highlylly regarded cabi- gt thee Aiden-WaggonerA Chapel In ------. Solsolse hospital. 1S14, In not shop.. iver Of Florida. He was proced:ed - ;i5 . 1995. at the Mlnldcdoka Memorial 'Barton'was bom July 6 . 1^91 Boise.3. . n death by his wife, Alice: sonson, Hospital in Rupert, aldwell. Idaho. The family’ ImImoved Following retiremimentl Bart contin- 7 ^e 0 Rov.Ri Robert C. Hill of Trinity Tiond: three brothers and a sis-sis She was born Oct.t. 1 7 ,‘1917. In I Tacoma. Wash., in 1922.- . ued flsiiing,.hlklniing and camping Presbytebyterian Church will officiate, . t e r . ^ ° Kuna. IdahOi the d auglghter of Wilbur ■ — There r .he finished his elemfTieniary-which.wete e somele.of his.greatest Burialii willw follow a t the.D ry.C reek . A g gr raveside service will b e heIcield an d Nancy Laura Lew:-wis. She grew id high school years followeiwed by pleasures. BeforeI anda during retire- Cemeteretery. Friends may call from 3 ijoyed bowling-ln Jg g p., 'a t 2 p.m. p. Wednesday, Sept. 20,), aat' up and attended schchoois Tn Kuna. ' /o years at the Coliege-of-Pif-Puget ...mentrhe- also-enj( p.m; today“Bt-the Alden- th e Wost End Canptery In Buhluhl. Van Wyck and Cascadade, Idaho. On 3und before moving to B oise.le. - several different leaaagues. Waggontaoner Chapel. Wt On June 7, 1942, Barton ma /ed by his wife, Friendsid s may call fiWn 10 a.m. to10 8£ ,Jan. 1. 1938, Edna manarried William . . . ~ married Bart Is survive 1. Bart and wife, Memotimorlals may b e m a d e lo Trinity p.m . Tuesday Tl at the Famior Funeraeral Frank Matthews at Ca:Cascade. Thoy rginia Sue Budd In HazellonIon. the Virginia; his son, art of a long and loving urunion. Mary: a son. DonI i a n d wife, Kris; a P resbbyterian y t; Church, 2626 S. C h ap□el el In Buhl. moved around the stateJtes of Oregon. ay and husband, GekelerlilerLane. Boise, ID 83706. ■ Nevada and IdahoI while\ Frank Fter their m arriage. B a rtoon n was daughter. Shirley ^ worked for Union Padicific Railroad; • *------^ ^ In 1947, sh e started c:ooking o for the —^ section crew workersi andi done so until 1957. H a r o l S h 9 is survived bby one son. ______iervices irold J. Stoltz. 81, of Jerome, H aroThursday, S ept, 14. 1995,■t: al Wayno (Julie) Matthevews of Boise; y,,,.tU M ngle Stennt, o f Twin FalFalls, to a.m. Monday, 13th Haridgh Leonarf WalliogtoiBgton. o f Jerome, meitiStiat.seTvicc, '*” '' d ie d t Tl M agic C a re C enter In Twin^in four daughters, Mar<3rcella(Kay) I LDS Qurch, 421 Maurice St.It N.] in Twin Falls. Viewing 11 1 a.m. Monday. Jerome Prcsb>•csbyterinn Church, (Hove*Robertsoti W e st N • Campbell of Pocatetello. Sharon noon ^ 10 p m today at Bloy Colololonxal Funeral Home in Twin Funeral f Chapel in Jerome). -a ,—(Dwight)-Ross-of.Burliirlay, Frances_____ 9 Falls.rw as born Feb. 1. 1914r ai r6 io 8 p.m. lod:^ ni the fliner-'— Lja Jones of Pocatello0 a n d D /xfe FidIs.T=^aTantily will grtetlMends from 6 1 ne. the son of Ezra and Zola nc. . Heybum, noon Monday. St. James Je ro mTd e Stoltz and was reared and Matthews of Rupert: eeight stand- Gemude E. D d a o ^ . o f He) EcKard:ated here and at Peru. Neb.,,t, children: five great-greirandchildren: T*t* t10 Mr*- Mi's- Weeks of > d .a s 'a s 6 ociate guardian of both oaf f Buhl;1 Tamara Massie o f FilFiler; Corey J. Cottom ondd to Mr. and Mrs. Birth worked part-time ter for retirement, she servedel No. 14 Order of Jobs'jjgi Mortuary in Rupert. for Taco Bandldo Bethel’ _ a n d jy[^_Young l^ of Twin FoIls._ Manuel Coldera.^allII o f H eybum : to A dauglaughter was bom to Rafeal and for a Ilmo and the hters. • ...... R ^ rig u ez and lo Vietotino and : Cactus Petos whthen worked lor Oaughte . Kandi Jones o f Burleyey; and to Mr. and Laura RO' also was active in the Jerome CAS£ REOIONAL MEDICAL^ M n. John P. Hansen ofo f Rupert Eldia Ruiz,Rui: all o f Rupert ' em ployee of tha yearwhere she was Heirioal al: Society. Twin Fallslls iSSlA Whether she waear- Historic CENTER ira Club a n d the Boy Scouting Admitted ■. June, June Bug. was Ju called Aunt Cameraam . having received tho Silver . she was a selflesJunie or Granny, progreirrer Award. Harold worked forlor BSSSSjEj Sandndm Bcabout and James McGniOraw. J T ■ ■ , always put others lessfirs friend and Beaverorth Side Nevre for 40 years a s ------jf-BurlcyrChristnnrealdcra-a■n-and“ ; Inner satisfaction first.bv She received the Nohiitype operator and then printint : Cotlom, both o f H eybum ; a OfS. by pleasing oth- a linotyfforeman. HansenHd and Ruben Solis, bothoth o f ^ Rupert.t. Sho Is survived ^ sh o p foralso was very activo In the''‘e ftr " 7 , C olleen Howe of ^ n one daughter. He Club,al both on the local level.el. grandchildren, Terry' Twin Falls: four Lions :tCl level and had 40 years of Falls, Stacey Howirry Howe of Twin d istric:t t attendance, I Mandy Howe ofowe T\ of Jerome, perfectded e icated a great deal of his rim es-N ew s Ryan Howe-ofSViiTwin Falls and He de IB tic work to the Sight andId great-rfanochlldren>win Falls: three Monisticig Foundation. - - - CC lassifie d and SKelby Howe:}n>Salth. o r Oestlnee HearingJerome Lions Club honored3d R adunz of M odesto.; pne sister. Verna Theith J< a life m em bership In Lionsns 733-0931 - brothers, Warren So<10. Calif.: and four him withlatlonal and. In 1990. the L Calif.. Verne ScottScott of Modesto, m ternat) Jo n e s Fellowship Award for m L _ Calif.. Lance Holienott < of Modesto. Melvinmding J humanitarian service:e • • .. Harvey Holien of Vanm of Hansen and outstancedicatlon. This Is the highestiSt : In addition to her hus/ancouver, Wash, and deda given through LionsIS ' preceded In deathlusband. b> she was awardational. " Alan a nd Elmer Scott.I by two brolhers, intematic/Ivors include his wife, U u rara I______^ I Sheleltering N ighti t ■ - l l■ i jy n •1 A memorial funeralott. Survlwome; and-one son, Hal of - held at 10 a.m. Moniral service will b e of J e rt o Lake r Terrace. Wash.; six londay. Sepi. 18, Mount L Virginia Taylor •Thosee whoi arc able 10 cast away the, •1995, at the Valley c r children: and six great-grand- fear thaJthat accompinics ihe tlarkn^ of>f •______— . in Twin. Falls, .with- Christian.th Church grandchijn. He w as preceded in deathth Savage Telford f, i Stevens officiating.1 Bthe Rev. Bruce children. ; arc rewarded with a mystery, i son, Tom a n d one brother.- Virginia DuRae TelfoIford. 67. ol .SJ.'“ty, and romanticism-thal all butJt -- ' et Sunset Memorial. Burial will follow by o n e s< id Ketchum. p asse d avray' aat her horiie aral sew ice will be conducted jiacly allude the sunli'day. Jfwe • Falls. Friends may•ial P ark in Twin Funera le' early Thursday morning,19, Sept. M. “3 " .m. Monday, Sept. 18, at the' Jit Ihe Sunc w rld at night as I ■ ! Mortyary from 4 to ay8 c call at White at 2 p.mR obertson l=uneral Chapel in 1995. following a three ; I the family will g reet8 fri p.m. today and Hove-Roi lg the day, what is it about the e by the Rev. Jack Bynum,n. urith breast cancer, ^ m n L S m M • 8 p.m. today at Whilet friends from 7 to J e ro m ewill I follow at the Jeromele Virginia was born onan D ec. ife, less . that miikes it seem as th o u ^ - 'T h e family s u g gite e j Mortuary. Burialtery w with mesonic rites,5. 1927. In Ely. Nev., to Marla ria D a h r^ r w a rre e inhibitingI two dilTcrent worids? I be given to Hospiceaests memorials Cemeteis may Call from 5 to 8 p.m.n. an d Je sse B. Taylor. Sh<;he attended It mayly notn so much be the ptcsence or • 1300 Kimberly R oad,Toe Visions Inc.. Friendsand r from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.1. high school In Kimberly aiand married absenceice' of light lhat oeaies the stark Falls ID 63301. a d . No. 11. Twin to d a y ly a rat the funeral chapel, wTlliam J. Savage onI ^M arch 28, osntRut3St as it is our attitude lomrd it. ily su g g e sts memorial to thele 1948, at the MethodistIt C hurch in Tlieseane are questions ihat conccmedJean __ -Sight. Foundation.or_th.e,.,e _Jwin^ Falls. Thev wiw ere la le r • __ .PayLRWRictuer, wh^oncc wrote; 1-______m a ^ list Church and Ihey may bele ’ divbrced.' 'docs-thc^ cvriiing. whySoes the n ip t, he mortuary. v She married Virgil T elford on put warn/armer love in our hearts? Is it the l^ fta tth e Christm as Eve in 1960..They ‘ were ni^tiyply pressure ofhdplessness.’ Or b it -, ...... 3 later divorced. the exalting ex3 separation from the H ' S h e .w a s a m e m b3 e r of th e turmoils')ils of life, (hat veiling of the woridj ' * Salvation Armyu^dvisoryr EBoard. She in whidilich, Tor the soul, nothing remains L. Truscott was also a top fund-raisjis e r f o r th e bui souls civic auditorium at the. CCollege ol Igh our assodition with fiinenil ■ Lee Tnjscott, 48. of Jerome, Southem Idaho. She was rlday, Sept. 15, 1995, at his lors throughout the world, s of the Episcopal Chufif r o V o T t t ' mnents can be made to renim Ascension. loved ones home from any part of. ^ Is a miniaturized c m e ra thaithat displays an exceptionally - v as born O c t. 17, 1946, in^ She -was involved in sloz-mbiutoc^eaflng-AlO—: ...... d . Ore, th e son of Tyra W.'• clothing business m ost of X5untfy 'o f'■ wofldr*'Al WbUe' Ed to offer this icrvUe to our die araldine Greenlee Truscott. SiKiK E"iary 6 CrmaOiy, wc are at you '• o n e tim e ow ning a stoore r In Twin ecelved his education inn Falls. servicee anda; a n providie guidance with d and was a sergeant in thee She Is survived by heier mother, ^itivii)ivity. W are a non-sectarian . larines during the Vietnamn Mary Stevenson and stepjpfather. Bill homcarxandarehippytodeslgnandplan ' ■MSI r four years and received aa Stevenson of Twrfn Fails. SShe is also servicesis to1 suit any rdlgiou!i bclulf or star.and purple heart. He9 survived by her brother,•, IDonald R .' _ j x i m inal u I taste. You'll ‘ Tmd us -as-a ranch hand,-alnjd< d ri---— ‘(Baa)Taylor orNampa"ainand her's'is- cbnvraie3iiriiily'l6eaieaan36'4Ui^verEr r 20 years. Jerome Bus5 ter, Maxine Weatherble of M anteca. (733-«0()600). Hours; 8 a m.-5 p.m. sny, Jerome Streei* Calif. iment and the Kimberly/ She was loved and acadmired by vn herruany si ibadt of Jim and solUaty D e p a rtm ' : Roy A Stricklan District. He married Deborah her | five children a n d 111 1 grandchil- lotrliiias,as, llecrnibtlannuageo/anoibcr in School >BonDi( on Aug. 3, 1992, In , ; Roy A Stricklan. 91. dren: . ■ UVrld.' !- Friday. Sept. 15. 1995,)1. of Buhl, died Thompec Her daughter, Debra.arand son-Ja-______------UxilByroo 5 1 _Hear! survived by his wife of ring Aid ' H ouse In Jerome. 9 5 , at the Alpha ^ I law. Greg McDonald, off EI d e n 'a n d . . He was born Dec. : two sons, Gerry Truscott of' 1 their two children, Peter P< and « IC. 29, 1903. at Jerome:lOta ty and Todd Truscott of' 1 Mercedes. Coun Madlsonviiie. Tenn., to inselors Ulltia Moore Stricklan, to G eorge and Mlri^riesot;two daughters. MelindaI Her daughter. Shari anand son-in- «vMvtoV«M)-amaod/tMfArM. < lan. He married Buhl: t tw( a n d Sherie Taylor, both of 1 11 M*dlc«ld VMeMMeom* HonwVtotta •Alice M. Davis on May ' law. Robert W ichaud, bf hHailey a n d II . «»«»««»» ------Twlri ’FairsTHe' farrla y 14, 1929, at T ruscott; two a stepdaughtefti'Desiree—tptheiriwo'chiidren, ErynfancndM arc:------II ------: ' ~ ^b'Stitroeii^M Is: arrrie’d In 'tho ‘ Jerome;3l tw of J e r o m e a n d Holdi S:rCCG=A------fS S m loMe0tor1-W9-022-4443 M Lucerne area for 50 ye ' Her dauoMer. Bddgetteto and son- |l ______llOOM ^ 23ilParfc»T.Hr.B u rity « caH«r»-Baoo ed a business of delivyears. He start* H u m mI e of l Twin Falls; ono stepson,' In-law,[ BarTy-Walters,t, of L ong Ifl II ■ JJ I hlwmwttofltio water from ThousandBliverlng i boilled lummel ° of Reno, Nev.; eightI G( ro v e , Mil., a n d th e ir c ( h ild re n , Jd Springs nnd, David Hunlildren: and a stepdaughter.■ \Whitney? Tyler, Hayiey,, RyanF and during the war. he re ^iSM iiiB nSgBES - counter al Riley's I Uf ra n th e lunch aunders of Jerome. He was‘ Kaltlyn.t . Buhl. He was a membtU p a n d Up in U n d a ^kJ u iIn death by his parents, Her son: Mark Savjv a g e a n d ------r ” ^CI,iristian'Church." nber of the Rrst pr^odedlel-servioes will b e conduct—....daughter-in-law; c Susan." ofof Tacomar' ■ ■- • ...... C .S I. uWEALTH CR]lEATIONCLA ' ...... - He Is survived by ------twi ------Funeral-p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 19, aIt. Wash.,i and their ^ s . Zocacharyand . (Toni) Stricklan andtw C o sons. Ross e«J a t 1 )m p.i e 5th W ard LDS C hapel 1. "MM aster F*lan t o W ^ t h " . Stricklan: a daughter,d D onald (Jan) on . Funeral Chapel in -• ^Ketchum. The Rev. Brianm J. Thom I Hall. Brett (Trade) Hall;n, S hane (Tina) R o b e rtsand o i family viewing one hour ^will offlciale. , Time: 7:00 pm tcto 9:00 pm Rick Beerly. Ray fTereiall. G ary Beerly, Jerom e servicesan( a t the church. In lieu of flowers. th<:he family I icids Bidg., Room 116 Jr. and Tawna (Johraresa) StricVlan Prlor to sen would like contributions lo tc be sent I Place: C .S.I Shie L'16‘, . great-grandchildren. 3Seh n ) R oot: 10 i.n.«nuii.eMl to Hospice of Wood Rivevor Valley. I . Cc^: $20- , . Caitlin Cloherty, Erika I P.O. Box 4320. Ketchc h u m . ID . I - Registratlori: CA:.s.i. 733-9554 Ext.: . 2 2 7 0 - ■ • -Errett.-Julfe Hall, U o y IM . B3340. or a charitable orgrganizallon . I Hall, Halloy .Hall, Trev(loy Hall, Jamio R. .Matthews oof your choice, such as a: Valley.* - I -Aehiey Root; and twoevor s Root and E dna RuthR. Matthews, 78-year-old House or Port of Hope. TvTwin Falls. I W h e r e d o Iyou want to go financlaUif?fit Bidwell of Arizonao sisters, Pearl E dna esident, Ryi died Riday, Sept. ID 83301. ■ 1. Managing Lost Op]p p o r t u n i ty C o s t ; IS and Edna Rupert resi _ Z J I 2 . S hould m y m o rtg aage c be a or 15-y«•ywr mortgage? ___^___ 'JiJam ^ R. Love, 3. W here Is the best placep io r n^'retirem enf'ck IITHbipUIW lPUM||R ^ 4; Compounding yoww l n t e r ^ r f ^ t ' i s ’t h e ; r ^ . ' : 5J T ^ n g dollars out: cof a quallflad plan withW i 1 0 % p e n a lty f ii^ • w tozei:otaxon.wivlthdraw i als . ; •' TmNrAUB^waai AdpsMforp^Jmssff, Love.' - ■ T h e s e a ^ aa 0 / the topics to bebe^ dlscussi^- 'ST’ ’ . i - .

« - ‘ - - ■ . m • I' *• • /-I, . I - ■

IF, SuncJaylay, Spptom t)or17. 1995 Tlmmo9-Now8. os Twlii Falls, IcJaho D-^ _ ■ >

:-J- ______— M a g i c - VV alleyffltest—

In IHaUey,5 sew er* hooki]lips O ipson ^wiants, are5 covetced co mimoditiies tc0 tradelemarlkliis 1]initialsr B y Charlotte OilOiles paidd for: by growth interests,'ts,” pcrccnt or 8 p e rc esnt n a y e a r b y , -Tim es-N cw s cor;orrespondent Keamams sold. - ...... resiricting the numbiber of avoii- Kni^-'ht-RidderNewa Servicc- thc nam e “O J. ” to mokem and sell the A lotIt onna Karan has her name reg-l Bccausc off I:limited sewage be expondedex in tim e for ^hc^h< would lim it Hailey:y’s growth. , , protcctected trademark out ofhis well-we mass-produced, 2I-ininch-high, bronze is'tcred.;d. It doesn’t raise any eye-; treatment capaclacity, Hoilcy has 1997>7 c o n stru c tio n s e a s o n . Th wlwhen clothing designers have; ' only 60 sewerr hhookups left and mayoy o r ’s p la n t o s o l v e the th< calculating the fonirmula now, Thee requestr was publishedi donelone it.” ; 92 applicationsIS fforbuilding per- hooku>kup pro b lem in c lu d e s te:ch- c h Keams said, ). Sept.5 5in thc Official Gazette; ■ ...... But B l the name "O.J.” alreadyl . m its. accordinglg to city, building nolog;ogy and o new growth ordirdi* Until the sewcicr hookup a federaeral legal publication, andi *U ho*8 license!Bd people to haslas some competition in thei ield o f trademarks. There’s a! .' .inspector Lou Mallea.Mi nanceice. shortogc, thc city didn’td limit it will1 bccomebi registered within'] m ake T-shirts,s. then they Reaction fromom the local con- Firtirst, the City Council wilvill the number of buildiiding permits the stontondard 30-‘day comnfen- egistcred "O.J. Squeezer,’- for; tractors has ran{nnged from disbc- consicsider the c o m p arativ e .studieilies for single or multi familyfa hous- .' tary periodpci unless objectionss can bear the titradem ark.’ jighiight beverages and sof\ drinks,; ... • - licf-to-accMsotjotions of incompe- on sewage sc plrat e^ansioiion- es'and industrial but>uildings.- In - arc raiselised. " andnd a software system called; tence, city planninner Carl Hjefms madeie lost yeor by four engineer-;e r- 1992, th c c ity issuevlix 156 p e r m i t s in ii 1994. footballalls, Simpson requestedI ~------^ ^ ------...... jujice' ice makers may have a hard! mean the colicllapse of future will[ proposepi altematives for the According to Molleoeo, 1995 will thc undeademnrk nghts on a whole timime e objecting to Simpson's; building scasoisons, but Mavor sewag be thc largest bulktiding boom host ofol merchandise. The: lisli t costs in excrcss o f S3,C5.000. claim to thet name because beverage; ' Steve Keams dcdoesn't think so. In1 responsep to the many call:alls yet with 155 buildiiling permits includesles: windup toys, skateboard)ards, Thc trademark apapplication was categoric:}rics a rc lefl o ffthe list< ; d^has-S-l-million-i-ho-rWroccivcd-from-residcnts,-whcvbo—{ssucd..thua fa r ond-^ ------vidoorg)i^gamcsr-puppctst-jigsaw-pu^gz^filcdJuly-21,-1.994,-0 .«nly.^cck«-aftcr ------SimipKon-himwliUios^oihcr-iFon! pso ______in its cofTcrs forbr the sewer plant “didn’In’t like the level o f growtl;ivth ing. zlc s, nenewsletters, rubber stamp,mps, Simpson's i:x-wifc.;. N icolc B row n in th c fire. fire too. He’s also seeking to! . expansion andd Kearns1 said he in thehe city and ... didn’t likeike Lack of hookups is 0 first for crayons>ns. ski s u its , b o th in g suitsuits, Simpson, and her friend,f Ronald .register;r "O.J. Simpson" intemalion-! h a s received coicommitments for havinjing to poy for it,” the mayoiy o r H ailey, b u t m a y b e a itrend. swcatbaibands, berets, nightshirts, beltsbd Goldman, were foundnd bludgeoned to ally for)r p:p aper goods and jew elry and; S600.000 frono m F o x M o o r e w ill: propose pi 0 ‘R easo n ab le pop-op- “You don’t pay anany atte n tio n and oproprons. deoth outside her Brcremwood condo- nationalln o lly in su ch c a te g o rie s as; Developers anand Ron Sharp ulatioiion growth ordinance.” until it happens lococ'olly, then Gloveives ore nowhere to be found.:nd. m inium , rcccptaelilaclcs. adhesives, timcpicces,; ■ Investment Rea!a! 1Estate. Thehe ordinance will try to capc a p y o u see it in th e paj:aper. It hap- "ThcIC reason1 h e ’s do in g it is that 0 Publicity surrouncnding the grisly brooms,IS. ddusters — even. uh. cutlery.; “That’s overcr half the plant Haileyley’s population growth to0 77- pens all over,” MoHetieosaid. lot'off peoplep hove been makitiking murders, in whichh Simpson has The awardingow of a trademark may' I m oneyy offc ofhis name,” said Mo:Morlc 1 ste a d fa s tly p ro c larimed ii his inno- not be: ableab to put an end to all the! "'RndcliniilTcra'portncr Inthe' intcllecrlectu-" ' ccn cc.'h as spaw nedI a cottage indus-- “ 0 : J . ”" -piparaphernalia; Due to the; al propcjperty d iv isio n o f G ray CaiCary try of goods bcoringJ hist nam e and o r h ighly’ public pu trial, comments about; Compiuter__^ ______:______W are 6 & Freidenrich, in Polo AltAlto, picture, the trialal nmay still bo expressed on T-; Calif. "Thcrc "1 ore T-shirts, watchcches. Lost month. Simpipson’s lawyers shirts and posters and the like, said, ingeles Superior Howardrd Aj naw all, low p rofessor at C o n tin u ed from B31 l e a s t oof f Idohd Foils, covers 16,00,000 about 40 people hovns,’' have been selling meilerchandisc bear- ness orr namenn os port of commenting! towns arc and-whatit occommodationsa< campgnigrounds with 146 sites and flnfine o f those are fro m oulIt o( r Slate. ■ = ifTe said. " I f h e ’s licensed: peo-pci ing his name ond/oror likeness. T h c on t h ci case.” ca Anawalt said, 'il’sl k c iri the prin ted fish inlg g for cutthroots, rainbows an d B esides th e Intiotlvcivc’s home page, KiddjfT' they offer, just like y can suit alleges tlie compipanics and indi- alloweded iin eases when it’s not so, ich browns. The kokanee: orare thc information also) canc be reached } P"' moke T-shirts, then they cx tourism guide tiut thithe state puts out 17-inch I they viduols ore interferinjing with his own clearly/ commercial.'co ICyou aod.1 get; M chycar. th e r e!,.but ,.t lurk deeper ond pose.se a' from the state of IdiIdaho-s.govcm- >>car heIhc trademark. If not, then thc can’t, ;avors." togethercr aand pump out T>shirts thar ------Pcoplc-intercstcd-ed-in-a-particular—choUenfsnge^- — ------^ ------ment home, page.-- ... ° ; registration o T th e tradcm'aimark Legal experts were:re suiprised that give a pupublic, message il’s difTerent Jiunting or fishinglg spot: con learn It ofli>ffcrs tips for how and w h enn tto Agencies workitcing’.‘with the " cgally bar manufacturc^rst andar Simpson hod never-T-registered thc lhan iff it’it’s done by a m ajor manu>!^ when to come andI wwhat to use, ond catch1 eieach, depending on whethether Outfitters and Guidesjs A ssociation to w ill legs ers from commerciolly usirising initials before. "It's ncnot that unusual, facturcr."tr." can jump to electrorronic versions of the fishishing is from shore or boailOot. sponsor th e service'atare thc National retailers state Deportment of3f 1Fish ond G om e A n d foifor those who wont to avoik'bid Park Service, U.S. FForest Service, ^ regulations. sum m[ier er crowds: "Icc fishing conn bbe Bureau of Land Mot[onogcmcnt ond f .^ilifomia ll cookikie thief m ayy face up to lilife in prison i I The profiles ofr recreotionr< sites a great!ot fafnily o u tin g to c u re ihthe Bureau of Reclomaticlion ond Id a h o ’s \ blso run down the loglogistics. wintCTTblohs." b . Deportment of C o m m e rc e , SANT,MTA ANA. Calif. (AP) — FdFour and (law-enforeemcn:nt officials) arc May 144 toto steal the safe bul tripped the' t For instance, thehe feature about Markirk Ellsworth, who feeds Infoiifor- Deportment of Parkss tand Rccrcation uneaten;n chocolate( chip cookies coucould serious, about gcttining us." Weber burglarr alarmal and fled with just the! jpalisades notes'thatlat it is 60 miles mationin into the sy stem d o ily , saired died in th e c a m p s bebefore freedom H e n r e e 45. ' , y]Dr. Dan ] : “ I’v e foijmttcn thethem years ago,’* th e groujoup with special ceremoniess itin came on A ug. IS , 1945 ;said RusseH Thomiimas of Harbor, Boise.:. The* civilian survivors-o:uof. Other Magic Vallilley men who •Ore., .who had work<)rkcd for MK on Wake: IslandIs and the prison camjpinjps were on ^oke Islondd include Frank ) W o o d ...... IWalce-a-littIe.njore-reJhan.a.month were grantedgr veteran status tnonlore Drake of Kimberly, JoeJc Mediola of r iDr. Fred Twin Falls and Merl5rl M ason« of _ -before Dcc. 8. “WeJ survivedsu - that’s th a n aI dcdecade ago, B ow yer said, ^ eane- cfocc 'ue.e M c u a t t'tuKe^ u i to. \ •the n ^ n thing.” S o mne e wartime clippings fron■om Rupert, all n o w dcceasiased. ' ; Lj>p8li:soid he waswc in Chinese Idaho ntnewspopers told of local par'par- Joe Adamson and hhis son Lewis, _ IcBtnpfs fo r IS monthsiths and in Japan ' ents hei[learing vague news o f thelil e i r both o f T w in F alls, wwere on Wake Ope:)en M -F, 9am -12 anoon, lpm-5pm • For appointmenimt, call 678-2271 :fof two y ^ before•re World War !I sons-w■ who wM ojpm red, w h o difcd.6d. together, but only theth fothcr sur- ' :e n d ^ . Tliat day, hes soid,si he was the Bowy

77 /f

B-4 nmos-Naws, TwiTwin Foils, Idaho S u n d o y . Sop3optaml»r 17.1995 Magic^i Valley/Wcest Schocol lunchI m enus Only mttin dUhc»'Brcarc titled. All schools Tuesdesday: Chicken-fried steak, IMMANUEL LUTHERAN V • bar, hotdog, nachos orthemor alnllnoin'R yday.' BcbolceSoicoormtilHlinc. h a m b u rO T ^ an il salad— serve milk wilh meal*. Wednednesday: Spaghetti. » fraIh m m id>DLB d SCHOOL . SCHOOL Choice of chocolate mimJIkorwhitem ilkeveiy- bar eacheacl day, laco. b a r on Wcdnetdays and Thurs-ursday: Sliced ham and cheese potato>laIoes. (OOOn3DIN0). - ' • ; MoniondaytJUbccueonabun. . • day. , . potatoato barfa on Friday*. Mainline menu varied • BLAINBOBCOUfJTY ■ Frida)Iday: Pig-in-a-blanket. Breakfast served everysryday. Tuestlesday: Baked tieans and weiners.rs. Monday: Ham andd ccheese s ^ w ic h . .daily.'ly.. • ; • - • - - Sclf-»erve bar ovailableable every dsy. r. Wedjiednesday: Baked pouto bar. Ttiesday.-Lasogiuu Mdnday: Haniburgcr.rr. CASTLEFORD Tuesday: Macaroni ondoi checso and little Thunlursday: Sandwich and macaronili salad.so: Wednesday: Stew'w■■withbiicuits. , VALLEY ” Tuesday: Beef and cheecheese enchilada. BreakeakfUt: smokies. Frida;iday: Comdog. ^ Thursday: Fish sandndwlch. _ . Brea'ireakfasl served everyday. Choice of. Wednesday: Hotdog.J. • Mondjnday: Cinnamon roll. Wednesday: Burrito.. Friday: Tacos. whiteite tnllktn or chocolate milk. ■niursday: Chicken pattypart and mashed pota- TueMeJday: Pancakcs. .Thursday: Ovcn-baked■cd chicken. ; - JEIJEROME ELEMENTARY SCHOCaOOLS ...... • • ■ Mon saisandwich. Thur*ursday: Pancakes. Lunctinch: .Breakfast: Juice servervcd everyday. whipped Frida)day: Frcnch toast. ; * OOODINa Hl(BOH SCHOOL . Mondonday: Taco salad, 'Monday: Cereal andn d fiu it---. • . Wedf&^!h.owmei„andricc. ' BUSlUSS Lunchnch: Self-serve salad bar everyday.y. BreakCist served ever)eryday. Tuesilesday: Spaghetti wilh meat sauce.ee. - Tuesday: Poo cakesaaodstusage. a Thunrhuisday: Cheeseburger. Monday: Comdog. Mond>nday: Enchilada. Lunch: Salad bar or m;main menu and potato Wednednesday: Chicken nuggets, Wednesday: Scrambnbled eggs and ham. Frida'riday: Spaghetti with meal sauce and' Tuesday: Bologna sandwichsani and chicken Tuesdcsday: Pork cutlets. bar or pizza available onn (alietnating days. Thurslursdoy: Macaroni and cheese, Thursday: Ham gnv■BYaverbiseuiL chcese.ese. , ■ ■ noodle soup. Wed'nirdnesday: Hamburger. Monday; Son-ihell tac.^co. Fridajidoy: No school. Friday: Ccreal and p Wednesday: Taco. Thur*unday: Chicken nuggets. Tuesday: Baked beansns and franks, Lwch: WENDELL BLEMBNTARY Thunday: Hamburger.;er. ' Fridayday: Nachos grande. Wednesday: French breadbn plzv». * JBROMB MIDDLE AND> • Monday; Teusfuatraw hati. BreakJreakfast served daily. ! Friday: Riec 'n stuff Thursday: Deli sandwii HIGH SCHOOLS Tuesday: Spaghettili %wilh meal sauce. Lund.unch: . DIETRICH Friday: Fish pany onlabiin., a Choicloice of salat) bar. soup and sanesandwich Wednesday: Tuna sandwich.sa Mond.{onday; Meal-in-a-pccl. , ' BUHUHL . .Breakeakfast: Choice of juicc, milk.Ik. I hot .bar. selflelf-serve bar. mainline (listed),;d), ham- Thursday: Taco salatilad.' Tuc«l'uesday; Comdog. : Breakiiui: Juice servedt’cd Ieveryday. chocolalclate, cereal, toast or mufUn. HAGER3RMAN burgerT liline or ala cane items. Homburgeurger and • Friday: Potalo barir 'wilh meat and cheese WednV ednw da^^ickcn nuggets. ' 'Monday: Donut and fruit.frui Lunchnch: Salad bar and variety cffrult: chochoic- Chocolate milk Is avail,allable for 25 cents. mainlinelines served with frcnch fries and fresh toppings. Thurs ; - Tuesday: Breakfast pizxa.pin es: bothoth choeolate milk and whitee milkm: Monday: Pepperoni piznizza. frvil. Fridaj'riday: Pizza. ■ '; ; Wedsesday: Frcneh1 toastto wilh powdered offeredd daily.d Tuesday: Turkey pot. pie.pi Mondanday: Taco salad, SHO!OSHONB fugor. . Mondiindsy: Peppcronl pizza. Wednesday; Beef fingeIger steak. - Tuesdesday: Spaghetti with meal sauce,ee. Monday: Chicken-fri-fried iteak. 1WENDELL NODOLB SCHOOL Thunday: Barbecue chicken.eh Wednednesday: Chicken nuggets, Tuesday: Chicken sasandwich.’ MondMonday through Friday: Choice of lubma-: Thursday: Little smoknokics and icmmbled ' TuesflifiSby: French dip on a bun. sandwich or chef salad. - ...... - cg{n. Wedniidnesday: Ham slice and scallopedd popota- I'riday: Chill and crackic k a v —— - ■ Thurs: CEecM iaast. Breokfast served dail;aily at all schools. Nevvs.'S. P.P.O. B ox S48. Twin Falls. ID. 83303. W edne^y: Cereal tmdxndioasL i ■ Wcdnednesday: Egg rolls aiid fried rice, ,r • Tuesday: Breakfast saniandwichwilfieuai^d. Toesdt:sday:,Ceteat i&id mufHn. Lunch: o r faax x It I to 7J4~SJ38. attention: Lunch] Thursday: Pizza bagel.el. Thured V bam. , ,-vT, , . ,W«idnt!diiesday:'Bbil^ egg nnd toast, Monday: Chili and crockets.cr Menus.lus. IDeadline Is noon Friday for publics- - Friday: Cinnamon-swiflA'ifl french loasJ. . Friday^Jay^^iJiT’ - Wednesday: Blueberry7 ImulTm asd yogurt.- Thursdtfsday; Ccreal muOln. Tuesday; WalTles ancUld suowbcrries. lion Sun'cSunday. Thursday: Cinnamon toast.toi Fridayda^ Hot cereal and toast. Wednesday; Pig-ln-O'i-o-blankel. CASSL^COCOUNTY ^ ’ _ "' . ’ ’ QIBBONS ELEMHI^ARY and ricc wjtH.cinna- Lunch: • Thursday: Turkey ancand noodles. ELEMENTARYRY SCHOOLS ■ (GOODINO) ' • • • - / r ' ■■"Moftdt'ftiiyrBccrond'chccscloco.' ------Friday; No'MliOOl. Breakfast: Fniit or juice:lice served everyday. B r ^ftktel ll *erv«4 everyday. • Lunch: Salod bar everyi!lyday. ' i Tuesdiaday; Ham and cheese sandwich, . Monday: Fniibar andd linkHr sausage. Lunch^< h ;,'S ^ bar or potato bar availableble oni Monday: Deluxe l^ biburgcr. u . l , •, Wedncdncsday: Pcpoeroni and cheese pizza.pizi TWINFALLSLSJUNIORAND 1 - Tuesday: Bnutkfast onm a bun. . nlicmotinj .Tuesday: Supa nachos.'3s.' . ■FTJurstlirstlay: Bakra potalo with loppings,ngs. SENIORHIG[IGH SCHOOLS Wednesday: Cereal tmdmd ttoast. ' Mondaixlay: Oiickcn ni/ggets, .Wednesday: Ilallan spa{Mgbctii. . • ■ Fridoy;loy: Chicken nuggets with sauce.e. Breakfast served ever/eryday. _MM Thursday: Pina bagel.;l. Tuesdasday: Pizza. Thursday; (Sicken sandwichsa on home- Lunch; Junior highss haveh a choice of main- • • M ■ Friday: Cinnamon-swirlvirl french IMSI. WedncJncsday: Hero sandwich. made bun. m u r ta/ jg h line or salad bar u c hh- day< and pizxa bor on ABSOlBSOLUTE A U C nO N I grades six throughilZ, choice of.saladof.i Tuesdays and Thursdayt>ys. The high school has g^LE* • Lunch: Tliursdjsday: Burrilo. Friday: Ravioli, fo rg r U.E: 10:30 AM. LUNCH ft PIE ' Monday: Baked cheese:se square.s .^Friday:lay: Pig-in.a.blankct. *TUBDAY-SEI>T23,'95 S eattle vc/oters askedd to considerJ]- Poet: Blacl:kshave IB LOCiOCATION: Twin Falls Counly Fairair Grounds,I Filer Idaho. ; k earned cappital ‘B ’ H R — - ...... - 0Ou i L a ^ g e A n n u a l F all . contributiiting to d o wvntow n p ark SALT LAKE CI:iTY (AP) — . _ JUAYNBPVPUMP A i m W ATER 'uesday, SeptembtiberI9th, 1995 121 : 0 0 A .M . AiAntiques & Collectibles SEATTLE (AP) — Boston has its dictoblcle iresistance am ong som e o fFthe thi Pulitzer Prize-wiivinning poet ■* ** C om m on, New Y orkk itits Central Park. 13 0 busiusincsses and 600 residencesces, Gwendolyn Brook;iks prefers the ____ uLOCATION: 7 2 0 W. F r oiklln ^ rd. M eridian. Ictnho (208)BIBM-50I1 A u c tio n ! In both eases, the: cicities grew up mostlyy oapartments, in the proposec)sed w ord Black — w ithI a capital ‘B ’ — ygHiciIICLES: 89 Ford 1 ton diesol w/hydnlydraulic pump tower - 73 Ford 3/4> tonti wlKi seMCT' Square Grand Piano around the green space.ice. redeveloi;Iopment area. to African-Amcriconn bccause Black bed -1-17' Flberform In board-out boardard Iboat Seattle, w^ich hasas alreadyi paved Somene post banners bearing suclluch “comes to meet youI e;eye to eye.” OFFICfNCC EQUIPMENT: Desks • Fax machlachlno-Computer 19551 Clipper Packard , m o st o f its downtown-n ccore, is taking a m e ssatges g e as "Send the Common:lons Speaking tb the seventhst annual PUMPIrtP PARTS: New Value® 10.000) 0Oak Secretary, Hoosier. B a c k to Boston” and “Wc Can’an’t YWCA Leodcr LLunchcQn on pumps d ifT c i^ t tack. rtPS/JACUZZI: Above oround andd sumpsu pumps Antique Furniture : On Tuesday, the city’ity’s votcis will bc A ffordI ththe Commons.” Friday, Brooks wns; eemphatic about cunp)P iEQUIPMENT: Homollle Generatorators • Ridged threader - Largo assosortmeol ot pipe . pskcd to approve a $1I ] ]1 million PtAper- B u t feefeelings arc m ixed. A few doonDois her displeasure wivith the latest i Snches & woldlnd oqulpmenl G la ssw a re , T o y s . > ly-tax mcasurc to reclainlaim61 wbanocrcs d o w n , ananother sign promises ‘Todo>Kioy nomenclature for her;r irace. PLUMBIMBINO SUPPUES: Plpo fillings ect. P rim itiv e s & M ore for the proposed Seattlelie (Commons. C o m mnons o i Supporter. Tomorrowrow “The tiredness of tlthe Black spirit mONEERS NOTE: Mayno Pump and Waler is qulttlno business alter;er42 yijar. There aro _ • Supporters say the5 CommonsC could Commonions User.” *• has noted this, andJ ' w ith g le e h as ttiousaiisands of lloms to mJmerous to mention.men Call (200) 888-5011 for frefree brochure with oS ee O u r C o m p le te A d bc Seattle’s last chanccncc to link down- T h e levy lc would cover only a frac-me- noted also lhat ‘Africn c o n -A m crican ’ compleipleie llsllng. - 1T iraes N e w s , S ep t. 21 ibwn ond Lake Unionon wilh' a refresh- tion of'the th cost ofthe Commons. The comes all capitalizizcd (no fight ' A LL / jng strctch of trees andand open air. The co re projiroject — creating die paric, sup-;up- ” jnvoTved)7** she sol;oTdr*und-thal K M I Commons is cnvisionecned os the core o f p o rtin gB aarea economic developmenilent white people, altfIthough much a 500-acrc retlcvclopmtpment effon,.with ; and hous)using preservation, \ransform-rm- amused by this cntiitire little fray. new mixcd-Income houliousing and thriv- in g tw'o o local : streets into tree-linedned Mem disposed to accccept it, this soft- ing businesses. b o u lc v/ards a r — is expected to costst a sounding sanction, oilalbeit with a lit- Opponents dismississ the proposed total ofSIfS218 million. tie paternalistic head-sI-shoking.” park as an ambitiousIS pipep dream by Backekers say those costs will. bebc Blacks fought honard to get their tlic city’s elite — w ithith 'everyone foot- flesh ed1 out o by state, federal and city post labels of black, ‘“colored” and. iog the'bill. fu n d s for housing and infrastructure,ure, “Negro” in the uppercr case. Brooks C om m ons backerss sisay thot for for plus $7070 million in anticipated privaterate said, bul the print meiledia still won’t the owner of a homeime ossessed ot contributilitions from unspecified donoisi3isi accept it. $150,000, the levyi wwould cost an Oppbnibnents say Ihcy’rc dreaming. average o f $45 to $4848 i a year over its T h e $218 S2 million figure does not ^ Wc would like lo thinonk all frieods & '\ n in e-y ear term. include: theth projected $ 79 m illion prio*n o ^ family who hdpea.celebrate our fat cots tiying to etag for r realizingr a city goal of about “I feel like this is fat ms! ^ p 8 r « il* ’66tliWeddm( Anniversary. m oke a lot o f money oflofi'm e in taxes,” 1,700 uniimits of low-income Commons------A special ihinlc* to to Woodstone ^Siic"Harris'ldld'a'rccchcchtTomra ^ n - arcoliousiI'usihg. sored by The Seattle; TiTimes and local Nor doesdo it take into account the retireincBt. TbcleStaffUliJte affiliales o f National PulPublic Radjo.------a n tic ip apated i $94 m illion'cost-of-o f " extended fanrilf.'Jf. They^rcpnrrd "■ "■ * ' — t '' ------“ W hot ore they tryinging to do7‘ asked re workirking the "M ercer M ess,”” o0 . ihe gala afTur.V. We arew happy Harris, o homemaker' whowl lives in the m o r a s s5 oof congested arterials that mchoKWo<«l.Mlone Retiremeni lorth of the pro- bisect theiie Commons area, channeling te ^ for.urf.OTl.Dlstolive. . j j t p o se d poric. "D rive all1 theth business out trafTie ont'3nto Interstate S. Backers in tlie SMIvtolltuatnUon. an^- drive out people^tle tliat live here? state’s congressionalco delegation soy Tht c mildreitof 1 9 9 4 Fi o'o r r d Taurus B ccause th at's whot willVlll happen.” the U.S.5. Transportation‘ D epartm ent 1 9 9 3 S u z u M Sidekick ' ;___ The conccpt is genjeneroting pre- may help'Ip with the road work. ^ y A irCr Conditioninff, AutonuUe, 26,(26,000 Mflea, 4 Door, ( S ModelId. NADA Book $11,1^6.]^Now»10,800 s s n

R l I-.' PP t h y s i c i a n s o f -J 1993 MERCURY!r TOPAZ C l i n i c & 1H o s p i t a l 1 9 » 1 F 0 R D £ESCOKTLX E T vv u i h ' F a l l s < c # Q200A • 4 Door. Loadt^d, SolidSol mii(e,CIean!U a r e p l e a ssed to zveli l c o t r i e 1 Door, Loaded, A Fo rd MotorirCirProgpn Ci Dnll,Alr&AIll . ■ ) - - i ------EUi-Warn — Now'***7,80iOO . . „ . ■ J

Lubpiimir J. Va]ilenta, MJ.D., F.A.C J t f l m U j m g l i : Endocr:Tinology, DDiabetes ancid-Metaboliism l E nta is joining tlthe Twin.Falls; CClinic & Hosp : 1995Fard^AenKtarADW hedbiive - Dr. Valent H jgj|M 1

r-' : I F a m H u [SpiiBlimit ^ m h iiat teaic h e f"s w isill p a ire n ts J ^iiccess or>r failure in onmtevalev- sehoolisddetermined ™HSgrade outside clai[assroom B y Denise Turner atiendbis program Timcs-Ncws writer TWIN FALLS - “ M y picture Is the first one on the right," saidlaid the little giri, point- at BBerkeley Ing to a row of crayon/oned drawings over the schoolroom chaikboan>ard. Rita Pin rcccrcently.learned first handd how science iss ddone b y the professionalsIs "M y favorite is thehe 800-pound pig," an- _ at Lawrcnce Berkeleyy other youngster chimlimcd in.- "That’s good H National Laboratoryy m eat to eat.” H in Callfom ia. This is Sue Pack's;’s sccond-gradc class- ■ - Sclcctcd as a rcpre>> room at Bickcl Elemc;mentary School. Pack K l scntative of Idaho, Pinn had just taken ell 199 of< them to the Twin ■ I was one of 61 highh F alls C ounty Fair, J school smdents chosenn “If you hove a classISS that's invjting, all of ^ o ”porticipattr*Tn~tlic~ ~ ~ T ttre h ltd ra n ire~wiiiinBIiig^crlellnr^-’ ln die bc- Hi|fi SchoolI ■ - -'.ginning," said Pack,, thethi recipient ofo 1995 Honors/Life Sciencess • Presidential Awardrd for Excellence in Program sponsored byY Teaching, “but, as carlearly as first or second — the laboratory and thee grade, you can have: thisthi self-defeating atti- Pin U.S. Department o f En- ludc, and that’s whatat ithe parents can tum ' ergy. The progron\wis.s. around." . held in July a n d involvedii students froim49^^ Parents who take an active role in their : ____ U __5tnlcs.and.ihcJDis!7isttictj}LCoIumbia4kch^f ------child-s-educational-proprocess-dovelop-a-posi—; Rico, Japan, Frai'ranee, Australia, M ex ^!• . tive attitude towardI lelearning in the child, Scotland; U n itetd d Kingdom ! and the FederalJ P ack contends. RqmblicofGcnnirmony. “We only have theie childreni 180 days," Pin extracted aan nd fingerprinted DNA, the' she said. “The parentf;nts are teaching them gcnctic materialll o< f living orgimisms, and1 their entire school carecireers." f leamed other tochrchniqucs in m o d m biology, P a c k en co u rag es parents pn to take thcir B a re n ts w h o t a k e a n a cctive t! role In the educatlo;tion of their children havave a positive effect onn thtl e child’s ability to Students did labonjoratoiy experiments and at- children on educationalinal field trips; and she lezearn while in tha ciassrciroom .'says Bickel Elemiimentary School teacher3r S ue Pacit. tended,Icctiiresi b;by internationally knownJ invites parents to visitIsit her class. She also scientists on topics>ic3 sudh as canccr, mcdicolI a sk s them lo read to thetheir children at night, claJassroom starts In the h om e. and forensic genetnctics, the Human Genome■ ' “The most importantant 20 minutes of your TT Project and o th erT a:areas o f rcscarch. day is the time you \tik^ c to sit beside your “Bring *' us a child who iss readyi to leam, .J_ J_l Pin is 18 'a n dj a 1995 graduate of TwinI child and lo read logct]gether." she said. “The ancn d w c w ill teach him o r her,'er," sh e sold. lelping >y o u r chilild excel - F alls H ig h S cth'ool.- h c S h e is a-freshm ah-I' - — sin g le act o f reading.og.out loud from litcra-- ’•• Melinda^ Matthews and TiTanna Hatfield, Hereere ore som e ways, from Mologic Val- th e ir readingg cicomprehension in later psychiatry majorjor at Yale University in‘ tiirc that is meaningfulul tot them has been ac- wh/ho teach kindergarten otat Wendell Elcr icy teaticochcrs and from Rcadcr’5r’s D igest years. New Haven. Con'onn., and the daughter of^ knowledgcd as the mostmo effective way to menentaiy School, are deeplyr irinvolved in that magoziiazine: • Respect youryou children and thcir bc- " Poum and V a n ry 1Pin of Twin Falls. foster a lifelong love/e i o f b o o k s an d read- > leairaming-reodiness stage ofji^fjifc ...... , .. longings. Tcochich them good manners and... _ ...... ing.” ...... 1 T he two’ said they hold an oc p e n h'ous'e the ' ' E ie ihm e entary level • positive values,:s. ' J CSI squadss cearn honors Pack thinks it’s OIC)IC for parents to help da)ay before kindergarten staistarts so parents L abel , ev ery th in g you send t(to school , • Consider' vovolunteering your time in kids with homework,, too.to< canon comc to the classroomI v w ith thcir chil- The College oof f Southern Idaho Dance very young children. •' school. ParentIt volunteersV' read in class- “Parents ore smartt eienough to figure out dreren and talk about the c h ildd ’s’: n ew routine. , >t*-; . . Team and C h e er r 5Squad were honored wiih Teach young children toI zip: tic rooms or serveve jas art parents, tutors or I the difTcrcncc between:en and “ It’s iAiportont to rcassurcow. o Spanbs>auer’s diances nnove up ctober, o r m aybe N ovcmnbcr, l he'll' Delta’Tau Delta;a; :Pele.£Brkec.ond.Jcfi:_._ fip /»n u p ieet.o£.bumished-to4-fare*tt*thce-well- : •ItomsoQ. bothoflDf Biihl. both Delta Sigma hardwood to bandleaderder Dusty Sheets' tappingI iright toe m m n g n - Phi; J m B'ivtts, Dus)htstin Hioes and Bea Rep* . and to hundreds o f pairsrs cof kinetic Tony Lanm. Buocrcxrr CHARI.ES MAMOMEma : a, all of Burley, nlhalh Sigma Alpha Epsilon; “We’ve got about 900'00 square feet of dance flon Ih o stin g bam dancest ffor alm ost 2 0 years, saidsail he once received a _____ - Pitp/»i -Atplin Ton OmVjrn ’ ------J -you-cah-fit In-therecpmfo ------.call-from-the-me and thcir fraternities , Men frorh'Jerom* Please see B/5ARN/C2 now b am , Jus-j s t n o rth o fth e Petro-22 truckti stop, and plent/i/ o f room. arei Sto^re B ti> cock>ck, Levi Brown,; Mike .. ^ H a b e rn » , K e v inoi MarBhall,^ Ryan Vargu ' ■ ' ’ f^ d Chris. WoBg. aall Kappa Sigma; w c i'Fraderi'ckBm, .SigSignia Alpha'Epsilon; . ChiiB iUU;-;Deltata :Sigiha Piii; and Bm he Ben-^ I'CW A lpha. ' 1 Lltiye, bul lease - it pass tl -Gay, pl< — : •'■tTbtoaoi' ta ib b d n 'e l eis relat | . N ew n k m b ersaook] d tlieir hoiuesfitW i Twin O n e evening lastt month, m my- husband F” j _■ ' 1 ing good/rl/ricnds and bein^ satisfied■4 w ith A nd I ’ve noticedi thatthi terms such as Medi- • ■ Falls ore Gaiy Eage:>gel. Tau K a ^ Epsilon;. and I went out to dinnlinner with three other A Ufa andD l i n i B S work coiisc!iscs u:\ to .age slower. One a:article care eligibility andmd senior: citizen discount ! \ .MsttFk«dKr.BcaBn Reeder and Cody Shqp- , couples; W e w ere in1 a brand-new van, but f l I readsuggcg g « ie d th a t the answer is se:jcx - it h av e begun to creep■eep into m y vocabulary, ’^bod, all n ii Gamniaia ID el^ Jodi Hbwa. te d the inside lights woulduldn't go off when we H■ DenliniS© revs up thehe immune*sysion.and raisesesthe On the other hand,md, I am still wearing som e ■ - — Steptenop and PgtfiDStin oli-Ddta Tou dosed the doors.'At't ththe fir^'stpplight,' all, H ■PQ P ...... pdin th rereshold.' s thus casing chr1 rdh i c ' clothmg that Is olderder thani m y oldest child. - ' Delta; O abe lOeiDkodmpf, Sigma Chi; Yancy ■ o f us started openiniling and closing our • headoche^.ar^pnd arthritis, A fortysomethirthing minister friend o f : ^wmaandlVentWri)V ii^ both Lambda Ghi d oors, in search o fthhe c ]problem . udi .MW.III.I.M • I I All of us want to die ol age 88 onot the mine, during aA clchildren’s sermon at ; Alphin and Yf an a i % . Pi Kappa ^ p h a. Suddenly sbirieoneae :said, “I bet people s- ike my fellow courturts, a gerontology professoror was churcl^ was talking:ing about Noah’s ark. A t - think wc’rc t^ing to play that fire drill Bab Turiiinillion Ameri- once quotedicd.as saying. the end ofthe stoiy;oiy, he made the mistake 1 V - ; Mtllght - C2 game likethe tera*agciigcrs.do; cxccpt we’re cam m d 1964 w h o The B abyiby B o b m ers think it’s p o ssitiible. of a ^ n g for questicstio n s. : too!otd‘.to run otoimd4 theti car.’’ areSom e days I think ju s t likt:or years wiih And thereicre is no question that thee self- “Were you on the aric?" a freckle-faced •. .: It was just's joke., W e can still run. Re- theaby Boomers - those 76 m:r il enthusiasm help tips,caican. add at kast some extra'a tim e 5-ycar-old piped up. • ; . . t : . wins itl bom between 1946 and»wn the other to life. Afteifter all. w e’ve already gonee fromi “No, of courserse not,” the m inister,! And:yBt.;all^f:tte:l^e:people in the van stage approaching their senior a life cxpecpectancy of.48 in 1900 to 179 In replied, trying toI forforce a c h u ck le^ • :,-tl»t n i ^ t Are a j ^ i t e4ly.oyer40. l y c M some kind of bulldozeres? N o t for us! 1986. Andid thtl e N atio n al Institute on AAging .. “Well then,’? thehe «child continued, “why • • - - -The buming auestiGrticru A ra .l getting o ld ith j t which they faced dpwile on today’s is.projcctingting thar the number will tojtop 91 aren’t you drowned^led?" S i Engagementsts C3 and don’t know ii? .; ■ - ' rackIges o f life. ling m how to bytheycaria r2 b 4 0 . I th in k I just con'Mnvlnced myself. Age is : , DearAbby C5 , : Whati5raidIife?,WJiWJuit if 1.already had lookMidriff bulges and wrinkles^• your rest and ' Sp, back:k tdt the original question: AAm I relative... - , . ra y m idiife Crisis an'd'Rd'nii^ed it? And why. exeiJust about .any magazine.give up the old or not? “ i:■^iC^035W0^d pu2 luzzlo C6 are people so much1 youngeryi today than cigacks is M ly capable o f tellinjI shots. ■ I eert^nljInlyl rcihcriibcr when there: werei Denise Tluner• is >5s/sfanr f a turfs.exU~~V ■ 'Seniors- -C7 ■'ih^Vkrere when'rwasiS theirtl age? ' -S' encourage their ing a studentstu about the school'ss™le. n , 4.TrceTrTrimming*' brush dren to bring toysi to school only on kids to be involved irin the school - to a g a inlat s t wearing hats insidec thtl e 5. Debriss show nnd tell/sharing•ing days. “ Whi they (the parents) thougi>ught join Key Club or "All these Powervcr Ranger things they neededm to learn is differeisrent wash,” Barry saidid. "Otherwise. ' “Theic teacheri said, ‘T ake your h djul place by cleaning and1 cleciearing yowr property when we are supposposed to be teach- fromI whatw end-of-the-20ih-cenmiimry school becomes thee students' work, off, pleile a s e ,* and th e stu d e n t soi to do the same. Idaho10 istoogreatis to litterltl ingi” said Matthews,vs, with a laugh. kids arear going to need." she saiisaid , an d w ork becom es ththeir fun.” ‘J'll dec!Icck you before I take my, y h t e Like Pack, th e kirndndergartcn teach- “Parentents need to trust the teacherh e r's B a rry a lso has soijomething to say off,’” BaB arry cxploincd. C o n t a c t S h e r r y' JJ e f f , ;ers stress the importlortance of parents expertisrtise." about reading at homime. Tlic srsmdent wouldn't even lell ll ______: reading to.chiIdrcn.-_1------Oarc:ircnts._who_hayc .questionio n s___ !.*l,.always.jcll.par • W needeced help.with their geothithermal heating Falls, both in healtealth education; R o ^ H.. KrivanecK o f Burley, radio- gi^hic science;: andan Cim fy L. Jenaeh o f Burllurley, speech p athology andd ^ -. systemm, they called Idaho Povower. Our energy • auaiology, • service:es analysts confirmed thethat adding booster Tv ^ ^ >s to the system wouldI c

The Times-Newsrws we/comes items aboutt aiarea residents who receivee honors or rccognitniu'on. S en d inforwalion 10 lo The TimeS'News Spot- t how you can use energygy wisely and save — Ught coJunm^HO.JO..BOX J48^TwiaJuUis, JDDS33Q3 £ ______^ ______To find out t I J ori your enerergy bill call your.local IdiIdaho ^ower pnergy expert. Whelether It's tapping the esearth's heat from Remenmber the good^ ole 1' 2,0D0feetbbelow ground or generasratlng electricity j ' ^ from the surun, the energy experts willvw find the right days off pheasantt hunting? solution for>r you. Come to Sa,9age Basin, step bai7ack in tim e and Energy Proco g ra m s e x p e r i e ni c c i e the vintage birdrd hunting you -.c o m m e rccial i lighting for biisin.es: ______/- e n j o y e d a:as a kid. W ith an< abundance:a o f - agrlcultuiural choices for farmersr s & irrig ato rs . h pheasant ancnd chukar, our seel'eluded, peaceful - h ig h efficiciency equipment forreresidences ^ preserve prcirovides opportunit]ity for great bird an d busininesses dog/hunterr rrelations. Sage Ba3asin is the ideal, - solar pholotovoltaic systems forr r

_ V .,_ ~ - - r -

...... « '■ ^ '.J :• t ■ Sundad a y ! s ^ y i b o r 1 7 , 1096 TlrrnTlm ea-N aw a. Twin Foils. Idaho C-3 hSngaga e m d i l sS ' ■ ; Weddilings L: Gridler-D«Qunllam S |H HUl’HanncHey Larson-EHarney ■ ^ i ^ [ t w i n f a l l sS -• John and KfiBH TWIN FALLS - Kenneth and LAS VEGAS, INev. - Vicki 1 Patricia Gridlcr of'Palmdale, Pa Calif.. H M Marie Hill of Twin1 Falls] announce Larson and Ron Hailarney wero mar* H ^^H ,' 3 , announce the engage:age'ment o f their the cngogcment of.tr, th eir daughter, ried June 24 at the; Chapel( of Love . 2 daughter, Audrey 7ai ;ky C. Hanchcy, Pauline, to Mark Sarah Lisa, to Rock; . Wedding Chapel inI LasL Vegas, Nev. - . ;i Patrick Dunham, soson-of Mi^'Ond so n -o f Jo hnny a n d -I■Twilo^ H a n c h c y - ^ ^ ^ H ■ ornclntiitg was. t:the Rev. David ' Mrs. Karl Brown ofl}fTwin Falls and ofKimberly.. , Bowen. Eric Larsonon, oldest son of J ‘ the la te S tanford Diinl:ilnham .. :hooled gmduate the bride, gave his m o th er aw ay. '■ G r id lc r is 'a grndu:iduate of Quartz a graduate o f the The bride Is the did au g h ter o f Dick ^ Hill High SchoolI ih Q u a rtz H ill, > Idaho. Itind Cecile Suifford-d o f T w in Falls, ^ ^ 9 ^ V Calif.', and Califilifornia Staite graduate of and p aren ts o f the: Ibridegroom are U n iv e r s ity L o n g BeB each in- L o n g School, The Don and Rita Hameyey o f K im bcriy. "■'$cach, Calif.,'whereere she rcccived ‘ Hill is a home:SChlOol o f M inistry . laughter of the « s.andCSLHc,is S a r a h[1 Hill J and Rocky H anchehoy Kari Larson, da R o n an d y i c k ^ ■ a degree in busincs of high school dnd a . . , bride, served as thee bI rid e ’s m aid o f and Mark D unham . ■ wedding is planned for Mt ! ^ S he is em p lo y ed ai Equicredit fn ‘ . ®' I College o f Southernlorco I Mcdical The w honor. U urie Bentle;ley, frie n d 'o f the s u p e rvrvisor ii for Sturr Contracting em of the Idaho Associatior B oise. Hanchcy is oills, 25. bridc, served as bridcdesmaid. Coiporatoration in Twin Falls. iltora in Boise. •- ’ Dunham is a gradroduate of Twin ofRcalto Kitnberiy High Eric and Andrew' ILarson were the The: cocoupic tool< a honeymoon trip wedding is planned for Oct/' j ^ Falls High School andan Boise State The w< Abundant Life Scho best m en for the brid(idegroom. to Califcilifornia, enjoying Disneyland se. . . .J] U niversity. H e is thele cexecutive vice- in B oise. of LnMarque, Texas,ing The bride is a gmduiiuate o f Twin Falls and KnoiCnotts’ Berry Farm. The coupic employed by No ~ ~ ~ H i^ School and a gradtduate o f Idaho Slate had aI steak stc barbccuc and wedding tion Division inTwin Fall piE S University in business. S:She is the owner of receptiontion for friends on July 9. M argo i i $andag&^Valdapfel | H | D l l i d a y [m |s the W edding* Rental Shopsi in Twin Falls. Maxwell,k-ell. spccial friend o f the bridc, . ; i TWIN FALLS -- LLarry and June - RoseAnna |y^ The bridegroom iiis a graduate of came dowdov n from the Boise area, I Sandage of San Diegoego announce the ’ Scott Holliday Hrc Kimberly High ScSchool and the Thec mnewlyweds reside io Twin —- “;-engagcment-of- iheir-daughterr-^^^^lIhe Weddi \ug. 13. 1994; fl H I College of SouthernTl Idaho. He is a F alls^ 7- K irsten, to Loren Wa!Valdapfel, son of Church of the jl ia Waldapfel H Boyler-Ho] • -J-Edwin end Patricia ’ F alls. • ^ Stanger-<■Crider t/KK C: Twin Falls. • the Rev. Brian : Sandage is a gradi-aduate o f Point H . . . T W IN F A L L S - S 3 SALT LAKE ClCITY - Nicole Boyle'and Ri^sell ichcrS was Mib jisj? Stanger and Scott CtCrider were mar- 'j Loma High School3l iin San Diego cCrackcn was .Jg ^■•'■III wcre'tnarrjcd Ai • ried A ug. 17 in the t-. and the Utiiversity ofo f C alifo rn ia in syFcnton and v e Salt Lake City San Diego. She is employed1 at at the Episcopal C H H LD S Temple. 1 were soloists. .« G re c o & TrofacanteIte L aw ' F irm in ■ Ascension in Twin F The bride is the dau]iughter o f Morgan Officiating was lanth w as harpist. - ' San D ieg o . and Marilyn Stanger;r of Hansen, and H ^> ^H Thom. Giiest preac i • t:i i W ald ap tel is a grod;raduate ot' i win ^'nna'snd'HusBSllrHolltda;day — pflrcmroruieTfriacgro-roortrai^nrtffld------^ ! I: Falls High School andan< is currently u .A Kelly. Dennis Mc( on, Linda Crider of Niles,:s,M ich. . Kirsten S andage organist and Stocyi of the bridc- Stauff,', sisters of the bridegroom ' V attending-Mesa.ColCollege in San I and Janice Riley andar Nan Chase of Idah'-hrt Bridesmaids incncluded Kiren, ind Loren Waldapfel Rebecca Trueblood ' “ *H Holly and Rachel SU)Jumger, sisters of r Diego. He is employeelyedbyHPSInc, Drc., and Brent Falls, friendsfri of the bride, serve< ikereficld, Calif.) ^ The wcwedding is planned for Dec.W ’ • Stephanie Churchmai ' i*’ (headquarters in Bokei *ayctte. as host;t a« n d h o ste ss. D en n is ama n d bride. I ip S an D iego. ■ 4 - J ___ Iijc-bndc_is-ihe- /ed Special guest >ni as best man. 1993 gregraduate of the Universit; , ;::H ig h S c h o o l. College C of^^KK[^ gpj. Stanger, aunt of thehe bridc, was in The! newnc lyw eds reside in R exburg. Stadstad, cousins:luded < Brett of Idahoho with a bachelor of sci Southern Idaho andnd Boise State ^ ^ ■ ■ 1 Alex Kraal, fnend ofiunter, Kevin encc degree de dietetics. She5 i s . . U n iv e rs ity . S h e isI aclf-employed se bridegroom, was th.essler, e: friends cmployciyed at the Central Districr ic t 'j |i « c in Boiso. I John Holliday, . fUshers were Health DepartmentE in Boise as : «; t Balius is a gradualluaie o f C a p ita l II Balius iind D arcl^lren' bridegroom, served/le, brothers of registereired dietician. ““ “ ? Caiarolyn Blankenshiihip R.N. ^ > H ig h S c h o o l in BiBoise. He is' M»Tlll I Groomsmen inchHolliday and The bridegroombri is a'graduate=^ot. o > Spe, ' ’ x'eimployed by Flberglirglass Systems The weddingwe is plianned for Oct, ecializing In Derma Pigmigmentation ^ Marchek, Brent Hiothers of the high set:ichool in Harper Valley ; :ip c . in Boise. H in T w'wl lnPallB . . Kraal and Mark Kei1 Kraal, friend Ore., and at a graduate of th thi e J . Permanentnt I of the bridegroom,idegroom, was Oregoiili Institute 1 of Technology in Pehrson-GiGarner in'" Don and Shanc Boyli r e c e iv ining i a bachelor of sciencincc I Eyelineier. Eyebrows,I, ILip Color J icludcd grand- degree inin medical imaging. He i; BURLEY - Mr. amand Mrs. James s., the bride and Jodi I bride. Rose employeiyed at the Mercy M edica ■ Look Great. All tlj^T^Tim e! ^ announce the Mike Stauff, brot k ii 5 ^ 'C Ijehrson of BurleyY ai itleford, and Center inin N am pa, ‘ ■f m g ag cm en t o f their daughter,dai Jeanne bridegroom. Austin loshone St E., Twin Fall:^lls 735-010S ' ^ ofthc bride and bridc bridegroom, The nev^lyweds r reside ii :; ^ e , to R obert L. Oomiamer, son o f Mr. 'omia. Meridiana n . : s and M rs, T erry Gomerier (o f Rupert. the rin g b carer. Special guests inclance was held ; ■ ; Pehrsbn is a graduiiduate of Declo mony. Servipg -; High S ch o o l and ia a ccertified med> mother of the b McClain of Castiid, aunt of the ;: ij:al assistant from. theth. College of rn ck en , frie n d ...... -- — :^T^QUthcmidoho::------grilndmother o f the Lee Tibbits ofCalifoiParian Welch, -.[.•tGBrhcr is a gradualluflte o f M in ic o ride. Helen ^iHigh School an'd.aer A reception and da served an LDS of tho bride, M ^lssion in'Argentina.la. HeI is enrolled following the ccrem< l*T MISS; THIS^ Robert Qamer st book. Gift J u Brigham YoungJ LlUniversity in , were M aiy Stadstad, md Jean n e P ehrson _..bridc, .Robin.M cCrnarolc Kcstlcr, Provo, Utah. e and Megan M T H . [ 8 planned for Thursday. o f th e b rid e a n d M t OCCUlIPATIONiIAL hA > The wedding is ( oy;______. aunt of the bri ^ Henderson, friend c ---- PI »...... attended the guest »RESENTirATION. : I I ^ H bwb Clas J lT 1“ T S e i v i pi e ottendants were Kai friend of the bride ■ ------“n H A IL B Y -A ir Fore*w CadetC Stelka G. Lam e, lo a o f Keini lad.Ri a B j t e .7 8 i y : Hailey, has m diuled fton lo p AcademyJnCoi^fpdasHfna,.Oolo»jii^.:. _ _ V earned a bocheloi’-oficieacieoce degree and a TluTliopnfy'Com^etc'Jbrwah \c'Valley!~ '•> eomminionaMM^Ueuttieutmant iQ'itore Tuxedoi • Late I —y — 'n«-ac#doT^« fijur^r-wm niteyi^ ------:— ...... — ;------:------r —Nol luction, education, Liminvcinvcntorr ofW«dain« ( W * . BHdcimikf. Tux &. Gown Sho&Spr8e9.B393 « 7 H 1 1 1 H p - A 1992 graduate of Ev m m n t Sduol in ScMle.be Joined lb in August !9 9 3 .-..

“ " oS S iS jfe S.! ~ in niilltary leldenhip at[ theIhe Ansy ROIC S S S. M AdvKsedCimp'a^t^Le^wii,Tteon)a,Watb. . E 5 | iy cadeta oermally imhjturpfcolkwi,- . W l § * In wwwnutssuoicationa, tnu^ jE B P ttlW PBl ^ agen^'afitf 'M vtvdlni^ ') 1 . SiiMXuftil cdamletion.of^tbeadi^ed Dr. Kemmier, a boardbc certified occuptpational medicine phy>hysician, will ■; canwindgadutftoolta^1 college renilti In a ' H H be discussing: :• conunlttioa as a aecond1 lieutenantlie In tbe ‘.K f iJ HY ■! Aw,Ouard,orReaene. •> ----- h~-^«-oad«l-i»-a-«tud«nt-iiDt-at-Wabar-Stat*— 9 K ------RE PEOPLE I ---;------ly^occupationaLmedicicineJsJmpQriant ____ 'tab. He U a 1990 J S , , C Unlveraity in Oadni, Utah. B l ■ Comtmmon occupational ininjuries then and nowo w • tsra^.omteFalUHlgbSjhSchooL . '•■ '.B S m . ■ ■ Howw these injuries can b>be prevented or helpe(ped : ' kl^-Rd^A H de,fte, n o of Mr. imd T M n T a e a H nftnof Blin,1, leceivvdw p n c t i c a ! B S 9 - ! 2 i u £ " I ' tf tto Anny RO IC 'M This special progrgram is free of charge;e and will .be held on e night only. t n t Everyone ijiterestedd ini learning how to maken the workplace:e aj safer, y^^ennaU yv^a ;■ healthier and more; productivep cnvironmenent, especially busim;iness S J ^ o n t S i owners/managers : antind their employees, is encouraged to attert e n d . fSlhBidvuiced H ^CARI i and graduation floraicoDegetttultaiaa coD o K M O(NDAY, ^ SEPT. 2£!5, AT 7:30 P.M.1 . ] •• conurilwon as a secondnieiiteatot lie in tbe at ! f A i^ . GuanLocJleaave. Claude L e a r n i n g •s . I t e cadet is a student atittbcUniveiihybf tb | ® m i n t h e M V RRMC ] Center forr Continuous Le b19S7 graduate of ^ ^.IdabdinMoKow.HcUal? p e t : G ocatedatthe1 6 back of MVRIIMC's north pararkinglot) . Blin High School CQME IN IE! I This event is co-sponsorelored by Magic Valley Regionallal Medical Ccnier, Phyiicinnsans ^Center/Family ;i WEDDIHG DWBESSE8 I K FFor Free EstlmaeBrown Physiciansans/QUick Cure, and the,TwinI FFalls Chamber of Commerce.ree. ^ A Iv o ry ‘ .Sh5 / I m ^ ' S ’“ i ■: I: .(Sales^&RanttintalsV ' ' .« a 0 0 YourA >ccupation«a l H e a l t h ie s > S h o e s .: g S 1 r AND SEI ■ o < : IridesmaitfOretseg iouth i s > yollt -SlrapletsBRBrat-Hats: QB 'H . - Life D M akiiking Magic Valley the hih/althiest place to live. oruM ow . ' lafeCall 733-21 ■t C n i l n & Homecomlnjiln(Dretset ■Master CVALLLEY, n 202 Main So« A4AGIC Dealer TwinFaium - . REGIONALMviEDICAL CEhENTER -Downtown n< I&l/ S O N AVE. WEST V T W I N F A L L ’S . riDI A H o . 1 . . the Fount. ------~ 6 . S J LJ<_D disc [tr«tWM,- g a g s

V. ■ ...... 'T ■> ...... “ • '-I

. ... ' ..... , • c-4 Tlmes^^aw*, TwinTw Falls, Idaho . Sunday. SeSoptombor 17.1M5

/ .-.r:',■ •; •i.\. Anniv'ifersarie! ■■ ValleiiV happeimings h t m e e tin g w ill be' a.\cbmi w a y l o d g e s e t s w ^lesd e ay night at Baraes & Noble M a g i c V a l l e yy Women’s Jw jmplete SoiilS o f NOfW lie M agic V alley MalL T h e Siharps/ h Iff kshop on organ transplants McCormick, author ' of C lub m eets MMonday lpnb^■Js o f D istrict 2 and L P K stuc p o t l u c k d l n r iier f M onday ^ mcC ' ; FILER - Mr. onond Mrs. Francis invited^ For inore'.Informa utomobjle Sales Managerrs ' 'Sharp of Filer will11 beI honored at an 1C -Magic Vnlley mation, XWIN FALLS i Lodge .2-T60 of rhplete Success Formula,’! will Judy H ansen a t 324-5837. open house Sept.. 2 4 in observance I ivill m eet ot 6 p.m. - the Sons of Non>rwiiy W ill.have'a -ear from 8 to‘9 •; • - -_...Dftheir50thwcddinding anniversary. arvcst Cafe. potluck dinner att7p.tn n’ ta th ]y m e e t i n g M o n c ■ v ‘- Washington St. N. 'in Twin Falls. H K ning fund-raisers, WIN FALLS ^Thii-SouthCe '' . o/COiD:otWTtiut/0' events. Sencf jnareria/ Your friendship is ai cherished gift. ns. a comjnunity. tio S ta m p C lu b has planneiiSdkJ Salesjnm age' e r w O i d l s c u t e Id TiT'ie Times-News, Valley T h e y request no othi)th er...... oject ond member- ppei}inss;'P^O.-BoxS48—T^ ‘ft------nthly m eeting' for 7:30“.a'neW- 1 bw kW e Shorp and Vi Barton Ba were mar-. } affiliated wilh the nday at the Sodbuster Restat Is, ID 83303-0S48. PIca^ submit -ried Sept. 23, 1941945, ot the Filer . >tion ofW oi^cn-s h. .TWINFALLS-— Jon McCormick, newsKS ora least a'week in advance and' : Francis and Vi Sharp BUHL - Thc 3Iue L akes Boulevard North. Methodist Church.h. They ’ have lived • * bonqi organization; a .11ii. people fnteri»ted in stompmpcol- sales manager atIt EMONSTRATIONS ' T h e y sold both in 191970. theirr 5<50 years together thisrfall. I I schedulesfrom 1 to 3 p.m. •COOKING DEI the Benton County Thehe couple now.resides at 805 rome Rifle Range. B Y ALREA R I CHEFS H e worked for th e — Tlraifimes=Ncws— Parks and retireded in 1985. She Fruitlaitland, Kennewick'W A 9933 •Three C at^ptIpries: *IM aIn D ishes!S *Slde blshes/B retaught school and childreiIren, Nan Hancock and Merla J was also a custodianian for tbe Jerome ShurdiltlifT; both o f Idaho Falls, NoltI Pre-registrationd & Home. I 22- . ^ ' 1 ■; LD S Stake Center, Peterscrson of Burley, Leon'.Petersc both classes. For n adnesday | Mall o r d ro p off this fom'orm at Price.Hardware, 147 h/Malti Ave. W e st Twln Falls,Is, IIID * Phone t i T h e y h av e b e e n a c t i v e in th e o f Blacilockfoot and LeAnn Ressler i o r to register, call 9'. I — ^m m BMB— — ' ----- ri::aiurch o f Jesus CihristofLatter^day-Pleasar hri sant Grovej'Ulah; ~ les-News.— - \ ^aiixts. T hle e (couple has 29 grandchildren

Eatvy^ve mot>vedomrlooY^)£ tc e ^ thc^r Uve V Tlene s i ) <0lan Read Food i i 1I •SO • O *4«C UISTOM 3 r"°f Every Wee ft1«800*«28*? t • 7 i B 6 6 1 ------— In T he ■'Time Iren. L -,..— A «k fo r offff«r # ...... a v e 30* . : . C l i s *» t o m D r aa i p e r i e s ,

>i> Tk'eatnnn e n t ' ^ w f o v I , : w ' i t c c es i s s o r i e si. , B lin d s,; S h a d < B e dI s s p r b a d s

•: ' \ ‘ ■ " ■ I • ' •

...... ;; ......

H g H V i m


v ;v ^ : • . , '•I’t:---- ether you'ns working outait a t - _____nricded vacatipitipn, L Ir ' n o r grabbing your sand wwi ^ e,- -hi^e.fTriprovejivem ents, o f t h a t sh in y hevsPAf' laye a phone you can appl^iplyfpr ,-. bbatywVebwb w n .e y e lh f t g iv e.u s’ ; r vj. . ; C h o o s o from o uit r >wfde iriety of B IB In less than 30 riiinut« yo(^ouli : acallat i c u s t o m s a t i n s8, . casem ents, m a M ;i s h e e r s , s o lid s, pprinted r cottonV K m CustoiiilIW-WOMI PKOKATIMOl ' your loan Is approved. So the I that First SecUiia u i v B ank's j ^ n d U n e f t '• ancJ satins, vertic*llcals. horizontal “ ^ Jp (3 te d n e a r y o u . 'i blinds, cellular shades,shi pleoted- *S«ar« Y ou fian ie you’re thinl^ng q f thatIt converileri , :;;:':'{^beTfeD.i.'c:!, ' V »hades. Vlgnoltette." Sllhotietle" fffford C u tftam l I l l - •J and much, mucjch more! Calf CalitoItoll-freo ariytlrno <24 h ^ i s ) •t now for your Freete :Shop-ot-Home for a3 flra n lofwme consuttoHon s H o u r s : M obn i - Fri '* 8 ANM to ZPM • 5PM ‘ I'' If,, , *:r T A p p o in tm e n t a nnd d find out how vwith our D eco rato r- ' .. 4 custom draperleirie s . b e d , c o y e r - - , v:v'.: ' ..W hcll a. citnooblt^lonlu ' ;. C A L L - t ■- 8 0 0 - • ; ; ;; in®* and other bbeautiritl'custoni' e i • o f .' the gym 1 9 . / / ' ' ", accessories can t>< BOO"4»CUSTOM < .8p0»428*7866) ■ Ifyou ha’^ -fOK PEHSOKkl'loi'isySv'HOMt EaiilITiO.A*S,,l,lilE$*0'g,CliDU;«t«.E0li l, ^ a loan. In b ------] know ify B next time

' ' I -.L ^ l Sunday. 6«p'optsmber 17,106S Tlmes-Now'Jews, Twin falls, id sh o C-5 '-•J...... ■ ' pnei^etticJ ...... seniQ]w Still act:ts like fr!Social Security. Doeies Social Library of‘Congress Co branch near^ | jee how you could stillI bebt doing it.” I> ^ |M |V we even think wc HEARL iher! There It was c a ll^ a Pervonal £Security offer any infonirmadon in est you. 1fane informed you that It; VanBuren r " rs o f h e r in at herI friends were so many reminders and Benefit EstimateI tbr^eoronouidiocasset icttei? ■ ------Iwh'o o re n e a r h e r ageB (81) (i are in ‘ ’ ~1 I tithe house, w e h ad ,to p u t ththem away, , j, A . fVes,. S ocial Securityity and the . This colurr,lumn'was prepared by it them. She . It.was really nice it • s^heelchaira. or using wawalkers, and' have written.en. I ’m having a ball! , It It hurt too m uch to lo o k at low m ncli.be's earned. LibraryI of Congress5 ot f f e r a n the Social So< Security •fhe concluded that 1: IS every day •liRWed ho^ I is normal Abby, pletlease tell your older read- had h shared h er life w ith ixs years and it even gaveI iinform ation , paekagIge ' that Admmistratioatioh. For fast answers - Secause they are “at the for 10 years.'She gdve usus uncondi- he end of the ers to thro%•ow away theiir rocking f« of how much money he i:in c lu d e s o braille publictication and ro specific: Social St Security ques- a irie ” chairs andi stops anticipating a visit tional ti love, expecting n< eive if be retired, if he three-hour t oudio cassetette series, r/o/is, .co/iraewriterora put^fieirmiiiitinds to woric,- it w ill k eep _ p benefits. Why, didn’t 1 ------ipencll‘=‘*the8e 'a re all irtaJ ■ • I wrote this hoping-it wi^ llb e -s e e n takesto-keep-thcm young,Ig, alert,"ond os content as '' m e n t lik e th is? by the woman who was the brain.active, regai^ledless of what a frcshly milnilkcd cow. I advise them b )u are age 60 or older, angry w hen h er d octor con"n- r d r Mother Nature haa in stistore for'the to reach forjr ai SUIT - there’s o ne w ith aj nings posted to your rest o fth e body. loss ofhis dog tb the lo their nam e! oion it. ; . 1< i “ ^ f . r s ; cicurity u record, are not ' A few decades ogo,3, as2 a ra d io You m ay ut se m y o iam e-th ere, are child. cl ' receiving Social 'A b b y , the lo ss o f a be! • news director and TVV anchor in no creditor#rs 1looking for m e: benefits, .aiid we have can b e ju st os painful os th< ' /Miami, I had the plcaaursure of intro- T ROSS STONE, o yo^r currentmt m ailing address, you ducing you'to a grouplupofhigh- JJENSEN BEACH, FLA. child. cl i S receive a Personal I i i ll m PESI ds this! she, school students. 1 w asIS very \ much DBAR RCilOSS: The theory that an Perhaps when she reads and Benefit Estimate ihizcd witli.. ' :tmpressed by your honejnesty, aod 1 .active minind retards the aging and a: others who sympoth: t, or PEBES, by Sept. her, will now understand .stiflom . process is; nnpt,new, and you are a h 3 “If iv: you m eet the require- • ■ When I became a senilenior citizen prime examim'ple. I, too< credit my doctor d fch: I know I 'did. i don’t get a statement that tim e heals pain. I loo!.okinV forward fnrwnH n tc n ts an d d (u^)', I fbw d another niclniche in life. I mental actjetivity for keepijtg me tl }0,-call Social Security.. ^changeB'prbTessibhs and'ihd'went into youiig'fdrr rmy age'TfiTno sprrng ■ 'tc to'lhiit d a y ;...... ?72-1213 and request o -STILL GRIEVINGG IN OHIO . .. banlcmg. I am now retiretired^ b u t I ’m c h ic l^ , bu t 1 still feel like one; oiid A-7004. You should n ot idle. I even lay a n e g g occasionally. d e A r s t i l l g r i e;Y v IN G : T o ™ veipe° rcccive yourlur statement ih four to W ith f i l i n g legs, achesies and pains, DBAR. AABBY: l She would have ^ e v e over the loss o f a be after you complete ond - . ^ d even a handicapped pt JS appropriate ond unders i parking per- been 1 0 y eeare a old this November, js rc ^ u T n '^ hhe ”: form to Social “ 'm it, l am still p roductive.:/e. I publish a She-passed.id.away'iast.week, unex- But B please don't comparcmie HI [f you’re not yet 60 and ' loss o f a ch ild in th e pr< ' InewslettCT fo r several amanned forces pectuly.'SirSince her death, we have k e to receive a PEBES, I on Breiuu s t e r UJaikova v e r i n g s I organizations, and on occasionoc< the not slept weli/el!, and our appetites ^ someone s< who has felt the;"“”"t.f“ levaslat- w o u W l i k e i -E 3-772-1213 to request ;{p^ newspapn publishesh e s a p iece I stnnll. . ■' ; ing ir pain o f losing a child. Si D e a d b e ait t dad cases reve^ tlilaw^s in cJilild-suppo]) r tm lin g s dren have a “r i ^ t " to coiitiiitinue^joy- minimal visitjiitjtion w ith your children, r3"CF ' Jeflrey Nichols, screamam the head- r^^H B S ing a smndard o f living ofteiler thcir par- for whose supsupport you. will pay out .lines, is “A m erica’s Worsiorst Deadbeat Parenting ^ w n i - v V J r I •|D ad ."In 1985, after 16 yearsycj o f ^nar- ents’- divoroe that they wcvere simply the nose." thru P e t ^ ^ ^ 2 9 l • and three children,, N ichols sep- I John fortunate f. to enjoy befonjrehand. In As a constisequence of the 1992 — :Tan^*ftpm'hiBTvi^-Mari][arilynT-Afthe------MBH —Rosemond - —cases-of divori»rparents hihave-acon-—Fedcral-Childl IdlSupport-Recoveiy.Act.,,, tim e, h e w as earning $160,60,000 a y ear . tinuing responsibility lo eensure that deadbeat dadsids con no longer escape f f i • ;both be and Marilyn1 remarried,ri penny in chi living lowered, even signiflificontly, is But no onee | prohibits o divorced ee his kids, hasn’t paid a f< esident of his and has no e not in and of itself causee fori suffer- mother fromn p packing up her children • Nichols, by-now the p ^i( :hild support since 1989, li ';pwn investment comp: a n d m o v inIg g from California to npany, was headlines)^cuse. i Nonetheless, the n ng $9,000-a- “America’s Furtherm ore, the fact ththat fathers Florida, thuss n making it olmost impos- ;;brdered to begin making really ought to read ii ; -month child support paymcm ents. T h at’s Ruling.” , ore usually not oworded primmary cus- siblc for thee ffather to enjoy regular ’s Worst Child Support !ven‘though the feds will ^$3,000 per month per cch h ild to th e ‘ That Nich< tody of their children, yet a;are routine- visitation, eve . . r support is un ly assigned disproportionateate responsi- still see to itit he mokes his support :|dme of $108,000 a year. ;hols’ children deserve his tc ; Nichols has been portrartrayed im ihe ing short o f j bility for their financial ssupport, is payments. Tha"hat’s bod. unarguable, but it is noth- 1} imedia as vindictive, marnanipulativei healthy chil inconsistent with the ptphilosophy Tho greatestest g ood that can possibly,., if absurd to claim that any b -idiresponsible and self*!lf*centered. deserves, $3,< behind no-fault divorce. BoJoth parents, come from I t the case of Kane vs. I bild requires, much.less ii Ittlte... not thot Jeffrey Nichols M] ■- 'JJfaople magazine ran a photop of a enjoy a rea as long as they are ab|e oof f body ancl N ichols is no 53,000 a month in order to b '^inraif,Admln{stiatorof I jent Marilyn • secure lifestj mind, shouldaccept/bc assiisigned equi- will be m adee ti to poy $580,000 inhack JuUBMmoibCoi ; postcard Nichpis once je t easonably comfortable, a: w as vacation- activists w o a table (but not necessarily’ mathemati-n support, but th: that th is casc will drama- BridgeVlewBstataitosanswaisyour n :from H awaii, w here he wai style. Many child-support n flndepentfeMAAssbtBtl rhe card read, children ha' colly e ^ l ) responsibility’ forthef care tize the needsd for child care reform. mestlotts about In ; ' i ^ w ith hia girlfriend. The ODld argue that th e N ichols tt RetinmentandHiHaam Cam for seniors. ^ :.;'VHaving a wonderfulI titim e. G lad ' enjoying tfie and upkeep of their childniren follow- It’s high timeie < courts stopped stacking lave a right to continue o their divorce had become ing divorce. Unfortunately,y, too many the decks sucbjch that dads all Ido often i I'Mu’re not here.” After the Bex lifestyle to which.they ai I'm r e a ^ t o sstop cleonlnc and homome repairs the child ;sup- p a re n ts’ e s t child-support rulings impiply that the end up lookinging like th e bad guys, '■Ae attempted to nullify the e accustom ed p rio r to their ir are gettmg mme dow n...bat I still llik i k e t o c o o k ; the chilclrm Constitution i entirety of the children’n’s support (linvitereaceaders to respond, pro and '^ r t ruling by claiming th sstrangement. The U.S. cl o r b a k e wfaenim ifeel like It. W hat kindofser'-kli ;.,DNA testing such a “ r i g should rest on the\shouldIders o f the con, to this cccolum n, as I plan a fol- Hweren’t his. Sul»equcnt,D] n conbiins no rationale for e v i c e s a r e offered at BrldfIdgeVlew's proved otherwise. He; hht a s n ’t se e n founded o n S( father. The resultant rurulings are low-up. Writerite Deadbeat Dads, P.O. igh^” The argument is si Retirem ent VUlageV and do the aap p a r t m e n t s ey’re broken- Nichols’ < almost olwoys punitive,!. In e n c c t, B ox 4124, Gasjastonia, N .C . 28054). I sentim ental rhetoric. - fi h a v e k ltc b e aas i and ovens? ^have a fathei these fothers ore to ld , “ Y'You arc, in ..— i ’ children were lucky-to a ols makes the "well financial theory, no more responsibiible for the John Rosensetnond is a family 'psy-. pers come in and clean ever'very week and \ '■*' In short, Jeffiey Nichols ber who could provide as tl Our housekeepe - .l.'pcrfcct.'Americnls-Worst>rst D eadbeat^.this and simi: brealnip o f your m iunage ththan is your cboloffst in Ipi private practice in North all repairs andI nmaintenance are handled?d fc by o ur staff. sially for them a s h e did. In tl ‘"Dad.’^He'acts like a jerk,Tk, makes no less than stu] ex-w fe, but you will b e aillowcd ll only Carolina.' -...... You can cook anytimeai you want because our apa'rt' miiar cases, I think it is no b m ents have fulljlt kitchens..,but we thinknk you'll enjoy tupid to propOM that chit- e being pampereded with homecooked mealsals in th e Blue Dhoolmattters Cbi!asslfleds. I Lakes Diningg Room. All of thesee hospitalityh Get invo] luded in your Parents: < i 1many m ore.,.are Includ- tell me’’ s t a ^ says Jucfy Broujjugh,ancdui • ------services,..and ' r:r Your sons and daughtersOT m ight hug . ^ 1)lved- i n s d ^11733^0931. m onthly rent. you if you show tq> at theird r e le m e ttt^ M cation professor ot GeOysinagfg College in ______E f! Pennsylvania. She was pastichairofthc c ' ' Khool classroom: u have a nursing hhe o m e a n d National Middle School As:issociation’s I know yo.u .. When th ^ ’re in middle orhi^sdiool,orl called assisted living,nc« Are the potent advocate committee. som ething o ; .though, th e y m ight walkkin ir the other _ - , . > retirem ent apartma ents mljced intoin these Don’t just say, “Do your hks b Uke all one buildingl n « l o , m e . ----- .. - i ^ iT he ihessage vAen they’rey re teen^flHps — w LcOT about the rhatcria yow u r child is . ■islclettn Butt out. Mom bmi d ^ D a d . S ^ I shidying and help them undndcrstand it, OH0 mOItore to iso Before BridgeView hasIS three separate Villages...:s...all housed )on’t t e l l j ^ t o the right .corns IBrouc^ says. For example,e, if they’re f h ^ B (f. Our Retirement Apartmerm ents are in a '■’I s ^ d p m ^ not youre. Don ur kids under one roof. • . ststudying Latin America, go tototheLhniiy i n e OBlgFlv&Chl jnges on cach : ‘;do m ylbom ew oric Don’tt ycyou date, 'as parents becamturses. Those students whosie B T wing by themseselves with fireplace loungt i m o ^ did, dress 191 osisiidowriaDd it lyweremael and: get books on Latin A mlerica a so you ^ floor and theirr own< dining room. Therere isi plenty of une involved thflt;dgmiic8nt> stciui ^ to the discussion. LoveTtna __ ; ■■^idwiy'at am iddle edioolpfllpatty:__l .g e t^ li^«like]y togoto(»llegeor,tb at parking for everyiryone. . 'H e ^ the temptation to3 tatake them at . Npw.earfyi Set aade time daily to talkilk wilh cach ing afwhi^ school , ct y saj^. And f ■ IlhelriSori. ' ! fixttimetosrt child about school, Wherry ------'Avoid coniy m the sduol year, is a per- makeirwhenyou’re-notrereading the...... —r- ■.'ir-'ButftiL' ■ set the ri f ^ tone. cl 'Destle they ssy, th^th^wnt!you • w8tch;buL It’s neA>^oper or washing dishes. 6 mmen« like; “Ob, boy, m "It only takes 30 secondsi ffor them w “Ox |j«.-'E ven If you’re 0 woiinjiWng, parent algebra," Wh<[t’s algdxa this year. I 'h d r a n > with a hectic Bdiedide, it’sloottooteto Qoi remaikscanlo figure it .out if you don’t careire,” he says. “ \ 1 ^; /berry rerammends. Those ‘Tbey may not be bitter at all.II. Theymay W ' y m ch ilib n a better dian^atsuc^du ofwhattbeyoeI low er students’ CApec tatteos fij “Itpvestfac be re lie v ^ . They kind o f■ likeli you to ^ roanhfflidifc • 1828Bridgcviewew Blvd., Twin Falls ♦ 1- I II Bl !^ |a id y published in a» 11994'bbok, mtbosesims keepcjuL” . . tfaan.pen^ontodqbadly b< Always lemcmbcr with whet o n you ore SrhfFam lix is Crilicalli tito Student At home.,ie s( u } g e ^ ” h e s ^ - ki ersucoess fbr-focused on-Ie dealir*: young people who3 want> inde- -“AcKvSnSit.'nHted beiw'! 9^ create an environment hi n y -.■S hose p a te n ts going on in the p e n d e t^ Let them have a sa] about the 1 Jugh achool students who; rleaming. Discuss what’s di V jbecame iiivolved in their octtNctivities, m on- them question exact study time. You’re healeading for a th e woria and ot school. Adc picloshif you make them do.l3.homework - ;$ored their honiewotk anddhdpedthem h beansweredwo n s about classes that can’t e l« !a n their futures. Juniorhigbt - thcir favorite TV show/ison. if I with only a yes orno. ■ cl Source: OHoikBKk)Sentmd ■ \ Z- n ia t included makmg sure they pick in particular^ ai aod middle sdw ol students • w mmm - are at the “show ine, don’t ' • ' ' r '; : - - ' ihAHO S99 $6^1 I ' UtUrl'u P>AC»>tf !*<«« Puk. piU^I @ 8 ■ : ■ • • UTAH 9 t SAuUKtCnY:: N o S et-U p fF ees! i *99 I S89Sir: ■ ■ : , •^*5-V ■' • ' N r oClgsincic COSTSI N(Jo A nnual Fe e s i V »wl»nwi,* . ------/ T h'here e j^ e Two Gao'i ( n n And NO onnual foes. o d R a u o iu 1 Idaho C.nirol To E lyy o I y D oubU tru’t) 1 , C re d it Unieh^ (ije wordr f - g ^ 3 So, get/our Hoiol DoalC ...... 1 _____ D r e ^ D e f ^ . y -- .NO,actuolly maant.^em u a on Cool Co»h. Slop>p..by ,t On7neTaHbeFreeBi thing goodl When you an d ap p ly Tor a Home SreokfMt. ) ap p ly f o r a Powarlirte,'' Um Equity Loon ot Idahoho I, rcdlicover wlui i tigniricuit about TWi weekend, rci H om e Equity Loon, wo^ll » = “ C entral today! Youu ccftnt other. What ■ lolljjou about a few nnb- b -n o 'j. Like ^ oven wiwin free checking for a yeor^eer, role j 100 from coast to couf. It'll be like' There «re cntf 100 c k a ^ «| a nearby Doubletree Hotel • N O $ot-up fo « . NO' clcclojing coili. ' • di»coununl* on loon», T-»hirl» ondid morel*n • ^ ;et two dt&colate chip cookiet when nd ' ■ cu»tom». Youll gel t' ke vacation wilhout going through lomething couple* don I get mu(lenyou checli in. free breakfut and rtg B -l ...... nuchof-titne. W SS: ^IDAK10 D O U B t E T R . 1 ^CEN:TRAL t^OTIlS-.GUEST SU R E E • ilBiS C R E D IT UNN I O N . S S u tT c r . a' M e m b e rsh ip M»an$$ kelationshipl . ■■ i :\V /t« r e 7 i - P - f 2.2 .-cfnn-fiAffiil l Of ~Nai/r[: ► P o le lin o RoocJ, Twin Foiliilli, 7 3 3 ,-4 7 7 7 MMMM ■;TR-^E E ;.. , V,;, ii ' " i . . ^ ' t .J■!' V ' : i •V ■ ...... O '

ji(J-8 T lm os-N ow a, TwiiTwinFollB.'ldaho Sundoy, SopJoptornber 17,1995 :

THIiE^unday CCrossword^ , 0 'e r e m o n ^ c t t n e i i J niMOitaiy-- ^ ^ . By N orm a Stoit o i n b o r ^ Edited by H erb:‘b E ttenson ■ ,"See r v i c e M A C R O S S lemoria]laiiuplHfiftiiig day •io 111 I12 - 1 E h ? II I I li mm i h» . S orrow m hangs like morning r . . I Butn^ut not on June 22: • • 5 E n — ! 5------— over me feel privileged to have been at 10 O lsoualing v • 18------7 - B 51------^ mourners as they pass through Aalim “I Tec ______gates of Arlington National Cemc Igton on such a'happy occosjon,"____ IS AnnloOokloy'. I. .n « -Arlingto 19 (tolling in doughh ^ « ------i to bury’ly ’Ioved ones or visit iheir mgraves- ILucilles. Bisher!ier says. "I wouldn't trade it fW • ZO Prvfrock’o Cfoolor — — ______in A m c mcnca's most honored mililiilitary hing.” 5?------p • d e V i e w 21 H aw aiian porch restinglg groiind.i . 22 BIbUcal propocllion ------ButIt a0 gathining at the gates in,n JJune 1 I' i.i— LUcilljcille S. deView, the writing coat^ 23 — brovo (musical _ ^ ' was joy nearly/,2 ,2 million women who have servedscr • ' 27 Cop’s lob. at tlmos108 57 ----- p ------— th ro u^out ^ ( histb^. enduring hardsl 30 — up (flalhorwilhilh .and, for!br some, pving their lives, » offort) 02t ■ ^ ■ ■ 8 9 S4 D uiring rit the Revolutionary W ar, A r 31 Individuals > ------, w om en C ivil n n e r w a r e '• 32 P o rry 's socrotaryy . ee S7 88 ■““ ■ ■ n B 70 “ cn posed os men.'lri the Ci War, 6,C6.000 were nurses, scouts, coi :.33 Tottor couri- » 10 Intcnterchangeable Colors • 34 Ught purplo 757 ------“"■ ■ ■ 7 3 ■ ers undid spies, blowing up bridgeses 1 38 P e r u to burningng arsenals. They’ve served • D u rab-able, yet beautiful ' rS------mto 40 Grassland |H p 7 78 “ = ' 80 Bl 62 every' wwar sincc, including 33,33,365 • M anyly (different accessory 41 Spood skator 5T" “ “ ------womenm iin OpOTtion Desert Stoim. ; ...piecesc e s . H e f d c n ------.. H m T ... . ”!T'^H b855 “T ; ^Hea~ 42 Atilludlnizo I n WWashitigton i on thdl'Junee d a y ,'' • M a dJe e lnjhe-U.S.A. ’ 49 S g ts.. o.g. ST- — ------^ • • women31 tin todty’s armed forces minglingl^ - S3 P rio- — (chufch ------'. in their si ir smart uniforms with womenm vet-\ H«lp I.J»« AB»»i Tl,« C.JWl'* knoollna bonch) enins, farfamilies and friends. All basket!ikedin |^S |P K |^S j 54* Tranquillity Ss e« 97 - I ■■■■lllll the pomamp and ceremony of militt . 55 Low-lying rogion I tlitary I ■ ■ ■ bonds,, fl. flogs, speeches and a paradeode ; in E u ro p o io T ------1 107 108 ” “ ”~ |lM - I ' 66 P u b m isslto * ’to dignitarieiries heoded by President Clinl B S t • ;; 57 Aide: abbr. m — ■r------m T l i r ------7------| H m r ------nnd first I •st lady Hillary Rodham ClintonS,“ I I i ^ ^ m S ____ , ■ SB sifln d ln p ______— = »ette-Bisher^trave!ed-from-Lo ' ; 59 Psycho" liT : (K oals) ’ B ench,1, ■ ^ “ * • " * ^ , I so n g Illl Bisher,r, >who .served in the WomerTien’S I > I 61 Qonoals namo Arm y Ai:Air Corps during World Wara rll. I i V lia A venue W es \ 63 Orievos 9/17/95 Lvas a bMutiful, sunny day fillfilled ; ' ' 65 Friction m a tc h ■ ■ w ith ’spiirpirit and life," Bisher remeimem- ; : 66 ’P o c k 's — “ (Olij . ; ; Him) 120 C om pol to QO 35 Port ol tho oye . 78 Alphobot< run 100 AqAquatic maminal “The* atmosphere was onene o f ! S - ...... Lfl9J’ooatod ______12l_Jaunty______38-CommUs______80JBO-Extmvaganl------lOI-PnPrecipllous------5- — UnsP.oKcrken.patriotism. Tjhere's a lot,lot o f i ______. . ■ I 71 U p-lo-dato 122 Suspicious porjury Qdvortislng i 102 UnUnbrdkon ■ • pndc mn rmilitary service. Some womom en 1 t S L I R , : 1,72 So long. Pablo 123 W alls 37 Bost of all 8 81 1 —• fixo 103 MeMochoguy, wore,bigbig photo badges that show 'i7 3 Tlltod 124 Woodwind 38 Candle part 82 Confinodi 104 HoHoodo •• V inin ttheir Worid War 11 unifombrms. _ S I M P A N Y ; :|74 Whig’s opponontt 39 Mamlo’o spouse 6 65 5 ' - - livoand 107 Sp I ' 17S C e rtain E uropoan lod the delightful feeling they tin 2 " OOWN 40 Apollo's mother broathe!" I 108 Bit pronoun ; r|76 Oocopttvo movo 42'AlomIzbr. 89 89 Kin olbtc. 109 NyNymph who loved were hell-;cll-miscrs, too." •. 177 H o m e r's kid 1 StOlo 43 Jots or Nets 92 NarciOBUB N o brotjrot ize statues here. The heart of I 2 Hawaiian clly 92 Snoko Na { : :7 9 S « n d 44 Sprfntod 9494 Sailor 1 1 0 ’Pi•Poquod- captain memorinl,ial, to be built into_Ariington*s c I 83 TV p a rt 3 R ights advocatos: 45 Ovorilow 95 nday 95 MIsbohovo 111 OnDno thousand: cuJarcntni •fS'' ; ’ Op . abbr, itrance, will be a coiRputetizcdd rtg-rc I r u P P L y ‘ c d i ^ i ! 64 Jftsslca or Hopo 46 Miiltarv 96 gg Pul to flight pre . , 85 U.S. playwright 4 W ord in a chaplain 9797 ■Trail walkor 112 Gn~[ai— istiyofnai'names, photos and memoriesi ofo f as I ^ ■ ' -86 Jokyll's alter ogo, ' com parison 47 Upright ^ 9898 Soo oyo to oye 114 UnJnltot volume: mnny vet«veterans ondactive duty. Notiortional g 1 > 87 Formoriy, onco 5 Obtain ontranco 48 Cortain oxoms, for 99 Rentol contract, oblibbrT- - Guonj ancand Reserve servicewomen asiscan a ' Opm 1.B8 Patterned 6 ByonosoK short ------7-Troo’oogoclues 'b e accumumulated. An adjoining rcgist ------j H-----footwoai...... — ;'50 Mflko happen >en Suri r •i 90 Unwrap 8 -^'•yourBolf 51 Directive fi will listt Viwomen in the Red CfosarUS \ ; 91 F o d d e r 9. O m w with acid 62 Dutch pQintor |I xial Services overseas in wortinv e n ie n c e . ' I !• 93 Facial spasm • 10 .O rb ■ iflecting i)ool, auditorium ar 11 •B o lero 'c o m p o se r 62 John — Passos li f^d i I ; 94 Bird sound . 63 Talk show hoat, fi HqU o fr HonorH will complete the moimod* I -M— ——lam - 4:30 -I. 95 Yearns 'f 12 Ryon orTatum 13 B a rb ara or Monica Williams • 5 cst planri yyears it) the making under't} ; SB Hi, In HI 64 Have debts S devotedi Icleadership o f retired Air Fort I :i02 Equostrian's 14 Sibling, brlofly 'orce ■ ______• . F o r y o u r 15 Puppolry 65 In (ovor of , 4 ; I - ‘Slop’ 6 8 Moisten while . fi Brig. Gen3cn. W ilma L. Vaught, head o< f • :!105 C hick so u n d perlormanco the Memomorial Foundation, p p in g co n v e: 16 Lend — (listen) ..spooking " ; ;106 Uvo right, or 67 Allrod or Felix H er, an early contributor, is hn o ' . i; som olhing 17 Q az o Intently 18 R opalrod shoos 68 Calls £ strangerr uto Arlington; where her moti10th- ; ‘113 Qatorecofpis 69 Porson ^ r 114 N asty kids 28 O no o f Snow c r is buriciried beside her father, a carc*arcer. W hito’s frionds 70 Long-limbed ■ • 'IIS'O, givome — 71 Spocks 5 >hysician; both died more thanlan a m M mce... 116 C o m p u ter item 29 V erge 73 Ropan'a dad 1 ' dccacleagiago. ,117 Exploits .30 Vono c(ir, 74 Arouous Journey ^ en I visit their graves, I talk wliwith iftlB Assail 34 .Clytomnostra's 70 Excoriate & she says. “Once a snowston re. ______torm ^ .77.Coalitionof.oWnd...... LII M ...... 8tfuck-0Jtt ody need in prepare '} • An 82-ycor-old ociivcIve gentlerhfln,i in a for her con:omf»iitcr proram s (desktop nub-ub- duty for n few men ih thehe Twin Falls nnd nnembohn c clerical assistance nnd involve}|ve-. •ial stawments. .j . ' i.'comToftable country homene rneeds on expert- lishing thoi:hot is user mendly for disableIcJ J Mini-Cassia areas. We alalso need a lady ment withh fundraisers.(1 dalists has been Jicnccd person to live in.n, I handle care of ^persons),. ctc.'lfet you can help, call Rick HtjH(j senior companion. Bi-litlingual men and . If youu arci interested In'bccominining Fast Efficient. Frieied and trained to >'honie, replace his “not-so*(so-good cooking", Chcc or DelDebbie Lattin at 736-0990, , women preferred. Seniorir »ldiMOWk»fi»> •Spare time working n part-lart-time job. Call ♦ An cosy going, trustwcworthy, very gen- items to assistass needy families: men’s am at 324-4907 from 9 a.m.a.tn. to 10 p.m. • The FoFoster Grandparent Program is in tie horse is needed for dcvc:velor»l mcnuilly w om en's8 winter v coats, blankets, bed need o f aJ slsharp person age 60 or older to delayed adults. Would likiiktflilonatcd, but spreads, sheiheets and childi^’s toys in goo< •J - • A 50-ycnr-old devclorclopmcntolly dis- bccom e a foster grandparent in thehe will also take for free boaoard. Call Peggy repair for■ Christmas.O Ifyou can donate, cal Sniefelen C] Joblcd female is in need of transportation Gooding orarea. This gnindmn or grandpapa Tjaden at 734-0258. Doni Black)ckat736-21W. ■iTor doctor oppointmenls cror sishopping, etc. If would bee workingw with cicmcntary-ngegc . J you can help. leave a mcssajssage at 736-0990 kids .who ncneed a little extra help to make: it • Open up your life toI na rewarding and' • The CollegeCo o f Southem Idaho Adul ^ rcall 734-1423. in school.. AiApplicants must be income,eligi-gi- deepiv satisfying expcrienc:nce.' This can be Basic Educ9ucation program is in need of vol blytoqualitalily. Ifyou can help, call Mnrcie:ie done m many fonns by volu3lunteering a little untecr tiitonlots for.adult studAts in reading m ! « Ifyou laugh, smile,e, cry,c listen and £ > ^ ero rTr Teresa i Hcllickson at 736-2122,t, o f yoi^ time, your materialial resources, tal- English, mattiath and Endish os a sccond Ilan' W tote. Ify o u sew cook, writtvrite, build, eiyoy cnts. or more importantly' youryi unique and guage. Foror morv inrarmation, call Rutl:iSth hobbies. If you hnve a strstrong dcsire^to • The MagicMt Volley Regionol Medical:al individual self. Just being Ihereih to talk with Scott at 733-33-9554, ext. 2536, jichfcve a goaV.lf you caree aboutab your com- Center voluriluntcer program needs voluntcmOT others about their needs,, tltheir losses and '» ...... ■munity. i f you have on hourhou a week - or for severalal services.i Volunteer hours oreJV their pains, can help to relie%ieve your own. ■ This pub/ub/i'c service column is designee S^iv, oppcniunities galore.'re. We need you! from 9 a.m..m. to 4 p.m., M6ndoy through;h ' There are opportunitiitios to help all fo tiurch needs/la in the communities or tht 5. XPP5 jeall HospicQ Visions at 735-(35-0121. Piiday. VoIloluifteers may devote os linle as . around yoii. Magic ValGalley Staffing c/gJir count/inties in the Magic Valley, with . '/an^C enter ______---- -—fourhoui'S'p8 per week.‘Assignments inelude~dc Ho^icc'devotes'its'service!eesto-allcviating—vo/Onteerfiei help.-lfyouneeda volunteer, cah {I • A woman in Jeromenc >with cerebral escorting; patients,p information desks,:s, the tuffering o f those facin:ing terminal ill- Ciaudia LoaMxnis at die'College of Southernio n ...... Attend Craftai ; ■ '■ •••'• rnlsy aod confined to a whwheelchair with Canccr Cenl:enter, Gift Shop and Life Lineie nesses and helping theirTaTamilies to deal Idaho. 736-16-2122, to have it appev in diis£fci» im ited use o f arm* and legs is in need o f Program. If iinterested, call Dbttie Miller at with the emotional dlfficuiculties they sre column. It isi requested that persons sub- October 6:7 it 8. . ^*Dlunteers to help with shoppippping, mending. 737-2006 andan< leave a message. CTpericocing. You can resc! s ^ out to these mitting itemems for this column, should tcall i l from display ' B •cleaning, m eal preparationion And feeding, people by boom ing a-volu}lunteer. Respite iMtnis byty 4:30• p.m. on Wednesday fot 2xns placing business calls, recroscreotional activi- • The ScSenior Companion Programm coregiven arc needed in eigeight local coun- Sundaypubhubiication. Call Loomis weeUyto/ S . b b oeUkojCome.ntla i t 1 artisans from',. 'I Ses, dnvers fo r her van. tec!techni^ support needs a fewwgood f menl This is a real call to*to- ties and tiw Twin Falls officlice is in need o f retain reqaesiKst. - * .' th ro u : Bko;?/V- ^ ' H o u i PM, Sahirday9 9 AM-chase handcrafted itemTl AM - '4 PM. ‘ . ______A d mlihs featuiih'g'talente^er.person,. a ______: ___ _ ^Watcfrrfor yoVr rnafffe^in ( ^ ^ t e i e brates n Years in ththe Magic Valley 3Ugh0Ut:the Westl I UIS! Friday 9 A l^-,6PfI in -the areas of ; . . ANNUALL Nava[ - 5.PM and Sunday txaking,U Italic the Times-Nilew s CalUim ^sionjEeel '$2.00. per.2gg Decorating," CUSTOMliEUJkSfMa£CIAT10Ji “ — ^ - -qoU ti rembellli(hlng'“ "''“"~‘ " ' c la s siiIflecfs Begginning CEIiLEBRATIOON! baskdddpate in workshopsfeature in nationally | ' ' & r e^ajo g weaving, paperm»m8 al who arev . H fpteniberlS-r J O — ------“ 'exper[igraphy>^ Ukrainian Egg ^ Sepptember r 7 m ^ ItingrbaBketmapig-Sirei .. Ic^t6.'-The w o rk sh o p s lisplays fe a andpuf- . ,. ■ ^ chase2gionaliy known artisanlandd-afted.items. a n d youy coulc win BS erts-in;theirfield.j • — ~ ^ A Co. Iling a tth e North- 2 FR Bfs to ' Gift Certificatefes " easterV Native American disjft '7.-00 P M , A d m i s - REE Tiioke s io n>e i Native'American hanslic^e shows: The, Magic Miif Whiheat Grinder Evolu [ving and Weavers'- . t o ^ Champion Juicicer'! ofTrabmmcn Thread Openinlasketmak^rsJ^f' , . Up MilVith P ec : . the G:em Nevada Muset2xx\ 7? A S I I R PPRISE! I Free. Featuring two slii lution of Navajo Weavii D)owntovvn c 'Rvin falls--'' ■ . T h u r s dlay, a Septernbb er 2 1 s t For regraditiqn & Beautv'- Bas]innaiibn U 7 2 nndStreetW ( w t'TK3 3 - 7 7 3 5 ; - Great B a^. ‘ y . . Magic VjValley's Cdniptete Heal. 1356' ' ' ' 9SSS599!^S5S^ - 5 ; - igistraitidn in fo n ' I ■ ■ ' :■ ; ■ /

s Seniorr calendilar ------^ —7 r ------h ------^ ^ ------TWinFalbSeaioaior Citizens Tuesdajday: Veggie soup West Senior•Citizens C Inc. Fiddlers will perform at 12:30 a.mt.m. donation Is S1.75. Centinter h ours arc 8 B rcakfajkfast from 8 to 10 a.m. - CarterIter . . ■ - W ednebesday: Oven baked chickcnm lOlOMainStSL,Buhl TOPS1 at 5 p.m. .• y a.m. to 4 p.m;,'Mondiday-Thursday Wednescn e s ^ y ...... T' 616Ea5tlaadodDriye Thuisdrsday: Meatballs with mush-sh- All meals at nocoon, Monday Pinochlchie a l 7 p.m. and 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. onn F riday. B ake' dajday. I A ir d in n ers at nooioon. Suggested roomgra' through Saturday; 1 p.n).m. on Sundoy. Fridayf 'n i e s d ^ Salmon loo:)a f TfatoBda]"day ; .donation is $2 forscnictniors and $3 for Fridi^tty: Frcnch dip sandw iches .Thrift shop open everjsry doy from 8 Bridgecot o 9 a.m. Thursday: Meatballs!s ■ Quilting;ing nnd cards from I Q.a.m. to '.'non-seniors. a.m. to 4 p.m . O p e n ppool o a t 9 am . •4 p.m . F riday M o n d ^ Swiss steakc a k - ...... Aetivit;^ ' - ...... •• Sumiayi-Roast porkc ...... Line donlancing at 9:30 a.m. - • -A ctividea - V ' ; - T u e s d ^ ChiclcenI potpo pie . M ondaiday Monday: Pancakesi !e. Cards at th e centcr. M ondaysy - M onday ...... , scrvicc.-:e.--Home-dclivercd-'mcalslls '- T u e s d a y ------— -Aerobicsics a t 1 1 o .m ...... io.m. Tuesdayay •« Q uilting from 9:30) a.ma. . to 2 p j n . , ‘M o n d aoy y through Fridoy ono n ' Exercise d o s s a t 10 a lueUkaN.*NmtoTCBV :: Wednesday request.t. Quilting from 8 a.m.I. i(o 4 p.m. Aerobicsfcs-atli a.m. r i ; Q uilting.from 9:3 0) a.io.m. to 2 p .m . . M ondi^day: Cube steak jardinere W edoO tlay Pinochlelie a t 12:30 p.m . ■ I ; B oard m eeting fit I1 p.m.'p. Tuesda?id i^ Roost poHc w ith dressingng Exercise c lass. Wednesdssd sy . . . T fa u n d ^ W edaeta » d i ^ C hicken w ith ricc Bus to Twin Falls F every Pinochlelie o t 7:30 p.m. M Pinochle at 1-p.m. T h u rsdrsday: New England boileded Wednesday for doctorr iappoinunents • Thursda>iay ' " F r i ^ ■ , dinner wiiwith mustard sauce as needed. A erobicsics a t 2:30 p.m . Ujnaa2.pjn>— .Friday:tyr ’H'ltreHay , J______Friday— ■1 .Ladies pool at 2 p.mm., .. Quilting from 8 a.m.1.(0 ( 4 p.m . ^Pinochlelie a t 12:30 p.m. - f r a ml-----— P Sunday, S qrt. 24. Activitirities Cards a t th e center. ' A erobicsics a t 2:30 p.m . D ance from 2 to 5 p.m.p.r at the cen- Gift C(C entcr Shop o p e n fro m 10 F r id ^ . JJer. T h e cost is $2.50I pcper perso n . a.m . to 4 jp.m. Exercise c la ss a t 10 a.a.m. Silverb'er&OoId Senior Center Maritial Artss Expo ta . Daily:/: QuiltingC and Pool table fromim Saturdiqr 2 0 3 W ilson, Eden » ' Agdess SeniororCjtizeos ( > .. 10 a.m. to 4 pim.; Crafts after lunch. • Exercise c la ss a t 10 a.a.m. Dinner:r is served ot noon.3n. ■ Septembiber 2 2 iC SlOMainStN.,]lO m beriy . G rocencry shopping for shut-ins, callall S u g g e ste;ed d donation is SI.75 for CSIHneAitsAAuditorium ‘ ■ U ! Z All dinners at noon.1. D ick KflsIflspcr at 436-0260. R idley’s'’s Gooding Coun^ SetleniorCitizens seniors oneand $3.25 for non-seniors, — £^Mond^Ghucfcwngo:igon stealc" rec]uire a*9a SlS-minimum ordcr.-Gall in-in------Inc.— elivcred-meals-suggestedK d - ______Showtlme(_7; W edncaday: Sweett aiand sour pork your ordtrders before 10 a.m. andid. 308 Senior/rA ve. | L..... *over rice K asper wiwill deliver them to you. Al dinners at noon)n. Suggested F ' This Is a charitabable event M '\ 3A Medicare Supplementallal donation is S2 for senioliors and S4 for *♦ with all proceedsd s b e in g ^ Friday: Losagna SH IB A k! donaica to: Insuranceice Assistance. Call Georgegc non-seniors. 3ETS1 ^.Th'rifl shop open Monday-FridayMe Schwinde:ideman 01436-6679. M o n d ^ C h ick en pot • ^ ro m 9 a.m j to 3 p.m. M ondajiay TuesdiQr: L osagna -J( j f f i ?kl m B rid gge e at |1 p.m. -with Loisis W e d n e s d ^ L em onI pepperp cod IOB!” T l i i i i S p fJ* Activities Stephcnsoison as chairman. T b u rs d i^ R o o st beefcf r T o d ^ Tuesda] Or mall donation Activities I n m m e d i a t e Boise Ronald Me.IcDonald House “ Senior citizms and1 AmericanA vet- Ccrami■ , .‘‘AM ER.m C A 'S E M P L O Y E R "' A dults: *4“ « C eram ics al 1 p.m. , General’sI’s Office wil! bc at the cen-n- Hond & F o o t card gar;ame ot 6 p.m . , Students: ‘2“ lalk'about “Senior Scams.” Tuesday IfattTBd^ ter tcflall ' C hild ren U n d ers r5 F re e l 0 l K k ■■ CraAs'at 1 p.m. C o m e hehear what you should be5C Pool ot 9:30 a.m . and:againotIp.m. a] |||P ^ ' F o r F u rth er Infoiform ation • aw are of.)f. . Knitting a t 9 :3 0 a.m . VBSomm sanas. • P i^hle at 1 p.m. TfaundaIday 1 1 1 n iolof f A v«. 7 3 6 OverlandI Call: 324-6494 CeramicTiics from l to 4 p.m . Twin FaFall* Burley r . OoIdeaHeritsttSeiSenior Center Shoppiiping day. Call the ccnter at Pool ot 9:30 a.m. and O]ogain ot 1 p.m. ' '733-73i7300 678-4040 ; 24210ye&id.jd,Burley 436-910707 to arrange for a ride, Line d an cin g a t 9:30) co.m. ■ All dinners at noonlon. Suggested Saturdrd ^ ShufTIeboord a t 6 p.m.m. ■donation is S2. ' D in n,er er fest with prime rib at ^ T b u r s i ^ ■ Monday: Breaded veaveal p.m . at the centcr. Pool at 9:30 a.m . and againo( at 1p.m . fiOSOB O pen Frl-Sot-Sol-Sunday-Gatos Opon 7:45 S h o w 0 t 8:15 Show 02 9:45 ITIP P f Shown InIn Digital Surround Soundl > "1 APOLLC1013 WATERWORID. V X »OM HANKS \ \ o CON KEVIN COSTNER ' 2 lAVEHEiRT FM Storooo BroadcastBr Soundl JRi 3 ^jqda12andtindUtxioralwaysFREEl J • • “Ev e•ery r m a n s, n o t ^ 1 1 ^ ^ ll I iw im iiiiu iiu ifc . ^ m art rea£Ci Cives. M o rtaal l HKombat (i3)7:io-9:io jsic • vide Sat>Sunjn 1:1:1Q-3:1Q-S;10-7:10-9:10 hasttmgis bo \E \ ■ t TWin 9 and Jerome 41r TWir} C inema 9 1 "' " _ Theh e IN e t (PG13) 7:00 Now at 7 Sat-SunSun12:30-2:4&.4:50-7:00 • mVSFlBLD DEMU>A4AN'5mUC GU ( M P S C O . NJohlty 7:30 Nlghtty 7:30-9:30 f R Q M P O m i J V ss tso n 1:30-3:30-5:30.71.7:30.9:30 J Of)f D o g m en (P0).7.j00.9:20 I . PatjrtdaCoww^ta . , / l y y M^McMmtry ^ 'Wlialon Giooni asun 12:30-4:00-7:30 J

S o m e ththing lr to Talk Alx>ut(R) Gmnp Dalty 9:20 Only______IffSCKl v e h e a r t (R) moi O bson g 2 J 2 2 2 ^ Nightly 7:30’:30 Sol-Sun 12:30-4:00-7:30 M G « rMtfyfo ic roWdlnsJnsKquel Jl I^H to9w«lb«b c K ^ iiJ Mthor IM16* - ' life J flSSD j Seftrxr ., , (Camye*.. tanonAllAlduHT *****"’ GETi IWUtS-THEEMMU suRVtuis-iterviw [? g ] 51AKY Sol-SonSim±3QA38:5:3ilJij8_.., _ _ j ------S Z M W U t SS ------— - - — s n w wk a e s i 6 ^ ------OfTHEJtZH1 ------2 -Ktd8«1-TWa-ShowOhtyl- " Jam es Kahn ...... - “AttUttS S2-I 9^ Dangerourou8Ti!nids(R)7:i5-9;3'6 , j GcorscLucM DonaldiWF.Glut' - ■ J 9 NlghUy7:30 7Vv/n9 I Twin 9 Nightly 7:00-9:1SIS .isnl-Sun1 12; 12:30-2':45-S:00-7:1S.9:30 Sat id:3Q.30-12:30-3;30.5:30-7;30 I Sot-Sun 1Z1S-2:30-4^45-7:(7:00-9:15 J g,B a b e (G) 7:00 ^le V SundayM:3Q.3:3Q-5:30-7:30 1: V I ------V — _Sflt.SunSun 1:00.3:00-5:00-7:00 T I Mortalll KlK o m b at (13) 9:30 Only I m e r r L a s t o f D(D o g m en (PG) 7:00-9:15 ; y o m H tiiet SkyweOcer. Han scketrtfy. . L E E I 1HEH] — Sat-Sun\ 12:15-2:30-4:45.7:QO.a:1512: ' I -folaPrtnecnUia. Jm to J Olt N PS llorT rip(R ) 9:30 Only II Mhcrclnansctt^n- _ _ _ ■ arthcmcM.lo««d nct% J I M © = sa l p h e c y (R) 9:oo omy Sltura-Swtl9)ttcd8>c--.>a^Bi ------CARunR evildB H l-^ ' ^ M«W '' IImi^nMtanor* .M U r, or«nttmc. I I - - AJig ngi u s (13) 7:30-9:30 ! ' ’ sgcneratfon.. aAH ' ....S«t-San1::n 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30 ...1 SdoPttcesGoodThfu9,XI9/23/95 flTMRN f— I C a s p e r (PG) 7:30 — Bf J . I S l Sat 10:30-3:30-12:30-3:30-5:30.7:30 S t a r W a n p o day 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30 : ReturiiO f JCkers(13)7;00.9:15.- - ...... irs' - ■ ita c ^ -..JuS i -star Wars T hcJedl . . : Sat-Stin112:15-230-4:45-7:00-9:15 12: : Mall Cinema B r a v e h e a r t 4m mi l l . , : ^ | t».«: Wluaaratun nui Bhi|B555SEbMai ccmaaraRoa ^ ----- ihf sta r Wan S t a r W aIIS r IB! __ .■nieEmpIn - n j i b s y D O Cm l m Z Hl i i l A f G p StrikefB ad ■ ■ ; ^THEFIREOFREVO]3UmON ______AL

your Entc^ftaiiI inment Siiuperstoire! ir^ L E A N rnHrnmofmmmmM ■ ■ 870 BkHue Lakes Blvd. . . trWIN v \ CINEMA ^lghUy,7:30 Sat-Sun 12::12:30-4:00-7:30 ... Pleaaase allow 3 Hours to Viewvie* th is M o v le l j j h ■■■ ------

; 1


'• * V • ' I . ■ N. . IM' \ ■ > ■ i - • C*0 Tlmos-NowB.». TwinT Folia. Idaho Sum lay,, S o p to m b o rl? . 199.5

R eaaping; th e ne w a n d l o f : d ^ m i i ii: A ll e g e i i ^ ‘‘Hiawatha and.nd Mondamin,” ('a 9 S k j Nati ve Americann lilegend) adapt^ by M B a Tali me a story I A m y F rie d m a n1 ondat illustrated by- ■ Abeout the real tHiawatha 1 I Jillian Gilliland . “I 1 amai Mondamin,” the youngngmoq This story wwas adopted fromi a Mohi[ohawk but lived among th ^ g —f-r. .. aiiswewered., "Manito has sentt mmo to xHenry Wadawpi(orih L onafe'U ow ls- Onondajndaga. when his own tribe r e J e c t- 9 . . Long ago, byy t:the shores of the answew cr your prayers. H e wantsnts you 1<55 poem, “The Song of hislis teachinu.ti His efTohs tio u n i l c 9 ■' great lake-Cliche:hee Gumee, a boy. |M | i . to luiow your people will aalu lw ay s • H«uw^»ha. ______. . , the IroqiIroquois trftes were ,o p p o ^ by o H ftaia named-Wathatotarho. 'w hoB w a s b tjrn to a1 bbeautiful young K fiS e'food/But they must workrk hnrdI - iwiTtiia^wh’oso nam e chi'eftait ? means-Tic Whohb Makes Rivers") evcntuintually'defeated and killedM wonran. Hiss father was N |^ it-A nd now you m ust woilc. rk. You ijygjj anjund'157070 and was known to Hiawathvatha'sdaughler. Mini-hahd. S ' Mudjekecwis, theic West’ Wind. Alas, 5t wrestle w ith m e.” have been a sutened, ~ taught b i m ^ e seen»3«ts.of the ^ ond-^^H thoughigh -this, time -Mondamin-sto's ta y e d ...... ■' ...... -...... ------gI - - . th e E arth and all the creatures. (cr. Just before he vanished,led, he i h e i In the winier'm•.'months Nokomis stb piped p e wivsding and smiled 3 ^ /4tcKetal'^ —tmjght Hiawatho aboutab the-northem n|!nM Hiawotvotha. N a m k % lights,.and in summertime su she uS tti fou will win, my frieiric n d . t v a n c y o showed him the Milky Way, the ashas trees, the'skin ofthe: dcdeer, again he grew sad.id. “When winter Tomonlonow when w e w restle. I sl explaining that: ththis wos a wide, the boughbo o f th e oak and th e feathnthers comes to the land,i, the berries will^, fall upupon the earth as if dead..i white road in hea'eaven. She taught ofthetie birds. , ' wither and my peofople will go hun- .me whwhisper to you whot you m nts AW 5; ______him to listen to thehe ■whispering pines .Wit/ith his new bowand. arro>ro w s. Rry.” he said. “ W hatatshallldo?" , .do.” , and to the lappinging waters, and'to Hiawtwatha went into the foresteS~io " Sfiinvianito«aidI nothing;n ------Tiic, le,i next day ine tw o m en wr . know that all o f EEarth a was wonder- huntt hhis first deer. The deer werenehis On the third daday ofhis fast, tied, butbu this tim e M ondam in fell ful. . friendsnds, and Hiawotho knew thee ddeer Hiawatha sat upon) tht e banks o f th e th e grn his head grew wos fullful o f tall, slender p lan tsiwith wi Ferry ridesss $12.60, adm ission iniincluded. Call 1 0 0 0 S So. too. did all theth< animals, for as Onn the first doy of his fast, fo; golden plimics, Hiowiwotho watchcd in coats of green leaves and yellow titos- Springs TOuters at 1-800-838-1096\ forfo feny inform ations ______Hiawatha listened. h e learned. H e H j a^mtha w sot in ^c fwcst woitiaiting" ow^as the man seenemed to dance in sels thalhat w^ved in the wind, knew the names ofainHeo f animals; for a message 'ffbm^T^onilinito.'' the wind, thoii^ hisis feet w ere plant- ” ‘ Hio'wo'wdtha'callcd Nokom iss andoi All funds raisodj1^0 to prgiects a t T h o u saind n d S p rin g s Prosorvo. M a n ^ S he knew how theyey built their dens Suddeidenly a herd of deer fled pop ast, ed firmly on the g rou)und. loogoo0 0 and all his people to0 tth e ------thanks to Cloar SpringsS Foods, M agic Vallo;illoy Distributing, StandanJ;} , and lodges, and w'h hy y they w ere tim id callingng .out to Hiowatho os theyy ran.n "Who arc you?”’ IHiawatho whis- field.. "■"This is Mondamin! Thishis is------. P rintining, a nd m any o th e r comimunity m u supports. -A or bold. He kneww theirt heorts ond Watchiching the herd. Hiawatha sud-su pered. M o n ltoito’.s gift to our people,”t " hI e ^------— called them his hrotrothcrs and sisters, denlyy felti sod. “If the deer die out.”ou . ■■■ Hiawatha understootood that all crea- he saidud to himself, ‘‘liiy pcople wwill tures share the Earthrth w ith one onoth- starve.e. W hat shall I do?T cr. Manito a n did not answer, ai When Hiawatho:ho wos j^oung Hiawalratha w ailed and prayed. man. the aged storyttryteller lotjgdo told . - Oni the t second day of his fatfa st, him he would bccomc be 'a great Hiowaivatho wolked through a fieldfle hunter, loogoo madema a bow and filled1 withw ripe berries. He lookedc d ui p arrows for him fromDm the branches;of—at-^ e bright\ blue suninier skyf aoi n d .

. C oinm unility. A c tio n tafiB fersjw tM ^shopip s y The Times>News ...... ofS(je.A. All p aitkqii^ .y ^ lecdve a tatake k fri: ::r. ' :. bamepai x)p'a-;r.: v ' • Free workshopss o ofTered ihrough topic Bndm d a w u ^ C T f e one I x w ^ ofood f ^ the South Centraliral Community good fotfor:30 days fiom the date offth th e b S in iE)le lf ' <2 ...... Action Agency’sy’s Food .'and woik^ ((Hie voucher per householdold).- ...... v.Thteres^ R a t e - . - Nutrition ProgromI willw be hold this -DoorpraprizesmUbearatdcd-v . m onth in Jcrom e andmd T w in Foils. . Workjfksbops^ore planned for 6:3.0 tto o 8 : “If You Con’t StandSt the Heal, p.m. MeMonday at St. .Jerome’s Parisluish i Prevent Kitchen Fires!e s!” is the topic for Hall,' 2162 11 Second Ave. £. in Jerome)m c ;. ■— Septem ber. Its fbcurwrwill beto-p^de—h30- to -3-p;m; -Thursdaj^at th't h e — — — ...... ' participants with infoiiformadon on how Obenchichain Insurance Building,' 2&2 6 4 . 10 prevent kitchen Hrc!Ires and, in case o f M ain AAve. ' S. (use back entrance):) inii a the proper proceiKedures to follow. Twin PalFalls; and 5:30 to 7 p.m. S epL t 262( Portici^ts must be income eligible, at ihe ObettchainOb bxilldlng. N(JOW New participants arc! enencouragcd to pre- For morem information, call Janee o r , T iU1 Ja:January 1996 ------register before oworfohcsbopatonySCCAA Jlobinatat 733-9351 or 1-800-627-1733733.

y T ransjp o rta tio nI o f ^ H azaiirdpus & M ■ ^ Radi the.IdahpjN1 atiotialI ' Engioccring Labei b o r a to r y ifl p a r ti c i p a ting i n in an informationalI ;• event regardingng the ‘‘'IV ansportatioiion of Hozardous and1 ■ • , Radioactive Mateaterials." Thia event inincludes exhibits, pre* ^"B cntotiohirond diBouHBionshydii theD epailartm ent-of-Enei^ and— —Equife^ y Loans], From "WV^estOne State iigcncics.. TThe Board eneouragca;cs all interested mem- 1. bers of the publiclie to attend. Admisaionn iis f re e . leSooneerliieB i>etter. YOU AKE INVITIITED TO SEE EXHIBITITS piCLUDIWG THEi TK In otOther words, the soonerr y o u g et d o w n to y o u r ncaiicarcst W cst.O n c b ran ch , theth sooner you can take: adadvantage . ; . _____ L ______TRIKUPACT Bhippiug casksk model . _ _ tenn home equity loaIofflrwithTi'specuil29e:mi mOt)dircl6^:n^.T3 surnoronly ------— • ~ • ( f o' r ttransporting . waste for»rdisposnl) K- ...... o fWest v O ncT O j^ rate7fijc T-3 shipping caskjnon o d e l savwe money, b u ^ e interesrest y o u pay; m a y b e la x -d■deductible c ( c o n s u lt y o u r' taxt ad>Hsor). You know,kv, itloi o J c s - . ^ - - Xfoi-tr-transporting spent nnc!Bclear Itiel) like things ore gettitttiog better all the w ay aroiro u n d . C a li.o r v is it y o u r■ n ^ s l W est O n e b r w cc h h . - -' . - Regionalil’Haziirdotis'M I ateHaU• Response] Va2i - r ...... - Idaho State PoUc»lice Ho)cardous M ateriariab Response Vehiele , s r n i m ' DO£>ID Radiolcologica] Assistance Pro{■o^sim Response Van State of Idahoho Vocational Educatittion Radiological. BANK Training Programm .i;' I d a h o HEaznrdous a a M aterials IVaVainitig C enter i-80a0-578-7778 ''

■ '■ •• M EET!E T T H E S T A F F - A Nr D D M O H E I ...... ''^.'97> 'SroitBimi5.i99i w ii i'M «i>ily^ineiw^'niN^y.' Tto wm'ldniull'in me wlU ehuige

a ® ' - ■ ; / ■ ■■ ■ . -' 1 .V, .1 S p d i*■is — ~ r — — ^------Monining I FT h e s tu f f■ o f hlball. Bul the extra pressure . programs there, ' r) didn’tIn’t help, nor did extra time CAREV - A few monthnths ago, studyindying. T.J. D ilw orth was headed soisouth, on Schoo] daze Tlieriie switch inside his brain that the road lo Southem Colifomornio, and Carolyn Dilwoi.'orth remembers her m odelde taking a test “a breeze” one ui 10 becom ing a high school d )1 dropout son was a bright: / and 0 futile cxercise the next I w a n t o•d d t o c r y , b u t , It smdent, enthiisias- dny an and a runaw ay. , , , tic and energetictic. Hc'/olIowed in kept>1 gc going olT and on. Finally, the I d i dI n n ’t h a v e Now th e Carey Higli Schc•chool .sc- th e footsteps of fiveI siblings Who day/ beforebe grades came oul last - m y - wr a a l t e i p r o o f .... - Dior is o n his way^to Washi«hingtoii. distinguished ththemselves in the spring,ing. T J. packcd everything he D.C. to meet his hero, Pro) FootballFc classroom and onm the playing field. ownedned into his m other's car and m ia si c c i a r a o h . Hall-of-Fomer Steve L aig^------Bm by the'timimc‘T.Jr reached ju- headedded south. He planned to meet It’s a chongc of dircctio:tion that nior high school,3l, his perform ance somene ffriends he'd made through Largent - now a U.S. rcpn5ciKcnuitive started to slip. HomeworkHi ossign- compuinputer communications on the 599 from Oklahom a - would have — Ge(seorgia Frontlere, lave been ments went unfi{finished o r left at Internet:met. proud to make during his carcarccr os home. His testt scoresj remained R a m s cowner, after the a wide receiver with thee SeattleS high, but T.J.’s: cclass grades went *1 m nnot going back.' . . team’s'victIctory In St. Louis Seahawks. down. “We W c were saying a lot of _!!It:sJiccn-flJoiifi.Jiaidj:oi 7^“^ l a s t '^ p r i d a y ' ■ - - X o a ^ l ------XVith-tutoring-h-hclp>rrom-teachcrs— prayers.r'ors,^whcn'ehc-and her-hufiband----- i___ all of us,” Carolyn Dilworthth saids o f arid coachcs-at Wood W R iver H igh broughtjght TJ. back from Winnemuc- her 17-ycar-old son's returnum from School, (where: hhe was going to ca. NevNev., where policc on the look- the brinic o f disaster. school at the time,le, T J. ronained cl- out for 1his mother’s car had stopped T.J. rcccntly was diagnosci)scd w ith igibie to play boslisketball his sopho- him,, CarolynCa Dilworth said. attention-deficit disorder (ACADD), a more year. H!er e r\ voice breaks os she recalls Criminal clcharges force common learning disability/ thatth; can “i f jt wasn’t fofor sports’. I w ould that’lonjlong drive. B make school difficult eve:ven for have dropped out;it a long time ago." '‘rmI’m not going back,” T .J. told Tl BSU playerer to sidelines _ brigbt.studcots.______—------hc-said.—Spons-u-wcro-basically-my— her.-He-H e-hod-w onted-to-be-hom e------BOISE - Boisee SState football coach But with helping handsds from life” . schoolccx)lcd for a long tim e. Finally, it Pokey Allen suspcncended freshman comer- school officials and coaches,s, aan un- when the DilvIworths moved to seemed T. ned like the only option, bock K evin C hilesi inindefinitely afier leam- derstanding family ond inspiispiration Carey lost year.r. they h o p ed th e Sehocchool officiols a t W ood River th ing of Chiles* misdcnilemeanor cfuuges o f dmg from a m an who overcame'■ his own switch to a smallillcr school would Imd suggestedsugj TJ. be tested for ot- 10 possession a n d deliverivery. share o f childhood adversityty t to_be- hclpT .J. succeedd :in tlie classroom, tcntion-ion-deficii disorder when his ar Chiles, 19. o f Kent^cnt, W ash., was chorged com c o n e o f football’s all-time all- His desire to playay basketball kept performbrming remained well below with intent to deliver'cr illegal: clnigs and pos- great. receivers, T.J. has hisiis sights£ him m otivated during di his junior theabiliiibility suggested by his relative- □1 __ session of illegal dmdrugs June 27. He also set on a carccr as a coocli t year, but by.mid-sl-scracslcr.TJ. was . lyhighigh 10 o f 134...... D. was chained w ith illegIlegd possession o f alco- fiw -lahcc writer...... failing som e clo£lasses and w as in Hisis fifather thought he w as lozy hoi. HiT.J.’s story also reveals the posi- donger of losing hi: The road traveled by/ SSeahawk legend Steve I his atlilctic cligibil- nnd needednec “a swift kick in the His trial is schedule!ul«l for D ec. 14 — two live side o f Idaho’s controvt•oversial jjy. pants,”s,” bulI when Carolyn Dilworth s p i r e C a re y f o o tb a ll p h La days before Uic N CCAA A Division 1*AA na- player T.J. Dllworth and I new dual-enrollm ent law lh»I thi nl'- W hen lie fnilciled to make the frc tionol cham pionshipp ggame2 in W est Virginia. a s t h e y f e c e 'th e c h a llellenges i of attention defic lows homc-schooled studentsIts to; at- grades lo play baj)asketball, T.J. set , Please see HERO/D2 Chiles, a reserve: defensivedc back for the pn Broncos, was suspendended before Saturday's a ' gome against Som HoiHouston State. H e broke Se up one pass in Boises.e State'si season opener B rian!Boitan "aiiats ■ ot Utah State. he Gooding golfere r re c o rd s the his 2 n d c a r e er r hgle-in-oneI as Sun1 Valley r " ipion atti I . GOODING - RiRich Thompson of Gooding stroked hisiis second career hole- m£ in-one Friday att the t: Gooding Golf CBS Sports•ts films skatiU:.... ______i,__ : : ! _ ,_bri.)r the fall I Course. By Julie Casey LynnI ov Thompson usedI a 7-iron on the. 153- n c o m p l e t e w ilh Tirnes-News coiresponiondent _ sh -yard hole N o. 9. WilWitnesscs were Casey •Perkins, Jim Voloshi)shen and John Schu- 1 s s c o r e s , B e a c o m bctt. SUM VALLEY - ClCBS Sports rolled jol the judges before — into town Saturday to film the heavy his ch brought down P urves w in s 6tl]itli Blue Lakes hitters in the profcssiosional men’s figure the skating w orld...... , , ■ 1 imblc Bee in his Country Clubb cclianipionship H The world’s best werewc here for Sun lor Ied the crowd his TW IN F A L L S -- JimJil P urves shot o 31 V alley’s second annuallual M en's Outdoor qu His bribe' didn’t L a rg e n t h e lp s In* tivi on the back nine to3 secures< his sixth Blue Figure Skating Chamiimpionships which hclQ Lokes Country Clubub championship last w ill be aired this fall. d his mom, Carolyn, ne\c o m p e t i t i o n in. a " week. . Defending championlOn, Brian BoituDO, ficIcit d is o r d e r . low'O-timc Olympic ...PurS’cs’-round ofo f <6 9 w a s enough to p G F O b a m Olympic gdld medalistlist and W orld Fig- sii’ )rscr, who placed § S . h6ld-off Dr. Chicc Cutler,C 3-2 in Ihc 7 ure Skating Champion,on, bested the field foi ppeseats Jg B M match p lay fo rm at. w ith artful exhibitionsIS iin both the short / this world-class and the long progf^im.I. fic:10 repeiI. Olympic bonze Carbajal KOsCs G a rc ia in 3 rd Paul W ylie, Olympicpic silver medalist, me ;an-Cham pion; for junior flyweveig h t cro w n placed second with hislis soldicr-likc prc- Alt orld Champion, ' ^ F ig u re s k a t e r LAS VEGAS - JustJu before Michael c is io n . S o ’ European Cham- ~ Alexander Fadeev . - Carbajal entered thee riring Soturday night,...... ; • ; V iktor Petrenko, Olynlympic gold medal— pioY cham]Olympic bronze - - flip s h e a d o v e r his scheduled lO-rounound fight wilh Goya ist and worW champion,on, showed himself me 1 Cliampion; and . heels on Ice during - Garcia w as c u t b ack to k to six rounds. to be the classic showmv m a n , j a 2:zing it up Set onal silver and . the CBS Sun Valley As it turned out., CarbajalO didn't even i ting event foi to Louis Armstrong, theIhc gravelly voiced bro Second Annual . need that lo n g . classic crooncr. 7 cs were aiming ivant-gardc hocdown c Men's Outdoor Carbajal knockedd ddown Garcia in the Local favorite, Garyry Beacom, World for shades., . . ' 6 0 .‘ B r i a n B o i- first round, and batterlercd him a t w ill be* jProfessional' Champiipion, skated the tan 9.25 total event l_ _ Skating Champl- . fore finally stoppingig Ihim at 1:46 of the , Not pleased with his s short program to a western-style sco ^ o n s h l p s S a t u r d a y . third round o f theirBir j u n io r fly w e ig h t • o k in g ly trie d to b rib e Iht fight. lis long program which The fight w as onI ththe undercard of the h e h o u se. ; Julio Cesar ChaVez>Di>David Kamau WBC Dressed like Mr. Bumindals Cl:rush So)noma SSt., 66-3 ' super lightweight titletie fight at the Mirage ong program, he wowed hptel-casino. }uirky perform ance. sodated Hi Press Brennan started the gigam e and fin- the first; home hoi game o f the scu.son in Carbajal and Garcarcia were to have • iclp. He placcd eighth. ished seven o f 12 withith no intercep- tHe Kibbiebic Dome. It w ns the seconcl fought a . 10> ro u n d figfight, but il was cut Beocom foced stiff ICOWco - Senior running backack tions, 143 toml yards an

ipetidve in Region 18 but not r Uly. In fact the increasing cost i to national playoffs is burdetsoi I “dream" o f going to nationa 6 with p h y m from within rati cai recm iting lim its wa$ reai igo when the w om en’s basket iM..for the n a tio n ^ toum am I lb be the total iinHnfng o f c MRS as they originally were 1 ;ot everyone excitcdaibout “wi

, ' ) ' i ' ' .l>^2 Tlm ofr^aw *. TWlnwin FollB,1 Idjtiho Sunday. Sopleplamber.ir, 1995 Woodd Riverr wms^<•^oUeybaalLtouri -^oldeithEagles-j-defeat__ n before losing to South the vvictory with a one»yard plungLinge in the fourth ' _ rTheHnie#-Ncw> Gooding and West Jefferson b< Fremont •. -, ' quart;irtcr. )1 and lost to Salmon. ..WVilliams i came up wilh two intemptionsinl and - r title Buhl was (burth in its pool sr jr tourn< - i - HAILEY-TT>e Woodood River volleyball team rc- tchiTBon added a inird os Raft Ri'River(2.l)pilcbed. jWcksfo River TucKlay. wilh the «utcl ninga 10-team toumament onI Buhl w ll travel to Wood Riv te offense piled up _ , [■.Tnained unbcaW. winning ureday as die Class A-2, tiutout m the sccond half. The c played realll vwell," Stroud said. The . - j^trW olverincs' homo COUcourt Saturday...... Wolverines to lo Jaom^Thurec ; „ TTicTcTimesrNe»» ______District 4 regular-season actioni o n b e ^ - . — . two-tithe dcfdefending national junipr , W ood River won all11 sevensc o f its matches, defeat- rbc Troji^'^vcl to br ttheir first corifer- impions arenow 30r0.on.the..- _ ...... ------g5 pPGKANE; ^ Wash.—'.The facesfin were college champ " • ing South Fremont of'S Sl Amhony iri the final, 15-.* I ' -cnde. H igh school football th et uramc and so was the resusuit Satur- 'season. . . ; 12,16-14. itndM- 7000-7 lero Idaho The BnizihiziIion trio of>au!a Arttujb, : ■ ■ After finishing firstt inm their five-team pool, the: R aft River 18, Highlanl a n d J V ? dayy asa the College bf Southe, or the fifUi Claudia Fonseinseca and Katiane SUtionet- ’ Wolverines beat Chaliis,lis, 15-3,12-15.15-12.1 . MALTA - The Highlandd juniorju varsity foolboll • w .g j b e ait t RegionF 18 Kval Ricks for ;-9 , in^the ti were naineined to'the all-toiihiament ' • : They beat Salmon 15-15-1, 16-14 in thc semifinals' team b r o u ^ plenty o f playerlyers and plenty of size --: S ^2Se&fS!u*i5j'(Sn«fiionW««) o - ; -timle e thts-^ea^on,A5r7.,A5-.i 5 Spokane. teimi','wilh ArAraujo wioning MVP hM-! ; ; to move up against Southuth Fremont. . from Pocatello, but Raft Riveriver rallied for thc l8-7 chamampionship match , of the I /ita tio n a l T o u rn a m e n t...... ____ :..ots.',_. Setter Summer WiliiaiIlinrm was named lo the all-• victory Saturday. adison 35, M inico 0:. , : rinvita ek e n d - s h o w e d Foii^sefca; % i' I After the Rams took a 7-7 -0 lead,’-Scott' Warr and defending staw «‘W w e hit alm ost 4(X percecent in the The weeke I toum om ent team. Teareammatc Summer Hanson ilEXBURG - The top-ranked aw in some of her best perfor-.: honors Irom the outside hitter drilled Drew Williams wilhh a 27-yard . *«impion Madison squad cmshed■d MinicoI 35-0 Fn- R iccks k i match,” Golden EagIgle cooch freshman, m s I^Wned tourney MVP hon rr within a point Bt half- the.season. • pass that taught Raft River w n Stroud said. “We had seseven aces manccs of the. ..'position. 1 time. icks m atch, she smoked^a -i u- O ther local teams in Ihc tournament included n!!?55nmove,.heBobp;.sTo3.> 3-0, while Minico v iSrsus iii th ree errorsi w hich a lso50 is p re tty In th e R ick I Jeff Rigby broke free from■om 43 yards oul in the . s to 1-2. The Trojans travel toU, JJerome next Fri. , 1 0-foot Imerner over the'blockers that-j hG oodin^ which finished;led third in prol play and lost 1 Trojans a lead they od.” third period 10 give the Tr ay of .the seemed to shve in to th e cham pionship match.m encc match wi Mow m o v e 7 p.ni. Monday night. ' n r “ “‘In In the first Sheridan gsgame, wc Collegeot7p. [ 'A L s ta n d in g s M » T e l e v iisio s I n II E v e n t ______'Ss tat a t i o n ______P ” ■ . ' Q uuota____ ■■ l» Til 10 a.m. » w .o i . Auto rmelnfl. MBNBNA500 TNWCIN/Ch. 30 always defcndiended foreign players, saying “I ■FT/Ch.38-7 , - 2 High fichooool scores Contlnu.nu^ fromDI . . d an American .player yet who « ------Pmliiio iia- hflven’t Had a: ■§■ ?— ^noon ^ u v eI ra at i lhe volieybftll n etn h rd cfc ^ o o l for a^?DunglliItfThHvai*i------" *'* Golf, V Foundationion Celeb. Classic • . ■ ESPWiPN/Ch. 13 >«d oM hcS kS ^^ ISA world championship ESPKIPN/Ch. 13 tional chchampionship team collapst 5n player y e t^ o didn’t thank;ev- « ta Auto racing. IMS/ a d before the 1994 practice setwison start- * Pro foott»Ii, Patrlo!triotBat49ors KTFT/■FT/Ch. 35-7 &* •weekend evei)ihin&” ■ S Pro football. R*d«•daklns «t Broncos WCW'CWCh. 35-6 .!> ed an dI th the i morning o f the first piacticlice. E very. is thlnk they ore doing CSI a favor jb so tP ad ra# WGN/ jcided to quit volleyball or go;o hom e b e- e *" “ _ _ Pro bowbaU. Cub* Ima S ^ rt» /C h . 84 (IHT) one decid ■re. So, secondly, how much more !; Til CoIlM* aoccar,■, DDuk* at CUmson Mma luding one he first serve was hit, inclu HRA Koystono Nationals TNN/CIN/Ch. 30 fo re th c uld they be to endioe if they knew Drag Racing. NHR Inw 8porta/Ch.84(IHT) 5 :M p m piospcctset w bo had lived in Stroud’s’s home for •v.iwlmmlng and bowling Prlnw «mt to live the coach had ^ Ito moke sure they made up 25 — ‘ -erstsSo.-,— ______■avea-atRoda—------iPN/Ch.13 wwiM______three moimonths because she didn’t wa thc- roster.-The -rule-would-make------“ iN/chV3o------RodM SSl^M w ith herier parents wKo didn’t undcn endable - i.e. wclforcd. Pro football. Cowbwboys at Vikings JJT/Crr/Ch. 31 n'er attended a practice. ]u* ■•miflnal Prim*Ima Sports/Ch. B4 (IHT) !“* She n ev a rcnts o f som e Idaho giris, including MtiMLiia 8occ«r, A-U*ou* 3 f^m Idaho (one from the M ------^ B s s r s LU . » . T w o ft in the Magic Valley, took it upon =55^ Icy) o n[Jd d «one from U tah left Sudden!iSyfstroud ' so ^ teS ^ ll E a s s a i w a w ling a walk- ihemMlvcs to goj to the state high.school yol- was dowiown to seven players, includuj m bcr n o w , IcybaU tomnaninoments last year and pass liter- Er t=- t on h e ’d never seen play. Remem 9 going in and coming out o f gym- : p ^ a 8a i e r . a |v |M Mto someoftiof them didn’t even attend thc f Il ]jl at begged “mothers, don’t let your • team mceneeting let alone practicc. o o n to b e Eagles.” ; SOS w ent out - frantically. Eji S t a n d i ^ 'S x T h e s e ght, then, Stroud offered “at least « • 1 Ijl kctballcrler Sandro Varejao wos rcachct 10 lasses scholarship aid to attend w, * ’ ' “ d sug®iggested two possibilities - Pai nmer and four rejected it ' - "a b"«^ . and Katisatiane Simonetti. A coaching f corollary to in-state recnuting al- n 1!: '1 ^, . he hodd tltwo players fh)nuibcJ9srbj r-TOJction-“ I d o n ’t-think4’il^good------s a ® © 4 w ould1 c(come. Stroud already hod t uw » WJ ' 'p'Gcla'i?^ cn^ghraplaylay there.” • >' - |r| BKW”” *"— >jj pean s, nnational toumament MVP ious way to get around any quota rova (Bulgaria) and that woU,lk-cnf™m 11= obvious •• . Dimitrov would sunplyJly Ibe fo r the coach to recmit sec- • Belgium.n a i players, telling them they’d get to rin W henen Ieverything was put together pT ■ .' '• SfiKEs'SSt!!-o.ufH'.i'A wouts but their major contribution I- ynknow)wn r foreigners were dominan ^ i'Fi" ili -3iw'esw&. am would be to ride thc bench with ■ la Til MTonu o f the playing tim e in winnin ii! SsrtswHSM FSSbred in Idaho” batmers on their K iS 1S« B.C.OpeB ial championship. . “ “ ' ■ S i . i n i .• s s ts s s P S a s p " * * ® ^ But,; becauscb. of those foreign pla >^ic pibblera with chan^g thinw i h o d thle e “i“hate” imago at nationals and at the changes come abo^ as r e ^ t SH t-' I; 1®® lidotl scored, the crowd chant icit approval fiom the hieiBrcby, i.e, j 1 K m” ?It rankled in the CSI cxecuti • jres and one mchcased fundunding ond coaching. It would be 1 ‘ s i I I f liii 1% ; (Stroudid currentlyc hos tw o sophomon aches and currcnt ployeta to de-eip- 12 H e "eMV f 1- I If. . U2wUf-M>AiiMtrr herh son’s poor grades and wlwhat hod be- . That unselfi g » jjr ggggi. approach to) w inning.i H e p l i ^ backup quartcr- ■ 'Tj[ ft lijft ' ' SS? cbmea.“ia .“rude, belligerent attitude." M s i i i i . began taking correspondcncnee courses ba^ and suirtsorts on defense for the state champt- l i n g s ^ homome schooling. Afler a sp«ia!ia! eligibility ■ oh Carey Ianthers. ^ tl ' ...... t l i 81 a sa NFL standi play.football Hismotherie r remcmbetB1 him rushing into thc M Sflftiil hearing,lg, the state said TJ. could pk aflemoon aficr practice ond ari- ill S S i ® ^ • g this seaseason, with cdhditions - no0 discipline house one afl tmt he w as taking his linemen out to ■i s r - 8 8 t n »wm *0 g j . 1 i I ^ ptbblemsans, no tardmess, no. absences,s. nouncing that I rough the duol-enrollment la^low, he was dinner for hel|helping T J. score o touchdown in]' I t t c r s r i &w i Throu, Hmm ft ab le to jsign up.for classes at CiC arey H ig h the previous ^ M i h ^ ”linem en, Eric Baird, kepi oi»- i H » }| in addition to his home-schoilool courses, ' C)ne o f thos ! r i 11 LPGASali» r « » S c o r e s S S posing dcfendcaiders out o f TJ .’s face all day cui> _____ though h o d idn’t have,to. wafiearto a o w m y tewiimalcs bima Uli, lli -mj::ujiLfc tig, wpecially about Largentnt; who'has- ofbeittidffttrBi ^ I ' i ' wriiing, ^ imate a shor at state championship a ~ b e ^his b l s idol for as long’as T J. caniiemember. r aided teamma » Thoe attraction a extends beyondid Largent’s gloiy. • ing statistics - be caught moree Itouchdow **We rani uan option right, and they tackled ' R ^ 9 amazing efore I m ade it to tbe ^define,” T J . ^ . . . M r - - u passesib3 than anyone before him. Thehe person in - ■ m o right befot - i : d o c k ran o ut arid ■ we never g o ^ p n “ " ' b— he-unlfotm is tnore importantItoTJ;: U ' ' said.’tThc clc ^ ddethei run that play. But it’s in the play- i fr m not even really going toI talkt to him chance to run . - H ■-abouffdr f 6 otball,'"hffMld.““JnsrBbbbdurhow be -l^thi»year.>ear.’-i^-. ------• Sivi ■ “fe - t drew m e to . . ' . a / a s s 5 , overcamam e adversiQr... that’s whatd • Ib ^ S c W! htm.” C h a n c e co f f s a l i f e t i m e ' l.BtW-.. ’-^'1 ' Lorgargent’slathcrwaran-alcoholic; icrUs stimfa— Althou^-!zh-Sports-Jllustrated.didn’Xpriiit;... iiikS «i o h L articic, Heartland ,lJSA .m ag^c_ i i m 9 ebsbes -Iher-wwas aj ebusiverand he.spentmnuich j)£his...._TJ.!s Jirst art C o l l e g e ^ hood in a sintfe-parcnt femily,y. editor Brad.d PiersonP did. Ahd thls-year, ofia: =^35B S - 'T Scollege, critics said h e was too0 0 small and Largent'was'.ias inducted into'the Hall of Fame, set^^^^a ^ ersoiml meeting issssaB Siw tooniowlow to play pro fixrtbalL He ptproved them Pierson belpe< ]|h ^5^ le Seahawks, tween TJ. and : j | j A LtatelJbxsi s c o r e s wrong.g. AV nd w hile h e was with thc ’• • ■ I one oif f LLargent's childien was bomnwiihabiith 1 OriWedijB;diiB8day,.T.J. and his friend Bart* dcfect o f Pib-ln»ge sporting goods, will; ■ “ Hits is llife' w as jiist o ne trial .afteiter the other,, meet with LaLargt^ihhis.O ^itol'H ill office. t ■ • ' ■ - - : ^ - but It1 tmtumed out to be more of a ble(leasing,^ T J. •■‘IJ . plans tQ tioti n the intervienrJnto.astoryfbr.. .. asatselfless ; Hebitl^USjUSA and possibly Sports mustrated. -. id^o- iriyin the second quarter. TbeiBcfigalsma^h21- B< said. HeHi looked up to Largent as Idaho Stote 52, e« lISt-N Si orthridgeO with Wena zipping a . p lay eritit itt tm’m «4ien athletes focustis on putting i.Reiyndld8"ells "earned tfie chance.to chaiperqnd t r ; & r ^ ‘h u e d fro m 'DD I i ■■ following a fUmble re c o ^ , wil ■ ! 'TJ.'stripwh*w h ^ 'a h " the voung Sra> to •. ■ POCATELLO - Alfred!redo Anderson raiffor Y-r^ynrd . aerial tb Justin Young. tbenisehselves in the ^>otIi^t ' I'; . W i i'to Hrb. With nft :38-yard scoring pass to,e 132 yards ind two touchdowdowns Saturday night to * ';3 wrote an arti- . howkfbntwo'two'ye»i««gb,^oro'lie,|cll - State made it 21*0 in the ISU ended the fint half up 28.028- with a 15-yaid ' In .l91993, i as a class project, T J . wi : - - ' .9 ^ 0 Ikebe. Boise SI y. lead Idaho Stdie to a 52-(52-0 win over CaT St.- *• Sports Illustrated magaanele about why..;.tlewithhii su feond quane-wl'Cjhen, Hildo scored on a 10- runinbyAodersoa , • or T b e Bmgals did not let up m ent shopld be in the Pro FootlSiall Hall o fefW aS ^fll l ' & y ITO J e m I - ” ‘SuC?5.of(hcBi8SkyCty Conference, wasted lit. J arfs and Joseph div- I, telliaigme aboutjiow bclenlau le 'it w ith 5 minutet tii go itb Andenon scnunbHn| 8 s." ■ ."1 , ' ht ^le time'gelting on.tne1C scoreboard1 .against , yr*“ tob Harris', 24-yard s sister to th e Se«hawlcs,^ she said, sa«ild«^.coBoected with ti^ t nericanWcitCoftfcreocc.. lg in-from thc 2 yard hoe. Rot lat sam e year, be:sent a.tapee to1 ih e’S e a - - taM of-his sii 5 d g od put ISU up 45:0 goingg faythe.finalqua^t s h a w lc ,f S tf ,» M 'I ’m . likei lo:lover- ^ ,w i£ -« 3 « -y B n ! touchdown d'ths: with a burst ne*< a ofhis & ter s f a i^ the oatioiional'&nth^i ‘Tni'a^Seaha' •Octplier, the team'Cfllled aand invited wittt StevevUrgent Li V.; W e>:bea bo^ era aifc...... T h e "finai m argin ca^t^e on Ab ^ W pre i3.377 fins. the Lobb Wetta found Elliott T } sister to sing ttowrthenvbefos f o r e A e ^ - - ’since.” _ third largest overall in run Whh'six seconds to pll jfiiad. Giles oil a yard pasi ttemforlSU’sbortscoie,. 17-3r - y ^ y ' \ • • . '.i;_ • • • • . .

------^------Iji ■ .t- — 7-:-

Sunda Iit)0S>N0ws. tw in Falls, Idaho ’ D-3 'FeA,Bhurley cCTJHT3to Kiina T B eTriiix^News' iir ......

t W/IN I h FALLS - The Kuna sosoc- cer tean-am m a d e the m ost o f its triprip to Falls Friday, beating the hehost I T w in Fj * * Ch ristiatian A cadem y 4-1 and shuttitjtting __out Burluriey3-0.; ' ______7%M Igh school socceror aH8|9H|B

c wins push'Kuna to 3-4 ont ;eason. Twin Falls Christii lemy' absorbs its first lossiss at~ and B u rle y is now 7-2-1..T Tl h e :ats w ill rctu m lo T w in F Fa: alls ce th e W a rrio rs on Friday, ma started the.scoring inn t th e er, with Todd Stewart findiiid in g let at the 9:00 mark; KuiK uoa good ball control to keep tth e in the .W arriors’ end for mum uch H ie g first h a lf. : Even without Lawitvvrence Phillips, Nebraskaska backs had Arizona Stastate defenders on their h steal by Wylie Stone set iu p ■■■' ’ V j : Saturday. Sun Dev>ev]l8 Thomas Simmons,B, icenter, and Lae Cole, rigright, give chase to Cleat n Hicks midway through tht e T h eHicks > tied the gadie with a th e sea3 score im o the left comer.;r. H1 e ^ a d chad n to come out of the gatgam c .38 ReffTsTISfiHlMig trou 4-1. ama hand injury in what becarca m e Bobcatjigh-and-tumblc contest, W s i rare defensive lapse byy the;t to face ibraska downsIS Arizona St.. K ustian n a Academy allowed KKu una .M thbut]I; Phillips, Neb opener,:ore again at the 23:00 mai td to Arizona State, w hich 1 . • LINCOLN. Neb..(A (/ P ) — Silent for score, butb I can’t say we plaraiftd 1 th e netn A ndre Sctti drove neaie a rly d problems that led score onor nine of our first 10 ^ ssesses- up 687 yards per gan used lallcnged gc into a retreat!a tin g ' . (b ^ about off'field pi team Ig Nebraska in the fus ------:tuilie siap cnsion-ofNfNebraska-tailback— 8ions,:U ApphM ball inrior-dofciise------i It not finished with. 696 to Lawrence Phillips, ‘theth< second'Huiked lost focibcus in the second half, but m ,V„!_ ofthe1C f sccond half wns even/o n ly best in school history, Comhuskeis shoutedBd Stone, left, and Todd high 111 yards. Jeff^ ______.wceks.cariicr.______bother•r theirll ability to play.” iWe'mulancc took Goodin to MajSiSr-StawarLofKuna.1 llie pursuing the ball In the; S'luid yuid'scuilu^ nm put *'U was just kindi ofoi an avalanche,” "Chiiaiiias~finiawa with“ 143-yard3-nr a roughcy Rcgional”Medic:al Cen ne in at the end ofthe first q rsoid nrathalf. -Arizona State coachach B ruce Snyder tjvo tomtouchdowns. He lefl.the gamc <-rays. Coach Ed Danner si knee Frazier looked shar] •said. “I ’ve never been!en in an avalanche, the seccecond quarter, with a minor kni 77-28 ci(^Sjophomorc reserve broke b( Friday, demolishing Twin Falls deep thigh bniise last K una 3, Burley et but that v m kind ofUif th e feeling... You spraian. ;s in h is lo w e r r i ^ t leg. ' self;” pleted 7 o f 10 posseh had been giving indon TWIN FALLS - P have a sense o f helple:plessness.” “I provedpro a lot o f thm gs to m yself ncc play resumed, Brand IC Boise school led 3-0 at half^imc; show and ran for 35 yards,m.=,al]owS508 : goal game in seven days The Sun Devils (l-i(1-3) could do litUe C hilds;Is said. “I just wanted to sho 3n provided on insurance gi dropped Twin Falls to 1-2-1 ovcr- cup. I N eb rask a, w h ichlist half. Nebraska a ilin g Burley team lost foi .to stem the tide inI ththe.fust half after mysclflJ f that I’m more than a backup, 14 m in u te s rem aining, saili e of game averaging antotal yards, lum _ n time this season. ie Bruins will travel to Jerome Clinton Chil 8score< in first half saw national nc media descend c : ran o u t. The teams bottled ti and substitutes. wns and a career- ' ,, ------„;flaiseta£chooLrccorcotd with 63 pointed _LincoInoIn following Phillips’ arrestX ai rhis is a real good soc>utcs into the first half; The old rccord fo r pointspoi in a half was, s u s ^ ^4ebn>stonp35-7— to in 1983. glrifrieni e n i to score against Nebr I of K una. ’.*1 thoughtIt w c 8:00 into the sccond p Fcresa Collins evened ihc'scbre 1'4 :5S against C olorado ii id we copped the scoring jics lalCT with an assist from Holl>i ch T o m O sb o rn e Therelere w as no sign o f Phillips at tlthe defense. Keith Poohicjuarter. for v/cd r extrem ely well, and • Nebraska coach arpoftcr nursing a cor til th e remaining In the gam« lopzing for the final game.s. BackupI D am on B enning.. wlwho and touchdovms on re c right in the gamc'until 'found ihimself apolop m ilar and 80 yards by halfti:st week. He com- „ With two key atartc le teams remained deadlocked at 1- >iDitrgin.‘.It w a s the.mi.most points scored was arrestedar Sept. 9 on a simil { end there when they goS°‘ “. ju!tl2pl»ym. I sore "They shocked usses a for 191 yards | nil lote in the gome, when thtj iby N ebraska sinceI an 84-13 win over charge,Se. didn’t play because o f a so 3le o f g o a ls .” “Our kids played 1 es pickcd up goals in the 36th and said. “They’re the bes Minnesota in 1983. . ' . )iamstrii^ n g . ggressive play by Bear inm the ouimaoned." lodoy minutes to defeat the Bruins. . le Huskers xlidn’t need theih em . played against” ih co m c in to the 1 thwarted several Kuna scsco r- Tomas Tellez played “It’s always you•our gamc pfon to "The n NCAA-leoding * chan ces. the center/midfielder ] in Falls 1, R igby 0 .finishedwith394.. Ve had a lot of opportunitielitics,” und. Green and |f‘ RlMO - Sundci Giesler, copimliz-i la c o a c h D anner said. ‘‘W e j SX on on assist by Teresa Collins^ • ; earns po)und foes‘s into piSims played the Idn’t finish anything.” K-Mdlrt4e red in the 36th minute for the many Comhuskcr ^ K-MC^ c's only goal. I Hie Assodated Press 2-2-4 ess T'op o | 25 collage foo oalic Emily Scvercnce earned the usedtheJongbaU... watt Bishop Kelly 7, :oul ns Twin Falls improved to 3-1 ■'Vjop-rank^ Florid»rida:Statc.Ond No. 2 Nebraskaska went on 1 11 ' bm ska’s swarming . . 5^ijitdd ’, ihe season. Tw in Falls next playsi linst Oklahoma in 1992, played le TWIN FALLS - i record scoring bingiinges Sotxirdayi while No. 13 A labam a yards set aninst >le h ad 20 0 yards J,' dncsay at Wood River HigH lhe«econdnalfailf after the Buffaloes (34)) built a Knights proved why finaliy lost a close game.gai r^do„sof2,38 cred one,of the roo t ool. et a school record for mostit fpoints in a ■ . ■ ’ "m d a State set) s 20, No. 13 A labam a 19 « n £ N orth CarpIJna Stote 77-77-n behind Arkansas'2( faTicbiVPooic .. game, overw hclm int oosa, M ^ Hill ntshed for'105 ve touchdown passes. ' AtTusealoosi )cst team I’ve ever Damiy Knneli’s five t :5 o f 26 for 181 yards as Arkai ‘‘I 'f e l lik e w henn ooUr offense is clicking, noI orone con stop « S of-32 for 310 AI«tomii. Tlicle 1Tide (2-1), which began the s g o al ti - us but ourselves,”’ saidsa Km c II, who was 28-of-; quarter eomeb;neback victories over VanderlP -. ing ch< a half. yards in just over a hi ■gnmcsinthc Mtomippkcoulcouldn’t hold the lead this time. Alabama, w hichtl hjhas rallied to w in so many go It at homo lo Aricansas 20-19 fl leces kZ< ... ------iftStfcw-years,-lost Bt k l a h o m a 2 4 , S M U 1 0 couldn j down TD pass by BaBany Lunney with six seconds n, James Allen scored two touchd ! ' “It Was our gamcim c to w in, and w e ju st didiHt.lidntdoil, half as Oklahonhoma won de^ite a sloppy offc Alabama coach Genecne Stallings said, ., . Alien scored1 on runs of 7 and J5 yards to hei— IIIIH K.Sl«watt sliding catch in the end zone ler holding a 9-3 halftime lead. JJ. Meadors* slid less than' 0 minute in Valiant'stand by Atlabama’s lat defense, which had s :a49-7haimmelcad. Razorbacks n e a r the goal line three times inn thet closing No. 1 6 \lrgI r g in ia 4 1 , G e o r g ia T e c h seconds. • At CharloUC!3Uesville. Tiki Barber ran for 9 1 ______T r Meadors said, touchdownsDgai^ oga Gwgia Tech’s hi^ly tew . - _ £ “Ik r ie w I h a d to0 d do ( anythingto get open." Me )5 yards and Lunncy "It was just like badcjTutJbac football. I made the catch and carried 17 timeimes aiidVcored'dn nihs o f S. : iroved to 3-1, while Tech droppeduinsas (2- 1) stunned rolled over to see the refs aims go up.” . V ir^nia improv, : season with .fourth- ■ 'I ;rb ilt and Southern S t 77, N. C a ro U n a S tl?1 7 n i i n o i s 9 ., N o . 1 7 A r iz o n a 7 No. 1 Florida S t wign. lincbackcr David James pici At Tulliihassce, WmA'omck Dunn and Andre COopays each scored At Champolgi 737 yaids. N.C. ran 52 yardsI forfo the go-ahead touchdown m thrtetbochdownsandind the Scminoles (3-0) gained 737 :h Dick Toroey hiissed the gamc t ur fumbles in the first half, oacand two more- Aruonnco^E hdowns In the second W Sute:(l-2) lost four: ouchdowns by ofDaiDo'oTetre) tbe Wildcats’ tight end who < rc^ \ -Wo1fp4ck fumbles in the fourth quarter led to touc Tensive performance, :h cniised to its 27th straight At!A « » ,lc C o « Florida SUUe; which c e o i ^ a 4 0 , N e w M e x i c oe lp !! the Sooners (2-0) O^f^rencc victory. At Athens.I, PIPhillip Daniels returoed an inter & M 5 2 , T u ls a 9 a touchdown1 in the first 14 seconds and Mil No^3 Texas A&I id two touchdowns. Georgia (2-1)h 1 4 on. Leeland McElroy scored four^wr touchdowns 270 yards and n 105 yards and four £ At College Station, rr Texas A&M, the first quarterMr iand never was challenged sui porey Pullig com]ompleted hlsTirst U possfs [otT outcd defense. Bod>er & touchdowns. McElroy bod 2SS$ totalto yards — ' ;,-3, to ond 1 yards. ^ - including th n » for tou o t i e D a m e 4 1 , V a n d e r b i IJ^ o n j3 rushes, 128128 onfburcatchesoM41 yardsds (on two kick- N o . 2 4 N o t l » lto I - 2. . ie ABgre8-{2-0)-extendcd the nolilotiori’skm gcst------At-SouthBeiB e n i Notre Dame (2il).8cotcd.i * off returns — as Oie V lalf and Marc Edwards ran for t\ Hone winning streakJc to 28. ^^llsa dropped to 1-2.. . In the first half tt It ailing coach Lou Holtz. Holt won without ai ickcd up a fumble and spinal surgeiy.ly. watched> the game fiom his hoi N i l N o . 7 P e n n S t. 6<6 6 , T e m p le 1 4 In the fourth quarter. . ■unded from a cGnotor i ^ DDavie a ' nui the team in his absencc ■ - At State College,ge. Wally Richardson reboum im off the field on their sbouldeiae to attend the funeral iiiediocre opener andrjd tthrew .for 198 yards sad threeee Itoiichdowns. e n cam ra him < 0 died Sept. 7. eld the Owls (0-3) to minus-10 y Pban Stote (2-0) held 3 h io 30,' N o . 2 5 N o r th w e ii m Hi m fint downs in the firsfm t 26 minutes. Freshman Cum wh^ M iami, O hi 1 S t 1 3 ; ftom defense to nmning b a c t nunuhed for 132 At Evanston.ton. Northwestern blew a 21-poin recendy switched fton ereeption 21 yorils for f f i r B 4 yards and scored threeree touchdowns. nod 1(^ 00 taiodChi Seitz’s 20-yari a ie was stt up when Northwestern4ike Bobo passed for winning score v .1) built a 17-0 lead in — — jtrtssSFiasifo^6^mXoi08ianirt4-I ------■u--.-r,-^gaan!r8athe! n our big s< f Detmer passed for a scbool^ecoi*ord426yanls yardstoNort^ • At Boulder. Koy D« n record o f 418 43 secopds leflleft . . fow touchdowns.■ns. DeUoer,.who broke his own n b U tO d-on cvety.possesjion _ Tennessee to lead latetwo TDs as the Irish Ilpridaa crushes T )1Q, recovering from I PRIZE DRAWING J (2-1 overall, 1-0 Southeast:astefn as the Wolverines impwine. Defensive coor- - " g a i n e s y i l l ^ ifcfenee> limited-Aubum (2.1^.0-1.0-1 ) to- best. atart..#inco^gojice. ond the Irish play- Danny W uerffel thi ynrfs and two field goals. LSU.l.whidi wl Michigan scored on fivr« after the gome...... downs a nd 381 yard lost four straight and five of st:six lo starting with 3:35 left 1 4-yard lasting until Ed Davi PER B0« score as No. 4 Fl turn, scored on Jamie Howard’s 4-; k ^estem 2 8 - itairgKt'points to0 sstun eighth-ranked' •hdown pass' loN Icky'Savoie,'A,'Andre i • Remy Hamilton’s extrs idcs two lickcts to Ihc ifcw. . .with.42 seconds leftlint i f o u r t h V ^ ' Tennessee 62-37 ononSam rday.....- ...... taflmcur’s r 4 1-yord field god,and a safe^ I os time expired. The ccommodations, car rci 0 , 2 -0 in SEC), taking . Boston College is 1-2. 5,nie Gators (3-0,: m Paul Burton (o Ihc stadium . Grand | a,major step towardord their third straight N o .laO. 1 hloStSD , p.-Therbttll rolled-36— N o. 2 0 0 r 8 > » 3 8 ,I Southeastern Conlonfcrencc title and . 1 j 8 W a s h i n g t o n 2 0 Burton recovered with in g holf-timc Monday, I ais. had trailed 30-14 At Pasadena, Tony ' . jbuith in five years, ii Columbus, Eddie George nm forj n i ? yard touchdown pass U u» lfa fte rT ^ * ^ 8 liite in the: first.ball ds and two touchdowns, andi Shifti vrith 1:02 remaining.* foym ohd A ustin1 reireturned a fumble 46 Hoyihjdhg threw a pair o f TD posses. C- 5 - ■ UCLA on the 1-yard li yardsforatouchdovdown. StateGe (2-0) hod been idle for 20 days i J action . " .T e o n e a s e e ( 2 -1-r, i-l)fell apart ■menlnjning whh a SS-e-victoty.over Bo Graziaiil’s TD pass.nproved .1 to 4-0, their lege In the K ick o ff C lassic.. . ^ I t e , sophom oreire Peyton Manning’s Collej down the field, but oK in g 9-O Jn 1986. _ ng. Jay Graham had , Buckc;:kcycs showed they weren’t stall w» tailed o5y«diRveofMposs^oh. . yards , passing, Iding a 23-7 halfU m eiead over IS P e tifr fumbles., and Jeff buddn .aitinKnnout ft in tlK fust half ond two backbreaking • i.\L'Kroi. \ 2 -yard field gofil and kiesd-l). , ivis’ 1-yord run and ' )M.imisscd a 2 2 -y tra point mode Jt 23-6 . ) . I ^ im .tx tn i p ointitW bl ocked, No. lS 3tao«s38, .. 11 M lc h lg a n ^ 2 3 , At Austin, tbe Lonjt in,thc Uiird qu^er...... 5 A u b u r n 6 « to n C o lle g e 1 3 ‘ , with two TDs in the fii . ' ' i i i u i 2 ; N i > .S i ' U Boston.,Tim Siakabutuka msheished 32 took the.lead on a I- iTtoy,TwilK»c«p|)^« . .i, AtBatOT llougb,T H,fbr 117 yards aad a touchdownjwnond ’ Willi8ins.at)d sealed;]>to.l2UCXA31 U ■ 6k«iKhte«Lsu-»* j ^ ’s dd^;l^:fow.ittteiceptcepdoift ^ io tereep tio n rehy in Oraziani threw.o 3-. . it ptu-in.the.end za I to Cristin McLemore . and Oregon s t o j ^ . line bn tbe fmal pby. )) took Ihe lead on .UCLA (2-1) drove .:S ■ . . . IHH Karim Abdul-Jabbar I short o f the end zone

S , P it t s b u r g h 2 7 nghoms rsUied to win .. final 2:14. Texas (2-0) I-yard run by Ricky I the victory with B 45- • im by Jason Reeves. . . . vl - ' ■

X--;. ■ y'--' . ' 0-4 Timoa-Nows. Twinn F«ForfSjdnho^**^ndoy. Soptor>toml»r17. 1995

■ Mesa saves1 1Ms 44th[i for TVibe pwVetMaddilux still mta s t e i ^ U l inn 6-1 win losing strealttreak. The Giants have lost four r • : CLEVELAND (A(AP) ■- Jose rajjF IN C IN N A T l (A P ) - Gr< ftJux p itc h e d se v e n ; shutoiito m L eague - ©flhetrlast;last five.------:...... • .' :Mcsa set a team reco:cord with his P' ' National Li Igs in the roin Saturday for>r hish I ' II I ' .11 ■ Neogle;le (12-7)(I stnick out o corcer-hi^ - :44th SQvc Saturdn>lay, and the . A erS as he improved bis career ; }r league record 17th strolg IQ batters ;Clcveland Indians haihanded Roger "'S'" (M5).UnyW.lker«l.ilso hit a two-run mark ajainst ^ in the Giants to 7-1, which ^ wjn, and the Atlanta Brovt ;Clcmcris his first lo:loss in eight l3K |ij| homer for Colorado, his:s3l6L ' includesI na 4-0^ record this year. Shawn ; ' ^ b « ? ththeCincinnati ^ Reds 6-1. . •stQrJs. beating the! BBoston Red Andre Dawaon andI CCharles Johnson Estes (0-1)3-1) was tho loser in his major : orquis G rissom , D avid Justieisticc hit two-mn homers andd ■Terry Pendleton " Id s^ ekfcbuL-, b u i ■ ' S o x 6-5. : number for • I*’-''’ and RyiR yw Klesko hit solo hom e: runsrtu and Jesus Tavarez hodd isolo home runs Boston’s magic n o s t hle e NL ; Eost champion Brovt■oves for Rorida. clinching the AL EastEi held ot s 7, Expos 4 improveoved the league’s brat r ^ rird d ito Bichene homcred oft ^ R ^ L -■ bbiig Brbcail held four, as the secon*plaiplace Yankees 83-44. (4^). Steve Reed (5-2) s in Baltimore j|j|i|gM il to four hits over 6 2-3 .innfaigs - , defeated the Orioles ir T m^ c e i s also lost shortstop Bon and BmceRufnn gothic m HuntCT knocked in two runs to later in the evening. . in, who wos hit on the left hor o • - lead the: HoiHouston Astros over the Expos , pitch in the sixth inning. TJ M ebl.0,PhilUe9' 8 7-4. A m erican Le - 1 dlo^osls'w os a bfiitse;;' ------...... -NEWrYORK— Garlsrt'Byerfltt^U-a------BrocaiKiliK W M Iow ed threc.hits in tbe'r:r addux (17-2) bccamc the NLMl ' three-run double snd RiceicoBrogm^hit^ ' first two'o InningsIt — including Tony­ 20th home run as the NNew York Mets Tanisco's's sosolo homer then rttired.lO,; 17-^anic winner. He allows ^ Philadelphia for its fourth straight inii row/ beforebel David Segui’s bunt sin- Jim Thome homercdred and Eddie four singles, walked one, Ti Murray matched hiss seasons high gleinthesixeswth. - in and struck out eight in seve n ie Phillies, who startartcd the doy foiir M ike! SimmsSir homered as Houston ; with fpur hits for theth Indians. Igs. He lowered his league-l^cl^ d - gomes behind Los Angeljeles in the wild- took the fitsifirst two gomes ofthe series ond : winners of seven of>f tht e first iR A to!.75. card race, lost fbr the seveventh time in 11 improvedd to 5-3 on the road trip.- games on thcir 11-gaigame homes- addux hos gone 17-0 withith 0 gomes. Carloss PerezPa (10-7) was the loser. tand. They ore 51-17 J a c o b s ERA in 19 rood starts sinelince Lenny Webster ond CharlieCl Hayes hit F ie ld th is year. 2, 1994. Cleveland’s C Ct al solo home runs for the PhPhillies aiKitMnik C a r d i nBals a l 5, Dodgers 4 Mesa worked a scotcoreless ninth ish. Detroit’s Denny McLolIn in Whiten drove in three run p ; 'h Dove Telghcder (I-l7v pitchcd nv, 'ST. LOU.OUIS - Brian /ordon hit two - for his 44th save inn 446 chances, .. Jie Chicago White Sox’s Ric to drive in three rans and Maifc surpassing Doug JoJones' team J, innings and John Francnco gol his 25th “ j * sn shared the previous mark* c save. Tommy Greene (0-(0-5) wns chuscd .Swccnpiito/ drove in the winning run with o rccord o f 43 set in 199(9 9 0 . ^ r a i^ t road wins. during a five-nm second t 1 the bottom o f the ninth os the; ; Clemens (8-5) allowowed six runs ■ 1‘S . Ss SCardinals beat the Los. Angeles - Dodgera 5-4. ' and nine hits in 5 1-3>3 innings,i his LarkiD,kies 8, Marlins 7 Pirates 10, G iants e M innesota ® St. Louisluls had1 blown a 4-0 lead os the . worst outing sincc P . by 0 NVERpil - Dnnte Bichctte hitt hihis PrrrSBURCH - Don i ght runs in 1 Oakland'Id’s Mark McGwire savonors a fat, juicy pitch befc tiSIaught singled Dodgers: tiedtiec the game in the nioth off chosed him with eight initiallomer, d a two*mn shot in the 5e^sev- in two runs in a four-ir-run sixth ond relief ace;e TomTi Henke (1-1), who had 1-3 innings on July 23.23. mlnglht giving up four hits andam one run ninth inrnning and the Seattlee and struck out nine whiI^harlton, who with no wolks nnd onenc strikeout. Marinerss beatI the Chicago Whitee rionc in eight-plus innin{by pitching a The Twins lost theirr fefourth in a Sox 5-3I tot< stoy ahead in the ALL C.J. Nitkowski (0-: • w ild cardd rrace. loser. •S 3 I e'xas Raiigers :luding three :iark, Juan... xon, and left-' rs g ain ed his decision over * > ixth in seven ngers, ^ho W fT hfL lehind Seattle wed six hits HAS; th efPOWEIiRTOO/hile walking ngs. Septitember:23, 19995 '■ 1-3) w as th e TOGSCTTHjEJOBiPO N Starlrting Time 110:00 a.m . [Race Registration: 9:00la.m.-9:45a.m." a. EntryFFee;$15Pre-Registeredoidor $20 on Day of Race ^ F E 55 Eleiectric | T h e F S 336 Trimmei i m Laim i o m m m Rated #I by aa.leading ^ f 0 G r o s s Qm nSORS:...... -...... ||L O N G .SSLEtVE SHlRfsrShShirts will be awarded I . ; consUiner T r i m m ^ p ar Springs Foods • Donnelnelley Sports b all regislistered entrants upon comompletion ofthe race. m a g a z i n e Twin'Falls Grocery OuiDutlet )L “imes-News • Magic Valleyley Distributing PR IZ E S:3: Trophies awarded to> fastestfa! m an & woman fininishers. Additional prizete iiin each age group, ' IE H FpR CASH: $100D casha prize to with separarate divisions for men &,&.v women. ; stmale &' female runner•IbreacH’the’'' to T - MiiiiBossl4?=^ the Blue Lakes Grade {Sp(Sponwredby RON: CX)verall \Mnners, Male &r FemaleFe DayofRi ■alls Grocery Outlet), 13-18 19-24 25-29 30-34 3( ifop iM 3E35-39 40-49 50-59 60&OVER 6( a IngrTopofMordiRim •. O v ^ l Winners, Male & FemaleI Prizes for ^ i lrrans IV'will transport to BLBLCC... top 5 m en & top 5 womernen walkers. THE BOSS i: IE 55 Electric Blow ...... - ISPOMi jHSS” >5 / ^ Clear; S T I H L 0 2 ^ F a I."/ ...... D E T A C H H I B R M ...... p 5 TheTim 1 OAL ENTRY FORM _ ■ a c ; ' D A S H V the'fii^'r 3 R E S S ______c r r y _ ^ ■ S T ^ T E 2_ _ Z i p _____ h _JL. to p o f thi 9 ,9 S ' Twin Fal Knowledgeablele Sales People • frFree Assembf/ * Facfccfory Trainee/ Technid {IE P H O N E ______J____ BUS.PHONE.; . A G E ___ an Depend On - V : - . r . Full StStock of Repair Part:irfs • Service You Can Parking RTSIZE: SM MED■D LG XLG (CIRCt:l e o i ^ ) BuHwy 'T wW Ii in Fotif Tra . S a w t o o t h W o od d Products I Pit Stop>p ^ J && J Enterprises VALKER_ Highw ay ' 2 4 0 1 O vciv crian d 170.7 0 4 Additoh A vsnue Ea»t wer jjHHXOSED IS MY ENTIT R V F E E O F $ _____ R U N N E R _ W A V, . 788-4705 678-8191►1 733-3^-2001 _ . ^ V E R : I, h e re b y f o r m y se lf, m y h e ire , exciceditors and adm inisnistrators, w aive , :V‘ b u W '■■■ O o o d i n10 g ■ WeiVendsll release a n y a n d a ll ri]r i ^ t s a n d c la im s f o»r r d a ^ g e s I m a y iaye a ^ i n s t the : W eitam Auto Asabsoc T&LPol*ower Equipment Buniiinn's True V alue Hard o f F i a Race/ for any and allail injuries I m ay *' 11029 Main 167Sot;ththMaIn Routo u t. 2, Box 181 . S . A iP /, n a mnizers.and i sponsors's' co f t h e R im to R im R - 5 4 M 8 1 2 , : 9344162,2 ' 536-3 6 ^ 4 5 8 .: ;r i n c o n n e c tio n w ithth m y participation ifih this event..' P A D O . I ------_prte«»Showown A r* Sugg«sl«d^onufcufaehtrar Priest Rstctsfflil Pric«» May Vary, . -E:- — ------SIGNATURE! . 'd a n s H O Mrase I return entries to: Doryohnelley Sports • 1612mnd Avie. North • Tw in FaiFalls, IdahgS3301:.

B s m HV S H IR l ■ ■ i . ' ’ ' r •* J ENCL(

.WAIV] rd w a re a n d rel o r g a n i s u ff e r :

DATE: -r~ rM V - •- ' ■ . 5


------^ _ : J 5:5 ::“ • ■■ IW o n .1 p h i l a t i oj n SCc a r e Thee fight - eiiif . I • to k(teep ■ s expecting5 . rising price:es realize nmeager retu j! -^ 4 ^ tr;; .Hie AAsodai^ P r^ dSbaslng the currcncy by C afloat more dollara^odo! c o v e r its debts, I RBriinM [■ ’ N E W Y O R K —“- The f 1990s, like the I■ . Accorcordingly, investors wanted I 1980s before them,. arcat tuming out to be I s thottl would hold their valu,tV r Pride-- a s m u c h as m o n e y | 6 ur£ :S U pVoT M ' '! . hard limes for fans. of infiatlon-hedge in- < . . creasinging in price as the purchasin failing contruction freinldaon* vesunents,.. % c o f a dolldollar declined. O ne study il Catrsory Indw We*li "as - While stocks, bondiinds and mutual funds this poir)oint'by showing lhat the pricepi o f a g ia n t ancmother chance ore booming, the p«fc^orm ance of these al- ,• I yjKi'iStfiitiaiBM (roy ounounce of gold Kept pretty goodgc pace tematives —r'Ringinglg ffro m gold and isilver ' NYSE 128.97 ♦:♦2.39 *26.31 wilh ihe Ihe price tflg on a good-qualtaliiy busi- Tbe AssociatedIted Press ...... to real estate and colleollectibles — h'as been ASE/OTC 142.35 ♦37.03 ness suitsuit, through all th e ups nnd1 ddow ns o f i P l spotty at best. ; Equity Funds 124.35 * *19.78 the const)nsumcr price index, BO ISE —- Super Si salesman Steve Jvliller .. ■ KRT tntvipMnmUI. TRAIrftAP Considering for.hoihow many years now | nrt'.tf.MiU.TTPW . Well,til, U ncle S am h as-consistcicmly hin “Imos' inio i"" 0 chollenge he couldn’t they have been chalkalking up disappoinf- TaxabI* 112.22 M+0.59 ♦11.98 budget:t ddeficits ever since then. YetY inlln- ovcreomc. . m cnts, it’s no w o n der ifi their boosters’ pa- ,. ■Mimiapa). ■ 113.55 *0,70 H *11.19 lion hoslos subsided dramatically, uiunder the But by orI eyelash.ey, Miller managed lo ar- tience is starting to run■un oul. BbftdFunda 111.42 ♦0.60 ♦( ■ ♦10.36 pressurejrc o f a co m bination o f forccxcs in the ™"8c enoughh bankbi financing to keep Morri- Through the first seseven, months of this _ cconomyimy, the bond m arket and thithe mone- Knudscnn Corp. C going, ending at least ■sESSHHIHBHMQ ycor, for instance, mutilutual funds lhat inv«t ■ olicies o f th e F ederal -Reserveve Board. possibility that the 83-year-old Ifly in CDS 103.94 To,ro “-ypoi't iny would go down the drain, [ S g itl precious m etals stocilocks struggled to a to- ^ 5 key development was a ch tal return of 4.64 perpercent, according to Money Founds 102.10 ■•.(1.06 • 2 .B7 . One kl though, it was pride, not dol- st rates, which rose through S t e i " Iped the one-time construction ' Mbmingstar Inc. in ChiChicago. 1 , ■ M m i H M ayed rcIaSvely low in eompo iness . That represented lessless- than one-eighth o f ._R _ eol^8tnto 111.61____ *C „JMHai . the gains racked up> b:by technology stock Gold - 106.27 -K recent shareholders meeting, W ill”th 1the arrival o f the ‘80s, liller admilted tliat M K was on ftinds, which retu rn edd 3 9.73 percent, . . MONBYf•Y magniino vto AP . mtes beganbcg a long-term decline,‘■ b Jr:"' ChtranM S, :sman ^etstalk the brink o f filirfiling for bankruptcy protection Autosalesi O v erth e first h a lf oofi f th e '90s, reports the , relatively'cly high in comparison to inf investment firm o f Ss > as he worked wiih creditors lo ■ Salomon Bros. Inc.. rotiitionale for investing in pnprecious metals ..jjjjjlis setg o f co n d itio n s is lailor-nS ° r„, several times «s . oh his ‘sueiccess’ book : ach produced average or :ing-, stocks and bonds, each r la n d o r a n tiq u e s o r bo:baseball cards stocks,i, bondsbi nnd even short-lerm•m moncv annual retupis o f beltc Miller, who10 helpedh pull Chrysler from a' TWINFALLS-S - Jo n McCorrhiek,' sales eiter than 11 perccnt, seecemed to b e firm ly establish!ished. morket!t investments,” ii says Gary 5 ncial precipice over a decade m anager o f Gaxy’sy’s Westland Motors, will while housing retumcm ed 2.5 pcrcent and The1 U.S. government, likeke 0 lot of other {,erg sei Hi 1 .irtu senior economist at Well:lls Fargo was ready to give up, feeling it talk about his ne\new book, “Automobile • gold ].l percent.' gq\ovemments past and presentent. was demon- in-San-Eranctscuj in s ______^ _ ------Safcs-MnnaBefsCs ‘Corapleie”S u tfctss'F o r-— ^------A-ftJ‘rth 'e --1 9 7 0 itrw, w h e n m fT ution'fr'e- stnitrailng consistently inal itIt v w as una&le to was'im pdssiblcjIc tbt save the company, mula,” Wednesdayjay at Barnes A j^oble at quently hit double-dlgidigit annual rates, the llvive within its fiscal mean;ans, and would P le a s e s e e iNVE^EST/E3 Bul he saidd PresidentPi Robert Tinstman, a the'M agic V alleyjrM N all. - company veterareran o f many years, lold him to M cC orm ick w/ill ill be on hand from 8 to 9 keep try in g bccause be< MK was loo fine a p.m. Signed copiepies of hislbook will be- company to goJO uunder. ayiilablfc- r,. He did, eventk'cntually arranging financing ■ lhat gives IK MK u chance to make money idahp'Power(:r Cd. d«teres ! over tite next 18 months. That's somethlething MK didn't do much of j di^dends onn sstock options egime of ous'ted' Choirman BOISE - Idaho:hO'Powef Co.’s directors e. Miller lold shareholders the > . have declared dividiyidcnds'on several stock- loss in 1994_and $60 million ^ holder opiions: lalf of 1995 essentially wiped I -Dividends'payab:/able to hold ^ of record any’s net worth, • at'thc close' of businessbu: on Oct. 25 In- cally a major player in Idaho’s elude: hos only a'friiction of the cm-, A common stock3ck dividend of S.465 per he rapidly growing technology share payable N ov.3v. 20. 0 . But it hos been in business A dividerid o fr?.68 7. percent serial pre- id. prior to Agee, had o world- . ; fcrrcd stock, first>t sseries, $100 par value, on as a constmction and engi- orSI.92persharep•e p ayable Nov. 15. r. A dividend onI 8.:8.375 perccnt serial pre* ;putation, ond the employees ferred stock, wiiwithout par volue, of I Agee, thul will save MK if it $2.09375 per,share;tfc p ayable N ov. 20. A diyidei^d on1.7.07 7. perccnt scrial jirc-' I it seemed bankruptcy reorgo- ferred'stock, wilwithout par value, of. > inevitable. Miller resisted, $1.76750 per'sharcire' Ipayable N ov. 20. ould,be fatal in an industry •- A lso , a quartCTly,riy iltvidend on 4 perccnt Ition and experience arc ex- ' '• preferTea^stock'of,,of .Sl per share payable ‘ rtont. ■ ■■“ ; • N ov. 1. to n io ld m5 oio f record at the close o f Itle cash even afier A gee sold business on O c t 16. ' its assets. It doesn't even own mplex liiai serves as its head- , Chiropractor4>r O p e n s p r a c t i c e re won't chonge rapidly, and in Glenns Fen»rry ofiice o f a .stock offering next year lo GLENNS FERR^Jiy,-Chiropractor Mark, illion lo $150 million to lake ' Redwine has startedled seeing patients at his ‘the many "opportunilies” in new o ffice inside! ththe Desert Sky Empori- on business. _ -u m . ------' — slders complained that will di- ' R e d w in e , w h o> alalso'.procticcs at Blue : of their slock, which already ' Lakes Chiroprac- ' record lows because o fth e sea tics in .Twin Falls, B.J.'Adams said hisIs FPhoenix Biologicai Disilslnfectant System sayslys his invention kills all bugs and germ s cheai William Agee.cc created. ^ The stock and w ar­ k • says that he saw a $350 milliones los demanded for extending fi- a m (c 4 ls >eraturia. \ need for a chiro- ' without adding chemi or changing watiIter chemistry or temper in the firsl halfvlK will also further dilute M praetor in the ouitliecompanyivcstments. H Glenns Ferry M K isn’t rcall;owlcdged tliul, bul mainuiined K j — arca.- economy. It dies hos anyway whhout operating— . ~ . He began prac- Spoksane ihsaiireac dy to cdean u] ployccs that the i ticlng just over companies do.do E what wc had to do to sur-. ^ -one y e a r "ago. He . since 1912 ond. 1 » studied at the wide rcpuuitionnings ; con be stufTy affairs, but 9 Polnier College of with Ywater {purificination cdevice ncering leodcr.idscn’s wus anything but. The ■^ Chiropractic and It's lhat rcputard o f dircciors came in for its Redwine . served an Iniern- 'H iq howw could you?’.’. • As a microbiologist,mic Kellogg knowi who survivedism Aj for standing idly by while . -„ship ih.Missoula,...... -V • ...... — - BuSut the* undiscouraged Adardams keeps on substanccsCCS are becom ing a growing th compony into the ground, but ' ■■ M ont., before m ovinving to T w in Falls. SPOKANE — The horciard est port for inven- tinkekering w ith his invcnllon, theIhe Phoenix B i- w ater quol[uolicy around th e w orld. So :ted at Miller ond Tinstman. ^ Redwini plans> includeir working with tor B.J. Adoms Is gettin:ting people p a st the ologiigical O isinfcclant System. Adam.s claimed cln he could knock the nizaiion was’t in^ofien .mentioned by name, local businesses andmd medicol teams to es- “ that’s Impossible” stage.se. , “TT h is is w hat invention is — doing w h at cosily. KellCcllogg was curious, fiolder asked what steps were tablish a “health conscious”coi community, where reputatio .The 45-year-oId Spokarkane man says h e has peopjple say is impossible.” guiguid the q u ie t He threwrew the sam ples into a lank of o make sure another ‘‘super , providing nutritiorionai and whole-body tremely'importan created a purifying ^'sterstem that could rcvo- Adaram s, whose only collegc dcgiIcgrec is from a then woifcclilcd as the liquid entered the ry to ruin the company again. j health guidance lo} Iolocal rcjsidcnts. He.al^o MK has little lutionizc the way peoplele w ear electronics progrom..______^ ___ pn.nipw.sclscl of tubes: boxes and wire ibly was oworc of the share- ! -----1:------will-offer-^clusscs -on-^stress-rcdujjion.ond—-on - o ff many o f Its s ■ ■ " te rr wA'hal i keeps him going are: tctests show ing Adom s hashns assem bled in a north Sp Jlness'aLs'MKToundcred, And bock' injury prcventlcntlon. the Boise compl , At a time when ruralll areas,a Third W orld ihnt 1 ; comments of workshop.')p.' lany’s annual meetings away Desert Sl^ Chiropropractic business hours t the system works; plus c( nations and many largee ccities ore desperate pcop c ll-foot-long Severalral scconds later, what can ince 1991, in places as far __ are 3 to 7 p.m. Monlonday, Wednesday and )plo w ho’ve exam ined the 1 for cleaner water, Adamlams’ claims should dcvic proved to beb “clcancr than top water, n and Hawaii. V . Friday. Appointmeiments can be made by Miller talked lightedofa to be holding our an- m ake him a busy m an. Billiiirlier this summer, Univcreisreity o f Idaho logg said,d. ; - c allin g the emporiumium a t 366-2770 or Red- raise $100 millicagoin in Boise, our world . Instead, he has had thehe following comtcr- Assissistant Professor Scolt Kelloflogg agreed to Kellogg)gg went away convinccc ' w ine’s hom e at 736»{16-8018. advantage o f' the Miller told shareholders. “I sation many times: • - cxomimine it. bringing along “ihele nastiestr stufT A dam s’ in’ invention c o u ld help milli< the constructionider b happier cireumswnccs.” ; • ‘‘W e’ve created a newV systems; that kills all 1 coul)Uld find,” he soid. people. Bul shareholdeIgwigs usually try 10 keep dis- Closing week: potatop piices bugs and germs in water,ter, chcoply, without Inn Kellogg's containers were:re sam ples o f u miglii;)U aid cities, high-tech elect lute the valued.mum. of Bul Miller said the V include Twin F.Falls, Burley . adding chemicals and withvithout cmmging wa- - the most n noxious organisms; fcfound in bad firms, dcvcopc Navigator. lOOs 2 2 .0 0 -2 4 .0 0I. , mostly n 22:00-23.00; 3 ■ o y them, then pay. a feefet to register i f they puSc . Here’s what to look for 10-12 oiince minimumum 23.00-25.00. few | decide lo use themregulSu/flriy.; • - servirvice provider. I-COMMilM (W indow s)— From instSo when little wns directedIP) You may find that the least .. ‘ . h ig h er and low er; U.!U.S; 2 50 lb sacks, petf ast expensive tion to dialJialing-to getting around onhem out Agee w asn’tOFF’S 0 INTERNET CON-. but one sharehold . hundredwei^t, 6 ourounce minimum 14.00^ ‘ ..B y Noah Matthews fulliII access is a shell accountI thatth Pi^ v id e s N gu it’s a nmarvel o f sim plicity. lts.m< A list of interesting Intcr- ittally unlimited time on thehe Internet so oreattroctlvi , some 15.00. ’ ■ • ; u r K n i^l-R idder N ew s SeiServicc .virtii rtivc, and the sharew are evaluiof water with descriptions. Cot^edftomm astaff^ iv ire repartT" longlg .as you downlootl-files anand informa- 'version is exactlye the sam e as the helonfe,rc ego” doesn't tiy tc : Archie. Veronica.I. GC o p h er. T rum pet. • tipn^i^to your ow n h ^ ^ye,anmpati- e d u catio n al a n d m merica (N16I2B4.ZIP) ly find ROADM AP — A )0 . All temei. You can reac : Win- any word processor. der Netsca( istalla- (R0ADMAP9.ZIP) on the SCOTT YANOFf menus n ECTIONS — A 11 luanon . net sites wi reg's- • (YAN0895.ZIP) sy®" SELECTED BBS ccond, J. JJ ^omm j j g j s o n , :r sec- gountry. And on the - them and download without paying lot S ^ ^ T ; - (SBI0895.ZiP) , free to • P le a s e se i I ■

E-2 Tim os-N ow s,, TwinTv Foils, Idoho jS undoy. SoSoptomt)or17.199S Monei C" »Y . . ''A * r IniiS r-reaehT llnteel to ermploy^,o(Hr < einto''iwnfdfi ccord on ■ i ■ ■■■ S i DU PONT,..Wash. W (AP) — Con- P I ‘Ifaa Httlele larger '^1 struction shoul}uld begin late next month on Intel:1 Corp.’sC new manu- . - • •• :V than expaci c t e d l o r design 1 ofllcc complex that facturing a n d of th e flrM Jml i m p o u t -NEWIEW YORK (AP) — The^ilec- . will eventuallyy employci 10 times the . lics industry Fridayagreed to,a population o f thi:this sm^l town south o f t h e bbox>’ ttonics ^ comiDDiraoh desi^ for the next gener- o fT acom a. in o f compact discsreliminoting- nia Clara, Calif., for- ...... — W illS honkikelrm ayor— --ation o Intel, o f Santa risk that consumers might buy a mally announcmced the Ipng-dis- ' - - ''iv il - .: b f ,D u P o° i n t . W a s h . duct that becomes obsolete the cusscd projcctt on oi Friday, saying it / Betamax videocassettc.. plans to spendJS50 S: million to SlOO HH g k OIL for the firsl jump» cout the box,” orders did in thh 1980s. : plant’s first phase, miilion-on the plc Mayor Witl Shenkelcel said . “ I was •fie.new CD w ill be the same f^orward to working, "W q lo o k for hoping w c m ight .gel5et three or four -j-,.'e' as the dnc now commonly jle of Washington to with the people small em ployers first.LTKlswillbc. d in stereos and personal com- m ake this n ewM ssite a reality," said 'it big change." • Craig Barrett, Ir srs. Some employees willw be relocat- lut it will hold about eight limes president and ch ief operating ofTl- F ed from other Intelel sites but the re data, , m eaning a full-length port of ihe communi- cer. “The suppor vast majority of th vie or all nine Beethoven sym- ty, the governor,lor, state officials, lo­ work force will be I mies could fit o n o ne disc. nd all the olher parties s s .cal officials and t Rabura said. Tie agreem ent marics one o f the endous so far." {has been trcmcnd Tbe first jobs willn Ibt In a fnctoiy fc*' timestte that a standard has .been I Gov. Mike LowryL< relumed the making boxes that hhold micropro- setTorfor an electronics product be- compliment. cessing cbips.for shiflipment to com- fyrg; it even < r ra c h e d cusiomers. The th;: jobs o f the 2 1 st “T h ese a rc th| puter companies, she:>6 said. sametl:ic thing h ap p en ed w ith the ong- ccntury,” he saicsaid. "This is a high- bs expected by . inal compactcoi ciisc in the 1980s, ai­ wage, environnmmentally sensitive O f th e 6 ,000 jo b s 2000, 70 percent willill bc m research lo wring'CDs in j to siirpass vinyl company — justjust ihe kind of busi- ' and development anmd administra- recordiords quickly as the preferred ness w c w ant in thist state." . tion, paying S2S,00(lOO to $60,000, formalnat for recorded music, If all permitsits arc in place. Intel — and. the-rest, Jn-tha-pl said Jt plans to ^ bbreak ground ol the supervisor Fred Foremat $15,000 to $18,000)0 a year, Intel. . togetheether with a' great produci, the 192-acrc site in the Weyerhaeuser WIIVlll S h e n k e l, rig h t, m ayor'or of DuPont, Wash., tell>IIs city maintenance su ' ' vice president KeithI Thoi^n7 said. consun:sumer epibraced it,” said War- est Landing develop- |gft Co.’s Northwest aft, ar)d F lro C h ief Lee ChiChase Thursday that Inteitel h a s chosen their Tacfacoma-area tovm to le. th e first'n ew ^ LLiebcrfarb, i e l president of Warner 31. A manufacturing i.,,, The plant will be. m ent b y O cl. 31 lulld its multI*million>dollEollar plant a n d office con>mplex. tales for Intel in ' Homeme Video Inc., one of many plant and officece building with 450 site in u e U nited Siai mag- 10 years. It also hass plants| in Ore- compaapanies that plans to have • to 500 workersers would open by Hovloward High said. W ash., w ho represesents the district. said PaPat Rabum, Intel's site mana, ng to gon, California, Neuew Mcxico and movic!vies on the new CDs by the June, and 1,20000 people are expect- inIn five years, the complexc is ex- T h e decision ;o co m es 13 m onths er. 'We believe with us coming mces Arizona. • 1996h(6 holiday seaso n . ed to bc workin{cing there by the end peelccted to employ 6,000 peojleople, after representative;b'cs o f the w orid’s the Pa(Pacific Northwest, it enhanc [.think we’re on the same path- Inrgest largest comnuter-clichip manufacturer ■ the regregion’s emergence as a higlligh- Du Pont, once a DuPont Co. "I-thi ______of_19P6_Eay_for.for_thc.jobsjsxxp£Ct__wiii(-iiich_w,QuldjnakcJtJhcJ(irf ;-powdeHactory------way-ho;.hcrc-!i------rivate em ployer in Pierce Counounty. inquired about fmBid in g a site in tHe tech leader."let ^ Uiwii btnlt~around*8'-p c d to ra n g e: fifro h i S 1 5 ,0 0 0 to pHvi ort Lewis, was Moreloreover, the new CDs may fur- S60,000 a year.r. ““Intel I will provide wcll-poypaying state. Talks wilh states and couniy Ofllcfllcials in the town, which1 hhas for neighboring For } close to Intel’s ther' reducered the differences between construction phase jobs)bs to Puget Sound residents:nls bn officials began fourur m onths ago. fewer:r Ihani 600 residents, recententiy chosen because it is c A sccond coi Ore., and Seat- machm:hines that play them. would add two'0 morci of!ice build-- intollo the next century, and they:y ccon- “It’s been a fantaitastic effort b y a l ! ' adopie3 ied a comprehensive growowth plant in Hillsboro, O itional. Airport, ings and anothe-ther plant, with the tnbtibulc to the long-needed divenversifi- th e p e o p le w e’ve/e b e e n w o rk in g plan thithat set a target o f about 6,0(3,000 tIe-Tacoma Intemati region's quality rS S S cosl estimatedd ii in the "m ulti-hun- cati«ation of Pierce County’s ccono-cco w ith, starting with1 thi e Slate, county, new joijobs by 2012. Thomson said. The re role, he said. . ' drids of millionsans," Intel spokesman my,’ly," said U .S. Rep. R andy Tale,'ale, R- city o f Du Pont a‘n(fnd th e governor," "It’sl.’s a little larger than expectjscted o f life also playecl a rc

"Aspen Consulting Grvup Stockks, defyiing histoory, so faar remalin buoy^antmto9 fall ^hasas saved m e time and For 10 F e d e r l ^Reserve thithe room - —some mohohey w ith worker's N EW Y O R K (AP;AP) — So much for i—— -— i' pheneinomenon will persist for V nthm; Dally Dow Jon— lo—« .....said.a mandate —- to1 lower rates at corttiympensation . Issu es as____ the September, SIiSlump theory. In--' ■ aaJ ,> I <<826- years.’r s ." ------ivestors-are buying s'tocksks be-, .itsnext policy meetwting on Sept 26, w ellell . as iridny otlier vestors who bet on the historical dip I I - ■ I - , - e « . l»v< se, at least for now, they offer a to stimulate the ccoronomy. empinployee/employer related ' in stocks this m oqthqth have been disap- R ofli H i B er return than bonds. “Tliferesre are , g u t on Friday, theiie central bank re- maWatters." jx)inted. M ark McAlister Despite longstancanding worries lhat ' *4 7 9 7 . 5 7 c:------— :z— ^4300 no se(seemingly attraclivc altertem a- ported surprising grgrowth in induslri- ♦96.B5 '■ ■ s,” said Eric Miller, chief straie-sir ai production and a D.D.S..M.S. ' . stocks arc getting.ng.ahead of them- • ' — • selves, the market:l remainsr robusl. It , V • • gist at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jpwptire^e . »ng plants ran at a 84.3 percent of T h e B race Place tor Ihe week l -3950 Securii is only two weeksa iiinlo fall, and ana- c« urities. capacity last nfontlnth, a 0.6 perdent Idaho Falls, Idaho lysts note that condindiiions sometimes ______L -3 7 7 6 Whi/hile the prospect for inteiiterest jump from July. InvestorsIi feared changc abruptly,ly. But for now, aAll-iimchigh: iS in coming';weeks isn’t cliclear, those signs, of strenjjngth m ay discour- it analysts.dp.not expcct then thoughts of a setbacback have evaporat- _ 4,801.80 ----'----'---- S o s t i len i to age an easing, and1 Ibonds and stocks Seplemhtr 14. I99S^qI ^ ^ ,/1/g higher any. time soon to g cd like frost frorrom a Halloween 1/1/94 4/1/95 7/1/95 • 10/1/95 go hi{ J B»vc; fell M a resu lt pumpkin. I slocks:ks a run for their m oni^. . , That didn’t fazeze John Cleland, conomic data releasecl this ; “I think the markarket overall is in a • Ecoi chirfihvestment strilnitegist at Securi- lot better shape thantht the boo-bears 26 years.yc September is the wowor.st ’‘Sixtynsight billiclion dollars on av- week:k sent mfated signals onn tht»:j,|yt Bincfit Groupp of Companies, leaded into mutual ' point. -, want you to thinkink," said William monltnth fbr the O ow and the Standiand^r > oBgc a month is he I t - ,, • ;j , ‘v »n tb p e k a , ’idm K ., >vho c a lle d ' D o d g e,'a m ark ett stsiratcgtst at Dean & PocPoor’s 500. •ftmds (from) the retctail public, for re- InfliiflaUop.at the m aoufacm ring“8 iaod ^ :cun«rfinaricet com>nditions “the best ProProlcMloiul Employcn Dringln^ ■ - I ’s ar* . lircnicnt investing; \with a long-term consusumer-lAyel.was found to Bis BaxlBfass W itter R eynolds IncInc. . For■or many investors, autumn’s , • ofall wprids. It jusiiSt doesn't.get any ioUuilnoM Not So Big The Dow Jones» iiindustrial average rivalll alsoc arouses memories o f BliBlack , mvcstment horizoi:on,’’ Dodge said, quitete mi odm te. Retail .sales‘ w i;bettar,forthc ownerers o f financial asr . |_____c; sel record closingIg ihighs three tim es M ondmday on Oct. 19, 1987, whenlen the '■ "That-means that •everyc’ monlh, $68 soft,, newn claiins'fbr iinemplpyn'y™“ ‘ B e ts 'tr i g e : o f r 'W - , - ; ' this past week.. O0 n Thursdoy> it D ow w average i plunged m ore than'Jan 500 billion is b id and noijothing offered." grew,w, and an important gauge iignifl-' ' cracked.4.800 forr ththe first lime, clos- pointsnts. , . ■ A huge flock ofr EBaby Booiner in- consursumer senlihient droppM sig r ing at a record 4,8C1,801.80. Even after B)ut ut hisiory is a partial guidelide at vestors arc only be{teginning to invest contly.Ily. n g the I giving back 4.23 popoints on Friday to, best.t. A- number of current trendsnds in for retirement,'Dolodge said. “This Alfi.11 of that was seen as giving closc at 4,797.57,, it Slill added 96.85 the mm a rk e t a re su p p o rtin g stocllocks, ' points for the weekx k and is up 4 per- T h e: mn: ost im portant factor in thelecur- c ccnt for September.cr. re nt t market, n analysts said, rema;mains Neuw Federal anmdldaho Despite the stron{ong showing, histo- the hugehi amounts of investmctm cnl ry is on tiic side of the “boo-bears," moncjney that keep pouriog intoI stockstc ^ according to rcseiisearch by Jeremy funds.ds. , ^ T W I N ' F A L l Satate Tax-Free’£ Bonds S ieg el, a fin a n c:e e iprofessor at the » ■ '■ nn^lvania's Whar- Pv___ AREA University o f Penns $3,820,000* tonSchbolofBusifitsifiess." ...... « CSee p ffie ' ~ — ^ ■■ ■ ^ Since 1890, Siege;gel writM, the Dow J j g iRTG A G E R1 A T E ^ ^ City o f Tw in Falls,'Is, I d ^ o ; iverage has fallen an ' KPerfs ^ af V 'S Jones industrial aver Sewer Revenue Certif’^ficaies o f ' ' average of 1.177 ]pcrccnt during nake River ft ■ . 5 September, the wors'orst showing o f any ' G la i LemUr 1SOyrFixed ISjrFlad Participation, Seriesries 1 9 9 5 V . month. Since 1970,^0, September’s loss phone ARate+Pointa RaU*Poit^■ 'VaHatUmt B H Issu e d Pj ^ r s u a n t to a n I n s tatallment l Purchase has averaged 1.466 pcrcent,p followed H i by O ctober, d ow n10.42 0. perccnt. , MM ISP FintSccuri^ . 7.75+0 7.25+0 '' * «FHA,VA,lHA.ConTeQtioDa], H ■ a n i l Trusits tA g n e m e n t w i th FFirst ir Security .Bank J ...... Yale Hirschrmitlauthor oflhe-1995 ~ B H f l ...... Bank'...... " " o r ” :o r------'*'ARMs,Vimlio»,'CsDitn>ction,-i -- H -ofldahoTl^Jir/asIis Trustee - ...... ' ^ S tock T rad er’s AimVimanac, notes that I I 736-1400 7.6+I 7+1 1Manuloe(undboQBag.Dirtct ' f l the Dow average,e li has risen du rin g 2D5 ^ M a in A v * . E a s t j I M d n F « n » - ^ 9 ^ ^ (endonemratlender.Local in-. H September only 5 timt es in the p ast 7 3 3 -9, 3 1 6 . Ihouse undenrritiag. Fast Trade B B • These seapurities are expectcd to be avaavailable th e w eek o f dosjofoannreotioul loans- ■ Sepcembeiw 20. 1995. 6 dajv or lea. 3&4ajr pricing f l I |fl I • iniheopiipinion o fb o n d counsel, undeinder present l^w s, interest ' H — ;• ------fro n n h ettMiTWrtificates irexcm prlromom'fixleTal'and'Iciaho'State - ^ " H | incom ctaxes. ta; L ^S^rnParmB. HtuDC Federal 7.75+0 7i5+0 , '•Express apjwal on FHA, VA, I 1 Family ot Insurance Con. Savings & Loan or or IHA, ) conrentional, ARM's, & . ■H • Interestis is noc su b je a to th e idtemativiative minimum tax. j jf W estern Farm Burez 734-7264 ■ 7.5+.S75 7+.76 (CoDitniction loans. Mamifac- flH ■' Preliminailaiy OfTicial S u tem en t availabilable on request. . Ufe Insurance Comp< . ■ IturedboiM&reltnaoceL'•' I Farm Bureau Mu1u< . ■ CtmtftH ( Hnwn, P^nif ■ -l*he Ccnilrtificaxes are payable from Insc[nstallmcnt P urchase ftiy- . Insurance Company of l I ISmazalorDaridManliforiiut I m en u maesenve.^. 9 H rion CO nunake th e Installm ent Purchaselase Payments hereunder • 788-3529 733-7212 rwcliy coUcoion cr just the diamcnd H .i^aspecialial obligation {»yable solelyy fromfn revenues o f the -J-7.7S+0— ------7.376*0-— -«M»mifnrtnTwlhnminyiipedMl. Bj I a pfficSil aracJc' flc ^ ’tolrtsuieir^ ------MfiUoD Mortgage-— - ^ sew er^stem c ofThrClqrand'doesjiornorconnitute'a'genci^ ~ ' "i" ring t l « s c ^ youriTcngngi3™mt,^pf615^ Ol 7334)102 or or ii5ta, extended iotatttrala locks I ★ obligationm of the Q iy payable fromn anyan tax levy o r a ny ■ ★ ★ ^ 8(XW66-I439 - 7J76+1.6 6.875+1.25 to I 270^]rf, Doncherrevei«nues. ^ state-on valuableiblcs lib jewelry, even silverware., TheTl fl o ^ is i ^ l y an endoseincntvnt downI fixed or miable rates. I onduipoliq^cy.' • - Nowa»stloansft24hrlstpri 1 .H I - .ThUiindleither an o R u to sell n o r aa solicitationsol o f an offer to' ------*------tc------^ -~ ~blU UitrHJillOtal --T-— buyanyol'o F th ttf 7*^^ ofiVrirSiring n f o f iif ides IS _ . ._ ” Your insurance ogcr3gcni will need to see either a salessali receipt or a current apprajsal.H " H m adeoi^yily by m eans o f th e Prelim inarinary. Offidal Statement onies pay cash, others replace the Discuss the termsccm of coverage; some compani West One B u* • 7.5+1.6 7+1.625 •FHA,VA,IHA,Conw>tional, I ' . i n such juiiurisdiraons as they m ay legal!rgally be offered b y the lost item. Idaho o r_ - • or- ARMs,Jombo's,MsnnlsctaiedI H ■ '. undMigni^ c d . ■ " ------* ______~Housii«,C«ostnictioal4Rn*;- - I , —7.fl25'f;875-^7:125tl;125~l ■— ^------*—— i S T — In addition tobuyiniying insurance, a smart jewelryry cowner will take steps to protcct • :...... - --' ] OincteodonetDentUnSerwrit- I ■ .'> - *Sob}t« w ehtnje tf>d m lU the treasures. Chcclleck clasps and safety chains perperiodically, and sec stonersas ■ ■ iing CoaUei Brenda Eolffle* or ■ id don’t pack jewelry in a suitcase.ase. Rita Ltwis for last, profesaioaal ■ arc securc. Make sureiure rings don't flc loosc!y.-And d 1 J ea n £ . H a nISON so i ■ * “ * soriee.t H . Invcjtniw t Eateeuttvutive The best placce forfo valuable jewelry, w hen it’st’s not1 being wom, b a sturdy, fireproof safe, at hom e or at 1the bank. TbpartiapaU inn i(hit colunui, call (303) 77B-06■0663, Infbrmlion it current I y j ^nd Strtet North, Suite'tCyTwinFalis C • ★ ★ ' ★ aadfS«pUmb«r7il\Ratesi poinii', and prqfrsm*teehhollbeguarantted. a * . i - f l Isyourjewclrysal! safe and protected with insurarirance? We’ll show you how at 1 , 2oS 7$6ri57$4. 1 8 ooo^s4-pSo2 f. . POINTS m auDoEDiscdimmfdrfti i T.TtiBOiaGmTlONgES ; ■ W estern Faim Bureau jNBMIDPlimaPptST, Bl ■'M »■ 'V •' » ISNORMALLYOh , < ' Ufe Insurance Company' ' QVOTSDAREFOlm eo-atYtodks t t w i s'SOTiSRWjSBNOliD: s ( " M i,F!arm B ureauJ Farm Bureau Mutual aeriism^/brcrtditbad^ntdMd l^jiarasnvki^ In surance Company ol Idaho . ThiMitnoianadvei . • Family o f Insutsuranco CompaniBS •- n ^ i o n Z : : -^-TWINFALLS HAILEY/BELLBVIJVUE -.^.GOODING-' ...... “ 2oan''■ ; ^ /.'J. • • I r ■.

\ Suncindoy. •So'ptemt>ar17.,1995 Tlmoo-Nowo. Tift Twin PollD.'ldoho E-3, ^ Money ...... •1 " ^ r a d eew iifds^ [ a l g a nmatedJ s a leI d eal sta lls TWINFALLS--Jiilie PaoMlow "PPriccs ric are considerably bcticr ! has been accepiepted into the 1^1 Here’s a summai>iry o f S oturday’s' a n d Nysso. Ore. es do not seriously tlion1 a year: a go," George Gibson ol’ American Society!ty o f Journalists B l '’edition of Magiclie ■ Valiey Ag F a r m b e a t ^ « ' If policy chanfics - h a rm in co m e pr<^•ospects for beet WSI-LI -Union Seed in Burley said : ' and Authors, the n:nation’s leading H Weekly: irsduy. •‘We’ve been over four ...... - B uIt t at I a meeting with Sno;nakc growers, ihc.lendcrt arc .pxpccicd to Thursd ^ orgqnization of in^independent non* H k M urs all through harvest and that • f f i l ' George G rant wateItched oeariy two Riverr Sugar’sS board of directorsirs thi e return, dollars fiction writers. Sheihe is one of only K ^: h a s ni't 't happened1 for quite awhile." - . ifive Idahoans in the m u years of work breaeak down when nightt beforet thc,ogrocmentt v, w a s h e society. Q |h ' f field s, total acres 'Gibs*tibson prcdictcd that the market . ;.f Faaselow is the i nervous bankers' bociacked away from sighed,:d. th e bankers hesitated. T otal num ber o f 1 le author of three - :k in g o f lute blight w in stay sta above the S4 mark bccausc . books^^includingI “ T h e T ra v e le r’s J l a S300 million-pluss ;. w ell os computer, supplies.su] - ’ ■ ., Twr ■Vo. \ and compared to inflatiiItion. have funhcr gpgf,;peat for a good caase: keeping v m f a l l 's - Jim -Ad^“ i>8 "The Utah Tclos’)s’ systems inte- sizeabliblc awards from NASA a discouraged gold anand o th er tangible new manager ofjJense 'cnncssee Volley Authority. yourself oat of prison. il T W IN FA L L Si - - Ron'Folldngt ''h« ni gration talents arc topsto in the indus- the Ten invcstmcnis by rai:uising the cost of ;l has .eorned one of Farm Bureau Jeweleiflers in the L ynw ood M oll. ' borrow ing to stockrkpilc or speculate lams is a graduate of Jensen' lallboy to mother "Van I help Dad ll Financial Services's'highest 1 produc- ■ in commodities." lifted Professional Jewelee le r ehaage the tire? I know all the !' tion and.service awiawarS - the 1995 Certifi Compiuters---- P rogro{ram and' M aster .Sellin Right now. it'si cclearly cosicr to A ll Star. TwinSock. It’s freeware o irortls.“ ;ram and is currently, enrolle)lled Continued from E1■1 . u se Tw c o n d m ak e 0 case for son)m ething like gold .•/; ^ ' V. Th^-AlhStarlsonan vmUal contest . s well, olthough with occasio le Gemoldgical Institute c ifiional as an undcrpriccd investmir ent than it { requiring a high levleve! o f sales pro- « CUTEFTP (Wimindows) — FTP compwpatibility probler any ii^ohan'tttegltt of gab don't irica's Diamond Program. le m s. ig for stocks o r boi•onds, which look Many { ! duction and serviceice to clients. This Americ stands for File Trairansfcr Protocol. (jw SJSK21C.ZIP a“"d precariously -hi]ligh . to many .know how to wrap It up. ; ; year’s winners willill itravel to Rome. . , This has, more featurures than the FTP t v /NS(ISCK14.Z1P iVIN FALLS - Seven observers. Italy. Only 15 ofif 1361 agents and 5 port of Internet poR-)RTE FREE AGENT. PEG hem Idaho Life Underwritei „ But the impulsec to hunt for bar- The,The police arrested someone for ' I-. ^nanagers in Id aho q<; u a lilf id f o r th e Southei ? X g T s .''5 r " .2 p “eM?rb collection of g^g (Windows)/y — The fonner' d members recently attende :s h a s gone unrc- sail,salllog eternal youth pills, then . AirStar. Of 650I agentsat and man* wea. pjp comcss pre-installed, ^g^s. reader,re the latter o mail reac 8°*"® tangibles state's Area Leadershi 7 im ■ w arded tim e after ti:time over the past foandund oat he was a repeat offender, i&gers com panyw lde,:d.,n3ean.ed.l,e A ejt snip. (CFTP14B6.Z1P) j ENTIO.ZIP, WINPM201.Z11 ference in M cC all. ssbcrg say^it is ffa’tlb'd been charged in 1742,1801, S w ard. . „ WS ARCHIE (WilVindows) — This STBAR (Windows) - Ww h h le meeting focused on troinin r nro important to notec th a t thcrp' is no atidigss. I Folkinga starterted with Form '?'V is the quickest andd most thorough you yo con launch all your p: sharing Ideas for the boar L . u sig n o f a changc in ir the conditions . ' Bureau in 1987 anand consistently J. • way to.scarch for• ffiles located'on IS from , one snazzy toolbar i/: \ lion c urrently h old b y each pai 1 financiol invest- ' earns the company' P 5 * F T ? Sites. (WSARCl-:H08.ZIP) simpliflifles tho job and looks gregreat! * HO one006 goes before his time. Unless, lant and how 'to promote th ors'. He w o rk s'n o m i ',f"5 WS FINGER (WilWindows) — This (W STBrBAR25.ZIP) if course, the boss leavos early. B o fth e insurance agent a s Ua . __ “The Fed appearors in ten t on pre-' e d a t 2732 K im berly v®‘" is useful for lookingg iup people on the ^ cEBWATCH c (Windows) .•fr • S b ebetween, ° , the Insurance conipt .1.' venting a buildup o;o f price pressures "R®* Internet. (W SFNGRl115.Z1P) KeepI tracktr o f your favorite sites' st rates high rcla- It'S'a Aahnysagood time to come to ri^W oo^houM nyondnd the ihsiired. Current legish . W S G O PH E R (W[W indows)-A ,he Woi ■-BURLEY - Wny ^orld W ide W eb. I’ve done“ o: on°J *’>' " he soys. “Until ||||| has been promoteded to the J)osition • jive i«>issues facing the insuranc program that keeps)S tr a c k o f d o o u - ed testing with this one, hbu ut Jt m n otion." stry also were'discussed.., vn—- economic envircironment chnnges. M ill o f m a n a g e r a t thle e Burley Burger InMstr; tnents and can rcu^c^levc other files os gcemsis to work well. (WWD ThoS'lose who attended the meetin in response to m orere accommodative llll| K ing. ^*"8 well. (WSG-12.Z1P) IP)______ck to the system. UnTS CAR CARE :omes to B urger. wereDI David Cimchm; state inimed indows) — Use as _ _ _ policies or a shock 811 Addlaon Avo. E. Twin F alls j ; Woodhouse con .o n COM M NET (Wine financial assets anire likely to lead ' ^ ; King with more th:thon 15. years of “Jo P®^sast president; Jon Johnioif~„* a terminal or to get:l toi your favorile ffg^.or copies o f all 16 Noah Su or call 734-3383 i ‘; retail managemenl e n t e x p e r ie n c e , stat®} secretary; s Dean Cameroi N et site via telnet:- ntemet progmms for JBM-cc onal'committeeman; Ctirtl H • I Most recently, he! wasw with Payless SII TRUMPET mNSOCKr%lT‘lc eom purers. send S25, plusfu stax ______' ' ^ Drug in Baker, Ore.,Or and before tun, local president; NatsllW TWINSOCK (Windodows) — Peter R. Cah:aiifomians, to Shareware,, P Q ' • that, he spent eight;h t y e a rs w ith Fred Knlgnft;bt(m, secretary/treasuren K b Tattam ’s Tnimpet Winsock W IS n S25 7037. Long Beach. CA S>08 c|al Printing I ' Meyer stores in UtalJtah andldaho.He Hunt.-t.- you may need to net.) ; TWIN FALLSS - Dan Pinther.. chaiimi■man. Wafer.A' " g out chlorine ond was briririm m ing w ith co|iform bacteicteria. I m p i Lion’s m ain goal is knocking < i ' Continued from;E1E l . W hile the invendot :------a-w id e -ra n g e o f-oorgani8ms-and-algae,.Adai rfi lam s__ Crousc.said.______amplclhrou^'tHe system: ■ clean drinking w ter.ter. “T his system is a majorj f . thinks h e can "tw eakeak'* the technology to do cveven Adams ran the sam s l l o ^ said. "It doesn’t need to breakthrough,” Kello . .'Tmore. ' "ll comc back clcoican," C rouse said. j . . boil the w ater o r throbrow itt a bunch o f chlorine." ivice, if modified, also coiould Adams passed thelie treoted w otcr around to drii ” , it might'reduce the numberber of - ‘ He says the devic 1 swollow when everyonee c else T / I f used w idely, it j„ths remove nitrates andd ddissolved chlorine gas — sisub- then took the first s ! cases of severe stom:omach disorders or even dea mful declined. stances that, if conceiicentrated in water, are harm o kane M A GG I C V A IL L E Y > caused by bod water.ter. to hum ans and animallu ls . Adam s calculatedxl ithat citics the size o f Spoto xaraple, nearly a dozen Yaki he devices working togetherher to p R I N T . I N G ------; Recently, for exar ; has no plans to invest in, thet could use 10 o f the 'ith “ beaver fever,” a dcbiliwtitating K ellogg says he hi gallons a day coming fronrom a . residents fell ill with ut h e ’s looking for wa^s to {,gjphi clean 35 m illion go lg w ater laced w ith giordia. Phoenix system, b u t I plant. TviT.~ EV~.'T»l~a F '. n i r i DID .'8>301 » 20B«73a-6i360'j reaction to drinking \ ! lost more than 15 million pgQ.pc sew age treatment pla In 1993, about 100 IC Milwaukee residentsI diedd the company. "W e lo: iolero._a discose mosUy | n ^poor A commercial-si-sized unit that could homa n d le — and-thou«md».becancamc-siclc.aftcr that city.'s_Wvajer Pie.]“ t_yew to chole e'vraler'is b'aa,‘" h c siird.- ' ------about 300,000 gallonlons-of-w ater a d n y likely woi ' ' system was bit witwith an outbreak of the«cr:crvo-. •• countries wfaere'the w He hos applied fofoi r 0 grant from the Spokokane cost under $50,000.0. said Ray Smith, president i; tosporidium parasite.ite. stem s Inc. com- Intercollegiate Resear[earch ’and Technology Institititute Phoenix W ater Systei S o far,' A dam s ha:has biiilt the M-foot-long co Those who hoves nmet Adams dcscribc himn oso a V ". _ and one mini-modfl, whichch he to study how the Pho«hoenix system worics. mercial version and rted skeptic is Karen Crouimse, unique tolent — ao throwback to the obsesse ssed takes to hospitalsI andar businesses for demonstnstra- - Another convertei division director oriabom f lol tory epidemiology atIt thei invcntor'always worworking on a new gadget in -be*B— Spokane-GountyHcal[p bI*H ^'T trirti __ . _garagC j______■ ~ 7”'^'"'**'^with7foiir fcdera!J rai ■ pBlem FhW -grflm edr b voter H e has token dozeizens o f courses at area univciWcts T------7M ONTJH eERTlFieA TITE-GF DEPOSIT Water Systenn Inc., a Spoktokane Ctdusc-and Adamsm s collected a sample of wo ' I hoping Phoenix Wa astewoter treotmcnt plant earlirlier ties. Mostly, he hosIS ccollected knowledge andd triedtr nother $2.5 imlHon to' bnngIB Ihe from Spokanels w astt I ■ firm , w ill .taise onoi e r bad n ot been treated ye t wwith to opply it to projectsets h e finds intere^ng. • [ product to nuukct • • this ye^. That w ater 1 - Tijsjijis \G k O r o .AVY at Obtain Yield - l a 81,0,000 Minimum to Opcti\ at Amumm pnnojwl aiirtA 1InirfrO rrmaln cm ilrpoill lor mir fullall )r<»ruf I3A3 ito^l Cotiipoiiralnl . MU. Frr» in4y.mlucT urtiinj*. l-oulivV tor rotlri l>rp(»ii liiktirrd iii "S air •iilijiTl IB f Mlhniii notkr. Aiuiw\iuiu»l VkH cfTei'O't 11 ot

1 ... ^ Q '

ishington Federalrai Savings ., Twin F*llf. MO Eiu Miin. ;crome plui>lui oomen In r«cilcllo. Dltckfooi. Rexburg olhcT officei thraufhoul Idtho u well1 st In Wuhlnglon. Oregon. Ulah aiul Arizona

MOMmLO*!LO*W» * (XJTOM eOW>T7»»CT>eN i S piid quinrib'. ani/.-uu ■ A. ’ • lOO.CXUbt miC. lUir I*-**

■*9* Blue U ko Divi, T an

FDlCtMUTCd I 1 ■

I , . ^ . ' Sundoy. Soplombor 17,1995 TImoa-Nowo.Twin FaJIs, Idaho E-S E-4 Tlmos-Nows. Twin/In Falls.I Idaho Sunday, SopMr)t«mber.17.1996 r Money - t •. .... ■ ■ ■ ~ ^ r World tw arce v isi(pnai;^y m aite s IIda0nd>ns MILFORD, N.H. (AP)(/ — Even when she 0 NEEDS'A DEO^E?: TOKYO — The most powerful storm to hit Japan since World War • t^ e s time ofr, Patricia;ia Gallup produces, Canadian of ' U swept _along eastcm_ islands on Saturday .fswrrling nonh toward As co-foundcr andid ncymooned at a company and A lan 7 dinner in Ohio. man o f the "1 work all th e time,ne. T hat’s a sacrifice. I ’m this year, Mver went past ^ showed a motorcyclist struggling to drive througli water up to his not complaining, butt ^y< o u have to m ake choic- scho<:hool. But Taylor told the waist and shopkeepers sweeping water from their stores, es, and Uiat is the choicloJce I m ade,” shc said. “I ne young people shOuldn^t ^ B d on’t like to have a lotlot •o f free tim e.’’ to Even PC Connectionion’s foimdation was laid ■Be when Gallup was supsupposed to be taking it P arerc immediately up i^ainst ~ — ■ --fN IZ H N Y NOVGOROD, Russia — Conccmcd about a population / easy. J H people who have MBAs or other ^ •' decline, the region surrounding Russia’s fourth-largest city has begun ' In 1982, she m et DoDavid Hall while hiking d e g re e ss. . That is competition 1 ^ ‘ offering cash rewards to women who bear children, th e A ppalachian Trail,il. iShe joined his family's havelove," he said. ' The modest payments aren’t likely to make female rcsident.s of audio business ih Mfarlow. a r They unticipaJcd ' • ■ • N izhny N ovgorod w;uit to rush out ond get p regnant, however. the personal computerer boom1 and soon started [H || H CAR SHSHOPPING: Buying a cor Under a newly issued regional decree reported today by the ITAR- selling software and ev Bosnian Serbs picked up their pace leftJhe.zone or stopped just out of ■ is going to get less compli- \ gain-loving clients. “I co u ld n 't real* — Paul Isaac, '^tobocco. ^ B ut th a t is not3t m uch fuh situotion is g ^ ^ W I N T EJOilx ] v/X\UXt3l2> ■ : Saturday, moving dozens of heavy _____ ' ^ .i f l M I r ly say with a straight for value managers, who0 (continue to cated o s titneine goes by.” PpTATCr Q; weapons Bway Sarajevo. Their . But the movem^Is app^ gen- i RIChard G. IrWIH vestment specialist ilso buying some oil cpm- stocks jffc-slill cheap," h e inve )out to bl6s> She is olsi .SPE( Pi U.N.-imposcd orders remained: uinc. By nightfall, the Serbs had 1 m-, r. fMuiies w hoslose stocks have been iii a In the midst ofa remarnarkoble equi- ...... ■ som. 11 7 D a y C■aribbean-' a r ■' Show real progress or face more ^ moved 43 of the approximately 200 MORTGAGES CAN HELP ties boom, stock prices3 havehi gone so G overnorr Co.,C which makes mowerr Catherine E. Rooney, a vice p resi- slum p, partiirticulorly during a rccent I .ariDDean. b mato air attacks • weapons falling under the agreement , ______— ------1 . , high that value manageIgers su ch as controls inin IRockford, III. deni at Pitcairn Trusust Co. in flurry of rumorsru that some m ajor' : ^ H Chaos reitmed to the northwest, in from the 12.5-mile wcopons exclu- QUESTION: How _ A* _____ErlichmaajnusJUQjRcfUHjust fidget at have excellent productivityf __ Jenkintown. Pa., said Mmeso utility___exporters mimight cut prices. kVlU ' ' ^°'''> «i^"8hold of Sarajevo, leaving I I - thetr computers, waitingig for1 a dow n- an d ^lo w'" Pip7E s (pnce-to-earnihgs> “ companies hqve lagged unjustifiablyur DouuTGr■Grapoi'a S«ii6r'vici'presi-“ §1 Bai^a Bdui. where Serbs by the tens U.S.Scerelap. of Defense Wilham ' ' ^ ------' turn. ratios)," Isaac Isa said, “but the markett behind.the soaring mari(ct.et. She m en- dent a t SociDciety A sset M anagem ent B' ofthousands fled as Muslim-led gov- Peny to say tot “ptelimmaty indica- i, Still, some analystsI sssay theyisee looks at themth ond goes. ... ’’ He: tioned FPL Group IncK. in Juno Inc. in Clevlevelond, said he also has Drotfc ports • Enjoy Awardard^wtnnlng Cuisine n , emment soldiers and allied Bosnian tions are positive." ANSWER; The difTcrcnce I ii overiooked, low-priced:d gems,f even mimickedi tfthe disapproving groan off Beach, Fla., and ^ e Publtbiic Scrvice, bbughfoil)il stocks, particularly ATtRACnVE AIR ADD-ONSiSAVMlMUL A' |Sl^ rmnttmom advanced. MSOBBSImSSm SaSm SS^ But Perrv. in Slovenia as part of a ,, between night . and day. I I if they admit that in timeimcs like this, a Wall Striltreet m agnate fmding qI Co. of Colorado iti Denveiver. Both arc Exxon Coqorp.. Royal Dutch/Shell * The United Nations said that south-central Europe vish, under- , i d Phillips Petroleum Co. ! M il IHF i l l /'||' ”"1^4 ^ I undervalued is a relati'Qtive te rm al ' cucum berr in ii his spinach-and-mush-• trading at prices about I2t2 times eam- Group and 1 38L5jS^H □ “everybody is prepared to resume ^red thot either lock of Serb with- purchase of a home. Let's facc ‘ ^ I' room salad,id. ings per share, comparecxd with the “Their casfash flows are good and best. *liro IraPBS H bombing Serb targets unless the B i@ B lB ^ ;^ .M E S :ri :r,:,H,L7,r.r±io"„o"?s i rh7w'rny°of us'='o:'fs i „ J I isible partncr_ . Value mamanagers earn the love of^ qyerallmarkctavcrageon i if about 16. m^.st of thejle companies are discover- snania P aul I.ixc_cQinpflnyj_M i-9rpn_ O' Inc. o f B qise, Idaho, is ~‘StMERE8TnCT10NS'jmT.'C^ O n h is Ust arc L.S. Starrctt S t Co., Some analy;ilysts advise investoi:s not company i has complete*ted several Technology: LKaibflftltnJtpmitiulyCW. Aflow t least not yet. Richard mergers i thot involve whihat Rooney selling Itsi stocks at only II times which makes mcasurin;ring tools in to try, at li ■. ^ ■ 11063 Blu* Lak«« Blvd.. •- Twin Foil. H SdT^ ■ nalists invited to positions southwest only as Diagan. “We should have Otherwwi, eyeiybody is prepared tp,.. i ' 1, director of quantitative calls i “funky p ap er" — norlon-common eamings pere r shore an d yet is expect- A thol, M ass.; T w in D isctc IInc., which Bernstein, i <<206)734-9486 or 1-800-00*62S>a6Q9 B Rebel soldiers put up 0 show of andjust southeast ofthe dQ'. smycd aod fought till the end." go back to oirstnkcs, warned U.N. ______— — equities, stock optionss andi other ing 19 percercent growth in the next ^ I makes engine transmimissions in research at Merrill Lynch & C o., « QQSQSBBSQBOfl moviiig cannons, tonks and other “We will be-back," vowed-one Associated Press reporter Joyona spokesman Phil Arnold. . ------_____R a c in e j_ W is.j._ o n d _ WWoodward: said.-W hen profit < ycle is peak- jcomplex arningem ents thahat are diffi- year.

J u s t ca fewv o f 1th e ^ i n ta ^e s of Advantage Checking. .. ■;...... ' 'L i f e d o e s n 't e x a c t l y s t a n d s t i l l . Y o u h a v e ...... : ...... to cfo p la c e s t o g o . W h i c h i s - p r e - -

^ ^ 'receive all of the extras and free services

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R -'iC Qiecking account' . ■■■' the m onths ahead we'll | p - i | S o y • ' , i _ ; ____ 'v -/■■■ .______■!.■; ______a d d u p to _ $ 4 Q _ to y o u r ...... ‘ ...... ‘balance. M«nbcrf.d .i.c HBBB i

' “ Creditto T pllctlon-.nd.pprov.l. ^ >m 6pcnlngi)ilincc required loI otobtain the 1.77% attnual pcrcentif:nVi(^';yhif4rAW),;A^ |||P| ------^------. ' / •%------^ . '( • ...... >...... ______■ . : ...... nrn8»-Now«.TV i. Twin Falls. Idoho Sundoy. Soptembor17.Sc 1995 ---- World Popee kisse soil 0D>f ^raiinbow nationI i’ ru j' i^porrtr^ses th-forcign-journey— Hs-m!-m ostly— ------...... ■; ‘ JOHANNESBUFlURG,' Soulh AfticiT jjaB | a papal.-. - . (AP) — Kissing:.the th. sciil o f a nation. ..to visit clergy to-prcscnta ] ■ he Jong scomcd,. PP< ope Jo h n Paul II d o cctimcnt ti on Africa andmd the^ 'ILf J.’ :e’ issue s future io-piiSi ended the Vatican;an's'estrangemcnt R omman i Catholic Church’s f o n the continent. But the S ermahy, the Netherlands,- ■ with South Africaca on Saturday and f=l°nJ5 :/»A«8d«iTir . Q e r n blessed its abando:idonmeni of white- A fricrican leg will include one c inada and other countries jwill — — ------^------festi-plc will attend an outdoorlorX ss cntists develop I by refusing to kississ ithe ground when- pcopl that poor, unsopbis- Intemtemational, a Canadian foundo- a Johannesburg park on Sunday.Su o f wild plants th the papal plane wawas forced to land in a J 5 in Africa, Asia or tionm basedI in Ottawa, wos pub- M antjmdela, a Methodist, w as ir bccau sc o f bad wveather. ea , have been using for . lishecihed late lost year. Sincc then, to sheshare the tiltar. SSi'h e U.N. development agency hw “T o d a y m y joumlum ey brings m e to ■ by razor centuries, io curecu their ills. It’s . theU a new South Africfrica ... a ‘rainbow AV 110-foot fence topped by lir concept a movie • sponsooson»l regioimi conferences in . - w irere has been erected oroun.und the “ glamour nation,’ indicatingng the diversity of inwav .wos mode off it — "Medicine Boliv:jlivia, Malaysia and Fiji to dis* . lups. languages and . ■ . -’r."'!'' , sacrisristy area to keep c ro w d s ay 53 th e problem . roccs, ethnic group; unity fbr M""-; '^hicich Sean Connery cusstl culture which chatharactcrize it." the it vwill be the only opportunii intric scientist racing According Acc to the report, 80 per- ist South Africans to sec sei the played an eccent pope said afler beitDcing greeted at the - ^ rv < most ^clearing bulldozers ccntnt ofthei world’s population pe, who has drawn somene criti- “ against forests! airport by Presresident Nelson ■ p®p«- 9r a natural cancer depenpends on unditional knowledge m for not planning to tou.our the i" M andela. • ' • •; cism ui2 on.------and.%id. wild plants for medicinal ck townships that have corcom e to cure in the F o u r orphans rej:representing South b lack ing to a U.N.-spon- needseds. Although those administcr- sy mnbofize b the desperation« o f Ihe A frica’s block, white,wh mixed-race -H H sored report, thithe true situation is ing5 traditionaltn cures may not know and Indian group:ups presented the natiorio n ’s blocks. at all. The report the: molecularm makeup of a plont, Its arrival Saturday w asI notice-nc npfromantic a pope with a baskesket of earth as he tv nt the accuses multinatliitJonal corporations th5 e report re goes on, they do hove stepped off an airlinerairl as the sun ^ y subdued. Tight security t he world’s poor, consinsiderable knowledge aboyt airpsort o i kept all but a few hurhuSdrcd bilking the broke through rainin cclouds. ' le p ap al mcJigcnous peo)p p le o fS 5 .4 billion a effefects c t o f vanous plants. But the Since undergoinging hip surgery last I Il-wishers away, and the'i ng profitable drugs concejncept of patenting these propcr- a. about n?“king year, the pope no10 lo n g e r bends to torcode route to Pretoria, t aditlonal curative tiess is is forei^ to d ie m ^ ^ ^ -^ miles away, was keiit secret:iet. Just from their trac ------the•ta^moe^o•plant-lint-a-ciistomary-kiw;— \ ------^ I first-tim e visits. ' \ rw people w aved a s it le ft th jk on the protection of intellec- on the ground on fir tn w ere iccuses corporations look c ‘T o say this visitisit is long overdue t, and a few demonstrators jm'pensate tradition- tuolil propertypi as blasphemous,” the it o ut o f sight. o f foiling to con is to pay tribute to :your own abhor- derides the olleged reportsort said. ‘‘These resources arc ohn Paul arrived./roin thehe west groups ond di rence ofthc systenItem of apartheid,” i p t i i l lio-pirotes." meant:ont to be used for the common m rthe offenders "bio said Mandela, wea/earing a dark suit 'ican nation of Cameroon Ited the phormaceu- goodod oi f— ond protected by — all it stop of his.six-day AflAfrican tnflmatc instead of his usualjal brightly colorcd Ik fde thS ticol industry. Harvey H, Bole, senior membrmbers ofthe community." r. In ils capital, Yaounde ______shirt.______dent of the ____ CCorporations o j of developed itiffHssued-a-landniark-docuM um ent— ------px csidi • M andela firstt“rnct' rr thc~pope'Tn““ cal Research and countiuntnes, o f course, do patent dis- day urging clergymen too s S e Phormaceutica Rome in 1990 shoshortly after being p m o to j o f Amcrica, recent- , coveriveries; their patents, the report pe John Paul 11 finally kis:(Isaes the soli of South i k a t th e corruption a n d hopeopeless- Manufacturers o: released from.27>7 ;years in prison ^OP® Hollywood lore as cbntetntends, are often based on dis- g Airport- som'ething hs s that have condem ned thleco e c n ti- i under the apartheiheid government. SatUiturday at Johannosburg A „.. he defended thehe industry against, coveriveries of traditional-medicine. . ,t to “unspeakable sufTcring.' They met privatelyely Saturday ot the w hilellie the nation practicedI apartheid.a| i. C orpc>rporalions also patent seeds 'he pope is scheduled toioieavc 1 theaccusations.. presidential guestt h fini d in g a cure for .. patQ.ntinted the use of an African w as t h e s ta r o f oi governmentg< anti- manyny women os possible withots t s taken olT the air th at; Braulio's B owner "is the typiypical dom." s from relatives o f Braulioslos con- is planning a conferencc in beenen developed in 19 years of about Broulio: “OK, yoiBrazil Aled about jokes and impropri also review prevcr/cn tiv e mcosurcs." gorgeous woman stajhave yourself, for se lich got indigenous commmunities sue for of yei re than 100 calls that the £ the spots this weeveck to decide if Ini.one o spot, Broulio and his owniwner. But the angry r< fie ld e le spots royoltics from multinationaln cor- Etbiopliopian mothers wash thcir chil- e obscene, will review th e a d ;n with soapberry to prevent i they're obscene, theIhc doily newspaper sittingng in a chair, have the followi3wing named Braulio led do J you expect me from t ads this porations. D - t ;':- - „ B A ^ K 1 ^ ( l||i||r Prbduetlon M'ano Jerome. Idaho, onin 1 the 9th Ing before a Judge.». 2)2 You TWIN FALLS hml '|S Furniture manufaeti > h a v e a ANIMAL SHELTE ^CI rested Y -■ I B j ' Pubik) notice Is henterebyglv* day of October. 199!995, at 10 have the right to ht 5 , All Chapter & AG rrt ino*r-’ "XrmlirNatlormld^ y • 'on of a public meBtleeting of o ’clock A.M.. andnd sh o w lawyer reprosent yououatthe I FOUND: ------cases. Free taleph “ ■ .sf“JS i"a«aeturer Excellent ilve-ln position*, ths Shoshone Basinisin Plan- cause in writing, Iffany. ar why hearing. II you canmin n o t Bf- 1. Spaniel X. male, , sweat eonsultatton. . (Ion mansgemenLled Pr per- East/West coast ■. court will 2. Chow X, malo RcKets . 536-7760 60O-548-: ning CommtttM. Th«rhe Com- the lands monfloneded should lord a lawyer, tho cou nt ■ nO N / ous furniture Industryproduo- 1*800416-6296 mIttMltschsdulKltc>dtome«t not bo annexed>d to1 tho appoint one to repriipresont 3. Lab X, spayed femi houses, . Wtn H. MulberrySy'“ I AOMINlIrn^ psrlerios dsslrabla.. Previ- < — ...... : 5*pt*m b«r20,1995r95todis- Amorlcan Falls ReiReservoir you. 3) At tho hoarlnoring, you 4. Lab, male ^ .y o u egyrwtxfiertsnct -iwllt-reqiiire use:ot-oistry ex- m ' ' " " " '"-"'I ' GUIS ttiB vsoetativslive man- District...... - -have the right to speiip e a k o n ------' puter.for sehedullni Shoehono JJATEO this 2nd daylayofA u- your own behalf, to imI ro- ADOPTION ^ - HOUSECLEANINQ.IQ. Rea- ISRSaER?RAfRSS ,|.^ORIOUUTIH^ , ^ : . to tm e n t of th» Shot 4 Y sonsbleratea, 423^2 3 ^ 7 3 Entry isvelposltton leadlnnlei planning. S alary D( Basin. The mMtinsng will\ be gust. 1995 duce evidenco. to oxamexa ino 1. Lab B a sb e t X, sp iSPECIALNOTIC la e r in S end resum e In coi held a t 7:00 p.m. atsttheB tf u- wltnoMos. ond to rece-ecelve a fem ale to Branch Managi d a i r y h e lp . p t. evwilng ^ 18-24 months. dence to Box 998' ° Bhlft. Must be able to read reau of Land Manag.isgement EUA M. MINK, Sociocrotary doclslon basod aoleo le ly o n M sny n ic e c a U & kit SThe Times News. F : cfflo* located at 262C1620 Kin;- American Falls Ret^lesorvolr tho evidence prosontontod to . JND^ AtCOHOUe* 1 ^ ® I ENTERTAINMEMENT aoD J * & wrtte English. Send re- PR • Loan processing Box 546, Twin Falls, sumeto:2163South1700 b e rly R oad. TwinIn IF alls. District ‘ the Judge. LOCATED ANONYMOUS=|ED I SERVICES Idaho. The public Is Invitedll 139 Third Ave. WQ bird hoi * of the . Expense control * RED UON INN ft n o t ic e 18 HEREBY lA M E D Sundays, & Holid. r Aitt In the Pari<. SeeY' Banda*.Ploasele seni d • * QR0UND8 KEEPER'4 ...... Cl 199S.______- ..... -a tlh e B ig FourWInd ------EN that thero will bob S a J M CHItP DEPENPEffT.NT. Animals are SOLO J’,'*)!?,'’/ and many other phas I A ' i S i .I lft ** HOUSE KEEPER. Look- ' Legal NoUoeoe llcauctk)nona1993l DESTROYED afto N: DAV- a succsssful and p ^Y . 10 BOYD. PO BoxS S * Ing for a mature hus- ; • The South-CentraJ11 PPrivato Dakota soiling to thothe high- By Dlroction of the > HiHonor- hours, eo ploaso spayodei EARLY ox 3212, able business man. S S : I 10 * band/wife team to work • ' Induatry Council will hold ost bid. Tho publicc aauction oblo: Lanl-Kal Swan/a n h a rt, ' ■ visit tho'pound dall H ailey. ID 8 3 3133. 3 3 No ment career. ON ^ as a grounds keeper & ' their regular Meotiretlng on wilt bo hold at D.LL Evans Court Commissioner,er. . '.chockifyourpotis:.ittens. QEADUNE ■ . phone calls please. / * At^UNrlNaDE house keeper on a remote ■ : September 19. 1995191 at Bonk, located att 3 9 7 N. DATED: August23,1,1995. It T his Is n o ta n up-tQ ' ' . YMilflndsvsriety'olInt i: * OREEREOUIREC I cattle ranch. Wages: l l _2:39p.m .Jn the Wesl/est Toy- Ovoriand Avo., Burl‘Mrlay..,!D_, KIM.EATON. ClorK.. JJ____ ...... llilJ.mlxod dogs are ,______Jooofleilno*.lrUIia elii ol, and * ______non__ * house, health Insurance t. lor Cafeteria on thethe'^2hd"at 1 2 :0 0 pm (n oo d o n ) o n CARYCAMP8ELL. • . to doscribo. O r comiWest f o r CLASSIFIE odunvts every day. D< -Ijenairmufahca - & utilities provided. No ■ •- noor of the Taylor' BuBuilding Thursday Soptomb«-6090. — ------— istmon^.tuWor i g p y ; | ? - j ;b S w n a l : chinery, operator. Send ' Caraway bom June 22.1995, t LOST Apricot Toy Poi • ; Addrwa: 4438 N 90000 E{ pannts are Shlefa V Poodle, -I',,,. K a r s ' ? ? FIE resume,to .Box 97264. % I' i?!!-'?’ fomalo. 9-8 noar tho 107 Prevlt^ Lh»e In oomparton-.fori\L: Times NSWS.PO. Box 548 Buhl, ID 833113316 end Jose Luls C arr the Ed- ; ABORTION •: ■ Oescnptkm of Land:i: \ . ■ The PetWon will be vy^l^l 0. Jones Co./n3./resld- TplAt?! ' ous Sm STdustotry. ®t*. ;i;^fiu:(ady.:^u»);,y.- 0.63303 North half Lot four (4).:[4^ Seo- on October 5.1995.» a enOal area north of IFalla I .. . . ALTERNATIVE »rnoons perienee desirable.e. Jdb .nuralho.i'Roeni/Arbo tion B ghtaen (16),, Town-n a.m.. In Superior Cou tTT Avo. Answers to3 Kelly.K ' ' - ..'' .^1111^ rs7 Also , wilt regulre u se of I corit> tio(>OmK‘Cali;oolleciy .-N t^ ;SAi£Spflracn tor.dairy R t...... REWARDIII ( ■ fbr.klndergartarwrs? aMp Nine (0) south,.Range Rl veniltf Dlvlalon, - PBEOMANevraB IS open, ptiter for seheduilr Eighteen (16) EastitBolse 6 Jerome Avo., Yak•ak im a. 537-6656 or 834-467iI67S, : -a.fuiltlmapoaWonso>enrut* ' planning, s a la ry D urlHe. ------.-csneBT'rc iMi-gjasssj;sir-.K :h«lphil..Mon-FtliIai“ i" ,. Mwidlan.'' a J j^ g o LOST dog Cock-a-poo, Christian atmoaphen■yCtre. S e n d /e su m e In oe < ■ Num berof Acres: ti •oo, m st '' K r ' ' ' ' t S S ^5"™ ^ ' .- ::ileQrpptV^]wy:(6>9P1« d e n o e to B ox 98[i sd Court color, male, tag on1 c( Ll___ or1«»471.-7472, ■ ------Jfijaerea...::^.—:_____J______, a t which time you aj collar,' B L ’ , , W . . 9 ''raferenoat.-7SB>a ' «TheTimes New*. I t aro dir doge riama F-roj:o a ty .:.- ; rected to appear an.and an- 7364630. ■Itom., tfcunludw vw tl.lng0 ------B6x"54fl.-TwIri.Falls N o tfeeleh tr^ furtherIherglv swerthspetl{lonorth^tha p^ i' ■— »mlng eilu, sonwone woiio kt 'W 303.,; - ■ tm ; -J IL Olll'7W»31. / • SmaDdiyearalritnyht - ”;C anto«»p«rtonsInter* tltk)n will ^ granted.d. i . LOST. Chinese Pug (wl SS''SS“®sy I (white) . New bom poaWonor av more. AfiOrevtaliMti brir^ sb&*»r^. d^123.••■.y,:,.'.yi.«am- - • ’ • - . . J-i 'Jnror that may be aff*affected r ' 9-8-95 on 4100 N< bla. Call ^ d l fer r :8;}l o r Bummer-is nire - and « ' by diange of bbot o u n ^ ilQIICB , l700E«8tlnBuhl.U>Laven- , lnf0nn>Mon.»73S-0< ■ ^uS jijed.^^S sufs wui'cartloreldarty piin■. • gsrsqs sde sssioni Find . ' ■ the Americanisft.FaKs' You haveln^ortantnt legali der nylon pollar. Rev=

L o v e ^ I^isses : ■ & The kid s I ) . ^

9 . 1...7 Sundoday. S optem bor 17,-1995 Tlmos-Nows, Tim Twin Falls, Idaho E-7 Emgloy•ynient-E miployment i

i ^ 2OT ~ | § 2 0 6 ' 2 0 6 t f 206 1 4 206 I 4 208 2 o i I f~. ^06 I tf" 206^ AL I 1 PROFESSIONAL ^ ^ Q R I C U U T W ^MEDICAUDE^i i T | ^ I m e d ic m t d e ^ M E D IC A U O ETAU ^ IMEDICAL/DENT/ I ^ m e d ic a l ^ e n tTAL w 1 MEDICA-/DENTAI ^ROFESSION^ rino CONSULTANT, THACTOR OPERA-^ATOR MEDICAL- • . - NURSINQ AS81STAKTNT MEDICAL ASSISTANT/rr/U»N . 0 8 NURSE ST. Bonedict's Honto m e MED>CAL:.Now hirlr PRESCHOOLTEACHER ■ npedod.CaH324«71^'7148. CNA’e Bridgevieww Ineeds Mlnkloka Memorial HosHospi- t Part time, to work In1 t back Mercy Medical CenteiIter In Health seeking CNAL FPo- CNA/NA'S full a pan tlrwitil SPECIAL EDUCATIGNION First Baptist ProSchool in Care The Idaho Dopartmontnt oof Joromo is taklng.opplica- _-RNA FT-6^-Sh«_Ft^Plaaso' .tal.{s.cutTamly.acceptlopting— o fflc o Jo r.b u s/m eedical d Nappe. Idaho, hasa ffull- sWon requires stateI cocorti- at Mountoin View Cc tRACTOR'O^EBAl im etd ~tlme poslllon avallableible In ficatlon, valid driveIvors Comer. Compotitivo wi Education sooks a «pospo-' Hons for an oxporioncod •ATOR. apply In person 1B3S338 Brid- oppllcatlons for theI posi-po facility. Send resum cial education consuluin —— 4x4; Wage DOE 42S-< 5S5lfall^,-TWtn-FnT W s.' tlonornurslnaBBSistanjtant------Box-90202, % ^ o n■nmes •OB.-Wlll be-responslnslble -license,• Home carere ex-e - os. Excel benefits, cho Jltont Pro-School Toachor, 324------CWortunltestorCNAoIA cer- News. PO Box 548,1I, Twin for care of normal new-nc perience preferrer re d . fui working cond. hlrl I mo- 7533 or 738-0767. TRUCK DRIVERS n«e MEDICAL Gooding C boms, post partum momsmo Excel beneflls & sala«Iary. bonus for CNA's. Comc diatlon.^complalnt ancand — — — } County uiicolion are provided.»d. - Falls, 10 83303. 0 ro- PROFESSIONAL Jonson both ft«ld&somi po6l U la now Interested applicantstamay m ______1.AIS0 DOE. Apply In porsonon join o u r happy famllnllv hearing systems 10 ro- avBllablc. Long «ei Itions for cdntsct Hunnan Reeourt ' p7^'' cere for sick newt)oiborns 709 N. Unccln, Joromesme Contact Suzannee a t solve disputos botwoorvoon Jovrelers is looking for ca- w/Duaranteed bboi o n u s ., Ihs position of fullluIMIme 436-0481. MEOlCATtentralP, i .„ and antepartum patlertients. ■— — - ^23-6591. school dlfltrlclD andana roor mindod poopio to -----43& ia34--:n..-- oeasina Teohnloli '8 uro THERAPY Techs noedc•eded,. • ■ . paronts. Mostor's dogroeigroo. - vrork.for eotobllshod Jew- -CNA; Acute careI expert'ei u l ' '||V,'||Hnlilnn InrT '2" ■ Must-have MED/8 1 lorbw-’ Previous C e n tra l' F expsrionco. Experienc.mce is to work with profouio und — ^ 1 in special education orjrro- re­ oiry store. Excol bonoflts. xl blade e n ^ preferred. 'oors Apply at Jenson Jowolors U7 i 4a progressive, rural ho gains?Check the gsngsrsgs Closing experior® "ce labor and d o l h ^ proixofer- handicapped kkls. 1:45- 1:4 i 2 0 7 lated flold and throo yoors salts Ktvartlssd In dai red. 12-hour shift 7pm-7p ■ 10pm or 5:30-2pm shifts.shit IO FFIC E /C L E R ICtAL A of public school oxpori.porl' Mogb Volley Mall, or call ' m s Z ResponslMHties: Proc Scott or U n a ot 733-6309 AGRICULTURAL Pe 7am. Coll 208-463-58-5800 woekond vfork Involve onco roqulrod. —— suMllM b^ following | if Interosted call Teresa AMERICAN The position will romainnoln dno call - wo'll oo It .III ’ pfler operator & truckuck driv- b e c o m e a p a rt o irapy cy for cleaning, pact’Ol 4 plicant Is found. For a |ob harveat Call 432-Wf Twin Falls Clinic andI Hos-He Full Timo Positions 1 LoriorJeanat(208) organizo case cart aa Nampa. ID 83686 EOI ator description and salaryilory g 2 0 9 reeled by pick list: par pital Lab has an Immeimedl- Sacretarlaa, Word piP'o- schedule contact Rachol ■t how e M v ^ lo p S ^ . B t L t 2 9 . . el required aupplles;s; de- Whon yoo have aomottilnolino io .euo oponing for a modi(odkMtl ceasora. Bookkaopo.^ora. Rychenor. (208) 334- | r k 7a u r^ t/w iih g e ' dts«iu*?itarnir'ia MEDICAL coniamlnate all eqiquip- (Sll, place a datalllw}>d>o- 1 te c h n o lo g is t, ASC.S C P /7ecepf/on/s(s, Flle/DiData 3940. Tho SOE Is» a‘nan Best W ootor Canyon low.,JM rMulta ar* I ment. Instrumentss ai n d YwniBfilwfMlrwUta. registered. Full timtin e Entry.aerkaond Equal Opportunityi lty Springs Inn/Dlomondflold T?Mrtis»tin»d733-q supplies. Appiy by TiT“" : RNAPN wanted to wor»^ 4 ovonlngshin2-10;30p.Op.m. NEVER AFEEI Employer. Note: If auxllia-xllia- Jacks Rostouront Is oc- I ply In person 1628 Ufa Care Centers of. Amer-Am d a y . S e p te m b e r 1£ shifts per week, d«ys/<^ o v - P lease caii Nancy 733- 73 734-6452 1-800-721-WOIORK ry aids or sorvlcos arooro, copting applications for gevlew BIvd,TF. Ica. one of the fast.a ste st Cassia Reglortal Mod 3700 oxt. 243. EOd Serving the Entire Maclogic noQC^ during tho oppil-iPPlI- Chof/Kltchon Manager, jr ~ - growing providerse rs of Center. 1501 HBand fi ------Valley Since 19881 catlbn^procoss. plooso ^ E D I C M y O E ^ MEDICAL joso Tho supervision of all 1 5 ^ NURSINQ healthcare servicestie Is ex-i Burley. EEO EmpIo info., call Suzanne contact Jim Smith at (200)208) .kltchon oporoOons for ponding Its rehabllltatlltatlon WF/\/h CNA‘8 NEEDED AUDITOR: The Bost WoVest- 334-2203. C.N.A.‘s needed. P* Connie Mon-Fri am ' IMMEDIATELY/ * 91 soot restaurant posKlona. Starting « R E S O U R C»p E proflrams. WKfi' t655 loilong- ______— ------' om Canyon Springs InrInn Is * all mools assodatod w/ ^ term care and skill PT position in dental of TF & surrounding areas accepting appllcattonsIS for Free-lance wrilors wanlod $7.0Q/hr. HoepkM Via.vWore^ SPECIAUSI ,ork4 . FT/PT.Applyat 5000- of mooting spoce Apply In pereon ®1 p '_ nursing facilities In 27 Computer exper. & dedental RN/LPN warned to wort< roliof night oudltor/lrcfront to covor nows and ovonts * ^^omo modo products iFate rHouseSupervteo statss we are commlti [| train, shifts por week. dayWinlav- Jewels Homo Caro... dosk dertc. Auditor hoilours in Shoshono and Uncoln Klmberiy Rd. Twin Ft imltted exper. a plus but will tl 1243 Lynwood M ^. sold In Moxlo Java tothequalltyofllfearDiJVDund Good phorte skills 6iSl tpub- . onlngs negotiable, ber JJl:___ are for tho wookonin d s County. Sond o rosumo Good human rosourco CNA'8/NA'8 NEEOEIDEO for Full time poaltton, 111 pmD -7 US, and w e're buildlnfding a lie relations a m u st. SendS Ills provldod. for fnof®mo When youVs lo'tl aomett>l>•thing starting at midnightIt on and a writing samplov °to: - skills o must, salary Is full-time & ^ timen« jpoel- am available for RN with new future In rehab^ seer- resume to: Dental otoffice Info:, call S uzonnonoor vdu^o,Bdaufl1edadeitd can Thursday. Friday & Sad«tur- N.S. Nokkontvod. rofllon- n o g o lla b le . A pply In ton*, all ahlto avail.U. VWood at least 2 years experi-ex vices fdr the peoplelo aand poaltlon. P .O . Box< i267, Connie Mon-Fri ami m s . be a vtfudila biond In1 finfind- day, duties indudoLAu;ludit- al e d ito r, r/>o T/m os , River Care ContefK offerso ence. proficiency:yinall I the oommunltlesSB w^ e Ooodlng. 10 63330 423-S591 • ' hatLCall73;H)931. Ing erf dally woric by folSoltow Nowa. Box 548. Twin jonoota.- _jiuntaa^ftft..fi2& ! Including medical & den- Interperson- - racy, completion of dodaily TSS^ieSI ext 204. Burgor King Is now hiring ' tal Insurance. Paidid Vvaca* al/communlcationn skills.a Ths Ideal can d id atete willv sales Into report form pi for all daytime positions. tlon and retirementnt plani and ACLS certifies'icatlon. oversee an interdlscliIscipii- all front dosk oporatloiigJif HAIRSTYUST Also hiring for FT night P lease contact DDN l^ at Accountable to providepr< nary(PR.OTandSpeeipeech) Plooso apply In porson30 ai FULL/PART TIME dosors. Full ond part timo Wood River Care CCenter, e flexibility In stafflrffingof tsom of therapists or 1357 Bluo Lakos Blvd. u .i, ovallablo] Also availablo lo cated 16 m iles<8 ^N. of nursing units (accorcommo. multl-faolllty basis. P I I I L ' Cost Cutters Family HoIr[ full & part timo wookonds Caro is looking for ulonl- Jero m e. 511 E 4 4th th St. dating fluctuatlc^t In cen- sponslbllltlea IncludeIde In- ^ ■ Q i n B l a S K Inna Of’’/- Groot opportunlty Shoshono.Id 6335S352 or aus) and IdentlfylnfiIng and patient a n d outpatlea tle n t.. a od hoir stylist for positionsl.'i® for school kids. S4.50 to . _____ -cun aflfl-ypPB, . ‘ _lnt|5fpretinB etatus_o of •k in our busy, fast pocod.£ ?1. _S5.50-hour. /VpptyJn-per^...... • tient care delivery,TfTAsT -C p iia :^ Srferna^-^K s lH B iilllU 5 — upboat wolK-ln salon:------son - 360 Bluo Lakos Blvd C ast T ech, PT orr ofoffice member of Intermoumountain tlon. new program devel-dev : e s No.- ______nurse needed; Orthcrtho ex. Health Care (IHC),), wev of- opment and Implemennenta- 10 Wo offor thoso bonofils: pedenco preferred.1. SendS far a competitive> salarys tlon of facility widee CCOI WfKMItllMtttM ornce & Clerical Foe * Quarantood hourly wago;°0® COOK. La Casita Mexican resume w/saleiy requestreq and an excellent benefitsbei proorarhs. Currem theithera- poMtJons availoblo— plus sorvico & producti,fl Rostouront is looking for to Ortho, PO Box>x I586. package. For morere infor- py licensure and 3^ yeiyears Physical T heraja p l s t s » po- commissions (earning> up 0 high energy, dopond- Jerome. ID 83338 mation. contactt C ln^ cQnlcal and managermement _ —EXPRESS3 f ^ toS7-S12hrty) oblo porson to work 8 om r ------Hronek, (208) 239-J19-2077, oxperience required,1. >ccupational T hel e r a p i s t s PERSONNEL SERVICE to 2 pm 5 days por wook. ICU NURSES» , or send your resunlum e to . Oi dlcal •paid vacations & holidays Mercy Medical Centc Twin Falls. 733-73009 to: •studont loon payment “J™ Dutlos would Inciudo. inter in Human Resources:s: Live Care Centers of Amiflmm- S p e eech-Language t Pai'athologists Burloy, 678-(040 * No F< food p ro p & c o o k in g ...... Nompa. Idaho, haaa oiopen- lea offers opportunltels:telsfor m bs •advanced trolning through lunch. Wo will . Inas in ICU: 12-h O growth & career advanc/anco- C O T A s & P TE i ! A s RocopUonist: Port IlmoTwin p •advancement opportunity train, apply in porson 111 shifts, days and nlSSJi’’nig -POCATELLO OICAL etitlve sition ovallablo for profc South PaA Avo. EOE. ICU expenence requiS ffl' REGIONAL MEDI' kcom- Community Rehababllltklon Centers, Inc., one o f 1the nation's leading sional person with coi Must havo Idoho Cosmo- $20 0 0 , slgn-on bonu C E ^IT E B tology Uconso ^ prehensive benefiien*» providers of qualltllty rehnbllltatlon services, offerCfers one o f the best working putor oxp. In TF medic ' C O O K S N o w to k ln g experienced ICU nunnurse. . ______package. For more Infi irtive intcrdlsdpUnfliy.tci5w,__ offlco. Sond rosumo I Call Jodi at (208)733-0306^ applications. Willing to • Call (200) 463-6801 .....environments in O'the industry. With, our support!' 1800 or 777 HospitaJ WWl a y mation. p le a se cd'nts >ait equipment and Innovative Box 90117. c/o Tlmilorkr IMMEOUTE JOB OPENING■Mn w ork n ig h t s h lft-a n d ...... send resume to; 33201 Jonathan Potter, RefiileHab low patient to thcilenyjlst ratios ond statn at Human Resources Stotllng Manager ati|8001 (8C programs, w c givevc you the flrccdom 10 do what > Falls. IP 63303 1 N. Earning potontiol S30.000.yvi bonoflts. Applyin porson 151212th AvenueiRoad Rc 654-9585 ext. 4 or (61 only. Form Houso Ros- ?6E0E Equal O p ^^n lw Emp ting carccr opportunities at SECRETARY/CLERK Be1 lo- First yoor os a Somi Tmck Nampa. Idaho 63686 E ^ o y « 472.9686 ext. 6281.i1. ( Or Rcccnt grow th ancmd expansion has led to excitini 'onl, drivor. taurant 1955 E. Frontogo send your resum e to: U Wostom Canyon Sprlni Heal Rd. Wondoll. , LPN wanted to woric< Satur*St ■ 3: Live ourfacilityinTwvin ir Polls. Inn Is.nccopting appllcrroll, Koep prosont job 'Critical Care Center* of Americlerica. as- nation wldo cirlvoc short­ days and'Sundays, leflts packages In the Industry./e tions for socrotary/clei EXPERIENCED ...... shltL Umhed benefits5!; N“» ni'i"o cNA’.fle/NAa , 3570 Keith StreetINW, N\ Er\)oy superb salailarics and one of the best benefi in g ago •Solve Incomo prob- classes cisveland, TN 3731 Beth Irtz, Director of Rehab Roaso apply In porson C O O K more Information, [ 3 2 7 Forimmediatecoronsldenttlon, please contact Be 1357 Bluo Lakos Blvd.por- I lom •placement assis­ Suzanrie or ConnieM K r=2xa'*n^g & principals only pleasease! Scrvlccs, Commurunity Rchabllltotion Centers, Inc II you proficient with I lino 0 ^ ^ ccx>ks. If you aro ox- Fri nwmlnfls. 423-SSS FAX (303) 30M)600, EOE dus. XL & Microsoft Wot morrt*viiro pay for lodgolng night differentials, fi Equal opportuniI n 11 y Suite 405, Aurora,a, CO 80014. (303) 369-0685. FA: v4iilo In rosldont trolning.ng porioncod and looking for Correspondence payrc t com potitivo w a g o s. o LPN wanted to work Sl accounts payable &•’*’0 a Call Cheryl Lowark at 1- days and Sundays, C O M M U NITYN irtor 8 0 0 -8 2 9 -7 3 6 4 for anon groot training team and o - sisting In tho budgetir whole lot o f fun, plooso shin. Limited benefits Ufa Ciaro R E I! A 0 1 L I TTATION process aro major po intoniriow. more Information, we — ___ apply In porson ot Chill's. INC. tions of the }ob. Call Call Claullled. 7^3-0620.>20. I860 Bluo Lakos Blvd. N.. Suzanne or Connie K youi»«l-ln.g™ « Centers of ,' ] - I C e n t e r s * ara. WaT* rt»«Jy wtwi yoo o«t«1 Twin Falls. ID Fri momlngs. 423-65G6591. loMvsmonw. America Secretarial Position Opi ■ Ao you A0 TBsM>HatdM)cM •Solf motivator computc llterato. ond willing to grow with Co. tfion wo need your oxportiso. Cf ____ 734-4577 Ed OK Tamari ______;»■;



I ^ ' r ' ■- ■ 'I" i;jii ......

E-8 Tlmos-Nows.-TWInW n Falls. Idaho Sunday. Seplombor17,1995Se Employiy m e n t-F inla a n c ia l . ' ^ <

2 1 2 i 2 1 2 " .g-r—rr^^jr-77— - I I V , - ■ 2 1 3 - .....~rT\ I 2 1 3 T l 1 m ...... - . .. /M TRADE ' |_^_^TRADE^ IES I ------flllS»NB9B-r------i • I | “ S£;OP£222i£2|iTEsi |jfg2iSSS£I22SiSiiES ^ I rOPPORTUNmES AHLO LOTT TRUCKI^:KINQ ELECTRICIANS Ughtliitlhg T H U C kO R IV ^^a f u e l a t t e W n t• vriihvi-i parl tim e honteiViiiRei!ers. .V^lay^otncialsnei^od,led, ■ IN C . W o h o o d 0.1O.TR c o n tra c to r now hiriiring Drivers not gottlng-enouwugh' Janitorial rosponsibllltiollltios. needed In TP, Jeromei« & Monday, Wednesday, & . PEPSl/COKEROUTE • ^sTISII drivers. 48 & Canacnada. (oiimeyman&approntiotices mllos? Try us. Apply In person ,Trav«avel* Hazelton area. PoslticItlon Friday nights avallablo, 10 Local & Established.-: . ivlth a er's Oasis north ofif thetl- requires mature; reli^b Earn $30K-i-. Ins.... loadlo Local travel, expenseiseSi Wo a re e)q>andlng wlt^ pble. 6:30.10:30pm. Experl*2.'i- - E a m S /B * » , pay & bonus.. 324-501-5053 pood pay. 208-788-11;1137 varied of twalUons foror IIhe HansonBrWge.. : • - Indlvlduais-to work-wliwith en c e n e c e ss^ , certinca*’l“ * ,' , - GETINNOWI ,- contact Jim. qualified driver. - ii««- Uon a plus< Can Y,F.CA. 1.800»3t1*7632(24hra) • : HELlELPWANTED - i- Ml'W altam • 48 Stat OOVT -POSTAL JOBJ 0 CDL drlvnra - nil eln<»iMaes.- j . . . ; 7 ^ - We. aiso offer.laie;mo{iJirS . .StaftS23.eOO-S34,eOO/yi Sl“ 't ^ Stephens outlet Clothing;- ■' ...... Ja k e r-s^ te?ak, a k R ib s & Fish H ouse- - For employment Into S temporary and permerma- conventional, with coi K; i ~ ‘’* " 2 1 5 ~ n Store in Twin Falls is fo? :, of Twin Falls11s is accf^ting <)pplica*'* nont, local. > ^ y at:t EXPERIENCED petltKra pay & benefiti rC S i op(HlcationCilby9/25- QU ■ 'sale. FWliires, Inventory: tions forr a P r e p C o o k a n a a • e ------ELECTRICIANS1 Shoriel 1*800-S23-308Sw a 818-506-6354 ext 775:^52 RETAIL ASSOCIATE CuSur* I2>1 .& contacts, piooso writo- - •O ------JOURNEYMAN.I. ' - ■ • "T—Z foify hiring mature Inc Md 114 Main Ave. N.' Tvirin: . DiJDishwasher. EXPRESS ------QROOMER. Experlbncc vlduale to.work.PTf'in I 733*2009 for customized PERSONNEL SERVICE'ICES AND/OR 3RD YEAR TRUCK DRIVERS, sblo«io & all breed groomer noed< |tm . -_Fa!|at^lD_a3301 - ...... p l y . i n p e r s o n . o n ...... —...... - -Twin Falls, 733-7300JO O ------APPRENTlCe tting. Bqy,glonOT. tearne: CDL,- hazmat;lot; 1 1 tb 2 days per vH»k.i f apt for our home improvi -— .15 & M onday, Sept. 118 8 Burtoy 678-4040 « No9 FoeFo ELECTRICIAN yr. exper.-, DOT quallficImca- Creeluree-PetClinii .IPrafassional resumes.I T \7 M E 7 M S E S ^ iE V ^ / ^ . ~m«nn)r8duerrs«iory' • - Cindy at 733*1606 fro m12:00-3:00 2: p.m. CONCRETE help needeKdod EXPERIENCED ' tions, new eqiiip, top wag-wa Kotchum. Call 726*2228 Seporhr-f^averjfgene __ CURRENTLYHAS-. In Sun Vailey aroa. GoGood . ELECTRICIAN es for exper, vacationlon & ------^ . ous incentive-progran — 1 •, THEFOLLOWINQ- profit sharing, 100% cotcom* **PO STA LJO BS** “ a i I 2 1 6 1598 BlueBh Lakes Blvd. wogos if experienceneed. . I ontal, Attsntlon Twin Falls Call Linda Adameir INDEPENDENT I ~ N o phc CairMerrick Constructicuctloo. Journoyman Eloclrlcia tor I - EMPLOYMENT yhone cnlls please - . 788-2688 ovonlngs.i. 720-72 w ith Idoho Licons l o m a r W r ohers, r S12.68/hr. to stort, pll JUNIOR ROUTES: mmm ossa days. and/or 3rdyoarapi p . Inc, (208)523-1382. . bonofils: Ca;riera, sor —> AVAILABLE ; — — prontlce Electriclar — ors. computo'r trainee: — ■ CONCRETE. Cuny'sI CoCon- Must be experience T ru c k D riv ers Wantens for has an oponlng for a Gooding, ID 83330 1*800-777-7366 8 positions open, mui ^ ■ / i . ful> ^Imo oxporlonc»ncod ^Advertising Secret ------travel to all w esternn clcH-- - S e p t.2 9 from 1 :030- 0 Twin Falls, 733-7300 Seeklr)s ovor tho roodood Applicalions are being nn.ac '' tve; BuriayB7B-4O4O*NoF0».0 0 . -EUzab^Bfvd ____ cooks, aorvors & cashlcishlors. Tho succossful appllc oy, Tnj'ck Orfvere needed5 Tm-’Tn Tlea'S'dtatM 'vfllh'yduhound— «:3wmrist-1»-etfrAv< - 600 Blkof Blue Ukes ' drivers with CDL & floodgoo coptod at tho Burloy Tiusi W Dnjg free workplace:e. — . _ , I Apply In porson, daltyilly be*I will provldo su p p o r driving rocord. 48 Slatiflxito I d . J o b S e r VI 0c e4 ' mediately for haullrtg hahay. b u sin e ss g ro u p , m ut —I .800-700 BIk of Locust twoon1:00&4:00 at co-op solos presontatl' JUCh 208-67^5518 M ust have double> les be; 18 or over & a b'•®t® let Resumes are being accep ; R o u t» 6 3 6 . Sodbutlar RMtauraniranL and act os a receptio en d o rse m e n t. Contoiitoct do FT TRAVEL worJ'Of *<• . ed for FT Shipping/ Inveren* § J 2 £ U S E K E E P I N' ^ - 600« 3 5 w tA v o :-.'.J, 598 Blue Lakes BlvdivdN - for Incoming tolephc or- LLoyd at 208-324*702323 Earnings of $300*60•600^ lory position, experieno ™ SOOShoupAvo. . calls, and walk In clitf Also local shuttle drivora Experienced housdkoopor COOKS. Must be ablo -L, if: • CompetWvo Salary ' WELDERS Sun ValloyV onr. per w eek. B enefitss In*Ir preferred. Please son' 100-400 ly ie rst iblo to Please sond a current Song elude paid hotel and fui noodod part tlmo. Cleon work oravo yard houhours, sume to Peter York,,2 /5" Health insurance 401KOIK. I ' , I . ea, accepting oppUcatbr I fur- resum e to:.B ox.9940a-w v a c a n t a p a r tm e n ts . B s a i i t m And dlshwaahor varloarlouo vorllsing D irector. 1 ' —for'^tt^wr. weldors. S12-;,2 -i nlshod car. Forlntervlmv lw ^Tho Timos Novre, PO Bo ^^^t^r : ■ ______w^ant- —nrraa-^6wa, h:o:‘E rPO" ~ea»-Men-&-Toe*-orrtonlyr -fl487^rvrirrFaHsr1d:63901 for Bllmplo's. Varloirlous 54a Twin Falls, ID 83:o-S??' ' Modem Equipmentnt T omploymonfof^wMisos Box'. 1497, Ketchum, I,It Id. 9am-5pm a t 734-749- ^ HiniNQ,dop«ndimi« r f l l i ' Come by om ce o r call of conatroctten. fumllur 728- >askforMs, SturqteEOILticSALES-'S-poiHJora opw ^ yootowxrtst^ s h ifts & hours. Q Grc roat ------lure - 833 4 0 or call 208-72( I I Z . if youtllyjpg costs are ril txtnoflts. Ploaso opply3ply In Wantod full time aggrjgres. 1-208-934-4451 "bldg, finlah carpon^, '• t 3090 - > , — £RS Ing LANDSCAPE faster thairyoucjn WORKERS pe rson at Travoloiilo r's sive, dopondablo, aulo-au DETAILER PT holp“ 7ft“ fre.Tiing, steady wor J " ; at the Weston Plaza, 1350 molivo solos pers< Pj°.r through winter a summeW. CARPENTER - Wood River Valley areoireo. com e, find out howfor ll ' Bluo Lakes Bh>d.-N. ^ 90aSpari« St*'^°* ^ X ■ Must havo good comr S&R Dolall Shop. Co Now hiring. Coll for aon . AGGRESSIVE .Call 788-2676.- moke morci m oney fo - 900 Washington ST N r : ^ . your, time & olfort, $28iJ80 HOUSEKEEPER, will fum. Uta* C a tW t Is nowcjw Ihir- nication skills. TrainS i j’f 3 "“ ** appointment 788-4610.0. ■ . . INDIVIDUAL ' LOCAL TRUCK DRIVER! ing for all positions.» P - avallablo. Only cen:,rcof ">’Slovo. — Looking for a Career in per week guarantee. FoPor room, boe^d, transporta-S- .^Sg^dos, V Flatbed Driver, 48 statei noodod for local Greet Interview call. Maglo Val/al- tion, salary, to a lady, no . timo and full tlmo. DoDollv- minded poopio noodno tea. ConstrxKtionI.MustbeseI??” Giant com h an /est CDl . 100-200 Avenlda Doi Rio _Send-resumo-lo^fi.C, 0 ------etarter-«^l*nmth«tedi £°.L .,lliy.Kllliy.ai23S-.2M5_____amoklng.jAusLiuveJda:: ~ '“~ory porsomilso noodi ------^ •d rmulb.'When ~)t>u wit -repregrcargmBOO.-' ^ *1700*1800 SiakrrSrN^------Apply In porson at 8 Box 162, Buhl, ID 8331318 Positions avUabte for “ ho's drTver's license and your d*Mm»d «l. be wi r r SEHVtCE TECHNICIAN 100^200CamarltloWay , Blue Lakos Blvd N. • High Incomo potentialJail i ronders undaratandly“ yot i? Of call 208-543-8126 Journeyman carpenterItor" MISC. Circle A Construe XN rel. Work to be performed 100-200 Los Ugoa ------■ Paid vacations — Sond rosumo wth tion Is taking appllcatlontK . PAHT-TIME : In TFareo. Send to 1700ManzanltaSf MISCELLANEOUS massage-epeORout. • HAIR STYUST Full-Umo of. Hbusokeoper, General JS . Group Medical insuron ------or pon-llmo, tor JO Hair™ roforoncos to: . forTF&PaullocoUonsfoi8 for CreaiaCard a division o IflOQWnahlnalongtN Pizza Hut Is nowaccoptivote *125APlan EOE 5*' J Bar S Construction,n, truck drivors. loader oporipor- American Greetings cor Ifyouliwlnthaaaaraaa ■ applications lor drivort d ie se l t Me c h a n ic . nFT, Studio. Apply at ROBYN 2439 East 3700 North, must bo willing to obtaintain a TODD. MV Moll or call h, ators, dispatchers, & iDo-me poralion has an openlnc __ A ar*. Iptaraatad In ba- cooks, ovoning shift.>hlft. Call Jim ® 208-733-295 Filer, ID 83328 chonlca-for the'95-'9C.'96 for a service technician te lo. Ing a Indapandant Jun- Drivora can oam up ti 2954 5 years oxporlonwonco. Usa 734*1488. L‘® Hiring housekeeper at Mo- for appointmont Must havo owr tools ——, sugar beel season. Appl)pply provldo scheduled ser- tol 3. Ploaso apply In por-ur. lorroutaearrtar^Plaata $10 per hr or more. Po(i att@ Hoavy duly mochanic In poraon Mon,-Fri,, 8 -J.5 vice and maintenance tc T: Call 733-0931 axt 203 ___tial wago.Includos DOE. Contact Joff Ran a ~ i 2 1 3 ” our CreataCard Kiosks to-k>. wn246 2nd Ave. W„TF OS SALES. Con Paulos Ch< Wostorn Stales BusI BOf*soi truck-cot-woldor. Nonon* I u s e . OPPORTUNmESIES at 212 Highland Avo. '9 A rolot.PonUacGMCTru< lAvo smoker. Cali aftor 7prpm —— cated In retail o u tlets'ts H ouiokeeper w anted 7^to THOSE WHO HESITATE. wagos. Apply In porso}rson & OEO. Is expanding < vices. 2134 Highland A« MISC, Need Soc. Sec. sup- th ro u g h o u t S o u th e rn T,. REFINOIL,'reprtfsonlIng 11 E,TwinFalls,IDID. 7a6-00t4. ______ADVERTISING rn work Sat. & Sun, 6am- (§) tho Joromo locaUoiotion- solos & leasing team M plomont? Housing mod->od- Idaho. Eloctronl-' ' 2pm. Institutional back- TF Purtflner Inc., Is mok- .No phono calls I 733-8003 — GRAPHIC DESIGN s ' you con follow simple s ____ Hiring Nowl _ . 77ie.72m«a-Mawa. has, 81 omio salary, light molnio-nio- ealAechnical background ground hojplul. Contact,ct Ing dealenhlps available ______plensol cedures, motlvatodBdby DRILLER helper, full tlmo time *Factory/lood processing^9 Ad Design/Graphics posl>08^ ' nanco/yard work 734-5782i782 ■ required. Must bo wen Of*or- Gloria Tubs thru SotQt throughout'ldaho, Mon- ' higher incomo, & ha ganlzed ond have good tana and Oregon to aoloct ' ...... -RESTAURANT.OISI hovo qualinod. Heavy phyalctmaicol *Warohousowortme I ------*CDL drivors environment a must lo to pass dmg test to bobe I ■ ' creosOT the interval ol oil: part timo dishwashor/bi 206-324-3900. orr DRIVER lOwhoolerlor lor *Rostaumnt/Doll - J8t. munity F o ^ a n d Nutritiont*on eligible lor employments. and filter change on virtu- • porson-ovonlngs. Tal Great opportunity. Ploasi t«- I f t , ^ 3 . rS!d 206-734-6565. com harvest,) 3 s ^ RoQi •“ ® , grant In tho Twin Falls Pay Is sap o r hour with an I ^ ally any gasoline or diosol 1 thia first stop on the roj ------Ranger, woge DOE. Cai sond your rosumo to; offlco. Projoct Coordina­Ina- avorogo of.30 hours per 1 poworod vehicle, up td • EXPRESS 771* TImaa-Nawa. to advancement. Apply ) bo full time.: 423-426959 PERSONNEL SERVICES tor, 40 hr/v/k, S6.04, entry“V wook. Bonus potential for'or I •EUMINA'nON'oflhooli: person with Dianne? t1 ‘S i ------2 ii------PO Box 548, Javel DOE. Project Assis------Tvrtn Falls, 733-7300 Twin Falls, ID 83303. additional S1000-S200000 I change. Tested and roe? • AM to 4 PM weekdaydays. I TECHNICAL DRIVERS Burfoy. 678-4040 * No Fee tant. 20 hrAvk, $6.29 entryTt^y por yoar. Excellent bene- ommended for uso by the : Rock Crook. 200 Addis< — Attn: Peter Yori< lovol-DOE. Application Is®®" JOURNEYMEN CLAS Need Owner/Operatorsrs oor I lon fits package. Must, haveve r ~ioi I US Air Force and cortlttod • Avo. Wost. Twin Falls. O peratora with owrown PRODUCTION PERSON . . . and Job doserlpilons ore vohlcio In good condition. by the California EPA as : — ELECTRICIANS. Ne authority. Flatbed,1,11 V AL Now taking applleO' AMALGAMATED Suga avallablo at South Control >'1-. I BUSINESS RESTAURANT Now hlrirhiring oloctrlcal contractor nee !“ ■ \Co. is now accepting op Itrol vyiii reimburse tor mile-,®* I OPPORTUNmES o pollution control tochn: > r*«r W ostornstato!tos tions for product lor plications for seasona Community Action Agon-ion* ago al 29 cents por mile. J ology. - We'bellovo Ihis * ' qualified apptlconts forfor FFT ' qualified electricians f p e r s o n a l. M on. thrL cy. 726 Shoshone Street . cook. Apply in personon at. Industrial constructioifion! 1-S00-221-5B66 employment In our sugai ■Ml Oceasionai overnightht may bo the opportunity ol ■ — Thurs- 10 hr. shifts. Rale, warehouse (now-Foo)JSr Wost. Twin Falls, Idaho;;no; expenses paid,Id. S 68k « YEARLY the90'a. •; TF PERKINS RESTAtTAU* Previous construction o 5-96 OOE Apply ©Acme Man- in tho Burioy CAA office, RANT AT 1564 BLUILUE perlenco required. V Pi a v DRIVERS nooded lor 95-9e Must b e ablelo wort'’■! rtOUTESUPERVi-1. Ing w age S6.16/hour. Ap- moni,.Jerome. Agoncy t> VENDING FANTASTIC'* PERSON. Twin Falls'Is' fifa* ATATATATATATArA T x^Swool bus drive'rl ,n, . SOR/QUARD FT/PT, wllhr|ih pW through Job Service 1*813^388*3068. . vorite restaurant Ismow no Auto electronic*^T O ^ No experience necessary ad 260 4th Ave N. TVvin FallsAjia employees havo first - - 'Local route. 400% prom£ ■ la te R&Id training, S7.00 per. J.hr. service company, good *“ ® prefemnce. Equal Oppor-M»r* Swim Instructora needed:«J: SPAYI>HONe ROUTESSIV V ’ 'tiaoo/W k potential. hiring a part lime projprep* •'w /e x p o rle n c e o n la f vdrlving reco rd & worh?k gOE - . . person-days. Joinn oiour models wanted. Ser>dtd re-r Part tlmo work-periect foi ^ . tunity Employer. Closinging Monday-Thursday,1-3pm."n- Li^Stte«-forsale,S2000:o ' FREESTANDSI — : 884, oxtra Income. history. Background Are you tired oHemporarjrarv- - date: 4;00pm September.ber. .- EveW lrig h o u r s .a ie o wtri^otetitlal. 800-206:5300:» • , - 1-600*745-3358 ! ; " team of professionalssond or sumo to: PO Box 88 .T check. Call Kirkai begin on exciting careiareer B u r I e y . I O 8 3 33 11 8 APPLY IN PERSON AT work? W e have full time . 19.1995; •• avallAbler'Experionoe Weliiestablished lawn :S- . . Western States Dus, 208-241-2727,^ openings in the followlnfl - r ' , p referr^; Abply at T hie e .10 p s ^ a l hygiene vend-J. In food service. Apply3ly InI (conndential). '*"3 NEEDED Im m ediately, le. ’.-landscape spray servier. . person with DiannelelO 1 ATATATATATATAfAT. Service, Inc. ^ . ; SHOP IWECHANiC, Elko,[o. : areas: ly .' -'y,F,C.A. 17&1.EI»J*b*thto, 'Ing on^Jf"#:; '• continental breakfast . Blvd:.^.^: lOi ;.’Wr/sale orTease, oreki AM to 4 PM weekday) ------2134 Hlahlar>d E ast NV; skilled. nHisthaveex- 'Milloperators 11 > Wgrowth' potential. Price dL«n A T A V A T A TA TA TAFAT Twin r^lis, Idaho ,a, »Bean sorters - sewer and housekeeper. Ftock Croek. 200 Addlso • “perlence with brakes, ' -Qood hours/living.quar- r jmEs^uEws:^^ ;: . ;inlsclo8eES resume w/referencosasto i DRIVERS...SWIFT a • Construction Lodge in Kotchum. 726-26- Is looking for the r l ^ per* E f.600*770*jt^, . lyld TRANSPORTATIONiTii l8 training a plus. Salary & 5336, contact Jim or 1 .-DIST. Very profitable & - Evening shift only avalivall- PO Box 884, Burley I r 'I boneth package includingng • Glass installation or son to foln our team.-.TTio .'CitI Clusilied, 733:09313 : noW hiring exper. a . Betty. Must speak English. individual must be able to easy. busineasL .Unlimited - able. Apply in personsn ati 83318 . -1-1 health InsurarKO, paid va- * Meat vn-apper S ' l^antial. 600-340*0034.: , . North's Chuck Wagorgon, AVATAVATATATA'VAT - inoxper. drivers & recenl ire - • Meat cu tte r, ------drtving school grads. Low cation, ow -tlm e. Hours PERSON needed to moke ' 1839 KImborty Road. ^ are Mon-Fri 6*5,-Sat 8-12.2 • All ^ma.'productlon delfverkis In the ag/ehem“ &?.X;rs,K “ n CostTralning Avail., Com­ ,ar •Concrete . . .work wen under pcessure;- ' = I 2 1 2 ” plete Berwffts, Tuition Re* We need to add another — -business; Call 629-S482- • r S l e ? a S I lo An ^ : ; g . 2Kr “ I T M E f, of m echanic to.our crow.w Please apply In person at ^ ' and have flexible hours.' goodretumoninvastment ^ I. Jmbursement, Cholceof ai intermounlain StaffingIng PRODUCTION WORKERSRS Computerknowledga a .u (A Runs, Get Home MoreI-,. Contact Clift Brown at « after Utde woric $7 6 ,000. _ J (1) Auto M echanic able I |2 -. ,Ace Tire, 147 Commer-,r.~ -R esourees, 634 Addisonton- Avonmora.WesUnc...lda*. r# Calh934.83^a', ;~Rerffnance A eqU tylow ^'!! tUE perform top quality wot Often; & Spouse Rider IV Ave, TF.' NEVER A FES£ ho's largest cheese pro*To^ ??l'rposlUon Is 20 hoWs' A DREAM COME TRUE aiAn Program.' (cOE*m/f. rhin. cial Street,'Elko, NV - / 206-734.6727. . Join th e number ono.loonloom with minimum superviskx 89801. #(702)738-4055 — ducers. Is growing & has>a8 ’ por v^eek: Salary corn-n- Local vending business for. . 23-yrs-old) _ BACK HOE OPERATORR Immodlate Tong term env n- sals: Ba Vour own bossisi . . $S NEED CASH? . • : In our flold and moke youyour (No smoking on Job). Mui Call now: (800) 347-9438, to Some physical tabor. every dream a roallly.. WeWi have own tools. (2) Mair ^ Salvage crow wantod to or- , ploymont opportunitiesles ce. If I n t e r e s t e ^ e nid d Earri big m . Call todayV ^ We buy notes & reel estate- In WoodRhnrVdloyarsa0- for production workers alal ■ rosumo: . 1^800^350*8363^ offer establlshod acac* tenance/Handymsn o'c.eU d r y WALL HANGERSe 1&, domollsh lorge room on contracts. Creative-: aald & ocoasionai tow true , n . existinB house for motor!-ri. Cali 768*2676 . ' our plants In Richfield,Id, Kim Patterson, -i Pirw»48pg • counts, exponso pah ^ c k metal stud framers In B- — Gooding; & Twin Falls..Its.. CustomerSenriceManager tralrting, merit promotlonaIons,- drhrfng. Call 734*7090.0- ko, NV needed. Salarylarv «'8. Call Pat or Pally at CL£RK t ^ (208) 622-4293 . . Requlres'hoavy work on %Tha Ttmaa-Nawa, 7 H £ 7 7 M £ S ^ a V S5 iHOME OWNGRS ^ a fantastic first year earn ...... AMERICAN . ■:— .. negotlsble. If Inierostod, _ Health fodd'store needs hr ,P 0 Box 648, TWin Fails,- ;. - Get b u t of.debt, own>a A------ing' pQls'ntlal..complot< — -V -.p lo ^ c a U (702)777.1704...... permarMntKTaaiba detk> . CURRENTLYHAS beriafit package-L'ocaocal - " ^STAFFINQ.INC.— ! 2 i ------TEMP-TCrtHIBE...... srr ~ldahoce8303K»4e— ^ »” '-'great'llfe insurance ptilijr Seasonal or-Temporary: lof/* • • '"Factory Thurs. Fri. & S a t 9 a.m. porlod, + good benefits. z ~t»EFoa:owiNQ^ ■and fund a retirement'ac- district office lookins fo f- DRY Wall Hanger/ Taper/* to 5:30 p.m.-Minimum i h ? -ChemApplIcotof/No8ld<»ldo steel stud framer for HaJ*iSi. Quality Control ini UPHOL9tERV PERSON. INDEPENDENT _ count with no'iadded ox* two speirts minded, hljhh S i 'ItFactoryJanltorlttl wage. C all for appoint*™ ■ iS tt.'i'ol."""’'""' Vinyl seat repair personn CARRIERROUTES> penso to your budget: For motivated, prdfesslona ■ ' - feySchool. See Jack D ^ „ m en t® 733-6311.- — . noedod. Prefer son^eone “ SeanSorters* ey at HaSey MkkM'School^ • ^.Production ConstrieUon ^ AVAILABLE ■ ’ quailficattons & free Info • nalu rep. w/access ito l fi -Vori6os Labor ~ PT porson to decorate,to. with upholstory experien- -call-1^B00*226-4925. . if reliable cor. For Intorvlevi ^ - or call Ken 322-1885 v COUNTER, WAREHOUSE dsan & sell lumlture, car-ar- CO. Wage DOE. Contact t bo ■ I ....I . lL. -Maetilolst n •HANSBN/KIUBEtJLY- ' call Kon Davis, 733*2403 lers **mi op/Yr-round & DEUVERY help nood- pet & appliances, in.per-,er- Jefl.Flatt ® Western * ★★★★★★★★★*★★ Son6-10, Mon/Wed 10^ ORYWALLERS, hangers Od. Call 733-4649. — ._:.JlB viR A-FEEI_. _ Bd. ;• -C ardoutn___ _ son Banner Furniture. 2010 1 '• :Staies'Busaenicee.2134- ,____ BEEN;rURNEDl:.------ABC.SEAMLESS Isac-a c -' 734-6452-t-80O-7Z1-WORl wp. Qdo3TopporiunItlos for 1 ^ Cook hee ceptlng appilcatlons foror a-o 8eivlr>o the Entire MagJ, day through Friday. 9-12 e ^ a v a n a b le . Excollomllont ' ELEQ:trician/ INC. ot Mountain Vlow Care career opportunity foifO f , • - - - • Sarving th e Entire Maslcc Center. 600 E. Polk • ' right petson. Call for a;^ r 8I»C* •»W6l Kimberfy : . i F u l l tSobdlW ofKiin^i' pobittnant733-96e3-..-; EtEGTROMjlCSPECIAIJST . TRADE,-^Automotiveo Express Personhal Ser* ■-,>.;':CbW di mecharilo. Experienced,i> vice* h a s m w (uli-tlme, ATTENTIOUJ ^ , - 1 - S ' ■ ' ...... ,..^Jnumc»Ag9nta-^ . . ahibltk>Ln. B u ^ a ^ . - perm w ent posittons to.flU •ftM lton T p . C onjoin ou£'nnviWntcnairc^'Teai^ -Llsted-be,low^re-|liet:aJ * Flnanciat Corwurtwrt#f**'-; ; S u c c e s ^ t u l :!c aandidatc ii -will have ..’ ;y^,lb^:RMlattats^an~ •Uorta»g»Bnktn . e . , , , ' 7 * PersM with some ear*.. Box 149 Mako .an e ) ^ 1^,000iin In stcbn^-eiectric•ical & m echanicalII ; TRUCK DRIVER,wantedId pentry ektlli,. technically 3.' minded/detail oriented,I , . '.‘.-jTw in Fall spare tJim Miirktt flralt* for fail corn chopping.' alls, Idaho \ ; ">t(iKT w TheTlffM»a*igaWs: Ing newtflfWKlal unrfca aptitude; expeilerl'ence in' generaltl C lo n e CD.73««Eei. able to lift 100#. ' • „ ^ ^Forkllft operator. tal)omeewr)M Save them m aintenance S: electrical trouble* )3-bl49:”^"''..„ SSO.OOO ' ^ r U a d t pro- '* TRUCK DRIVERS needed. • ■ vided, ^ ^ e t t WflfangTffigT* shxrotingir-Joiiiurneyman -lic«iw ee ~DoatdTtiQ5i«J8i^7i»a>iri .♦DebQB^wl<^6ris;;& nolicerwerequiredi' ' preferred. M usast be/able to. worktc LTnieklngheedsovorthe* Qreat Opportunity. rood drivers, DedI* I , of.iMaooy*.iwnit>att C1I80»W7406 rotating shifts. cated runs, good equlpr ^ ment, fringe b e n ^ We“ W i ^ B E S S - MFO SALES REP M oore offer corompetitive wages' & require 2 y ears experi*!. -, P ^ N “ i ® f E S - . -1 0 0 .0 0 0 *^in repeat-comm czceH ent ,ben«n e f i t - o p t i o n s , i e!, , -encew/goMWork-Adftv^-i i L_Tw»l.l:iiI»^J33.79«_... •^ASiBiaSfcNT^; - ■ •; . ’sales. Careor p ^ o o . In­ ^ Ingrecord.Can^-4538:.;r a»l»y.670r4(140*N0F«>; dustry Leader. No Uavelvei M e d i c a l , D e n t all. l , Vision, tife^ Short •- ■ ■ .. ^ . ■ AGCifelfilNGAPP or.direct sales. (8 0 0 ) Term D isajbilitsity, A ccident,' Lonjg p"'.'H O U RLY .-,'’; BS6-2220 , f t ‘ m s j B e “ Term pisabilit:ity, 401K: Savings, eW GAIW ?;®®-,-.' / Jaiiilor <;;M AM AGER,: SALES, a c c ^ n g . .«bn» for .PT retail Balesles ’; P e n s i o n , ^ P ^ d1 Vacation.\ :RelallCasli|Bis-!; ' { R O s m o N S ; ■ i\ te sltlo h . Must be avail* Interested candi.S’1 i able days; eves., and SoL- : ■ LiB Mecliaillc ■ c A p ^ln penon’atZuidr-- a r the S ate ,of Jidaho,J< Job Service, EloctTonlc.&dccttia].til.tioubleshod^B era^Pa/ty and Wedding . Full-time po*ltloavav-‘ uiM di .piurniiioi ' «> - i I - Auto AftarnUfket. Local » e ? e .BUstKEssnmis ldaho833l8 : ' ' • W;- tM TtnyiM ^'m ce workingI i v i p Q RfP i j^. .. Asrsratsoiv^oN ■ wim'ytfurjriindr S40K ------uajihateoiittot ( '■ :bes«4;boniia*banefiis.'IS. . An E^aljOppoipo^iiUi/EmpJoytr: ■ A;n Egual-Oppoglrtunity'Em plio^g: 0O(V342*224t. ;• r.,

*’'V . ' ^ " . i : Sundayay. S ep to m ^ 17.1995 Tlmeiimes-Nows. TVvIn Fafls. Idaho F-1

F in a n c ieial-lnstrifctttion-R eal EEstate/Sgle i e ■ . . .

_ ^ j g r ^ ------8 0 2 . ~ . 5 0 2 -^ -^ ...... 5 0 2 ----- ^ — 5 1 il n e s III ‘ TWIN FALLS HOMESLJ 0 1 B«NF/5xf HOMES |_TW|NFALW^ . BUSINESS LOAhAN $128X»0. TAKE A UXLOOK $246,000 679,900 ATTRACTIVE . 3 bedrooni, 2 bath on Polk=’oik 4 bedroofn 2 balh w/ovi)vor HavoaprefoMlonal«l ATTHISI'AIIbrfckhohome Premier Address SurroundedByTreee1 3 bdrm ,'tv; bath. doublroofedd 33 ' bdrm/1% bam Cottage onor storage aroas In garageige. #95-087NK. reduced lo $96,90C00. VAL-UGM rooms, 2 baths withI largelai bdrm residence. 2 Ire-flre- corner lot, near echools.Is. Pellet stove & firepioco l< :ir #95-065GQ. ,• 1>fl00-e2S-804S Bia 2SC^ (Ivlog room,, largo fair(afTiTly plapes„.den, largo familyTilly Quiet street, ostabllshoded family room makoa It oas]lie SPRING CREEK I , room In basement, 2 'i m, - Ibcaie. Large rooms,s. for heat efficiency. L^L( "REALTORS SPfllNG-CREEH 305 gara^^encod^dd withw A ndersen windows, de-do- choery fireplace. t>lg IMngng concrete RV Pad-Roomymy. 734-4049 REALTORS CO^frRACTS& .. Very sig n e r upgrades, twinwin room, corrmng, d ^ n e•er r All wooden fencod! back a d ------— - rrr . 734-4049 ^ J O R T O A Q Ka nico homo!CALLPATATTY m aster euRsSf largo <»d-led- docor.touchos,‘wBlK-lnIn yard. Buy today and save -a t 324-1113. #95-240.18. rooms, deluxe botnrooms.ms. clo se ts, laundry room,m. $2000 • asking SOO,000'00. ^c7al””bdr^fS?tta^g^ j ^ = = ^ = • 1 _____gourmeLkItchon..cenlralilral . modortiJdtchen, contral^1 CailRayatHM733-e340140. -Steel-sldod,'on largorgo‘ - ...... • ■ • —WTOP DOLLAR »»- A~Comf6^libTeFAl7rGI G as H/A. Enclosed Pailo, au­au- H/A. now fumaco. Roofed yard. Largo shop wired Fbr contmctt; luortaBBe»Bea. • heat lends comfort tolo thistl toniotlc sprinklers. JUSTIST patio, city water. HOMEory3 UNOEFT3600SQ.ft.ft. Is IN WALKING DIS-S- Cannot bo any better forfoi eulte. new gas furnace. II bdrm Cottage. Stoitool- PRESTIGIOUS h 6MEME T A N C E T O P A R K && family living: CloseI totc Covered patio. ALSOI S . a d s ■ t ' '■ ■■ -306 ". ■ ■■ ' eldod. Needs work,-fIi.-fire- AND SETTINQ, OFFICE,CE. C H U R C H ES. METALVL Sawtooth & T.F. HighIgh *Noar schools-rocroaUon, I RNAWOALSERVICESCES sidocheor. ample stornorage Price-cut bonanzal Col­;ol- SIDING. SYLVIA 734-4- Schools. An oasy accessese *open floor plan, *Coun-S The Times News space, washer-dryeror IIn' le e n Brown 733-5446.46. 3611..#147-9S. to the swimming pool.•ol. try kllchen. A real flnd-nd- guarantees to selljii . H«**ltdt>yCf6dttore?fe? eluded, kitchen.apptlarliano- #136-95. I Comfortable 4 lovol hmwy■ w/ don't watti S66.000. Cindy merchandise, Faoinfl Bankruptcy?y? . es induded. p a i^ ly f THREE MI garage. RV parking, sprin­rin- H o u s o r 7 3 4 - 6 1 0 4 . atrtomotive in 7 Qitlnformodl Ished badement. ALSMS THREEM1 REALTY klers & privato back yard.ud. #95-281. 1-800^9-MONEY(66e:W63) • •AutomatJcsprlnkIers.il $104,600. Call Ray at hm days and real oxL6r.S1.99/mln. maxnax mediately availablftS: REALTY 7 3 3 - 5 3 3 6 > $09,900. Great Opportu-tu- estate In 15 days coBt$18.90.TTPr«<;/18/18+ Priced at $69,900. ClnCindy 7 3 3 - 5 3 3 6 ^ nity for Flrat T7me Homeme o r r e r u n th e a d ain n Tetesefvlco USA; Hagerigers- . H ouser 734-61104. O' . ' ■ ______. $96.6000 - SABALA — Boaetino Nice Extras BuyersI Payments dose»o additional 7 dayss ^ town. MD. (301)797-g3ig323 #95-288. Charming Estate near REALTY to ront payments. Now ■«r T ho m any am enities in-n- 733-4321 9 t n o a d d itio n ^ RIm • Tradillonol two-*^0 - du d e yard space aplenty. constnjction. 3 bodroom. c h a r g e to th e story home, 3 bdrm, 2 2 full both condos. Nico '• 2 3 bdrm / 2 bath Ranch, Q- townhouso floor plw withrith customer. Ads on -.-r>ear schools,-Top^lrawefOT -- 2 -story.vlntago homo on GEM 0 . comer lot w/over 2500 sq. rn^erb^robm^utill-lifi- may be cancelledd ' STATE REALTY. INC area, two-car garago. ties on main floor. Dock fl"- Opon floor plan, flroplaco.0 f t 4 bdrms & 2 baths. Ro- ick e a rly fo r c u s to m e r :734-0400. I • ryi ^nd carport with eacho'l . convenience but Double attached gersge, vaulted ceilings, storm unit. Boauilfully land- t W l P i liM il l fM .1165,000 ' deck, auto sprinklers.W'l windows, new carpeting,1 „ scaped, malntonanco free1?: t h e c h a r g e will You Can Have It All dream kitchen, den and■or gas heat, celling fans.>: SPRING CREEKK exterior. CALL VIRGINIA remain the sam e. —_ Follow your fancy toUI th full basem ent ready ' for*® Redwood dock, mani- ELDRED6E 733-1735 'or I '.AOI I this finishing. Reduced td cured lawn, underground,a REALTORS . . . , a,. • ^ 7 3 4 ^ 9 . . • KATHY PARTRIDGE3E I______I . ' SCHOOLS/ vloM!^pert>l<^kept^ llg $195,000. Cell Kent 324- sprinklers, city utilities, _____ 324:3fi0ajffiS:029____ ■J . IWSTHPCnoW~ '1443 or Wanda 643-6716— -cTty-waton-NEW-OAR->e 3 bedroom brick, single : NEW USTINOI $ tt.0000 bath residence on (ar( ' PET, PARQUET FLOORS Drive by. this Is a must so«; 9yard. In canyon settlni IN KITCHEN & ENTRY.^ balh, singlo gamgo with wl 854 Mornlngsldo Drivo, A&P/UVFCC RATINGS08 water views. Intercoi REDWOOD DECK. TAM­/ opener,fenced yard, S'n^' THREEM ARA ANTOIM 733-0550.g. $70,000. Call 734-8553.?■ GEM Twin Falls. 2 bedroom. 1 Clauas coming to yourMjr system, spiral stalrcasicom REALTY _ STATE REALTY, INC.1 bath. Vory targe shod) area. Call 1-80534^2742742 big living room, stud' . #212-95. yard, partially foncod, •.foftfrformation stained gra», many JS;:bull 733-5336 1 NEW CONSTRUCTION)N 7 3 4 ^ 0 0 starting at $95,000 for a — Call Carolyn . ------• Ins. tile floors, eoft-tonobuilt- -______• s ; T H R E E M 2 QREAT STA RTER OR)R i-wleyneAL^ decor, private masK 1500 sq.fL, 3 bodroom. 2 Dnod w w v v w v v w v v vrv BEALTY bath home. Air condition­In- RENTAL. Right In Twin suite, custom kitchon. El ,at Falls for only S45.000. 7 35 S h o sh o nle e SSt. N. • 7 3 4 - 5 8 5 6 ^ Clasale 2 Story Tutor . 7 ^ 5 3 3 6 ______ing, vaultod ceilings, groat 631 Conwrdla CIrde ” “Opan Tloor'pianrconvo“IQ— -660-eq:ft—^bdrm rgos-^______CB-- P- u g e ------Located In profesatonal- nlent to city porks andnd heat, quiet cul-do-SDC, — COME-SEETTHESE TWO” ■ “ neighborhood on QuIet schools. Olhor floor plansn s foncod back, lust lor your Coldwell . cul-de-sac, near schools.”• FAX with 1662 sq.ft. and 170606 now lomliy. Call Bon to- Banker GREAT PRCiOPERTIES!! H ™ r e e miH *3+ bdmi, 2 V* bath sq.ft. aro also ovailable.lo. day 734-9860. #142-95. ! “ R E A L T Y ■I >gourmet kitchen CALL RON FREEMAN I Western Realty OPEN SISUNDAY Y O U f ^ for details. 734-4206. 733-2365 1 ' 50^ •• •vaulted family rm. fireplace s” THREEM ri 733-5336 •formal dining room #95-231/324/325/074. REALTY IndopondenUy owned &I SEPT. 17 • l!1:00^4:00 PM ___ 'master bdimw/sauna ..operated, L a l $174,900 7 3 3 - 5 3 3 6 1-600-733-5927 Price Reduc«l/Can’t Les •Jacuzzi & patio AD tiixury fenced multi-level, * ■ 2 car finished garage TIM ES CLASSIFIED bdrm Soft Contemporar ‘AC, sprinklers, fsnced >" • DEPARTMENT GEM OPEN STATE REALTY, INC. with laid-back charm^ BsrOwner/motlvatod. callr. 208-734^5538 Nearly new, beautiful!' for eppt at 734-8317. 734-0400 ( { O P E N HOUSE] I HOUSE ------keptrbrlck/wood: Kooi master suite, walk-ln doaeon- ' ...... EALTV IA MUST SEE -1 SUNDAY,r, SE PT . 17 - TODAY ONLYJliIlf ets, laundry room, centfB H/A. MulU-gsbled,. raani ITHREE M BEArOPAY1-4P.M.V— _ - •Finlsiiecf basement 1;00-4!(l i O O P . M . cured lawn, expert landW- OPEN HOUSE TO ■ «5 Bedrooms 1435 HEYBU5URN AVE. E. . 1:00-5:00 PM ind- |_ |l |l |g _ l l l l l g l l g l |M klors. city utilities, cit; 1 -3 Baths, $ 8 9 ,9C,900.00 Sfop'in and »M this >rln- I H I H n lilm a •Family room ACREAGE inside thele ccity limits. Home h.is 4 I w ater. ALSO'*RV padcit^ beauUbl homo locatediat- at- n o r t h e a s t LOCA M •Living room bcJroonu, 2 baths .indI has some remodel. PrTvatc 708 E A venus B TION, ELECTRONIC AIF S *Extro Large onJ lecluJeJ. .^UPRERIERIOR FAMILY HOM E! Jerom e, ID CLEANER. ColleetWR f Hosteaat LU lardinglg 733-9642.< Ono of the be« buys on Brown 733-5446. ivioe-gs n 2 car garage - WM 5y Pfus 2 cor detached the market at $ 7 9 ,9 0 0 . I S a g e b r u s h ° THREE M H shop/garage 9 1 2 R 0 S E■ U M O N T O m V E Coll VaPI for more REALTY li n 19,000 • 2681a rs l y n n N o h COME SEE IT Information at m 7 3 3 - 5 3 3 6 Y our Hostess: Carl ^ TODAY! R e d u c ed i t o ‘ 9 5 , 0 0 0 J Lovely 1 6 8 0 sq . ft.I hhome. 3 bedrooms. 2 MUNROE-ROBIRTS , $166,900 baths, hot tub, wood30d Stove. Includes all ...... - REALESTATE •'An.lnoredlble Prieel 1 CountryiMstocy3b(lmi/2V appliances in recenti;mtly rem odeled kitchen, 643-8606/543-436-1' bath Contemporary wlli Detached 2 car ganjarage with large work 1-80»24mw2e 1 9 9 5 F a l l magnlflcentvlews.suwllh shop. Located nearir C S I. # 9 5 -2 4 0 2 3 4 0 L O)NGBOW N Open Houae Sat & SunSun perbly maintained, cedar8U. . USTING AQENT/HO£iOSJ: JOHN FORBES $ 1 2 9 ,9C,900.00 12-e; tl& s'norence Avei\ve acro. Entr] D E d ^ H O M Ei I S T O U R - FANTASTIC home onn comeo er lot. Profcssionnl (between Weeton Inn courtyard. Tiled loyer P A R A D l »n- large famUy room, vaultec Inndscapin;;, with equallyIly professionalf decorating BI(tet.)'Convenlent, cen­ lom es in the M a'agic Valley! in A v e. E o st • 7 3 4 -0 4 0 0 baihs, over 2400 sq. ft. tra location. L a^er than•lan ceilings, beamed ceilings 1 0 N e j v H o \ i 1445 A ddison / Inside. 4 ‘bcdroom9, 3 bal appears. Not your basicisic wood windows, etainoc G E M O T A T E lREAXTY, m e . I Host: Mark Famswort/o rth , 7 3 6 > 0 0 1 7 . rtn • woodwort(.manybuitt-lns AY, SEPT. 16™« • 1-7 P.M. hO'hum houtel 3 bdrm, ■ : 1Kbath,S000-»eqtt.cor- quiet-toneadecor,jH s a t u r d a - ner lot; dbl garagea a $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 worth of land lY, SEPT.17™ -• 1-6 P.M. w/openers & work bench.iSh scaping. WONOERFUl^5: S U N D A Y Fabuloufl Gourmet kitch­ DECK. Immedlatelv•UL en, newer palm & roof,f 2 available, ©olleen Browraly . fireplaces, (1 pellet), Irg 733-S446. #203-94. 1.314 Moionroe Way I family nu, laundry, sew ­ AGIC V/lILLEY Rlp r o ing, & storage rm, satellite.Z. THREEM Wills, Inc.c . . 1286 A ddison Ave. E. Buy the big house & I’l' I'll REALTY throw In sniatl one. Check 1 4 - 1 9 9 1 1.800-658-3882 or FAXH 734-1288 the rest & buy the best.S 7 3 3 - 5 3 3 6 $91.000 734-7278. _ .— ^ .^ ^ 0 0 0 ____ ------r- ■ I >TF - Make on Informed de-jft. (^iS^Tudor PerfeHlon BUY l U O W ! ■ , clslonl Inspections for O etuxs large muitl'Iovel 2.1082 EllIkhom Circle Interest rates are.dov>wn. It*8 easy to quaHfy. home buyers,, froeoe Farmhouse In secluded fy- ______I bfOdiure. 2ldaa. now ^ v C C S I H may also bo purcFiated. >17! ______MQBEEOa.YOUftJK}NEY_ “ “ — coffaiiTffiMUiorTeawwaiKxi oedcrisw er-pC iSM ' n ■ -»NH.S98------One level 4 bedroom, 1 3/4^ -T H R E tM ' p«lnl & caipeL St29,000.8I<0. aiG-aso e I m bath home on comor (ot In R E A L T Y NE a re a with m a tu re MAQIC VAUIYI C) MAQIC V A IU Y R^ E U ty 11^ I landscaping. $91,900.i,® 733-5336 rgSf" ™ I < 734-li29 II GlveRedacalll • . NEED ROOM ; S. 1841 Spipringlane FORHORSE8T.'. ■ R/G Buildders. Inc. NELSON If eo. come see this 4.14 ------acras with remodeled 2 - ...... : ------B E A tT V ^ ■ bedroom home. tS2,B00. 734-3930 Give Gary of Shirley a call for details., M . ^ 6.428Troiotter Drive n . •BIGTYARD* , ._QUIET8TREE1^ ' _ Devine Hilomes 3 bedroom, l'3/41j8lh I — —^ ’’BestKitchenm & Master Bedroom" - m h home wilh wood stovo, 'J.II ^ gas hoat, and satellite $100,000-$!',149,000 Category ^ UNDER . CONSTI^R^TIOm pfijBiK y LOTS OP HOME FOR TNE HC I . systom on panlally fencodto - . V . - TownhouMa wtlh approx. : Nice & elaan 4 bedroom. 2 lot «7Si990. Call Shereo»d each. 3 bedTTwma, 2i t>aibalha. R an^-- - H tiome.'Large master suite 'nl for moro reasons to seel 7.27544th^h Ave. Bast -slyla with gaa boot A < Laundry area off Mtctien. Olnint : conditioning. 3 dlllerarsrant units at M & bedroom upsUiIra could be i - f f l JS^wStarQunlility Homes______;__ _SS9.aQD^ach.or^uy..2 , .Fenced ba^or(!.S82J»0. #80 ------EQUAL HOUSINQ-» N E L S O N ^ SIM S ' "Best Ove.erall Design" ^ S17B.OOO.ffSK-C21.C«lfSti o p p o R T U N m r . R E A L T Y (^MAOIOVAUlYftYMALTV 3 * ^ 3 5 p 1 C t MAQICVAUEY M A L . AlreiletfMaiKoii^inM •rl49,000 Category I'l ne««Mip«r k suttot 10^ F** 7 3 4 -3 9 3 0 $100,000-$! • ADVAMTAQE0U8 PRICE n CUTII For. Plus Valuesi ■ _____ 8.1374 Gaalena Drive »• • s e e this light and airy 3 mstiiiction,Inc: ‘ ' - bdmV 2 bath Ranchi Just s;r.o . Cot on iRlsnslon.’to mak* any such ' preiarsnct;' Qmlbillon . or" . Built, on.cofpor lot; ener- (nrur "Best Oveierall Design" , ' gy effldem; near schools, - sssssfe'issspf Warm Hearth. Family $150,000 &flip i Category ia IMng HlUi pvMU or legalII room, vaulted ceilings,ly . .' ottiodbn: pngnam mwian andi thermal glass, oak», ' . woodwork. Great new I 9.1109 Wo'oddriver Drive floorplan. 6121,900. Can Oon Johnsison Builders -Kent F i l i n s 924-1443. ^^^MuTlTLOCATiaTION. Neat & ■ ; IN BUNU commercial byUIr \ •#32«5. • : i ciMn 3 bedroorn. 2 balhball home In ■ -Main SI, wllh approxima «y V I^SST.l. "BestKitdimn& Master Bedroom' : •Q. fLlnckiOosoAoe. IreiqMeM es^xhichlslnvUdOTCidho > SatooesxMrior.Iteturata aervino aD floort, efndefit gaa . law Owr fMdsti tra herebyJ THREEM ------$150,000 Sf I flip Category' : ! R E A L T Y [ . . ; 7 3 3 ^ 5 3 3 6 ' /'Ott* 10. 2324 Gt3 ar^ Lane, Filer ctfHUO T o l^ a l trecMeg- . -— »777;Tlw ToB-frH t*»phonB " pR lW felW est Valleyy Coiistruiti&ii"' " ' " ^ ,

- ...... 'J--— ------...... ^ ,f> ______f ^ ^ : r

F-2 TlmoS'N ows. Twin>ln Folia,F Idaho. Sunday, Soplioplombor17«09gs Real Esistate/Sale-l■Real Estat(ite/Sale

i 502 I f ~ - 502 I 4 ^ 5 0 2 5 0 2 5 0 2 n I M S . - ^TOjNFAUSHOHESIES ]j_ T O lN F ^ S H 0 ljEIES 8 I Itw inm ushom bS_l |_JWlNFAUSHOMES_ JWNFAUSHOMK^ ^WjNWU5HOII^■8 loOOOfNO/MfBCQJ., I H0M E8» ' I FORSALEBYBUILOEIJ)ER Homo for aalo. ’4 bdrmIrm. 3 Mint m— to mPonelattU'M l HEAD FOR THE HILLSI *' Lot Lagoa PROVEN BEAUTIFULCUSTOM5“ N E W E ST •NEW CON-N. 200 ACRE p Arm ' ■J534*qn.Vaullodcollin!illlngs bath, IMng. family, diningdini Largof tnsEBthan It look*Mks. In this lovoly vintage hom)mo 1 Resldontlal Availablele Action1 gets you results ^whh BUILT brick home. 3 bockyart. 1344 Freemont W ILLI AMSONAT't -golf course. Can slill pick. ______420<»43 s & Or. Asking » 09,500. Call ' ‘ colors. CALL SANDRA)A' and all Irrigation equip- ___ Hot tub & dock.^orsrso Pnvato tonnls courts 2 538-8234. 2 . ment la Included, Priced I BUY HOUSES, S30-&^eOK HOTNEWUSTINQ3 barn & outbuildingsg a. swimming m l . Completeloto Anthony at Hm 934*6683 CAPPS at 324-8752. FAMILY EMERGENCY rongo. Fixors ok. oSa “vo ju 3t ono block to Morning KJV- or 731-5663. ' $117,000. («5-113J. at $250,000. Can Anthony. PHtCE REDUCED nlng- S121.000. Call Noil Hor;up- lawn caro & srww romov Hm. 834-6683 9c 731-5863. MUST SEIX NOWg Brokof foos. 734.9706. sldo, thla 3 bodroomim :2 stor for moro InformatlorIon. a) sorvlcos. #95-070NK...... S37.900..237.VUtaRd.Td. T F .______S-----_____ bath single lovol Ramblonblor 734-1328. «(iH-S50. SPRING CREER ----- Is not only CHARMING h SABALAX GEM Cost effoctJve and alfoiIlford- ;JUSTUSTED INO. M A G I C V A L L^ ^ -REALTORS REALTY STATE REALTY. INCc SABALA oblo. 1 yr-HOME WAI rferti# boautlfully carod fo 324-8652 GEM0 REALTY .734*4049 733-4321 • RANTY, 3 bdrm. 1 boi BETTERTHANNE''•tVV a n d an .D O sy w alk1?^ t< REALTY STATE REALTY. INC^ 733-4321 . Natural gos hoot, now si Supor 3 bdrm,'1V4 bathbi achoolB and shoppingIjjlj) 734-1991 - 3 2 4 ^ 5 2 _ . w rfl homo, dbl garagoJO on Torrifle Price Tag Too” _ OUTGROWN — Cute 2 bdrm.'fixer uppei Ing, now fonco, nowRrtnn’ c largo, fully foncod li • w/arch optrios, hard wooc R e d u c e d $20,000. Nice~T 4 2700.254acresw/feedlot& mont parking. Ig loL Brii d jo t. J u s t $73,900. Call Todoyyitty' *★*★***★*****★at- style In an immaculateote Boautlful oak kitchoi ’®* w/water. shop & corrals,a am 500 cows, $385,000. docoratod. Roducod:od to Ido Rock Garden Condo? DeDo- w/Island,nower pulse,"®, gai Ooodlng. $33,900,0,; Call 324-2671 aflor 6:00. S76,000. Call Jonn HuK or. totally upgrodod Insldi 'Sf f $17,600 down. OwnbrwlllMn ------— Z. 640 acre farm & 400 cow & out Tlio floor in kitchonon, signed with 2-bdrm,I, < 2 furruico & wiring. 2 firopi >or SPACIOUS corner lot:>t: dairy w lth’3 homos, ison today. Thia ono wo now carpots. paint, dbdbl baths on lowor level'Ol. Q c o s . F a m ily ro o n CBI last long! iS& ^ D ^ t h ? ^ m o ^ '/ NN- - 3bdrm . 2 bath, air, gosDS $995,000. “■ CB cor garogo, loncod, sprinrin- Ught, airy, dining, kitchorhon w/knotty pine paneling 6 Qo Marco Investments, Inc. Coldwell Ita and living room on uppoirn, QOODINQ. 3 bodn»m,1V4 >8. 577 Mariey Rd. RIchneld, ALPINE B a n k e r ahrubbory & Iroos. Cului- level. Pricod to soli I ala t . RV parking, hot tub, sal bath, 1500 square feet. utt ID 83349. ______Western Realty ve-sac, vory nlco 3 bdnm•m, $69,900, Call for details.Is. oiiKo dish, lots of flowon 733-2365 Ity REALTY W estern Realty Owner will carry. Call trees infencedbackyard. -. 734-3373 ‘ y 2 bath hom e in NE T F & vegetables In gardonsons, s3g ^ s ^ _ Close to schools & shop- Must sell due to health. 92 Intfopondonlly ownod 8 733-2365 , . 1450 sq. IL on tho main. $89,900. Call Issy'Gibbsibbs li— .. I. r- acres, 80 shares of TF opomtod. CALL TOLL FREElEE Indopandently ownod & lA ping, immaoulttta.' ' * 400 down. 736-3725 foi , Qt 733-0596, »IG-607. Qoodlng: 4 bdrm, 1 3/4,0 $79.900.by ownor. Shown water, In hay and pasture. 1-800-733-5927' •■ 1-800:47t)-344« operated. a p p t asking S112,900.Ei CB ry . bath, baaement, oarago, Home, garage, corrala, . 1-800-733-5927 . ****★★★***★*★** MAGIC VALLEY■ ' . patio, pefiet stove. 6 lots,g; by ap p t 324-4419. _ toaflngJieds. 734-5518 , Coldwell REALTY $97,000. Call 834-5785 _ UNDER CONSTRUCTION. ;SHARP COUNTRY HOME Banker 734-199fl = IN HAQERMAN ri with mature shade trees. [RE You TmmmG Western Realtyt ■______IO 6 Now home on qulot streetL Shop and storage, bom, JEROME/ 1560 aq. fL-i-full basomonL 733*2365 S.E. ACREAGE 5 Ptek your carpets 4 colors.^ and corrals, surrounded o f Seluxg? I indopondontly owned & With moture.beautlful by prime farm ground, V'Ralph-£sihfger, Associate lanQffcnping. 4 borm; 3 5~ “ gooeHolatlon'hwofy. fuii" I 1-800-733-6927 haqermanwomes THOMPSON A NELSON oker with Gem Stale Realty, Inc. both plus private guest I BUILDERS TFCC water shares. Call ctil several good llstlnp. Ifyou aulte, family rm, 2 fire­ 837-6313 or 837-8284 Kent to preview 324-1443. places, covered polio,os't $116,000 Cellular 420<3943 #196-95. tliltiklng of selling, call me at OWNER CARRY Dbl. garoge, shop, Ire-RV Parfc-Area Charm I-0400 or 7n-9S76 fot a free Nice 2 bodroom homo:,r in Periling. Ailing $166,000.Ilo. K In g -a iz e d s p a c e lh a■m’ t ctaMBtod. . . me solution lo^ THREEM good location. Vinyl sid­ ch rtlveurnwds.733-0931. M matysk. ing, gas heal. $54,soo. CallJoonath{m733W8.RV m atches all needa. REALTY Coll Don, 328-6602. 100. F enced ahlngle 3 bdrm 1445 AddJtonion A v e . Eox} • 734-0400 SABALAt78, two-atory.RV pad, Fronch 1 7 3 3 » 5 ^ > doora. eien. family rooms,P‘ I KIMB^^)AtlSEN : - iL gjM CTATErE REALTY, INC,J DOSHIER REALTY V rec room , high ceilings, * Twin Falls CounW, 2 0 0 an------733=4321------carpeting, designer up­ ------h o m e s ------■1-- ■ ~~tmsi~untlc>. 480"deedod acros with over 300 acres ^ — REALTY^ grades, big bedrooms,Y; $124,900 734-2922 ------TwalR^cIbsolsrio^frdi^ , Irrigated hay & pasturo. _ TF-BY^WNER Countryaide SUnd-Out‘ New custom home, shop Cozy & private, foncod^ room, country kitchon, for­ Warmth a charm flow from Only $36,000 can buy this mal dining room, r>ew fur- thla tantalizing 4 bdrm/ 92 & ho rse barn. Very pri- cute homo. Molfll siding,,Q bartyard w/)rg trees sur-•Ad noce, partially nnlshed , vato yet only 7 mllos to gos hoal,lots of storago, rpundlng for privocy on- ^ bath aplil entry, Brlck/fra-* town & schools; Asking jg’ honcos this attracthro re- basem ent. Patio, garden mo, on a full acre, near utlllty.CallGaylo 733-1668. an. space, eaay-care landsc- , $643,000. will consider. modolod 4 bdrm homo. recreation. Large rooms,7 trade lor quality farm tand MOUNTAIN VIEW Qroat locaUon, Call Bob oping. WILLIS STONE sikling gloss doors, jmtpr- (StilliyHI AmillBBam JobaEUirUgt REALTY no 324-7280. f 225-95. I* or homo w/acroago. or Poggy for appt. 733- talnment area, family 3-1W2 733-1>M 734-1M9 z Ownor/ogont-AgrlLands 121 6 R L E R AVE E 0838. $90.090 room, thermal glass, now* Roal Estate. 208-543-t545 734-1698 t THREE M carpeting, quiet toned de^ WEAPPty ifS __ WIntor winds may blow bul REALTY cor, ample storago space,9, Looking lor extra vocDtlon Ownor saya soil NOWIVI you'll bo an^ In your Z laundry room,countryy money? Why not m O IhOM Spacious 3 bdrm, 2 bath,[h, charming 5 bedroom, M 314 7 3 3 -5 3 3 6 , kitchen, central H/A, ctH-0^ items youVo boon iffiiwi lorgo doublo 1 ^ Moturore bath homo wllh two L ■ D'ockVNICE ACREAGEE— ■ Bortng? ctatsinod wB tte ft.----- G O L D E N U b ig. fIroplacos. LocatodgVI on 4 A C R E S With 3 bdrm D C«a733-0B31. • TarplB - -sarrttanm SHrta Kinm ^ 0 hom e, pasture and oor-t l y i l H UNDERGROUND RULE." I-Ziw 7>4-im 734-1CT8 on rals, and many Improve- CollE§^^21. ’• M E S S E R S m It H 7 3 61- - 4 I 513 I KATHI FOR DETAILS CN MOUNTAIN VIEW ^ $85,9000 o r with 2 acre*,, 8770. #223-95. |acreaqes& la^ REALTY THIS£XCEPTtONAL BUyi edroom, 2 balh all brick h6rt)0 1 0 0 0 A o r 0 farm n e a” r SBEDROOM, 2 BATH? . REALTY wllh tile roof and lotsI of upgrades. Convoniontly a good prico al $103,000 . Qoodlng. Ask lor Jamiey modular homo on 1.01 Hit 2 bedocm hom has baen tciicrK PnrfeBioie#|f ttn bja 21- wtth loads of outbuildings. SILVER SA G E REALTY sheds. Priced to soil atIt 10 1 ACRES on live stream 3b«d»iihMtto^lrabtlnaaiM ci^T|^^^S49.7C O . tol bhMf QUALITY CONSTRUCTIICTION shows in this now 3 son for details. Colt Tracy 543-5466. lo, 111 W. HagemuinAve.._ $54,900. CALL BETHhi In Filer. TFCC water bodroom, 2 bath homo0 fofeaturing approx. 2,000 sq. BAHKER 9 TEWS AT888-7585.;. shares. Secluded ranche- LDINC LOTS ft. of living spoco on 1 lolovol with oak kitchon, gas Call 543-4371 '*• 20S-a37-«lb f #95-0e4J. tta potential. $37,000. Call 4I/7bjUnQbtshH«ytun.(WrSI(frSIQ.OCO.CiiM^.odDn)? flroplace and londscapi:aping,-sprlnklor ond fonco ALPINE BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom, 2 Jim Hoag for details. 733- lurtis Company olroady donol NOW PRICIq iC ^ at $130,000. #GH-142 $S5.00a ACREAGE VnTH 1278. #JH-534.' D .R . C u r REALTY A VIEWJI V6ry'nlco5_ , bath homo in oneof ^ 7 7 ^ 5 < ? g)r r J1-800:5£9-4456 734-3373 •M Jerom e’s loveliest MAGIC VALLEY ac re parcel overlooking5 neighborhoods. Spacious CALL TOLL FR E E Melon Volley. Fenced ^ GEM JUST Ihdng room wtth fireplace,/ STATE REALTY, INC REALTY b«iwra, 1.5 bata. ihtii 1-80061 BlueUkesmvcf, REALTY ! FUTURE ra i-ao»4C£ ? o { ! » y GEM 1. RANCH IN CAREY 423-5926 after 5:00 p.m. STATE REALTY. INC. 734-2922 H A G ER M A N - LoU of^ IDAHO « SO YOUI HAVEH/ HORSES! f 7340400 room on this eo 009 tenn’ 33 acres w/well bull! brick Approx. ^ 9/10 acre - over- nBbaaulM3b«h«rniaghcrm4) dm. Supor sharp 3 bodroom, toS269.000. Subdh^lon. All s ^ c e s V«yUSIEillUYwSuS5 I bedrooms, 2.5 bolhs. - CHALUS, IDAHO ,and utilities are in. Excoilent 1 »<«i QBUn ded. Yw b (riy $S3,fOa i^i^sssii^^sisi double garag e, \Vt bath 1983 Nashua /ATE HIDEAWAY opportunity for bulUers or . ‘199,000 • 3155 E35CK500 N ., Twin Mobile home in nice RIern. ‘ -T h e Omt 1700 tq Fl rf hiia :poce oukA» in>)W h »>s Inc^ 2 tnhon atfi dcuUi Ilnd. d ec k an d potlo. location. Large kitchon (ndivkfuaia who want to I to tli. CuUtm oc* ci6hm * jartTf. W* hIn Agent: Rick GieslcrIc r 'i W right Realty Co. in one of best hunt- auto, sprinklers ond with bulll-ln hulch and ing/flshlng areas. Lo- ' build. Qood covenants, .. *lfaSS3iOO! T hreejjij^al^.v m ore._____:______breakfast area. Nower_ groat location. All spec - appliances. Mastbfbalh,d 637-4700 ColdwdIBuikcr(2F Candid R c^ty, Inc. w/gorden tub. Storage dance ffoor, pool table, CALL TODAY AND sh ed s. HURRY. W O fJr liquor license. Afford­ RESERVE YOUR LOT. 6 3 3 E a s tWt M a in , B u r le y LAST LONG. NOWla 3 bdrm, 2 both, 2 car able. low-key area In $14,900.. $16,500. Contact MickleT garage, with ftjO basomont. orgeous counlry, 6 7 8 - I 7 5l U 9 r 0 7 » g > Q ^ I $79,900 120,000 Hornback 734-S1S7 or? 837*6313 or 837-6284 - JT ------^ ! 733-2385. „ Ceilutar 430-3943 • Real E state;e Equity Loans Jan Armatmng. Roaltor, I ' Sun Land Invoatmonta. IRWIN ACoRipMefy RamodoM*' SBusiness 720-1229 • Conventionsial Loans 2 bdrm 1 b a th w/bsmni,- 798-2366 Resklent REALTY CB AU. CUSTOM HOME on 7 3 4 -6 5 0 0 i» Real Estate;e Loans o v o ra U e d m ature lot. Coldwell $57,800. Call 829-S224. " •Commercial,bI & Farm .LoansB . - — ■ ■ -■ p i n t - Aim ’i ericah-Title Cc ■ ^ ^ a n k e r l o m p a n y . ' — W estem Realty Home from Honsinstead Homes! Experiencei» < / S t a f f 733-2365 Indopendently owned & Your Dream H S FFast i Approval ■ "operated...... '. N ...... - .....- . . 1-800-733-S927 1 I — D .L ^ E vANS a B a n k [ f c ; , , ^ MAGIC VALLEY'S HOMEU{ETOWN COMMUNITY BANK. T ^ S i i i r ^ M Fox...... ;..734-2945 Few...... » ~ : .;....:L.„.:;.32g~-a8Sg~ BURL^TOlipERt Twin Fills Albion Rupert Buriey ToiiFiw ...... ;....„(aoclaOO) 388-3203 ...... 324-A023 734-5700 673-5301 436-BANK 678-9076 ^2 6 0 3rd Av«. N.,.Tw{n FoilFdliJO 83303 , By ow ner, afferdaM*, iike n 8.-06.AMte5:00.PMAtondoy- . . new. 2 bdrm. wltti H bsm t • — -• Member FDIC-Wn Equalual Housing Lender. ... j ^ ...... I-&oarage. Can 878-1394.— 1 9 ,9 0 0 “

® 5 0 0 ° °

■ F O R N n __F«nnotn*H4(fc ^ CffifimejrConimrtiDii- l o N S t E A D H o m e s ' e J e ana «»Mkf3S^ fM. «»Aith>tlmitlwofckHJiw - .

' * ^ ' 'j. •' ; ; : •'•J";'' ' '■

Sunday.y. September1 17,1995 Timesmes-Nowa. Twin Falls, Idaho F j '

Real Esistate/S ale-l>-Real Estatite/Rent

1 - 613 ^ ■ 614 1 l l 616 ■ j ~ 6 0 2 602 6 0 2 604 ■ T '6 0 4 I • |ACHEAOBy|^£ 2 ^ JlNCOH^ROPEff|R m lyM 0Bll¥>J0M ^ ■ I ' ~UNPURNI8HEO~ —UNFURNISHED— —UNFURNISHED- - UNFURNISHED- UNFURNISHED H I h o u s e s HOUSES APTS/DUPLEXES jAPTSW UPLE)^ CHOICE H0MB8ITEIITES QOODINQ, SsVrs.'estestab- '19>d Rus'hmore, 18X70, with tantastio view •- 1 l */- lished business, a Good-Go bdrm. 2 bath, iH Excoplional farnily hom'Jme Or sell. GOOD{NG 3 bdrmdrm- Wondell, 2 bdrm apt. HAZELTON - 1 bdrm oplapla TF Studios & 1 bdrms. ‘ acra.-burled uillltlilltles, Ing auto body and1 painpi t ■ tia.BOO ftx»d. Y oulix l i U over 3.000 sq tl, 6 bdnrIrm, IVibath. 1500sgft,S476475 Hagormon, 1 bdmi houso0 In boautiful, woll-ll- S290-S300/modop. ‘ pav»d roads, covonatinants. shop. Inoludss tooli|o^e o J . gjl^CTSh:934-B^ mm 2Vi bath, stovo, no refriiBfrig t. depoglL.S3fl-6S68. _ _ . . . 536-2468 evea & wookonds■ds molntalnod, quiot Syringogo Utilllfos Inc. Loundry room ^ f tIS.eOO • I22,B00.>, (Call -the trade and 4 fen< fl 601 double garage, Ime yarc _ Eetates in Hazolion, LoWoW avaiioblo. No pots, Vam, 733-1066. lots. Call 934-4766’66 or LIKE NEWI 1991 Nashi outside pet ok. Roducei,Mcj SHOSHONE 2 bdrm, ap- ^-t Income elderly, hondl-il- Call 733-3824 : :; DOSHIER REALtiLTY - - 934-4663 eves.- * .. ..double-wide in desirabSTlSI! I • ' furnished to 585aw/12mo lease.0. . pis, basement & garage.ige. I 603^ capped or disabled. Cai> TF location, Mce retIn'SS';. 1 HOUSES ■ CO AT-sprlnklsr systsm. 1 i .734-a>aa E _ THE MANAGEMENT CO •m- I FURNISHED APT8// 629-4206TDO 1-800- TF, 2 bdrm, duplox noor $400/mo. Elwood & nient hom e, covered1TF^^arm^wramll^oon dec Ss 733-0739 ^ & |dU PL£X E3^ 377-3529 EHO______■ 'E8CAPB & carport storage she< ----- Evsns 734-1401. __ L y n w’o odShopping •I’M' & o ffic e , fu lly fu rn . FILER. 3bdrm. 2bolh.on; ,1,. Conter. Totally redocorot- -'To apeaosful tnvlronm' FAX many niceties. |43,60i'■*00, $650/mo., 738-4819 r r TF Apt for 1, $260 Inciudesso New 2 bdrm, covered park­ ____ ...ano.honT*.lown.llvlr ^ . 733-4008 ...... , _ acroa. Horse corals8 ^ a TF 3 bdrm. 2 balh condo heat. Call 733-9199 ing. all applB.tlnc)udlng-IQ ed, all now paint & carpot- , Room for oil your 4*H I —^ TF, 2 bdrm- w/famlly roonorri pasture). $600 por monlljnih for lease. 1 car garage. — W/D, water, sanitation,n Large rooms, immediate Imal Mends. You witl» It ... YOUR■ , Need Affordable HouiIOUS. 4 offlco, fully (urn.r^., ♦ deposit. Call 686-7006106 No emokors, no pete.'le . TF, C lean, quiet, studio apt.)t. lawn care paid. $450 * . occupancy, $476 por mo. this quiaratmosphs. Ins? Check this outt ------$87S/mo■^S675dop. No smoking or pots. $30010 $300 doposil. Coll 734-4. . 733-8869, bdm i, 1 bath double-wld'.^do Se50/mo„ 736-4619 __ IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCYJCY por m o,«dep. 734-2822. • 8674 0,r.734-4121, Plct>ira yourssif lookI 9-' on this 3900 sq.ft. S bdrm - out over 1h« redwos A d on a very nice, wellveil-' TF. SmalM bdrm. avail. 9 Jrm. 2 bdrm town house, 259 B - s timesclassifier l E D landscaped lot on a quliqulst 18-96. $300 monlh 1 yeaBar 2V< b a th h o m o on 3:.01 .0 ' Pheasant Rd, W. *79 ■ TF 1 bdrm, S325/molBt&T TF, C lean, 1 bdrm, portlal . deck, countlna Junlo 6 0 4 util, ind,.S275- 734^5463, calvos, sheep and honhonss DEPARTMENT^ dead-end street In KIrrKim- lease ^security dop- Cal;all acres In NE Twin Falliolle No smoking- No Pots, UNFURNISHED lost month, 733-6038 - grazing on 3 acres. Pile berly for only S27.90C.900, 734-7216 message, wilh ho rso sol-up. ridlniiling S435/m oS350 dop. ^ arena. 4 stall barn, 3 cacar APTS/DUPLEXES TF duplox opt. 2 bdrm,jT TF. Cloon, quiot. 1 bod- ' at ses.ooo. caii Anthc5 S : 208-734-6538 CALL BARRY BRACH room apt. No smoking. ETT-at636-e784 ~~\ gorogo, gos hoai, A/C^C , Call Walt at 734-0400 or ^ w/stove & rofrig. $430/mo ^ at Hm. 034-B663 6 4 . 0 0 2 1 & 2 b d r m a p ts ^ „ no pots. $375 por month ' 731-5663. g — 5 1 8 “ «i95-097J, both docK & patio. Noviow 734-0401 -t- olocuic, isl & last mo. M I UNFURNISHED for ront or loaao. $1,50(500 — - - — $335 & up $200/dop. No pots. 6 mo * doposil. Coll 734-2822, I kL I ^ 1 ^ ' ■■■ M Coll T F 3 b d r m s ,'1 b o th; h . . Quiot living, clean complox, A COMMERCIAL m I HOUSES por m onlh * doposil. Col ”■ loose. 734-1804 or 324- Taking applications for 2 J\ I PROPERTY 733-5336form or«) r o Fenced backyard. 1863163 refurbished, diBhwashor.1 3765 (wookonds) SABAUS Accepting applications Skylano Dr. S650/mo3 4 <- - laundry facllltlos, no pots _ bdrm, 1 botlj apt./garogo. REALTY ' fsTAaUSHEOcUBl'Ny GEM Brand new 3 bdrni 2 batt _ _ S56o/dop. 734-2632 864 Quincy 734-0600. TF 1 txJrm opt for ronl. wa-„ AC. $450 por month * .733-4321 STATE REALTY. INC I S250 doposit- No pol5 4 SHOP ft PAINT 8TQ: I INC modular homes in HansJEROME 1 & 2 bdrmsTIB. ' ~ tor & sonltailon (umlshod. no amoking. Roaltor BUSINESS, tooatede l o n 3 2 4-8852 on. Aprox1100sqfU$67| nly. TF - 428 3rd Avo, N. Small 1 & 2 i>drm apte. $275 Dep. 536-6618, ------the edge o( Buhl, 4200>00 s q ------Coll 324-2B 41.days only, U u re l Park Aportmonls. _ ownod. Cal! 733-6562. HAQERM AN • 2 * bdrm, no smoking, ft bulldmg, 2 ofllcee,. shshow Sell or exchange equityiiTiii I THE MANAGEMENT CO■O JEROME. Country homo 176MourIceStN„TF TF 2 bdrm. 1 balh duplox. 2 Qood Butldlno Ld no. $450 -f deposit. Open ______734-4198 appls, water paid, no pots,3 TF. Clean, carpeted. Stu- J-ote. room. Includes buslneIness, 2 0 a c r e e 8 W o f T F forfo 733-0739. cJoso to town, 3 bdrm,1, 2 House Sunday, 12-5. Call 1 dio. all tsUls. pd. $225 por ; E ach 90'X166'withIn cityc equipm ent & InventoIto ry . mobBe. Cali (y02)75»22a - S350/mo ♦dep. 734-7191 balh, 16X25 mastor sulto.lito. 768-0019 1 bdm i. atbve, rofrlg. Utlll- _ mo. Call 324-3317. sew er & w ater avalleallab- Has It's own well, all Of ^ BUHL • Country IMng trail­0 dock, lull b o som ont. all ...... ■ mlex seres. W INNEBAGO er house, room for 1 or 2. jaf. TF2 bdrm 1 bolh.S350mo.~ ties furn. S375/mo,I, TF Almost new, 4 bdrm, 3 < le. Possible duph ABkIng S189.00 jl; . appls. 9 a c. corrals, loaf- ' ; S200/dop, 453 6lh Avo. E.-, bath, appls. foncod yard.f TF. 2 bdrm In deluxo 1 yr a r f i Minnie W innie 3 0 a Mlnnknnie garage, carport, sprlnkloi(,Q ing sh e d s, caii pons, paa-aa- $200 deposit. 3 bdrm 1 2 old 4-plox, Opon floor - site. ExetHtnt buyuyat MUNROE-ROBIRT1 ' ® W innie, Warrior, Brave,ive^ system. No pota. $300 00 No Pota.733-S410 AC. Sprinkler systom, 2 *23,000 MCft. REALESTATE ^Y. turo, shop, garogo. Avail.rail bo th , $400 mo * $300 cor gorago w/oponor,, plan w/kllchon bar. 2 lg £ Adventurer ' par mo plus dep. Credli 10-1-95. $700, 324-3727T2 7 d e p o s it. 2 refrlg 81 2 , baths, master bdrm 643-8808/843-8330>30 BROCKMANS’ RV/ ref 734-4415 2&3BEDR00M 59 0 0 /m b * $350/dop. — stoves. Call 735-0459. __ TOWNHOUSES 1198Rrofa|d Cir 734-9139Ifl w/walk-in closet, private ' B Aer0.pMre*i vA\h AO 734-3- J e ro m e • Idool for i orr 2 up, S375, * dop. 733-3824.24. 73^?-0739 ir Undor Now Ownership, bought for only $50,00 1 4 poopIo • Small studio. TF, 2 bdrm-, washor/dryor i 4 5 A C R E S -$ 2 9 ,0,900 0 With easy terms. 3 ovi Charming, romodolod 4 7 hookup. 736-2838 Holiday Molel 324-2361. WILDWOOD log homos,10B, bdrm ^omo. dbl garago,|0, appls, 3/4 bath, wotorr & JEROME: 2 bdrm. 2 bath,th. Clean 1 bodroom, Quiol- ' S ^ctacular Idaho proper)perty head doors. 6-HP elect go nonsmoking proforrod. vay i motor air compressor,™ custom c u t or kit, financ-anc- RV oarking, foncod yard,rd. sanlt. Includod, $225 m10 o.. mobllo homo In Village '• Resdlng itio clastlllad adaa FurnishodI room noor CSI, L/h. '"9 avallablo. For Info.,ifo., S700 plus S250 doposit.lit. THE MANAGEMENT CO;0 West. S450/mo, No pots.IS. No pots. $275/mo. $2255 avory day Is a wonliwhllo0 no smoking, no drinking, homosite nearby rfillllonlllons floor hoists, 2W bath 733-0739 doposit. Call 734-9263. of acres of NatT Forestrest. Call Ray at HM 733-634 call 733-8497 Call 734-7935 324-6903 or 7B8-4305, hobll. Call 733-0031. util, incl, $250, 733-8627 , Tons of wildlife, excelflsl.Iflsh- ; . Ing, walk to beaches)S & DISCOVER t>oat ramp. Recent surveirvey. This Investment opportutftunl- - _ ___ nrnnt flnnwrlnpcing-:. -ty-A ll-hflck-lfloL aq.:iq.fL ______• available. Call ownerner b ld g . plus 1508 aq.t ------— today. 206:83&-2S01.01. bsm^ located al 436 &Bit 1'. ^ -T— L akes Blvd. N. In TwTwin Lookino OverlitlghtBhty Falls, Prime mulO use* CC-1 ' Snake River Canyon I Commercial zoniniin g . H agerm an a rea. MlnSlim* Present use officeHbeau)outy i^icT ai l i a 's farm approx. 6.35 acroiicros, aalon. apt in bsm't. t^r{^ rg e y Includes upscale 3 bim3ltm. all concrete paridng a arc re a . . V 3 bath home with beautsoutl- In 5acf(. A.D.A. safetyy uui p . - fully landscaped yar dates are completeito d . A - w/sprlnklers. S175.00C,000. Priced at only $160,0C CALL DEL SCHOLLto‘ for fast sale. Call Rayay at 734-5093 for more Infc Hm 733-6340 or ^ #95-116J. SABALA ticA ^ A GEMI REALTY m -• STATE REALTY, INCJ r ■ 733-4321 : 324-8652 " For that weekond tiidenwar a ^ -JLjj i m i k you’ve dwsyi drtsmodiroal o start your taveh In tha m ' ‘ NESTLE DOWN for— thi . -«»*colunmofd.Min« winter In this exceptlont -Fr(’ree Printed AJ d * F re e VVoice Greetiiing* Free M<[essage Retrijrieyal ;. - brick beauty on 4 acres ■ ^ Extras extra sharp acrewes. ^ 6 1 6 [TV Wc can help you>u findi a new romancc init your life. M atch Uinf n, can p i i t you rogcthcricr w ith so m eo n e w h o shshares similar inrcrcsts,5. dreamsd and goals. - age fully fenced-w/3 >cre-bed I VACATION PROPERTY • , room, 2 bath, fireplacet w d . . |. . . 71HE8HARE8 • aco, Adnmutou* ow n. so,’’ Kx»i< to' rm me Idaho. DWF. 54. 5-ir. d o u b lo g a ra d e l CALt H A ; , a w /H F Wt»n m uun. u r __ KATHI TO.SEQ «>95-126.ALL SPORTSM AN’S PAHAT), 1 •ndk)V«*UI«.«l0430 . 0 u r ~ d t o J Saie. iigni tmoko., wouU bko lo 126J DISEI Lovely 2 bdmi,■ fur------Place you To Respond II Connaman wnn'Chiitiion voi- , , PRICE REDUCED Of bath c»bln completely^ fui A»-Am«He*nM«l«,3S.S-e‘.i.tr.uot*. ■ 1 7 tor liwndsn«i. 910422 : COUNTRY RAMBLEi;ON nlshed on'i:9'aeras .witl 1^ bloncMtlue. n«w to mo nroa.ftroa. rund- t i V between Twtn Falls ■ERanc ' gorgeous view. 2 decka (omo outOoowiuin. nonoti»»l Mcum.i •"ree ■* ad, call11 an ad, caltil r' at : fln t Divorced, wnn tam.V. 35. Appitem;niF«maM. 2S-3S.fiIS.ot0443 - | o . auburtvbrovm, aaoking tamRy Jerome. Spadous 3 bedand detached garage.S86,00Gd e - ______&ed* . Call Bonny for more de 1 wtto on|oyt mutctand iiwvtot. * room, 1V4 bath with oper . Ai« you lennodM? Tan. prot 1 - 0500-648-03]\1S 11-900-903-9!>902 JwukW-t Bo atone. For fi«nd- . ... floor plan, handorafteoipen talla at 734-5989. «l OM>. 43. tMUng WM. S'., |,W10413 . oak trim throughout. wnot nto outooora. lono ~wMc 2 4 h o uurs a da)^ 7 daj^ a week Eadach call is $1.99 p e r: im i n u t e / * ” ” „ X Approx. 2.3 acres, room)*ut'! THREEM «ity. •inMfity: for r«l«ucolawntNp.. gla moihar looking tor tcneono < . ' 8nwKar.«i0484 . _ . fc- help you • You1 musen be 18 years oldd or older. S?“SI onjoyi dancing, qu.ol limeu • „ for horses and possible • O u r r e pprescncacives will he «- loan assumption, CALLJgIS REALTY A » aiene, moioreyei* noing, tmau ...... SWU ALL 324-2236.-: Dur-FREE-20'W ord-d-princed 24-hohours.a.day, 7 .days.a_\- w e e k . ______KO<»auon. For InondMa poutsla------BONNY ROSS. W5-033J ----- looMng tor 8WF tor itMndfy Mc>.r0W*,.ai,i yp.v>. ______using.’tg.’your touch-tone ph'ho n e . _ _ lravoi,«t :res - two (ai\je t>edrooms, largafng MMAB nooML »inosr«. tm* ' wtth development posslb- b e r ! • I f youou like how a person ssounds, you. ; wcr:F. 440-l*ti.c overwolghl.'linancial- " llttlel Comers on Snakssib- living room with dinino, |?| ' aMura. anracM B®WM, S34-; :S M a d v e r tU i lOlo, misretlt indudo gunt. com- aks area. You can't bsat11, iti fftanaanip.- postibi* rsitiw rt. an t ana ctaiit. camping, - River and Rock Creek Soeiaiomksrok.910440 , • You musisc have a touch-torDne can leave lc; him or her a mel e s s a g e . ouiaf*. « RIma. 2600 E 4300lek N Priced at $56,000. CALL ® mutic,lc, dancing,0 inning, walking, Twin F alls. Call CIndy0 N PEQGY to see. M5-327. AttrMt)W,'TnW*f>a»fit owF. OWi JT. p h o n e ccto use this service. Soektngung IMale liiond. 910430 ’ Houser or John Forbes •i>oy muuc. poairy arx) m*»outOoor*. out . ' I 8Wf'lool■ looking for ino rigni Fnlta. 45-' today. PricedatSSSO,000. aMUng S'DWM. 2S-3S. nowlontmokar, ' ...... omen: DWF. 40, looking tor “ ■J®*')'10 ahare mngcal momanit, Musi IV86-313. wfto lutaa kW*. for Irtendthitdamp and DWU. 34, «■. IBS Ku. tailtamer of ona. Oeodhaartad Womaiman, 43. In MaMo. Outgoing DWli,Wli, B-S-, 100 tot. mui- Ouallly Wom y dancing, lumng, camping, chil- Q romanc*. VI(W81 lov* outdoor activillei. teclecUnofiMnd- LooUng for a gooorocjnaanod. nonatl cuitr, actracttvo:/o: UMUi camping, fiihing, ouaUry Man,m, rm inioictiod in ow^ a *'’l«y wn ^ GEM .«onver«aiton___ Muu22:4S.jytn.Bnl< mnlni g»l>ktnp OOOd-IOOlUnOIng, naidworKinQ lanctwf. ano a good nmoi vtoioo ______ai&mBEALttJNO. M llm Tn firti? Htrawm* : wilti pcr»on wlin umllofnor iniaretti. No .mind garnet. gtO •noar F*maio. 2t-30. fl6^''to’UDaffar fiSm you toon. « 1Ml(> ', 87, don-t want romance, doni : ■ 734-040Q —— ' 34. contMam, aaeura. eanng «•«.«, ,10411 Bo^-nttaS *T*| Daairo 8F. SS-30, tniV ilendar. duiribla auy.youngmUaf imow 'SWH. a i. OT. 175'bt. . male. mat Juti want dancing, tun- ISkii^ - ' XSani. new lO nroa. taokjng bving,g, goesgoi lii*>d. 910403 , ■“HEM gant iruiiwortny, attocbonata•ntti. ano BkaygolnB SWU. fun-t. WF. 41. k9v* campmg. STATE REALTY. INC, r i 6 1 8 ^ euta. 010426 S K ? ., ™ ; !3. 87-.. 120-150 tot, tor 734-0400 lookina tor adveniufs wiin of*.mov.«».ionowai>ia, , • pottlDie roialionsnio. i. 21, - aealilng anaeirvo, tiondor ^ I m o b u j h o m e ^ 10 ouldoort, w nait canng &OWM, I IS-20, wno enjoyt hooSVirF.30.WBiuBiuoani mom- tor a Laoy. 3S-S0. OK »n. leaking nonet:, lav 1 g den. newly painted, ator- or ol on*. Making SOA cycling, camping, out- lunonoinaaned Female who ttin sw u,I, 33,33. own Hanoy and tou^^>^ I bedroom , 3.5 batn, all ag e shed, carpon, cathe- tov«,tri0439 tour. En(oyEn(0) rw*>g, tour-whoelmg, hiK- VIII Cniktrm ar* grown. SWF..4S. 4S. ar^oy nonwnokair. dnig.i'M. w 3maraedinn*rt,ali SMUng t«*at SF electric home. Private dr^caPlngs, all oak. Willfor tianmg, eampirtg. looioaii.II. muiic.n ooutttry muaie. dancing, ra “ 8F, lB-3o!7aM"uninv Hunting, dining out. moviai. lane, fish pond, large dou* potiibla romance. Rom«nile,, elolder anracilv* Woman. ^k,no"*i BU. a lso oonslder trade for^ 1 . (ttncino. SMUrtg Oanuaman.an. 4 ~nan.Cnudfanwoiceme,tr pantonifK^ndiWi !L' P< Jng 8F wiW tlnvlai nierettt. ar^giMugntnip, : .giQ3afl______•nfoy 'f*?'->1. dancing, good movlat. 3Sa nar nice home, $89,500. Call ____------camplijJ. .eeWng-liSlnelilV-UCu™.tec ---- M SM. ______V10402 ln~ -;733-3ei2ror73»6062.— KF, 23. Drown/Drown, oldar Man,1, 40-00. for friendinip. e u ^1.40,8-1’, 210 tot. would Ilk* 10 ' playhouseallonlSacres! ST, blBcMmwn. U» danctnemg. tTMl. Humoroua SW U.'it.-asrdian'-iut ]. wttung poema, wane Ituonier. gooioodiimoi.«i0397 SJeta | Country Man DWH.-33. handi«ndiom«. butdoort. Saaklng SF.’. i 21-30, tor brown/brown. Uia ouiouMoora. tarwrxj, 1 a poiantial Female, 31-43, Close to town but with all ‘03 Champion Park Ridge, SM, 20-30, anaciiv*, i -,i,« ,, the privacy of countryoil 02x14', Ind appls/carpon autearo. twnasL loyaJ. Enjoyjj^um cc ry irttKothlp. poaaisii rairalaporitrilp- laaklng oaiygMng i8P. 10-28. tor ma.Soawng SM, I tookatik*. Tifod of took- igt. ' wtio anioyt all activm*», '•*" uta. apona. romantic cvomnot, ...... romanc* and ta»lou>u* raiaionarnp. r«RM«nuno.mg. lor frtandtWa BOi- ' iigm “ Qlft in an tf» wrong eipeeauyeauy eamping.9i044a Iry set up at BuhlMoblle Es-)0. ' (MA. SMUng artTMOve DWF . . . VI0420 S iM ivitMntnip, ‘ 6 0 0 0 n^,43.«10415 MUNROE-ROBIRTS tatssormove,Sl , . timHv irttaroata. «10W7 By* catclt*r. SWU, 3S. a'enarK*. OWM. 33, iiim Ooikj., 8 825-5520 or 543-8342. l-m not ugryt -DmI O'OWF, 30. young Out^lng. romarimaniic SWF. Diona^ tilatBtonalDWM,3S.tove „ Enjcrir1 ouldoor.ou country lile. Quiai REAL ESTATE ^a___ Coufitry muaM tarv, SWF.J 444A UM camping, computan ar ti. g. Iiinno, *«ning».ing». Seeking ttonder SflWF. for ------543^8808/549-6339— • n«ih^ noa;ia. SaaUng S/OWF. -can.kaap-up wun_rn_my.tatl!oac«d otKu«„movi*a.. kwWiffS 'tviriait;' car'iofl,"wl(wilh varK)ut uto»tyla,«1043S _ >amokar, S—king. Famua— ouakty-tuity-tunaa., oattana. tftlauonana______Lii' matura. r»n«ii8Mw(to*nl<3yii firaplaca. SaaUntlUng country cowtjoy, wim aama mieretit.ml 30-40. Kidt Ok, . irl0304 5 4 3 ^ 1 torlrMndanip.«lM4 W#f*»ta,»103Be 1.8-241-30a8 ' bath. WO, central air. Call Lai'a oat romantic.:.Atuait^.W A ^. 1 «10MJ Hr, llanwr. 31. pnfoy camping, c mi. attractive.attrai Inialllgent CJWF. 20, 733-9263 after C:00.p.m.~ DU,' btondWblua. Ilk* dan ibM DWF. &0. educaieo S*aUng cowswboy or Close fncsimiie, tngoi,ii, m,moiftoi, practical, lomamc. : Sail or axchanae equity In >0. . mevlaa. romsnUc cUnnart. in ac drtvo* m and rfiovlat. Saaking a ^F, 38. entoy two-ll«p, religiout. In 1972 TAMARACK. 12x80, 3, dancmo. . »-^0. Candiaiigm andinnor. *r*y«no» neaim eonctout: anjoy 33-43. DWF, out. outgoing. Seeking tall ! . 2 0 a c re s SW of TF lor 1., fitam* piayt. SavUng S/DWMFW/hT is ^ If* ooliftiry. • campmo, ng. , Buar>g. aalUng and country wetie^ aWM.!U. » wim musical abiiny. iimuni t*cu>a ... ttlM 91 . _ . . -I- - -mobile. Can (702)765-2203or $ 6 0 0 0 cash, fully turn.,l a , ------&8..tor-(rMne»NA-rMatkinMtlRW)ip^.aM.-'fi**jaAg. ...Onancuuv.. -'waiiinB.-SMWngJng'Svm. i Mtn wnuar -fWih>g.mov»i3vioa.*‘dttidfen. af4*|vit AuAiiiiAi.iiat. great commun«aiion. 03 C am eo Mobile Estates,e t eompanionaNp.«10404 - Q»Mnuui.4e-6B.«1042C**° ■ Uoumain Uan want,ant*dl £n]oy Ilto.. Intaratit. )or in*nlri*nd*Mp. eompiwion- ateyinghom*, •42 Unique Horae Property— 281 Caswell W., Spscs •liow'coun. outooort, lamily. MeHonaai. aocura - iF«.vi04iS ly . B2. 734-3063 sftsr 6pm'f" DonibeaAytSWMTio'anioycvoy danc- F i i i ^ l n ^ iw nM lT M r tt tor an a itr s e tlv * ------______I______siaMng'it.'fr.'fllglii. BWF. 44. aaarciv wortaivdly Sailor aeeUng brignt. with beautiful view. mg. iHiniirtg, coumy watiarn.irn. SOY- tty niaie, dancing, movtai. ' •^'a. M - * * 'n r t t » w. waskdsys, ail weekend. — eon mua«. Saawng a«WCF. Si rtVgraan. 010480 PrMlyMunan»onO»*r«x)ona.CiWF. on !HPJ?*!!®! aiv*. miaretting SWF. 25-«0, lor [ T h era'e a 4,000 sq. ft. :f. 354S, dinnvra. outdoors. Saakingjn5 inMiganL tun. aacur^ ± Ithlp and Mvenlure, SWM. 3B, ' 1 bam with gambree style « . i^ni smoMr, aoeiai tirjnkeinker ok;, attracdv* Mala, 34-40. «>nn>nndant. will) Naw to a^a. ^ ^ 1 /le 1963 Kit Golden Sunrise,2 01O44S •_ u* • plua. L*i-a make 5 ^ “ *^ ontmokar. mieiiigeni. tocure. roof, aitS'on 2.5acres and MAM of iiurrwf. tva. wUh tirtvnOarintar- ho<>oti &DF. I8>. Int r .« i o 4 i 7 nooett.11 mimanfy. tender, 910398 has 2.5 water shares.nd 1 4 X 7 0 . 2 beOroom . 2 horaabacti noing, eaic . ii. baths, w/wood stove, DWti single 'sad, w . ST ..1 i BBO 0 U ., « t» -« ’0400 . toon*, eounvy mutK.SS WtiU* eompanlonahlp. ___ ^ , Owner haa provided ev- MRKt>OAaaLwRhmogrTty:aiVoy “ I 'H i t S ' mSra'aionarnl', n l^ o o iU n g SWF. |v?M, DrowrVbhi*,' aancmg, TOur*g-at-i0-at-Mart WU. 40, granatatrw IV good oond. 113,000 or ^uiviwlng SWF. JT, OioOiorxiawue. - ...... -• ,wsicningtooitMLtMikaiiM)l.nii xlnaodtftip irgauc’ sWfci; 23. . ? - Ktw Ot on*, aaeung eamcxng.hkiriking. Ttota«b*ck ndmg. aa m two: ou ■■ b e s t offer. Must movet^ ' dUUng oul o m mino. qtMi 0 *«'«10 SWM. ao-31; tor! »«MtMa. aaaung hc«*« 95:42.-tor 3»r- tong WMI. . -«)6n.; mo«a rom*nc«. 'thM)atL - wowng.ong, dancing. iBtvng, qwel w*lh*- Of -CaHBftBr8pjn.438-ei44 * and c»mp»ion*ftip. Fun o f & r i s s,Wg s ’ BWF. 18-30. t?iv*l mftviai.. andar comoiuwntAp. . ooneeri*. Seeioolong Famaw. isuo, tor " twrk.irk. i Seeking Femnie. 26-49., m ore lnform stlon 736* '«•'»»»• rMCtylO««IOn.OI04U 6770. Adjacent 2.6 acres JJJ ST Soo * , wftttikatiohMlun.ijn.»10444 t»IW07 r«alUnfhlR'tr10438 Vt0400100 . i 2 bdrm . 2 bath home 1..'In could ateo be bought,7 adult park. Alt apsis., $108,900. S - <:Ui-R)MER SKRVICEi If you have a .n IWmU nin«« lU .i MMh0.v,L,n,.kl'okll. »< ...■r -WX M..«H «™l«-V.i,.mi« I*'; electric furnsoe, heat 4.1 Saj.lv«nrwm«tu'<>rmiirK"M"<|i»tlllTillr ilLwnl tlv.1 .Uir. n.. ■« il.» '«• punip ft’oold al(.' CoveredHS q u a tio n ahour our lervlcirvif,. plate call ua TTI m I (kOJic, «V ir«nr iw .i,!l.r ....J.i ,.p'. MV miMliqKX| llul lii-iwr’inp J»-n>>-l.tlicin.,l i T H R E E M porehes A carport 8to^ , ,.toll.fi««,1.8OO.048-93ll and we will be- J L J U K f e w s ^ i1i>ind.«il« I REALTY; age shed. happy w help you. ^ ■ nuiMolll-tCO-M>44t-o5ifc. ' , • , ; ‘ Nlceyard. A-1 oond. a-iM* O i ■ •- T • 733^.6 ... Calf,733^)696;v.- i f • ••r r ' ' , . .. . ^ , .

' F-4 Tlm os-N ow s, TwinrIn fFalls, Idaho Sunday, Sepptember 17,1895 . ' , '

Real EsiState/Rent-t-F arm ier‘s ftMarket

i 6 W ■’ 7 0 S "T i ^ 709 ^ ^ 8 0 1 “ ENT I C U ^ M FARM & RANCHH I . ANTIQUES & 3 1 . COMPtn^S ^ i^WWSERWCB ^ S U P P U E S ^ — ' I COLLECTIBLES L. MOTEL 3 ^ 7 head of 2i4 yr old, rog. re 3 8 ^ 4 4 , '$6001 486dx4,dx4.- 1 roll Armstrong fl^quaM any FREE8ofa.needatobere-; Rooms for rent: Low r«l(rates, 1 ton stacking & haullilullng. ( 3 0 'Lockwood potato plleiiller. palm, quarter. Loapahiihrd.. Anllque secretary,, otcho* od .lOOmhl. SIOOp. 731-106 r. cohered, 423-4732 ; Doily & wookty.'Phoneones, 326-4141, br 420-414:1142. goodshape. $150000. Applousa geldings. 1 f(g. —^ ------• 1 B glass side doors, cente . mlcrowavo & rofrtg. — 637-990S, head of big mules, hahar- Srop dosij. $700 or bostbee Entry *«vel computer, 38< & ■ ; ■ Comrtjnlont downujwttown BEAN HARVESTING ------nest, pack, & ride. InfiJfo- offer.. Call 625-6643...... SX with monllor, key location 7 3 3 - ^JO. . Direct cut - Cutler Rowtow or Burley Tractor Salvage>0« call Mt. Home 587-9647 —~ bo ard , m ouse, windovdow '4 ploM. wood frame, e ^ ------W indrow -’All Ro oll tary Combine s tractor partsrts — I i.i 11 — , , I , ' Room for rant 432-5241 —r DOLL « TOY SHOWV .3.1 and niore. $400. CaCan- tones, couoh, rockei:er, •I?__ machines. Anywhereerojn Paul. ID ♦436-54200 8 year old geldjng. wo«el West ID Fairgrounds. Sol*olse 622-6103 , chair & cocktail ottomar broko. anyone can rld-4-t-7-3 4-^7 7-7-a-0 TAJnFIEQTTiayrSO&lwTor Round ^ n . 324-9180?~ ___ 1-800-388-3S99______' first cutting, 90 ton 2 nd ,jnd> cutting, never ralnod on.,n. g - = 5.1 cu ft top door freozor.K, 9 A-1 HOME PAINTJNQ 6 1 0 ^ HEATH 1062 bean wlno Soars, like new, $175. H A>1 DRYWALL STORAGE/ rower, hydraulic drive. 887-5667______SftESTORATION JL $900. Cali 837-4790 I hORSE EQUIPMENTT Call 734-5787______® LEIFESTE Expert hanging. taping ^& Beneflel'a Home Care WAREHOUSE HENTAL ■ Rrst & socond cutting I'.ay,ty. r Siding soffits, gutters3 & texturing. Since 1978. ® Also wallpapering. 20 yrs. , . Jonn-Alro cook t ^ , $75; Drywall • P ^ fig • Carpentryy experience. FREE EST. ■ S 1466 IH tractor. JD 40 beebeet no rain, may purchase 1988 Charmac. 4 horso h' shutters. Ouallty Alcoa» a Jo b s large or small. . All hom e repairs ' lifter loader. 21’ MF diec any omount. Call 733- >0 bullt-ln oven GE, go ld ,. , Reasonable rates. Quality 1AASrORAQE, SHOSHONE slant with walk in tack 6& $60; microwaves, $75.s' products. 1 0 0 yearir G re g L ossing, ow nerir Inside & o u flO yrs exp. 3731 leave message, 8S6-2042-2673 Call 733-0504.______hay rock. Cell 324-2600. $35; Rshor stovo w/hoat-,t! g u aran tee. Will b eat an)wy 733-3579 FREEESTIMA^S • woil(. Refs. 324-6617 . ______733-1683______~ 1456 IH tractor, njns okok. Good, fine stem socpnd ” alator. $75.733-5591 price. Call 645-2643. Call Bruce hay & clean straw for 1994 Clrde J 3 horso slant C. 733-7543 RV STORAGE SlO/mo, $5700.324-4117 r ' Like now. fold down feedid KENMORE dryer,-good D ean ’s Excavating. Inc. Claude’s Pro Painilng foncod and locked. War* —- sale. South of TF.'• doors. $5500. 733-2323 W e d o aspheTi • JO 55 EB combine. gooine bales. 934-5925. trailer, bumper hllch. now - CALL 1-800-770-4560 ' throughout Magic Valleyl Call 326-5666..______~ axles, mats, storage" Now Jenn-AIr drop in unit ' 60 W Kum/iUliB^M • CAU, 733-2735 . DAIRY FOR RENT. Dou­ — Quality Camas praIHe hay,/- compartment. Vory good m Old Wortd nooring ( V- NH 1033 stack liner 2-3 noraJn.2a3strlngbalos. Home Repairs blo 3. 60 acros, Filer. wido w/retrlever. $3750 cond. $2500. 655-4316 Ui Artistry ROBERT JONES REAL­ '50 alfalfa & alfalfa grass mix. __ H ardw ood Installation Of All Kinds . ^ 543-6534______Coll 764-2118: r Upright GE freezer, 18 c.‘, Jim Waggoner Painting TY, 733-0404 OR TENA Mlley Horse Tralier.2 stall'• $75, Pallo fum, glass la-■- MECHANICAL WELDERE n Finishing & ReflnlshlngI C A L L ^ 543-6704.______—• SUND 6 row boan PU. In­ - . Tandem axle, new tiros.. . Body repair, fix fram es ) Dale Robinaon' t Residential, commerdal, tn- irseuylosdvertlMlndasil-** Ready to take hunting., bIotop(38x61')&4 es Painting {Inside & out) cludes slow down kit.d t.' rM.Ju»tcafl73M)931. chairs, $75.423-6340 o n c a rs & trucks. .. P e te B utton : 734>2939 ^ brush and rolletwork, $1250. Caii 734-7869 15% discount on pressure washing. Free 4 6 1 6 D $500. call Oreg. 784-2116II®-' ■ . ^ 7 3 ^ 9 7 2 I r OOMHATESWA^^ WHIRLPOOL washer/gas9 all parts,, 15 yrs. exp. SOUTHERN IDAHO I estim ' ates. Call 543-4271. Z TRACTORS i 7 0 9 I I dryor sol, great cond., Call 736-8928 Roomste wranted to share^ 6 Row Ufter-Loador Qoet ^^_H0RSK^^^1 I ^ I$650/offer. 734-7988- BUILDING ft REPAIR 4 bdmi 3 bath home dose - Harvester. $4500 [>8immg,Roolinj.Sttn9.0ed«, to CSI. Non drinking. JD 4640,14.9X48 tires 14 HAND gelding, good forr 10 water sharos to soli on^ Wanted dM d or «//v». DEUVERED i^ncnSRerrnlolifigofAITypes:: tnorth Westcolors 6100hra.$19.500 small chlldron. 5900. i TVs, VCR'S. & Appls. $200/mo. Reforencos • the Low Uno Conal. $350 •S and & gravei topsoil 736-1716 Interior/exterlor^iocal roqulrod. Call 734-3SS1 _ C asa 3394,14.9X46 tiross 837-6217______. : a place. Call 733:1441. TV Doctor- 734-g18B. i „ 5600 hrs. $28,000 for driveways, H324-6432 & 326-5332 ' ;' references. BruSh.'fblT. Roommato wanted to shareMl 420-3»43 Of 637-6313, 15 yr old reg. OH m are.• ]81/4 milo A&M whool llnoa. Wo'vo remodeled. Stove. ;i parking lots, etc.. spray. Free estimates! — polos, barrols, pleasure,■ CalJ 423-4604 $150. Refrig. $200. Both; CERTIREO STEEL 2 bdmi. Close to CSI. All . work great Call 733-4035. ■ arav»ISal»a W ard's Home 324-8598 or 734-3823 up $1500. Older kids mare. . furnished, except for°/ Transloading or back up BUILDINGS : NORTHWEST bdrm. $27&'mo. * $150/-"■ • Kohler'generator s a t 7 77 7 $1000, hor weaning studi FOR( SALE; 2-40 Acre wa­ Construction fe, colt, $350. Call 324-39^0. ter drive pivots w/gafvanl- Metal Buildlrios & Roofs's COMPANY. INC. Boom additions, remodoling, dop. 735-0510 - _ amp, 30kw, USA mads, ; 4 8 0 3 I ♦ Garage ♦ Workshop parts available. Good,'d, ClmuM readers oro lookfi>o: zed pipe. 6 T-BIrif Whool' l^ttAARS^CRAn^ J, .7331^1^ ' electrical, plumbing. No job ■ clean unit. Unused,d . for Itein# Ihoy wont to buy.. Unes 206-438-6194. ♦ Carport ♦flVSiorage- loo large or too small. 20 j n ■ $4950. Call 326-3373 or Place your ad today lor — _ . Dolls, Doti Clothes, ' ♦ Machine Shop . ' e > ^ . Free e^lmalM.. ' ■ 800-203-1445 qukKr0ft>0R$«.733-O93l. I OoU bod linens. & blankets \ ♦ Htkse Bams ♦ Loafing Sheds I iCallWard ■ , hand crafled doll beds COMPLETE INSTALUTION I . 734-6294' ' PROFESSIONAL from $24.95 & up. Custom Deslgr\/Low Prices ROonNa&co/mHQs Jo's Doll House 100% Finandng/aSYrs. Exp, 733-7221 or,326-6857 I $$ OSTRICH s s . 7lh East & Bba S t . t A WORK OF ART I . Com m ercial; Industrial, BUY--BENT] Visa 8i MC acceptod. 7 3 6 ^ 5 4 8 .Handyman Services I B Buddy, ID 63318 resldentiai. Builduproob. Cradle’A aes Ostrich 677-4227 . Call Anytime Home repairs; Electrical. Farm.^8-U6-5460 — sLeaksrspalrKlIn24hrt. I 7 0 1 I L EA ^ S ^ Large selection of dried plumbing,-light carpentry, McGinnis Enterprises ^ I C A T T iJ 1995 Ostrich chicks. MIs- flowers. Call734-.1972: . .. . ' palntlng.TREE Welding & Concrete cellanoous DoLobal milk­ ESTIMATES 733-0966 - ■ /Fabrication & Repair m •OSTRICH* ing oqulpmont. Call ove- FlATALLI■IS -nlngs’ (503)473-2691.------i . 8 0 4 n . ' 24 Hour Portable Sen/ice ■ Chicks-2 m os old I _jEree£stiinaies-733-0033 - H '' $800 ea.-you pick F R 1 4 0 SSERIES I II sBrand new ogg cartons for ‘ TWINFALLS Winnemucca. f^. ' «1 maple flooring, greal »S9iARmS^CE (702) 623-5912 3^6 C ubic YflYari Loader sate. Best offor. 536-CT50 ‘ PLAN ROOM' Jfi' Comdeie sharpening' cond, used. S3sq ft^nor. Jobs to bid for Generals, Fencing. Decks. Lawn,|| Laying hons for salo. Call 423-6205 loavo msg Sprinklers. General 'carbl^& 'st^^. 65 hoad eobib open Hoi-[' 160 Horsepow«ver T, 30,000 lb. - Sub-contractors m r I q r e e n stoln heifers. 532-4278, 536-5760.______•_;Usod plpo, 7e/lb. .& Suppliers. . Handyman Services. .. 431-4276 or 532-4326, Your Best A lfem allve Tha Vard Care Setvicecnan Cl Now selling Emu breeder Rough sucker rod, 2 3/8' B lueprint copies Insured'-Free ^lioiales '■ ^ Mow-Trim-Rototill-Re^r 2 7/8‘. 3 1/2*. 4 1/2*, 734-4050 *: 1-800^f >4050 Colostrum fed bull calves. pairs & chicks. For prom 734-PlAN (7B26) KEN'S HANDYMAN SERVICE Sprinklers-L^'d^^ 73‘ &fun. Pistol Crook Ranch 5 1/2'. 8 5/8’: various ' SIO on. Call 643-6977. -l>ilchnos8;-SouthBmida-— 3 2 6-5836 o r 326-5045 734>5068or 4204101 — 324-:40B3 even]n^7 ' . ' --FRffiESniiWTES—-- r-- C olostrum s ta r t e d buH ho Pipe. 250 S.. Park Ave. ■ 733-8599 . colvos. Call 324-7360 ' f ~ - 7 1 3 I . For sals. Jersey steors. . B , S H E E P & G O A TS g ALAN'S General Carpentry I tony:slandscaping ^ I 8 0 8 I R e m o d e ls • New A<1 SHELTON'S Ready for butcnor. Also m PiPIGMY GOATS, regls- I COMMUNICATION &H0IME REPAIR - ATREE SERVICE Jersey bull calvos for I constnjction •Specially Pruning.' trlmming, new 1 r ^ tered. 734-1100 I , R,R, HARDWOOD aOORS ^ Serving Magic Valley. sale. Call 536-2560 decks, palios, patio covew, ' lawn, sprinklers. 15 yr. S< OLO & NEW. FLOORS '' .'W ood River Valley Holatein calves. IS «B m Motorola MTX 8000, Trunk- carports, sheds. Small exper;,'We do what you • . or wherever V ed Portablo Radio Sys—■------4obs a repaJrs.“=------Sanded ft Reflnished « ,' _ woonod eteor cplyos, ^•H.FfBB.flal, 734-3322- __f—FREE-ESTIMATE8------tom, 3 each Modotl w & 734-3244 f Call 837-6212______1 oach. B7 wilh phone. — Glitsarthtohi(ne-»«x)— I736;3518,__ MaxTrec Base. Anlonna, _ Freeestimstes-Moooutoltowi L Holstein springers & opon * holfers. Bulls Al brooding ' 5 month old excellent I Bob Peterson 12Q8-733-6066 I j to loaso. Call 543-8373. cond. $5,500, or sell I DALE’S TFiEEllMB m IndlvMuBlly. Cafl 837-9006. | Custorh Rototililng D>: . CHIPPING OSTRICHES, blua-nock „5:tlllef',’.48'w eed roto F o r m ulch or disposal. • y e ^ g p a ir s , $3500/poJr. ------— L i ------cCOUNTRY CLEANERS I cutter. PTOsJriveh, Fc ' F re e Estiniates ■ 4^«rt/M rM /ao«W We dean here, we dean isasaBBaH I p o st hole auger. (208) 734-2742 PRODUCERS LIVESTOCK - maaeam»tllltylat;i^eellowsfio’easier C L A S S I F I E'D l CRAFTS ■■ there, tl we dean everj^ere. < M unay 734-6030 (208)733-3123 v m e llp u tt A F eatu re of ThislisNewspaper SAWrobTH SHEET L SPECIAL OPEN DAIRY — -m supBiiUxnuc^si - - offtaSl^easonable ratw, ------HEIFERSALE”------refs.'avaD. 734-8728 I ..TREE STUMP , loiOt attftmitlMltim HAPESTYPa^TeMn^ FrlSoptober22. 10:00am tneUoa Im aUitpetf t CHeaUn^ACRefrigeralloh U GRINDING & REMOVAL Opon Consignment S SfMMENTALS, yearfino mtettarrtaumy - ■ ' t make v o l can Ik. v •"TREES &-SHRUB&- fyraeeaatamatarlK. Treat's Concrate Const L lnsectiddes.'fungicUes _ _ bulls or>d holfers x-bred A flKgofcoamtUUee. *v made In different. ^Concrete work of &1I types. ■ purebred cow s, low BW. PomanidtrJa5ea.i fabrics for dif- Foundationsf A-excavation ■ 678-3021.431-2S20 (rrioWle) M t Some of the b e st in the ' i \ ferent «ca»onat f IV7STTf99TTB ^ ----- ■vaIFeyr42yS001"am/prh------t.bL£mmlaaEaglaB ...... for manutectiKed homes. , INNOVATWEtOTOfflNG” " ^ 734^73 days.______■ EirtnmS&ntu Tim ' holiday*. liyclei FREE ESTIMATES < malat9amc9MadlmiaesmMoafariotnr \ . irlm fil|hll|hii 423-4524 or 733-3923 PERSONAL CARE ■ FallS^onK-8 leegerine ,'gcomctHc lines.' HOSPICE CARE ■ individual ♦ P h o rto i 7 0 2 i::ir-.-_i:.p|an,^nclude- - ^ HOME CARE : ■ .F^nfl.^JftMUna^i^alhj...... ■ O A IR ^ J E Q U I^ ^ .. 1 lllutfratcd ' W --Mefdlfcare/Medlcaid-;- -E-BETTER HOMESv m CaHBed»®..,. Certified/Bonded . S«Seamless skiing, vinyl Aiding, ‘ - . 7 3 4 - ? ^ , • 10 hp Vandentjerg manure lo iniiruct.ions and * r quilting . ' fB u lld y e u rm m hofiM,- ■* 734-0600 Twin Falls - steel rooRr>o. continuous pump. Call 53e-«271. Sara mousands on your ' - 436-6568 Mini-Cassia...... - -«in gutter, windows.- - RATHER ^ HAVE AN “A” \ tcchnlqu’ci. interior 4’BJrtetior door. .*?A‘WE CAN HELP' J D ^ articulating loader I • >I370$5:M constrifction eost with * MAQIC VALLEY $22,600. 1989 Moreland - Construction. STAFFING SERVICE A - feed truck, INT truck Managem»nt SE R V IC E INC. ; y ■'English Qrammar/WritiftQ. . comptote rAtlpn feed We are a full line m • Creative Writing, ■ tnKJc Call 6 3 6 -^ 3 5 ,- ■ .. construction company. ■ HESI^SSBHI' Cali Jlff>at7M ;9m . * :*s^Tis^Acn,ON OR voilijR MONHY BACKI ' 324-242S '• ■ ' NlCE’Croasbred helfsr’ . t-eoy^eSpeess^tBar- ~E m k m a m ^HAiQJC VALL^I i- li l caVw.«ll apse. 643-4360 ;^To order plnnx mail chcck;k or money order and • — IDAHO HOWE " : T iM^CMSUPP^^ M project numberand nariic, W]lhyourhame.acldre«iwi ‘ ' ' \R f &'H:Con8tructi6n HEALTH AND —' “ 1 ' snd zip codc. Add S2.95 forir catalog (itiOudct $16 , . Remodels & Repairs ELECTROLUX CUSTOM i | l HOSPICE liE p f M l H in dlKOunt ciiupklA ,plaiieadiliax..10 e i ^ > s u in g - D m : 734-4061 Twin Falls ; ^ R M S E R V I C ^ ^.'WrtUotrsrTile Setting— c< :i,v-i:-.rctftssnaE b I j.cRA Fre:^7tT t'Painting & Carpet Cleaning. ------^ 4234864^m9»f — . 3 3 3 ^ 1 8 ------. { twain. DSM( CtaCK. , HofneltliMtth Leaded ‘ ^PEOWLE^CARlSS?- ^ 1 p.o.Bqx.ipoil.BixiXBr.qK74«» . 1-^ ' H{wjQnwn1frt;^or " FOR P E O P L E ------■,r'- ■ M ■

■4 ------J ......

" ■■■ 4 , T ' .

•; Sundoy,. SoptomborS 1 7 ,1 9 9 5 Tlmos-lnos-Nows, Twin Foils. Idaho F-5 J— MiSifeieilaia n e o u i^ l leafcr^tidnal

T f - 825 1 [' 9 0 4 ^ "1 f 9 0 S 1 I ^907 ' I ll4 907 I THE ACEe s o n b r i d cIGE® ■ Bobby Wolff i^pgrs& ^ffppu^ JI L ^ a h t h it o b w ^ J i |CAMPER8^HO^5 B GUNS/RIFLES J |HOTORHOMESft^^J I^JOTORHOHES^^|

l J nOTTWEILElis AKCc W anted good used f^aiCatSI 1/4 CAB OVER, Table,0 , 370 Rommlngton Winga 1979 Chinook 20' Classs MOTORI HOMES-1983- ! DearMr.WolfT: ' ANSWEVER: Palmer’s to twohv6 registered. Chatter 5 pmTl or ilko model, & good run-1- "- sirik: sleeps 2. $300 " Mosior, S3j?5, 243 Wln-- . *C*. floor Kitchon, fibor- Paco Arrow Class A 34 fl., ' Our 8greed-on opejpening one-no- diamom ,u r or wkonds 733-0469 ning 4 wheeler. Both 200 Call 734-6556' . chostor. cUstorri mado,, gloss body. $5,995. >nds prom ises a t lea st four - or larpor. 536-2530. 45,000 mllos, 454, Qonor- JUntinp range i6'l5*17•ITHCP.Wilha diamononds. When he bids three ig »»00. Call 34-4375. BROCKMAN'S RV otor, owning, top.storago e e SCOTTY puppios, 9 wks,, - B% ft overshot Sport King - ^734^167,324-4203or Ibalanced hand oM4• 14 HOP and a clubs,.-he h Is suggesting play at flrstshols, male $2 0 0I!. Wanted to. buy-;38 or 3577 -campor,-vrftHstovo.'ovon,• pod. alm ost now tiros,- 1600-773-3167 sloops 6-8. $ 2 2 ,0 0 0 , ico u p le o f lOs, is It OK to fudge oc- clu b s ifIf you'have qualms about,Ut AKC,423-6118 magnum. S&W prefenwJ.}. Icobox. hoator & port-a-" BARTON’S (may be interested Inn poty. $595 or bost offor.I}’ JEWELRY AND . 733-7953______! “ |caBionaIly and open op one no- pl^nglig in diamonds. He probably>ly SIBERIAN HUSKY-RED ' higher calibers). Call 543-i- • Coll 734-7635 leave msg.b! d ia m o n d s . 1995 Closo Out Prices* TVory d o a n '79 motor homo, th im p ? . has fourlur'diamonds and nve clubsb s Purebred. Female,lOmos9 4344 after 6pm.______Starting ol $39,900 for a $100. Ca)l654-2720 •“ Wo mako fine mon's and ‘ 28-. 35.000 ml. must SOO...... (U..Hotu(ao,3exu._(pos^l3I*. bly-sbc).-__ — ______- 6 ft shell.flts.on long.bod,,'«*...... Wdio# Elk Ivory Jowolfy. -. Now Cuisa A Winnebago.--- S12.500.Call 733-7297------COCKATIEL3 $40 ‘ ' 'W a h t^ to b t^ u s e d goDM» PU. Cab high. Whlla Lot us create a groai BROCKMAN'S RV ANSWERV.;Vhcrere'is’ ho-law ' Di^'Mi CaiV654-2720 ■. ; deooya.- Call alter 5:0010 V e« good cond. $115. reminder of your huntl 734-3167. 324-4203 o r ' . WE CAN SELL ". Mr.woiffi; ; * p.m.. ©543-4823. ... Coil 886-7618 1600-773-3167 V l a g a t o t it» b u t I t i s a pp o o r id-ei It’s ' "T hV oppppbiients'i^'cH five hearts SPRINGEFI SPANIELS YourLyrmoodJowoler Your motor home or travol AKC Championship) Wanted to buy: Oregon Z SInco 1961 . trailer for cashl Reason- I not'because the reiresult may be after a strongi auction inviting CAMPER - 8 fl ovor-shot oblo rates, 2 2 y o a rs . bloodlines. $150. 736- M yrtlewood bdrm furn,"■ ^ M m u te jocks, $550.V 54« Blue U k o s Blvd. N. Executive *72 Dodgo 440 good or ba^ but beca'jcauseoftheelr- slam.DcDocs this bidding suggest:a a 24iseve any piece, sold at Hoosler Twin Falls 25'. Clean. S6850. oxporionco. New Inter- {feet it m ay have on3n p artn ersh ip p a s s ivve e lead or an aggressive./e. — Furniture store 1930'8- _ 733-3115______Coll 733-8354______stato location, maximum' 'hannony.’Porbestst 1results, one ' one? 1940'e. Call 436-4443. Campor, 11 '. with lacks, visibllty. Soo Auto Seller I -821^ 1 FIREBALL '6 3 26* Aw- 1 {Should .abide by j: - $300. Call 734-3006 ’’ BROWNING over/undor, for pictures and prices. r partnership L u t CtWDce. N u M U e, Tenn.»• ||8^^mAD|W ^ W anted, glass fronch Cltori Lightning, $850. ning, gon.. AC. 39Kmls, Call < Intormountaln Motor I agreem rats and avoid’oid solo Qights. d o o r a ^ m d & plain. Callsll Custom Topper shell. Ilko0 Browning Stalker, 3 1/2*. S14,000ortmdofornow-■ Homosi In Wendoll 536- ’ ANSW/ER: E This Is no time to be^ ■ Moriarc stereo receiver S now. Sliding front window, $500. 324-6506______or modol trailer, 677-3623I | ;2301 for details iz JVC cassetie player, both I D e a r M r . W olM ' passive,ire. L ea d a s you w ould -• tinted windows, nts short ^ $200. Call 73 fr6 ^ . Wanted: 3 pt'hKdi dlsk-7 tolo bods/full size PU. $525.>. COLT Competition H-BAR. !At,duplicate. I openen a balanced againstIt ae slam . Tiy to cash quick 10- wide. 3/16th* screen•n Call 734-3377. Ilko now, $850. 734-1546 ; m in im u m w ith o n es diamonddi (3-3- winnersrs,Instead of waiting for5r |- - 822 I for Gehl 120 mixall. PTOO — ■■■ "■ ! 4-3 distribution). If partner re- - slow one•ries. Lead from a king or ' g e n e r a to r for w elder.r. GLASSTITE cam per shollii PRE'64. Modol 70 3r | T 0 0 L ^ M A C H |N ^ Com plete factory AC for}r or>d carpot kil for MozdaD Winchester 30-06. Coll OREI= 1 v e ; spoDds one spade,, is it better: to queen1 ofo an unbld suit (or the 19 6 7 -7 2 FordPU . Call:» PU. $700. 734-7656 0V63.1. 734-4793 eves.______raise, spades or rel I® tO'Qrizzleytttbfoaow. fro m A m e ricica's a Newest rebId one no-’ ace). A^ singletons lead mayalso‘O $200.-10* Craftsman 601-776-5043 after 6 pm " tr u m p ? I h eld A-Q-i^ithout-FUffing-ng-valuesryou— hoH-^M► A-IV'^i*0‘U, Xv, V.Vf’ir J , - —oi^-d-e-red-i+frewr• ■ “SSOOTjrBosrcfroT/tranor - No niBller how you spend .’ may be courting a hoihorrible result ■ 4^ A-K-iQ-Q-3. .Should I .have', 733-3738 • After 6pm 733-0136 your days, dastlllod flit . >yhen p a rtn e r is a lsoD bibalanced and thou^tsts of a possible slam? ® - ^ b a h d saw, $500. Call your busy schodulo. Pul B. 734^2412an^. , , HUMTERSI Only 1 SS clatflllod's tlmo-savlng h a s o ^ f p ^ sp a d e s. Bit tawu; .CMondo S p tia^ C o^ ■ J . 827 T l 1995.8W ft PU campor io u t P r ic e s o n .. ^^ARAQESAL^ dlfoetory ol goods and »of- 28 ft - Closeou . RoughTerralnforiom, great • loft In stock. Toilot, hot vIcM lo for you today. , D ear Mr. Wolff: • A ^S WER*'Absolutely E l hot'iU ^ e ‘ fdr-cbnstructlon. RS wator hoator. gas/oloctric Any 1995 Modeid el i n S to c k ll! g , Twcking 438-5400 BUHL Town-h-Country, I open one diamondd e o nd p artn er to: fo u r: heartshi and t^ke the plus ; Sat. 9:30-7 Sun, 10-7. ■ rofrig, outside showor. hy- 1; draullc jacks, tow window,. 1 b ids tw o diam o n d s ovew e r m y LHC’s sco re. Slam SI is out'unless part- - Olgantlo clothing aatel Trados of any kind OK. 9 0 7 I ------iHkeoutrdoublerAfteinertwgT)aBtog,"~~iier*B,sult- - —Factory over runs & dose- - HOTORHOME&frR^ 3lHs%oUd^ltuhouldn*t1>e)r VABIET?FOODS outs. Joans, shorts, shirts,' ------F fllS p^‘$7500?~ LHO doubles againfl a n d p artn e r and h e hashi 'control in diamondsS , 1 & SERVICES , . sw eaters, & lots moro. ' Woodalde R V Centar. •78 • 19' C ountry Squlro. b ids th re e clubs. W hla a t tis p attee ^ s . ,^ o t likelyely).-. ^ . ______786-4005. 360 Oodgo, solor ponol, TF 441 Harrison 9-16 & 17 c ‘ good condition. $4500, ' likely distribution? quMUmleTlHAM. PADocUM. Sholl for small pickup, fits APPLES,fourvarlotivs,. 8-7. U ^ng room furniture' ' 7’ bod. exc. condition,! , Coll 352-4207, MlDorPn>bteBU,Lagu4gutta'RH!i.01llf. ' o4lki.-lx:raKt&»tth8ASEIwnpfr,. (like new ), clotfios, col- NEED SLELEEPING /, _c«wTi*hrl«h( im U^rMturaSpidlcste ' also prunes. Open 1-5pm. ; $t00. Can 423-6349 ovos» ’85■ Paco Arrow, 30’, low - ! Pbw eraO rdi^ 643-6860 lectlbles,books. Lots ef or oorly moms.______miac. No eariy blrdslli . _ mlloa, now tires, owning, MENTS FOR t gon., 3 AC. oloc. stop. ARRANGEMl , ^ I n B&G PRODUCE : ' Ono ol Iho dcost things about I ^ " i t i “ a i i ~ 1 TF - 236 Tylor. ' dawinod Is tho way It wortuI micro, MlntCond. YOUR HUNT!TING TRIP? ’ lOocreofU'^vsgetabl- ESTATESALB foryou.CaO 733-0931. S23.500/oflor. 788-4514 jRJRNjTUREiC^ J L I J | S c f o r s a l ^ MUaWlWCTRtrtlEHTsly -<»• 326-3303 for Info. | Eviarythlng goosll Furni­ _____ R asbenles for salo. You- ture, rofrig, tool*, dothes. , ^ 23 Oak b v 'st^ ts . Eorty Ariittr-,r- FREE, FREE, FREEili . >: pick or.We-pidC^VeryBerK -craft supplies, dishes, lean. aatfff.a. Uhe newIW Shop to, be moved. Ctrv Lowrey LS.organ; $800;)•' • rV Famis, 4.l/i4:mfa. east much much moro. Sat & p l B s , tiy, upright'plano. $ 8 0 0 .' V of K-m'art:dn Addison: -,Sun. 8am-?.; . . . Aw.-. T F .C ^ 423-8071.■ .j — . ' nacei alr eompreaiaor, an T F - l ‘l9 4 Blake St N. Sept '!!n Mahogany Baby Grand, 1' letti 'a 17th. 9-4pm. Nfee Rsstonlc K{ngalze box•X -flxturea Included.v Sm at ■yr:oid,,w/warraoty, new : YOU pick tomatoes, call Bpring & mattrsss, $1 0 00.. :wms Used Cara comer dt >• 837-4672 • dothes. BSQ, snow tires. M ’ $8900. sacrifice $5100. A m isc. - I '• " I Amancona ancyctopidlala Shoshone a'4th Ave W ;' ' f W’l 'w ’w : 676-8717 : ast $100. 5 4 3 ^ 7 0 eveaM . Inquire at offlca. TF 120 Blair D^.LARQE ■ Of 643-6327 daya. 7 i "““SS ^ I 1 OIJ)ER YAMAHA ORGANI. |V ID E O E Q U |P M E ^ ESTATE SELL 17th & (% JULdSLh.^nc. — F o r B a le , nice atorag* 3 keyboards, extraa. 18th lOam-dusk. Furni­ ’ , Solid wood'dinning roomm boxes. Dllfareht alzea.IS cond. $500/orfer. mCAB-Pi^POW ER SIBOKE DIESEL pww/p I filll bntlinx)iii. i(\7/f imV/if & table w/6 chalia,' extetvia 6 * satellite dish w/Echo ture, antiques, collecti­ 1995 FORD F-250 9 ft. tnick cmpa witii fiill ia Call 733-2644. , Call 733-0759-- _ ' star 510 Inaugurolsd re- bles, tools, toys, cards, will»nl/i jiicks, rrfri^irator & heater. from 60-96' w/hutch. Stk. rr-lS02 - 4x4. XLT PacknBcknse. Ra ' aofa, $60. Washar/dryera r ’ 0*11734-6837. ‘ “ 734-7656 eves. SALEI Tools. bll(es,.bar ^ . $100. Sm. trailer; $60. MC. ' Free standing woodburn*> ,r«m0.-$25.'Qrindef; *25..IC. VINCENT-fiAOH tnjmpet signs, toys, dothos.mlsc. I ;ing atova, w/floot coverw • 5’ vice X $30. Welding ta-;5 - . Silver. Exc; cor>d. l -,p>^.S300. Can 733-4145- TF. 572 Eitzabath Park Dr, 7 3 4 - 6 5 6 5 W endell, Idaho £ ' ble. $75. 0^1.734-6737 : t 543-9241 -. . Sat &'Sun. 6 to3, Fu^- 3 2 4 - 3 9 0 0 Your Local A Marinarlno S o rvleo Contor || ’ Pellet flreplaoe inaert. uaed. KlngaiziBbed,.lrame.$2S0./—^ Want to buy. used Piccolo,'' I ture. golf equip, wedding 3wiotafa,S80a93»4397» 0-.' ,Call733t133Z . • ’ dross, w ater bed, dothos, .-'Craftaman-BV«*Joliit> dishes, tots misc, - ~ er/olaner, $240.- PentaxIX Wheleaale Pianos 423-4676 eves & witnds _ . 815 - ^ 1 36MM camera, 3 lenam,a, New/Used. 678-2717 ; ^MWN^QARDE^1 . 2BIJflN barrens. 324-7155 ‘ ; accessories, $220. Sony Yamaha Trombone with• ■ASPENTREES t ;7X16 commerdal diipper,' j; ~ ease. $200.934-4361 ■ 351 indualrial engirie. ■ CD player, $76AudkV . , - ' |f you have them, we will $6000. Call 324-6672.'•r,' video proceasor, $ 1 40.''' Yamaha atto sax; $500,: :.pay top s s to dig thorn 1. Call 734f1822af^6 p.m._ : premlum.cond. 733^3632, • ;' this fall. Call BID Perorire ' All of MV. Tractor &Joad«r, •/ '•-81786-1031- '. rototilling, mowing, blader Large trampoline;' very]i Yamaha.’alto sax,: $760.’ .Buying comics. Star Wars, ^ woric, corrugatinig..e goo d coodKtM, $250. Call C^I.537-6954 .,• • i>. I f/cDonald toys & othor I 9 0 1 I 32fr;463t.______.734^0540.;'>.. . typos of toys, sdonco fic- I^ATVgllOTORCYCl^ ■ ROTOTILUNQ . “ 8 1 9 . I tIon. colloctlblss. 733- ” iv 'Log Cabin $10 fi45 OOte, ask for Laura. . . ,®'87 XR 6 0 0 , Cleon biko. ^ Large or amall gardena,*- ■24'X32‘ with 8* porch ropf.' i OFFICE EQUtPMENT ' new tire s , $1800 firm. - • iawna. lota.. Free eatimat-'- ^^gUPPUESj . 536^6836 after 6pm, • ut the 95’s NOWN r j w - 733-6789; Bruce. ). Computer, prinlsis. W e’reBciearing^ou Cop!er*7o^aie^!orgeI o/wthing electronic, NOT, r V .- d«ddng;'Plana,>vldeo,iofl I: WORKING orWORKiNG •93 KTM 550 molorcyClo. BUatTREK SAVINGS to YOU...1 • selection of recorKlitionod. SMENDOUSS m . very de a n . 543-5669 J '& other a im available,.-.. "copiers stanit>g at $299:1.- 733- S ^ will pl^ up free. J s •' ^leXERCiSEEQUIPMENT I .’,...;..^307:6%<-2448 ^ ,.'^;.: 1975 650 Yamaha modol to m ake riroom for ourr new 19961I m odels, ' f D eab erste heed double P^A FF 7550nM;Simlng i, ,Call734-9966 ' - i X5650onty 8,000 original Uke new Uleatyler tread- o sink ^cablnet:’Also need .;mi. $500.'Call 7344001. • mill. 10.0; ESP, S500. Call ! haircfttpers. ■738'0349i; -J. .HurryIf in while seBieclion is bib est! : ^7366 - ?fSSSSS56^i.a:.^ J ~ ■ \ 820; ■ ’ 1 1900 H6r\da CT 110 trail I Call 934-4375.'" •••■ 1 PET8&SUPPUES \ ' UVE TREES WANTED bike. New tiresand Treadmill, .programmable • [■ ..... ------u banory. Exc. condition. 1 apeed, ilka new.-S400.<- r Panasonic portable stereo,. ,1■ $7Sp.>734r9393______—.J_ t5 3 ^ W S , ...... »I AM/FM, tape, S50. Call' -AKC Engllsh Springer lapaolel..exc.Jjloodlinea...- 'Pajrtng.e cesh*forold'toys- 1 from leso 's ihnjil07O's. 1^C " R -250.~(2) 199S CR- I VltaMaatar never beert' .■ ..ready lo hunt; $250. .alltVp^-Cail.734r6270. , 125. Too many oxtras tb ------ValoTPrii*rlte3'af“ ' usod full weight machine.r -p65nKj«rfdmi«r*3?5r- . '•:ag4-«Q8.' . '• . list. Sertous Inqulros only. $400 or best oftor. Afler•' F 0^1736-2678. . . •*' * ' AUSTRALIAN cattle dogs, ZUsed'trirnpollne In good ,CallC 536-6342,______8pm 733-2236______^ r Rainbow vacuum,'4^mb' conatten;,Cell W 9 1 9 0 .' — • .^blue'and red Heelers. QT;Cto Yamaha, runs groat. old. all attachment Inci..’ •..'Itifala and female ore ~ • HKeneW.^$1000. 73fr625g . WANTEO-'Attachments’ror ■ $450.S Coll 734-0540. . 997 I ; ,817 “ 1. F ■ S S S 8 [ ^ [i -r'lvgtstered..MaleIsanat- .V Lmvo m essage.______L miscitorsai ^ a John't>eero, 214 rifling L li Rybu^fuiiu'ami'a RjtbH'.. ' ; urai Australian atumpy mower/tractor. Sudi os: TTt ohcrrebcle.pJiBloj.lai. Idleli & dor. Ie« - a rtaetrie floW earta.Atn)ax ^ m tor saws. Makita saw s- tall. Ready to go on Sept. HARLEY *95 S portster ______' . ■ #101 #1080209. « 1 13327'____ ^_____ ' all. Excel cond. $400 foru ^a-.J.i-g^1.go--gag:^2;. _ -1200r-Lots-oroxtrasT~: brand; equipped with bat< $9.500 firm. 734-3071 . . tariea, utUltles box. Been,^ ~ :■ • Daul Front Airbags\i • PowerI Assist Rock ond Pinion Stee African Grey Parrots 3 WANTED-^leedgood— TTi uaed In ware house . m onths old.-Sweet with w HARLEY DAVIDSON': • SfoinlessSfeeTExhiExhoust • 2-Spoed Interinitlenl Wipei Sklrackforcbnipi^ $25.. :! 1 l.2x34'traolortlre. ", facility. U 5 0 each. Con- ' 6 wonderful personalltlos. 324^3940'V- ! ' ^1995 Doluxo 683, hoS • 5-WdyAcRtfitobleDre Driver's Seot • Rear Window Defros tectTlaha®T33-60ai. ;,42>4567:.'-. VI ^ '; '$900:423-4342 evenif>gs. extras. $6900. Call 886- •'Bodysidofongs*g$« tinted GIqst* Remote OobrMirr iHk- 2U 4 evenings ' WainuttreeafoTMle. WAf^TTED Pbck^walcHes, 2i 3 pairs of double bypaaa £ BEAGLE 10 wks. old, Ife - Wrrionya'^Sbmen's.'Rall-’ 77: inlrrored clo set doora.^t Call 6 7 8 - ^ i : I t^ e S IS O . Call 678-3327 i HONDA'd5CR125. I t - G A U M TSat S i SIMILAR SAVII $100/ea. Small built in ■ lo ■$3800/offof. 324-6638 Oak entertainment center. ,« ,W ' ood8tw .w /fan; FREB,^ .Boxer puppies. AKC; . Brin' ' $100. 436-5535 •log - holder fiflrS-placa tools. | dies & fawns; $250 Call -WANTED TO BUY: A full or .^1-ii^UST SELLI 1978 HON­ . -CALL 837-6290 after 4pm 436-6946 .-.tVYlp.slzo.conop/.bod.for. W DA Goldwing, full dross,, - aO-oerHflersaddleicab-,- very well takonxoro ol.- b ^ . and amo $500. Also Working ' adult electric. . young girl,.mattress not ■ -wtiBBi dwir; bast often-All .- j nedessary. Call.Tail ^ tJust tunod. looks and mns' i9e7ciVy«hwtbodv-e : :5is?s~srin‘=T 15801 leave msg or call af-. ^ great $800 ftrm, 324-7258 , fuai inieotion 'A to n ..4' v iw o o d com puter d e a k ; ' :e7ar2S66 . Save Now.IV...Only $100. ReglnS steamer' Vtr/rpm.:,.^ ‘ir ■ yrAUAHA‘62 a 400 .. apeed. $4600. TO6-7066,^ .^',1 ' Olrigo pups for sale. C all' _2 W ANtEO.Usiifmitai -,^15M ^ ^ p e d s l . i4Kmls AnlmaicageaiixSVScag^: M J ..;S43^^or843-8557 - VV ^ $ ^ 'C a H 654-2720 ,ea per unK, $45 perlunlt. . i . roOfbg,vC^H.82tt:g62a : WUrlltzar'ciwrd brgan/Ukev- •trPR ; SALE: Endlsh Setter ' ^Queen aize bed. good. WANTEO'dWLevi'sAlM^; B4.'Suzukl Katan,a600.'. ^ * 9 , 8 1m ------cond,,'2000 .' ml, Yoshmun ' m m • .-cial flenaralpri-Sharp. % '4-1pi^, w/d5aji37$5500. ' cfiet leBoieTpfin wi.ji.iiile4-ix.re« lii ...... ESPnE&SOmachli^ : Jc^"agist^r::axcellsi)t.;\ 1 WANTED-VTKTAQE 4 to 6 ^678-6583. 676-0459 day. #p005921.#p00;p005637,iff00'5452.#p004645, condition: Browning bow ' Hunter. Dam is axe. bird .w. 8taII|)a^f2)(t2or.14XI4 : ^w/afTow». Call.733-267g. ind easy to'train'.' 's - #f003855,)rMaWMI57,#P005745.#P0038« (208)624-7375 .slze ,# 7 («lls^:Muatbe|rv ^I;.:- 903 I * FAST SHAPE,. PniVACV I M _-HuoePflyloqdCb|J {ipodfy.* Ooiible WoU Cdrgo Box. Tree grows 6-1 Oil yearly, H FRSBWfteS.'HSXrnaie' • 2-Sped^lmeraiittentVint Wipen* Adjustoble Steering Colm i i ...... - < $4.9^.45de»V B ^.P0ti| Bl WANTEDir'Ereclor'Set. % i - ted, piantat)la nowv 7Vi' C lassic In board out • QothSeot«FullCorpCofpefing • Chrome Grill • Billed Glqt Uncoln,Lod Set orTmi«*r ’ 1^boar^-^Eiilras. .$2,950. ■ BroctwW. 1-600^16-3409- U T oy S e t'A r a'4yr'old.: - » aermm Short Hair Point- T 8 3 4 ^ 1 3 . ,.Call,TOif^44 —• .0 >c :' « m AKC. Exoei; hunter*. 'T 989 Fiberglass. 780 co, - 2ma»ea.i2wk*. $300M WANTEW’DbTWdoffuli^Ti ’55 I f hp. Inboard |et boat 3 1 Hiitry InIn While Seleaction I s BE!EST... Cali 5pm aize. reasonably priced, person.aa $4,200. Will take $SOorle»a:736-tW4.- Sacrifice ® t2 0 0 . Muff/ ^ .W.0C.16’ Jo n boat portloi,: LAB AKCvhocoW e.'dew S trade. Calt 786-2954, ^ IB ie n lniey’ie l Cnhee ,T h e v ’i e Gone!Gi _ YOUR } c li# ; fifit-shots. GPeUt -^huntlng-etook. Call 7 ^ -H ' m Tmeitor Pontoon boot ,.:a»28or734-Mie ■ ■ j;CMB^'^lS'bUfi^ 30M 15 M outboard, full . TIMES CLASSIFIED. ^ ohdosui'eAtm) axle trail- LAB AKC reototered Cham- sr. sink. Saiti:otrtn.caig3efcsey. , PH*upflbackcom«ro( Lo~7a4-388t ^ > 6|)W E8^ei^ IS^aSlSvSr ,.,Cell733W8; Tiaefmoe_fox.$27pp. ? L ow reyL S organ,’$9.00; 7^ or739 1322«vas. :u^ r^np1apo;;

w ''v ; ‘V;' V ^ / ; /

■ *■

P>4 'TlmW 'Nmva, TVrinTVvJ Falls, Idaho Sunday.'■ S S o p te m ^ r 1 7 .1995______Recreaatibnal-Traansportatioon ■ '"f■

i 9 0 8 1 0 0 2 “ ' ^ 0 0 5 100 6 1 0 0 7 I 8NOWVEHICL1 AVTO PARTS ANTIQUE a u t o : SEM I & HEAV1vy TRUCKF?VRt8 M a EQUtPMEW ^ A C C E S S O ^ a C O L ^ C ^ B U _EQUIPMW &ACCE880Rie$8 L l i i i —o rw n ! 7 * YAMAHA QS340. CHfeVriBflB 1/2t2 to n FORD. XLT,'Iariat, 19 CHEVY *03-1/2 ton 4x4.4x< CHEVY Blazer, I960', oond.. geSO. 734»1S^t s 4 6 ^ JAPANESE ENQINilNE & '65 Cornel Callonte’’dean d« JO 644'articuletlngioiloader w/sen/ice body. 308i08V6. 1 AC, tilt, orulse, matchivott. , K) HP- • V«6, 6 spd.-, AC, cass.;I#.; I8'- -w /n e w a re n g ln a / v e ry - -' ------TRANS. 4X4 apod>oclals. Insldo & out 289/.J9/A T $22,600. Call 538-212135. auto. P.S., low ml.ll. Iand sheD,verygoodeondltiItching I Complete engine,- 400'0 e ^ , bed w/bedllnsr, underirfao- fac olean,S3S00. Call 829- • •82 Potarts 660 RXL(L storma 1-600-365-3742'42 $2500 best offer, or tn — -immaeuiata. $48(> 800 k $«9S0.CtlTe6^9064idltion. C a te r p illa r , 3 4 0ictory i to^ warranty, 34K rtve, air, cruise, shell. tires. S8800/off« 1 9 9 4 . C A D n electric start, D.Q.P'plpo! p ■ CHEVY '77 w/ 350I engineOf cabovor. Kl OOE, soi>i back^b( l . l ’, ...... CHEVY'90 exrem f«d4 $3000. Call 423-4296>9A automatic trnnsmls:nlssTon., front end, 60 series98 CDe- Truck engine, 1974 II K1500. Z71, Silver! ---- :— Runs good. $350/off/offor/tr- tro lt4 2 S . 184* whcfvheol DV5S0B (diesel) withUh 10, FORD,Kton, 1973,car MAZDA PUI 982 W/Uno POLARIS Storm '93.j^^lpw, pli ade. Aftor 6pm. 733!(J3!O130 base, 13 spd., 3566 Hrear spd Road Rangsr,, F PTO or Bhell.call 324-6411&4KtttM*SSi.nsT«,11KsHK«d0iMr00C(ftas. oatnqntSKta. ; Welle Cargo *92 2> pliDiaco I ANTIQUE AUTCrrOS roofer,734-3383 8 3 , . tor incfuded, soli ass unit 25,000 mllos, Immacul«u<«tB NISSAN PU *90 4 cyf, ^ spd, 306 engine, e fDobiie I &COLX£CTIBLBLES ' 733-1056 only S2200. 324-7:7375 throughout fuel Injects 4 PS cassette stsreo,rf, nAT. oond., 81K ml., flbergi I.: a n clo sea anow mol ...... early or lato cyUncTsr a 6 speed trafw )s- very clean, 3 7 ,0 0), 0 'rred. shsll. $7995. 733-076; -UiSr* I- trailer w/extrs height,h t dia- 1 gas ’ L^o CHEVROLET. 1966..- 2 Rofor units only, 1 g ------mlssk>n. Perfect coodltl • new tires, chrome wheelO'm/, ______;______7 3 4 - S M S mond ptale front. L B f,mV w/®'oc. Standby, 1 diosdlosel. CHEVY 1976, C-68,8, 10 $7700. Call 736-7237>37 or . $4BOOor best offheels. 11 ukss oriy nJnutss to rtew. $2600 Rmi.324-6>4-S7K) top, 283, ve. I 3 3 4 - 3 9 0 0 good. Coll 637-6306.?s no standby, choap,I, CCall whoel truck, 20' duJump 738-1401.* 73^6920 . i f, f e r your ds*flfled ed . : . i i ____ 423-6432.______bed. Call 625-5635. mufts toks a bit longer. I CHEVROLET, Pro Sti i : | l o o >.less ATATATATATAT.▼AT I::;! spoFnmQQOODS3D8 1966PU.sorlouBinq( Cummins ongino, le UE8 only. S9000.Cnll 536-6 than 100 ml, since com-cor Wanted Exporionco dieSleseL . ^jUNTTNQSUP^ . plots out of framo moJ(mi^or. m echanic. Ploase aisend ■ ''m ‘ ■ B k Hunt Bpeotel. unitS m (T o CHEVY 1950. 4 door.jr. iruns $5000, 13apd. trans.I. atand resume w/roforoncesOS tO ' ■ ' several 9 day Hbnis I6TI -orea»;^,$100(W34-frH&194------SOHD-f«ar»-avalW oondHlon. 733-2697 " furnace, new tlrea, lota'nf«'nf' Broozo-W aV' windooow. Pro tiros, 3.70 ratioitlo. ' ; storago. $1200/offor. 73 S4600. 543-6715®____ $14.000orbostoffor.CalCall CHEVY 1977 3/4 ton pk * 3S67 0V08. ______PONTIAC Firebird ’66.(8. ro- (206) 537-8787. No3 acad 1 1 'camper. 324-2863 HIM I rons, solicitation e Attn, hunters, 13’Ben can ' built ongino and Iror ----- CHEVY '70 C60,6x4 tranans, -W ; trallor. sleeps 4, goc“ •TS Now whools and -*«««tlr« QMC, 1970, 6500. 2 ton,ton twin screw, 1020 njbbijbor I Noods headliner. SSS>5500 4 2 7 , V8, 5 & 2, PS, hoovjDOvy good, body straight, new no - , cond. $1200.423-5801 orbost offor, 543-6126 TVU '26 GVW & framo. S3500 iM is 500. 427 ongino, 2 yr warranBnty B , • COMPANION VWBug,'62, nowor ongli Call 431-5*34 (Burioy)0 availablo, dblo ram hoi:loist ■ . , ' . ir iiili I- Quality made In Idahoho excellent cond. S1600 — - spud bod comblnatlotlon, bost offer. 843-6126 ;LATilAi C i^ ^ O A N NASH > . Qood usod fork lifL 197<000'- Sfl'W '.CaII638-5564. , /Wordable.'durabte• • • Why run «II over town wti - utt-Aii model 7 0 , 7,oot BROCKMANS' RV you can locals pirtsta for: ' 'lbs, 1 Poitlbono mode3del Whon ycxi hav# ttsms onjur ; 734-31671-800-773-3163167 sutomobDoa In tho.clatairsslfied GS50 5,000 lbs. Call 206- your homo you no longi II l i i a b & m - .. . 436-6660 between e^pm>pm-. nood, wtvenise iTiom. QojngsoutfJtpfthevrtntei r - Qo In cdmfDft and 'styfi '' 1969 Suburban. 26,50 miles. Loaded for tralli-aller '. towing. 1991 29' Ten Deluxe trader., quaelaen • • bed, microwavc. sterocireo. ! Excellent conditionio n . ■ ■■ • . f- $27,600. Package>oe- ' 733-3661______m o i( i i i i HOUOAY RAMBLER '91 ME! i: lmperisi. -34'. AC, micrcilcro- ' wave, awning. Orear e a t • : • condKlon. CaU 625-4207 207 S ;V-'r S ' JAYCO '88 -24' Sth Whe Quean Bed. $10,900. '-f $ 9 9 Over InVoice 1 ^ 9 : BROCKMAN'S RV u r Your Price » 734^167,324-4203 or Your Prico ; 1800-7730167 185” m »9139^ I |*9S034CC - *9018“ i n>506P • P • • - Naw Nash i r Tandem‘ amAx- • • |* 9 5 S • ,(e. Satf-contained. swnlng « 1998 Close Out. $9,195.& HIMHMIHHI.ll 5 ; BROCKMAN'S n v ' 550.89 •1^4705^0 lljji‘15,110.^ > ' 73401B7« 324-4203 or ■f $ 9 9 6Over Invoice ^ ^ 3 -h $99 Over invoice . ‘ 1800-773-3167 lfV9lirqmi{LV0lM ^ Ip B - 8 6 0 0 CCjsnh Rebate - 8 5 0 0 Coth Reboto 2 TRAVELTRAILER - ‘95 ■ •>/$SOq'p^\nel>'s(e' ' p ^ t 35ft„sUda-out.toaded1. ur Prico Yotir Price M ustssiH$18.6 0 0 orbeft] YourPrico ' ' I B B • offor. 702-763-0066’ ,049“ ■ »14,708!®' |#95466CC A2o1»d ' ■: I WINNEBAOO- ' ^ Minnie 300, Minnie Winnie'nie — -warrfor.'BraverAdveoturer Iro t ■ BROCKMAN'S RV 249.29 *1 t: 734-3167 1-a0»773-3167167 Over Invoice •16,^89.35 B * 1 7 , 7 6 0 . 1 5 _ . ^ t *76 Prowler 22 fl fully selfMif 9 Csih Rebate f $99 Over Invoice lllig | t -cdntaln«J.equalizerhltch. - 8 5 0 0 Caih Rebate | j | + $ 9 9 Over Invoice • axoal cond, evee 324-7906 9 | | P ^ H + 8 9 9 Du r Prico yoi23,423^3i^ : m \ m iver Invoice :;«'9i^v'^lnv^ei^ *22,608.36 : I ^ i o « •isboCaihRebate 'I' + $ 9 9 Over Invoice I I AUTO PARTS & ' 2 2 , 1 - : E S S • i^ACCESSOBIB^ Your Price ' •h 6 9 9 Ov< • $500 Ceih Rebate ■22,022”’ ■ ■ S BUICK 3,8 Z-6, rebuilt • 9500C«> Your Price ; h«v« receipts. $6 0 0 . « . C aII736^6^. g *223i07?M : CAR OOLLV. $500. S M Your»92.80. i H | m | > •» 883 Eastland Dr. South *34,023.70 im ji 8 ' • $ 9 9 Overlnvblco '• CHEVELLE 7 0 parts, n«w. Caih Rebate *36,235.95 • front funders & quailars,!P 1 ..•SOOOCubRebtU., • . 8 8 h00 d . 8 SwhMls,cith- + $ 9 9 Over Invoice 5 f mlao Itema. 734-2704 g m s o - 1 2 ^ Cub Rebate •J FORO *78 4x4.frt>ntj*ra.~ + i 9 9 Ov. ■YdurPrtce - t — oempl«t*r#^t-ooj^6-^ r..i l-^ |:itflsaa4CA:.i pi » '. tr«iimka!M3^.lruwfkrir" - : |1 0 0 6 (U SSBSSSSS^BS S' "oair. eooo eondltion,' •N w W iio’ngw C*w $ 2 0 0 ^ f a ^ . 73301383 llllllllllllll^^

' . f ■ 1 • . ■>'-''' u '. .1.0.T."------...... I- ' K .:„

<<3______■ .______Surxloy, So)>optOfTit)or17,199S. 71mo9-NW-Nowa. 1%vin Folia, Idaho F-7'

Traiispolirtatio h 'T K ransppritetici o n ^ -

I . 1009 n l l ' 1 0 ^ “ 1 I ' 1020 " I: 1 I - ^ n S o ^ 1 0 2 0 I Ia 1 0 2 0 i I ' 1020 I J LAUTMTORSAj^J ^^ljT08F0n8Al£j | J^jW nOSFORSAl^ I|_^22£22iSi£-J I DobQEW dubcab’wnn-VRh- FORD 350 •89,.fl'atbad,acl.' FOro-Taunia GLW . w ib w p ^ . eOKmls. • na, LOADEDII Exo. oond. SSSSSSSSS$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ . $3000,'CBil_63T;6M7 inai, :-»10,99B/offer. 678»1024.;-: ^ ml. Call after 6 or yvaak- t \ A U T O I VM A T O S p - ! DOOQE '88 Dakota LE. I J f O W nMAYING ! t£*. ahda. 676-7442 FORD 1993 ThunderbIrd, k ^ n a n m i g MUST 8EU.I1 4X4. a t ; • . .AT,V8,poweraveiythinfl,!: C R E D I T SS Y S T E M S ; WiABanki flood cond. S6000«rbMl V TisTisihisnEnj• 7 .new tiraa, $12,600 must 'A t NMiiitaIn Homale Fohj,F we can help . pfff.Call73»4S14.' _ . today. Cal73»093f. aani Can 543-6287 ' ^ ' , makes-it fio^'t'orbepre-jdpproved' i ''' you re-establish youyour credit and get forthevehicleojo f yo u r d rea m s. __ \ FORD 7 8 . «hoftbox.'im.lift.' f . ’ . ' • ' lEHHSHI y o u t h e n e w o r u s« e d 'v ^ U e you want! • aluminum ilma. new tlm#,m . . N O C R E D I T ISTTIMEBUYER. * .. wtm wonchj.tBl. & racalv*alv-.... I O N T H EESPOT I HfeGaif : df, 324-eete : HEP08SES8I0N8 BANKRUPTCY J H o u n ta lti H om e FFord on one of th^few $ FOR USEiW U C M R S i ------Idaho deilenJerstoofTer FORD '88 Ranger 4x4; New fidly automatede d c n d iii^ste m will i ACTUAL BANK,i K F lN A N O N G many.' Rwy M rn/run* - ietyou know how'minuch money you 'can. $ < ' iiraat. mtiat ealll Call & TRUUCKS s to p e o p le w ith b an knipcruptdes, poor credit, .qualifyfor. Entersr your information ^ eoUectionf, repossestlesfionf or no credit Stava 423-6822 bet.offef fn m your io'uaoh tone phone. ' . $ ' Tap Dolla for AttfYilYiaf,Aayl/Mell $ . FOAD1890 Crafr Cab. Du­Du-'' J U k ffS S o ally 4x4. $13,900 or beet CALLTODM-:■ l-8m 23-9W t offer, 733-4430. ' 1 UIIIIIW81-80NNHIIUHAIINI loe Leathsr, Loaded, s C a l l T S V ' FORO&nmceil,1986,6* ;MPO^Mci6aa6a8ly y i -lASr* s epd, 4x4.1 o¥m«r.«3500.< 2 Ask for Old^ ? s s s : ^ % ■ Call 324-4863. iedi$^900OBO S B 734-656S S < e01 MAIN A'AVB. BAST $ 1 6 ^ 7 I . FORD *93 F2S0 XLT. aicbsis r ' • ■ ~ B3« j « n » 3 M - 3 9 0 0 SSSSSSSSS! s SSSSSSSSS j B B cond, fully loaded, low ml,ml,* ■ $ 2 1 ;,0 0 0 fnuataaato , apprBdata.Call,826-4614514 p ’ . f o r d ; Breneo; XLT.:i9e4, motor-361CUl,S5KSfi: . , . . mnas. 4 apd. 4 new tiraa, : imar. exeaL $6600. Call 734-eatz FORD, F180. XLT, 1980, < AC,P8.PB.camper ehell. } $45Qg73»2039.73»2e33. •'•bMC18Bfl S1S JlpiTn)Li loaded, m Boedtond. Call 733-2193 anar.epm,. ‘ JEEP J40001973.360 w/4>'/4 ' epd.. $3500/offar, will(III . ■ . ' ttade. 734^646 ■ P , JEEP WRANGLER‘88 ' . New motor, clutch & top.>p. ■ . —L4.ow.inltaarflood4ir«e-ea-: — ------1 9 9 5GAl>ILtAC-FL ^ LEETWOOD-»m\ — ^— — . -$8000 764»24ai; . 1 #08282-0, Lood^, Lo.owM lleaj______:JEEP..W agoneeK 1977. r$1600.-af4,733tevee. NI68AN *90, T O rD 'O im • ' ^ U ‘" ' ' Hardbody. 4x4,'good con*In-" •. dWon,manyaxtra>iWlWt' with 33* M/T tIroB, CDs . ' player & alarm, vary ■ Sharpl Seooo/offsr. CallS' . S3a-felSev»nlng»., NiaSAN *91 Pathfinder 8E Immaculate vehicle. :■ $17,400. ,733^1960 .• NISSAN,.King Cab. 1889. R K T R A I liEE R ' aheg, S8960.-736-0846.. , 2 4 ^ 01, V-Nose, 4 PIPlace Snowm obile TV[V o ile r, SUZUKI. Sidekick.' 4 door. L a ; 1092, MUST SEEI Shaip, ||fl!a e Door,' Gos Doooor, Jftnch M orel • white, rack. 733-0663 TOYOTA '«6 Pick up. f l - Cuelom bench aeat & ■ I ' rlma, w/ahetl. Excel, 1 9 9 0 F O R D 1 9 9 3 C H E V cond. One owner. After EVY ■ 4pm. 733-1481______' NOW/ON ^ . ^ 5 9 ' R A N G E R X L T C A V A L I E RI BRS TOYOTA‘91 4-R unner»r # 5 5 0 8 0 .1 105-1,, jj(, SR5. Loaded w/CO play- ^ V-61...... !:!: ...... » 5 ■ e r a Sunroof, n«w Urea & . 5 9 9 5 |w° .'"74951 . rtma; excel cond. $18,0000 ■ ■ H'- • ■ ;-Offaf. S43-8003,643«7B.' -

t f " 1 0 1 0 "

CHEVROLET,’93 % ton : • eenveralon van. PW, PU ■ ■ I .. crulaa, AC, TV/VCP. : $16,700. Call 734-6196. 1 9 9 4 F O R D) 1988 CHRYSL • DODGE *04 Grand Caravan T E M P O G L LEBARONIN : Loadedll B(c«l.cood. ■ $17,900. 636-6605 . # 0 8 2 8 6- -2 2 . ^ $ / y :79-i, , JJ, 7 6 ^ 1 ^ : DODQE 1994 3/4 ton car- > 5 r a S S i ^ K XilVGCAB4X4i , , ^ 2 9 9 5 ' go van, Ult. eruiae. AC, :• AM/FM caaaatta. $14,000 #SJ V-6 Engine, AiA ir Conditioning, I fhTi. Call 677-4102 j^V Casflette, Chromele 1Bnm pcrfl& M ore! • FORD'86Aaroatarvan,. r i W i i i ' p w : good cond, $4700.324- • 4117or324=437a : : FORD, Econollna. 1984; g l . b a te wiMkad, will aeil for v. y N Q W ; f ) N ] : paft^Cafl;764-2492. 1994 CHEVYr 1989 BUICI - -Mioso n CORSICA REGAL AUT08TORSAl£j # 0 8 2 8 8 -0 , 2 2 4 , $ { n i Q « a ^ ...... : . J 9 ; BUICK 72:B «ara UmltwJ. L o n d ^ ... A nto.,}, M o r e ! ...... ^ « 5995 74K mflaa, runa great, ex­ cellent tires, all power; ; ' $eS0.Call3S2-42g7 ^ ‘" buick. Special, 1962, re-' buitt angina & tranamta- aion. Muat a a /f/$1600/- offer. Call 736-1996. . l i g i i B CADILLAC ■91 DaVBIe ' ■ I Vary dean. Excel, mnnlng. 1991 CHEVY STEI Leather {nterk>r. S4Kmla. 1 9 9 3 F O R D IS I 150-XtT-SUPERCIGAB------SILVERADO) 0 ------CADILUC 1981. $1200. ^ T S I S g P O TRVTElCXnEliilin WrSOT'C'TCOl 717,!, 9 9 5 1 1 ^ 4 ,9 9 5 - whola.,car*lbr parta, $76. . H T PE ” #53368-2, ...... - Can 549-6129.------THifl'O ne'H ds It 'Alir >n, I Londedl.... CADILLAC 1890 Seville, betga, leather, tint, 70K, $13.200/offar.Exc.oond.„; I j j j j ^ ^ , Call Rob 862-3276 or ■, ^ 2 8 6 6 . . NOW OM CADILLAC. 1986 Sedan ■ new-angina, exo. a h ^ : . 1 9 9 1 J E E P 1 9 9 0 G M C ; $ 6 8 0 0 ^ . CaB 7 3 3 - ^ : c j j j g g j j j j g W.M HEROKEE LARElEDO 1/2 TO N SLE 4:4X4 CHEVROLET IROC Z29- • ta t 6.7TP.4apd auto, Aa ;na, glaas T-Top. CH]Morel ■—.■ > 1 .3 ,^,4 9 5 -1 1 T!:.:...... n z 2 ,8 9 5 d tira a . esK m la. ' • # 4 1 0 3 2 -3 , , $8000. 324<869. i CHEW .'8i Caprtoa Claa- aic,r 4.dr„ vary nlca, good tiraa. 9 axtm tiraa, buma

• CHEW84Z2B Camaro;' naWhlghpaiformanoaan-'; . gtna, loaded, T-topa« run ■ axc;.$3900. 733<218' »95 CMC SAl Driven F ront &1: R«,ai'B M r^A M /FM CaI Auto..&M< ■' CHEVY Monta Carlo 79 :$1400ftifl>r.-324^1380 ^n g in ^^ 7ViIV aU e^Pkg;, 7 Per wSi^njyCTJforg^^^ CHRYSLER. LaBaron, ' . ' 1979,' naada:wDTk. $160. , r r X i m •' Caa 76^249g. : • : • DATSUN280Z,77.: a«per' ' ■ ahapat.»6pO.,686-8636 . ■ NOW a r - i f ir-factory re^ta- ^ '• •; i DODQ6-i962.400, S1900. " - '<-lroittwhaaldrlVa,;7S$:: : -?~9eai ^ meaaepaL-..A- S S n M H I Q E y m O O g g g

. M73»


'• P ric e afteri ' ■ - i v . .. / / r - , - ^ ' ^p-e Timos-NewB,B. TwinT Falla. Idoho Sunday,y, JSeptember 17,1995

f ' L A W O S F OSALE n ^ I FOftO oLstom von. '1904, loadod w/ AC. Thoho cron- tuM comforts. Placoaco^your sasijii'fciANOi 334-1463 FORD'92 Thundorllorblrd. Great cond. snow'tiresln- tin dudod S8.905. Call^ lO i ro g at 736-4461 FORD'82 Escort. 4 a p t low mllos. QoodIco CO n d . I ■- $4Sd/offor. 326-414 . 4145 GEO '89 Metro LSI 4< IiQyQQS I 4 door 1 owner. Excol. corxJ.xl. Aftor> i r l i 11T»'-l^ 4pm. 733-1461

GUARANTEEI i a d s .. TTie Times Newstw s guarantees, to> 6 e ll merchandise, ■ automotive In 7 : days and real estate In 15 dayJajre ^ H n s i . or rerun the ad e additional 7,day at no additionalf 1995f FORD WIN 9 i F 0 R D ^ charge to the 1995 FOIiRD AEROnITAR I 199 tAi^iiiMl customer. Ads may be canceilei NOW $ f eariy for customeh . SA\V E - 3 f O ( convenience butb u t A m I JUST I1 ^ 9 9^7 I s. the charge will^ill V On All Remaihi A fter A f t eir r |t« y R aym onilJjblw I punts^iinj:;:B ^ remain the same »r Rebates ■I. ™ - . w ftttoryiR aliatei

3LDSM0BILE, Cutlaaa ' Supreme, 1973. V6. 2 doof.RunsQOOd733-120S. . ’ ACE Arrow 24' self con­ tained motor home. Onei E of a kind, llko new cond. Inside & out. Place your I991FOI»rd I9« bid this Saturday. I 991 PlymoMthh . . ACUnON EXCHANGE I Thiffld«W t x Aerosta■r Ch 324-1483 . rand Vbyager . I NOW $ 1 r • I »ACE Arrow 24' solf con­ N o w if .o 1 ' I O N L Y I tained motor home. One 18,488 ^ONLY' r 5 8 8 O H M , of a kind, ,nite now cond. S *7j?955 ihssM Inside & out Place your ShKkrt03!729A9A, '■ ''Sioik#B bl58M A ^' bldthlaSaturday.' - .v ^ v l .. AirComiitli)i%Chifan^CtntrD^PowarUidsdM! . -A-AlfQwtoWnjirOtfse'tbntr^^ ,;M L o d c s a n d -'AirCmdiHoiIHonin^ (h^'CDhtr^ Foww locb c AUCTION EXCHANGE j(s c ^ 324-1483 I WinONTIAC Phoonix '81.* I . $600 or offer. 734-4812 SONTIAC. Rrobird. 1094,: ,I VQ. T-top. PS. PW. AC.’ I tIntedQiaas.ie.OOOmitos. A M ^ cassotto. S20,500. Call 734-3626. ■ . ____ ?ORSCHEJ991 -convert. iI. : | i - ^ ^ T 9 9 5 Ible 944S2, cab, black. 5 ^Meep;--:- \e t M ^ r o r spd, leather, 58K mla., ' i 423-4241 or 4^-4279. ' I Chdi#dkee 3UBAna'91L^ac/W80^ I '-;:N Q W ';'$'f' on L, air. cruiso, power, I O N L Y I Immaculato. $6900. 733- i 15,888;^O N L Y ' 588 % aS7S or 637-4746 IM ______Siodt.i*k.#KB3I907B______5 ------~St«k«855309A-A.. ------StodifllB837l)3B-^— ■ UsslhmhonSOOMitss b a >AV'87GolfGU73,000mC'. I . .. loco) Trade wrih low Miles, Equipipec)ed with tfi8 most • AlrConditiKll«oning,ChjlsaCbotol beat offor. Call 736=7129. ■ DODGE’77 .Voryjow I miloa, exc cond, must 1 .1 :^ S S u m solll $5000. 734-4410. ■ , I HONDA PRELUDE '64. ff I sptf-. AM/FM caesetta, I Sunroof. 143K ml, good ' ■ cond. $2500/ofler. ■ ____ 733-5755______I■ CH lliavrolef m s s f o t M l a t - . - 11990< Ford f 1 0 5 3 I I Slibuiurban T ra n sp o rt I IMPORT a SPORTS ■ I C ^ S ■ NOW $ 1 4(V jQ d u l y . | MITSUBISHI, Ecllpso, I MM b — lflgs..Q SX ..brand new<- ■ «S3?9a :'-|'v'-'-P ^ - Slodfll»M 57*\-w d i i--1-- excollont condition, ■ ' $21.700. Can 734~t309. ■ iloPndmB" ■ . - . »Al[ (Cbndilloiiing, Ouisa D nfiol, f rmloducnd o ":.4iOV-8fol&gi»,Aolonicli[,XlTPi]d(iii«;i I > . ti>WMifeOndtJUndlyOwinJI ; . ; PORSCHE 911SC.' 1983 | toret-k. . . XHwyyPulyj^Uw , . Coupe w/eloctrlc sun roof. H windows, air and leather. ■ - G reat sh ap e, must see. - - H Cair 733-6664 avenlng*. . ■ or leypm esaago anytime ■ IIIQQQR 1 0 9 9 I ■ FAX I YOUR I E 9

...... '■' w f , ' ' I SUNQAV. SCMTCMULH 17. 1!H)i

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A l ;i t im c w hic e n . NH iiKiiiy cili/cnL 'n s arc :iskin_i: if ihih is ♦ v manI is ilic promKl ^ c / \ ^ \ / o f .AiTK'nc;ca; V V'liat ¥vs.'e r ~ ' i s ■ . II USI LeiLllll.1 i'om CcjJin Powell All 1 iikT\ iov M'll).).\VH) IlAl.BIii-:Rsi:\M

I N S i D E ; W h h ere Did TV\ f C o m e F r com P...B y Ca r l S a g a n WMtttotetiPOFMof«T>’ T nitt^ Wri t* W«rtii> Seott B n: BOO^BO ftw ri Cw tn J s ta th n Nm* Yrcf*.h * N.Y. »d Vohm of imll m liw pm m i N

HBrfore a movnovie begins at can you tell us about thete son* q f Aldrich many offthe thi videos I f c ?es? The bo/sjather is In forVIffe 1^ without pa- nessagelhat-t-hrr^^^^ mdhismotha^Jtas^iyServeSS-'63-monthsrWho ------■istody?-^oan Frieda^,. Atlanta,At Ca. says somethingiglike. I ‘This I ^ !J 1 I I I I I I I I film has been•n modifiedi IP au M1 A m ^ 6, is living In Bogocj^ with his mu- fw m its originalnal version.” lal grandmother, “Paul’s ri>Otrniotho: [Rosario Is this some'kinkind of code I r ! i r f * U l 1 U AmesldiI deqriscs Ainaica, ^ shee insistedin that he that means thehe contentc of ^I M I M M ^ ^ r^tunum ed to her native. Colombimbia,” explains the film has beebeen altered ■ Peter MlMaas, author o f .‘'KUIer .SpySpy: Tbe Inside or censored witivithous the viewer's knowledg Sioiyoflof the FBI’s Pursuit and of Aldrich lA.Funk.Flusilushing. N.Y. Ames,, AAmerica’s DeadliM'Spy.’*y." Adds Maas: Notatoll.lt[t sisimply means that the moviivie has “The FBFBI was hoping woulduld t e raised by adjustecsted through a technical proirocess Aldrich.^Jl Ames' sister, who is a com;ompctcnt moth- called ing and scanning” to chongiIge the • er withh 1three sons of her own.a. ButI Rosario prt^rtionsofthA if the film from its widescreenenthe--- - - wouldn’ln ’t agree. I feel s<»Ty for ttolitUokid."the — Z- _____ f atrical formatt totc Ihe m ughly aqmire formmaLof ------When last t heard. JetJennifer Flavlrh—Sly Stal-• iStallora yourTVscrcen.«n. In evfefy other way, the-cr-origj- • n W '^rfisfbhn^'c)tessc)uinpSo&) u d&^Fixh^tip lane's on-agaln, off-off-agaln girlfriend—wasr and' Ravin rui content ofthe'the film generally is lef^ uiiutiitered. Vtothestese days? Still playing diess}iSS? Did he ever boasting that they•ere were going to wed. Do yout ! (Sometimes deleleleted footage is restored, billjutthis marry?-?—Terrance Smith,Ci^RiBRopids.Mich. think it really will happenfpen?—J.w:. Kingston. RJ. in «nm« ysQaUy advert'ertised as the “director's cutai-") JIThele;legendary chess gnUiu fromfroi Bnnklyn lt ’s highly unlikely.y. Sylvester: Stallone. 49. I . . . flbecaiTVane a recluse after he iqnettRussiangnmd- Ru t haven't seen much o f 4 , m asK rBBoris t Sp assl^ ia 1972and1 madeITU headlines mockingly refers to) himselfhii as the “Htroshtma I leyJuddsinceshelefim oslhefinitirst American to win the.worid xldtitle.Appaj'- oflove.^’KehasapbobiaUa about marriage after two I "Sisters." Whathashappt cntlyFiscischer kept tq) his game. Hele beatt Spassky multifnillion-dollarivorce dtvoi settlements: with his I a to her?—SJ).. Tampa, F A I againinana 1992remaich'witba$3.3t1.3 million prize fiist wili^ Sttsha, to om few as married lOycais; O snd actress Bngitls Nielsielsen,hiswifeforon}y548 I ■Last year, Ashley Judd,kJ, 27, —€D0u^1^ to lure him to the resortcofSvetiSlefan of O fidectded td^moke some days. It seems as if thehe actor—who now com- I ne big In the fonormer Yugoslavia despitee wwarnings that mands $20 miUion perrpictUTfr->-staits pi mention- I disnges in her Uib. She bececamp U^.sanctKti0nspT0hibit~biBl0e3sdbdilealin^ with the ------ing maniag0:t0 -the-inednedia every time he has a -1 a blonde.starred in a £Iroad- n . cnemy”' (S(SetbiiO in that w a m b m9on.Fadng r^ 10 new movie coming om u t In the last year or so, I way revival ofthe classiccWll- > yearsinpi1 prison and fines of $250,000ioo ifh e retums he reportedly has b mn engagedet to three models I Ham Inge play “Picnic".” Spanky home,FisFischer, 5 ^ lives in a Budqxiq)est hotel and —Janice Dlckcnson,, 38,38 Angie Evertiort, 25, I took a small role inthemlOT^Mm I i^aijrw<:m *tm» ■ m MATiMWM JanaiS i«atOM> •aoiM .M M onM r, One year later, despite'gl |M Qgll«» Bf ColMafla. Ovtd Dwn^li MM>«CtC««HC«lMlaiMMiT,U"sifssiisr- — mtisicianshlp, the black ta rrtan. Uny t. MW, Mw ri KMR, I **»■“*««»* w.Qgrttiyj.rw fl^ piiw i. neawu iXSiUiA intemewfnMTi Munich; w r~>at« Mb— . IMIW WWIMIMm um tour. "1 simply perfoon wit UMTn«PTow.aii««brt>iaw»» »»OIW«PTCW.CltcfcgdiM, OHUnuNMPUHJtft OvtoVKtarW , S S £ 3 S £ S S 5 S '

''' '"iiiiHBi ' M « a • tWTwiMiw nr; aiBa«>aitABiUDBIUOAXtNe ------^ 3 OmFMMm '

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------^ Colin PowelG II w as national secucurity adviser to Presid named chairman of the Joint Chiefs oor t S taff in 1989. Powell general in 1993, wiwidely regarded as onone of Am erica’s m ost c leaders. W ith theB pptfbllcation this w eellek of his autobiography ithw> P ow sll, 68: _____ (Random.Hause),i^i^eneral-Pow eliJs^ai2 a ln . t h e . f o c u a .o f . m u c h a Is a ten— about one of our nation'sn's m ost distinguishedid Journalists, David HaU tirtiai^5fiiryou“ ~ P[P is w h a t you got. Colin Powell andI tcto share w ith tts whailat he found out about■ ti wym th e author. H H E Y H A O A L L A R R I -- . ^ ot F o rt D ev en s in 1961— 19i \ most of them iieutenorla n ts, a ■ 'li few captains, all off t th e m young, ambitious and g ho. They were all full oof S hope ond promise, unxiocious to get ahead in w hat theyI' ht do p thal everyihing better than the w hile people around you. They often talked o f'their the goals, lliere was a con:onsen* h sus that an acceptable; firfinal rank would be lieutertenant colonel—this was. afler•all all the peacetime Aiiny; andjxipTO- ' oldicr. m otion w as always sloweiwer then. B ut one m o n b e r ofo fth c ;ci the ___ group, L l Costelle WaUccilker. believed that his friend L-t. MMiiiiniiEi Colin Powell was quietlj;;tlj; aiming higherand that CcColin. ■ E lffily liy:ing n in a r B V who seemed more focusii s ^ than the others, wos thinkinking . HRHRHjRVVJI full “bird" colonel and perhapsperi even. W alker suspecileaed . bdieve. I brigadier generol. Afterr all.al thought Walker. Colininm iw as i n i i —nlelieve... n JL one of those rare men whwho seemed to have, from h e r e day he entered the service/ice.'thekind of natural beare a rin g and command presets so (critical tosuccess in the An^rm y. They w ere, it turned ouiout. iu'c'kierthan those who10 hadI gone before them. In the: nenew Amiy. black offieers cocould com m and w hite tnmps as w ell as check on th e numjm b e r - o f tires in the moior pool.il. CCharley Rogere. already a cap-c S o r rl e t h tain, was given commandand o f a baltery in the artilUiliery. T hen Colin Powell wass gigiven on infantry compan>m y to cofT^mond O f that group,, all succeeded admirably: RogRogers became a two-star general.nil a n d w on tlie M edal o f Hoi-ionor in Viemam: arid Colin Luti.u th ^ Powell become the chi man of the Joint Chiefs oof f' Staff ond wos the overseei Nf o b k5 T o ] — the successfuistrike again:linst lraq in the Persian Gulfulf.' - - T he success o f that roIirole and the totality o f his

CO\'£R PHOTOGRAPHH BYB EDDIE ADAMS MAOC MAOAZINC long Bnd difficult joun)um ey and yet stayed true to him- I very good gradrades. and he by contrast wasvas foundering. “ I s e l f W hen h e tnlks. he is blunt and funny, and hedoeshe I . trira engineereering because my cousinsns w ere in engi- not sound like a govern:emment memo, as do so man) I neering and11 I h ad also h eard that th atot was> where the who have been a part1 ofol the national security worlorld"He m oney w as." fihe says. H is grades hovereered around C. ____ ^is_qji^.easi!jTl»a.to_lto_IikeLthcwJiji3cn!5 irgim a. ^ ises-ea Below ritfht says. “ I had foundfo something I was gooc H is personal sto iyf is lhat o f modem immignuit^tntswho M em orial Day t99I,r I hes( e of it. the simplicity of its denJcTrmnds, theclar- arrived here in this cennentury bn a South to North rouroute in- w ith PFC PatHofc se. “^ r the first tim e, in the military, 1 ol- st^ ad o f an E ast to WWest e one. His father. LutherlerThe- MoElrath. wounded show exactly what was expectedd o f me.” he says ' ophilus Powell, hadI grgrown up-in a poor rural[part pi o f In th e t9 8 9 Penemeli ■ ‘ost • now . “There! is-nothingiff abstract about aa comc( m and when ition. he loved the Jam aica. **His peoplee wwere subsistence farmerssbiOTjy b w ith h ie w ile, Alffie t trie someone tellsIs you.y 'L eft face. *” In additio able to eke a living.”• OColin Powell says. In 1920,0 -“* i ^ (p). e n d children (If) ___ _ camaraderie; olo f it. the sense that if il wa-itvas done right, it his faihercomeonaUniiJnited Fmit Company boat totoPhila- { Annemwie, Michael promise of Arjn e n c a wasasharedexlexperience. “Wiiliout ROTC.rc .” he says. “I’m delphla. Colin’s moiheiiher, A rie. arrived four yearstrs later, and Linda. L_^ stillnotsurelwI would have stayed in school.:ol. I know for sure His parents met and1 mmarried in still holds—thin a l , that I stayed in college principally becausuu seo fit.” NewYoricin 1929. :hingas start Colin was a star. By hlis is; senior year, he j ...... E o rJio th o f them thethe primory. l.eveninsometh ly commander of the Pershishing Rifies. the { team.-and colonel orcommaimnnderof iheen ------p ailT Jf^A jncrica-w ns^reconom icrr^^^^^^^l ■^aflriful'asT ace • T o them A m erica wvas as w hat w e q \m iy R O T C . “ H e alw ays haih a d a g ift/o r it.” \ later called, when wwe e w ere strengths outww e i s h bbesen. who was brough'tt irinto ROTC be- J I ® cau.se o f Powclveil and becam e a lifelong fricfriend (and evcn- Vietnam, the Land of'the ihc Big PX. It h ad m ore Jobs an d) betterbe jobs ourweaknesse;eS. tually a thrce-s:e-star general). “He was.. evencv back then. I Tieone you want- and more opportunity C olin tough a nd demem anding. H e w as not somec Powell says, lliey were,»e.theirson ed to le t down,vn. H e had w h at I called thehe iC olin Look— noted years later, peoplepie who hod a very h ard staiitare. w hich h e w ould give:y yt o u if you were ' come to America voluntuntarily, not n o t u p to speei«ed. No words exchanged..:d. Ju st the look. people who. like Africa]ican blacks. That was afwa;vaysenough.” h a d been brought herere i shack- ' Powell wantanted the A rm y as a career.r. “"I had an intu- les and underwent thee jarringja ex- itive sense thathat iIjis was a career whichh vwas beginning perienee of slaveiy. Therhey felt lit- to op en up foarb rt lack s.” he notes. “YouI couldco not name, tie social burden m »nn tl:the past in in th o se days,5. anoa th er profession wheree bluckb men rou- ___ th is country. “M y parei tinely lold whit'hite m en w hat to do nnd howlow to do it.” His very senous. highlyf ambitiousar —timlng^&^ith two incomes and two children, the Powells'llswere visible as a showowplace ofequal n o t p o o r in the classicic sense.: They lived in the: S'South employment——iti became on Bronx, and Colin and his sister. Marilyn, never didIdwith- D I^ S B occasion, os Powtowell wasacute- out anything important.it. “[My* Iwrents] were nol tbche kind ly aware, an advantagead' to be o f people who ever comimiplained about the sacrificesxsthey black. “ Il w ass in ii the military___ were making,” their son»n noted. “But you could notlot help that blacks Vereere able tb sho w' b e in g aw are o f how haihard they w orked and th e factfa It their equality lorlonglKfore oth- w its not fo r their ow n1 gigrolification—it was alway;ays for e r areas openeded iup— we were their children.” a b le to / that we could ■ Fam ily was very impcnportanr. “W e were alwayss a^aware serve as well as white men." that wc were part of' a Jfamily.” Colin Powell rec he says and theihen adds: "And "n o t ju st our iMuents, butKit our< aunts and uncles artd coicousins d ie as well as. wlw hite men." _ imd friends fromJamaicjaica. who were not blood relat He was a talclalented soldier, 'b u t w h b 'w erep art oTbii:biir extended fam ilyrW e leajlearned' Hewasoneofthf those men who does better in life than he does early on that we did notot sstand alone, that the familyily was ivcre not abstract, there to support us. Butut wev also leamed that you did not he no w says. Afterr juijunior high, he tried to get intoin Stuy- in college: hisi intelligencein and his skills wcr let the family-down, andw d you did not diminish itss repu-n v esant H igh School,ol. ione o f N ew Yortc C ity’s eliteel pub- they were thee productp o f com m on sensese iand a shrewd taiion.” W ithin the famil.mily. there was ope elementalitaleth- , lie schools. He wass rejectedre because his gradess were> not understandingg ofhumanoi nature. The betterlerhe I did ond the ic: “You will use to thee bestb< o f your ability what Ood3od has good e nough. Somenc 40< ycarsilater, Colin Poweveil wrote m ore h e saw thetht A rm y as a place w herec abilitya was re- lOt someone who given you.” Powell.explixplained years later. “And,J, mr ost fo r his school rccordsjrds and discovered to his omimusement w arded, the hardorder he w o rk ed He was n o t! important, him- specifically, you cannotnot drop out of school. If youI'OU do. the letter of recomnwnmendation his junior high. gguidance weiit around fightingfi{ others or. more im; ------ineT5ntinrcxtcndcd*fiii-ftnrily—annts-and-imcles-es-and— leacher-hnd-writtenain ot the tim e:—We odvise agagainst it,’- — self^He-was-prcproud.-yct-he-was.notjartinging_l!Lwas.ncv-! ___ cousins, everyone— willvill come down on you." H e w e n t insteadid tto M orris High ar\d then:n to C ity er a v ery threatc:atening k ind o f black m an."n ." says Powell, •F b ratim c C o lin Powc>wcll struggled w idi that ethic,Wc, be- ’ College of New Yorkork (CCNY). a college for thele ichildren “A t difTerent timtin; es. 1 was a good N egio to Ihave around.” ------^causehehadproblemslns findlng-hhnsclfr He wass notn a — o f-N ew -Y o rk ’s newiewest citizens. He hardly seemcda-sc He-wasalwa;*ays g o o d w ith h is m en aiLthis.most tth deli- ick ofllcers were g o o d student at first, cercertainly not as good as hiss sistersi candidate to be the! family’sfar leading success: HisIis cousins cate m om ent when,wh for the first time, black or his cousins.‘i was the!he source of some familyc o m were going off to bettix tter-known schools and were•re getting conlinued

PARAOC MAOAZMB • « 0 >riM m i BOl • PAOC 5

i i i i H l W i r i '^ c :r


commanding white! enlistedei men. He could be very lough onMl thosetl w bo did not measure up, but be wwa as n ev er a lo o f or ~coIdr‘lmnvjW7HSTt"docdoesiot ikutnypro- TakeiARiiideln I— fessional soltuers. thee A rm y becam e his other home. "When I wewent into the Army, 1 effectively cut my rootoots to N ew York.” he soys. “I retained mn y closeness to my fam ily, b u t I n ev er realn ^ y w ent back to the Bronx. I went wherhere the A rm y told nAmtrsa k CoDuntp me to go. The Army/ b(became my other fomily. I liked being a1 sosoldier, and I liked tiie fnendship that cameme with being a sol- diet, and i hked the id80(00-USA-RAlL w as a tu n e w h en be andmd his friends, re- America's heateartiand or all the wavay to the for more InfInfoi 11 Hilfon. turning to America to0 a w n d g raduate school imder the auspice>icesofthe Anny, form s to class and ! « . F r a • • vMd lor to lo 30 (Myi ITM did not wear their unifon dMQi tornw ctM■ or oOm tocommootoom. Not vi«d or lekMs « • nao-c«fundM» M may b*' »uotCMnaa« I A»eed A m l S S r n*i5nre«d o e wriwtrtcwmniiK.' i5 the private sector. But at tbe time, for all th e pa in o fth e post-Vietnam yeare, thetie trackt b e w as on ' ' w as becom ing faster andUMlfaster."Hewns Gat A FneB NlgiiTsWyAtAB ABiBSBriialifasIistWltbOirFraBB BBB Guide I good a t th e A rm y schooltoots; early on. he had been N o . 3 in bis odvadvanced infantry ! Inside yourLir fFREE B&B Inn G uide y oMJ'n u ' find a certiflc^e good for a FREE nigiit's stay a t or>eoi o f over | class: and in 1967, when!en he went to Fort 1400 participating B ed &L BreatcfastsE or Coun^ InnsIS blocated a cro ss A m erica. Leavenworth for thes C o m m an d a n d 1 General Staff College, bebewasNo.ltnhis f PiM M inckid.dud«S2J)0 for .aNpplnfl andI handlingI (ctwck w j ntry officers and Am trakrak R eservation#______------monnontaf). class omone the infantr ------Mtf-ln fafm I imifnusMnckJO»-vtfd AimratTTMMviivBttan-nurrMr-rrom-AB------No.-2 overall. He had1 bebecome-a rising- - lieZZZ______«ptambar 17-0aean«tr ' .suir. In 1972 the A rm y'told tol him to apply 14.1995. On*n* fFREE r^O'rt'a •tty good «t on«« bmI or 8&B only. Fim I / ; for a phice as a W hite HwHouse Fellow. He [dress------^------Ni0m c«nme«ile m I* wtth 0W purefMM oTor th a night at tha ] ' h 'th a t th e sccond pvtldpMnotmI tm% mguUr r m f m d In ccr»incBPAOC e • a v n M H R f7, M 6i-PM • Pj AHM AW ZtfUt - jj w P.OP.O. Box 666. Obbetown NJ OK“027 cPomtCA. ______n • o .

II >,,11 .t I 1. , v ^ l I. -I 1 M .- /M / M l.’ / V.- .ilM . i ..••Ml I / . .1 ir . !m-1 A t !■ ) .v iM . I ,1 r I u ' I . . ,t 11 I.- IMILK vvl /l l.ll .IM M I >1 Wi-' w tionally gifted atsat small p erso n al byplay: Hei ddoes not de- dent centristist. outside the reach o f thetbt conservative COUNPOWElX/cOi'continued >cial issues a n d J'et a m a n oftroditionalval-o f t ■ mand that others respectr his dignity; ibtead,id,heconfers rightonsocii I be conferred ues whose: o'ow n life show s th at th e Am n erican E>ream highest level o f thele nationnJr security apparatustus. itfirstonothers,c(s. confident th at in time it will b self*evldently comfortable wiwith h im se lf, still works. » He was an immetnediate success: bright, foir-iir>minded. o n him . H e is self hcre is-oothing-thflt C olinLPowell Jc seem s lo- - lood'atlus andlfiJTIoesiioreor^ecmtobum-with ahunga5cr for som e ------More,-thoi bnrdworiuog, excep»ptiotially nimble, very goo lunger for. Money w as notiot something he Jy cam e to thing m ore. Hisis amai bition is there, but it is mimerely a p a r t covet o r hun ^ jot>—and. o f course,:se. h e was block. H e q u ick ly most of his career, and noww he.h has achieved ifrerewin* ofhim—not.asit8s it som etim es seems In the wororidinwmch sought for nx \ imderstandtheconflinflicting political pulls as difii dre^.Hegota ghest level he operates, thele dominatingd pan bfhim. material succuccess beyond his w ildest dn urest groups jockeyi:eyed for position at the h i^ ( estimated S6 mil- one h e met ' T h e o ther thingling th at s e e m s to work for him.hi I think, huge advanomee for his m em oirs, a n esti o f govcm m enL He e seemedsi to impress everyon< >r. H e lectures to losing the is the b elief of*his his fellow A m ericans that thithis m o st u n - Uon—n ot boibad for a first-time author, \ in ft succession ofr AAdministrations without la >es.'about his own :rs. In time usual Americanin hybrid—h a so n o f black Cariribbean im - different gn»roups, mostly corporate ones, ; loyalty and respectn oof his fellow Aimv officers, s he tells the story of Lutherx aaj n d Arie Powell mil public migrants whoI becamebe our top military ofofficer—has life And ash he surfaced os a putpublic figure, and the genera ittle, and how he . com e in som e; mmj ysterious w ay to representmt th e ir o w n and how hanlard they w orked fo r s o littli decided it liked him.im. be is not unaware o reasons; political center.. He is, In.cultural and politicalII \values, b o th w as strength<[thened by their example, he i 'n e county likeskes him. I suspect, for tw o r his wonderfully nses that he has triumphed aftefter a long, a conservative and a traditionalist as befits aicareerArmy a of the ironyny involved in telling this firet, bccause it sense: stoiy for the equally wondeiderful American hard, extremely denlemanding journey. It senses;es th a t he m an. b u t he is: alsool: open-minded and susiisitive to th e American ste st rigorous imperfections ofofthe tl society around him, asi befitsb som e- price of arouiound $60,000 a lecture, •1 ■ alw ays played theth e rules m one o f the m o st t ed by the mouni- utions. mode it to the top andiyetsome- y< one wbo has bisis owno' p e rso n a l knowledge ofof Am erica’s He is at ononce am used a nd in trigued o f Am erican iosDtutic cai pressures around himm tol run fo r the itay whole. He,has a m y e d fullull-blown, imperfections.. NoNc one k n o w s exactly what)t 1he is polit- ing political . -bow managed to stay ’. to becom e th e black Dw ightght Eisenhower- y. arrogance or. equally impoiportantfor ically6r^ch.'ifir. if any. party he belongs to—^-which is by Presidency, tc without pomposity, t (rescues the'country from aI perceivedpc moml. a soldier, w ith o ut a sense of vainglory. He: is excep* ' design. He is largelylarg p e rc e iv e d as a kindlofindepen- o amonwhore: social and popolitical malaise— but he seemssec to have no inherent obsebsession to run. (“The peopI<3ple who are run- ...... ning for Piesitesident have a l w i ^ w anteddtobdPlesidenu" to h e says. “ThiThat’s whal they dedicatee thtl eir lives lo. I w as not raiseised to b e a politician. I wvas as raised to be a soldier. I amm proud] of tbe fact thatoo0 onoi e can tell you ■ " w hat 1 might(ht be politically. I a lw a y s: kekept my politics fH lo myself.")') NWhal hwpens in this comiiiming election, he believes, haplappens. H e n either o p e nIS s thtl e door wider nor closes it 0i 0 all the political spectilculation swirling about him. ThroughTti the polls, the counnm ay shows itsar- unrhfrdeftly-flicts4»ck.— ^ • - •• • ...... c a u e iY ’ He is prouio udest, I thm k, n ot m e re ly!y co f rising to the tH otm o highest level'el in his service but o f beinging part ofthc de- tb e Army was in SUM. MON.. terminedcadia d re o f m en w ho— w h e n tbe ope a fter V ietnam , w h e n m oorale was at iw_ n«jai.Fia.*J terrible shape ^ lowest— stayijiyed on and helped to m akeIce itt whole again, tAlATNOOfl H is pride inin tthat achievem ent is p a lppable. a l “A t a very SAltiHM.I, unpleasantt tittime, when the country turnu m ed away from ays. •'We stuck it AT ARM. th e A nny. w«we d id not g et out.*' h e says i M out and we! fixedfu it.” W hen it was his1 turntui to speak for MON, tbesoldiecsw]1 who might risk their lives durduring tbe Persian THUBl.lin8.8. • -G ulf war. PPowell—remembering o thee carelessnessc of ArVRM.nJ th e top militalitaiy as L yndon Jo h n so n totoe o k us to w ar in Vietnam—pi)-pushed the civilians b e wm as w orldng with very hard indindeed. “I w as very nearly' at the outer lim- itofmywelaUcome a few times during Ihosethe meetings,” AfKICA'SHR!^ R sr- I h e soys. '• . 'L W henlwwas a; with him . the ph< »e rang,mg. and it was his HOHESHOPPIIfiN G ^ ; o ld friend MiMike Heningburg calling: jujui s t to check in. and they spo)poke w ith th e ease o f m enn «w ho have been ' ----- i - ffilWOHC-1C— pnFiliHI fnendsforSS35 yeais. His oldest friendsIs area still his best friends, andd iti struck ITO that th e y mla ay y b e the key lo ;____^__ 5KVES.Y0UBE him , that hee Is'one'dfis thoM rare m en wh

regular g u a st appppoaraneas lii/ stars lilta■a Suxanna i. ' FAKADECm.Tontributing Editor David HalberstamHe won I ...... I...... thePuUnerP. r "The New York ti 11 ( I J r Prisefor his reporting for S o m ^ a n J at^ji^uas on p r ^ u ^ liko•0 tiia la fast ' " I-;...... Timts".fromjm Vi£tnam-inJ964.Jiismtm any books in- I elude "The BeBest and the Brightest” and,td, imore recently. ment, it's a }>aautiful wayty ito shop. * P ■■ y M skapt'Up cquipmo j "TheFiftles"» ’■ and “October. 1964. " He is working on ...... - abookonthtthe leaders ofthe I960 NasVashvlUe sit-ins. ^ wbichhecoviovered at the time; and whai>hat happened to thsrestofiheIheirliyes. ^

OK B.*.>iRriMKain,JBU »AIUpiMA0A2INK m m i a m n N G STUDIOS:


AUnORA.CO 13788.M«ami P rr MmORA,Cb 140^tlBnlntppl O u r C orreer BOUli)EII.CO fret CromoadsHtf COUMAqOSPfBNQS, 'W^ill op3 e n J/ y o u ir ^ e . GO I CBk MIW}

tOUMADOJBPfONOS. i\ 1 A st \ K^ \ C ! I u I I t I ( \ I! 1 .CO ChapairatoUaa

COU3RA008PRM08, 1 lurry into MMerle Norman (or o iir “AllA bb c o u t E y e s '’c\-c\\\

■'''•bEWEH, CO ScincnibLT I:15 through Octobcr:r 1! 5 : -V-: :»008a8hMta>J*1 Rcccivc ;i fi-L’im ’cyc makeover andid — J-i-?Sg£§SS58c^ liicn liiiicn u ii p tiny lirtlc la-siies wwiith ;i fret’ sam pitplc-sizc o f o u r new I I I.Lixiva Ulintra Thick Mascara, r" Siniplv hrin'ing this certillcate inrin t o ;i parricipararing Meric Normanin ^ ^■gSiSftg’ (j)smctic,S: Studio and let us p u a i A C o 2 q 6 « i:3 M 8 t liiai.s ourr attentiona ' ss?ss^ y o y ,- tjyeyes.

B tiM Q 8 ,lfr TJHaxx/nvtCantarISH % V ln;.,K..|!v - -^BozBtntm -J i.lv.iii. c«l liirimii 338outfllWiy ^ ■' ' '4 .,..a s|.c-u,.liy \\ liiusii will i!r.iin.iii( ;i!lv ihlm u ki-ii\ KAHUIMIMT 1086outil8lpOOdSL B .;iui,i IIk ru tlu -n v.Mir ...... ~ H B B U i.U T ------IM I O td ar

mERLE6 nORfTlfl=in c o s M i: IIIC S T U D i o C s ~~ JggSffi-- TIk ' I’lau ' Ini'(>r iIk' lk ‘:uiliful I'actacv"''' Sr.OEORO&UT TTS&BhifrSL r,Mr I iiMiitm f. «liili- 'Ui'i'Iic-s l.i't. WESTVMlEYCITY.in- \l'lll-s ( VtlllK t l'^. I'J'IS. VMtayMrltall fo r not quite F N T IS T called “Daftafty,” daft being a Britishisr T H E S C I EENTIS>I rightinthche head. He was an exceptionLnialiy handsome N T A L L Y young m an,in, but be dressed careleulyaly --5 b r comfon -W HO-ACCIDEN n style—«nd tiis ScottiShim{tfoyj^lollsms^ln' ^d Id ! rc*M -rrn ra^r*bans I N V EE N T E D sp e e c h a nd (condua.w ere a cause for'ibr'derisibn, es pe­ he time he readied college.ie. A nd be bad pc- JLTU RE “"Uybythe P O P C U I culiar interMts.'■ ';. ’ S B alow : Hemadeenbmioiiibtis contributions «• a ia to astronomy andI pip h y sics, but his greatest contributioition.w as his dis* coveiythatelectricitIcity and magnct- Ion ism join together to becom e light, » Tbe now-conventiOTiftfiiii understand- — ing ofthe electromagjlagoetic spectixun. t nm^inwavelengtlig ^ firo m gamma • ■ rays to X-rays to ultijltraviolet Ught to visible l i ^ t to ihfiraifirared light to ra- tlM ltaxwell diowavesrlsduetoNo Maxwell. So are g s g m ^ * MouRtsiR. radio, television aiidind radar. tfisoovaPMtlAEFE?OM? tricity makes magoepietism , and vicc , UPPOSE:YOUARE.B'iBYTHE ^ G ra c c o f Go d , V ictoria,a. Queen< ofthe United KingdomlofGreat oi Britain and Ireland • Defender of the Faithtb in the k mdstpro^)en)UsancfBunlumphant m age ofthe British Empireire. Your B dominions stretch aeroTOSS the ^ W planet. Maps of the woii/orid are abundantly splashed. B ritis h p in k . Y ou p re sidiideover the worid’s leading; tte e c ^ l o g i c a l pow er, Suppose, aroundid thet year 1860. you haviave a vt>_ versa.Iwanttodescescribe what Max- sionory idea: You wanvantam adiine that will caiiahyyour. s'hiistoric accom- iiyoftbe w ell did, but h is 'b voice, as well as movlo v in g p ictu res o f th e g lo iy plishmeot is highlybly mathematical, E m [^ into every bohom e in tbe kingdom. *ntelesounds 2 - Here, I am at besttff ^ e you only the > or wires fnctures'must conXHnenor throug conduits oi tviefest ai^ s ^ lilesfflaVbr. n ------but, somehow, out oof f t h e air. Tbe Danish {Aysi[Ajvical contact -m ore, just ask. Youlu don^tcare< — ■ > — ^ ^ r '''^ 'T b e 'l B ^ EnglisI{Ush physicist Mi- h o w th ^ do it—ju s ts TBCHNOIO U 3 O T chaelFa^yhadidid ly&iL Why? Becauseisethemder- giebftbeSun howreaclM:bed out and generated electiectridty.niiswas lying science hadn’t•tbeendone. t •^sAmrres USC a tinin {p late to 'b o tin c e ah limagie instthewaHs. called“indtaduction” and was deeply mysterious—closemj In the real worid,1, thetl physics CG» O M E S off tbe fumiturelire and make it dance a g a ^ out, “It's the toinagic. necessary to inventnt radio and As his parentsts camc e ru n n in g , b e c ried o ifitfathetinplaterinhisbqi^l4io(^hewas Faradayay proposed that the magne{net had an invisi------televiston-would-cor»mc-from-a^FROM-B Jinto^sunoundlng- b u ^ gnjfa, rocJcs, tiowers,■s,lcnses;itta^le^eld“ d^oftoft»Tharexiendedii direction that no onew couldc haye net, w eaker farther IS humiliating, h b Aunt Jafane later re- space— stistronger close to the magnet prwlicted. »ntiabyqoes- away. You>ii could trackthe form oftbe’fieldbyplac- ftl •James Clerk Ma*laxwell was c n c ^ ’ asked a child like that so ...... in g t in y irciro n filings'OQ a piece of' pappa er wid waving- bom in Edinbuigh,.S S< c o tla n d , in ______Hons one couldiild n ’t a n s w e t” ■" bool, be was a magnett tu m d e m e ^ continued _____X831.AtageZhefoufound that he ___ R E SI,y ^ U ? C H __ Natundly. by tbe time he got to scb< R ^ L - ~ _S S A G iA ~ ~ f l B Y C A ^ --J' • -pPACic 10 • M P T n m IT, tM»a>>MUtMHA(UZM ft > ition ot tlH! qiuiH? Ovvi.vn Hu* lir s t ;in tl u nilV l\ iitlii:i;il r(*-(:rn;it ll IVli. S(U M :k'" -. Jiclujllv c lJlav‘itl liV C ;i|)liiiii Kitk " iiml THHE OFFICIAL I W I-^ ‘‘-II I! I \ / : '


■ \ .. ill . jj.'

1 . f i • :l '* f 1' 5 \\\ f .


■ 'i‘, ■ Plmtmilllw 8ttrtf«to B51S.10 ! <. I (0dober15.1995). ; :,■■ > W ^ - Tha Ftmkiln Mintnt S ---rrnTTTttfrr^- F ^ in CentBf., PA 10091-0001 > !'•. ••' ■ ' PItiH inlir my order torJf QTh« ntiicni suf_Titl[* I jmtm) ind «uthwUat»d try . PirvnauntPlcUttL /i,v,,. -■ii. ■^ ItMdSOANOMONEYtKM.NOW.Tht»nwlettiet»KlM | *- ■ w« b tm il I tMpcneA I wllbeiM«bMkiSe«iilmonihl|rpv- . i mirtdut((iarlDtfipnsl ■ /Ii. I - __‘fl iem-UmcfiMrstvttli P i; I I ------SrSBTSSSTSK r7=T5Iw------j a AOOKSS------■ * ! '~ d n ...... - '■•...... ' '• I ' I ^ first? • TTTtunKi/ 1------■ -iKs.-^daaiulrtUW i'-'- 16863-30033-001 w«9«iw,^cT*nTnac / THE UL TTI MUTE CHii A L L E N G E ! >1 and navigation-of iibplahe^^siups'ond la , do with how we‘s/e‘seerWitfe\vhJ« Ught is, RiiminatiogR . the.control- WHERE P P TV COMEiWE 'PRatA ?/conxinued ater, Albert' spacwraf^^tl radio iastronpm^ .aii^ ^fiie ? s e ^ h for ex- —^on M axw ell’s di:discovery inahy years lai ia l intcUigeoce; and s i goificaat ^ ^aspects of .V Tofewm cn ih.ibe’worfdl:lhas siichah tratenrestrial ------— TTie el®ctricity.in-a-»-a-wire.-wejiowJaiaw.ja.cs caused ■; Etosteid w tb t^ r i ^ ■ tfae electricao ^ p o w CT aod mjcmelecapcjpitf«ai^'ariesu_ by submicroscopic cletelectrical particles called ele(Oectrpns,V experienc© beensiTvoucHsasr^.' > ;n Victoria had.cya ^d ia h ;u ^ ( ^ mect- l i e t t ^ •-Living ifl ame*oiediioaiic^.figet M axwell.f.ielt.obSi^;. MfQueen them to, invent the which respond to anL eln tftells us how a changing magneticmt ^ she painstakingly;ly iiiBXtracted minute field induces an elecQectricfield. . • am ouhts!:iipn^nirtg the of laboratory experlmriments. , bite'of genetic diseai^'wdis hen they ...... M axwell then askesked him self ■ ■ • ^^^|:puKled-bvcr^thethe-X-rray^Rtac- a strange quesdqh; WhatwouldW ' r e s e a tbmetry of DNi^^i^V.Ro^vIand ahd . these equations lookliklikeineo^ Molina w 'er^!tii!t'planiilng to im- ^ space, in a vacuum,imvinaplace v -plicate CFCs inio cozone-depletion .where.therewcre.nono electrical VITAL v ' when they b eah ^ istudying stratos- . charges and no electlectrical cur- - pheric photochenjemistry. veries and a muln- rents? W em ight ver:«rywellan- . pO R^ THE flH H I These discover ' ticipdte no electric: andao no.iiiag-... - Atl tudicpf others thathatg^andchar- than.MtXWWlL'TlMr^ h U n« tiittp^^'some of netic fields in a vacuicuutn.' . / •••■• ■ -ObrtiilrontoUIy;;! g%ot^«TypewiM>. •T- acterize our. tim ' \ .In the equations'IS for1 empty FU T U R E O F l>—n«Ty pfo. supported and1 'cOcc Ttidi^’tim ^vatym ^ e i^pn.and underi^e ' m agn ^an d electn cfi Js much like a throbbing blbut invisible tunlQrtoe*explorewhat; iri'th^<^inl! be preserved, Maxwewellinnrited. H U M A(VNITT^'; I fields I JeU^'permutitating the Universe. Tlw qiquivering o f- scrutiny orfUjMpee*s,3wet€S^cqli« f ; Eveninavacuum—int4nthetotalab* eled through .. Of coimirselberc^atc/iiiany p r^sin n g problem s fac- >revenbfmat> the aether wass ththe reason thaiUghKravet BiJt-reducing basic sence of electricity or c X w aves jwopagate itobugh^ wataand ing otur'nailaitioh and our s p e q rt; Bui ter—a changing magnegneticfield,he it just as water w .ray to solve them, throughair. scientific-;c-jese?wph is hot the way prop<»ed, elicits anI elcctricel field and vicc v’ersa. er The sound w aves thn s^do not ted^tute a votinging bloc. They have •Jature is. , 1 1 1 6 whole idetidea of light aod matter.moviiv^thr^gh Scieatis^f equations were to re]represent Nature; and Nai iv e lobby-However, muchich o f their woric IS I partly es- the aether wass tcto lead, 40 y ^ later, totc>‘Einstdn-s nbcffedtiv --Maxwell believed, bcabeautifisl and ele g w t (U .-and agi^^^ineyety^KKly’Sjlnteos^ Backing off£fffism fundamental ; ttone nra e to shape oiir civilivilizariwi ■ 'S f^ialT h'ebryry w e stiU don’t s ^ nclusively that there ts no3 jaetherstipK • -tion ^ oOf f that .visibii thing th at we W hen tbe equationions were written down.T^TylMwell it. showed cond JS m a^etic porting the pippropagation o f electromagno gri< has evermrtStidiir. o u ^ to propagate,;. aastonishingly, at the s tmme spa'd ' " ■ Tlic linking u\ excitement dnd ioy o f scieicience as widely as caH enta:: ^,jy: datu rau y andmd poUdcally by broadcastrt ilowers, m i- • wonder, «a : flfffg/tf.'Iheagreemeinent was too close to be ^ tellites traces Carl Sagajan,andJewaswelL:.His UdbiUty: c to capture appeared to behave as wa>/ a v ^ and ! 'crow aveielaysys anda communication sate) to -^ lo in difficult Since light now ap ixwell. So does television;; rradar, which the.imagtr{inalidn'^thillionsiand to to derive from electri(:tric and magnetic fields. MaxwellM direcUy.taMaxw ih tfo decisive elem ent in[ tlth e Battle of. eoitc'epts.e rni. 'w ^rr/oiv^ , called them “electroitionlagnetic." Those obsascure ex r-.. mjay have b ew t ie^gito' .Britz^ and in the;d^^ofthe ,l% N a^ io.'WW c^ytan; • • achievemenent. ' . , • periiBcnts with batterCteries and wires had som et i>Aasn

od nasal burning, nosebleedxds. 1 It, m.yoiir noM. m a nasalalsixay s (oomparaljletoto placebo), these Indudod FLONASEVIiwoilowtiereyouiwe^ Id tore th ro a t ves nasal symptoms fbr suffe(fereis of seasotBl nasal aJetgergies. headacHe,and thatrelteve 1 pcBSCriptton drug. RDNASIASE Is n o t reopmm endedIfo fa r » FlONASE unstuffe vour nos Y M o n I a . erage 12. lo u rs. ••••••• SK afU I2 4 h cx nofRfWASElMpmlSOII on regular use. symptomDms andltwantlcMipyounn swbntputyoutosMM jlraprovewtlW n 12 hours,!. fcMaximum nasal symptnm» r r i r ^ n o w s E n t > drowsiness, sleeplessness,JS"*" qt maybeglntoli FlONASEdCdoesntsubject.vou to tte d Haldays. • less assocteted with some amantihistamines and dooonoestle^nts. maytakBseva nervousnes lootor o r health oaro profPofemonaloaniMlmnlncm e ttle iEls.6oiiifoitablelDUse. onlY VOurdo FU N U SEbEbiwtacWWhrfcFLONASE ientop«lon«)rYOU.NoadIadvertisomeiTI:can provide:d e a n ------uiTBd In fawerthan 7 of 1OT ( aon needed to presalbeada drag. Them ostot com m on skte efFeds occur ______I i------"$ 5 SavingsCerikificate"^^ i - - ~ — - (call your doctor today, ------SW iSSBrAllSSi. ru -I 1 -IflO N ilASE™-^at S treet AdctrefsAd ------— (fluticasoneepropionite) ______state' H: I e) . ______c « v - ~ ! £ C - J ^ ^ N L ------AllergW relief, right undeler your nose. .1 g

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_ - ^ ------— II I II I ...... H j r A R i B -K 5wpngloo»W NK(«i«wn . ' ' ' SSSs?^SrS5S;inocM* ' « »«-ny ;aalf£SS52f!5*255bw i ew w N e s a v — :------hfww^uwow. - ' i!SgS5>5!S5«rw»i«^S'; s H r 01M ?« * [ m m i s siw i gtq(«t« 8 W ln o i^ a !!':!S' pMvMaeitnrmnMMtrttvq sSSSiBSSSSf.lofi»q>*«- l»l,lMllfctM».l<*^_«<*.* . "JgJ* DPOthyandToto I S S - S a ^ s2S^ Doi BOi«?\l«A<«-«>«M7^ erCMM-SiSSSK fflSSJS'SSS HR the Ice I I H ll ’*®^525eSwal«e*5wpiWuuWidpamJimBui— mmi training.” Toto is played byby 1four • • ------laWB5 kcstvrtjpcffonnastobnng ■ jssssssrjsss. sr. S tiytoUfe.ThefustisUiur- ■ '*~ esvar'ISSSSISSSSSSSSSSSSTrjar Dorothy H B ^H i ' s fw rs ." ~ I I II - _ « u y » B«niK » - mnlBC mkcrson. who spent four | S S S s r ^ s sS5T a nca WilBS Dorothy in TTieH'iz—as B nrt^rwiwiiliwtnni" tanm'“ “****£SSSS2 d«w2«?S!K[*£Jf£SJ years asanie Mills’ understudy on ■ |JlK ^c»*»d ew eH ew ■■ « md•di^caccrt- Stephan[wnyandthcnasstarofthe ■ s S S S ’5 ^ ' 3 S i>S2;«*flwwi«oiawi»*- »rnm iinpMM* Broadwud tour. The Atlanta-born I SlSSontiiMI^'nvcBW Swimit national s5s£?r-sr-sr? ss?: ■cMrgm- sinRcrp•providesDorothy’sspcok- I ing andnd singing voices; the 36 ■ SSfaMwSL^«^^s i S S t S ^ ~ »^ 5S> other vovoicesohdieshow'ssoun^ ■ “ SfSSJrSn. M track—-fro m Toto to the Wizard I cWe tr— Qgw. ----- j f eI aall by Bobby McFemn.— ■ The dww bQjns ^ tte mSMimB:,___ . ’SssssR sa^sssss:i^BoegMoM FilliiUng Dorothy’s ruby-red s is Jcri Campbell. 24. a for- w ' hite costumes, then switcl ^ B ' ” 2T5SS5ywg««» c o l o r — ju st like the 1939 filr s s ^ s s i ^ sS s s E S “ ‘ E iiwioini skatesJ.S.jumorchampionfigure L t ^B ' ssggstss: r . Skating is the easiest part th t e brainchild o f K enneth sssssssssr ssS s s s S ^ K ^ s og Bros. fOvA to Or Sm'SSw skater.:r role, says Campbell. •'Die • producer 1 of the R ingli^ Idon lee.______SSS5SISSS5 :ss ofherratpartistbeactinganddog <;-in:nK < and Disney's World o iIeSiSi"W■ m«eifMi.Tt»nMaa>*MM«i imm ^ H - ' 1S22£.*£SSrt5Si S?7* •'*» • 'iis s rs s is rs S3i*i SSSSSM.t>innm.wemV< imeMgSS.'SS'SSSSK SSSiMaawwg- B jM i ^ ^ S » ytMww«.u«wn»«^pg;;^gmttMrW h | D woOMnHMtftlMM niii 1*9^ mMA ^ B ; I , ' ^ i H I*...... n m h IS IS S ?'* sESSwiiK r« »eSy«* ^ ■ ' ' : sssssss::fsrSSa'SS5S5-*S3«. s?S»S5*>iS»S » * "***” ^ i s s i s s r " " rjs3s55ss:s.« r; M »MttM«ieuwaa«rni*>*H*.»j*. cM ^ K ’l ■—«.*»>— tn nai ajtutiPi loa* eocai b s J S g -fMMWIM— l—iMH, .«M0KS dtf> “ I*";* J5Ci2!*jytJ7?ffidSS isnyowM^mMcrW igv tdM H f h s S ^ ~IgfSwid«i»*2*“ **” " Sm mTSKMSdM BhEb *"SSriil!lSw»n*lS. 255S?£SfJK«uv IS p 1 0 E n e m i e s o f tJ-t h e P r ^ tfHMerKOteaivMpHmK m Top rmai. whose military om Algeria to Zaire, reporteners have Myanmar (Burmt H I « f w r •essive regime has suppnjpressed the independent a s S S S S r ^ r b eeen e killed or Jailed by repres: ed at least seven reporters. egimes and tibelforces in att.anempts media andJailed ■ Scko, c Zaire’s pnsldent. ” « = f e s s s r I «g ______ttppress freedom ofthe press^ss. •Mobutu S eyfdfta'arresr.-torture. s ^ . sffiSss^"? !M it,> Hi»*B«->irta»»------tosup •nalists ' whose security fc SSS.aapoiiUinni' ^ .«Moi.Mi« TTwCCommittee to Protect Jouma der Journalists who fled out 10 leaders as ihe wor'onr: - rape and murder "rSM*>' ead o f oppose his 40-ye<-year-old dictatorship, S S = = bu Z^xiul Rahnum Amin, heat s a d o f^ r ia , who Jailed "wSSwjSTBWH””S K s a » « tp. which * Hafez al-Ass^ SStSnao AJgcreria's Armed Islamic Croup, fy r more than nine years. killed 44 Journalists in two9 years.y sixJoumaUstsfot S a hash »leaxier • Tansu Ciller,r.TuHtey’sp 7i rim cm ^cr. toe S S Z . .R madovan Karadvc. the Serb le n press coverage o f the ----- MC ^osniarwhert-at least 3(yrep*epoaers ___wba.bansj>pfp^ ItfS S S JaS a “ S 5 2 S ------iFiBa Kurdish conflict,'ia. HercounxiyTi^ft^re t^ipctm. have>e been killed since 1992. rison (74) than any Olher. yfSwwTflSiwe^w gn d en io f reporters inprisi "-•««**" .£m■momali Rakhmonov. preside, 0. leader cf-Cuba since ^^B ; ^ “Srssssiia*.RK ?£ffrj5as?- S Tajik■ikistan, who led forces thaltl killedk - •Fidel Castro.s Jailed l> or exiled reporters- : lournimulitI992-94imddit drove 1959. who hasja ^ S i« m !m S £ £ 27 jo ’ew, former p r ^ m i M t e r ’ neSSdTtSweW ^ " • indepei\dcnt news organivuxptions. • l^ee Kuan Yew, Nigeria, of Singapore,. whosewi view that press ■ : £ n s . ‘* s r . ' t s s J ^ v ■ ani Abacha, president of Nig t be curtaiUd to ensure o closed 15 publications lastTStyear. freedom must bt ouwnoojo u-AOi o f stability influencenced other Asian leaders. ______. • ThTum Shwe, prime minister of . _ ■ rmFUCinM p«.dinus* Jiraim PACMM-iPTaMBPtfR IT. l laiaJpiMtMMMM Songs )j^(jodi W M A n d o u n tn , .ThefhaveliS^thRhdrVoices in song (0 | ^ the alon/o} God antin d country eiier since t h e i r wagon t r a i n s ppulled up (0 (lie X- Great SaU L ate Inn (lietl yeor 1847. ..and that oncc-upon-o-tlni.llTOtlnvdiolrlsna» ^ ] recognUcd o s o n c o f ^«gnalcstmu!icaH^ln ® . Amctiea-shWoi^..aba^5ttalton-5i2c forcc of 325 I «hcn it raises its voiecs as 5 :' glorious v o l c c s w ^ .w ^ one inighty sound, can bringWt tears to ya irc!^ - I o y gooscbumps to your sWn.In. 1ani sjrirtt to your heart. , E _ASouI-Stirrining Treasury ^rollcdkm-TheftjstrWth------^ Hac^twowcrttoft^ins songs and hymns of praise ball 0 / Our fathers. contzJns I ^infortheU nitetl3dirfe^ ■ P P v*khth^br^htwgwstvuaid as they crossed the j; A Teach^ii maUbn from the UN associ- Great Divide. Here JS Therhe Mormon Tabemade cy ■■early everyry Ihead of slate in informj ly lo tcll you that wc are on «UbcaitbeUmted au^siis in their regions. O f* Chrfr. When people tiy li ll lt h e world mil i - ' ‘ ' N" vabcs In Amcrica, our tradi- ^hile students study the UN , New Yoric on.Oct Whil the brink of losing our yah. iVNotionsinNc ter— which was adop^** j"n [-liii , tions. Just play them a lewfew selections from Ite ^ 22-24 to attenddaspedal a meeting- c h ^ i m A Mighty Portress Is Our 5 in the aftermath of Worid Grt rtngtrcasuv-Play the"' o f the Genemlll A ssem bly. K ings • JJ45. i s...lhriDtothcgloiyof residents and pnme. • n —today’s leaders are cx- Hs': G(3,orRockO/A^...t oiul queens, presi cd to adopl a dccUirauon r ^ - S i i Onuanj. Christion S ojidlcrt to ond Just feel youBclf^ ll be ibere to mark pectrf • m inisters will b linn its principles of workings 'uanUngtomarrfionwanlraidindoxi! h anniversary. finuini •ther for worid pcacc, secunty )rrow Big -Bird is toge^ - t e A m e lica i a In Song visil Leah Boutros- and so " , VOU rec*«! Is called Americo ^ The second c d l e ^ ^ I m )f the UN secretary- TheBeautI/ul...^«I God Bless America, to This feUver letters from llorious and nw ing ShCTon- Is Mv Country, the gK W e On The Range. Stephen ind the worid. wish- Iffinl -.o^^doah, nor P S ^ 's hnmoital ed Nations a happy ____ _ P Beautiful rsiry. It’s part of a I Dreamer, and thc most patri­ f celebration that wiU otic song ever written, The I i Bottle Hymn 0/The_Rcput>- tiool children in 86 din 14 languages on . thc UN’s 50th ai . In fact, teachers Choir, you arc In for the— And tomorrt world are planning ' treat of a lifetime! ! scReduIedtovishe histoir and wo^ |M Ghali. wife of5C tla global teach-m. c general to dellg about the UN hM I^ children around to almost the vanish- ■The d eclaration b d n g .d ra f t^ I . ing the Unitedaid J Gillian SSwisen. ” ? SOth anniversai so includes at least thrt* ^ v i - g h t o -p' f . .ctaaryincluirgcof s not considered in 1945. S«en- ? Sesame Street> 5 ca 0 th anniversary cel- tiesr Y 1 1 7 4 6 \ :n told m e; developm ent ( m i R ogers S2 i reach presc^w & I Tabemade Choln he UniBd Notions is ' Iraje msh me The M onnon Ta countries andOTriculumaidstocii- ir jus"' 119 58 phis $350 posatge & handlini Webster'^ cn -C 2C « » eae» 0 n ly S19; Oct. 23-27.<*ets Il ftom preschool mgs 1 1 phjs S150 posatge & handling. r.llAB^O T E E ^ c n - D 2CD«0nly S24.98phi ary around the llegtloJcvotc.sever:wo __ 5^11^ ^cd TtwUN _ ^ ivU'Seoretarlat, • and NY rcjidcnu add sales indent lessons on th;o e:Ihc UN during th= •»?For information on h o w y w o you are d ls s a tU fie d CAi oiaigetnyaviSA* DHASTraCARD* building in ith your p u r tiia a e In Myc.itffheekbcndcttcdtoS------porters. o fth e UN foraof cach Octobcr. Naw York n I I 1 I I IT Ito-rtelr ^yignt. • ‘TeachingM ato educate th e n ex t youiour school can get tnvolvtj « ly way, you., may caniarifoLi-Ll I I I 1 I x l le SOth anniversary celebrauonnot glow* XC mimdentimiimdcim tte. ;luni It for a prom pt ,ffure. - diminisbcd.to.8 S S u n iied Nauons Asswoauoib e - w ith th* ^ ing point” saidJN aro u n d th e w orld. ,6r- WepLP.NewYori:.N.Y. f t 1001. rdm are Ad. failed planmngOieSO romptly and notif- aw!ZZZ— ZZZTasuite------21p ------S. Teachers are getting uct io n .------aH^ on wlU b e a e n t in CIR i veorr. ebratlon. The ’ « o r - If yt ^ ...... I - -■ ■- urnniam. T ^ e r . providing cuir MC o f delay.______J ,._® juhk . sornMtfitn, ^ ■ P*“iw * « ...... d i n wilh io n . a n y aio n retu v e ;. nod 0 1 7 . o rd Z n e n .. “W e W t EO«niuot.toi. ------: KS press ■ ^ ' *** notju«hert^ I leaders. sentoldme.T

- - PARADBIMOAa hamxmc SBEQE H pGbUflhOT'^lc tJv 1 1 7 4 6 . i_ j aj^puhas^ lORSBnf ^ -tDept.EM7gjL,JI: ynra SCHOOL NDI Please msh me: BeARedneekU..-O0^ nniBFiffiiiffirR ! ► v i d e o " i plus *3.00 poslage&hnndm^ A while back, we spoke wah.ithaI7-year-old £^RedD«kU..-(«»ODelu.duxeEdUoo ; was being cared for in i ! g u a r a n t e e Arizona girl whose b a b y \^ 5 pJas *3i» posloge & hondDnS- a high school nursery whileHe ishe went to classes. ‘ r u you ire dl~«d«nc: s to suppon the idea, Ll e l n CAamlNYresidcnlsiKWKid wkles tax. . r-i She asked otlier teenagers lo i with your p iir< * ~ I ,« .rhnrtcrnvDVBA-DMA:I MASTERCARD*.; ie responses: . may UvditckHendoscdteS. Here are excerpts from the r > ■ any w«y, you m« I I i I I I ' m Exp.we_lie______I I H H H return U for a prooi ■m h o .LI I I IT D My high school has , and full refuod. A This giri made meiicverv been debating the order* are prbce»< ^— upset. She is a lee idea ofhaving a day­ oUf* Ad'dreis------m other who bcli care center al the * ; KSr&".2S. I she deserves the:lesam e school. « I am for the c a s c o f d ^ y . type of educatioj idea. Not so teenagers eryone e)se docs,» .P eo - can go hav e sex and pie risk certamI Uthings “ thevare thenconunulinue their norm al lives when- they-have sex._ If *e schooUwhtIe.liaving_ mature enough to takef i S ------artig l.-sch moturc someoittCiaelse carc for their baby. risks, they should be OTinanm Butsotlicyccy can recdvc thcir edu- ...... enough to deal with, them cauon anand (get a iob to suppon w o mi t \ \ -iadult manner. . ,Mand Iheir baby,, and FfUO Why should iheir childrildrente themselves up living like some cared for free of chargcje when no' 'ndarrats-on up food stamps emadea yoiME^ other people—who haw vc Eiarc. lig h t bi>e conscious decision to havilavekids andwelftoe igababy in your teenage You m nished— Havinga p after thcir educatiOT IS ^ 1 a mistake. B ut young hnve to pay for their childild care? years IS a I • • • ' s well as parcnls whowhi don’t hav e anyone leclc if. Teenage mothers, as v. are for iheir baby should a redn ome car-______fathers, should be at hom .pprti»mnftd fo r life be- ing for tiwir ow'ncHildren- iTorlhcir causeofit. i •Y ourrichesest relative buys a wSrkin? in order lopoyTo ..4annitei< C ruz. 17t own child carc. . . ..e»oy, n e w h c w s e Why should taxpayeiyers and over n : is hypocritical to 'I I ~Jiel|>J«>!‘®'x'te» public high schools bcni condemn high school backward to compensalcfleforodv ' i • You've evever done your per- dropouts ' an d yet be cr people’s m istakes an reluctant to provide a , IS shopping O ta ceivedmvincibiUty?lre«;Kcntpeo- -CK ristm as nursery for teenage pie like her. who actuall;4illy have tnitic stopi they have girls who have chil­ the nerve to think that ihe dren. A lth o u ^ many I • S o m e o n eBosks.tosM < your a place in school. Theirir pplacc is I oppose the Ufestyle t ^ l^oushow them wjth their child...... people opp I f you think I am nianiaking a teenagersere follow, w e m ust re- 3 i judgment on a topic: I really w ^ thosi[>osc girls w h o ^ to v e ik knbw.very little about,lit, you’re enoughI to to make the d iffi^ t^ t ior-senior prom ^ ^hlle choice K> let ibeir ba- right. And I never w ^1. tbecause wonbwhlli aycare ceriterl M I i •Bfisg I d o n 't know anythmping about bles Hvt.—Catrien* • nily tree does ■ shirking my responsibihlrilitlesana Ai»tki, Teic : ; • Your fam il expecting od»ets to com]Mopensate ^r-nol.foH cl for it. —CynthtalIr ToMIB, > Whotaboiiboul Ihe faitier’s respon- Ite k W>»«*.“ w "• iihiUIy?!y? Have th e fa th e r s take i • Y o u r f r o n t sold, with part inIheir the babies’ care through la m 20 years o ol-sponsoied nursery pto- i e o l l a p ^ J small childrenren. If my aschooUs The boys should un^r- -r-m bre l nlan a i three d o g s^ ^ high school hahad had a ...... —enun- Th tight have st^thatsex can lesull In a child - m ■ nursery. I mig lecds care fo r th e next 18 tS finish whon^ :i - -^Ji^i'ftorthrceiffbest-!iem iiabook5.a HiclclsChihid ■ been able to The boys shoold be acdvc- ane .should years. ■Tk I '^Kto^KsdlinJlina comedy album and Recorded live o n - s ^ in W school! N o one jesssoldoulappcaianccs _ judge us imlilthilthw havc ly involvejlved In day/ni#r.carcpn>- —state of G eoi^r Jeff sh o ^ ...... “ gnimstoii to UnptcM tipoathem thttt- V I .. ttciosathenattoTtton. Je f f F®PWMtJy be an astute observer of Rw been in our shoes. R acl has consequences ond Imie brand of down home lotherwho thescxac ( '.'bfUigBblsunlqii rfpntig life... of family Ufe... o To the teenage mpt! nsibilities. — humor to home wrote you: Just hang ininthete,be i ttsppnsilcopouis: The boy has (ooc- video tn his riotous. He starts al your h c ^ ani strong and achieve^tn,our goals. ■ ^ N «“ I n his home tis a s m a ll ball prac««ice. bascbaU pracu^ I M loade-for-cable nslilmsdfto This time in your life u I'team workouts, tbe big S H ffl)eciaL *You Might iSTtSXKS'?^ part of all the years yoyou've got swim-tci old^up tnidc l(»d of laughsRedneck life... IU can get game: onor Saturday— so what? gB_BeARedncA_ ___ ../ofyourllfel _ , ahead of you. You rirt hastoJbtgojOlpf iboe^ — and'^yourRcdn^I^^ throu^it! iplanocrge'gettlng-roy ------— The girl I ndatlv es. VHB. Color. 30andshootsan m dnurse. ocuvitiwilics. Why slKiuldn’t he?. GED and becoming a r -.Am Baumtfartiw; 70i nnybone. *You ...... _ C o r tM y CHnK< FullM ^Callf. ’I delivers a ^ Bo

I.i" ^ Wm PAOK «■ ■ SEPTIWOI■ « T7, »*B • PAIUOit l « 0 » ^ \ , - ...... n ^ High IBlood Pressure? I H iccups^H Vlemory ii Loss? c

Jt M assage^! V your Try aspspoonful 5; The sisurprising U’idbirig'to.yo^.y:?^^^^ : earlobes! •^>Hcait.non^*^!W ^ ofsugai-ar! b benefisfit of grapefruit! |ifeiii|y pSi j ^ H B

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■ lTwin7niIi4tm o«r ’’ «oi3Towiohm i7iarr««“”* ^ ^ f t v A N T >laata »and mo ■noogh g r m u eed o to covtr the toltowing: —^YESir; H. Total $19,90 | H □lOOOsq. rt.H. (only $14.95 plus *4.95 S*H. ■W □SAVE 2000500 sq . ft. $24 .9 5 plus $5.95 S&1i&H. Ib tal $30.90 ; I n u t $6.95 S&H. Total $ 3 6 ,9 0 . _ im iG iiqP g B t f c - -26AVE MORI ; r; SUPER VAL/A L U e 10.000 sq . tt. $115.00 rass&n H . residents a d d s a le s tax) - m u m ■ M B -M - Totol'lndosed ...... - - : : _ fPA-aNJ nt m d»p.ckO n.)D a.*^j-»loney Order. .□ VISA I CNMUUMIEESVQI R P Payment Mstnoc G Discover • ___ :^Exp. Data______, - nijtii i W I I j Credit Canl'#—» ~ i— ' ^ —— m u ti o i» m a ^ PrtntName------I've always thwjght wt ______.Apt. f ------A d d f « s _ ^ S fiU !t state___ SUons of i notes—at S S so™ome p o i n t every song will Mvaboenwril K W = ■ - =Your Payment Today To; TBISTAflnPROOUCTS- I MW ones. VVhat doyoujssss5“p;s ------ojpt.G p . GR1402.1616 O u k e.S I-^ jd jtie, aivwef, « o 1 canstop tm S i S P —Cal Hawthorne, 01 All those factors you're« disregarding^di wliai make musical varii-ariety seemingly in rm ite lB j^ w c adhereeretoyourcond^ tions a n d J » s t n k e oo i «n e pia n o n o te af- rinitm teranothcr^B^ing romo m binations, w e 11 “ C as m a cd a G ir e e eventually of■ so;songs (assum ing r o b a y s ! we have i A nd C ovetirs Super-Faiast... J u st H lim ii for th^U ^H S p r o u t s . A n d if th e re u i W n ] u s t 1 0 days,athi(lick, green, Tmite number m Is a n eyesore! Qr3 r a ^ is A fter: In J o f Befdre: Lawn ul law n you’ll b e propoudofl w o r d s , at s o m e brown, d e adi o< r dying, w tth m ar^b are beautiful poim every sen- le o d s. ------____ tcnctt io trM S Q O :^ ^ * — ^—spots and w® able length) will have been writtea ...... The reasoQ none of.o M i m i t o n this should matter to you.0U-. • Is that, although theres'* s 1____i— a limit to the number oof f 9 W P W 1 corobinatioris o f inanyn y things, there’s an even suicter limil to the num­ ber of hours In your day. . Just as you would neverJS wanm inl- have the time to see all the* e , paintings lhat already have been painted—t let If to w ! alone all the ones yett tto o . 'be painted—you don'tn*t have the time to experi­:ri- ence aU o f anything elseilse . ■ eilher. Why. even if youcou . started on ihe day you I in impossible wereborrt. you wouldnf f t ■ S o E asy To T n '' have the time to sampleiple.^- Hn a re a s th at a re - every resujurani in ihe V ■ No preparation.n. JuW broadcasT *^‘ OR U88I8M coupon for « ty, w e ^ or hillyl r let nature do It. i world! (But I. for one.me. ; . 8Md, wator o r U intend to at least rry.).) . - ' ; Your grass s taarts rt growing in ^ ; ju st'5 days! ...... V oU rs A t L ^st■ t l ------areen V oar^R b u n c l , ” B e a uitifful t O ra » » 1T hat S tays O i F r o m 1 F lorida T o AM l a s l c a l probably know the abuause fain^ay grass ' Yesl The increcredibly hardy grass tha;hafs proven You pro raffic. divots, every 3 U.S.A. and • must take:iave to maintaif ------quicklyandeasiljsily:------ffiy-th-eyTbve-thisgrass-thfhat«prout3-qulckly ------^ - * Just scatter &seed for a picture-pe t/es through the worst abibu8e,_,„___...:,':^„. : starting In.cnlyIly 5 days! chance to see for y> below zero! Exclusiveve offert This is your ch . ; • Tolerates extrerrem es from 120“F to 40* t r seed will beautify . ■r«sssi”sis: Hall ot Pam* tor y foot- traffic.. yourself hehow this amazing new ( of World RaooMla” H • So hardy, it sitstays green thru heavy .1 m all year longi while Mvitvingyou tlme. work ^.:.-H _ lA hM tlQ ." writ«: Atk Dfchlng heat, freezingI icold, ev^ your lawn J lanwcQndtti^l 7n TWmJ Aw«., Hm¥i \ : drought, scorc and mone;neyl O rder today, wHh e POTOwal r«pHM mr* notpowtftto.nol under heavy snsnowl 4 >ack.floarBnteel . ■ a a d s ...... m o n w * . • Saves you woriork by crowding out wee to 4 W eeks For Delivery PAGE 30 • S0TVM B 0I fT. tM b' 0199STBIS1^ISTAR P R O b u ^ Allow' 2 to ^ IST^Kij^^g » W » « 4 .9 5 I ^ I H H - —. M S14.fiS^^^^B|B|Mi g J II : 6114 lies w w H4.40 mB5»14.4 31S2-I — zoJu:9M-m o-9n^

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* i ; f W S S B § B m ^ / 1883 ^ ra 3382 ‘ ^^**** ■ AMI44B1 if- • BOOKI l l 114.40, “ 9621 " ■• '7 6 0 r 7fl ------^— — ^-tt«JO0 sa.89 v^-.- Io. c £ m .95 »tc.E«.» 8p>c.a.«l.« »>c.M.tt.V»" L m .w * THE ULTIMATE ^ £flKi I tendiwg. I iorw 10 buy 4 mort book* SEX ^ EEFtoWBouQuWToM.______B o j D K p as s s s s s j ^ i S w ° “ 7 S & S . ~ - gs.-aassi.'-agsiiar'^£rl s a s ANNE HOOPER rtjJA I l ^ T O HERE'S HOW MEMBERSEBSHIP WORKS I f ^ t * . O.WbW.««*-lk-sssissts'a'sn'ffi K js s s “a « S llia/M i..:^ .------55 - - » “ iS S S rS cqsrsgssrggfjs,75 - * ia 5 »17.M K j_ Apt' - ...... - r -^ ------d d ra w — - i------SET^H ______StBte.______Z2 ip ------Zi^niviiefrtort? DVm OHo ~ ” KS!S2??»Si» inicMoani): I m)!uuwr^‘T ^ m n S ^ fe?3 S S ”dST-: “■ m ill - 1— I 10 d«yi« atir cn«tM ta canos s ^ f e s . ^ ^ s s s s a s M rSr"ga;^.'sigr^ FRHWrr-TWAortBOWJI ;fSSS««»p*x. CviMMi nanMn MnCad tfsn Cndi..•MnetNrHMim <«• riltouviimtoSOiioatli PARV17J99

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C D an ciii'' H1 o o v e s :

D ^ a m icic“vid^"paS re"sliorses and nm u s i c ~ ■ Y o u w i l l b e flmoazed ny at tbe free flow ing RMII M i "dance" moveniein e n t s p f b e a u t i f u l b o r s e s s There y o u w a t c h t h i s s p e c t a c u l a r v id e o ! eas D ancio' H ooves:e s s h o w c a s e s a M o r g a n ninning free in1 UUl tah's red rocks, a L usita wayi as it peifonxis tbeibe Spanish W alk and the BRBaW trais J O lu m m M usical Ride ofti)f the Royal Canadian I n P bnttlthey M ounted Police,e. D andn'H ooves also wciron't I j l i i i l ^ m f i x t u r e s A n d a l u^sian. s ti .^p alo o sa.^^ R r l y o n Plantation W aiterter and Half-Arab horses, ...... g e t s Each electrifyingng 1horse vignette on intotithe D a n d n * H o o v eM s isi accom panied by recccord sym phonic musicisic and iiam ed by spectaca c u l a r s c e n e r y . boo]oks. N a r r a t i o n F r e e - it'sit tbirty-tw o m inutes of sheer beauty for horeee ff a n s o f all agesl

ORDER>KNOW , only $19.95 (pluslus $3.95 shipping and bant (DaiMt K urat: TM Ip trip tu P M d tn — ------— HowtoOrdei — —PEOP3PEE~c5use¥Hvirwarw vm 'thM in progfcs£ Call 1-800-315-90051-8 anytime. (Please, (F ordeis only). i h a v e tr ie d t o>walk w ^A^i^’sgoolwasiAM t n gftin L V H a r o u n d tb e WOI American Express,Ex Discover, M asterC(Card, and VISA accepted. vorid. and he gotiL'H isIs kbackw ^ jpuiney ! « ■ Inl970.tbebrciHOtb- eamed him on enti) OrO r s e n d p a y m e n t to D A NrON’ a HOOVES, it i y in The Guinness V H . e r s D a v i d a n d Book o f Records,. a on n d h e ’s th e ^ b j ^ 38-90BUB u ild in g o n M a in S tre e t, LLocke.NewYoikl3092 o ■ H John Kunstit of ofan^dubitattbeFle R i p le y ’s B e lie v e SMiifi eikM OBttMo W m d ...... • V '~M innesota~sereiv ed b y P r in c e s s G r a c e . Trbeir b the first such joumcim ^.'It alre^y had tii p tu m e^ d t r a g i c in A fg h a n is ta n , hbow- o been accomplishedBdin J 1914byagen- B h H H | e v e r, w h en n e th e y w e r e a tta c k e d b y ban-be tlemm named Spiki3ite M iUigrok. Per- d i t s a n d JJo o h n w a s I d lld d . b a p s n o t s u ip r is inigly.M g lj r.M llligrok'5 D a v i dI bbrought John’s body baple i ell-TOe- -H - glasses fitteted with rear>view nutrorsj r s . I 'm c ra z y ,” a d m ittee d 1M u ll ig a n . IB ■ 36, covered 8000 m iless ii: n —------1 8 m o n ths s !before being m m ed bacia c k Em rpi^fiw n -ThtPfoptc 's Almanac PixMHU . forward)d ) b y a u t h o r i t i e s a t th e b d i Tht CompUu Idiotyitcmlem\eComptndlwnoflht d e r o f w b aat t is now Pakistan. H e wa y Deyid-WttUcdtiMtky.- ^y>a:WaileefiI>uky. Re- barred fronim entering tbe region beb e - prinudbypftmlukmtfUiaeJnle.BmmandQKf>te.

■pkm a a • b ip tw i— ii n . »«S m • PiMUbC MMU2M ^ J

S h e was; lcloved in fine porcelain.. 'Nmor

Little "Sugar Plumun" has a big sister in ball class, and tries to be justList like her. But without Itaking a single st^ , this swijweet little girl is as predoj a bal- ' Icrina os y o u coulddd ever w i ^ for. You may know hher story, or even haves aacquired the fine bisque poiporcelain doll bv Diannana Effrier. Now, you can hava first collectible for a .child___^^^Hch Ll Like-the porcelirelain "Sugar Plum ," tF poseable baby wh

‘H ib Asim>N-DKAKE GallMlBBrPS ’ - _____._____ ThbAsetonw -:-DrakeGaurrifs ------9200NoHhMi»ytarid A w " m S S i » r a S---- NUw, nUnoU 60714-1397 Siputurr YES, please reserve "SuugarPlum m ." Limit one. I uunderstand n that n s s ------— I noedSENDNOMONFiJEY NOW. The fifSt installmIment will be (• ) billed before shipment of tthe doll. N4mc (pleue print ckarly) ■— Telephone.

” • SEi^^ro'NjrMdNrS"N6w • "AdditM™ apT nIT •2 E A S Y F A\ V^ E N T S OF $19.98* •. ONE-YEAR,Jl, RISK-FREE GUARANVNTEE c H; su ie ' yjp ;:2 5 ______;ri« W ^ h r «r>JnJ nny *^ lu b k Uat* Min tu. ■>.tUawfti.>Hwt«kiforieath, sweat- M should know aboutout a new book, ing, nauseous or upset stc V I m / h e r e ARE■IE THE ported by seven/eral sources, including I j The Irritable Boyvewel Syndrome & stomach, you SK / ■ / heroes of tod:oday? A individual conuilitributions. grants, work- j need to get a copy of thehe new book; . ■m l w t good placet!e to Stort shops, lecturcs an Gastrointestinal SoSolutions Hand- The Panic Attack, Anxiet) > and sales of The Giraffe j * : book. - - iety& Phobia . ■ lopking is.)s, at.the Project merchamtandise...... j Solutions Handbook. V W headquarteiters of "We encouragc■age people to take brave I The book contain:tins the latest up- Tbe book contains thele latestL infor- W ■ f The GiraffeTe Proj- stands on issues—ss—from drug abuse and I to-date informationnon o the digestive mation on panic arKl genemeral anxie^ ect inI Langley,I Wash., on Wh:/hidbey homelessness., polludonandAIDS.top< J ^ sie m —^what can1 gog wrong, how d. a short ferry ride norlorth of failing schools,” disorders—>what causestsprablBm. ■ Is,” says Medlock. She I it can best be treateiated, and how to I e. It sounds lUce a wildlifeife con- makes clear, howowever. thaMhe project J how to best treat the proproblem, and i protect yourself finfirom IBS and I Ifl e ccm . but0 Ann Medlock andid John does not voice: anat opinion o f its OW71: I how to protect yoursursclf from un— the husband and wife stomach problems.i. TThe book gives i ife who “We*Uon't tell11 anybodya what chai- I troublesome panic andI anxietyai dis> lead Thrhe Giraffe Project—arce track-t lenges to tackle. you specific fects oni de. and we don’t take I 3n the latest natu- tress. i The book gives yoyou specific ing a differentdi kind of quarry:: peoplep sides on issues—s— many odier oigani- I ral and alternative renremedies that can facts\ on the latest natural,aJ, ialternative aroundd the country who **stick:k their zauons are doinging that work.” .1 1" bring prom pt and td lasting relief...... t. and medical rqnedies lhalhat can.bring____ jojj t^ d ^ st wd jd 1 G,Gira£fes_xcceLve_no. J lat they believe in.” without thc use o f dardangerous drugs. prompt { and & ting relicclicf. You’ll loney, no fancy diimer 1 3ck and Graham BV'ytelfingtiiese oTI You*U learn aU aboibout these new leam 1 all about these newwm=atn,«,B i r expensive tro'phy. jn e the world needs ' ® Who-Tiat they do get is a let- ■ remedies and find outoutH6wand^\^ty and.find i out how andd ’why Ihey ihQ^ work. You’ll1 ddiscover what % ir m ore about the - • - , I terairandacatificat&Med- V work. You’ll discover whivhatyoucan courage*;eous acts of heroes S t O r you can do to avoidid IBS,1 digestive • do c to stop panic attacks an ines,weshow lockck and Graham also ask ■ and anxiety, in our mn idst. They call pemsnnission to send their ■ and stom ach problemems, N\iiat foods lhe tl basic cause o f the pro!noblem, and these helerocs “Giraffes ” , , , Ofies lobe printed Inna- m actually protnote beaieaiing, and >v4iat what v to avoid at all costs. ts. It aI ll staned ; in 1980. u l di t o r d i n a i y onal publicadons and I to avoid at all costs.L TheT book even The book also explainsns thei medi- when MedlocIc;M a publi- ^ booV:>oks. Among the dl- I explains a simple treaireatment that has -■ calc conditions that can milmimic panic cistmNiNew York, woriced :rse collection of Gi- ■ helped thousands ridid themselves1 of and a anxiety disorders, se' nagazine article' 0 6 0i 1 p i e c a n d o ffes are; ...... ■ IBS and stomach dldistress, yet is portant P therapies that hit the brave actions • JinJim and Rlkki Pomer- 9 hav^e been ofordininary citizens. “I ike, two fo rm n truck f l little-known to mostst people—even\ overiooked, o the connectionjon between think I: beganfc to realize G X u I doctors. stressSI and panic attacks, tli raordinaiy ivers from Washington H .theimpact, thatthei: most natural hu- . ate wbo lost their jobs H The book also explainscj how ^of alcohol and other substa■stances, the man insiistinct is to help ,, , tien they 'refused to I '' the gastrointestinal1 system works, link between depressionn anda anxi- others,”” she j explains. t h l l KI g s . ” S ackhaul” toxic chemi-. H how food is digestested, how spe- ciety—and why over 50 million A>»utut the same time, cals-Is—often withoutpiop- H cific foods affect digdigesUoii;-why Americans A suffer panic, anxietyaru and pr«l>amn was searching . mmam er cleaning—incl< tanker I lething that was missing f I Cl r certain foods and actiactivities cause phobia problems. for some 3 from tracks primarilyy usedv to carry food. H He already had climbed M«Mount They blew the wh I c> : • problems, why overver 20 m illion The book covers actual, i 1.- his life; H whisde on this wide- 9 ^ CUM his- McKinleiley, panned forgold in Ausbistralia spread practice,, whichwl eventually led ■ • people suffer IBSS andi gastro- lories of people who suffer II Tered panic siid workrked fpr the U.S. State tepart- to a federal law to ban it...... f l l I j in I intestinal problems—a-andhowmost and gencnU.anxie^ probli>blems arKl m entinliLibya and ^^ctnanl, But inn 19801 • Janet Marcheseese, who created the I J people are now ablele tto overcom e how they were , able toI o'overcome —cast idriftad on a lifeboat in frecjMzing Down Syndromee AdoptionA Exchange f lI ; their problepis^ ...... ' - t htheir problems.- ' -- — —_ — :-wQiersof>ff-AIaska after o shipwrece c k - ^ =which has fdund'ld'loving'fdmtUesTdr r lI ' . Many An^cans arear putting ' . Many Americans are putnittins UD Graham1 vowed % that if be .surviveded. he hundreds of newbwboms with Down’s III <- with troublesome IBS,: wilh troublesome panic work to make a differencinee in syndrome. Marchechese worked double I II ^ IS, stomach and i T a i t ^ Id. He later met Medlock. \ >• digestive problems b general anxie^ and phol the worid :. who shifts as a waitretress to pay the ex> I I because they S« nobias be- alreadyhad h begun planning Thele Gi- change’s bills, are unaware of new n cause dwy arc unaware of w II V natural treat- ^ fnewtreat- raffe Projxyect. They were marrietled in • Abdullah Turnerter and Nero Graham. I I I ments and the welcomeme relief that is ments and the w e lc o ^ reli(cbefthatis 1982.ay*year before she finally fou sci ------^— — no bund- who organized voh'olunteer teams to pa- I 7 ;• nowavailable.------now.avaiJable.-r------jfTheircrime^dden' I rIj-in Get all the fects. Thefhe book is'be=^ "' ------' Get all the facts. Orderr ththis book -...... Medloc3ck and Grahnm and theirfrfiiH- neighborhood In the'Bronx,the r^^T hey. I I COI ing made available forbr only $12.95 today. Tbe book is bein{iing made time stafiiff o f seven receive recocom- drove out drug custustomers and dealers I cui ons from anyone wishing (plus S3 postage andi hehandling). To available for only $12.955 (plus ( $3 mendadoi ng to to make a four-blodiock area fire of drags. I lominadon. So far, 'moresthan tl “Giraffes always] order, send your name:ne and address; P°'oostage and handling). T« Tc nnHrr Hjokea no ys risk something, but I I send nam e and address wi fiinees have been honored•ed as risk can be veiy subjective.*’sub Medlock I I Bu i with payment to Unitelited Research Gimflcs.1. The nonprofit project is5 sup-si says. “I think it meaneans facing whatev- I I ' oth Publishers, 103 N. HijHighway 101, ^ment to United Researdi PulPublishcis. _ „ san Dept RS-22, Encinitas,as, CA 92024. }y^.103 North Highway 101,0 1 , Dcpi. B Y S E T H i S H U L I in ] _ Youni^ ^xx)k within 30 =JN-06, Encinitas, CA 92022024. You^ L MAN |M d ^ s for a refund if Mto.=misfi«L j nay retum the book-anytimtimeftHTc= ------und if not satisfied. PAQC 34 • UPTXM KR TT. t»l»SS>l>AIUOCM*aAZMI « I PAR '

- — ------■ i r f F iE B O l)OKYCD U l r o e s AVET(DREA\D 1 i FkJfe] l i ' j

«- John O raham sn d Ann - M adlock. — - lABderS o f TheOiraffa jk — Projaot. at M I their offloe . i- :_ l

______th e w orld need* to ■ H f i ' h e a r m o re M PH B H plPt about the • oowajeout ,rT‘ acta of ------h e ro e s In ------ow -m id tL

: ^ ^ P E C IUAL , 2 0 % '^ ! 6 5 6 pages DISC(:OUNT! Hardcot>er.yver. 6 ‘/n’x 9 ' h ' ■ ^ 8 pagesys co f photographs

O n e o f die m ost rcjpcctedrc Hgurcs in Americana n public life. Colin Powell1 is the man j m . . ^ ^ i M N cw sw pck call*, "ar‘an African>Ainerican w ho transccndsera) race; a public figureure who tnnsccnds politics."s." Now, for die first tim e. CcColin Powell reveals how hee maderr the A m e ric an dream his own rcalicy.

T h e“A j m e r ic a n D r e w i . T 1 h e A m e r ic a n H e rRO. o W idi uncompromu:lising candor and passion. ColColin Powell traces the journeyncy from his S o u th B ronx boyho C a ll to lf-fn a< rightri n o ^ or send couponon with ch ed t o r m oney orderd erto : in BaJtirnore: a group of younsungsiers in -197 SecondISt.. St Langley, Wash. 98260. ■he Conde Wast Collection,1. £Oept. 905000-190, 111 Tenth S t.. P .OI. . BBox10214^ . ------Dflg-MblnesTfAl» T 5 D 3 3 r ^ : ------P*BAO« tN A U Z M • W TKWCHtrT.'tM TT S'pAos'as • nwla«nt« of C*.C0.aA.IA.B*.B.KYJ 10 4 w m■K»tOf te N D JU S T H O W D ID y o u spende n d y o u r su m - tebepflnitiv I m e r ication.Chris- m tine Baraj ■ H She is f a m o u s s a l e s , W C c h ristin e is iMUh Broadway actressis (two( Tony B o llt,-«ndII looks Award.^ who playslys the boozy a n is iiiniE tallerthanber and charm ing Maryaryann these revsnpforits S5 fM te inches. - d a y s o n t h e still-n e wwCBShitse- C BY HerhutbsjKl,H r ie s Cyhill, working^wiihCxbill v JAMES M a tth e w . S h e p h e rd . T h e y ’ll b e b SeCQQdSBSSQO, C c o w le s, Blab an DebocKonthe < b b a v « v a c t o r , s ta r re d -, , _ t u ^ t h is fa ll. B u i w'h hai a t a b o u t this NSXL fo r y e a r s a a a s u m m e r? A n d h o w m u c h o f a va- bacMieonTVs c a iio n w a s il? N o l mu< Broadway^ £ m u ch , it tu rn s B O T IC “ W e ’v e hod th e sa m e; lalac d y woric- ' AIIHyeNUran. out Christine was wotivoikingptM- M w a io s ala , . in g fo r u s f o r 1 0 y e a r s .’ n t o p la y e d a white-trash . iy.hard. O n an tfnorinjmiously ex. in Buffalo, RRV. ’ Christine is a Buffu f fa lo CfrisenBannsidI ^ c i t i n g j o b . |i . w h o se fa th e r die d w hte e n n she w as “ I l ’s a n e w film venversion of Z./7 P e p sg n a t t ’ fssTJi*” l»» 8. “Mom went back to woric,” somatlmesi Case au x Folles c alleitiled Birds o f ^ w i e d she said. “My grandfotl[father was |.lslBv^a Wlw o n d e r w h a t sh e to ld me a Feather." I me , “ w ritte n 03. 0 9 an architect, and she [h[he e rm o th - o v children b y E la in e M a y , direciet tNnte.-OrlMine tw o children,en.’ e r] w a s a draftsm a n . I w a s u u g h i N ic h o ls, sta rrin g R obinbm W illm m s. tM b « l a n d LII: wndei UM therciain humor, can laugh at Iherself. ^ov««,T9»0: narrledtotM * jor in both dance A/ASP. S o I ta il ' S h e ’s o p e n , h a p p y to hav have me [in Nick und Norm,•a. anddnima.”Then, P«0|> ^ l a . 'V aah, thecastj. veiy exciied to >have this Togothor. In a mock pom- ny real name n e w s u c c e s s .” pous voice, she ia• OC ow l**, As for the show. ClChristine • a d d e d .“ B u t on ly Blaranaki** a ri tny ’ ita^e name.”' sa id . “C B S se e m e d p leeased. a s You toman Family(y o n e d isc ip lin e is know, we did only 133 eepisodes 1093. allowed." Back ------' Ia sL y e a r« .c a in in g o n ininU,e™ ti d. in h e r ow n voice: d ie o f th e .s e a s o n ." “I 'm a ve rb a l p er- S in c e C h r is t in e liv e« s w V i.h l,er son. so I chose h u sb a n d a n d tw o d a u g h te drama, got a Bad)-' 18th_a.frequentIt flier.f “I K«/waj.i093:__.------W c ll..iu w a s n ! t I sta y o u t t h e r e tw o o r i h i « that simple. But let fat a stretch,” she said. “> Christine tell iu “In i fin is h s h o o ti n g . I g e t o n tl 4 ; o n e y e a r, 1 g o t m a r- : eye. Som ettm es we shoohoot for a Jettroy.tOSS. ried in October. A -weekandareoffforaweev e e k .A n d week later. I went ' Ihe kids .cam e out on a vweek’s Tetevlston. into rehearsal form y ; ; v a ca tio n . W e w e n t to Disn<►isneyland in c lu d e * Playing first Bfoadway show, : for the Indiana Jones rid Tom Stoppard’s '2 -7%f In-^B u p f o r th r e e h o u r s t o g e t 0 December. 1 was went at 7 in the moming.’Ig . 19B 5; Danoo pregnant. In And w hen the childreniren. n o w WHh tho White June, I won HH 10 and 7. aren ’t on vacatioitio n ,ju s t th e To n y . O n R m . .• •• who watches over them:m while 19W-. Sept. 18, we M om is3000m iles away?/? “W“■ e ’re h a d o v r first very fortunate.” said ChriChristine. c h ild ." DB

■ " J ______e- SCPTMCn t T r l M • PARAM:AI1C'(UOAZMli ~ ~ ^ ^ B u b e r q H

piis I ■ufflliun ■ BOOKS I n G a n v l i i i l i . A lthou^m ^. boctoi bahave been written about (Ee N az^ few aiemas romf^eb-- ^ sive in scope, compelling[ing in narmdon or chillinff^ih effect as NNazl'Oermsny:' a " A New Hhttory, by’ KlKlaus P. Fischer (CominuuiD. $3 7 ^ ). FiscPiscfaer. a'Gennan- bom, U.S.'educaied hisicistorian. has done a m ost^ul Job of thonlorougbly recon- smictiag tbe entire Naziazi era and coolly appraising its leaders. WfaWhile militaiy as> pccts are h r firom Ignored>red by die author. ►much ofthe 700-page hobook's value lies in its m eth ^ ical and1 exhaustiveej de-< scription o f tipwJhe Noz^fazis operated in _-rssaSEi^-~' establishing iheir rale in !Europe and In its account of what tbe'*N^‘NewOrder^ac- ~tuallynncant'to' tlienatioilions-and-people ----- who fell under Adolff H itler’s sway. Anyone believes thatlat Nazi] Germany was just another dictatorsiorshlp.orthatthe death camps were a nnth./th. o r that World War n ^ o ' t worth fightghting. is invited (o read Ibis iRsi^Ufiil aoddrevulingbocrfc R Japanese war.crimesjusjtie .weU.docu-:... menteaih Gavan Daws*i* Prisoner*P of ttM«tapaneae;POW«oro f W o rld W ar D in th e P acific (MorrovTOW, S2S). Daws 1I 0 ’ ofn f. captives fiom Bataan on, and he maintaintains that dw Jap- anese have oevermode ttfeadequate amends- C O V i or apologies for their misdiisdeed& C H I . L J MeajWi :oasEs;*vv Somedmes tbe sinqto aI children’sdi book is. the more pleasant it seems.se< Such is- the case withWaJk W iththMe.byNao- mi Danis illustrationsOS tby Jacqueline

Rogers (Scholastic-Cart-rfc ______wT«^j«5)^THSM ^fflge- ^ hardcover is about a littleg ---- girl taking a stroll through the-pork, the playground ■ and the oeighbMoodL Tbe wonJs are few aod familiar, the pictures WORD and fiiend- Iy. Rrescboolen should en­ joy listening to the stoiy and recognizing tbe images. PAMAOa MAioUmC • M PTIMMU«fr,WM>rAa«aT IT, " H H I ■ t i

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1 I c o / . o . ; / / ; C O f L.LNO>X

! 1 F: L E NOX' Cc : l ASbs k : n .

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I lu- liistri’U' ui’i"'’ ''f > ri'.imvniv I\..f%. ls.\,.i;i,rl-. ■ SUBSCRIPTlbl , .il.-l',-.M.lv •! .! l-.slu-.! ,v.r,,-l,„i.. lh.-,!.-l„.,i w - A hUabyOetober ,'l iMU.i [M ini. ,i 1-1. . >. A m.I l! Nottotdins.b x ito m , I.-;;.HK,- -I li.m.I ,Ti-1u-,i M I Fleaie enter mjr subaipricn CD TicThtLamOaaei^aMtj. i 1 will recdve my collection, t l it(il it ccnlicd. «t die tatt ofone M 1 :;J^^H^D ofthree Kulppire arrroimarrly ew

Tiieei] lend i» tnooey tKW. 1 winnW be biildlbiiliittrfikii • - ''lailpcurei in four nontblir InnalloeifeniioltSS’jibh.'IW’pite ' bguataatecd to Q te

’ » '^' ': .'^ -TW--:...... "I;' j^ ;r:T":.z r: ------Zip------^------V' ^____ .- '- ^ i- ' ■■ 1 arJOZO, Uti^rA lJM M lM %