/ V k ? H I cDBsa t S l t P . N O-' U T --1‘ 7 • • f t . • - m i : w iJiii!iinyn> 'i-ii ■MlrfillfiPf M JE G o o d im o r n i n g Schojols latckcejii^fiecli fire mspeii “ T bd^’slSrec- e c a s t : ' ' i\i ByXBitaToMiaa ■ • ■ ' '.vollolunwerlire departments, theth schools rely tricts-acrocross tlie.valley. B ur h e foundadjust ob- al stptc review^ — ------------Silm dajrvariablc f . •Times-News'writer ewi sud -Superintendent Mike ible clouds with scatfei^ f ; . - ■ 0 “'a 8 '^ e ra l building Inspectiiction once a year vIousiHin;hings,'Poulin said. • Stefanlc. , showers. Highs J IS 80 to 85 and lows in y state officials who T h e r e c;ould o bc Bliss school h ; I. BURLEY-.^on-ca ol malnlcaancc workers needed’ - m id .4 0 s to low era-50s. 5 i-caused flames licked , sayly they would prefer «. ;s his in- only to fix bum thfou;^''the old Cassia ( 'W e’re not the, ax|:x p e r t s lumed-out emergency and exit • f ^ g « A 2 ia Couiity highzS^ool to) tsee local fire in- ^ . specters wo/ould not li^ts, according . two decadw ago,;destrc Ung to state records. But Poulin stroying the^building. spesectors involved as o>n r th e Are codel W e dO' ' catch, he'-' said - said the school Several years .ago,;a stonitorage shcd'filled with well >ol could have other problem s l o c tem s In whether’ wa/alls b e -» his^inspectbrdidididn’t find. ' ■ . ^ ■ sawdust outside the Haililailey higfi school sent “We’re not the ex- * aok, for certain itei __, tween the shiihop class • Even' wealthythy ;districts sometimes skimp / a sheet o f flames 50 feet!Ct intoI the air. , p e:its n on the fire code,” tht l e fire code,, an d Id -fire .; - ahdthcregulJiilhr 'clfliss- , on th^’r school>1 firflsafttyreyiews.,fl . Eycty year - p6 ssibly,<ily,eveiy month - less- saitlid Mike Poulin, a • iuifety Is one of io u r .:'; r o o i ^ a re firnre-fcsi'p--!W o<^ Riser,t^V V all^ schools, in tbe wealth- Wake Island:d survivor? ^ dramatic fires break.-ou.-out in M agic V o lley sup<ipcrvisor for the Dc- ” iffAtw . ‘ 1“ ^* 'c n o ujg g h ,' ,or-'lest count in’th0 thffstatCi get only quick,in- . Abb,ut,,170 Wak<'ake Island survivors aad . schools. Set, they ^ p)t t init ^tebaskets. Ac* partinment o f Labor and terns, but flr^ safe ivlitthcr;. , cidcntai, they flare up th e r e ’^ : spcctions fr6 mn thccityofHailoy’sofilypeid.th i th eir w iv es o r wideridows gathered Saturday up froni'a carelessly Ihdiidiistrial Services. not our expe^'s<i S O a ’ '. .. '. etlD ugh w a telet* 'p res-' fire fighter. Chief _ ■. tossed ^ t c h or Cigarette,tte, _________ “ W< W ef Mike Chapm an..He w y a i ',r ...................oinlHc-SOth-yearolr of freedom from prison - Vc.do.look.for ccrT_ . sun: for the sprinklerS] not only the'sch To prevent such fires oi schools but hundre^ of ar&l’ cam ps. sortokeqjthcfrdmn- tainIn items in the.fire • ' systems;’. businesses, age to a^mipfmum. manyma Magic Volley , codede. and fire safety is — P ^ B I — Mike Poulin, DepaiDartment He worrieie s th a t . "W e'can’t^do10 os#. comprelicnsivc an inspcc^' .schooU /are^ utincly revireviewed by the state, pnbib o f'o u r item s, but by Ipdal fire departments p f Labor antJ Indndustrial - schools suchI asa B liss, tion as w e’d likeike lo,"‘he said. He said he re^ < » :nts and by insurance fire•e safety is not our lity w ith- lies on the state p : Nothing fits aia n y m o r e . companies. • Serviced siipeinon/icftr “ communit Le pepartment of L a ^ r aiid.In^/ pertise.’* r p e n / i s p r ^ f u ii- tirim c fire dustrial Services 1 TitriM-News columnistcol Steve^ Crump . ■’ Still;'m any schools, usu « s and insurance company, in- usually those In sm all- During the past '" . ■ • fighter, rely toitoo heav- spcctions. discourses on theIhe.finer points of the er and poorer communitie titles, are never scniti- year, :tor found.hun- ily on tbele generalbuildingg rcpdrt.=Blisliss is not “It’.s a c u rso n ' _ modem, middlc-ac-aged AmeriMn male’s / ~ nizcd bv ^ f i e d fire Inspectors.ins| Scyved by drcd; inspection.*’ he said. “I’m • pants. ^or>fire^etyrexcep^for-th<the-ahnu^---------------— =:— ^ PlBasr300-FlRE«?— ------ p t ^ B y y Minico»iiacker I Tt|Clinltdn ;= j >•» Big fart A Carey footbalball,piayer will be in S-baekks^lariP WashinEton. D.C., thisti w eek to inlerview ' NFL HallK)f-Famcficf Sieve Lar^nl..^^ ■ forvwelfare i Magic/m ice The A ssociateddPrew Pi i i S o m c /o f th e bdstdst llgurc skaters in the world"'were struttintting their stuff in Sun W A S H IN GTON T C — P,resident Cljntoj - Vqlfey Saturday. voiced supportt forfo a Senate. wsU}iire'«yt^ . ' . P a g e 0 1 haul plan sponsonsored by Senate M ajoriij' j ^ Leader Bob Dole)ole on Saturday, saying -$ puts the nationn “within striking distance? o f true w elfare rcreform f . ' : 2 •• Although the measiir^. ‘contains wm e dem ei^.' r v e Learning curvi he has resisted in tlio F in d o u t w h at teacherstea wish parents past. Clinton pfp- knew about theirr children’scl classroom nounccd it far.prefer? I success. able to a more restric­ P a g e C l tive welfare bill that passed the HOuse last -. ' Moving upcouim n t r y M areh. , Clinton used his -wc.ekly. scven-m tnutc- - • ..... Jeromc’s-John SpanbnucrSpt Sr.; having ' " radio. address to praise .' found 'success withith his Saturday night Clinton the Senate, for :Svisdom 1?am dances; is aboujout to move to larger . and couriigc" In a ^ ’es ■■... .,quaffors.,...,j . o f votes last w/cek «el that he sajd ipadc the '■'T' , iv ''P a g e .'C l' legisIMIonnjiwrMiT fl4 tip i!8 b le i^ * l^ ;''.'“ ' '• a olstuilehte;c9u(drj*tudele,co,riiiui>itf-rri.,t«^ O ft i^ f t^ 'r n u c h of, p a s t twtvvo ' Meanwhile, OolDole pre- /f k program^tbbk awffray teacher8 *;ablDiy to ^ . ' dieted passage c th e Jf ' . measure' w ith bipabipartisan f suppon on Tuesday Repairing i^eiii f a i r ^ Tht' GOP Icleader, Kv.v^g* 2 8 H n ^ teaming up withth }H ouse , . Despite recwt troul•oubles, the Twin Falls Seiit’s tio o k ^ Speaker Newt GinG ingrich ' County Fai^-and Rod■lodeo rem ains. a.o n e- for the GOP radia d io re - of-a-kind poramunity.ity. institution, today’s ; ;PT' sponse, called thith e 'b ill ■ editorial.says. ■ • “historic lcgislati< to P a ^ A f i truly end wclfbre as a M ' way of life” andd s;said it ■ a tro l froJ mI teaclh e i^ ' would “dramatiiaticaMy Dole I overhaul 60 yeai'e a r s o f . ^ . passwcword, it would bccom c xmusaisable. He or and_ computer 1 the failed welfare pollc;sllcy.” ' ■ ■ cr lab s«tion\^t-thc top o f t! _ Turies»News vmtcr . •' • - she wcwould then lose access to stuistudent pass- screen.' - _________ “Oncc the Setmtenate pasMs our plan ... we wordsIsland many oth“er parts olI ttietti system, NightingaleIc sm} d lh at al^cr taiking to ththe will ^et togetherr andan w e’ll resolve the few I Spokane inventor!3r saj^ his purifying .RUPERT - A MinicoCO High School stu- Nightiiitingale said. • student; he concludedcd that he m eant'n'no the differences thenhere are. and I hope Presi- system could revoluticutiohize the way peo- dent to.ok away teachersicrs” cootrbl o f tw o Befc5fore the cause o f the problenlem'vrns dis-. • harm' and j uist s t wanted ' to find out whetheh e r dent Clinton w ill11 thenth sign the bill,’’ Dole pie clean d i i i ^ h g wat<vater. rompu|tf lab^ for.two'weweeks before a pass- coverwred, computer lab Instructors'irs los; data,;. he could'w rite:te such a program. T h e stiidctlent said. p » g .« E i w o^^tm ing program1 he hild written w as possib:ibly including student assi{isi^ments,, may havc beercen. working on the prograra m D espite D o le’s..^’s..fharacterization o f thc discovered Tuesday, %ho<:hool officials say. w hilee 1trying to reload soAwaroire onto the: 'sjnce last schoo:it»lyear,he«ud.' differences b etwcenHouscand een Senate'ver- ; The program'was wnnerlnen in a basic com - system,m, he said. le said the student wos.'discl!cj. sions as.few. theyley were large enough to puter Iwguoge by "onec oof f the top com put- Nighghtingalc said no student w ill be pc- pliried. l^ t^ o'ould u l not reveal how. ' draw a threatened‘A veto\ on the House.ver- . er-UtciBtc students in the school,” disuict' nallzedcd for assignments lost in thehe episode. The studentIt helpedb computer lab staff* t<lo sibn. Swimsuitepreinin technologist Keilf Jacksonson said. It gave him Throree ofthe school’s five comjm puter labs remove the pirogriun roj from com puters in 6>neni D ep u ty p r e s ss s(s e c r e ta r y M a iy E lle n jf' the computer poMwordss ofoi other students.
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