r ■V •■:.> * W PAGE TWENTY J^I^bAY, APRIL 12^.1954 \ , fIRattrIjfiitfr lEomins Iffralii ■ y'. ' * k ' Averatc Daily Net Praea Ron X For the WMk Pnded T h eW i Aprn le. liM r«i«eaat et C. S. 11,165 GaMvelljr fair tealght, taw 1 Meimher ef the Andlt Wedneadny, partly etoody, BartHM ef OreahitioMi high ea-7e. HiOicheMter^A City ofViUase Ctiarm

(CiRstifM AdYRrHshif m MigR li) VOL. LXXIII, NO. 170 MANCHESTER, CONN„ TtJESDAY, 13, 1934 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) / PRICE FIVE CENTS 20U B j^ ©i*een Stamps / . ■ R ed Bares ih'^ U, S,,^ Britain■ ■ r. Seek Ghfen vnth Cash Sales Spy Agency In Australia For Southeast Asia Canberra, Australia, April 13 (/P)—Prime Minister Rob­ A ll. iiAY T IIE S D A T v Aprn 13 London, April 13 (A*)—The United States and, Britain ert G. Menzies announced to­ agreed today to seek a NA'TO-type military alliance of 10 day that the Soviet embassy’s nations, pivoted on southeast Asia, in an effort to safeguard thifd secretary here had Bed \ peace from Indochina to New Zealand. They declared Com- the Russians and disclosed muniat aggreMion, looae in Indo-j; widespread Soviet spy net­ ^china, threatena to apread over all work in Australia, • Town Stocks 800 Fish at Center Springs the rich landa extending to Aua- Menzies said a royal commis­ G eorgescu tralia, the Philippines andx*riiai- ti.. S. Urges sion had been appointed to inveati- f— *— '■ IT'S EASTER TIME- land.‘ gate the Information supplied by The decision to press for the the Soviet diplomat, Vladimir B oys Safe formation of a new southeast Asia Petrov. drfenae system was announcad Ip Arabs, Jews The Prime Minister aaid Petrov a Joint British-A.merioan coydy had appealed for political aaylum Look Your Prettiest munique after a two-day confer­ in Auatralie. and had been turnM In G otham ence between U. S. SecretA^ of over to the nation'a security forces D eniesR ed Tie State Dulles and British leaders on End Strife for further questioning. Now York, April 13 (IP)— a "united action” progySm. Petrov, Menzies said, had given Dulles Seen HaUsBed Washington, April 13 (/P)— the security forces a great pum- ConRtantin and Peter Washington, April 13 The government disclosed to­ Georgescu, held as hostages A top ranking American official The United States callM on ber of documents and oral infor­ day a secret security hearing IsJn progress for Dr. J. Robefi said Dulles was "very satisfied" mation listing Australian "con­ for seven yefirs in Communist with' the meeting and felt the talks Israel and the Arab states to­ tacts or cooperstors," some of Oppenheimer, builder of the atm ic bomb, on charges that Romania, arrived in the Unit­ Oppenheimer a.s.sociated with ComnHmists and tried td block "went far towards establishing the day to ease tensions in the them under code napies. ed States today into the wel­ unity of purpose which he sought Middle- East by renouncing The government chief told the development of the hydrogen bomb.-f ^ — > on southeast Asia defense." shocked House the royal commis­ coming arms of thejr,mother. Oppenheimer himseu made ^wueRe the use of force. The oo.vs, 10 and 16, " were ac­ known that he hsd been cut off Dvillea was leaving by plane for A state Dept, spokesman said sion would investigate these list­ Paris to line up France in what the ings, as well as activities of agents companied on the flight ftom Eu­ from government data, suspended th a t. before the goal of peaceful rope by their father, Valeriii from an advisory post on atomic Savan^ Saw cfficlal said might become a adjustments la reached, both of the Soviet secret police in Aus­ K •'Southeast NATO." tralia. Georgescu, 50, a naturalized Ameri­ matters, and confronted, with the A fine wonted | Israel and the Arab nations "will charges. He said hs hfed asked for Dulles told airport newsmen: have to modify theiw present atti­ Petrov's switch to the West can who refused last year to apy closely pai-aileled that Of Igor for Romania to obtain' the release a hearing. , laDera die "I have had the best series of tudes” in line with armistice The Atomic Energy Oommiaaion No Security talks in 48 hours that 1 have ever pledges to the United Nations. Gouzenko, the code clerk in the of his sons from their naUve land. anile yooll love. lu ^ had. I think few cou-ytrles have Kremlin's Embassy iii Ottawa who I he father and two boys met (ABC), in the light of Oppetdieim- Press officer Henry Suydam yesterday in Munich in a Joyful er'a disclosure, then announced spoken to each otlier with greater made known this government's at­ in 1945 broke with the Russians laekel fita amoothly J k ^ intimacy and friendliness than haa and turned himself over to the reunion. the action had been the subject of In A-Bom] titude at a news conference. Not­ Canadians. His disclosurea broke Georgescu'a revelation to the a White House conference. _ been characteristic of these talks ing the cuncnt Uniter* Nations It said President Eisenhower had aver an intorfaera. ! we had here.” open the Soviet's Wartime atom State Dept, of Romania's spy de­ Princeton, N. J.. April 13 (JP) .Security Council discussion of *py ring in Canada and the United mands caused the recall of the directed that a "blank wall be 'baOelnpod The communique said: Arab-Israel tensions, he said: States. first Secretary of the Romanian —J. Robert Oppenheimer, th« "We deplore the fact that on "The first step forward should A statement by Petrov said:- legation in Washington following ' i top physicist reportedly sus­ aUit. Poiaed and the eve of the Geneva Conference be .therrenunciation of force at a "I wish to ask the Australian Washington, April IS IfiD—> the Communist forces in Indochina State Dept, charges of blackmail. pended by the Atomic Energy means . tb attain political objec­ government for permission to re­ Washington had been negoti­ Prenident Elseshoww wns 41s- pralty: abl for are increasingly developing their tives ahd the substitution ot co­ main in Australia permanently. cloned today to have persoaally Commission, was called from activities into a large-scale war ating for months to get the youths operation by the parties among "I wish to become an Australian out of Romania. Rep. Frances P. ordered Dr. J. Robert Oppen- his university classes at the none a l ' against the forces of the French themselves and with the U.N. citizen as soon as possible. heimer cut off from atomic age of 38 to mastermind the Ppstty... Agalsss... Smooth • ■ S ', union. Bolton jR-Ohio>, Who worked on supervision organiza'.ion in the "I ask for protection for myself the case last fall as a delegate to oecreta pending the odteome of A-bomb, one of the nation’s "They seek to overthrow the context of their armistice obliga­ and assistance to establish myself a security heariag jTOw la prog- lawful and friendly government tions.” the U. N. General Assembly, dis­ best-kept secrets. comfortably In this country. closed last night that President reos. "I no longer believe in the Com­ The tall, thin, nefVous* man, STRAW HATS (Contiaued on Page Two) (Continued an Page Two) munism of the Soviet leadership. Eisenhower recently wrote per­ who will be so April. 22, corraled sonally to the Romanian govern­ the efforts and energlas of the "I no longer believe in Commu­ placed bett^een Dr. Oppenheimer nism since I have seen the Aus- ment, appealing for their release world's greatest acienttsta in da- as "the heartful thing to.do." and any' aecret data” pending a veloplng one of the moat fCarsomo trsllsn way of living." aocurlty hearing. ' Given Security Protection The parents had not seen the weapons. , lads since 1947, when the couple Vi' noted OppCnheimer's requeat After the birth of the A-bomhiy' Menzies told the House protec­ t a hearing, and added in a FHA Probe Hints tion has been provided for Petrov left the family's native Bucharest Oppenheimer predicted: for.a two-month visit to the Unit­ Statement: "Men of our time will never and the Soviet Embassy notified. "A board was accordingly oa- "Petrov, who had been carrying ed States. The father, branch chief have a sense of security.'' in Romania for Standard Oil of tablished for the purpose of hear­ It was he who suggested to MaJ. out in Australia the functions of New Jersey, was refused readmit- ing the case and advising the com­ the Russian Ministry of State Eight hundred fish were stocked la the waters of Ceatei Gen. Leslie Groves overaU direc­ Scandal on Loans tance "aa a representative- of prtags mission as to whether or not sus­ tor of the two billion dollar proj­ Security. MVD, haa disclosed a American capital, and they re­ Pond this morning by members of the Park Dept. Bill pension of clearance of Dr. f^pen- complete willingness and capacity ■Aadrulot Is shown above read.v to release aa 18-ln<4i ect, that a laboratory be built at fused to let our sons Join us." Sub­ Walter heimer should be made permanent. Loa Alamos. N. M., for the 4.SOO Washington, April 13 (/P)—The decks were cleared today to convey to our own security sequently Georgescu and his wife Huchrow. left, looks en. Plekorel, perrk, calico "Thia board ia now sitting under for a double barrelled probe of a possible scandal in certain people a great number of docu­ became American citizens.. blue glUs were released. They ranged from elghtylo 30 Il__ __ tha cbaicmanshlp ef Gordon Gray; *wmmr wac- of the government’s housing.operations, .evidently streteMfif ments and what may turn out to Constantin and Peter leift Bu­ VhBllflWI as .much as four pounds. Fishing e-s-f— opens Friday formerly Secretary of the Army Led la Phyalca Theory TC much oral informaUon and ex­ ■toning at g ’o’clook. Lost fall more tha^JMHt pond fish were and preaently. president of the Although unknown to tha pub­ O N E drais that's TW O drotsoi; back into the Truman administration. -jV-Xj planation.’’ the Prime.* Minister charest by train Saturday and ar­ COTTONS The first official rumbling of,. ' ------»s n m i ■ rived In Vienna yesterday morn­ atoeked In Center Springs and local angle^w ill have nearly 2,000 Unlveraity of North Carolina. The lic at the time, he long had been EITHER tida con ba worn at tha said. fish to try to hook this seasoa. / other members of the board are in the forefront of reeearch in continuing trouble in the FedirsT "In examining all this material, ing. They flew to Munich for a HIADStltS i2-i» front. Ona way, it’s o roundtd Lantern sleeves . . . twinkle-sprinkle of rhinestones ' Housing Administration I FH .\) tearful reunion with their father, " imii- ■ ■■ ■ .1, I ■ . I. , . Thomas A. Morgan, former presi­ theoretical physics and. had a wida ' Mandarin nacklina with her!- dent of the Sperry Cbrp., and Dr. reputatioh among acientUts ,Jor \* . . . elegant velvet sash . . . on Everglaze polished cot­ came late yesterday when the u-Retiigns (Continued .bn Page Eight) who said he did not know until two tohtal'tiriptd yoka. Tha elhar, White House announced the resig­ weeks ago they would be ffeed. Ward V. Evans, professor ef his brilliance. Under his leader- ton, embossed with posies. Totally tubbable! Sizes chemistry, Loyola Unlveraity, Chi­ ship, the acientlsta at Loa Alamos 0 dainty bow>tia affact, with nation of FHA Commissioner Guy "1 hardly recognized them,” S to 6Vs, 7 to 12. T. O. Hollyday. Georgescu told reporters in cago. achieved in two years of wisr- to ^6 *’ * lovaty circling print. Eithar w ay,. Frankfurt during a brief stopover. Cooperation Agreed "Tha commission, because of time pressure what might have jumbo tida pockatt and full President Eisenhower at the ultimate responsibllity for a de­ Sizes 3 to 6<< ' a a a a a a ssnve time ordered Housing Ad­ Fr^eh, Laos "They hsd grown so much." taken genentiona. twaaping tkirt. p0afvr0tl on ministrator Albert M. Cole to im­ "The first thing I’m going to cision in this matter, believoa that Tha War Depar^eiit credited Mor# tkay oral Tha taotan't autitonding youthful Baby Shop do,” he 'Said, "ia send the boys to wamon a hot fothiont ot •."daflotian" prica. tha coirar of Aitmrican Girl pound FHA’s records "to facilitste him with "achieving the implement the investigations which are being S^l Off Vital school so they'can learn English. By MeCarthy Aides (ConUnued on Page Bight) tation ot atomic energy for military mogoxmal Rad, Aquo or Blua. After that they’ll ho doubt want purpoeee." •lack.. brown.. novy .. rod .. whito $amlTaan tizat 8 to 14. conducted.” Sizes 7 to 12 to take up baseball.” ' . Patient, grey-haired Oppen­ a a a a a a a I Irregularities, Abuses Vietmiiih Road Mrs. Gorgescu first heard the heimer. like many of the famous / Girls’ Dept. Shortly afterward. Cole. Holly- Washirigton. April 13 (/P)— ' riie aubcommlttee's chairman, said Girls’ Shop—Second Floor good newa at 2 o’clock yeatarday Two top aides who worked "Cchn " and Carr agreed to telephone Scientist^Seeii acientista who had worked with him FINE SELECTION OF HATS Second Floor day's boss, announced at a newa Saigon, Indochina. April 13 iJ*)— morning from two strange voices McCarthy in Arizona this after-1 on the a-bomb, brooded over the conference that his agency will in­ —her sons’ over Transatlantic tele­ with/-Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis) uses to which the atomic bomb vestigate "various irregularities The French Command announced noon to seek his assurances of co­ FOR THE TEENAGE MISS tonight that French and Laotian phone from Munich. OR^ ''blackmail” charges operation. Vital Factor in might be put. and abuses" in the home moderni­ "It was so wonderful to be called zation and repair program. Hou.se- forces, executing an enveloping gainst the Army agreed to- .Aides Appear At Meeting . tj-s TB* 1 ”He • was among me vanguaravanguhrd ocat movement, had sealed off the Vlet- Miindt said the two aides ap- A _ il,1 1 # h i« n rv K l ■*$h i scientists and intelv BE SURE TO SEE OUR MAIN FLOORX holders allMedly had been (Continued en Page Seventce^ day to cooperate fully in the peared at the meeting with no lectuSla who campaigned for inter- "fleeced." / ...... mlnh's main qpmmunication.s route investigation of the resulting H^^T B^kR • • ^1 .^8 ttp Cole a l^ said the FBI will check into south and central Laos. authority to serve ”iss counsel for national atomic regulation.' / on alle^d "illegal or unethical ' The operation, carried out in row and to seek similar as­ McCarthy, . and that each had Ithaca. N. Y., April 13 tiP»— He warned that an A-bomb attack extreme secrecy during the past surances from McCarthy him­ prorhised full cooperation could wipe out 40 milUon Abieri- Shop Tuesthu^' action^ln the handling of apart- Fair Weather • Sen. Symington (D-Mo), a sub- The President of the American cans nieny^project financing by FHA 10 days, was accomplished with­ self. ' cemmittee member, told a news Physical Society, who once worked oftitinlf. Here,, he aaid, investiga­ out a' fight. The Senate Investigations sub- "Our atomic monopoly,',’''he said, For Your te s will search for evidence of The communications route cunference he sees a possibility with Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, "is like a cake of meltiplg ict.” /collusion" between apartment which 1 the French and Laotians Opens Baseball ''■■y th«rpubilc ‘trieWMd“heI[rin^s"on said today "without Dr. Oppen- He held the view thaf there could given by Roy M. Cohn, chief coun-1 ,,,, charges and countercharges be /builders and federal officials in the stopped up la a narrow pass in sel, and Francis P. Carr, chief of ' might have to be deferred from helmer, the U.;S. might not have pewe without Lovely In.suring of mortgages on Inflated the limestone hills of central Laos staff for the committee. The two ...... 'world government, and auggested OnxAll Fronts the now-scheduled April 22 start­ the atom-bomb." formation..... of an' International HOSKRY^ appraisals -something that he said which spills out’to the north ii\to met with the committee for two ing date if there is any major airegdy has rosf the government the -valley of Naphao. i hours behind closed doors on plans Dr. Hans Bethe, a Cornell Uni- hitch in agreeing with McCarthy vc*sity , physics professor, was betrer than 75 million dollars. The Communist-led rebels had , New York, April IS (fl»)—Un­ for the inquiry. on the ground rules. (CoBUaa^ am Paffo Bight) GIFT BLO USES Cole,^ indicated he expects few controlled the pass from the emi­ usually fine weather prevailed ell Sen. Mundt (R-SD), who will head of the Theoretical Physics Needs Mbndt aaid "ive don't anticipate Division at the Los Alamos, N. M„ crimioy actions, but he added that OUY T. O, HOLX.YDAY nence of 2,000-foot high limestone over the major league map today preside a t the hearing while Mc­ that happening." WARNER. "the gTWt pumber of thefse cases peaks for several months, but aa the Big League baseball seanon Carthy steps aside temporsrily ss atomic bomb laboratory in the Alba Perfect Nylons Mundt said today's meeting re- early t940i. /Of* Easter Indicates there was either gross program, which died four "years were caught by surprise by tbs opened in eight cities. It . was the ceived-from Cohn and Carr assur­ ^ $1.15 to $1.50 Pr. negligence or collusion.” ago. French-Laotisn Tpincer.. first tiise in years that all 16 clubs ances they would^.give the sub­ After learning that Oppepheimer Bulletins W ONDERFUt Allegedly off-color, apartment But i.k>le said complaints about started the camraign on the same committee well in advance a state­ had been suspended as a govern­ Ven Raalte Nylons project financing was said to have overcharges and shoddy work In RED8 DELAY ASSAULT day. ment of the charges Cohn and Carr ment advise-.' on atomic matter, from the AP Wires A good variety of styles and colors in nylon and developed under the post-World Hanoi. Indochina. Aoril 13 (4/— ' It was sunny or partly sunny in News Tidbits hope to prove again.it the Army Bethe said in a statement to news- acetate tricot, dacron an’d pylon batiste. Dainty BRAS • $1.15 to $1.65 Pr War II "middle income" housing (Continued eu PageThirteen) Vietmlnh artillery bissted the seven of the cities and cloudy in officials, together with .a list of lien: with lace, tucks, fagoting, atitchjng. collars, jewel defenders of DienjBien Phu again St. Louis where the Chicago Cuba Culled from 'AP Wires wlthesses they will call and a Bethe Deeply Shocked iM'.A.VDAL FIGURE StTCniE and turtle necks. Nylon give.s you beauty, long I to get ’round ^our charma No“Mend Nylons i today, but the Coromunist-led reb-' were to meet_^ the; Cards before synopsis of the testimony the "I was deeply shocked w'hen I Tokyo, April IS uFl—A promt* elf still held back the massive all- some 18,000 Ians. A total of 215,000 witnesses are expected to’give. first heard that this great man neat figure la JapM'a huge akip* wear, easy wa.’ii‘B shooting for Mellitz -in New Haven Superior Chelmsford, Mass., to run thn (EDITOR'S NOTE: Sen. Jeeepll ./McCarthy, said: ‘’His words regle- bunkered heart of Dien Bien P.hu. a .third straight National League (^urt. . . . -Veterans Administrs- Federal Houslag Admiatotratton R. MeCartby cays. people under tered SloWly. I must have looked The French still held it-today, pennant with a new manager. tion says it' detects signs thst In New England Area (FH.A) while a variety of gov­ biveetigatlon before bis aubrom- baffled as well as astonished, al­ after beating off violent rebel more mortgage money is becom­ ernment agenriea probe-into poo- niUten enjoy more privileges than most incapable of trusting'ihy own counterattacks Sunday and vester- (CbnUimed oa Page Thirteen) ing nvallable for GI housing Ijbaps siMe roulti-mUlioa dollnr sCnadnIa they would get in a court of law, seneea.” j .' dsv. I. • in many parts of country. By THE A.SS4X.’I.ATED PRBS-H’^o w n , union representatives rev running bnrk into the Truauui Soft Spun Cotton but la this articie—seveafb of a ' These . expressions came, of Heavy fog under the leaden skies Premier Antonio de Oliveira Some 4,500 Woonsocket, R. L, ported one firm, tht Bell Worsted admlnistrntion. ahrieo—some ef thepe pMple uoed course, from witnesees under in­ of the threatening spring monsoon Salazar brondenats fiat "no” to textile workers today Joined '465 Co., employing 300 workers, hsd words like “terrifying experience” cut the French aerial assaults Wyandotte Worsted Co. workers signed an extension ot its contract WEST DESPERADO DIES Triple Roll Cuff Washuble vestigation. not those put on the against the Jimgled hills surround- talk by Prime Minister Nehru of Boise, Idaho, .April 13 if) — , . . "the Inquisition of old” . . . stand to give testimony against Reds Take Six India that Portugal’s little terri­ in- four New England states who under union terms. $l.5$ VALUE WILLIAMS INSTANT LATHER 98e "hydra-beaded laterrogatlon" . . .) thsm; Moofup Plant Shut Harry Orchard, 68. who Masted a (CoatlauAl ou Page Two) tories on India’s west coast should struck Monday' to protest a pro­ trail of vMca.ee through the West Cotton Through speeches and sUte- be given up to that country . . . pose 15 cents an hour pay cut. Ths Wyendotte strikes shut 83e LADY ESTHER CREAM ...... 69c - Nazareth Seals down all four of he rompahy's which ended in the 19M bomb- ANKLETS * By RELMAN MORIN ments in tha mOre public phases of Republican' National Committee The Rhode Island group walked slaying ol a fornser Idaho gover- ' Washington. April 13 (Ab—Peo- hU acUvlty. McOsrthy has gener­ out at midnight after negotiations plants — at 'Pittsfield. 'Maas., 85c NOXZEMA CREAM ...... 59e .Jerusalem, Israeli Sector. describes aa “diplomntir triumph Bor died quietly early today M With nylon reinforced heel and toes for extra pls who have been targets of Sen. ated fierce feelings during the four Angus . Macd.onakl for all free nations” Berlin Big broke down with the Woonsocket Watervllle. . Maine, Rochester, the state penitentiary. wear. All white. Sizes 9 to IQi's- KOLYNOS TOOTH PXSTE ...... 2 for 69c Joseph R- IijcCarfhy’s investigation years since he first began Ulking April 13 (4*)—Communist can­ Four talks at which Western pow­ Assn,, of Manufacturers, represen­ N. H., iuid Moosup, Conn. SPRING of Communism struggle for words about OommunUm and Commu­ didates today won 6 of the 15 The walkouts came alter three COTY FACE POVYDER WITH CREAM ^ HANDBAGS Passes in Halifax seats on the municipal Coun­ ers agresd to meet with Opmmu- ting 18 mills. Tbf' association TRUM.AN W.ARNS STUDENTS when thiy try to tell how it feels nists in government. nlght China and Russia to discuss earlier rejected, a union proposal big New England textile unions— Fulton. Mo.. April It UPl—. to-be on his. subcommittee’s wit- VielatioB of Justice cil of Nazareth—thb town CIO's Textile Workers of America,. -.1 PERFUME : __ $l.50 where Jesus Christ waj. reared. peace in Asia. that' the question of wage cost United Textile Workers (AFL),' Former President Barry S. Tr«- GLOVES ' ' ness stand. , But even more violent eniotions Halifax; N. 8., AprU 13 l«A— CIO president Walter Reu,ther reductions be submitted to arbitra­ mna told Wentmlaater CoUegis ^ p a ir 9 J «00 JOHNSON BABY POWDER. Large Size .... 49e for Euster • Questioning by McCarthy anq have been aroused in the roonts Nova Scotia’s : Premier Angue L. Three Roman Catholics, tion. • . . and the Independent Industrial Macdonald, father of Chaada’s three Moslems and three East: in Washington agys' Adminlstra- Trades Union—adopted a policy students today^ ta guard tko TONI HOME PERMANENT REFILL ,.... $l.50 New apring atylea in atraw, baadette, faille antf plutlq hia counsel has been csdiod "an whero he holds his meetings. He ern Orthodox .repreaenjatlvee tiorf'a tax re\’ialon' bill actually .is The Industrial Trades Union of Ualtrd Statrs lerns at gavens. in slipon styles. Colors: Maize, ordeal . : . a thoroughly terrifyi|ig I>*s been accused of mishandling Navy, died early today in Victoria America Und), with workers ia of "imfiiedlata strike” to counter beige, white. Small, medium patent and plnatic calf. Colon: Navy, rad, .white, multi, General Hospital after a brief ill­ were also elected to the CToim- tax reduction measi|ro embracing proposed wage cuts, nseat and "don't cnennrage a 60c ALKA 5ELT2ER ...... 54c black, tain, beige. experience." witnesses there, and of violating cil of Nazareth. It Is. the "coeeeaeleeo for cor^rnfions.'and woolen and worsted laUls. dyt Ibe three unions agreed that maa on hoiaehnck to tako 13 and large size. Like Star Ohaqaber S the first principles of American ness. The Libera! Party leader houses and plush milla. had - rev 75c BAYER ASPIRIN ______62c Justice. , was 64. largest .Arab town in larul. wealthy stockholders.” . their "answer to pnilateral wage away from yott,” A lawyer who ropresonted a James A. MarselUca, 69, oldtime jeeted two bids by the npomufac- reductions in ,any mill under csir 4 P **.-*.' witness Wrote: "It smacks of the The ctated-i purpoee of Ute' aub- Macdonald was called from hia AH partiea except the Cbm- tureri to reduce wages and fringe M o t h g a s r e f il l s ... '...... bsc Star Chamber and the inoulsiUoiIs provincial premlersbip early,/ In munlsta prondsed to take spe­ vaudeville actof who fifty ' years Jurisdiction wiH^ be an immedihte SIX JOIN BRITISH X s ' m c I i ■■■ committee -is to investigate Tthe cial car* of the holy places. ago was billed' aa "Great Mar­ benefits. ; . strike. ' _ j Parts, A f f r ll ’ I t (AMaHx* EXPELLO MOTH CRYSTALS .1...... 89c of old Sod -vfaat you hear aho*>t the operations of alt gbvemment ‘fie- World War n tb become Canada's The average hourly wage ip' . 0 0 Iron curtain countries." Without exception, aU promiaed seilles.” dies at Grtrpwlck Mespl- The Wyandotte Ugieupf ' ' ' woatera Enrnprna naWsha s lf o d partmenta at aU lev«U''—in ahort,^ first Navy minister. Under him the to work for the aboUUon of the tnl . . .. PhUip A. Fleger, b o < ^ about 31.50 ah hour. ‘ Pittsfield, Maas. — Workers ah afreement today satllalag DICHLdROCIDE MQTH .CRYSTALS ...... 7Vc Plus Tut A former. State Dept, officer to gather Infonpation but not to sea service grew from Icce than The imion three* times -extended u X; eaid: "I choked up for. aeveral Israeli military administration, frhsdrm'an. of Diiqucsna Light Co., repraaented by TWVA-CIO: hor- rlasfso Brittah issaHattoa sHIh COIM*a proqecute. ; .2,000 men and half a dozen abipa says Duquesne and Atomic E ner^ contracts'with the miiU during the iral work force 626, but pome 40 fth d prof osed Earopeaa Drfams :4 ' mtiyiites . I just couldn't apeak." Oveir and gver again, 'people iTo more than 90.000'men and 000 which the.Mojihc Shaiett gov­ jk aeii'apapcr editor, recounting ernment aayg ia neccaaary en Commission will build world's first past weeks. Hie contracts expired currenUy employed. Plant cloacd- Csmrntmlty (EOC) thsy am. .aecurity grpoada. comnserclql atomic power plant Jlljsrcb 81. ' bu rooictloM to h atatement hy (Ceatii^Md (C^tla«i4 e^ Pag* Fow)'^ tiytag'ta'tann. Ootalle •« .«»<’ m ztosfi) naax Shipptngpori, Fn. ' Before. V. , peypitiatioas . broke (CMnlHmstd 0m Tea* 1 . \ , ' ■ • ■ t / '-■M- _ • , •r ■... i 1- -..d ■ -I- • • / (. I'-’ 1. '■

/ \ -i-^4 ■ PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1954 MANCHESI’ER EVENING HERALD? MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY. APRIL IS, 1954 •to of tons of war equipment to m e enough to bring the chllectiye de­ -X' rebels. Hilliard Underpays fense plan into being. . \ French^ Laos The worsening weather offered a Asian Regional soeond Wadnaaday at aacK month. ■ . SAVE with SAf ECO Asked about what military WapjAng Marlborough Tha ndxt msating ba hald May boon to the Vietmlnh, who atill action U,he. United . States, might B o lto n ^ ^ Co>Chilinneii of Jaycee Dance" srin Auto Iniuronce could aenct in human waves of foot Job Starts Today 12 a t the home at. Mra. Arthur Seal Off Vital Pact Is Sought undertme to back up auch ' a Chapman. X «-.■ 0 soldiers where the French tenke collective defense pact, Uie official Bowlers Will Vie 5, Firem en’s Wives ” ^ FOR THE KTODIES ^ and other mechanized equipment ifancheater reaidenta can expect Feraonai Meation ^ Large AaaortRURl ^ said that “in ..military altuation Extensive Damages Result Mr. and Mrs. William Fitiier would bog down; as the area growa to hav. to dstoiir aitttmd part of the United States would have to I^RO^KETT Yietmiiih Road muddier. ByTJ.Se, Britain For League Cup Set Up Auxiliary spent the weekend in Weston. Hilliard Street from'time to time act.” But Drlles is known "never Mass... With their daughter and iMWrwici AgMicy With every brief letup In -the ^Arthiir Drag Sitm ^ heavy weather; troop reinforce­ until the tomovsd of the Hilliard to have .believed In having U. S. As Three Vehicles Collide family. x .• (Contlnned from Pago One) ’ (CoBtinned'from Page One) lend forces to. fight on the 'Asia Wapping, April T 8—(8peclft|)— Marlborough, April 13 (Special) '' 244 MAIN STREET ments and more suppitps were Street underpass, begun today, ia Mr. and Mrk ^Broce Myera and Ttfophon* MI-3-5416 mainland.’’ The 3-day league' eilp. playoffs —A “Woinen'a AuxUlary Fire Co." family have movetl to their new ing Dien Bien Phu. But the Ameri- dropped in by parachute to bolster completed, according to Town En­ of Viet Nam, which we recognize, Bolton, April 13 (Special)—e* white photograph and the other and they have Invaded Laos and He suggested that the defense slated for the MIsfIta, tha ^jmrts- waa recently organlzaal a t a meet­ home on Walker Lana. * can-supplied fighters and bombers : ^•’*5**^*'’**"°*® *® *’ gineer Jam es H. .Sheckey, State Police Officer Richard_ Pow- j for' the beat color allde. . Ringing the .fortress, four regu- Cambodia. agreement might have a clauae man and Tripp's team, dl^tajon ing of 12 flramen'a wives at the Mra. Edith Pettangili and daugh­ ranged far to the northeast and The town begsn today to remove similar to that in the Pacific pacta wa Uaued a wi'ming on fanure” t o ! Ph‘MP^Doo««y home of. Mra. David Walker. ter,^ Miaa Edna Pettengill, formerly lar Vietminh divisions also have “We realize that these activities — u-...... onatrated contact printing for winners of the Men'a -Bowling FOR north of Hanot, blasting out big been reinforced during the past two curba and walks in the underpsai whicji the United States has al­ grant half the highway aa a reault i membera during the program /The following officers were of thla town and now of d e a r- not only threaten those involved, ready negotiated, -Whereby an a t­ League, will start tonight at 7:30. NOW! ON-LY sections of the main highways over weeks by thousands of guerrilla section of Hilliard Street and but also endanger the peace and of a 3-vehicle accident in front of feature. Several good printa elected: President.. Mrs. Richard' water, Fla,, are visiting frienda which Red China sends thousands tack upon the territory of one of Fuller; vice preaident. Mrs. Har­ here. fighters and regional troops, in pre­ traffic was detoured by way of security of the entire area of the Bolton Lake Hotel yeaterday' were made. It la expected that Etoch team will bowl twice against ( 5 for S2) MAGMOLIAS paration for another major effort Woodland Street and 'a combina­ the parties would cause the others old Taylor; secretary, Mra. Wil­ southeast Asia and the western to take action according to their ^ talk on exposure metera and each other; the highest total ptn- WITH THIS AD to overrun the French before the tion df Regent Street and an un­ j liam H. kliner; treasurer; Mra. Manchester Evening Herald .. G*rgMNis Mulri«Cetor Pacific, where our two nations respective constitutional proded- John Bogardua, 51, of Eaat their uae will be the auhject of fall to determine the league cham­ Anthony D'rocle, big power conference In Geneva named road. and other friendly and Allied na­ Street, Hebron, received the w arn-' the next meeting. •Marlborough eorreapondeut M ra,f lloM s.ln Your Yard April 28 takes lip discussion of the urea. pion. - The Executive COirnmittee in­ Regent Street runs off Hilliard tions have vital interests. The source said that, in line with ing after hia attempt to enter the Attends OOP Meeting Howard Lord, telefibone E . Hamp­ I Indochina war. Street and joiha an un-named high­ hotel driveway reaulted in a craah The playoff schedule follows; cludes: Mrs. Nelson Fries, Mra. l i i y N o w ! RUMMAGE "Accordingly, we are reedy to Dulles' recent proposal for a unit­ Mra. Ralph Broil attended a Robert Hutchinson, Mrs. Edward ton 667-J-2. ! The French high command was way which leads out to Woodland take part with the other countriea Involving two pick-up trucka.*Bo- meeting of the Executive Board of tonight. Misfits and Tripp's team; V M. b o Vl a n g e a k A confident the enemy would fail ed front, 10 nations might be ex­ Rankl. Mrs. Guatan Johnson, Jr., Street.' Sheekey had the path from principally concerned in an exam­ gardua, operating a aedan, waa the Tolland Qoiiinty Republican Wednesday, Sportsmen and Tripp's When William Penn founded | again, as. it has in two previous pected to join in the security pact. team and Thursday, Miafits and and Mrs. Ric^hard F iller. Mra. SALE Hilllaid Street to Woodland oiled ination of the poaalbility of eatab> These w’ould incliide the western driving east on Route 44-A when Women’s Club last night at the ^ennaylvsnia. the death penalty big drives during the past >fien Phui Viet Nam’s Wright, 17, of Rockville, who waa lowing order; A Division, Misfits, projects with an eye toward rais­ 200 offenses punished by death in got to work today relocbtihg poles security and freedotn^of southeast Laos, Cambodia and Viet Nam. sponsor a fashion show at the E^igland at that time. , Premlci' Bun Loc disclosed yester­ and revising the. transitions from driving weat. won 70, lost 30; Kut‘a Kiitters ing ihoney and they will meet the Asia and the western Pacific. But he explained that the pact, ranceas Ballroom in Rockville in .. ' ' Harsid Photo*. day 4.^00 Vietnamese w'ere among underground to overhead wiring. The pick-up owned by Mo'riarty May. Cramer's shop in Rockville and Gorman Dynaflows, tied, won MASONIC TEMPLE the defenders. He said 60 per “ It is our hope that the Geneva at least initially, would not extend Robert E. Noren Ktorkel______' » A.M. Several other ftrms will have conference will lead to the restora­ sufficiently far north to include Brothera in Mancheater, hit the win furnish the styles for the 69 and lost 31;^ Shepard’S, won 52, Gorgaoot Everyeee cent of the paratroopers dropped right aide of the aedan and work in the area before the under­ tion of peace in Indochina. We be­ Japan and expressed doubt that it shoW. lost 48; White Star Restaurant, Robert E. Noren and Robert TEM PLE CHAPTER NO. SS into the fortress for the epic bat­ pass ia replaced by a grade crosa- bounced off it-into the other pick­ Personal Mention won 49, lost 51; McLaughlin Build- Mancheater''xCountry duh golf tle were from* his state's young lieve that the proapect of establish­ would include Formosa. He said, Starkel head the Junior Chamber CLEANING AND INSTALLING RHODODENDRONS ing a unity of defensive purpose however, that it would be open to up truck operated by Charlea C. Dr. 'and Mra. Carl Conrad of era, won 44( lost 56; Wildcats, course. Order of the Eastern Star army. '"*■ y ■ Heckler, 52. of Coventry, who hifd Boston were weekend gueata of of Commerce first annual May We save money when wo oMI bg Buu Loc’a announcement indi­ throughout southeast Asia and in Burpia and Indonesia.and disclosed won 30, lost 70.' been following Bogardua. Mr. and Mra. Philip Dooley of Wgt- Day Dance to be held May 1 at the From the mind Of the peaaimiat SEPTIC TANKS and CESSPOOLS mall! That’s how wo cau ottor cated that about half the Dien the western P fclfic will" contribute that Dulles has already made an B Division, Sportsmen, won 77, these magalftreut. tap fuaHty to an honorable peace In ' Indo­ approach to Indonesia in 'Washing­ There were no pasaengera in any rous Rd. Mrs. Cbnrad Is a alater of comes the thought that If some­ Bien Phu garrison are Viet­ '‘of the cars and no injuriea were lost 23; Patria's Greenhouse, won Stale Armory on Main Street. ~ A oompteto organisation of TRAINED SEWAGE SPEClAUSTS Rhododendron shraba a t Um china.'' ton. Mra. Dooley. thing isn't wrong It Ish't right. naiag the moat modem equlpoient and machlBcry—RESULT:''A namese. U. S. Urges reported by the driven). The pick­ f 55, loat 45; South Windsor Tobac­ Tickets, sale of which ia limited \ believable prire of only 2 tor 81 to The American official expressed Coming Events BETTEK Job at a LOWER PRICE. *2 5 The French., have never said how up truck operated by Wright waa The Board of Educatiori will co Farms, won 54, lost 46; tie to 355, may be purchased from any j or 5 for 82. In Kpring you*R ' Sold Only By Mail many troops were Inside the the opinion that the joint state­ towed from the acehe with exten- between Catholic War Vets and .Junior Chamber member. Reserva- j thrilled by vaarndeo of cotortal \ hold its regular meeting at the At Sensational Savings fortress.. Buu Loc said the de­ ment "was very clearly a commit­ aive front end damage. The Bo- Elementary School tonight at 8. St. Francis Men'a Club, won -51, tions may be made with Mike | o Sump pumps Installed to THIS IS WHY blooms. U m gloaay gtain.JaB* *500 fenders were outnumbered 5 to 1. Arabs, Jews ment by Britain to aaaociate with lost 49; Hi Way Service, won 50: Quish, Paul Brookman, or Samuel remove water from your age turns your honse lata PlMt this hardy gardus car was also badly dam­ The annual meeting of PTA will WASHER . . . more people caO T § ##jp..M orchandiit Earlier unofficial estimates had a Southeaat Asia Security Pact.’’ aged involving the right front be held at the school tomorrow lost 50; Mystery Men, won 44, loat J. Turkington, Jr. The danca ia a celUr. showplare all year 'romid. Tan yeuBf MacaoUa la put the ratio at 4 to 1, with 40,000 “The precise nature of the col­ 56; The Hill, won 13. lost 87. Jaycee social event and a fund­ • New underground' water M -Kinney Bron. yofir yard and nee fender and both right doors. Heck- night at 8. get hardy young 1-2 ft. ■ .OvtrdiM bills Vietminh attacking. E n d Strife lective defense arrangement has ler'a truck sustained damages to 6 I. ■ C Division, Dave Tripp's team raising affair to bolster the Junior REPAIRS lines Inatalled. (1> Prompt Senrice Ideal for landaeaptag. Chaleo tt hnrat Into thrill- Buu Loc yesterday ordered his n*B Dallry won 58 and lost 42; Buimham and Chamber treasury for civic activi­ V New ‘rootproof” sewer color asaortmeat. Yon NNiot to tai( Meomt Flowerf not yet been determined,” the of­ Jnha Wajra* the left side Involving the door, Manchester Evening Herald Bol­ (2) Quality Work T » M ddf fmargdncy nation's first total mobilization of ficial added. “Kid From Rose, won 55 and lost 45; Burn­ ties. Prompt, Eeonomicol Horn Installed. turn this ad to rlahh the ••■•a' More , It leaves. Each "HONDO” body and rear fender. ton correspondent, Mra. Joaeph ' (.1) Reasonable Prices men 21 to 25 since the Indochina (Contlnned from Fags One) "He said the next step on the Left rirld” - Grange Jamboree Slated. D'ltalla, telephone Mitchell 8-5545. ham's Service, won 53, lost 47; Among the activities which the • Plhgged sewer lines clean- tionsl low nudl-order piieo. Or­ Braachea thick with (<% for $S) Money noetfs. . . decfer, war started more than seven years Tech. a ; l l S:Sa-t;U. newly-formed organisation of GudroRtoad edI eKcienctrlcally. (orgeene bloaaoma plan would take the form of con­ •. The Grange has just completed Legion No. 1, won 51, lost 49; Le­ ■ESAFE . . . IE SURE der 8 today! h o tp ita l. . .a n d ago The order becomes effective The American objective during hn advance sale of tickets for a gion No. 2, won 40, lost 60; Burn­ young men has undertaken are . .parple-plak on the outside, sultations between Dulles and Wed.! * Trrkiilrolnr Hil«! "Ill* KrUse Nurserlea. Dept. 1881F dmllar M lt. May 15, the U. N. debate will be limited French officials In Paris and with Jm b o ree at the Community Hall ham’s Acres, won 39, lost 61; co-aponaorahip of the Easter egg WriRgar-ltolb Raplocod iiljto|l white Inside. Distinctive HaJetijr O'Keefr'’ pin* "Bed Lee Slays Aloof hunt April 17, a drive for voluntary Bloomingtoa, IN. fraaratoee. Choice 3-4 ft. stork, to “bringing about such coopera­ other interested nations in Wash­ (i*Hrr>*‘ on May .6- P** Menard and Timothy Edwards, ' won > 30 and a)**»» * * **»)■*■( that tm rayr **«4»»to*I tion and to diacoveiing means to cooperatioir in remoywig undesir­ c ready fof traasplantina NOWt ington. ;> the ‘trail Herders will be pre­ lost 70. Call M KINNEY RROS. □ 2 for 81 O » far •• AfHGOfll AmOGHf #1 Monthly 0 Gymanitfor strengthen the armistice control sented'(n an hour show and pro­ Masons Hold Meeting able comic/.books from local Order 3 Madaollaa tor best bar­ •flOAH UMO. 15 MO. 20 mo. The official said the present Of Democrat Unit stands, tentative plana for a pops Potfrerfon's \ S EW A ^ DISPOSAL COMPANY Print Name .... » • e e e • • • Autom otiaJIflfasliBr machinery of the United Nations,” situation ill Indochina was reason gram of square and modern danc­ Evergreen Lodge. A F A AM met gain. SEND ^ MONEY. Pay S M 3 3.M concert here, and co-sponsorship ISO Center St^ Cor. at Church TEL. Mitchellell 8-58M\l-IS0-IS2 PEARL ST., MANCHESTER AddrCoo ...... •eaeoeehh Sestman only special low mail­ 1M lt.M 3 Alt o.ra Suydam added. ing. ^ Monday night at Masonic Temple. MO 7V.77 14.U 10.15 Suydam did not spell out how Mrs. Dqrtald Tedford, chairman New Haven, April 13 (AV-Mayor of the Manchester Open at the order price plus C.OJO.. postal 3*.S4 M.0f A social hour fpllowed Tha busi­ MO 47.41 REPAIRING the government should renounce /. of the Ho’md'jEconomics Commit­ Richard C. Lee says he doesn’t in­ duurea. We pay postaae on Tiwto bcIm^ dI«b •< iBCliMlt fill cbfirf^t. ness session ahd Johtr 'Jones prdpald orders. Sstlsraction TtefOto bfifiW oa Moaihlj ffiriBfinia. AIC-O.MATIC force, but presumably thl* could tee which is aponsoring the show, tend to join a proposed organiza­ showed films. is In charge of'tjcket sales. Mem­ guaranteed or money back. MAYTAG be done through public declara­ tion of Connecticut Democratic To Attend 8er\’lces ^ ■ /X THiPHONF • WRITE,* sr VISIT tion. r OPIVL IN IHEAIRL 1 bers of her committee Include Mrs. mayors because he does not want The officers of the Ladies' Aid FREE! Order today—get spec­ ILACKSTONE Arthur , Plnjiey, Mias Grace 'fed- Suydam spoke out after the U. ill"! to be allied with any ' "powrer Society have canceled plana foV tacular Red Bark Flowering HOTFOINT N. Security Council wrangled for ford, M rs.^ azel Ftoyd, Edward groups” The organization has a Good Friday Service. Instead, Dogwood absolutely free! four hours yesterday in an unsuc­ DeDos.ser, \Mrs. Peter, Massolinl. been proposed by former U. 3. the members are urged to attend ALSO Mt^s. Mildred Judgatz, John Mas- 'FINANCE C O ., INC. DRYERS AND ALL cessful attempt to decide whether Now Showily thru Thiirs. Rep. John A. McGuire, now bor­ the Maundy Thursday evening Kruse Nurseries, Dept. 189tt, fUMAmtnin • • smtonM# aolini and Bnice G. Ron6on. MANCHUttt • tiMM, SlITCMIll S-«I«S WRINGER WASiHERS to Consider Arab complaints ough warden of Wallingford, who service, which will be held at the Bloomington, Illinois. against larael, or vies versa or> The Trail Herders, a ri'oup of Robert "Teylor-Elalne Stewart says mayors and selectmen should church Thursday evening at 8. Print Name I. bdoeeeeooeeeeod Opea lf*a., Ta'a*. Wed.. F ri S:M I* ABC SERVICE CO. both. five,” cowboys.” are heard Weekl.y have more of a say in the lineup There will be celebration of the S:M aad Tbara. t i f * t« I. C'I**M Sal. At United Nations, N. T.. U. N. on radio station WKNB from New (if the State Democratic ticket in Lord's Supper. Address toeroeooeeoeeoeoes'ood I-aaa« mad* I* r**ldeaU af all aparby 21 Mpple SL—TeL M1-F-1S15 Britain. The.v are also billed , as taw a* delegates sought today to com­ the fall. promise an Aral^West impaaae having toured with such famous ' Lee says, however, he has not ManclMster Evening Herald WE LEADING colleagues as Roy Rogers and so that the Security Council could QUO VADIS attended either of the two meetings Wapping rorreapondeni, Mrs. An­ get on with debate on the dyna- Gene Autry. of the organizing group because of In technicolor mlte-paCked Palestine issue.' 4-H -Supper Meeting Held previous commitments. Besides nie Colllna, lelephofM ML 34419. /• One complete show at 7:0d United Methodiat Church wa.s MCGuire. leaders in the group are The Arabs, after two fruitless ii'iiHiil!: council meetings, atill demanded the scene of r supper rteetiug last Mayor John L Sullivan of New that the 11-nation ^otip give night for 4-H Club leaders, arrang­ Britain, Mayor William T, Carroll P r o o f ! priority to Lebanon's complaint ed by Tolland County Club leaders of Torrington, and Mayor James STARTS WED. that laraell' forces attacked the SHriey We(k and Albert D. Gray, P. Caa«y of Bristol. Rich, Fertile Jordan village of Nahslln March “RED GARTERS” The local senior sewing cUib. the TEUVISION (Tlever Cutters, was host to t the BOARD N R NEW MERGUmr! 28 and killed nine Arabs. "ALASKA SEAS” CAN LMW.,RED8 FAIRLY MANC-HESTER supper, llie meeting waa arra;>ged / The United States, Britain and LOAM “MasA. France at the council meeting yes­ to acquaint lea(iera with each other New Haven. April 13 t8P)—U. 3. New 16l^qrsepower Mercury with ball-joint front wheel suspeh^ion terday again insisted that Leban­ Dm.v/e - 9^v and with the 4-H program. Pro­ Rep. Dodd (tj-Conn) aaya thia Delivered from Ogden's Corner, B o ltO n Nleted fndi- He iVamed on a television broad- yd. Must be a full 8 yd. load. along all the frontiers between ON OUR OIANT SCREEN! l i i l i l i l l vi.dual, , records .. books, . discussion . cast last night iWNkC-TV) that 81.35 yd. landed and truck your­ , In HirlUlBg Cinemascope of coming events and practice o , ^^e fight IN MClTQIi GAR Israeli and her Arab adversaries eff' self. the 1948 Psiestine war.. With Stetieophonlc Sound! some of the songs four ,I in the 4-H against Communism_____ iJ Z .. could...... cause* ...ua Songbook. The Soviet Union's Andrei' Y. "RENEATH THE GREGORY PECK to throw away constitutional free Local leadrrs wt o attended in, Coll Ownar JA-8.0271 Viahinsky, council president for . 12 MILE REEF'* AUDREY HEPBURN If you'rt looking for a dorna and liberties. April, backed Lebanese delegate eluded: Mrs.' Ralph Strickland and V A L U E l (In color) Mrs. Philip Dooley of the Cleyer- Charles Malik yea rda.V. He said k William Wyler’s Hi«F. outfit, wo sfock t - lumping together the Arab and ' Robert Wagner-Terry Moore Cutlers; Mrs. Fi'snk Paggloli.local SHOWN AT 7:00-8:40 MOCUCTION OF Farri Bureau director and/loader Israeli complaints waa neither “ex­ two of Hio finost—^Wob-"^ pedient’’ npr “neceaasry'' and that Plus: Selected Cinemascope of the Shepherds and H ;^sm an [ ft Shorto 6:80-8:55 i\ ,\\V\V C?lub and Mrs. My^on Lee. leader i it would "lead to further com­ plications.'' “ w e d .: 2^DAYS ONXY—3~ cor and HoilieroftOrs. of the Thimble-Ptishers. Junior | 1^ . For this 6-Cylinder' "QUO VADIS” In technicolor leaders preaint iKClcded Beverly y jo m ■The council recessed until A FaFOMOtiM Ftetort Tuttle, Stewart McDonough and Thursday afternoon while dele­ 277 IROAD Joseph Paggioll. Family Sedan! gates sought a w'av out o^ the con­ Plus Slid Prize Winning HU MI-9-1124 flict. Patricia 2 rickland. 3(!zanne : lAI! S'ikil SXOH-' S*Tt5u»< 10 "STALAG 17" Reneker, Susan Shearer, Andrea I Hsrs*t the sensational new Nash Rambler sedan— Brazil's Hugo Gouthier put for­ TELEVISION SALES and TULIPS, HYACINTHS, LILIES, William Holden RADIO SERVICE Paggioll and Dail Converse, all i "H OT'AS STRAIGHT “ 1B1-HR PUSH, BUT DRIPINKS "THIS CAR IS A KNOCKOUTI "EXaPT FOR UNCOIN-THERB IS lowest-priced of all! Stunningly beautiful. . . amaz­ ward one compromise proposal at Clever-Culters, were also in at- ■ yeaterday'B. meeting. He recom­ TABASCO ON-THE-ROCKS** NO MORE OAS THAN BEFCEFORT . . . AND REAL EASY TO DRIVE'! PR O BA X Y NOT A SINGLE PAS- ingly economical—up to 30 miles a gallon. Available tendance aa hostesses. mended that..the council hold the STARTS WED. Ckaa**l a lUrmerIr •) Sew ^ Havea, SENGER CAR ENGINE THAT CAN 'with Reclining Seats, Hydra-Matic Drivel All 1954 iSSlVTHE (iOLOBERliS iMnsmen Heek New Nriim DAFFODILS, GERANIUMS Tern AfeCoM/ mkhamx riustIiatw Wdbur Shew popiaaa k iin c i monthiK Wall Woran-Don MaeDoaoU *f*etofy OtliirtrAR Fnc* it MmsAa. Wiie. general debate that the West L'«*a. " (SSI TO BE ANNOr.M Ell Capiera Club members revived suit and IocaI Um. if tBy. titrt. wants, but with the delegates free Ckaa**l M Sew BrUal*, C**a. M070R laiNO COME UP TO ITS STANDARD*! Nash prices are as much as S2l0 lower! ('haa*cl U Helyskr, H *». CARTTBEO—('hrrirr Morris the pereiutial issue of flnd)ng a 'T h e place « here Mercury really shines "Three years ago a Mercury engineer ■\ to refer in it to any of the specific ('kaa**l U Waterbary, C*a*. , 4:»4 (M) ALL STAB THEATER (SI) PANTO.MIME OITZ more distinctive name for the club : this year, aside from its speed-nver-tbe- told us that the men in his department 'Y o u ’ll like the 1954”Mercury, if you Griff Bafpoaea CAIS ROLAND MOTORS, INC.— 3A9 CBnttr St.. ManchastBr— Ml-3-4079 Arab and laraeli. complaints, and fl¥PiftSO J¥ Cbaaa^ Sl Hprl*aheld. Me**. Mlkto Stokpy at its meeting last night: They FUCHSIAS, Etc. \ ^ with the council taking no action KKI» SKELTON SHOW AND UP ground performance, is in its handling would never l)e satisfied until they de­ like 'p^wer that'll make you sit back in iSCTTTWRitWRI »:•» ( ») TLAYHOrSE OF STARS — are reported to be tackling the ] against any nation until after the ■s i;a t (A) ANIMAL TIMK y. whole debate. Wondrrftir problem in apparent earnestness [ and roadability . . . what a difference signed an engine that ate up a lot less your St’s! when you stomp the throttle. "The intake manifold (Ml the new • A) BAB M WKHTEBN THEA- 4:44 ( a-SSi MEET MILLIE, Marrbia and discussed the possibility ot /■ The United States, Britain and TKB—' l.lchtninc Raidrr* ' .El-n* VrrdiiBo. 4'lnr«nc WBSfBBN fLAVU U II S E .. iMarvIn Kaplao arranging an Informal contest to - France approved this. Malik, (Sl) L'NCLK E P’S r i ’N CLl'B j "The guy who buys a ’54 Merc will on the production line. Well, they've ii)crea.se in\prsrpower (now 161) the engineering highlights. No other manu­ pressing for an early council cen­ (S3) .MAKE wxpap.ra BtKI.M POEri» DADDY give impetus to the project. . —Kd Hatch —DAimy Thomnn , A letter from Kodak,, answering { TdURNAUD'S l)e gelling a really new car, not a done it! added acceleration for passing is facturer has produced such a logically sure of Israel, said he would not itu ( a> AOVKNTrBKs ttr h l in k v (41) I MARRIED JOA.N accept a general debate unless the t;M < S4 H HOWDV ItOODV TIME -Joan Davis and ■Jim a question raised at a recent meet- i 1.11 LAKE STREET TEL. MI-3-7662 warmed-over old onit. Some of Merc’s "W hen I drove the car on fhe ever- enough. correct version. i :U CISCO KID OLD LKIflUH COAL after sunset, and rarely, at slin- 4 c-Dunc«n Renaldn riae. In discussion b.v 8 of. the 11 coun­ 4:11 (M) THE EABLY SHOW— SHELL FUEL OIL cil .members, one more than the ■ Jad). Mark ' The club is also formulating DEWEY-RICHMAN .fast j o l l y g e n e With Amazing FOA-5x plana for two contests to run ,'V-' majority necessary. ■ (SSI WKATHEBMAN-Bill. Martin FOR CLEAN HEAT SAVINGS&LOAN But Vishinaky as council presi­ through summer and fall. One, d;-* (SSI SPOBTK—Rill Krannc- dent could try to' stall a decision • :M ( I) srOBTSettPE — Svd Jaffrr for the beat 8x10 inch black and until he gives up the post a t the. (SZ-SS) DEADLINE EDITION' — 4:1# < 4) SI SPENSK "Operation Bar- .'ANNOUNCES! Fred Da'yrr rarudA" end of the month. There also • (•!) NPOBTS-^rrrv Hralv have been persistent repoHs that MANjFIELD$ ^ 4:44 ( 4) WEATHEB POBECAhT ENCOURAQES HOME-OWNERSHIF • • (t- W * IS! Malik would boycott the council <«) SCIENCE REVIEW debate If he were overridden. (€1) CITY DETECTIVE Connecticut’s Finest 14:44 ( 441) JL'DCE FOB. VOl'RSELF , Arab sources in Jerusalem said DAVIS BAKERY “ Fred Allen, host, E x c i s e T a x last week he would. He would not Drive-In Theater. ,roiu j IIANCKft LOANS comment on the report then and SPECIALIZINO IN I "Roart Happv’' , made no such threat yesterday. . New! Different! •• I MNLI(plir MOVIRS IEM rIOV Scotoli'lrisItoEngllsh 14:M i a) PI?LTON LEWIS, JR.. Nt*s c u t - •nd Hi* rteord shews that m art I romm^nlarv e Giant Screen PASTRIES and _ (14) SEE IT NOW — Edward R. ■ T H E ENid y n e f ^ h o f n c b u y « r s And Soroptimists Name ■AKED GOODS • Park-Like Setting Wedding-Party Cakea - Murrow c o m e IN 1 ^ AND BUY YOUR keniB fiRancInq pltosant to ar- Regional, Delegates • LgrReet, Finest '' CALL MK3-8386 < (SJ) NEWS A.ND WEATHER • .tCM (41) STORY THEATER Shacketeria COlUUli 518 Main St.— At the Center ;I4:tt ( 4) THE LITTLE THEATER ranga at 1007 Main StrM t. w; B IG 4 Mra. Clinton Hendrickson and 11:44 < 4) ROBERT MONTGOMERY PRESENTS: "Por Those ^ternalional Ster/ina Mr4. William Taylor were elected • Quality Foods " 4:tJ < 4) THE NEWS TODAY Services'' A t H ia m o I ' anuiM ANTIC (SS) AREA NEW'.S—SPORTS (34) NEWS—Pete Stoner delegates to' the 27th conference • Firat Run and (SS) LOCAL NEWS—Prad Uwvrr (41) PINAL EDITION—Ray Drury I. NATIONWIOI CCniTI Good of of the Soroptimlat International ON NORWICH-SPKINGFIELD ROAD (40 VIUtTKRUAV-S NEWSREEL 800 A T N E W 4;SS (U) CBISADEB RABBIT 11:14,(Ct) WEATHER-John Quill evor affi/t'alMf odleas. Aaan., New England region, at the Finest Films “^lAT Jt’XCnoX ROITTES 32 and 81 11:U (Stl-THE LATE SHOW— t . raiiNOiY fA*r in v ic ii room - Sheraton-Biltrtiore Hotel, Provi­ WILLLMAXTIC ” 7:44 ( 4) SC PERM AN ■'■'Identity Unknown” . ployfd mtn and women. ' dence, April 24 and 25. Paat Presi­ (SS) CAPTAIN VIDPJI' (S») NIGHTCAP EDITION ■ i Rring your facts and Ngurot to us for di ceiifidBntlal discussion on (SS) VOC ANU YOl'B HEALTH —Pred Dwyer 8. CUSTOM-rimO IOANSI Loan dent Mrs. Elizabeth Uhert will ac, (411 NEWS DIC8R <4I> ELEVENra HOUR MOVIE adiuitad to need* and ineomo. company, them. Early Sunday, —Mark Pelnbera 11:74 (U) PREVCES A. fINOU-VimiOANSiPlionafirtf. • n y p h c M p f hema-ewn«rthip. Loon hor* Is rofsold in several of ^ e other local members GALA OPENING 7:14 (Cl) WEATHtlRMAN-John Quill 17:44 ( i) news' .* OEmployod man and woman — will motor to Providence for the 7:U (IS) JORN DALV-Nawa rtnt>IHit monthly InstoHmafitt oftor a roosenablc dewn^poymant^ ISS) .MABOE AND JEPP married or tingle — phone, write, meetings thit day. (41) MIOHUGHT8 Tamerraw's Dayllto* Hlaklltkle or come in today. i ' The club has revived and ac­ THURS., APRIL 1$ 7:tt (44) WEATaRBVANE-€aT*ll Jo^ I4:ia I :» ((U) 41 STRIKEROBERT IT Q. RICH LEWIS SHOW cepted an Invitation from Supt. b*rt 7:M t 4) INH'RLE OR NOTMINO K H B Pidi Vasr Bmi PMMSts , .Your SAVINGS and LOAN cb-oporatos with buildars and ro to rs. V'illtam P. sipver'for dinner and a < 4V IT'S A PLPJUCRE ■liiilUfi It M*. riH 3tM*.nM tour of the tiembriat Hospital on ) IIOCOLA8 EDWARDS KEITH'S VARIETY MOO t 8.38 > 6.72 Monday, April 38. Thia courteay. THE NEWS OQ BUSINESS HOURS men'a service clubs In town. 7:U ( 441) NRWB CARAVAN -oTohn t A0#«b my***!* avaryHiiaf 1 President Ruth J. Spencer ap­ Cameron Swayze ' DEPOT SQUARE A !••• •> .5106 CMlf 520.OO. whoa _TAKE A TRIAL DRIVE IN A MERCURY AND SEE FOR YOURSELF Opes Dntly t« S P. M. 14444) JO STAPPORD SHOW T gepmprtr toGOiO ia 12 coafiototito Thnradsys t A. M. ts 8 P. M. pointed the following committee (43) YOr CAN DO IT TOO Daily 6:60 to 8:66 pun. •oatlilf i06to(lii»Gaii p4 H9..PSotti. Wednesdsya t A. M. to 12 Noon to present a alate of officers, for 4:44 ( 341) BOB HOPE ftilOW— Jack “R wH Sum. fi:S0 to fi:86 pun. the coming ' ys*r: Mra. Alica Satnrdaya 8 A. M. to, 12 Neo- Beany - Rosemary Clooney D*a1 aU»* lb* Mg M*«i*i*o hlg, ClLJilpet, Mra. Elizabeth Uberi ■TOAST o r T il ItWH*' and Mrs. Justine Scher. JTA Salllia*. SobAs * *,*aiag^ 828 to >860 It pays to own America's fastest growing car mERcuRr ' ami. MoH*a WRKC-XV, Plans for the installation ban­ ChAAMl 8. quet and a June feta were , dla- GORMAN MOTOR SALES, Inc. cuaaed but no dates or places de­ \ cided upon. The meeting w m held i n m - u w ■ V I .jest evening at the home of Mm. BUICK Hendrickson,' . ’aaiiuB-iiitug 285 MAIN ST. PHONE MI-2-4571 \ / MORIARTY BROTHERS, Inc. ^ A Kentucky women, on reach­ AiBaowinaMraM'fcnfii' awSFiof. oaayijfyfw yfy* Savings I Laai jiniicianto-1007 Main SL DDItchoN 3-4U8 • M anchaittr I- ■* * '* V \ - i ■' ' * ' • J- \ • ______• . V ing 105, advised friends; "Never /to^tiwVKSMANaaor DEWEY. 301-315 CENTER STREETMANCHESTER worry!" The ahoirteat auggaation -Children Under lif-l^ree — RoxjQlfficC Opcffl 6 p. M. | OMN THUtSOAV fVININCS UNTIl 8 767 MAIN STREET ... wc'vp heard fo r,B lon g -life.. Advertise,ik The Herald— It Fay* , , ,V N'CHESTER t -/ . - • ' - , . - toV e a r n * \ ^(V, . I ' •A '.'V /■ ■' /


Whitoii Memorial Goveiltry Vegetable Events Cambridge, Maas., Mrs. Julia Wol­ Saul Silverstein Reports , Textile Walkout Six Escape Injury cott, 25, of Boston, and Mrs. Helen Has '^Fislt'Exhibit To Offer $10,000 EASTER CARDS Henderooh, 33, of Cambridge., \ UCon 'n Professor to Speak Spreads in Area In Miracle Crash Mass., and their children. Relgians/ Make Progress The InvMtlgatlon waa made by NOTICE Frederick A. Sweet, 32 North Storra, April 13 (Special)—Oon- State Troopers Stanley Naaiatka, School St., lias arranged a timely hecUevt youngsters arg eligible to h a l l m a r k tCouttBucd from Pag* Om) Willington. April 13 (Special)— Jr., Robert . Lutz and Rondal 8. Stlvantain. prMld«nt of | On A d olescen ce Problem compete for more than $10,000 in The driver and hia five passengers, Flushing of tho wotor mains of tfio Town of Mon- exhibit at the Whiton Memorial M'hen Tou Care Enough to Rend the Very Best Jacobaon. • R o ft n Coip., w»M> returned Fridey Announces Services awards being offered In four con- Water\-lllc. Maine—Alno 'ITVUA- including children aged three and ''A Library, 85 North Main St'., in COMPLETE 8ELECTIO.V from hte third trtp to Belgium in "reservations will be accepted ti teots sponsored by the National CIO; normal work force 450 but 11 months, miraculously escaped chosfor Wotor Dopoitmont bogon Apri^ 4. 1954. view of the beginning of the fish­ Coventry, April 13 (Special EX-LE4HSLATOR DIF-S behalf of the United Statee gov- Dr. Ralph G. Eckert, professor j night” H Junior Vegetable Growers' Asan. only 50 currently employed. without injury w'tien the car' in \ Any boy or girl between the ages which they were traveling east on •rament'a efforu to aid the recov­ ing season, (jood Friday, It con­ and head of the Department of 4rH ClDb Meeting Bet Plant rloaed, Hushing wifl continuo Tuosdoys through Fridays un­ oE14 and 22 may compete in the DEWEY-RICHMAN Rochester, N. H.—Unorganized, Route 15 here at 6:20 this morning Fails Village. , April 13 (A5 ery of Weatem Eur<^e, eatd today sists, of a colorful display of trout Family Development at UCOnn. ; The Good Harvesters 4-H Club Tomas James Baftle, 88. a former flies, displayed in a case in the will speak on "Understanding meeting tomorrow night will be at contests, states Owen S. Trask, 787 MAIN 8T, Normal work force 245. only 18 crashed into the rear of a trailer tha Balciana have been making Agriwltural Extension hort'cul- truck and was demolished after it State repre.xentatlve from this til complotod. “ trameddouB progreas” aince hia lobby, and ia attracting the atten­ Adolescence," at the Robertson, the home of John Motycka Instead crossed picket lines. Plant Su­ turl8t,\Unlverslty of Connecticut. perintendent Ezra McEwen says turned over several times. The car town, died yesterday at hia* home ' F. E. THRALL. A ss't. Supt. InlUal viaitin 19S2. tion of men and boys who enjoy School May 3 at 7:45 p. m. of the Wayne Clay home. here after a long illnes.s. Funeral; the pastime. Tlte talk, sponsored by the ^ He adddd that complete informa­ mill shut down. ' ' finally* came to a stop on the high­ Silverstein headed a five-man Engagement Aanouneed services will be held Wedneada.v Tomorrow afternoon. Den Moth­ Board of Education and the school tion and application blanka on the Moosup, Conn. —Unorganized. way eaplanade. ^ team of United States bustnemmen Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Jor­ various coMests esn be obtained State Police from Stafford Bar­ with biudal in Salisbury Cemetery. vrhoee aim waa to increase the Bel­ er Mrs. Elizabeth Norris. 213 Hilr faculty, should be of special In­ dan have, announced the engage­ Normal, wfirk force 150, with 148 liard St., and her Cub Scouts have terest to parents of Junior High from county 4-H club agents, voca­ joining "sympathy walkout.” racks said the driver of the car, He leaves two brotliers, William gian awnarensaa of the need for im­ ment of their daughter, Marilyn tional agriculture instructors, or Herbert N. Butcher. 27. of Balti­ A. of Waahingloiv t>. C., and proved marketing techniques. The received permission to visit the age pupils, Principal Royal - Joan, to -Pfc. Allan R. Ward, son Plant closed. Union says strik­ museum room on the second floor Fisher said. by writing to him at the Univer­ ers voted to join TWUA-CIO. more, fell asleep while . driving. Francis C. of Lakeville. progress waa Indicated, Siiveratein of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L, Ward sity- Butcher and his jia.seengers were said, by the "many exampiea of of the library and view the ex­ The principal said he has had of Tolland. No date has been Wyandotte’s fifth plant, the r«' , ' ■ - ■ / tensive collection of arrowheads numerous requects from parents Contest classes in0|^e vegetable ' cently purchased Blisckington mill heading toward B4 cents off fringe ben­ p. m. During the months of July bership Committee, Mrs. John gram, 10:30 i.m . at the Robert-' T h^ newly elected officers of disclosed today that he is sched­ son School; Fragment Society, all; efits. Rev. Stephen 8. Stryjewski. and August, the library closes at Schmidt; Refreshment Committee. When Wyandotte announced th# Manchester Lodge of Elks, No. uled to go to Turkey in Septemter. Mrs. Carl HicI'.Ing and Ways and day at the Church Community; We Save You hloney Beautiful Easter Music The Turkish junket, as those. to rector of St. John's Polish Nation­ noon on Saturdays. cut. it reported losing $300,0000 18'93, will be installed tomorrow f; J Means Committee, Mrs. Aaro A. House; Ladles' Assn., all day start- i in the first 19.54 quarter. The Leev Cost 2nd MortjiaKe Belgium, will be sponsored by the al Catholic Church, 23 Gplway St., Ing at 11 a.m.. Vestry of First’ night at the American Legion Uiir Council for International Progress Aho. CaUed for and delivered company said it could not contin­ L‘ FROM OUR LARGE SELECTION \ announces the following services Meetings, will be held the sec­ Conipogational Church; Brownie i promptly at no extra ue to operate in Pittsfield and Home. 'Those to be installed in­ in Management, Inc., in conjunc­ Angus Macdoiialfl Troop 89, after school at the home | clude: (from left to right) Ed­ LOANS Monehostor WoHpopor tion with the Foreign Operations for Holy Week: ond Friday of each month at 8 charge. Waterville unless the workers took NO BROKERAGE FEES— p; m. at the North District Fire­ of Mrs. Henry A.' Bay. | the cut and agreed to an increased ward Serrell, esteemed loyal and Point Compony Administration, successor to Mu­ Lenten 'devotions Wednesday at knight; Edward Edgar, esquire; We Offer Big Savings • THE PALMS Passes in Halifax house. The auxiliary sad they aim work load. tual Security. T p. m. to consist of chanting of Maneheater Evening Herald John Lyons, chaplain: George D. E. FRECHETTE, Prop. Silverstein said the Turkey visit to help the firemen financially. Meanwhile, at Sanford. Maine, 4.5 R.P.M. The Voices of Walter Schumann the traditional Lenten lamenta­ There were 18 additional members Coventry eorrespondent, Mrs. PINE PHARMACY THE HAND OF English, esteemed leading knight; CHARLES HERSHMAN will last four weeks and cover five tions. AFL workers voted to reopen 349 Broad St„ Tel. 50-9-8581 (Contlnned from Pag* Oae) to join the Auxiliary at the meet­ Chariee 4-. Little, telepkone Pil­ CALL MI-9.9814 negotiations with Goodnll-SanfOlrd.' Walter N. Gruaha. secretary; MORTGAGE CO. cities. He will be a member of a Thursday, Mass will be sung at ing. They will be Included as char­ grim 2-4tSl. Charles Lathrop, exalted ruler; . OPEN EVERY EVENING management team, the first one 8 a. m., followed by the procession ships, including the first Canadian FRIENDSHIP Inc., a fabrics manufacturer, over Everett Moorie, •reasurer; Joaepli PriOHE CH-6.6863 UNTIL 8 • CHRIST THE LORD IS RISEN TODAY ter members. the amount of a pay cut. Negotla- of its type to visit Turkey. of the Blessed Sacrament to the aircraft carriers. Lions Club to Meet Biasonette, inner-guard; James W. Nine Ehropean countries have tlnns broke down last February. 45 R.P..M. The Voices of Walter Schumann repository, in Commemoration of The colorful Gaelic-speaking E. J. McCabe, executive vice McKeough, tyler, s.and Maurice already been visited by these the institution or. this day of the irscdonald returned to his provln- AND SERVICE The company proposed a 16'» Gaudet, esteemed lecturing businiessman teams, and the entry president of the Willlmantic per rent cut in'February. Negotia­ Holy Eucharist, and stripping of ,cial premiership after the wari Chamber of Commerce will speak knight. ’The trustees to ba^ inataU4d into Turkey, Silverstein said, will the altars after vespers in mem­ We feel'we are doing you a friendly service tors for the 3,400 workers rejected Macdonald entered the hospital j on "The Relationship Between Include:■ (from left to' right) • THE LORD'S PRAYER be the first step in a new phase of ory of theipart of the I>ord's gar­ when we advise you for your future protec­ this but made an offer to accept George England, four years; 1 the program which will eventually several days ago for a complete j Willlmantic and Coventry" at the a 9 ', cent cut. The company 45 R.P.M. The Voices of Walter Schumann ments at me crucifixion. rest of at least a week to counter­ Tneeting of the Lion's Club tomor­ tion. \ James McVeJgh, five years; F\ J, include Asia, Africa and South said it found this \maatlafactory. Vichi, three ycari; Harry J. Firato, On Good Friday, at 8 a. m.. Mass act "general fatigue." His condi­ row at 7:45 p.m. at the Cove Res­ EASTER TURKEYS America. of the Presanctified Is scheduled; Like a friend, we are prepared to look after At Norwich. Conn., workers re­ two years, and Otto Herrmann, In Belgium, Siiverstein’s team, tion was blamed on overwork and taurant. turned to their jobs at the U. 8. at 3 p. m„ rehearsal of the boys a cold he contracted while visiting your interests, counsel you. freely and will­ one year. Dr. Harold Nelman, who SACRED HYMNS with ORGAN ani CHIMES which used the seminar technique Bill Schleldge, program chair­ BRIMAR ^ Finlahlng Co. plaijl today, follow­ does not appear in either picture, and ^ rls for the Easter 'rproces- Britain last year, from which he man, reminds members that res­ ingly. You need feel no obligation for such HEN TURKEYS 67c On 3.3 1-3 R.P.M. by Three Sunn to get their ideas across and pro­ sion. At 7 p. m. Good Friday devo­ never completely recovered. ing a brief walkohl which occurred will be installed as organist. mote an ^exchange of thoughts, ervations for the club anniversary Jidvice. at mida^terwoon yesterday. 'The officers will be- installed by tions, with the Passion of Our' Hospital authorities said his banquet on April 24 must be made discussed. marketing p ro b le m s Lord being read by the Rev. Company President John D. James Tanner of Hartford and his d°ath came ‘^lnexpectedly in hl.s prior to April 20. He added Our entire organization stands ready, at all TOM TURKEYS .x Me with some 450 industrialists, both Father Stryjewski. fleep.” Neither his wife nor any of MacKenzle and Walter Powl- suite of officers. Present at the TUES. and THURS. in and out of the seminar classes HOUSE PAINT ceremony will be District Deputy r .S. Holy Saturday, the day on which his four children were at his bed­ times, to offer insurance service for your own chrowaki. president of Local 134, ASK TO SEE OUR SPECIAL! UNTIL 'W P. M. He said they also held special sadness and joy intermingle, the -good, to answer your insurance questions as United Textile Workers Union Lionel Chsrron of Putnam and Ar­ OPEN classes for representatives of shoe side. thur Roy, of Willlmantic, grand black veil of sadness will be lifted His fiery temperament and a friend. (AFL). conriirred in statements 12 to 141B. OVEN READY BIRDS, lb, 60c MON., WED., FRL, SAT. UNTIL 5:30 numufacturers and bankers, who during the Mass which will begin staunch devotion to his Scot.s an­ GALLON— IN 4 GAL. LOTS that the strike waa caused by a lodge officer. asked for them. .10 miaunderstandlng in the operation Preceding the installation, a niversary. About 75 relatives and ried in Wethersfield on April 74, at 7 a: m. at the entrance of the cestry. typical of Nova Scotia's friends from New Milford. Say- 1909. The couple have two children. After completing their work in church where the new fire is Cape Breton highlands, where he $ 4 of seniority rights. testimonial dinner for James Mc­ Veigh, outgoing exalted ruler, will brook, Wethersfield, West Hartford, Miss Emily W. Smith of this town Bel^um. the team spent two days kindled and blessed. The vest­ was born, made Macdonald one of ' The walkout affected mainte­ in Paris, reporting to FOA chiefs, be held at 6 o'clock- The evening's TalcoUvllle, Lebanon and Manches­ and Richard B. Smith of Lebanon, ments will be white and the organ Canada's most colorful political Before Losses Happen nance workers. About 250 workers ter were present. add two grandsons. | Range Hill Turkey Farm including Webster Todd, Euro^an and bells will add their note of figures. He spoke Gaelic, wore hi.v O A fiy are employed at the plant. program will be concluded by an /Resident representative of Harold entertainment. The home waa beautifully decor­ OGDEN'S CORNER ROCKVILtE gladness and triunriph. Following kilt and Glengarry to highland MASTER-V PAINTERS’ LINE ated with spring flowers, and the Stasaen, FOA director. the Mass, Father Stryjewski will festivities, and on one occasion Insure with happen Police over the country are Tel. Rockville .i-.vBT.v Potterton’s Silverstein then went o ff on couple received many lovely gifts: warning on speeding. Nothing (ike , visit the homes by appointment, floored Ramsay MacDonald, then 8t/s/ms of flowers and other items. Re- ■ lAMtk For the Sign on Route S.l to Rockville 1,’tO CENTER ^ E E T — CORNER OF CHURCH sightseeing and ^Sinesa of hi's blessing the Easter’ fo ^ . British Prime Minister, by wel­ a crackdown to, prevent a'crack-j own, to the Utrecht Fair, near Smiths Ohserve freshments of sandwiches, cookies, Raster Sunday's observance will coming him to Canada in Gaelic. Local Stocks cupcakes, sherbet, wedding cake up. Amsterdam, Holland; Manchester, begin with the Resurrection Ma.ss The Scotland-born Ramsay h4d to England, and a tour of a brand / s 45lh AiiiiiVersarv and punch and coffee were served, i at 6 a. m., opening with the Pro­ admit he didn't speak hia native 4$aotaUana Fnrnltbed By with Mrs. Franklin G. Welles of new $2,000,000 paper mill; and cession of the Blessed Sacrament. tongue. Glasgow. Scotland and a. side 'trip THIS OFFER GOOD THIS WEEK ONLY Cobnni O Middlebroek. IM. Talcottville, their niece-ln-iaw pour­ The symbols of the Resurrection 1 ■». m. pfiees Mr. and Mrs, Nelson S. Smith, .5.5 ing. to lioch Lomond before leaving for will be borne by Charles Skrabaez, home by plane from Shannon Air­ Baak Stocka E. Middle Tpke, were honorwi with Mrs. Smitl^ is the former Emil.v Joseph Wrobel. and Joseph Jaw- . Bid Asked a surprise "open house" Sunday A. Welles of Wethersfield. She and port^ in Ireland. orski. The cruelfler i, will be INSURANCE First National Bank afternoon at^thelr home, on the oc­ Mr. Smith, whose home was for- 4 MANCHESTER n ' Rudolph W'ojnarowicz and the ih- of Manchester...... 34 38 casion of their 45th wedding an- merly in New Milford, were mar­ censor, Henry Grzyb. J,r. DONT Hartford National The Adoration Sodality will be j see us eoe New shength and skim lna! Deadline Nears Threw Them Away Bank and Trust . . . 31'/. 334 led by Mrs. Waller Wojnarowicz, i WALLPAPIR and PAINT CO. Hartford Conn. Trust . 87 92 and the children sprinkling flow­ still Plenty 4)f Wear Left saunw usiopuue In Shoes Repaired Hem 249 IROAD ST. V MANCHESTER MancbMter Trust 80 In Pasture Test ers will be led by Frances Wojnar- ; Phoenix State Bank owicz and Barbara Pastula. Honor WE DELIVER. / TEL. MI-9.4591 and T ru st...... 69 64 Guides will be Ignacy Wierxbickl SAMYULYES FIro Inanranoe Companies S m o o r Storra, A pril’ IS— (Special)—A and Mathew Rubacha. R A Y M O N D E. reminder that May 1 is the dead­ .Shoe Repairing of the Better Aetna Fire ...... 56'. .59',. line for entries in this year's Green Solo and duet work will be sung Kind Done While You Walt. Hartford Fire ...... 1.50 L55 c o sts! by- Miss Stephanie Kosak, Miss National Fire ...... 75'j 78'i Pastures essay contest came today 15 MAPLE STREET from It. I. liunsell. Agricultural Lorraine ’ Olbert, Caaimlr Grzyb GORMAN Phoenix ...... 100 108 Extension agronomist. University and Henry Grzyb, Sr. Miss Clara Opp. First National Slom INSURANCE AGENCY Life and Indemnity Ina. Cos. . of Connecticut, who is in charge Skrabaez will direct St. John’s Parking Lot Aetna Life ...... ;...109 1V4 Senior Choir, whose president, Is 883 MAIN STREET Aetna Casualty ...... 132 142 o f thef State conte'st. TeL 5h-S-8460 The 1954 contest topic is “What Miss Georglaiina Rubacha. High Conn. Gen...... 305 320 the Green Pastures F ot^ e Pro­ Mass will )m at 10:30. Local Agents For: Hartford Steam Boil. . .59 82 gram Means to the Welfare of New Hartford Fire. National FIm Traveleh ...... 1050 1080 England Farms.” According to ners will get $30 and third place, Travelers, Phoenix Pnbllc Ctlimes 18'i Munsell, If a contestant is living $20. The winner for the New Eng­ Conn. Light Power . on a farm' that has previously land ares will receive a plaque and YOUNGSTOWN Conn. Power ...... 41 43 . .54'i 56'i participated in the contest, the a two-dav expense paid trip to the Hartford Elec. Lt. .. title mSy be changed to,- "What Eastern Rtstes Exposition in West SINKS end KITCHEN NOW! ONE-STOP BANKING Hartford Gaa Co. . . . . 35 38 I SAVE! CLIP THIS AD | So. New England the Green Pastures Forage Pro­ .Springfield, Mas.sachusetts. EQUIPMENT 37'j gram Means to our Farm." Tel...... 35'i The contest is open to both boys Mnnnfncturuig Companies ANDERSON and Set Your (.arden Aflame Allied Thermal .. . 40 . and girls not more than 20-years- Am. Hardw’are ...... 13 15 old on May 1, 1954. Essays cannot With This Blazing Arrow, Hart. Heg. . . . 38 41 contain more than 1000 words and ' rLEOUBiviMACEV^ JOHNSON Our medtm new bank new makes oveileble Aaaoc. Spring ...... 26 29 must be malted to Director, Agri- | h At LOW PRICES 4 PLl'MRtNO and HEATING Bristol Brass ...... 15', 17', cultural Extension Service. Uni- ; 7 8 », 1847 ROGERS BROS. 188 h i g h l a n d ^ STREET ALL banking services eur customers would Cheney Bros...... versity of Connecticut. Storra. Collins ...... 98 108 Contest prizes ihclude $50 ra.sh ' Arthur Drug Stores 1 Phones; MI-S-8884, 1-7549 ROYAL RED I Fm-Hsrt ...... 30', .3.7', for the best essay in each N e w > rHOUR.R 8 A. 51. to II F- M.^ or 3-8043 ordinarily require. Fsfnlr, B earing...... 37', 40', England state. Second, place win,; Landers. Frary. Clk. . 27 29 MAPLE N. B. Mach. Co; new . 24 26 m i z Under one roof we can take care of your North-and Judd ...... ,25'i 28', Russell Mfg...... 10 12 complete banking needs . . . whether they Stanley Works com. . 44 47 Terry Steam ...... 99 109 call for a persenol loon, a savings program, Toriington ...... 25 27 / U. 8. Envelope com. . 70 77 U. 8. Envelope pfd. .. 62 87 trust services, or any of the other complete, Veeder-Root ...... 32 35 ’Tha above quotattona ara ,iot to bqnhing services offered. ba eonitrued as actual mxrketa. W E SELL You'U find a cheerful welcome In oil deport­ ments. MAIL ORDER SENSATION I' NOW! for Hit firsf USED CARS tiiiM in silvtrpkite , do more work per day... more work per dollar! IN QUANTITY history, What do you look for when you buy n used car? Price nr l$47 ROGERS RROS You save hours on Iho rood. Thanks to You sovo with lower upkoop, too. Ex­ Quality? HERE .ARE BUT A FEW new higher to bumper qo when lag ROYAL RED MallMall ■ gain! models . . stronger frames in all models. they are put on sale they are worth tOfl rents on the dollar. 1953 MERCURY MAPLE biases In So if you’re looking for a good used car, stop in and let us Moom with hundreds w You tnvo timo on deliveries. With new You save on oporoting costs. Highrcom- iMont. f.'nnverttble show you our large selection. of fiery scarlet flow­ How long have ,you waited truck Hydra-Matic transmission, you save pression- power saves you money every Come la today! | i ers. In Fall, Jack $ f Per Month for this opportunity-. , ..-a valuable time at every delivery stop. And mile! The "Thriftmaster 235" engine, the $ 7 0 . 0 0 Front turns' the IL-- OPEN FROM 9 re 9 After Dowu Payment leaves Into n beau- Rack chance to complete yoiiif - you can forget about clutching and shifting "Loadmaster 235" and the "Jobmaster tlfid crimson "boh- /j f„f m x aervice in one.of ihe^lovely for good! It's optional at extra p n, ' 261” (optional on 2-ton models at extra fire.” You get choice • NO HIDDEN CHARGES young 3-4 ft.' slock. Grow a up G w iifl patlcma choacn yeara ago! Vb-, H- and 1-ton Chevrolet trucks. cost) deliver increased operating economy. 1951 CHEVROLET to 78 feet. Adds thrilling beauty, Imagine your pride in All- : StDoor De Luxe Mctdel • WRITTEN GUARANTEE WITH EVERY CAR shade, VALUE to, your prop­ ing in or completing your You fovo oxtro trips. That's because of- And your savings start tho day you erty. Order three at aentatloaal • RANK HNANCING place aettiqga and eaaential the extra load space you get in the new buy. In fact, they start with the low price $ 4 5 . 5 5 Per Month low mail-order price of oaly 8$. TUUPTREE . aerving piecea to round *mit Advance-Design bodies. New • NO HIGH PRESSURE SELUNG After Down Payment SEND NO MONEY! Pa.v post­ Vbli you pay—and'continue over the man cost 'plus C.O.D. postage. TAKI your aervice for really gTa* ' pickup bhdies are deeper,... new ,. • PERSONALIZED SERVICE miles. Chevrolet is America’s We pay p o ^ g e on prepaid or- Oloo ciouB entertaining. Order stake and platform bodies are lowest-priced tine o f trucks. And 1948 CHEVROLET /ders. Satisfaction guaranteed nr vour money back. Hurry for tree now for' September deliv. wider and longer. Also, they're it's also the truck that has a.tra- 3-Door Aero .Sednh ^ t«rm*80 o ti.> . y. . ***^_ff—0 >mp ^ to - | ■ V gift! SJfi _ ooo4#rftii Pofiboiff roDO cry. Factory doting date^ ae/lower to make loading easier. dition^ly higher trade-in value. $ 3 5 . 4 8 Pfjr Month FRCB GIFT! Order today aad VmSh KO MONKYI fojr---- ‘April 17., 4 After Down Payment get absolutely free a beautiful Red Bhrk Flowering Dogwood. MOST TRUSTWORTHY -TRUCKS ON ANY JOB I Como In and too all the wonderful new things you get In Amcrica*l " WHY If "SILVER SHY" , . . • Cbovro M Advoaco Dosipii TfwcAt A} , number one truck. We'll be glad to give you alt the mooey-utving tacts. KRUSE NrHSERIES, . PUCE YOUR ORPfR NOWt Dept. I89I8. , - HiooM* Bleomlagtoa, Illinois. Each V . (□8 for 83 plus FREF GIFT

^ ssooaeeeaAa.aeoa 4t| MAIN STREET TEL. MI-9-00F1 'V CARTER CHEVROLET C0.,TNC. . ..a. .. w. a * ..,;., .a 977 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER >\ ------L.____ _ A_ 311 M A | 4 5 T R E n * M A N C H E 5 T IR V I i t „ \ S * A M • ..V. ^ * x_ \ . • >/ \ ' J \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1954 PAGE SEVEN . ^AGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, APRIlN ^, 1964 Hughes’ reiharka and his well chos­ tacked the Republican National IRattrlitater has been atanding. for all along, program, make the present mo­ en w ords 6t advice as well as hia admlniatration here last ' night. Czech Immigraivt and It it 'why he, although feeling ment unpropitioua for undertaking Crusade Report^ Musician’s Dream Ends I ^j’”’*®®**''** hearty congratulations to members Bailey, In hia fourth "sentiment himself compelled to refuse to act the changes Eisenhower and Bim- for partaking In such a successful search" assailed what he called the SLIP COVERS CUSTOM MADE RIDE THE Holy Gommuiiion second annual Mother-Daughter . Asks for Pardon Surni^ l|frald to carry out the presumed , illegali­ son propose. Skynvaich Schedule ‘“lll-conceivcd and short-sighted Most Gratifying Communion. At the- rdncluslon of policies'' of the Eisenhower ad­ • . ♦ PUBUttiuo raj£ ties of the Bowers bloc plan, has And their argument may' catch SILVER LANE BUS UNE Nearly one hundred members of the Bpeakgr’s program, Mrs. ministration.’’, adding that "the Hartford. April 13 i/Pi—The de­ TERRIFIC SPECIALS FOR l i S j a HKBtl.n FRlNTINCr CO., INC. WednetdAy, April 14 .. 13 BIsm U street nevertheless - been reluctant to on. In fact, they are claiming that Dr. Robert M. Rayburn, cam­ St. M argaret'a 'jClrcIe D. of I. and Stevens thanked her committee: sam e inaction and indecision Some reduced ' j price. Over 50 patterns to chooM Midnight- 2 a.ni...... D. C. Pain.e portation hearing of . Ste{dien J. Msiicbttslfr Cdoii reach for powers of' his own they have gone so far already that paign chairman of tha local Can-; their daughters received Holy Com- Meadames Stephanie Johnson, Ann marked the administration of Gov. from. All Ruaranteed IflO' r. Made with solid color com­ THOHAS F. >-kRQU80N, 2a.m.- 4 a.m: ...... Volunteers Needed ' D4ILY RESULAR ROUTE BUS SERVlOE By GEORGE CORNELL velop coheaiveneu. Tiun they're muriion at the 8 o’clock Masa Sun­ Jyllka, Claire Dupont, Lee Zane Hurayt, 32, a New Haven tailor, WALTER R. FERGUiSON which might well have been con­ the President will be forced to ac­ cer Cruaade, reports the results to an orgheatraX; Lodge in this State.” / ■ binations or any style you prefer. Also DRAPES and PubUmeri 4 a.m .- 6 a.m . .. Volunteers Needed New Yoi .-i, April 13 (>Pj—It waa day morning at Bt. James Church. and Marion DeHan very- warmly was continued yesterday to May Founded October 1. UU firmed to be his If he should have cept their plan for continuing the 6 a.m.- 9 a.m...... Volunteers Needed • date hav«> been most gratifying;. \ Started CkriatiiMia t|;S7 Immediately following Maas, break­ for their aasiatance and all those CORNICES expPrtly made. \ a muaictan’a dream, but for the NABBED OX BALLOT-t'OI NT 10 by the U. S, Immigration and chosen to exercise them. farm program unchanged for an­ 9 a.m.,- Noon ...... J . R. Brazas, .Laicv' B urke Nuroeroua contribuUoris have al­ \ 1 .'The prelimlnaWa — thb rehear­ fast was served at the American present for aiding In the. success of PubUaMd K rerr ISrcning Except Noon- 3 p.ni. .. ready been received from commer­ mom ent It’a over. sal concerts —r irant off smoothly NaU ralization Service hearing Bundxre end Holldayc. Entered at the If the town still proves itself In­ other year...... Volunteers Needed Legion Home. The tablet were at­ the occaaion. ORDER NOW — DON’T DELAY Foit Office at Bfancbi-ater, Conn., aa 3 p.m.- 6 p.m. , ■. <...... Mrs. Harold Lord, Olive Chartier cial and' industrial organisations MANCHESTER AND HARTFORD Ever aintc tne NEC Symphony th at fall of 1937, V roacanlni a r ­ tractively set with beautiful spring Gueata received tiny Gold lapel W instod, A pril 13 (,Pt T h o m as officer Thomaa W. Gleason. Second Claes Hall Uatter. capable of progress by the process . But if. we look at these emer- 6 p.m.- 8 p.m...... William Simpson, Barbara 'Wallett in Manchester and, from 'early in­ Orchestra waa formed 17 yeara rived from Milan in'December. Be floral arrangements by Mrs. John Crosses which w«Ire blessed by both B. Baacetta of thla town ha.s beeji Hurayt was charged with being NO DEPOSIT NEEDED 8CBSCRIFTION RATES of agreement, if the Bowers bloc genclAS w ith an idea to accepting 8 p.rn.7lOp.ro. . • . . ^...... Myra Fitzgeraltf Florence Plitt dications, the campaign is' ahead THROUGH FARE 20e ago for the fiery m-icatro Art;.ro put the organization through more Holden. • Monaignor Timmins and Fr. arrested on a charge of conspiring deportable because he was con­ t*ayable In Advance will not bring itself down to the theory that they justify a de­ 10 p.m.-' Mldnig'nt ...... H y att Sutlille, Ruaaell W right of last year’s drive for the equiva­ Toacanlnl, It h..a been a aort of trial runs, tempering, Nblending it. Mrs. John Stephens welcomed the Hughes. victed of two crimes involving PAY $1.25 WEEKLY AN D UP Oaa Year ...... SIAM Volunteers may register at Ovil Defense Headquarters, Municipal lent period. mecca for the, men. who make Then, on’ C hristm as gilght. In to violate the election laws. Police moral turpitude since he entered Six Months ...... 7.7S legality in its own proposals, and lay in doing the right and sensible Afaeo rtgiiknr selMMlirf«d runs for 1st emd 2nd shifts clergy, members and guests and Three Months ...... ; ...... 3.90 Building, Manchester on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from Dr. Rayburn said, "To keep up nitialc- NBC’s studio 8-H. where the or­ presented Monaignor Timmins, of BAILEY HITS. GOP identified him as one of 17 persons this country In 1938. CALL OUR DECORATOR NOW One Month 1.30 the other town bodies then co­ thing, we must come to a_rertain 1-5 p.m. tbs wonderful work of the Amer­ to and from Unitod Aircraft. For information eoH: Tdday, how that Ita 87-year-old chestra w as to play so. m ten in St. Bridget’s Church, their chap­ accused in a probe of alleged Ir­ Hurayt. a Czech whose country’ RTeehlif riO operate In reasonable fashion, the ican Cancer Society, we should all g u id ln g -^ n iu s ha.a reiired, no one Ita 17 yeara, the little i^eatro regularities in. absentee ballots In conclusion. And that is that, so lain, who' congratulated the gather­ Stafford Springs, A pril 13 - uo"’. fc>r conducting Bernard J. Shell, senio. Auxiliary might aA well realize that, how­ some time, met all these qualifica­ ward Vito. His blonde dah|^ter. For Saturday—1 p. m. Friday. a fanner. Before the fanners again anvv/here. Elaine, used to play second harp. Classified deadline; 10:30 A m. each Bishop of Chicago and founder ever this time may seem to be tions. Obviously, however,- It Is against life’s hazards; pro­ After Toacanlni’a baton whipped day of publication except Seturday — not threatening to well up Into a themselvm woke up fo modern Now it’s his brunette daughter, • A m . and dlr^or-general of the Catho­ uflpropiUous, the opponents of the living, they were the traditional tection againfft fire, ae'ei- off the final chord at hia last NBC crusade just b^ause it Is non­ concert a week ago, it waa a aort Annctti?. lic \ YofUth O rganization is im ­ program will never concede that opponenU of Daylight Saving She’s tha orchestra’s only wom­ Tuesdgy, April 33 partisan, right, and In the Inter- ’Time. dents, sickness—protection of stopping point -for both man and portant because it does a great any future time It^ better, either. e.sts of all the people. In the.se re­ orchestra. an. . There never has been more deal to lift one of the uglier So we can be sure the proposal for our families. than one—the second harpist. A New And Better Start? spects. it has ju.st been lying fal­ will -Be heard from, In the lp58 The l(K)-member organisation has clouds which was trailing In the low, waiting for something to start been rut about in half for the sum- The idea of a great radio sym­ Legislature. And, if we don’t get phony orchestra was born just aa The decision of Judge John path of the McCarthy whirlwind turning it over. Dollar, for dollar, insur- ner, aa la customary. a year round measure right away, Toscanini retired —the first time Ran^ilton King, refusing to order The fillip which threatens to we settle for a ,bUl which calls But whether it will be reasaem- of headlines. turn a cause Into a enisadr haa 11 'ance is still .vour best - after a decade a a conductor qf Genei«l Manager Richard Martin Massachusetts and Rhode Island hled next fall and continue to em­ There had been Protestant I News Rhymes come from two neighboring "Mask”’ , against misfor­ blazon the symphonic, horizons as it the New York Philharmonic. He to proceed v.-ith either the original states. and then raises them by advanc­ clergy in the headlines leading a t­ * By J. P. D.™ ing the Connecticut start of Day­ has in the pSat under a new con­ I had gone home to his native Italy. i or the ret;ised plana for tlie Keeney A few weeks ago, the MAssachu- tune. : NBC sent General Musical Di- tacks on Senator McCarthy. There light Saving Time from April to ductor. no one could, or would, Street School, cloaea off one of the “N utm eg Lady ^ n d a $1 to Cut setts Lcgi.slature adopted, and M arch. aay. 1 .rector Samuel Chotztnoff there to '•/ ■ / A had hern Catliollc occasions on Governor Herter signed, a bill r possible solutions to the situation D. S. National Debt Mcmnruble Drama I offer him a new orchestra of his whiih Senator McCarthy had been which, next fall, will add another No mailer what ita future, the i own, with the select muaicians of in which this community has been Concerned with all the talk month to Daylight Saving Time. warmly and enthuaiaatlcally re­ about . , . the zooming debt we Btory of the NBC Symphony, and the* land, and an audience of mil­ floundering since January. In.stead of ending the last Sun­ the dynamic little man who mold lions if he would come back. ceived and endorsed. From the owe . . . a Westport woman has day in September, Daylight Saving The problem atlll is, of course, begun . . . a drive she hopes will ed and pollahed it to jewel-like ex What Toscanini earned has combination of these circum­ Time will end the last Sunday in cellcncp; will rem ain a m em orable | never leen dlRcIoned. but NBC lays to build a school, sind to build It grow . . . while most of us Just October. EMERGENCY stances, Uiere was arising an at­ drama in muniral hiatory. I he waa “the higheat paid ronduc- / J legally. Had the mandamus been watch the debt . . . go climbing Ma.ssachu.setts did this in re- mosphere in whichseveral to the sky . . . this little lady Oil lURNER o bert m it h INC. It began in the aummer of 193t,, concert in the world.” He issued, that would have be^n one spon-se to a public sentiment which R S , poisonous assumptiong were sug- feels that she . . . at least should SERViCE and from the moment NBC an-; g^.Q^ned a qiiarlcr-milllon-dolltr way of doing this. was apparently well-formulated, nnunced it waa bringing Toscanini | ,.,o„yw„od offer to appear on iaim. gesUng thcmselve^ to careless make a try ... to the sUte house and stronger than anybody had REAL ESTATE INSt'RA'NCE The community must now seek in Connecticut . . . she sent a then 70, back from Europe, and, „iV musicians got the best in minds. suspected It was. And the Bay forming an orcheslm for him the . a week, some other way of building the kindly note . . . expressing hopes State did It in spite of warnings CALL pay. One was t ^ the the division the governor . . . would set the nation s instrumentaliata took heed. i ^ school. The ways open for doing that its action might breed all Right at first, NBC said, top ■ compared to lesa than a third of over McCarthy was becoming a fund afloat . , . ahe sent a single "INSURANSMITHS SINCE 1 9 1 4 " that in moat other places. In addi­ this have now been reduced to kinds of confusion in time tables, MI-9-454P musicians made themselves svail-1 matter o^/religions. Andther was dollar In . . . to start the ball to television programs and other re­ tion they received recording fees, two. roll . . . In hopes that other able-from orchestras in Chicago, that h^although a laytnan, was lationships between Massachu­ WiLLiAMS rhiladelphia, Detroit, San Frahcls-'l and Toscanini's records set sales One way—and the way which women would . . . Join In to reach setts and the outside world. peaks. becopiing spokesman for his her goal . . . alas, poor lady, CO and elsewhere - artists of the | has been preferable to all other The other day. apparently with Oil SERViCE 463 M AIN ST.) GROUND FLOOR— TEL. Mitchell 9-5241 horn, the reed, the drums and the "We wanted an orchestra that Ciyirch on this issue. Another was though we think . . . you realiv no greater impetus than that pro­ was worthy of Toscanini,” the ways all through this controversy are a champ . . . your dollar bill strings. ’ 1 lat the Protestant clergy who at­ vided by the example of Massachu­ ■'ll w asn't then and never has spokesman said. "He evidently felt —is to build the school by ap-ee- will merely sers*e , , to cause tacked XlcCarthy, the anti-Com- setts. the state of Rhode I.sland Read Herald Advs. been a matter of finding 'first desk' j that It waa. or he wouldn't have ment among ^the various t another cramp . . . there Is a followed suit. The final vote in the musicians for the orchestra." the ; staved with it.” munist, were thereby pro-Commu- I • S. law, you see . . . forbidding boards and officials. This i^the Rhode Island Senate was unani­ spokesman said, '‘It was a matter nlst themselves, or, at least, less rncle Nam . . . from taking gifts mous. •way th a t utis open last Jgnuary, of taking the pick among the best.” vigorous in their own antl-Com- from anyone ... no matter what In both Ma.ssachusetts and I’layera’ I’aradlse when the question of what to do the Jam . . . so though poor Sam niunistn. And another was that all Rhode Island, obviously, the ex­ What made the orchestra a sort about the bid which 138,000 la In the rough . . . aad debts pile tension qf Daylight Saving Time of paradise for players'.’ Catholics agreed automatically ’round his ears . . . hr can’t over the appropriaUdn first flroBt, one month in the fall is merely Several things. The pay was high. with McCarthy. accept a single dime . . . to pay the experimental prelude to a pro­ and the way tha^tould have been The audience the biggest any None o f these assumptions was off his arrears . . . they’ll send posal to begin It a month earlier in musical organization had. Few taken then h a » the Bowers bloc >'ou back your dollar bill . . . but trtie, or is ever likely to be true. the spring and, eventually, have it other orchestras .offered the chance on the Boa^d of. Directors been with It don’t be lax .,. for I'nrie all year round. for 52 weeks of concerts a year. Re­ Nonetheless, they- were in a •Sam m ight call fo r I t . . . in some willing t^do business with the The motivation hehinil this is cordings were frequent. state of growth, and it required new future lax! simple. It is that tlayllght at the other t ^ ’n bodies responsible for But one of the strongest attrac­ some rather dramatic act, like end of the day Is-of some use to tions was the opportunity of playing Generous Gifts for biiild>t(g the school instead . of people, while daylight at the be. that of Bishop Sheir In delivering under Toscanini, who even then was. secretly originating a completely ginning of the day is not part e- recognized as probably the fore­ perhaps the most impassioned and new policy of its own and at­ A Thought ior Today ularly u^ful to anyone And In most conductor of the world. Com m unity Noods effective antl-McCnrthy argument an era when working hours are Original a.sscmblying of the tempting to dictate it to every­ ever voiced, to accomplish the more adjusted to the Idea of orchestra went on for several body else.- graeioiis living, this Is far more This huge four-leaf clover was • lucky symbol business of checking anrl rebuk­ The Second Word months. There were about t'wo That same way for building the I tell you truly, you will be In important than it used to be, months of suditions,' Of culling, for Pratt & Whitney Aircraft's Four-In-One ing that growth. when Daylight Saving Time was school—that of reasoiv ble agree­ Paradise with me this very day. shifting, selecting. Drive. It combined for the first time, plant ■^e truth is, of course, .that Luke 23:43 (Moffat). invented. Then, with the approximately campaigns in support of the Red Cross, Cancer, ment among the various town Now the automatic question, af- Cathblics are divided on McCarthy, The second word Jesus uttered 100 chairs filled, three leading Heart and Polio funds. Results were outstand­ siithorities—is still open today. In aa are the Protestants. And as far from 'his cross was an answer to .conductors. Pierre Monteux. Artur fact, the toM’n finds lUelf, as a re­ Rodzinskl and William Steinberg. ing, with a total of $146,800 given at East as polls taken on the subject indi­ prayer. Of the seven words Jesus sult of jiudge King's decision, very spoke from the cross, none makes , were brought in lo put the musical Hartford, Meriden, Southington and Portland cate anything, the way Catholics -machine through Its first, break- plants. The North Haven plant is not included, much • back where it. was in a stronger appeal to our hearts divide on the issue is not very far, than this. During his life, Jesus Ing-in paces. since it participates in New Haven’s United January, before the Bowers bloc percentage wise,, from the wiy waa a "friend of sinners.” "An orchestra Is not an or­ Fund Campaign. The money given at each attempted to seize all power for chestra until it plays together.” ■Protestants divide oij it. Even if This thief to whom he spoke Ali-COJ«OiriONI» plant be turned over to local chapters of Itself. • the spokesman said. "A hundred win we deliberately art out to have a may have known Jesus, for he each of the four national organizations. With called him by the name of Jesps, musicians are just that a hun­ It would now appear. In fact, religious war on the issue, we dred muaiciana — until they de- the lucky symbol above (left to right), are that the town, in January, at­ which was something unusual. would find it rather impossible, as When he saw Jesus upon the cross, clerk typists: Edna Stroehla, Marion Stark­ tempted to embisrk on two rival the divisions which do exist within he became penitent and saw his weather, Joan Barrett and Sandra Johnston. courses of action, both of which each religious group manifested own lost condition. He addressed Jesus as a King. He was given an were of questionable legoWy/The themselves. attempt of the Bowers bloc plan, Insight into Kingly power of our .So, whatever Bishop Shell's at- Lord to save him. His prayer re­ to build a school which was sub­ Uck may do to McCarthy, its ceived an answer of assurance stantially different from the school MID-WEEK major importance is what it does from Jesus that life goes on, teach­ ing us that death is not the end, : approved by the voters, wsa not fo / the country. And what it does under test in the mandamus pro­ but the beginning of life. j for the country is to put a stop to Frank Mullen, j ceedings. but there seems little tlije possibility th a t the national Sponsored'by the Manchester; doubt, from the rulings of the HONORING OLOtlMERS—Five of seven original members of division over McCa thy should Council of Churches. , SPECIALS Pratt &' Whitney Aircraft’s firat experiniental tes{ department bond attorney, as to its illegality. translate itself into another and The question of the revision of the Lack of snow made wintertime ' form a typical story-swapping group at a rebent annual dinner more di.slteartening kind of divi­ coa.sting less popular this year i of the division’s Quarter Century Club. At the affair it was Keeney S treet .School plans which than last. "Twas sort of on the i h a r T f o k u sion by whiclt all Anteri.can.s, and OPEN THDRSDAV EVENINGS FRESH CAUGHT announced that all members will get gold watches from the had Keen m ade in an effo rt to all the ■ concepts upon which this downgrade. bring the contract within the ap­ SLICED company as tokens of sppreciation for their 25-year service. nation is founded, would be the Easter lilies . . . tulips Above, left to right are: Paul Kurr, Joe Ballard, AI Vajliere propriation figure did .enter into^ losers. ^ ■ . the h'Niadaimis'proceedings, how-^ the other hdppy harbingers of Spring, (retired), Ed Bussey and Sam Hendersen. Right, twOjwatches ever, and Judge King did qtipstion r quetsito brighten the home . . . potted-plants from the selection being offered. the legality «jf this revision, in­ The Time Is Never Right to cheer shut-ins . . . a corsage fprmilady's BLUE ferring that It might have had the nir-idea that something m ay be Easter costume. COAST-TO-COAST RICORD—On April 1, three Navy pilots in result of pft^ueihg a school whicli, right in theory, may even be right Grumman F9F Cougar fighters streaked coast-to-coast, with a jet streani tailwind, (aster than the route had ever been flown. Fastest violated the other' dictate of the in long-range practical prospect, ■ \ ■ » LI. "Gesundheitr FISH of the three was Lt. Cdr. Francis X. Brady (above, on wing) who people that the total„cost should but should not be actually put info Choose here from our bountiful collection. landed at New York only 3 hours 45 minutes 30 seconds after n o t exceed 8450,000. effeit until some njore propitious leaving San Diego. The other pilots were Lt. Wallace. Rich (in This would .seciit fo mean that time Uils Idea la at work agaip. L t the town la now actuadly without Such an invocation FRESH CUT cockpit) and Lt. (JG) John C. Barrow. All three planes' art It is probably the one idea in the powered by Pratt & Whitney Aircraft's J-^S turbojet engines. any legal ctmrse of action in be- world which has more power then r , tng, and that tt should now set following a sneeze I any other. to prolong ’ unsound WINNIRS SMILE-^ A maximum suggestion award—$2,500—was about thCg business of creating palicirs, forbid progress which is MILIKOWSKI suth .a Ifgal course of action for- was once thought won j’ointly by Joseph E. Ssulnier of East Hartford (left) and Iqgical, and keep long-standing Alfred Phaneuf, Manchester, for their ides to improve a metal­ ^ ward. This woUld necf.vsitate co­ "problems still unsolvet,. THE FLORIST XEWS HIGHLIGHTS operation and agreement among to prevent ^ e cutting tool used in making J-48 turbine engine blades. Second Now thic idea is getting ready place, $1,046, went to Herbert C. Sengle of Kensington, (or an the vanoua authorities on the to do its work again this time on LI. idea to simplify manufacture of piston engine cylinder barrels. INSURANCE PORULAR-More than 98 per cent of Pratt preparation of rec-ised plans to be President Eisenhower's and Sec- expelled c^vil from 695 MAIN ST. FISH In all, 147 Pratt & Whitney Aircraft employees divided $9,036 & Whitney Aircraft employees have/enrolled.in the., com­ put put to bid. letcry Benson’s proposed new (or January suggestions. pany's expanded insurance plan, in effect since March 1. If. as we suspect, all sides have farm program. re-entering the bi^tj. NEAR MANCHESTER GAS COMPANY The package plan coverage, for which the company pays grown a little tired o» this dead The Tnovement is on in the Sen­ 1.. • '•* . , SUNKIST EATING half the premium cost for each hourly-rated employee enrolled, provides insurance for life, sickness and accidents, end controversy. Uiere should be ate to enact’ legislaiuon continuing A cold mag be a forerunner of serious illnesi. Flowers Delivered By • Wire Anywhere In The World 1 BLACKSMITH TUNESMITH-Hammering out hospitalization and surgical benefits. _ some new capaSUity. for this kind for one more year the old system words ,snd music comes naturally (or George ' of progress. of fixed price supports the Elsen­ Neither incantations nor invocations are a Crosch of Rockville, a blacksmith at Pratt & PLANT SHUTDOWN this, year is planned for the period Cerla^y, u.at is wljat Judge hower administration is .trying ta NAVEL Whitney Aircraft, among other occupations. He from Monday. July 26, through Sunday, .August 8. During King recommends. His admonition abandon. . hundredth as effective as a consultation with has composed tunes for 10 years. Tin Pan Alley the shutdown, work in sJl plants will be confined only to that It should not be 'the business This movement is based on two became a prospect several years ago after he necessary maintenance, a physical inventory, and certain of the courts to run the town of special arguments. One is Oiat gour phgsician when a cold or cough persists. began recording for radio. One Broadway col­ critical production operations. Manchester, and his conclusion there has been extensive drought ORANGE Doi. umnist recently predicted his song “Try-in‘‘ that it Is impossible, in view of the in the mid-west farm lands. The will "go placet.” past poUcy habiU of the town, lo other is that world tension is up He-will know cxoctlg what to do. U/c are able draw any dear line between the again, a circumstance which of­ legislative and adminiatrative fers the fusibility that we might to suppig the medicine that mag be needed. functions m the town govern- have a new War which would 974 m>nt. boUi simount.to sdviM that sw ^giJus bAck .ito the problem , of PRATT & WHITNEY AULCRAFT this coininunity had better pull'it­ MAIN ST. obtaining enough farm production, i i i n ^ \ ' ■ • " ' , D iypias OF UNITED AtROlAFT^COHFOttATIOS self together and operate hy a pro­ in compiarison to our present peace ^ o p u f o t i FREE / ■ ' cess- of agreement rather- than by t‘me problem of too much produc- Rfain q|fce muf Pfani; EAST HARTFOBDi^ CONNEYTICDT I , k proteas. Of duputat'on over h a r m a c y Udq, . \ f N C . * W SUPER MARKETS PARKING \^D rancA IYo/Ul’ NORTH IUV£N*SOlJTIUNCTOM#M£IUlli2« pBtsiers. This als<> happens to be These tw-o circuiiutanA s. say 7 4 G eip^ Manager Martlh Um Senate foes of the Eisenhower .. . ■ t • i ’ r ,.

\ .

- -I


espidnags, dated Sept 29, 1949, esting rema.ks in response to re­ said that Nelson directed the Cooperation Seen Rock ville-Vernon Hebron quest. Carroll Hutchinson, o f Man­ Emergcqcy Doctors Complete Studies ' R ed Bares establishment of a Communist Savaat.'V, chester, also a charter membet, cell during World War H lathe By Prober Aides sent a reading entitled ‘^ a Four Physicians of the Manches- radiation laboratory of tho Uni­ At Ward Sehool A t A Fire Strikes ’ Squares of Life.” A birthday cake tei' Medical Association who versity 'of California at Berkeley, No Homemaker Open House waa-cct.in honor of the anniver­ . will respond to e-uergency calls RECftPSii Look for Board Action ency and later obtained classifled Infor­ (Continued from Page One) sary and of the diarter members. tomorrow afternoon tnd eve­ Six men from Manchester and P R I C ^ 9** mation about atomic experiments Legion Home Leaves Hospital. ning are Dr. Nicholas Marxialo, one from Rockville were graduat­ which he pasted on to an attache committee’s request for similar in­ Planned at Union Church M ra Maude Bland, mother of ^)pp08ing Lawyers Both the Kuardiaiur of the taxpayer'i formation. In A-Boitnb T il. M I 9-5094 and Dr. Robert ed from the 'Ward School of Elec­ In Australia of the Soviet Russian embassy. Mrs. Frederick J. Wythe of the Butterfield, Tel. MI #-4242. money. ^ , Mundt said the subcommittee tronics In Hartford, last week. I t also said that Nelson in' a Rockville, April 13 (Special)—«o f the Cross; Holy Saturday, 7 Damage EsUitiTates Vary Burrows Hill section, who frac­ IPlace It Within Prov- The decision elands as a reoog- would prefer to meet personally tured her hip In a fall at the Wyths 100% COLD RUBBER (Continued from Page Oaa) face-to-face meeting with Joseph (Continued from P»f4» Onu) Invitations are being received to a. im.. Blessing of the Elements; 8 The local men are Stanley W. »_ __ riiirn rtn i-n i hiUon th*M he Directors h*vc been '(CobtlBued from Page One) have raised, nor ‘accept the sugges­ Weinberg at a committee hearing with McCarthy, but that if Mc­ From $500to $?,000; home where she -lives, has been dis­ i n c e O l U i r e c t o r s t o | c^rrylhg out that duty. As Judge the .Open House sponsored by the a. nn. Mass. Backus, 21 Pioneer Circle; Peter tion that I am unfit for public serv­ in April, 1949,' refiued to say Carthy-can’t return to Washington Atomic Energy Development Au­ charged from the Windham Com- continuance o f the program. Mrs. involving a great deal of transla­ ice.” by Monday as now expected, the Building Seen Insured P. Cordera. Jr„ 295 Main St.; Plastic Carry Out Referendum I Kiryr>»iys -there is serious doubt- propriety requires that it make no whether he was acquainted with thority "entrusted with a far-reach­ homemaking groups of the Tol­ Coming Events munity Memorial Hospital and is John Bell presented the request. * whether, ip view of the nature of tion and cornparative research to arrangements hsndled The April monthly meeting .of 6.00 x16. . .$4.95 further statement." < . He requested that he be given a the man on the ground it might ing monopoly of atomic energy.” land county .Extension Service to being cared for at her home. She Persouul MeuDon Thomas F. Donahue, Jr.,' 12 Ard­ Coated om!ssi(^, tbe so called revised establish the'meaning of particu­ Attention in the Keeiiey Street Oppenheimer made public an hearing before the AEC Personnel incriminate him. through Cohn and Carr. But while admitting that he the Sodality of the Children' of Hebron, April 13 (Opeciall—A fire will not make a complete recovery Mrs. Alex Melsnik and infant more Rd.; Walter L. Lamoureaux, plan violatesNlhe mandate of the exchange of. letters with MaJ. Security Board. McCarthy is reported, "some­ be held at thef aocial rooms of the Mary of St. Joseph's Chpreb will son, Mark Allen, flew from Cleve­ lar expressions and code names, Weinberg was one of the scient­ was a “little scared of what we at the Legion Home yesterday fore­ for some Urns yet. Jr.,. 350 Adams St:; Gordon F. achool fight focused on the Board people that the total capital ex­ Gen. K. D. Nichols, general mana­ At the While House, Press Secre­ where in Arizona” nursing a throat Union Congregational C li u r c h, be held tonight at 7:30 at the much time will be necessary. ists who worked in the radiation hdtl made,” Oppenheimer said "a noon, believed to have been caused Homemakers Meet land, Ohio, and is with her par? SEAT 6.70x15 . . .$4.95 o f Directors tocjay as principles in ger of the ABC. These letters had tary James C. Hagerty refused to ailment, ‘ achool. Keeney, 509 Adams St., and Jack penditure for the school shall not laboratory. At one stage of the scientist cannot hold back progress May 5 from 3 to ID p. m. The Tolland County Home mak­ ents, the Rev. and Mrs. Howard "I sm therefore not in a; posi­ been published this morning In the discuss'the matter. \ by an over heated chimney, was N. McCarthy, 40 Turnbull Rd. tae controversy took stock of the exceed $450,000. Secretary of the Arm y Robert because of fears of what tho world During, the afternoon there will The Women of the Moo.se meet ers group met Monday evening at C Champe, now of Shelton. tion to make a full statement. New York Times. "Whatever comment there is House committee's hearings, he extinguished by the local fire de­ The Rockville man Is Bernard G. y Implications in the decision pub- People's Volcv' Final was referred to as "Scientist X.” T. Stevens, a storm center in the will do with his dlscoveriea.” ‘‘he an exhibit of the various tonight at 8 at the Mooile Rooms, the home of Mrs. Robert E. Foote She Visited her grandmother, COVERS Other New York morning news­ will come from the Atomic Energy partment, with damage estimates Brassard, Sunset Terrace. In his statement Rottner said "But in the few days since Pet­ Eventually, Weinberg testified be- dispute, was said to have agreed In the post-war period, Oppen­ projecto carried on by the Home- with Senior Regent Mary John- Mrs. FI G. Lord, Sunday. 7.10x15. . .55.95 lished yesterday in which Judge papers had published stories Commission," he said. running from a low of $500 to a instead of at the home of Mrs. Dr. Ronald L. McFarlan. distin­ that Judge King took the position rov came to our security people fore the committee and swore (a) at a closed meeting with the sub­ heimer tried unsuccessfully to re­ miking groups. At 7:30 p. m. drow presiding. John Hamilton King\ refused to about Oppenheimer'a auapension. high of $2,000. Bela Schreier, sa at first planned. guished engineer, ■writer and in­ that the voice of the people is still enough material has been exam­ At the Capitol. Sen.'Mcndt (R- he did not know Nelson, and (B) committee yesterday to give the turn to his quiet, calm university Home Dmonstration Agent Cora There w ill be registration to­ Miss Naomi Foster was guest Msnekester Evening Hernld He­ $6.95 All Other Sizes At Popular Prieao order General Hanager Hichard ined to show 'there are matters af­ SD), senior member of the Senate Senators an advance atatement night at 7 at the Trinity Lutheran Legion Adjutant P. John Perham ventor of the Raytheon Manufac­ final in the matter^ It is the 16 Specific Charges ' he had never been a Communist. pursuits. H. Webb 'Will present The Home- speaker at a meeting of the Con­ bron rorirespondent. Miss Susan Hartln to readvertise for bids on fecting Australia's, security that Investigations Subcommittee in "of all the accusations’* the Arfny (Thurch. said he thought the blaze resulted turing Co. of Newton. Mass., was duty of*' the Board. Rottner said, Nichols' letter said 16 specific He was Indicted for perjury, tried He went at first to the Univer­ making .Program in Review. At 8 gregational Ladies' Aid Society on Pendleton. HArrIson S-SSS9. the basis of revised pIsM. call for a judicial investigation. Ihe absence of Chairman McCar­ will make against McCarthy. Cohn from an overheated chimqey. Com­ the principal speaker at the ex­ to safeguard the people's will as allegations of subversive activities last year, and acquitted. sity of California and the Califor­ p. m. Misa Edith Welker, associate A Holy Week Vesper service will missions, last Wednesday, at ths 'These matters concern not thy, decline to say whether that and Carr, together with a Hat of mander Richard M. Grant said he ercises. . Sherwood Bowers. leader Of the expre.ssed in. the referendum in, had been leveled against Oppen­ One of the accusations set out in nia Institute of Technology, where secretary of the Connecticut be held'at the Talcottville Congre­ believed the building was covered church. only the activities of MVD agents group haa been investigating Op- prospective witnesses. bloc on the ' Board of Directors two ways. heimer. One-was that he battled Nichols' letter to Oppenheimer was he had Uught from 1926 until he Council o f Chiirches, Inc., will be gational'Oiurch tonight at 7:30. by insurance. Damage was chiefly A collection for the missionary in Australia but also the position penheinicr or the “delay" in work Ray H. Jfenkins. specisl counsel the guest speaker. Choir Presenting which set the long-drawn-out fight The first is to insure that the against construction of the th at"d u d jig the period 1942-45 you was called to work on Wie A-bomb. A t 8 p.m. the Adult Bible study to the interior of the building. fund will be taken. Campbell Auto Supply of some Auatralian citizens named bn the H-bomb which McCarthy for the Inquiry, told a news con­ A coffee hour starting at 9 p. m. I r under way in January when It results of the vote are carried out H-bomb, even after former Presi­ were responsible for the employ­ Services Needed Ofte« group meets at the home of Mr, The Legion Hall is the former old Bus Problem Reported in the documents under cover or has alleged. ference he thought Carr and Cohn w ill conclude tha evening’s pro- voted to abandon plans drawn by by building a school o f the qual­ dent Truman approved it. ment on the atom bomb project of But he found'his eminence In the and Mrs. Arthur Monaghan, schoolhouse, located on the Green, Complaint has been made to the Sacred- Cantata code namea, otherwise as contacts T h e letter, dated last Dec. 23. Mundt told reporters. " I ’ve heard would appear as Counsel for Mc­ grem. LOAM 29 BISSELL STREEfT TEL. MI-9-2079 architect Arnold Lawreqce. is in ity passed upon by the voters, ha individuals who were members of field of atomic energy made his with Senior Aegent Mary Jerfm- and presented to |he American Le­ School Board about students using No. 1 G r«dr $S yd. No. 2 Grade or cooperators. advised Oppenheimer: Uie name Oppenheimer before,” Carthy. He withdrew that Inter­ Men’s Club To Meet Washington and not scheduled to. said. the Communist party or closely as­ services needed frequently in New Will be held at St. Jcdin’a E^lacopal gion a few years ago sa s testi­ the highschool bus to the Wind­ 82.50 yd. Washed Sand, Gravel, "It was reported further that but declined to elaborate on the pretation, however, when Sen. The postponed meeting of the "V ia Crucls.” (The W ay of the return until tomorrow' evening. T h f second. Rottner said is . to To Watch Persons Named - sociate^ with activities of the Com­ York and Washington. CSjurch tonight at 7:30. monial to our soldiers. The com­ ham High school, Willimantic, in Stone. Fill. you were instrumental in persuad- remark. Mundt (R -Sb) said McCarthy Vernon Men's Club wilV be held to­ CroM), a sacred cantata on the Statements issued to The Herald build a achool that does hot cost "I do not propose to mention munist party, including . Joseph In April, 1647, wlien he accepted 'Tomorrow at St. John's E^pisCo- mander remarked that it might a .manner which can not be toler­ people until investigations have so | Ing other scientists not to work on Sen. McClellan (Ei-ArkV. the himself had not made exactly clear a post as director of the Inatituta* \ night at the social rooms of the passion of our Lord.' will be pre­ by Atty. Jc^n R. FitzGerald, who more than $450,000. Weinberg \ pal tihurch there w1U be Holy- Com- have been a good dehl worse. 'The ated. Richard Gale, principal of the far proceeded that a coherent case the hydrogen bomb project and BUbcommittee's senior Democratic whether tiny would have author­ for advance study at Princeton, First Congregational Church in sented by the Senior Choir of Cen­ NUSSDORF argued for the Bowers bloc at the "Now we have clarlflcntion." numion at 10 aim., followed by hall had been in use the evening Elementary School, has bMn given Sand A Stone Co.— MI-9-7408 mandamus trial, and Atty. John can be prepared. There will, of that the opposition to the hydro­ member, remarked tartly "we (the ity to apeak for him. Oppenheimer commented: Vernon with, members of the ter Congregational Church, Good Rottner said, “ I'm hopeful the afternoon prayers and Bible study before, and in fact. Adjutant Per­ authority by the board to set up Friday evening at 8 p. m. in the 8. G. Rottner, who opposes the bloc course, be continued surveillance gen bomb, of which you are thie Democratic raembera) are never To Prevent Advances "It is impossible for me to live men's groups in this city invited to Board will conr)e up with a pro­ of Holy Week at 2:30 p.m. ham says the Legion uses it almost a policy on use of the bus. sanctuary of the church. agreed in at least one respect. of the persons named, most of moat experienced, most powerful consulted.” Mundt. presiding over the In­ as I have been living this last win­ attend. gram which Will insure speedy The Youth Fellowship meets to­ every day. Students who do not conform to This .beiiutlful and inspiring Both say it is within the prov whom have already come under and most effective member, has Aside from his ad.visory capacUy Ruth Milieu quiry, told newsmen the ides of ter- in' airplanes. Rear Adm. Richard McKSe, Who The building has not been used as cons.trucUon of a achool in ac­ the notice of the security serv­ definitely slowed down its develop­ to the AEX7, Oppenheimer has had la director o f Research and Design night at 7 at the Community regulations while waiting for the cantata, written by J. W. Cowte, tales o f the Board to carry out the cordance with the referendum.” g4iting the advsnee statements Is "ITiis new post will enable me House at Cryutal Lake. a school since the New Elementary bus will be refused transportation referenduin by which the people ice'." . \ ment. . . . > other government pouts. for the Electric Boat Co. at Groton' a noted organist of Edinburgh. to try. to prevent either side from to stay put. It ia my hope that at Scho<4 was built, three or four for three days,' and absence dur­ Scotland, was. first presented in voted to build the school. Both say Petrov's break came less \ than "The commission has no other State Department Records show wife Must Provide the Push will/be the speaker. He will de- No Other gaining unfair advantage by the institute I again will be able T a lc o ttv ille ItcuM are now han­ years ago. ing this time will be regarded as this county h y Andrew R. W at­ the school must coat no more than three months after the disappear­ recourse, in the discharge of Its hg. was named on April 28, 1952 To Free Hubby Prom His Rut scritM the diving bell used during springing a- "surprise package" of to get some fun out of physics." d le through the Mancheeter Eve­ Church Attendance High unexcuaed.' Repeated offense will son, minister of-music at Center •450,000 and must be substantially ance in Japan of Soviet diplomat obligations to protect the comjnon a panel of consultants "to ad? Xhk raising of the "Squalus" o ff testimony. At the institute, scholars o f the ning.. Herald Rockville hureau lo- Churches of the town were large­ mean suspension of use of the bus Church, and Introduced to Man­ In accordance with preliminary Scientist Seen Yuri Rastovorov. Although the defense and security, but to 8ua- vise and assist the State Dept, and A wife asks: "W hat do you do Portsmouth, N*. H. This program Tree Like It! Jenkins said it would hot neces­ world In all fields come to pursue ' oated'at One Market St., telephone ly attended Pfilm Sunday. All for a week. chester by him three years ago. plane and apecifleations approved U- S. government haa never of- pend your clearance (to have other agencies of the government Was originally Scheduled, for last about a husband who never wants sarily preclude the hearing of knowleclge In a privately en­ Rockville 5-SI 30. churches were decorated with beau­ PT.\ To Drop Hot Lunck Members of the community are _ by the voters. FitzGerald says that Rcially acknowledged It, American atomic information) until the mat­ in connection with the work of the month, but was postponed when to do anything but work and eat testimony not covered In advance,, dowed Institution. Again Oppen­ tiful flowers. The local Congrega­ The P T A has asked the School cordially invited to attend and a comppofnlse can be worked out. Vital Factor in sources In Japan have eald Rasto­ ter haa been resolved. United Nations Disarmament Adm. McKee was called to Wash­ and Bleep? Day-In and day-out, but that if "some wholly unrelat­ heimer was guiding the efforts of tional and Gilead Congregational Board to assume responsibility for hear this moving and inspirational Rottner said he is “hopeful the vorov asked for and was granted "Accordingly, your employment Commission." ington unexpectedly. that’s a ll' my husband seems to ed charge la made •— I repeat great men, many of them older received a good many new mem­ the hot lunch program at the Ele­ work. political asylum by the United on Atomic Bnergy Commission Subsequently, Oppenheimer wss OOP Club To Meet Board will come up with a pro want out o f life.” wholly \ unrelated." it would , ''be that he. Hospital Reports bers, previously listed. mentary School. The P T A has gram which will insure the a p ^ y A-Energy Birth States. He has been described as work and your eli^bility for ac­ named chairman and McGeorge The Women’s Republican Club That type Of complaint comes so ruled out of order unless it in­ Oppenheimer. himself, a rangy The pastor, the Rev. John Beck, shouldered this burden for four One nice thing about a kiss is SHIRT LAUNDERIND construction of a school in accord­ Russia’s top spy in Japan. cess to restricted data are hereby Bundy, associate professor of gov­ will hold a meeting tonight at 8 at often to this column. There must volved romething that "modlfiea, six-footer, is at home in many has done remarkably fine work in years. The board will send out a that it often, changes into suspended.” ernment at Harvard University, the V FW home on Elm Street. Minor Accidents ance with the referendum. (Conttained from Page One) The Soviet Cmmunist party be a great many women who wish adds to Or subtracts from" the fields. Widely-traveled, a con­ increasing membership. The local questionnaire to parents regarding a pucker. Rottner, however, did not rule newspeper Pravdm declared April In reply. Oppenheimer wrote a was named executive serfetary. . their huAand'e had a little more original charges. noisseur of many arts, master of OHIcers of the group say it will Congregational Church haa proba­ NEEDS AN EXPERT HAND out the possibility of filing a peti­ United States might hot have the 8 that Americana kidnaped him. 43-page letter on March 4 which On Jan. 9, 1953 the State Dept, imagination about dally living. The sul^ommittee ordered the eight langtisgcs. he has been en­ be a. "workshop" meeting. Lucille Krleakl, IJ, of a a rk Rd., bly tbe largest membership of any he called "a summary account of \ C lv ll Cases Assigned tion for enactment of a law which atom bomb, because it was hla in­ The Russian diplomat, 34, was announced the panel had finished ’ Wishing doesn't help, so what inquiry after an Army report was gaged In a constant quest for Wapping, suffered a.fraclured leg church in .the town, and continues relevant aspects of my life.” .its work by submitting to Secre­ Clvil'\casc8 assigned for tomor­ would direct 'Martin to go ahead sight and devotion more than any­ second secretary o f the defunct ran a wife do to get her husband sent to Capitol Hill accusing Mc­ knowledge. to grow. The “do it youreelf” trend is all riflit * Answers Allegations tary of State Achs-son a ' "study left yesterday afternoon when she with building the achool. He also Soviet mission to TOkyd when he interested in something outside of Carthy, Cohn and Carr of using He is known as "Oppy” to his row's Msaion of the Tolland Beck is in his la.st year of study as a hobby . . . but some jobs need an ex­ 1 said a patition for a change in the one else's which led Los Alamos In the letter, the scientist took concerning armaments and Amer­ County .SuMrior court, with Judge fell off a bicycle she was riding. at the Hartford Theological Sem­ Oxydendrum disappeared last Jan. 24, just be­ working, eating and sleeping ? pre.saure tactic.s to try to win spe­ friends and aasociates and is given pert hand. ^ charter was. a possibility if the to auccesa during the war, up each of the allegations raised ican policy.” The announcement Probably her best bet is to pitch cial favors for Pvt. O. David to chain-smoking. John T. ^illlnan pteslding, in­ She was taken to Manchester Me­ inary and his ordination is expected arbofeum fore he was scheduled to return to In Nichols’ letter. Including the Board did not act. "H e has been responsible for the noted that this study "w ill be right in working at some hobby Schine, a drafted former consul-, In addition to his institute clude: iSdwaiH H. Smith va. Jessie following completion of his study Russia under orders. There was statement that he had argued available to the Incoming secre? morial Hospital where her leg was We haVe been doing this work for 40 ■ Ii,"'- ’ ,-; Rottner pointed out that the training of as much as half of our speculation in Tokyo that he was she feels her husband might have tant to the sii^ommittee. duties. Oppenheimer served ' u C. Smith; H en ^ J. Stutz vs. coerse. % against development of the hydro­ tary.” put in a cast. decision was made public only yes­ most theoretical phySiciata. flown to the U. S. base at Oki­ .a knack for. McCarthy and Cohn di.spuled chairman bf the technical ’S^x . Charles Dclmar^.'Townsend; .Helen The Rev. H. R. Keen of St. ^ years and have the best equipment and gen bomb in 1946. terday and said the Board should Others on the panel were Van- Many a man has become an the accusations. In turn, they visors to the Atomic Energy Com­ Konrad et ql vs. Isabelle Johnson; In other accidents that required Peter's Episcopal CImrch preached LILT OF THE help needed to do a completely satisfactory " I sincerely hope that even now nawa. Oppenheimer said be as well as nevar Bush. Carnegie Institute of bare reasonable time to get a pro­ ardent gardener because his wife sccu.scd Steven.s .and John G. mission. He headed the American George Crowther vh. Marcel Kessel treatment in the emergency room to an Unusually large congrega­ the investigation can be Conducted the entire General Advisory Com­ Washington; John Dickey, presi­ job. gram fo r building the school under got interested in growing flowers. Adams. Army counsel, of trying Phy.sical Society and was a mem­ et al; John E. M c^u ghlin vs. yesterday afternoon when she tion. and there was a celebratioi) calmly. If, this can be ^one, I am mittee on Atomic matters, made dent of Dartmouth College; Allen way. Many a man has been coaxed to use Schine as "a hostage" to ber of the State Department Ad­ Town of Ellington, ej ajs; Carl Delmont St., fractured the tip of a of the Holy Communion. There VALLEY TREE laauea Clarlfled confident that Dr. Op^nhelmer's up of top-level scientists, argued W. Dulles, who was then deputy Why not brinR your shirt-laundering good name can be clc'ared and that into building a patio or an outdoor halt the subcommittee's Ihvcatlga- visory Board and the United Na­ Joseph PeirolO et al ys. Stasia finger bn bis right hand while were 20 singers in the vested-choir. Amazlag Story ef He agreed with FitzGerald that against the rapid build-up of H- director of the Central‘lntelligence problem here and let us handle it? his services can Ito preserved for fireplace, because his wife sat tions o f subversion \ln the Armv. tions Atomic Energy delegation. Ogoley et al; Gladya Dimock'-et playing baseball; Karcb Jalko, 4, ■‘1716 Rev. Mr. Kee . asked pariah- this flnderella Tree. the issuea have now been clsri* Obituary waapons, which the scientist re­ Agency and Is now director: and this country, which needs them." down to draw plans, and he' TTrey released staff rhemoranda Born In New York, the sdn of a al vr. Anna B. Golden et al. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tenho iobers lo contribute to expense of RUSGO Every July this tree Bed. ferred to as a “ crash program.” Joseph E. Johnson, head of the Meanwhile, li^New York City couldn't resist looking over hrr man who emigrated from Ger­ DAB Meeting Set \ Jalko of SOO Porter St., cut her flowers for Easter. Palm branches rhaagea almost \ Rottner said nothing In the de­ He said the committee submit­ Carnegie endowment for interna­ signed bj’ Csrr and other staff support for Oppenheimer was shoulder and offering aug'ge.stlons. many and became a textile im­ Sara T^imbull Chapter, U a R, chin-when she fell on a bottle and wer^. distributed among the con­ COMBINATION WINDOWS aui DOORS overnight from a cision, in his opinion, ruled out a ted a report to the AEC stating tional Peace. employes raising the "blackmafl" voiced today by the chairman of He Snapped at the ihiit porter, Oppenheimer entered Har-. two stitches were required to gregation, somewhat scantier than petition for enactment, and th'e Oppenheimer nlao was a civilian accusation. , will meet at the borne of Mrs. pretty greea shade Ftoeh Deaths that "such a program might weak­ I even know one woman who yard In 1922. He completed a four- close the wound. Anita Fuller, 3. usual. ''It was explained that an decision Implied that a charter the Board of Trustees of the Insti­ member of . the Committee on Corrlne S. .Spencer on Davi.s Ave. tree into a white f„r gg) tute for Advsneed Study at Prince­ en rather than strengthen the po­ turned her hard-working husband year course in three years, grad­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chaiie.s order fo'r; them sent in some time cloudburst of flow­ change would be possible. sition o f the United States." Atomic Energy for the Pentagon's tomorrow afternoon-, at 3. A t thl'a^ THE NATIONALLY ADVERTISED PRODUCT ton, N. J., where Oppenheimer is into an ardent fisherman by going uating with honors. Fuller of 134 Spruce St., suffered I ago. had not yet been filled. How­ ers evartly like perfect Lilies of NEW MODEL time reports will be given by the Gen^m Manager Richard Martin Mrs. L ucIm U ScltoUcr But. Oppenheimer said, he and Research and Development Board ever, H Wfa possible to get to- director. out alone and fishing a few times. He studied [for a year at Cam­ delegates who attended the recent hilnor injuries that required no the Valley. Very fragrant. The said today that nothing in the de­ Mrs. Lucine Lachat Schaller, the other members of the commis­ until that group was disbanded on About ToVn ' gether enough to make a fairly THAT MEANS QUALITY LAUNDRY $ BRY CLEANINI The expression came from Herb­ The day she hooked a big one was bridge university,, Flngland. and State meeting. Mrs. Barbara Mar­ medical tr.calidenl when she ran secoud miracle-llke change cision changed his position and said 028 Center St.,, died yesterday at sion shifted signals after Presi­ July 1. 1953, under tlie govern­ the day she also hooked her hus­ ; good showing. ert Msaas, a New York attorney, got a PhD degree from Gottingen tin Robotham, a former resident into a parked car. She hit her head takes place In fall with the first he had no plana in connection with the Manchester Memorial Hos­ dent Truman announced in Janu­ ment reorganization program. band into going along with her the The next meeting of the (ITarke- Among visitors present was the school. He pointed out that the who said there was no question but He haa had no hj^liitary or De­ University in Germany, continu­ of this - city, will entertain the on the car. frost, when the whole tree turns pital, after a short illness. ary' 1950, that the United States next time. Wigren Testimonial Committee ing his studies as a NstionsI Re­ Allan L, Carr of Middle Haddam, FROM DEMONSTRATION AND ESTIMATE roll ssvi Keeney Street School status, is an that Oppenheimer would continue fense Dept, clearances permitting group '.vith readings. flame red. One of the most Born in Switzerland, shs bad would proceed with the H-bomb Enthusiasm is catching. A wife,, will be held tomorrow night at search fellow and an International former lay reader here. The church I beautiful and unusual of all * item on the agenda of the Board's as Institute director. Been a resident of Manchester for him acce.s8 to claasiP'ed material- Pair Ikiter Service CALL Mssas issued a statement in be­ program. can wish for years that her hus­ 7:30 at the Manche.ster Country Education Board fellow. seems so like home to him that he trees. Chotre .voting 1-3 ft, next meeting a week from today. the past 40 years. Her husband, "1 never urged anyone not to since that time, a apoke^an said Patrick G. .Slattery, 20, o f ' 31 dislikes to lose an^. of its services. half of the IS-member Board of in reply to inquiries. • band would get interested in some- Club. The ticket committee will He was married in 1940 to tbe Service at Dawn stock. I.lmited suppl.v. SFiND In answer to questions he said Gustave J. Schaller, Sr., died six work on the hydrogen bomb proj­ tning outside h.is job.' Often she'll meet there at 6:45, preceding the Hamilton St., and Vernon E. Pike, He sang with the. choir. Trustees saying of the noted scient­ Reports that Oppenheimer had former Katherine Harrison, a R. J. LYONS-MI-9-7382 NO MONFIY. Pay postman cost . the decision did not change his wceHa ago. She was a member of ect,” Oppenheimer said. get nothing from him but the as­ meeting of the full committee.' 17, of 91 East Main St., Rockville A t the laqt niecting of Grange, ./ ■ \ mind as to legsIKy of planning a ist: had Communist associations in biologist. They have two children. plus C.O.D.. iMMtage. Postage St. James’ Church. ^ Never <)tieethMied Policy surance that he doesn't have time have entered the armed forces and Easier Morning held In Gilead Community Hall, school to coat less than $450,000. He "Throughout hia aervice with the younger years' were widely circu­ AG E N T FOR paid on prepaid orders.' Satls- She leaves five daughters, Mrs. for such nonsense, or that he is too have been assigned to the Air institute we have never had any A fte r the President's decision lated long before his service in Arthur H'Jtchinson of Manchester, facUon - guaranteed or your had previously refused to do so be­ Joseph Wiley, Mrs. Frank Gadom- tired at the end o f the day to do Base at Sampson,. N . Y. occasion to doubt hit complete was made, he declared, "w e never tiie.se posts. In May, 1950, a Cali­ An Easter dawn service, spon­ and C. Daniel Way of Gilead, two money bark. cause he said it would be illegal. skl, Mrs. John Horan and Mrs. anything but take .to his easy " Holy Week Rervlees THE BARTLETT-BRAINARD CO. When asked If the Board had not loyalty and sincerity,” y again raised the question of the fornia legislative committee re­ of the six charter membeVs of the Kruse Nurseries, Dept. 18903, Henry Bcrdat9 all of Manchester, chair. >' Holy Week services have been sored by the Matuhester Youth Grange were honored at the already determined its polity by Tbe triiateea’ chairman was re­ wisdom of the policy which had ceived testimony from a self- WEST HARTFORD. CONN. Bloomington,' Illinois. and Mrs. Paul Boulay of Rlviaria But as soon as she becomes en­ announced by the pastors of the Council, will be held at 6 a.m. Sluf group’s 48th. anniversary. Hutch- requesting him to engage Walter luctant . to say more, but finally, now been settled, but concerned atylcd former Communist courier, □ 81 each □ 8 for $3 Beach, Fla.; five sons, Robert and thusiastic about something - he A Few Choice Items Left two Catholic churches in the city imion recited a poem, "John May-- Crabtree, Jr. for the school, Martin in response to a question as to ourselves rather with trying to Mrs. Sylvia Crouch, that Oppen­ day at the South Melhq'dtat Print Name ...... i . i . . . Gtistave. both of Manchester. starts to perk up and t a ^ notice. as follows: A. Product of F. C. Russell Co., Cleveland said the Board had never rescinded whether he expected Oppenheimer help implement it.” \ heimer had attendett a secret Church. n'ard," which he learned .70 years Address ...... a,..tai.,. Branck Stora 314 Mala St. — Naar Anmory Her greatest ally is-^ttie mascu­ St. Joseph's Church, devotions its vote approving the original final to be cleared, he replied: ^ Loon, of'Syracuse, N. Y., John, o f Sen. MeCsethy (R-W ia) said in party meeting in Berkeley .in T h e . speaker will be the Rev. or so ago. W ay marie some inter­ Mystic and Henry, pf New London; line belief that a nyrn can always Tffkchren CLOCKS .. . . 4.95 NOW 2.99 tomorrow evening at 7:30, con­ ------:----- ^ ^ ^ ------plans. " I hope he will— I think he will.” a televiaion speech last week that 1941. John E, Post of the North Melho- three sisters, Mrs. Hiram Darling teach a woman a better way of sisting of the singing of the Pas­ Town Counsel Charles N. Crock­ Maasa said Oppenheimer told development of the H-bomb wa.s Oppenheimer denied in a state­ dl.ct Church. Barclay Wood, organ­ o f Manchester and Mrs. Alice doing anything. - Mirre Auto Porcelotbr sion, sermon and Benediction. Con­ ett todsy declined to comment the institute's board of the allega- delayed for 18 months and asked ment that he had attended such a . 13.50 NOW 8.95 ist of the Second Congregational Laviy and Mrs. Joseph Rocate, And once he starts to tell her e»' fession will be heard tomorrow publicly, pointing out that he rep­ tion.s against him at a meeting whether subversives might have meeting but ' said he . formerly .Church, ..will .be the organist and resents the town. He said he both ot Switzerland; three broth­ been behind the delay. How, he's soon right in the middle Uulvonal Porcolator .. . 10.95 NOW 4.95 afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00 and held at the Uptown Club here on knew many persons “in left-wing of doing the thing himself. accompany, the youth choir, com­ should not give any opinions pub­ Feb. 15. The white-haired kttor- ers, Charles Lachat of Manches­ Neithsr Nichols’ nor Oppen- circles" and himself belonged to immediately after the devotions. (All rights reserved, NEA Serv­ posed of yptipg people from all of Fly Tying Time Is NOW licly since he might have to defend ter, Leon Lachat of Winsted and htimer'a letter mentioned Mc­ several left-wing organizations. Holy Thursday, a high mass will ney termed these discussions ice, Inc.) the Prolcslanl . churches. Robert a point of view on the matter "strictly Confidential.” / Camilla Lachat of TorringtOn; 17 Carthy. But he declared the government IRONS--G.E...... 12.95 NOW 8.44 be sung at 8 a. m. followed by a grandchildren, and 10 grekt solemn procession. The Blessed LedoUx of the Concordia Lutheran aometime. Board Ignorant ot pfobe Nor was there anything in had known about that ever since Church will be the leader of the NOW Meanwhile the citizens commit­ The board knew nothing of the grandchildren. Nichols' letter te indicate who had he started work on the A-bomb. M AM IE C.4NCEL.S DATE Univorsd .... . 13.95 NOW 9.58 Sacrament will then he placed in Funeral services will be held the repository. On Good Friday the service, Ida Johnsim of . the tee which opposed the Bowers bloc probe, which had been /under way more accusations about Oppen- The Houee un-American A ctivi­ Emanuel Lutheran CHqrch will was planning a meeting within a for some time prevloifsiy, until Thursday moi’nlng at 10:15 from e^^err ties Committee questioned Oppen Washlnglnn, A|nrll IS OP)— Unhftrsol .... Mass of the Presanctified will be Mrs. Dwight D. Elsenhower has . 11.95 NOW 7.95 read the scripture, and Hooks day or two "to discuss what Op^nheimer's report, Maass add- the W. P. Quish Funeral Home. Oppenheimer, now 49, acknowl- hclmer in a secret session on June celebrated at 8 a. ro. at which time sent word to the Daughters of Johnston Of the Center Congrega­ future action if any, We myy want 225 Main St., and at 11 o'clock In sdged that In 'hia younger yeara 7, 1949. It haa never made .his the Adoration of the Crosa will S t .Tames' Church. • Burial will be the Amrriean Revolution that Monning Rewmon .... 13.95 NOW 9.58 tional Church will , offer 't)ie to take,” according to Mrs. Gloria He Said he likewise hsd not been he .has associated with Commun­ testimony public, but aides said he take place. HOLIDAY ske is sorry— hut she won’t be prayer. Benson, spokesman for the group. aware of the fact that some of In St. James' Cemetery. ists and contributed to some Com- At St. Bernard’s Church tomor­ Our Assortment Of Ply Tying acknowledged being acquainted able to receive their national G .E. Trovol ...... Breakfast, for which rcserva- Mrs. Benson said: "A s it is the charges hsd been circulated Friends mav call at the funeral ihunfst causes. . 12.95 NOW 8.95 row, confes.sions .will We heard in with SteVe Nelson, a Oommunlst offlrers, board members and tion.s must be made through youth agreed by everyone that this years earlier, and had not heard of home today , f c ^ 7 to 10 p. lifi. 'H e added: the afternoon and in the evening;’ and tomorrow from. 2 to. $ and organizer in California and Penn­ state regents at the White Holy ’Ihursday.'S a. ni. Communi­ gro.ip leaders, will be served at 7 Equipment Is Complete sphool is badly needed we sincere­ them when Oppenheimer Joined "Because of these... T might sylvania, ly hope dhat the Board of Direc­ from 7 to 10 p. m. House April 33 ns' planned. Mhe DOMINION TOASTER . ' 10.95 NOW 4.75 on: 7:30 a. m,. Mass. Good Friday. o'clock by the young people of the the institute staff in 1047. well have appeared at the time as A committee report on atomic tors will^Assume their responsibil­ will Im; out of town. 7:30 a. m. Mass; 3 p. m. Stations South Methodist (Thurrh. "We knew of hla eaitorience as quite close to the Communist par­ This 1$ Hm Hfflt fa gaf your 8y ity to the people of Manchester to s c ie n tis t.” M aau said. "W e hsd ty — perhaps even to some people PRESSURE COOKERS— 4 carry out their will as expressed t o occasion to inquire about a man as belonging to it. As I have said, in the referendum." who had just come off the biggest some o f its declared objectives roewound and rtpairod so y o u l b o Funerals H puort ConiiRr ... NASA! MIttliV FitzGerald Ntafement job in the world." seemed to be desirable. But I was 20.00 NOW 10.00 FitzGerald's full statement fol­ In NorwaJk. Conn.., the man who never a member of the Communist roody to go afttr tho M f lows: picked Oppenheimer to work on Mrs. Nettie M. Briggs party. I never accepted Commun­ 4 Quart Ecko ...... 13.95 NOW 8.25 In response to yoUr request that the atomic bomb said today he The funeral of Mrs. Nettie M. ist dogma in theory; iif fact. it 0110$ this $pr^. I comment on the recent decision thinks hjs choice wes "sounid," and Briggs. 4 No. Fairfield St., was never n^ade sense to me. I had no In the Keeney Street School, case ll’af security rcrulatlMs then Ijeld yesterday afternoon., a t 2 clestfly formulated political -viewa. BROILERS— I will say that I feel that Judge were "far different" than now. o'clock St the W. P. Quish Funeral I hated t>Tanny and repression and King's decision docs much to clar­ Gen, Leslie R, Groves, wfirtime Broilking .... LOWER Home, with the Rev. John’ Neu- every form of dictatorial control 24.95 NOW 14.25 SINUS-rM EM .rm iM L- ify the confusion which has ex­ head of the Manhattan Project bert. pastor of the Community of thought." AMAXMfl MW FflUOUCT sl»w««> Intlsnt relief frem netol reojeitiew and isted'Until now concerning the ap­ and now vice-president of P.eming- Baptist Church, officiating. Burial The scientist, now director of the Evoi^Mdy...... fissatetse ef MffM artMfi s«y include, cevere end peundino heedecfies m ferebeod, THAN plicable law. ton Rand, tnc., was asked by the . 10.95 NOW 7.95 HisalM. fen ef heed, bech ef hesd. dchine cheek berm, eyes cere end feel (ib# was in the family plot in the East Institute for Advanced Study at oroeel Is fhesi, ceresees deem beeb et neck, *io end dro(nooe ef nbee end thredl. I believe that the Judge's Memo­ Norwalk Hour to comment on the Cemetery. Princeton; declared: dlisyneec, eer neuee, coni cee esN ef timec, can't IhirA itroibhl, feels like tighf Y O U THINK! randum makes the following action of the Atomic E lergy Com­ The casket wss borne by por­ " I have reviewed two decades of (mmh wn. M HP WESTMGHOUSI MOTOR DOOR CHIMES ...... band ereund head, cdnf smell er fssle. end cemhine. .This Netienollv Advertised propositions abundantly clear; mission which has suspended Dr. ' . . .7.95 NOW 5.75 ere duct has biven quick and amazina relwf to theusonds. theiefers no msiler hear ters. ., ' my life. I have recalled instances V M h, TaM* IsIMilwi. (tie Nm«, Sliira Uawf*, Iwiich IwiB you fidvs ssrftsradt hssr ssucft ysu have soars er uhat preducts yau fspya fried First; The will of the j^ople as Oppenheimer from ills advisory where I acted unwisely. What I tape far 8 m V n in TBUbt np cast er abtieefion accept te return and pay l4m axpressed at. the ' referendum post for security reasons. - have hoped was, not that I could G .E. Hooting P o d ...... 4.95 NOW 4.52 cenfs pastspe if set dtbatsdd esth results es this is net o sample. amounts to* two commands, i l l "I selected Dr.‘ Oppenliciiner to wholly avoid error, but that t might RMily li PUM IN ffiftte MATtofCq m diAToaiu, flatT. CAtiropfctA H u t a scj^ool substantially in ac­ head the Los Alamos laboratory," team from it. Noxon Boon Pot . . cordance ' with the pfeliminary the ger.eral replied: "Dr. Oppen­ Public Records ‘ What I have learned has.' ■ I ..: 4.50 NOW 4.45 plans and specifications be built, heimer was already engaged in re­ tljink, made me more fit to serve 12) That such school be built at a search in the field of the atomic Quitclaim Deeds my country." Dominion Toblo Stovt . . 31.95 HOW 21.95 cost not exceei^ng $450,000. bohtb when lie was picked by me. Mary C. Anderson and Rose Will Dispute Charges I wa.s not bound by any'executive Anna ‘'Anderson to Bcmtcc A. Guordsmon Firo Alorm . The second of these commands Oppenheimer ' - told Nichols, 20.M NOW 9.99 V . means that a contract could not orders or' .iny laws on whom. I Borg, property on Center Street "though of course' I would have no ba let to build the school today for should use. 1 was bound only by and Salem Road. desire te retain an advisory posi­ Unhftrsol Tryor . . . 29.95 NOW 20.25 $478,OOO; It meaiu just as clearly the best interests of the United Bernice A. Borg to Mary A tion if my advice were not needed. 7 9 ” that a contract with omissions .States. I think my selection wss Oharbonneau, Harvey \. Charbon- I cannot ignore the question you WASHERS ■ DRYERS • IRONERS cannot be let now for $450,000 sound." . . ‘ neau' and Rote Anna Anderson, G.E. COFFEE MAKERS ...... 8.95 NOW 4.25 when it will bf necessary to later Gen. Groves .said srimlific in­ property., at Center Street and MAYTAG - BLACKSTONE ! supply those omissions at an ad­ terest wa.s iipiieimost in his mind Salem Road. , . 9.95 NOW 5.25 Casting Rods and Reels when he chose Dr. Oppenheimer. Marriage Ucenaea ditional coat to the taxpayers of •HOPMASnS FIB$T about $28,000, This, to use Judge Asked- if he how I'onsic’ered Dr. James Edward Downing*. 05 Paragon Day-Night Hoot Control 12.95 NOW 8.43 HOTPOINT - ABC-O-MATIC Spinning Reels and Lures King's language-would make a Oppenheimer trustworthy. Groves Overlook Drive and Jean Elisabeth BUY'WHERE YOU CAN ALWAYS GET SERVICE , "mockery" of the law of this said: Costello, 111 Florence St., April Good Selection of Bucktails and " I don't know. How can you al­ 24. St. James’ (Thurch. e«" NsSdvr C«m4. X Crsuel Metvi') Second: There is no merit to ways tell if your own husband or Charles Everest Robinson, Jr., LIGHTING FIXTURES 40% OFF tfio claim that the approval of the wife is trusts, orthy 7” Salem, Mass., and Martha Ter-'wiUi- TRY OUR SHOPMASTIR riR$T ABC APPLIANCE CO. Dry Flies bond issue exhausted the Board ger Johnson, 30 Ardmore Rd., TEL. MI-9-lii75 ' 21 MAPLE ST. April 17. Of Director's power of control as 't»em Hutasata XMAS LIGHT SETS 50% OFF BEST TR.\DE INS IN TOWN LET US HELP YOU SOLVE YOUR NSHING , to what U to be built .with the Leo Francia Jtudolfl, 52'Bissell Gum again.' This striking OMsmobile "88” Holiday Coup^ brings you new Martin Appoints ,St.. and 'Sophie Annie Scdol. 109 proceeds of the bpnd issue. The "hardtop” luxury . . . at a imst low p rita ! Yet it's distinctively Oidsmnbile— with TACKLE PROBLEMS Branford St., April 24, Si. Bridg- PICK-UP Court's decision says this express­ SHOPMAgrSR FIRST S o i^ Coroy and SUox Bowls . . ---- .... 35c ly. It says further, by implication, Pergonnel Body et’a Church. all the new.for-’St features you'd expect to find only on higher-priced models. that the Board O t Directors has Bertram Alan Bigge, 08 McKin­ AND ley St., and Jean Anne Ellison, 28 Hoot Cord SoH ...... 90c NOW 35c Dramatically new pattoesmic windshield! L a t ^ , sweep-cut body design! Longer, power te "check or Control" the In futberance of his effort to action of the Manager and The Hemlock St., April 24. more rugged ehaasis! L iir lie r , more poserfni "R ock et” Engine— tbe/moat PHONE Mi-9-5253 develop and administer a person­ Building Prrnsits G.E. Clooiior Took ...... 13.95 NOW 8.50 School Building Committee with nel program without creating a To Laurent J. Roger for altera­ spectacular performer in its class! Come in today— sec and drive iK s smart rapect to what plans are to be personnel officer. General Manager DELIVERY 'YOUR STORE OF FRIENDLY SUVICE" used fo r the building of the new tions and additiona to a dwelling new Holiday! Best of all, doable.check its sensatioaal low price! Once ytm do,' Richard Martin has appointed an at 19 Clyde Rd.. $105. Xecney Street achool. Advisory Personnel Cocunittee YOUNGSTOWN DISPOSALS you’ll wont to rocket away . . , in Oldsmobile's budget-priced ” 88"' Holiday! With these propositiena clearly consisting of three town emj'loyes. BL.48T TOLL FIVE in tbe minds of the principals on They are Dai^d Chambers, SERVICE ■N both sides o f' the dilute a com­ building insp^tor, who will be Goldsbore. N. C. AprU 1$ (#) S129.9S NOW $74.23 promise can be worked out. It chairman. Miss Louise Johnson, — Rescue wurkers preMng the miut, however, be a compromise controller,___ and ■ , Fred J . Thrall, „ assist? wreckage of a mysterious dowu- CALL PRIINO BUILDING MATERIALS V o c k s t ” ■ n o m n k BUILDING MATERIALS W’hich does ,not lose sight of the Mt superintendent Of the Waterif '"^ v e re d two /■ aeeond mandate o f tl^e people; that Dept. more bodies today; ralalag the LUMBER FUEL 4* s i f AND DRJVl IT At YOUR NIARI9T QLDSMORILI DIALER’S LUM BER FUEL such achool coct thi^ taxpayers of The committee..1? Will accept Sug degth? toll to Sve. OfflOers JOHNSON SROTHiRS 134 N. MAIN 8T^ MANCHESTER TEL. MI-948U Maachester not more than. $450.- gestions fo r revising the person­ feared at iaast two M or« bod­ Ml 9-5295 S M N .M A lM S T n llA N C a E S T fiR ' TEL. l|I-9-525S 00$. either now-or later. It- to jiat nel procMures under which the ies may be bqried fat the n M lo . OPflN DAILY TAM. to S PJL. TNCLlfJDIXG WEDNESDAY ^ ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS MANCHESTER iioTO R SALESv ine. • '5 1 2 West Center Street . (^ c n Daily 7 A- M. to 5 P. M. Includiiig. Wediteaday saljf hfitbin the power o f the Board to'.vn h a s, operated for several of three storeo th^. were demol­ MANCHESTER c O f Directors to effect this mandate months. Those regulations' became ished by the Mast hero '’jreoler- ‘ ^f^TERNOONS aMl (UfTTROAVS UNTIL NOON 1043 MAIN STi ^ MANCHESTER ' Afternoons and Saturdays Untif Nooo i M tha iwopia. it ia their duty as' formally e|IectWe lagt^week. li^ O R SALES ; ! ill Uf FOR '..'r o c k e t ;: SRICIALSffAIITY-TfSTfD UAID CARSI < - ■ ■■ ; .'V Ij —.wtr ; ->i- ' Y- ' ■ ' ■ ■ ■ ■V j. ;> ■,./

; I, X. / X / ; PAGE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAt, APRIL 13. 1954 MANCHESTERi ^ E Y E IN G HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1954 K PAGE ELEVSN Hal Boyle Columbia ^ Ellington the Instrumentalists and ' the Pil­ grim Slnjters will be the choir. the construction Industry will be in marketing and professional Manchester This service Is being arranged W O eo—IBM W HAT—610 in sight.. centers to serve outlying housing Town 89e800 Operetta Is Given L e g^ioii i Unit Invites by the Protestant churches In the Uliiding ]ppe M There are some other twists in developments. Some bankers in Something Grows Up: W KNB—*40 Daily RadiD WGTH— 1416 $tart now to protoct yevraMf and famHy ogcrfnst Date Book Greater Rockville area. Parents The Cordial Shoppe the building trend this spring: various parts of the nation-worry Social Security By Fifth Graders Girls as Guests and friends are all invited to this WDRO—1860 Eastern Standard Time W TIO—16M ot ill Most folk In Tucson, Arlz.. ad­ lest the.ae may prove to be over- Polio by purelMohm Polio Insoronc* ond 11 oflior" service. The two yoiith groups i MAIN STREET TEL. MI-3-7718 mit the city is "over-built." Hun­ expanded just now. Sunday, April 25 and PilgrimSingers will' return dreds of hoii.ses and apartments The Town of Manchester yea-1 drtod disooMs which hov* boon oddod to Tho A Home Problem % '‘Building Is the big siiatainer of Columbia, April 13 (Special)-— "Lights On” campaign for can­ Ellington, April 13 (Special)— to the local church for cncoa and The following program ach$d-..6:M— are. vacant—traced in part to a the economy now, here as every­ terday paid about $9,800 into the 1 Lumb*rni*ns FomHy Polio *xp*nM poliei** ds of ^lei are supplied by the radio WHAY—Polish Home conoinv federal Social Sectirity system. The The bperetta, "Hansel and Gretel,” cer drive. Joan Pozzatiu and Gail Scribner, doughtnuts which Will be served WTIC—D ln ^ Shore big drop in employment at an air- where,” says Herbert A. Leggett, . New Y6rk (/P) — SomelhinR hae lergic to mink, discarded the damp was presented yesterday by Mrs. April 38 and 28 b>( the Sta-weds. Now Operating Un^er The nianagementa and are subject to WDRC—People Are Funny craft parts plant that stopped de­ vice president of the Valley Na­ sum Included this town's share as 1 April 1st. CoH who Have been chosen by the local WGTH-Mlckey Spfllans 7 happened In our house that I am diaper and surroun(led the infant Ethel Brehant's fifth grade pupils Highland Park PTA minstrel change without notice. Loa Angles, \April IS i/P) fense contract work. tional Bank of. Arizona. eutployer, the portion withheld' with a local towel. , ‘ / 4 :H — # :I 3 - oot sure I can face. at Yeomans' Hall. One peiiform-. show, at the school. American Legion Auxiliary and Manchester Evening Herald El­ WHAY—91U PolkA Uop WHAY—Polish Horn Building I# the bri)^t bi spot In. the Ntart Building ((tgain 'Several ttr.:es In the past, t|je from the pay of some 330 em-1 We came to love the baby, and ance waa i,iven at 10 a.m. for the Tuesday, A pril 27 WTIC—F rank Sinatri ployes, and about $285 in town- I would Just as soon not talk G range to go -to G irls’ S tate a t the lington correspondent, Mrs. O. F. , WCCC—Record, Review ecotiomy''today—aniKrpoapecU of ■yet, 12 contractors have started nation woke up one morning to about it-at all —^ but it seems that she gained weight—a sure sign of lower grades and a second runoff Cornerstone Club military whist Management Of WKNB—Yankeee ve. Senatnfe WDRC—people Are hUnny building again in the last moiith or paid administrative expense#. The ' THE WA5LEY AGENCY University of'Connecticut June 27 Berr, telephone Rockville'5-9318. WTIC—Backetage Wile WGTH—Hickey Spillan* -find all of a sudden that it was there is nothing else I want to talk prosperity, even, among the young was given at 1:30 p.m'. for the and food sale. Community Y, 8:15 1 :3 # - . stni easier financing keep It sc, and one reports selling 38 paym ent covered the year'# first.* —and bowed her head and took through July 3, will be gueals of WDRC—Lewis: Record Bliop over-built, if only temporarily. It for rat*s.—Td. Ml«3-664| about more. upper classes, parents and friends. p. m. WGTIl—Red Sox v». AthleUcs WHAY—Join the Navy that way for months. \ homes from plans In one week. The could happen again." quarter, January, February, and \ "The basic thing about you, the name of Margaret Traoy Ann Mrs. Lydia Allen, music super­ Friday and Saturday the Auxiliary at the meeting at ‘ 4;!&■ WTIJ-Barri* Craig Tucson Home Builders Assn., says M arch. i Kathleen Boyle. Or, as we call Deaths Last Night WRAY-810 PolkA Uop WDRC—Mr. and M rs NorUi Even In cities liberally But contractor# seem confident Rover,” said my wife, Frances, "is visor for the school acted as .April SO and May I Mrs. Edwin Finance's on Sand Hill WCCC—Record Review WCTH—High Adventure hiost of the buyers are veterans, Four percent of ea(;h worker's Her, Tracy. RUSSELL 3 :43— with vacant houaea, new hflmea —what with fresh gox'emmental that you are a coward. accopipanist. Co-Weds musical revue. "Harem Rd. A pril 20. - > . HARRY WKNB—Yankeee vk.'Senatork attracted by the latest thing In pay goes Into Social Security and Well, you know how this life is. WTlC-BlellA Dallaa WHAY-Go to Town are being atarted and sold. encourBge"ient for various forms j "I still can 't figure hoW you Catalng Bonks Skarem.". Waddell School. The next meeting of the Elling­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS WTIC—B arrie Craig hou.ses and by easy mortgage the taxpa.vers as emplo.vers bear! You try to plot and'plan it. and Mrs. Hyland Tasker. Mrs. Rus­ Saturday, May 1 WDRC—Lewie: Record Shop New office buildings, alorio r ^ term s. of building—that the dread morn­ went through the second world Midoenly a stranger comes in and ton Woman’s Club will be held in Swarthmore, Pa.—Dr. Arnold WUTH—Red Sok ve. Athletics WDRC-Mr. and Mr* North half that expense as well ss the i sell Evans and Mrs. Frank Mar- Jaycecs' annual May dance. FULL LIN^OF IMPORTED ond DOMESTIC 4:3#— ■ , WGTH-Hlgh Adventure ' stln ^ In phoenix. Ariz., construction ing won't come along this year. war without catching jaundice, changes the whole tempo. the Hall Memorial Library at 8 Dresden, 72, retired professor and achoola, hoapital and marketin, cost of sdrhinistration. - | which I uhderstand turns people chisa, all membera of the School S tate A rm ory. 9 p. m. to 1 a. m. . WHAY-910 Polka Hop - X \>ermits in Maijch were .the highest Folks are different. 1 know a p.m; April 21. A fashion show, pre­ chairman of the department of WCCC—Record Review • . WHAY-N*w»: Nlfhl Watch centers are rising to service the Social Security was adopted re-; Library Committee, worked all Monday, May S WTIC—Dragnet fbr any month in It# history ex- HARTFORD AI JF.N F.XPF.IJ.ED yellow. You were born yellow, and guy, who dreams that some sented. by Mrs. Ethel Oamcr of mathematics at Swarthmore (Col­ LIQU91IS. WINES, CORDIALS and BEER WKNB- Yankee* v». Benatore big population shifts and growths cently because It provided more' any physician who looked at' you Thursday st the school cataloging Chaminade Club concerfl Luther WTtC—WIdder Brown WDRO—Johnny DoUar c e ^ A pril, 1951. Tfie first large Hartford, April 13 (B—The U. 8. BARLOW’S TELEVISHW morning he will wake up and find Cramers fashion shop, will be lege and at one time an Instructor W<;TH—New*; Dciuign for Dancing. since the war. Thia type of con­ benefits at a lower cost, both to and didn't mistake you for a ' and numbering books. Hall, Emanuel Lutheran church. WDRC—Record Shop dowwown offife bulldmg In many’ Immigration and Naturalization th.al somcb(^y has pul a slot ma­ featured. at the University of Wisconsin. WGTH—Red Sox ve. Athletics • :IS- struction usually lags behind the the workers snd to the town. 1 lemon, was either near-signed pt School Recess Slated Monday, M ay 10 The Palm Sunday evening con­ Born in Holland. Died Saturday. Let.^^ discuss your liquor and cordial requirement* 4:43— WHAY—Newi; Night NVatch big rti.eh of home building. y tars^’ going up for the First Na­ Service has ordered Ana M. Lopes. chine in his rumpus room. But 1 WTIC—Dra gn« i tional 'Bank of Arizona. And color blind." The School will recess for a 10- Testimonial dinner for Wilfred cert presented by the (Thancel and Caldwell, N. J.—John D. Keen­ < WHAY—91U Polka Hup WDRC—Johnny Dollar Both In Los Angeles and Ran 42, to returii to her native Portugal Sales and Service u ould just as soon wake up and day vacation after sessions con­ for parties and banquets. \ WCCC—Record Review March shwl permits for 119 nevy^ Then she signed, and I thought Clarke and Charles Wigren, State Pilgrim Singers of the Congrega­ an. 63, president since 1934 of the \ WKNB--Yankee* v*. Senators W(fTII—New*; Design for Dancing Francisco building la running be­ because of her failure to comply added very graciously: find*that an orphan's home had clude 'Ihursday afternoon. The Armory. 9 :8 8 - dwelling utiits in a city that has' 'with her status as a Vialtor. Special / ' moved into my house. tional Church w-as an outstanding American Steel CThase Co., Long \WTIG—The Woman . WHAY-»-N>w*: Night Watch hind last spring, but It continues "I don't doubt you have phys­ school will be closed Good Friday S aturday, M ay 15 WDRC—Record Shop at ■ a good pace. And in some of had one oK the greatest home- Inquiry Officer Thomas W. Gleason ► STATIONERY i UHF BOWTIE5 and CONVERTER5 (irogram. Mrs. Kenneth Johnson Island City, N ., Y„ manufacturers / FREE DEUVERY AFTER 2 P.M. and 7 P.M. WHJTH-Red Sox v*. Athletic* ' WTfCd-N^wa: Crime and P. Chamber* building kc.t^a in the country ical courage, whatever that is. and I love babies- fat, c r i n k l.y and the ensuing week. "Girl Scouts Together" pro­ directed the {hoir «nd Miss Elea­ of printing machinery, and associ­ WDRC-Mv Friend Irma the suburbs, home-building la as ■aid that Miss Ix>pes arrived here 6 LEADING BR.ANliX 4 WGTH—Jr. Cha. Corn. since the w ar.\ last Dec. 2. and took a job as a BENDIX — MOTOROLA — RCA I suppose that is what you m\ist babies, rand 1 like 'em wet or dry. I Slide Program Planned gram at Slate Armory. 2 to 4 p, m. nor, Fo'lansbee played the organ ated With the firm since 1914. Born w i^ y —Western Caravan mueh as 30 per cent higher, the ^ AIRMAIL - NOTES ^ Tonight's meeting of the PTA weefc—Record Review P :45— As e lse w h e re \ In the nation, i machine operator,in New Haven. have demonstrated on the battle­ love them when they laugh, and .May 30, 21 and 22 a.<:sisted by Miss R uth Wood a t the WHAY—News: Night Watch Building Contractors Assn, of will be held at Yeomans Mall and In (Thlcago. Died Sunday. WKNB—New*; Sport* downtown propertjLin Phoenix has I Cileason said alien visitor# may not 214 SPRUCE ST., MANCHESTER TEL. MI-3-509S field, or they wouldn't have let I love them when they cry. I think Center Thespians present ptano. WTIC—Ju st P lain Bill WTK'—NVw*: Crim^ and T. Chamber* C^alifornla reports. you stay overseas with the soldiers any grownup must really love a will feature slides of the school "M iranda." BoxVers School. WDRC—New*; Record* WDRO-My Frknd Irhna been finding the going a little hold jobs without permission of the ^Arthur Drug Storisj Coming Events W(;TH-*Chrli»tian Srleoce Ilollar Volume Up rough because of thK big growth ; Immigration service. for four years.” baby more when it cries than when children and ether points of in­ Friday and Saturday WGTH—Sgt. Preston of Yukon 18:88— terest In the town. May 28 and 29 Girl Scouts meet at the church • :1 3 - % WHAY—New*: Night Watch For the nation as a whole, ;the "The thing about you. Rover.” it laughs, because he can help It at 3 p.m. tomorrow. WHAY—WeHern Caravan my wife continued, "is that you are Principal George Patros will be Community Players play. WTfC-Fibber. Molly Labor and Commerce Depta. re­ more—and that's what grownups A communion service will be Planning to Buljd? WCCC—Record Review WDRC—I* Paraona port the dollar volume of construc­ x ; a moral coward. You may be able are probably for. In charge of the program. The S atnrday, June 6 WKNB—Baeeball Requeet Matinee W'GTII—Frank Kdwarda to face a loaded gun without fear slides were taken by members of 30th reunion, class of 1924 MHS, observed at the Congregational WTIC-Front ^ e Pnrrell tion Is running ahead of a year Now (this time for sure) I'll get Church Thursday which is Maun­ WDRC—Record Shop ago. and topped 7 1-4 billion dol­ (Boyle's note: She la mistaking back to what has happened in our the school faculty of school activi­ Country Club. 4 p. m. W. H.^ENGUND WGTH—8*t. Preslon of Yukon WHAY—NVwh: Night Watch me with a captain I Introduced ties. dy Thursday, at 7:30 p.m. Both »:S#- WTIC—Hoart of NVw* lars in Lhe_flj-st three months. ' house and made m e feel* so blue. choirs will be singing. LUMBER COMPANY Munson^s WHAY—Hall of Records WDRC—Nfwp; Nocture her to who once won the Medal of Hot Lunch Menu Based on hopes of further eas- . Tracy, that Infantile betrayer, will Easter Sunday at 4:45 a.m. the Telephone lill-9-0244 WCCC—Record Review WGTH—M'Mid* in the Night Honor in a few moments of aban­ soon be ten months old, and the Patros reports tl« tiot V'nch WKNB—Raae'lvalf Request Matinee lfi:sa— -Ing of home financing term s by : don!, but you can't face tomor­ menu for the rema^der of the Carol McKenney Pilgrim Singers and both Junior WTlCr-Lorenio Jones WHAY—New*: Night Watch Congress, speclilativ# contractors ' signs of decrepitude accompany and Senior Fellowships will meet WDR(>e.Memory Lane WTICs—World of Muair. row. Anybody who' loves yesterday week aa follows: Tomornfw, sal­ WDRC—Mood* for Romance are now going ahead with home everything she does. at the. church to drive together to CANDY KITCHI^N WGTH—Sky King as . much as you do has to be a mon croquettes, vegetable, tossed Guest at Shower 1:43— WGTH —Mooda In the Night building plana around many cities, j She came to us as a baby, and Fox Hill. Rockville to take part WHAY—Halt of Record* 18:U— -coward.” salad, doughnuts; 'Thursday, mac­ WHAY- New*: Night Wairh building material auppliers report. ' now she is turning into a human aroni and vegetable salad, sailboat in the Sunrise service. • 117 NEW lOLTON «D. \ WCCC—Record Review I suppose she is right. A womsn being. .This was not part of the WKNB —BaeebaH Request Matinee WTir World of Mualr In some communities now 90 per who puts up with the same man saniclwiches. Ice cream; no school A te^ and mlscellaneoua shower The local church is planning the WTIC—Pay* to Merry WORC—Mfiod* for Rtimanr* bargain, and she has broken the was ^ven Sunday afternoon by' WGTH—Mfiod* in the Night cent of the buyers of nevv homes for 16 H years in a row probably Friday. music. Robert Wallace, Robert WDRC—Maesey. TlUon are veterans who have especially has csuied him p retty well. rules. It is so much more difficult M ray^cster Alexander. 21 Strong Abom and Dale Rollins will be WILL BE WGTH-Sky King 11:80— to love .a human being than a / # ;# •- . . W HAY-New* easy financing terms. In these But to get back to what happen­ Manchester Evening Herald Co­ St.,on honor of Miss Carol McKen­ WHAY- New*- WTIC -Nf'w* bab>. ney. 40 Mt. Nebo PI. Mrs. Alex­ WCCC—Goo«»Sf(l«ld hiHof. your «auro. Holpi visiting at the home of Mr. and previous card party and food I (12forJ2) • bride of Carl Judson Houghton of roduco (odgus. 10-tedi woiftbood of WHAV—Supper Serenade ■ Manchester, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ernest Dlngwell. Miss Viola sale. . Now vnii can get the beautiful WTIC—One Man’* Family Wllliard Houghton 'of Aylesford, Osborn, of Shelton, was a weekend dnoO «4oitk wobbiog — * choice' AZALEAS yoifw aluavs WDRC—K R Miirrow WGTH—Bacharach Nova Scotia. p guest at the Dlngwell home. . two-woy itrokbl Clottk I wanted at aensatlnnal low mall- , Tommy Goodale of Andover spent I order prices. Y'es, only *1 brings A double-ring c^dlelight cere­ NOW IS THE noth ay.froot poudi. , Television Programs mony, was perfortied by the Rev. the weekend at the home of his to your door a thrilling assortment Off* SOUlOCfO OCSIGH John Beck, assisted by the Rev. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kel- All tlrtd out-T^onic before bed- | TIME TO HAVE I of 5 grade-A Azalea Rushes. Grown On Page Two Stephen (Chamberlain of Andover, logg White. LECLERC time. rnrefref»h/d on w*klnif. Kn- [ I outdoors s|ieelally for extra hardi­ before an altar decorated with New's A rrivals erify end Rtrenkth falling—work a YOUR PROPERTY ness, 4'olors selei'led from ginning .A daughter. Melody Ann, was FUNERAL HOME burden—worry moat all the time Smoothly Sanded — gladioli. Mrs. Allene Clark of and when /bothlng aeema wrong ! CLEANED UP * orange, sim yellow, eoral pink. West Springfield, aunt of the born to Mr. and Mrs. David G randy otherwlae./' I SEND .NO MONEY. Pay postman CEMENT bride was the soloist and Mrs. of Amherst, Mass. Mrs. Grandy is FINERAL What'a the anawer when auch la 'only speelal mail-order price pins sJItS— Ready to the former Helen Foote, daughter due to rfie need ,bf more eaaentlal FOR PROMPT :* C.().D. Postage. We pay imstage GET IT AT Sioftdord Lydia Simons played the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold C. Foote, music. SERVICE Minerala and Vltamlna? I on prepaid orders. Satisfartlnn KRUSE NITRSERIE.S, W. H. ENGLAND ★ PAINT 42'* formerly residents of this-area. Ta)^ 2 mtle FEHtUIZAN Tableta i RUBBISH REMOVAL I guaranteed or your money hark. * iggii The bride was given in marriage W alter N. with each meal and at bedtirrie and | (miotCi LUMBER COMPANY by her father and attended by her yon ll give your durtleas glanda the i ★ STAIN M an ch ester Evening Herald Leclerc, , F*REE: RED, RED SPIREA • RMKl.MINGTON, lU.INOIS Telephone MI-9-0744 Bister, Mias Muriel Warner as n/erloua Iodine they niuat have to . „ Prescription Pharmacy Beautiful blazing RED, | (illead rorres|>ondent, Mrs. Charles D irector function properly—you'll give your GALL MI-3.76M maid of honor. Milton Slavint- RED SPIREA given X n= 5 for . $1..... ★ WAX . 2 0 ^ ' Fish, telephone HA. S-1137, 23 Main Street, Manchester y blood plejity of Iron for more en­ 901 Main Street sky of Manchester was best man ergy and ambifion and aupply your ahsoliitelv free with * ^ *’ P'"* for Houghton and the ushers G. H. DONNEUY Tel. Mitchell 3-.5321 Ctmplttt with Hordwort Call MI-9-5869 /1 whole body with Bi and Bj Vitamlna j order of 12 or more I Print Name ... ★ COVER with FABRIC ond dll Filtmgi were Alvin White and Charles EXTENDED FORECAST In genermia amount. t AMleon. Send for voiirn Warner of Gilead. Z Folka lacking theae needed Min- today! A d d re ss...... TRUSS FiniNG FITS ANY STYlE WINDOW Boston, A pril 13 (Ah—The fem- V eralp and Vitamlna ahoiild make The bride's gown was of larcc thia teat—Take FERITIZAN regii- [ with a full skirt of nyloh net and pe;-atui-3 in Ne\v . England during larly for .10 daya and prove for ! By AKRON Graduated Expert# a yoke outlined with sc()uins with the next five days, Wednesday yoiiraelf that thia nen*^ Iron-Iodine AI#o Abdominal Support*. Elas- CURTAIN NEW/ROPER BUDGET-PRICED MODEL FAMOU5.MAKE MAGIC CHEF RANGE long sleeves and fitted bodice of Tonic ran make you feel better— i HIGHLAND PARK P.T.A. tle Hosiery and all type# of lace. Her sequin cap of illusion I Ihrough Surtday, will average near ATTENTION think better—work better—feel and ! surgical appliance*. FHvale Fit­ held a fingertip veil and she car­ j norm al in' southern New England act year.a younger In every way. I /Model 36-8J Imagine a .36” Roper Model 61LN A 36" range at this But remember thia— you and you ting Room. SHOP ried a white prayerbook with , and 2-(j degrees below normal in BUILDEltS! only muat be completely aatlafled or pa.# Range at thi.i low price! Large white orchids and streamers of northern New England. Warmer money cheerfullv refunded-*—ao grt PARIS legularly $144.00 . , . .and the Additional Saving in the Regularly $184.00 MINSTREL SHOW You Aipvays Sape 829 MAIN $T. T EL MI-9-2747 exceptionall.v low oven and swing-out Stephanotis. weather Thursday. Cooler Friday 8 acres, wiHHird on hill over­ FK nillZAN today—>fiu'll make no * Quinn’s Fharmacy Trade-in Trade-in 'The maid of honor wore a po\y- and Sal.irday and a rising trend looking RiH-liVlIlr. Beautiful miatake. U'n amazing what' good price! It is a brand Rerluction of the Federal Excise Tax! broiler. . . 2 Storage again abqul Sunday. thinra people have to aav Aboijtvi Allowaiice 20.o6 Allowance 20.00 der blue w alte-length ilre.ss with residential spot. Will hell.all or . FKURIZAN. JGO Tableta only I1.5R. ' HIGHLAND PARK SCHOOL AT THE Our Spring Carnival i.s perfectly limed to give compartment.H \ . a nylon bodice and full skirl of Some liormal.s for the period are In part. Will ronsUler lots on new >^19.54 model lace with a lacc jacket. Her bon­ as followt: Boston 48, Providence release ba.sls. imi TabIHa Only ...... TWO SHOWINGS: \with levery feature you the best poa,sible values. You get a $20 trade- handsome titanium NOW $124.00 in allowance ^ r your old stove. You benefit from NOW $164.00 net style cap matched her gown 4S, N anlucl.et 44. New Haven 46, SAG Tablrta ...... $4.50^ MONDAY. APRIL 26 at 7 P.M. tw t has made Roper porcelain enamel. . . and she carried a bouquet of yel­ C orcorJ. .N', M , 43. Burlington 43. CHILDREN— $.25 the savings being pa.ssed on to you in the reduc- fiber gla6.s inaula\ low rosea. The bride's mother Forliand 42. Rastporl 40,'Green­ Call JA.8-0271 J. W. Hale Corp NRtDGWAY MILLS $5.36 A MONTH famqus as one of lion just made in the Federal Excise Tax. Visit $7.00 A MONTH tion. One of the top ville 37 .and Presque Isle 38. wore .havy blue silk with red ac­ M aU 'O rders lOc E xtra ADULTS— $.75 Amentia’s finest gas At Boston the normal maximum After Small the Manchester Div, of the Hartford Cas (’o. After Small value.s in our Spring cessories and the bridegroom's WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28 at P.M. BOYS' AND GIRLS* now. You’ll find modern, faihbus make ga.s mother wore navy taffeta. temperature during thui period is 8 Down Payment range.#. ■ Down Payment Carnival,! Following the ceremony a re­ and the' normal minimum tem­ MANCNESTen A40roa s a l e s ranges in every size, for every need, for every ception was held in the church perature i.s 40. ALL TICKETS $.75 budget! , , , parlors. When they left on a Precipitation during this period FOR TICKETS CALL ' wedding trip South the bride w a.s i will on the average total leaa thgn POLOS II i lU in ilR dressed in a gray suit with led twa-tenlhs of an inch oecurring as MI-3-4050— MI-3-6360— MI-3-8830 and W hite acce.ssories and she Wore s-.atteped light showers late T^urs- • Assorted a white orchid. Mrs. Houghton dey'or Friday. . / Styles' • Beautiful c Stripe.s WE MAKE BOYS' NO WILD CLAIMS TROUSERS

• Sizes 4 to 12 •• I • Crease Resistant COMPLETE INCLUDES: • NEW LINING • BLEED BRAKE LINES ^ LECTIO N * ADD BRAKE FLUID • REPACK FRONT WHEELS LINED POPLIN We HAVE MANCHESTEirS FINEST DRUM SERVICE ADDITIONAL Easter . DRUMS TURNED $1.50 Eoch JACKETS SELECTION OF ‘'SAFETY TESTED USED CARS” Lilies CALORIC KITCHEN HEATING RANGE A GLENWOOD THAT HEATS & COOKS CP CLO CK CONTROL TAPAN This Special Will Run Until June 13 • For Boys .Model S9627U There’.s, no fuel to Model 40-150 ’ Here’s completely Model AG662 Easy cooking with • For Girls Tappan’s complete­ lug or store . . . no automatic heating $258.00 We have precision equipment for test an(i 'repair of • Washable Regularly $283.00 mu.ss or fuss . . . Regularly $329.00 Regularly ly automatic oven • lAmg Wearing --AND WE DO SAY: . • for your kitchen anil generators, starter motors. Voltage regulators. Potted I ' L l ^ W. ur. baggy W bn.g W gr.ig«c«l.. Trade-in here’s the modern Trade-i n everything you Trade-in for “love it and leave • Size8 3 to 6x Allowance 20.00 AMowance 20.00 Allowance ' 20.00 “YOUR DOLLARS H.WE MORE CENTS HERE” I WW ^ IWf* kg*, bwlden el ew e.W e new W.SS. way to heat’ your want in modern bak­ it” convenience. Plants T ...g«gwg«dbg*wrwgy«gglg-da* N kitchen This “dou­ ing, broiling and Lift-off Oven Door "• ksxvMi'wi ,dtfbgM(.g. NOW $203410 ble-duty” beauty NOW $309.00 top-of-.stove cook­ NOW $m oo for easy cleaning, Eyeryday Is Christmas wWlMfSCtiga 'W jl ^JUjcUuinjbiii Jo SudiAfg. keeps you warm as ing. Add to that, the toq! Separate broil­ m « oi*fRifi<*ai p*f64*Sg ol homo toa.st . . s and gives special Ibw rate you er . . . center table If you trad* of Voa’s. W* 9iv* Ceiu'umtrs' Profit • All Types of COftSAGES $11.38 A MONTH $13.38 AMDNTH $10.31 A MONTH dsyfAt by fa—oi Americe* orcMtocti. ,v(ju. every in tern earn for both cook­ work .space . , . and Shoriof Grooo Stamps FREE with *oeh 10c p*r. After Small • Nortol Arrongemmits ... o*d *och mmib o «*Wg :\ After Small C O o k i n g co>nveh- After Small ing andi heating double storage ctnn- Down.Paj'inent ience, tool- Down Payment partments. ■ f 7-14— $2.4f./ ■ Down Payment (-Wiitb ga-s! ' • Fresh Cut Flowers " ' 1 ... ■ k u w M n , tetcmcAnoMt amo matmiaI' U m AM AVAgAOU MOM IM AT WOMatAl COtt MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES Manchiester Division Open Thonu JBvi BROWN and LYNCH M llLS O X D S M O B I L E - MANCHESTER OFFICE \ and' Sat. Moni . i n MirMIe Turaplke West—^Tel. MI-9-44M 687 MAIN ST. Par Ap^ann FLORISTS V . THE MANCHESTER LUMBER CO. OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. MANCHE$TER'$ LARGE5T U5ED CAR DEALER 1 DenHUBBtratloii and B A e jTELEPgONE MHehen f-SOM A U DAY WEDNESDAY N':' - 14S Ma in s t r e e t — t ell Mi-3-e4k ( 255 CENTER STREET PHONE MI-3-5144 512 WE5T CENTER 5T. x > / T E L MI-9-64271 or 9^129.5

/ -r-ir ft ' i / V RIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANC i I e s TER, CONN.. TUESDAY. APRIL 13, W54 ICHESTER EVENING HERALD, MA'NCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY* APRIL 13, in.’54 PAGE T^RTEEN TUONERVILLE FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX BY HERSHBERGER ^ A ^ Y CROSSWORD PUZZLE come close to this. a thor­ oughly'terrifying experiOMe. FHA Probe Hints Legion Plans Ball Answar to Pravious PuEzIa Sense and Nonsense The McCarthy Story (7) "I wish I could convejTNhow tt H^ads Orgaiiiaations Screen A c frw 7 feels to alt there and see situa­ tions, events and facts a b o u t^ o - Scandal on Loans As Annual Event A n.an. in hla carefree'"b«clielor and on. Then he handed the raks ple distorted out of all appearar^ AMESr ACROSS SBullflghter , days, had been very fond of a Call, to Coolidpc, nnd tiie audience set- Quiz by Senator Held of truth. Nobody can adequate!; (Contlniied from Page One) ..The .Initial spring bail at 4 Pewter coin ot^ fornia restaurant whlrti apeclallzed tied back for the >pcech of ac­ describe It. ll I Screen In waffles with honey. Year after knowledgment. worth-COmell-Quey Post No. performer, Malaya ."The whole effort seems to be the home repair field have been 5 Still year he had Joume/ed to the place The Presldoht turned tne imple- to confuse a witne.-is.- to break him coiiHng in for yeai'^, right tip American l^flion. will be held on D R IV E W a t s f ------Lynn to gel the delectable \iand;'ao, meivl over, .scrutinized it carefully, ‘Terrifying Experience’ down, not to get the facts of the* 'through 1953 When' the Elsen­ Saturday w n in g , April 24, at the fl She ii a — a Encountered American'L«gton Home. THirem room w-hen he finally married, he de­ and then rfiedc his aodress In a cSlit.” . / . . hower \administration came to ■ctreu cided, to tike his wife there. In single word. Harris said )its feeling on the power, M usie for dancing which will be EXPERTLY INSTALLED nshe is— .. I Yugoslavian (Contlniied from Page Om ) 1 around the world. The Senator fronv8:30 to 1. will be furnished by by river order to share the pleasure w-lth . ".Vsh," he a.i-id. witness stand Was that .'McCarthy AnnouniHng acceptance of Ho)- her fans her. He did not tell her w-hat was I said to him:' adopts "a cold, bloodless manner lyday's re. 'Ration. White House Top5’ O'Bright's orcheatra. Enter­ las* GrcMiing — Mochin* Spread — P Buries havs come from these hearings i "Yoji see, your books some of tainment In the form of a - floor Fortiflcatlons coming; merely ordering .an excel­ T.ie Little Rock fArkan.SA8l Ga- that gives you the feeling he is press serretaiV James C. Hagerty r Farms Set — Fewer Rdled 14 Scold 10 Carman city lent meal, with two orders of asserting that: them—were paid for by taxpayers' completely contemptuous of you said this st-*p wqs taken "so thst -wow will be offered' and refresh­ 12 Low haunt 27 Companion r.elle .-nust have embarrassed a 15 Befint 38 Iroquoian waffles. 1. McCarthy plays the role o f ! “ "«<« * "* f and everything you aiy| saying." an investigation nmy be conduct­ ments will ' e served. 13 Formal 2P Sait Indian certai i Dr P. when It reported: cdly to fight Communism. Your The com ntttee In charge of this Also: Pfirking Lots —s Tennis Courts — WoPts 16 Gossip (dial.) The meal .ss the st:j-cct. Walter Tedford. reservations, snd, ALL INSTALLATIONS SUPERVISED lY 24 Lids . 49'Nears (ab.) to hear: Mf>ti cr V. hat Ls he doing, 3. He violates the boundary Wecngler produced what he gating subcommittee, also has But Cole said Hollyday, 'who was appointed by Ei.senhoww Theodors Fairbanks; social activf- 37 Red planet discord mast SO Capuchin He "Whei e a my honey 7 ^pnr 7 between investigation and perse­ thought Avas convincing.. proof to .made this charge against Cohn. 16 Knock 37 Mail (Fr.) monkey The' w-aitreaa- beamed intelli­ the contraW—a Communist party Harris said that after the hear-' about a year 'sgo. might be hcla ties. r ^ v 26Age / Lillie Girl He;.-: stUing on Ujs cution. It is the elm /bf this committee gently. During the uproar over Mc­ statement oK December 1952 con­ ings he received 3.011 letters partially re-sponsible for abuses un­ Demaio Brothers 2P Tree Suid stde-.valk, talking to a 'q.irans peel.' der the houjing repair program to make the^/ring ball an annual 30 Clamp IT n s Walti-eae—She's on her vacati \ Carthy's qiiesUonlng of Brig. Gen: taining a blttbr attack on him. from people around the country. ESTABLISHED 1920 r "I am rather\|ond of this trib­ "Only three were unfavorable to because , "I believe he has been affair. Reserrations will be limited 31 Consumed now, sir. A . -kw-ai (I 1 ah tat end of dam e) Ralph W. Zwicker, the Chicago so all mepfbei's are uigrd to sectnre Tribune commented editorially : ute," he said, "and 11 may perhaps me," he said. A great many ex- aware of it and did not act." CALL NOW— ANYTIME 32 Tatten - I Thank you, I shall aUareyg re­ Hollyday, in Trenton, N. J., yes­ theirs sn early as possible, by con­ "It seems to us that Sen. Mc­ have some bcarln^on your com­ presaed anger over the way my ^ h a rd N. Carpenter 34 Air raid Nothing makes you more/toler- member this dance, \ terday attending a "slum clearance tacting Walter Tedford. post ant of a neighbors noisy parly Lnng-.suffeiing p u tner—I\khow. Carthy will serve his cause better ment that I have ndt^ been active hearing was conducted." Manche./er MI-3-7691— Hartford CHapel 7-8617 alarms in fighting Communisi Defended In Book school" sponsored by home build­ Richard'S. Carpenter ha.s again steyrard. at the Legirm Home on 37 Peel than being there. F^hklin P. Elephanl.s never forget. \ if he learns to distinguish the role \ Bill two former MrCarthy staff ers' groups, at first declined to been app\nted Organizations rd Strea4w 36 Editor (ab.) Jones in The .Saturd^ Evening of investigator from the role of Frepoaterous Foslnpas avenging angel." . I members, William F. Buckley. Jr., dlEcuss' the situation. / Ch/rman of, the local Cancer 30 Tribal divition|V Post. / Th.e aierage pi>oi man ta pro^ McCarthy's rejoinder w A little Ifiter—as he was leavi/g Anger dies quickly with a. good ably better nioi-allv tl an the aver­ The TVibune generally has sup­ snd L .Brent Bosell, have defend- < ampaign whlt/^ is cur.-ently 4-I3-S4 "Could wa have a sandwich, lady?" 41 Boundary "Did you have anythlngXjo to return to ids Virginia home - man, according to a ps.vchologist. age rich m.tii, as n.-ar.j all sins ara,^ ported McCarthy. I ed McCarthy's methods in a book ing carried on ih Mani heater/A (comb, form) Before ' oolidge/lefl the White with the passage of that n he told newsn^n his sole rea.son well known local ^surance agent Except when he's good snd angry. Advertise in The Herald— It Pays House, hi.s Veri-.ionl neig \bor.s de­ expensive. McCarthy's view Is that he tion 7 " j "McCarthy and His Enemies.” 43 Corded fabric' [They wrote: for going to Wasfiington IsMt year and president of th/Rotany Club. OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE cided to rerfis^llxe his devotion to grants a witness more latitude Wechsler says he was t a k « ,. , , , , , . , , 44 Cerrelativa et than the witne.ss w-ould have in a "was to work for\the administra­ Carpenter v.-ill seek Hj^e/coopera- neither the old farm by gtring him a hand­ Friend - I'm a self-made man. completely aback,. He con lln u ed :^ ,, ch-T^cterls^ tlon of organizations qjlq clubs In Man • You're lucky. I'm the court of law. He had this exchange tion. about whicb\ X most 4SGenua o f / made rake. "n-hus. within to minutes afterHi?..®^^-^^"^!^-A" Manche.ster, revised w-ork of a w-ife and three w-lth Reed Harris, former deputy th dispassionate recitations of enthusiastic." , / TAKE rr EASY. ' THAT'S A SWELL FROiS r c^ herbs They made the presentation an the hearing had begun I found my­ The campaign J / poin itig to­ daughters. director of the International In­ thb facts. Rather, like an sttor- Hollyday said he will meet with BOV&-TOO CROAK VOO RI66ED U P ^ % 46 Demented n r slabora^ ceremonial. The orator self In the preposterous position of ward its majoryfiind raising ac­ BSAO. LCANOef?/ THAT SCREAM who |^aeiit(d the rvke rfw-elt on formation Administration (IIA) — neyNJumming up his case for the Cole today—if Cole wants to sec SUPPEM A CHAM6E Wit h t h e c a n a n d SI African By denying under oath that ^ had In­ him. \ tivity, ."Light^Ou," which 'will fro^a s m o k e . O f TERROR FAILS TO STIR ME the qiialitira of the hickory .- ood TAke. your choice - he an old Harris: "As I have said before, Jury, McCarthy emerges as an In­ l^STClNO, u n c l e B U L S y j ^ 32 Farm spired the long series of Commu­ terpreter of the fact; he .-i.ssumes Many May B<< UnHI take place iiy/hlitnchealer, SuncHri- fiMOe. SMELLS. * ■ IT'5 TOO M ATTER OF front which, he said. It wa« me maid ami look for a husband every sir, I do not feel that there Is a nist attacks against, me, climaxed 53 Heating the role\)f the government advo­ Cole .caid the activities, o f 14 of evening. April 25. a*£r. AN' &«RBA<3E.' FACT.'-— I'M SURE X /Hickory," hi said, "like t"e day or marry and look for him fair atmosphere where the prose­ by the denunciation o f the central CAN MANUFACTURE A , devices cutor and the Judge and Jury are cate.' FHA's senior officials.will be, held TLL COP THAT AND TAKE Fresidenl. is Siunh. s ri-.r.g, re....i- every night. committee. MORE CHILLIMO MLocatieni ent, unbroken." And so on art on My tw-in si.sler and I were )>orn • consolidated, in effect, in one per­ up to the light and he indicated "the hpfiie owners were led to bor­ IT TO SCHOOL — WE CAN "Here Indeed was a daring new he expects many of these to row yinoie than the cost of the SHRIEK FOR TV DOWN son and where the whole staff, leg- concept in which evidence of Inno­ o n e t h a t PUT A LITTLE ZINS.IN r CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER \al staff, is devoted to the prose- Cole made known, too. that ne woriK with the promise that the -THE ZO0L06Y CLASS I Biblical city cence becomes the damning' proof has wit'.idrawn his acceptance of d/ference would be- paid back to V^^OULD m a k e -" )i;utlon" of guilt.” JoblesVClaims kudeb^l^S^ WITH A FROO 3 Pertaining to the resi.gnatlon last week of Clyde hem in cash. The home owner w.-\s JHE h a c k l e s ' \McCarthy; *'I must Interrupt Witnesses sometimes report that HUNT.' dropsy y<^. Mr. Harri.s. I would like to L. Powell of St. Louis, asslstai t^cn obligated to pay the full b r i s t l e o n they get better treatment from the amount even though he might A INOLF'Sy asksyou what additional privileges other members of the subcommit­ Increa^ Here PHA commi.ssloner for renYal you want.. We have been conduct­ housing since 1936. His resign/ion nevW . see the promised cash re­ .NECK; tee than from McCarthy and his bate.". B U G S B U N N Y ing B-. very unusual hearing, one present chief counsel. Rov G. Cohn. Claims for unemployment Insur­ wa.s to have taken effect Friday. that you w-ould never gel in a Cole said he wanted PowcM Wo slay FHA’s home-repair procedures Thecdore Kagtian, former U. B. ance in the Manchester area ro.se make this possible. A bank makes SKPEEE-, X CAM! court of law because you w-ould until "it can be determhfed wheth­ ["MA ALLtV CflTBUM, not be accorded these privileges. News and Information ^Officer in to 636 daring. the week ending a repair loan directly to the home INTDA WHEN VBR BROKE A6V April 10, the State Labor E^ept. er he is per.sonally respon.sible for "In a court of law you would be Germany, .was discharged frqm his \ hat I deem yery negligent owner anti FHA officials do not BIT OP POINT'S a o o o ENOLWN^ poet after he appeared beforbsThe leported today. come into "the picture ‘until \he AAONIV, allowed to come in and refute w-hat operation has been said at (he end of the committee. \ The new figure, 38 more th bank gets '^vei-nment insurance - <^iV * BUV’NOR.' 'PUEA5S. 9IRE, .„ Asked Dirty Nuestlons Jsat week, was attributed in par Powell had ^ immediate com- on the loan. hearing. We are alluw-ing you to pient. He saidlte had been thinking 1 CAN AFPOeO to ] a'tjeast to 50 la.yoffs evenly divid­ break in whenever you w-ant to. "There was much more of an im­ quitting kince the first ol .the ONS INTV6 We have given you the right to pression." he says, "that the com­ ed "between a garment shop snd a Jlr.‘Wrangle Wh.i’ does' a wom­ StudebaksHirsf in actual miles per gallon! toyiflaker. year because most of FHA's key WmiER have Counsel. We have, told you mittee as a w-hole .was after in­ polity Jobs were being taken over an say she's shopping when she you can suggest any witnesses you formation. The other Senators The tftymaker layoff, according lia.su't bought a thing 7 Sfadeboker nrst in ton miles per golloni , iK , to the department's lepoit, was by Rgpul.Ucans, Powell Is a Demo­ w-ant to call, that w-e would call asked honest questions. Only Cohn crat. Mrs. Wrangle why does a them. We Intend to do that." and McCarthy asked dirty ques­ caused by remodeling at the plant, man say he's been fishing when he Studeboker fim of oil cars with Overdrive! snd the workerb are expected to etailing allegedly . hady nianlp A Washington lawyer,. Francis tions." i/tlo n s apartment project hasn't caught anything 7 ^ , ' JPWtLU*^ Flanagan, w-as chief counsel oh Roy Coh.i pawed hla 27lh birth- be called back in two weeks. nanclng. ^ l e said private promo­ McCarthy's staff for years. day last Feb'.■ —20...... He is short andInitial | Initial claims claims in in * '------Manchester,,'■ Studeboker first b^d! Aatomotic Drive Cars! lik e n s t o m a k e ters obtain ^ FHA-inxured mort­ • • •,• M .Xays Criticism Cnfair dark and gives the impression of j durinif the week took a big Ju Ta k e n T?TM -cle a n e r* * * STUDY ATTRACTIVE gages for twiM the value of their Flanaga^ sayci "I think he's tension. His movements are quick j going from 65 to 113. Thl.s^pe propert.v. ThenV said the housing been unfairly crlliciied for his and Jerky. He has a machine gun of claim Indicates new , spells of chief, they woiHd tollspse thelr Personal Notices A L L E Y O O P W’oo7,y, N o t F oozy ! BY V. T. HAMLIN i methods. If on occasion a Senator manner of speech, and he seldom unemployment. corporations and\ declare ttiem- STUDEOAKIR STIIIMOAKER STUDIOAKER or coun.sel loses his temper that's seems to be without an answer. Throughout the slajl4 ^al.so, selvfs "liquidating dividends" ■ 3ft.Y. MY STARS. \50KRY I HAOCA DO a reflection of the human element. He was admitted to the bar in claims were on the tn/ease. Ttve thereby raking in slgable "wind­ Card of Thanks COMMANDIR V -t commaW io V-S CHAMPION VOLTRE WooeYr?.» Any law-yer, questioning a diffi­ FOOZY. WHATS 7K\ O, BUT ORDERS ARE 1948 and sworn, in as an assistant department reported J(7,513 claims fall.';" ^well.voucansat cult or intractable witness, may were taken by Ih y various local \Vi‘ wif»h !o thAiik. all nf our ru'lch- LAND CRUISIR LAND emnsER WITH OVIlDllVt' IDEA.YANKING ME (ORDERS...BUT LOOK I THAT again.'; U. 3. Attorpey on the same day. Cole said proberp ha\e dug iip 1 l>*»ra. iriritda and ff^lativoR for ih** many OFF ath.\ .'hown WITH OVMDBIVI WITH AUTOMATI^IIVI A New Jersey Icv.-yer. Harry 251 such cases in whick the promo­ THAT WAY? KXKY... ington perjiiry trial, the Juliuk and than la.st week ter.'' total take wus "well\>ver 75 us in 4>iir lerrnl boreavemeni. We Green, was eoun.sel for a Witness Brldgcport/ontlnued to lead the *'.«|MT(ally thank all thony who sent the Ethel Rosenberg espionage cases million dollar.s.'t henuliful fl»»ral iributoR and loaned ihe /twsr/nfj^ railed by Mi-Carth'-'s .iiibeommil- and the trial of 11 top Communist stale in the number of Joble.ss us*' of rai.«. tee when MrCarthy was investl- Cole said thi.s practice waA "so Awsr/nf^ / leaders In New York. claimant^/w'lth 5,44.5, followed by prevalent and widely known th/it g,-rling what he -ailed "The Kar- Reed Harris said his owo hear­ Waterjjury. 4.889; Hartford, 4,546; I Mrs. Robert rhambera and family. marks of Espionage" pt Fort was Inconceivable that responsiwe ing .left him with the Impression and Nbw Haven, 3.301. FHA officLIs coi id be unaware o In Memoriam Monmouth. Green rote in the that 'Cohn's Job is to prepare a New Jersey Ijiw Joiiinal: it." 'scripript' for use against the wit- Criminal 4'hargrs Pnaslble m»>m*>rv of mv b« loved mother, "Counsel for the witness is im­ ^ess. Then, during a hearing. If rh'Walina Henderson, who died April 11. mediately tol IW4 I, HI, »«. would Ignore it. The 'answers w/te By Fair Weather evidence of collusion turned up. mr. it was Hi« will **l do with that soma tima ena of m.y amployaa would taken and twisted Into a mythical promoter outguessing the ap­ But in m\ \ e a r l ehe liveth elill,* ACTUAL MILIS ACTUAL MILES ACTUAL MILES t«M H MA ner In the hearing. (Continued from Page One) latva without giving notica!” plot." praiser. Cole said, no such legal PER GALLON PER GALLON PER GALLON " 'You arc not to a.sk qiie.alions, Examined 16 Ho DauKhler. Nellie. 28.1 24.5 29.5 CHRIS WILKIN. PUnetecr Sneaking Away BY BUSS WINTERBOTHAM you are not to cross examine, you Walter Akston, at the helm, op-1 action was p<*-slble. No charges were pl^ed against pored the hopeful New York; Turning to the reported abuses BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES The Aftermath sre not to make objei tions, you BY EDGAR MARTIN Harris either before/or after his Gi.ants at the Polo Grounds before I '" the billion-, ollar-a-year home arc riot to argue. You may remain hearing, but he was examined for But i m lowc o«i>^ IF I CAN UEACN^ ...T H E under these conditiomv' some 35,000 customers. i rHOPE ‘ OF 6eTTlH6 S0METHIM6 AEOI^ FORCE LMES '£LL KNOWN CROt S O ’.T H t TVOVOLTiS.W\TV\ MV YftVtD three hours In. a cdosed'session and , ^ ’ ora have been charged double the "Your client is then/subjeeted to Biggest crowd of the day was ; j,.- FHA-in- 0ACK. ID EARTH the MA^ETIC ■ OVT «thtST\TOVLY *. SOVAt all around the table, and to say expected at Detroit where the^,,red loans. He said there were ♦ • ♦ >O0*t HELR TO WE-CAN ECEAK. OHMAtMETlC sions. Baltimore Orioles (formerly the slipshod perform- vStRY POWLVCXTV K IR “ POT rliat he Is confu.^d is to- put it By M. A . BetiRS FI* HP MY Ship! AWAY... HOLES mildly," “ . - The ex^ination focused ofK a St. Louis Browns) met the Detroit I anp* still others where sales- R066VLS ,Y ^VOOLO SAY i ,------number /o f points — a book n Tlgers. A 40.000 attendance was „ „ „ promised "rebates" that Inquisitorial Example wrote /o r e thsn 20 years ago. 62 PITKIN ST. Regarding the eliarge that Mc­ 'indicated. Baltimore marked never were paid. security clearance for some state Mturn to the majors after Cole told how bands of these Carthy sometimes takes the posi­ Phone MI-3-8195 tion that a witness is guilty until DenL Officials, the locstlon of two,, ^vrars in the minors. * home improvement .salesmen roam- proved innocent. Green cited this rqdlo transmitters for the Voice Opening dav weather around the ! ed around thq, country using high statement to his client, which he merica and the cancellation/of circuits and starting times (east- Pressure tactics and the FHA’s called "an inquisitorial example" sorne Voice of America H e ^ /e w ern standard). Title to "exploit families inexperi­ "I am troubled by what a langiiage broadcasts to .American l.s-agiie enced in lending activities." , YOU'RE AHEAD "It .leemed to me,” Hal'rls said. miCMMCB ^ ness testified to yesterday. I axked New York at Wa.shington, 3 p.m. Dept, of Justice reports, Cole T o o SOME "that all this was belifg put to clear. I said. Indicated that the actual re­ him If you were a Gommunuirt and gether to show a C5>napirary ex EITHER WAY . . LOOTIHE-! he. refu.sed to, answer lipon the Boston at Philadelphia, 2 p.m.. pair Job.s contracted for by home . _ «-»» Isted. some sort o(/fantastlc plot! owners were in spme cases "auc­ ...... I. » .w. ground that it might in^iminate that I was perpe^ting." j Cleveland at (Thlcago, 2:30 pim., tioned off to local dealers by Y'oii CAN have your cake and him. Why should hg refuse to He told ommlltee that the these’ -sale.s groups at an exor, eat it. too, with a fonnei-lir'iit PRISCILLA’S POP Sijcn Of Spring; BY AL VERMEER answer 7 ■- U seem.s/to me from I clear. Hebrew broa^asts were canceled Baltimore at Detroit, 2 p.m.. bitant profit." Mutual Slvty-Flve SihtIuI life MICKEY FINN Faca. To Face! this that you are /Com m unist." purely for rrasona of economy. | dear "In other instance.'." said Cole, BY LANK LEONARD Green says he ^ I d the rommlt- Insurance poliry. For example, i WELL, I DtON’T ..TILL CARLYLE WIT T H A T ’ i R T m a s - tee that that \^s not fair. His YA capon Nallonal lyagiie L in e d r i v e t h r o u g h H o w ^ r. Harris said later, the I Brooklyn at New York, 1:30 p.m.. your family gets SIO.IMK) pn C r e a l v z e ;t " WEU,SOyS,lS article contim /s: ^~V M \ ^ ELP„ OUR WINDSHIELD! — WCHAPAPHtMECAuTr IT WASA WOMAN fact tpat they were discontinued at ; dear, teetion until you're 6.5. Jfnd EVEEYTMMG _ , FORlCO-IMttEVW ^ "W h y not/ask my client If he aLLING-ANPSHE "Jewish doctOGl^ Philadelphia ■ at Pittsburgh, 1 ;30 then, for your retirement/ you THAT LAST fiMG ILOOKEPATIS THE ONEl UNPERCOKTROL? l»)£AN?y WEHE OOT! THE OPERATOR SAID SHE. WAS VOW wa.s- a Coirmiunist? ' Silence. I MANCHESTER pJW In Moscow prior to Premier p ni , clear / ' get hack more Ihan.yoWxe paid, n t TAKE! HAW-I S'FOSE I SN0U.0 DOWNSTAIRS EMPENTLY BARTNER-IN-AH then tilted to my client and Stalin s death-'-brought inferences Milwaukee at C int^n'at),/2:30 MIUWORK CO. TELL AUCMAR AND EM, SOT IT MOULDj 'THOUGHTVOU WERE here! SOMETHING! asked htrn to'state on the record in-the questioning that-he had de- p.m. clear - / $54 Broad St.—Tel. MI-9-.12H6 for this security, I m us send ONLY OUSE A LOT OF EXQTEiMENT,, whetMr he-was a Communist,.e liberately ignored a propaganda! Chicago at St. Louis, Y.30 p.m., you our pamphlet R ow ing how men THEY GET home! and/lient stated emphatically that weapon of immense aU;* in Israel. i cloudy. yoii "('an Have Vtitir Cake and he/was not." "When I got the point of what j _ ----- / ____ _ WE HAVE WHAT Eat II. Tool’* Oames Wechsler. managing edi­ Cohn and McCarthy seemed to bej You can make ybur melba toast, tor o f the -New York Pbst. also driving at." he said. "I choked up so popular amoj*^ weight-watchers, YOU WANT IN summoned before the. committee. for several minutes.— — - I- couldn't — .— - V USe w. bread k (id that ^ f s s I several days old came away from his hearing with j speak. . andand cut cut il/tmo il/tnlq v very thin slices.. a Sipailar. reaction. McCarthy! *The whole Thing haef an air of Spread'tt but on an ungr'eased bak­ told 'him the hearing would be | complete unreality, ing sheet and put it into a slow about some books Wechsler had' “ The most lurid fictional ac- oyeivuntil.it is'ligh.t brown. Turn \ i w-riUen and which were in U. 8. i counts of the Soviet trials or the j t^'ali'ces over, during the baking. .Open 8 A-AI. to 9 P,M. Dally Information : Service libraries [ courts of the,Nazis have ■ never [lo insure even brbwnlng. C a p t a i n e a s y Chance To Slay-Clo«« L,. BY LESLIE TURNER f r e c KLES AND HIS FRIENDS In T he Flesh BY m k r r i i : l c . B LO SSE R hO_shE fc^H EO QUITE HaBAAL'i •TRAUAB'. p 5tiE HAtvr) EUTICMTT EauBCi^ AGAIN, t tiOtfT THNK she EVEN 7NB CKNiFFCUR gams! • E « MUNKIM.THEN 7 oh. easy. I WISH uoncE rvtB moknmio! ' UMM-MM/ I M B M W H I L e ------T m e 1D00IN6MAM BRCflUER UNCLB LUCIUS,' V AEMEMfEREP IL 50 I m iW 6 * MUSP* WEEN ■\C0ULP M S mM STKANES THE UNtOM OF ^ HOTHMO HAD HATPENEO. 1 KNOW IT'5 A5KINO A uvermores wfri CHAUNCers TerribjIv happy Let’s Talk about KITES lAIPlk the aiFUJENCE ) 5HE'5 BECOME! AND P LOT. BUT IF YOirO TAKC TME WADSWORIH 1 S A Y M ISS 4,'M LO O K- w m -io u r ISSUE— INS rot! Twe jo a y So n / I Tt> SEE 'lOU.OLO, SOME D«ua— y YOVRB AEALIT NTKE5THJ THAT JOB TILL MR. m K o AMDlMEUVeRMORC IDE MSALLlSItR- THERE MAY BE A RAY BOY WHO BUZZED OVEK H ow DO 1 L FEtLOW, REALLY t FRAYMt RETl)gM5-. fam ilies PROOUCEO UVERMORES, 6»§VBR Me r e INTWATCAR- OVERLOOK CMC SOM— A FAMOUS A 0AO6HTER- J ABCiur Mim e l iv e r - jEMfEL IMeF - ^ fARKgOOLJSlOC.y^ J Never usg metol in your kite or string.’ m o r e ^ 'CUUNCEtl ,?T‘ Fly them in the open . . . awqy from roods and wires.


4K' • “ i j

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THE son etti Herald or en ■y Boost Charles Snead Wins Masters EARL W. YOST Rio Grande Expels Bevo Francis Edge Kovis, Hilinski Bporta Editor Of Most In Standings a- ■ ■: ______YANKEES AND DODGERS 'Ktehtton to any unless the bloke <>Batter Up! New York, .April 13 WPir-The In Semi-Final Malehes goes out on the limb and named major leagues today' opened what or will old age finally creep up on close races in both le*j,ues are A SELLOl’T OF 30,000 was as- off on the right foot in Detroit had Willie Mays, their rookie star For Failure to Attend Classes There isn’t much fun In making the Baltimore Orioles in the the Dodgers? Can the Milwaukee bright since all las. year’s runner- sured to watch President Eisen- with Manager Jimmy Dykes, who of 1951. back in centerfteld after Heavyweight Contender the annual pre-season. baseball promiaes to be one of the most in­ American and the Pittsburgh teresting baseball ceasons in many Braves withstand the loss of slug­ ups appear strengthened and eager j hower throw out the first ball, moved to the Orioles from Phila^ two years in the Army. consistently to sell out crowds prediction public this year. Just Pirates in the National lo meet in years. delphia, planning to start either . * • • . Rjo Grande. Ohio,' A p rin ^ O P - _ I" , Gets Shot at Crown Final. Thui^day Nis»'‘ i L a t c s i T r a f l c ‘ about everyone and hia brother, ger Bobby Thomson to give the to take a cVi^ck at the defending \ After that either lefthander phuck during the past two years and October. Then the readers come to , Rarely .has a ca..ipaign started Duane Pillette or Don Larsen on CINCLNNA’n , OPENING the Tiny Rto Grande College has e x -, even appeared in New York'? June 17 in New York Al West Side Lanes with any knowledge of baseball, life. Pick any teams -other than Dodgers a run for their money? champions. ' \ .Stobbs or righthander Bpb Porter- the ihound. StVve Gromek was the season; at home for the 69th' will string along with the New with ao many vital qvestlons wait­ Can the Boston Red Sox hang on For the first time in years all field was to take the mound for j Tiger selection. Cleveland’s Early pelled Bevo Francis, the shy.' ggy anything about it." Madison Square Garden. the Yankees and Dodgers and you. ing to be anewered. The latest and straight'- year, was host to the gangling farm boy who pul it on Francis, a 20-year-old sophomore But all was not sweetness and .Washington, April 13 (A*i—The Start at 7:30; Deri C a u s e s T a l k York Yankees In the American get attention. until Ted Williams recovers from 16 clubs started the campaign on Die Senator^, Southpaw Whltey 1 Wynn and Chicago's Billy Pierce Braves veteran Bud ■ Podbielan League to make it six In a row perha4>s the most Importsnt ts; his fractured collarbone to spark the same day. Some 215,000 fans Ford, who holds a 5-0 lifetime rec the national basketball map. who learned his basketball "by light. Oliver, whose salary was Natiphaly Boxing Assn. (NBA) Last spring I named the Yankees How mur^ will Enos ^aoghtcr were the choices in Chicago. going for the Redlegs a g a 1 n a t Francis, an awkward hill-country shooting at a hoop in a hayloft, about $3,600 a year, complained he figures that if anyone is going to Defeated by Johnson and the Brooklyn Dodgers tb wrap and Dodgers and to this day not them with his big bat?'Can new­ were expected to see the eight in­ ord against Washington, already The National League's largest sophomore Bob Buhl. Making his up the National League bunting help the New York Yankees? comers Dave Plillley and rookie augurals that featured five new has been named to open for the lad. who speaks slowly when he ! holds the small college season stor- wasn't being paid enough. take Rocky Marciano’s heavy­ Any Tram in Either one soul has said, "Good job. Did the five-tli :e pennant win­ crowd .- some 35,000-flgured' to managerial bow for Cincinnati was speaks at all, in two years changed, ing record. The 6 feet B renter Francis a few weeks ago said he weight championship away from Art John.son and 0>' Ginrgettl for the third- successive season. Rudy Regdlado supply whatever managers, a new city and a batch Yankees. be OR hand for the renewal of the Birdie Tebbetts. ivii; meet in the finals of the, Where did you get your informa­ ning Yankees insure another flag the Cleveland Indians lacked rtae Rio Grande from a school without - scored 1.253 points last season tor a might have to quit after this term him in the foreseeable future, It’ll I'm no different snd will go along tion from ?" When I rode the Red of new faces although missing A turnout of 12.000 at Philadel­ Dodger-Giant feud at the Polo A Revamped Pittsburgh team, Men's Town Diick Pin Bowling ^ ]/,eagiie Omlrl Find when they acquired the 38-yearrold past three years when they flnishM from the opening day lineups were phia was expected to see a south­ even a basketball court to one with 27-game average of 46.!? because "bills are piling up." be Eizaard Charles. with the betting choices. Sox band wagon for several yeard, Slaughter from the St. Louis Car­ Grounds. Sal Magller wlio has opening at home for the first time a ' big-time basketball program. He scored a record U.l points * « • Charles, who opce held the title Tournament being held at the second to th* Yankees? Will the such familiar fib res as Williams. paw duel between Boston's M e l beaten the Dodgers 18 times in 24 since 1893. faced Philadelphia’s Place for Slaughter However, I will admit that it a number of unsigned letters ar­ dinals on the eve of the pennant shift from St. Louis to Baltimore Last night the school's committee against Hillsdale College of Michi- "IF BEVO GOES, I guess I'll hlmaelf, gets the next shot at West Side Rer Alleys. The finals i would be good for baseball it some Slaughter, Thomson and Gus Parnell snd Bobby Shsntz of the decisions, waa ready to test hir. ace Robin Rol>erts. w as' rived monthly. The home telephone race? Or did they blow their give the lowly Browns' (now Or­ Zernlal. A's and Eddie Joost's managerial on instruction issued a statement gan Feb. 2. go with him.” Oliver said then. .Mardann’s crown In a IS-round will be held Thursday night 'start­ Bv GAVLF, TALBOT team other than th'e Yanks snd was ringing at all hours of the once aching back against the the pirates’ nominee. ing at 7:30. chance when they sold star pitcher ioles), the same shot In the arm Slaughter, on hand- for the Yan­ debut. Key sluggers Williams, saying Francis had been dropped » . • .v" ■ Last night he backed it up. boot at Yankee Stadium June 17. New ‘York, April 13 (A5 -N o Dodgers won in their respective night and early morning th* Red Vic RascM to the Cardinals six Brooks who had Carl ErsHinr. St. Louis, without' Slauihter. from the rolls because of "an ex- WHEN BEVO FIRST C.\ME to "1 came with Bevo ^nd we'll go If Charles wins, he’ll become the • * * ' that the Braves got last year when kees’ opeiier -in Washington, was whose fractured collarbone was j their World Series hero, fit and and Chicago, with new Manager matter how glih the avowala of leagues. If the Yanks should falter, Sox lost a game, and they lost weeks earlier? they were moved from Boston to not expected to see action, but reported mending rapidly, and 1 cessive number of unexcused ab- Rio Grande, thp Southern Ohio col- together." he told a reporter. first heavyweight ex-champlon to JOHNSON and Giorgetti rolled other National League clubs that a.s they did during the Grapefruit plenty. * * •■ ready. Stan Hack, met In St. Louis. Har­ Milwaukee ? Mickey Mantle, thc.young outfield Philadelphia's Zernlal, who has a i The Dodgers, except for Man sences, fidlure to make up more lege with 94 students was having But. he said, he would not resign regain his title- three matches as the quarter­ they couldn't have used Country League season, 1 would like noth­ I gave serious thought to picking vey Haddix. a 20-game winner for than one of his missed mid-term trouble making ends meet. CAN BBOORLYN, with a new Of couree, the answers to ^hrse star, was slated for duty in center- sprained neck, wer* missing. i sger Walter Alston, presented the the Cardinals last year, was immediately. The NBA boosted Charles to finals and semi-finals were rolled Slaughter, the ba.sehall public la ing better than to see the Boston teams with outside chances, the examinations and failure to attend It wasn't long ago that Coach Oliver, a hot-tempered bifli! contender” in its spring manager at the hel n, ihake It three questions w-ill t>e a long time com- field. apparently recovered from Baltimore, returning to ’ the ms-i same lineup that appeared in the named to oppose veteran aouthpaw lAnHiV nian vs'n/x KaalealKeill . off. The semi-finals were scheduled not going to believe them and la, Red Sox take over against the Na­ White* Sox and Giants, but I don’t In a row In the^ National League inr. However, the prospects for his knee operation of lest winter. any classes in the last two weeks.” Oliver had to wash the team's uni­ friendly man who set basketball ratings announced yesterday. This for tonight but conflicting sched­ Jors after 51 years, hoped to get' Series last October snd the Giants Paul MInner. • « • forms-by hand arid set up chairs records «t Rio Grande while Bevo once again, taking a bilious view tional Leaguers ip the World Ilk* long shots. If I were a betting is thg/ highest rating any chal­ ules again altered the plans, John­ of the Yankees' ability , to sneak Series. Milwaukee Is the popular man, and I’m not, 1 would havg THE ANNOl'NCEMENT appear- for home games. still was in kneepants. seemed sur­ lenger has been given since Marci­ son, in winning his three matches, .ed to take everyone by surprise, in­ But recently. J- Boyd Davis. prised at the announcement of his veteran stars \yho figure to help choice behind the Brooks in the made a lot of money the past six ano won the title. rolled 10 strings and averaged them out of the rival league. senior circulL years If I wagered bn the Yankees. Williatiis Works Out cluding Francis’ coach and person­ .Chairman of the school's board, protege's dismissal. Three fighters were named out­ al friend, Newt Oliver, and Bevo's .said ’'our campaign for funds— "Somebody's overshot his au­ 118.1. His high string was a 1,54. Either of the two rliiba which Locally^ there has not been too The Yanks' overall record for this Steve O’Neill Denies Three Star Wrestling standing boxers: Nino Valdez of Giorgetti, in his 10 strings, aver­ period shows aix titles. The father. $300,000 in three years—is off to a thority. Nobody ever has been Cuba, Don Coekell of England and expect to challenge the Oodgera— much interest shown in baseball As for Bevo—his real name is good start. Pledges are well above kicked out before the end of the aged 115,5 with a high of 132. Milwaukee -and New York—would to date. Maybe it’s because of the Dodgers have won four times In Roland LaStarza of New York. Tom Martin in his match with Clarence—he was "out fishing" at $100,000." term before.'’ he said. Dan Bucceroni, who was ra'ted have been strengthened for the cold weather. Each year since the the past seven years. Long shot Phils Are Lazy Cliib the time, apparently unaware of And Oliver said his team What will Bevo do now? Johnagn captured the first game ra

-V. /:

PAOS SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER^. CONN,, TUESDAY, API^IL 13, i964 MANCHESTER EVENING HESALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 13.1984 PAGE SEVENTEEN 'i . lualcal Inatnimenta 53 - AntmobUis for Sslo 4 Auto RnisIriii^i^alntiBg 7 .. BuildinK— ContractiHf 14 BusinsoR Opportunities 32 Articles For Ssle ,45 Gurden—Fulfill—DuiiT Household Goods II Suburban For Rmit ,66 Houaca For Salt 72 Houses For Ssle 72 MUSIC trstrumentai rontal. Com­ Weeps After Seeing Pictures of Sons CABINET M AKma—Wz alao do PACKAGE STORE'on way to Brad­ Proddets 50 ATTENTION Ladle.! SUp^vere ADULTS. Spaciout Suburban upper CUSTOM BUILT tour room, ex­ MAMCHESTBR —Thia agency has DBXTA-DE WALT power tools and plete Ime of Instnimenu. Rental five rooms, and bath. Heat, hot ‘ CiMsifiMi 19S3 Plymouth 4-Door— Like , all types of carpentiy work, re­ ley Field. Good going buainess, Sccanories. Sales, service, demon- and drapes custom made. Re-up- applied to> purchaaa price. Rep- pandable to six, cabinet kitchen, a large Uatlng of 4,8, S and 7 room CAR BURN OIL ? \ water. $110. Coventry PI. 2-7670. large living.room, fireplace,, oak Bidwell's Soda Shop new, low-^mileage, fully modeling, alteraUons,. e tc .. Good low rental. Tel. MUrdock 8-9743. Btraflon. Terms' arranged. Capitol c o w MANURE. $10 a load, de­ hoieterlng. BeautlftU fabrics, ’ resenUng Olde, Selmer, Bach, oingles at $8,750 and up. Two fam­ floors, samtaty molding, storm ily homea, 4 and 4, 5 and 5, 6 and equipped. workmanship, and reiUonable Equipment Co., 18 Main St. livered. .-MI. $-6972. printi, atripea, aolids. Expertly Pedler and Bpndy. Metter’a Mualc 327 MAIN STREfiT MANCHESTER Mvertisements Economy overhaul, most all '''Cates. EsUmatea gladly given. rinuhed; $5 down, 63 weekly, Studio, 177 Cee. Ml. 6-7560. windows, oU steam heat, 100’ lot, 6 rooms, $1>,S00 and up, colonials, CML Dick at PI. 2-6696 or J(dm at f l a g s t o n e . Stone (or walla, balance - one year to pay. CaU Wanted To Rent 68 trees, near etores, bus. Only seven roome $X $14,800 and up. 1953 Studebaker P icl^p — V2 cars. Parts and labor $49.96! Help Wsnteid— Female 35 BURPEE SEEDS Grow! We have CLASSIFIED ADVT. MI. 3-8769. house fronts, (ireplacaa, etc. Bol­ all kinds of (lower and vegetable JAckeon 3-7780 or JAckeon 4-0114. A(XORDION ISOJiasa while pearl, 810,000. Ckiriton W. Hutchins. Ml. Ranch homea, $11,000 to $38,000. • KA-KLAR EASTER TOYS ton. Save $600. ’ f BOOKKEEPn^G Machine operator, 9-8183, 1-4664. DEPT. HOURS No money down. $4.90 month­ ton Notch Quarry M’ . 6-0617. , seeds In stock. - See our large Out of town reverse chargee. • four ahlfta. MI. 3-7627 between 6 WANTED—Garage, in vicinity ot Please call Howarq R. Hostings • EASTER BASKETS 195i Pontiac Catalina — Hy­ ly. All work guaranteed. LET US 'euild your new home, al- (National Cash). Experience nec­ stock. Budget Center, 91 Center a.m, and 2 p.mVor 6 to 9 p.m. Agency, Manchester., Ml. 6-U07. 8 tl5 A . M. to 4:30 P. M. (erationz,. special pricea on ga­ essary. Work involves handling ac­ SIX FT. ORUNOW refrigerator, ex- 19$ Oak Straet. Ml. 9-6935. EAST HARTFORD. Beautiful Sun­ 6 CANDY CUPBOARD • LOVELL COVEL AND dramatic drive, radio, heat­ St. Phone MI. 3-4164. Will accept reasonable I .er. set Ridge. Three homes priced rages, etc. . Free eotmiates. counts receivable. ExceUent work­ LOAM and HUMUS cellent conditioh, $35. Call after 6 WOftKmO COUPLE with n<> chU­ NEAR MAIN St., five roo^ home, • BURNHAM-BRADY CANDIES er- . X ■ Partridge-Sieffert, Biiildera. Phone ing conditions. Call Mrs. Maynard p.m. Ml. 3-8670. MIRRA-PIANO $296.\Ceee rede- from $17,300 to $32,600. See these $9700. Duplex 4 end 4 with trio ga­ COPY CLOSING TIME COLE MOTORS Rich and clean. . All dren would like a three or (bur today. Hie Eacott Agency, MI. rages and small sho$rf duplex 6 6KELLING DOUBLE-K NUTS MI. 9-0233, MI. 9-3346. ^ at MI. 9-3293 for an Interview. Hou8chold Good8 51 aigned to spinet etyle; Excellent room apartment, unfurnished. FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. 1961 Studebaker Champion 2- types of trenching done. V— *“ — ------condition. Bench and 6-7683. and 6, one-car garife. Fine oppor­ • TREATS EXTRA RICH ICE CREAM 436 Center Street SPECIALIZING in cuetom buUt ga- NO NEED TO JOIN A CLUB Willing to help around place. Call MON. THRU FRL , Door— Radiol heater. AVON CANNOT be purchased in Back-hoe for hire. eluded. Goaa Piano Ciom'; Ml. 3-7636 after 6. tunity, two buyers. Madeline ragea, Stanley overhead doora, any store. 80,000 women through­ CENTRAL—West Side—Seven rix>m Smith, Realtor. MI. 9-1642 or 10:30 A. M. 1950 Nash Rambler Cony-— MI-9-0980 Top Quality Furniture Asylum Street, Hai -ahinetz, block tile ceillnga, al­ out the U. 8. are enjoying a Rockville 6-5652 GE APPLIANCE SALE house. Oil'heat, gas, electricity. 9-1146. SATURDAY 9 A. M. r " ' f 5-6698. WIDOW WITH two well behaved Owner MI. 9-5453. Radio, heater, overdrive. terations, additlonz. CaU Frank steady. income by conducting an Brand Name Appllancea children being evicted, require Contola, Ml. 3-3332. (1) JLB76K Refrigera^^ HOMEY, OLDER seven room 1948 Studebaker Cham pion- Avon business from their own and TV at Tremendous Savlnga OULBRANSEN Spinet piano, ^ led four room rent. Landlord 1$ mov­ MANCHESTER —Several two-fam­ TOCB OOOPEBATION WILL homes. Call Mrs. Curtis, JA. BPS PAINT / Was $230.95—NOW-.-199.05 for display only, mahogany fliM»h. house, on, approximate 4 acre. Radio, heater, overdrive. GEUfERAL' ConstrucUon, altera- CHAMBERS FURNITURE ing in. Write Box N8. Herald. ily homes, three bedroom, auto­ Pleasant heighborbood, Pine woods BE APPKBCIATED 5-2491 after 8 p.m. (1) LK95 Refrigerator Save $200, only $399, new piAno matic heat, with garages located 1949 Buick Conv- Coupe— Uonz, remodeling, plaaUc tUe, For all exterior and in­ SALES , guarantee. Ward Krause. Pho^ WANTED—5 or 6 room unfurniehed background, garagt, shop, fine counter work, garage, etc. No Job HOUSEWIVES. Anxious to earn, 11 Was $309.95—NOW $319.95 in east and west aide. The Escott garden, berries, asparagus. Write Dial MI-3-5121 Radio, heater, dynaflow terior purposes. Painting At The Green MI. 8-5336. rent by family of three. Residents Agency. MI. 9-7163. Center Street. Tel. MI. 3-85S7, too email. Eugene Girardlh, 16 to. 82 per hour without canvassing. , of Msnehester 13 yesrs. Locsl rsf- owner. Box X, Herald, drive. Trotter St. MI. 9-3309. accessories. Full line in (1) LMK95 Refrigerator Mitchell 3-5187 Write P. O. Box 661, Hartford, Was $449.05—NOW $350.95 ersness furnished. Cisll MI. 3-6863 $1,000 DOWN, THREE bedroom Lead The Easter Parade Omn. stock. * Hours: 10 to 5—7:30 to 8:30 P. M, EAST CENTER STRBarT . 1948 Plymouth Coupe— Good Auto Driving School 7-A^ ^------Wanted^-To Buy 58 dsn*. 6-1297 evenings. ranch, fireplace, tile bath, one LOCATION transporation. Roofing—45M}nc 16 WANTED— Ehcperienced fountain (1) NAllJ Freeeer acre land, $100 month (or 5 years. Six rooms.' Real buy—$12,300. Lost and Found DRIVINQ Instructions from BUDGET CENTER Was $309.05—NOW $319.95 USED APPUANCES. Bendix fully WILL BUY Refrigerators, ranges, 10 minutes out. Cktrlton W- home, Dual-control liisurec girls and waitresses. Full or part 91 -Center Street and waahing ifiachinea. La- Houses For Sale Good eight aingle in nice condi­ WITH A SAFE-BUY USED FOUND: Pair crystal rosary beads. PRE-WAR CARS FOR THE -BEST in Bonded buUt time: Permanent work. Salary ft sutomatic washer, spinner type. 72 Hutchins. MI. 9-51$2, 9-4694. tion. Inexpensive to convert to two staudard or automatic. CaU up roofs, shingle roofs, guttera, (1) D21K Range Crosley wringer type recondi­ Flamme Appliance Co. MI. 9-8888. Manchester Green area. MI. $10 Down, $5 Week cheater Driving Academy, per hour. Apply in person. Arthur’s Phone MI-3-4164 Was $440.95—Now $359.05 MANCHESTER—New ranch, qual­ family. Oarage— $13,000. CAR FROM MORIARTY •.8B78. conductors and roof repaira eaU (Luncheonette) and Drug, Inc., tioned. Others. Stuart R. Wolcott, TO BE SOLD Many To Choose From 2-72a. ToU free. Coughlin, MltcheU 3-7707.. 180 Main Street. MI. 9-6678. , ity construction, no dsvalbpment, Four room Cape Cod. Dormers, 942 Main St. , Only $10 Down Delivers Rooms Without Board 59 HOl^LISTER STREET large kitchen, three bedrooms, expandable second floor, oil burner. FOUND—U(ht cream. Ion; haired ALL ALUMINUM combination win­ A slx-rimm ColonisI home with BROTHERS AUTO Dr iv in g instmcuon. 1 Use Our Easy Pay Plan High on a hill, picnic area, large CHORCHES MOTORS FOR ALL KINDS of roofing, siding TRUSTWORTHY/haby sitter tor A BARGAIN’! Two pair roae color­ I-ARGE FURNISHED room for full cellar, wooded lot, centrally male dof. Call Dog Warden. MI. lessons oh insured dual c( and painting call Manchester dows and doors, aelf-storing, save l-csr stUdhed gsrsge. Automstic wooded lot. $10,000. Down pay­ Mony to ehooso from n d tii« S-4M0. two grown children, vicinity of ed drapea, cuatom. made. Will sell two, also single room. Complete located. Only $12,500. Carlton W. 80 Oakland St. — MI-9-9483 car. Capable experienced ini Roofing and Siding O t. Free esti­ heat, comfort, convenience, last a GOODYEAR SERVICE hot water Heat, fireplace, modern Hutchins, ML 0-5132, 9-4604. ment $2,000. Porter at. CaU MI. 9-6143. lifetime. Free demonstration. CaU reasonably. MI. 9-3716. kitchen privileges. MI. 9-4778. kitchen with automatic dishwash­ Scrfo-luy stickor mooRs tlwy'rH LOST—Kodachrome slides, vicinity 1051 CHEVROLET H-ton pickup. tor. Cordner Auto School. mates. Tel. MI. 6-8933. Also Several Other Good Homea 0-6010, JA. 7-3680. anyUme. BUI Tunsky. MI. t-9095. STORE BENDIX GYROMATIC waaher, 8 er. Immedta(^e occupancy and TWO-FAMILY 6-5, excellent condi­ CALL THE SAFETY.CHECKED. PERFORM- o f WeUs St. Call MI. 3-7716. Re­ ExceUent condiUon, $748. Carter PART TIMR saleslady for corset PLEASANT. FURNISHED r o ^ , priced tor quickXsale at $17,800. A MANC31ESTER ROOFING and montha old. Excellent condition. tion inside and out, oil steam heat, GOODCHILD REALTY CO. ward. Chevrolet Co., 311 Main St. ’ MI. Siding Company. often arlnter departnieht. Please apply In per­ - 713 Main 8t., Mancheater suitable for two persona,. One block away f romXBowers School. ANCE-CHECKED. 9-5338. son. Burtons. MI. 3-6480. block from Main St. Phone MI. storm windows, near bus, stores, Realtors prices—12% discount on all roof­ LOAM FOR SALE. MI. 9-9644 Phone Ml-0-5390 HACKMATACK STREET school, good income, will go G.I. .. 6 . 9-3884. MI-3-7925 Anytime 1053 CHEVROLET H-ton pick-up, car. Larson Driving School. ing and siding. Free esUmetes. An attractive 6-rpom Cape Cod Carlton W. Hutchins. MI. 9-5132, PersoBals 9-6075. ROPER GAS range 40” atagger 9-4694. For Appointment dark green. Low mUeage,. $048. CaU MI. 6-8933. Help wanted— Male 36 8^ FOOT Coldapot refrigerator, DAMAGED BY THE IN PRIVATE Home, clean, pleas­ home with nice lot » feet by 265 (3) 1953 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON TBB PROSPECT BUI School tor top. Reasonable. 817 Center St. ant, large room. Quiet neighbor­ feet. This is not thcXusuel run of A real clean one! TMi color. Carter Chevrolet Co., 311 Main ROOFING, Siding and carpentry. lesa than two years old. Lika new. RAILROAD CO. LARGE SIX Room colonial, 2-car yoimc chUdren. Traasportstloa St. Ml. 0-8338. MEN EARNING $75 a week or Very reasonable. Can arrange to hood. Gentleman preferred. Ref­ Cape Cod homes ss there are For Sale 73 Radio and heater. Airerattona and addiUona Ceil­ A WHOLE LOAD OF UNIVERSAL Electric Btove, in ex- three rooms on each ftoor. This garage, an older home in good re­ furnished. Mrs. Lela Tybur. dtrec* lesa, pass our qualification teat BiUt. MI. 3-4165. cellent condition. May be seen at erences required. MI. 3-8181 tor. Phone Mitchell »-5767. 1984 CHEVROLETS, S^loora, beau­ ings. Workmanahip guaranteed. end FliUer Brush will guarantee FURNITURE plan permits a large llWrtg room pair. New furnace, quiet neighbor­ TWO BUILDING Lota. 243 :Jld 244 Mrs. Lygia Georgescu weep# In New York City home (April 12) tiful colon, 1054 Pontiac Star A. A. Dion. Inc., 299 Autumn $93 per week to start. Write Box ROYAL AND Smith-Corona port­ and 328 Eaat Middle Tpke. after 8 p.m. 24 feet long, dining i^ m and hood. 120 X 140 lot. See this one Wildwood Road. Lake Hayward, after looking over .Associated Press radiophotos of her husbnnil. 1953 CHEVROLET 4.DOOR MRS. ZOPPI, reader and adviser. controlled itandard and hydrama- street MItch*U 8-4860. now, $13,800. Warren E. Howland, Omn. Inquire 29 Ck>ttage street. Chief, Catalina, teeny-weeny mUe Q, Herald. able and standard t}ipawritera. APPLIANCES FtORENCE COMBINATION oil ROOM FOR RENT. Ladies pre- kitchen, plus lavatory, on lit floor. Valeriu, with their two sons, Peter, 15, and Constantin, 19. In Frank­ 2-tone blue. Radio and heater. AU welcome. 3M Franklin Ave-., age on each. FuU 00-day guaran^ Uc cars. MI. 9-7398. All makea of adding machines ferred. MI. 3-5524. A master bedroom plus 2\ eth^ Realtor, 648 Woodbridge St. MI. furt, Oermnny, the some day- Their two oona reached Now York RAY'S r o o f in g Co. H«Ut up Original Cost $1,367.19 gaa, white, chrome pipe. MI. 3-6600 • Xn. 9-4389. across from the Art theater. For tee, bank financing. Bob Oliver TOOLMAKER aold or rented. Repialre on aU good sized bedrooms and tiled bath toda.v after being nllowed to lenve Communist Romania. (AP Wire- appointment call CHapel 6-6788. Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 roofs, gutter work, rbof, chimney YOU CAN HAVE IT 9-2724. NEWLY DECORATED, Beautifully Remrt Property For Sale 74 baa the beat in ca n at Center repairs. F re e . esUmktes. Ray experienced with experimental makes. Marlow's. on 2nd floor. Pleasant side pbrch, photo). Motor Salea, 461 Main St. furnished and spacious room. The smesite drive, basement gifage EXPERT CORSETRT service in Hagenow. MI. 9-2214, Ray Jack- parts. 50 "hour week. Paid holi­ FOR ONLY EASY SPIN-DRY waahing ma­ BOLTON LAKE 1952 CHRYSLER SARATOGA X THREE SHOWCASES for sale. Best chine, in good condition, $50. MI. most complete tight housekeeping ere among some of the extra f u ­ your home. Trixie foundations. ONLY DOUGLAS wiU aeU you a , child’s tricycle, like new. Verj sqn. MI. 3-8323. days, vacation and insurance.* offer. CaU MI. 9-1573 before 5:30. $750 facilities available in Manchester. LAKEFRONT COTTAGE 2-tone bine. FliUy equipped. X 9-9708. tures. Ideal home to raise a faiA- Completely winterized five room (Coventry) Aida Adams, 63 Durant St. MI. lata model car as low as $148 reasonable. MI. 9-4695 after 5:30. WILCO MACHINE TOOL MI. 3-6377 after 5:30. It is not very often an opportunity You will marvel at the cleanllnesi lly--country atmosphere, yet \ home right on the lake. Two bed­ About Town A very clean car. / ■ ' SAVE! S-8160, call after 6 p.m. of this building. Children accepted. down. W»- do not aak you to take Rooflnf 16-A s CO., Inc. __, like this comes around but every block from the bus. Priced at^ rooms, large fireplace and a huge Five room all year, fireplace, Georgescu a loan from a-bank or finance 30 Grandview Street 3H’ RED CEDAR, Gothic top fence once in a while it happens. This is NEW 100% all wool hand braided Central. Priced so reasonable $16,500. 'rant porch. Garage and beautiful The Sisterhood of Temple Beth cycle, 74 O H V. Excellent condi' pickets. 2 x 4 lumber, 8’ length. lot 50 x 100 ft. Bargain at $8,500. company to completa your down ROOFING—BpeciaUzlng In repair­ Manchester the first time in years we can offer rug. aize 8' by 10'. Call MI. 9-1209. you'll gasp! Be sure and see this WASHINGTON STREET ,rd. Sensibly priced at $11,000. Sholom Will meet tonight at 8:30 1953 M ERCURY 2-DOOR WANTED—Ride to Hartford arrlv- payment. PosiUvely only $148 Uon. Tel. MI. 9-8400. MI. 3-6334. such a tremen^us bargain. So one. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Arch St. in the vestry of the Temple and Blue. Radio and heater. Inc at 6 a.m. CaU MI. t-1648. ing roofa o f aU klnda. Also new I f you: requirements call tor a Also cottages on waterfront and down buya a 1040 car, 8198 buya a roofa Gutter work. CMmneye WILL AOCJEPT applications tor don't wait and hurry down and get MAHOGANY Dining room aet with Boys Safe will honor the approaching Pass- NIm , clean oar. BPS PAINT For all exterior and in­ ROOM. Central. Continuous hot 2 uedroom yet spacious home this MANCHESTER close to Amston Lake. $2345 RIDERS WAitTED. United Air­ 1080, $305 buys a 1053. No addiUoii- Business Services Offered 13 cleaned, repnlred, 26 yenra’ ex- milk route salesmen (or the future. it. Everything is guaranteed—Buy buffet and china closet. In good over holiday. The guest speaker Opening^ may break at any time. terior purposes. Painting accea- water, private entrance. Parking. Dutch Colonial could be the an­ craft,* first shift. CaU MI. t-1799 al Bide notes or loans. We guaran' pertenca Free esUmntea CaU all or part. condition. MI. 3-5847 after 8! swer. 1st floor has nice living An\older home in a very choice will be Miss Norma Oiarest, a tee to aeU under the above terma HAROLD A SONS. Rubbis Write full details about yourself to sories. Full line in stock.. Budget Gentleman. 3-4724. E & B R EALTY dietitian at the Hartford Hospitat 1952 MERCURY 4-DOOR SEDAN \ ' after 6. moval, also ceUara cleaned. Howley. Manchester MltcheU Center, 91 Center St. Phoiie MI. THIS LOT INCLUDES room, dining room, large kitchen central location. Four bedrooms In Gotham with notes aa low aa $40 monthly. 3-036J. Box T. Herald. ONE MAPLE kitchen table with Ml-9-e297 or 3-4480 Hostesses for the social bouT to } Green. Executive’s car. Fully equipped. MI. 9-4084. 3-4164. Electric Refrigerator, Range, two chairs, one small table, $13. '-FURNISHED ROOM for rent near hnd sun porch. Two large bed­ and t\^ baths. Oil stesm heat. WANTED—Ride to Pratt A Whit­ Good credit is our only requlra- Main St. Gentlemen preferred. 9 rooms and bath on 2nd floor. This Two car garage. Immediate oc­ follow will be Mrs. IrviM Bayer, ney, East Hartford, vicinity Center ment. Douglas Moton, 333 Main. Washing Machine. Vacuum Clean­ Call MI. 9-3080. (Continued from Page One) Mrs. Philip Bayer,. Mrs. Mymond QUARANTESm.Top quality I WANTED—A cai^ienter, Wm. ONE 48” YOUf4GSTOWN sink, de- er, Dinette Set, Linoleum. Utility Hazel St. Tel. MI. 9-2170. well built home has detached cupancy. '^nly $13,000. COVENTRY lake:—5 roome and S t Hours 6-4:46. CaU after 8. MI. vision aervica. Calia received Heating— Plumbing 17 luxe model with set tub, slidinjf garage and pleasant yard. Handy sun porch, completely furaithed, Bernstein, Mrs. A br^am C3ark, 3-4044. 1047 INTERNATIONAL 4|-ton pick­ Kanehl 816 Center street. Cabinets, Living Room Suite. Rugs. mama again after ao many years.” fore 9 p.m. wUl be serviced « drain board. Floor model, reg. BEAUTIFUl- Walnut buffet. Holly, AT THE CENTER, comfortable to schools and a block from Main - T. J. dROCKETT, Broker fully insulated, fireplace, utllitlea, Mrs. Morris F’irestone, Mrs. Irving 1948 CHEVROLET CONVERTIILE up. Black body. Good condition. LENNOX FURNACES end warm Tables, Lamps, Smoker, Bedroom rooms, single or double. 14-18 she said, '"njelr voices ■were of Fivozlnsky, Mrs.. Herman Good- Two to choose from. CaU MI. 3-8136. night ML 9-1347. air heating. Earl 'Van Camp, MI. AUTO PART man, preferably one 8204.95 for only $175. J. W. Hale Stiite, Spring Mattress, dishes, wood bed, almost new. MI. 9-3272. Street. Selr price $15,500. 244XMain Street extra lot, 50 x 150. S-8470 after Corp.< Wadsworth St. 8. men. I did not recognize them.” stine. Mrs. David Grossman, Mrs. Aatomobiles for Sale 4 9-3844. with some experience and knowl­ silver set, pictures and a few other ST. JOHN STREET Phones: Office MI-3-5416 1081 NASH all metal ataUon wagon. edge of automotive machine shop She said she couldn't'believe the Irving Hochberg. Mrs. Jacob Segal P 's BEIAUTIFUL SelecUon of wool rem­ articles. Machinery and Tools 52 ROOM FOR RENT, private family, Here is a 5-room home all on Residen^ MI-9-7751 COLUMBIA LAKE. Waterfront cot­ boys really had been released until will provide the SImeka cake. 1963 CHEVROLET 6338 down, 1983 Radio, heater, low mileage, high services. Apply from 8 to 6 p.m. one floor, with additional space on 4 . at 191 O nter St. nants at low prices. Also rug wool BUY IT AND PAY IT Wr.st Side. Gentleman preferred. tage. choice location, (our bed' the State Dept, /railed later in the \ Ford tudor, only 8398—no trick gasoline mUeage. Douglas Moton, Millinery— Dressmaking 19 WE BUY-Sell-Trade-Rent power second floor tor more bedrooms. A ______.X______m 2 CHZYSLEK SAZATO(SA 4-DOOZ 333 Main. MltcheU 9-7603, and tnstrucU ma in braiding ruga. ON LOW FRIENDLY TERMS MI. 3-4403. ALL ELECTRIC,'3 bedrooma rooms, large living room, con' day to confirm the news. Then she The second lesson in the course Slnunicks, low, low, low monthly WHEN y o u DO BUSINESS mowers, chain aaws, tillers, gar­ Hot water oil heat, fireplace, 6a- venient kitchen, pantry, automatic Uke new. Power brakes, power etering $ 2 3 4 5 p a r e n ts . Tour only requirement ALTERA'nONS on women’s and CaU RockvUJe 5-5706. rage, corner fenced; lot, near went to her church to give thanks. on Flower Arranging, will be given 1 ^ CHEVROLET all metal atation children’s clothes. MI, 9-9022. WITH ME I DON’T TRANSFER den 'rectors,' outboards, power garage and amesite drive, sc:;eens, hot' water, large screened porch. The Slate Dept, last May dis­ tomorrow from 7:30 to 9:30 in the Is jRwd credit. Douglas Motor Help Wanted-— ONE TRACY 54” stainless steel tools. Terms arranged. Capitol Apartments— Flats— awnings — a complete home. achool, bus,' shopping' center. Liv­ Sales, 333 Main. . wagon, Uke new cmdiUon, radio, Mrs. Pelletier. YOUR ACCOUNT TO BANKS ing room has firemace, book- Completely and comfortably furn­ closed Geqrgescu's story charging library of the Barnard School by Male or Female 37 Cabinet sink. Regular $239.95, now OR FINANCE CO’S, Equipment Co., 38 Main Street. Tenenrent-s 63 Prompt occupancy and priced at ished. Newly painted. Sizeable heater, low mUeage. Douglas guns, etc., repaired. Shears $15,800. caaea, picture window, wall to the Romanian first secretary. Mrs. W. W. Eells and Miss EHIen 1951 LINCOLN COSMOPOLITAN Moton, 333 Main. iquvea. mowers ate., put into con­ $139.95. Floor model. J. W. Hale SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT private dock, motor boat. Priced 1981 Hudson 2-Dr. Super 6 Sedan Corp. THREE ROOM furnished apart­ wall carpet. Large cabinet kitchen, C:9iri8tache Zambeti, visited him in Buckley. At the next session a 4-Door. Black. Fully equipped C 1 4 L O C ' — Radio, heater and over­ dition for coming needs. Bralth- Moving— ^Trucking HAIRDRESSER, Male or female, JUST PHONE MR. ALBERT Off EAST CENTER STREET range, i6frigerator. \Baaement at $12,500. Write Box V, Herald New York-and tried to blackmail workshop will be held and the stu­ 1083 FORD fordor, original A-1 con. HARTFORD CH-I-0388 ment. All utilities included. $23.50 Immaculate. Uke new. ^ ^ 1 0 ^ 0 drive, exceUent condition. waits, 52 Pearl street Storage 20 part time. Write ^ x Y. Herald. ONE GENERAL ELECTRIC dish- near MANCHESTER GREEN laundry, aet. tuba, waahVr. Fln- him into, spying for the Reds in dents will arrange flowers them-’ cUUon, new Ures, lustrous blue fin­ AFTER 7 P. M. CH-6-4690 Town per week. Adults. MI. 9-6547 after 1951 Hudson Hornet Club Coupe— washer sink, 48” , top loading. Reg. 5. If you have been seeking a ranch iahed recreation rm. Awninga, Suburbiin For Sole 75 exchange ‘ or hLs son.s' liberty. selves. ish. 1981 Oievrolet tudor, deluxe MANCHESTER — Package Deliv­ FREE STORAGE "HL WANTED style home o f the finest construc­ acreent, storm windows, ^netian Georgescu said he refused to "sell SPECIAL ATTENTION to Rtturning KOREAN WAR A one-owner car. Must be model, equipped and honestly any Uma. Antenna cmverslona. ery. Local light trucking and $428.95. Very special $299.95. Floor seen to be appreciated. Ra­ Situations Wanted— model. J. W. Hale Corp. * Acivertiseiiiciit NEW FOUR room apartment. Un­ tion and containing all the modern blinda. Ckilt owner, MI. 0-3SF VERNON—Two homes near new my conscience” by betraying his Tomorrow evening Man­ Veterans guaranteed. 1949 Pontiac, converti­ PbUco factory auperviaed service. package deUvery. Refrigeratora. A— R—T—S touches that lead to pleasant liv­ newly acquired American citizen­ chester Grange members will dio, heater and hydramatic, ble. 8 cylinder, hydramatic, radio Tel. Ml. 0-1488. washers and otove moving a Female 38 43-45 ALLYN ST., H ARTFORD furnished. Heat and continuous hot Vernon achool. Priced below mar- direction signals., ONE YOUNGSTOWN dishwasher water Included. Rental $93 month. ing, this 7-room home should in­ PHELPS ROAD — Chistom VuUt ' ket (or early tale. The Elacott ship. neighbor with Ellington and heater, new top, luatrous blue specialty. Ml. 9-0732. sink, 48” top loading. Reg. 8428.95. terest you. The Geneva kitchen Zambeti was forced to leave the' Grange and the men of that 1951 Hudson Hornet Sudan—Spe­ WHIRLPOOL Wringer type waaher, In accordance will-- the pro­ References. Available May 1st. home, five large rooms, living Agency. MI. 9-7683. finish, priced to sell today. See CURTAINS Laundered and ironing Very special 8299.95. Floor model. has tv.-ice the usual Cabinet space room, fireplace, partial open atair- country but protested he had been Grange will put on the pro­ cial paint, radio, heater and Bob Oliver at Center Motor Sales, SMALL GARDENS Plowed. Tel. AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO., 835; three cushion aofa, $30; din­ visions of Chapter V, Section 8, Write Box U, Herald. / MI. 0-7018. local and long distance moving, done in my home. MI. 9-4333. J. W. Hale Corp. ing room aet. 830: dinette set. $50; of the Town Charter: and formica counters, plus sep­ way, dining roomT'Icitchen, plum!^ VERNON—New custom built fWa framed.; ° local Grange will visit Marl­ hydramatic, 4 new whltewaU 461 Main. arate dining ares. Ceramic tile ing (or automatic washer, oil burn­ room ranch type. Very fine living MORIARTY BROTHERS solid mahogany coffee table, 840; Notice la liereby given that a Mrs. Bolton said she prodded borough Grange to witness their tires. packing, storage. CaU MI. 3-3187. WORK EVEafINOS and/or Satur­ 1946 SUPER SIX Hudson, fordor Hartfon< CHapel 7-1423. mahogany pie crust table, $15; Public Hearing of 'tl.c Board of Business Locations bath hss both tub and shower stall, er, two large bedrooma, bath, stc- room with fireplace, excellent Russia's Andrei Y. Vishlnsky every travel program. 1051 Hudson Hornet Sedan—ha- days. Ehfperienced legal secretary, Boats and Accessories 46 wing chair, $10. MI. 8-8480. ' For Rent 64 plus elaborate powder room ar­ ond floor. Large screened rear itchen and dinette area, three time she got a chance at U. N. LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALERS sedan, radio, heater, good condi­ bookkeeping knowledge, tax ex­ Directors of the Tov/h of Man­ dlo and heater. FuU price tion. Make us an offer. Call MI. 189 South Main St. Phone MI. chester, ( ’onncctlcut, will be held rangement. Home fully insulated, porch, garage, Venetian blinds, idrooms, beautiful tile bath. EEX' headquarters in New York to do Ever Ready ’ Orcle of Kings 11105. • 9-9817. 3-5648. „ Painting— Papering 21 perience, receptionist and phone MARTIN OUTBOARD 1953, twist- LARGE STORE tor rent with base­ cellar floor completely tiled, Vene­ screens, storm windows. Excellent cemlonally large cement baaC' something about the Georgescu Daughters will meet at 7:45 this 301-315 CENTER ST. — T E L MI-3-5135 experience. Call. MI. 3-4636. In the Hearing .oom of the 1057 Hudson Super 6 S e^ n —A shift model, 7>j h.p. Like new. Municipal Bui.ding i.i th°e Town of ment, desirable location. Suitable tian blinds throughout, wall to condition. Lot 90 x 145. $16,800. mem, plastered walla, fully in- boys. She said the Soviet dele­ evening in the director's’ room of .One-Owner car, beautiful Jet 1937 KAISER Sedan, radio, heater, FURNITURE Refinlahlng, antique Sacrifice $150. 89 Union street. Mi. Town of Manchester, (Connecticut, on the (or any business. For Information, wall carpeting, built-in living room MI. 6-5858, for appointment. sulaUd, attached garage, city gate always told her Romania.was the VVhlton Memorial, Library. furniture a specialty, chairs Saned PAINTING AND WOMAN ^OULD like to care for 3-5709. write Bex E, Herald. bookcases, wonderful closet space, waterNMd sewerage. Large lot - black finish. Radio, heater, original finish, new motor last one or two children in my own 20*h day of April, 1954, at eight a "different .country” and he could Mrs. James T. Pickles will be yeai;.-,Good tires. 8180. PI. 2-6166. and niahed. Anson F. lliOTp. -2-car attached garage and lot LMANCHESTER—Cape Ckxi expand- directly, on ■ bus line. $16,250. automatic shift overdrive. PAPER HANGING home. MI. 9-0664. o'clock in the afternoon, to act on AIR CONDITIONED offices. Mod­ do nothing. chairman of the hostesses. FuU price 81105. Phone MltcheU 9-87S5. Manchester an additional appropriation and a 120 X 214 completely enclosed with able. High on a hill, has every' George J. Ckileman, Broker, Hart­ 1950. CHEVROLET FleeUine de­ JOHNSON. 5 H. P. outboard motor, ern design. Near Post Office, Main shrubbery. To appreciate the many ford. Ck>nh. Trust Co. Building Georgescu said help from the 1050 Hudson Super 6 Tudor Sedan JOHN M. McCANN transfer as follows: thing, excellent location, full price, Mr. and Mrs. Allen A. Heikkila. luxe, futty equipped, 5 new white exceUent condition. Call MI. 3-6229. OFFICE OF. THE street, corner Wadsworth. MI. extras In this hoirie you must in­ $10,6()0, Manchester, .ranch home, Rockville. 6-4045 or 5-4710. State Dept, had made the boys' —Very good condition. Only 30 Laurel Street RELsIABLsE GIRL wifthea bsby An additional appropriat'on of 9-9779, or MI. 9-9819. release possible but would give 33 Wadsworth St., this afternoon sidewall uras. Conventional shift. sitting evenings. CsU MI. 9-M88. GENERAL MANAGER spect it. To reproduce today this very centrally located. 24 x 39 attended the funeral of Mr. 8805. Must be s o l^ t sacrifice. CaU MI. MERCURY Outboard motor, 6 h.p. $5,118 for 'repair of refuse dis­ home, 87 feet long, would coat IN VERNONArNlce old farm resi­ no details. The State Dept, said Tel. MI-3-7388 or Ml-3-6738 Excellent condition, idlea amooth posal equipment. 8EXX)ND FLOOR, 2400 aq. ft., foundation, about 1 year old, very Heikkila's father, W,.ino Heikkila, 1948 Nash Sedan—Beautiful black 9-8371 aftef 4 ^m . delivery service. GlbSon'e Garage. Sealed proposals for main­ much more than the price of modem throughout. Full price, dence, hea bMn remodeltd into 3 it had made no concessions to Ml. 8-5012. aa silk. Reasonable. MI. 3-7557, A transfer of $5,118 from plenty ight, two lavatories, three tenements, steAm heat oil, 2-car Romania. who died suddenly In Killingly. finish. Radio and heater, up­ Doga— Birds— Pets 41 tenance of.the Town of Manrhes- $20,500. $12,300 or less if you care to do Mr. Heikkila is the'only son. holstery Jiiat like new. Only 1949 STUDEBAKHlt Pickup. Good PAINTTNO, .Exterior and Intettor, ter’a Dispo.'^al Area (Town snow removal and sanding ac­ front roome, suitable light manu­ garage. U s aerra, $9000. . Ebcclu- During thp long separation the count to garbage disposal. facturing, large office halls Apply your own grading. Many other list­ 8505. condition. Make an offer. No down paperhanging. Ceillnga retlnlah- CANARIES, GUARANTEED ting- Dump) Manchester, Connecticut, ROBERT J. SMITH, Inc. ings of all kinds from $5500 Up, sive With R. O. Duiton. MI. 3-6724. boys first stayed with their grand­ DILLON Building Materials 47 Backer, 36 Oak. 1949 Mercury Club Coupe—Radio, payment. $30 m S ^ ly . Cole ed. Wall paper books on request. era, aU colon, also femalea. for a period of two (2| years and 063 Main St. Tel. MI-0-S241 The Ellsworth Mitten Agency, mother in Bucharest. Constantin Motors, 436 Center St. W. 9-0980. Estimates given. FuUy Insured. Har^d A. Thirkington ROCKVILLE—New C^pe Cod—full Driver Arrested heater .and overdrive. A one- MI. 9-0438. (wo (2) months commencing Secretary. Board of Direetors of Realtors. Tel. MI. 3-8930 or 9-6531. was drafted into the Romanian prices. Tel. 5Q. 9-4772. (Jail Edward R. Price. MltcheU Western Framing , MAY 1. 1054 and ending June 30, MANCHESTER — Cape Ck)d, (our shed dormer, 4 ro o M finished, 2 army and attached to a labor bat­ owner car. i 1653 DE SOTO Firedome V-Khard the Town of Manchester, Suburban For Rent 66 unfinished. Fireplac^ plaatered SALES and SERVICE 6-1003. THE NEW MANCHESTER Pet T.LL ...... per M $107.00 1956 in accordance with specifi­ finished rooms, expandable attic, BY THUNDER talion. Peter was put into train­ On Rules Charge 1951 Studebaker Land Cruiser- top convertible, tutone green.^Mly Center, 993 Main St., invitea you N. C. Roofers T.L.L . .per M $95.00 Connectii ut. immaculate throughout, large walls, basement garagV etftellent Automatic drive. Only 24,000 equipped.' Privately owned. house call. AU wurk fully guaran- cations will be received until 3:00 Dated at Manchester, (’onnectl- NEW 5-ROOM ranch home. Furh-* You ought-to see this home, it’s ing as an electrician. Their formal PAINTING AND Papering. Outaide to visit pets of all kin(fg^ Con­ Shakes, aU colors, 18” sq. $12.95 P. M., April iO. 1954, at the office Ished, Including electric range, i:e- kitchen with dinette area, fire­ lot 110 X 180. City water/and sew­ miles. Full price 8905. MI. 3-4848. 4 tied. Call Ml. 9-8585 (or qulcii painting estimates now being cut, this 9th day of April, 1954. / a honey. Only $12,900 for Ihls erage. An outstanding \ buy at education ended in 1950. ' David R. Dane. 21. of 33 Lyndale necticut bred Parakeets. Ml. Window Frames, complete of the General Manager, Munici­ (rigerator, dishwasher, tlOO per place, hot 'water heat, blinds, The father said he had , hot -FORD- (.honest service. 3-yesr-old six-room ,Cape (5od given. Call Gilbert I’lckelt. Ml. 6-427?. Houn Monday through with uniques ...... f r o m $11.05 storm windows, rumpus room In $12,600. George J. Otleman. Brok­ St., w as arrested yesterday on a If you lack cash for down pay­ 3-6982. pal Building, 41 Center Street. month. Adults only. References re­ (four fini.shed. two partially fin­ been able to exchange letters'with charge of violation of rules of the SOLIMENE, Inc. Friday, 10 to 6:30, Wedneadty Flush Doors...... ;..a v g . $6.05 Manciiester, Connecticut when quired. Call Rockville 5-7401. cellizr, amesite drive. Only $12,400. er, Hartford-Conn. Trust \Bldg. .319 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER ment on these ears, we can arrange ished). Hot water oil heat,, fire­ Rockville S-404S, 5-4710. his sons since 1951. He added road after a two-car accident in for other terms. 634 Center St. MASGM—Fieldstone a specialty. E. closed at 3 p.m. S. A H. Green Canadian Framing and they shall be opened. Farther in­ Phone Barbara Woods Agency. that he had sent them mphey reg-. atamps. MI. l-n02. place, large kitchen with extra the intersection of Broad and Toth.^hone MI. 9-3207. EXTERIOR PAINTING only. Free Sheathing T.L.L. . .per M $95.00 formation on Proposals and Spe­ cabinets. Aluminum screens, win­ BOLTON HILLSIDE, 4>j ularly, via the Romanian govern­ Woodland Streets. McCLURE AUTO CO., Inc. X^Your-Dodge-Plymouth Dealer estimates. MI. 9-1383. Clear Oak Flooring cifications msy be had at the of­ dows and doors. ranch, combination kitchen, ment. and that the boVs told him r Ub b is i:K aND AshAshes removed TROPICAL FTSH hobbyist selling So Young And Slim Patrolman- Emanuel Motola, f.O.b...... p e r M $222.00 fice of the Town Eng'neer. LOOKING FOR IS IT A BOY tng room. fireplace, doubt' the, Hed regime took a third of it who investigated, said the other / . • ■ 373 Main Street •V Presents General1 clbMing of attics and PAINTING AND Paperhanging. out healthy atock of Guppies, 10c \Openlng Day Line-up each. 41 Green Road, any time. NATIONAL BUILDERS’ Richard Martin Easy-To-Crochet Sacquo or a girl you need that extra bed­ closets, sliding dMrs, garage, regularly for "chaige.".” Pdte car involved was driven bv Gilbert A «1 Usied Cars ceUars. C sll^ . 9-919757. Satisfaction guaranteed. 33 years Tel. MI-0-9442—Open Evenings SUPPUES GENERAL MANAGER OFFICE SPACE room for ? Here ia a brand new ■many extras. Lot 107 x 150, no 'chimed in that .')8 per cent of the M, Risley. 21, of RFD 1. Rockville. 1952 DeSoto Custom 4-Dr. . .81695 experience. Orders taken for out­ development. Only $9,500. Carlton 19M FORD Ranch wagon. All MANCHESTER T. V. Service, YOUNG NEW ZEALAND white 420 Davenport Avenue three bedroom Colonial completely last drafts werd withheld. No one was reported injured. This car is big league, has every­ side vyork now. Ckll Raymond rabbits for sale tor Easter. Inquire W. Hutchins. MI. 9-5132, 9-4694. - metal all purpose vehicle Low, radio and T.V. spedaUida since Trudeau. Ml. 9-1614. ■New Haven. Conn. IN A 100% modern in every detail, I 'l baths, 1953 FORD FORDOR 8 C Y L $1695 thing. » 364 Bidwell St., or call MI. 3-7405. beautiful oak floors, close to low down payment. Balance 36 103<. Houae'aeivi.'e call 33.5U Tel. STate 7-3597 . BOLTON—Attrsctlve Cape Cod con­ \ - ' / RADIO AND HEATER months. Honest Douglas. 333 Main. 1952 Dodge Coronet Club Mitchell 9-6660 day or night. CONTRACTOR—Interor and exter­ schools and shopping. Only Coupe...... 81645 RABBITS FOR Sale. These little ( SEPTIC i n m LOCATION $16,500. sisting of five rooms on One floor, ior painting' and paperhanging by bunnies make fine Easter pets. and only five years old. Expand­ 21,00 miles. One owner. COMPLETE REPAIRS by Stuart a reliable contractor, 1-3 and more LOCATION COUNTS 1950/Olds 4-Dr...... 81045 R. Wolcott on wringer and auto­ Also a few older ones. Route 44A, Diamond^Wstche»— WITH AVAILABLE able second floor. House is well 1952 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR $1345 1930 Chevrolet 2-Dr.—Runs s^eil, off on all 1954 wallpaper. All cus­ Bolton. Call MI. 9-9991. , Jewelry 4S with this custom built five-room constructed, steam heat,' artesian HERE’S WHY irS SO EASY Fully equipped. matic washing machines, vacuum tomers receive a written guaran- ■iuCCEiTSEWERS PARKING SPACE? Cape cod. lot 97x167. ,-1'i baths, 8 CYUNDER v / Full price 885. cleaners, motors small appli­ well, fully insulated, altuated oh 1040 Ford V-8 Club Coupe .. 8645 1 tee. Free estimates with refer­ LEONARD W, YOST, Jeweler, re­ attached garage. Buy this today good aired lot, 100' x 200'. Priced 1948 D e^ to Custom' Sedan—Ra­ Thoroughly recondiUoned. ances. Welding IM Main street. ences. By calling AD 2-6283 after PUPPIES FGR SALE. March. 236 ' We have Just such offices for $16,500. QUALITY-PRICE Phone MI. 9-6678. pair!, edjuata watehee expertly. MatMie OInpMl right at $lt;900. Alice C^ampet, dio, heater and automatiO 1948 Chevrolet Club Coupe .. 8625 5 p.m. Mr. Hebert. Woodside St., off Hillstown Rd. Reasonable pricea. Open dal^. awaiting your inspection. JARVIS REALTY CO. Realtor. Phone MI. 9-4543. Many 1952 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR $1295 shift. Only 805 down. . ■ SpoUess Inside and out. Thursday evenings. 120 Spruce For complete infortnation 654 Centfr Street other liatlngs available, 1047 Chevrolet Aero FleetUne WIRING INSTALLATION and re­ Septte Paaka. Dry Wella, Sewer ECONOMY 6 CYLINDER pair of small electric appliances street MltcheU 0-4387. Ltaea laetaJM—Oettar Watcr- see Frank Miller at Tel. MI-3-4112. 1046 Dodge DeLuxc Sedan—Ra­ 3-br______$405 Private Instructions 28 Live Stock— Vehicles 42 Evenings MI-3-7847 dio and Heater. 810 down. Locel owner mey be cAlled. apd fixtures,- Clarence G. Smith, Proeflag Oeae. 21 Knox St. Phone MI. 3-8423. Wanted— Real Estate 77 1947 Olds 2-Dr. Sedan . . . . . 8405 WE, BUY CX)WS, calvea and beef Garden— Farm— Dairy THE SAVINGS BANK MANCHEISTER — Several three ALL THREE ARE FOUNJL 1951 FORD FORDOR $1145 1046 Nash Sedin — Radio and Radio,' heater, hydramatic. ACCORDION an(i piano taught in cattle. Alao hones, Plela B(«a. McKINHEY RROSi bedroom single homes, two Cape USTINGS WANTED — Single, heater. Full price only 8295. LAWN MOWERS all types sharp, your home. Ml. 9-3144. Tel. Ml. a-74(». . Products 50 ^ OF MANCHESTER 6 CYUMIER rORPOMATIO—RAPIQ md HEATER 1049 Dodge 2-Dr...... 8695 ened and repaired. Delivery serv­ SEWERAOB DISPOSAL CO. -Cods, near Bowers School and two two-family, thrae-famlly, buri- No money down. hesa property. Have many cash 1047 Dodge 2-Dr...... 405. ice, G. Snow, 336 Summit, 'i'el. MI. 10 BEAUTIFUL Hereford -hetfera,. BURPEE SEEDS 180-169 prait SL Y fL M1-6-SS06 ranch homes in Green Manor. Radio, heatpr. No down payment. 3-4581. Bonds— Stocks— The Escott Agency. MI. 9-7883. buyera. Uortgogea arranged. ■V 1041 PpnUkc. Sedan—-Full price Feeder Calves, ateen. Select from GROW! I^eaae call George L. Oraziadio. TAINTOR roNTIAC, In ^ 1951 FORD TUDOR $1(W 8140. No money down. . 1046 I''ord 2-Dr. $495 Mortgages SI my herd: Sulkowski. Phone HA. No down payment. MANCHElS’i’ER—4 room Cape Ck»d. Realtor, MUcbcU 0-6878. 100 8 CYLINDER F;ORDOMA'nC—RADIO and HEATER 3:3317, WUUmantlc. • We have all kinds of flower Expandable, combination win­ Henry street 1048 Packard 2-Dr. Sedan—Radio 1046 Chevrolet 4-Dr...... $305 PLOWING AND Harrowing. Call FIRST AND aecuihd mortgages * ■ .e- ‘ „ Radio, heater, excellent condi­ A. Butler. MI, 9-6444. BROAD BREASTED Bronze (reeh and vegetable seeds in stock. dows, tile bath, fireplace, amesite and heater, good condiUon bought for our own account. Fast, drive. MI. 9-9636. . CASH WAITING for any type real 1949 CHEVROLET 1951 FORD ' Only 80S down. tion. No down payment. confidenUal aervice. Mancheater frozen Toms, 14 to 20 pounds, 35c See our. large stock. •‘SINCE 1907 BV REID estate you have to sell. First and STONE. BRICK, fireplace and ce­ lb. Scheub’s Turkey Farm, 188 Custom. Kadlor, heater^ one 1951 FORD TUDOR $995 • Bargain Annex Speciala— ment work. Call MI. 9-5451 or MI. Investment Corp., 244 Main atreet. r r s BEEN OF COLBSE” SIX ROOM aingle, good location, second mortgage money available. Loaded - . 1947 Hudson 2-Dr. S edan-G ood Nothinr Down 3U. 3-5416 Hillstown Rnsult Howard R. Hastings, call Ml 9-2730. work and make real money. AU $43. Also 16 m.m sound projecton A FINE COLLECTION OF CHOICX MODERN FURMTITRE $4 5 0 nlnga. from’ $123 to $400. Rockville 5-2031. SERVICE CHAltOB 66.80 5759 BEAUTIFUL Cape Cod six room (2! Agency, MI. 9-1107. $1795 1949 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE STB 1941-1940. OLDER ChevroleU, must be sold, lock, stock and bar­ PARTIAL LIST:—KCA Victor Comb. Radio and Record Player. 8087 unfinished)'home. Fireplace^ oil' ■* Forda, other good tranaportaUon. EXPERIEINCED at doing curtains. rel. Good terms to responsible heat, storm windows and screens. \ WE HAVE buyers waiting (or sin­ DOUGLAS Has older cart too, 85 Will hand launder your curtains at BAILEY’S Antique Shop, 683 Main RMney Shaped Sofa, Empire Sofa,'Fliie Upholstered Chain, Ma­ if";o down.-1946 Chevrolet club coupe. Good credit enable us to accept $5 party. The Waterfront Realty Co., atreet.* Mitchell 64100$. Modenteiy . TEL M|.9^5 ^ hogany Lowboy, SmaU Gate-Leg Table, Hepplewhite Card Table, , This pretty little aacque U cro- C>>mplete|y landscaped. C>1I owner gle and two-family homes, Mort-' 1941 PONTIAC down. Douglas Motors. 333 Main. a reasonable price. MI. 9-2411. 410 Asylum St., Hartford, JA. . No Hewing problems with this ' gages arranged. PleoM call A.C.B. 1940 Chevroleu (6), 1941 Chevro- priced itema In china, (lata. Un- Oarj Upright Plano. Mirror with Eagle Decoration, 2 Pair of Mahog­ (iheted In one-piece of white baby direct at MI. 9-6503 after 6 p.m. Radio, heater. 4-door. One of 1951 MERCURY 1949 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE $tl5 leu 1941 Pontiacs (8), 1941 Ford 5-0796, or Coventry 'PI. 2-7932, ware. pewter and furniture. any Twin Beds, Large Mahogany ChesL Dresser and Chlfferobe, youthful sports set! ■ Just.smooth wool,' embroidered with tiny rose­ Realty Ck). MI. 9-2392... FLAT FINISH Holland window princess lines on the dress, mini­ AViatY STREE7T—Colonial ranch. the original 1041’e left at this Overdrive, new coven, A-1 club coupe, etc. Douglas Motors, Auto AccessoHes— ^Tires 6 abadea, made to measure. AU Walnilt Bedroom SeL Oov. tVlathrop Mahogaay Desk, Mahogany bud (|praya pnd tied with soft aatih low price of Ures. Rwdio and heater. Drive 883 Main. MANCHESTER—For sale or lease, mum of pieces and. fabric tor bo­ ribbon. 6 beautiful rooms. 2>z tiled baths. metal Venetian blinda at a new 3 bay gaa station with repairer’s Dining Room SeL Tm Wagon, Mantel Mirror. 2 Domesfle Rags Four fireplaces. Finest of mater­ See this. this lor ' , . FOR TIRES, Tubes and batterias GRADE A Loam, $2.30 per yard by (about 12x12 and 12x18), Pr. Chippendale Type Side Chain, Fire­ lero. Pattern No. 5759 contains cro­ 1941 OLDS FORtfOR . 8150 1947 CADILLAC Sedan,, radio, heait- low price. Keys made while you liceiiM with or .without wheel Pattern No. 8087 is in stMS 10, ials and workmanship. Madeline contact your Goodyear Service wait. Marlow’s. the load delivered. Tel. MI. 9-6370. place EqnIpmeaL Chalac Lopgne, some silver (few sterling cheting iaatructiona for circular ar, good Urea, sharp-looker, hydro- Store, 713 Main Street. Ml. alignment, balahcing and tune-up '12. 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 12, dress. aacque; material requirements; Smith, Realtor. MI. 9-l642 or Ml. equipment. Corner location, good ARMY TENT 16’ x 16’. Two en­ Items), Llnena, iSbaltoa Dinner HsL other China (sonw hai^ dec- 9-1146.( _ and m Uc drive. Douglas' Motors, 338 9-6390. Use our easy pay plan. We a v in g of burns, moth holes orated), Olaaaware and Rrlc-A-Rrac. 4 3-8 yards of 39-inch; bolero, 1 color chart and stitch illustrations $150 $1295 .neighborhood trade.Can be easily trances. Used two eeasona. Very F O R S A L E yard. for'embroidery. A U CAXS USRb AZOV! CAMY^ MOTOR BALE. New motor jniar- and torn clothing, hoiaary runs, made into two stores with off the good condiUop. Phone MI. 9-4176. EAST HARTFORD. Nemr present GENERAL REPAIRING handbags rep a ir^ tipper re* ADDITIONS FROM RELIABLE SOURCES:—Westtaghouse For this pattern, send 60c in Send 25c in coins, your name, high school; Several horpes priced 1940 PONTIAC 4-dbor sedan, r a ^ antes. Fora, Chevrolet,' Mercury, street parking facUiUes. Phone IK lJg. (tJl CO. tL) Bendix (gaa) Clothes Dryer, Superffame (pot eoins, your name, address, size de- AND and heater, tires, Uke new. Car ia placemanL umbrellaa repaired, COMBINATION Aluminum arln- address and tbe pattern humbw to in the $15,000 brseket. 'the Eacott 30-DAY UNCONDinpNAl OUAXANni. I ^ e , 8134.95. Pontiac, Oldam^ RockvlUe 3-40M; P. ^ typf^ OU Heater, 2 Antomattc Washen (GE and Bendix), 6 6x12 a In good condiUdtt,^ WUi seU reason- nienik shirt collars reversed and dows and acreens, $17.96 and up, ••red, and the pattern number to NNE CABOT. M O! 1)IANCHE8- Agency, Ml. 9:7683.' : WOODWbRKING / Jtfe. ate 8174.96. $10 month. Cole 15 AGRf S D F LAND Aneerleon Oriental Rnga and others, large . Wainut'Caired Con- »l’E BURNETT, THE MAN- kUNT MIAIL ORDER . ' TEL MI-9-454S . 6«r. 8m U it isn't the cleanest H waakly. Cole Motora. / IOAH— Rich top toil, delivered. 061 MAIN ST. PHONE MI-t-7'776 tains a weislth of smart, easy to designs, ” how-to'|„ sections on heat, storm .windows and a<;zeens, ------Immaculate, original 1648 6PSXHA1J2.ING > ‘ ln - carpeni^, EXCELLENT Opportunity for a No. l^grade. $3 yard. No. 3 grado, •tw styles tof alt fixes! Coloiiql. peedlewoijc. helpful room iHustra- (One-carJ|arage. Shown by appoint­ 86 Cooper 8L—TcL 6U-6-0676 ■ / ^ / OPE^I EVENINGS UNTIL^V ' : "sa I MW Feid - . .. ^ T jobbing and alterations. Guaran­ live wire or partner in a'uaed car RAYMOND k. REID ‘ ^ PHONE MI-6-44U r. Stad tiona Slid dirocUoitf tor 8 !flft pet- ment. a v a Tyler, Realtor. ML ‘ ~~|‘U tbid anywhara. Hon- 63.80 yard. ..Waabed stone, sand, \c^rill44Bj1 MANCMESTER, CONN; , •fiformative and Interesting. or M1-6-AS86 teed work.. No Job too antalL Rock- business in^Manebester. MI. 9-7057, gravel, fill. Nuaedort Sand and< 23 ceata today for yoiir topy;. terns. 23 esnts. . ■Si IReud HeraJd Advg; VUle 5-5759.. / ■ I \ \

S * A X \. A: k i.

PAGE EIGHIEEN’ TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1954 A rtragt D«Uy Net Free* Ran iv- lEv^rnttg If^ralb /■ For the Week Ended The Weather 'I AprU18,,l»M raneast a( C, 8. Waatlwr faiiaa Group S of the Second Oongrega- The Hollister PTA will meet to­ About Town tional Women’s League will meet night St 8 o'clock in the school Lenteta Sj^aker 1 1 , 1 6 5 elaady. mad tenigfet. Linr at 8 tonight at the home of Mrs. auditorium- The speaker will. be Gashed Wrist Mentber of the Andit M. Thuraday laeiWBaEag Carson W. Manchester, 74 Elisabeth Dr. Herbert G. Tag of the Univer­ Bureau et Oreulntlons wanaer, faOewed hjr Umw'Lodg*. No. 73. Knl*hU o(, Dr. / sity of Connecticut who will speak F ^ m , will hold iU monthly meet- 'on “Development ' of Character Clue to Thief Manche$ter-^A City of_ Village Chartn High la 7«a. -i«^ tomorrow at t p,m. in Oranfe Sgt. l.C.'-'Robert H. Herrmann Through Discipline gnd Recrea­ and Mrs. Herrmann, the former tion." Refreshments vill be served. baU. VOL.LXXIII,N0.171 Advartlalag aa Paga M) WAC Sgt. Reba Hopkins of Spar­ Postal ^ Inspectors Say W i l MANCHESTER, GQNN., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14,1954 Rav. Steidien «. StryJewikI, roc- tanburg, S. C., end their two Joseph Lent, horticulturist at the rose (THIRTY-TWO PAGES IN TWO SECTTIONS) ICE FIVE CENTS daughters, will visit his parents, Cut Sufficient to Re^ tor of St. John'a Church, 33 Golway University of Connecticut, will 601 MAIN STReH 8t„ aaaiitod at funeral aervices thia Mr. and Mrs. Otto H. Herrmann, speak on “The Backyard Vegetable quire Medical Care inomin( of otta of the parishioners 813 Center St., the week of May Garden." at the fifth session of the MANCHESTER ^ 10. They will travel by car from of St. Peter and Paul Polish Na- Gardeners' Clinic tomorrow from 7 'investigators working on the Uonal Catholic Church, New Lon­ Marysville. Calif., to Manchester to 9 in the high school- building. All Reds Grid) don, where he was formerly pastor. and then to Spartanburg to visit Interested will be welcomed to at­ break at the Post Office Friday wedged EDC Thursday morninf he will be in her people. Sgt. Herrmann has tend. night were reported today looking New Britain to participate in an­ charge of the officers mess hall at for a man with a badly gashed Top Foe in \ other funeral service. the Air Pores Base in Marysville. The Great Books discussion wrist. group will meet tomorrow night Blood was found splattered over St. Marsaret'a Circle, Daughters A daughter was born at the at 7:30 in the Mary Cheney Li­ the ba.sement and main floors and Hartford Hospital on April 10 to brary. The book under discussion Tession Help West^Zone .^of Isabella will meet tonight at 8 around the outside of the building, In the K. of C Home. Plans will be Mr., and Mrs. Richard Jagouts, 70 is "The Wisdom of D'r. Johnson.'' nnd postal inspectors are reported completed for the card party of the Finley SL • a selection of excerpts from Bos­ feeling that the cut was bad For Berlin/April 14 (/p)_Weat circle for the benefit of the new well's "Life of Johnson.'^ . enough to require medical atten­ Berlin ^lice officially an­ Church Of ^ e Assumption. Members of the Britiah-Ameri- tion. Georgescus Together Again nounce late today that the can Club are requested to meet to­ A children's Good Friday serv­ Postmaster H. Olin Grant said Plan Stills Mrs. Ofkwe White.'president. and night at 7:30 at the club, to pro­ ice will be held at Uie Center Con­ the thief apparently gashed him-/ Easter h e a d /o f an anti-Soviet or­ U. S. OH Asia her newly installed officers will oc­ ceed from there to the Holmes gregational Church Friday morn­ self in breaking the basement ation of Russian refu- cupy their stations at the meeting Funeral Home to pay respects to ing at 10 o'clock. The theme of the window, the first of three that he gepa was "forcibly abducted" of Anderaon-Shea Auxiliary, VFW, James CTiffo’rd. whose son. 'tobert serv'ice will be “We Remember Naylor Photo. smashed before gaining entrance France on tonight at 7:30 for the first time. Clifford, is a member of the club. Jesus," and the children will par­ Re\-. Carl E- Olson to the main, floor. *' t night by East German ticipate in the scn’ice. Parents Grant said the trail of blood led ommunists who first beat Jury Frees l$uspended on Security Grounds are urged to come and bring their The Rev. Carl E. Olson of from the baaement window to a Bonn A rms him into unconsciousness. children. Emanuel Lutheran Church will locked hallway before react'-lng / The police account confirmed an Dulles Plan conduct the noon-day Lenten the window on the east side of the earlier claim by the refugee group .J".- The Italian-American Ladies service at .Center Congregational building through which access was London, April 14 (A»)—Brit­ and also hinted the kidnapping was Suspect in Auxiliary will hold iUC regular Church beginning at 12:15 tomor­ finally gained.. ain pledged today to keep raonthly meeting tonight at 8 carried out through betrayal of the Favored in 7 row. Andrew R. Wstson wtll be The postmaster also said that Sizes: 10 to 20 Colors: troops on the European con­ ant.'-Sovlet leader by k friend. o'clock in the clubhouse on Eld- the organist. good fingerprint impressions were \ Police said Alexander Truchno- ridge Street. Arrangements for these services, 1 2 4 to 2 4 4 tinent aSvJong as there is a Huge Theft \ ‘ [)/'0CC f J teken from the blood, and samples • Navy vich, 61, chairman of a Russian held on Tuesday, Wednesday and of blood have been sent in to the threat of aggression. refugee organiution called NTS, Paris Talks P-ichard L. Pelletier. 17, 670 Thursday of this week under- the State Health Dept, in Hartfcfrd for 38 to *44 To speed French ratification of k . V St.; Richard Norton.^2 0 ’L.eary common action between the mem­ ing for “the American Secret After, the verdict had been an­ : . r f sues w)iich from time to time have OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 8:30 la Lackauskas, 4 'Vemon Ave.. ' Service.” Dr.; Louia Connors. Bolton Lake; Rockville; Mrs. Veronica Botti ber states.” nounced, Judge George C. Swee- f confronted us. Mrs. Cora Maskel,. Wapping; Mrs. and daughter, Ellington. | Explaining the agreement NTS authorities insisted Truch- uey, explaining he did not person­ V'In pursuance of this custom movtch was lured to the Soviet ally agree with the decision, asked wliich we hope to continue for the reached yesterday with the six Probe of Housing the jurymen If any of them had benefit of ourselves and others, we EDC countries, Eklen said: sqctor border in downtown Berlin DR. J. ROBERT OPPENHEIMER laiK^nlght and snatched by thugs. been intimidated in any Way. have had an exchange of vriews on "Her Majesty’a government He said the reason they had been has undertaken to continue to Th'a Etest German government Indochina and southeast Asia. counteted with a declaration that locked up.w as that the origtnsl "M r. DuUea expressed admira­ maintain on the mainland of Eu­ foreman s wife had been threaten­ tion for the gallant fight of the rope-, including Germany, such ost $250,000 TruchnoVjch went Eaat with a Geirman it-xcalled an agent of the ed by telephone. k.''' French UniP)—If The Russian refugee group con­ Shut as 4,500 goricaiiy denied. oencis JL e tte r to tion of the thdochinese war which ing of the “windfall profits.” He Mayor John L. Sullivan had a fined Its account of the incident to Imperile the security of the coun­ (OoBtInued on Page Tweaty-two) From two other persona familiar I tries directly concerned spreada did not sUte exactly where the' chance to win the Democratic with the caae came statements collusion would be found, but in­ (Contteued on Page Tweaty-two) Fight ^Pay Cut this menace to the whole region of nomination for governor in June, • ' — ■ - - J that the accusations against Op-! Kill of Witness southeast Asia and the western Pa­ Fintst tirt mode for Uim torsi dicated it came in appraisals by it was swept away from him yes­ penheimer had been reviewed and cific. yi, the Federal Houalng Administra­ terday when a political newcomer By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS discounted years ago. In notifying Meek Prevails tion (FHA). far above the actual "It is in a close solidarity with BlowodNsofti Punctur^sofel won the mayoralty election here Close to 4,500 New England mill- him of hia au-spenaion, however, New Haven. April 14 (AV-The all the other interested countries coat eff coiiatructing the big rental by nearly 3,000 votes. Navy Planning hands were on strike against 19 the Atomic Ekiergy ^mmlssion Journal Courier saya t'6da.v apartmentii.' \ Niagara Falls, N. Y., police have SuUlvah, a politician most of his plants today in protest against a (AEC) spoke of “additional in­ (Ceatlaued on Page Tweaty-twe) BuHt for 'Vwer-broke'' stopsi In Illinois GOP Under the rental houaing pro­ life, was ousted after two terms n-anagement-proposed wage cut. vestigation" last year. been searching since Monday for gram, the government insures up by Republican Edward B. Scott, a To Build Third Fourteen ncllls in Woonsocket, Ike Orders “Blank Wall” Charles Spencer, 37-year-old car­ This new Celebrity M s amazing to 90 per cent of private loans penter sought in connection with Senate Primary 40-yepr-old bachelor attorney, 17,- R. I., emrl(^ring 3,800, closed Mon­ The AEC said In a . formal state­ stopping power. It's blowout-ssfe! made to builders covering the coat 888 Votes to 14,943. day midnight because of a strike ment yesterday that President the hammer killing of his of the project. Sullivan said his defeat In this A-Powered Sub Eisenhower had ordered “a blank estranged wife last Wednesday. Puncture-safe! Tubeless! Its rev­ In another phase of the houaing of members of the -Industrial olutionary new tread design gives Chicago, April 14 UP) ^-Joseph election—in which 41.225 persons Trades Union tind). wall” placed temporarily between The newspaper says it "learned BuUetms T. Meek, who calls himself a “no scandal, there have been charges were eligible to vote—was due to Washington. April 14 (JP) — The Oppenheimer, one of the chief exclusively last night” that a let­ super traction for entire tread label’’ unhyphenated Republican,” that the FHA allowed unscrupu­ his property reassessment pro­ Navy is reluctant to put all its Some 150 d O Textile Workers deielopers of the atomic bomb, ter purportedly written, by Spen­ from the AP Wire# life! It gives you s softer cush­ romped off with the Illinois GOP lous home • repair salesmen to gram, which was attacked by eggs in'the atomic basket, at least union members struck the Wal.sh and secret data to which he has cer and mailed from Niagara Falls cheat unauapectlng homeowners. Scott as being full of inequities. mill of the Ames Textile Corp. in had access for over 10 years; ioned ride. The glesiping scuff- Senatorial nomination early today right now. Lowell. Mass. had been received here. "in the nation's first primary of Complaints of abuses under the “Everything else la minor,” Sulli­ ■That'apparently Is why.it plans Pending the report of an AEC It quoted the letter as saying: 8HOT FOB PRINCE DE.ATR protected whitewall »toy*. white 1954. home Improvement program, it van told a newsman. to start buljdlng two hew conven­ Those strikea followed b.v one investigating panel headed by for­ "I am going into the mountains Tnnte, Tnnlala. .April |4 IP) ha* been disclOMd, were made / for life. You’ll get -many extra The 5Q-year-old head of an or­ Sullivan said: he waa forced by tional submarines — as well ss S day the walkout of 465 employes mer Secretary of the Army Gor­ to kill myself—I will be dead by Hedi 'Ben BraMlm Djeridi was under both the Truman and siisen- tew to draw lip the program and of the Wyandotte Worsted Co. at don Giay, Rep. W. Sterling Cole the time you receive this.” thousands of safe milaa—plus the ganisation of 60,000 Illinois mer­ hower admibistrationa. . / third nuclear powered sub—dur­ executed today for the satisfaction of riding on the finest chants, Meek hsa said he would was doing It after previous Repub­ ing the coming fiscal year. , plants in Pittsfield, Mass., Water- (R-NY) and Sen. Hickenlooper State’s Attorney Abraham S. nation of Prlnoe .\zaeidlBe Bey, ^ support most but not necessarily Suspect apartment p^^c^t financ­ lican administrations had shirked ville. Maine, Rochester, N. H., and (R-Iow’^) fixed a hands-off policy Ullma.1, who i.s In charge of the ing occurred under the post World The Navy’s cautious approach heir to the throne of this r&trif tim money can buy. So Uke ad­ all of President Eisenhower's poli­ doing It. to thia and other innova).ions was Moosup, Conn. for the Senate-House Atomic iiivestigatioii, confirmed that such French North .African protec- - today! War n "middle. Income" bousing Sullivan carried only one of the Energy Committee. a letter had "been rcLeived here vantage of this special offer cies. But he says, too, he is nei­ program, which expired ln'1950. pointed up In recent testimony by A proposed 15 cents an bour pay torate. Ilte pHnee was shot ther “a Taft-Republican nor an city’s 10 wards but Democrats the (Jhlef of Nav^l Operations; ciit was behind each, of the And McCarthy told newsmen at Monday, by Mrs. John \V. Hurley, dead July 1, 1933. A French Phoenix, Ariz., that while Oppen- wife of a handyman being held a* Elsenhower Republican.". (Contteued on Page Iweaty-slx) Adm. Robert B. Carney, before the miUtery tribuaal , eonaicted No ^rpriaea (ContiBiied on Page Six) House Appropriations Committee. (CkMitlnued on Page Twenty-six) heimer's suspension was "long a material witness. Djeridi test Sept. Xg and aea- / Testerday’g balloting produced Carney’s testimony In support overdue—it should 'have been Spencer has been charged with teaeed him to denth. 'no aurprisea, no upsets, no real of Navy money requests for the taken years ago," he has no plans murder in a vvarrant 'obtained hy- teata on national issues, .and prob­ year sU rting.. July 1 was made now to get into the Pa,- nois primary in at least 10 years. The McCarthy Story (8) he head.s. 38. waa-found by her mother in the rolks wko d ririk for enjoyrnerit prefer Describing what he termed the “I wouldn’t' want, to interfere thur L. 'Norris. 38, was ehet-ha •. •• •• •• * S P K I A i . .' All 25 Illinois House memben News Tidbits f- parents’ Uvingsion St. home last Navy’x ''orderly" approach to new wfth ahylhihg that is being done,” the lower stofnach In hls' Lake were Fenominated. including four developments. Carney said he U Culled from AP Wires Wednesday morning. f'andlewood .home at ’^'a g a n TIK- committee d.ainnen who over­ cpniinced that nuclear power he said.' “As long as the adminis­ tier he)id ..and ' face had been Polnt.tkla mornlag- State Po­ for powered varying degrees of com­ Senator vs. Army Fight will have a revolutionary effect tration-continues to act, there.lt bashed in end a bloodied claw'- lice Lt. Heniy Mayo said Nor­ petition. on fleets of the future. no reason for us to move in.” hamnder was found next to the ris* wife.' Leoqa, «rms being - FRIGIMIRE exchange Some 500,000 sets of criminal Discussing the Princeton. N.'J.,. body, police said. , real beer! I t will be Meek «>gainst Paul H. But, he added, “until we know fingerprints, covering 113,204 in­ questioned at tite Ridgefield scientist's case wltb neA’smen, Mc­ Douglas for the Senate In Novem­ exactly where, we are going" he dividuals, , now OB file la state Mrs. Spencer was the daughter Barracks about eveate which ber—a man who never has run for Has Raged Since 1949 would not recommend a .“large and Carthy said "I have affidaiita that of Dr. Alexander Evans, a retired led to. the shooting. Norris « i w Ideatiflcation bureau at State Po­ show that he was a member of the AulDiMticVKulMr O E H R f . public office before against a first- precipitate building program." lice Headquarters in Hartford ... . Yale botany professor who is in­ was taken to Danbury Hoapi- term Democrat.. The Navy asked $9,870,000,000 Pakistan foreign office spokesman Communist party”, and that he ternationally known, and .Mrs. tal for an emergeuey operation, The reault of every rmce°wni be **“ • J®«*Ph Jt-wlI Army Chief of Staff with what for next year, about 500 million had “hired and recruited individ­ Evans. She was the moUjer of Hls condiUon was hated aa fair. denies reports. Paklsten and uals .who were Communists or at vital then in deciding whether Re­ began bnck In 1949.“ ‘1" when Anny| he called “a conspira" of infamy more than it got this year, despite .\fghanUtaa aegotiatlag for three children, one by a previous publicans or Democrats will con­ ao black that, ’ the fact that Navy and Marine federation . least had been Communists to han­ marriage. . s e n t e n c e : d e l a 'Ye d trol the next Congress.. Democrats .hirg^ Army men | lU p ILu l^f‘ol^ dle atomic work.” The Senator did A .„ ., Corps, manpower will drop by Haitian President Paul Mag- T he Journal Courier says it waa W'aahlagton, April 14 iP)— 1 have a 48 to 46 edge in the Senate tarteniam in obtjUnlng I ever deserving of the m.Tedlction. 61,000 and the Navy will operate loire releaaea all of group of poli­ not say'who had ssade the affi­ told by Capt, Thomas Wasley of r . 8. Diatrict Judge Walter M. alone from Nasi 88 troopers in- of all hnn..t nqw, with one 'Independent and of i" about 50 fewer ships. ticians rouuded up in January on davits. the-Niagara Falls Police Dept, last Raatten today held up any sen- •• flaw enoM COSO! ruaussi on* .vacancy, while Republicans Tbe Navy wants to earmark 840 charge of inciting evolt i , . Fif­ Oppenheimer, 49. has freely night that detectives there search­ teace for Rep. Erneat K- Brain- •k-n.This story, -k .. —eighth I— I ----- in ..a*series, .t telhi: . I nouerhow»r when wh... heu waa chief . of the acknowledged associating with Never bsfors has say tirs combfaisd so many nbont that episode and McCarthy’s I A iii!^ S " million of this for 1,455 new air- teen Police state officials of Lodi ed every hotel, motel and rooming bleu (R-Calif) untU the So- cJl safety fsaturaa! Nylon Cord body gives (Coa'ttened oa Page Twenly-klx) accusations against Gen. George' Europe as “in- sehtenced to two to six year prison prome Court ran pass Upon his 7 '• frani eonptete protection against impact blowouts! C. Marshall. Tomorrow ’s will I with Jlarshall In (Continued on Page Twenty-six) terms for "sabotage agalast the ^(Continued on Page Six) (Continued on Page Ten) tronvIcHoa oa charges o f, falsi­ bring tbe McCnrthy-Army friction “*"•}*>"* which he said aided the stete,” newspaper Sycie Warszawy fying bis payroll In a aatery ' wathar 7 ■ TubelM* for puncture eafety! New, up to date.) Russians. says. kickback scheme. ^ exeii^ve treed deeign for quicker, safer etope. Cambodia Protests By DON WHITEHEAD 4. Charged the Army was “run Czechdialovakia’s agriculture ao it's the last word in asfrty, comfort, smartnass! Washington, April 14 (P>—Back by politics” aiid “political gen­ Eisenhower Starts loager abje to provide enough food MI'RROW G |?rs AWAIRD XT, H .,;arrco"'x Invasion by in 1949 Sen. Joseph R, McCarthy erate." ThU was after former for Cteech people. Radio Prague Showdown Clash on Today New York. April 14 .uP)—Ed­ first turned hU guns on the Army President Truman had fired Gen. Easter Holiday Golf zaya .,. , Iseeh In tlak V-;' alpng Ounb6dia'a.,portliorBMliaa.jiortlMrB border the Aaeocteted Prpas; ' EUanheWer found most. of the Canberra, Australia, wprk arenad ./// either RiUar’a or Stalin’s camps. , puedtion: 7 . . , .When you’ gait railroad with .1,793 route miles carda alncs Feb. >. On that day 3. Unkad tha Bama^ af (teh. ta^ at the elub cantering on clock ea “Spy” documents turned through southani. New Bhi^anA, a . maangsmiBt n^mouBced ,lt > was aS the fertsaw aS : y ■ ------1...... 2t$ MO AD ST. TEL' M l-i^224 « I'Wteetase) Owga C. JOrOun aa-Y^o^ War ovar to tbvenifflant by fugitive. densely populated, heavy Induatrial- THE r . * M. SCUASnSB ailUEWlNQ OO. OF CONNECTICUT. Ue. ■'A .(CMttBMi ba Fags Tnralvs) (Caattawi aa 'Fago Vtea) Soviet diplonmt yiadili^ ‘ Petrov. Read Herald Adva. . Issd Braa with a pq^tdatieo efators (ClHMBBsSf SB rag* 4 wbI' ■‘* . - * V ■ ■■ • ■■ - ' • • • ^ S. ■ . ^ i - V ■ V'/'A