Community Turns out to 'Stand with Israel'
Wish your family and friends Shana Tova with a greeting in the September SHALOM. Choose your greeting box by inserting the name(s) you wish to appear. Please return entire sheet with your payment to Jewish Federation of Reading, PO Box 14925, Reading PA 19612-4925 no later than August 15th. Jewish Federation of Reading Non-Profit Organization Jewish Cultural Center U.S. Postage PAID PO Box 14925, Reading, PA 19612-4925 Permit No. 2 BOX A $36 www.ReadingJewishCommunity.orgBOX B $36 Reading, PA Change Service Requested May this be a year of Best wishes for a peace, progress and Happy, Healthy & prosperity for our Jewish Federation of Readingcommunity, Israel Non-Profit Organization Peaceful New Year. Jewish Cultural Center U.S. Postage PAID JewishPO Box Federation 14925, Reading, of Reading PAand 19612-4925 the entire world. Non-Profit OrganizationPermit No. 2 Cultural Center U.S. PostageReading, PAID PA POChange Box 14925, Service Reading, Requested PA 19612-4925 Permit No. 2 Reading, PA Change Service RequestedSHALOM The Journal of the Reading Jewish Community Published as a community service by the Jewish Federation of Reading, Pa. JewishVolume Federation 40 of No.Reading 3 MARCH 2010 Adar-NisanNon-Profit Organization 5770 Jewish Cultural Center U.S. Postage PAID PO Box 14925, Reading, PA 19612-4925 Permit No. 2 www.ReadingJewishCommunity.orgINSIDE Reading, PA Change Service RequestedSHALOM1100 Berkshire Boulevard The Journal ofSHALOM the Reading JewishIt’s been Community an Publishedincredible as a community year. service Hope by you’ve the Jewish beenFederation here! of Reading, Pa. TThehe JJournalournal ofof the ReadingIt is hardJewish to believe Community.Community that a year Published Published has gone as as by a a since community community we relocated service service to the by by Jewish the the Jewish Jewish Cultural Federation Federation Center at of1100 of Reading, Reading, Berkshire Pa.
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