THE WINNERS of PAINT BOX PRIZES This Is the Picture to Be Colored
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THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1911.—THE JUNIOR CALL. 7 FOR THE YOUNGERJUNIOR THE MONSTER, A FAIRY TALE, BY ALICE TOFT It was the Princess Katherine's stantly she saw herself In a picture. fright, but she said she didn't want to over something:. At the gram! party birthday. She was 10 years old And Bhe was In the castle first, and the pic- be bothered. But the monster! She that night Katherine refused to do ture kept changing. Next saw not stop thinking anything but sit in the corner. was to have a magnificent party In the she her- could about it. And it self amid diamonds and all precious was to exist some time or the fountain tonipht, Katherine," evening. "You are horrid But Katherine did not an- jewels, amid wealth, surrounded with wouldn't have said so. Perhaps it was said Prince Robert of the neighboring ticipate this so much as the visit she luxury. going to carry her off to some distant kingdom, who had always bt-en one of "Goodness!" cried a copper tower, was to make her fairy godmother In Katherine. "How land and shut her up In Ka.therine'9 playmates. "Why can't you happy my life will be. It's all as she heard had been the fate of many the morning. Every birthday nonsense come and play?" Katherine about godmother saying that knowing princesses. It might be an ogre. Any- "It's none of your affair, Robert. I made this visit. The queen dressed her your fortune causes worry and discon- way, she was sure it was something wish you would leave me alone. I'll in a black velvet frock trimmed with tent. I shall be much happier in know- awful. Something that meant no good. come when I get ready." ing pleasant things me. was so She expected to see broad gold lace. Over this was an all these before It horrible! The years passed. Katherine prot See, the fountain tells me I shall be those green eyes in every corner. Every over being so frightened, but she ermine cloak and a cap to match on her never beautiful " minute she expected to be pounced forgot it. The thoughts of it spoiled head. Instantly Katherine gave a violent on by this horrible beast. all pleasure. News came one day from She left the castle in high spirits, scream. In the picture appeared a sav- She went home at 12 o'clock. When the king of L saying that his son age, ferocious monster got was a room an with great, she there she led into Robert had been suddenly bewitched following invisible path which no green eye» and long, horrible where there were tables loaded down god- teeth and and abducted. He warned Katherine's one but herself and her fairy everything undesirable. Terrified, with birthday presents. She would not father to be careful of, her, as she, too, mother could possibly find. Katherine fled from the place. She ran open them, being afraid this monster might be served in the same way. as as might Jump The She soon arrived at the home of her toward the house fast she could out of the boxes. Katherine at once came to the con- and never rested until she was inside. queen was troubled at Katherine's con- clusion that this monster was the ab- godmother. It was built of flowers en- The brownie inquired the cause of her duct, but decided that she was sulking soon ducter. She j was sure he would tirely. The roof was of red roses and + \u25a0\u25a0 . , \u2666• come and tak"e her off. One night as the walls were of white ones. The — she was looking out of the window she porch and steps were violets and th© saw a pair of green eyes. It was the rugs on the porch were made of leaves. DOLL monster. Katherine screamed and ran Katherine pushed a "bluebell" on the JANE'S wildly rousing by about the whole castle. door. The bell was answered by a \u25a0. MARY MII>I,IKR.\, .'.';';; \u25a0,; she was taken care of a kind nurse. But they could see nothing. The next brownie. 3828 Howe Street, Oakland.' 13 Tears At the same time that Jane was hurt night she heard her name called. Open- "Oh, you, fairy It's princess. The Helen was at home when the letter Helen was planning on how she might ing her eyes she saw the monster. godmother is so eorry, but she won't "Don't be afraid," it said, "I shan't you today, queen carrier; brought ,a \u25a0\u25a0 large box with her,, dispose of one of her dolls. It was sug- be able to see as the : - touch you. But get me three golden has summoned her to fairyland on ac- name on it. She ran: with It to the gested by her mother that she might apples tomorrow without fail." He count of the sickness of the fairy nursery 1 and opened it. Most children take one to the hospital. Helen picked disappeared. princess, says you are to get Violet. She would have been happy on opening It, out the prettiest of her 21 dolls, to be "I must them or he may bewitch amuse yourself in the garden until 12 given to a deserving girl. me. But where shall I get them?" o'clock and then go home." but Helen gave, a sigh, saying: "Oh, Little Jane, just waking from a nap, The door creaked and the fairy god- "All right," said Katherine, throw- dear! That 1 makes 21 : dolls, and 1; I'm told her nurse she had dreamed that mother came in with tfiree golden ap- ing off her cloak and cap. "I'm very sick and tired of them." ''<, v V * ' she had a beautiful big doll dressed in ples. Katherine took them gratefully. sorry godmother /-^ >"' * Isn't here. It seems % y AtIthe Isame ':\u25a0 time in the tenement pink shoes and stockings and a pink The next day the monster came and as If she could have taken me to fairy- portions of New York ; another little dress and pfhk hair ribbons. "She had demanded them. It no sooner touched only girl B changed land, too. She took me once." '« was Ilooking :in the windows ofIa real hair and eyelashes too," Jane said. the>r. than It into Prince Rob- The brownie shrugged his shoulders toy shop at the ,10 cent , dolls, and won- She shut her eyes to catch the vision ert. why day asleep and went Into the house. Katherine dered t pay neverJcameV;; For.' and fell asleep. She was sound "At last the spell of the cruel witch amused herself with some squirrels '.-\u25a0• two years she \u25a0 had lbeen promised one when Helen and her mother entered is broken by these apples," he said. and chipmunks for a time, but be- \u25a0'. day came. glad, Katherine?" soon when pay :. ."lT.I.;;v':- V^^'i\u25a0T"-\ •'" the room. Helen gave the doll to the "Are you not came tired of this amusement. Just then some one tapped her on the nurse, saying, "Give it to the child that The next day was Katherine's eigh- "I believe I'll take a walk in the gar- shoulder : and said, "I will give you 10 wants a doll very badly." The nurse teenth birthday. She went as usual to den," said she. "What a beautiful cents if you willvmail this letter for promised, saying, "It shall go to Jane, her fairy godmother's home. fountain over there. Godmother says ;\u25a0\u25a0' me." -V ;\u25a0/; ';":-;! '.":;."\u25a0:.,\u25a0:*:\u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0 >;<!: \u25a0.-'". V-:,;,-;^^:-v"7": who has always longed for one." "Well, Katherine, your monster it's a fortune telling fountain and if : Jane \u25a0 tooki the letter . and the dime When Jane awoke she could hardly turned out better than you expected. you look into it it will reflect your ; mailing :s '' her eyes. let you look into the fountain for- and :-\u25a0 afler the letter Z started believe Oh, how happy it I shan't tune In the water. She said I could back to v the toy shop to buy the doll. «, made her. Having the doll to enjoy today as I expected, only I'll let you look into it when I became 18, but InLher haste ~ishe J did not notice the < made It easier for her to bear the pain see your marriage with Prince Robert. that's too long to wait. " I'm going to 'automobile coming; toward her- and was from her accident. Helen did not wish Remember fortunes are dangerous, and look into it now." run over and left unconscious In the to be thanked for the doll, as the hap- so Is curiosity. Also things never turn Bhe came up to the brink of the ?.: street. v? The ambulance was called and i piness it brought Jane was the slncer- out as bad a« you expect them to.. Three fountain and looked in. Almost in- < -it5 carried *:her to ?• the £ hospital, where est mark of appreciation. splendid lessons." THE WINNERS OF PAINT BOX PRIZES This is the picture to be colored. Paint it in water colors or crayon and send immediately to the Editor Twenty boxes of paints will be tfven of The Junior Call away each week in this department to the Juniors, boys or girls, who send in the best colored pictures. The drawing opposite may be colored with either paints or crayons, and must reach the office by Wednesday afternoon.