The PremierAMERICAN Educational BAR Forum ASSOCIATION for Legal Professionals 2011

Includes Complete CLE Program Information!

AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION Annual Meeting Program Book August 4-9 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2011 ABA PROGRAM BOOK HIGHLIGHTS

OPENING ASSEMBLY SPEAKERS thursday, August 4 Registration Opens > 8:00 a.m. Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level, South Building

ABA EXPO Opens > 10:00 a.m. Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level, South Building

Honorable Stephen G. Breyer saturday, August 6 Associate Justice U. S. Supreme Court opening assembly > 5:30 p.m. Koerner Hall, The Historic Royal Conservatory of , 273 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Admittance by Badge Only Musical Entertainment: Louise Pitre Canada's Grande Dame of Musical Theatre

President’s Reception > 7:00 p.m. Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park, Toronto (Ticketed)

The Right Honourable Monday, August 8 Beverley McLachlin Chief Justice of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada ABA House of Delegates > 8:30 a.m. Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Exhibit Hall F/G, 800 Level, South Building PRO BONO SPEAKER ABA pro bono publico awards luncheon > 12:00 Noon Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Room 801 A/B, 800 Level, South Building Keynote Speaker, David Jacobson, U.S. Ambassador to Canada

Tuesday, August 9

ABA House of Delegates > 8:30 a.m. Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Exhibit Hall F/G, 800 Level, South Building David Jacobson U.S. Ambassador to Canada

1 Sony Centre for the Performing Arts Photo Credit:


At the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC), South Building THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon • The Battle over Birthright Citizenship: • The Bully at School Goes High Tech: History, International Perspectives, Protecting Students in the Internet and the Path Ahead Age Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Building 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. • More to Overcome: Civil Rights in the • Trial Practices and Tactics in Canada 21st Century and the United States Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Building SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon • Investigating and Forgetting on the • 9/11 – A Decade Later, and A World Web Apart Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Building • The Globalization of Anti-Corruption • “Implicit Bias” and the Myth of Equal Law Justice Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Building

Showcase Programs will appear in bold print throughout the chapters. 2 2011 ABA PROGRAM BOOK HOW TO USE This Program

We are proud to present you with the 2011 Annual Meeting Program. This may be the most important tool in your registration package to help you navigate through the thousands of scheduled meetings and events and make your experience in Toronto productive and enjoyable. Please take a moment to read this page, which will explain how the Program is configured. Also see the complete Table of Contents on page 4.

General Information > page 14 Gives details on ABA-at-a-Glance, ABA SOURCE, hotels, registration, ticket sales, CLE, transportation, tours and entertainment.

CLE Information > page 44 Includes Metro Toronto Convention Centre West Maps and Directions, ABA CLE CENTRE Programs and Program Tracks. SYMBOLS Used alongside programs to designate ABA EXPO > page 34 specific information. Contains details on the ABA Exhibit Program. Please also see the Official ABA M indicates that MCLE has been EXPO Show Guide for additional information. requested for the program Board of Governors > page 37 E indicates ethics credit also has been Meet the Board of Governors! Includes photos and a list of meetings. requested C indicates the program is in the House of Delegates > page 73 ABA CLE CENTRE Lists House of Delegates meetings and delegation meetings. MTCC - Metro Toronto Convention Centre Committees > page 79 (Headquarters)

Lists events held by a Standing or Special Committee, or a Commission. Events indicates section with complete are listed in alphabetical order by Committee and then in chronological order. Page 62 CLE event information Sections, Divisions and Forums > page 105 Lists events in alphabetical order by Section/Division/Forum name and then in CLE pricing located under chronological order. Primary Sponsor

Additional ABA Meetings > page 197 Includes information on events sponsored by ABA entities, such as the Division for Bar Services, Center for Professional Responsibility, Government Affairs Office and Public Services Division, among others.

Affiliated and Other Legal Organizations > page 203 Lists events sponsored by legal groups that are affiliated with the Association, including bar and alumni as- sociations.

Calendar of Events > page 219 Lists all events in chronological order. If you know when an event occurs, but don't know details, look in the calendar. If you have some time to fill between events and would like to see what is happening at that time, the calendar will be helpful. Find the day and time. Note the sponsor and then turn to the ap- propriate chapter of the program to find a full description of the event. (If the event is sponsored by the Section of Litigation, for example, go to the Section’s chapter on page 105 and look through the programs sponsored by that section.) The calendar begins on page 219.

Speakers Directory > page 265 An alphabetical list of speakers. Ontario Wine Country—Stratus Vineyards, established in 2000, is a sustainable, innovative winery located in the heart of Niagara wine country in the historic town of Niagara-on-the-Lake. Photo Credit: Stratus Winery and Vineyards 3 Distillery Historic District Photo Credit:


General Information > page 14 Sections, Divisions and Forums > page 105 ABA Book Bucks > 29 Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice > 108 ABA-FJE > 31 Antitrust Law > 111 ABA Information Concierge > 16 Business Law > 112 ABA Medal Winner > 36 Criminal Justice > 130 ABA Member Advantage > 20 Dispute Resolution > 134 ABA SOURCE > 20 Environment, Energy, and Resources > 138 ABA Ticket Sales > 18 Family Law > 139 ABE > 27 General Practice, Solo and Small Firm > 140 ABI > 28 Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division > 143 Commission on Law and Aging > 26 Health Law > 144 Food Donation > 16 Individual Rights and Responsibilities > 145 Frequently Asked Questions > 22 Intellectual Property Law > 148 Hotel Directory > 17 International Law > 152 MTCC Floorplan > 42 Judicial Division > 155 Meet the Candidates Forum > 25 Labor and Employment Law > 158 Member Advantage-Bank of America > 32 Law Practice Management > 161 Registration > 16 Law Student Division > 163 Safety Tips > 15 Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar > 167 Silver Gavel > 30 Litigation > 168 Staff Office Directory > 21 Public Contract Law > 173 Things To Do > 18 Public Utility, Communications, Think Green > 15 and Transportation Law > 175 Tours and Special Events > 18 Real Property, Trust and Estate Law > 176 Transportation > 19 Science and Technology Law> 178 Senior Lawyers Division > 182 ABA EXPO > page 34 State and Local Government Law > 183 Taxation > 185 CLE Information > page 44 Tort Trial and Insurance Practice > 186 ABA CLE Centre Programs > 46 Young Lawyers Division > 193 Program Tracks > 52 Forums > 195 CLE Programs > 62 Additional ABA Meetings > page 197 Board of Governors > page 37 Meetings > 37 Affiliated and Other Photos > 38 Legal Organizations > page 203 Alumni Associations > 217 House of Delegates > page 73 Delegation Meetings > 74 Calendar of Events > page 219 Committees > page 79 Standing Committees > 80 Speakers Directory > page 265 Special Committees and Commissions > 89 Midyear and Annual Meeting Dates and Locations > page 263

This book was printed by an FSC ® certified printer on an FSC certified paper stock, which shows the American Bar Association’s commitment to green initiatives. 4 ABA President Stephen N. Zack

5 Defending Liberty Pursuing Justice

Stephen N. Zack AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION 321 North Clark President Chicago, Illinois 60654 (312) 988-5109 FAX: (312) 988-5100 Internet: [email protected]

Dear Colleagues:

Welcome to the 2011 Annual Meeting. Our location in the beautiful and vibrant city of Toronto honors the ABA’s longstanding special relationship with the Canadian Bar Association.

The ABA is committed to organizing legal education and events that enrich your professional career. This meeting offers dozens of CLE sessions, and CLE Center Showcase programs are among the best. Over the few days, you can attend showcase sessions on such issues as: birthright citizenship; US and Canadian trial practices and tactics; and globalization of anti-corruption law. There’s also a retrospective on the 9/11 attacks and a program on web investigations. See your program book or visit for full details.

There also are dozens of special events and cultural offerings planned for you and your family. On Saturday, please join us at the Opening Assembly at the Royal Conservatory and the President’s Reception at the Royal Ontario Museum.

Please also honor our profession’s best and brightest by attending awards programs including the: Annual Dinner in Honor of the Judiciary, Rule of Law Luncheon, Thurgood Marshall Award Dinner Reception, Margaret Brent Lawyers of Achievement Awards Luncheon, and Pro Bono Publico Awards Luncheon.

Thanks to Bernard Amyot, Melanie L. Aitken, John A. Campion, W. Brian Rose and Kevin Robinson whose dedication and hard work are supporting this year’s events. This meeting is designed as an unforgettable experience that contributes to your life in the law. Enjoy the time ahead.


Stephen N. Zack

6 Defending Liberty Pursuing Justice

Stephen N. Zack AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION 321 North Clark President Chicago, Illinois 60654 (312) 988-5109 FAX: (312) 988-5100 Internet: [email protected] Chers Collègues,

Bienvenue à l’Assemblée annuelle 2011. L’endroit prestigieux où elle a lieu, la belle et trépidante ville de Toronto, témoigne de la qualité des rapports privilégiés que l’ABA entretient depuis longtemps avec l’Association du Barreau canadien.

L’ABA a pris l’engagement d’organiser des séances de formation juridique et des événements propres à enrichir votre carrière professionnelle. Cette réunion offrira des dizaines de séances de FCO, et les Programmes de démonstration du centre de FCO figurent parmi les meilleurs qui soient. Au cours des prochaines journées, vous aurez l'occasion d’assister à des séances hautement intéressantes portant sur des thèmes tels que la citoyenneté du fait de la naissance, les pratiques et tactiques employées dans le cadre de procès aux États-Unis et au Canada; et l’adoption de lois anticorruption à l’échelle mondiale. Une rétrospective des attentats du 11 septembre sera également présentée, ainsi qu'un programme sur les enquêtes menées en ligne. Pour des détails complets sur notre programme, reportez-vous à la brochure qui est à mise votre disposition ou consultez le site pour obtenir des informations générales sur les activités passionnantes organisées à l’occasion de cette réunion.

En outre, des dizaines d’événements spéciaux et de manifestations culturelles ont été prévus pour vous et votre famille. Le samedi, nous vous invitons à vous joindre à nous lors de l’Assemblée d’ouverture qui aura lieu au Conservatoire Royal de musique, ainsi que pour la Réception du Président au Musée royal de l’Ontario.

Venez aussi rendre hommage aux membres les plus brillants de notre profession en assistant à des programmes de reconnaissance de leur excellence, parmi lesquels le Dîner annuel en l’honneur du corps judiciaire, le Déjeuner célébrant la souveraineté du droit, le Dîner de gala avec remise du Prix Thurgood Marshall, le Déjeuner avec remise du Prix Margaret Brent « Lawyers of Achievement », et le Déjeuner avec remise des Prix Pro Bono Publico.

Nous tenons à remercier Bernard Amyot, Melanie L. Aitken, John A. Campion, W. Brian Rose et Kevin Robinson, dont le dévouement et les efforts inlassables ont rendu possibles les événements de cette année. Cette réunion a pour vocation de constituer une expérience inoubliable en contribuant à votre épanouissement en tant que juristes. Profitez pleinement des activités qui vous seront proposées au cours des jours à venir.

Avec mes meilleures salutations,

Stephen N. Zack


Premier of Ontario - Premier ministre de l’Ontario

August 4 – 9, 2011


On behalf of the Government of Ontario, I am delighted to extend warm greetings to everyone attending the annual meeting of the American Bar Association (ABA).

Ensuring fairness and justice for all citizens is one of the fundamental principles of a democratic society. The ABA’s annual meeting allows law professionals to participate in stimulating and thought-provoking information sessions and discuss important and timely issues in the field of justice. As well, it provides members with professional development opportunities and the chance to network with lawyers and judges from around the world.

As Premier of Ontario, and having practised law, I am honoured that the ABA has chosen Toronto as the host city for this year’s meeting. If this is your first time in Toronto or if you are a returning visitor — welcome to the provincial capital! I hope you find the time to enjoy some of the outstanding attractions and unique events the city has to offer.

Please accept my sincere best wishes for a productive and enjoyable meeting.

Dalton McGuinty Premier

8 9

Premier of Ontario - Premier ministre de l’Ontario

Du 4 au 9 août 2011


Au nom du gouvernement de l’Ontario, j’aimerais transmettre mes plus chaleureuses salutations aux participants et participantes à l’assemblée annuelle de l’American Bar Association (ABA).

L’équité et la justice pour tous les citoyens et citoyennes sont deux des principes fondamentaux sur lesquels repose une société démocratique. Par le biais de cette assemblée, les professionnels du droit auront l’occasion de participer à des séances d’information stimulantes et fructueuses et de discuter de questions importantes et d’actualité dans le domaine de la justice. En outre, les membres de l’ABA auront la possibilité de participer à des activités de perfectionnement professionnel et d’établir des contacts avec d’autres avocats et avocates et des juges de partout dans le monde.

À titre de premier ministre de l’Ontario, et ayant moi-même pratiqué le droit, je me réjouis que l’ABA ait choisi Toronto pour accueillir l’assemblée de cette année. À tous ceux et celles dont c’est la première visite à Toronto, ou qui y reviennent : « Bienvenue dans la capitale provinciale! »! J’espère que vous trouverez le temps de tirer avantage de ce que la ville a de plus beau à vous offrir.

Je vous souhaite une assemblée agréable et instructive.

Le premier ministre de l’Ontario,

Dalton McGuinty

9 ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱȱIȱamȱpleasedȱtoȱextendȱmyȱwarmestȱgreetingsȱtoȱeveryoneȱ attendingȱtheȱannualȱmeetingȱofȱtheȱAmericanȱBarȱAssociationȱ(ABA)ȱinȱToronto.ȱ ȱ ȱȱWithȱmoreȱthanȱ400,000ȱmembers,ȱtheȱABAȱisȱoneȱofȱtheȱlargestȱ voluntaryȱprofessionalȱassociationsȱinȱtheȱworld,ȱprovidingȱlawȱschoolȱ accreditation,ȱcontinuingȱlegalȱeducation,ȱandȱprogramsȱtoȱassistȱlawyersȱandȱ judgesȱinȱtheirȱwork.ȱThisȱmeeting,ȱwhichȱalsoȱfeaturesȱtheȱworld’sȱlargestȱlegalȱ expositionȱofȱgoodsȱandȱservices,ȱgivesȱyouȱaȱchanceȱtoȱmeetȱwithȱyourȱpeersȱfromȱ acrossȱtheȱworldȱtoȱshareȱexperiencesȱwhileȱdiscussingȱtheȱlatestȱdevelopmentsȱinȱ theȱprofession.ȱ ȱ ȱȱIȱamȱcertainȱthatȱyouȱwillȱmakeȱtheȱmostȱofȱtheȱmanyȱpresentationsȱ andȱnetworkingȱopportunitiesȱplannedȱforȱthisȱevent,ȱandȱthatȱyouȱwillȱleaveȱtheseȱ deliberationsȱwithȱenhancedȱknowledgeȱapplicableȱtoȱyourȱfieldȱofȱexpertise.ȱȱ ȱ ȱȱOnȱbehalfȱofȱtheȱGovernmentȱofȱCanada,ȱIȱwishȱyouȱallȱaȱpleasantȱ andȱproductiveȱmeeting.ȱȱȱȱ ȱ

ȱȱȱȱ ȱ ȱ TheȱRt.ȱHon.ȱStephenȱHarper,ȱP.C.,ȱM.P.ȱ ȱ OTTAWAȱ ȱ2011ȱ

10 ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ Jeȱsuisȱheureuxȱdeȱprésenterȱmesȱsalutationsȱlesȱplusȱchaleureusesȱ àȱtousȱceuxȱetȱcellesȱquiȱparticipentȱàȱl’assembléeȱannuelleȱdeȱl’AmericanȱBarȱ Associationȱ(ABA)ȱàȱToronto.ȱ ȱ ȱȱForméeȱdeȱplusȱdeȱ400ȱ000ȱmembres,ȱl’ABAȱestȱl’uneȱdesȱ associationsȱprofessionnellesȱlesȱplusȱimportantesȱauȱmonde.ȱElleȱaccréditeȱdesȱ écolesȱdeȱdroit,ȱpoursuitȱlaȱformationȱjuridiqueȱetȱoffreȱdesȱprogrammesȱpourȱaiderȱ lesȱavocatsȱetȱlesȱjuges.ȱCetteȱassemblée,ȱquiȱproposeȱégalementȱlaȱplusȱgrandeȱ expositionȱdeȱbiensȱetȱdeȱservicesȱjuridiquesȱauȱmonde,ȱvousȱdonneȱlaȱchanceȱdeȱ vousȱentretenirȱavecȱvosȱconfrèresȱdesȱquatreȱcoinsȱduȱglobeȱpourȱleurȱfaireȱpartȱdeȱ votreȱexpérienceȱetȱdiscuterȱdesȱderniersȱprogrèsȱréalisésȱdansȱleȱdomaine.ȱ ȱ ȱȱJeȱsuisȱconvaincuȱqueȱvousȱsaurezȱprofiterȱdesȱnombreusesȱ présentationsȱetȱoccasionsȱdeȱréseautageȱauȱprogramme,ȱetȱqueȱvousȱacquerrezȱdesȱ connaissancesȱapplicablesȱàȱvotreȱchampȱdeȱcompétences.ȱȱ ȱ ȱȱAuȱnomȱduȱgouvernementȱduȱCanada,ȱjeȱvousȱsouhaiteȱtousȱuneȱ assembléeȱagréableȱetȱfructueuse.ȱ

ȱȱȱȱ ȱ LeȱtrèsȱhonorableȱStephenȱHarper,ȱc.p.,ȱdéputéȱ ȱ OTTAWAȱ ȱ2011ȱ ȱ

11 12 13 Caribana Photo Credit:


Each year members and their families attend the ABA Products/Services/Benefits > page 20 ABA Annual Meeting for six days of programs, meetings, sightseeing, social events and meetings ABA Staff Directory > page 21 of the ABA’s governing and policy-making bodies—the Board of Governors and House of Food Donations> page 16 Delegates. Frequently Asked Questions > page 22 Participants choose from 1,424 events, including some 200 continuing legal education programs. The EXPO Hotel Directory > page 17 features more than 100 exhibitors. Registration & Info Concierge > page 16 The Annual Meeting experience can be overwhelming, whether it’s your first meeting or your tenth. This Program Safety Tips > page 15 will be an important tool to help you navigate your way through the week. Be sure to read “How to Use This Things To Do > page 18 Program” on page 3. We’ve organized the information in several ways, and this page should help you find Think Green > page 15 your events by date and time, by topic, by sponsor or by speaker. This General Information chapter includes Transportation > page 19 details about hotels, registration, ticket sales, CLE information, transportation and entertainment.

We suggest that you begin by skimming through the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on page 22. Then, take a look at the General Information Table of Contents on this page to find the sections that address your specific questions. If you still have questions, turn to the section on Information Concierge (see page 16), which will direct you to more detailed answers.

14 General Information

Time Zone Toronto is in the Eastern Time zone. Think Green General Information Toronto Non-Emergency Phone The American Bar Association is committed to working Toronto Police Service...... 416/808-5200 to reduce the impact of our Annual Meeting on the 416/808-2222 environment. To accomplish this goal we have set in Toronto Fire Services...... 416/392-0150 place a number of initiatives. St. Michael’s Hospital...... 416/360-4000 The 2011 Annual Meeting registration will be

Pearson International Airport ...... 416/247-7678 handled by Electronic Will Call. In an effort to Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport...... 416/203-6942 conserve on paper, ink, equipment and shipping, Tourism Toronto CVB...... 416/203-2500 the ABA will print attendee packets, including badges, tickets, etc. on demand as attendees Ground Transportation arrive, which will eliminate excess printing of Rail Canada Train...... 416/366-8411 materials. Toronto Coach Bus Terminal ...... 416/393-7911 Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)...... 416/393-4636 The ABA registration bags are made from non-

woven polypropylene and are 100% recyclable Taxi Service and reusable. The non-woven material is non- There are a host of cab companies in Toronto, but all allergenic, non-toxic and non-corrosive, making it charge the same base rate of about $4CAD. Taxi service safe for people and the environment. from Pearson International Airport (YYZ) is available out- side the terminal baggage claim areas. Taxi fares from An environmentally responsible “Green” Metro

YYZ to downtown Toronto are approximately $55 – $60 Toronto Convention Centre has an aggressive CAD (plus tip) one way, depending on traffic. waste reduction program. Clearly marked 3-part waste, can/bottle & paper/receptacles are General Safety Tips conveniently located throughout the Centre. There • Be alert and aware of your surroundings, particularly are light sensors in meeting rooms and emergency in crowded situations. stairwells to reduce electrical waste.

• Do not carry large sums of cash. Make purchases with Excess food will be donated to a local food

traveler’s checks, personal checks or credit cards. depository. • Always keep wallets in an inside front pocket. Never We have selected a print partner who shares our carry wallets or other valuables in back pockets. commitment to protecting the environment. Our • Pay attention when making purchases or opening your print partner is FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) purse or wallet. Never allow yourself to be distracted. certified and does their part by using soy-based • Avoid placing purses or briefcases on the backs of links and water-based coatings, recycling plates chairs or on the floor while dining. and paper waste, using alcohol-free chemicals on • While sightseeing or using public transportation, carry press and offering recycled paper products. handbags close to your body. Collection boxes are provided for plastic name

• Do not share personal information with strangers. badge holders to be recycled. • Do not wear name badges outside of meeting venues. We will collect and store any unused/excess • If you get lost, go to an open business or hotel and ask for help. printed material for recycling. • Review emergency exits posted in your hotel room.

15 Molson Amphitheatre Photo Credit:


ABA Registration

Be sure to stop by ABA Registration soon after you arrive to pick up your registration materials and tickets you ordered for ABA Events. ABA Registration will be located in Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level, South Building, Metro Toronto Convention Centre. ABA Registration Hours: Thursday, August 4 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Friday, August 5 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday, August 6 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sunday, August 7 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday, August 8 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 9 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

While at registration, don’t forget to stop by the Delegate-at-Large Voting Booth to vote. All ABA lawyer members who have registered for the Annual Meeting are entitled to vote for Delegates-at-Large.

ABA Information Concierge

The ABA Information Concierge will be your one-stop shop for general questions and information about the meeting and MCLE. Please visit the Information Concierge, located inside Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level, South Building, Metro Toronto Convention Centre. The ABA Information Concierge will be open the same days and times as ABA Registration (see above).

Food Donation Program—Daily Bread Food Bank Daily Bread Food Bank is a non-profit, charitable organization that is fighting to end hunger in our communities. Daily Bread serves people through neighborhood food banks and meal programs in its 171 member agencies. Daily Bread Food Bank fights hunger by providing food and resources for hungry people, mobilizing greater community support and creating social change through research, education and advocacy.

Metro Toronto Convention Centre

16 2011 ABA PROGRAM BOOK HOTEL Directory

Delta Chelsea InterContinental Sheraton Centre

33 Gerrard Street West Toronto Yorkville Toronto Hotel General Information Toronto, ON Canada M5G 1Z4 220 Bloor Street West 123 Queen Street West 416/595-1975 Toronto, ON Canada M5S 1T8 Toronto, ON Canada M5H 2M9 Fax: 416/585-4375 416/960-5200 416/361-1000 Fax: 416/960-8269 Fax: 416/947-4873 Fairmont Royal York* 100 Front Street West Le Meridien King Sutton Place Hotel Toronto, ON Canada M5J 1E3 Edward 955 Bay Street 416/368-2511 37 King Street East Toronto, ON Canada M5S 2A2 Fax: 416/368-9040 Toronto, ON Canada M5C 1E9 416/924-9221 416/863-9700 Fax: 416/924-1778 Four Seasons Hotel Fax: 416/367-5515 Toronto Toronto Marriott 21 Avenue Road Metropolitan Hotel Bloor Yorkville Toronto, ON Canada M5R 2G1 108 Chestnut Street 90 Bloor Street East 416/964-0411 Toronto, ON Canada M5G 1R3 Toronto, ON Canada M4W 1A7 Fax: 416/964-2301 416/977-5000 416/961-8000 Fax: 416/977-9513 Fax: 416/961-4635 Hilton Toronto 145 Richmond Street West Park Hyatt Toronto Toronto Marriott Toronto, ON Canada M5H 2L2 4 Avenue Road Eaton Centre Hotel 416/869-3456 Toronto, ON Canada M5R 2E8 525 Bay Street Fax: 416/869-3187 416/925-1234 Toronto, ON Canada M5G 2L2 Fax: 416/924-4933 416/597-9200 Hyatt Regency Fax: 416/597-9211 Toronto Renaissance Toronto 370 King Street West Downtown Hotel Westin Harbour Toronto, ON Canada M5V 1J9 1 Blue Jay Way Castle 416/343-1234 Toronto, ON Canada M5V 1J4 1 Harbour Square Fax: 416/599-7394 416/341-7100 Toronto, ON Canada M5J 1A6 Fax: 416/341-5091 416/869-1600 InterContinental Fax: 416/869-9605 Toronto Centre Ritz-Carlton Toronto 225 Front Street West 181 Wellington Street West Toronto, ON Canada M5V 2X3 Toronto, ON Canada M5V 3G7 416/597-1400 416/585-2500 Fax: 416/597-8128 Fax: 416/585-2503

* ABA Headquarter Hotel

The material contained in this American Bar Association listing is protected by copyright and is solely intended for the individual and private use of ABA members in a manner that is consistent with the ABA’s mission, goals, and activities. All other use is strictly prohibited without prior written authorization from the ABA. Prohibited use includes but is not limited to the copying, renting, leasing, selling, distributing, transmitting or transfer of all or any portions of the material, or use for any other commercial and/or solicitation purposes of any type, or in connection with any action taken that violates the ABA’s copyright. The material is not to be used for any mass communications and may be used only for one-to-one member communication. For information concerning appropriate use of the material, contact the ABA Service Center at 1.800.285.2221.

17 Temple Gardens, Brampton Photo Credit: Tourism Brampton


ABA Tickets Tickets for ABA events that remain available can be purchased at the ABA Ticket Desk beginning Thursday, August 4 at 8:00 a.m. The Registration Desk will be open during the hours indicated below at The Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC).

ABA Tour Program A wide variety of tours are offered for the entire family at this year’s Annual Meeting. For more information and tour availability, visit the ABA Tour Desk, located at ABA Registration, Exhibit Hall E, Level 800, South Building, Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

Tickets for ABA tours, to the extent that they remain available, can be purchased at the ABA Tour Desk beginning Thursday, August 4 at 8:00 a.m. The ABA Tour Desk will be open during the same hours as ABA Registration.

Tickets for ABA tours often sell out, sometimes in advance of the Meeting. If a tour or an event of interest to you is sold out, check the ABA Tour Desk periodically to see if any ticket holders have cancelled and/or returned their tickets.

ABA Tour Transportation Comfortable, air-conditioned bus transportation will be provided for most of the events and tours. Unless otherwise noted, tours will depart from the Metro Toronto Convention Centre South Building driveway 15 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time. Tours depart promptly, so please arrive 15 minutes prior to tour departure time. All events will take place rain or shine.

ABA Information Concierge Want to know where to dine, where to shop and where to have fun in Toronto? Maps, brochures and guidebooks are available to help you get the maximum enjoyment from your visit to the 2011 Annual Meeting. Brochures are available at the ABA Information Center located in Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Exhibit Hall E, Level 800, South Building.

The ABA Information Center will be open the following dates and times:

Thursday, August 4 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Friday, August 5 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday, August 6 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sunday, August 7 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday, August 8 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 9 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Contact your hotel concierge for locations and times of local religious services.



SHUTTLE SCHEDULE General Information Thursday, August 4 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Friday, August 5 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Saturday, August 6 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday, August 7 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday, August 8 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 9 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Route # Hotels Pick Up Location Four Seasons, InterContinental Yorkville, Avenue Road Park Hyatt 1 Marriott Bloor Yorkville Marriot Bloor Yorkville Sutton Place Sutton Place Delta Chelsea Delta Chelsea 2 Marriott Eaton Centre, Metropolitan Metropolitan Sheraton Centre, Hilton Richmond Street 3 Le Meridian King Edward Le Meridian King Edward Hyatt Regency Hyatt Regency Westin Harbour Castle Westin Harbour Castle 4 Fairmont Royal York Fairmont Royal York GO GREEN! HOTELS WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE TO THE METRO TORONTO CONVENTION CENTRE Renaissance: 0.7 miles, Ritz-Carlton: 0.3 miles, InterContinental Toronto Centre: 754 feet (Connected to the MTCC)

OPENING ASSEMBLY AND PRESIDENT’S RECEPTION Beginning at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, August 6, transportation will be available for members and guests going to the Opening Assembly at the Royal Conseratory and the President’s Reception at the Royal Ontario Museum . The Opening Assembly begins at 5:30 p.m. followed by the President’s Reception at 7:00 p.m. Shuttles will run until 10:30 p.m. Route # Hotel Pick Up Location Ritz-Carlton, Front Street A InterContinental Toronto Centre Fairmont Royal York Fairmont Royal York Hyatt Regency Hyatt Regency B Reniassance Reniassance Westin Harbour Castle Westin Harbour Castle Le Meridian King Edward Le Meridian King Edward C Sheraton Centre, Hilton Richmond Street Delta Chelsea Delta Chelsea D Metropolitan, Marriott Eaton Centre Metropolitan Sutton Place Sutton Place GO GREEN! HOTELS WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE TO THE ROYAL CONSERVATORY/ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM Marriott Bloor: 0.5 miles, Four Seasons: 492 feet, InterContinental Yorkville: 394 feet, Park Hyatt: 223 feet

MOBILITY IMPAIRED TRANSPORTATION For Mobility Impaired Transportation, please call the 416/884-9898. Indicate you are with the American Bar Association. For best service, it is encouraged to pre-book pickups the day before. In non-rush hour periods, the wait time would only be 15 minutes for an immediate pick-up but can be up to an hour wait during rush hour periods.

19 Hockey Hall of Fame Photo Credit:

ABA PROGRAM BOOK 2011 ABA Products/Services/Benefits

MEMBER ADVANTAGE PAVILION Visit the ABA Member Advantage pavilion for instant access to member discounts. Participating companies are all in one convenient location, so it’s easy to meet with representatives from trusted names such as: • Bank of America • HP • Lenovo • Hertz • Starwood • ABA Retirement Funds • UPS • Sprint • Paychex

While you’re there, enter to win an iPad2®, courtesy of Bank of America*; a Starwood weekend golf getaway, free Hertz car rental certificates or Brooks Brothers gift cards. *®Apple Inc.; Apple is not a participant in or sponsor of this giveaway.

To learn more about ABA member discounts with the ABA Member Advantage program, visit www.americanbar. org/advantage often. ABA SOURCE—Booth 521

ABA Publishing and ABA Web Store Don't miss ABA Publishing at the ABA SOURCE to learn more about our most recent and best-selling practical law books, along with award-winning magazines, newsletters, and journals. When you purchase books at the SOURCE, you'll save 15% off the entity member prices and enjoy free ground shipping. While there, you can also browse through the most complete selection of ABA books, periodicals, and eBooks in the easy-to-use ABA Web Store at Display books and special meeting prices are also available at the Section of Law Practice Management booth at the ABA EXPO and at the Section of Business Law headquarters hotel. Division for Public Services Throughout its history, the American Bar Association has had a goal to apply the knowledge and experience of the legal profession to promote the public good. This is the overriding mission of the ABA's Division for Public Services, an Association program division providing staff support and expertise for attorney-sponsored programs and activities that lend focus, voice and visibility to the Association's public services role. Staff from the Division will provide information and free resources from its nine entities charged with addressing legal issues such as bioethics, election law, environmental law, homelessness and poverty, immigration, mental and physical disability law, national security, and substance abuse. Standing Committee on the Law Library of Congress Staff from the Law Library of Congress will be available to discuss your specific research needs and to highlight the many ways that the Law Library of Congress can support a lawyer's practice. Staff will demonstrate various free online legal research tools available through the Law Library, including the Global Legal Information Network (GLIN), THOMAS, and the Law Library's global research services covering vast collections in 195 languages from more than 220 jurisdictions worldwide. Diversity Within the ABA The ABA maintains a longstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion, which is embodied in its Goal III entities, i.e: Commission on Mental & Physical Disability Law, Center for Racial & Ethnic Diversity, Commission on Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity, and Commission on Women in the Profession. Goal III entities will provide information and resources on numerous diversity and inclusion efforts within the ABA, legal profession, social justice system, and educational pipeline.


Toronto Area Code: 416

Fairmont Metro Toronto Convention General Information Division for Bar Services Centre (Continued) Canadian Room Foyer, Convention Level Executive & Policy Administration 941-5803 Beginning Monday, Aug 8th Policy Administration Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level Manitoba, Main Mezzanine 585-3783 941-5800 I. S. Computer Center Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level Four Seasons 585-3757 Section of Intellectual Property Law MCLE Information Print Room, 2nd Floor Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level 963-6004 585-3793 Media Relations InterContinental Yorkville Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level Senior Lawyers Division 585-3799 Britannia Room, 2nd Floor Meetings & Travel 324-2169 Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level 585-3785 Metro Toronto Convention Membership Information Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level Centre, South Building 585-3792 Section of Litigation Room 718 Foyer, 700 Level Sheraton Centre 585-3796 Law Student Division ABA Concierge Information Convention Registration, Concourse Level Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level 947-4915 585-3791 Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section ABA Shipping & Receiving Civic Foyer, 2nd Floor Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level 947-4914 585-3782 ABA Registration Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre 585-3821 Young Lawyers Division ABA Tour Desk Simcoe, Lower Level Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level 204-9009 585-3790 ABA Travel Planners Housing Desk Westin Harbour Castle Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level Section of Business Law 585-3794 Registration Area, Conference Centre, Street Level ABF Registration 597-7175 Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level 585-3807

21 Toronto Skyline Photo Credit:


Frequently Asked Questions Where can I find general information? There is an ABA Information Concierge in Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level, South Building, where staff will be available to answer your questions. Can I buy tickets if I haven’t purchased them in advance? The ABA Ticket Desk in Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level, South Building sells tickets to most Section events. If you are unable to purchase tickets in advance, go to the ABA Ticket Desk as soon as possible. Some Sections also may sell tickets at Section offices located in their headquarter hotels. Section offices and phone numbers, when available, are listed in this chapter, as well as in the Section’s chapter of this program. If a Section does not list an office or a phone number in the program, call or visit the Division Offices where you will be given instructions on how to reach the appropriate Section staff person. Do I need to purchase a ticket to an event that includes a breakfast or a lunch? If so, can I do so at the door? In many cases, you will have to purchase a ticket. Visit the ABA Ticket Desk or the appropriate Section office to find out. If a ticket is required, it is recommended that you purchase it in advance. Hotels usually require meal guarantees at least 72 hours prior to the function, so last-minute additions may not be possible. Cancellations sometimes occur, so contact the appropriate Section office or the ABA Ticket Desk to inquire. May I bring my kids to receptions and dinners? Children usually are welcome to attend these evening events, and often there is a lower-priced youth ticket. For information on special deals for kids for Section-sponsored events, contact the Section office. For ABA-wide events, see the Tours and Special Events Program, or stop by the ABA Ticket Desk. Children are welcome at the President’s Reception but will require a ticket for admission. Tickets for children under the age of 18 are $25; tickets for young adults age 18 and over are $50. The President’s Reception takes place on Saturday evening after the Opening Assembly. May I attend Section meetings if I am not a Section member? The ABA has an open meeting policy. Occasionally a Section Executive Council or other body has an executive or private meeting, but most Section Committee meetings are small and informal. If you’d like to sit in on a meeting, just introduce yourself and take a seat! Which receptions may I attend? Receptions listed in this program and sponsored by an ABA entity generally are open to all entity members, unless it is specified for a special group, such as a Section council or committee. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend the President’s Reception on Saturday evening. Tickets for children under 18 are $25; tickets for registrants and guests age 18 and over are $50. Other organizations sponsor receptions, too, and you may be welcome whether or not you are a member. Look for the word “open” in the reception description. Some receptions are free; others require a ticket. For information about receptions, phone the sponsoring entity’s office.

22 Frequently Asked Questions (continued)

What should I expect to find at the ABA EXPO? The ABA EXPO, open Thursday, August 4, at 10:00 a.m., is where you will find representatives from every type of company or organization that services the legal profession. Come visit one of the many exhibits showcasing the General Information latest in communications, computer hardware/software, financial services and legal publishing. Representatives from a variety of travel suppliers including hotels, airlines, cruise lines, destinations and more are all conveniently located together in the "Travel Isle." Winners for the many wonderful prizes courtesy of the travel suppliers will be drawn hourly during Expo hours. What are the official days of the Annual Meeting? The official days of the 2011 ABA Annual Meeting are Thursday, August 4th, through Tuesday, August 9th. Is the meeting format the same as last year? Yes. On-site member registration now starts at $320. Purchasing CLE at the 2011 Annual Meeting is easier than ever. Annual meeting attendees can purchase an All-Access badge for a fee of $670 (which includes registration). That badge can be used for admittance to governance meetings, non-CLE programs and all CLE programs at the Annual Meeting, including those in the ABA CLE Centre and at the satellite hotels. Members whose primary focus at the Annual Meeting is governance, and who may only be able to attend a few CLE programs, may register for the Meeting for a fee of $320. The fee includes admittance to all governance and non-CLE programs. In addition, they may purchase individual program tickets for $90 each. Discounted program tickets will be available to government lawyers, judges, and solo practitioners for $35. Law Student attendees will be admitted to all CLE programs at no additional charge. What does “pay for programs” mean? CLE-accredited programs may have fees for admission. Standard admission price is $90. Discounted tickets are $35 as described above. Some CLE programs are complimentary and will be indicated as such in the program description. How does a registrant purchase CLE tickets? CLE tickets may be purchased in advance via the registration process, on-site at ABA Registration in Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level, South Building, or on-site at Section hotels, if the Section chooses to arrange satellite ticket sales. Who may purchase CLE tickets? Only professional registrants (not spouses, guests or children) may purchase and use CLE tickets. These tickets will be bar-coded with the registrant’s ID number. Is there a set fee for CLE Programs? No, some CLE programs will be offered complimentary. Other programs will be priced at $90 per program. (Government lawyers, judges, and solo practitioners pay $35.) CLE pricing will be listed under the primary sponsor. May I buy a CLE ticket without registering for the Annual Meeting? No, you may only purchase CLE tickets if you are registered for the meeting. What is the ALL-ACCESS CLE BADGE? Annual Meeting attendees can purchase an All-Access Badge for a fee starting at $670 (which includes registration). That badge can be used for admittance to governance meetings, non-CLE programs and all CLE programs at the Annual Meeting, including those in the ABA CLE Centre and at the satellite hotels. Reporting Credit Hours If you need to report your credit hours to the State Bar of Texas, you will need the 9-digit Texas Course ID number, which should be available by mid-September by calling the ABA Service Center at 1-800-285-2221. Please also reference "How to Get Your MCLE Credits" on Page 44. 23 Flatiron Building Photo Credit: Tourism Toronto


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25 AmericA n BA r AssociA tion Commission on Law & Aging

Changing Lives Through r esearC h , e duC a T ion & a dvoC a C y

The mission of the ABA Commission on Law & Aging is to strengthen and secure the legal rights, dignity, autonomy, quality of life and quality of care of elders.

What We Do: • Research emerging issues • Monitor state and federal legislation in priority areas • Develop policy in areas of concern to older people • Provide technical assistance • Foster improved access to legal services for older persons • Educate lawyers, other professionals and the public

The ABA Commission on Law and Aging is a 15-member Make a Gift of Support interdisciplinary body of experts in aging and the law. The Commission’s professional staff addresses a wide range of critical issues affecting older persons, including: With your help, the ABA Commission on • Legal Services Access and Delivery Law and Aging can continue its work. • Elder Abuse • Guardianship and Conservatorship —Write a Check— • Dispute Resolution and Mediation Make payable to Fund for Justice and Education • Professional Ethical Issues (designate ABA Commission on Law and Aging on memo line) • Housing Options and Needs and mail to: ABA Commission on Law & Aging, • Health & Long-term Care Quality, Planning and Decisionmaking 740 15th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20005 • Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Other Benefit Programs —Donate Online— Go to: Get connected on Elderbar, an open discussion listserve for legal professionals working in the field of law and aging. Send your name and professional affiliation to David Godfrey at [email protected]. —Call the Commission— Discuss a specific gift of support at: (202) 662-8690 Sign up to receive Bifocal, the free e-journal of the ABA Commission on Law and Aging. Bifocal is published six times a year *Your contribution is tax-deductable. to report on timely developments, valuable legal resources, and other information of interest to lawyers working with older clients or in the field of law and aging. To subscribe or receive a sample issue, go to the Web site of the ABA Commission and follow the links to “Bifocal” Learn how the ABA Commission on Law and Aging can help you. Visit us online at:



Written by expert legal practitioners and peer-reviewed by authorities in their fields, books from the American Bar Association provide practical information on current law, offer time-saving tips and practice pointers, assist you in your legal research, and supply unrivaled professional guidance. Whether you’re a veteran attorney or just starting out, ABA books are designed to help you make the most of your legal practice. Visit us at the ABA SOURCE to browse through new and best-selling books, or shop online at to search hundreds of titles published by the ABA. You’ll soon discover how these powerful resources can increase your knowledge, hone your skills, and help you be a more productive and effective, advocate for your clients. The Source You Trust for Practical Legal Information

Order today at the ABA SOURCE and save 15% off our lowest member prices, receive free ground shipping. Use this $10 coupon to save even more! !

NOTE: ABA Annual Meeting Book Bucks are valid only during the 2011 ABA Annual Meeting, and are accepted only at the ABA Source booth and at the Law Practice Management Section booth at the ABA Expo, and at the Business Law Section book store at the Westin Harbour Castle. Book Bucks can only be redeemed for ABA books or book orders. This coupon cannot be used to further reduce the price of books distributed by the ABA, for orders under $20, and for non-book merchandise. Book Bucks cannot be exchanged for cash and no change will be $ given. Book Bucks are non-transferable. One Book Bucks certificate per customer, please. This coupon cannot be combined with any other discounts or offers, and 10 cannot be used to purchase display copies. All tax and handling charges apply. 2010OFFER EXPIRES ON AUGUST 6, 2011

29 2011 Gavel ad_5*.pdf 1 6/3/11 9:19 AM









30 ABA Fund for Justice and Education

Jennifer’s Story…

At 18, Jennifer Rodriguez “aged out” of the foster care system and was forced to leave her group home. Facing the world with no money, no high school diploma, no job skills, and no home, Jennifer’s prospects were bleak.

Jennifer’s story is not unique. Over 500,000 children and young adults live in foster care every year. Upon aging out of the system at 18, more than half will be unemployed, almost a third will experience homelessness, and one in five will be incarcerated within two years.

The ABA Permanency Barriers Project, a program of the ABA Center on Children and the Law, works in over 30 locations across the country helping children achieve permanency more quickly and saving states on foster care expenses.

Serving Justice, Helping People

The ABA Fund for Justice and Education is a 501(c)(3) charitable fund that supports the public service and educational programs of the American Bar Association.

Today, the ABA Fund for Justice and Education supports over 200 ABA programs, like the Permanency Barriers Project, that protect our nation’s youth, defend the rights of the elderly, improve the judicial system, and promote equal access to justice for all individuals. • (312) 988-5927

31 32 Distillery Historic District Photo Credit:

33 Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts Photo Credit:

ABA PROGRAM BOOK 2011 ABAABA EXPO CLE CENTRE AShowcase Place To ProgramsDiscover

The ABA Expo offers you a place to discover the very latest in products and services for your profession and for your lifestyle. Learn how to get the most from your ABA membership from various ABA entity exhibitors. Hours – Thursday, August 4 and Friday, August 5 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Saturday, August 6 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Travel Isle – Discover the many ABA travel benefits available for ABA member business or personal travel. Travel supplier representatives provide information on their products and services. Enter for hourly drawings of Prizes plus the Grand Prizes, courtesy of select travel suppliers. Member Advantage Pavilion – Visit the ABA Member Advantage pavilion for instant access to member discounts. Participating companies are all in one convenient location, so it’s easy to meet with representatives from trusted names such as: • Bank of America • Paychex • Sprint • Hertz • HP • ABA Retirement Funds • UPS • Starwood • Lenovo While you’re there, enter to win an iPad2®, courtesy of Bank of America*; a Starwood weekend golf getaway, free Hertz car rental certificates or Brooks Brothers gift cards. *® Apple Inc.; Apple is not a participant in or sponsor of this giveaway.

To learn more about ABA member discounts with the ABA Member Advantage program, visit advantage often. EXPO GRAND PRIZES • Ah, Paradise. . . Priceless – Features: 2 First Class roundtrip tickets on American Airlines and a 5 night stay in an Oceanside Room at the Four Seasons Resort Nevis in the Caribbean. Daily breakfast for 2 plus complimentary roundtrip transfers from either St. Kitts or Nevis Airport are included. Hotel stay based on availability. Peak season blackout days excluded. Compliments of Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts and American Airlines • Experience the Wonder of Magnificent Montana – Features: 2 roundtrip tickets on Delta Air Lines and a 2 night stay for 2 at The Ranch at Rock Creek in either a lodge room or canvas cabin. Stay is inclusive of all meals, gourmet dining, top shelf open bar and ranch activities such as fly fishing, snowmobiling, archery, horseback riding, shooting, mountain biking, skiing, sleigh rides, ice skating, spa, golf, hiking and much more. Stay is based on availability and is valid for 1 year from issue date and does not include occupancy taxes, resort fees or gratuities. Airline tickets are economy class. Compliments of The Ranch at Rock Creek and Orbitz for Business • Savor Life Slowly in Beverly Hills - Features: 2 night stay for 2 at the SLS Beverly Hills and 2 roundtrip tickets on American Airlines. Hotel stay is one room, double occupancy. Airline tickets are economy class. Compliments of Starwood Hotels and Resorts and American Airlines • Tapas in Madrid, Ole! – Features: 3 night stay at The Westin Palace, Madrid. Daily breakfast for 2 included. Airfare not included. Compliments of Starwood Hotels and Resorts TRAVEL ISLE PRIZES - HOURLY DRAWINGS

Courtesy of the following companies: Denihan Hospitality Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants The Peninsula Virgin America Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group The Ritz Carlton Hotel Company

Drop entry forms into the drum in the Travel Isle. Winners drawn, announced and posted hourly. Prizes will be mailed to winners. Consult the EXPO Show Guide for a complete listing of prizes, exhibitors and events. ABA EXPO Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level, South Building Expo Grand Prizes Drawing: Saturday, August 6 at 1:00 p.m.

34 Toronto Islands Photo Credit:

35 ABA Medal

David Boies Theodore B. Olson

David Boies of New York and Theodore B. Olson of Washington, DC have been selected as joint

recipients of the 2011 ABA Medal, which will be awarded Monday, August 8 during the meeting of

the House of Delegates. Currently Chairman of the law firm of Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP, Mr. Boies

previously served as Chief Counsel and Staff Director of the United States Senate Antitrust Subcommittee

and as Chief Counsel and Staff Director of the United States Senate Judiciary Committee. Mr. Olson,

a partner at the law firm Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, was formerly Solicitor General of the United States

and Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Office of Legal Counsel in the U.S. Department of

Justice. Many persons will remember them as adversaries in the United States Supreme Court case

Bush v. Gore. However, they have also worked together on some of the most significant legal issues

of our time, most recently in Perry v. Schwarzenegger and as Co-Chairs of the ABA Task Force on

Preservation of the Justice System. The ABA Medal is awarded for conspicuous service in the cause of

American jurisprudence and is the highest award given by the Association.

36 Board of Governors

2011 ABA PROGRAM BOOK BOARD OF GOVERNORS 2010-2011 Stephen N. Zack, President, Miami, Florida

The Board of Governors is authorized to perform, The Board is comprised of 38 members as follows: One not inconsistently with action taken by the House, from each of 18 districts, two young lawyer members- the functions that the House itself might perform. The at-large, one judicial member-at-large, six section Board develops methods and plans for making the members-at-large, one non-voting law student member- Association and its activities useful to the members in at-large, and until the conclusion of the Annual Meeting their professional work and administers the facilities and in 2015, two women members-at-large and two minority staff of the Association. It is charged with the formulation members-at-large. In addition, the President, President- and administration of the Association’s budget and Elect, Chair of the House of Delegates, Secretary, with policy respecting authorized expenditures and Treasurer, and Immediate Past President serve ex officio. procedures for reimbursement. Every third year, there is a Secretary-Elect and Treasurer- Elect, bringing the membership of the Board to 40. Board of Governors

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Photo Session Ontario, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Strategic Planning and Action Committee Meeting 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Saskatchewan, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York Board of Governors and Board Nominees Luncheon York/Library, Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Subcommittee on Grants Meeting Nova Scotia, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York FRIDAY, AUGUST 5

12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Subcommittee on Investments Meeting 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Nova Scotia, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York Meeting Concert Hall, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Non Dues Revenue Committee Meeting 12:00 Noon to 2:00 p.m. New Brunswick, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal Graduation Luncheon Upper Canada, 18th Floor, Fairmont Royal York York


Time to be Determined 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Operations and Communications Committee 2011-2012 Board of Governors Meeting Room 701A/B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Meeting The new Board of Governors will meet at the conclusion of the British Columbia, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal House of Delegates. York

9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Finance Committee Meeting Quebec, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York

9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Program, Evaluation and Planning Committee Meeting Alberta, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York

37 Niagara Falls in Summer from Gardens Photo Credit: Tourism Niagara


All photos are courtesy of Jensen Larsen Photography.

Stephen N. Zack Wm. T. Robinson, III Linda A. Klein President President-Elect Chair, ABA House of Delegates Miami, FL Florence, KY Atlanta, GA

Bernice B. Donald Cara Lee Neville Alice E. Richmond Secretary Secretary-Elect Treasurer Memphis, TN Minneapolis, MN Boston, MA

Lucian T. Pera Carolyn B. Lamm Jack Rives Stephen L. Tober Treasurer-Elect Immediate Past President Executive Director First District Memphis, TN Washington, DC Chicago, IL Portsmouth, NH 38 Board of Governors

Harold D. Pope, III Amelia H. Boss Robert N. Weiner Second District Third District Fourth District Southfield, MI Philadelphia, PA Washington, DC

Charles E. English, Sr. Howard H. Vogel Cheryl I. Niro Fifth District Sixth District Seventh District Bowling Green, KY Knoxville, TN Chicago, IL

Edith G. Osman Frederick E. Finch James S. Hill James F. Carr Eighth District Ninth District Tenth District Eleventh District Miami, FL Minneapolis, MN Bismarck, ND Littleton, CO 39 Royal Ontario Museum is a Museum of natural and cultural history, largest museum in Canada. Photo Credit:


All photos are courtesy of Jensen Larsen Photography.

Craig A. Orraj Carlos Rodriguez-Vidal Mark I. Schickman Twelfth District Thirteenth District Fourteenth District Albuquerque, NM San Juan, PR San Francisco, CA

Kenneth G. Standard G. Nicholas Casey, Jr. C. Timothy Hopkins James Dimos Fifteenth District Sixteenth District Seventeenth District Eighteenth District New York, NY Charleston, WV Idaho Falls, ID Indianapolis, IN

Leslie Miller Lee S. Kolczun Mitchell A. Orpett Judicial Member-at-Large Section Member-at-Large Section Member-at-Large Tucson, AZ Sheffield Village, OH Chicago, IL 40 Board of Governors

R. Kinnan Golemon Neal R. Sonnett Mary Ellen Coster Williams Peter Alan Winograd Section Member-at-Large Section Member-at-Large Section Member-at-Large Section Member-at-Large Austin, TX Miami, FL Washington, DC Albuquerque, NM

Richard A. Soden Mary L. Smith Lauren Stiller Rikleen Michelle A. Behnke Minority Member-at-Large Minority Member-at-Large Woman Member-at-Large Woman Member-at-Large Boston, MA Lansing, IL Boston, MA Madison, WI

Jonathan W. Wolfe Kendyl T. Hanks Tommy Preston, Jr. Young Lawyer Member-at-Large Young Lawyer Member-at-Large Law Student Livingston, NJ New York, NY Columbia, SC 41 METRO TORONTO CONVENTION CENTRE Toronto, Canada -ABA CLE CENTRE -ABA -MEETING ROOMS

42 METRO TORONTO CONVENTION CENTRE Toronto, Canada l u nc h e o n s - ABA CLE CENTRE ABA - io n - a sso c i at s - hous e of d ele g ate - m eet i n g r ooms io n - re gis trat

43 Ontario Science Centre Photo Credit: Ontario Science Centre


CLE Questions? Information Phone: 416-585-3793

How to Get the Most MCLE Credits New This Year! All ABA Annual Meeting CLE programs will have scanners. The purpose of the scanner is to record the number of attendees at each program. The ABA CLE Scanners are for internal attendance tracking only and do not satisfy your State CLE Reporting Requirements. Please see information below.

Canadian Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credit has been requested for ABA Annual Meeting CLE programs. British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec lawyers reporting ABA Annual Meeting CPD credit must retain their ABA Annual Meeting Registration Confirmation and all ABA Certificates of Attendance for their records. Accreditation for Minimum (Mandatory) CLE Jurisdictions > In both the chronological calendar and the sponsor chapters of this program book, look for the M symbol. This symbol indicates that MCLE credit has been requested for the program session. Program sessions marked E are ethics-requested program sessions. > MCLE accreditation has been requested from most states with mandatory CLE requirements for licensed attorneys. Please be aware that each state has its own rules and regulations indicating what qualifies for CLE and ethics credits. Therefore, certain program sessions may not receive credit in some states. Check with your state for confirmation of a program session’s approval. Attorneys seeking to obtain MCLE credit in Louisiana and/or Pennsylvania will be required to pay state accreditation fees directly to these states. > There will be one (1) MCLE booth located in Registration at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level, South Building. Uniform Certificate of Attendance > All program participants—including speakers/moderators/panelists—seeking CLE credit (except New York licensed attendees) must take one Uniform Certificate of Attendance from each primary sponsor whose CLE program sessions you attend. If you do not see one, ask for one. (New York licensed attendees please see instructions below for NEW YORK ATTENDEES.) > Each primary Section sponsor has one Uniform Certificate listing all its CLE program sessions. > Track your attendance with the Uniform Certificates. > Complete the Attorney portion of each Uniform Certificate. Fill in your State Bar Membership, Registration or Supreme Court ID Number. > Complete one Uniform Certificate per primary sponsor for each state to which you are required to report. > Send in your completed Uniform Certificates to your MCLE state agency if you are licensed in any of the following states: AR, CO, FL, GA, ID, IN, KS, KY, LA, ME, MS, NV, NM, ND, OH, PA, RI, TN, VA, WV and WY. (Send to PA and LA with the required fees. See PENNSYLVANIA ATTENDEES on page 33 and contact Louisiana for its dollar amount.) > Retain a copy of each Uniform Certificate for your records. > Do not return any Uniform Certificates of Attendance to the ABA. CLE Course Attendance Form* > Complete the CLE Course Attendance Form using the information found on either your Uniform Certificate(s) of Attendance (see above) or your New York Certificate(s) of Attendance. (If you cannot find a Uniform Certificate, ask the Section representative for one.) (See instructions on page 33 for NEW YORK ATTENDEES.) > The Course Attendance Form allows you to report attendance for up to twenty sessions. You can get the form from a section representative. (Additional Forms can be obtained only from designated Registration and MCLE staff.) Please fill in your name, address, city, state and zip code. Then fill in your State Bar Membership, Registration or Supreme Court ID number and the state(s) registered. Complete the reverse side of the form. Please return the CLE Course Attendance Form to one of the following locations: Section Staff or MCLE Booth. > Failure to return this form to the ABA may result in a state's denial of CLE credits for the sessions you attended.

* This form will not be sent to the state regulators. It is maintained for the attendance verification at ABA's annual meetings. 1) Drop off the form at an MCLE Information Booth or your primary Section sponsor’s registration/information area. 2) Mail the form to the ABA Center for CLE, MCLE Unit, Attn: Annual Meeting, 321 North Clark, 19th Floor, Chicago, IL 60654, postmarked no later than Sept. 1, 2011. 3) Email the form to [email protected] by Sept. 1, 2011. 44 CLE Information (continued)

Computing MCLE Credits On the Uniform Certificate of Attendance > The following instructions do not apply to New York Certificates of Attendance. (See instructions below for NEW YORK ATTENDEES.) > Group your Uniform Certificates by primary sponsor indicated on the top of the Uniform Certificate. > Add up total minutes attended per primary sponsor. > Divide that total by either 60 or 50, depending on the state in which you are licensed. (See “ARE YOU LICENSED…?”) > If your state has other special instructions for you to follow, these will be posted at the MCLE Information Booth. > Enter the total number of credit hours for that primary sponsor’s program sessions at the bottom of the Uniform Certificate. Are You Licensed in a 60-Minute or a 50-Minute State? > 60-minute states are: AK, AL, AZ, AR, BC, CA, DE, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KY, LA, ME, MN, MS, MT, NH, NM, NV, NC, ND, OH, OR, PA, PR, QC, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA and WY. > 50-minute states are: CO, FL, KS, MO, NY, OK, RI, WV, WI, and Guam, VI. Texas Attendees > Complete ONLY ONE (1) State Bar of Texas CLE Course Attendance Form—including all CLE program sessions you attended—to report the total number of credits claimed for the entire Annual Meeting. > From your Uniform Certificate(s) of Attendance, add the number of CLE program session minutes for all program sessions attended and divide by 60 to obtain your total number of credits. (Remember to write “ABA 2011 Annual Meeting” as the title of the CLE Activity on the Texas card.) > Before leaving, turn in ONLY ONE (1) completed card to an ABA Section or Information Booth representative. If you leave without returning your Texas card, the ABA cannot be responsible for reporting your CLE credits. > The ABA will report TX attendance 30 days after the date of the program. > If you need to report your credit hours to the State Bar of Texas yourself, you will need the nine-digit Texas Course ID number which should be available by mid-September by calling the ABA Service Center at 1-800-285-2221. Illinois Attendees > IL licensed attorneys are required to sign in for each session attended on the IL sign-in sheets for ABA CLE reporting purposes. This form will be located in the back of each meeting room. This procedure is for Annual Meeting CLE only. Pennsylvania Attendees > All attorneys seeking Pennsylvania CLE credit need to complete one “Pennsylvania CLE Credit Request Form.” Completion of the Attorney Information block (Section B) is mandatory. > Attorneys should pick up Uniform Certificates of Attendance for all CLE program sessions attended, i.e., one Uniform Certificate of Attendance from each ABA sponsoring Section or Entity. > Attorneys must pay $1.50 per credit hour, with checks made payable to “PACLE” (Pennsylvania CLE). The $1.50 per credit hour fee also is required for half-hour increments. For example, if the person attends between 4.5 to 5.0 hours, the total fees to be paid to PACLE would be $7.50. Mail the “Pennsylvania CLE Credit Request Form,” Uniform Certificate(s) of Attendance and fees to the address on the form. New York Attendees > The New York State CLE Board has mandated that all New York licensed attorneys, including speakers, sign both in and out of each CLE program session attended in order to receive CLE credit. > A special “FOR NEW YORK ATTORNEYS ONLY” attendance sheet will be available at each CLE program session. > Please look for the sign which reads: ATTENTION—NEW YORK ATTORNEYS MUST SIGN IN AND OUT OF SESSIONS TO RECEIVE CLE CREDIT IN NEW YORK STATE. > As you sign out, an ABA sponsor staff person will verify your attendance and issue the appropriate, complete and signed, New York Certificate of Attendance. If the New York Certificate of Attendance is not available onsite, one sent to you within 60 days upon verification of attendance via the New York Attendance sign-in sheet. > Keep the “Attorney Copy” of the New York Certificate for four (4) years and use it as reference when completing your Reporting Affidavit. > Do not take the “Sponsor Copy” or “MCLE Copy” (yellow and pink copies). Leave these copies with the ABA program sponsor. Delaware Attendees are not required to sign in for the ABA Annual Meeting.

45 46

ABPRESIDENTIALA CLE CENTRE CLE programs CENTRE Metro TorontoPrograms Convention at-a-Glance Centre (MTCC) title primary sponsor page THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 8:30 A.M.

How Decision Trees Can Help Your Right-Brain Clients Arrive At Successful Conclusions Section of Dispute Resolution 134

New Ways to Practice Law: , Playbooks and Tablet Computing Law Practice Management Section 161


ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: The Battle over Birthright Citizenship: History, Commission on Immigration 95 International Perspectives, and the Path Ahead


ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Trial Practices and Tactics in Canada and the Section of Litigation 168 United States

The Art and War of Mediation: The Top Ten Effective Tools and Ethical Concerns You and Your Client Better Section of Dispute Resolution 134 Consider Before Entering the Mediation

Blackberrys and the Practice of Law Law Practice Management Section 161

Dial I For Infringement, The Anatomy of an IP Dispute Section of Dispute Resolution 134

Lawyering in the Digital Age: Using Technology and Social Media to Assist Underserved Populations Public Services Division 94

The Regulation of the Political Activities of Lobbyists Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice 108


Cross-Border Practice in a Shrinking Global Economy Section of Litigation 168

Dodd-Frank One Year Later: Panacea or Poison? Section of Litigation 168

Empathy, Creativity, Neutrality and Persuasion: What Dispute Resolvers Can Learn from the World of Theatre Section of Dispute Resolution 134

The Perils of Social Media Under the Laws of the United States and Canada: A Cautious Tale for Lawyers and Section of Litigation 168 Clients

Resolving Construction Disputes in Canada and the U.S. - Looking Back, Looking Forward Section of Dispute Resolution 135

Solution Focused Conflict Management Section of Dispute Resolution 135

* A complete description of each program and pricing can be found on the page indicated after the sponsor. title primary sponsor page FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 8:30 A.M.

Access Across America: First Report of the Civil Justice Infrastructure Mapping Project American Bar Foundation 204

Culture Shock! Pitfalls for U.S. Businesses Leasing or Buying Real Property in Canada Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 176

eAttorney, MiAttorney: How Technology Has Changed Communication and Collaboration With Clients Standing Committee on Technology and Information Systems 87

Expert Life After Changes to Rule 26: Should Experts Be Required to Comply with ABA Ethical Standards for Section of Litigation 169 Experts?

Health Care Reform: A Comparative Look at Access and Quality Issues Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice 108

Hot Topics in Animal Law Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 187

Hot Topics in Environmental Law Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 176

The Intersection of Arbitration and the Appellate System Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 187

Is FCPA Enforcement Overly Aggressive? Criminal Justice Section 130

Justice for All: A Comparison of the Crime Victims' Rights in the U.S. and Canada Criminal Justice Section 130

Juvenile and Family Drug Courts: A Non-Traditional Model of Providing Access to Services Standing Committee on Substance Abuse 86

Meet Me at the Border: Issues of Interface with Canadian and U.S. Law and Collective Bargaining in the Public Standing Committee on the Law Library of Congress 88 Sector

The Once and Future Firm: Facts v. Fiction Law Practice Management Section 161

Our Highest Courts: A Comparison of the Canadian and U.S. Supreme Courts Section of Litigation 170

The Postville Raids and Agri-Processors Case: Internal Investigations, Criminal Prosecutions, and Immigration Criminal Justice Section 130 Consequences for Corporations & Individuals

Practice Information You Can Bank On: Update on Trust Account Regulation Standing Committee on Client Protection 80

Psychology & the Computer: Their Effective Use in Mediation of Complex Cases Section of Dispute Resolution 135

Secrets, Lawsuits and Mediation: US and Canadian Alternatives to FOIA Litigation Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice 108

Shattering the Legal Glass Ceiling: The Myths and Realities of Law-Firm Compensation Section of Litigation 170

Solo Day: 90 Tips in 90 Minutes General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 140

Take the High Road: Mastering Top Ethical Challenges Facing ADR Advocates and Neutrals Section of Dispute Resolution 135

Turning Good Intentions into Good Actions - Examining and Eliminating Bias General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 140

Twenty-Five Years and Counting: A Look at Justice Scalia's Tenure on the Supreme Court Judicial Division 155

* A complete description of each program and pricing can be found on the page indicated after the sponsor. 47 CLE Information CLE 48

title primary sponsor page FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 10:30 A.M.

ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: 9/11—A Decade Later, and A World Apart Section of International Law 152

ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: "Implicit Bias" and the Myth of Equal Justice Section of Litigation 170


Allies, Influence, Power, and Politics in the Office Law Practice Management Section 162

Canada v. U.S. Mock Arbitration - Advocacy in International Arbitration: Different Cultural and Procedural Approaches Section of Dispute Resolution 136

Changing Landscape of LGBT Rights: A Global Look Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity 99

Civil Immigration Detention: Myth or Reality? Commission on Immigration 96

Cloud Computing Demystified!! Is It A Revolution or an Evolution?? Section of Science & Technology Law 179

Collaborative Justice Makes Cent$: Cost-Effective Interdisciplinary Courts in Canada and the U.S. Commission on Homelessness and Poverty 95

Data Privacy & HIPAA: What Every Lawyer Needs to Know in the U.S. and Canada Health Law Section 144

Do-It-Yourself Historical Trial: Louis Riel Treason Trial - Traitor, Patriot or Insane? General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 141

Families Do Matter Section of Family Law 139

Getting on the Rolls: A Comparative Look at Voter Registration Models in Canada and the United States Standing Committee on Election Law 81

Healthcare Reform and Medical Malpractice Law: How Canada Balances Patient Rights, Physician Interests, and System Costs Standing Committee on Medical Professional Liability 85

Improving Your Public Speaking Skills Center for Continuing Legal Education 198

International Government Investigations, SEC Whistleblowers, and Private Follow-On Actions: Playing Chess on Criminal Justice Section 131 Multiple Boards

The Law and Politics of Health Care Reform Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice 109

Licensure the Impaired Professional: Effective Practice and Intervention Strategies for Attorneys and Healthcare Practitioners Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 188

Making Money Talk Section of Dispute Resolution 136

The Omar Khadr Case: America's War on Terror Section of Litigation 171

Property Rights, Political Drama, and Smart Growth: The Challenge of Sustainable Development in 2011 Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 176

Race to the Courthouse: Resolution and Litigation of Complex Cross-Border Insurance Coverage Disputes and Bad Faith Cases Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 188

The Restructuring of the Americas: How Insolvency Courts in Canada, Mexico and the United States Are Reshaping Business Section of Litigation 171

The Roberts Court: Three Women, Year Five, and More Section of Litigation 171

Solo Day: Law Firm Marketing and Management General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 141 * A complete description of each program and pricing can be found on the page indicated after the sponsor. title primary sponsor page FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 3:45 P.M.

Annual Survey of Supreme Court Decisions Criminal Justice Section 132

Chemical Regulation in Canada—Lessons for U.S. Reforms Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice 109

Class and Mass Actions Are Back in Vogue: New Strategies You Need to Know for Handling High-Stakes Litigation Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 188

Cross Border Ethics, or Just Crossed Ethics: Traps for the Unwary in the Canadian and U.S. Ethics Rules for Lawyers Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 176

Debunking the Myth of the Post Racial Society Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 145

Hot Topics in Internet Law and Strategy Section of Science & Technology Law 179

How Arbitrators Think and What You and They Can Do About It: A Journey Into the Minds of Arbitrators Section of Dispute Resolution 136

International Discovery: Around the World in 90 Minutes Section of Litigation 171

Multi-Jurisdictional, Cross-Border, and International Class Actions: Where Are We Heading? Section of Litigation 171

New Hybrid Approaches to Transactions, Dispute Prevention & Resolution: Shaping ADR Processes to Fit the Section of Dispute Resolution 136 Problem and People in Deals and Disputes

Security versus Liberty - Comparative Approaches to National Security Standing Committee on Law and National Security 83

Successful Lawyers Manage Stress Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 188


Bankruptcy Basics General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 141

The CSI Effect: What Have We Learned Over the Last Decade Section of Science & Technology Law 180

Foreign Espionage Targets the Private Sector: The Cybersecurity Threat from Nation States Standing Committee on Law and National Security 83

General Counsel with International Issues: What's on Their Minds? Section of Litigation 172

Health Care Fraud Update: Significant Prosecutions, the "HEAT" Initiative, False Claims Act Developments and Self- Criminal Justice Section 132 Disclosure Strategies

How Good is the Dirt? The Skinny on Title Issues and Legal Descriptions General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 141

International Perspectives on Older Persons with Disabilities: Civil and Criminal Law Practice Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law 98

International Title Insurance Litigation in 2011: What Issues are International Title Insurance Litigators Facing Today, Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 189 and What is on the Horizon?

Mass Settlements: Beyond Injury Compensation Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 189

Protecting Heirs' Property: Uniform Laws and Social Justice Section of State and Local Government Law 184

* A complete description of each program and pricing can be found on the page indicated after the sponsor. 49 CLE Information CLE 50

title primary sponsor page SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 8:30 A.M. (Continued)

The Purchase and Sale Agreement: Negotiating Strategies from a U.S. and International Perspective Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 177

Redefining the U.S.-Canadian Border: Current Issues in Visitation and Migration Commission on Immigration 96

Same-Sex Marriage in North America: A Look at Where We Are Eight Years Later Section of Family Law 139

Social Media & Healthcare: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Special Committee on Bioethics and the Law 103

Strategic Choices in International Arbitration: The Impact of Forum Selection and Choice-of-Law Decisions Section of Litigation 172


ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: The Bully at School Goes High Tech: Protecting Section of State and Local Government Law 184 Students in the Internet Age

ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: More to Overcome: Civil Rights in the 21st Century Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 146


Advising the Small Business General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 142

Courting Disaster: Tools to Help You Create a Disaster Plan Now Special Committee on Disaster Response and Preparedness 104

Criminal Tax Fraud: Hot Buttons and Hot Topics Criminal Justice Section 132

Elder Law, Estate Planning & Probate: New Ideas to Expand & Excel Your Practice General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 142

The Future of Gun Control in the United States After the Heller and McDonald Cases, with a Canadian Perspective Standing Committee on Gun Violence 82 on Gun Control Issues

Health Care Reform: Looking Back at Where Things Stand Now Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 177

The Impact of Budget Reductions on State and Local Drug Control and Criminal Justice Programs—Time for a New Standing Committee on Substance Abuse 87 Paradigm?

May It Please the Court (Or Not) Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 190

New Restrictions on U.S. Internet Sales: Data Passes, Negative Options, Automatic Renewals and Recurring Charges Section of Science & Technology Law 180

Nuclear Regulation in North America After Fukushima Daiichi Section of Public Utility, Communications and Transportation Law 175

On The Docket: The 2010-2011 Supreme Court Term Standing Committee on Public Education 86

Practicing in Privacy - Can the Law Keep Up with Technology and Can Self-Regulation Help? Section of Antitrust Law 111

Psychology in the Courtroom: Hot Topics for the Tort and Insurance Law Practitioner Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 190

* A complete description of each program and pricing can be found on the page indicated after the sponsor. title primary sponsor page SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2:00 P.M. (Continued)

The UN Human Rights Council: What Does Its First Five Years Say about Its Future? Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 146

United States and Canadian Environmental Issues: Cross Border Litigation and Regulatory Priorities Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 190

Waterfront Re-Development Program and Walking Tour Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 177

What is Legally Defensible Data Security? Section of Science & Technology Law 181

Wikileaks, National Security and Free Speech Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 146


Arbitration Case Law Update Section of Dispute Resolution 137

Bio Terrorism, Bio Ethics and Intellectual Property on Trial Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 192

From Oil Spills to Nuclear Waste: Why Cross-Border Environmental Justice Matters Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 147

SUNDAY, AUGUST 7, 10:30 A.M.

ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Investigating and Forgetting on the Web Section of Labor and Employment Law 160

ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: The Globalization of Anti-Corruption Law Criminal Justice Section 133


Reconciling the First Amendment and Antidiscrimination Policies: The Implications of Christian Legal Society v. Martinez Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 147

ERISA Litigation - Effect on Plan Design Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 177

Current Crisis in Court Funding: Efficiency, Effectiveness, Accountability, and Education Office of the President 200

* A complete description of each program and pricing can be found on the page indicated after the sponsor. 51 CLE Information CLE programs & events. programs & racial and ethnic diversity racial and ethnic This Track showcases sexual This Track GOAL III DIVERSITY (D) GOAL III DIVERSITY orientation, gender, disability, disability, gender, orientation, ABA Forum on Native American Issues This track will highlight This track will new lawyers and those new lawyers of various areas of law. programs that will assist programs that asics (PB) Practice B changing practice areas with changing practice a fundamental understanding a fundamental understanding New Ways to Practice Law: New Ways iPads, Playbooks and Tablet Computing arbitration. and in mediation or and dispute resolution and dispute pre-trial, in the courtroom pre-trial, in the courtroom challenges, to help lawyers challenges, to This track focuses on issues This track focuses pertinent to today’s litigation today’s pertinent to LITIGATION and ADR (L) and LITIGATION ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Trial Practices and Tactics in Canada and the United States How Decision Trees Can How Decision Trees Right-Brain Help Your Clients Arrive At Successful Conclusions TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY Tracks Program and BUSINESS (T) and BUSINESS Designed to explore the Designed to how to use technology to how to use technology to emphasis on the Internet, emphasis on the Internet, myriad and varied aspects myriad and varied of technology with specific of technology legal servicesfor the client. provide quality and efficient provide quality and efficient these sessions show lawyers these sessions show lawyers Blackberrys and the Practice of Law SOLO and SMALL FIRM (S) SMALL FIRM and small firms, but the and small firms, of special interest to solos of special interest to lawyers in any size firm. fundamentals that can apply fundamentals that can apply This track was created to be This track was topics and substance provide topics and substance provide and ETHICS (P) and ETHICS This track addresses This track addresses ethics and professional PROFESSIONALISM PROFESSIONALISM with special emphasis on with special independence, civility and independence, civility and integrity, competence and integrity, professionalism at the bar, at the bar, professionalism , AUGUST 4 advancing the justice system. The Regulation of the Political Activities of Lobbyists TIME 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM THURSDAY

52 GOAL III DIVERSITY (D) III DIVERSITY GOAL (PB) Basics Practice LITIGATION and ADR (L) and ADR LITIGATION Dial I For Infringement, The Dial I For Infringement, an IP Dispute Anatomy of of The Art and War Ten Mediation: The Top and Ethical Effective Tools and Your Concerns You Client Better Consider Before Entering the Mediation Later: Dodd-Frank One Year Panacea or Poison? The Perils of Social Media Under the Laws of the United States and Canada: for Lawyers A Cautious Tale and Clients Cross-Border Practice in a Shrinking Global Economy Creativity, Empathy, Neutrality and Persuasion: What Dispute Resolvers Can Learn the World from of Theatre Resolving Construction Disputes in Canada and the U.S. - Looking Back, Looking Forward Solution Focused Conflict Management TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY and BUSINESS (T) and BUSINESS CLE Information Forensic Science, A View Forensic Science, A View from the Bench: Challenges for the 21st Century The Perils of Social Media Under the Laws of the United States and Canada: for Lawyers A Cautious Tale and Clients SOLO and SOLO SMALL FIRM (S) SMALL FIRM and ETHICS (P) and ETHICS PROFESSIONALISM PROFESSIONALISM The Art and War of The Art and War Ten Mediation: The Top and Ethical Effective Tools and Your Concerns You Client Better Consider Before Entering the Mediation TIME 3:45 PM to 5:15 PM 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM 4 (Continued) AUGUST THURSDAY,

53 GOAL III DIVERSITY (D) III DIVERSITY GOAL Shattering the Legal Glass Ceiling: The Myths and Realities of Law Firm Compensation (PB) Basics Practice Hot Topics in Environmental Hot Topics Law Practice Information You Practice Information You Can Bank On: Update on Account Regulation Trust LITIGATION and ADR (L) and ADR LITIGATION International Patent Litigation Shattering the Legal Glass Ceiling: The Myths and Realities of Law-Firm Compensation Expert Life After Changes to Rule 26: Should Experts Be Required to Comply with ABA Ethical Standards for Experts? Our Highest Courts: A Comparison of the Canadian and U.S. Supreme Courts TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY and BUSINESS (T) and BUSINESS eAttorney, MiAttorney:How eAttorney, Has Changed Technology Communication and Clients Collaboration With SOLO and SOLO SMALL FIRM (S) SMALL eAttorney, MiAttorney: eAttorney, Has How Technology Changed Communication and Collaboration With Clients and ETHICS (P) and ETHICS PROFESSIONALISM PROFESSIONALISM The Once and Future Firm: Fiction Facts v. MiAttorney:How eAttorney, Has Changed Technology Communication and Clients Collaboration With Expert Life After Changes to Rule 26: Should Experts Be Required to Comply with ABA Ethical Standards for Experts? Practice Information You Can Bank On: Update on Account Regulation Trust 5 , AUGUST TIME FRIDAY 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM

54 GOAL III DIVERSITY (D) III DIVERSITY GOAL ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: "Implicit Bias" and the Myth of Equal Justice Turning Good Intentions into Turning Good Actions - Examining and Eliminating Bias (PB) Basics Practice Culture Shock! Pitfalls for U.S. Businesses Leasing or Buying Real Property in Canada The Postville Raids and The Postville Case: Agri-Processors Internal Investigations, and Criminal Prosecutions, Immigration Consequences for Corporations & Individuals Justice for All: A Comparison of the Crime the U.S. Rights in Victims' and Canada LITIGATION and ADR (L) and ADR LITIGATION ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: "Implicit Bias" and the Myth of Equal Justice Psychology & the Computer: Their Effective Use in Mediation of Complex Cases the High Road: Take Ethical Mastering Top Challenges Facing ADR Advocates and Neutrals TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY and BUSINESS (T) and BUSINESS CLE Information Solo Day: 90 Tips in 90 Solo Day: 90 Tips Minutes SOLO and SOLO SMALL FIRM (S) SMALL FIRM The Postville Raids and The Postville Case: Agri-Processors Internal Investigations, and Criminal Prosecutions, Immigration Consequences for Corporations & Individuals Turning Good Intentions Turning into Good Actions - Examining and Eliminating Bias Solo Day: 90 Tips in 90 Solo Day: 90 Tips Minutes and ETHICS (P) and ETHICS PROFESSIONALISM PROFESSIONALISM Take the High Road: Take Ethical Mastering Top Challenges Facing ADR Advocates and Neutrals Turning Good Intentions into Turning Good Actions - Examining and Eliminating Bias TIME 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM 5 (Continued) AUGUST FRIDAY,

55 GOAL III DIVERSITY (D) III DIVERSITY GOAL Allies, Influence, Power, Allies, Influence, Power, and Politics in the Office (PB) Basics Practice Property Rights, Political Drama, and Smart of Growth: The Challenge Sustainable Development in 2011 LITIGATION and ADR (L) and ADR LITIGATION The Restructuring of the Americas: How Insolvency Courts in Canada, Mexico and the United States Are Reshaping Business The Roberts Court: Three Five, and Year Women, More The Omar Khadr Case: on Terror America's War International Government Investigations, SEC Whistleblowers, and Private Follow-On Actions: Playing Chess on Multiple Boards TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY and BUSINESS (T) and BUSINESS Court Technology Court Technology Showcase: New and Applications for You Court Your Cutting Edge: The Current Legal and Business Issues Faced by High Tech Companies SOLO and SOLO SMALL FIRM (S) SMALL and ETHICS (P) and ETHICS PROFESSIONALISM PROFESSIONALISM First Annual SCJI Forum First Annual Independence: on Judicial to Judicial Challenges and Independence - Today Tomorrow TIME 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM 5 (Continued) AUGUST FRIDAY,

56 GOAL III DIVERSITY (D) III DIVERSITY GOAL Changing Landscape of Changing Landscape of Look LGBT Rights: A Global Historical Trial: Do-It-Yourself - Trial Louis Riel Treason Patriot or Insane? Traitor, (PB) Basics Practice LITIGATION and ADR (L) and ADR LITIGATION Hot Topics in Internet Law Hot Topics and Strategy Do-It-Yourself Historical Do-It-Yourself Louis Riel Treason Trial: Patriot or - Traitor, Trial Insane? The Role of CSI Toronto: the Court in an Age of Developing Science & Technology Canada v. U.S. Mock Canada v. in Arbitration - Advocacy International Arbitration: Different Cultural and Procedural Approaches Making Money Talk TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY and BUSINESS (T) and BUSINESS CLE Information Hot Topics in Internet Law Hot Topics and Strategy Do-It-Yourself Historical Trial: Historical Trial: Do-It-Yourself - Trial Louis Riel Treason Patriot or Insane? Traitor, The Role of CSI Toronto: the Court in an Age of Developing Science & Technology Solo Day: Law FirmSolo Day: Law Marketing and Management Cloud Computing Demystified!! Is It A Revolution or an Evolution?? SOLO and SOLO SMALL FIRM (S) SMALL FIRM Do-It-Yourself Historical Do-It-Yourself Louis Riel Treason Trial: Patriot or - Traitor, Trial Insane? Solo Day: Law FirmSolo Day: Law Marketing and Management Cloud Computing Demystified!! Is It A Revolution or an Evolution?? and ETHICS (P) and ETHICS PROFESSIONALISM PROFESSIONALISM Cross Border Ethics, or Just Crossed Ethics: Traps for the Unwary in the Canadian and U.S. Ethics Rules for Lawyers TIME 3:45 PM to 5:15 PM 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM 3:15 PM to 5:00 PM 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM 5 (Continued) AUGUST FRIDAY,

57 GOAL III DIVERSITY (D) III DIVERSITY GOAL Debunking the Myth of the Debunking the Myth of Post Racial Society (PB) Basics Practice The Purchase and Sale Agreement: Negotiating Strategies from a U.S. and International Perspective Protecting Heirs Property: Uniform and Social Laws Justice LITIGATION and ADR (L) and ADR LITIGATION Multi-Jurisdictional, Cross- Multi-Jurisdictional, and International Border, Where Are Class Actions: Heading? We International Discovery: in 90 Around the World Minutes New Hybrid Approaches Dispute to Transactions, Prevention & Resolution: Shaping ADR Processes to Fit the Problem and People in Deals and Disputes How Arbitrators Think and and They Can What You Do About It: A Journey Into the Minds of Arbitrators TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY and BUSINESS (T) and BUSINESS Security versus Liberty - Comparative Approaches to National Security SOLO and SOLO SMALL FIRM (S) SMALL Annual Survey of Supreme Court Decisions and ETHICS (P) and ETHICS PROFESSIONALISM PROFESSIONALISM , AUGUST 6 New Hybrid Approaches Dispute to Transactions, Prevention & Resolution: Shaping ADR Processes to Fit the Problem and People in Deals and Disputes TIME 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM SATURDAY 3:45 PM to 5:15 PM 5 (Continued) AUGUST FRIDAY,

58 GOAL III DIVERSITY (D) III DIVERSITY GOAL International Perspectives on Older Persons with Disabilities: Civil and Criminal Law Practice (PB) Basics Practice Bankruptcy Basics How Good is the Dirt? The Issues and Skinny on Title Legal Descriptions LITIGATION and ADR (L) and ADR LITIGATION The CSI Effect: What Have we Learned Over the Last Decade Strategic Choices in Strategic Choices International Arbitration: The Impact of Forum Selection and Choice-of- Law Decisions General Counsel with International Issues: What's on Their Minds? Health Care Fraud Update: Significant Prosecutions, Initiative, False the "HEAT" Claims Act Developments and Self-Disclosure Strategies TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY and BUSINESS (T) and BUSINESS CLE Information Foreign Espionage Targets Foreign Espionage Targets the Private Sector: the Cybersecurity Threat from Nation States SOLO and SOLO SMALL FIRM (S) SMALL FIRM International Perspectives on Older Persons with Disabilities: Civil and Criminal Law Practice Bankruptcy Basics How Good is the Dirt? The Issues and Skinny on Title Legal Descriptions and ETHICS (P) and ETHICS PROFESSIONALISM PROFESSIONALISM TIME 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM (Continued) AUGUST 6 SATURDAY,

59 GOAL III DIVERSITY (D) III DIVERSITY GOAL ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: More to Overcome: Civil Rights in the 21st Century Mentoring 360: Raising Bottom Line by Using Your to Build Diverse New Tools Talent (PB) Basics Practice Elder Law, Estate Planning Elder Law, & Probate- New Ideas to Expand & Excel Your Practice Advising the Small Business Waterfront Re-Development Waterfront Tour Program and Walking ABA CLE CENTRE ABA CLE SHOWCASE The Bully PROGRAM: at School Goes High Protecting Tech: Students in the Internet Age LITIGATION and ADR (L) and ADR LITIGATION Criminal Tax Fraud: Hot Criminal Tax Buttons and Hot Topics TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY and BUSINESS (T) and BUSINESS New Restrictions on U.S. Internet Sales: Data Passes, Negative Options, Automatic Renewals and Recurring Charges SOLO and SOLO SMALL FIRM (S) SMALL Elder Law, Estate Planning Elder Law, & Probate- New Ideas to Expand & Excel Your Practice Advising the Small Business and ETHICS (P) and ETHICS PROFESSIONALISM PROFESSIONALISM TIME 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM (Continued) AUGUST 6 SATURDAY,

60 186292 185874 186093 GOAL III DIVERSITY (D) III DIVERSITY GOAL Reconciling the First Amendment and Antidiscrimination Policies: The Implications of Christian Martinez Legal Society v. (PB) Basics Practice LITIGATION and ADR (L) and ADR LITIGATION What is Legally Defensible What is Legally Data Security? Arbitration Case Law Update ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: The Globalization of Anti-Corruption Law TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY and BUSINESS (T) and BUSINESS CLE Information What is Legally Defensible What is Legally Data Security? Business Method Patenting in a Post-Bilski World SOLO and SOLO SMALL FIRM (S) SMALL FIRM and ETHICS (P) and ETHICS PROFESSIONALISM PROFESSIONALISM , AUGUST 7 TIME 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM SUNDAY 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM 3:45 PM to 5:15 PM (Continued) AUGUST 6 SATURDAY,

61 62

2011 Toronto Annual Meeting CLE Programs

title primary sponsor page THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 8:30 A.M.

How Decision Trees Can Help Your Right-Brain Clients Arrive At Successful Conclusions Section of Dispute Resolution 134

New Ways to Practice Law: iPads, Playbooks and Tablet Computing Law Practice Management Section 161


ABA Forum on Native American Issues Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 145


ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: The Battle over Birthright Citizenship: History, Commission on Immigration 95 International Perspectives, and the Path Ahead


Class Action Litigation After Dukes v. Walmart Section of Labor and Employment Law 158


ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Trial Practices and Tactics in Canada and the Section of Litigation 168 United States

The Art and War of Mediation: The Top Ten Effective Tools and Ethical Concerns You and Your Client Better Section of Dispute Resolution 134 Consider Before Entering the Mediation

Blackberrys and the Practice of Law Law Practice Management Section 161

Dial I For Infringement, The Anatomy of an IP Dispute Section of Dispute Resolution 134

Lawyering in the Digital Age: Using Technology and Social Media to Assist Underserved Populations Public Services Division 200

The Regulation of the Political Activities of Lobbyists Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice 108


Calculating Damages in an Employment Case: Strategies for the Canadian and U.S. Litigant Section of Labor and Employment Law 158

* A complete description of each program and pricing can be found on the page indicated after the sponsor. title primary sponsor page THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 3:00 P.M.

Forensic Science, A View from the Bench: Challenges for the 21st Century Judicial Division 155


Cross-Border Practice in a Shrinking Global Economy Section of Litigation 168

Dodd-Frank One Year Later: Panacea or Poison? Section of Litigation 168

Empathy, Creativity, Neutrality and Persuasion: What Dispute Resolvers Can Learn from the World of Theatre Section of Dispute Resolution 134

The Perils of Social Media Under the Laws of the United States and Canada: A Cautious Tale for Lawyers and Clients Section of Litigation 168

Resolving Construction Disputes in Canada and the U.S. - Looking Back, Looking Forward Section of Dispute Resolution 135

Solution Focused Conflict Management Section of Dispute Resolution 135


Crisis Management Tales from In-House Counsel: How to React, Plan and Survive a Crisis (and the Legal Ethical Business Law Section 112 Quandries)

Investments in the BRIC and Mexico: Selected Issues Business Law Section 112

Privacy and Anti-Money Laundering: An Oxymoron? Business Law Section 112

What Law Governs in a Global Secured Transaction: Where You Got Collateral in Spades: Ever Thought about Business Law Section 112 What Law will Govern the Enforceability....


Access Across America: First Report of the Civil Justice Infrastructure Mapping Project American Bar Foundation 204

Culture Shock! Pitfalls for U.S. Businesses Leasing or Buying Real Property in Canada Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 176

eAttorney, MiAttorney: How Technology Has Changed Communication and Collaboration With Clients Standing Committee on Technology and Information Systems 87

Expert Life After Changes to Rule 26: Should Experts Be Required to Comply with ABA Ethical Standards for Experts? Section of Litigation 169

Health Care Reform: A Comparative Look at Access and Quality Issues Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice 108

Hot Topics in Animal Law Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 187

Hot Topics in Environmental Law Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 176

International Patent Litigation Section of Intellectual Property Law 148

The Intersection of Arbitration and the Appellate System Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 187

* A complete description of each program and pricing can be found on the page indicated after the sponsor. 63

Complete CLE Listing 64

title primary sponsor page FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 8:30 A.M. (Continued)

Is FCPA Enforcement Overly Aggressive? Criminal Justice Section 130

Justice for All: A Comparison of the Crime Victims' Rights in the U.S. and Canada Criminal Justice Section 130

Lawyering For Homeless Youth Throughout The Globe: Best Practices in Representation and Emerging Model Laws Commission on Homelessness and Poverty 94

Meet Me at the Border: Issues of Interface with Canadian and U.S. Law and Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector Standing Committee on the Law Library of Congress 88

The Once and Future Firm: Facts v. Fiction Law Practice Management Section 161

Our Highest Courts: A Comparison of the Canadian and U.S. Supreme Courts Section of Litigation 170

The Postville Raids and Agri-Processors Case: Internal Investigations, Criminal Prosecutions, and Immigration Criminal Justice Section 130 Consequences for Corporations & Individuals

Practice Information You Can Bank On: Update on Trust Account Regulation Standing Committee on Client Protection 80

Psychology & the Computer: Their Effective Use in Mediation of Complex Cases Section of Dispute Resolution 135

Secrets, Lawsuits and Mediation: US and Canadian Alternatives to FOIA Litigation Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice 108

Shattering the Legal Glass Ceiling: The Myths and Realities of Law-Firm Compensation Section of Litigation 170

Solo Day: 90 Tips in 90 Minutes General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 140

Take the High Road: Mastering Top Ethical Challenges Facing ADR Advocates and Neutrals Section of Dispute Resolution 135

Turning Good Intentions into Good Actions - Examining and Eliminating Bias General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 140

Twenty-Five Years and Counting: A Look at Justice Scalia's Tenure on the Supreme Court Judicial Division 155

When is Private Use Privileged? Section of Intellectual Property Law 148


Ensuring Real "Win-Win" Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions Section of Labor and Employment Law 158


Covenants not to Compete-North American International Employee Mobility Issues Young Lawyers Division 193

The Latest Techniques and Skills in Cross-Examination Young Lawyers Division 193

FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 10:30 A.M.

ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: 9/11—A Decade Later, and A World Apart Section of International Law 152

* A complete description of each program and pricing can be found on the page indicated after the sponsor. title primary sponsor page FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 10:30 A.M. (Continued)

ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: "Implicit Bias" and the Myth of Equal Justice Section of Litigation 170

A Closer Look at Recent Changes in Canadian and U.S. Oppositions Practice Section of Intellectual Property Law 148

Is the World Ready for a New Form of IP Protection? Section of Intellectual Property Law 148

Defending the Pill: Lessons from Airgas Business Law Section 113

The Global Response to the Financial Crisis: The Canadian, U.K. and U.S. Perspective Business Law Section 114

Global Transfer of Business Data: Regulation of Privacy and Beyond Business Law Section 113

If You Were In My Shoes: Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Rights Business Law Section 113

On a Clear Day You Can Trade Forever: Well, Not Exactly, but Intra- and Inter- nation Clearance and Settlement Business Law Section 114 Organizations for Securities & Derivatives....

The Business of Healthcare: The Development of State-Based Health Care Exchanges Business Law Section 114

The Demise of Junk Science in the Calculation of Reasonable Royalties Section of Intellectual Property Law 149

Wanna Keep A Secret, Eh?: Enforcing Restrictive Covenants in Canada and the United States Section of Labor and Employment Law 159

FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 11:00 A.M.

Ethical Considerations and Boundaries in Conducting Effective Business Development & Marketing Young Lawyers Division 193

Navigating Issues in Same-Sex Marriages, Civil Unions & Domestic Partnerships Young Lawyers Division 194


CyberRogues and Web Pirates! New Frontiers of Counterfeits and Squatters in Film, Fashion & Music Forum on Entertainment and Sports Industries 195

Diversity and Mental Health Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs 97

First Annual SCJI Forum on Judicial Independence: Challenges to Judicial Independence - Today and Tomorrow Standing Committee on Judicial Independence 83

Wisconsin and Beyond: The State of Public Sector Bargaining in the United States Section of Labor and Employment Law 159


Court Technology Showcase: New Applications for You and Your Court Judicial Division 156


Allies, Influence, Power, and Politics in the Office Law Practice Management Section 162

* A complete description of each program and pricing can be found on the page indicated after the sponsor. 65

Complete CLE Listing 66

title primary sponsor page FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 2:00 P.M. (Continued)

Canada v. U.S. Mock Arbitration - Advocacy in International Arbitration: Different Cultural and Procedural Approaches Section of Dispute Resolution 136

Changing Landscape of LGBT Rights: A Global Look Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity 99

Civil Immigration Detention: Myth or Reality? Commission on Immigration 96

Cloud Computing Demystified!! Is It A Revolution or an Evolution?? Section of Science & Technology Law 179

Collaborative Justice Makes Cent$: Cost-Effective Interdisciplinary Courts in Canada and the U.S. Commission on Homelessness and Poverty 95

Cutting Edge: The Current Legal and Business Issues Faced by High Tech Companies Section of Intellectual Property Law 149

Data Privacy & HIPAA: What Every Lawyer Needs to Know in the U.S. and Canada Health Law Section 144

Do-It-Yourself Historical Trial: Louis Riel Treason Trial - Traitor, Patriot or Insane? General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 141

Families Do Matter Section of Family Law 139

Getting on the Rolls: A Comparative Look at Voter Registration Models in Canada and the United States Standing Committee on Election Law 81

Healthcare Reform and Medical Malpractice Law: How Canada Balances Patient Rights, Physician Interests, and System Costs Standing Committee on Medical Professional Liability 85

Improving Your Public Speaking Skills Center for Continuing Legal Education 198

International Government Investigations, SEC Whistleblowers, and Private Follow-On Actions: Playing Chess on Criminal Justice Section 131 Multiple Boards

The Law and Politics of Health Care Reform Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice 109

Licensure the Impaired Professional: Effective Practice and Intervention Strategies for Attorneys and Healthcare Practitioners Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 188

Making Money Talk Section of Dispute Resolution 136

The Omar Khadr Case: America's War on Terror Section of Litigation 171

Property Rights, Political Drama, and Smart Growth: The Challenge of Sustainable Development in 2011 Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 176

Race to the Courthouse: Resolution and Litigation of Complex Cross-Border Insurance Coverage Disputes and Bad Faith Cases Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 188

The Restructuring of the Americas: How Insolvency Courts in Canada, Mexico and the United States Are Reshaping Business Section of Litigation 171

The Roberts Court: Three Women, Year Five, and More Section of Litigation 171

Solo Day: Law Firm Marketing and Management General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 141


The CFTC and SEC Dodd-Frank Rulemaking for Derivatives: Compliance Issues for Businesses that Use Swaps and Business Law Section 116 Securities-Based Swaps

* A complete description of each program and pricing can be found on the page indicated after the sponsor. title primary sponsor page FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 2:30 P.M. (Continued)

Discovery Issues in Transnational Litigation Business Law Section 115

Mergers, Investment Reviews, Competitor Collaborations and Distribution Practices in the US and Canada - What Business Law Section 115 You Need to Know For Your Business

Obstruction of Justice and In-House Counsel: After the GlaxoSmithKline In-House Counsel Indictments, What Has Business Law Section 116 Changed from an Ethical and Legal Perspective

Regulatory Burdens on U.S. - Canada Trade: A Titan in Chains Business Law Section 116

Stop! Border Crossing Ahead: Navigating Cross-Border DIP Loans and Restructurings Business Law Section 116


Intellectual Property and the Film and Television Industries Forum on Entertainment and Sports Industries 195


CSI Toronto: The Role of the Court in an Age of Developing Science & Technology Judicial Division 156


Annual Survey of Supreme Court Decisions Criminal Justice Section 132

Chemical Regulation in Canada—Lessons for U.S. Reforms Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice 109

Child Trafficking Law, Policy and Practice Reform: U.S. -Canadian Perspective Commission on Youth at Risk 101

Class and Mass Actions Are Back in Vogue: New Strategies You Need to Know for Handling High-Stakes Litigation Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 188

Cross Border Ethics, or Just Crossed Ethics: Traps for the Unwary in the Canadian and U.S. Ethics Rules for Lawyers Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 176

Debunking the Myth of the Post Racial Society Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 145

Hot Topics in Internet Law and Strategy Section of Science & Technology Law 179

How Arbitrators Think and What You and They Can Do About It: A Journey Into the Minds of Arbitrators Section of Dispute Resolution 136

International Discovery: Around the World in 90 Minutes Section of Litigation 171

Multi-Jurisdictional, Cross-Border, and International Class Actions: Where Are We Heading? Section of Litigation 171

New Hybrid Approaches to Transactions, Dispute Prevention & Resolution: Shaping ADR Processes to Fit the Section of Dispute Resolution 136 Problem and People in Deals and Disputes

Security versus Liberty - Comparative Approaches to National Security Standing Committee on Law and National Security 83

* A complete description of each program and pricing can be found on the page indicated after the sponsor. 67

Complete CLE Listing 68

title primary sponsor page FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 3:45 P.M. (Continued)

Successful Lawyers Manage Stress Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 188


FTC Enforcement in the Evolving IP Marketplace Section of Intellectual Property Law 150

How to Better Protect Your Trade Secrets: An Update on U.S. Case Law and A Comparison to Canadian Trade Section of Intellectual Property Law 150 Secret Law

Mock Hearing on Preliminary Injunction in Copyright Act: To Be or Not To Be...A Fair Use Section of Intellectual Property Law 150


Career Management and Business Development for the Diverse Lawyer Business Law Section 117

Insider Trading Revisited No. X Business Law Section 118

Who's Happy Now? ABS Disputes: Trustees Under Siege, Investors Enraged, & the Litigation Settlements That Will Business Law Section 118 Determine Who Will "Win"


Bankruptcy Basics General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 141

The CSI Effect: What Have we Learned Over the Last Decade Section of Science & Technology Law 180

General Counsel with International Issues: What's on Their Minds? Section of Litigation 172

Health Care Fraud Update: Significant Prosecutions, the "HEAT" Initiative, False Claims Act Developments and Self- Criminal Justice Section 132 Disclosure Strategies

How Good is the Dirt? The Skinny on Title Issues and Legal Descriptions General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 141

Foreign Espionage Targets the Private Sector: The Cybersecurity Threat from Nation States Standing Committee on Law and National Security 83

International Perspectives on Older Persons with Disabilities: Civil and Criminal Law Practice Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law 98

International Title Insurance Litigation in 2011 - What Issues are International Title Insurance Litigators Facing Today, Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 189 and What is on the Horizon

Mass Settlements: Beyond Injury Compensation Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 189

Protecting Heirs Property: Uniform Laws and Social Justice Section of State and Local Government Law 184

The Purchase and Sale Agreement: Negotiating Strategies from a U.S. and International Perspective Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 177

Redefining the U.S.-Canadian Border: Current Issues in Visitation and Migration Commission on Immigration 96

* A complete description of each program and pricing can be found on the page indicated after the sponsor. title primary sponsor page SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 8:30 A.M. (Continued)

Same-Sex Marriage in North America: A Look at Where We Are Eight Years Later Section of Family Law 139

Social Media & Healthcare: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Special Committee on Bioethics and the Law 103

Strategic Choices in International Arbitration: The Impact of Forum Selection and Choice-of-Law Decisions Section of Litigation 172

Update from the USPTO Section of Intellectual Property Law 150


The Ins and Outs of Contracting Out Legal Work Section of Labor and Employment Law 159


Passing the Puck: The Future of International Patent Law Harmonization Section of Intellectual Property Law 150


ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: The Bully at School Goes High Tech: Protecting Section of State and Local Government Law 184 Students in the Internet Age

ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: More to Overcome: Civil Rights in the 21st Century Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 146

A Divided North America: Comparing LGBT Rights in the U.S. and Canada Section of Labor and Employment Law 159

Brand Ownership 2.0 - Navigating the Competing Online Demands for the non-IP Lawyer Business Law Section 120

Cross-Border Bankruptcies: Current Issues and Trends Business Law Section 120

In Sickness and in Health: Fundamentals of Healthcare Finance Business Law Section 120

International Business Lawyer of Mystery? Insider's Guide to Legal Careers in National Defense and Security Industries Business Law Section 120

Majority and Minority Investments in Canadian Businesses by U.S. and Other Foreign Investors Business Law Section 121

Progressive Board/Shareholder Engagement Business Law Section 121

Secrets to Success in Project Finance in Emerging Markets Business Law Section 121


Facilitating Diversity: Similar Countries, Different Experiences; How Historical Context Informs How We Address Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Profession 91 Diversity Today in the U.S. and Canada

* A complete description of each program and pricing can be found on the page indicated after the sponsor. 69

Complete CLE Listing 70

title primary sponsor page SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1:00 P.M.

Friend is Now a Verb: Judicial Ethics and the New Social Media Judicial Division 157


Acting on ACTA Section of Intellectual Property Law 151

Advising the Small Business General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 142

Courting Disaster: Tools to Help You Create a Disaster Plan Now Special Committee on Disaster Response and Preparedness 104

Criminal Tax Fraud: Hot Buttons and Hot Topics Criminal Justice Section 132

Elder Law, Estate Planning & Probate- New Ideas to Expand & Excel Your Practice General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 142

The Future of Gun Control in the United States After the Heller and McDonald Cases, with a Canadian Perspective Standing Committee on Gun Violence 82 on Gun Control Issues

Health Care Reform: Looking Back at Where Things Stand Now Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 177

The Impact of Budget Reductions on State and Local Drug Control and Criminal Justice Programs—Time for a New Paradigm? Standing Committee on Substance Abuse 87

May It Please the Court (Or Not) Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 190

New Restrictions on U.S. Internet Sales: Data Passes, Negative Options, Automatic Renewals and Recurring Charges Section of Science & Technology Law 180

Nuclear Regulation in North America After Fukushima Daiichi Section of Public Utility, Communications and Transportation Law 175

On The Docket: The 2010-2011 Supreme Court Term Standing Committee on Public Education 86

Psychology in the Courtroom: Hot Topics for the Tort and Insurance Law Practitioner Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 190

The UN Human Rights Council: What Does Its First Five Years Say about Its Future? Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 146

United States and Canadian Environmental Issues: Cross Border Litigation and Regulatory Priorities Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 190

Waterfront Re-Development Program and Walking Tour Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 177


After the Closing Dinner: Managing Post-Closing Issues in Secured Transactions Business Law Section 122

Dodd-Frank's Regulatory Triangle: Love or Bermuda? Business Law Section 122

Enforcement of Data Breach Notification Laws and Other Laws Safeguarding Personal Information: Legal Business Law Section 123 Perspectives From Both Sides of the Counsel Table

Multi-Level (International, National, Regional & Local) Non-Profit Organizations: How to Structure Them Plus Unexpected Issues Business Law Section 123

* A complete description of each program and pricing can be found on the page indicated after the sponsor. title primary sponsor page SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 3:45 P.M.

Business Method Patenting in a Post-Bilski World Section of Intellectual Property Law 151

Practicing in Privacy - Can the Law Keep Up with Technology and Can Self-Regulation Help? Section of Antitrust Law 111

What is Legally Defensible Data Security? Section of Science & Technology Law 181

Wikileaks, National Security and Free Speech Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 146


Arbitration Case Law Update Section of Dispute Resolution 137

Bio Terrorism, Bio Ethics and Intellectual Property on Trial Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 192

From Oil Spills to Nuclear Waste: Why Cross-Border Environmental Justice Matters Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 147


Pressing Issues Confronting In-House and Agency Government Contracts Counsel and Responding to Cybersecurity Section of Public Contract Law 173 Challenges

SUNDAY, AUGUST 7, 10:00 A.M.

Dancing with the Dragon: Intellectual Property and Licensing Strategies for North American Companies Doing Business Law Section 125 Business with China

SUNDAY, AUGUST 7, 10:30 A.M.

ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: The Globalization of Anti-Corruption Law Criminal Justice Section 133

ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Investigating and Forgetting on the Web Section of Labor and Employment Law 160

Change of Control Transactions Involving Dual-Class Share Structures Business Law Section 125

Emerging Payment Systems: Latest Developments in Deposit and Payment Systems and their Cross-Border Implications Business Law Section 125

Everything Old is New Again: Covered Bonds Come (Back) to the U.S. Business Law Section 125

Toronto Stock Exchange Listings: What U.S. Practitioners Need to Know Business Law Section 126

SUNDAY, AUGUST 7, 11:00 A.M.

The Role of Auditors in the Post-Financial Crisis World Business Law Section 126

* A complete description of each program and pricing can be found on the page indicated after the sponsor. 71

Complete CLE Listing 72

title primary sponsor page SUNDAY, AUGUST 7, 2:00 P.M.

Current Crisis in Court Funding: Efficiency, Effectiveness, Accountability, and Education Office of the President 200

ERISA Litigation - Effect on Plan Design Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 177

Government Contracting Opportunities Abroad - Rewards Await for Those Who Are Diligent Section of Public Contract Law 173

Reconciling the First Amendment and Antidiscrimination Policies: The Implications of Christian Legal Society v. Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 147 Martinez


Current Legal Opinion Topics From Both Sides of the Border Business Law Section 127

The Future of US Housing Finance Reform: What Comes After Fannie and Freddie? Business Law Section 127

Gotcha: A Survey of Cross-Border Traps for the Unwary Business Law Section 127


Over There, Over There - Construction Contracting with the Federal Government Overseas Section of Public Contract Law 174


ACC Value Challenge: What's Working and What's Not Business Law Section 128


Compliance for Contractors - Enhanced Exposures that Require Redoubled Efforts Section of Public Contract Law 174

MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 10:30 A.M.

Bridging Borders: Trends in Canadian-U.S. Business Financings Business Law Section 129

Institutional Investors and Hedge Funds: A Maturing Relationship Business Law Section 129


Investors Have Their Say on Pay: Lessons Learned from the 2011 Proxy Season Business Law Section 129

* A complete description of each program and pricing can be found on the page indicated after the sponsor. HOUSE OF DELEGATES

The House of Delegates is the policy-making body of All ABA lawyer members who have registered at the the Association to which officers, sections, committees Annual Meeting are entitled to vote for Delegates- and employees are responsible. The House of at-Large. Voting will commence on Thursday, Delegates represents not only various groups within the August 4, and continue until 5:00 p.m. on Monday, Association, but also the legal profession as a whole. Its August 8, in the registration area in the Exhibit Hall membership of 566 is comprised of delegates elected E, 800 Level, South Building, of the Metro Toronto by Association members in each state, delegates Convention Centre. The polls will be open during the from every state bar association, the larger local bar following hours: associations, the sections and divisions, other national organizations of the legal profession, and delegates Thursday, August 4 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. elected by the members of the Association registered Friday, August 5 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Annual Meeting. The U.S. Attorney General Saturday, August 6 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and the director of the Administrative Office of the Sunday, August 7 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. U.S. Courts are members of the House by virtue of Monday, August 8 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. their offices. The House elects Association officers and members of the Board of Governors and formulates the policy of the Association. Votes will be tallied electronically, and the six candidates with the highest number of votes (taking The House of Delegates will meet on Monday, into account that no more than one may be elected August 8, beginning at 8:30 a.m. and recessing at from the same state, territory or possession) will be approximately 5:00 p.m. On Tuesday, August 9, the declared elected. In the event of a tie, the Secretary meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m., and adjourn when will determine the winner by lot. the House has concluded its agenda. The meeting will be held in the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Linda It is important that members who have not registered A. Klein, Chair of the House of Delegates, will preside. in advance do so promptly upon arrival; otherwise, their names will not be included in the supplemental The House Committee on Rules and Calendar, chaired registration list. Members of the House of Delegates by Palmer Gene Vance, will hold open hearings on will be able to sign the House Roster at the Delegate-at- Saturday, August 6, and Sunday, August 7, from Large Voting Booth located in the registration area. The 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Territories Room Main House Roster will be available at this location during Mezzanine Level, Fairmont Royal York. the hours of registration, until 8:30 a.m. on Monday, when it will be moved to the floor of the House of The House Nominating Committee will meet on Delegates in the Exhibit Hall F/G, 800 Level, South Sunday, August 7, at 9:00 a.m. in the Concert Building, of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Hall, Convention Floor at the Fairmont Royal York. Immediately following the Business Session, the Nominating Committee will sponsor the Meet the Candidates Forum at approximately 9:30 a.m. in the same room.

Six Delegates-at-Large are elected at each Annual Meeting to serve a three-year term in the House of Delegates. Any member of the Association is eligible to be a Delegate-at-Large, although of the six elected each year, no two may be accredited to the same state, territory or possession. Nominations for Delegates-at-Large are made by written petition.

73 HOUSE of Delegates

American Bar Georgia 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Steering Committee of the Association Delegation Nominating Committee Tudor 7, Main Mezzanine, Allan Tanenbaum, Chair, Atlanta, Fairmont Royal York Georgia MONDAY, AUGUST 8 SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. MONDAY, AUGUST 8 House of Delegates Meeting 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Exhibit Hall F/G, 800 Level, MTCC, Issues of Concern to the South Building Caucus Suite of Linda Klein, Fairmont Profession British Columbia, Main Mezzanine, Royal York TUESDAY, AUGUST 9 Fairmont Royal York 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. House of Conference of State Delegates House of Delegates Meeting Ontario, Convention Floor, Exhibit Hall F/G, 800 Level, MTCC, Delegates Fairmont Royal York South Building Linda A. Klein, Chair, Atlanta, Georgia 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Select Committee California SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 British Columbia, Main Mezzanine, Delegation Fairmont Royal York 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. John L. McDonnell, Jr., Chair, Oakland, Standing Committee on California Constitution and Bylaws House of Nova Scotia, Main Mezzanine, Delegates Fairmont Royal York SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 Nominating 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Committee 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Credentials and Admissions Caucus Prince Edward Island, Main Linda A. Klein, Chair, Atlanta, Georgia Alberta, Main Mezzanine, Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York Fairmont Royal York 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 Meeting of California delegates to the Drafting House of Delegates to consider resolutions Tudor 8, Main Mezzanine, and related matters. 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Fairmont Royal York Nominating Committee 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Orientation Connecticut Bar Resolution and Impact Review Quebec, Main Mezzanine, Committee Fairmont Royal York Association Confederation 3, Main Mezzanine, Ralph J. Monaco, President, New London, Fairmont Royal York SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 Connecticut 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Delegate Involvement 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. York, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Nominating Committee MONDAY, AUGUST 8 Royal York Business Meeting and Meet the 7:15 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Candidates Forum Breakfast Committee on Technology and Concert Hall, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York Tudor 8, Main Mezzanine, Communications Fairmont Royal York Confederation 3, Main Mezzanine, Primary Sponsor: New England Bar Fairmont Royal York Association

74 House of Delegates 75

, AUGUST 6 , AUGUST 8 , AUGUST 8 Meetings MONDAY MONDAY SATURDAY Association Primary Sponsor: New England Bar tate State Maryland Bar Association President, Timonium, Henry E. Dugan, Jr., Maryland 7:30 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. Mid-Atlantic Bar Conference Breakfast Salon A, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Delegation Breakfast Room 706, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building tate Bar Maine State Association President, Geraldine G. Sanchez, Portland, Maine 7:15 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Breakfast 8, Main Mezzanine, Tudor Fairmont Royal York , AUGUST 6 , AUGUST 8 , AUGUST 8 DELEGATION MONDAY MONDAY SATURDAY Michael A. Patterson, President, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Delegation Breakfast Room 707, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Delegation Meeting Concert Convention Floor, Hall, Fairmont Royal York Meeting of the Kentucky Bar Association Officers and Delegates of the ABA House of Delegates. Louisiana State Bar Association 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Delegates Caucus Breakfast Room 704, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Kentucky Bar Association Bruce K. Davis, President, Lexington, Kentucky tate Bar tate Indiana S Association Haute, Jeffry Terre A. Lind, President, Indiana , AUGUST 6 , AUGUST 8 , AUGUST 8 , AUGUST 9 , AUGUST 7 SUNDAY TUESDAY MONDAY MONDAY SATURDAY Quebec, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Delegation Caucus Breakfast John G. Locallo, President, Chicago, Illinois tate Bar Illinois State Association Room 802A, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Luncheon Room 802A, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Luncheon Territories, Main Mezzanine, Territories, Fairmont Royal York 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Open Hearing Territories, Main Mezzanine, Territories, Fairmont Royal York 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Open Hearing Palmer Gene Vance II, Chair, Lexington, II, Chair, Palmer Gene Vance Kentucky House of Rules Delegates and Calendar Committee Delegation Meetings (continued)

Massachusetts New Hampshire Ohio State Bar Bar Association Bar Association Association

Denise Squillante, President, Fall River, Marilyn B. McNamara, President, Carol Seubert Marx, President, Lancaster, Massachusetts Concord, New Hampshire Ohio


7:15 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. 7:15 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Breakfast Breakfast Delegation Caucus Breakfast Tudor 8, Main Mezzanine, Tudor 8, Main Mezzanine, Nova Scotia, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York Fairmont Royal York Fairmont Royal York Primary Sponsor: New England Bar Primary Sponsor: New England Bar Association Association Oregon State Bar of New Jersey State Delegation Michigan Bar Association Mark Johnson Roberts, Chair, Portland, Oregon W. Anthony Jenkins, President, Detroit, Susan A. Feeney, President, Newark, Michigan New Jersey MONDAY, AUGUST 8

MONDAY, AUGUST 8 MONDAY, AUGUST 8 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Western “Small States” Caucus 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Territories, Main Mezzanine, Delegation Breakfast Delegates Breakfast Fairmont Royal York Room 710, 700 Level, MTCC, South Room 712, 700 Level, MTCC, South House Delegation Caucus for the states Building Building of Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Montana, Nebraska, New England Bar New York State Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Association Delegation Washington and Wyoming.

Denise Squillante, President, New Haven, Mark Alcott, Chair, New York, New York Connecticut Pennsylvania Bar Association MONDAY, AUGUST 8 MONDAY, AUGUST 8 Matthew J. Creme, Jr., President, 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 7:15 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Delegation Breakfast Meeting Breakfast Alberta, Main Mezzanine, Tudor 8, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York MONDAY, AUGUST 8 Fairmont Royal York Additional Sponsors: Connecticut 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Bar Association, Massachusetts Delegation Breakfast Caucus Bar Association, Maine State Bar Room 705, 700 Level, MTCC, South Association, New Hampshire Bar Building Association, Rhode Island Bar Association, Vermont Bar Association

76 House of Delegates 77

, AUGUST 8 , AUGUST 8 MONDAY MONDAY Association Primary Sponsor: New England Bar tate Bar Virginia State Shanks, President, Luray, George Warren Virginia 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. House of Delegates Breakfast Room 703, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Vermont Bar Vermont Association President, Eileen Morris Blackwood, Hinesburg, Vermont 7:15 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Breakfast 8, Main Mezzanine, Tudor Fairmont Royal York , AUGUST 8 , AUGUST 8 , AUGUST 7 SUNDAY MONDAY MONDAY 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Delegates Breakfast Meeting Fairmont Salon 1, 19th Floor, Royal York 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Caucus British Columbia, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York The Missouri Bar John S. Johnson, President, Jefferson City, Missouri 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Delegation Breakfast Tennessee Fairmont Main Mezzanine, York, Royal York The Florida Bar Palm Scott G. Hawkins, President, West Beach, Florida ennessee Bar Tennessee Association Horn, President, Memphis, Danny Van Tennessee , AUGUST 8 , AUGUST 8 , AUGUST 7 SUNDAY MONDAY MONDAY Association Primary Sponsor: New England Bar New Brunswick, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Delegation Meeting James M. Brennan, President, Milwaukee, James M. Brennan, President, Milwaukee, Wisconsin tate Bar of State Wisconsin Library, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Library, Royal York 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Delegate Meeting and Breakfast Bob Black, President, Beaumont, Texas tate Bar of Texas State Breakfast 8, Main Mezzanine, Tudor Fairmont Royal York 7:15 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Lise M. Iwon, President, Wakefield, Wakefield, Lise M. Iwon, President, Rhode Island sland Bar Rhode Island Bar Association View of Niagara falls. Photo Credit: Tom Moeres,


Association Committees, consisting of Association Special Committees and Commissions may be created by members appointed by the President, are either Standing HOD resolution. Special Committees and Commissions Committees or Special Committees, depending on the investigate and study specific issues of immediate or probable duration of the committee’s work. Standing nonrecurring concern to the purpose or business of the Committees, which normally consist of seven members, Association. Special Committees normally consist of five to are created to investigate and study issues of continuing nine members and are appointed on a year-to-year basis. or recurring importance to the purpose or business of the They address areas of activity such as criminal justice Association. The Association presently has 37 Standing improvements, immigration law and medical professional Committees, including Continuing Education of the Bar, liability. The number of members of a Commission shall Ethics and Professional Responsibility, Federal Judiciary, be designated by the resolution creating it. Examples Legal Aid and Indigent Defendants, and Professional include the Commission on Responsibility in Client Discipline. Development, on Legal Problems of the Elderly, and on Lawyer Assistance Programs.

CLE program pricing is indicated under the primary sponsor.

79 STANDING Committees

Standing Standing Standing Committee on Committee on Committee on Armed Forces Law Client Protection Constitution and

Linda Strite Murnane, Chair, The Hague, Daniel J. Crothers, Chair, Bismarck, North Bylaws The Netherlands Dakota Brian Melendez, Chair, Minneapolis, Minnesota FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MCCollaborative Justice MECPractice Information You 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Makes Cent$: Cost-Effective Can Bank On: Update on Trust Committee Meeting Interdisciplinary Courts in Account Regulation New Brunswick, Main Mezzanine, Canada and the U.S. Room 717A, 700 Level, MTCC, Fairmont Royal York Room 809, 800 Level, MTCC, South South Building Building Every lawyer who is entrusted with client Primary Sponsor: Commission on funds is presumed to know the ethical Standing Homelessness and Poverty rules governing trust fund management. Trust account violations are often the result Committee on of a lack of knowledge and training. Continuing SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 To help lawyers be better lawyers, the program will update lawyers on the Education 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. changes contained in the new ABA David G. Hilgers, Chair, Austin, Texas SCAFL Business Meeting Model Rules on Client Trust Account Stuart, 3rd Floor, Four Seasons Records. Changes in banking laws and Hotel Toronto banking practices require that lawyers FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 re-think the way they maintain client trust accounts. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Standing Speakers: Chief Regulation Counsel John Committee Meeting Committee on Bar Gleason, Denver, Colorado New Brunswick, Main Mezzanine, Senior Manager of Education, Fairmont Royal York Activities and Association Services Angela Smith, Services Windsor Mill, Maryland Additional Sponsors: Center for Standing William R. Bay, Chair, St. Louis, Missouri Professional Responsibility > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Committee on Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Continuing Legal SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Education 12:00 Noon to 3:00 p.m. Business Meeting David W. Hilgers, Austin, Texas Salon A, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York FRIDAY, AUGUST 5

2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MCImproving Your Public Speaking Skills Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Primary Sponsor: Center for Continuing Legal Education

80 Committees 81 (continued)

, AUGUST 4 , AUGUST 6 , AUGUST 5 Committees FRIDAY SATURDAY THURSDAY aw Property, Trust and Estate Law Trust Property, Primary Sponsor: Public Services Division Primary Sponsor: Section of Real Primary Sponsor: Law Student Division 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Studio B, Conference Level, Hyatt Regency Toronto Annual forum for interested ABA entities to discuss plans and share information about their current and upcoming environmental law programs and activities; to discuss new challenges in the field; and to identify cutting-edge issues that cut across ABA entities and potential joint efforts to address such issues. Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in Environmental MCHot Topics Law Room 715B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Public Interest Careers for Lawyers: From Advocacy to Representation, to Policy Development and Beyond Sheraton Hall E, Lower Concourse, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Environmental Law Coordinating Forum tanding Standing on Committee Environmental L Washington, Chair, Edith Brown Weiss, D.C. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MCLawyering in the Digital Age: and Social Using Technology Media to Assist Underserved Populations Standing , AUGUST 6 SATURDAY Public Education D.C. Ontario, Canada Ontario, Bonita Pietrangelo, Toronto, Canada Ontario, Canada Toronto, Ulli Watkiss, Public Sector Lawyers Division, Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice, Section of International Law, Section of State and Local Government Public Services Division, Division Law, for Public Education Primary on Sponsor: Standing Committee Moderator: Estelle Rogers, Washington, Moderator: Estelle Rogers, Washington, Ottawa, Panelists: Jean-Pierre Kingsley, Additional Sponsors: Government and > This is a complimentary CLE program 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MCOn The Docket: The 2010- 2011 Supreme Court Term Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Please join our panel of internationalPlease join our panel experts as they engage in a comparative and U.S. discussion of the Canadian - to put it systems of voter registration a national registry database in succinctly, registration Canada versus self-initiated will also touch in the United States. We of voter ID: Is upon the related issue it necessary What is its or advisable? of documents purpose - and what kinds would serve purpose? Do ID that particularrequirements disenfranchise look segments of the population? We forward to a lively discussion, as well as audience participation. , AUGUST 4 , AUGUST 5 FRIDAY THURSDAY Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice Primary Sponsor: Law Student Division Primary Sponsor: Section of Primary Sponsor: Public Services Division Room 705, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building The right to vote is the linchpin of a An efficient and successful democracy. reliable voter registration system is the foundation upon which the electoral process rests. The goal is to register everyone who is eligible - and to prevent the registration of anyone who is not. 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. MCGetting on the Rolls: A Comparative Look at Voter Registration Models in Canada and the United States Sheraton Hall E, Lower Concourse, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto Public Interest Careers for Lawyers: From Advocacy to Representation, to Policy Development and Beyond 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Room 801A, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MCThe Regulation of the Political Activities of Lobbyists Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 MCLawyering in the Digital Age: and Social Using Technology Media to Assist Underserved Populations Benjamin E. Griffith, Chair, Cleveland, Chair, Benjamin E. Griffith, Mississippi tanding Standing on Committee aw Election L SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 Standing Standing 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Committee on Committee on MCFrom Oil Spills to Nuclear Federal Judicial Governmental Waste: Why Cross-Border Improvements Affairs Environmental Justice Matters Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, Honorable Norma L. Shapiro, Chair, Mark H. Tuohey III, Chair, Washington, South Building Philadelphia, Pennsylvania D.C. Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Awards Ceremony and Reception 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Governor General Suite, 2nd Floor, MCABA CLE CENTRE Standing Committee on Hilton Toronto SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Governmental Affairs and ABA Primary Sponsor: Section of Environment, “Implicit Bias” and the Day in Washington Planning Energy, and Resources Myth of Equal Justice Committee Business Meeting Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Confederation 5, Main Mezzanine, South Building Fairmont Royal York Standing Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Committee on 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Ethics and MCABA CLE CENTRE Standing Professional SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Committee on Gun Responsibility 9/11—A Decade Later, Violence and A World Apart Robert H. Mundheim, Chair, New York, Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Robert Biddlecombe Collings, Chair, New York South Building Boston, Massachusetts Primary Sponsor: Section of International Law FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 3:15 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. MCSI Toronto: The Role of the 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Committee Meeting Court in an Age of Developing Business Meeting Austen Room, 3rd Floor, Delta Science & Technology Halton, Main Level, Chelsea Toronto Ballroom II, Convention InterContinental Toronto Centre Additional Sponsors: Center for Floor, Hilton Toronto Primary Sponsor: Judicial Division Professional Responsibility SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MCThe Future of Gun Control in 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. the United States After the Heller Committee Meeting Joint Breakfast of the SC on and McDonald Cases, with a Austen Room, 3rd Floor, Delta Federal Judicial Improvements, Canadian Perspective on Gun Chelsea Federal Trial Judges and Lawyers Control Issues Additional Sponsors: Center for Conference Room 713A, 700 Level, MTCC, Professional Responsibility Governor General Suite, 2nd Floor, South Building Hilton Toronto 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Supreme Court’s decisions in District Additional Sponsors: Judicial Division Judges Advisory Committee of Colombia v. Heller and McDonald v. Newton, 3rd Floor, Delta Chelsea 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. City of Chicago, Illinois, have created new uncertainty about the extent to which Additional Sponsors: Center for Meeting possession of guns can be regulated by Professional Responsibility Harris, Convention Floor, Hilton both the federal and state governments in Toronto the United States. While the Court held

82 Committees 83 (continued) , AUGUST 6 Committees SATURDAY Washington, D.C. Washington, Cathcart,Canada Ottawa, Estonia Tallinn, Eneken Tikk, and Public Sector Lawyers Division, Law Student Division, Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice, Section of International Law Moderator: Professor Harvey Rishikof, Blaise Panelists: Brigadier-General Additional Sponsors: Government > This is a complimentary CLE program 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. the MCForeign Espionage Targets Private Sector: The Cybersecurity Threat from Nation States Room 707, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building The interactive panel discussion will focus on the cybersecurity threat to the private sector originating from foreign governments, distinct from organized crime or other hackers. GhostNet, discovered in 2009, has infiltrated computer systems and has stolen documents from hundreds of private offices around the world. Google’s announcement of infiltration in 2010, was called a “watershed moment in the cyber believed Researchers in Toronto war.” the GhostNet system was controlled by computers based exclusively in China. GhostNet has not Since its discovery, but other only attacked the private sector, government networks, including Canadian official financial departments in early 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 MCSecurity versus Liberty - to Comparative Approaches National Security MTCC, South Room 707, 700 Level, Building how different The panel will explore addressing or have democratic states are security and libertyresolved the tension of security contexts in a variety of national detaining - e.g. domestic intelligence; suspects, interrogation issues - both under The national law and international law. panel will also explore the comparative emergency authorities in the emerging cyber law arena. Legal experts from the United States, Canada and Estonia will debate and explore the issues. Standing , AUGUST 6 , AUGUST 5 FRIDAY SATURDAY Law Primary Sponsor: Section of International Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building tanding Standing Committee on Law and National Security D.C. Washington, Harvey Rishikof, Chair, 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE 9/11—A Decade Later, Apart A World and Justice is the Business of Government Hilton Convention Floor, Varley, Toronto 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Meeting Hilton Jackson, Convention Floor, Toronto judicial independence and the rule of judicial independence countries. This law in their respective a series on judicial program is the first in presented by the independence issues on Judicial ABA Standing Committee presentation Independence. This inaugural the judiciarywill help members of and respond anticipate challenges Moderator: Honorable effectively. U.S. U.S. District Judge, Jr., Harold Baer, District Court, Southern District of New Panelists: Honorable Shirley S. York. Abrahamson, Chief Justice, Wisconsin Supreme Court; Lance S. G. Honorable Finch, Chief Justice, British Columbia Courts Honorable of Appeal; and Yukon Robert Chief Judge, B. Hyslop, Associate Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Courts; Barbara R. Mundell, Honorable Presiding Judge (Ret.), Maricopa County, Arizona, Superior Court. This is a complimentary CLE. 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. , AUGUST 5 FRIDAY Collings, Boston, Massachusetts Toronto, Ontario, Canada Toronto, D.C. Alan Gura, Washington, D.C. Dennis A. Hennigan, Washington, Moderator: Magistrate Judge Robert B. Speakers: Professor Wendy Cukier, Cukier, Speakers: Professor Wendy > This is a complimentary CLE program Tom Thomson, Convention Floor, Thomson, Convention Floor, Tom Hilton Toronto In these volatile times, threats to judicial independence seem to be intensifying. Come hear prominent U.S. and Canadian justices and judges discuss political, corporate, and other challenges to MCFirst Annual SCJI Forum on Judicial Independence: Challenges to Judicial and Independence - Today Tomorrow 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Meeting Hilton Jackson, Convention Floor, Toronto 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. William K. Weisenberg, Chair, Columbus, Chair, K. Weisenberg, William Ohio tanding Standing Committee on Judicial Independence that the Second Amendment protects a that the Second Amendment right to possess a firearm for person’s home, the limits self-defense within the What is the of the right remain unclear. can be prohibited range of persons who What other from possessing handguns? and governmentplaces beyond schools of handguns buildings can possession will discuss be prohibited? The panel federal and state the extent to which the governments can, with constitutional limits, place restrictions on firearm possession in the United States, as well as provide the Canadian experience concerning the efforts to control gun violence, the measures Canadian and provincial governments have enacted, and the extent to which they have been successful in controlling gun violence. 2011, forcing them off-line. Panelists from SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 the private sector, the legal arena and the Standing government both in the United States and Committee 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Canada will discuss the nature of cyber on Legal Aid MCInternational Perspectives on threats, how it differs from other cyber Older Persons with Disabilities: attacks, and the respective roles of the and Indigent government, the private sector and the Civil and Criminal Law Practice Defendants Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, lawyer in addressing it. South Building Moderator: Suzanne Spaulding, Robert E. Stein, Chair, Washington, D.C. Primary Sponsor: Commission on Mental Washington, D.C. and Physical Disability Law Panelists: Stewart Baker, Washington, D.C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Professor Harvey Rishikof, Washington, SCLAID Business Meeting 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon D.C. Rossetti Room, 3rd Floor, Delta Additional Sponsors: Government MCABA CLE CENTRE Chelsea and Public Sector Lawyers Division, SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Law Student Division, Section of The Battle over Administrative Law and Regulatory Birthright Citizenship: Standing Practice, Section of International Law History, International > This is a complimentary CLE program Perspectives, and the Committee 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Path Ahead on Medical Careers in National Security Law Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, Professional Conference Room G, Mezzanine, South Building Liability Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Primary Sponsor: Commission on Immigration Primary Sponsor: Law Student Division Lish Whitson, Chair, Seattle, Washington

SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MC MCBio Terrorism, Bio Ethics and Access Across America: MCHealth Care Reform: A Intellectual Property on Trial First Report of the Civil Justice Comparative Look at Access and Room 714B, 700 Level, MTCC, Infrastructure Mapping Project Quality Issues Room 801B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building Room 801A, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building Primary Sponsor: Tort Trial and Insurance South Building Primary Sponsor: American Bar Practice Section Primary Sponsor: Section of Foundation 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Administrative Law and Regulatory MCABA CLE CENTRE 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Practice SHOWCASE PROGRAM: MCABA CLE CENTRE 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon The Globalization of SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Business Meeting Anti-Corruption Law “Implicit Bias” and the Halton, Main Level, Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Myth of Equal Justice InterContinental Toronto Centre South Building Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Primary Sponsor: Criminal Justice Section South Building Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation

84 Committees 85 (continued) , AUGUST 6 , AUGUST 8 Committees vice MONDAY SATURDAY Professional Responsibility Additional Sponsors: Center for 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Committee Meeting Delta Chelsea 3rd Floor, Whistler, Pro Bono Publico Awards Pro Bono Publico Awards Luncheon Room 801A/B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building Luncheon, The Pro Bono Publico Awards sponsored by the ABA Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service, honors individual lawyers, small and large law firms, law schools, government attorney offices, corporate law departments other institutions in and the legal profession that have enhanced the human dignity of others by improving or delivering volunteer legal services to poor and disadvantaged. our nation’s Speaker: David Jacobson, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Price: $65 > Ticket Standing Committee on Professionalism Raleigh, Chair, Jr., Wright Melvin F. North Carolina tanding Standing on Pro Committee Public Bono and Ser Philadelphia, A. Michael Pratt, Chair, Pennsylvania 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Standing , AUGUST 6 , AUGUST 7 vel SUNDAY SATURDAY Patricia Lee Refo, Chair, Phoenix, Arizona Phoenix, Patricia Lee Refo, Chair, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Committee Meeting Imperial Room, Main Floor, Fairmont Royal York 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Open Forum Convention Floor, Toronto, Fairmont Royal York Joseph J. Roszkowski, Chair, Woonsocket, Woonsocket, Chair, Joseph J. Roszkowski, Rhode Island 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Committee Meeting Fairmont Salon 2, 19th Floor, Royal York Standing Committee on Membership tanding Standing on Committee Meetings and Tra Canada Canada Barbara McFarlane, Toronto, London, ON, Carolyn Brandow, Canada Canada Toronto, Marc Spector, on Bioethics and the Law Washington Speakers: Dominic Crolla, Ottawa, ON, Additional Sponsors: Special Committee Moderator: Lish Whitson, Seattle, > This is a complimentary CLE program 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 Room 801B, 800 Level, MTCC, Room 801B, 800 South Building Health care reform has reinvigorated patient discussion of patient safety, rights, and health care costs. Related questions arise on how systemic changes in the delivery and payment of health care might affect medical professional As the United States transitions to liability. new health care models, a comparative look at how the Canadian health care system addresses these issues is very The panel will address a range of timely. Canadian practices, including its single- payer model, how pharmaceutical and medical devices are handled, how patient safety and rights are advanced, medical professional liability insurance and tort law practices, and the associated costs of pursuing and defending malpractice claims. The panel will discuss the intersection of these issues, how they relate to US laws and practices, and how the legal profession and legal system can ensure patient safety and rights are promoted and advanced as health care systems undertakechange. MCHealthcare Reform and Law: How Medical Malpractice Patient Rights, Canada Balances and System Physician Interests, Costs Panelists: Richard Friedman, Ann Arbor, Standing Michigan Standing Committee on Linda Greenhouse, New Haven, Committee on Public Education Connecticut Substance Abuse Sherrilyn Ifill, Baltimore, Maryland Eduardo Roberto Rodriguez, Chair, Juliet M. Moringiello, Harrisburg, Louis J. Presenza, Chair, Philadelphia, Brownsville, Texas Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Additional Sponsors: General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division, Senior FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 Lawyers Division, Young Lawyers THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 Division, Section of Administrative Law 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon and Regulatory Practice, Section of 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MCABA CLE CENTRE Antitrust Law, Business Law Section, MCLawyering in the Digital Age: SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Section of Environment, Energy, and Using Technology and Social 9/11—A Decade Later, Resources, Section of Family Law, Media to Assist Underserved and A World Apart Standing Committee on Election Law, Populations Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Commission on Mental and Physical Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building Disability Law, ABA Journal, Division for South Building Primary Sponsor: Section of International Public Education Primary Sponsor: Public Services Division Law > This is a complimentary CLE program FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. MCJuvenile and Family Drug MCInternational Perspectives on Committee Meeting Courts: A Non-Traditional Model Older Persons with Disabilities: Grenadier, Main Level, InterContinental Toronto Centre of Providing Access to Services Civil and Criminal Law Practice Room 706, 700 Level, MTCC, South Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, Building South Building Please join a panel of experts as they Primary Sponsor: Commission on Mental Standing engage in a discussion about the history and Physical Disability Law Committee on and practice of juvenile and family drug courts and their important role of early 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Publishing intervention and close supervision in A Conversation on Civic Oversight aiding substance abusing youth and their Education in the Nation’s Schools families with a nontraditional support Ballroom B, Lower Level, Timothy L. Bertschy, Chair, Peoria, Illinois network. We hope that the audience InterContinental Toronto Centre will bring its collective experience and Primary Sponsor: Commission on Civic knowledge to the table, as well, so that Education in the Nation’s Schools SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 we may have an interactive and thought- provoking dialogue on this important 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon issue. MCOn The Docket: The 2010- Committee Meeting 2011 Supreme Court Term Moderator: Honorable Louis Presenza, Confederation 3, Main Mezzanine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, Fairmont Royal York South Building Panelists: Renato Izquieta, Santa Ana, Join the Division for Public Education at California its 14th Annual “On the Docket” Supreme Steve Rosenberg, Oakland, California Court Program. This panel will review the Additional Sponsors: Commission on 2010-2011 Supreme Court term and look Homelessness and Poverty, Public ahead to the 2011-2012 term. Services Division Moderator: Gordon Silverstein, Berkeley, > This is a complimentary CLE program California

86 Committees 87 (continued) , AUGUST 5 Committees FRIDAY Hartford, Connecticut Louis, Missouri Jordan Furlong, Ottawa, Canada O’Fallon, Missouri Dennis Kennedy, Section, Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources, Section of Science & Center for Professional Law, Technology Responsibility Moderator: Attorney Daniel Schwartz, St. Panelists: Attorney Michael Downey, Additional Sponsors: Business Law > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 2011 SCOTIS Annual Meeting B, Convention Regency Ballroom Level, Hyatt Regency Toronto 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MiAttorney: MECeAttorney, Has How Technology Changed Communication and Clients Collaboration With Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Whether by iPad, Facebook or JDSupra, advancing technology is rapidly affecting the attorney/client relationship. What will the future hold? Come hear perspectives from corporate counsel, a legal futurist, and an ethics expert as they discuss key trends in the new ways lawyers communicate and collaborate with panel will The clients - and each other. focus in particularon emerging ethical requirements, and provide practical suggestions for strategies to meet the challenge and promise of evolving communication media. tanding Standing on Committee and Technology Information Systems Bloomfield Hills, Chair, Polley, Vincent Michigan Standing Detroit, Michigan John Carnevale, Gaithersburg, Dr. Maryland New York New York, Susan Foster, Jefferson Price, Jr., Honorable William Missouri City, Lawyer Assistance Programs, Public Services Division Panelists: Honorable Dennis Archer, Panelists: Honorable Dennis Archer, Additional Sponsors: Commission on > This is a complimentary CLE program 25 years of strong Federal support25 years of strong Federal control effortsfor state and local drug as part of the National Drug Control Federal In the face of declining Strategy. support for state and local drug control efforts, should state and local authorities experimentation engage in greater policy drug control with locally-fashioned laboratories programs—becoming of social experimentation, as Justice Brandies observed in his dissent in New Liebman? Some of these State Ice Co. v. experiments may conflict with Federal law which may also be examined. and policy, Amendment and Section Do the Tenth 903 of the Controlled Substances Act provide the states with a “safe harbor” to experiment in drug policy in the absence of a direct conflict with Federal law? If so, how big is that harbor? Does the absence of Federal supportgive more flexibility to states? Please join our national panel of expertsaddress the impact of as they declining Federal support on topics such as state and local criminal justice; drug treatment and drug prevention systems; courts and drug courts; and legal aid and public defender services. , AUGUST 6 SATURDAY Homelessness and Poverty Primary Sponsor: Commission on Primary Sponsor: Law Student Division Primary Section of Litigation Sponsor: Room 810, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building The program will examine the future of state and local judicial administration, in and drug control efforts in particular, the face of a long-term decline in Federal, State and local budgets, and examine the potential important role of the ABA and other national organizations in response. A reduction in public expenditures for drug control is a paradigm shift after MCThe Impact of Budget Reductions on State and Local Drug Control and Criminal Justice for a New Programs—Time Paradigm? 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Business Meeting E, Convention Regency Ballroom Level, Hyatt Regency Toronto 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Room 809, 800 Level, MTCC, South Room 809, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MCCollaborative Justice Makes Cent$: Cost-Effective Interdisciplinary Courts in Canada and the U.S. Sheraton Hall E, Lower Concourse, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Public Interest Careers for Lawyers: From Advocacy to Representation, to Policy Development and Beyond Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 701A, 700 South Building 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE and the “Implicit Bias” Justice of Equal Myth Standing Committees (continued)

Standing 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Opening remarks will place this subject Dinner in the context of collective bargaining Committee on the Wellington Ballroom, 4th Floor, generally and address the question Delivery of Legal Ritz-Carlton Toronto of why, on a per capita basis, nearly Reception with Dinner to follow twice as many workers are organized Services in Canada as in the United States. The presentation will also illustrate how Richard T. Cassidy, Chair, Burlington, SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 Law Library of Congress resources and Vermont services can support a wide range of 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon research needs of ABA members. Special SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 Committee Meeting emphasis will be placed on the major Salon 1, 19th Floor, Fairmont differences that exist at the federal levels 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Royal York of government, but relevant state and MCProtecting Heirs Property: provincial laws will also be identified. Uniform Laws and Social Justice Issues to be discussed will include right to work laws, bargaining unit employees, Room 809, 800 Level, MTCC, South Standing grievances and remedies, military Building Committee on the personnel, excluded parties, management- Primary Sponsor: Section of State and labor contracts, and certification. Reforms, Local Government Law Law Library of Congress both enacted and proposed, will be contrasted. This presentation will provide Standing M Elizabeth Medaglia, Chair, Arlington, an exemplar of how the collections of the Virginia laws of over 240 non-U.S. jurisdictions Committee on the and staff expertise at the Law Library of Federal Judiciary Congress might be used by members of THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 the practicing bar to address research Benjamin H. Hill III, Chair, Tampa, Florida questions of foreign, international and 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. comparative law. It will touch upon the MCLawyering in the Digital Age: Library’s Thomas database which covers THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 Using Technology and Social U.S. legislative information. Media to Assist Underserved Panelists: Matthew Braun, Washington, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Populations D.C. Training Session for New Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, Stephen Clarke, Washington, D.C. Members South Building Additional Sponsors: Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Gallery Room, 4th Floor, Ritz- Primary Sponsor: Public Services Division Carlton Toronto Practice, Section of International Law, Public Services Division FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 > This is a complimentary CLE program FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Public Interest Careers for 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. MCMeet Me at the Border: Lawyers: From Advocacy Retreat for New and Current Issues of Interface with Canadian Members to Representation, to Policy and U.S. Law and Collective Development and Beyond Gallery Room, 4th Floor, Ritz- Bargaining in the Public Sector Carlton Toronto Sheraton Hall E, Lower Concourse, Room 810, 800 Level, MTCC, South Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Building Primary Sponsor: Law Student Division Reception This presentation will trace the Wellington Promenade, 4th Floor, development and current status of Ritz-Carlton Toronto collective bargaining in the public Reception with Dinner to follow sectors in Canada and the United States.

88 SPECIAL COMMITTEES and Commissions

ABA AIDS FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 Coordinating 12:00 Noon to 4:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Committee HIV Testing AIDS Turns 30: Where the Law Room 712, 700 Level, MTCC, South and the Virus Are Today Shelley D. Hayes, Chair, Washington, Building Confederation 6, Main Mezzanine, D.C. June 2011 marked the 30th anniversary Fairmont Royal York of the first AIDS cases identified in the June 2011 marked the 30th anniversary United States. Since then, more than of the first AIDS cases identified in the THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 575,000 Americans have died of AIDS United States, the start of what is now a and more than one million are HIV- global pandemic and the worst health 12:00 Noon to 4:00 p.m. positive today. An estimated 20 percent crisis in human history, reaching virtually HIV Testing of those infected do not know they have every social, political, and economic Room 706 and 712, 700 Level, HIV—a startling figure that makes public sector of society, and particularly MTCC, South Building education initiatives about the importance affecting minority populations. In this June 2011 marked the 30th anniversary of HIV testing all the more urgent—and program, the ABA AIDS Coordinating of the first AIDS cases identified in the the modern epidemic disproportionately Committee, established in 1987, will United States. Since then, more than affects minority communities with limited examine key legal issues that bear 575,000 Americans have died of AIDS access to health care and other services directly on the pandemic today - from and more than one million are HIV- that can enhance HIV prevention. Stigma intellectual property and information positive today. An estimated 20 percent and discrimination surrounding HIV/AIDS technology to criminal law, syringe of those infected do not know they have remain serious barriers to prevention exchange programs, sex work and sex HIV—a startling figure that makes public as well, and HIV is spreading fastest in education - and the pivotal role that education initiatives about the importance the South. In response, the ABA AIDS lawyers and the legal profession have of HIV testing all the more urgent. The Coordinating Committee will offer free, played, and must continue to play, in modern epidemic disproportionately confidential HIV testing to all Annual addressing these issues effectively. affects minority communities with limited Meeting participants, in cooperation Additional Sponsors: Section of Individual access to health care and other services with a certified local testing provider, Rights and Responsibilities that can enhance HIV prevention. Stigma as a public education initiative. Testing and discrimination surrounding HIV/AIDS will be by quick and painless oral swab remain serious barriers to prevention with rapid results and no appointment Annual meeting as well, and HIV is spreading fastest in necessary. So, stop by and stand up for the South. In response, the ABA AIDS HIV prevention! task force Coordinating Committee will offer free, Additional Sponsors: Section of Individual confidential HIV testing to all Annual Rights and Responsibilities Deborah Enix-Ross, Chair, New York, Meeting participants, in cooperation New York with a certified local testing provider, as a public education initiative. Testing will be by quick and painless oral swab SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 with rapid results and no appointment necessary. So, stop by and stand up for 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. HIV prevention! Committee Meeting Additional Sponsors: Section of Individual Salon 3, 19th Floor, Fairmont Rights and Responsibilities Royal York

89 Center for Human SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE Rights 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. SHOWCASE PROGRAM: MC Michael S. Greco, Co-Chair, Boston, The UN Human Rights “Implicit Bias” and the Massachusetts Council: What Does Its First Five Myth of Equal Justice Walter H. White Jr., Co-Chair, London, Years Say about Its Future? Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, UK Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building South Building Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 Rights and Responsibilities MCDebunking the Myth of the 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Post Racial Society MCABA CLE CENTRE SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building SHOWCASE PROGRAM: 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual “Implicit Bias” and the Rights and Responsibilities Myth of Equal Justice Meeting Confederation 5, Main Mezzanine, Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Fairmont Royal York South Building SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Center for M MCABA CLE CENTRE Career Management and SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Racial and Business Development for the Ethnic Diversity Diverse Lawyer 9/11—A Decade Later, Harbour Ballroom Salon A, and A World Apart I. S. Leevy Johnson, Chair, Columbia, Convention Level, The Westin Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Carolina Harbour Castle South Building Primary Sponsor: Business Law Section Primary Sponsor: Section of International Law FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Business Meeting 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Haliburton, Main Level, MCChanging Landscape of LGBT InterContinental Toronto Centre Rights: A Global Look MCAccess Across America: Room 717A, 700 Level, MTCC, First Report of the Civil Justice 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. South Building Infrastructure Mapping Project Plenary Session and Roundtable Primary Sponsor: Commission on Sexual Room 801B, 800 Level, MTCC, Discussion: Diversity and Inclusion Orientation and Gender Identity South Building in the U.S. and Canada - Shared Primary Sponsor: American Bar and Diverging Challenges 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Foundation Human Rights, Domestic and Canadian, Convention Floor, Sexual Violence: A Cross-Border 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Fairmont Royal York MECTurning Good Intentions Primary Sponsor: National Conference of Perspective Bar Presidents Flavelle House, 78 Queen’s Park into Good Actions - Examining Crescent West, University of and Eliminating Bias 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Toronto, Faculty of Law Room 707, 700 Level, MTCC, South MCABA CLE CENTRE Primary Sponsor: Commission on Building SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Domestic Violence Primary Sponsor: General Practice, Solo More to Overcome: and Small Firm Division Civil Rights in the 21st Century Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities

90 Committees 91 (continued) , AUGUST 6 , AUGUST 5 Commissions FRIDAY and SATURDAY Rights and Responsibilities Law Rights and Responsibilities Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Primary Sponsor: Section of International Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. MCDebunking the Myth of the Post Racial Society Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building Coalition on Racial and Ethnic Justice Detroit, Michigan Chair, David A. Perkins, 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE “Implicit Bias” and the Justice Equal of Myth Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE 9/11—A Decade Later, Apart A World and Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE Overcome: More to the 21st Rights in Civil Century Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Committees Special Rights and Responsibilities Law Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual Primary Section of International Sponsor: 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 12:00 Noon to 1:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Minority Lawyers Reception B, Lower Level, Ballroom Centre InterContinental Toronto Please join the Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Profession and minority lawyers and law students from across the country for a networking reception celebrating diversity in the legal profession. MCDebunking the Myth of the Post Racial Society Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 701B, 700 South Building MFacilitating Diversity: Similar Countries, Different Experiences; How Historical Context Informs Address Diversity Today How We in the U.S. and Canada Centre, 77 King Toronto-Dominion Suite 400, Law Firm Street West, This panel will explore the historical, social and cultural influences in both the United States and Canada, including the ethnic and racial relations backdrop and immigrant patterns, and will examine how leaders in diversity initiatives in the legal profession in each country are approaching and addressing diversity challenges in the American and Canadian context. How have ideas about diversity by corporate legal departments shaped outside counsel? > This is a complimentary CLE program 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. ABA CLE CENTRE MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE Later, 9/11—A Decade Apart A World and , AUGUST 7 , AUGUST 5 FRIDAY SUNDAY Management Section Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Primary Law Practice Sponsor: Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE “Implicit Bias” and the Justice of Equal Myth Grenadier, Main Level, Grenadier, Centre InterContinental Toronto 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Members Meeting 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Commission Business Meeting Level, Main Kingsway, Centre InterContinental Toronto 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Fred William Alvarez, Chair, Palo Alto, Alvarez, Chair, Fred William California Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Profession Salon B, Convention Floor, Salon B, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. ABA House of Delegates Minority Caucus Windsor Ballroom B, Lower Level, Windsor Ballroom LeMeridien King Edward 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 Your Mentoring 360: Raising New Tools Bottom Line by Using to Build Diverse Talent SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 Council for COALITION ON 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Racial and Ethnic RACIAL AND ETHNIC MCProtecting Heirs Property: Diversity in the JUSTICE Uniform Laws and Social Justice Educational Room 809, 800 Level, MTCC, South See Page 91 under Center for Racial and Building Pipeline Ethnic Diversity Primary Sponsor: Section of State and E. Christopher Johnson, Jr., Chair, Auburn Local Government Law Hills, Michigan Commission on 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE Civic Education SHOWCASE PROGRAM: FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 in the Nation’s More to Overcome: 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Schools Civil Rights in the 21st Model Pipeline Diversity Century Programming - A Roundtable Paulette Brown, Co-Chair, Madison, New Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Jersey Seymour Room, 2nd Floor, Delta South Building Marna S. Tucker, Co-Chair, Washington, Chelsea Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual D.C. The eighth in a series, this Pipeline Rights and Responsibilities Diversity Roundtable presents a discussion 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon of diversifying the educational pipeline SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 MCABA CLE CENTRE to the legal profession focusing on key SHOWCASE PROGRAM: segments of the pipeline - middle and 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. The Bully at School Goes high school, college and law school. The Business Meeting High Tech: Protecting roundtable will educate lawyers about Grenadier, Main Level, Students in the Internet the important role of the educational InterContinental Toronto Centre pipeline in creating a truly inclusive Age Additional Sponsors: Division for Public legal profession. The roundtable will Education Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, highlight effective, replicable strategies South Building and programs for building pipeline 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Primary Sponsor: Section of State and projects and programs, and discuss A Conversation on Civic Local Government Law ways of measuring and defining success. Education in the Nation’s Schools Participants will have ample opportunity Ballroom B, Lower Level, SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 to network and to learn how they and InterContinental Toronto Centre their organizations can get involved in Additional Sponsors: Standing Committee 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon plugging the leaks along the pipeline to on Public Education, Division for Public Business Meeting: Teen Violence the legal profession. Featured programs Education include: Chicago Scholars, Council on Roundtable Discussion Legal Education Opportunity and For Carlyle Room, 3rd Floor, Delta People of Color. Chelsea Commission on Domestic Violence SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 Debbie Segal, Chair, Atlanta, Georgia 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Business Meeting Austen Room, 3rd Floor, Delta FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 Chelsea 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Sharon Corbitt Award Reception Portman, 2nd Floor, InterContinental Toronto Yorkville The Commission on Domestic Violence created the Sharon Corbitt award in 2008 to recognize service by lawyers

92 Committees 93 (continued) , AUGUST 4 , AUGUST 5 Commissions FRIDAY and THURSDAY Immigration Rights and Responsibilities Primary Sponsor: Commission on Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE over Battle The Birthright Citizenship: International History, Perspectives, and the Ahead Path Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE “Implicit Bias” and the Justice Equal of Myth Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. MCDebunking the Myth of the Post Racial Society Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building ommission on Commission Legal Hispanic Rights and ilities Responsib Miami, Florida Cesar L. Alvarez, Chair, 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Committees , AUGUST 6 , AUGUST 6 , AUGUST 5 FRIDAY Special SATURDAY SATURDAY Professional Responsibility Professional Responsibility Florida Ontario Pamela Cross, Toronto, Ontario Renu Mandhane, Toronto, California Division, and Public Sector Lawyers Commission on Immigration, in the Commission on Women Profession, Center for Human Rights, Latin American and Caribbean Law Initiative Council, Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Additional Sponsors: Center for Additional Sponsors: Center for Speakers: Carrie Bettinger-Lopez, Miami, Speakers: Carrie Bettinger-Lopez, Angeles, Los Moderator: Myrna Raeder, GovernmentAdditional Sponsors: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Committee Meeting Mountbatten Salon A, 2nd Floor, Delta Chelsea Commission on Ethics 20/20 Washington, Jamie S. Gorelick, Chair, D.C. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Committee Meeting Mountbatten Salon A, 2nd Floor, Delta Chelsea 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Commission Meeting Portman, Floor, 2nd Yorkville InterContinental Toronto Law Speaker: Debbie Segal, Atlanta, Georgia Additional Sponsors: Section of Family Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon from all areas of practice, including non- from all areas of practice, profits, large firms, solo practitioners, judges who corporate counsel, and demonstrate exemplary service to victims sexual assault and/ of domestic violence, of Sharon L. or stalking, in the spirit active member of Corbitt. Sharon was an servingthe ABA for 25 years as Chair of and subsequently the Family Law Section serving as a member of the Commission from 2002-2005. Domestic Violence In honor of her exemplary professional and personal contributions to victims of domestic violence throughout her career, this award will recognize a lawyer each year who embodies her spirit and dedication. Flavelle House, 78 Queen’s Park Flavelle House, 78 Queen’s University of Crescent West, Faculty of Law Toronto, Legal experts from both the United States and Canada discuss cases, legislation, and policy impacting victims of domestic and sexual violence across borders from a human rights perspective. Professor the case will discuss Bettinger-Lopez Gonzales of Castle Rock v. of Town including its history US leading up to the Supreme Court and the Inter-American Human Rights Commission. Ms. Cross will share her analysis of mandatory charging (arrest) and its impact on victims of domestic violence, as well as the lack of mandatory charging in sexual violence cases. Professor Mandhane will discuss a history of the third party records case law and its impact on the confidentiality of victims in domestic and sexual violence cases. This panel is open to the public. 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Human Rights, Domestic and A Cross-Border Sexual Violence: Perspective Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE “Implicit Bias” and the Justice Equal of Myth SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 several decades is the growth in youth FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 homelessness. The legal response to youth 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon homelessness varies. In some jurisdictions, 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MCABA CLE CENTRE robust responses have developed that MCJuvenile and Family Drug SHOWCASE PROGRAM: focus on preventive strategies and Courts: A Non-Traditional Model effective efforts to move young people More to Overcome: out of homelessness. In other cases of Providing Access to Services Room 706, 700 Level, MTCC, South Civil Rights in the 21st - in particular, the United States and Building Century Canada - there has been insufficient Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, investment in an effective response Substance Abuse South Building to youth homelessness, and a lack of Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual acknowledgement that the causes of 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Rights and Responsibilities youth homelessness and the appropriate MLawyering For Homeless Youth interventions required, are distinct from Throughout The Globe: Best those associated with adult homelessness. Practices in Representation and Commission on Some jurisdictions have responded with Emerging Model Laws social exclusionary measures that have Homelessness and King Ballroom II, Convention Level, sought to restrict the rights of young Hyatt Regency Toronto Poverty homeless people to occupy and inhabit Homeless youth are minors and young public spaces through the enactment adults who lack basic needs and stable Josephine A. McNeil, Chair, West of specific laws targeting the homeless housing and are found throughout the Newton, Massachusetts and policing practices (including private world. Innovative pro bono and legal security) such as ticketing, charges for service programs offer representation misdemeanors, “stop and searches”, etc. THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 to meet the unmet legal needs of youth. Imprisonment becomes an increasingly Panelists will review opportunities common experience for homeless 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon for lawyers to engage and represent youth, and conversely, lack of effective MCABA CLE CENTRE homeless youth in matters related to discharge planning and supports may a variety of criminal and civil matters. SHOWCASE PROGRAM: produce homelessness for young people Additionally, lawyers can learn how The Battle over who are in foster care or who are to use their position and knowledge Birthright Citizenship: incarcerated. In this session we present to further public policy to end youth History, International leading international research that homelessness. Expert panel members explores the policy context and outcomes Perspectives, and the will review emerging trends in local and of the different legal approaches to youth Path Ahead international public policy advocacy and homelessness and the demonstrable Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, offer suggestions on how the private bar consequences of different policies and South Building may support an international movement to practices. Primary Sponsor: Commission on abate youth homelessness. Panelists: Celine Bellot, Montreal, Immigration Panelists: Stephen Gaetz, Toronto, Canada Ontario, Canada 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Volker Busch-Geertsema, Bremen, Richard Hooks Wayman, Washington, MCLawyering in the Digital Age: Germany D.C. Using Technology and Social Stephen Gaetz, Toronto, Ontario, Johanna Macdonald, Toronto, Ontario, Media to Assist Underserved Canada Canada Richard Hooks Wayman, Washington, Populations Casey Trupin, Seattle, Washington Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, D.C. Additional Sponsors: Criminal Justice South Building Sarah Johnsen, Edinburgh, Scotland Section, Commission on Youth at Risk, Primary Sponsor: Public Services Division Bill O’Grady, Guelph, Ontario, Canada Public Services Division Eoin O’Sullivan, Dublin, Ireland 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. > This is a complimentary CLE program Marie-Eve Sylvestre, Ottowa, Ontario, Youth Homelessness and Legal Canada Interventions: An International Casey Trupin, Seattle, Washington Research Perspective Additional Sponsors: Criminal Justice King Ballroom II, Convention Level, Section, Commission on Youth at Risk, Hyatt Regency Toronto Public Services Division One of the manifestations of the homelessness crisis over the past

94 Committees 95 (continued) , AUGUST 5 Commissions FRIDAY and California Honorable Bruce Einhorn, Malibu, California Thomas Saenz, Los Angeles, California Professor Rogers Smith, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Professor Margaret Stock, Anchorage, Alaska Division, Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice, Criminal Justice Section, Health Law Section, Section of International and Section of Individual Rights Law, Responsibilities, Standing Committee on Legal Aid and Indigent Defendants, Commission on Hispanic Legal Rights and Responsibilities, Commission on Homelessness and Poverty Primary Sponsor: Criminal Justice Section Primary Sponsor: Public Services Division Panelists: Dr. John C. Eastman, Orange, John C. Eastman, Panelists: Dr. Additional Sponsors: Law Student > This is a complimentary CLE program 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MCThe Postville Raids and Agri-Processors Case: Internal Investigations, Criminal Prosecutions, and Immigration Consequences for Corporations & Individuals Room 705, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCLawyering in the Digital Age: and Social Using Technology Media to Assist Underserved Populations Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building population? Is there any legal basis for population? Is there any are the greater such a change, and what such a major shift societal implications for the historical record in policy? What does and limitations tell us about the extent of birthright citizenship? This discussion as well how will look at these questions, citizenship, and the other nations address facts and misinformation surrounding this discussion. Committees , AUGUST 4 , AUGUST 6 Special SATURDAY THURSDAY and Physical Disability Law Section, Standing Committee on Section, Standing Committee Committee Substance Abuse, Standing on Commission on Armed Forces Law, Disability Law, Mental and Physical Public Services Division Primary Sponsor: Commission on Mental Primary Sponsor: Criminal Justice Section Additional Sponsors: Criminal Justice Additional Sponsors: 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. > This is a complimentary CLE program p.m. 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE The Battle over Birthright Citizenship: International History, Perspectives, and the Path Ahead Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Recent calls to end birthright citizenship in the United States have fueled a heated debate. What impact would changes to our current birthright citizenship rule have on immigration and the U.S. Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Business Meeting Studio E, Conference Level, Hyatt Regency Toronto Commission on Immigration D.C. Washington, Grisez, Chair, Karen T. Determining Age of Majority the A, Convention Regency Ballroom Level, Hyatt Regency Toronto 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MCInternational Perspectives on Older Persons with Disabilities: Civil and Criminal Law Practice California Paul Freese, Los Angeles, California Honorable Kevin Kane, Phoenix, Arizona Moderator: Steve Binder, San Diego, Moderator: Steve Binder, Ontario Panelists: Paula Beard, Toronto, Primary Sponsor: Law Student Division Primary Section of Litigation Sponsor: 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Room 809, 800 Level, MTCC, South Room 809, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building Collaborative Justice Courts promote accountability and success by combining judicial supervision with community- based treatment and services focused on addressing the underlying behavior or circumstances that prompted the criminal offense. These problem-solving courts recognize the high costs and limitations of the traditional criminal justice system and seek to utilize community-based resources to promote public safety and productive, law-abiding citizens. Panelists will discuss how model court programs in Canada and the U.S. are maximizing limited resources through collaborative efforts to effectively address otherwise costly social problems such as homelessness and mental illness such as PTSD, as well as how to galvanize community efforts to launch a collaborative justice court in your jurisdiction. Restorative justice Gladue Courts models including Toronto’s for aboriginal offenders will also be discussed. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MCCollaborative Justice Makes Cent$: Cost-Effective Interdisciplinary Courts in Canada and the U.S. Sheraton Hall E, Lower Concourse, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Public Interest Careers for Lawyers: From Advocacy to Representation, to Policy Development and Beyond Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 701A, 700 South Building ABA CLE CENTRE MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE and the “Implicit Bias” Justice of Equal Myth 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Commission MCABA CLE CENTRE MCDebunking the Myth of the SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Post Racial Society on Interest on “Implicit Bias” and the Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, Lawyers’ Trust Myth of Equal Justice South Building Accounts Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual South Building Rights and Responsibilities Honorable Lora J. Livingston, Chair, Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Austin, Texas 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 MCABA CLE CENTRE Office SHOWCASE PROGRAM: 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. IOLTA Workshops and Registration 9/11—A Decade Later, MCRedefining the U.S.-Canadian and A World Apart Border: Current Issues in Visitation Churchill Ballroom A, 2nd Floor, Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, and Migration Delta Chelsea South Building Room 706, 700 Level, MTCC, South Primary Sponsor: Section of International Building Thursday, August 4 Law The relationship between the United 7:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. States and Canada is the closest and Friday, August 5 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. most extensive in the world. It is reflected 7:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. MCCivil Immigration Detention: in the staggering volume of bilateral Myth or Reality? trade—the equivalent of $1.6 billion Room 706, 700 Level, MTCC, South a day in goods—as well as in people- Building to-people contact. About 300,000 FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 What is the current status of immigration people cross the border every day. This 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. detention in the U.S.? Has the system program will navigate U.S. - Canadian moved toward a more “civil” approach, immigration issues including temporary IOLTA Commission Meeting and how are we treating those in and permanent options for migration. Scott Room, 3rd Floor, Delta vulnerable populations, such as What are the variations between Canada Chelsea children or the mentally ill? Panelists and the U.S. in their immigration policies will explore the impact on detention of and what are the similarities including Secure Communities and the national NAFTA? The discussion will include Commission on implementation of 287(g) programs. options for business and family migration. Law and Aging Finally, the discussion will include Moderator: Neil Dornbaum, Newark, an examination of the proper role of New Jersey Jeffrey J. Snell, Chair, Sagamore Hills, detention in any future enforcement Panelists: Evan Green, Toronto, Ontario, Ohio strategy. Canada Additional Sponsors: Section of Sylvia Johnson, Ottowa, Ontario, Administrative Law and Regulatory Canada FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 Practice, Section of International Law, Additional Sponsors: Section of Public Services Division Administrative Law and Regulatory 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon > This is a complimentary CLE program Practice, Section of International Law, MCABA CLE CENTRE 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Public Services Division SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Human Rights, Domestic and > This is a complimentary CLE program “Implicit Bias” and the Sexual Violence: A Cross-Border 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Myth of Equal Justice Perspective Business Meeting Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Flavelle House, 78 Queen’s Park Grenadier, Main Level, South Building Crescent West, University of InterContinental Toronto Centre Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Toronto, Faculty of Law Primary Sponsor: Commission on Domestic Violence

96 Committees 97 (continued) , AUGUST 6 , AUGUST 5 Commissions FRIDAY and SATURDAY aw Homelessness and Poverty Rights and Responsibilities Primary Sponsor: Business Law Section Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Primary Sponsor: Commission on Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Harbour Ballroom Salon A, Harbour Ballroom Convention Level, The Westin Harbour Castle MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE “Implicit Bias” and the Justice Equal of Myth Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MCCollaborative Justice Makes Cent$: Cost-Effective Interdisciplinary Courts in Canada and the U.S. Room 809, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building MCDebunking the Myth of the Post Racial Society Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MCareer Management and Business Development for the Diverse Lawyer ommission Commission and on Mental isability Physical D L Portland, Chair, Katherine H. O’Neil, Oregon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Committees , AUGUST 6 , AUGUST 7 SUNDAY Special SATURDAY Substance Abuse Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on Primary Sponsor: Law Student Division King Ballroom II, Convention Level, King Ballroom Hyatt Regency Toronto MCThe Impact of Budget Reductions on State and Local Drug Control and Criminal Justice for a New Programs—Time Paradigm? Room 810, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon CoLAP Business Meeting King Ballroom II, Convention Level, King Ballroom Hyatt Regency Toronto a.m. 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 Resources for Law Student Wellness Conference Room C, Mezzanine, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CoLAP Committee Meetings II, Convention Level, King Ballroom Hyatt Regency Toronto 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 Standing Joint Breakfast with Abuse Committee on Substance 8 7 5 York Floor, August August Royal August 19th , AUGUST 6 thru 5, , AUGUST 5 Friday, Sunday, Monday, Open AA Meeting Open Salon Fairmont 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. FRIDAY SATURDAY and Physical Disability Law Primary Commission on Mental Sponsor: King Ballroom I, Convention Level, King Ballroom Hyatt Regency Toronto > This is a complimentary CLE program 3:15 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. CoLAP Regional Program MDiversity and Mental Health II, Convention Level, King Ballroom Hyatt Regency Toronto 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Robert L. Childers, Chair, Memphis, RobertChair, L. Childers, Tennessee Commission on Assistance Lawyer Programs Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 715A, 700 South Building MCInternational on Perspectives Disabilities: Older Persons with Law Practice Civil and Criminal 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Additional Sponsors: General Practice, 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MCInternational Perspectives on Solo and Small Firm Division, MCOn The Docket: The 2010- Older Persons with Disabilities: Government and Public Sector Lawyers 2011 Supreme Court Term Civil and Criminal Law Practice Division, Senior Lawyers Division, Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, Section of Administrative Law and South Building South Building Regulatory Practice, Criminal Justice Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on This CLE program focuses on the ways in Section, Section of International Law, Public Education which diverse international jurisdictions Section of State and Local Government Law, Section of Real Property, Trust 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. address a range of legal issues of MCPsychology in the Courtroom: concern for older persons with disabilities. and Estate Law, Section of Science & As the natural lifespan is extended Technology Law, Standing Committee Hot Topics for the Tort and due to advances in modern medicine, on Legal Aid and Indigent Defendants, Insurance Law Practitioner and as each nation’s outsized “baby Standing Committee on Public Room 714B, 700 Level, MTCC, boomer” generation continues to age, Education, Commission on Law and South Building such issues are achieving prominence Aging, Commission on Homelessness Primary Sponsor: Tort Trial and Insurance in virtually every mode of contemporary and Poverty, Division for Public Practice Section legal service. Practical litigation and Education > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt advocacy skills will be emphasized with MONDAY, AUGUST 8 respect to the representation of older Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law persons with disabilities in both civil Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and criminal contexts. This multinational 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Lawyers with Disabilities panel will address (1) recent and MCABA CLE CENTRE pending reforms in guardianship and Reception SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Room 803A/B, 800 Level, MTCC, conservatorship schemes; (2) disability- More to Overcome: specific aspects of initial contact with the South Building criminal justice system; (3) circumstances Civil Rights in the 21st The reception is sponsored by Lexis Nexis of accommodation or confinement in Century and Walmart. At the reception, American such settings as independent living, Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Bar Association’s Commission on Mental personal care homes, hospitals, jails, South Building and Physical Disability Law will honor the and prisons; and (4) technologically Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual 2011 Paul G. Hearne Award Recipient. informed approaches to the assessment Rights and Responsibilities The Paul G. Hearne Award is presented annually and honors an individual who and prospective documentation of 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon or an organization that has performed testamentary capacity for this unique MCABA CLE CENTRE population. Examples from legal systems exemplary service in furthering the SHOWCASE PROGRAM: rights, dignity, and access to justice around the world will be highlighted The Bully at School Goes for the purpose of informing practice of for Americans with disabilities. The American lawyers concerning each topic High Tech: Protecting recipient is chosen based on nominations addressed. Students in the Internet by peers in the disability community. Speakers: Judge Kristin Booth-Glen, New Age The award is being co-sponsored by York, New York Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, the Starbucks Coffee Company. The Judge David M. Brown, Toronto, South Building Commission will also honor those ABA Ontario, Canada Primary Sponsor: Section of State and Entities chosen to be on the ABA’s Goal John R. Williams, Aberystwyth, Local Government Law III Honor Roll for their dedication to Ceredigion, United Kingdom increasing opportunities for lawyers with 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. disabilities within the entity. This reception Moderator: Dr. Eric Y. Drogin, Hingham, Mentoring 360: Raising Your Massachusetts provides lawyers with disabilities a great Bottom Line by Using New Tools opportunity to network. The reception is to Build Diverse Talent also open to law students with disabilities. Niagara, Lower Level, InterContinental Toronto Centre Primary Sponsor: Law Practice Management Section

98 Committees 99 (continued) , AUGUST 6 Commissions and SATURDAY Rights and Responsibilities Local Government Law in the Profession Rights and Responsibilities Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual Primary Sponsor: Section of State and Primary Sponsor: Commission on Women Primary Commission on Women Sponsor: Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon SOGI Annual Business Meeting Confederation 5, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE Overcome: More to the 21st in Rights Civil Century Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE Bully at School Goes The Protecting Tech: High Students in the Internet Age Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 The Road to Independence: Journeys to Starting Women’s Their Own Law Firms Caledon, Main Level, Centre InterContinental Toronto MCDebunking the Myth of the Post Racial Society Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building Committees Special Domestic Violence D.C. Canada D.C. C. Dixon Osburn, Washington, Canada Niaz Salimi, Toronto, Center for Human International Law, Rights, National LGBT Bar Association Primary Sponsor: Commission on Moderator: D’Arcy Kemnitz, Washington, Moderator: D’Arcy Kemnitz, Washington, Panelists: El Farouk Khaki, Toronto, Additional Sponsors: Section of > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 Human Rights, Domestic and A Cross-Border Sexual Violence: Perspective Park Flavelle House, 78 Queen’s University of Crescent West, Faculty of Law Toronto, Changing Landscape of LGBT MCChanging Landscape Look Rights: A Global Level, MTCC, Room 717A, 700 South Building and bisexual, gay, The rights of lesbian, throughout transgender (LGBT) persons the world are United States and around change. In some in a state of tremendous countries, governments sponsor or fail to prevent acts of violence (including murder) against LGBT persons and their advocates. New legislation criminalizes LGBT persons and creates a climate of (including Other countries fear and terror. and seek to protect Canada), however, promote the equal rights of LGBT persons. This session examines both extremes and will address recent developments in a number of areas, including civil unions, immigration and asylum rights based on sexual orientation, court decisions from national and international tribunals, developments within the United Nations, and the role of lawyers in stopping discrimination and promoting equality. 6 Mezzanine, Hotel August Main York 5, Office , AUGUST 5 Saturday, Fairmont 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. FRIDAY Confederation Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE “Implicit Bias” and the Justice of Equal Myth Courtney G. Joslin, Chair, Davis, Courtney Chair, G. Joslin, California Commission on Sexual and Orientation Gender Identity See Page 91 under Center for Racial and See Page 91 under Center Ethnic Diversity commission on commission ethnic racial and diversity in the profession SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 Commission on 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Road to Independence: 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Women in the Women’s Journeys to Starting MCReconciling the Profession Their Own Law Firms First Amendment and Caledon, Main Level, Antidiscrimination Policies: The Roberta D. Liebenberg, Chair, InterContinental Toronto Centre Implications of Christian Legal Philadelphia, Pennsylvania The Commission’s newest publication, Society v. Martinez “The Road to Independence,” recounts the Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 experiences and insights of 101 women South Building lawyers who have taken the courageous and difficult step of creating a law firm of Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. their own, either as a solo or with others. Rights and Responsibilities MECTurning Good Intentions Panelists will discuss why an increasing into Good Actions - Examining number of women are opting to create and Eliminating Bias their own law firms and will share Commission on Room 707, 700 Level, MTCC, South practical advice and lessons learned. the American Jury Building This program will serve as a catalyst Primary Sponsor: General Practice, Solo and inspiration for any woman lawyer Stephen A. Saltzburg, Chair, Washington, and Small Firm Division contemplating the possibility of blazing D.C. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon her own trail to success and fulfillment. Perspectives Newsletter Editorial Speakers: Julie I. Fershtman, Farmington Hills, Michigan FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 Board Meeting Amanda Green Alexander, Jackson, Haliburton, Main Level, Mississippi InterContinental Toronto Centre 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Georgialee A. Lang, West Vancouver, MCABA CLE CENTRE 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon British Columbia SHOWCASE PROGRAM: MCABA CLE CENTRE Roberta D. Liebenberg, Philadelphia, “Implicit Bias” and the SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Pennsylvania Myth of Equal Justice “Implicit Bias” and the Karen M. Lockwood, Washington, D.C. Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Myth of Equal Justice Moderator: Marsha E. Simms, New York, New York South Building Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Additional Sponsors: General Practice, Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation South Building Solo and Small Firm Division, 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Government and Public Sector Lawyers MCABA CLE CENTRE 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Division, Section of Antitrust Law, SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Human Rights, Domestic and Business Law Section, Section of Family 9/11—A Decade Later, Sexual Violence: A Cross-Border Law, Health Law Section, Section and A World Apart Perspective of Public Utility, Communications Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Flavelle House, 78 Queen’s Park and Transportation Law, Section of South Building Crescent West, University of Intellectual Property Law, Commission Primary Sponsor: Section of International Toronto, Faculty of Law on Sexual Orientation and Gender Law Primary Sponsor: Commission on Identity 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Domestic Violence 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Jury Commission Meeting Local Women Outreach Adelaide, 3rd Floor, Hilton Toronto Reception, The Law Society of Upper Canada 130 Queen Street West

100 Committees 101 (continued) , AUGUST 6 Commissions and SATURDAY New York Florida Robin Thompson, Tallahassee, Chicago, Illinois Katherine Kaufk Walts, Speakers: Carol Smolenski, New York, Speakers: Carol Smolenski, New York, Primary Section of Litigation Sponsor: > This is a complimentary CLE program Halton, Main Level, Centre InterContinental Toronto at Risk is The Commission on Youth sponsoring several resolutions at this meeting, and is planning a number of important programs, projects, and policy reform initiatives in the 2011-2012 ABA Come learn about the Commission’s year. work and how you can be involved in it. Niagara, Lower Level, Centre InterContinental Toronto the ABA House At its meeting in Toronto, of Delegates is scheduled to consider a policy resolution on the topic of child trafficking. This program will explore law- related issues related to child trafficking, from a United States and Canadian to be discussed perspective. Topics include: ending the practice of arresting, charging, and detaining prostituted children; having these trafficking victims legally treated as dependent children; how legislation and policy reform can promote the accessibility of residential and other needed services; and how lawyers and judges can become more aware of child trafficking, as well as how the legal/judicial system can more appropriately respond. 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Commission Meeting 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE and the “Implicit Bias” Justice of Equal Myth Level, MTCC, Room 701A, 700 South Building 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Policy Law, MChild Trafficking and Practice Reform: U.S. -Canadian Perspective Committees , AUGUST 4 , AUGUST 7 , AUGUST 5 FRIDAY SUNDAY Special THURSDAY Homelessness and Poverty Homelessness and Poverty Primary Sponsor: Commission on Primary Sponsor: Commission on 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. MLawyering For Homeless Youth Throughout The Globe: Best Practices in Representation and Emerging Model Laws II, Convention Level, King Ballroom Hyatt Regency Toronto Laura Viviana Farber, Chair, Pasadena, Pasadena, Chair, Farber, Laura Viviana California 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Homelessness and Legal Youth Interventions: International An Research Perspective II, Convention Level, King Ballroom Hyatt Regency Toronto Exhibit Hall F/G, 800 Level, MTCC, Exhibit Hall F/G, 800 South Building $100, Judges: $100, Govt Price: > Ticket Lawyers: $100, Law Atty: $100, Young Students: $100 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Caucus Women’s Convention Floor, Ballroom, Fairmont Royal York Commission on Risk Youth at 11:45 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 11:45 a.m. to 2:00 Brent 21st Annual Margaret Lawyers of Achievement Women Luncheon , AUGUST 6 SATURDAY Local Government Law Rights and Responsibilities Primary Sponsor: Section of State and Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual Primary Sponsor: Business Law Section 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Imperial Room, Main Floor, Imperial Room, Main Floor, Fairmont Royal York Margaret Brent Welcome Margaret Brent Welcome Reception Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE at School Goes The Bully Protecting Tech: High Students in the Internet Age Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE Overcome: More to the 21st in Rights Civil Century 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Business Meeting Caledon, Main Level, Centre InterContinental Toronto 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Harbour Ballroom Salon A, Harbour Ballroom The Westin Convention Level, Harbour Castle Career Management and MCareer Management for the Business Development Diverse Lawyer 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Coordinating Latin American MCABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Council for and Caribbean The Bully at School Goes the Center for Law Initiative High Tech: Protecting Professional Council Students in the Internet Age Responsibility M. Margaret McKeown, Chair, San Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Honorable Barbara Kerr Howe, Chair, Diego, California South Building Towson, Maryland Primary Sponsor: Section of State and Local Government Law FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 12:00 Noon to 2:00 p.m. Human Rights, Domestic and Committee Meeting Sexual Violence: A Cross-Border 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Mountbatten Salon B, 2nd Floor, Perspective Annual ABA Children’s Breakfast Delta Chelsea Flavelle House, 78 Queen’s Park Halton, Main Level, Additional Sponsors: Center for Crescent West, University of InterContinental Toronto Centre Professional Responsibility Toronto, Faculty of Law Come hear about the Association’s Primary Sponsor: Commission on work related to vulnerable children Domestic Violence and youth. Each year, the ABA Center on Children and the Law and the Coordinating Commission on Youth at Risk, along with Council of the Rule of Law other ABA entities, sponsor a breakfast Justice Center meeting in which members and staff of Initiative entities interested and involved in issues Honorable Mark D. Martin, Chair, Robert J. Grey Jr., Chair, Richmond, related to children and youth can share Raleigh, North Carolina information about their recent work Virginia and their plans for the next ABA year. Relevant publications and other materials FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 will be available. 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Coordinating Council Meeting Board of Directors Meeting Committee on University, 3rd Floor, Hilton Confederation 6, Main Mezzanine, Scope and Toronto Fairmont Royal York Correlation of 12:00 Noon to 2:00 p.m. Work council for ABA ROLI Luncheon Panel: The racial and ethnic Role of Lawyers During Times of Jeffrey J. Snell, Chair, Sagamore Hills, Transition: Lessons from Mexico, Ohio diversity in the Nepal and the Middle East educational Room 801A/B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 pipeline > Ticket Price: $75, Judges: $75, Govt See Page 92 under Center for Racial and Atty: $75, Young Lawyers: $75, Law 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Students: $50 Committee Meeting Ethnic Diversity Salon 2, 19th Floor, Fairmont Royal York

102 Committees 103 (continued) , AUGUST 7 , AUGUST 5 Commissions FRIDAY SUNDAY and Law Practice Section Technology Law Technology Primary Sponsor: Section of International Primary Sponsor: Tort Trial and Insurance Trial Primary Sponsor: Tort Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Primary Section of Science & Sponsor: 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE 9/11—A Decade Later, Apart A World and Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Bio Ethics and MCBio Terrorism, Intellectual Property on Trial Room 714B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Special Committee Penalty on Death Representation Chicago, Chair, John H. Mathias Jr., Illinois 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE “Implicit Bias” and the Justice of Equal Myth Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 Have MCThe CSI Effect: What we Learned the Last Decade Over Level, MTCC, Room 716A, 700 South Building Business Meeting Convention Executive Boardroom, Level, Hyatt Regency Toronto Committees , AUGUST 6 Special SATURDAY Illinois Illinois Kayhan Parsi, Chicago, Illinois Minnesota Ronald Petrovich, Rochester, Chicago, Illinois Eric Swirsky, Division, Health Law Section, Section Public Law, of Science & Technology Services Division Medical Professional Liability Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice Moderator: Nanette Elster, Chicago, Moderator: Nanette Elster, Panelists: Barbara Dunlap, Deerfield, Additional Sponsors: Senior Lawyers Primary Standing Committee on Sponsor: Primary Sponsor: Section of > This is a complimentary CLE program 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MCSocial Media & Healthcare: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Room 810, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building This program will explore a range of ethical and legal issues that are raised by the use of social media by health care providers, patients and health care delivery systems. Using a multidisciplinary approach, expert will panelists discuss what they consider to be the risks and benefits of this new way of communicating about health care and with health care providers and patients. Room 801B, 800 Level, MTCC, Room 801B, 800 South Building MCThe Law and Politics of Health Care Reform Room 801A, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 MCHealthcare Reform and Law: How Medical Malpractice Patient Rights, Canada Balances and System Physician Interests, Costs , AUGUST 4 , AUGUST 5 FRIDAY THURSDAY Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice Primary Sponsor: Health Law Section Primary Sponsor: Law Student Division Primary Sponsor: Section of Primary Sponsor: Public Services Division 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Room 717B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. What MCData Privacy & HIPAA: Every Lawyer Needs to Know in the U.S. and Canada Sheraton Hall E, Lower Concourse, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto Public Interest Careers for Lawyers: From Advocacy to Representation, to Policy Development and Beyond Room 801A, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MCHealth Care Reform: A Comparative Look at Access and Quality Issues Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MCLawyering in the Digital Age: and Social Using Technology Media to Assist Underserved Populations Robyn S. Shapiro, Chair, Milwaukee, Robyn S. Shapiro, Chair, Wisconsin Special Committee and on Bioethics the Law Special Committees and Commissions (continued)

SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 should address multiple disaster scenarios Special Committee and provide effective ways to get back to on Disaster 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon business quickly after a disaster strikes. Response and Business Meeting If your network is compromised or you Preparedness Humber, Main Level, lose access to your important client InterContinental Toronto Centre documents, how are you going to retrieve your data and get back to business? If David F. Bienvenu, Chair, New Orleans, 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. normal operations are disrupted by the Louisiana MECCourting Disaster: Tools to loss of a key employee or the complete Help You Create a Disaster Plan destruction of your office by fire or flood, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 Now how will you recover? Legal experts will Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, discuss what you need to know to get 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. South Building started developing a disaster plan for MCLawyering in the Digital Age: Does your practice have a disaster your practice now. Using Technology and Social response and recovery plan? If not, Moderator: David Bienvenu, New Orleans, Louisiana Media to Assist Underserved you’re not alone. Many smaller firms and solo practitioners do not have a disaster Panelists: Gary A. Munneke, White Populations preparedness plan because they haven’t Plains, New York Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, had the time to develop one or feel that Dan Pinnington, Toronto, Ontario, South Building a disaster will not happen to them. This Canada Primary Sponsor: Public Services Division session will provide the tools and know- Catherine Sanders Reach, Chicago, how to jumpstart your disaster plan. The Illinois best way to protect your business from Additional Sponsors: Section of a catastrophe is to address the potential Administrative Law and Regulatory risks before a disaster happens. Well- Practice, Public Services Division developed disaster preparedness plans > This is a complimentary CLE program

104 ABA SECTIONS, Divisions and Forums

Events in this chapter are listed in alphabetical order All ABA Sections, Divisions and Forums provide: by name of Section, Division or Forum. Please refer to the alphabetical list on page 107 to find programs put > A single source for the latest information in your on by a particular entity. area of practice or interest > Targeted publications with member discounts As an ABA member, you’re entitled to join any of > Continuing Legal Education (CLE) and a platform to the more than 30 Sections, Divisions and Forums to exchange ideas and gain knowledge from experts learn from nationally recognized experts, receive > Committees that further explore issues of special award-winning journals and targeted newsletters, have interest to you access to multiple networking opportunities with legal > Access to online discussion groups and information professionals in your practice area, and much more. On the next page is a complete listing of Sections, No other legal organization has such a broad range of Divisions and Forums. experts examining national trends, influencing federal laws and exchanging practical advice. If your law Sections are practice-specific groups formed to meet practice touches upon a variety of specialized fields or the specialized information needs and interests of if your interests go beyond your area of practice, enroll practicing lawyers and other legal professionals. in multiple ABA Sections, Divisions and Forums. With Divisions focus on directing legal professionals the expertise you’ll gain, you can exceed your clients’ through their career stages and assisting them in expectations, increase the profitability of your practice meeting their professional goals. From the Law and advance your career. For more information or Student Division to the Senior Lawyers Division to if you are interested in joining a Section, Division or the Judicial Division, a wide range of interests is Forum, please visit the ABA SOURCE Booth in the ABA addressed. Both Sections and Divisions also are EXPO. You also can find out more about these entities involved with policy development. Forums address on the ABA web site at areas of the law that are not fully addressed by any one Section. The mission of the Forums is to educate lawyers in narrower fields of law through publications and programs.

105 ABA EXPO exhibitors (continued)

ABA Sections Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice Section of Antitrust Law Business Law Section Criminal Justice Section Section of Dispute Resolution Section of Environment, Energy and Resources Section of Family Law Health Law Section Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities Section of Intellectual Property Law Section of International Law Section of Labor and Employment Law Law Practice Management Section Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar Section of Litigation Section of Public Contract Law Public Utility, Communications and Transportation Law Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Section of Science and Technology Law Section of State and Local Government Law Section of Taxation Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section

ABA Divisions General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division Judicial Division Law Student Division Senior Lawyers Division Young Lawyers Division

Forums Forum on Affordable Housing and Community Development Law The Forum on Air and Space Law The Forum on Communications Law Forum on Construction Industry The Forum on the Entertainment and Sports Industries The Forum on Franchising

106 ABA SECTIONS, Divisions and Forums

Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice > 108 Section of Antitrust Law > 111 Business Law Section > 112 Criminal Justice Section > 130 Section of Dispute Resolution > 134 Section of Environment, Energy and Resources > 138 Section of Family Law > 139 General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division > 140 Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division > 143 Health Law Section > 144 Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities > 145 Section of Intellectual Property Law > 148 Section of International Law > 152 Judicial Division > 155 Section of Labor and Employment Law > 158 Law Practice Management Section> 161 Law Student Division > 163 Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar > 167 Section of Litigation > 168 Section of Public Contract Law > 173 Public Utility, Communications and Transportation Law > 175 Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law > 176 Section of Science and Technology Law > 178 Senior Lawyers Division > 182 Section of State and Local Government Law > 183 Section of Taxation > 185 Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section > 186 Young Lawyers Division > 193 Forums > 195

All CLE Programs have been identified in the calendar of events. The M next to a program listing indicates that the ABA has requested MCLE accreditation. Listings with E have been submitted for ethics credit as well. Programs marked with C are in the ABA CLE Centre at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

CLE program pricing is indicated under the primary sponsor. 107 Section of Administrative Law And Regulatory Practice

Jonathan J. Rusch, Chair, Washington, D.C.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MCSecrets, Lawsuits and 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Mediation: US and Canadian MCABA CLE CENTRE MCHealth Care Reform: A Alternatives to FOIA Litigation SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Comparative Look at Access and Room 704, 700 Level, MTCC, South The Battle over Quality Issues Building Birthright Citizenship: Room 801A, 800 Level, MTCC, Contrasts between US and Canadian History, International South Building disclosure of government documents Perspectives, and the The program will examine health show US litigation is slow and costly. Path Ahead care reform efforts in both the US and Should the US follow Canada’s Mediation Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, Canada, and the impact of the evolving alternative instead? South Building legal and regulatory landscape in each Moderator: James T. O’Reilly, Cincinnati, Primary Sponsor: Commission on country on patient access to quality care. Ohio Immigration Moderator: Timothy Aspinwall, Panelists: Daniel Metcalfe, Washington, Sacramento, California D.C. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Panelists: Domenic Crolla, Ottawa, Assistant Commissioner Andrea Neill, MCThe Regulation of the Political Ontario, Canada Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Activities of Lobbyists Corrine Parver, Washington, D.C. Miriam Nisbet, College Park, Maryland Room 801A, 800 Level, MTCC, Vernellia Randall, Dayton, Ohio David Whelan, Toronto, Ontario, South Building Additional Sponsors: Standing Committee Canada Where should the line be drawn on Medical Professional Liability, Additional Sponsors: Section of Dispute separating permissible from impermissible Special Committee on Bioethics and the Resolution political activities by lobbyists? In both Law > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt the US and Canada, this is increasingly > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law becoming the issue du jour in the area of Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 lobbying regulation. A variety of states Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. have adopted limitations on campaign MCThe Postville Raids and contributions and bundling by lobbyists. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. The Canadian Commissioner of Lobbying MCHot Topics in Environmental Agri-Processors Case: Internal has warned that “Lobbyists should Law Investigations, Criminal ensure that their participation in political Room 715B, 700 Level, MTCC, Prosecutions, and Immigration activities does not cause a tension South Building Consequences for Corporations & between the public office holder’s duty Primary Sponsor: Section of Real Individuals to serve or protect the public good and Property, Trust and Estate Law Room 705, 700 Level, MTCC, South his or her private interest or obligation.” 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Building Panelists will examine constitutional issues MCMeet Me at the Border: Primary Sponsor: Criminal Justice Section and the direction reforms may take in this 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon lively discussion. Issues of Interface with Canadian Moderator: William Luneburg, Pittsburgh, and U.S. Law and Collective MCABA CLE CENTRE Pennsylvania Bargaining in the Public Sector SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Panelists: Bruce Bergen, Ottawa, Ontario, Room 810, 800 Level, MTCC, South “Implicit Bias” and the Canada Building Myth of Equal Justice Jack Hughes, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Commissioner Lynn Morrison, Toronto, the Law Library of Congress South Building Ontario, Canada Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Trevor Potter, Washington, D.C. Thomas M. Susman, Washington, D.C. Additional Sponsors: Standing Committee on Election Law > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35

108 Sections, Divisions and Forums 109 (continued) Practice , AUGUST 6 SATURDAY and Physical Disability Law Law and National Security Law and National Security D.C. Ontario, Canada D.C. Mark Duvall, Washington, Ontario, Robert Fishlock, Toronto, Canada Ontario, Karen Levins, Mississauga, Canada and Resources Environment, Energy, Primary Sponsor: Commission on Mental Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on Primary on Sponsor: Standing Committee Moderator: James Conrad, Washington, Washington, Moderator: James Conrad, Toronto, Panelists: Joseph Castrilli, Additional Sponsors: Section of 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCSecurity versus Liberty - Comparative Approaches to National Security Room 707, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Section Council Meeting with Breakfast Mezzanine, Essex Ballroom, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. the MCForeign Espionage Targets Private Sector: the Cybersecurity Threat from Nation States Room 707, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCInternational Perspectives on Older Persons with Disabilities: Civil and Criminal Law Practice Regulatory and Law Election Law PC, Toronto, Ontario, Canada PC, Toronto, Arizona David Childers, Scottsdale, Congressman Earl Pomeroy, D.C. Washington, Law on Bioethics and the Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on Moderator: Janet Belkin, Tucson, Arizona Tucson, Moderator: Janet Belkin, Elinor Caplan, Panelists: The Honourable Special Committee Additional Sponsors: 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. MCChemical Regulation in Canada—Lessons for U.S. Reforms Room 801A, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building Everyone agrees that chemical regulation in the US needs to be updated. Industry, all find fault with NGOs and the EPA TSCA, the 1976 law that still governs the process. The EU and Canada are both programs ambitious implementing new, that provide models and cautionary experiences for US reforms. The EU’s REACH program has been widely criticized for needless expense and complexity and for producing slow results. The Canadian Environmental Protection Act, by contrast, is frequently cited by stakeholders as a better approach. This program will focus on features of CEPA that make it apparently more efficient and productive, and explore how compatible those processes would be with US law and expectations regarding transparency, participation and due process. MCGetting on the Rolls: A Comparative Look at Voter Registration Models in Canada and the United States Room 705, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Administrative of Section Immigration Sector Lawyers Division Law Primary Sponsor: Commission on Primary Sponsor: Government and Public Primary Section of International Sponsor: 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Room 801A, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building David Childers, Former Director of the Arizona Department of Insurance, will address the state perspective, giving particular focus to the situation Former in Arizona. Earl Pomeroy, Representative at Large and Insurance Commissioner from North Dakota as well as Chair of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, will be focusing on the US national (federal) perspective and his role in the Obama Reform Bill. The Honourable Elinor Caplan, PC, Former Minister of Health for the Province of Ontario, will focus on the Canadian experience. Moderator Janet Belkin, and Counsel at Equitable Former V.P. Life & Exec. Director of the Center for International Insurance Studies, will give background on Obama Health Care Reforms. MCThe Law and Politics of Health Care Reform Room 706, 700 Level, MTCC, South Room 706, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCCivil Immigration Detention: Myth or Reality? Job Search? Government and Public Sector Resume Review and Advice Northern 2nd Ballroom, Lights Toronto Renaissance Floor, Downtown Hotel Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 701B, 700 South Building 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE Later, 9/11—A Decade Apart A World and Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice (continued)

8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. MCRedefining the U.S.-Canadian MECCourting Disaster: Tools to MCWikileaks, National Security Border: Current Issues in Visitation Help You Create a Disaster Plan and Free Speech and Migration Now Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, Room 706, 700 Level, MTCC, South Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Building South Building Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual Primary Sponsor: Commission on Primary Sponsor: Special Committee on Rights and Responsibilities Immigration Disaster Response and Preparedness 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 MCABA CLE CENTRE MCNuclear Regulation in North SHOWCASE PROGRAM: America After Fukushima Daiichi 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon The Bully at School Goes Room 712, 700 Level, MTCC, South Section Council Meeting with High Tech: Protecting Building Breakfast Students in the Internet Primary Sponsor: Section of Public Utility, Essex Ballroom, Mezzanine, Age Communications and Transportation Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Law South Building 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Primary Sponsor: Section of State and MCOn The Docket: The 2010- Local Government Law 2011 Supreme Court Term Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on Public Education

Toronto Skyline 110 Photo Credit: Tom Moeres, Sections, Divisions and Forums 111 p.m. , AUGUST 8 , AUGUST 7 5:00 to a.m. SUNDAY MONDAY Honorable Julie Brill, Washington, D.C. Washington, Honorable Julie Brill, Reding, Brussels, Belgium Viviane Jennifer Stoddart, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Washington Primary Sponsor: Business Law Section Speakers: Paolo Balboni, Milan, Italy Speakers: Paolo Balboni, D.C. Chair: Stuart Ingis, Washington, Redmond, Moderator: Saira Nayak, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 2:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Business Meeting South, Park Ballroom Queen’s Lobby Level, Park Hyatt Toronto 3:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Council Meeting South, Park Ballroom Queen’s Lobby Level, Park Hyatt Toronto 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. House of Delegates Breakfast Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building 9:00 > 6 p.m. 5:00 August to a.m. Saturday,

9:00 • 312-208-6009 > 7 p.m. Phone: 5:00 August to Technology Law Technology Public Education Primary Section of Science & Sponsor: Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 MCPracticing in Privacy - Can the Law Keep Up with Technology and Can Self-Regulation Help? Room 713B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building The collection and use of personal data by social media and web technologies continues to raise privacy concerns amongst enforcers in the US, Canada, and other jurisdictions. In response, industry has responded with self- regulatory initiatives to supplement public enforcement of data collection and use practices. Can the law can really keep up and is self-regulation a with technology, possible approach? Our panel of experts offers their thoughts on the issues, and the resulting outlook for consumers and industry. Room 716A, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 716A, 700 South Building MCOn The Docket: The 2010- 2011 Supreme Court Term Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Officers Meeting Bedford, Upper Level, Park Hyatt Toronto 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. New Restrictions on U.S. MCNew Restrictions Internet Data Passes, Sales: Automatic Negative Options, Charges Renewals and Recurring a.m. Sunday, 9:00 > Office/Hospitality:Hyatt Level, Park Upper Hazelton, 5 August , AUGUST 6 Antitrust , AUGUST 5 Friday, of Allan Van Fleet, Chair, Houston, Texas Houston, Chair, Fleet, Van Allan FRIDAY SATURDAY Local Government Law Practice Section in the Profession Primary Sponsor: Section of State and Primary Sponsor: Tort Trial and Insurance Trial Primary Sponsor: Tort Primary Sponsor: Commission on Women Primary Sponsor: Commission on Women Primary Health Law Section Sponsor: 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE at School Goes The Bully Protecting Tech: High Students in the Internet Age Room 714A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCClass and Mass Actions Are New Strategies Back in Vogue: Need to Know for Handling You High-Stakes Litigation The Road to Independence: Journeys to Starting Women’s Their Own Law Firms Caledon, Main Level, Centre InterContinental Toronto 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Data Privacy & HIPAA: What MCData Privacy & HIPAA: Every Lawyer Needs to Know in the U.S. and Canada Level, MTCC, Room 717B, 700 South Building 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 Section Law Business Law Section

Lynne B. Barr, Chair, Boston, Massachusetts

FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 Speakers: Brian Leck, Toronto, Ontario, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Canada MPrivacy and Anti-Money 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Patrick LeSage, Toronto, Ontario, Laundering: An Oxymoron? Bankruptcy Court Structure and Canada Queen’s Quay I/II, Conference Insolvency Process Poonam Puri, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Centre, Street Level, The Westin Dockside 2, Lower Level, The Robin Sears, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Harbour Castle Westin Harbour Castle Michelle Wong, Toronto, Ontario, Corporate Compliance Chair: William Schorling, Philadelphia, Canada Co-sponsored by: Commercial Finance, Pennsylvania Chair: Howie Wong, Toronto, Canada Consumer Financial Services and Moderator: Howie Wong, Toronto, Corporate Laws 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Ontario, Canada Discussion on how AML and Privacy Corporate Governance > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt can coexist in a world of changing Pier 7/8, Convention Level, The Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law requirements and regulator expectations. Westin Harbour Castle Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Speakers: Robin Gould-Soil, Toronto, Credit Unions Committee 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Ontario, Canada Co-Chairs: Joseph S. Melchione, Jeff Green, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Glendale, California MInvestments in the BRIC and Mexico: Selected Issues Rena Mears, San Francisco, California Guy A. Messick, Media, Pennsylvania Andrew Smith, Washington, D.C. Harbour Ballroom Salon C, Chair: Agnes Bundy Scanlan, Boston, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Convention Level, The Westin Massachusetts MCrisis Management Tales from Harbour Castle > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt In-House Counsel: How to React, International Business Law Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Plan and Survive a Crisis (and the From a U.S attorney’s perspective, this Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Legal Ethical Quandries) program will deal with selected aspects Harbour Ballroom Salon B, of investment in Mexico and the BRIC 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Convention Level, The Westin countries, namely the structuring of MWhat Law Governs in a Global Harbour Castle investments (including choice of vehicle), Secured Transaction: Where You Corporate Counsel bilateral investment treaties and foreign Got Collateral in Spades: Ever Co-sponsored by: Corporate Governance investment restrictions. Thought about What Law will A crisis can seriously impair an Speakers: Marcelo Freitas Pereira, Sao Govern the Enforceability.... organization’s viability and reputation. Paulo, Brazil Harbour Ballroom Salon A, Senior in-house counsel will discuss how Sajai Singh, Bangalore, India Convention Level, The Westin to plan for and survive crises and legal Helena Sprenger, New York, New York Harbour Castle ethical minefields. The former Ontario Moderator: Richard Clark, Toronto, Uniform Commercial Code Chief Justice will provide a distinct Ontario, Canada Co-sponsored by: Business Financing and judicial view on crisis responses that work > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Commercial Finance (and don’t work). Crisis communication Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law This program will analyze the conflict strategies will also be reviewed by a Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 of law rules in the UCC applicable to senior public relations practitioner. global secured transactions and whether UCC Article 9’s rules have extraterritorial reach. Panelists from non-U.S. jurisdictions will indicate whether their courts might give effect to Article 9’s territorial reach. If those courts do not, what do the creation perfection and priority rules under these jurisdictions require? A hypothetical

For Business Law Section Schedule updates, please visit General Information, Ticket Sales, Business Law Program Material, and CLE Drop Off Westin Harbour Castle, Conference Center, Street Level Thursday, August 4 > 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Friday, August 5 > 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday, August 6 > 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sunday, August 7 > 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday, August 8 > 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

112 Phone: 416-597-7175 Sections, Divisions and Forums 113 Section (continued) Law North Carolina Chair: Theodore F. Claypoole, Charlotte, Chair: Theodore F. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. If You Were In My Shoes: Were MIf You Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Rights Pier 2/3, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Dispute Resolution Co-sponsored by: International Business Law The operations of global corporations can have deleterious consequences to local communities. Sometimes these communities’ objections are heard; sometimes they are ignored. This panel addresses the development of Corporate Social Responsibility policies; the engagement of indigenous peoples’ representatives; the challenge of framing effective structures for mediation and dialogue; and the distinction between crisis management and ongoing corporate involvement in Global Transfer of Business MGlobal Transfer of Privacy and Data: Regulation Beyond Grand Ballroom Metropolitan 2nd Conference Centre, West, Castle Harbour Level, The Westin Cyberspace Law Counsel Co-sponsored by: Corporate Recent and continuing shifts in business obligations for data management are sweeping Asia, Europe and the Americas. Brazil, Mexico, Korea, Spain and Canada vary in regulatory approaches to information and in the business comply with multiple international privacy and security requirements as it launches simultaneously in multiple continents or expands quickly across international borders? How does the transactional attorney grasp the conflicts in data laws implicated in a cross-border acquisition of an online business? The session will take a comparative law approach, examining key global developments (U.S. FTC, Canada, EU and APEC, Latin America) and focusing on the key differences in developing laws and business attitudes toward data protection. Business Wilmington, Delaware Wilmington, Independence, Ohio Penelope L. Christophorou, New York, New York North Carolina Agnes Bundy Scanlan, Boston, Massachusetts North Carolina NorthRichard K. Brown, Charlotte, Carolina Chair: Frederick H. Alexander, Chair: Frederick H. Alexander, Co–Chairs: Robert W. Rutkowski, Co–Chairs: Robert W. Co–Chairs: Steven A. Lauer, Matthews, Co–Chairs: Steven A. Lauer, Co–Chairs: Gary Chamblee, Charlotte, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 MDefending the Pill: Lessons from Airgas Salon B, Harbour Ballroom Convention Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Mergers and Acquisitions Advising companies with respect to hostile approaches and using financial advisors in response to hostile approaches. Pier 5, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Commercial Finance Committee 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon and Electronic Transactions Payments, Joint Meeting East, Grand Ballroom Metropolitan Conference Centre, 2nd Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Credit Unions and Uniform Commercial Code Corporate Compliance Centre, Street Conference Yonge, Harbour Castle Level, The Westin Aircraft Financing (Session 1) Syndications and Lender Relations Syndications and Level, The Dockside 3, Lower Harbour Castle Westin Committee Commercial Finance Texas Duris L. Holmes, New Orleans, Louisiana Virginia Washington Property, Trust and Estate Law Trust Property, Technology and Information Systems Technology Brazil Ontario, Deborah Grieve, Toronto, Canada Florida Kenneth Kettering, Miami, Germany Co-Chairs: William F. Carroll, Dallas, F. Co-Chairs: William Chair: Mark D. Anderson, Arlington, Chair: Linda J. Rusch, Seattle, Primary Sponsor: Section of Real Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on Speakers: Paulo Brancher, Sao Paulo, Speakers: Paulo Brancher, Duesseldorf, Chair: Peter M. Haver, 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Securities Arbitration Bay Room, Conference Centre, Harbour Street Level, The Westin Castle Business and Corporate Litigation Committee Government Affairs Practice Dockside 5, Lower Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Council Orientation The Westin Marine, Main Lobby, Harbour Castle Room 715B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Hot Topics in Environmental MCHot Topics Law Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building eAttorney, MiAttorney: MECeAttorney, Has How Technology Changed Communication and Clients Collaboration With secured transaction involving collateral secured transaction involving will be used to in the U.S. and abroad illustrate the issues involved. the communities in which they operate. Moderator: Sandra M. Rocks, New York, 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon The presentation will include a short film New York Energy Business by the Corporate Social Responsibility > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Dockside 5, Lower Level, The Initiative of Harvard’s Kennedy School Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Westin Harbour Castle of Government, documenting community Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Chair: Jay H. Hebert, Houston, Texas unrest and corporate engagement arising 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. from the construction of a hydroelectric 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon dam and power plant in a rural area of MThe Business of Healthcare: Shareholder and Investor the Philippines. The Development of State Based Relations Speaker: David Kovick, Paxton, Health Care Exchanges Pier 9, Convention Level, The Massachusetts Queen’s Quay I/II, Conference Westin Harbour Castle Caroline Rees, Cambridge, Centre, Street Level, The Westin Corporate Governance Massachusetts Harbour Castle Chair: Frank M. Placenti, Phoenix, Chair: F. Peter Phillips, Montclair, New Government Affairs Practice Arizona Co-sponsored by: Health Law Committee Jersey 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and Health Law Section Moderator: F. Peter Phillips, Montclair, Maritime Financing New Jersey This CLE will focus on the development of state health care exchanges, including an Dockside 3, Lower Level, The Additional Sponsors: Section of Dispute Westin Harbour Castle Resolution, Section of International Law analysis of the legal issues surrounding Commercial Finance Committee > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt the PPACA; a discussion regarding how Chair: David M. Williams, Baltimore, Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law states will implement the exchanges; Maryland Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 insight into opportunities for health care insurers; and an analysis of how state 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. procurement laws may come into play. Educational Programming MOn a Clear Day You Can Trade Speakers: Priscilla Diane Keith, Bay Room, Conference Centre, Forever: Well, Not Exactly, but Indianpolis, Indiana Street Level, The Westin Harbour Intra- and Inter- nation Clearance John Knapp, Minneapolis, Minnesota Castle and Settlement Organizations for Thomas Morante, Miami, Florida Chair: Jean E. Harris, Phoenix, Arizona Securities & Derivatives.... Manny Munson-Regala, Minneapolis, 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Harbour Ballroom Salon A, Minnesota Convention Level, The Westin Chair: Amy Kellogg, Albany, New York Snergy Group Harbour Castle Additional Sponsors: Health Law Section Dockside 9, Lower Level, The Uniform Commercial Code > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Westin Harbour Castle Co-sponsored by: Commercial Finance Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Snergy Group Committee and Derivative and Futures Law Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Chair: Susan G. Talley, New Orleans, Louisiana The panel will explore the legal 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. frameworks for clearance and settlement MThe Global Response to the 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. of various financial products in major Financial Crisis: the Canadian, Angel Venture Capital US and Canadian markets. The session U.K. and U.S. Perspective Dockside 2, Lower Level, The will focus on legal rights that participants Westin Harbour Castle have in the products being cleared and Harbour Ballroom Salon C, Convention Level, The Westin Private Equity and Venture Capital associated collateral being posted, and Chair: Yoichiro Taku, Palo Alto, California how a failure of a participant in the Harbour Castle clearing system (or the clearing entity Banking Law 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. itself) is handled. Attention will also be Co-sponsored by: Business Bankruptcy International Developments in given to the current (evolving) regulatory The panel will discuss the governmental Corporate Governance framework for derivatives clearing. and regulatory responses to the financial Pier 4, Convention Level, The Speakers: Laura Klimpel, New York, New crisis with an emphasis on the Canadian, Westin Harbour Castle York U.K. and U.S. responses, and the Corporate Governance Tom Marley, Toronto, Ontario, Canada international responses from the Basel Co-Chairs: Daniela R. Liscio, New York, Jeffrey S. Mooney, Washington, D.C. Committee and Financial Stability Board. New York Kathryn M. Trkla, Chicago, Illinois Speakers: Sheryl Kennedy, Toronto, Alfredo L. Rovira, Buenos Aires Merrie-Faye Witkin, New York, New Ontario, Canada Argentina York George W. Madison, Detroit, Michigan Chair: Sandra M. Rocks, New York, New Mark White, Toronto, Ontario, Canada York Chair: Paul L. Lee, New York, New York > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law 114 Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Sections, Divisions and Forums 115 Section (continued) Law Ontario, Canada Ottawa, Ontario, Mark Opashinov, Canada New York Harry Robins, New York, Canada York Speakers: Susan Hutton, Ottawa, Ontario, Chair: John Clifford, Toronto, Chair: Stuart M. Riback, New York, New Chair: Stuart New York, M. Riback, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. MMergers, Investment Reviews, Competitor Collaborations and Distribution Practices in the US Need to and Canada - What You Business Know For Your Quay I/II, Conference Queen’s Centre, Street Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Antitrust Law Canada and the US being each With largest trading partners, US other’s and Canadian businesses often cross the border to make investments and sell their goods. An experienced panel of antitrust attorneys will provide a comparative perspective of Canadian and US antitrust laws focusing on mergers, foreign investment restrictions, competitor collaborations and distribution practices to bring business lawyers up-to-date on different and evolving in both new, what’s jurisdictions. This portion will deal with how to take discovery in American litigation. abroad Discovery US for use in foreign in the 1782. The litigation under 28 USC 2004 decision in v Supreme Court’s potential availability AMD broadened the of US discoveryin foreign litigation. The extensive case years since have seen of laws and law developments. Conflict public policy issues are raised when taking discovery in a country than other What happens when the forum country. American courts faced with objections are to discovery based on such matters as Swiss banking secrecy rules? Business California York Wisconsin Minnesota Chair: Paul L. Lion III, Palo Alto, Chair: Peter B. Barlow, New York, New York, New Chair: Peter B. Barlow, Chair: Conrad G. Goodkind, Milwaukee, Chair: Thomas F. Morante, Miami, Florida Chair: Thomas F. Fleming, St. Paul, Chair: Michael F. Primary Health Law Section Sponsor: 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 Pier 9, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Committees of the Council MDiscovery Issues in Litigation Transnational Salon B, Harbour Ballroom Convention Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Business and Corporate Litigation Co-sponsored by: International Business Law A how-to discussion, focused on the applicable treaties, conventions and applicable portions of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, especially Rule 28. Aircraft Financing (Session 2) Pier 5, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Commercial Finance Committee State and Local Bar Relations Dockside 9, Lower Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Council Committee on Finance International Business Law The Westin Regatta, Main Lobby, Harbour Castle 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Cyberspace Law The Westin Marine, Main Lobby, Harbour Castle Data Privacy & HIPAA: What MCData Privacy & HIPAA: Every Lawyer Needs to Know in the U.S. and Canada Level, MTCC, Room 717B, 700 South Building p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 Technology Law Technology York City, Missouri City, Connecticut New York, Penelope L. Christophorou, New York Primary& Sponsor: Section of Science Chair: David Gourevitch, New York, New Chair: David Gourevitch, New York, Chair: Steven Haas, Richmond, Virginia Chair: Carrie Hunt, Arlington, Virginia Chair: Christopher J. Rockers, Kansas Co-Chairs: James C. Schulwolf, Hartford,Co-Chairs: James C. 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCCloud Computing Demystified!! Is It A Revolution or an Evolution?? White-Collar Crime Conference Centre, Wellington, Harbour Street Level, The Westin Castle 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Current Events and Emerging Issues Pier 4, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Corporate Governance 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Supervision Pier 7/8, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Credit Unions Committee Council Committee on Committee Support and Structure Pier 9, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Committees of the Council Harbour Ballroom Salon A, Harbour Ballroom The Westin Convention Level, Harbour Castle Commercial Finance and UniformCommercial Finance Joint Meeting Commercial Code 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. common security perimeter protecting 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. MEObstruction of Justice and both countries. MThe CFTC and SEC Dodd- In-House Counsel: After the Speakers: Mark J. Andrews, Washington, Frank Rulemaking for Derivatives: GlaxoSmithKline In-House D.C. Compliance Issues for Businesses Counsel Indictments, What Has Ron Lennox, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada that Use Swaps and Securities- Marianne Rowden, Washington, D.C. Changed from an Ethical and Dean Saul, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Based Swaps Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Legal Perspective Co-Chairs: Jacques Shore, Toronto, West, Conference Centre, 2nd Harbour Ballroom Salon C, Ontario, Canada Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Convention Level, The Westin Mark Anderson, Arlington, Virginia Derivatives and Futures Law Committee Harbour Castle > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt The panel will discuss the SEC and Corporate Counsel Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law CFTC’s jointly proposed product Co-sponsored by: White Collar Crime Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 The panel will address changing ethical definitions of swaps and securities-based and corporate obligations in light of the 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. swaps. Compliance issues: disclosure, DOJ prosecution of an in-house counsel; MStop! Border Crossing Ahead: ISDA documentation, conflicts of why this case is a worrisome development Navigating Cross-Border DIP interest, clearing, margin extraterritorial for in-house counsel who usually have Loans and Restructurings application, and new legal liabilities and several safety defenses like “advice of Harbour Ballroom Salon A, standards for manipulation, disruptive counsel” to the extent there is a particular Convention Level, The Westin trading and fraud. non-compliance history for healthcare Harbour Castle Speakers: Geoffrey F. Aronow, defense attorneys. Commercial Finance Washington, D.C. Speakers: Shannon Thyme Klinger, Co-sponsored by: Business Financing Susan C. Ervin, Washington, D.C. Princeton, New Jersey Current trends in cross-border loans and Peter Y. Malyshev, Washington, D.C. John Kocoras, Chicago, Illinois restructurings including (a) updating Michael Sackheim, New York, New David Rosenfield, New York, New York primer on the differences between York Chair: Judith Sun Kim, Houston, Texas formal U.S. and Canadian restructuring Kathryn M. Trkla, Chicago, Illinois Moderator: Judith Sun Kim, Houston, proceedings, (b) cross-border DIP loan Chair: Charles R. Mills, Washington, D.C. Texas update including priority issues, and (c) Moderator: Charles R. Mills, Washington, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt the new Canadian landscape for foreign D.C. Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law recognition proceedings. > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Speakers: Evan Flaschen, Hartford, Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Connecticut MRegulatory Burdens on U.S.- Deborah S. Grieve, Toronto, Ontario, 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Canada Meeting of Subcommittee Chairs, Canada Trade: A Titan in Chairs Alex L. MacFarlane, Toronto, Ontario, Pier 2/3, Convention Level, The Directors and Liaisons Canada Westin Harbour Castle Bay Room, Conference Centre, L. Lee Podair, New York, NY Government Affairs Practice Street Level, The Westin Harbour Co-Chairs: Michael Wunder, Toronto, Despite NAFTA, the U.S.-Canada border Castle Ontario, Canada continues to “thicken.” The world’s largest Intellectual Property Cathy L. Reece, Phoenix, Arizona bilateral trading relationship is hampered Chair: Sharon K. Sandeen, St. Paul, Moderator: Dimitri Karcazes, Chicago, by countless differences in border security Minnesota Illinois measures, customs and export rules, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. carrier licensing, safety regulations, Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Corporate Governance and obscure “cabotage” restrictions on Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 use of commercial vehicles and their Roundtable operators. Do any of these impediments Pier 4, Convention Level, The promote fundamental interests of either Westin Harbour Castle country, let alone shared interests? Which Corporate Governance ones pander to parochial preferences, Chair: Carol Hansell, Toronto, ON and which are purposeless relics? Our Canada binational panel of lawyers and industry representatives will exchange ideas on redesigning the border, and possibly redirecting regulatory resources to a

116 Sections, Divisions and Forums 117 Section (continued) Law Minnesota York Chair: Michael F. Fleming, St. Paul, Chair: Michael F. New Chair: Marsha E. Simms, New York, 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MCareer Management and Business Development for the Diverse Lawyer Salon A, Harbour Ballroom Convention Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Diversity Co-Sponsors: Business and Corporate Litigation, Business bankruptcy, Business Law Fellows, Ambassadors and Diplomats, Career and Practice Development, Center on Diversity, Corporate Compliance, Corporate Counsel, Corporate Director Diversity, Benefits and Employee Cyberspace Law, Executive Compensation, Governmental Corporations, Leadership Development, LLCs, Partnerships and Unincorporated Entities, Middle Market and Small Lawyer Business and Young Diverse attorneys and law students (ethnic minorities, women, disabled, gay, young and lesbian, bisexual, transgender, senior) are confronted with additional considerations to ensure their professional success. This program will explore how diversity impacts the business and professional development of attorneys at all experience levels by discussing practical strategies to proactively manage your career and develop your practice. Panelists will share their insights on utilizing diversity to influence hiring, marketing, and business development in the U.S. and Canada. 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 and Meeting of Subcommittee Group Chairs and Working Administrative Subcommittees Level, The Dockside 2, Lower Harbour Castle Westin Cyberspace Law Committee Content Pier 7/8, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Business , AUGUST 6 SATURDAY Georgia Diego, California Scott Burnham, Spokane, Washington Texas Illinois Mary Ann Hynes, Westchester, Delaware Alto, California New York York, Chiu, New Y. Victor Chair: Therese G. Franzen, Norcross, Co-Chairs: Eniola Akindemowo, San Co-Chairs: Lynn A. Howell, Houston, Co-Chairs: Lynn Chair: Saba Ashraf, Atlanta, Georgia D. Johnston, Wilmington, Chair: William Co-Chairs: Pamela J. Martinson,Co-Chairs: Pamela J. Palo 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 Welcome and Introduction and Welcome Grand Ballroom Metropolitan Centre, Conference Centre, 2nd Harbour Castle Level, The Westin Consumer Financial Services Committee General Provisions and Relations to Other Law The Westin Marine, Main Lobby, Harbour Castle 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Business Breakfast Club Dockside 9, Lower Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Membership Taxation Taxation Dockside 6, Lower Level, The Harbour Castle Westin 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Administrative Subcommittees and Subcommittee Chairs and Vice Chairs Bay Room, Conference Centre, Harbour Street Level, The Westin Castle Business and Corporate Litigation Committee 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 Joint Terms Commercial Finance Force Task Level, The Pier 9, Convention Harbour Castle Westin Washington City, Missouri City, Technology Law Technology in the Profession Alabama Chair: Faith L. Anderson, Dallas, Texas Chair: Linda J. Rusch, Seattle, Chair: Christopher J. Redmond, Kansas Primary Sponsor: Section of Science & Primary Sponsor: Commission on Women Primary Sponsor: Commission on Women Chair: Scott E. Ludwig, Huntsville, Chair: Mark A. Danzi, Tampa, Florida Tampa, Chair: Mark A. Danzi, 4:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 Pier 7/8, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Credit Unions Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs Meeting Chairs and Vice Las Vegas Planning Committee Las Vegas Bay Room, Conference Centre, Harbour Street Level, The Westin Castle International Coordinating Committee Dockside 9, Lower Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Hot Topics in Internet Law and MCHot Topics Strategy Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Caledon, Main Level, Centre InterContinental Toronto The Road to Independence: Journeys to Starting Women’s Their Own Law Firms Task Force on Life Science Task Level, The Dockside 6, Lower Harbour Castle Westin 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 Private Equity and Venture Capital Venture Private Equity and Level, The Dockside 2, Lower Harbour Castle Westin Speakers: Kirby Chown, Toronto, Ontario, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Canada Nonprofit Organizations Debt Collection Practices and Barbara Mendel Mayden, Nashville, Wellington, Conference Centre, Bankruptcy Tennessee Street Level, The Westin Harbour Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Chris Montague, Toronto, Ontario, Castle Centre, Conference Centre, 2nd Canada Chair: Willard L. Boyd III, Des Moines, Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Natalie Panossian, Simi Valley, Iowa Consumer Financial Services Committee California Chair: Robert Aitken, Dearborn, Michigan Moderator: Jacqueline A. Parker, Cherry 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Hill, New Jersey MWho’s Happy Now? ABS 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Co-Sponsor: Center for Ethnic and Racial Disputes: Trustees Under Siege, Distressed M&A Diversity, Commission on Mental and Investors Enraged, & the Litigation Metropolitan Grand Ballroom East, Physical Disability Law, Commission on Settlements That Will Determine Conference Centre, 2nd Level, The Women, Judicial Division Who Will “Win” Westin Harbour Castle Additional Sponsors: Law Student Pier 2/3, Convention Level, The Mergers and Acquisitions Division, Young Lawyers Division Westin Harbour Castle Co-Chairs: Hendrick F. Jordaan, Denver, Co-Chairs: Daria Boxer, Los Angeles, Trust Indentures and Indenture Trustees Colorado California Co-sponsored by: Securitization and Jennifer Muller, San Francisco, Jacqueline Parker, Cherry Hill, New Structured Finance California Jersey This panel will survey the recent 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Gary Zhao, Chicago, Illinois explosion of disputes—both pre- and MCBankruptcy Basics > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt post-litigation—related to structured Room 711, 700 Level, MTCC, South Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law securities, such as CDOs and RMBS Building Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 with particular emphasis on the role Primary Sponsor: General Practice, Solo 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. of indenture/PSA trustees and the and Small Firm Division MInsider Trading Revisited No. X implications of these recent disputes for future structured securities transactions. 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Queen’s Quay I/II, Conference Panelists will explore several areas Corporate Documents and Centre, Street Level, The Westin of recent significance to structured Harbour Castle Process securities lawyers generally, and trustees’ Dockside 9, Lower Level, The Insider Trading Legislation counsel in particular, including RMBS Westin Harbour Castle Co-sponsored by: Federal Regulation of put-back disputes, CDO fraud litigation, Chair: Randall D. McClanahan, Securities government enforcement efforts, and the Birmingham, Alabama In recent years, regulators and foreclosure robo-signing controversy. prosecutors have dramatically increased 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Speakers: Amiad M. Kushner, New York, the identification and punishment of New York International insider trading activity. This program will Cristeena Naser, Washington, D.C. Dockside 4, Lower Level, The explore insider trading law and recent Elizabeth S. Stong, Brooklyn, New York Westin Harbour Castle enforcement activity, with the goal of Co-Chairs: Doneene K. Damon, Private Equity and Venture Capital helping practitioners avoid pitfalls. Wilmington, Delaware Co-Chairs: Samantha Horn, Toronto, ON Speakers: Meyer Eisenberg, Salem, Scott L. Walker, New York, New York Canada Oregon > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Francesco Portolano, Milan, Italy Dixie Johnson, Washington, D.C. Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Sajai Singh, Bangalore, India Simon M. Lorne, New York, New York Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 John F. Olson, Washington, D.C. 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Richard M. Phillips, San Francisco, 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. IP Deskbook for the Business California Operations Lawyer, Third Edition Project Chair: Kenneth J. Bialkin, New York, New Pier 5, Convention Level, The Dockside 6, Lower Level, The York Westin Harbour Castle Westin Harbour Castle > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Credit Unions Committee Intellectual Property Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Chair: Peter R. Woods, Rochester, New Co-Chairs: Sharon K. Sandeen, St. Paul, Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 York Minnesota Qin Shi, Palo Alto, California

118 Sections, Divisions and Forums 119 Section (continued) Law California Alabama Minnesota Wilmington, Grossbauer, John F. Delaware John Clifford, Minneapolis, Minnesota Illinois Beach, Florida Robert Rappel, Vero Chair: Russell W. Schrader, Foster City, Foster City, Schrader, Chair: Russell W. Chair: Scott E. Ludwig, Huntsville, Boos, Minneapolis, Co-Chairs: Matthew T. New York New York, Chair: Nir Yarden, Co-Chairs: Bruce Cheatham, Dallas, Texas Co-Chairs: Andres J. Gallegos, Chicago, Co-Chairs: Andres J. Chair: Lawrence J. Beaser 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 Litigation and Arbitration Grand Ballroom Metropolitan Centre, Conference Centre, 2nd Harbour Castle Level, The Westin Consumer Financial Services Committee LLCs, Partnerships and Unincorporated Entities Dockside 3, Lower Level, The Harbour Castle Westin LLCs, Partnershipsand Unincorporated Entities Director and Officer Liability Bay Room, Conference Centre, Harbour Street Level, The Westin Castle Institutional Investors (Session I) Pier 9, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Institutional Investors 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Force New Projects Task Dockside 7, Lower Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Mergers and Acquisitions Health Law Level, The Dockside 5, Lower Harbour Castle Westin Corporation Act Model Nonprofit Conference Centre, Wellington, Harbour Street Level, The Westin Castle 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Business Washington, D.C. Washington, Palo Alto, Walker, Ann Yvonne California Redwood City, California Redwood City, ON, Canada Toronto, Howie C. Wong, Minnesota BC, Canada Snell, Vancouver, Peter V. Maryland Chair: Vicki MartinChair: Vicki Odette, Dallas, Texas Co-Chairs: Mary M. Sjoquist, Co-Chairs: Leianne S. Crittenden, Chair: Meg Milroy, Arlington, Virginia Chair: Meg Milroy, Co-Chairs: Sharon K. Sandeen, St. Paul, Chair: Patricia E.M. Covington, Hanover, Hanover, Chair: Patricia E.M. Covington, 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 Dockside 4, Lower Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Capital Private Equity and Venture 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Small Business Issuers Joint Meeting Conference Centre, Street Yonge, Harbour Castle Level, The Westin Federal Regulation of Securities Leadership Meeting Dockside 9, Lower Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Corporate Counsel Committee Capital Private Equity and Venture Funds Diversity The Westin Marine, Main Lobby, Harbour Castle 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Around the World IP Transactions Project Dockside 6, Lower Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Intellectual Property Privacy Grand Ballroom Metropolitan Centre, 2nd Centre, Conference Castle Harbour Level, The Westin Consumer Financial Services Committee New York York New York Houston, Texas Mark R. Trachtenberg, Pasadena, California Paul Hodnefield, St. Paul, Minnesota New York Pennsylvania Wilmington, Parsons, Jr., Donald F. Delaware Chair: Yvette Austin Smith, New York, Austin Smith, New York, Chair: Yvette Chair: Peter B. Barlow, New York, New New York, Chair: Peter B. Barlow, Co-Chairs: Kendyl T. Hanks, New York, Hanks, New York, Co-Chairs: Kendyl T. Co-Chairs: James D. Prendergast, Chair: Shannon Lowry Nagle, New York, Chair: Shannon Lowry Nagle, New York, Co-Chairs: Mitchell L. Bach, Philadelphia, Co-Chairs: Mitchell L. 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 Financial Advisor Disclosures Task Financial Advisor Disclosures Task Force East, Grand Ballroom Metropolitan Conference Centre, 2nd Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Mergers and Acquisitions Aircraft Financing (Session 3) Pier 4, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Commercial Finance Committee Appellate Litigation Dockside 2, Lower Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Business and Corporate Litigation Committee Bay Room, Conference Centre, Harbour Street Level, The Westin Castle Joint Task Force on Filing Office Joint Task Operations and Search Logic Joint Meeting Pier 9, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Commercial Finance Committee Creditors’ Rights 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 Judges Initiative Level, The Dockside 5, Lower Harbour Castle Westin 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon experiences in international insolvencies, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Making the Transition from Law including the automatic stay, asset sales MInternational Business Lawyer of Student to Lawyer free and clear of interests, third-party Mystery? Insider’s Guide to Legal Sheraton Hall C, Lower Concourse, releases and credit bidding. Examples Careers in National Defense and Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel from the Nortel and Blockbuster cases will Security Industries Primary Sponsor: Law Student Division be used. Regatta, Main Lobby, The Westin Speakers: Honorable Allan L. Gropper, Harbour Castle 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. New York, New York Mystery, Intrigue and Business Law? Yes, MBrand Ownership 2.0 - Mr. Justice Geoffrey B. Morawetz, along with all of the coolest jobs in the Navigating the Competing Online Toronto, Ontario, Canada national security and defense industries, Kevyn D. Orr, Washington, D.C. Demands for the non-IP Lawyer business law is ever present. Our star Linc A. Rogers, Toronto, Ontario, Harbour Ballroom Salon B, filled panel has worked in and around Canada Convention Level, The Westin almost every aspect of national defense Chair: Michael Baxter, Washington, D.C. Harbour Castle and homeland security, from the military Moderator: E. Bruce Leonard, Toronto, Cyberspace Law to TSA and beyond. Their perspectives on Ontario, Canada Co-sponsored by: Corporate Counsel and the trends and expansion of this practice > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Intellectual Property area since 9/11 is one program not to Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law The rise of social media, mobile miss! Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 applications, blogs and online advertising Co-Sponsor: ABA Homeland Security has intensified consumers’ involvement 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Coordinating Committee and Diversity in the development of brand identity. M Speakers: Charles Dunlap, Durham, Both businesses and consumers have In Sickness and in Health: Fundamentals of Healthcare North Carolina a proprietary stake in the meaning James M. Durant III, Mildenhall, United of a company’s brand. Developments Finance Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Kingdom in copyright law, as it relates to Jack L. Rives, Chicago, Illinois protecting brand assets in cyberspace. West, Conference Centre, 2nd Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Jarisse Sanborn, Silverthorne, Colorado Developments in trademark law, relating Jacques J.M. Shore, Toronto, Ontario, to protection of trademark assets in Commercial Finance Co-sponsored: Business Financing, Canada cyberspace. James W. Swanson, Washington, D.C. Speakers: Erik Pelton, Arlington, Virginia Health Law, Uniform Commercial Code, American College of Commercial Finance Moderator: Lynn Howell, Gulfport, Florida Susan Richey, Concord, New and Houston, Texas Hampshire Lawyers and Association of Commercial Finance Attorneys Co-Chairs: Annie Clement, Albuquerque, Chair: Jon M. Garon, Saint Paul, New Mexico Minnesota Structuring and documenting credit facilities for healthcare related entities Louise P. Dempsey, Cleveland, Ohio Moderator: Jon M. Garon, Saint Paul, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Minnesota (including, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and assisted living facilities). Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law The panelists will discuss issues relating Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 to financing perfecting and collecting healthcare receivables and the due 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. diligence that is involved when lending to MCross-Border Bankruptcies: healthcare related entities. Current Issues and Trends Speakers: CJ Blagg, Chevy Chase, Harbour Ballroom Salon A, Maryland Convention Level, The Westin William Gramlich, Philadelphia, Harbour Castle Pennsylvania Business Bankruptcy Chair: Heather Sonnenberg, Philadelphia, Co-sponsored by: International Insolvency Pennsylvania Institute Chapter 15 of the U.S. > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Bankruptcy Code, Canadian Creditors Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Arrangement Act and cross-border Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 business bankruptcy cases. Chapter 15 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; A panel consisting of some of the leading judges and practitioners in cross-border bankruptcy will discuss recent issues and

120 Sections, Divisions and Forums 121 Section (continued) Law Connecticut Illinois York Chair: John K. Hughes, Washington, D.C. Chair: John K. Hughes, Washington, Chair: Nir Yarden, New York, New York New York, Chair: Nir Yarden, Hirschoff, Stamford, Chair: Jon T. Chair: Julie R. Caggiano, Houston, Texas Chair: Sally Doubet King, Chicago, Chair: Sally Doubet King, New Chair: Kenneth J. Bialkin, New York, 12:00 Noon to 2:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Frontenac, Conference Centre, Frontenac, Harbour Street Level, The Westin Castle Mergers and Acquisitions Institutional Investors (Session 2) Pier 9, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Group on M&A Working Jurisprudence - Judicial Interpretations East, Grand Ballroom Metropolitan Conference Centre, 2nd Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Mergers and Acquisitions Membership Joint Meeting Dockside 9, Lower Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Membership 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. International Commercial Law Pier 7/8, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Private Equity M&A 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 and Executive Employee Benefits Compensation Level, The Dockside 2, Lower Harbour Castle Westin Legislation Insider Trading Pier 7/8, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Business New York York, Nestor Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina D.C. Jonathan D. Cahn, Washington, Eldridge, London, United Kingdom Tom Ontario, Toronto, Erik Goldsilver, Canada D.C. Catherine Jones, Washington, D.C. Keith Larson, Washington, Jason Mogg, Prague, Czech Republic D.C. D.C. Washington, New Jersey Sacramento, Anne Sheehan, West California Boston, Massachusetts Smith, Timothy Canada Minnesota John H. Stout, Minneapolis, Speakers: Jeannine L. Acevedo, New Chair: Arthur A. Cohen, Washington, Moderator: Arthur A. Cohen, Speakers: Margaret M. Foran, Newark, Speakers: Margaret M. Ontario, Toronto, Chair: Carol Hansell, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. MSecrets to Success in Project Finance in Emerging Markets Salon C, Harbour Ballroom Convention Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Project Finance Co-sponsored: Business Financing Committee, Energy Business Law Committee During the past years, there has been increased project finance activity in emerging markets, particularly in Eastern Europe, Africa and Latin America. Studies indicate that this trend will continue given the need for infrastructure in these areas. The program will examine how deals are being done, what are the main risk factors and how these are being addressed and mitigated; examining the parallel but differing responses in the market, regulation and law to create an understanding of the legal and business market for project financing in these areas. Canada Ontario, Canada Ontario, Serena Lefort, Toronto, Canada Chair: Samantha Horn, Toronto, Ontario, Chair: Samantha Horn, Toronto, Speakers: Mark Jamrozinski, Toronto, Speakers: Mark Jamrozinski, Toronto, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 Queen’s Quay I/II, Conference Queen’s Centre, Street Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Corporate Governance 26-page Buffet’s Warren Whether it’s six-hour Q&A, annual shareholder letter, for capitalists”) meeting (“Woodstock offering premiums or Peggy Foran’s to Prudential shareholders to vote, a number of companies are developing creative, innovative ways to engage with their shareholders. The panel will consider various examples of progressive these shareholder engagement. Will initiatives lessen the desire for proxy access, say on pay and the profusion of shareholder resolutions? An experienced panel will discuss various efforts being made by companies to address shareholder engagement, their pros, cons and results. MProgressive Board/Shareholder Engagement Pier 2/3, Convention Level, The Pier 2/3, Convention Harbour Castle Westin Capital Private Equity & Venture Financing Co-sponsored: Business This program will discuss issues for US and other investors investing in Canadian companies. It will consist of a primer on legal and tax issues facing those investors in completing investments in Canada. It will also include a description of the current market in Canada, with a particular the investment activity focus on being seen in Canada from US investors. Majority and Minority MMajority and Minority Investments in Canadian and Other Businesses by U.S. Foreign Investors 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Loan Documentation Truth in Lending Market Trends Pier 9, Convention Level, The Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Metropolitan Grand Ballroom East, Westin Harbour Castle Centre, Conference Centre, 2nd Conference Centre, 2nd Level, The Commercial Finance Committee Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Westin Harbour Castle Co-Chairs: Bobbi Acord, Atlanta, Consumer Financial Services Committee Mergers and Acquisitions Georgia Co-Chairs: Catherine M. Brennan, Co-Chairs: James R. Griffin, Dallas, Texas Scott A. Lessne, Chevy Chase, Hanover, Maryland Jessica C. Pearlman, Seattle, Maryland Jeffrey P. Naimon, Washington, D.C. Washington 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Bankruptcy Litigation Anti-Money Laundering and Anti- MAfter the Closing Dinner: Dockside 2, Lower Level, The Terrorist Initiatives and Task Force Managing Post-Closing Issues in Westin Harbour Castle on Record Owner Legislation Joint Secured Transactions Business and Corporate Litigation Meeting Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Committee Dockside 9, Lower Level, The West, Conference Centre, 2nd Co-Chairs: Michael D. Rubenstein, Westin Harbour Castle Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Houston, Texas LLCs, Partnerships and Unincorporated Uniform Commercial Code Philip S. Warden, San Francisco, Entities Co-sponsored by: Commercial Finance California Chair: Eric N. Feldman, Wilmington, Committee 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Delaware This program examines the effect of Dispute Resolution common post-closing events on perfected 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. security interests and what the secured Dockside 3, Lower Level, The Institutional Investors (Session 3) Westin Harbour Castle party must do to retain perfection and Pier 9, Convention Level, The priority in the collateral. The topics Chair: Lawrence Graves, Keene, New Westin Harbour Castle Hampshire covered include: changes to the debtor’s Chair: Nir Yarden, New York, New York name, transfer of the collateral, and a 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. change in the governing law. Credit Unions MCHealth Care Reform: Looking Speakers: Annette Moore, Chicago, Pier 5, Convention Level, The Back at Where Things Stand Illinois Westin Harbour Castle Now Steven O. Weise, Los Angeles, Chair: Faith L. Anderson, Dallas, Texas California Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. South Building Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Primary Sponsor: Section of Real Acquisitions of Public Companies Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Metropolitan Grand Ballroom East, Property, Trust and Estate Law Conference Centre, 2nd Level, The 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. M Westin Harbour Castle MCNew Restrictions on U.S. Dodd-Frank’s Regulatory Mergers and Acquisitions Internet Sales: Data Passes, Triangle: Love or Bermuda? 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Negative Options, Automatic Centre, Conference Centre, 2nd Investigations and Litigation Renewals and Recurring Charges Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 4, Convention Level, The Room 716A, 700 Level, MTCC, Consumer Financial Services Westin Harbour Castle South Building Co-sponsored by: Banking Law Committee Corporate Governance Primary Sponsor: Section of Science & and Credit Unions Committee Co-Chairs: Philip S. Khinda, Washington, Technology Law 1. The interaction and coordination D.C. between the CFPB and the FTC Karen L. Morris, Wilmington, Delaware 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MCOn The Docket: The 2010- in supervision, examinations and 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. 2011 Supreme Court Term enforcement actions; 2. The interaction Sale of Goods Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, and coordination between the CFPB and Pier 7/8, Convention Level, The South Building the prudential regulators (Federal Reserve Westin Harbour Castle Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on Board/OCC/NCUA) in supervision, Uniform Commercial Code Public Education examinations and enforcement actions Chair: Candace M. Zierdt, Gulfport, ; 3. The interaction and coordination Florida among the CFPB, the state attorneys general and state banking agencies

122 Sections, Divisions and Forums 123 Section (continued) Law York, New York York, Virginia Florida Connecticut Massachusetts John H. Stout, Minneapolis, Minnesota Arizona Robert Dallas, Texas J. Witte, Chair: Penelope L. Christophorou, New Chair: Greg M. Giammittorio, McLean, Simmons, II, Tampa, Chair: Sherwin P. Chair: James C. Shulwolf, Hartford, Co-Chairs: Michael E. Malamut, Dedham, Co-Chairs: Andrew F. Halaby, Phoenix, Halaby, Co-Chairs: Andrew F. 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Subcommittee Chairs and Vice- Chairs The Westin Marine, Main Lobby, Harbour Castle Uniform Commercial Code Pier 7/8, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Middle Market and Small Business Lawyer Committee Young The Westin Regatta, Main Lobby, Harbour Castle Leadership Meeting Pier 9, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Commercial Finance Committee Nonprofit Governance Pier 4, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Corporate Governance 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 Force on Litigation Reform Task and Rules Revision Level, The Dockside 2, Lower Harbour Castle Westin Litigation Business and Corporate Committee Middle Market and Small Business Business Technology Law Technology D.C. Massachusetts Primary& Sponsor: Section of Science Chair: Arthur A. Cohen, Washington, Chair: Arthur Washington, A. Cohen, Boston, B. Barr, Chair: Lynne 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Revised Asset Purchase Force Agreement Task Pier 9, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Mergers and Acquisitions 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. MCWhat is Legally Defensible Data Security? Room 716A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Bay Room, Conference Centre, Harbour Street Level, The Westin Castle Project Finance Committee Inside the Boardroom Pier 4, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Corporate Governance 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Council Meeting Conference Centre, Frontenac, Harbour Street Level, The Westin Castle Pier 2/3, Convention Level, The Pier 2/3, Convention Harbour Castle Westin Non-Profit Organizations Structuring options for international and international organizations. Unexpected tax considerations arising from multi- jurisdictional operations, regulatory and other issues. Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Project Finance MMulti-Level (International, & Local) Non- National, Regional How to Profit Organizations: Unexpected Structure Them Plus Issues Wisconsin Ontario, Canada Fitzsimmons, Hartford, Matthew F. Connecticut Jon Neiditz, Atlanta, Georgia Washington, Laura Riposo VanDruff, D.C. Canada Gary Zhao, Chicago, Illinois Ontario, Canada Gary Zhao, Chicago, Illinois Chair: James L. Brown, Milwaukee, Chair: James L. Brown, Speakers: Matthew Davies, Toronto, Speakers: Matthew Davies, Toronto, Ontario, Chair: Lisa R. Lifshitz, Toronto, Moderators: Lisa R. Lifshitz, Toronto, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young $35 Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: p.m. 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 in supervision, and examinations enforcement actions. Harbour Ballroom Salon A, Harbour Ballroom Convention Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Business and Corporate Litigation Co-sponsored by: Cyberspace Law Committee The consequences of a data breach are significant. This program will discuss various US and Canadian laws relating to mandatory data breach disclosure, including the federal laws enforced by the FTC that govern data security (the FTC Act, the FCRA, and the Gramm-Leach Bliley Act) and state laws. The program will also discuss “best practices” to manage a data breach, from the time the Privacy Officer is notified of a breach to dealing with state or national privacy/ information commissions, the press and clients. It will also offer practical advice to mitigate data breach risks, from forensic investigation to proactively obtaining insurance. cyber-liability/privacy Enforcement of Data Breach MEnforcement of Data Notification Laws and Other Laws Safeguarding Personal Information: Legal Perspectives From Both Sides of the Counsel Table 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Young Lawyers Secured Lending, Commercial Two-Step Auctions Task Force Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Finance and Secured Frontenac, Conference Centre, Centre, Conference Centre, 2nd Transactions, Joint Meeting Street Level, The Westin Harbour Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 4, Convention Level, The Castle Consumer Financial Services Committee Westin Harbour Castle Mergers and Acquisitions Chair: Ryan S. Stinneford, Portland, Uniform Commercial Code Co-Chairs: Frederick H. Alexander, Maine Co-Chairs: Wansun Song, Los Angeles, Wilmington, Delaware California Michael G. O’Bryan, San Francisco, California SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 Pauline M. Stevens, Los Angeles, California 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Legal Opinions Business Torts Antitrust and Trade Litigation Pier 5, Convention Level, The Pier 9, Convention Level, The Bay Room, Conference Centre, Westin Harbour Castle Westin Harbour Castle Street Level, The Westin Harbour Chair: Stanley Keller, Boston, Business and Corporate Litigation Castle Massachusetts Committee Business and Corporate Litigation 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Chair: Dale M. Weppner, St. Louis, Committee Open Mic Missouri 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Metropolitan Grand Ballroom 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Business Courts Centre, Conference Centre, 2nd Law & Accounting Pier 9, Convention Level, The Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 7/8, Convention Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Consumer Financial Services Committee Westin Harbour Castle Business and Corporate Litigation Chair: Therese G. Franzen, Norcross, Committee Georgia 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Chair: Cory E. Manning, Columbia, 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Housing Finance and RESPA and South Carolina Personal Property Financing Joint Business Law Education Meeting 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Dockside 9, Lower Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Emerging Companies Co-Chairs: Dennis R. Honabach, Centre, Conference Centre, 2nd Regatta, Main Lobby, The Westin Highland Heights, Kentucky Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Castle Carol D. Newman, Atlanta, Georgia Consumer Financial Services Committee Middle Market and Small Business Chair: John P. Kromer, Washington, D.C. Chair: Kevin Olson, Phoenix, Arizona 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Business Law Fellows, Task Force on Dictionary of M&A Intellectual Property Ambassadors and Diplomats Terms Dockside 6, Lower Level, The Dockside 3, Lower Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Frontenac, Conference Centre, Westin Harbour Castle Co-Chairs: Bryan K. Brown, Houston, Street Level, The Westin Harbour Chair: Sharon K. Sandeen, St. Paul, Texas Castle Minnesota Kathleen J. Hopkins, Seattle, Mergers and Acquisitions 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Washington Co-Chairs: David A. Katz, New York, Leadership Development New York Dockside 9, Lower Level, The 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Richard E. Climan, East Palo Alto, Westin Harbour Castle Pro Bono California Co-Chairs: Alvin W. Thompson, Hartford, Dockside 2, Lower Level, The Connecticut Westin Harbour Castle Charles E. McCallum, Grand Rapids, Business and Corporate Litigation Michigan Committee Co-Chairs: Kristen A. Gore, West Palm 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Beach, Florida Environmental Victoria H. Mitchell, Orlando, Florida Pier 7/8, Convention Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Chair: Lawrence P. Schnapf, New York, New York

124 Sections, Divisions and Forums 125 Section (continued) Law UK Los Angeles, James R. Walther, California York New Jerry Marlatt, New York, Ontario, Canada Toronto, David Power, D.C. Scott Stengel, Washington, Ontario, Canada Francisco, California Co-Chairs: Daniel P. Rosenberg, London, Co-Chairs: Daniel P. New York Speakers: Kristi Leo, New York, Canada Chair: Martin Fingerhut, Toronto, Moderator: Martin Fingerhut, Toronto, Moderator: Veronica McGregor, San McGregor, Moderator: Veronica > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young $35 Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 International M&A Conference Centre, Frontenac, Harbour Street Level, The Westin Castle Mergers and Acquisitions MEverything Old is New Again: (Back) to Covered Bonds Come the U.S. Quay I/II, Conference Queen’s Centre, Street Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Securitization and Structured Finance Co-sponsored by: Banking Law Committee, Business Financing, Commercial Finance, Federal Regulation of Securities and Uniform Commercial Code Covered bonds are a multi-trillion dollar financing product that has a century- long foothold in Europe. Our panel will discuss the history and basic structure of covered bonds, as well as their legal and explore will regulatory framework. We why covered bonds are being issued by European and Canadian banks in their own jurisdictions as well as cross- border to U.S investors, but are currently will also unavailable to U.S. banks. We discuss recent regulatory initiatives that may permit U.S. financial institutions to become significant covered bond issuers. Business D.C. Atlanta, Georgia Richard Fraher, Texas New York Greg Cavanagh, New York, Salem, North Winston Robert C. Hunter, Carolina Stephen Middlebrook, Washington, D.C. Stinneford, Portland,Ryan Maine Philadelphia, Roberta Torain, Pennsylvania Birmingham, Alabama Lois Woodward, Speakers: Cindy Baltierra, Washington, Speakers: Cindy Baltierra, Washington, Co-Chairs: Faith Anderson, Fort Worth, Chair: Iain C. Scott, Montreal, Canada 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 MEmerging Payment Systems: Latest Developments in Deposit and Payment Systems and their Cross-Border Implications Grand Ballroom Metropolitan Centre, Conference Centre, 2nd Harbour Castle Level, The Westin Consumer Financial Services Co-sponsored by: Banking Law Committee, Credit Union, Cyberspace Law and Uniform Commercial Code overview brief provide a will program The of traditional deposit accounts payment systems, discuss new deposit/payment systems, and explore the challenges in using these systems for cross-border transactions, including money laundering and fraud. Change of Control Transactions Transactions MChange of Control Share Involving Dual-Class Structures Salon C, Harbour Ballroom The Westin Convention Level, Harbour Castle Mergers and Acquisitions address dual-class This presentation will share structures (What are they? How common are they?) and the special issues that they give rise to in the context of control transactions, particularly relating to the allocation of value between the will discuss the classes of shares. We recent Magna decision in Canada and its implications. Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Columbia, Canada Minnesota British Columbia, Peter Snell, Vancouver, Canada Ontario, Canada San Francisco, Young, Laura Wen-Yu California Moines, Iowa Des Peter Yu, Square, Pennsylvania D.C. Janet R. McFadden, Washington, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Beach, James J. Wheaton, Virginia Virginia Chair: Peter Snell, Vancouver, British Chair: Peter Snell, Vancouver, Moderators: Sharon K. Sandeen, St. Paul, Speakers: Robert MacDonald, Ottawa, Co-Chairs: Kurt Heyman, Kennett M. Co-Chairs: William H. Clark, Jr, H. Clark, Jr, Co-Chairs: William > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 Harbour Ballroom Salon B, Harbour Ballroom Convention Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Intellectual Property Co-sponsored by: International Business Law Committee Understanding Intellectual Property rights when doing business with China is an essential element of any China While Intellectual expansion strategy. Property protection in the US and Canada is important, you need to ensure you know what to expect when seeking protection abroad and when entering into agreements with Chinese companies. MDancing with the Dragon: Intellectual Property and Licensing Strategies for North American Companies Doing Business with China Pier 9, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Business and Corporate Litigation Committee Corporate Counseling and Litigation and Indemnification & Insurance Joint Meeting UniformCommission Law The Westin Regatta, Main Lobby, Harbour Castle 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. their auditors and their public reporting. 1:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. MToronto Stock Exchange Listings: Possible new PCAOB rules regarding Audit Responses What U.S. Practitioners Need to communications with audit committee. Pier 4, Convention Level, The Know Increased scrutiny of auditors’ work since Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon A, the financial crisis and how this may Chair: James J. Rosenhauer, Washington, Convention Level, The Westin affect their relations with clients. D.C. Chair: Michael J. Scanlon, Washington, Harbour Castle 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Federal Regulation of Securities D.C. > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Committee Leadership Meeting The program will discuss the process Metropolitan Grand Ballroom for conducting a concurrent U.S. and Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Centre, Conference Centre, 2nd Canadian PO; address the Regulation Level, The Westin Harbour Castle S issues arising from a Canadian-only 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Consumer Financial Services Committee offering and TSX listing by a U.S. Professional Responsibility Chair: Therese G. Franzen, Norcross, domestic issuer; cover the Canadian Dockside 9, Lower Level, The Georgia continuous disclosure obligations Westin Harbour Castle arising as a result of the Canadian Chair: Rebecca M. Lamberth, Atlanta, 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. industry-specific issues coming out of Georgia Investment Securities the Canadian oil & gas and mining Pier 7/8, Convention Level, The disclosure requirements for reserves 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Westin Harbour Castle and resources (which are of particular Mergers and Acquisitions Uniform Commercial Code interest given the attraction of the TSX Frontenac, Conference Centre, Co-Chairs: Bradley Gibson, Santa Ana, for resource industry issuers). Within the Street Level, The Westin Harbour California scope of this topic, we might also address Castle Sandra M. Rocks, New York, New York the benefits of a TSX listing for a non- Mergers and Acquisitions 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Canadian issuer. Chair: Leigh Walton, Nashville, Tennessee Chair: Guy P. Lander, New York, New Intellectual Property Litigation 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Dockside 2, Lower Level, The York Employment Litigation > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 2, Lower Level, The Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Business and Corporate Litigation Westin Harbour Castle Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Committee Business and Corporate Litigation Chair: Stuart M. Riback, New York, New 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Committee York Chair: Bradford Newman, Palo Alto, Chairs and Vice Chairs 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Regatta, Main Lobby, The Westin California Harbour Castle MCERISA Litigation - Effect on 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Plan Design Middle Market and Small Business Partnerships and Alternative Chair: Greg M. Giammittorio, McLean, Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, Virginia Business Entities South Building Pier 9, Convention Level, The Primary Sponsor: Section of Real 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Westin Harbour Castle Property, Trust and Estate Law Environmental Litigation Business and Corporate Litigation Dockside 2, Lower Level, The Committee 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Westin Harbour Castle Chair: Dominick T. Gattuso, Wilmington, Disclosure and Continuous Business and Corporate Litigation Delaware Reporting Committee Pier 5, Convention Level, The 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Chair: John Fehrenbach, Washington, Westin Harbour Castle D.C. Securitization and Structured Federal Regulation of Securities Finance and Structured Finance Co-Chairs: Jonathan Wolfman Boston, 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Litigation Joint Meeting Massachusetts MThe Role of Auditors in the Post- Bay Room, Conference Centre, Guy P. Lander, New York, New York Financial Crisis World Street Level, The Westin Harbour Pier 2/3, Convention Level, The Castle Westin Harbour Castle Securitization and Structured Finance Law and Accounting Co-Chairs: Vicki O. Tucker, Richmond, Potential changes in the nature and scope Virginia of the auditors’ report and how that Scott L. Walker, Roseland, New Jersey will affect companies’ interaction with

126 Sections, Divisions and Forums 127 Section (continued) Law Arizona D.C. Washington York Washington, D.C. Washington, Prezioso, Bethesda, Giovanni P. Maryland Chair: Christine W. Young, Tucson, Tucson, Young, Chair: Christine W. Chair: William R. Baker, Washington, Washington, R. Baker, Chair: William Chair: J. Sue Morgan, Seattle, New Lang, New York, Chair: R. Todd Co-Chairs: William F. Kroener, III, Kroener, F. Co-Chairs: William 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Lesbian, Gay, Involvement Transgender Dockside 2, Lower Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Diversity Committee Civil Litigation and SEC Enforcement Matters Pier 5, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Federal Regulation of Securities Employee Benefits, Executive Compensation Dockside 3, Lower Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Federal Regulation of Securities Force on Survey the of Joint Task Law of Guaranties Pier 9, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Commercial Finance Committee 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Shareholder Force on Task Proposals Bay Room, Street Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Federal Regulation of Securities 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 Force on Financial ABA Task Markets Regulatory Reform Level, The Dockside 2, Lower Harbour Castle Westin by: Legal Opinions Co-sponsored and Corporate Counsel Committee Group Opinions Toronto Business Canada Lake, Michael J. Dunne, Toluca California Sharon K. Sandeen, St. Paul, Minnesota Heights, Kentucky Carol D. Newman, Atlanta, Georgia Blair W. Keefe, Toronto, Ontario, Keefe, Toronto, Blair W. Canada Kathleen Keest, Durham, North Carolina D.C. Alfred Pollard, Washington, Richmond, Virginia O. Tucker, Vicki D.C. Washington, O’Shields, Atlanta, Georgia Reginald T. Speakers: David Brown, Toronto, Ontario, Toronto, Speakers: David Brown, Co-Chairs: Dennis Honabach, Highland Speakers: Bob David, Washington, D.C. Speakers: Bob David, Washington, Moderators: Michael J. Halloran, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 respective practice areas. The goal is to respective practice areas. “word to the wise” provide the proverbial from stepping into to help a non-specialist would know to a trap that a specialist avoid. Metropolitan Grand Ballroom East, Grand Ballroom Metropolitan Conference Centre, 2nd Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Banking Law Co-sponsored by: Consumer Financial Services, Securitization and Structured Finance, and Federal Regulation of Securities This program will explore options for reform of the US housing finance system, including those outlined in the Obama recent white paper and Administration’s other recent proposals. Specific topics will include the future Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the government-sponsored enterprises, governmental support for affordable housing and liquidity in the residential mortgage market, the ability of community banks to continue to participate in mortgage lending, and the prospects for revival of a private residential mortgage-backed securities market and beginning a covered bond market in the United States. MThe Future of US Housing Finance Reform: What Comes After Fannie and Freddie? Massachusetts Ontario, Canada Boston, Glazer, Donald W. Massachusetts Los Angeles, Steven O. Weise, California Ontario, Susan Zimmerman, Toronto, Canada Chair: Stanley Keller, Boston, Chair: Stanley Keller, Speakers: Simon Chester, Toronto, Toronto, Speakers: Simon Chester, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 MGotcha: A Survey of Cross- Unwary for the Border Traps Pier 2/3, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Business Law Education Co-sponsored by: Business Finance, Corporate Counsel and Intellectual Property No one can be an expert about everything. This program presents a panel of specialists to share their top 3 cross- border traps for the unwary from their Harbour Ballroom Salon C, Harbour Ballroom Convention Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Legal Opinions Co-Sponsored by: Corporate Counsel Committee and Opinions Group Toronto This program will discuss the ethics of evaluations for the use by third persons (Rule 2.3) as part legal opinion of practice, using selected legal opinion issues from the perspective of both the United States and Canada in order to identify common practices and explore differences. The discussion will include analysis of ethical issues in both the United States and Canada in providing evaluations for use by third parties (Rule 2.3). The program panel will be comprised of opinion experts from both sides of the border. Current Legal Opinion Topics MECurrent Legal Opinion Topics From Both Sides of the Border Pier 9, Convention Level, The Pier 9, Convention Harbour Castle Westin Committee Commercial Finance p.m. 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 Joint Task Force on Legislative Joint Task 2010 Revisions Enactment of the to Revised Article 9 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Securities Law Opinions MACC Value Challenge: What’s Class and Derivative Actions and Dockside 3, Lower Level, The Working and What’s Not Securities Litigation Joint Meeting Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon A, Pier 9, Convention Level, The Federal Regulation of Securities Convention Level, The Westin Westin Harbour Castle Chair: Andrew J. Pitts, New York, New Harbour Castle Business and Corporate Litigation York Middle Market and Small Business Committee 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Co-sponsored by: Private Equity and Co-Chairs: Mac R. McCoy, Tampa, Subcommittee Chairs, Task Force Venture Capital Florida The focus of this program will be on Michele E. Rose, Washington, D.C. Chairs, Vice Chairs and Advisory Examining issues for business lawyers 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Committee Joint Meeting in developing alternate fee approaches Pier 5, Convention Level, The and other creative billing and provider Hedge Funds Westin Harbour Castle models, especially as it applies to serving Pier 5, Convention Level, The Federal Regulation of Securities medium-sized enterprises. Westin Harbour Castle Chair: Jeffrey W. Rubin, New York, New > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Federal Regulation of Securities York Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Chair: Paul N. Roth, New York, New York 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Diversity Networking Reception 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. International Securities Matters Regatta, Main Lobby, The Westin Investment Companies and Pier 7/8, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Investment Advisers Westin Harbour Castle Federal Regulation of Securities Diversity Committee Pier 4, Convention Level, The Chair: Barbara A. Jones, Boston, Chair: Meg L. Milroy, Arlington, Virginia Westin Harbour Castle Massachusetts Federal Regulation of Securities 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. MONDAY, AUGUST 8 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Compliance Management Proxy Statements and Business 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Combinations House of Delegates Breakfast Centre, Conference Centre, 2nd Pier 2/3, Convention Level, The Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Westin Harbour Castle South Building Consumer Financial Services Committee Federal Regulation of Securities Chair: Lynne Barr, Boston, Massachusetts Chair: James J. Moloney, Irvine, Additional Sponsors: Section of Antitrust 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. California Law, Section of International Law, Federal and State Trade Practices 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Section of Real Property, Trust and Business Financing Estate Law, Section of Taxation Centre, Conference Centre, 2nd Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon C, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Consumer Financial Services Committee Convention Level, The Westin Pro Bono Breakfast Chair: Michael A. Goodman, Harbour Castle Marine, Main Lobby, The Westin Washington, D.C. Chair: Theresa A. Einhorn, Houston, Harbour Castle Texas Pro Bono Committee 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Women’s Business Law Network 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Chair: Kathleen S. McLeroy, Tampa, Fair Access to Services Florida Dockside 3, Lower Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Diversity Committee Centre, Conference Centre, 2nd Dialogue with the Director of the Co-Chairs: Sylvia F. Chin, New York, Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Division of Corporation Finance New York Consumer Financial Services Committee Harbour Ballroom Salon B, Natalie A. Panossian, Moorpark, Chair: Amy M. Salberg, Milwaukee, Convention Level, The Westin California Wisconsin Harbour Castle 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Federal Regulation of Securities Pro Bono Technology Chair: Jeffrey W. Rubin, New York, New Dockside 9, Lower Level, The York Dockside 2, Lower Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Westin Harbour Castle Pro Bono Committee Technology Committee Chair: Kathleen S. McLeroy, Tampa, Chair: George M. Taylor, III, Birmingham, Florida Alabama 128 Sections, Divisions and Forums 129 Section (continued) Law Massachusetts California Chair: David M. Lynn, Fallston, MarylandChair: David M. Lynn, Chair: Lynne B. Barr, Boston, B. Barr, Chair: Lynne Hardy Callcott, San Francisco, Chair: W. 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. MInvestors Have Their Say on Pay: Lessons Learned from the 2011 Proxy Season Salon B, Harbour Ballroom Convention Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation Co-sponsored by: Federal Regulation of Securities The panel will present a variety of perspectives (from issuers, investors and advisers) on pay lessons learned from the 2011 proxy season: what worked, what did not, and what lies ahead. Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Securities Registration Dockside 3, Lower Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Federal Regulation of Securities 12:30 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. 12:30 p.m. to 2:15 Section Luncheon Conference Centre, Frontenac, Harbour Street Level, The Westin Castle $65 Price: > Ticket and Markets Trading Dockside 3, Lower Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Federal Regulation of Securities Business York Florida Tampa, Gregory C. Yadley, York California Co-Chairs: Faith Colish, New York, New Co-Chairs: Faith Colish, New York, Chair: Allen M. Parness, New York, New Chair: Allen M. Parness, New York, San Francisco, Baker, Chair: James P. Chair: Paul N. Roth, New York, New York New York, New Roth, N. Paul Chair: 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Task Force on Private Placement Force on Task Broker Dealer Pier 7/8, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Middle Market and Small Business State Regulation of Securities Bay Room, Conference Centre, Harbour Street Level, The Westin Castle State Regulation of Securities Committee ERISA and Pension Litigation Pier 9, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Business and Corporate Litigation Committee Institutional Investors and Hedge MInstitutional Investors Relationship Funds: A Maturing Salon B, Harbour Ballroom The Westin Convention Level, Harbour Castle Securities Federal Regulation of Investors Co-sponsored by: Institutional on legal and This panel will focus regulatory issues that are impacting relations, hedge fund manager-investor including regulatory changes resulting from the Dodd-Frank Act, as well as evolving market and corporate governance practices, and the issues that emerge from institutional investors requiring separate accounts or single investor funds. Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. New York Ontario, Nick Christopoulos, Toronto, Canada Ontario, Douglas McKenzie, Toronto, Canada Ontario, Canada Lewis Smith, Toronto, Canada Minnesota Stephen L. Ganis, Stamford, Connecticut New York Martin York, C. Grant New D.C. Michele E. Rose, Washington, Speakers: Sylvia Fung Chin, New York, Speakers: Sylvia Fung Chin, New York, Canada Toronto, Chair: Alison Manzer, Toronto, Moderator: Alison Manzer, Co-Chairs: James L. Forman, Minneapolis, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 Harbour Ballroom Salon C, Harbour Ballroom Convention Level, The Westin Harbour Castle Business Financing Co-sponsored by: Private Equity and Capital, Project Finance and Venture Securitization and Structured Finance The program will examine how business finance is affected by recent changes in financial institution regulation, public policy; securities and broker registration; and market innovation in the North-South business financing deal. Case studies will be to create an understanding of the market for the cross border finance deal. Bridging Borders: Trends MBridging Borders: Trends in Canadian-U.S. Business Financings Indemnification Dockside 3, Lower Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Director and Officer Liability Committee 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Dockside 2, Lower Level, The Dockside 2, Lower Harbour Castle Westin Litigation Business and Corporate Committee Criminal and Enforcement Criminal and Enforcement Institution Litigation, Financial Litigation Litigation and Securities Joint Meeting Criminal Justice Section Criminal Justice Section

Bruce A. Green, Chair, New York, New York

THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 in the U.S. in the wake of FCPA cases. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Business groups have called for reform, MCThe Postville Raids and 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon claiming that the Act is driving companies Agri-Processors Case: Internal MCABA CLE CENTRE from the U.S. Yet the new UK Bribery Act Investigations, Criminal SHOWCASE PROGRAM: has been called the “FCPA on steroids.” Prosecutions, and Immigration The Battle over This program will explore these key trends and provide practical advice for Consequences for Corporations & Birthright Citizenship: Individuals History, International companies, practitioners and compliance officers. Room 705, 700 Level, MTCC, South Perspectives, and the Moderator: Thomas Gorman, Building Path Ahead Washington, D.C. This panel will discuss the Postville, Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, Panelists: Hemma B. Ramrattan, Iowa, raids and subsequent criminal South Building Washington, D.C. prosecutions of the works and the Primary Sponsor: Commission on Frank Razzano, Washington, D.C. corporation’s top officials, including the Immigration > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt relevant case law and changes that have occurred since this time. We will focus on 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 the swift prosecutions of the workers, lack Youth Homelessness and Legal of immigration advice, and due process Interventions: An International 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. concerns in the proceedings. The panel Research Perspective MCJustice for All: A Comparison will then turn to the internal investigation King Ballroom II, Convention Level, of the Crime Victims’ Rights in the of Agri-Processors, and the prosecution Hyatt Regency Toronto U.S. and Canada of the heads of the company. Finally, Primary Sponsor: Commission on Room 703, 700 Level, MTCC, South the panel will discuss what worked, Homelessness and Poverty Building what didn’t, and provide guidance for This session will provide a comparison practitioners on all sides as to how to of victims’ rights in the United States and better and more effectively handle these FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 Canada while examining the role of cases in the future, including preventative evidence-based research and its effect. measures that corporations can take. 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. The session will also address the topics Moderator: Andrew Feldman, Miami, Communications, Awards and of “How are legislation and case law Florida Membership Committee Meeting affecting victims’ rights? What trends may Panelists: Patrick Coffey, Chicago, Illinois Studio F, Conference Level, Hyatt be next? What are the roles of judges, Sara Dill, Miami, Florida Regency Toronto prosecutors, defense attorneys, victims, Christina Fiflis, Boulder, Colorado 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and victims’ attorneys? What is just and Jason Linder, Miami, Florida MCIs FCPA Enforcement Overly fair for victims beyond rhetoric and how Additional Sponsors: Section of can we better obtain justice for all? Administrative Law and Regulatory Aggressive? Practice, Commission on Immigration Room 717B, 700 Level, MTCC, Chair: Angela Downes, Alexandria, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt South Building Virginia Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law FCPA enforcement has been characterized Panelists: Russell Butler, Upper Marlboro, Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 in recent months by an expansive view Maryland of the statutes, increasing amounts being Wanda Lucibello, Brooklyn, New York 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. paid in settlement by corporations and Irwin Waller, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada MLawyering For Homeless Youth blue collar tactics being employed against Additional Sponsors: Government and Throughout The Globe: Best individuals. The first corporate FCPA case Public Sector Lawyers Division > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Practices in Representation and tried to a jury verdict recently ended with Emerging Model Laws the company being convicted. The trials Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 King Ballroom II, Convention Level, of those indicted in the largest FCPA sting Hyatt Regency Toronto case are underway. Dozens of other Primary Sponsor: Commission on FCPA cases are waiting to start trial. At Homelessness and Poverty the same time many foreign corporations have delisted their securities from trading

Section Office > Studio D, Conference Level, Hyatt Regency Toronto Thursday, August 4 > 12:00 Noon to 6:00 p.m. Friday, August 5 and Saturday, August 6 > 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 130 Sunday, August 7 > 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Sections, Divisions and Forums 131 Angeles, California New Jr., Honorable Raymond J. Lohier, New York York, Panelists: Gary S. Lincenberg, Los Primary Sponsor: Judicial Division 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 The Extra-Territorial Enforcement The Extra-Territorial of U.S. Securities Laws C, Convention Regency Ballroom Level, Hyatt Regency Toronto In the past few years, DOJ and the SEC have responded to widespread investor losses with a surge of securities these cases prosecutions. Increasingly, confront the question of how far U.S. laws reach into foreign jurisdictions. In United Morrison, the Supreme Court States v. limited the extra- territorial application of U.S. securities laws, only to have Congress attempt to overturn Morrison through the Dodd-Frank Act. The panel will discuss how counsel and the courts have dealt with the extra-territorial application of securities laws (1) in two prominent cross-border insider trading Grmovsek and SEC v. cases (SEC v. Cornblum) and (2) in other securities cases challenged under Morrison. The panel will discuss the impact of these civil enforcement cases on parallel criminal cases and whether the reasoning of Morrison can be extended to challenge other criminal statutes. (Complimentary program) Reentry & Collateral Consequences Committee Level, Hyatt Studio A, Conference Regency Toronto p.m. 3:15 p.m. to 5:00 The Role of the MCSI Toronto: Court an Age of Developing in Science & Technology II, Convention Ballroom Toronto Hilton Toronto Floor, 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Angeles, California New York New York Jason Pickholz, New York, D.C. Mark S. Radke, Washington, Hemma B. Ramrattan, Washington, D.C. Public Sector Lawyers Division Moderator: Andrues Mary Los Carter, Panelists: Michael Buchanan, New York, Additional Sponsors: Government and > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 Victims Committee Meeting Victims Conference Level, Hyatt Studio F, Regency Toronto 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Prosecution Function Committee Studio E, Conference Level, Hyatt Regency Toronto Room 703, 700 Level, MTCC, South Room 703, 700 Level, Building financial In the wake of the global crisis, with instant media coverage and increased incentives for whistleblowers, it is crucial that lawyers understand and anticipate the different types of government and private actions that may occur simultaneously or successively when a crisis hits. This program offers practical advice on how to anticipate and handle the barrage of government and private activity that can occur when word gets out about an investigation into fraud, money laundering, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations and other illegal conduct, with a specific focus on SEC whistleblower situations, presented by practitioners with real, current experience in these interwoven areas. MCInternational Government Investigations, SEC Private Whistleblowers, and Playing Chess Follow-On Actions: on Multiple Boards Homelessness and Poverty Law Primary Sponsor: Commission on Primary Sponsor: Section of International Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation 12:00 Noon to 2:00 p.m. Room 809, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building MCCollaborative Justice Makes Cent$: Cost-Effective Interdisciplinary Courts in Canada and the U.S. Committee Chairs Luncheon D, Convention Regency Ballroom Level, Hyatt Regency Toronto 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MC ABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE 9/11—A Decade Later, Apart A World and Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Studio F, Conference Level, Hyatt Studio F, Regency Toronto 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE “Implicit Bias” and the Justice Equal of Myth Book Board 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Executive Committee Convention Executive Boardroom, Toronto Level, Hyatt Regency Noon 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Determining the Age of Majority MCABA CLE CENTRE Regency Ballroom A, Convention 8:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Level, Hyatt Regency Toronto Council Meeting More to Overcome: How should states approach determining King Ballroom I, Convention Level, Civil Rights in the 21st what age a person becomes eligible for Hyatt Regency Toronto Century adult prison? What factors should be Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, considered? How do countries around 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MCHealth Care Fraud Update: South Building the world including Canada approach Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual the question? What are the implications Significant Prosecutions, the Rights and Responsibilities of changing the age of majority from “HEAT” Initiative, False Claims a financial, political and public safety Act Developments and Self- 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon standpoint? (Complimentary program) Disclosure Strategies Careers in Criminal Justice Moderator: Robert Schwartz, Room 703, 700 Level, MTCC, South Sheraton Hall A, Lower Concourse, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Building Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Panelist: Honorable Michael Corriero, Experienced health care fraud Primary Sponsor: Law Student Division Brooklyn, New York practitioners from government, industry 11:15 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Additional Sponsors: Commission on and prominent law firms will discuss Homelessness and Poverty Membership Meeting significant developments in health care King Ballroom I, Convention Level, 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. fraud. Topics addressed will include: (1) Hyatt Regency Toronto MC description of recent health care fraud Annual Survey of Supreme 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Court Decisions prosecutions of national significance such as the prosecution of GlaxoSmithKline; Room 703, 700 Level, MTCC, South Juvenile Justice Committee (2) a discussion of the activities of the Studio B, Conference Level, Hyatt Building Health Care Fraud Prevention and Regency Toronto This program will review and discuss Enforcement Action Tean (“HEAT”); (3) the cases that came before the 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. an overview of developments in False Supreme Court during the current term. Claims Act cases in light of the health Homeland Security Committee Constitutional cases, evidentiary issues; Studio A, Conference Level, Hyatt care reform amendments; and (4) an and habeas cases will be addressed. The Regency Toronto analysis of developments in self-disclosure accompanying written materials are an of health care fraud, including the new excellent reference guide for attendees. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. self-disclosure protocol from CMS as well Panelists will include a trial judge, MCCriminal Tax Fraud: Hot as OIG, state and other self-disclosure defense attorney and prosecutor. Buttons and Hot Topics trends/issues. Moderator: Rory Little, San Francisco, Room 703, 700 Level, MTCC, South Chair: Jack Wenik, Newark, New Jersey California Building Panelists: Ashley D. Adams, Scottsdale, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt This panel will explore recent trends Arizona Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law in criminal tax litigation and focus on Jack Fernandez, Tampa, Florida Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 developments in the law, changing David T. Shapiro, Denver, Colorado attitudes at the Department of Justice 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Hank B. Walther, Washington, D.C. and Internal Revenue Service, and MCDebunking the Myth of the Additional Sponsors: Government and evolving strategies and tactics that every Post Racial Society Public Sector Lawyers Division practitioner who represents tax clients Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt should know. The panel will deal with South Building Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law each stage of the criminal case from pre- Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 indictment through appeal, and discuss Rights and Responsibilities 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. both plea and trial strategies as well as 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. MCInternational Perspectives on recent developments in the law. Welcome Reception Older Persons with Disabilities: Panelists: Ellen C. Brotman, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Regency Ballroom D/E, Convention Civil and Criminal Law Practice Peter Hardy, Washington, D.C. Level, Hyatt Regency Toronto Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, Jeffrey A. Neiman, Ft. Lauderdale, South Building Florida Primary Sponsor: Commission on Mental Alka Sagar, Los Angeles, California and Physical Disability Law William Shepherd, West Palm Beach, Florida

132 Sections, Divisions and Forums 133 Section (continued) Justice Tyler W. Hodgson, Toronto, Ontario, Hodgson, Toronto, W. Tyler Canada Juliet Sorensen, Chicago, Illinois London, England H. White, Jr., Walter Standing Committee International Law, on Law and National Security Panelists: Markus Funk, Denver, Colorado Panelists: Markus Funk, Denver, Additional Sponsors: Section of > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 international developments under UK Anti-Corruption OECD Bribery Act, FCPA, Convention, etc. Particular focus will be the inter- on cutting- edge developments, these initiatives, relationship between initiatives, transnational law enforcement areas and US Administration focal the impact the announcements, and US companies and foregoing will have on foreign companies doing work in the US. Panel will discuss foreign practices and their impact on attorney-client privilege. Criminal 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 701A, 700 South Building a particularlyThis session will take complex close look at new and money laundering and fraudulent financial schemes rampant in today’s white-collar uncertain global economy, criminal prosecution and practice, the globalization of anti-corruption investigations and prosecutions, which will be an increasingly significant phenomenon. The globalization trend will be characterized by US application of laws such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act to corporate conduct abroad, and adoption of new anti-bribery the UK’s laws with similar extraterritorial reach. The panel will report on US and ABA CLE CENTRE MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE of The Globalization Anti-CorruptionLaw , AUGUST 7 SUNDAY Rights and Responsibilities Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual Additional Sponsors: Section of Taxation Additional Sponsors: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Council Meeting I, Convention Level, King Ballroom Hyatt Regency Toronto Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, Room 803B, 800 South Building Wikileaks, National Security National Security MCWikileaks, and Free Speech > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young $35 Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: p.m. 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 Section of Dispute Resolution

Homer C. La Rue, Chair, Columbia, Maryland R. Wayne Thorpe, Chair, Atlanta, Georgia

THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 rather than treating the process as 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. another step in the litigation cycle. MCEmpathy, Creativity, Neutrality 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Speakers: Greg David Derin, Los and Persuasion: What Dispute MCHow Decision Trees Can Help Angeles, California Resolvers Can Learn from the Your Right-Brain Clients Arrive At Gayle Migdal Title, Los Angeles, World of Theatre Successful Conclusions California Room 713A, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 713B, 700 Level, MTCC, Michael D. Young, Los Angeles, South Building California South Building Actors and playwrights are, by necessity, Additional Sponsors: Section of Two case studies to show the benefits masterful at the art of understanding Intellectual Property Law of integrating a decision tree into your characters who are nothing like > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt negotiation and arbitration preparation, themselves. They are experts at language, Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law especially when working with right-brain nuance, body language, and reading Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 clients. We’ll also walk through a basic others. They understand how to teach decision-tree process. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. well beyond the text—that is, how subtext Speaker: Rebecca Bowman, Pittsburgh, MECThe Art and War of is often a more important conduit of Pennsylvania Mediation: The Top Ten Effective information than the mere words we > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Tools and Ethical Concerns You speak. They know how to improvise. They Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law and Your Client Better Consider know how to reach people. And because Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 every good drama is based around a Before Entering the Mediation deep conflict, they understand how to 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Room 713B, 700 Level, MTCC, deal with difficult emotional issues without MCDial I For Infringement, The South Building losing their ability to remain detached. In Anatomy of an IP Dispute This program provides an interactive this session, a professional actor with a Room 713A, 700 Level, MTCC, panel discussion focusing on the unique law degree and a law professor with a South Building and often overlooked preparation tools theatre background will teach workshop This interactive program with experienced required for a successful mediation. Too participants how to immediately employ IP litigators and ADR professionals will often parties and their counsel enter the tried and tested theatre techniques to their use an intellectual property dispute to mediation room without the necessary practices as negotiators, mediators and identify and create a cohesive way to preparation and without considering advocates. view ADR issues: selecting and designing ethical issues inherent in taking firm Speakers: Karen Kwan Anderson, an optimum process, choosing the correct negotiating positions. This program Toronto, Ontario, Canada forum for resolution, diverting parties from highlights best practices and will provide Richard Birke, Salem, Oregon a focus on rights to one based on their the participants with an excellent Additional Sponsors: Forum on interests, evaluating available alternatives, foundation for mediating any dispute. Entertainment and Sports Industries use of experts, the role of emotions Speakers: Honorable John S. Martin, Jr., > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt in business litigation, timing of joint New York, New York Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law sessions and private caucuses, principal- John P. McCahey, New York, New York Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 agent issues, assuring participation by Zachary Newman, New York, New the right decision makers, “winning” in York mediation, the role of effective public Alfreda Robinson, Washington, D.C. and confidential mediation briefs, the use > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt of apology, and the timing of mediation Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law approaches. After attending this session, Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 participants will have a better sense of how to design and select the ADR process that best fits their needs, and will be better prepared as advocates or neutrals to participate in intellectual property and general commercial mediations, with a focus on achieving favorable outcomes,

134 Sections, Divisions and Forums 135 or © (continued) , Facebook © Resolution , particularly in high-profile © Philadelphia, Pennsylvania David Griesing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Employment Law Dispute Speakers: Francine Griesing, Additional Sponsors: Section of Labor Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon disputes. Also, given how business is the conducted nationally and globally, group will analyze the ethical issues raised by serving as an advocate or a neutral for ADR outside your principal place of practice. Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Linkedin MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE “Implicit Bias” and the Justice of Equal Myth process. Using hypotheticals, presenters process. Using hypotheticals, through analysis will lead the audience of contemporary ethics issues. Examples contain cost for include: (1) the duty to participants; (2) the duty to maintain people share confidentiality when most (3) the duty their whereabouts online; in jurisdictions to refrain from practice First, the where you are not licensed. program will address the obligation of advocates and neutrals to keep ADR costs down, to avoid unnecessary delays and refrain from disruptive strategies, such as discovery abuse or frivolous motion practice, and to maintain civility and act in good faith. Second, the program will evaluate the challenges of maintaining confidentiality of the proceedings when so many people are routinely sharing what they do on social media. Attendees will discuss whether parties or neutrals should barring impose a social media policy, participants information from sharing online, such as Twitter of Section , AUGUST 5 FRIDAY Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice Wisconsin Richard Reuben, Columbia, Missouri Primary Sponsor: Section of Speakers: Jeffrey Aiken, Milwaukee, 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Room 713A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Advocates and neutrals will gain a clearer appreciation of their ethical obligations to all participants in the ADR MCSecrets, Lawsuits and Mediation: US and Canadian Alternatives to FOIA Litigation Room 704, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Road: the High MECTake Ethical Challenges Mastering Top Facing ADR Advocates and Neutrals Room 713B, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 713B, 700 South Building of two This program will consist parts: discussion of first, a detailed psychological impediments to mediation by Prof. Russell Korobkin, one of the experts leading country’s in the field; and, second, a presentation on how computerized risk-probability analysis can be used in complex cases involving multiple claims, damage theories and amounts to overcome these and similar impediments to mediation success. At the conclusion of this program, participants will walk away with a much deeper understanding of psychological issues to be considered in mediating complex claims, as well the techniques available through use of probability analysis to refocus attention on what should be a “what primaryparty’s concern: namely, are my chances” of winning or losing and “how do I quantify it?” 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 Computer: MCPsychology & the in Mediation Their Effective Use of Complex Cases Solution Focused Conflict Amsterdam, The Netherlands Illinois Ontario, Glaholt, Toronto, Duncan W. Canada Canada Ontario, Harvey Kirsh, Toronto, Douglas S. Oles, Seattle, Washington Honorable J. Edgar Sexton, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Speakers: Fredrike P. Bannink, Speakers: Fredrike P. Speakers: Philip L. Bruner, Chicago, Chicago, Speakers: Philip L. Bruner, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 MC Management Room 711, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Benjamin Franklin once said: ‘Every problem is an opportunity in disguise.’ In the new and successful approach of solution focused conflict management the focus is on discovering these opportunities to find the ‘win-win’ scenario. The key lies in asking eliciting questions about goals (the preferred future of your clients), exceptions and competencies and in motivating clients to change. Solution focused conflict management differs from traditional methods and can also be easily combined with them. Meetings become more positive and shorter, ensuring that solution focused conflict management is also cost-effective. After attending this session participants will have information about the theoretical background of the SF model and will be able to apply the model in divorce, personal neighbor, workplace, family, injury and victim-offender mediations. Room 713B, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 713B, 700 South Building on the spectrum An in-depth discussion resolving of processes for effectively disputes in construction claims and to include: Canada and the U.S. Topics the “vanishing trial,” practical advice to counsel, ethical considerations, and best practices regarding arbitrating and mediating construction claims. Resolving Construction MCResolving Construction and the U.S. Disputes in Canada Forward- Looking Back, Looking 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Additional Sponsors: Section of 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. MCABA CLE CENTRE International Law MCHow Arbitrators Think and SHOWCASE PROGRAM: > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt What You and They Can Do 9/11—A Decade Later, Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law About It: A Journey Into the Minds and A World Apart Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 of Arbitrators Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Room 713B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCCloud Computing South Building Primary Sponsor: Section of International Demystified!! Is It A Revolution or This program takes a look into the minds Law an Evolution?? of arbitrators. Arbitrators are people, too. They can be subject to the same 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building biases and tendencies to fight the last MIf You Were In My Shoes: war as other decision makers, including Corporate Social Responsibility Primary Sponsor: Section of Science & Technology Law judges. Drawing upon the research and Community Rights and writings of scholars from the fields Pier 2/3, Convention Level, The 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. of behavioral law and economics, real Westin Harbour Castle MCMaking Money Talk world experiments, and provocative Primary Sponsor: Business Law Section Room 713A, 700 Level, MTCC, audience exercises, this panel explores 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. South Building how arbitrators use cognitive illusions MCCanada v. U.S. Mock J. Anderson (Andy) Little will present the and biases that are unique to decisions Arbitration - Advocacy in key concepts that every negotiator should made by arbitrators when considering be familiar with in the settlement of civil discovery, requiring briefing, and International Arbitration: litigation, particularly the settlement of structuring the sequence and timing of the Different Cultural and Procedural insured claims. His book, Making Money arbitration. Approaches Talk: How to Mediate Insured Claims and Speakers: Honorable Billie Colombaro, Room 713B, 700 Level, MTCC, Other Monetary Disputes, published by New York, New York South Building the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution, Paul Bennett Marrow, Chappaqua, New Both entertaining and educational, has been widely used by civil court York this program will feature leading U.S. mediators to navigate the dynamics of Elizabeth J. Shampnoi, New York, New and Canadian practitioners in a mock positional bargaining and to overcome York international arbitration. The arbitration, the many impasses that characterize > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt over which a Canadian arbitrator will positional bargaining. His book has also Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law preside, will see practitioners deal been used by negotiators across the Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 with discovery issues in a pre-hearing country to help them construct productive 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. conference, followed by opening proposals and counter proposals that statements, witness examinations and advance, rather than impede, the MECNew Hybrid Approaches to closing arguments. Participants will progress of settlement negotiations. So, Transactions, Dispute Prevention observe an experienced American and if you have ever heard yourself saying & Resolution: Shaping ADR a Canadian counsel tackle procedural things in mediation like: “I won’t dignify Processes to Fit the Problem and issues and you’ll see first hand how that proposal with a response,” “I won’t People in Deals and Disputes different cultural and procedural make a proposal until the other side gets Room 713A, 700 Level, MTCC, approaches can influence the arbitrator reasonable,” or “I’m out of here; this is a South Building and affect outcomes. waste of my time,” then come learn what When you have a transaction that is Speakers: J. Brian Casey, Toronto, great negotiators do to make thoughtful, getting stuck or a dispute, what are the Ontario, Canada rather than counterproductive, proposals practical and ethical considerations in John A.M. Judge, Toronto, Ontario, that promote movement and lead to using and designing a combined ADR Canada satisfactory settlements. process for your client? An interactive Bernice K. Leber, New York, New York Speaker: J. Anderson Little, Chapel Hill, panel will address new ADR-based Jeffrey S. Leon, Toronto, Ontario, North Carolina hybrids for transactions or disputes, Canada > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt where the parties wish to focus on Gerald L.R. Ranking, Toronto, Ontario, Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law interests and reaching optimal outcomes: Canada Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 1) The need and usefulness of hybrid Edna Sussman, New York, New York ADR processes; 2) Factors to consider Stephen P. Younger, New York, New when designing a hybrid ADR process York for a client or in an international context; 3) Possible combinations of neutrals

136 Sections, Divisions and Forums 137 (continued) Resolution , AUGUST 7 SUNDAY Phoenix, Arizona Missouri John Phillips, Kansas City, James M. Schurz, San Francisco, California and Employment Law Dispute Speakers: Honorable Bruce Meyerson, Additional Sponsors: Section of Labor > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 Law Update MCArbitration Case Level, MTCC, Room 713A, 700 South Building the most importantThis panel will discuss Topics past year. arbitration issues of the the United of discussion will include States Supreme Court rulings dealing with arbitration issues, as well as notable federal and state court decisions. Of particular panel will talk about note, the issues relating to the Supreme Court rulings in the areas of arbitrability and class action arbitrations. of Section 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 Blue Jays Room, Club Concourse Level, Renaissance Toronto Downtown Hotel 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Long-Range Planning Committee Meeting Maple Leaf Room, Concourse Level, Renaissance Toronto Downtown Hotel Council Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Aurora Downtown Renaissance Toronto Hotel 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Annual Meeting of the Membership Room, 2nd Floor, Aurora Downtown Renaissance Toronto Hotel 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Healthcare—Dispute Resolution Meeting Ethics Committee Meeting Ethics Committee Level, Blue Jays Room, Concourse Downtown Renaissance Toronto Hotel p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 , AUGUST 6 SATURDAY Tennessee Jeremy Lack, Geneva, Switzerland New York Edna Sussman, New York, San Diego, California Ellen Waldman, Speakers: Margaret M. Huff, Nashville, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 5:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Council Breakfast 2nd Floor, Room Foyer, Aurora Downtown Renaissance Toronto Hotel 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Executive Committee Meeting Maple Leaf Room, Concourse Level, Renaissance Toronto Downtown Hotel 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Section Reception and Dinner Street East 4 Front Bistro, Biff’s Price: $57 > Ticket (e.g., a mediator and an arbitrator, or a an arbitrator, (e.g., a mediator and to address mediator and a conciliator) fixed times and and resolve issues within parallel on budget, whether sequentially, proceedings; 4) tracks, or as integrated types of ADR Implications of different processes (e.g., processes and hybrid facilitative, transformative, evaluative or 5) Using caucuses directive approaches; and/or joint sessions; 6) Addressing ethical problems when an arbitrator a neutral is or teams up with a mediator, asked to change roles; and 7) Obtaining enforceable outcomes under the New Convention. York Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources

Steven George McKinney, Chair, Birmingham, Alabama

THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 MCChemical Regulation in 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Canada—Lessons for U.S. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MABA Forum on Native Reforms MCFrom Oil Spills to Nuclear American Issues Room 801A, 800 Level, MTCC, Waste: Why Cross-Border Harris, Convention Floor, Hilton South Building Environmental Justice Matters Toronto Primary Sponsor: Section of Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual Administrative Law and Regulatory South Building Rights and Responsibilities Practice Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Business Meeting 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Governor General Suite, 2nd Floor, Education Service Group Meeting Section Council Meeting Hilton Toronto Johnston, Convention Floor, Hilton Toronto Ballroom I, Convention 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Toronto Floor, Hilton Toronto Awards Ceremony and Reception 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Governor General Suite, 2nd Floor, MECeAttorney, MiAttorney: MCNuclear Regulation in North Hilton Toronto How Technology Has America After Fukushima Daiichi ABA Award for Distinguished Changed Communication and Room 712, 700 Level, MTCC, South Achievement in Environmental Law Collaboration With Clients Building and Policy; Environment, Energy, and Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, Primary Sponsor: Section of Public Utility, Resources Government Attorney of the South Building Communications and Transportation Year Award; Law Student Environment, Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on Law Energy, and Resources Program of the Technology and Information Systems Year Award; and the State and Local 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Bar Environment, Energy, and Resources 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MCOn The Docket: The 2010- Program of the Year Award: Ceremony MCHot Topics in Environmental 2011 Supreme Court Term and Reception Law Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, Additional Sponsors: Standing Committee Room 715B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building on Environmental Law South Building Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on 8:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Primary Sponsor: Section of Real Public Education Property, Trust and Estate Law Section Leadership Dinner 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 18 Wellington Street West, 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Joint Reception with Canadian 416/363-3400, Jump Restaurant MCABA CLE CENTRE Bar > Ticket Price: $75 SHOWCASE PROGRAM: 55 Mill Street, 416/203-2363, 9/11—A Decade Later, Thompson Landry Gallery at the and A World Apart Cooperage Space Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Primary Sponsor: Section of International Law

138 Sections, Divisions and Forums 139 , AUGUST 6 SATURDAY Ontario, Canada Chicago, Illinois Richard Wilson, Public Education the Profession Speakers: Martha McCarthy, Toronto, Toronto, Speakers: Martha McCarthy, Primaryon Sponsor: Standing Committee Primary Sponsor: Commission on Women in Primary Commission on Women Sponsor: MCSame-Sex Marriage in North Are America: A Look at Where We Later Eight Years Room 704, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Same-sex marriage has been a reality in North with the Ontario America beginning and Massachusetts decisions in 2003. The panel will examine the progress of law reform in this area since that time, the increasing legalization of same-sex marriage across the United States, the lessons learned in Canada and the unique legal issues confronting same-sex couples from from one jurisdiction to another, parenting issues to separation and divorce. The presenters have each worked in the forefront of the area of equality for LGBT families for many years. Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Atty: > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Students: $35, Young $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MCOn The Docket: The 2010- 2011 Supreme Court Term Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 The Road to Independence: Journeys to Starting Their Women’s Own Law Firms Caledon, Main Level, Centre InterContinental Toronto 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Noon a.m. 12:00 11:30 to to a.m. a.m. 7:30 8:00 > > 6 5 August August New York Philip Stahl, Queen Creek, Arizona Mary Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Vidas, Speakers: Andrew Schepard, Hempstead, MCFamilies Do Matter Room 704, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building This program will provide practical tips and solutions and educate lawyers on recent trends that help reduce harm to children and their families, focusing on differentiating those families who can benefit from various forms of ADR and those who need some type of custody and other family law litigation. Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Atty: > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Students: $35, Young $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Annual Awards Luncheon Annual Awards Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Library, Royal York Join your colleagues as we look back at the association year and look ahead is an The annual luncheon to next year. excellent opportunity to learn about the accomplishments and plans for Section’s the upcoming year while enjoying lunch with family law practitioners from across the nation. Price: $70 > Ticket 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Section Business Meeting and Section Business Meeting Council Meeting Fairmont Floor, Imperial Room, Main Royal York is open to The Section Business meeting of Family Law all members of the Section of Officers and and includes the election 2011-12 vacancies. Council members to fill The Council meeting—also open to all members—begins immediately following the election. Council will recess for the Annual Luncheon and resume (if needed) Awards after the luncheon concludes. 12:00 Noon to 2:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 Friday, Saturday, Hospitality > Library, Main Mezzanine, FairmontMain Mezzanine, York Royal > Library, Hospitality , AUGUST 4 Family , AUGUST 5 of FRIDAY THURSDAY Violence Primary Sponsor: Commission on Domestic 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Reception Sharon Corbitt Award InterContinental Portman, 2nd Floor, Yorkville Toronto > Ticket Price: $95, Judges: $95, Govt Atty: > Ticket Lawyers: $95, Law Students: $95, Young $95 30 Yonge Street, Hockey Hall of Fame Street, 30 Yonge Join us as we kick off the ABA Annual Meeting with a joint reception at the Hockey Hall of Fame co-sponsored by the Section of Solo & Small General Practice, Family Law, Firm Division, Law Practice Management Section, Section of Science & Technology, Insurance Practice Section. & Trial and Tort Enjoy food, drinks, and interactive entertainmentyou meet new friends while and reconnect with old ones. And don’t forget your camera so you can take pictures with the Stanley Cup or purchase your professional pictures in the gift shop. And while there, you will have the opportunity to a key chain to anything from buy a souvenir, hockey puck to a sports your favorite team’s look forward to sharing this We jersey. great night with you. See you there! [Guest $95; Children under 12: $20.] Tickets: Joint Reception with Family Law, GP Joint Reception with Family Law, and TIPS Solo, LPM, SciTech Finance Meeting Nova Scotia, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Publications Board Meeting Publications Board Fairmont Montebello, 1st Floor, Royal York 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Officers Meeting Mezzanine, Nova Scotia, Main Fairmont Royal York p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 Honorable Debra H. Lehrmann, Chair, Austin, Texas Austin, Chair, Lehrmann, H. Debra Honorable Section Law General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division

Joseph A. DeWoskin, Chair, Kansas City, Missouri

THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCSolo Day: 90 Tips in 90 MCABA CLE CENTRE 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Minutes SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Joint Reception with Family Law, Room 711, 700 Level, MTCC, South “Implicit Bias” and the GPSolo, LPM, SciTech and TIPS Building Myth of Equal Justice 30 Yonge Street, Hockey Hall of A fast-paced tricks and tips look at Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Fame technology for your solo or small firm South Building Join us as we kick off the ABA Annual office. Bringing you into the 21st century Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Meeting with a joint reception with with must-haves to maintain your practice: Section of Family Law, General Practice, software, hardware, printers, scanners, 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Solo & Small Firm Division, Law Practice smart phones, Outlook, Acrobat, Word, MCABA CLE CENTRE Management Section, Section of Science cloud computing, backup systems, billing SHOWCASE PROGRAM: & Technology, and Tort Trial & Insurance systems, and virtual office tools and tips 9/11—A Decade Later, Practice Section at the Hockey Hall of needed to run and maintain a law office and A World Apart Fame. You will enjoy food, drinks, and both in your office and outside your Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, interactive entertainment, while you meet office. South Building new friends and reconnect with old ones. Speakers: Jeffrey Allen, Oakland, Primary Sponsor: Section of International And don’t forget your camera, you can California Law take pictures with the Stanley Cup—or Tim Baran, New York City, New York purchase your professional pictures in Additional Sponsors: Law Student 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon the gift shop. And while you are there, Division, Senior Lawyers Division Swearing In Ceremony for the US you will have the opportunity to buy a > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Court of Appeals for the Armed souvenir, anything from a key chain to Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Forces your favorite team’s hockey puck to a Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Nova Scotia, Main Mezzanine, sports jersey. We look forward to sharing Fairmont Royal York 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. this great night with you. See you there! MECTurning Good Intentions 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Guest - $95.00 Children $20.00 USD - Keithe E. Nelson Memorial 12 and under into Good Actions - Examining > Ticket Price: $95, Judges: $95, Govt and Eliminating Bias Military Law Luncheon Atty: $95, Young Lawyers: $95, Law Room 707, 700 Level, MTCC, South Salon B, Convention Floor, Students: $95 Building Fairmont Royal York This program will address the > Ticket Price: $35, Judges: $35, Govt unexamined bias and blatant bias we Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $35, Law FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 all have and what lawyers can do to Students: $35 eliminate bias in the workplace and 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. among their colleagues and clients. Executive Committee Meeting Military Law Committee Meeting Speaker: Verna Myers, Newton, York, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Toronto, Convention Floor, Massachusetts Royal York Fairmont Royal York Additional Sponsors: Senior Lawyers Division, Section of Real Property, Trust 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Estate Law, Center for Racial and MCImproving Your Public Ethnic Diversity, Commission on Women Speaking Skills in the Profession Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt South Building Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Primary Sponsor: Center for Continuing Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Legal Education

Office > Jasper, 1st Floor, Fairmont Royal York Thursday, August 4 > 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Friday, August 5 > 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday, August 6 > 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

140 Sections, Divisions and Forums 141 (continued) Division Firm Washington York Leslie Cohen, Santa Monica, California Virginia Falls Church, Brad Englander, Portland, Oregon Michael Fuller, Division, Business Law Section Moderator: Larry Feinstein, Seattle, New Albany, Panelists: Bonnie Baker, Additional Sponsors: Law Student > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MCHow Good is the Dirt? The Issues and Legal Skinny on Title Descriptions Room 705, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building of real estate the growing number With defaults, it is becoming critical that finance and banking lawyers understand how to review title, surveys and legal descriptions to confirm the enforceability of their loan documents, and for those representing debtors to identify errors therein. This program will instruct lawyers on how to interpret the “foreign language” in which legal descriptions are written, walk them through how to read a survey and explore the intricacies exposed in real estate title reports and insurance commitments. Upon completion, the attendee will be able to review legal descriptions, title reports and surveys with confidence and competence. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 MCBankruptcy Basics MTCC, South Room 711, 700 Level, Building of the hottest Bankruptcy Law is one solo and growing practices for small attorneys. Panelists will discuss Stopping bankruptcy law basics. lien avoidances, foreclosures, exemptions, bankruptcy software options, electronic debt relief agencies filing overview, requirements/restrictions, attorneys fees, Section 523 vs 727 non-discharge issues, and filing basics and requirements. All integrated with an overview and comparison of Chapter 7, 11, and 13. Small & Solo , AUGUST 6 Practice, SATURDAY in the Profession Practice Section Ontario, Canada New York Chang, New York, Vincent Ontario, Toronto, Edward Greenspan, Canada Kentwood, Kelly, Honorable William Michigan Carlin Phillips, North Dartmouth, Massachusetts Darlene Shelton, Guilford, Connecticut D.C. James Starrs, Washington, Canada Ontario, Toronto, Jean Teillet, New York New York, Varghese, Vinoo Connecticut Primary Sponsor: Commission on Women Primary Sponsor: Commission on Women and Insurance Trial Primary Sponsor: Tort Speakers: Sonia Bjorkquist, Toronto, Toronto, Speakers: Sonia Bjorkquist, Guilford, Moderator: David Weinberg, 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Ontario, Convention Floor, Ontario, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York ABA Leadership Coalition for Solo and Small Firm Lawyers Confederation 3, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Annual Meeting of the Division Membership The Road to Independence: Journeys to Starting Women’s Their Own Law Firms Caledon, Main Level, Centre InterContinental Toronto MCClass and Mass Actions Are New Strategies Back in Vogue: Need to Know for Handling You High-Stakes Litigation Room 714A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building is up to you. Are you ready to remake is up to you. Are you history? General Division, Senior Lawyers Division California Additional Sponsors: Law Student Speaker: Charley Moore, San Francisco, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 Room 709, 700 Level, MTCC, South Room 709, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Lawyer Louis Riel was the founder of Manitoba, a leader of the Metis indigenous people and an elected Parliament. In member of Canada’s most famous 1885, in one of Canada’s trials, he was tried and hanged for he really a patriot, a traitor treason. Was or criminally insane? Join the prosecution or defense team and argue the case yourself, using the latest in modern litigation techniques and technology. explore the case with aboriginal You’ll great rights advocate Jean Teillet, grandniece of Louis Riel. Distinguished Canadian criminal defense lawyer Eddie Greenspan will help evaluate your trial be coached on performance. You’ll winning trial techniques by experienced Carlin Phillips, Varghese, litigators Vinoo Bjorkquist Chang and Sonia Vincent (a partner at the firm which originally defended Louis Riel). Clinical psychologist Darlene Shelton and noted forensic Dr. scientist Professor James Starrs will Trying the case provide expert testimony. Do-It-Yourself Historical Trial: Historical Trial: MCDo-It-Yourself - Traitor, Trial Louis Riel Treason Patriot or Insane? Room 711, 700 Level, MTCC, South Room 711, 700 Level, Building at the forefront of solo Rocket Lawyer, and small law firm marketing and on its fast-paced management will put and tips look presentation for tricks at solo/small firm advertising, client building, client services, internet client development and maintenance, and law practice management tips to build and maintain a solo or small firm practice in competition with larger firm resources. Make more money without running yourself into the ground! MCSolo Day: Law Firm Marketing and Management Speakers: Ulysses “Deke” Clayborn, in multiple owner entities and in raising 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Kansas City, Missouri capital for same. Materials will include MCWhat is Legally Defensible Kathleen Hopkins, Seattle, Washington sample forms and sample correspondence Data Security? Evan Loeffler, Seattle, Washington for business lawyers. Room 716A, 700 Level, MTCC, Richard Patterson, Rocky Hill, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt South Building Connecticut Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Primary Sponsor: Section of Science & Susan Pesner, McLean, Virginia Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Technology Law David Tedder, Beaufort, South Carolina 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Julius J. Zschau, Clearwater, Florida 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Moderator: Aurora Austriaco, Chicago, MCElder Law, Estate Planning & GPSolo Leadership Recognition Illinois Probate- New Ideas to Expand & Reception Additional Sponsors: Law Student Excel Your Practice British Colombia, Main Mezzanine, Division, Section of Real Property, Trust Room 711, 700 Level, MTCC, South Fairmont Royal York and Estate Law Building This reception is for General Practice, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Learn from nationally recognized experts Solo and Small Firm members only. This is Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law on using new techniques to improve a complimentary event. Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 service to elder law and estate clients. Topics will include getting assistance from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. other professionals; the aftermath of the SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 MCInternational Perspectives on Terry Schiavo case and living wills; forms Older Persons with Disabilities: you can use; e-mail newsletters; how to 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Civil and Criminal Law Practice manage telephone conversations with Solo and Small Firm Lawyers Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, your clients; marketing with written fee Breakfast Caucus South Building agreements; and ethics and marketing Upper Canada, 18th Floor, Primary Sponsor: Commission on Mental without violating the Rules of Professional Fairmont Royal York and Physical Disability Law Conduct. Forms and briefs will be 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. provided to all attendees. 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Panelists: Jay Foonberg, Beverly Hills, MCReconciling the Book Publications Board Meeting California First Amendment and Banff, 1st Floor, Fairmont Royal Parag Patel, Iselin, New Jersey Antidiscrimination Policies: The York Kenneth Vercammen, Edison, New Implications of Christian Legal 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Jersey Society v. Martinez MCABA CLE CENTRE Additional Sponsors: Senior Lawyers Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Division, Young Lawyers Division, South Building More to Overcome: Health Law Section Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual Civil Rights in the 21st > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Rights and Responsibilities Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Century Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual MCOn The Docket: The 2010- Rights and Responsibilities 2011 Supreme Court Term 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, GPSolo Division Council Meeting South Building Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on Ontario, Convention Floor, Public Education Fairmont Royal York 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MCAdvising the Small Business Room 705, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building This program is designed to instruct lawyers on how to decide which types of entities their small businesses should form, what documentation and rules apply to the different entity types, what issues arise

142 Sections, Divisions and Forums 143 , AUGUST 6 , AUGUST 7 SUNDAY SATURDAY Practice Section and Physical Disability Law Rights and Responsibilities Law and National Security Primary Sponsor: Tort Trial and Insurance Trial Primary Sponsor: Tort Primary Sponsor: Criminal Justice Section Primary Sponsor: Commission on Mental Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual Primary Standing Committee on Sponsor: 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Bio Ethics and MCBio Terrorism, Intellectual Property on Trial Room 714B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Room 703, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MCInternational Perspectives on Older Persons with Disabilities: Civil and Criminal Law Practice Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Council Meeting & Election Raptor Room, Concourse Level, Downtown Renaissance Toronto Hotel 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon CLE CENTRE MCABA SHOWCASE PROGRAM: More to Overcome: Civil Century21st in the Rights Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 the Targets MCForeign Espionage Cybersecurity Private Sector: the States Threat from Nation MTCC, South Room 707, 700 Level, Building 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MCHealth Care Fraud Update: Significant Prosecutions, the Initiative, False Claims Act “HEAT” Developments and Self-Disclosure Strategies Law and National Security Violence the Profession Election Law Primaryon Sponsor: Standing Committee Primary Sponsor: Commission on Domestic in Primary Sponsor: Commission on Women Primary Criminal Justice Section Sponsor: Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on MCSecurity versus Liberty - Comparative Approaches to National Security Room 707, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Reception Awards Room, 2nd Floor, Aurora Downtown Renaissance Toronto Hotel Flavelle House, 78 Queen’s Park Flavelle House, 78 Queen’s University of Toronto, Crescent West, Faculty of Law 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Road to Independence: Journeys to Starting Their Women’s Own Law Firms Caledon, Main Level, Centre InterContinental Toronto 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Room 703, 700 Level, MTCC, South Room 703, 700 Level, Building 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. MCGetting on the Rolls: A Comparative Look at Voter Registration Models in Canada and the United States Room 705, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Human Rights, Domestic and A Cross-Border Sexual Violence: Perspective MCInternational Government Whistleblowers, Investigations, SEC Actions: and Private Follow-On Multiple Boards Playing Chess on 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 Lawyers and , AUGUST 5 Sector FRIDAY Gary Layton Anderson, Chair, San Antonio, Texas Antonio, San GaryChair, Anderson, Layton Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice, Section of State and Local Government Law Law Additional Sponsors: Law Student Division, Primary Sponsor: Section of International Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Primary Sponsor: Criminal Justice Section Primary American Bar Foundation Sponsor: Job Search? Government and Public Sector Resume Review and Advice Northern 2nd Floor, Lights Ballroom, Downtown Renaissance Toronto Hotel and a Bring your resume for review, question or two about your job search for brief (15 minutes maximum) counseling from those in the know about government & public sector hiring. 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon CENTRE CLE MCABA SHOWCASE PROGRAM: 9/11—A Decade Later, Apart A World and Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building ABA CLE CENTRE CLE MCABA SHOWCASE PROGRAM: and the “Implicit Bias” Justice Equal of Myth 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCJustice for All: A Comparison of Rights in the U.S. the Crime Victims’ and Canada Room 703, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Access Across America: MCAccess Across America: First Report of the Civil Justice Project Infrastructure Mapping MTCC, South Room 801B, 800 Level, Building 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 Public Government Division Health Law Section

Linda A. Baumann, Chair, Washington, D.C.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 MCData Privacy & HIPAA: What 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Every Lawyer Needs to Know in 8:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. MCABA CLE CENTRE the U.S. and Canada Council Meeting SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Room 717B, 700 Level, MTCC, Tudor 7, Main Mezzanine, The Battle over South Building Fairmont Royal York As one of the largest segments of the Birthright Citizenship: 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. economy, healthcare touches many History, International MCSocial Media & Healthcare: Perspectives, and the areas of the law and individuals’ lives. Privacy of health information has long The Good, The Bad, and The Path Ahead Ugly Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, been a cornerstone of the physician- Room 810, 800 Level, MTCC, South South Building patient relationship. However, with Building Primary Sponsor: Commission on the acceleration of technology into Primary Sponsor: Special Committee on Immigration the delivery of healthcare and into the storage and transmission of health Bioethics and the Law 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. information, the emphasis on health 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCLawyering in the Digital Age: privacy has also accelerated. The federal Business Meeting Using Technology and Social HIPAA privacy rules are only one piece Tudor 7, Main Mezzanine, Media to Assist Underserved of the puzzle. Lawyers who handle health Fairmont Royal York Populations information or deal with healthcare Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, providers need to understand the 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. South Building limitations the law places on the access MCElder Law, Estate Planning & Primary Sponsor: Public Services Division to, handling of, and storage of health Probate- New Ideas to Expand & information. In addition to health privacy Excel Your Practice issues in their interaction with healthcare Room 711, 700 Level, MTCC, South FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 providers, lawyers may need to initiate Building internal policies in their practices related Primary Sponsor: General Practice, Solo 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon to health information or face potential and Small Firm Division MCABA CLE CENTRE penalties or civil actions. This program SHOWCASE PROGRAM: will review these issues from the U.S. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MC 9/11—A Decade Later, perspective, and provide Canadian Health Care Reform: Looking and A World Apart insight on the approach to health privacy Back at Where Things Stand across the U.S. northern border. Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Now Panelists: Daniel Fabiano, Toronto, South Building Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, Ontario, Canada South Building Primary Sponsor: Section of International Jonathan Joseph, Richmond, Virginia Law Primary Sponsor: Section of Real Phillip Long, Greensboro, North Property, Trust and Estate Law 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Carolina MThe Business of Healthcare: Additional Sponsors: Section of Antitrust The Development of State Based Law, Business Law Section, Special SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 Health Care Exchanges Committee on Bioethics and the Law 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Queen’s Quay I/II, Conference > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Centre, Street Level, The Westin Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law MCERISA Litigation - Effect on Harbour Castle Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Plan Design Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, Primary Sponsor: Business Law Section 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. South Building The Road to Independence: Primary Sponsor: Section of Real Women’s Journeys to Starting Property, Trust and Estate Law Their Own Law Firms Caledon, Main Level, InterContinental Toronto Centre Primary Sponsor: Commission on Women in the Profession

144 Sections, Divisions and Forums 145 p.m. 6:00 Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. Judith Browne Dianis, Washington, Mary Dryovage, San Francisco, California Sheila Thomas, Oakland, California Austin, Texas Professor Gerald Torres, Section, Commission on Immigration, Commission on Hispanic Legal Rights and Responsibilities, Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law, Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Profession, Center for Coalition on Racial and Ethnic Diversity, Racial and Ethnic Justice, Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Bar Association, National Identity, National Native American Bar Association to Speakers: Professor Paul Butler, Speakers: Professor Paul Butler, Additional Sponsors: Criminal Justice > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 Section Annual Meeting Main Mezzanine, British Columbia, Fairmont Royal York p.m. 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 of the MCDebunking the Myth Post Racial Society Level, MTCC, Room 803B, 800 South Building the election of President Barack With Obama, many heralded it as a sign A panel of legal of post-racial society. practitioners and scholars will discuss the most recent legal, public policy and political developments that have occurred since the election of President Obama that have signaled that race and ethnicity continue to be unresolved issues in our The panel will discuss events society. of national significance on issues such as police misconduct, discrimination in the criminal justice system, employment discrimination and immigration that have become examples of how racial and ethnic prejudice impact legal, legislative and political systems in the United States despite the election of the first African American president. a.m. 8:00 > 7 August , AUGUST 5 Sunday, FRIDAY Committee Committee through Primary Sponsor: Law Student Division Primary Sponsor: ABA AIDS Coordinating Primary Sponsor: Public Services Division Primary ABA AIDS Coordinating Sponsor: 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 Sheraton Hall E, Lower Concourse, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto 12:00 Noon to 4:00 p.m. HIV Testing Room 712, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Council Meeting Alberta, Mezzanine, Main Fairmont Royal York 12:00 Noon to 1:00 p.m. Luncheon Leadership Award British Columbia, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Public Interest Careers for Lawyers: From Advocacy to Representation, to Policy Development and Beyond Lawyering in the Digital Age: MCLawyering in the and Social Using Technology Media to Assist Underserved Populations Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Executive Meeting Saskatchewan, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York 12:00 Noon to 4:00 p.m. HIV Testing 700 Level, Room 706 and 712, MTCC, South Building 4 August Rights OfficeFairmountMezzanine, Main > Boardroom, York Royal Thursday, , AUGUST 4 Individual C. Elisia Frazier, Chair, Pooler, Georgia Pooler, Chair, Frazier, Elisia C.

of THURSDAY Immigration Section of Environment, Energy, and Section of Environment, Energy, Resources Canada D.C. S. Bobo Dean, Washington, Naunaniknau Kamalii, Honolulu, Hawaii Honorable J. Matthew Martin, Chapel Hill, North Carolina Portland, Oregon Geoffrey Strommer, Primary Sponsor: Commission on Additional Sponsors: Judicial Division, Speakers: Bernd Christmas, Toronto, Speakers: Bernd Christmas, Toronto, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE The Battle over Birthright Citizenship: International History, Perspectives, and the Path Ahead ABA Forum on Native MABA Forum on Native American Issues Hilton Floor, Harris, Convention Toronto a number of topics: The Forum will cover to enforce Tribes The authority of Indian tribal criminal laws; Native Hawaiian Health and Regulation of Traditional Practices; contemporary policies of the United States relating to Indian Tribal governments with special emphasis on the tribal self governance program developed in the last twenty years; and policies of the Canadian government with respect to First Nations. 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 Responsibilities


and SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 Commission on Racial and Ethnic Speakers: Cherif Bassiouni, Chicago, Diversity in the Profession, Center for Illinois 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Racial and Ethnic Diversity, Coalition on Gay J. McDougall, New York, New Committee Meetings Racial and Ethnic Justice, Commission York Saskatchewan, Main Mezzanine, on Women in the Profession, Ted Piccone, Washington, D.C. Fairmont Royal York Commission on Sexual Orientation Paula Schriefer, Washington, D.C. and Gender Identity, National Bar Moderator: Penny Wakefield, Arlington, 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Association, National Native American Virginia Council Meeting Bar Association Additional Sponsors: Section of Alberta, Main Mezzanine, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt International Law, Center for Human Fairmont Royal York Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Rights Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law MC 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ABA CLE CENTRE Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 SHOWCASE PROGRAM: MCThe UN Human Rights More to Overcome: Council: What Does Its First Five 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Civil Rights in the 21st Years Say about Its Future? Death Penalty Moratorium Century Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, Implementation Project Meeting Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Saskatchewan, Main Mezzanine, South Building In 2006, the United Nations established Fairmont Royal York From the civil rights movement in the the Human Rights Council to replace the 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. 1960s, to the women’s movement in Human Rights Commission, long criticized MCWikileaks, National Security as biased and unresponsive to serious the 1970s, and the current battle over and Free Speech the rights of the LGBT community, the provable or suspected human rights Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, issue of civil rights and human rights abuses. The United States did not become South Building continues to change and evolve, even as part of the new body because the Bush The program will look at the issues raised new challenges arise. To commemorate administration was skeptical that revised by the Wikileaks release of documents, the 20th anniversary of the Section’s procedures and structural changes would balancing national security concerns Thurgood Marshall Award, which make the body any more workable or against protections for free speech and honors individuals for their long-term effective. The Obama administration, freedom of information. Speakers will contributions to the advancement of civil however, believed in working for change look at the controversy from both a rights, civil liberties, and human rights, from within, and the United States joined Canadian and a US perspective. an illustrious panel of former recipients of the Council in fall 2009. For the past Speakers: David T.S. Fraser, Hailfax, the Thurgood Marshall Award will discuss four years, the Council systematically has Nova Scotia, Canada the history of the civil and human rights been reviewing the human rights records Charles D. Tobin, Washington, D.C. battle in the United States; their personal of individual state parties; it reviewed Steve Vladeck, Washington, D.C. contributions to furthering these rights and the U. S. record last fall. This year, the Lee Williams, Atlanta, Georgia the significant legal developments that Council faces its own UN review—and Moderator: Devon Chaffee, Washington, advanced the cause; and the challenges an uncertain future. The United States D.C. that lie ahead. will have a key voice in the decision Additional Sponsors: Section of Moderator: C. Elisia Frazier, Pooler, whether the Council, despite serious and Administrative Law and Regulatory Georgia ongoing problems, ultimately will, or will Practice, Criminal Justice Section, Forum Panelists: Honorable Nancy Gertner, be able to, advance human rights in an on Communications Law Boston, Massachusetts increasingly polarized and politically > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Dale Minami, San Francisco, California challenging world. In this very timely Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Paul M. Smith, Washington, D.C. program, experts concerning the Council, Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Additional Sponsors: General Practice, the UN, and human rights generally will Solo and Small Firm Division, discuss the UN’s review, the U. S. role in 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Government and Public Sector Lawyers it, and potential impacts of the results. Thurgood Marshall Award Dinner Division, Judicial Division, Criminal Concert Hall, Convention Floor, Justice Section, Section of Litigation, Fairmont Royal York Commission on Hispanic Legal Rights > Ticket Price: $150 and Responsibilities, Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law,

146 Sections, Divisions and Forums 147 (continued) Responsibilities California Springfield, Virginia Kim Colby, D.C. Richard Foltin, Washington, D.C. Daniel Mach, Washington, Solo and Small Firm Division, Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Speakers: Laura Cisneros, San Francisco, Additional Sponsors: General Practice, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 MCReconciling the and First Amendment Policies: The Antidiscrimination Legal Implications of Christian Martinez Society v. Level, MTCC, Room 803B, 800 South Building Martinez, v. In Christian Legal Society the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a California public law school did not violate the First Amendment in denying official recognition to a Christian student group that effectively excluded homosexual students from membership based on their beliefs and behaviors. This session will explore the implications of Martinez enforceability of a for the antidiscrimination public university’s policies in the context of contending First Amendment concerns, including freedom of association and expression and the free exercise of religion. and Rights Individual Canada San Francisco, Nicholas Targ, California New York York, and Resources, Environment, Energy, Standing Committee on Environmental Law Speakers: Dayna Nadine Scott, Toronto, Speakers: Dayna Nadine Scott, Toronto, New Moderator: Professor Gregg Macey, Additional Sponsors: Section of > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 panel will explore the ways in which panel will explore the pursue Canadian and U.S. communities including how environmental justice, legal rights and they organize and the their work. The principles that guide of confluence panel will identify areas explore how between the two movements, and suggest new uses of legal they differ, on both sides and organizing strategies of the border. of Section , AUGUST 7 SUNDAY Committee Primary ABA AIDS Coordinating Sponsor: 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MCFrom Oil Spills to Nuclear Why Cross-Border Waste: Environmental Justice Matters Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building The environmental justice movement in the United States emerged during the civil rights movement of the 1960s in the context of individual and group rights. Growing environmental justice efforts more broadly in Canada draw from sustainable development, public participation rights. This and human AIDS Turns 30: Where the Law AIDS Turns Are Today and the Virus Main Mezzanine, Confederation 6, Fairmont Royal York 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 Section of Intellectual Property Law

Marylee Jenkins, Chair, New York, New York

THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 Speaker: David Marcus, Philadelphia, 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Pennsylvania MA Closer Look at Recent 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Moderator: Frederic Meeker, Washington, Changes in Canadian and U.S. Officers’ Meeting D.C. Oppositions Practice Windows East, 32nd Floor, Four Additional Sponsors: Section of Tudor/Stuart, 3rd Floor, Four Seasons Hotel Toronto International Law Seasons Hotel Toronto > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Join us for a discussion with the Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Canadian Trademarks Opposition Board CLE Board Meeting Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Windows West, 32nd Floor, Four and the USPTO Trademark Trial and Seasons Hotel Toronto 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Appeal Board regarding recent changes MWhen is Private Use Privileged? to practice and procedure before these 12:00 Noon to 12:30 p.m. Regency Ballroom East, 2nd Floor, administrative bodies. Seasoned U.S. Council Luncheon Four Seasons Hotel Toronto and Canadian intellectual property Regency Ballroom West, 2nd Floor, Unlike some countries, the United States attorneys, including the President of the Four Seasons Hotel Toronto does not have a specific privilege or Intellectual Property Institute of Canada, will also provide their insights into how 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. exception from the copyright owner’s these recent changes affect the practice. Council Meeting exclusive bundle of rights for private use. While the fair use provision, Section Comparisons of opposition practice Regency Ballroom West, 2nd Floor, in the U.S. and Canada will also be Four Seasons Hotel Toronto 107 of the Copyright Act, protects some personal uses, some believe that considered. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. private use is privileged by a more Speakers: Honorable Darlene H. Carreau, MCDial I For Infringement, The general concept or implication. Two Gatineau, Quebec, Canada Anatomy of an IP Dispute well-respected copyright law experts will Janet M. Fuhrer, Ottawa, Ontario, Room 713A, 700 Level, MTCC, debate the extent, if any, of privileged Canada South Building private use. Honorable Gerard F. Rogers, Primary Sponsor: Section of Dispute Speakers: Jon Baumgarten, Washington, Alexandria, Virginia Resolution D.C. Patricia S. Smart, Chicago, Illinois Bill Patry, Mountain View, California Moderator: Cheryl L. Black, Richmond, Moderator: Jim Burger, Washington, D.C. Virginia FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 Additional Sponsors: Forum on > This is a complimentary CLE program Entertainment and Sports Industries 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt MIs the World Ready for a New MInternational Patent Litigation Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Regency Ballroom Centre, 2nd Form of IP Protection? Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Lancaster, 3rd Floor, Four Seasons Floor, Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Hotel Toronto This program will cover the pros and cons 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. WIPO is currently developing a for litigating patent issues in different Annual Review Board Meeting framework, possibly a treaty, for the countries, while also comparing foreign Windows West, 32nd Floor, Four protection of traditional knowledge, patent litigation against U.S. patent Seasons Hotel Toronto cultural expression and genetic resources. litigation. 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. This panel, with a diversity of views, will Membership/YLS Board Meeting explore what these new protections would Windows South, 32nd Floor, Four entails as well as the potential benefits Seasons Hotel Toronto and risks of adopting such protections.

IP Central Hospitality Hub with Cyber Café > Print Room, 2nd Floor, Four Seasons Hotel Thursday, August 4 > 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Friday, August 5 > 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday, August 6 > 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Sunday, August 7 > 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Evening Hospitality ~ Windows West, 32nd Floor, Four Seasons Hotel Thursday, August 4 through Saturday, August 6 > 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 Midnight

148 Phone: 416-963-6004 Sections, Divisions and Forums 149 California New Susan E. McGahan, Bedminster, Jersey Bruce Sewell, Cupertino, California Matthew Zinn, Alviso, California York Communications and Public Utility, Section of Science Law, Transportation Law & Technology Speakers: Daniel Dougherty, San Jose, Speakers: Daniel Dougherty, New Moderator: James Hanft, New York, Additional Sponsors: Section of > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Content Advisory Board Meeting Four Windows South, 32nd Floor, Seasons Hotel Toronto 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 Current Legal MCutting Edge: The Faced by and Business Issues Companies High Tech Centre, 2nd Regency Ballroom Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Floor, The legal department of most technology in its own right, companies is a business or a hundred whether a single person attorneys and staff, providing value- added services to its clients. The rapid development of technology and law requires proactive thought to meet the clients’ demands and requirements. The panel will consist of in-house counsel for technology companies who will discuss the top legal concerns that they are facing, the business issues that are affecting their departments and strategies that they are taking to proactively address these issues. The panelists will also be asked to provide insight into the development of law surrounding new technologies and the challenges that they will face in the next several years. Law Janet Hendrickson, St. Louis, Missouri Robert Lindefjeld, Woburn, Massachusetts Rea, Alexandria, Virginia Teresa Maryland Primary Section of International Sponsor: D.C. Washington, Speakers: Lisa Dunner, Towson, Moderator: Kimberly S. Grimsley, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Committees Networking Buffet Luncheon 2nd Floor, West, Regency Ballroom Four Seasons Hotel Toronto 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Magazine Board Meeting Four 32nd Floor, Windows West, Seasons Hotel Toronto Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 701B, 700 South Building Books Board Meeting Four Windsor/Sussex, 2nd Floor, Seasons Hotel Toronto 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Professional Development Program: Defining and Creating Leadership Plan Your Floor, 2nd West, Regency Ballroom Four Seasons Hotel Toronto A diverse panel of speakers from different career paths in IP law will discuss the fundamentals of leadership development, how to create a leadership plan, and ongoing actions to achieve professional and personal goals. The panelists will also discuss their current positions, the steps they took in reaching goals, and provide practical guidance for developing leadership skills. Whether a new lawyer, or considering an experienced lawyer, a new practice or practice setting, this program will provide insights to help you achieve your goals. ABA CLE CENTRE MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE Later, 9/11—A Decade Apart A World and Employment Law Massachusetts Mike Cragg, Cambridge, Massachusetts Minnesota Francisco, California Primary Sponsor: Section of Labor and Moderators: Lisa Cameron, Cambridge, Speaker: Jay Erstling, Minneapolis, Speaker: Jay Erstling, Hoglund, San Moderator: Heath W. > This is a complimentary CLE program 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon > This is a complimentary CLE program a.m. 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 Forest Hill Ballroom, 1st Floor, 1st Floor, Forest Hill Ballroom, Marriott Bloor Yorkville Toronto “Wanna Keep A Secret, Eh?”: M“Wanna Enforcing Restrictive Covenants in Canada and the United States The Demise of Junk Science in MThe Demise of Junk Reasonable the Calculation of Royalties Four Seasons Kent, 3rd Floor, Hotel Toronto Recent court in the intellectual decisions propertyarena are raising litigation the standards for evidence that can be presented to value a patented analytical With feature or technology. shortcuts “25% rule” and such as the loosely related comparable licenses no longer being accepted by the courts, what kinds of evidence can be used to determine reasonable royalty? In its March 2010 decision in IP Innovation v Red Hat, the court emphasized that reasonable royalties should be consistent with “accepted economic principles.” Our Roundtable session will explain the economic principles used to determine a will also discuss We reasonable royalty. the types of economic evidence that we have used to quantify the reasonable royalties in past cases, including: (i) data from customer surveys used to elicit buyer valuations of the patented feature(s); (ii) data on customer usage of the patented feature(s); (iii) business documents that detail the would-be of profits arising from forecasts licensor’s his sale of the patented product, and (iv) data on the profitability of the product at issue compared to relevant benchmark products. 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. the group on current practices within 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The Road to Independence: their companies as to best practices for Welcome Reception Women’s Journeys to Starting protecting their trade secrets as well as Regency Ballroom Centre/West, Their Own Law Firms litigation options when trade secrets are 2nd Floor, Four Seasons Hotel Caledon, Main Level, misappropriated. Toronto InterContinental Toronto Centre Speakers: H. Alan Rothenbuecher, Hors d’oeuvres and cocktails will highlight Primary Sponsor: Commission on Women Cleveland, Ohio this welcome event hosted by the ABA- in the Profession Christopher Van Barr, Ottawa, Ontario, IPL Law Young Lawyers Action Group Canada and the Intellectual Property Institute of 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Moderator: Barry L. Cohen, King of Canada (IPIC) Young Lawyers Committee. MCHot Topics in Internet Law and Prussia, Pennsylvania The Reception provides an outstanding Strategy > This is a complimentary CLE program opportunity for members of both entities Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. to connect and network on matters of South Building M mutual interest. Complimentary Primary Sponsor: Section of Science & Mock Hearing on Preliminary Technology Law Injunction Motion in Copyright Act: To Be or Not To Be...A Fair SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Use MFTC Enforcement in the Evolving Tudor/Stuart, 3rd Floor, Four 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. IP Marketplace Seasons Hotel Toronto Continental Breakfast for All Kent, 3rd Floor, Four Seasons This Roundtable panel will argue whether Regency Ballroom Foyer, 2nd Hotel Toronto or not the 1966 play Rosencrantz and Floor, Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Because technology advances are Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. critically important to growing our infringes William Shakespeare’s Hamlet economy, creating jobs, and introducing with the assumption being that Hamlet MUpdate from the USPTO more efficient products and processes into is protect by copyright in the United Regency Ballroom West, 2nd Floor, the marketplace, the FTC is especially States. As many know, Mr. Stoppard Four Seasons Hotel Toronto vigilant to promote competition in uses relatively minor characters from This presentation will feature high-ranking technology and information sectors of the Hamlet in his play, and this program will officials from the USPTO discussing recent economy. Join us to hear from the FTC’s explore whether his work infringes Mr. changes and future initiatives. Chief Litigation Counsel in the Agency’s Shakespeare’s copyright, focusing on the Speakers: Deborah Cohn, Alexandria, Bureau of Competition as he will discuss availability and nuances of the fair use Virginia the FTC’s enforcement priorities and defense. The presentation will be in the Bernard Knight, Alexandria, Virginia litigation efforts in the area of intellectual form of an oral argument between the > This is a complimentary CLE program property and technology. counsel for Plaintiff William Shakespeare 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Moderator: Ted Hassi, Washington, D.C. and Defendant Tom Stoppard, with the MPassing the Puck: The Future > This is a complimentary CLE program argument covering the operative facts and of International Patent Law 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. applicable law. After the oral argument Harmonization is completed, the presenters will poll MHow to Better Protect Your Regency Ballroom West, 2nd Floor, the audience as to whether they believe Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Trade Secrets: An Update on U.S. that Mr. Stoppard’s work infringes Mr. We live in a global economy that Case Law and A Comparison to Shakespeare’s copyright and, if so, requires collaboration across borders Canadian Trade Secret Law whether Mr. Stoppard’s work should be and continents. This panel of top leaders Lancaster, 3rd Floor, Four Seasons enjoined. from patent offices from the United States, Hotel Toronto Speakers: Marcia B. Paul, New York, Canada, European Union and Japan This Roundtable will review recent New York will discuss these important matters as trade secret cases as well as trends in Edward H. Rosenthal, New York, New they relate among various countries, the the industry for better protecting your York pros and cons of harmonization and company’s trade secrets. The discussion Moderator: Carole E. Handler, Los the challenges of implementing such will also include recent surveys on the Angeles, California harmonization from a global perspective. types of trade secret cases that are being > This is a complimentary CLE program litigated in various state courts and the overall results of such cases. The panel also hopes to invoke conversation from

150 Sections, Divisions and Forums 151 Law (continued) , AUGUST 7 Property SUNDAY Practice Section Pennsylvania Chen, Alexandria, Virginia Raymond T. Cambridge, Massachusetts Division Primary Sponsor: Tort Trial and Insurance Trial Primary Sponsor: Tort Speakers: Robert M. Bauer, Erie, Speakers: Robert M. Bauer, DeFranco, Moderator: Denise W. Lawyers Additional Sponsors: Young 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Section Celebration 6th Floor, 350 King Street West, Malaparte at the TIFF Bell Lightbox The Section Celebration offers attendees an opportunity enjoy a to network, variety of food stations and participate in live entertainment at Malaparte - the stunning new venue for the 2011 Toronto International Film Festival. This highly anticipated annual event is not to be missed! Price: $150 > Ticket 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Bio Ethics and MCBio Terrorism, Intellectual Property on Trial Room 714B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Leadership Development Session East, 2nd Floor, Regency Ballroom Four Seasons Hotel Toronto of “abstract idea” and how that standard of “abstract idea” and USPTO and by is being applied by the the Courts. The panel will also cover patents in both the business method-type and the life financial/insurance sector sciences sector. Intellectual of Section Washington, D.C. Washington, Ontario, Paul D. Jones, Toronto, Canada D.C. Nadine Farid Johnson, Los Angeles, California Division, Section of International Law, Forum on Entertainment and Sports Industries Speakers: Richard Halverson, Moderators: Thomas Brooke, Washington, Lawyers Additional Sponsors: Young > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 MBusiness Method Patenting in a Post-Bilski World 2nd Floor, West, Regency Ballroom Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has reaffirmed the patenting of business Kappos, more and methods in Bilski v. more business method-type patents are issuing from the U.S. Patent and Office and more and more Trademark business method-type patents are being successfully enforced in the Courts. This panel will discuss the proper application of the new (but really very old) standard Acting on ACTA MActing on ACTA 2nd Floor, West, Regency Ballroom Toronto Four Seasons Hotel Agreement The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade aimed is the culmination of negotiations effortsat strengthening global against trademarked, trafficking in copyrighted, Criticized by and patented goods. interested parties being either too as stringent or insufficient in its provisions, presents an interesting foundation ACTA from which to view current standards in combating counterfeiting. A distinguished panel, representing not only government and the private sector but also viewpoints from participatingand non-participating member states, will elaborate on what means in practice and what it may ACTA mean for your clients around the globe. Quebec, Canada Japan Tokyo, Iwai, Yoshiyuki Virginia David J. Kappos, Alexandria, Rigopoulos, Munich, Panagiotis Dr. Germany New York Speakers: MaryCarman, Gatineau, Moderator: Marylee Jenkins, New York, > This is a complimentary CLE program 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Section Luncheon with Award Section Luncheon with Award Presentations and Guest Speaker East/Centre, Regency Ballroom Four Seasons Hotel 2nd Floor, Toronto The Section is proud to host our distinguished guest speaker - Justice Marshall Rothstein of the Supreme Court of Canada. This occasion will feature the Banner presentation of the 2011 Mark T. for outstanding contribution to IP Award law and practice. Price: $65 > Ticket Annual Business Meeting with Elections Floor, 2nd West, Regency Ballroom Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Immediately following the panel on harmonization, the election of Section Leaders for the new Association year as well as other governance issues such as bylaw amendments that require a vote of the Section membership will take place. All Section members are encouraged to participate on these issues that and vote will set the path for the Section of the future. 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Spouse/Guest Brunch Four Seasons 2nd Floor, Truffles, Hotel Toronto All spouses and guests registered for the Annual Meeting are invited to attend a special brunch in the Four Seasons Hotel. (Children under the age of 12 are free - contact ABA staff to reserve their space at [email protected].) Price: $50 > Ticket 11:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. ABA Section of International Law

Salli A. Swartz, Chair, Paris, France

TUESDAY, AUGUST 2 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Chair: Honorable Delissa A. Ridgway, MInternational Patent Litigation New York, New York 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Regency Ballroom Centre, 2nd Panelists: Honorable John B. Bellinger III, Pathways to Employment in Floor, Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Washington, D.C. International Law Primary Sponsor: Section of Intellectual Honorable Ivan K. Fong, Washington, 84 Queen’s Park Crescent West, Property Law D.C. University of Toronto, Faculty of Honorable Jamie S. Gorelick, 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Washington, D.C. Law MCMeet Me at the Border: Join us for this one hour “How to” Honorable Cameron F. Kerry, program for young lawyers seeking to Issues of Interface with Canadian Washington, D.C. transition their skills into the global arena and U.S. Law and Collective Salli A. Swartz, Paris, France or experienced practitioners who wish to Bargaining in the Public Sector Additional Sponsors: General Practice, expand their practices into international Room 810, 800 Level, MTCC, South Solo and Small Firm Division, law. Top practitioners speak frankly about Building Government and Public Sector their formative experiences and tips they Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on Lawyers Division, Judicial Division, have about getting one’s foot in the door the Law Library of Congress Law Student Division, Senior Lawyers Division, Section of Administrative from transferable job skills and law school 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon courses to take (or miss), to interview Law and Regulatory Practice, Criminal MCABA CLE CENTRE Justice Section, Section of Dispute tips and where to spend summer breaks. SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Immediately following the program there Resolution, Section of Environment, will be a short reception. 9/11—A Decade Later, Energy, and Resources, Health Law Additional Sponsors: Law Student Division and A World Apart Section, Section of State and Local Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Government Law, Section of Public South Building Contract Law, Section of Public Utility, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 The tragic events of 9/11 forever altered Communications and Transportation the Manhattan skyline, but other effects in Law, Section of Intellectual Property 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon the U.S. and elsewhere around the world Law, Section of Science & Technology MCABA CLE CENTRE have been even more profound, raising Law, Tort Trial and Insurance Practice SHOWCASE PROGRAM: dramatic and unprecedented issues Section, Standing Committee on The Battle over implicating virtually every area of the Federal Judicial Improvements, Birthright Citizenship: law - international trade, national security, Standing Committee on Law and History, International privacy and civil liberties, criminal National Security, Standing Committee justice, immigration and employment on Public Education, Commission on Perspectives, and the law, financial regulation, insurance and Immigration, Commission on Racial Path Ahead taxation, media and communications law, and Ethnic Diversity in the Profession, Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, transportation, science and technology, Commission on the American Jury, South Building intellectual property rights, health care, Coalition on Racial and Ethnic Justice, Primary Sponsor: Commission on education, energy, government contracts Special Committee on Death Penalty Immigration and procurement, international human Representation, Center for Human rights, foreign relations, police powers Rights, American Judicature Society, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 and emergency preparedness, the law Conference of Chief Justices, The of war, military justice, and the roles of Federal Bar Association, Hispanic lawyers and the courts. Mark the 10th 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. National Bar Association, Inter- MC Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks with this American Bar Association, UIA Culture Shock! Pitfalls for U.S. “Dream Team” of experts in an engaging International Association of Lawyers, Businesses Leasing or Buying Real and thought-provoking roundtable International Association of Young Property in Canada exploration of how the legal landscape Lawyers (AIJA), National Asian Pacific Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, has changed over the past decade and American Bar Association, National South Building what the future is likely to hold. Association of Women Judges, National Primary Sponsor: Section of Real Association of Women Lawyers, Property, Trust and Estate Law

Hospitality Suite > Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building Thursday, August 4 > 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday, August 5 and Saturday, August 6 > 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 152 Sunday, August 7 and Monday, August 8 > 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sections, Divisions and Forums 153 Law (continued) International Property Law Immigration and Estate Law Trust Property, Bar Presidents and Physical Disability Law and Physical Disability Primary Sponsor: Section of Intellectual Primary Sponsor: Commission on Primary Sponsor: Section of Real Primary of Sponsor: National Conference Primary Commission on Mental Sponsor: 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 Regency Ballroom West, 2nd Floor, 2nd Floor, West, Regency Ballroom Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Room 706, 700 Level, MTCC, South Room 706, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCThe Purchase and Sale Agreement: Negotiating Strategies from a U.S. and International Perspective Room 715B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building International Bar Leaders Summit Main Mezzanine, Territories, Fairmont Royal York 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Plenary and Roundtable Session Discussion: Diversity and Inclusion in the U.S. and Canada - Shared and Diverging Challenges Canadian, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York MActing on ACTA MCInternational on Perspectives Disabilities: Older Persons with Law Practice Civil and Criminal Level, MTCC, Room 715A, 700 South Building MCRedefining the U.S.-Canadian Border: Current Issues in Visitation and Migration of Section , AUGUST 6 SATURDAY Law and National Security Law and National Security Election Law Practice Section Primary on Sponsor: Standing Committee Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on Primary Standing Committee on Sponsor: and Insurance Trial Primary Sponsor: Tort 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. International Bar Leaders Breakfast and Orientation Confederation 3, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. the MCForeign Espionage Targets Private Sector: the Cybersecurity Threat from Nation States Room 707, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCSecurity versus Liberty - Comparative Approaches to National Security Room 707, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Reception Welcome Chair’s 2nd Ballroom, Toronto/Victoria Hotel Metropolitan Floor, Price: $25 > Ticket Room 705, 700 Level, MTCC, South Room 705, 700 Level, Building MCClass and Mass Actions Are New Strategies Back in Vogue: Need to Know for Handling You High-Stakes Litigation Room 714A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 A MCGetting on the Rolls: at Voter Comparative Look in Canada Registration Models and the United States Immigration Orientation and Gender Identity Resolution National Bar Association, National National Bar Association, National Conference of Bar Presidents, Center for State Courts, National The Advocacy, Institute for Trial National National Judicial College, Association, Legal Aid and Defender Bar Association, Union State New York International des Avocats Primary Sponsor: Commission on Primary Sponsor: Commission on Sexual Primary Sponsor: Section of Dispute Primary Sponsor: Business Law Section 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. > This is a complimentary CLE program 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. MCCivil Immigration Detention: Myth or Reality? Room 706, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCChanging Landscape of LGBT Rights: A Global Look Room 717A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Room 713B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Canada v. U.S. Mock MCCanada v. Arbitration - Advocacy in International Arbitration: Different Cultural and Procedural Approaches Section Council Meeting 2nd Ballroom, Toronto/Victoria Hotel Metropolitan Floor, 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. If You Were In My Shoes: Were MIf You Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Rights Pier 2/3, Convention Level, The Harbour Castle Westin Section of International Law (continued)

2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 MONDAY, AUGUST 8 MCNuclear Regulation in North America After Fukushima Daiichi 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Room 712, 700 Level, MTCC, South MCABA CLE CENTRE House of Delegates Breakfast Building SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, Primary Sponsor: Section of Public Utility, The Globalization of South Building Communications and Transportation Anti-Corruption Law Primary Sponsor: Business Law Section Law Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. South Building MCThe UN Human Rights Primary Sponsor: Criminal Justice Section Council: What Does Its First Five Years Say about Its Future? Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Section Reception and Dinner Toronto Dominion Bank Tower, 66 Wellington Street West, 54th Floor, Canoe Restaurant > Ticket Price: $95

154 Sections, Divisions and Forums 155 a.m. Birmingham, Alabama D.C. Pamela S. Karlan, Stanford, California D.C. Theodore B. Olson, Washington, D.C. Kannon Shanmugam, Washington, 10:00 Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Moderator: Kevin C. Newsom, Panelists: Joan Biskupic, Washington, > This is a complimentary CLE program 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. National Conference of State Trial National Conference of State Trial Judges Delegate Assembly II, Convention Ballroom Toronto Hilton Toronto Floor, 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE “Implicit Bias” and the Justice of Equal Myth Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 of the National Conference JudiciaryAdministrative Law Executive Committee Convention Floor, Thomson, Tom Hilton Toronto a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 and Years MCTwenty-Five Counting: A Look at Justice Supreme on the Tenure Scalia’s Court Room 809, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building Justice Scalia has now served on the Supreme Court25 years. By any for measure, Scalia must be counted among the most influential justices ever to sit on the Court. quarter During his century on the Court, the way that he has changed lawyers and judges think about the law. The panel will examine his jurisprudence and its place in American legal history. to p.m. a.m. a.m. 4:00 10:00 to 7:30 to > 6 p.m. a.m. 12:00 7:30 August , AUGUST 5 > > 4 7 Saturday, FRIDAY August August Washington, D.C. Washington, Ann Arbor, Honorable Donald Shelton, Michigan and Panelists: Honorable Herbert B. Dixon, Jr., HerbertPanelists: Honorable Jr., B. Dixon, > This is a complimentary CLE program 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. National Conference of Specialized Court Judges Executive Committee Hilton Harris, Convention Floor, Toronto 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Lawyers Conference Executive Committee Hilton Convention Floor, Varley, Toronto 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. National Conference of Federal Judges Executive Committee Trial Hilton Casson, Convention Floor, Toronto 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Bench & Bar Bankruptcy Council Hilton Toronto Adelaide, 3rd Floor, 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Reception (Ticketed) Welcome I, Convention Ballroom Toronto Hilton Toronto Floor, Price: $25 > Ticket that with this program Judges will acquire that with this program tools necessarythe background and to limitations of assess the strengths and evidence in various types of forensic in criminal and civil admissibility hearings cases. 5 Sunday, Thursday, August Staff Office > Coat Check, Convention Floor, Toronto Hilton Toronto StaffOffice Floor, Check, Convention > Coat Friday, , AUGUST 4 Division THURSDAY Rights and Responsibilities Primary Section of Individual Sponsor: 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Toronto Ballroom II, Convention Ballroom Toronto Hilton Toronto Floor, The program will focus on forensic science admissibility issues, both in Daubert or Frye hearings and during trials in the United States. It will describe and evaluate the current status of various kinds of evidence, including DNA, fingerprints, handwriting, hair, bite marks, tool marks, firearms and bullets, fire and arson investigation, and bloodstains, and discuss minimum expert witness qualifications in those areas. It will include a discussion of the status of social science expert testimony regarding eyewitnesses and various “syndromes.” It will also explore how technology can assist the court in managing, enhancing and searching for evidentiary materials when determining the admissibility of forensic evidence. It is our expectation Jackson, Convention Floor, Hilton Jackson, Convention Floor, Toronto 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. from MForensic Science, A View the Bench: Challenges for the 21st Century Specialized Court Judges Planning Meeting Committee Meetings Hilton Casson, Convention Floor, Toronto 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Judicial Outreach Network Committee Hilton Toronto Adelaide, 3rd Floor, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. ABA Forum on Native MABA Forum on Native American Issues Hilton Floor, Harris, Convention Toronto 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 Honorable G. Michael Witte, Chair, Indianapolis, Indiana Indianapolis, Chair, Witte, Michael G. Honorable Judicial 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 3:15 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. MCABA CLE CENTRE MCSI Toronto: The Role of the Annual Dinner in Honor of the SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Court in an Age of Developing Judiciary and Presentation of 9/11—A Decade Later, Science & Technology the Justice Center John Marshall and A World Apart Toronto Ballroom II, Convention Award Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Floor, Hilton Toronto Concert Hall, Convention Floor, South Building Can “junk” science be good evidence? A Fairmont Royal York Primary Sponsor: Section of International much-anticipated report from the National Join the Justice Center in honoring the Law Academy of Sciences, “Strengthening winner of the 2011 John Marshall Award. Forensic Science in the United States: A The award presentation will take place 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Path Forward,” has criticized forensic during dinner. You must have a ticket for MCourt Technology Showcase: science today as “badly fragmented.” the event to enter. New Applications for You and Surveying the current status of the field > Ticket Price: $125 Your Court (including the use of DNA evidence, Toronto Ballroom II, Convention fingerprint and toolmark analysis, hair Floor, Hilton Toronto analysis, bitemarks, “voice printing,” SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 The program will highlight a variety of handwriting analysis, lie detection, digital tools that are being used effectively forensic dentistry, and fire investigation, 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. by innovative judges and court personnel; and other disciplines), the NAS report National Conference of the objective is to share the benefit of makes the case for extensive, wide- Specialized Court Judges Business their experiences with a series of short, ranging reforms - literally, from the Meeting fast-paced presentations. Each of the tools crime scene to the courtroom, in civil Lismer, Convention Floor, Hilton is either new technology or a new way as well as criminal cases. Join this Toronto of using existing technology. These tools diverse, bi- national panel for a probing have already been tried and proven to examination of the use of complex 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. be useful in court settings. In this way, scientific and technical evidence in the National Conference of State Trial attendees don’t have to be concerned courts of the U.S. and Canada, including Judges Executive Committee about being presented with unproven - pressing issues such as the admissibility Johnston, Convention Floor, Hilton or even “bleeding” edge - technology. of evidence and the need to ensure Toronto Our speakers will demonstrate the that expert testimony is both grounded 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. tools and share their own experiences in science and acknowledges the National Conference of the and adaptations. The tools will range uncertainties in any findings. from video and “wav” files to mobile Moderator: Honorable David J. Waxse, Administrative Law Judiciary devices to social media and knowledge Kansas City, Kansas Business Meeting management. Panelists: Honorable Stephanie MacDonald, Convention Floor, Panelists: Honorable Robert S. Cohen, Domitrovich, Ph.D., Erie, Pennsylvania Hilton Toronto Tallahassee, Florida Honorable Nancy Gertner, Boston, 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Honorable Robert J. Conrad, Jr., Massachusetts Joint Breakfast of the SC on Charlotte, North Carolina Honorable Stephen T. Goudge, Toronto, Federal Judicial Improvements, Honorable Herbert B. Dixon, Jr., Ontario, Canada Federal Trial Judges and Lawyers Washington, D.C. Michael Saks, Phoenix, Arizona Nisha A. Falcigno, Esq., New York, Additional Sponsors: Law Student Conference Governor General Suite, 2nd Floor, New York Division, Criminal Justice Section, Hilton Toronto T.J. Haycox, Charlotte, North Carolina Section of Science & Technology Law, Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on Honorable William G. Kelly, Kentwood, Standing Committee on Federal Judicial Federal Judicial Improvements Michigan Improvements, American Judicature Honorable Gary Randall, Omaha, Society Nebraska > This is a complimentary CLE program Honorable Ben F. Tennille, Winston- Salem, North Carolina Additional Sponsors: Law Practice Management Section > This is a complimentary CLE program

156 Sections, Divisions and Forums 157 (continued) Division , AUGUST 7 Judicial SUNDAY Tom Thomson, Convention Floor, Thomson, Convention Floor, Tom Hilton Toronto 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Lawyers Conference New Executive Committee Hilton Casson, Convention Floor, Toronto 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Division and Judge Member House of Delegates Meeting Hilton Convention Floor, Varley, Toronto 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. National Conference of Federal Judges New Executive Trial Committee Carmichael, Convention Floor, Hilton Toronto 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. National Conference of Specialized Court Judges New Executive Committee Hilton Harris, Convention Floor, Toronto 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. National Conference of State Trial Judges New Executive Committee Hilton Convention Floor, Varley, Toronto 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. National Conference of the Administrative Law Judiciary New Executive Committee Hilton Johnston, Convention Floor, Toronto 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Appellate Judges Conference Executive Committee Consequences of Criminal Convictions, Consequences of Criminal and Family Court issues. A question and end of the program answer period at the among the will encourage discussion participants. p.m. 3:15 p.m. to 5:00 Council Judicial Division New Meeting Hilton Floor, Johnston, Convention Toronto Scieszinski, Albia, Iowa Memphis, Tennessee Esq., Chicago, Illinois Cynthia Gray, Marla N. Greenstein, Anchorage, Alaska Honorable Gary Randall, Omaha, Nebraska Honorable G. Michael Witte, Lawrenceburg, Indiana Society Moderator: Honorable Annette Panelists: Honorable Bernice B. Donald, Additional Sponsors: American Judicature > This is a complimentary CLE program 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 Council of Appellate Lawyers Annual Business Meeting Carmichael, Convention Floor, Hilton Toronto 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Cross Border Legal Issues: A Judicial Perspective II, Convention Ballroom Toronto Hilton Toronto Floor, This is a judicial education program designed to open dialogue between judges from the U.S. and Canada about issues of mutual interest and concern. A panel of Canadian judges will discuss a variety of topics including: the Judiciary and Judicial Administration, Collateral “Friend” is Now a Verb: a Verb: ME“Friend” is Now the New Judicial Ethics and Social Media Convention MacDonald/Lismer, Hilton Toronto Floor, an evolution in The program explores elevated Social judicial work that has an empowering Media to the stature of tool, but one laced with challenge for will consider how We the judiciary. the new Social Media can be put to positive and ethical applications in will also real-life circumstances. We troubleshoot hazards posed by the new embrace of technology and the public’s a focus on the Model Code of it. With Judicial Conduct, the presentation will draw guidance from Rule 1.2 (Promoting Confidence in the Judiciary), 2.3 (Bias, Prejudice, and Harassment), 2.4 (External Influences on Judicial Conduct) and 2.9 (Ex Parte Communications). Rights and Responsibilities Technology Law Technology Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual Primary Sponsor: Section of Science & Primary Business Law Section Sponsor: 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE Overcome: More to the 21st Rights in Civil Century Judicial Division Council Meeting Thomson, Convention Floor, Tom Hilton Toronto 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Judges’ Journal Editorial Board Meeting Hilton Toronto Adelaide, 3rd Floor, 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Casson, Convention Floor, Hilton Casson, Convention Floor, Toronto 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Committee Meetings National Conference of Federal Judges Business Meeting Trial Carmichael, Convention Floor, Hilton Toronto 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Varley, Convention Floor, Hilton Convention Floor, Varley, Toronto 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Lawyers Conference Business Meeting Room 716A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. MCThe CSI Effect: What Have we Learned Over the Last Decade Harbour Ballroom Salon A, Harbour Ballroom The Westin Convention Level, Harbour Castle Career Management and MCareer Management for the Business Development Diverse Lawyer Section of Labor and Employment Law

Gordon E. Krischer, Chair, Los Angeles, California

THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 the negotiation of settlements and, add a further layer of complexity to such ultimately, changes in workplace policies. transactions. This panel will examine 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Our experts will discuss damages the key issues in cross border corporate MClass Action Litigation After available on either side of the border and transactions involving U.S. and Canadian Dukes v. Walmart the strategic decisions litigants must make parties, focusing on the potential labor, Forest Hill Ballroom, 1st Floor, to enhance or avoid damages. employment, and employee benefits best Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Speakers: Raj Anand, Toronto, Ontario, practices and pitfalls for practitioners This panel will explore the implications Canada representing buyers, sellers, investors, and of the Supreme Court’s review of the Barbara L. Johnson, Washington, D.C. the workers who may be affected in such 9th Circuit’s decision upholding the Mort Mitchnick, Toronto, Ontario, transactions. certification of a gender discrimination Canada Speakers: Katherine Blostein, New York, class of two million female Walmart Richard T. Seymour, Washington, D.C. New York employees. The Court’s decision is likely Moderator: Nicole M. Walthour, Stephen B. Moldof, New York, New to impact the admissibility and use of Memphis, Tennessee York expert testimony at the class certification > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Eric A. Tate, San Francisco, California stage, including the use of sampling, as Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Donna Walwyn, Toronto, Canada well as the standards trial courts at both Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Moderator: George L. Washington, Oak the state and federal level apply when Hills, Virginia determining whether to certify a gender > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt discrimination class, in particular, whether FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law common issues predominate, and when a Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. class may be certified under 23(b)(2). 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Speakers: John C. Coffee, Jr., New York, MECTake the High Road: Mastering Top Ethical Challenges International Labor and New York Employment Law Committee Barbara D’Aquila, Minneapolis, Facing ADR Advocates and Minnesota Neutrals Meeting High Park I, 1st Floor, Toronto T. Warren Jackson, El Segundo, Room 713A, 700 Level, MTCC, Marriott Bloor Yorkville California South Building Roberta L. Steele, Oakland, California Primary Sponsor: Section of Dispute This session will provide an update on Moderator: Beth Terrell, Seattle, Resolution the Section’s International Labor and Washington Employment Law committee programs 8:45 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. and publications and will serve as > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt M Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Ensuring Real “Win-Win” Cross- an opportunity to learn about the Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Border Mergers and Acquisitions Committee’s plans, including a discussion Forest Hill Ballroom, 1st Floor, of proposed topics for the 2012 Midyear 2:45 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Meeting in Paris. Information on hot MCalculating Damages in an Recent reports indicate that mergers topics and significant developments in the Employment Case: Strategies for and acquisitions activity and venture international labor and employment arena the Canadian and U.S. Litigant investments are on the upswing. Such will be discussed by Committee members. Forest Hill Ballroom, 1st Floor, corporate transactions implicate a Due to the information nature of this Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville variety of legal disciplines and require program, CLE credit is not provided. In both Canada and the U.S., plaintiffs a team of lawyers on each side from This seminar is complimentary. seek injunctive, equitable and/ several practice areas, not the least of or monetary relief in employment which is labor and employment law. discrimination cases. The remedies Differences in laws among jurisdictions available will influence litigation strategy,

Office and Registration: Rosedale, First Floor, Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Thursday, August 4 > 12:00 Noon to 4:30 p.m. • Friday, August 5 > 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

158 Sections, Divisions and Forums

159 Law (continued) Employment Canada San Francisco, Shannon Price Minter, California Canada Andrea Zwack, Vancouver, Angeles, California Oregon Gwen Handelman, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Texas Marc Joseph, Dallas, Ontario, Canada Speakers: Michael Gottheil, Toronto, Speakers: Michael Gottheil, Toronto, Moderator: Anthony J. Amendola, Los Speakers: Andrew Altschul, Portland,Speakers: Andrew Altschul, Toronto, Moderator: Allan Hutchinson, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 12:00 Noon to 1:00 p.m. > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MA Divided North America: Comparing LGBT Rights in the U.S. and Canada 1st Floor, Forest Hill Ballroom, Bloor Yorkville Marriott Toronto Canadian and U.S. panelists will discuss how their respective countries are addressing (or failing to address) legal issues facing LGBT people including issues related to health benefits, social security benefits, family and medical leave, how employers can or should accommodate transgender employees and other laws that affect employers and employees. Section Luncheon Toronto 1st Floor, Yorkville, Marriott Bloor Yorkville touch upon data privacy issues associated touch upon data privacy with contracting out. and Labor , AUGUST 6 SATURDAY Ohio Ohio Toledo, Joseph E. Slater, Gables, Donald D. Slesnick, Coral Florida Milwaukee, Barbara Zack Quindel, Wisconsin Ohio Speakers: Aaron L. Granger, Columbus, Speakers: Aaron L. Granger, Crisci, Cleveland, Moderator: George S. > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 8:45 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. MThe Ins and Outs of Contracting Out Legal Work 1st Floor, Forest Hill Ballroom, Bloor Yorkville Marriott Toronto In a financial climate where clients may seek fee reductions and a lower bottom line, law firms and service providers may seek to outsource legal work. This panel will examine practical issues related to contracting out legal work, such as when it makes sense to contract with outside lawyers choosing a vendor and best practices regarding the terms to be contained in any contract. The panel will also explore the myriad of potential ethical and liability issues related to contracting out work, such as avoiding the unauthorized practice appropriate supervision, client of law, duty to disclose, conflicts confidentiality, of interest and how contracted work this panel will should be billed. Finally, Council Meeting High Park I/II/III, 1st Floor, Bloor Yorkville Marriott Toronto 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Section Reception Toronto Floor, 1st Yorkville, Marriott Bloor Yorkville Virginia Intellectual Property Law Canada New York Arnold Pedowitz, New York, Canada Ian J. Roland, Toronto, Royal, Dallas, Texas Michael P. Moderator: Daniel P. Westman, McLean, Westman, Moderator: Daniel P. Additional Sponsors: Section of Speakers: David J. Bannon, Toronto, Speakers: David J. Bannon, Toronto, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Forest Hill Ballroom, 1st Floor, 1st Floor, Forest Hill Ballroom, Marriott Bloor Yorkville Toronto Public sector unions became front page Indiana, Ohio, news in Wisconsin, and elsewhere in 2011 as New Jersey, Republican governors and Republican- dominated state legislatures took aim at collective bargaining laws in an effort to balance state budgets. This panel will discuss the factors that led to the 2011 showdowns and what the future may hold for public sector collective bargaining in the United States Wisconsin and Beyond: The MWisconsin State of Public Sector Bargaining in the United States Forest Hill Ballroom, 1st Floor, 1st Floor, Forest Hill Ballroom, Marriott Bloor Yorkville Toronto issues related to This panel will review formsthe enforceability of various of Canadian restrictive covenants under and U.S. law including, but not limited to, non-competition, non-solicitation, no hire, and non-disclosure agreements, as well as garden leave and the inevitable disclosure doctrine. The panelists also will discuss best practices in each country for protection against trade secrets misappropriation and unfair competition in the employee context. “Wanna Keep A Secret, Eh?”: Keep A Secret, M“Wanna Covenants in Enforcing Restrictive United States Canada and the 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 Speakers: Douglas E. Dexter, San MCHealth Care Reform: Looking Francisco, California Back at Where Things Stand 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Roy L. Heenan, Montreal, Canada Now MCArbitration Case Law Update Hanan B. Kolko, New York, New York Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 713A, 700 Level, MTCC, Mauricio Paez, New York, New York South Building South Building Lauren Schwartzreich, New York, New Primary Sponsor: Section of Real Primary Sponsor: Section of Dispute York Property, Trust and Estate Law Resolution Moderator: Cynthia E. Nance, Fayetteville, Arkansas 2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Business Meeting and Election MCABA CLE CENTRE Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Forest Hill Ballroom, 1st Floor, SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Investigating and 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Forgetting on the Web MCERISA Litigation - Effect on Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Plan Design South Building Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, Every month there is a new site, or a South Building new app designed to connect multiple Primary Sponsor: Section of Real sites and make it easier for users to link Property, Trust and Estate Law to each other and to share personal, biographical, attitudinal information and other resources and media. A panel of Canadian and American attorneys will examine the privacy, liability, and other potential problems raised by the constantly expanding social media universe. The panel will also examine potential solutions, including whether the use of “cleaners,” social media expiration dates and other mechanisms to purge on-line histories could be used to benefit employees or to hamper employers and, if so, what the legal implications would be of using these new technologies.

160 Sections, Divisions and Forums 161 , AUGUST 5 FRIDAY New York Arthur G. Greene, Bedford, New Hampshire Thomas C. Grella, Asheville, North Carolina Susan Lambreth, Nashville, Tennessee Gary A. Munneke, White Plains, New York Mark A. Robertson, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Charlotte, North Carolina Ken Young, Speakers: T. Andrew Brown, Rochester, Andrew Brown, Rochester, Speakers: T. MCThe Once and Future Firm: Fiction Facts v. Room 803A, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building A panel of legal thought leaders explores the evolving business model for law firms, large and small, including how firms will be organized, operate and deliver services to clients. If the economic model that dominated law practice for most of the twentieth century disappears, along with the hourly billing system that sustained it, what will the model (or models) that replace it look like? This question is critical for the legal profession, because the answer implicates public confidence in lawyers and the legal system. As the practice of law changes, lawyers will need to understand this structural and professional evolution, including the education and training of new professionals and the role of technology in the ethical and effective delivery of legal services to clients. Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Atty: > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Students: $35, Young $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 sharing this great night with you. See you sharing this great night Guest: $95.00 there! Attendee: $95.00 and under) Children: $20.00 (12 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 Group Breakfast Pall Mall/Palm Court, 2nd Floor, LeMeridien King Edward 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. 5:00 11:00 5:00 to to to a.m. a.m. a.m. 7:30 7:30 7:30 > > > 4 6 5 August August August Canada Speaker: Dan Pinnington, Toronto, Ontario, Speaker: Dan Pinnington, Toronto, Hyde Park, 2nd Floor, LeMeridien Hyde Park, 2nd Floor, King Edward 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Member Development Committee LeMeridien King Chelsea, 2nd Floor, Edward 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Joint Reception with Family Law, and TIPS GPSolo, LPM, SciTech Hockey Hall of Street, 30 Yonge Fame Join us as we kick off the ABA Annual Meeting with a joint reception with the General Practice, Section of Family Law, Solo & Small Firm Division, Law Practice Management Section, Section for Science & Insurance Trial and Tort & Technology, Practice Section at the Hockey Hall of will enjoy food, drinks, and Fame. You interactive entertainment, while you meet new friends and reconnect with old ones. you can take forget your camera, And don’t pictures with the Stanley Cup or purchase professional pictures in the gift shop. And while you are there, you will have the anything from opportunity to buy a souvenir, hockey a key chain to your favorite team’s look forward to We puck to a sports jersey. Education Board MCBlackberrys and the Practice of Law MTCC, South Room 803A, 800 Level, Building Blackberrys great way to stay are a to clients and connected, to be responsive extraordinarybuild relationships, and Come productivity. effective for increasing get tricks and tips to make sure you are Make getting the most from your blackberry. sure you are protecting yourself and your clients- use it correctly and ethically. Atty: Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Students: $35, Young $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 Friday, Thursday, Saturday, , AUGUST 4 Management Registration > Palm Court Foyer, Second Floor, Le Meridien King Edward Hotel Le Meridien King Floor, Second Court> Palm Registration Foyer, Andrea S. Hartley, Chair, Miami, Florida Miami, Chair, Hartley, S. Andrea

THURSDAY Practice Nerino Petro, Madison, Wisconsin

Mighell, Dallas, Texas Speakers: Tom Executive Committee Meeting LeMeridien Floor, 2nd Westminster, King Edward Group Lunch Pall Mall/Palm Court, 2nd Floor, LeMeridien King Edward 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Publishing Board LeMeridien Kensington, 2nd Floor, King Edward 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Hyde Park, 2nd Floor, LeMeridien Hyde Park, 2nd Floor, King Edward 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. State and Local Bar Outreach Committee > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Atty: Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Students: $35, Young $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Room 803A, 800 Level, MTCC, South Room 803A, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building By all accounts, 2011 is poised to become The iPad Computer. of the Tablet the Year has spurred the development of many other “tablet” devices, including competition from Microsoft, Google, and RIM. And lawyers are quickly learning that tablets can be a great new addition to the legal technology toolkit. In this session, you’ll learn about the different types of tablets available, the best apps and accessories, and how you can take advantage of this lightweight computing technology to enhance the way you provide service to your clients. New Ways to Practice Law: to Practice MCNew Ways iPads, Playbooks and Tablet Computing Group Breakfast Pall Mall/Palm Court, 2nd Floor, LeMeridien King Edward a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 9:00

Section Law Law Practice Management Section (continued)

9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. one’s career with an organization. SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 Diversity Committee Participants will leave the program with Hyde Park, 2nd Floor, LeMeridien a better understanding of the different 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. King Edward types of power and influence strategies Evolving Business Task Force that have worked and those, which are 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Chelsea, 2nd Floor, LeMeridien King needed to bring about true diversity within Edward Strategy & Planning Committee our profession. They will also learn what Chelsea, 2nd Floor, LeMeridien King motivates an individual to become an ally 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Edward for someone else. Mentoring 360: Raising Your 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Speakers: Raheemah Abdulaleem, Bottom Line by Using New Tools to Webzine Board Washington, D.C. Build Diverse Talent Kensington, 2nd Floor, LeMeridien Carol Hogan, Chicago, Illinois Niagara, Lower Level, King Edward Raymond Marshall, San Francisco, InterContinental Toronto Centre California Why are Law Firm Leaders Failing to 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Sudevi Mukherjee-Gothi, Toronto, Ontario, Experience the Economic Benefits of ABA Women Rainmakers Canada Diversity and Inclusion? Join us to learn Committee Jonathan Siegfried, New York, New York about Mentoring 360, the first in a series Knightsbridge, 2nd Floor, LeMeridien Moderator: Susan Letterman White, of innovative initiatives, sponsored by the King Edward Narberth, Pennsylvania ABA, to enhance diversity and inclusion. > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Atty: 12:00 Noon to 1:45 p.m. Experts agree: A simple, yet critical, factor $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Students: Council Meeting and Luncheon for building successful diverse talent is $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 effective mentorship. Informal mentoring Sovereign, Lobby Level, LeMeridien channels seem closed off to many diverse King Edward 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Content Community Committee attorneys and the formal mentoring 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. programs at most law firms are ineffective, Hyde Park, 2nd Floor, LeMeridien so much so there is mentor program fatigue. MCourt Technology Showcase: King Edward New Applications for You and Your Don’t agree? Just look at the success of Court 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. your law firm’s mentoring program and Toronto Ballroom II, Convention eLawyering Task Force its intended beneficiaries. What if there Floor, Hilton Toronto Kensington, 2nd Floor, LeMeridien was a proven way to build a winning Primary Sponsor: Judicial Division King Edward program that retains your diverse attorneys and enables them to make significant 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. contributions to business development and MCAllies, Influence, Power, and Magazine Board client satisfaction? Mentoring 360 is a new Politics in the Office Chelsea, 2nd Floor, LeMeridien King tool for building this kind of success. Plan Room 803A, 800 Level, MTCC, South Edward to spend 90 minutes talking with a dynamic Building 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. group of experts in diversity leadership An ally is a member of the privileged and ABA Women Rainmakers Reception who will lead a highly-interactive session empowered social group, who actively Room 802A, 800 Level, MTCC, South exploring the failures of current mentoring works to change oppressive dynamic and Building programs and highlighting this new cutting- help empower less privileged members of edge approach to mentoring. Participants the group. This facilitated panel discussion 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. will learn how their firms can implement this focuses on one avenue to address bias in Sam Smith Award Reception innovative tool by participating in the new the legal profession- the use of power and 250 Yonge Street, Suite 3101, ABA pilot program for firm leaders who are influence by allies on behalf of women Lawyers Professional Indemnity committed to creating diverse and profitable and minority lawyers to bring them to a Company law firms. higher, more privileged power position in Additional Sponsors: Commission on Mental their organizations and within the entire and Physical Disability Law, Center for legal community with a specific focus on Racial and Ethnic Diversity building a book of business and advancing

162 Sections, Divisions and Forums 163 , AUGUST 5 p.m. p.m. FRIDAY 6:00 6:00 to to Candidates Meeting Sheraton Hall A, Lower Concourse, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Candidate Speeches / Meet the Candidates Mixer East, Lower Grand Ballroom Concourse, Sheraton Centre Hotel Toronto Hear speeches from candidates for Chair-SBA Division Delegate and Vice followed by a meet-and-greet. Renew old acquaintances and make new friends. 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Room Candidates Waiting Sheraton Hall A, Lower Concourse, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. LSD Board Briefing Conference Room H, Mezzanine, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 (Odd Numbered Circuit Meetings Circuits) ideas with Meet, network and share Each meeting fellow circuit members. and discussion of will include a review agenda for the the resolutions on the Assembly and a circuit review. Division’s p.m. 4:15 p.m. to 5:15 Circuit Meetings (Even Numbered Circuits) Meet, network and share ideas with fellow circuit members. Each meeting will include a review and discussion of the resolutions on the agenda for the Assembly and a circuit review. Division’s 5:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. a.m. a.m. 8:00 8:00 > > 6 6 August August Saturday, Saturday, Phone: 416-947-4915 Phone: Immigration through through Primary Sponsor: Commission on 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Annual Meeting Orientation Session East, Lower Grand Ballroom Concourse, Sheraton Centre Hotel Toronto Make the most of your Annual Meeting experience. This orientation session will introduce you to the structure and organization of the ABA and the Law Student Division and outline what to expect during the conference. Resume Review & Career Advice Sheraton Hall B, Lower Concourse, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto Legal career services and recruitment professionals will provide constructive suggestions for making your job search documents stand out and get noticed by legal employers and share their wisdom on job search strategies. 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 718A, 700 South Building Open House for SBA Presidents and ABA Representatives Lower West, Grand Ballroom Concourse, Sheraton Centre Hotel Toronto the SBA Presidents and ABA Visit Representatives Open House to network with other law school leaders in an informalexchange this time to setting. Use contact information and ideas. 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ABA CLE CENTRE MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE The Battle over Birthright Citizenship: International History, and the Perspectives, Path Ahead 4 4 Office > Sheraton: V.I.P. Room, Concourse Level Room, Concourse OfficeV.I.P. > Sheraton: August August Registration > Sheraton: Convention Registration, Concourse Level Concourse Registration, Convention > Sheraton: Registration Division Thursday, Thursday, , AUGUST 3 , AUGUST 4 , AUGUST 2 Kevin R. Johnson, Chair, Tuscaloosa, Alabama Tuscaloosa, Chair, Johnson, R. Kevin Student TUESDAY THURSDAY Law WEDNESDAY Primary Section of International Sponsor: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon LSD Board of Governors Meeting East, Lower Grand Ballroom Concourse, Sheraton Centre Hotel Toronto LSD Board of Governors Meeting East, Lower Grand Ballroom Concourse, Sheraton Centre Hotel Toronto Sheraton Hall E, Lower Concourse, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto 12:00 Noon to 5:00 p.m. LSD Board of Governors Committee Meetings LSD Executive Board / Delegates Meeting Sheraton Hall A, Lower Concourse, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Pathways to Employment in Pathways to Employment International Law Park Crescent West, 84 Queen’s Faculty of University of Toronto, Law 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 Law 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. members. (Tickets available from Law MCHot Topics in Animal Law Resume Review & Career Advice Student Division Registration Desk). Room 714B, 700 Level, MTCC, Sheraton Hall B, Lower Concourse, Additional Sponsors: Tort Trial and South Building Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Insurance Practice Section Primary Sponsor: Tort Trial and Insurance Legal career services and recruitment 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Practice Section professionals will provide you with LSD Board Briefing constructive suggestions for making your 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Conference Room H, Mezzanine, job search documents stand out and get Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel MCSolo Day: 90 Tips in 90 noticed by legal employers and share Minutes their wisdom on job search strategies. 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Room 711, 700 Level, MTCC, South 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Public Interest Careers for Building Lawyers: From Advocacy Primary Sponsor: General Practice, Solo Q&A Sessions with the and Small Firm Division Candidates for Division Delegate to Representation, to Policy Don’t miss the opportunity to participate Development and Beyond 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in questions/answers sessions with the Sheraton Hall E, Lower Concourse, SBA Conference / Election of candidates seeking the three Division Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Vice Chair-SBA Delegate positions to the ABA House The practice of public interest law Grand Ballroom East, Lower of Delegates. Note: Only certified SBA encompasses the protection of individual Concourse, Sheraton Centre Presidents and ABA Representatives or rights, the advancement of justice, and Toronto Hotel their proxies, who are members of the making improvements for the good of SBA Presidents will elect the Law ABA Law Student Division, are eligible to the general public. All of these important Student Division Vice Chair-SBA and vote in the election. objectives can be accomplished through participate in a review and discussion a variety of means and in many settings. of the Assembly agenda and resolutions. 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Our expert panel, all of whom have The election polls will remain open until MCABA CLE CENTRE developed successful and meaningful 11:00 a.m. NOTE: Only certified SBA SHOWCASE PROGRAM: careers in the public interest/public Presidents or their proxies are eligible to “Implicit Bias” and the service areas of the law featuring vote in the SBA election. To be certified Myth of Equal Justice experiences ranging from working on as a voting delegate, SBA Presidents or Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, the Hill, direct representation, advocacy their proxies must be ABA Law Student South Building roles, and problem solving courts. The Division members in good standing (dues Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation panelists will share their own career paths paid in full for the current bar year; and experiences, including some non- September 1, 2010-August 31, 2011). 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon traditional opportunities, such as lobbying MCABA CLE CENTRE and working in the legislative branch of 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. SHOWCASE PROGRAM: the government to interested attorneys Election Polls (Vice Chair-SBA 9/11—A Decade Later, and law students. Ticketed event-limited Election) and A World Apart attendance. Priority seating will be given Grand Ballroom Foyer, Lower Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, to registered ABA Law Student Division Concourse, Sheraton Centre South Building members. (Tickets available from Law Toronto Hotel Primary Sponsor: Section of International Student Division Registration Desk). 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Law Moderator: Elizabeth Yang, Washington Candidates Waiting Room D.C. 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Panelists: Carmen Daugherty, Washington Sheraton Hall A, Lower Concourse, Deposition Workshop Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel D.C. Windsor East/West, Mezzanine, Antonia Fasanelli, Baltimore, Maryland 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Kristi Gaines, Washington D.C. Liaison Orientation Plaintiffs, defense and insurance Renato Izquieta, Santa Ana, California York, Mezzanine, Sheraton Centre company/corporate counselors will Additional Sponsors: Section of Individual Toronto Hotel explain how they each prepare and Rights and Responsibilities, Standing All 2011-2012 liaisons have the conduct a deposition. They will identify Committee on Substance Abuse, opportunity to review their duties and opposing counsel tactics and share their Standing Committee on Environmental responsibilities, ask questions and learn experience. The session will include Law, Standing Committee on Election tips for accomplishing their goals. small group case scenario discussions Law, Standing Committee on the Law with TIPS attorneys guiding attendees in Library of Congress, Special Committee resolving the case. Ticketed event-limited on Bioethics and the Law, Commission attendance. Priority seating will be given on Homelessness and Poverty, Public to registered ABA Law Student Division Services Division 164 Sections, Divisions and Forums 165 (continued) Division , AUGUST 6 Student SATURDAY and Small Firm Division Law and National Security and Small Firm Division Lawyer Assistance Programs Primary Sponsor: General Practice, Solo Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on Primary Sponsor: General Practice, Solo Additional Sponsors: Commission on Primary Sponsor: Business Law Section 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. MCBankruptcy Basics Room 711, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building the MCForeign Espionage Targets Private Sector: the Cybersecurity Threat from Nation States Room 707, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCHow Good is the Dirt? The Issues and Legal Skinny on Title Descriptions Room 705, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Resources for Law Student Wellness Conference Room C, Mezzanine, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto This program will provide education and resources to people whose wellbeing is essential to the future of the legal profession...our law students. 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 LSD Board Briefing Concourse, Sheraton Hall C, Lower Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 and MCareer Management Business Development for the Diverse Lawyer Salon A, Harbour Ballroom Convention Level, The Westin Harbour Castle 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Law Law and National Security and Small Firm Division Primary on Sponsor: Standing Committee Primary Sponsor: Judicial Division Primary Sponsor: General Practice, Solo 3:15 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 Room 707, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCSecurity versus Liberty - Comparative Approaches to National Security CSI Toronto: The Role of the MCSI Toronto: Court in an Age of Developing Science & Technology II, Convention Ballroom Toronto Hilton Toronto Floor, 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Deans Panel Discussion: Communication with Administration Sheraton Hall A, Lower Concourse, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto Learn how successful communication between student leaders and law school administrators can enhance your credibility and advance your academic and professional mission and goals. Identify practical issues that each group represents and/or encounters at the law school level, while highlighting opportunities to bridge gaps between student leaders and law school administrations. 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. MCSolo Day: Law Firm Marketing and Management Room 711, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building SBA Panel Discussion SBA Panel Discussion Lower West, Grand Ballroom Centre Concourse, Sheraton Hotel Toronto be the best SBA in What does it take to be your legacy the nation? What will panel of formeras SBA President? A the secrets to top SBA Presidents share leading, managing, and running the best home proven Take in the country. SBA’s strategies for bringing about real change to your SBA and your law school, while taking your SBA from good to great. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Sector Lawyers Division Primary Government Sponsor: and Public 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Lt. Governors Roundtables Centre, Lower Grand Ballroom Concourse, Sheraton Centre Hotel Toronto Meet with fellow members who have been appointed to a Lt. Governor position and share ideas. Learn new techniques for effective and practical task management as a member of your team. leadership circuit’s Grand Ballroom East, Lower Grand Ballroom Concourse, Sheraton Centre Hotel Toronto All 2011-2012 ABA Representatives should attend this session designed to help you gain a better understanding of the benefits and services available to law students through the ABA and the Law Student Division. Meet other ABA Representatives, share ideas, learn about the rewards available to you for your efforts proven techniques and take home for accomplishing your goals and objectives as an ABA Representative on your campus. 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ABA Representatives Training ABA Representatives Training Election Polls (Division Delegate Election) Lower Foyer, Grand Ballroom Concourse, Sheraton Centre Hotel Toronto 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Northern Lights Ballroom, 2nd Northern Lights Ballroom, Renaissance Toronto Floor, Downtown Hotel 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 Job Search? Government and Review and Public Sector Resume Advice Law Student Division (continued)

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. SBA Presidents Roundtable and Careers in National Security Law Robert’s Rules & Resolutions Idea Raiser Conference Room G, Mezzanine, Review for Assembly Delegates Grand Ballroom West, Lower Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Osgoode Ballroom East, Lower Concourse, Sheraton Centre The practice area of national security Concourse, Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel law grows increasingly important Toronto Hotel This SBA Presidents Forum is designed to for government and private sector Learn the fundamentals of Robert’s Rules generate a discussion of “best practices” organizations. And there are jobs of Order and gain a basic understanding for addressing issues you may encounter available in the field of national security of voting, motions, amendments, during your term. Be sure to bring your law! A panel of experts and employers resolutions and etiquette. Ticketed event- questions, tips and strategies with you. from government, academia, and the Limited attendance. Priority seating will private sector will discuss the issue of be given to Assembly Delegates. (Tickets 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. finding work in this growing area of law. available from Law Student Division Election Polls (Division Delegate First 20 attendees receive complimentary Delegate Certification Desk). Election) copy of ABA book: Careers in National Grand Ballroom Foyer, Lower Security Law. 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Concourse, Sheraton Centre Moderator: Harvey Rishikof, Washington Assembly Toronto Hotel D.C. Grand Ballroom Centre/East, Lower Concourse, Sheraton Centre 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Additional Sponsors: Standing Committee on Law and National Security Toronto Hotel ABA Representatives Roundtable To participate in the Division’s policy- and Idea Raiser 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon making activities, all Assembly Delegates Sheraton Hall E, Lower Concourse, Making the Transition from Law must be certified by 12:00 Noon on Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Student to Lawyer Saturday. The Assembly begins promptly This forum for ABA Representatives is Sheraton Hall C, Lower Concourse, at 2:00 p.m. The Assembly features designed to generate a discussion of Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel debate on several resolutions. Invited “best practices” for addressing issues you In this program, a diverse panel of ABA dignitaries include ABA President, may face during your term. Be sure to business and international lawyers from Stephen N. Zach of Miami, Florida, bring your questions and tips with you. a variety of practice settings will provide and President-Elect, William T. Robinson 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon frank and realistic advice for would-be III of Florence, Kentucky. The Division’s Careers in Criminal Justice business lawyers in this challenging National Awards will be presented during Sheraton Hall A, Lower Concourse, economic environment to ensure the Assembly, which will conclude with Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel professional success. We anticipate a announcement of the election results. A panel discussion that highlights the candid exchange about what really catches the eye of hiring attorneys, careers of the panelists/invited guests, SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 and the benefit of using the ABA and CJS supervising attorneys, colleagues, and to network and meet decision makers in partners and what distinguishes the best business lawyers from the merely 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. the criminal justice field. Officer & Delegate Orientation Panelists: Sidney Butcher, Baltimore City, adequate. We’ll leave time for Q&A. Carleton, Mezzanine, Sheraton Maryland Panelists will draw on their diversity of Centre Toronto Hotel Judith Friedman, Washington, D.C. experience as new lawyers and as senior Professor Bruce Green, New York, New lawyers to pass along tips for survival York and success. -Learn about Internship Cynthia Hujar Orr, San Antonio, Texas Opportunities -Network with legal experts Additional Sponsors: Criminal Justice from around the world -Understand Section other legal systems and cultures -Become active in international organizations and societies -Develop legal and interpersonal skills Moderator: Natalie Panossian, Simi Valley, California Additional Sponsors: Business Law Section

166 Sections, Divisions and Forums 167 , AUGUST 6 p.m. 5:00 SATURDAY to 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 Deans’ Breakfast B/C, Lower Windsor Ballroom King Edward Level, LeMeridien 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Annual Business Meeting A, Lower Level, Windsor Ballroom LeMeridien King Edward a.m. a.m. 8:00 11:00 > to 5 (Mobile) a.m. August 8:00 , AUGUST 5 > 6 Friday, 312-608-0040 FRIDAY August Phone: through 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 (Executive and Council Meeting Open Session) C, Lower Level, Windsor Ballroom LeMeridien King Edward 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Reception Kutak Award Sovereign, Lobby Level, LeMeridien King Edward John Feerick, Norris Professor of Law and former dean at Fordham University School annual will receive the 28th of Law, The Section of Robert J. Kutak Award. Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar and the national Kutak Rock law honor to firm established the Award individuals who have made significant contributions to the collaboration of the The the bench and the bar. academy, a Kutak, is in memory Award of Mr. champion distinguished Omaha lawyer, of legal reform, and an advocate for legal education. 4 Saturday, August Office > Belgravia, 2nd Floor, LeMeridien King Edward King LeMeridien OfficeFloor, 2nd > Belgravia, the Thursday, to , AUGUST 4 Legal and of THURSDAY Christine M. Durham, Chair, Salt Lake City, Utah City, Lake Salt Chair, Durham, M. Christine Windsor Ballroom C, Lower Level, Windsor Ballroom LeMeridien King Edward 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 (Executive Council Meeting Session) Section Education Admissions Bar Section of Litigation

Hilarie Bass, Chair, Miami, Florida

THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. MCCross-Border Practice in a MCThe Perils of Social Media 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Shrinking Global Economy Under the Laws of the United MCABA CLE CENTRE Room 716A, 700 Level, MTCC, States and Canada: A Cautious SHOWCASE PROGRAM: South Building Tale for Lawyers and Clients Trial Practices and Tactics This program explores the practicalities of Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, in Canada and the United international practices in today’s global South Building States economy. The discussion will include Social media is the next huge sea change Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, the importance of knowing customs in communications. Lawyers, litigants, South Building of foreign jurisdictions. The panel will judges and jurors are also joining the This program will feature characteristics of also address hot topics in international social-media craze. Here is information trial practices in Canada and the United practice, including discovery, privileges, about the platforms and their use and States. Barristers from Canada and trial and the United States’ investigation and disuse in litigation. Topics include lawyer lawyers from the United States will face enforcement efforts under the FCPA. communications on social media; the off trying a hypothetical case in which the Moderator: Jorge A. Mestre, Miami, use of social media in the courtroom; plaintiff claims wrongful termination and Florida evidence-gathering through social media; a hostile work environment. The audience Panelists: Scott A. Edleman, Los Angeles, social-media issues crossing the borders, will observe excerpts of opening California including Canadian privacy implications statements, direct, cross-examinations, Fiona K. Orr, Toronto, Ontario, Canada under PIPEDA and Canadian vs. U.S. and closing arguments by the talented Olga Pina, Tampa, Florida copyright laws; and ethical implications lawyers from each country. A brief panel Kiran P. Sequeira, Washington, D.C. for lawyers. discussion with opportunity for questions > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Moderator: Neil A. Smith, San Francisco, and answers from the audience will Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law California follow the trial. Judges from the United Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Panelists: Nicole Black, Rochester, New States and Canada will participate as 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. York well as a mock jury. MCDodd-Frank One Year Later: Christine Martin, New York, New York Moderator: Professor Stephen A. Panacea or Poison? Dr. Teresa Scassa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Saltzburg, Washington, D.C. Room 718B, 700 Level, MTCC, Dominique Shelton, Beverly Hills, Panelists: Honorable Marvin E. Aspen, South Building California Chicago, Illinois Dodd-Frank is directed at curing the ills > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Madam Justice Gloria J. Epstein, that spawned the financial crises. This Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Toronto, Ontario, Canada roundtable discussion of leaders in the Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Julianne Farnsworth, Charleston, South financial field will consider whether Carolina Dodd-Frank has been successful. The 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Keathan B. Frink, Fort Lauderdale, roundtable will touch on changes in SEC Committee Practice Area Meeting: Florida enforcement, the impact on the derivatives Bankruptcy and Insolvency Scott Maidment, Toronto, Ontario, market, rating agency conduct, investor Canada Litigation (open to all ABA Annual rights, and the impact Dodd-Frank has Meeting registrants) L. David Roebuck, Toronto, Ontario, had on the bankruptcy process. Canada Caledon, Main Level, Moderator: Eric Dash, New York, New InterContinental Toronto Centre Paul Mark Sandler, Baltimore, Maryland York Robert R. Simpson, Hartford, Panelists: Associate Dean & Professor 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Connecticut Luke Bierman, Boston, Massachusetts Committee Practice Area Stephen D. Susman, Houston, Texas Irene Chiu, Greater Princeton, New Meeting: Business Torts Litigation Michael S.F. Watson, Toronto, Ontario, Jersey Canada (open to all ABA Annual Meeting Honorable Mary Walrath, Wilmington, registrants) > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Delaware Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Kingsway, Main Level, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt InterContinental Toronto Centre Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35

Information: Room 718 Foyer, 700 Level, Metro Toronto Convention Centre Thursday, August 4 > 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. • Friday, August 5 > 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, August 6 > 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Phone: 416-585-3796 168 Sections, Divisions and Forums 169 (continued) Litigation of Newark, New Jersey Seattle, Washington Jeffrey A. Beaver, Michael Emmert, Illinois Chicago, Lawrence J. Fox, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Honorable John G. Koeltl, New York, New York Moderator: Jeffrey J. Greenbaum, Panelists: Hilarie Bass, Miami, Florida > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 MECExpert After Changes Life Expertsto Rule 26: Should Be with ABA Required to Comply for Experts?Ethical Standards Level, MTCC, Room 718B, 700 South Building dealing On December 1, 2010, with experts became easier when communications with testifying experts and draft reports protected. But became how should lawyers address the thorny ethical issues that arise out of expert conduct? The Section of Litigation has proposed that the ABA should adopt ethical standards for experts to address these issues. Should experts be required and how can lawyers enforce to comply, these standards? Section , AUGUST 5 FRIDAY 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Council and Annual Business Meeting B, Lower Level, Ballroom Centre InterContinental Toronto Welcome & Outreach Reception Welcome Street Horizons Room, 301 Front CN Tower West, Sponsored by: DecisionQuest, Ticketed Join meeting Event: Complimentary, attendees and featured speakers for this complimentary networking reception Horizons restaurant. at the CN Tower’s Located over 1,000 feet above the city, Horizons offers breathtaking views of and the surrounding area. Toronto Committee Practice Area Committee Practice Meetings A, Lower Level, Ballroom Centre InterContinental Toronto This event is open to all ABA Annual will have the Meeting attendees. You opportunity with leaders to network and members in your practice area. Committees hosting a meeting: Children’s Rights Litigation; Condemnation, Zoning & Land Use Litigation; Ethics & Professionalism; Expert Witnesses; Litigation; Pretrial Practice Mass Torts & Discovery; Real Estate Litigation; for the Litigator; Trial Technology Advocates Evidence; and Young 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 Area Meeting: Committee Practice Practice (open to all ABA Trial Annual Meeting registrants) Niagara, Lower Level, Centre InterContinental Toronto p.m. 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 Simcoe, Lower Level, Centre InterContinental Toronto Committee Practice Area Advocate Meeting: The Woman (open to all ABA Annual Meeting registrants) Halton, Main Level, Centre InterContinental Toronto 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Committee Practice Area Meeting: Products Liability (open to all ABA Annual Meeting registrants) Grenadier, Main Level, Grenadier, Centre InterContinental Toronto 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Committee Practice Area Meeting: Committee Practice Area Meeting: Intellectual Property Litigation (open to all ABA Annual Meeting registrants) Haliburton, Main Level, Centre InterContinental Toronto 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Committee Practice Area Meeting: Committee Practice Area Meeting: Insurance Coverage Litigation (open to all ABA Annual Meeting registrants) Humber, Main Level, Main Humber, Centre InterContinental Toronto 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Committee Practice Area Meeting: Committee Practice Area Meeting: Employment and Labor Relations Law (open to all ABA Annual Meeting registrants) Conquest, Main Level, Centre InterContinental Toronto 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Committee Practice Area Meeting: Committee Practice Area Meeting: Corporate Counsel (open to all ABA Annual Meeting registrants) Ontario, Lower Level, Ontario, Lower Level, Centre InterContinental Toronto p.m. 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 Area Meeting: Committee Practice Business Commercial and all ABA Annual Litigation (open to Meeting registrants) 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Panelists: Jim Goh, Denver, Colorado Government and Public Sector MCHot Topics in Environmental Roberta D. Liebenberg, Philadelphia, Lawyers Division, Judicial Division, Law Pennsylvania Law Student Division, Senior Lawyers Room 715B, 700 Level, MTCC, Manar S. Morales, San Francisco, Division, Section of Administrative South Building California Law and Regulatory Practice, Criminal Primary Sponsor: Section of Real > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Justice Section, Section of Dispute Property, Trust and Estate Law Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Resolution, Section of State and Local Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Government Law, Section of Public 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Contract Law, Section of Science 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCOur Highest Courts: A & Technology Law, Tort Trial and Comparison of the Canadian and MCABA CLE CENTRE Insurance Practice Section, Standing U.S. Supreme Courts SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Committee on Substance Abuse, Room 716A, 700 Level, MTCC, “Implicit Bias” and the Standing Committee on Federal Judicial South Building Myth of Equal Justice Improvements, Standing Committee on A panel of luminaries from the Canadian Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Legal Aid and Indigent Defendants, and U.S. Supreme Courts - justices and South Building Commission on Domestic Violence, leading appellate advocates - will conduct Human judgment involves two different Commission on Hispanic Legal Rights a roundtable discussion on the Courts’ mental processes: intuition and and Responsibilities, Commission on differences and similarities, focusing on deliberation. Both are essential to Immigration, Commission on Mental the Courts’ respective constitutional roles, good judgment; and intuition can be and Physical Disability Law, Commission illustrated by recent decisions of both surprisingly accurate. However, people on Law and Aging, Commission Courts on important common issues such often rely too much on intuition alone. on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in as terrorism, civil rights, and the role of Judgments made in the justice system the Profession, Commission on the international law. are no different. Headlines trumpeted American Jury, Commission on Youth Moderator: Professor Linda Greenhouse, “racial profiling” with the 2009 arrest at Risk, Center for Racial and Ethnic New Haven, Connecticut of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, Diversity, Coalition on Racial and Panelists: Justice W. Ian C. Binnie, Jr., after he pushed his way through Ethnic Justice, Commission on Women Ottawa, Ontario, Canada the jammed front door of his home. But in the Profession, Special Committee Professor Drew S. Days III, New Haven, unconscious (implicit) bias is not limited to on Death Penalty Representation, Connecticut law enforcement, or even to the criminal Commission on Homelessness and Thomas Heintzman, Toronto, Ontario, justice system. Through a review of Poverty, Center for Human Rights, Canada the controversial “Gates-gate” incident Commission on Sexual Orientation and President Ken Starr, Waco, Texas and other high-profile cases, as well as Gender Identity, American Immigration > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt provocative new empirical research, this Lawyers Association, American Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law highly-interactive multi- media presentation Judicature Society, Conference of Chief Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 will engage the audience using TV news Justices, The Federal Bar Association, video and hand- held “voting” technology Hispanic National Bar Association, 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. to probe how implicit bias based on Inter-American Bar Association, UIA MCShattering the Legal Glass gender, race/ethnicity, and a whole host International Association of Lawyers, Ceiling: The Myths and Realities of other individual traits - including, for International Association of Young of Law-Firm Compensation example, age, national origin, height, Lawyers (AIJA), National Asian Pacific Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, weight, sexual orientation, socio-economic American Bar Association, National South Building class, immigration status, and mental or Association of Women Judges, Reports demonstrate that female lawyers’ physical disability, in addition to overall National Association of Women median income is only 74% of their male physical appearance and attire - distort Lawyers, National Bar Association, counterparts. The panel will discuss these judgment in both civil and criminal cases, National Conference of Bar Presidents, reports, the law, and how this disparity in the courtroom and beyond. National Center for State Courts, affects the practice of law. The panel Moderator: Dahlia Lithwick, Washington, National Conference of Women’s will recommend best practices and legal D.C. Bar Associations, National Institute strategies to achieve pay equity and Panelists: Honorable Dennis W. Archer, for Trial Advocacy, The National promote diversity in the practice of law. Detroit, Michigan Judicial College, National Legal Aid Moderator: Beatrice O’Donnell, Mark J. Geragos, Los Angeles, and Defender Association, National Philadelphia, Pennsylvania California LGBT Bar Association, National Native Professor Jeffrey J. Rachlinski, Ithaca, American Bar Association, Division for New York Public Education Additional Sponsors: General Practice, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Solo and Small Firm Division, Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 170 Sections, Divisions and Forums 171 (continued) Litigation of Ontario, Canada Canada Honorable Denise Page Hood, Detroit, Michigan Toronto, Honourable George R. Strathy, Ontario, Canada Toronto, Professor Janet Walker, Ontario, Canada Wisconsin Canada Gavin Foggo, London, UK Paris, France Rajeev Sharma Fokeer, Enrique Hernandez, Mexico City, Mexico Meg Utterback, Shanghai, China Moderator: Sylvie Rodrigue, Toronto, Moderator: Sylvie Rodrigue, Toronto, Ontario, Brown, Toronto, Panelists: John P. Moderator: Maria L. Kreiter, Milwaukee, Moderator: Maria L. Kreiter, Ontario, Panelists: Lisa Brost, Toronto, 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. MCMulti-Jurisdictional, Cross- and International Border, Class Actions: Where Are We Heading? Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Class litigation now crosses borders and national legal systems. Senior judges from the United States and Canada, along with a respected legal scholar will forecast the future and practitioner, in light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent guidance on access to American courts for foreign class members and the ongoing work of several national and international task forces. MCInternational Discovery: in 90 Minutes Around the World Level, MTCC, Room 718B, 700 South Building of clients Given the growing number conducting with global operations, international discovery efficiently is fact pattern,a must. Using a sample our international panel of attorneys will explain the unique discovery rules followed in their home country and answer questions that commonly arise when conducting international discovery. Section Florida Haven, Connecticut Professor Pamela S. Karlan, Stanford, California Texas Waco, President Ken Starr, Ontario, Canada New York New York, las Bosque de Thomas S. Heather, Lomas, Mexico Madam Justice Sarah Pepall, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Moderator: John M. Barkett, Miami, Panelists: Professor Drew S. Days III, New Moderator: Andrew J.F. Kent, Toronto, Kent, Toronto, Moderator: Andrew J.F. Panelists: Honorable Allan L. Gropper, 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MCThe Roberts Court: Three Five, and More Year Women, Room 718B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building As they have for the past four years, the three professors will provide their insightful, and, at times, scholarly, humorous analysis of a Supreme Court term that features yet another new Justice. In past program evaluations, attendees have always said, “I never miss this program.” Come join the standing-room only crowd to find out why. Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 718A, 700 South Building Uncertainty in the worldwide financial markets has led to the heightened involvement in and impact upon those markets by the insolvency courts of, among other countries, the United States, Canada and Mexico. This panel will discuss the domestic and international obstacles to the enforcement of cross- border judgments, including fraudulent transfer judgments, and legislative and other efforts such obstacles. to minimize The Restructuring of the MCThe Restructuring CourtsAmericas: How Insolvency and the in Canada, Mexico Reshaping United States Are Business Colorado Alberta, Canada Capt. David C. Iglesias, Washington, D.C. Washington, Murphy, Capt. John F. D.C. Ontario, Michelle Shepard, Toronto, Canada Moderator: Erin C. Asborno, Denver, Moderator: Erin C. Asborno, Denver, Edmonton, Panelists: Dennis Edney, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 MCThe Omar Khadr Case: on Terror War America’s Room 716A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building a Canadian citizen, was Omar Khadr, captured by American forces at the age of fifteen in Afghanistan and accused of war crimes for throwing a grenade United that killed a United States soldier. States and Canadian panelists will tell the story of of the case from the perspective the prosecutors, who argued that Khadr was a terrorist, and defense counsel, who referred to him as a “child soldier.” Ballroom A/B, Lower Level, Ballroom Centre InterContinental Toronto Sponsored by: LexisNexis Hear The Right Honourable Jean Chrétien, counsel at Heenan Blaikie, who served three terms prime minister of as Canada, where he took a leadership position in several areas, including climate change, multilateral diplomacy, and the elimination of the national deficit. involved Chrétien remains actively Mr. in global affairs and transnational and advocate, negotiations as counselor, will take questions Chrétien Mr. facilitator. from the audience in what promises to be a lively exchange. Honourable Louise Arbour of Brussels, Belgium, will be presented with the 2011 International This luncheon will Human Rights Award. also feature the passing of the gavel from Chair Hilarie Bass to incoming Chair Ronald L. Marmer. Price: $65 > Ticket 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 12:15 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. 12:15 p.m. to 1:45 with Prime Minister Question Time Speaker Jean Chrétien, Keynote at the International Human Rights and Passing of the Gavel Award Luncheon Section of Litigation (continued)

7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MONDAY, AUGUST 8 Champagne at Center Ice MCStrategic Choices in 30 Yonge Street, Hockey Hall of International Arbitration: The 7:15 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. Fame Impact of Forum Selection and House of Delegates Breakfast for Sponsored by: Navigant, Join your Choice-of-Law Decisions Section of Litigation Members of colleagues for a memorable evening at Room 718B, 700 Level, MTCC, the House the Hockey Hall of Fame. This distinctive South Building Room 714B, 700 Level, MTCC, venue contains the world’s finest collection The panel will discuss issues that must South Building of hockey artifacts and a wide range of be considered when selecting the forum interactive hockey experiences that cannot and applicable law to an arbitration, be found anywhere else. We encourage including new developments in major you to join us for this uniquely Canadian forums around the world. These decisions experience. Food and beverages will be have far-reaching effects influencing served. every stage of the process. The panel will > Ticket Price: $100 focus on compelling arbitrations and the enforcement of awards. SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 Moderator: Gustavo J. Lamelas, Miami, Florida Panelists: David Alderson, Toronto, 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MC Ontario, Canada General Counsel with David M. Lindsey, New York, New York International Issues: What’s on Nancy M. Thevenin, New York, New Their Minds? York Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt South Building Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law General counsel will discuss important Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 issues they regularly face and the ways that outside counsel can better serve 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon their needs. They will also discuss how MCABA CLE CENTRE the issues and concerns they face in the SHOWCASE PROGRAM: United States compare to those abroad More to Overcome: within their organizations. Questions from Civil Rights in the 21st the audience will be encouraged! Century Moderator: Richard L. Horwitz, Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Wilmington, Delaware South Building Panelists: Michele Coleman Mayes, Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual Northbrook, Illinois Rights and Responsibilities Terrie-Lynne Devonish, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Kenneth R. Thompson II, Miamisburg, MCWhat is Legally Defensible Ohio Data Security? Riccardo Trecroce, Aurora, Ontario, Room 716A, 700 Level, MTCC, Canada South Building > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Primary Sponsor: Section of Science & Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Technology Law Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35

172 Sections, Divisions and Forums 173 p.m. 5:00 Jeffrey E. Greene, Washington, D.C. Jeffrey E. Greene, Washington, McLean, Virginia Kelly, Maureen T. D.C. Jacob Olcott, Washington, Devon Engel, Scottsdale, Arizona Szymanski, Rock Island Kathryn T. Arsenal, Illinois D.C. Washington, Colorado Gail D. Zirkelbach, Denver, Speakers: Todd J. Canni, Washington, D.C. J. Canni, Washington, Speakers: Todd Moderators: David Z. Bodenheimer, MGovernment Contracting Opportunities Abroad - Rewards Are Diligent for Those Who Await North,Dominion Ballroom 2nd Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto Floor, Pane1: Canadian Government Contracting Issues. Over CDN $100 billion is spent Pressing Issues Confronting MPressing Issues Confronting GovernmentIn-House and Agency and Responding Contracts Counsel to Cybersecurity Challenges North, 2nd Dominion Ballroom Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto Floor, Panel 1: Why Serving as Contractor In-House Counsel or Government Agency Skill than Ever. Counsel Requires More This panel of highly experienced in-house and agency lawyers will tell us how things really work from where they sit, where they see the greatest challenges for government contracts lawyers, and what they appreciate, and do not appreciate, about those who are charged with assisting them. 2: Cybersecurity—Legal Frontiers and Cyber Pioneers in the Information Security Realm. Skyrocketing cyber attacks have wreaked havoc on both the public and private sectors - up to $1 trillion in damages and lost secrets, over 500 million personal records compromised in security breaches, and national security secrets spilled - with the threat of a digital Pearl Harbor as the ultimate nightmare. The coming year will be pivotal as the public and private sectors confront escalating cyber threats, navigate tougher cybersecurity laws and rules, and answer to expanding oversight. Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Atty: > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Students: $35, Young $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 to Noon a.m. 8:00 12:00 > to 7 a.m. August , AUGUST 7 8:00 > 8 Sunday, SUNDAY August Practice Section Primary Sponsor: Tort Trial and Insurance Trial Primary Sponsor: Tort 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Strategic Planning Committee Breakfast Meeting Sheraton Centre City Hall, 2nd Floor, Hotel Toronto 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Bio Ethics and MCBio Terrorism, Intellectual Property on Trial Room 714B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Conference Room B, Mezzanine, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. International Procurement Conference Room C, Mezzanine, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. State and Local Procurement Division Meeting Conference Room E, Mezzanine, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto 2011-2012 Section Leadership 2011-2012 Section Brainstorming Session South, 2nd Floor, Civic Ballroom Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Battle Space & Contingency Procurements Conference Room H, Mezzanine, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Privacy and Data Cybersecurity, Protection 2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 2:15 Meeting Annual Section Business South, 2nd Floor, Civic Ballroom Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto and Council Includes Election of Officers and other Section Members For 2011-2012 business p.m. 2:15 p.m. to 3:45 through 5 Monday, August Office > Peel, Mezzanine, Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel OfficeCentre Toronto Sheraton Mezzanine, > Peel, Friday, Contract , AUGUST 6 , AUGUST 5 Public

FRIDAY of SATURDAY D.C. Law Speaker: Daniel I. Gordon, Washington, Speaker: Daniel I. Gordon, Washington, Primary Sponsor: Section of International Primary Section of Litigation Sponsor: Ticket: $60 Ticket: Section Luncheon and Annual Alan E. Peterson Lecture (Ticketed) South, 2nd Floor, Civic Ballroom Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto is made possible by Luncheon This year’s sponsorships contributed to help defray its expenses. Dominion Ballroom, 2nd Floor, 2nd Floor, Dominion Ballroom, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto OPEN TO ALL SECTION MEMBERS 12:00 Noon to 2:00 p.m. Council Meeting City Hall, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Centre City Hall, 2nd Floor, Hotel Toronto Executive Session. For 2010-2011 and nominees for 2011-2012 Section Officers and Council Members only. 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Council Breakfast (Executive Session) Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon CENTRE CLE MCABA SHOWCASE PROGRAM: 9/11—A Decade Later, Apart A World and Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Room 701A, 700 Level, Building 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 CLE CENTRE MCABA SHOWCASE PROGRAM: and the “Implicit Bias” Justice of Equal Myth Donald G. Featherstun, Chair, San Francisco, California Francisco, San Chair, Featherstun, G. Donald


Section Section of Public Contract Law (continued)

annually by all levels of government 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. their enforcement efforts. Companies are departments and agencies in Canada. MOver There, Over There - focused on enhancing and finding effective Many U.S. corporations see countries like Construction Contracting with the ways to manage the risks of corruption Canada as fertile selling grounds for the Federal Government Overseas and are struggling to control activities of goods and services they offer. Despite Dominion Ballroom South, 2nd Floor, agents, representatives, distributors and the many linkages and similarities in our Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel contractors in their ever expanding global economy and government purchasing This 90 minute CLE program and 7:00- markets. Panel 2: The False Claims Act practices, some important differences 7:30 a.m. continental breakfast are made - A Changed Landscape. Since 2009, do exist. Distinguished experts will help possible by our Gold and Silver sponsors Congress has “clarified” or “changed” navigate some of the treacherous waters whose contributions have helped to defray several important provisions of the False presented by cross-border commercial its expenses. The Department of Defense Claims Act. Statutory modifications affect activity. Panel 2: International Public (DoD) and the Department of State (DoS) several substantive liability provisions, Procurement: A Worldwide Update National have been the biggest customers of U.S. putting to rest debates over whether the Act procurement systems continue to evolve construction contractors for significant included a “presentment” requirement and and at the same time harmonize. This overseas construction projects as a the appropriate standard of “materiality,” session will assess key legal developments consequence of “winning the peace” in Iraq legislatively overruling the Supreme Court’s in U.S., Canadian, Chinese and European and Afghanistan. Panelists will address such Allison Engine decision, and broadening procurement systems, as well as multilateral important legal issues as the consequences the scope of the “reverse false claims” developments relating to the WTO GPA and and claims arising from the high degree of provision. Congress also enacted changes UNCITRAL. While providing background changes due to demands by “end users;” to the “public disclosure” bar, broadened regarding each system, panelist will also the high risk of termination for default or the Act’s anti-retaliation provision, and focus on legal issues contractors face when convenience due to political considerations modified several other important procedural competing for work under systems other and/or changing objectives and their legal provisions. than their own. effect; the law applicable to contingency Speakers: Gord C. Drayton, Ottawa, Speakers: Jacques Greffe, Ottawa, Ontario, and emergency construction; the mitigation Ontario, Canada Canada of special war risks; and what constitutes an James Gormley, Baltimore, Maryland Barbara McIsaac, Ottawa, Ontario, event of force majeure in a war zone. Michael D. Granston, Washington, D.C. Canada Speakers: James F. Butler, III, Atlanta, Kathleen Harris, London, United Kingdom James D. Rosener, New York, New York Georgia Joan Hartman, Detroit, Michigan Johannes Schnitzer, Vienna, Austria Scott D. Gray, Miami, Florida Mark Mendelsohn, Washington, D.C. James W. Stephenson, Linthicum, Jerry Alfonso Miles, Potomac, Maryland David M. Nadler, Washington, D.C. Maryland W. Darrell Phillips, Maxwell AFB, Susan Strawn, Washington, D.C. Brenda C. Swick, Ottawa, Ontario, Alabama Moderators: Stanley R. Soya, Washington, Canada Moderator: John S. Vento, Tampa, Florida D.C. Christopher R. Yukins, Washington, D.C. > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Atty: Robert L. Vogel, Washington, D.C. Yong Zhao, Beijing, China $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Students: > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Atty: Moderators: Andrew D. Irwin, Washington, $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Students: D.C. $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Gerry H. Stobo, Ottawa, Ontario, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 12:00 Noon to 2:00 p.m. Canada MCompliance for Contractors - > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Atty: Enhanced Exposures that Require 9th Annual Ruth C. Burg Luncheon $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Students: Redoubled Efforts for Women in Public Contract Law $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Dominion Ballroom North, 2nd (Ticketed) Floor, Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel 360 Restaurant, 301 Front Street Panel 1: The Expanded Reach of the West, CN Tower MONDAY, AUGUST 8 Ubiquitous Foreign Corrupt Practices Because of security requirements, all Act Anti-corruption enforcement is luncheon attendees are required to show 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. growing worldwide and companies a state/province/country photo I.D. along Construction Program Continental conducting business internationally need with their ABA Annual Meeting badge Breakfast (Ticketed) to be concerned about more than just the and/or luncheon ticket at the special ABA Dominion Ballroom South, 2nd Floor, FCPA. U.S. DOJ and SEC enforcement Registration Desk in the lobby for this Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel actions and the resulting penalties have event and pass through security scanning This continental breakfast is included in the increased exponentially. Canada and equipment similar to that at airports. ABA All-Access CLE Badge or CLE Program the United Kingdom are ramping up Tickets Price: $45 - Seating is limited Ticket used for the program that follows

174 Sections, Divisions and Forums 175 Birmingham, Alabama Connecticut D.C. Washington, James Glasgow, Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice, Section of Environment, and Resources, Section of Energy, Section of Science & International Law, Law Technology Division Moderator: M. Stanford Blanton, Moderator: M. Stanford Glastonbury, Panelists: Marjorie Berger, Additional Sponsors: Section of Additional Sponsors: Young Lawyers Additional Sponsors: Young > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. reactors; the financial responsibility reactors; the financial States, Canada, schemes in the United to such an Europe that would respond of internationalevent; and the feasibility nuclear power. regulation of commercial Speed Networking Four Seasons Stuart, Floor, 3rd Hotel Toronto Section Reception (Ticketed) Four Windows East, 32nd Floor, Seasons Hotel Toronto p.m p.m. 7:00 5:00 to to a.m. p.m. , AUGUST 6 8:00 2:00 > > 6 5 August August SATURDAY Windows West, 32nd Floor, Four Floor, 32nd Windows West, Seasons Hotel Toronto 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Section Luncheon (Ticketed) Four 32nd Floor, Windows West, Seasons Hotel Toronto Price: $60 Ticket 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MCNuclear Regulation in North America After Fukushima Daiichi Room 712, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building This panel will explore the regulatory safeguards in the United States that protect public health and safety in the context of nuclear accidents triggered by natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and tornadoes; the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the North investigation American nuclear industry’s of the accident at Fukushima Daiichi and the application of lessons learned from that event to North American nuclear 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 Meeting and Section Business Elections Friday, Saturday, & Law Hospitality > Windows East, 32nd Floor, Four Seasons Hotel Seasons Four Floor, 32nd East, > Windows Hospitality , AUGUST 5 Utility, FRIDAY in the Profession Property Law Law Primary Sponsor: Commission on Women Primary Sponsor: Commission on Women Primary Sponsor: Section of Intellectual Primary Sponsor: Section of International 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Caledon, Main Level, Centre InterContinental Toronto The Road to Independence: Journeys to Starting Women’s Their Own Law Firms Regency Ballroom Centre, 2nd Regency Ballroom Hotel Toronto Four Seasons Floor, MCutting Edge: The Current Legal and Business Issues Faced by Companies High Tech Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 701B, 700 South Building ABA CLE CENTRE MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE Later, 9/11—A Decade Apart A World and 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Thomas P. Gadsden, Chair, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Chair, Gadsden, P. Thomas Public Communications Transportation Section of Real Property, Trust & Estate Law

Alan F. Rothschild, Jr., Chair, Columbus, Georgia

FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 Moderator: Beth M. Kramer, Washington, Additional Sponsors: Section of State and D.C. Local Government Law 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Additional Sponsors: Administrative Law and > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Atty: MCCulture Shock! Pitfalls for U.S. Regulatory Practice, Business Law Section, $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Students: Businesses Leasing or Buying Real Section of Environment, Energy, and $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Resources, Litigation, Standing Committee Property in Canada 3:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. on Environmental Law, State and Local Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, South MCCross Border Ethics, or Just Building Government Law, Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section Crossed Ethics: Traps for the The Canadian real estate marketplace is Unwary in the Canadian and U.S. seeing a significant increase in U.S. market > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Atty: entrants. With so many similarities in $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Students: Ethics Rules for Lawyers Room 715B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Canadian and U.S. business law, don’t get $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Building caught off guard by the differences between 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Lawyers share a common set of ethical Canadian and U.S. leasing practices and MECTurning Good Intentions into tenant expectations. If you are acting for a principles, regardless of where they Good Actions - Examining and are located, right? Wait...are you sure U.S. company expanding into Canada, it is Eliminating Bias critical to understand the differences. you know the answer to that question? Room 707, 700 Level, MTCC, South Speakers: Catherine Bray, Toronto, Ontario, Are there significant differences in the Building Canada Canadian approach to legal ethics and Primary Sponsor: General Practice, Solo and Senior Council Robert Mullins, Phoenix, the U.S. approach, particularly concerning Small Firm Division Arizona transactional lawyers as well as litigators? Senior Legal Council Genevieve Wong, 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Come to a fast-paced session filled with Toronto, Ontario, Canada MCProperty Rights, Political Drama, thought-provoking hypothetical ideas. Speaker: Michael Rubin, Baton Rouge, Moderator: David Mydske, Vancouver, and Smart Growth: The Challenge British Columbia, Canada Louisiana of Sustainable Development in > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Atty: Additional Sponsors: Section of International 2011 Law $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Students: Room 715B, 700 Level, MTCC, South $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Atty: Building $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Students: This panel brings together proponents 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 and skeptics of sustainable development Section Reception 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. to discuss the challenge of incorporating Mezzanine Lounge, Mezzanine, Park MCHot Topics in Environmental Law environmentally friendly design and Hyatt Toronto Room 715B, 700 Level, MTCC, South planning, while dealing with the challenges Building of individual property rights and fears SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 Environmental issues continue to appear over governmental action. With the current skeptical political climate in the U.S., smart in the headlines, as Congress, the states, 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. growth and other green development ideas federal agencies, and the courts move to RPTE Group Breakfast address important matters of national and are being challenged on political and legal terms. Our experts will present an overview University Central, Upper Level, Park global concern. In an Annual Meeting Hyatt Toronto tradition, experts in several practice areas of sustainable building concepts and will will provide an update on important highlight current examples of challenges and 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. environmental law developments and political debates. Planning Committee Meeting/ trends occurring over the course of the year Speakers: Executive Director Craig M. Call, Breakfast leading up to this Annual Meeting, including Salt Lake City, Utah University West, Upper Level, Park updates on natural resource damages, Director of the Institute of Housing & Hyatt Toronto natural gas development, vapor intrusion, Mobility Murtaza Haider, Toronto, climate change and the impact of budget Ontario, Canada 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. cuts on environmental programs. Assistant Professor/Director, Center MCHow Good is the Dirt? The Speakers: John Barkett, Miami, Florida for Building Better Communities Dawn Skinny on Title Issues and Legal John C. Cruden, Washington, D.C. Jourdan, Tallahassee, Florida Descriptions Dennis Mahony, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Professor of Law John R. Nolan, White Room 705, 700 Level, MTCC, South Susan Mathiascheck, Washington, D.C. Plains, New York Building Lawrence Schnapf, New York, New York Moderator: James E.A. Slaton, New Primary Sponsor: General Practice, Solo and Orleans, Louisiana Small Firm Division

Registration > Queen’s Park Foyer, Park Hyatt Toronto Friday, August 5 > 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. 176 Saturday, August 6 > 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Sections, Divisions and Forums 177 Law (continued) , AUGUST 8 , AUGUST 7 Estate and SUNDAY MONDAY D.C. Health Law Section, Section of Labor and and Insurance Trial Tort Employment Law, Practice Section, Section of Taxation Illinois Bernard Kearse, Atlanta, Georgia D.C. Washington, D.C. George Bostick, Washington, D.C. Eugene Holmes, Washington, D.C. Kevin Knopf, Washington, Health Law Section, Section of Labor and and Insurance Trial Tort Employment Law, Practice Section, Section of Taxation Primary Sponsor: Business Law Section Moderator: Jonathan Rose, Washington, Moderator: Jonathan Rose, Washington, Additional Sponsors: Business Law Section, Moderators: Sally Doubet King, Chicago, Moderators: Sally Doubet Borzi, Panelists: Honorable Phyllis Additional Sponsors: Business Law Section, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. House of Delegates Breakfast Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MCERISA Litigation - Effect on Plan Design Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building A panel of well-known ERISA practitioners from the plaintiff, defense, Department of Labor and in-house perspectives will discuss a number of the most significant ERISA/ employee benefits decisions over the past recent including the Supreme Court’s year, Amara. The decision in CIGNA Corp. v. panel will discuss how these recent decisions may increase the number of cases filed in the future, as well as their potential impact governmentalon regulatoryand enforcement initiatives. The panel will also give their impressions and predictions on how these recent cases will impact plan sponsors’ approaches to plan selection, design, drafting and administration for both pension and health plans. > This is a complimentary CLE program design, cost and compliance are relevant to design, cost and compliance you and your clients. > This is a complimentary CLE program Trust Property, Estate Toronto, Ontario, Canada Toronto, Ontario, Bruce Kuwabara, Toronto, Canada Toronto, Waque, Senior Partner Stephen F. Ontario, Canada Ontario, Canada Speakers: Vice-President David Kusturin, Speakers: Vice-President Toronto, Moderator: Catherine Bray, 12:00 Noon to 2:00 p.m. MCHealth Care Reform: Looking Back at Where Things Stand Now Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building A panel of government experts and informed practitioners will discuss DOL, Treasury and HHS regulations dealing with some of the most pressing issues facing employers. This program will provide the attendees with an update of the key components of the Act. Learn how the Affordable Care Act and its implications relative to employee benefits Annual Business Meeting Annual Business Meeting Lobby South, Park Ballroom Queen’s Level, Park Hyatt Toronto p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 Re-Development MCWaterfront Tour Program and Walking Room 715B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Learn about the challenges of waterfront redevelopment from several perspectives including land use, public taking and design; how environmental challenges were addressed; how to engage the development allow flexibility and still create community, a world class redevelopment to meet public objectives. The panel will address how historical architecture can be preserved waterfront is being and how Toronto’s adapted to fulfill the needs of the upcoming Pan-American Games. There will be an optional walking tour of the waterfront and the adjacent “Distillery District”, a National industrial Heritage Site of an 1800’s complex, is now being redeveloped with condominiums, theatres, shopping, galleries, is Tour artist (Walking studios and offices. non CLE credited) Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Atty: > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Students: $35, Young $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Council Meeting and Lunch Council Meeting and Lobby South, Park Ballroom Queen’s Level, Park Hyatt Toronto p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 Real of Section Law Canada Stephen Linde, Bronx, New York Detroit, Michigan Mitchell R. Meisner, Government Law and Physical Disability Law and Physical Disability Moderator: Jin Liu, Tampa, Florida Moderator: Jin Liu, Tampa, Additional Sponsors: Section of International Speakers: John Hutmacher, Toronto, Ontario, Toronto, Speakers: John Hutmacher, Primary Sponsor: Section of State and Local Primary Commission on Mental Sponsor: Trust and Estate Division Sub- and Estate Division Trust Council Central, Park Ballroom Queen’s Lobby Level, Park Hyatt Toronto University East, Upper Level, Park Hyatt Toronto 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Real Property Division Sub-Council > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Atty: > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Students: $35, Young $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Room 715B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building This program will involve a review and discussion of an annotated purchase and sale agreement for commercial real A form of purchase and sale property. agreement commonly used in the U.S., annotated with practice notes from lawyers from a number of U.S. jurisdictions, will be used as the foundation for discussions. Practitioners from Canada, Europe, Mexico and Japan will provide feedback on the agreement and compare and contract the approach to negotiation and settlement of the agreement from the perspective of their respective international jurisdictions. MCThe Purchase and Sale Agreement: Negotiating Strategies from a U.S. and International Perspective Room 809, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MCProtecting Heirs Property: Uniform Laws and Social Justice Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Room 715A, 700 Level, Building a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 MCInternational on Perspectives Disabilities: Civil Older Persons with Practice and Criminal Law 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 Section of Science & Technology Law

Stephen S. Wu, Chair, Los Altos, California

THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Hockey Hall of Fame Reception MECeAttorney, MiAttorney: 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 30 Yonge Street, Hockey Hall of How Technology Has Section Officers Meeting Fame Changed Communication and Opus, 3rd Floor, Hilton Toronto Join us as we kick off the ABA Annual Collaboration With Clients Meeting with a joint reception with the 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, Section of Family Law, General Practice, South Building Membership and Diversity Solo & Small Firm Division, Law Practice Committee Meeting Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on Management Section, Section of Science Technology and Information Systems Osgoode East, 3rd Floor, Hilton & Technology, and Tort Trial & Insurance Toronto Practice Section at the Hockey Hall of 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Fame. You will enjoy food, drinks, and MCABA CLE CENTRE The SciTech Lawyer Board interactive entertainment, while you meet SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Meeting new friends and reconnect with old ones. “Implicit Bias” and the Varley, Convention Floor, Hilton And don’t forget your camera, you can Myth of Equal Justice Toronto take pictures with the Stanley Cup or Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, purchase your professional pictures in South Building 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. the gift shop. And while you are there, Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation MCLawyering in the Digital Age: you will have the opportunity to buy a Using Technology and Social souvenir, anything from a key chain to 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Media to Assist Underserved your favorite team’s hockey puck to a MCABA CLE CENTRE Populations sports jersey. We look forward to sharing SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, this great night with you. See you there! 9/11—A Decade Later, South Building Ticket Price: Free for SciTech Section and A World Apart Primary Sponsor: Public Services Division Members if ordered in advance, $95 for Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Guest, Youth - Age 12 and under $20, South Building 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. On-site $95. Primary Sponsor: Section of International Council Orientation Law Osgoode East, 3rd Floor, Hilton Toronto FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 11:45 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Annual Business Meeting 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Toronto Ballroom I, Convention Long-Range Planning Committee Council Meeting Floor, Hilton Toronto Meeting Toronto Ballroom I, Convention 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Governor General Suite, 2nd Floor, Floor, Hilton Toronto Hilton Toronto Annual Section Luncheon Osgoode, 3rd Floor, Hilton Toronto Speaker: Hooley McLaughlin, Ontario, Canada Ticket Price: $65

Office > Richmond 3rd Floor, Hilton Toronto Wednesday, August 3 > 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Thursday, August 4 > 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday, August 5 > 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Saturday, August 6 > 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 178 Sections, Divisions and Forums 179 Law (continued) , AUGUST 6 Technology SATURDAY and Physical Disability Law Bioethics and the Law California Illinois and Los Angeles, California California Palo Alto, Heather D. Rafter, Section, Section of Intellectual Property Law & Primary Sponsor: Commission on Mental Primaryon Sponsor: Special Committee Speaker: Betsy E. Bayha, Sunnyvale, Speaker: Betsy E. Bayha, Oak Brook, Chair: Christine Dekker, Moderators: Ian C. Ballon, East Palo Alto Additional Sponsors: Business Law 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MCInternational Perspectives on Older Persons with Disabilities: Civil and Criminal Law Practice Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCSocial Media & Healthcare: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Room 810, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building and advertising, copyright law and and is intended for class action litigation lawyers both litigators and transactional and receive alike. Come to this program leading expertspractical advice from in this area. Science of Section Property Law Primary Sponsor: Judicial Division Primary Section of Intellectual Sponsor: 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Toronto Ballroom II, Convention Ballroom Toronto Hilton Toronto Floor, 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. in Internet Law and MCHot Topics Strategy Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Internet technology and business models continue to evolve faster than the law— and the speed of legal decisions—can handle. Cloud computing, social networking, behavioral advertising, social gaming and other technical developments pose new legal challenges, while a current rash of litigation, including privacy class action suits, FTC guidelines and new court decisions, require lawyers to stay and complex on top of an ever-evolving global legal landscape. This program will focus on developments in privacy, terms of use, licensing, internet branding Book Publishing Board Meeting Hilton Harris, Convention Floor, Toronto 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Program Committee Meeting Hilton Toronto Opus, 3rd Floor, 3:15 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Role of the MCSI Toronto: Court in an Age of Developing Science & Technology Cutting Edge: The Current Legal MCutting Edge: The Faced by and Business Issues Companies High Tech Centre, 2nd Regency Ballroom Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Floor, Jose, California Section, Section of Dispute Resolution Connecticut D.C. David L. McClure, Washington, Seattle, Washington Hossein Nowbar, Honorable Edith Ramirez, Washington, D.C. San Francisco, John Tomaszewski, California Moderator: Stephen N. Hollman, San Additional Sponsors: Business Law Speakers: David Cearley, Stamford, Speakers: David Cearley, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 716B, 700 South Building learn:By attending, you will (1) If cloud a formcomputing is a new paradigm, a buzzword; (2) of hosting solution, or About the profound effect it is having at all levels of computing as it evolves into a utility and how spending on it is projected to catapult; (3) All sides of the very real privacy and security issues; (4) Of the explosive shift toward cloud computing in both the private and public sectors, and how to realistically address the concerns of privacy and security in so doing; (5) A focus on strategies for negotiating with vendors to have your clients’ concerns addressed; and (6) Recommended strategies for dealing will with cloud computing vendors. You gain practical insight and guidance from industry and governmental leaders who are recognized experts in their respective fields on how best to embark upon the business model of cloud computing and how to mitigate the risks in so doing. After attending you will have gained an understanding of the information, tools, and considerations you will need to properly advise your clients and your office on whether to embrace cloud computing, how to properly contract for it, and the privacy and security risks with which you must come to grips. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 MCCloud Computing A Revolution or Demystified!! Is It an Evolution?? 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Speakers: Michael M. Baden, New York, 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MCThe CSI Effect: What Have New York MCNew Restrictions on U.S. we Learned Over the Last Decade Kathy Reichs, Charlotte, North Carolina Internet Sales: Data Passes, Room 716A, 700 Level, MTCC, Honorable Donald E. Shelton, Ann Negative Options, Automatic South Building Arbor, Michigan Renewals and Recurring Charges The “CSI effect” is a reference to the Moderator: Carol Henderson, St. Room 716A, 700 Level, MTCC, phenomenon of popular crime related Petersburg, Florida South Building Additional Sponsors: Judicial Division, television shows like the CSI series. By attending, you will learn: (1) The new Special Committee on Bioethics and the There has been much concern that these Restore Online Shopper’s Confidence Law programs’ focus on forensic evidence Act regulates Internet “data passes” and > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt and laboratory work has influenced legal negative options. Violations of unfair Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law proceedings, with jurors now having acts or deceptive practices; (2) A new Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 heightened expectations regarding CA statute regulates recurring, automatic forensic science. The CSI effect first 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon charges (e.g., subscription renewal began capturing attention by members of MCABA CLE CENTRE charge). Noncompliance will convert the legal community in 2004. There were SHOWCASE PROGRAM: a sale into an “unconditional gift;” (3) many anecdotes, but very little research. Additional new or altered regulations The first few studies were done in 2004 The Bully at School Goes High Tech: Protecting and payment system rules apply as well; and 2005. Stories about the “CSI effect” and (4) Our panel will guide you through continue to be in the news today. For Students in the Internet this new or altered landscape for Internet example, there were recent news articles Age sales and data sharing. about how the CSI effect seemed to Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Speakers: Alysa Hutnik, Washington, be influencing the U.S. Supreme Court South Building D.C. Justices during a recent oral argument, Primary Sponsor: Section of State and Damier Xandrine, San Francisco, with discussion of “high-velocity blood Local Government Law California spatter” and a “fan-like pattern of 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Moderator: Holly K. Towle, Seattle, atomized blood.” We are still in the midst Committee Leadership Meeting Washington of forensic mania. So how does the CSI Governor General Suite, 2nd Floor, Additional Sponsors: Section of Antitrust effect influence legal proceedings today? Hilton Toronto Law, Business Law Section This distinguished panel of experts will > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt discuss what we have learned about the Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law effect of popular culture on perceptions Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 regarding scientific evidence in the courtroom from recent research. The 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. panel will also discuss how attorneys can MCNuclear Regulation in North address the CSI effect through voir dire, America After Fukushima Daiichi opening statement, closing argument and Room 712, 700 Level, MTCC, South jury instructions. Building Primary Sponsor: Section of Public Utility, Communications and Transportation Law

180 Sections, Divisions and Forums 181 Law (continued) , AUGUST 7 Technology SUNDAY Practice Section & Primary Sponsor: Tort Trial and Insurance and Trial Primary Tort Sponsor: 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 Bio Ethics and MCBio Terrorism, Intellectual Property on Trial Level, MTCC, Room 714B, 700 South Building Science of Section Colorado Ontario, Toronto, Michael Power, Canada Massachusetts Solo and Small Firm Division, Business Law Section, Section of Litigation Speakers: David Navetta, Denver, Speakers: David Navetta, Denver, Moderator: Peter McLaughlin, Boston, Additional Sponsors: General Practice, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 the rules are? How do clients allocate the rules are? How do will be seen as resources in a way that panel discusses legally defensible? This that is both secure implementing security which is key for and legally defensible, managing information security legal risk. an introduction to The session will provide both the security legal defensibility from and then will and legal perspective, highlight key steps toward implementing the approach. Practice Section Primary Sponsor: Tort Trial and Insurance and Trial Primary Tort Sponsor: 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Room 716A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Federal regulators from the FTC and HHS and state Attorneys General increasingly look upon information security as a critical part protection. The of consumer challenge for companies is understanding how to decode enforcement actions and evolving regulations into comprehensible guidance for clients. The legal risk associated with information security is significant and will only increase over time, so how do clients understand what MCWhat is Legally Defensible Data Security? Room 714B, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 714B, 700 South Building 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 Courtroom:MCPsychology in the and for the Tort Hot Topics Insurance Law Practitioner Senior Lawyers Division

Ruth L. Kleinfeld, Chair, Manchester, New Hampshire

THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 9:15 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 Estate Planning Committee 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Meeting 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Division Reception and Dinner Barclay 2, 2nd Floor, MCInternational Perspectives on and Presentation of the John H. InterContinental Toronto Yorkville Older Persons with Disabilities: Pickering Award 9:15 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Civil and Criminal Law Practice Willard, 2nd Floor, InterContinental Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, Toronto Yorkville Judiciary Committee Meeting Barclay 1, 2nd Floor, South Building InterContinental Toronto Yorkville Primary Sponsor: Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Lifestyles & Leisure Committee 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Meeting MCSocial Media & Healthcare: Executive Breakfast Meeting Barclay 1, 2nd Floor, The Good, The Bad, and The Barclay 2, 2nd Floor, InterContinental Toronto Yorkville Ugly InterContinental Toronto Yorkville Room 810, 800 Level, MTCC, South 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Building 8:30 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. MCABA CLE CENTRE Long-Range Planning Committee Primary Sponsor: Special Committee on SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Bioethics and the Law Meeting “Implicit Bias” and the Barclay 1, 2nd Floor, 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. InterContinental Toronto Yorkville Myth of Equal Justice Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Council Meeting Willard, 2nd Floor, InterContinental 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. South Building Toronto Yorkville MCAccess Across America: Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon First Report of the Civil Justice 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Infrastructure Mapping Project MCABA CLE CENTRE Annual Business Meeting and Room 801B, 800 Level, MTCC, SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Election of Officers South Building 9/11—A Decade Later, Willard, 2nd Floor, InterContinental Primary Sponsor: American Bar Toronto Yorkville Foundation and A World Apart Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. South Building MCElder Law, Estate Planning & MCSolo Day: 90 Tips in 90 Primary Sponsor: Section of International Probate- New Ideas to Expand & Minutes Law Excel Your Practice Room 711, 700 Level, MTCC, South 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Room 711, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Experience and Voice of Building Primary Sponsor: General Practice, Solo Primary Sponsor: General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division Experience Meeting and Small Firm Division Barclay 2, 2nd Floor, 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. InterContinental Toronto Yorkville 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MECTurning Good Intentions MC 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. On The Docket: The 2010- into Good Actions - Examining MCSolo Day: Law Firm 2011 Supreme Court Term and Eliminating Bias Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 707, 700 Level, MTCC, South Marketing and Management South Building Room 711, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on Building Primary Sponsor: General Practice, Solo Public Education Primary Sponsor: General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division and Small Firm Division

Office > Intercontinental Toronto Yorkville Thursday, August 4 > 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Friday, August 5 > 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Saturday, August 6 > 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Registration > Britannia, Intercontinental Toronto Yorkville

Phone: 416-324-2169 182 Sections, Divisions and Forums 183 Election Law Property, Trust and Estate Law Trust Property, Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on Primary Section of Real Sponsor: 2:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 Room 705, 700 Level, MTCC, South Room 705, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Substantive Committees Business Meetings Delta Seymour Room, 2nd Floor, Chelsea 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Land Use Committee Meeting Delta Stevenson Room, 2nd Floor, Chelsea 4:15 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Revenue Enhancement Committee Meeting Delta Stevenson Room, 2nd Floor, Chelsea 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Reception (RSVP Chair Elect’s Event) Park, C5 Lounge 100 Queen’s MCProperty Rights, Political Drama, and Smart Growth: Sustainable The Challenge of Development in 2011 Level, MTCC, Room 715B, 700 South Building MCGetting on the Rolls: A Comparative Look at Voter Registration Models in Canada and the United States 7 August Sunday, through 4 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. August Sector Lawyers Division Law Primary Sponsor: Government and Public Primary Section of International Sponsor: 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Northern 2nd Lights Ballroom, Renaissance Toronto Floor, Downtown Hotel Job Search? Government and Public Sector Resume Review and Advice Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 701B, 700 South Building Diversity Outreach Committee Meeting Delta Stevenson Room, 2nd Floor, Chelsea 12:00 Noon to 2:00 p.m. Jefferson B. Fordham Award Luncheon Brasserie Restaurant, Delta Chelsea This is the 14th Annual gathering of the Jefferson B. Fordham Society honoring those engaged in State and Local Honoring: David Government Law. Cardwell for the Daniel J. Curtin, Jr. Charles Lifetime Achievement Award, for the Advocacy Thompson, Jr. W. and Law Office of North Carolina Award Housing Finance Agency for the Law Office Accomplishment Award Price: $50 > Ticket 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ABA CLE CENTRE MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE Later, 9/11—A Decade Apart A World and Office > Baker, 2nd Floor, Delta Chelsea Delta Floor, 2nd Office> Baker, Thursday, Local , AUGUST 4 and , AUGUST 5 Law State

FRIDAY of THURSDAY Property, Trust and Estate Law Trust Property, Dwight H. Merriam, Chair, Hartford, Connecticut Hartford, Chair, Merriam, H. Dwight Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Primary Sponsor: Section of Real 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE “Implicit Bias” and the Justice of Equal Myth Council Meeting B, 2nd Floor, Churchill Ballroom Delta Chelsea 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Hot Topics in Environmental MCHot Topics Law Room 715B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Stevenson Room, 2nd Floor, Delta Stevenson Room, 2nd Floor, Chelsea 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Urban Lawyer Advisory Board Meeting 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Publications Oversight Board Delta Seymour Room, 2nd Floor, Chelsea 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Networking Reception (RSVP Networking Reception Event) 199 5300 Commerce Court West, Bay Street, Law Firm Executive Committee Meeting Executive Committee 199 5300 Commerce Court West, Bay Street, Law Firm p.m. 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. to 5:00


Government Section of State and Local Government Law (continued)

SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. MCABA CLE CENTRE Membership Committee Meeting 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Stevenson Room, 2nd Floor, Delta MCInternational Perspectives on The Bully at School Goes Chelsea Older Persons with Disabilities: High Tech: Protecting 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Civil and Criminal Law Practice Students in the Internet Electronic Communications Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, Age Committee South Building Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Stevenson Room, 2nd Floor, Delta Primary Sponsor: Commission on Mental South Building Chelsea and Physical Disability Law Changes in technology have created new ways for students to bully one another 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Content Advisory Board MC and new legal challenges for schools Protecting Heirs Property: and society. The program will (1) address Stevenson Room, 2nd Floor, Delta Uniform Laws and Social Justice legal/constitutional issues regarding the Chelsea Room 809, 800 Level, MTCC, South regulation of bullying; (2) review case Building histories; and (3) provide best practice Extended families (largely in the rural guidance for policies and procedures. SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 South) have lost their home places Speakers: Grant Bowers, Toronto, 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. through partition sales by investors Ontario, Canada acquiring small fractional interests. A Jeff Gardere, New York, New York Council Meeting & Nominating new Uniform Act targets abuses while Kathy Macdonald, Calgary, Alberta, Committee Report protecting traditional property rights. Canada Churchill Ballroom B, 2nd Floor, Speakers: David Dietrich, Billings, Moderator: James C. Hanks, Des Moines, Delta Chelsea Montana Iowa Carolyn Gaines-Varner, Selma, Additional Sponsors: Section of Alabama Administrative Law and Regulatory Kieran Marion, Chicago, Illinois Practice, Section of Antitrust Law, Professor of Law Thomas Mitchell, Section of Science & Technology Law, Madison, Wisconsin Commission on Mental and Physical Moderator: Professor Steven Eagle, Disability Law, Commission on Youth Arlington at Risk, Coalition on Racial and Ethnic Additional Sponsors: Section of Real Justice, Commission on Women in the Property, Trust and Estate Law, Standing Profession, Commission on Sexual Committee on the Delivery of Legal Orientation and Gender Identity Services, Coalition on Racial and Ethnic > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Justice Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35

184 Sections, Divisions and Forums 185 , AUGUST 8 MONDAY Primary Business Law Section Sponsor: 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 Breakfast House of Delegates Level, MTCC, Room 803B, 800 South Building , AUGUST 7 SUNDAY Property, Trust and Estate Law Trust Property, Primary Section of Real Sponsor: Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 716B, 700 South Building 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 Effect on MCERISA Litigation - Plan Design , AUGUST 6 , AUGUST 5


SATURDAY Charles Henry Egerton, Chair, Orlando, Florida Orlando, HenryCharles Chair, Egerton, Property, Trust and Estate Law Trust Property, Primary Sponsor: Section of Real Primary Sponsor: Criminal Justice Section MCHealth Care Reform: Looking Back at Where Things Stand Now Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Fraud: Hot MCCriminal Tax Buttons and Hot Topics Room 703, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Plenary Session Four Norfolk/Cornwall, 2nd Floor, Seasons Hotel Toronto Officers and Council Meeting Officers and Council Four Norfolk/Cornwall, 2nd Floor, Seasons Hotel Toronto p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 Taxation Tort Trial & Insurance Practice

Jennifer Busby, Chair, Birmingham, Alabama

THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Joint Welcome Reception with Employee Law and Litigation 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Family Law, GPSolo, LPM, SciTech Civic Ballroom South, 2nd Floor, Task Force on Revenue and TIPS Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Enhancement Committee Meeting 30 Yonge Street, Hockey Hall of 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Wentworth, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Fame Centre Toronto Hotel Insurance Coverage Litigation Join us as we kick off the ABA Annual Committee Business Meeting Meeting with a joint reception with the 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Civic Ballroom North, 2nd Floor, Section of Family Law, General Practice, Section Council Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Solo & Small Firm Division, Law Practice Civic Ballroom North, 2nd Floor, Management Section, Section of Science 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel & Technology, and Tort Trial & Insurance Medicine Law Committee Business 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Practice Section at the Hockey Hall of Meeting Scope and Correlation Committee Fame. You will enjoy food, drinks, and Cosmopolitan, 4th Floor, Sheraton Meeting interactive entertainment while you meet Centre Toronto Hotel Kenora, 2nd Floor, Sheraton new friends and reconnect with old ones. 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Centre Toronto Hotel And don’t forget your camera, you can take pictures with the Stanley Cup or Staff Counsel Committee Business 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. purchase your professional pictures in Meeting Task Force on Plaintiff’s the gift shop. And while you are there, Kent, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Centre Involvement Meeting you will have the opportunity to buy a Toronto Hotel Huron, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Centre souvenir, anything from a key chain to 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Toronto Hotel your favorite team’s hockey puck to a Emerging Issues Committee 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. sports jersey. We look forward to sharing this great night with you. See you there!! Meeting Task Force on Healthcare Reform > Ticket Price: $85 USD Adult and $20 Spring Song, 4th Floor, Sheraton Meeting USD Children 12 & under. The adult ticket Centre Toronto Hotel Wentworth, 2nd Floor, Sheraton price increases onsite to $95 USD. 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Centre Toronto Hotel Law in Public Service Committee 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Meeting Task Force on Outreach to Young FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 Gingersnap, 4th Floor, Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Lawyers Meeting 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Civic Ballroom North, 2nd Floor, 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Animal Law Committee Business Meeting Financial Committee Meeting Room 714B, 700 Level, MTCC, Ice Palace, 4th Floor, Sheraton South Building Centre Toronto Hotel 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Appellate Advocacy Committee Leadership Academy Meeting Business Meeting Wentworth, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Room 714A, 700 Level, MTCC, Centre Toronto Hotel South Building

Information/Ticket Sales: Civic Foyer, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Thursday, August 4 > 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday, August 5 through Sunday, August 7 > 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Hospitality Suite: Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Thursday, August 4 > 10:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Sunday, August 7 > 10:30 p.m. to 12:00 Midnight

Hospitality Centre: Simcoe/Dufferin, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Friday, August 5 and Sunday, August 7 > 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

186 Phone: 416-947-4914 Sections, Divisions and Forums 187 Primary Sponsor: Law Student Division 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 Business Law Committee Meeting North,Civic Ballroom 2nd Floor, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto History Meeting Committee Sheraton Spring Song, 4th Floor, Hotel Centre Toronto 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 General Committee Boards Joint Meeting South, 2nd Floor, Civic Ballroom Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Deposition Workshop Mezzanine, Windsor East/West, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto 12:00 Noon to 2:00 p.m. ABA/TIPS Committee Meeting Sheraton Cosmopolitan, 4th Floor, Hotel Centre Toronto 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. CLE Board Committee Meeting Sheraton Ice Palace, 4th Floor, Hotel Centre Toronto 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Membership Committee Meeting Sheraton Centre 2nd Floor, Huron, Hotel Toronto 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Task Force on Federal Involvement Force on Federal Involvement Task in Insurance Regulation Modernization Meeting Sheraton Centre Kent, 2nd Floor, Hotel Toronto a.m. 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 Meeting Administrative Committee Sheraton Cosmopolitan, 4th Floor, Hotel Centre Toronto 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Law Nevada Honorable Israel Rubin,Justice (ret.), New York New York, Judge, St. Paul, Minnesota Sandra Tvarian Stevens, Washington, D.C. Primary Sponsor: Section of International Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Speakers: Daniel Polsenberg, Las Vegas, Speakers: Daniel Polsenberg, Las Vegas, Moderators: Honorable Louise Bjorkman, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE “Implicit Bias” and the Justice of Equal Myth Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE 9/11—A Decade Later, Apart A World and Section Council Meeting North,Dominion Ballroom 2nd Sheraton Centre Toronto Floor, Hotel 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon The Intersection of Arbitration MCThe Intersection of System and the Appellate Level, MTCC, Room 714A, 700 South Building Court review of arbitration awards is and diminishing. What ever-shifting role in the shrinking is arbitration’s law that results from development of case a decreasing number of cases appealed on the merits? How should you make and preserve a record during hearings on motions to compel arbitration to provide your client with the best chance of receiving a meaningful appellate review ruling? What is the “manifest of a court’s disregard” standard and to what extent does it still apply? Learn the answers to these questions from judges and seasoned practitioners. Property, Trust and Estate Law Trust Property, D.C. Virginia Corner, Ashley Dobbs, Tysons Jennifer Edwards, Wheat Ridge, Colorado California Torrance, Cheryl Leahy, Norfolk,Delcianna Winders, Virginia D.C. Washington, Lawyers Division Division, Young Primary Sponsor: Section of Real Speakers: Jessica Almy, Washington, Washington, Speakers: Jessica Almy, Moderator: Akisha Townsend, Additional Sponsors: Law Student > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Hot Topics in Environmental in MCHot Topics Law Room 715B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 in Animal Law MCHot Topics Level, MTCC, Room 714B, 700 South Building of the up an The best and the brightest of animal law coming new generation hand to discuss practitioners will be on horizon in widely the hottest issues on the law practice, varied aspects of animal including companion animal litigation and and transactional work, wildlife law, the laws pertaining to captive exotics and farm animals. Animal Law is a break out area of expertise in which “young lawyers” can quickly rise to positions in which they are at the forefront of cutting- edge legal work. Each of the young lawyers on this panel will identify an important in his or her area area of focus of expertise insights valuable to and offer both the seasoned animal law practitioner and those who are not yet familiar with program The the practice of animal law. will be geared to show the breadth of the practice area while still allowing in-depth discussion of some of the most pressing and current legal issues. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Speakers: Robert S. Harrison, Toronto, practices, and pervasive schemes can MCLicensure the Impaired Canada generate claims by hundreds, thousands, Professional: Effective Practice Shaun McPharland, Chicago, Illinois or even millions of claimants, presenting and Intervention Strategies Marcus B. Snowden, Toronto, Canada unique challenges and opportunities for for Attorneys and Healthcare Robert A. Zupkus, Denver, Colorado innovative resolutions. The panel will > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt explore these issues as well as the impact Practitioners Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law of a number of recent U.S. Supreme Room 714B, 700 Level, MTCC, Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Court cases. South Building Speakers: Kim J. Askew, Dallas, Texas Effectively representing an impaired 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Elizabeth J. Cabraser, San Francisco, professional before a licensing board Insurance Regulation Committee California means delaying with sensitive issues. Business Meeting Honorable Diane P. Wood, Circuit Moderated by regulatory counsel from Kenora, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Judge, Chicago, Illinois an international insurance company, Centre Toronto Hotel Moderator: Samuel J. Issacharoff, New a physician who treats and counsels York, New York impaired professionals, an attorney who 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Additional Sponsors: General Practice, represents professionals before state Trial Techniques Committee Solo and Small Firm Division, Young licensing boards, and a representative Business Meeting Lawyers Division, Section of Antitrust from a state attorney disciplinary Wentworth, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Law, Section of International Law committee will provide practical Centre Toronto Hotel > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt suggestions and recommendations for 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law addressing these sensitive issues and Long Range Planning Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 effectively representing an impaired professional. The panel will also discuss Subcommittee on Strategic 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. rehabilitative strategies that can be used Planning Meeting MCSuccessful Lawyers Manage for remediation. Civic Ballroom South, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Stress Speakers: Chrsitine P. Anderson, Room 714B, 700 Level, MTCC, Chicago, Illinois 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. South Building Erik Gunderson, MD, Charlottesville, Scholarship Fund Board Learning to manage stress can improve Virginia Spring Song, 4th Floor, Sheraton your career. How do attorneys achieve Kristy M. Johnson, Miami, Florida Centre Toronto Hotel the much needed balance between Moderator: Michael Pisani, Chicago, successful, fulfilling careers and their Illinois 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. personal lives? The legal environment is > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Task Force on Law Practice changing due to various current economic Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Management Meeting factors and technological advances. Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Ice Palace, 4th Floor, Sheraton The explosion of the use of technology Centre Toronto Hotel 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. has drastically altered the way lawyers MCRace to the Courthouse: 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. practice and their clients’ expectations. Resolution and Litigation of MCClass and Mass Actions Are By tethering attorneys to their jobs 24/7, Back in Vogue: New Strategies technology can compound work stress. Complex Cross-Border Insurance The stressors that accompany these Coverage Disputes and Bad Faith You Need to Know for Handling changes, such as increased competition, Cases High-Stakes Litigation layoffs, and fewer resources, make the Room 714A, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 714A, 700 Level, MTCC, need for efficient stress and life-work South Building South Building management even more relevant. Learn Cross-border litigation often gives rise Class and mass action experts will how lawyers can navigate their changing to complex procedural challenges and discuss a variety of breaking issues environment to best enhance their careers, substantive issues. How do you deal with in complex litigation, including class while still maintaining their personal lives, the procedural challenges? What types actions, mass torts, and other litigation by assessing risks and opportunities and of substantive issues arise with a cross- scenarios that involve repetitive claims allocating resources. border dispute? Using a hypothetical and issues. Despite decades of tort Speakers: Jack Criswell, Birmingham, insurance dispute as a backdrop, a panel reform, class actions and mass actions Alabama of experts from Canada and the U.S. will are not going away. If anything, the Julie Jansen, Stamford, Connecticut answer these questions in the context of globalization of business and expansion Bridgette Tillman, Washington, D.C. competing coverage disputes and bad of mass communications and social > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt faith litigation on both sides of the U.S./ media is facilitating their growth. Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Canada border. Mass disasters, wide-reaching business Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 188 Sections, Divisions and Forums 189 Section (continued) Practice Georgia Honorable Maria Corodemus, Judge, Iselin, New Jersey Canada Norman G. Letalik, Toronto, New Thomas J. Olsen, Jersey City, Jersey Toronto, Honourable George R. Strathy, Ontario, Canada Atlanta, Georgia Bernard Taylor, North Carolina Speakers: Leslie J. Bryan, Atlanta, Moderator: Francis McGovern, Durham, 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Public Relations Committee Meeting Sheraton Kenora, 2nd Floor, Hotel Centre Toronto Mass Settlements: Beyond MCMass Settlements: Injury Compensation Level, MTCC, Room 714B, 700 South Building chance. It takes Cases do not settle by executed plan a well thought-out and Increasingly, to successfully settle cases. mass tort, toxic tort, products liability, environmental, and other complex disputes are resolved by settlement, often with the participation of a special master or other neutral. Resolving such disputes requires considering potential liability and compensatory damage exposure, as well as analyzing the impact of claims on the market and future business and demands for medical monitoring, or other equitable research, apology, relief that is not usually characterized as compensatory damages. Additional complications arise when such disputes involve claimants and/or defendants from different countries. Panelists will examine how to negotiate, evaluate and structure settlements in such cases and will compare approaches used in other countries, particularly Canada. They will also address how to structure a process that leads to resolution: the role of processing getting to a settlement; choice of a neutral; who should and must participate process; in the settlement developing a strategy; and valuation considerations. Insurance and Trial Ontario Ontario Toronto, Gavin Tighe, Jacksonville, Florida Speakers: Mitchell Goldberg, Toronto, Speakers: Mitchell Goldberg, Toronto, Moderator: Jennifer Stephens Gayton, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 Huron, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Centre 2nd Floor, Huron, Hotel Toronto 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Leadership Academy Meeting Mezzanine, Windsor West, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Insurance MCInternational Title Litigation in 2011 - What Issues Insurance are International Title and Litigators Facing Today, What is on the Horizon Room 714A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building insurance litigation in Canada and Title in Latin America is similar to, but has several significant differences from, title insurance litigation in the United States. This seminar will explore those similarities and differences, describe recent trends in international title insurance litigation, and identify new issues on the horizon. Title Insurance Committee Insurance Title Business Meeting Room 714A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Law & Environmental Torts Toxic Committee Business Meeting Sheraton 2nd Floor, Wentworth, Hotel Centre Toronto 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Ethics & Professionalism Committee Business Meeting Self-Insurers and Risk Managers Self-Insurers and Meeting Committee Business Sheraton Ice Palace, 4th Floor, Hotel Centre Toronto a.m. 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 Tort , AUGUST 6 SATURDAY Kent, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Centre Kent, 2nd Floor, Hotel Toronto Professionals’ Officers’ and Directors’ Liability Committee Business Meeting Media, Privacy and Defamation Law Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Cosmopolitan, 4th Floor, Hotel Centre Toronto 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Spring Song, 4th Floor, Sheraton Spring Song, 4th Floor, Hotel Centre Toronto 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. International Committee Business Meeting Executive, 4th Floor, Sheraton Executive, 4th Floor, Hotel Centre Toronto 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Excess, Surplus Lines and Reinsurance Committee Business Meeting Corporate Counsel Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Gold Rush, 4th Floor, Hotel Centre Toronto 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Gingersnap, 4th Floor, Sheraton Gingersnap, 4th Floor, Hotel Centre Toronto 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Automobile Law Committee Business Meeting 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee Business Meeting Room 714B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. TIPS Fellows Reception TIPS Fellows Reception North,Civic Ballroom 2nd Floor, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto Gingersnap, 4th Floor, Sheraton Sheraton Gingersnap, 4th Floor, Hotel Centre Toronto p.m. 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 of the Life Joint Business Meeting and Disability Insurance & Health Law Committee 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. highlighting how this resource has Diversity in the Profession MCMay It Please the Court (Or provided major opportunities as well as Committee Business Meeting Not) potential pitfalls for the legal practitioner Kent, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Centre Room 714A, 700 Level, MTCC, in cases with psychological issues. Toronto Hotel South Building Professor John Williams will convey how The trial process is different from the international innovations regarding each 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon appellate process and who the trial judge of these topics point the way to increased The Brief Editorial Board Meeting is can make a big difference. In this three- efficacy for trial attorneys seeking either Gold Rush, 4th Floor, Sheraton part program, the panel will first focus on to support or to counteract psychological Centre Toronto Hotel the disqualification and recusal of a judge testimony in civil cases. As moderators, 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon and the practical considerations involved Dr. Eric Drogin and Attorney Alan Rachlin Enterprise Fund Board Meeting in filing a motion on this basis. The panel will provide additional commentary from Spring Song, 4th Floor, Sheraton will next address written advocacy in the perspectives of expert witness practice Centre Toronto Hotel the trial and appellate courts and how and health insurance regulation. they are different. Finally, the panel will Speakers: Robert Barth, Ph.D., 12:00 Noon to 2:00 p.m. focus on preserving the trial record for an Chattanooga, Tennessee Leadership Academy Lunch and appeal. Ann T. Greeley, Ph.D., State College, Caucus Speakers: Richard Morefield, Kansas City, Pennsylvania City Hall, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Missouri Gareth Norris, Ph.D., Prifysgol, United Centre Toronto Hotel John C. Neiman, Birmingham, Alabama Kingdom Honorable Mary Jane Trapp, Judge, Lisa Drago Piechowski, Ph.D., 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Glastonbury, Connecticut Task Force on Outreach to Law Warren, Ohio Moderator: Erika Anderson, Albuquerque, John Williams, LL.B., Prifysgol, United Students Meeting New Mexico Kingdom Spindrift, 4th Floor, Sheraton > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Moderators: Eric Y. Drogin, J.D., Ph.D., Centre Toronto Hotel Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Hingham, Massachusetts 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Alan Rachlin, New York, New York Long-Range Planning Committee Additional Sponsors: Section of Science & 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Technology Law, Commission on Mental Meeting MCPsychology in the Courtroom: and Physical Disability Law Wentworth, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Hot Topics for the Tort and > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Centre Toronto Hotel Insurance Law Practitioner Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Room 714B, 700 Level, MTCC, Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 South Building TortSource Editorial Board 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Meeting This program addresses several MC psychology-oriented topics of critical United States and Canadian Gingersnap, 4th Floor, Sheraton Environmental Issues: Cross Centre Toronto Hotel significance for the tort and insurance law practitioner. Dr. Ann Greeley will Border Litigation and Regulatory 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. demonstrate styles of opening statements Priorities Law and Technology Committee that highlight the psychology of non- Room 717A, 700 Level, MTCC, Business Meeting verbal and verbal persuasion. and South Building Cosmopolitan, 4th Floor, Sheraton will describe how such statements can Historically, the United States and Centre Toronto Hotel be improved using knowledge of jury Canada have had an enviable record of cooperatively resolving cross-border 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. psychology. Dr. Lisa Drago Piechowski environmental disputes. Since the 1980s, Book Publishing Board Meeting will identify the most current issues in the assessment of malingering in personal however, we have seen an increasing Executive, 4th Floor, Sheraton injury cases, with particular emphasis reliance on litigation to resolve such Centre Toronto Hotel on the MMPI-2 Symptom Validity (FBS) disputes. In this program our expert 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Scale. Dr. Gareth Norris will address panel will address: (i) the historical MCHealth Care Reform: Looking computerized accident reconstructions, context to current day environmental Back at Where Things Stand focusing upon its beneficial role in disputes; (ii) current day cross-border Now conveying key issues to judges and environmental litigation issues; and Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, jurors. Dr. Robert Barth will provide a (iii) what the future may hold from an South Building contemporary overview of the American environmental regulatory perspective. What will be the next wave of cross- Primary Sponsor: Section of Real Medical Association’s Guides to the border environmental issues? What will Property, Trust and Estate Law Evaluation of Permanent Impairment,

190 Sections, Divisions and Forums 191 Section (continued) Practice 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 Property Insurance Law Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Ice Palace, 4th Floor, Hotel Centre Toronto 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Compensation Workers’ and Employers’ Liability Law Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Kenora, 2nd Floor, Hotel Centre Toronto 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 2011-2012 Meetings and Planning Orientation Training Meeting Sheraton Centre 2nd Floor, Huron, Hotel Toronto 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Editorial Board Meeting Website Sheraton Spring Song, 4th Floor, Hotel Centre Toronto Employee Benefits Committee Employee Benefits Business Meeting Sheraton Floor, Cosmopolitan, 4th Hotel Centre Toronto a.m. 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 Intellectual Property Committee Business Meeting Room 7148, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Insurance and , AUGUST 7 Trial SUNDAY 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Admiralty and Maritime Law Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Gingersnap, 4th Floor, Hotel Centre Toronto Civic Ballroom North, 2nd Floor, North,Civic Ballroom 2nd Floor, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Fidelity & Surety Law Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Centre Kent, 2nd Floor, Hotel Toronto 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Academy Meeting National Trial Sheraton Gold Rush, 4th Floor, Hotel Centre Toronto Products, General Liability Products, General Committee and Consumer Law Business Meeting Sheraton Centre Kent, 2nd Floor, Hotel Toronto 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Committee Business Technology Meeting Sheraton Spring Song, 4th Floor, Hotel Centre Toronto 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Animal Law Committee Awards Reception 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 Meeting Law Student Board Sheraton Kenora, 2nd Floor, Hotel Centre Toronto p.m. 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 Tort Washington Seattle, Washington Richard DuBey, D.C. Scott Fulton, Washington, Ontario, Marc McAree, Toronto, Canada Professor Austen Parrish, Los Angeles Kathleen Roussel, Quebec, Canada British Columbia Vancouver, Raymond Papperman, Cherry Hill, New Jersey Speakers: Paul Dayton, Seattle, Moderators: Nicholas Hughes, > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt > Ticket Lawyers: $90, Law Atty: $35, Young Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Government Law Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Gold Rush, 4th Floor, Hotel Centre Toronto Ice Palace, 4th Floor, Sheraton Ice Palace, 4th Floor, Hotel Centre Toronto 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Commercial Transportation Commercial Transportation Committee Business Meeting TIPS Law Journal Editorial Board Meeting Sheraton Centre 2nd Floor, Huron, Hotel Toronto 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Conference Room F, Mezzanine, Mezzanine, Conference Room F, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Task Force on Leadership-Diversity Task Initiative Committee Meeting be each country’s environmental priorities environmental be each country’s moving forward into the next decade? climate they involve nanotechnology, Will oil and gas change, toxic substances, and genetic exploration, biotechnology issues? The engineering and/or other burningpanel will explore these issues for internationallawyers who practice and environmental law. Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section (continued)

8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Additional Sponsors: Government and MONDAY, AUGUST 8 MCBio Terrorism, Bio Ethics and Public Sector Lawyers Division, Young Intellectual Property on Trial Lawyers Division, Section of Public 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Room 714B, 700 Level, MTCC, Contract Law, Section of Intellectual Section Business Meeting South Building Property Law, Section of Science & Simcoe/Dufferin, 2nd Floor, The Rule of Law evolves to adapt to Technology Law, Standing Committee Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel changing times as breakthrough scientific on Law and National Security, Special innovation is upon us, including synthetic Committee on Bioethics and the Law, 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. biology. It is time to bring together great Hispanic National Bar Association TIPS Leadership Continental interdisciplinary minds to assess where > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Breakfast we are, and the scientific, ethical and Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Civic Ballroom North, 2nd Floor, legal challenges for the road ahead. Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel In this program, utilizing well crafted 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. problems, you will learn about how Section Council Meeting 2011-2012 General Committee technology capable of dual use, (for Civic Ballroom North, 2nd Floor, good and for evil), is dealt with, including Chairs & Chairs-Elect Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Civic Ballroom South, 2nd Floor, how it is applied to persons of interest Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel in the interrogation process. We will 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. explain complex topics in plain English, 2012 Spring Annual Meeting 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. like the mental processes in the human Program Planning Committee 2011-2012 Section Council and nonhuman brain, and government Meeting Meeting security efforts in the patent application Huron, 2nd Floor, Sheraton Centre Essex Ballroom, Mezzanine, process, utilizing intriguing visual aids. Toronto Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel By the end of this program, you will have a better idea of how the brain works, 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon how brain function impacts both civil and MCERISA Litigation - Effect on 2011-2012 General Committee criminal intent, what kind of intellectual Plan Design Board Meeting property may impact both, and what this Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, Civic Ballroom South, 2nd Floor, means for IP practitioners. We will also South Building Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel enable the audience to understand the Primary Sponsor: Section of Real practical applications of the program in Property, Trust and Estate Law a broad spectrum of legal practices and 6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. to participate in a dynamic and robust James K. Carroll Leadership and Q&A. Speakers: Elizabeth Arwine, Fort Detrick, Awards Dinner Ballroom, Convention Floor, Maryland Fairmont Royal York Dr. Orlando Lopez, Boston, Massachusetts > Ticket Price: $150 Mercedes Meyer, Ph.D., Washington, D.C. Dr. Jonathan Moreno, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Dr. Michael Welner, New York, New York Moderator: Barbara J. Gislason, Minneapolis, Minnesota

192 Sections, Divisions and Forums 193 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 MEEthical Considerations and Boundaries in Conducting Effective Business Development & Marketing Level, Toronto B, Lower York Marriott Eaton Centre As attorneys find themselves increasingly involved in business development and marketing, questions arise of what is and is not allowed under the ethics rules. This The issues are confusing for many. program provides successful techniques from attorneys that understand how to build or increase a book of business using tools that span from live to social networking—online, offline, across state lines. The Rules of Professional Conduct come into play to comply with the standards of the states where one The Latest Techniques and Skills and Skills MThe Latest Techniques in Cross-Examination A, Lower Level, Toronto York Marriott Eaton Centre can make An effective cross-examination or break a case. Discovering the most importantand techniques of a element successful cross-examination is imperative of Cross- As co-author to any trial lawyer. Examination: Science & Techniques, Roger J. Dodd has educated a generation of lawyers. In an information-packed his Roger will bring the YLD hour, latest thoughts and multiple techniques to improve your cross-examination:— Constructive cross-exam (use their witnesses to tell your story)—Controlling the runaway witness—Understand how the brain works and how to use that information in your cross-examination; Spohrer Speaker: Roger J. Dodd, Partner, and Dodd, Jacksonville, FL and Valdosta, GA > This is a complimentary CLE program 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon p.m. a.m. Noon 5:30 8:30 12:00 to to to a.m. a.m. a.m. 8:30 7:00

> > 8:00 416-204-9009 4 6 > 5 Phone: August August August Practice Section and Estate Law Trust Property, Primary Sponsor: Tort Trial and Insurance and Trial Primary Tort Sponsor: Primary Sponsor: Section of Real 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:45 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 > This is a complimentary CLE program MCovenants not to Compete- North American International Employee Mobility Issues Level, Toronto B, Lower York Marriott Eaton Centre When an employee leaves to work for a implications there are often legal competitor, for all parties. complicated when It is more they are straddling different countries. Although basic employee mobility issues translate from country the to country, United States, Mexico and Canada have very different views on the enforceability of restrictive covenants. Learn what legal and practical issues arise when it occurs in these North American countries, focusing on trade secrets and related agreements valuable that may protect a company’s assets. These issues impact employers DLA and employees. Mod: Ethan Zelizer, Piper LLC, Chicago, IL; Speakers: Michael Chicago, IL; Jeffrey LLP, Sheehan, DLA Piper, ONT, Goodman, Heenan Blaikie, Toronto, Baker McKenzie CAN; Alfredo Kupfer, Abogados, SC, Chihuahua, MEX Room 714B, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 714B, 700 South Building in Environmental MCHot Topics Law Room 715B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Plenary Session Lower Level, Grand Ballroom, Eaton Centre Marriott Toronto 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Hot Topics in Animal Law MCHot Topics Friday, Saturday, Thursday, PreFunction, Lower Level, Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre Marriott Eaton Toronto Level, Lower PreFunction, , AUGUST 4 Delegate CertificationDelegate Level, MTCC, South Building E, 800 Hall > Exhibit Division , AUGUST 5


THURSDAY David B. Wolfe, Chair, Livingston, New Jersey New Livingston, Chair, Wolfe, B. David Foundation Lawyers Primary Sponsor: American Bar Room 801B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MCAccess Across America: First Report of the Civil Justice Infrastructure Mapping Project YLD Welcome Reception YLD Welcome Brassaii 461 King Street West, Restaurant and Lounge First Time Attendee Reception First Time Toronto Suite of David Wolfe, Marriott Eaton Centre 8:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. YLD Council Dinner Brassaii 461 King Street West, Restaurant and Lounge Price: $100 > Ticket 7:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. ABA YLD Section Connect Fair D, Lower Level, Grand Ballroom Eaton Centre Marriott Toronto Sections, Divisions, and Meet the ABA’s first-ever Section Forums at the YLD’s from Representatives Connect Fair. various ABA entities will be in attendance to welcome young lawyers and provide guidance on how to get involved in some of these substantive law groups. 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Grand Ballroom A/B, Lower Level, Grand Ballroom Marriott Eaton Centre Toronto 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 YLD Council Meeting

Young Young Lawyers Division (continued)

practices and solicits business. Moderator 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. & Panelist: Micah Buchdahl, Imm Past YLD Annual Fellows Gala MCOn The Docket: The 2010- Chair, ABA Law Practice Mgmt Sect; 1601 Lake Short Blvd West, 2011 Supreme Court Term Panelists: Amy L. Drushal, Shareholder, 416/533-3553, Palais Royale Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, Trenam Kemker; Walter Karnstein, > Ticket Price: $150 South Building In-House Counsel, Hewlett- Packard. Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on > This is a complimentary CLE program SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 Public Education 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. MNavigating Issues in Same- 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. MBusiness Method Patenting in a Sex Marriages, Civil Unions & Delegate Networking Breakfast Post-Bilski World Domestic Partnerships Prefunction, Lower Level, Toronto Regency Ballroom West, 2nd Floor, York A, Lower Level, Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre Primary Sponsor: Section of Intellectual 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. A practical approach to representing Property Law clients in Same-Sex Marriages, Civil MCareer Management and Unions and Domestic Partnerships, Business Development for the 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. with an emphasis on the uniqueness Diverse Lawyer Speed Networking these relationships present in their Harbour Ballroom Salon A, Stuart, 3rd Floor, Four Seasons recognition and enforcement in various Convention Level, The Westin Hotel Toronto states. Issues such as custody rights, the Harbour Castle Primary Sponsor: Section of Public Utility, tax implications of support payments, Primary Sponsor: Business Law Section Communications and Transportation recognition of the relationship and rights Law 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon in sister states, and health benefits, as well as resources available to counsel in YLD Assembly Grand Ballroom, Lower Level, representing same-sex clients on issues SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre to address, and pitfalls to avoid, in the 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. legal process. Speaker: Attorney Leslie I. 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. MCBio Terrorism, Bio Ethics and Jennings-Lax, Rubin & Eldrich, PC, New Fellows Board Meeting Haven, CT York A/B, Lower Level, Toronto Intellectual Property on Trial Room 714B, 700 Level, MTCC, > This is a complimentary CLE program Marriott Eaton Centre South Building 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Primary Sponsor: Tort Trial and Insurance YLD Assembly MActing on ACTA Practice Section Grand Ballroom, Lower Level, Regency Ballroom West, 2nd Floor, 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Caucus of Young Lawyer 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Primary Sponsor: Section of Intellectual Property Law Delegates to the ABA House MCImproving Your Public Quebec, Main Mezzanine, Speaking Skills 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Fairmont Royal York Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, MCElder Law, Estate Planning & South Building Probate- New Ideas to Expand & Primary Sponsor: Center for Continuing Excel Your Practice Legal Education Room 711, 700 Level, MTCC, South 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Building MCClass and Mass Actions Are Primary Sponsor: General Practice, Solo Back in Vogue: New Strategies and Small Firm Division You Need to Know for Handling High-Stakes Litigation Room 714A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Primary Sponsor: Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section


Forum on 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. MCyberRogues and Web Pirates! MIntellectual Property and the Communications New Frontiers of Counterfeits Film and Television Industries Law and Squatters in Film, Fashion & Regency Ballroom East, 2nd Floor, Music Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Charles D. Tobin, Chair, Washington, Regency Ballroom East, 2nd Floor, This panel will examine a number of D.C. Four Seasons Hotel Toronto intellectual property issues faced by The year 2011 is the year of shocking lawyers practicing intellectual property Capitol Hill testimony on “rogue sites,” and entertainment law including (i) trade- SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 headlines on “net piracy”, “seizing” mark rights in titles, catch phrases and domain names by the “feds”, squatting fictional characters (ii) trade-marks and 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. product placement, and (iii) trade-mark MC on brands of celebrities and famous Wikileaks, National Security companies and well-known trademarks! and copyright issues in television formats. and Free Speech If you watch movies and wear clothes, Speakers: Andrew Boortz, Washington, Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, use online pay services for your general D.C. South Building purchases and use credit cards, you Larry Waks, Austin, Texas Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual need to attend this panel. What does Moderator: Leonard Glickman, Toronto, Rights and Responsibilities all the cops and robbers mean in the Canada parallel universes of the digital world > This is a complimentary CLE program and the real world of trade goods and Forum on intellectual property content? How does it SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 Entertainment affect you, your law firm, your clients and your family? Why is mainline advertising 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Sports and online payment swept up into the M Industries cyber-world of crime? This cross-border Acting on ACTA panel of Canadian and American experts Regency Ballroom West, 2nd Floor, Kirk T. Schroder, Richmond, Virginia from famous marks, private firms and Four Seasons Hotel Toronto governmental IP agencies is here to Primary Sponsor: Section of Intellectual decipher the acronyms, lay out the law Property Law THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 for IP and non-IP lawyers alike. This panel cuts to the core of the 21st century pirate, 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. the costs to business and insurance, and MCEmpathy, Creativity, Neutrality the newest initiatives and laws. and Persuasion: What Dispute Speakers: Brian Isaac, Toronto, Canada Resolvers Can Learn from the Lorne M. Lipkus, Toronto, Canada World of Theatre Michael Pantalony, New York, New Room 713A, 700 Level, MTCC, York South Building Stephen Selznick, Toronto, Canada Primary Sponsor: Section of Dispute Barry Sookman, Toronto, Canada Resolution Moderator: Alexandra Darraby, Los Angeles, California > This is a complimentary CLE program FRIDAY, AUGUST 5

8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MWhen is Private Use Privileged? Regency Ballroom East, 2nd Floor, Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Primary Sponsor: Section of Intellectual Property Law

195 The Don Valley Brick Works is a former quarry and industrial site located in the Don River valley in Toronto, Ontario. Currently the buildings sit mostly unused while the quarry has been converted into a city park which includes a series of naturalized ponds. The Don Valley Brick Works operated for nearly 100 years and provided bricks used to construct many well-known Toronto landmarks, such as Casa Loma, Osgoode Hall, Massey Hall, and the Ontario Legislature. Photo Credit:


In addition to the ABA Highlights and events sponsored by Sections, Divisions, Forums and Committees, the Association has other entities that hold meetings and events. In this chapter you will find events for the Center for Professional Responsibility and other ABA groups.

All CLE programs have been identified in the calendar of events. The M next to a program listing indicates that the ABA has requested MCLE accreditation. Listings with E have been submitted for ethics credit as well. All programs with C are in the ABA CLE Centre at Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Levels 700 and 800.

Historic Bovaird House, Brampton. Photo Credit: Tourism Brampton.

197 ABA Division for 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Center for MCOn The Docket: The 2010- Legal Services 2011 Supreme Court Term Continuing Legal Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, Education South Building FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on Public Education FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Access to Justice Reception American Bar 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Upper Canada, 18th Floor, MCImproving Your Public Fairmont Royal York Association Speaking Skills Reception for members and former Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, members of the ABA Division for Legal South Building Services committees, and for all those As the expression goes, there’s always involved in improving access to justice MONDAY, AUGUST 8 room for improvement - and a lawyers’ for all. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. public speaking skills should be at the House of Delegates Meeting top of that list. Come hear a seasoned professional talk about ways you can Exhibit Hall F/G, 800 Level, MTCC, ABA Fund for improve your presentation skills starting South Building Justice and immediately. Learn how to use your voice, Education your words and your body to enhance TUESDAY, AUGUST 9 your presentation style and get your Alan S. Kopit, Chair, Cleveland, Ohio message heard. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Additional Sponsors: General Practice, House of Delegates Meeting Solo and Small Firm Division, Young SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 Exhibit Hall F/G, 800 Level, MTCC, Lawyers Division, Standing Committee South Building on Continuing Legal Education 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. > Ticket Price: $90, Judges: $35, Govt Council Meeting Atty: $35, Young Lawyers: $90, Law Salon 1, 19th Floor, Fairmont American Bar Students: $0, Solo Practitioners: $35 Royal York Insurance Plans 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Consultants, Inc. Center for FJE President’s Club Reception Professional Upper Canada, 18th Floor, J. David Andrews, President, Seattle, Fairmont Royal York Washington Responsibility Honorable Barbara Kerr Howe, Chair, ABA Journal SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 Towson, Maryland

Rew R. Goodenow, Chair, Reno, Nevada 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Stockholders & Board of Directors THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 Meeting 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 Quebec, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York Committee Meeting 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Austen Room, 3rd Floor, Delta ABA Journal Liaison Meeting Chelsea Salon 4, 19th Floor, Fairmont Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on Royal York Ethics and Professional Responsibility Acting Editor, Allen Pusey will be available to discuss matters concerning the magazine with Journal liaisons and other ABA members.

198 Additional ABA Meetings 199 (continued) Meetings , AUGUST 7 , AUGUST 5 ABA FRIDAY SUNDAY Election Law Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Primary on Sponsor: Standing Committee Tudor 7/8, Main Mezzanine, Tudor Fairmont Royal York 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Reception Concert Convention Floor, Hall, Fairmont Royal York Division for Public Education 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE “Implicit Bias” and the Justice Equal of Myth Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. MCGetting on the Rolls: A Comparative Look at Voter Registration Models in Canada and the United States Room 705, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building onference of Conference Section and elegates Division D Washington, Chair, Ellen J. Flannery, D.C. 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Business Meeting Additional , AUGUST 6 SATURDAY Professionalism 20/20 Ethics and Professional Responsibility Professional Responsibility Lawyers Primary on Sponsor: Standing Committee Primary Sponsor: Commission on Ethics Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on Additional Sponsors: Association of 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Wren Room, 3rd Floor, Delta Room, 3rd Floor, Wren Chelsea 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Committee Meeting Delta Chelsea 3rd Floor, Whistler, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Committee Meeting Mountbatten Salon A, 2nd Floor, Delta Chelsea Consortium on Professionalism Delta Chelsea Scott B, 3rd Floor, 12:00 Noon to 2:00 p.m. CPR/SOC Joint Committee on Ethics and Professionalism Judges Advisory Committee Delta Chelsea Newton, 3rd Floor, Reception Honoring the Professional Contributions of Steven C. Krane Floor, Convention Toronto, Fairmont Royal York 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 CPR Policy Implementation Committee B, 2nd Floor, Mountbatten Salon Delta Chelsea p.m. 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 , AUGUST 5 FRIDAY for the Center for Professional Responsibility Client Protection Technology and Information Systems Technology Foundation 20/20 Ethics and Professional Responsibility Ethics and Professional Primary Sponsor: Coordinating Council Primary on Sponsor: Standing Committee Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on Primary Sponsor: American Bar Primary Sponsor: Commission on Ethics Primary Standing Committee on Sponsor: 12:00 Noon to 2:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Committee Meeting Mountbatten Salon B, 2nd Floor, Delta Chelsea Room 717A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Practice Information You MECPractice Information You Can Bank On: Update on Trust Account Regulation Room 716B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building eAttorney, MiAttorney: MECeAttorney, Has How Technology Changed Communication and Clients Collaboration With Room 801B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building MCAccess Across America: First Report of the Civil Justice Infrastructure Mapping Project Mountbatten Salon A, 2nd Floor, Mountbatten Salon A, 2nd Floor, Delta Chelsea Committee Meeting Committee Meeting Committee Meeting Delta Floor, Austen Room, 3rd Chelsea 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 Office of the Public Services 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. President Division Business Meeting Stephen N. Zack, President, Miami, Grenadier, Main Level, Florida InterContinental Toronto Centre THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 Primary Sponsor: Commission on Civic Education in the Nation’s Schools SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MCLawyering in the Digital Age: MCInternational Perspectives on 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Using Technology and Social Older Persons with Disabilities: Task Force on Preservation of Media to Assist Underserved Civil and Criminal Law Practice the Justice System Meeting on Populations Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, Preservation of the Justice System Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building Meeting South Building Primary Sponsor: Commission on Mental Confederation 5, Main Mezzanine, Technology and social media are rapidly and Physical Disability Law Fairmont Royal York changing how we, as a society, interact with one another, and also how we 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. conduct business. Technology has opened A Conversation on Civic MCCurrent Crisis in Court the door for a multitude of options for Education in the Nation’s Schools Funding: Efficiency, Effectiveness, communication; long gone are the days Ballroom B, Lower Level, Accountability, and Education where the only methods of communication InterContinental Toronto Centre Room 714A, 700 Level, MTCC, are in person, paper or via telephone. Primary Sponsor: Commission on Civic South Building Email is no longer considered to be the Education in the Nation’s Schools State courts are in the midst of a financial cutting edge. We now have a plethora tsunami. Court closures, furloughs, and of options with which to “talk to one 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. suspended jury trials are the norm. This MC another”—Twitter, Facebook, Skype, the On The Docket: The 2010- panel will explore the realities of the crisis list is ever changing and growing. Learn 2011 Supreme Court Term and sustainable and proactive strategies how these options can allow a lawyer to Room 718A, 700 Level, MTCC, being used by the courts to address the provide assisted pro se representation to South Building problem. an individual over 200 miles away. Our Primary Sponsor: Standing Committee on Panelists: Honorable Sandra Day panel will also share how social media Public Education O’Connor, Phoenix, Arizona can be used to improve and enhance David Boies, Armonk, New York accessibility to health information in Theodore B. Olson, Washington, D.C. emergencies and other situations. The Jon L. Mills, Gainesville, Florida issues are numerous and continue to grow Mary McQueen, Williamsburg, Virginia as our society continues to engage in Rod Snow, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada the ever evolving use of technology and > This is a complimentary CLE program social media. Please join a lively and informative discussion by our experts as they consider the important legal issues of professional responsibility, unauthorized practice of law, client confidentiality, and privacy of documents in using technology and social media to assist underserved populations.

200 Additional ABA Meetings 201 (continued) Meetings , AUGUST 6 ABA SATURDAY Bioethics and the Law Disaster Response and Preparedness Substance Abuse Immigration Primary Sponsor: Special Committee on Primary Sponsor: Special Committee on Primary on Sponsor: Standing Committee Primary Commission on Sponsor: 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Room 810, 800 Level, MTCC, South Room 810, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building to MECCourting Disaster: Tools Create a Disaster Plan Help You Now Room 715A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCThe Impact of Budget Reductions on State and Local Drug Control and Criminal Justice for a New Programs—Time Paradigm? Room 810, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 MCRedefining the U.S.-Canadian in Visitation Border: Current Issues and Migration MTCC, South Room 706, 700 Level, Building MCSocial Media & Healthcare: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Additional Election Law Immigration Homelessness and Poverty Homelessness and Poverty Primary on Sponsor: Standing Committee Primary Sponsor: Commission on Primary Sponsor: Commission on Primary Commission on Sponsor: Primary Sponsor: Law Student Division 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 MCGetting on the Rolls: A Comparative Look at Voter Registration Models in Canada and the United States Room 705, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Room 706, 700 Level, MTCC, South Room 706, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCCollaborative Justice Makes Cent$: Cost-Effective Interdisciplinary Courts in Canada and the U.S. Room 809, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building King Ballroom II, Convention Level, King Ballroom Hyatt Regency Toronto Public Interest Careers for Lawyers: From Advocacy to Representation, to Policy Development and Beyond Sheraton Hall E, Lower Concourse, Hotel Sheraton Centre Toronto 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. MCCivil Immigration Detention: Myth or Reality? Lawyering For Homeless Youth Youth MLawyering For Homeless Best Throughout The Globe: and Practices in Representation Laws Emerging Model , AUGUST 5 FRIDAY Juvenile and Family Drug the Law Library of Congress Substance Abuse Homelessness and Poverty Sara Sommarstrom, Minneapolis, Sara Sommarstrom, Minneapolis, Minnesota Rights and Section of Individual of Science & Responsibilities, Section Standing Committee Law, Technology on the Law Library of Congress, on Substance Standing Committee Abuse, Standing Committee on Committee Standing Environmental Law, Special Committee on Election Law, Commission on Bioethics and the Law, on Immigration, Commission on Special Homelessness and Poverty, Committee on Disaster Response and Preparedness Primary on Sponsor: Standing Committee Primary on Sponsor: Standing Committee Primary Sponsor: Commission on Panelists: Nanette Elster, Chicago, Illinois Panelists: Nanette Elster, Health Law Section, Additional Sponsors: 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. > This is a complimentary CLE program 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Room 810, 800 Level, MTCC, South Building MCMeet Me at the Border: Issues of Interface with Canadian and U.S. Law and Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector Courts: A Non-Traditional Model Courts: A Non-Traditional of Providing Access to Services Room 706, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. MC King Ballroom II, Convention Level, King Ballroom Hyatt Regency Toronto Youth Homelessness and Legal Youth Interventions: International An Research Perspective Additional ABA Meetings (continued)

Section Officers UIA International Union Conference Association of International des

Robert A. Zupkus, Chair, Denver, Lawyers Avocats Colorado Pascal Maurer, President, Geneve 17, Nicholas Stewart, President, London, France England FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Executive Committee Breakfast 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Meeting (Executive Session) MCABA CLE CENTRE MCABA CLE CENTRE Confederation 3, Main Mezzanine, SHOWCASE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Fairmont Royal York “Implicit Bias” and the 9/11—A Decade Later, 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Myth of Equal Justice and A World Apart Membership Committee Meeting Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Quebec, Main Mezzanine, South Building South Building Fairmont Royal York Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Primary Sponsor: Section of International Law 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Law Student Outreach Committee MCABA CLE CENTRE Meeting SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Prince Edward Island, Main 9/11—A Decade Later, Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York and A World Apart 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Business Meeting South Building Ontario, Convention Floor, Primary Sponsor: Section of International Fairmont Royal York Law

202 AFFILIATED and Other Legal Organizations

This chapter lists events sponsored by affiliated Other national organizations of the legal profession groups. The Association defines an affiliated group are “affiliated” in the sense that they work closely as a national organization of the legal profession with the Association in a variety of areas of mutual represented in the House of Delegates. Any national interest but are not represented in the House of organization in the legal profession whose objectives Delegates. These groups include: ALI-ABA Committee and activities are not included in those of the on Continuing Professional Education; American Bar Association and which has two thousand or more Foundation; American Lawyers Auxiliary; Council members in good standing, at least fifty percent of on Legal Education Opportunity; and the National whom are members of the Association, may seek to be Conference of Bar Presidents. represented in the House of Delegates as an affiliated organization. An application to become an affiliated Social and educational events sponsored by state organization must be filed with the Chair of the and local bar associations and alumni associations Credentials and Admissions Committee of the House are also listed here. If you do not find your state bar of Delegates, and will be considered by the Standing listed in this chapter, you may find it in the House of Committee on Constitution and Bylaws. Delegates chapter on page 73.

Affiliated groups include such organizations as: All CLE programs have been identified in the calendar American Immigration Lawyers Association; American of events. The M next to a program listing indicates that Judicature Society; Conference of Chief Justices; the ABA has requested MCLE accreditation. Listings Federal Bar Association; National Association of Bar with E have been submitted for ethics credit as well. Executives; National Bar Association; National District All programs with C are in the ABA CLE Centre at the Attorneys Association; and National Legal Aid and Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Building, 700 Defender Association. and 800 levels.

203 (Nye) Thomas, Director of Strategic American American Bar Research, Legal Aid Ontario Association of Foundation Additional Sponsors: Government and Jewish Lawyers Public Sector Lawyers Division, Senior William C. Hubbard, President, Lawyers Division, Standing Committee and Jurists Columbia, South Carolina on Legal Aid and Indigent Defendants, Young Lawyers Division, Center for Stephen R. Greenwald, Chair, New York, Registration Racial and Ethnic Diversity, Center for New York Metro Toronto Convention Professional Responsibility Centre, adjacent to ABA > This is a complimentary CLE program SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 Registration 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Fellows State Chair Luncheon 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Thursday, August 4 Salon 1, 19th Floor, Fairmont Jewish Sabbath Service through Royal York Salon B, Convention Level, Saturday, August 6 A business and recognition lunch for Fairmont Royal York 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fellows State, International and Territorial The 29th Annual Jewish Sabbath Service Chairs. will be conducted, including Sabbath Phone: 416-585-3807 morning prayers and the reading of the 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. weekly Torah portion. Services will be led Fellows Officers Meeting by Avery E. Neumark, Esquire. Following Salon 4, 19th Floor, Fairmont services, a traditional Oneg Sabbat FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 Royal York Kiddush will take place. 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Fellows Research Advisory MCAccess Across America: Committee Meeting American Bar First Report of the Civil Justice Salon 2, 19th Floor, Fairmont Endowment Infrastructure Mapping Project Royal York Room 801B, 800 Level, MTCC, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. N. Lee Cooper, President, Birmingham, South Building Alabama In the United States, access to civil justice Fellows Opening Reception for the indigent and other targeted groups 100 King Street West, Vertical is provided in a wide variety of ways. The The Fellows invite you to relax and SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 first report of the Civil Justice Infrastructure mingle with friends on the charming patio Mapping Project describes, on a state- at Vertical as we kick off the Annual 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. by-state basis, the fundamental access Meeting in style. Board of Directors Meeting to justice infrastructure that exists in the Quebec, Main Mezzanine, United States today, with focus on the SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 Fairmont Royal York following five components: how services are delivered; how people can connect 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. with access to civil justice resources; how MONDAY, AUGUST 8 access programs are funded; how access Fellows Annual Business Breakfast Upper Canada, 18th Floor, services are coordinated; and how ethical Fairmont Royal York 8:15 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. rules are changing to create new forms of John Hagan will present this morning’s Annual Meeting of Members civil legal assistance. Professor Rebecca L. keynote address, “The Displaced and Exhibit Hall F/G, 800 Level, MTCC, Sandefur, Senior Research Social Scientist Dispossessed of Darfur: Explaining South Building at the American Bar Foundation, will the Sources of a Continuing State-Led Purposes of the meeting are: (1) to elect present findings from the first phase of the Genocide.” Dr. Hagan is a Research two members to the Board of Directors project, with a panel discussion to follow Professor at the American Bar Foundation for a term of five years each and one featuring other experts in measuring and John D. MacArthur Professor of member for a term of two years and (2) justice needs in the United States and Sociology and Law at Northwestern to transact such other business that may Canada. University. Following the presentation, properly come before the meeting. All Panelists: Jonathan D. Asher, Executive Fellows Chair Kay Hodge will recap the members of the American Bar Association Director, Colorado Legal Services, Lorne work of The Fellows and the Foundation are members of the American Bar Sossin, Dean, Osgoode Hall Law School, over the past year as well as discuss new Endowment. Mary Stratton, Former Research Director, Fellows business. Canadian Forum on Civil Justice, Aneurin 204 Affiliated and Other Legal Organizations 205 (continued) , AUGUST 6 , AUGUST 5 Organizations FRIDAY SATURDAY Law Primary Sponsor: Section of International Primary Sponsor: Judicial Division Primary Sponsor: Judicial Division Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation 3:15 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building The Role of the MCSI Toronto: Court in an Age of Developing Science & Technology II, Convention Ballroom Toronto Hilton Toronto Floor, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ME“Friend” is Now a Verb: Judicial Ethics and the New Social Media Convention MacDonald/Lismer, Hilton Toronto Floor, 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE and the “Implicit Bias” Justice of Equal Myth Level, MTCC, Room 701A, 700 South Building 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE 9/11—A Decade Later, Apart A World and Legal Other , AUGUST 4 and , AUGUST 5 FRIDAY THURSDAY Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Annual Meeting D, Convention Regency Ballroom Level, Hyatt Regency Toronto Annual business meeting of the AJS Board of Directors. Open to all AJS members. RSVP preferred. Contact [email protected] for details. 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Annual Meeting of the Membership E, Convention Regency Ballroom Level, Hyatt Regency Toronto Election of Officers, Annual Meeting of AJS Members, Board of Directors Luncheon. RSVP required. Contact [email protected] for details. American Society Judicature D. Johnston, President, William Delaware Wilmington, 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Meeting of the AJS National Advisory Council E, Convention Regency Ballroom Level, Hyatt Regency Toronto 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. David Wolfe Leopold, President, David Wolfe Cleveland, Ohio 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE “Implicit Bias” and the Justice Equal of Myth Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building American Immigration Lawyers Association Affiliated , AUGUST 8 , AUGUST 7 , AUGUST 7 SUNDAY SUNDAY MONDAY ACA Annual Reception and Dinner (Ticketed) Island Room, Royal Canadian Club Yacht Nova Scotia, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York 7:15 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Officers and Directors Meeting 301 Front Street West, CN Tower Street West, 301 Front 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Reception ACA President’s (Ticketed) Bernard Amyot, President, Montreal, QC, Canada American Counsel Association Salon A, Convention Floor, Salon A, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York 9:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. Fellows Singalong Salon 3, 19th Floor, Fairmont Salon 3, 19th Floor, Royal York Executive Committee Meeting Executive Committee 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 Meeting Development Committee Fairmont Salon 3, 19th Floor, Royal York p.m. 10:45 a.m. to 1:00 American Lawyers SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE Auxiliary 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Lucy Harrison, President, Longview, Texas New Board Meeting 9/11—A Decade Later, High Park II/III, 1st Floor, Toronto and A World Apart Marriott Bloor Yorkville Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 South Building Primary Sponsor: Section of International 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Association of Law Carr Committee Professional High Park I, 1st Floor, Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Responsibility Hispanic National The American Lawyers Auxiliary (ALA) Lawyers Bar Association is a national network of lawyers’ spouses affiliated with the American Michael D. Gross, President, Colorado Angel Gabriel Gomez, President, Bar Association. Founded in 1958, the Springs, Colorado Chicago, Illinois ALA is a charitable and educational non-profit organization with individual and institutional members nationwide. FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 The mission of the ALA is to promote understanding of the American legal 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon system through our national network of Reception Honoring the MCABA CLE CENTRE lawyers’ spouses. Each year the ALA Professional Contributions of SHOWCASE PROGRAM: recognizes teachers, concerned citizens, Steven C. Krane “Implicit Bias” and the auxiliaries and individual members who Toronto, Convention Floor, Myth of Equal Justice have excelled in their support of our Fairmont Royal York Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, goals. Primary Sponsor: Center for Professional South Building 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Responsibility Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Executive Committee Meeting 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon High Park I, 1st Floor, Toronto Conference of MCABA CLE CENTRE Marriott Bloor Yorkville SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Chief Justices 9/11—A Decade Later, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 Wallace Bernard Jefferson, President, and A World Apart Austin, Texas Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. South Building Board of Directors Meeting Primary Sponsor: Section of International High Park II/III, 1st Floor, Toronto FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 Law Marriott Bloor Yorkville 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 SHOWCASE PROGRAM: “Implicit Bias” and the 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. MC Myth of Equal Justice Bio Terrorism, Bio Ethics and Board of Directors Meeting Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Intellectual Property on Trial High Park II/III, 1st Floor, Toronto Room 714B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Marriott Bloor Yorkville South Building Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Primary Sponsor: Tort Trial and Insurance 12:00 Noon to 2:30 p.m. Practice Section Teacher of the Year Award & Installation High Park I, 1st Floor, Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville

206 Affiliated and Other Legal Organizations 207 3 4 6 2 5 (continued) August August August August August , AUGUST 4 416-941-5803 Registration Friday, Tuesday, Saturday, Thursday, Organizations Wednesday, Phone: 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 6:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Floor, FairmontYork Royal Floor, Canadian Foyer, Convention Convention Foyer, Canadian THURSDAY 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Executive Committee Meeting Main Mezzanine, 7/8, Tudor Fairmont Royal York 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Reception Welcome Upper Canada, 18th Floor, Fairmont Royal York etropolitan Bar Metropolitan Caucus Marc Staenberg, President, Beverly Hills, California 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 Southern of Bar Conference Session Presidents Breakout “Presidents” Floor, Salon B, Convention Fairmont Royal York p.m. 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 Southern of Bar Conference Presidents “Reception” Ontario, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York Legal Other , AUGUST 4 and THURSDAY Law Primary Section of International Sponsor: Ontario, Convention Floor, Ontario, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Southern Conference of Bar Presidents Breakout Session “Presidents-Elect” Main Mezzanine, Fairmont York, Royal York 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Southern Conference of Bar Presidents Meeting “Plenary Session” Ontario, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Southern Conference of Bar Presidents Breakout Session “Executive Directors” Main Mezzanine, Territories, Fairmont Royal York 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Southern Conference of Bar Presidents Breakout Session “Past Presidents” Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 701B, 700 South Building Kentucky Bar Association Bruce K. Davis, President, Lexington, Kentucky 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE Later, 9/11—A Decade Apart A World and Affiliated , AUGUST 5 , AUGUST 5 FRIDAY FRIDAY Law Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Primary Sponsor: Section of International Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE “Implicit Bias” and the Justice of Equal Myth Alessandra Tarissi de Jacobis, President, Alessandra Tarissi Milano, Italy nternational International of Association Young Lawyers (AIJA) Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE 9/11—A Decade Later, Apart A World and Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE “Implicit Bias” and the Justice Equal of Myth 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Beatriz Roxana Martorello, President, Buenos Aires, Argentina Inter-American Bar Association FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 National Asian National 11:25 a.m. to 12:25 p.m. Pacific American Association of Joint Workshop 4A - Supporting Bar Association Bar Executives the Solo: What Metropolitan Bar Associations Can Do to Serve Joseph Juco Centeno, President, Carolyn B. Witt, President, New Haven, their Solo Practitioners Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Connecticut Confederation 5/6, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 Registration 2:20 p.m. to 3:20 p.m. Canadian Foyer, Convention Joint Workshop 4B - Learning 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Floor, Fairmont Royal York from our Brethren Up North: How MCABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Tuesday, August 2 Ontario’s Local Bars Operate 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Confederation 5/6, Main “Implicit Bias” and the Myth of Equal Justice Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York Wednesday, August 3 Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, 7:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. South Building Plenary and Business Meeting Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Salon B, Convention Floor, Thursday, August 4 Fairmont Royal York 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MCABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Friday, August 5 SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 9/11—A Decade Later, 6:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and A World Apart 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Saturday, August 6 Executive Committee Meeting South Building 7:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Salon 6, 19th Floor, Fairmont Primary Sponsor: Section of International Royal York Law Phone: 416-941-5803

Minnesota State TUESDAY, AUGUST 2 Bar Association 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Brent Routman, President, Minneapolis, Board of Directors Meeting Minnesota York, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Communications Section 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Executive Council Meeting Reception New Brunswick, Main Mezzanine, Halton, Main Level, Fairmont Royal York InterContinental Toronto Centre 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 1st Time Attendee Orientation British Columbia, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Welcome Reception Imperial Room, Main Floor, Fairmont Royal York

208 Affiliated and Other Legal Organizations 209 (continued) , AUGUST 4 Organizations THURSDAY Sponsor Networking Break Convention Floor, Ballroom, Fairmont Royal York General Breakfast Concert Convention Floor, Hall, Fairmont Royal York 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Section Information Technology Breakfast Fairmont Main Mezzanine, York, Royal York 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Program 4A - Unnatural Track Happen To Disasters: It Can’t Me.... Main Mezzanine, Territories, Fairmont Royal York 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Program 4B - Less is More: Track Getting Bar Leaders to Buy Into Social Media Speak and Other New Communication Styles Main Mezzanine, 7/8, Tudor Fairmont Royal York 9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. - Feeling the Program 4C Track Love: Practical and Cost Effective for on How to Enhance Value Tips Members Your Confederation 5/6, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York 10:45 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 Finance Administration and Section Breakfast Convention Floor, Toronto, Fairmont Royal York a.m. 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 Communications Section Breakfast Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Library, Royal York 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Legal Other and 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 Confederation 5/6, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. A - That’s Program 3C Track Capital Idea: Getting Legislative News & Updates to Your Members Main Mezzanine, 7/8, Tudor Fairmont Royal York Track Program 2C - Dealing with Track Difficult Leaders 7/8, Main Mezzanine, Tudor Fairmont Royal York 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Program 3A - “Free Stuff: Track Can Use for Free (or You Tips almost)” Main Mezzanine, Territories, Fairmont Royal York 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Program 3B - Customer Track Should Service on Steroids: We Also (ALL?) Be So Lucky Track Program 2A - What Has Track Mobile Device Done For You Your Lately? Main Mezzanine, Territories, Fairmont Royal York 1:45 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. Program 2B - Diversity Track Pushback and Fatigue: Is It Overdone or Underdone? Confederation 5/6, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York 1:45 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. Lunch and Discussion for Lunch and Discussion Executive Associate and Assistant Directors Main Mezzanine, Fairmont York, Royal York p.m. 1:45 p.m. to 2:45 Affiliated , AUGUST 3 WEDNESDAY General Lunch and Committee/ Forum Meeting Opportunity Concert Hall, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York Tudor 7/8, Main Mezzanine, 7/8, Tudor Fairmont Royal York 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Track Program 1C - Innovations Program 1C Track that Build the Perfect System: Member Benefit, and Money, LRIS pro- Public Service....Today’s grams need no more than ever. Confederation 5/6, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Track Program 1B - Attracting and Track Retaining the Gen Y Member Track Program 1A - Apps That Track Make Jobs Easier Main Mezzanine, Territories, Fairmont Royal York 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Ballroom, Convention Floor, Convention Floor, Ballroom, Fairmont Royal York 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sponsor Networking Break Plenary Discussions Roundtable and Reporting Back Canadian, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Canadian, Convention Floor, Canadian, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Welcome and Plenary Session: Welcome The Future of the Legal Profession - Part II Breakfast and First Time Attendee Time Breakfast and First and Sponsor Introductions Concert Hall, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York a.m. 9:15 a.m. to 10:00 8:00 a.m. to 8:55 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 8:55 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. National 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Track Program 5A - My Executive MCABA CLE CENTRE Director Doesn’t Understand Me: Association of SHOWCASE PROGRAM: How To Motivate Employees Women Judges 9/11—A Decade Later, Who Feel Ignored, Neglected or and A World Apart Abandoned Dana Fabe, President, Anchorage, Alaska Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Territories, Main Mezzanine, South Building Fairmont Royal York Primary Sponsor: Section of International FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 Law 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Track Program 5B - Keeping It 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Going: Avoiding Burn Out MCABA CLE CENTRE National Bar Tudor 7/8, Main Mezzanine, SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Fairmont Royal York “Implicit Bias” and the Association 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Myth of Equal Justice Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Demetrius D. Shelton, President, Albany, Track Program 5C - Serving South Building California Mobile Members: Is There Really Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation an App for That? Confederation 5/6, Main 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York MCABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 12:30 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. 9/11—A Decade Later, MCABA CLE CENTRE Luncheon, Business Meeting and and A World Apart SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Passing of the Gavel Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, “Implicit Bias” and the Concert Hall, Convention Floor, South Building Myth of Equal Justice Fairmont Royal York Primary Sponsor: Section of International Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, 2:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. Law South Building 1st Timer Wrap-up Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Upper Canada, 18th Floor, 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Fairmont Royal York National MCABA CLE CENTRE 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Association of SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Governmental Relations Section Women Lawyers 9/11—A Decade Later, Meeting and A World Apart Salon A, Convention Floor, Dorian S. Denburg, President, Atlanta, Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Fairmont Royal York Georgia South Building Primary Sponsor: Section of International 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Law Program Committee Meeting FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 New Brunswick, Main Mezzanine, 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Fairmont Royal York 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCDebunking the Myth of the MCABA CLE CENTRE Post Racial Society Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 SHOWCASE PROGRAM: “Implicit Bias” and the South Building Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Myth of Equal Justice Rights and Responsibilities Board of Directors Meeting Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, British Columbia, Main Mezzanine, South Building Fairmont Royal York Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation

210 Affiliated and Other Legal Organizations 211 3 4 6 2 5 (continued) August August August August August , AUGUST 4 416-941-5803 , AUGUST 5 Registration Friday, Tuesday, Saturday, Thursday, Organizations Wednesday, Phone: 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 6:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. FRIDAY Floor, FairmontYork Royal Floor, Canadian Foyer, Convention Convention Foyer, Canadian THURSDAY Salon A, Convention Floor, Salon A, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York 2:20 p.m. to 3:20 p.m. Easy 5B - Ten Joint Workshop Board in to Involve Your Ways Gift Acquisition and Stewardship Salon A, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York 12:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Meeting Board of Trustees Convention Floor, Toronto, Fairmont Royal York 11:25 a.m. to 12:25 a.m. 5A - Corporate Joint Workshop A Strategy Social Responsibility, Has Come For Bar Whose Time ational National of Bar Conference Foundations President, Thomas Richard Tinder, Virginia Charleston, West Legal Other and , AUGUST 5 FRIDAY Law Primary Sponsor: Section of International Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE “Implicit Bias” and the Justice Equal of Myth Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE 9/11—A Decade Later, Apart A World and ational Center National Courts for State MaryMcQueen, President, Campbell Virginia Williamsburg, Affiliated 3 4 6 2 5 August August August August August , AUGUST 6 , AUGUST 7 416-941-5803 Registration Friday, Tuesday, Saturday, Thursday, Wednesday, Phone: 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 6:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Floor, FairmontYork Royal Floor, SUNDAY Canadian Foyer, Convention Convention Foyer, Canadian SATURDAY Rights and Responsibilities Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual Alberta, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Delegates Meeting David Gienappe, President, Madison, South Dakota ational Caucus National Bar of State Associations Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building ABA CLE CENTRE MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE Overcome: More to the 21st Rights in Civil Century 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. National 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Roundtable Discussions Communications Committee Salon A, Convention Floor, Conference of Bar Meeting Fairmont Royal York Presidents Saskatchewan, Main Mezzanine, Join us for a targeted roundtable Fairmont Royal York discussion that will explore three topics: James Patrick Nolan, President, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon board and committee structure; fiscal Annapolis, Maryland formulas; and board issues. In speed- Program Committee Meeting dating fashion (but much slower!), Prince Edward Island, Main participants can spend 20 minutes at Registration Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York each of the topic tables, or “love the one Canadian Foyer, Convention 12:00 Noon to 4:30 p.m. you’re with” and stay on for continued Floor, Fairmont Royal York Executive Council Meeting conversation. In any case, bring your Tuesday, August 2 Confederation 3, Main Mezzanine, questions, ideas and all collateral to Fairmont Royal York share! 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, August 3 FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 7:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. 7:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Thursday, August 4 Breakfast and Welcome Breakfast, Membership Meeting, 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Canadian, Convention Floor, Awards Presentation and Plenary: Fairmont Royal York Building a Compelling Case for Friday, August 5 Support 6:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Ballroom, Convention Floor, Nominating Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Saturday, August 6 Salon 6, 19th Floor, Fairmont After breakfast and the membership 7:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Royal York meeting the winner of the new NCBF/ 9:00 a.m. to 10:50 a.m. LexisNexis “Partnerships for Success” Phone: 416-941-5803 Joint Meeting of NCBP/NABE/ Award will present information about its NCBF - Plenary Session: How winning program. Immediately following the Public Finds Lawyers and will be the plenary where speaker THURSDAY, AUGUST 4 Roundtable Discussions Chad Peddicord will address that a Canadian, Convention Floor, case for support is the window to an 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Fairmont Royal York organization’s mission and leadership, Finance and Investment voicing the critical statement of need. Committee Meeting 10:50 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. This session will include types of case Prince Edward Island, Main Sponsor Networking Break statements, the process of creating a case Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York Ballroom, Convention Floor, statement, and the necessary building Fairmont Royal York blocks to be able to tell a compelling 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. story. Key Learning Objectives will Sponsorship Committee Meeting 11:25 a.m. to 12:25 p.m. include: Understanding the purposes of Saskatchewan, Main Mezzanine, Joint Workshop 1A - Regulation a case statement - Review its format and Fairmont Royal York and Delivery of Legal Services in the Modern Borderless key components; Understanding the case- 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. writing process - Discuss its applications Marketplace, or “Guess Who’s and uses. Diversity Committee Meeting Saskatchewan, Main Mezzanine, Coming to Practice?” Ontario, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York Fairmont Royal York 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Membership Committee Meeting 11:25 a.m. to 12:25 a.m. Prince Edward Island, Main Joint Workshop 2A - The World Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York Justice Project and the Rule of Law Territories, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York

212 Affiliated and Other Legal Organizations 213 (continued) , AUGUST 5 Organizations FRIDAY Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Women’s Bar Leader Summit: Bar Leader Women’s Strength Across Borders The Law 130 Queen Street West, Society of Upper Canada Annual Summit exploring issues and best bar leaders. practices facing women’s (separate fee required) 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE “Implicit Bias” and the Justice Equal of Myth Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building 12:00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. Luncheon NCWBA Awards The Law 130 Queen Street West, Society of Upper Canada Presentation of 2011 Public Service and Outstanding Member Program Awards. (separately ticketed) ational National of Conference Women’s Bar Associations MaryPresident, Beaufort, E. Sharp, South Carolina 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Legal Other , AUGUST 6 and SATURDAY International Law, Center for Racial and International Law, Ethnic Diversity Additional Sponsors: Section of Canadian, Convention Floor, Canadian, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York This interactive session will provide bar leaders and attorneys tangible ways they can accelerate diversity and inclusion. Session is open to all ABA members attending the meeting. Bullet Points on Key Bullet Points on Key Developments; ABA President- Elect Speaks; Business Meeting; and Plenary on Hot Tips Session; Hot Topics Canadian, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. Plenary and Roundtable Session Discussion: Diversity and Inclusion in the U.S. and Canada - Shared and Diverging Challenges 8:00 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. 8:00 a.m. to 9:15 Breakfast Floor, Canadian, Convention Fairmont Royal York a.m. 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 Affiliated Forum on Racial and Ethnic Diversity Quebec, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York Tudor 7/8, Main Mezzanine, 7/8, Tudor Fairmont Royal York 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Joint Workshop 3B - Quick Hits: Joint Workshop How to Get and Keep Members Happy Territories, Main Mezzanine, Territories, Fairmont Royal York 2:20 p.m. to 3:20 p.m. Joint Workshop 2B - Comparative Joint Workshop Challenges and Solutions in Funding Civil Legal Services in the U.S. and Canada Ontario, Convention Floor, Ontario, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York 2:20 p.m. to 3:20 a.m. Joint Workshop 1B - Funding Joint Workshop Courts NCBP/NABE/NCBF Joint Awards Joint Awards NCBP/NABE/NCBF Luncheon Canadian, Convention Floor, Fairmont Royal York Presentations: Gambrell Award NCBF Award Professionalism Award; for Partners ABA Partnership in Success; and the NABE Bolton Award Award; 2:20 p.m. to 3:20 p.m. Tudor 7/8, Main Mezzanine, 7/8, Main Mezzanine, Tudor Fairmont Royal York p.m. 12:25 p.m. to 1:50 11:25 a.m. to 12:25 p.m. 11:25 a.m. to 12:25 3A - Bar Joint Workshop Defense: Leadership and Indigent Bar Should Be Involved Why Your National 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. MCABA CLE CENTRE Allies for Justice Reception Institute for Trial SHOWCASE PROGRAM: British Columbia, Main Mezzanine, Advocacy 9/11—A Decade Later, Fairmont Royal York and A World Apart Each year, the National LGBT Bar Susan R. Steingass, Chair, Madison, Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Association honors legal professionals Wisconsin South Building who, in their position of leadership, have Primary Sponsor: Section of International allied with the LGBT community and Law have made noteworthy contributions to FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 the struggle for civil rights and equality before the law. 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE National LGBT Bar SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Association National Native “Implicit Bias” and the Myth of Equal Justice Kim Byrd, President, Washington, D.C. American Bar Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Association South Building FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Lael R. Echo-Hawk, President, Tulalip, Washington 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE MCABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE PROGRAM: FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 9/11—A Decade Later, “Implicit Bias” and the and A World Apart Myth of Equal Justice 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, MCABA CLE CENTRE South Building South Building SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Primary Sponsor: Section of International Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation “Implicit Bias” and the Law 12:00 Noon to 4:00 p.m. Myth of Equal Justice Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Board Meeting South Building Salon 3, 19th Floor, Fairmont Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation National Legal Royal York Aid and Defender This is a quarterly meeting of the 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Association National LGBT Bar Association’s Board of MCDebunking the Myth of the Directors. Post Racial Society Gary Windom, Director, Riverside, 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Room 803B, 800 Level, MTCC, California MCChanging Landscape of LGBT South Building Rights: A Global Look Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities Room 717A, 700 Level, MTCC, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 South Building Primary Sponsor: Commission on Sexual 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 MCABA CLE CENTRE Orientation and Gender Identity SHOWCASE PROGRAM: 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon “Implicit Bias” and the MCABA CLE CENTRE Myth of Equal Justice SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, More to Overcome: South Building Civil Rights in the 21st Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Century Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building Primary Sponsor: Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities

214 Affiliated and Other Legal Organizations 215 (continued) , AUGUST 6 , AUGUST 5 Organizations FRIDAY SATURDAY Tennessee Bar Association Horn, President, Memphis, Danny Van Tennessee 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Reception Honoring Tennessee Lucian Pera Upper Canada, 18th Floor, Fairmont Royal York xas Bar of Te State Beaumont, Texas Bob Black, President, p.m. 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 Reception 66 Bank Tower, Dominion Toronto 54th Floor, Street West, Wellington Canoe Restaurant Legal Other , AUGUST 6 , AUGUST 7 and SUNDAY SATURDAY McLachlin, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Speaker: The Right Honourable Beverley 65 Bond Street, St. Michael’s 65 Bond Street, St. Michael’s Cathedral t. Thomas St. More Society of Toronto Michael Osborne, President, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Roman Catholic Sunday Mass with Archbishop Thomas Collins Sponsored by The Thomas More Lawyers’ Guild of Toronto Steven R. Smith, President, San Diego, Steven R. Smith, President, California 12:00 Noon to 2:00 p.m. Scribes Annual Luncheon Level, Main Kingsway, Centre InterContinental Toronto The annual luncheon meeting of Scribes - The American Society of Legal Writers. will conduct business and present our We and Book Award. Award Brief-Writing he Scribes—T Society American riters of Legal W Affiliated , AUGUST 4 , AUGUST 6 , AUGUST 5 , AUGUST 5 FRIDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY THURSDAY Law Primary Sponsor: Section of International Five Bars and Friends Alberta, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Casemaker Consortium Breakfast Confederation 3, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. Carol Seubert Marx, President, Lancaster, Ohio tate Bar Ohio State Association 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Reception Honoring Judith Kaye Main Mezzanine, Territories, Fairmont Royal York non-resident members are NYSBA’s invited to meet Ms. Kaye, current officers and members of the State Delegation. Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building MCABA CLE CENTRE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE 9/11—A Decade Later, Apart A World and 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Vincent E. Doyle III, President, Buffalo, Vincent New York tate State New York Bar Association Affiliated and Other Legal Organizations (continued)

The Federal Bar The Florida Bar The National

Association Scott G. Hawkins, President, West Palm Judicial College Ashley L. Belleau, President, New Beach, Florida Marybel Batjer, Chair, Las Vegas, Orleans, Louisiana Nevada SUNDAY, AUGUST 7 FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon Reception 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE Ontario, Convention Floor, MCABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: Fairmont Royal York SHOWCASE PROGRAM: “Implicit Bias” and the “Implicit Bias” and the Myth of Equal Justice Myth of Equal Justice Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 701A, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building South Building Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation Primary Sponsor: Section of Litigation 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon MCABA CLE CENTRE MCABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: SHOWCASE PROGRAM: 9/11—A Decade Later, 9/11—A Decade Later, and A World Apart and A World Apart Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, Room 701B, 700 Level, MTCC, South Building South Building Primary Sponsor: Section of International Primary Sponsor: Section of International Law Law

216 Affiliated and Other Legal Organizations 217 , AUGUST 4 , AUGUST 5 Associations FRIDAY THURSDAY 3400 One First Canadian Place, Firm Law Toronto, Please join fellow Dartmouth alumni, faculty and friends for a cocktail reception. The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law D.C. Miles, Dean, Washington, V. Veryl 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Alumni, Faculty & Friends Reception Fairmont Salon 4, 19th Floor, Royal York Miles ‘80 Victoria Come join Dean Veryl and members of The Catholic University of American, Columbus School of Law community for an evening of cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and lively conversation. artmouth Dartmouth Lawyers Association President, Frederick K. Sharpless, Greensboro, North Carolina 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Alumni and Friends Reception Alumni , AUGUST 8 , AUGUST 5 ve University FRIDAY MONDAY aw Columbia Law School New Dean, New York, David Schizer, York 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Alumni and Friends Reception British Columbia, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York chool of Law School of Dean, Cleveland, Lawrence E. Mitchell, Ohio 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Reception for Alumni & Dean’s Friends Floor, 2nd Mayfair, Yorkville InterContinental Toronto Newly appointed Dean Lawrence E. Mitchell welcomes alumni and friends for a networking reception. RSVP requested. Please call 800/492-3308 or email [email protected]. Case Western Reser , AUGUST 4 , AUGUST 4 ashington ashington THURSDAY THURSDAY Nova Scotia, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Royal York Dean Boston University School of Law’s Maureen A. O’Rourke and the Boston University Alumni Association cordially invite all Boston University and School of Law alumni and friends to attend this reception. 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Alumni, Faculty & Friends Reception Maureen A. O’Rourke, Dean, Boston, Massachusetts Boston University School of Alumni Law Association Salon 2, 19th Floor, Fairmont Salon 2, 19th Floor, Royal York 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Alumni and Friends Reception Claudio Grossman, Dean, Washington, Washington, Claudio Grossman, Dean, D.C. ollege of Law College of American University W Alumni Associations (continued)

The George University of Washington Michigan Law University Law School

School Evan Caminker, Dean, Ann Arbor, Paul Schiff Berman, Dean, Washington, Michigan D.C. MONDAY, AUGUST 8 FRIDAY, AUGUST 5 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Alumni & Friends Reception Alumni & Faculty Reception Library, Main Mezzanine, Fairmont Kingsway, Main Level, Royal York InterContinental Toronto Centre Please join fellow Michigan Law Alumni, Paul Schiff Berman Dean, and the George faculty, staff and friends for a reception. Washington Law Alumni Association invite alumni and faculty to join us for a cocktail reception.

218 CALENDAR of Events

This chapter is a calendar of all scheduled events for the Annual Meeting by day, hour, place, subject and primary sponsor. For a complete description of an event, find the primary sponsor and turn to the appropriate chapter in this book. For example, for an event sponsored by the Section of Litigation, turn to the Sections, Divisions and Forums chapter and look for Litigation’s activities, which are listed in chronological order.

All CLE programs have been identified in the calendar of events. The M next to a program listing indicates that the ABA has requested MCLE accreditation. Listings with E have been submitted for ethics credit as well. All programs with C are in the ABA CLE Centre at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Building, 700 and 800 Levels.

Transportation Photo Credit: Doug Brown 219 220

Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

Tuesday, August 2

8:30 a.m. Board of Directors Meeting Fairmont Royal York York, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 186608 3:30 p.m. Communications Section Executive Council Meeting Fairmont Royal York New Brunswick, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 186609 4:30 p.m. 1st Time Attendee Orientation Fairmont Royal York British Columbia, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 186614 5:00 p.m. Pathways to Employment in International Law University of Toronto, Faculty of 84 Queen's Park Crescent West Section of International Law 187321 Law 5:30 p.m. Welcome Reception Fairmont Royal York Imperial Room, Main Floor National Association of Bar Executives 186615

Wednesday, August 3

7:00 a.m. NABE/NCBP/NCBF Registration Fairmont Royal York Canadian Foyer, Convention Floor National Association of Bar Executives 186604 8:00 a.m. Breakfast and First Time Attendee and Sponsor Introductions Fairmont Royal York Concert Hall, Convention Floor National Association of Bar Executives 186616 8:00 a.m. LSD Executive Board / Delegates Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Sheraton Hall A, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186078 8:00 a.m. Section Office Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Peel, Mezzanine Section of Public Contract Law 185486 9:00 a.m. LSD Board of Governors Committee Meetings Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Sheraton Hall E, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186080 9:00 a.m. Strategic Planning and Action Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Saskatchewan, Main Mezzanine ABA Board of Governors 185611 9:15 a.m. Welcome and Plenary Session: The Future of the Legal Fairmont Royal York Canadian, Convention Floor National Association of Bar Executives 186617 Profession - Part II 10:00 a.m. Plenary Roundtable Discussions and Reporting Back Fairmont Royal York Canadian, Convention Floor National Association of Bar Executives 186623 10:30 a.m. Subcommittee on Grants Meeting Fairmont Royal York Nova Scotia, Main Mezzanine ABA Board of Governors 185612 11:00 a.m. Sponsor Networking Break Fairmont Royal York Ballroom, Convention Floor National Association of Bar Executives 186618 11:30 a.m. Track Program 1A - Apps That Make Jobs Easier Fairmont Royal York Territories, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 187206 11:30 a.m. Track Program 1B - Attracting and Retaining the Gen Y Fairmont Royal York Confederation 5/6, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 187205 Member 11:30 a.m. Track Program 1C - Innovations that Build the Perfect Fairmont Royal York Tudor 7/8, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 187207 System: Money, Member Benefit, and Public Service.... Today's LRIS programs need no m 12:00 Noon LSD Board of Governors Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Grand Ballroom East, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186082 12:30 p.m. General Lunch and Committee/Forum Meeting Opportunity Fairmont Royal York Concert Hall, Convention Floor National Association of Bar Executives 186624 12:30 p.m. Lunch and Discussion for Associate and Assistant Executive Fairmont Royal York York, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 186625 Directors 12:30 p.m. Subcommittee on Investments Meeting Fairmont Royal York Nova Scotia, Main Mezzanine ABA Board of Governors 185613 1:45 p.m. Track Program 2A - What Has Your Mobile Device Done For Fairmont Royal York Territories, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 187209 You Lately? 1:45 p.m. Track Program 2B - Diversity Pushback and Fatigue: Is It Fairmont Royal York Confederation 5/6, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 187208 Overdone or Underdone? 1:45 p.m. Track Program 2C - Dealing with Difficult Leaders Fairmont Royal York Tudor 7/8, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 187210 Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

wednesday, August 3 (Continued)

2:30 p.m. Non Dues Revenue Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York New Brunswick, Main Mezzanine ABA Board of Governors 185615 3:00 p.m. Section Office Hilton Toronto Richmond, 3rd Floor Section of Science & Technology Law 185355 3:15 p.m. Track Program 3A - "Free Stuff: Tips You Can Use for Free Fairmont Royal York Territories, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 187212 (or almost)" 3:15 p.m. Track Program 3B - Customer Service on Steroids: We Fairmont Royal York Confederation 5/6, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 187211 Should Also (ALL?) Be So Lucky 3:15 p.m. Track Program 3C - That's A Capital Idea: Getting Legislative Fairmont Royal York Tudor 7/8, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 187213 News & Updates to Your Members

Thursday, August 4

7:00 a.m. NABE/NCBP/NCBF Registration Fairmont Royal York Canadian Foyer, Convention Floor National Conference of Bar Presidents 186605 7:00 a.m. Section Information Center Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Rosedale, 1st Floor Section of Labor and Employment Law 186513 7:00 a.m. Section Office Delta Chelsea Baker, 2nd Floor Section of State and Local Government Law 185575 7:30 a.m. Casemaker Consortium Breakfast Fairmont Royal York Confederation 3, Main Mezzanine Ohio State Bar Association 186767 7:30 a.m. Council Meeting (Executive Session) LeMeridien King Edward Windsor Ballroom C, Lower Level Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 186453 7:30 a.m. Finance and Investment Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Prince Edward Island, Main Mezzanine National Conference of Bar Presidents 186643 7:30 a.m. LPM Central LeMeridien King Edward Palm Court Foyer, 2nd Floor Law Practice Management Section 185645 7:30 a.m. LPM Staff Office LeMeridien King Edward Hampstead, 2nd Floor Law Practice Management Section 185646 7:30 a.m. Staff Office Hilton Toronto Coat Check, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185312 7:45 a.m. IOLTA Workshops and Registration Delta Chelsea Churchill Ballroom A, 2nd Floor Commission on Interest on Lawyers' Trust Accounts 185881 8:00 a.m. ABA Registration MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level American Bar Association 186311 8:00 a.m. ABF Registration MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level American Bar Foundation 185595 8:00 a.m. ABF Staff Office MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level American Bar Foundation 185598 8:00 a.m. Committee Meeting Delta Chelsea Austen Room, 3rd Floor Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional 185938 Responsibility 8:00 a.m. Group Breakfast LeMeridien King Edward Pall Mall/Palm Court, 2nd Floor Law Practice Management Section 185647 8:00 a.m. LSD Board of Governors Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Grand Ballroom East, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186085 8:00 a.m. Meeting of the AJS National Advisory Council Hyatt Regency Toronto Regency Ballroom E, Convention Level American Judicature Society 187242 8:00 a.m. Section Office Fairmont Royal York Boardroom, Main Mezzanine Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 186065 8:00 a.m. Section Office LeMeridien King Edward Belgravia, 2nd Floor Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 186447 8:00 a.m. Section Office Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Peel, Mezzanine Section of Public Contract Law 185487 8:00 a.m. Section Office Hilton Toronto Richmond, 3rd Floor Section of Science & Technology Law 185356 8:00 a.m. Sponsorship Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Saskatchewan, Main Mezzanine National Conference of Bar Presidents 186644 8:30 a.m. Administration and Finance Section Breakfast Fairmont Royal York Toronto, Convention Floor National Association of Bar Executives 186628 221

Please refer to the sponsoring entities for CLE pricing. Calendar 222

Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

thursday, August 4 (Continued)

8:30 a.m. Communications Section Breakfast Fairmont Royal York Library, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 186629 8:30 a.m. Delegate Certification MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level Young Lawyers Division 186328 8:30 a.m. General Breakfast Fairmont Royal York Concert Hall, Convention Floor National Association of Bar Executives 186627 8:30 a.m. How Decision Trees Can Help Your Right-Brain Clients Arrive MTCC, South Building Room 713B, 700 Level Section of Dispute Resolution MC 186282 At Successful Conclusions 8:30 a.m. Information Technology Section Breakfast Fairmont Royal York York, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 186630 8:30 a.m. New Ways to Practice Law: iPads, Playbooks and Tablet MTCC, South Building Room 803A, 800 Level Law Practice Management Section MC 185649 Computing 9:00 a.m. ABA Forum on Native American Issues Hilton Toronto Harris, Convention Floor Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities M 185316 9:00 a.m. Annual Meeting Hyatt Regency Toronto Regency Ballroom D, Convention Level American Judicature Society 186974 9:00 a.m. Diversity Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Saskatchewan, Main Mezzanine National Conference of Bar Presidents 186646 9:00 a.m. Finance Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Quebec, Main Mezzanine ABA Board of Governors 185621 9:00 a.m. Hospitality Suite MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level Section of International Law 186378 9:00 a.m. Membership Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Prince Edward Island, Main Mezzanine National Conference of Bar Presidents 186645 9:00 a.m. Officers' Meeting Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Windows East, 32nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185246 9:00 a.m. Program, Evaluation and Planning Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Alberta, Main Mezzanine ABA Board of Governors 185623 9:00 a.m. Publishing Board LeMeridien King Edward Kensington, 2nd Floor Law Practice Management Section 185651 9:00 a.m. State and Local Bar Outreach Committee LeMeridien King Edward Hyde Park, 2nd Floor Law Practice Management Section 185650 9:00 a.m. TIPS Information/Ticket Sales Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Civic Foyer, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186126 9:45 a.m. Track Program 4A - Unnatural Disasters: It Can't Happen To Fairmont Royal York Territories, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 186636 Me.... 9:45 a.m. Track Program 4B - Less is More: Getting Bar Leaders to Buy Fairmont Royal York Tudor 7/8, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 186634 Into Social Media Speak and Other New Communication Styles 9:45 a.m. Track Program 4C - Feeling the Love: Practical and Cost Fairmont Royal York Confederation 5/6, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 186635 Effective Tips on How to Enhance Value for Your Members 10:00 a.m. Committee Meetings Hilton Toronto Casson, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185319 10:00 a.m. Communications Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Saskatchewan, Main Mezzanine National Conference of Bar Presidents 186648 10:00 a.m. IP Central Hospitality Hub with Cyber Cafe Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Print Room, 2nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185247 10:00 a.m. Judicial Outreach Network Committee Hilton Toronto Adelaide, 3rd Floor Judicial Division 185318 10:00 a.m. Program Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Prince Edward Island, Main Mezzanine National Conference of Bar Presidents 186647 10:00 a.m. Section Officers Meeting Hilton Toronto Opus, 3rd Floor Section of Science & Technology Law 185357 10:00 a.m. Specialized Court Judges Planning Meeting Hilton Toronto Jackson, Convention Floor Judicial Division 186918 10:00 a.m. Task Force on Revenue Enhancement Committee Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Wentworth, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186142 Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

thursday, August 4 (Continued)

10:30 a.m. ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: The MTCC, South Building Room 718A, 700 Level Commission on Immigration MC 187295 Battle over Birthright Citizenship: History, International Perspectives, and the Path Ahead 10:30 a.m. CLE Board Meeting Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Windows West, 32nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185274 10:45 a.m. Sponsor Networking Break Fairmont Royal York Ballroom, Convention Floor National Association of Bar Executives 186632 11:00 a.m. Section Staff Office/Open Meeting Room Park Hyatt Toronto Hazelton, Upper Level Section of Antitrust Law 186473 11:15 a.m. Track Program 5A - My Executive Director Doesn't Fairmont Royal York Territories, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 187214 Understand Me: How To Motivate Employees Who Feel Ignored, Neglected or Abandoned 11:15 a.m. Track Program 5B - Keeping It Going: Avoiding Burn Out Fairmont Royal York Tudor 7/8, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 187215 11:15 a.m. Track Program 5C - Serving Mobile Members: Is There Fairmont Royal York Confederation 5/6, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 187216 Really an App for That? 12:00 Noon Annual Meeting of the Membership Hyatt Regency Toronto Regency Ballroom E, Convention Level American Judicature Society 186975 12:00 Noon Board of Governors and Board Nominees Luncheon Fairmont Royal York York/Library, Mezzanine ABA Board of Governors 185624 12:00 Noon Council Luncheon Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Regency Ballroom West, 2nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185248 12:00 Noon Division Information Center Fairmont Royal York Jasper, 1st Floor General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 186225 12:00 Noon Executive Council Meeting Fairmont Royal York Confederation 3, Main Mezzanine National Conference of Bar Presidents 186649 12:00 Noon HIV Testing MTCC, South Building Room 706 and 712, 700 Level ABA AIDS Coordinating Committee 187564 12:00 Noon Open House for SBA Presidents and ABA Representatives Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Grand Ballroom West, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186092 12:00 Noon Section Office Hyatt Regency Toronto Studio D, Conference Level Criminal Justice Section 185852 12:30 p.m. Board of Trustees Meeting Fairmont Royal York Toronto, Convention Floor National Conference of Bar Foundations 186672 12:30 p.m. Council Meeting Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Regency Ballroom West, 2nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185249 12:30 p.m. Group Lunch LeMeridien King Edward Pall Mall/Palm Court, 2nd Floor Law Practice Management Section 185652 12:30 p.m. Luncheon, Business Meeting and Passing of the Gavel Fairmont Royal York Concert Hall, Convention Floor National Association of Bar Executives 186637 1:00 p.m. Class Action Litigation After Dukes v. Walmart Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Forest Hill Ballroom, 1st Floor Section of Labor and Employment Law M 186034 1:00 p.m. Executive Committee Meeting LeMeridien King Edward Westminster, 2nd Floor Law Practice Management Section 185648 1:00 p.m. Membership and Diversity Committee Meeting Hilton Toronto Osgoode East, 3rd Floor Section of Science & Technology Law 185364 1:00 p.m. Officers Meeting Fairmont Royal York Nova Scotia, Main Mezzanine Section of Family Law 185958 1:00 p.m. Publications Board Meeting Fairmont Royal York Montebello, 1st Floor Section of Family Law 185957 1:00 p.m. Resume Review & Career Advice Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Sheraton Hall B, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186095 1:00 p.m. Section Council Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Civic Ballroom North, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186145 1:00 p.m. Training Session for New Members Ritz-Carlton Toronto Gallery Room, 4th Floor Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary 187093 223

Please refer to the sponsoring entities for CLE pricing. Calendar 224

Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

thursday, August 4 (Continued)

1:00 p.m. YLD Council Meeting Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre Grand Ballroom A/B, Lower Level Young Lawyers Division 186045 1:30 p.m. Executive Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Tudor 7/8, Main Mezzanine Metropolitan Bar Caucus 186675 1:30 p.m. Litigation Information Desk MTCC, South Building Room 718 Foyer, 700 Level Section of Litigation 185778 2:00 p.m. 1st Timer Wrap-up Fairmont Royal York Upper Canada, 18th Floor National Association of Bar Executives 186638 2:00 p.m. ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: MTCC, South Building Room 701A, 700 Level Section of Litigation MC 185779 Trial Practices and Tactics in Canada and the United States 2:00 p.m. Annual Meeting Orientation Session Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Grand Ballroom East, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186094 2:00 p.m. Blackberrys and the Practice of Law MTCC, South Building Room 803A, 800 Level Law Practice Management Section MC 185653 2:00 p.m. Dial I For Infringement, The Anatomy of an IP Dispute MTCC, South Building Room 713A, 700 Level Section of Dispute Resolution MC 186284 2:00 p.m. Division Office InterContinental Toronto Yorkville Britannia, 2nd Floor Senior Lawyers Division 186338 2:00 p.m. Education Board LeMeridien King Edward Hyde Park, 2nd Floor Law Practice Management Section 185654 2:00 p.m. Lawyering in the Digital Age: Using Technology and Social MTCC, South Building Room 803B, 800 Level Public Services Division MC 186013 Media to Assist Underserved Populations 2:00 p.m. Member Development Committee LeMeridien King Edward Chelsea, 2nd Floor Law Practice Management Section 185655 2:00 p.m. Scope and Correlation Committee Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Kenora, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186146 2:00 p.m. Southern Conference of Bar Presidents Meeting "Plenary Fairmont Royal York Ontario, Convention Floor Kentucky Bar Association 186797 Session" 2:00 p.m. The Art and War of Mediation: The Top Ten Effective Tools MTCC, South Building Room 713B, 700 Level Section of Dispute Resolution MEC 186289 and Ethical Concerns You and Your Client Better Consider Before Entering the Media 2:00 p.m. The Regulation of the Political Activities of Lobbyists MTCC, South Building Room 801A, 800 Level Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice MC 185900 2:00 p.m. The SciTech Lawyer Board Meeting Hilton Toronto Varley, Convention Floor Section of Science & Technology Law 185369 2:00 p.m. Youth Homelessness and Legal Interventions: An Hyatt Regency Toronto King Ballroom II, Convention Level Commission on Homelessness and Poverty 186958 International Research Perspective 2:30 p.m. Governmental Relations Section Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon A, Convention Floor National Association of Bar Executives 186639 2:45 p.m. Calculating Damages in an Employment Case: Strategies for Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Forest Hill Ballroom, 1st Floor Section of Labor and Employment Law M 186035 the Canadian and U.S. Litigant 3:00 p.m. Carr Committee Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville High Park I, 1st Floor American Lawyers Auxiliary 186754 3:00 p.m. Finance Meeting Fairmont Royal York Nova Scotia, Main Mezzanine Section of Family Law 185959 3:00 p.m. Forensic Science, A View from the Bench: Challenges for the Hilton Toronto Toronto Ballroom II, Convention Floor Judicial Division M 185320 21st Century 3:00 p.m. Program Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York New Brunswick, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 186641 3:00 p.m. Task Force on Plaintiff's Involvement Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Huron, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186148 3:15 p.m. Circuit #01 Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room B, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186098 Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

thursday, August 4 (Continued)

3:15 p.m. Circuit #03 Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room C, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186099 3:15 p.m. Circuit #05 Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room F, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186100 3:15 p.m. Circuit #07 Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room G, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186101 3:15 p.m. Circuit #09 Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Windsor West, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186102 3:15 p.m. Circuit #11 Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Windsor East, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186103 3:15 p.m. Circuit #13 Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room D, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186104 3:15 p.m. Circuit Meetings (Odd Numbered Circuits) Conference Room D, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186186 3:30 p.m. Council Orientation Hilton Toronto Osgoode East, 3rd Floor Section of Science & Technology Law 185374 3:30 p.m. Executive Committee Meeting Law Firm 5300 Commerce Court West, 199 Bay Section of State and Local Government Law 185580 Street 3:30 p.m. Southern Conference of Bar Presidents Breakout Session Fairmont Royal York Territories, Main Mezzanine Kentucky Bar Association 186802 "Executive Directors" 3:30 p.m. Southern Conference of Bar Presidents Breakout Session Fairmont Royal York Ontario, Convention Floor Kentucky Bar Association 186801 "Past Presidents" 3:30 p.m. Southern Conference of Bar Presidents Breakout Session Fairmont Royal York York, Main Mezzanine Kentucky Bar Association 186800 "Presidents-Elect" 3:30 p.m. Southern Conference of Bar Presidents Breakout Session Fairmont Royal York Salon B, Convention Floor Kentucky Bar Association 186799 "Presidents" 3:30 p.m. Task Force on Healthcare Reform Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Wentworth, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186150 3:45 p.m. Cross-Border Practice in a Shrinking Global Economy MTCC, South Building Room 716A, 700 Level Section of Litigation MC 185782 3:45 p.m. Dodd-Frank One Year Later: Panacea or Poison? MTCC, South Building Room 718B, 700 Level Section of Litigation MC 185780 3:45 p.m. Empathy, Creativity, Neutrality and Persuasion: What MTCC, South Building Room 713A, 700 Level Section of Dispute Resolution MC 186287 Dispute Resolvers Can Learn from the World of Theatre 3:45 p.m. Resolving Construction Disputes in Canada and the U.S. - MTCC, South Building Room 713B, 700 Level Section of Dispute Resolution MC 186290 Looking Back, Looking Forward 3:45 p.m. Solution Focused Conflict Management MTCC, South Building Room 711, 700 Level Section of Dispute Resolution MC 187625 3:45 p.m. The Perils of Social Media Under the Laws of the United MTCC, South Building Room 718A, 700 Level Section of Litigation MC 185781 States and Canada: A Cautious Tale for Lawyers and Clients 4:00 p.m. Bench & Bar Bankruptcy Council Hilton Toronto Adelaide, 3rd Floor Judicial Division 185317 4:00 p.m. Executive Meeting Fairmont Royal York Saskatchewan, Main Mezzanine Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 186069 4:15 p.m. Circuit #02 Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room B, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186106 4:15 p.m. Circuit #04 Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room C, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186107 4:15 p.m. Circuit #06 Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room F, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186108 4:15 p.m. Circuit #08 Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room G, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186109 4:15 p.m. Circuit #10 Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Windsor West, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186110 225

Please refer to the sponsoring entities for CLE pricing. Calendar 226

Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

thursday, August 4 (Continued)

4:15 p.m. Circuit #12 Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Windsor East, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186111 4:15 p.m. Circuit #14 Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room D, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186112 4:15 p.m. Circuit #15 Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room H, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186105 4:15 p.m. Circuit Meetings (Even Numbered Circuits) Conference Room H, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186187 4:30 p.m. Executive Committee Meeting Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville High Park I, 1st Floor American Lawyers Auxiliary 186755 4:30 p.m. Long-Range Planning Committee Meeting Hilton Toronto Governor General Suite, 2nd Floor Section of Science & Technology Law 185378 5:00 p.m. ABA YLD Section Connect Fair Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre Grand Ballroom D, Lower Level Young Lawyers Division 187312 5:00 p.m. Alumni and Friends Reception Law Firm 3400 One First Canadian Place, Toronto Dartmouth Lawyers Association 186978 5:00 p.m. Candidates Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Sheraton Hall A, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186113 5:00 p.m. Task Force on Outreach to Young Lawyers Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Civic Ballroom North, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186152 5:00 p.m. Welcome Reception Fairmont Royal York Upper Canada, 18th Floor Metropolitan Bar Caucus 186676 5:30 p.m. Alumni, Faculty & Friends Reception Fairmont Royal York Nova Scotia, Main Mezzanine Boston University School of Law Alumni Association 187315 5:30 p.m. Candidate Speeches / Meet the Candidates Mixer Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Grand Ballroom East, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186115 5:30 p.m. Candidates Waiting Room Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Sheraton Hall A, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186114 5:30 p.m. Committee Practice Area Meeting: Bankruptcy and InterContinental Toronto Centre Caledon, Main Level Section of Litigation 185788 Insolvency Litigation (open to all ABA Annual Meeting registrants) 5:30 p.m. Committee Practice Area Meeting: Business Torts Litigation InterContinental Toronto Centre Kingsway, Main Level Section of Litigation 185785 (open to all ABA Annual Meeting registrants) 5:30 p.m. Committee Practice Area Meeting: Commercial and Business InterContinental Toronto Centre Ontario, Lower Level Section of Litigation 185789 Litigation (open to all ABA Annual Meeting registrants) 5:30 p.m. Committee Practice Area Meeting: Corporate Counsel (open InterContinental Toronto Centre Conquest, Main Level Section of Litigation 185786 to all ABA Annual Meeting registrants) 5:30 p.m. Committee Practice Area Meeting: Employment and Labor InterContinental Toronto Centre Humber, Main Level Section of Litigation 185787 Relations Law (open to all ABA Annual Meeting registrants) 5:30 p.m. Committee Practice Area Meeting: Insurance Coverage InterContinental Toronto Centre Haliburton, Main Level Section of Litigation 185793 Litigation (open to all ABA Annual Meeting registrants) 5:30 p.m. Committee Practice Area Meeting: Intellectual Property InterContinental Toronto Centre Grenadier, Main Level Section of Litigation 185790 Litigation (open to all ABA Annual Meeting registrants) 5:30 p.m. Committee Practice Area Meeting: Products Liability (open to InterContinental Toronto Centre Halton, Main Level Section of Litigation 185794 all ABA Annual Meeting registrants) 5:30 p.m. Committee Practice Area Meeting: The Woman Advocate InterContinental Toronto Centre Simcoe, Lower Level Section of Litigation 185792 (open to all ABA Annual Meeting registrants) 5:30 p.m. Committee Practice Area Meeting: Trial Practice (open to all InterContinental Toronto Centre Niagara, Lower Level Section of Litigation 185791 ABA Annual Meeting registrants) Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

thursday, August 4 (Continued)

5:30 p.m. Committee Practice Area Meetings InterContinental Toronto Centre Ballroom A, Lower Level Section of Litigation 185784 5:30 p.m. Networking Reception (RSVP Event) Law Firm 5300 Commerce Court West, 199 Bay Section of State and Local Government Law 185581 Street 6:00 p.m. Southern Conference of Bar Presidents "Reception" Fairmont Royal York Ontario, Convention Floor Kentucky Bar Association 186803 6:00 p.m. Welcome Reception (Ticketed) Hilton Toronto Toronto Ballroom I, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185321 6:30 p.m. Alumni and Friends Reception Fairmont Royal York Salon 2, 19th Floor American University Washington College of Law 186764 6:30 p.m. Division Reception and Dinner and Presentation of the John InterContinental Toronto Yorkville Willard, 2nd Floor Senior Lawyers Division 186341 H. Pickering Award 6:30 p.m. Welcome & Outreach Reception CN Tower Horizons Room, 301 Front Street West Section of Litigation 185795 6:30 p.m. YLD Council Dinner Brassaii Restaurant and Lounge 461 King Street West Young Lawyers Division 187244 7:00 p.m. First Time Attendee Reception Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre Suite of David Wolfe Young Lawyers Division 186059 7:00 p.m. Hockey Hall of Fame Reception Hockey Hall of Fame 30 Yonge Street Section of Science & Technology Law 187317 7:00 p.m. Joint Reception with Family Law, GP Solo, LPM, SciTech and Hockey Hall of Fame 30 Yonge Street Section of Family Law 186283 TIPS 7:00 p.m. Joint Reception with Family Law, GPSolo, LPM, SciTech and Hockey Hall of Fame 30 Yonge Street General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 187169 TIPS 7:00 p.m. Joint Reception with Family Law, GPSolo, LPM, SciTech and Hockey Hall of Fame 30 Yonge Street Law Practice Management Section 187323 TIPS 7:00 p.m. Joint Welcome Reception with Family Law, GPSolo, LPM, Hockey Hall of Fame 30 Yonge Street Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186153 SciTech and TIPS 8:00 p.m. Evening Hospitality Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Windows West, 32nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185250 8:30 p.m. YLD Welcome Reception Brassaii Restaurant and Lounge 461 King Street West Young Lawyers Division 187245 10:00 p.m. TIPS Section Hospitality Suite Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Suite of Ginger Busby Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186155

Friday, August 5

6:45 a.m. NABE/NCBP/NCBF Registration Fairmont Royal York Canadian Foyer, Convention Floor National Conference of Bar Presidents 186606 7:00 a.m. Council Meeting Hilton Toronto Toronto Ballroom I, Convention Floor Section of Science & Technology Law 185380 7:00 a.m. Division Information Center Fairmont Royal York Jasper, 1st Floor General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 186229 7:00 a.m. Section Information Center Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Rosedale, 1st Floor Section of Labor and Employment Law 186514 7:00 a.m. Section Office Hilton Toronto Richmond, 3rd Floor Section of Science & Technology Law 185379 7:00 a.m. Section Office Delta Chelsea Baker, 2nd Floor Section of State and Local Government Law 185576 7:00 a.m. TIPS Information/Ticket Sales Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Civic Foyer, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186127 7:00 a.m. TIPS Section Hospitality Center Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Simcoe/Dufferin, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186157 7:30 a.m. Animal Law Committee Business Meeting MTCC, South Building Room 714B, 700 Level Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186169 227

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Friday, August 5 (Continued)

7:30 a.m. Appellate Advocacy Committee Business Meeting MTCC, South Building Room 714A, 700 Level Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186171 7:30 a.m. Council Meeting (Executive and Open Session) LeMeridien King Edward Windsor Ballroom C, Lower Level Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 186454 7:30 a.m. Employee Law and Litigation Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Civic Ballroom South, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 187336 7:30 a.m. Executive Breakfast Meeting InterContinental Toronto Yorkville Barclay 2, 2nd Floor Senior Lawyers Division 187540 7:30 a.m. Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Civic Ballroom North, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186172 7:30 a.m. Lawyers Conference Executive Committee Hilton Toronto Varley, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185323 7:30 a.m. LPM Central LeMeridien King Edward Palm Court Foyer, 2nd Floor Law Practice Management Section 185658 7:30 a.m. LPM Staff Office LeMeridien King Edward Hampstead, 2nd Floor Law Practice Management Section 185660 7:30 a.m. LSD Board Briefing Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room H, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186117 7:30 a.m. Medicine Law Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Cosmopolitan, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186201 7:30 a.m. National Conference of Federal Trial Judges Executive Hilton Toronto Casson, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185335 Committee 7:30 a.m. National Conference of Specialized Court Judges Executive Hilton Toronto Harris, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185329 Committee 7:30 a.m. National Conference of the Administrative Law Judiciary Hilton Toronto Tom Thomson, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185324 Executive Committee 7:30 a.m. Open AA Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon 5, 19th Floor Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs 186295 7:30 a.m. Publications Oversight Board Delta Chelsea Seymour Room, 2nd Floor Section of State and Local Government Law 185827 7:30 a.m. Section Office Fairmont Royal York Boardroom, Main Mezzanine Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 186066 7:30 a.m. Staff Counsel Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Kent, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186419 7:30 a.m. Staff Office Hilton Toronto Coat Check, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185315 7:45 a.m. Breakfast and Welcome Fairmont Royal York Canadian, Convention Floor National Conference of Bar Presidents 186650 7:45 a.m. IOLTA Workshops and Registration Delta Chelsea Churchill Ballroom A, 2nd Floor Commission on Interest on Lawyers' Trust Accounts 185882 8:00 a.m. ABA Registration MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level American Bar Association 186312 8:00 a.m. ABF Registration MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level American Bar Foundation 185596 8:00 a.m. ABF Staff Office MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level American Bar Foundation 185599 8:00 a.m. Bankruptcy Court Structure and Insolvency Process The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 2, Lower Level Business Law Section 187431 8:00 a.m. Committee Meeting Delta Chelsea Mountbatten Salon A, 2nd Floor Commission on Ethics 20/20 185942 8:00 a.m. Committee Meeting Delta Chelsea Austen Room, 3rd Floor Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional 185939 Responsibility 8:00 a.m. Communications, Awards and Membership Committee Hyatt Regency Toronto Studio F, Conference Level Criminal Justice Section 185985 Meeting 8:00 a.m. Corporate Governance The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 7/8, Convention Level Business Law Section 187496 8:00 a.m. Council and Annual Business Meeting InterContinental Toronto Centre Ballroom B, Lower Level Section of Litigation 185777 Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

friday, August 5 (Continued)

8:00 a.m. Crisis Management Tales from In-House Counsel: How The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon B, Convention Business Law Section M 187269 to React, Plan and Survive a Crisis (and the Legal Ethical Level Quandries) 8:00 a.m. Delegate Certification MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level Young Lawyers Division 187229 8:00 a.m. Education Service Group Meeting Hilton Toronto Johnston, Convention Floor Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources 186216 8:00 a.m. Emerging Issues Committee Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Spring Song, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186175 8:00 a.m. Executive Committee Breakfast Meeting (Executive Session) Fairmont Royal York Confederation 3, Main Mezzanine Section Officers Conference 186435 8:00 a.m. Financial Committee Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Ice Palace, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186176 8:00 a.m. Group Breakfast LeMeridien King Edward Pall Mall/Palm Court, 2nd Floor Law Practice Management Section 185661 8:00 a.m. Hospitality Room Fairmont Royal York Library, Main Mezzanine Section of Family Law 185956 8:00 a.m. Hospitality Suite MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level Section of International Law 186379 8:00 a.m. Investments in the BRIC and Mexico: Selected Issues The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon C, Convention Business Law Section M 187271 Level 8:00 a.m. IP Central Hospitality Hub with Cyber Cafe Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Print Room, 2nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185252 8:00 a.m. Law in Public Service Committee Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Gingersnap, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186174 8:00 a.m. Leadership Academy Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Wentworth, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186177 8:00 a.m. Litigation Information Desk MTCC, South Building Room 718 Foyer, 700 Level Section of Litigation 185798 8:00 a.m. Meeting Hilton Toronto Jackson, Convention Floor Standing Committee on Judicial Independence 185359 8:00 a.m. Military Law Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Toronto, Convention Floor General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 186233 8:00 a.m. Nominating Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon 6, 19th Floor National Conference of Bar Presidents 187544 8:00 a.m. Privacy and Anti-Money Laundering: An Oxymoron? The Westin Harbour Castle Queen's Quay I/II, Conference Centre, Business Law Section M 187270 Street Level 8:00 a.m. Registration Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Convention Registration, Concourse Level Law Student Division 186118 8:00 a.m. Section Office Hyatt Regency Toronto Studio D, Conference Level Criminal Justice Section 185853 8:00 a.m. Section Office LeMeridien King Edward Belgravia, 2nd Floor Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 186455 8:00 a.m. Section Office Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Peel, Mezzanine Section of Public Contract Law 185488 8:00 a.m. What Law Governs in a Global Secured Transaction: Where The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon A, Convention Business Law Section M 187268 You Got Collateral in Spades: Ever Thought about What Law Level will Govern the Enforceabi 8:30 a.m. Access Across America: First Report of the Civil Justice MTCC, South Building Room 801B, 800 Level American Bar Foundation MC 185601 Infrastructure Mapping Project 8:30 a.m. Annual Review Board Meeting Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Windows West, 32nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185265 8:30 a.m. Board of Directors Meeting Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville High Park II/III, 1st Floor American Lawyers Auxiliary 186756 8:30 a.m. Candidates Waiting Room Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Sheraton Hall A, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186122 8:30 a.m. Commission Business Meeting InterContinental Toronto Centre Kingsway, Main Level Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Profession 186899 229

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friday, August 5 (Continued)

8:30 a.m. Culture Shock! Pitfalls for U.S. Businesses Leasing or Buying MTCC, South Building Room 715A, 700 Level Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law MC 187057 Real Property in Canada 8:30 a.m. eAttorney, MiAttorney: How Technology Has Changed MTCC, South Building Room 716B, 700 Level Standing Committee on Technology and Information 185769 Communication and Collaboration With Clients Systems MEC 8:30 a.m. Election Polls (Vice Chair-SBA Election) Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Grand Ballroom Foyer, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186121 8:30 a.m. Expert Life After Changes to Rule 26: Should Experts Be MTCC, South Building Room 718B, 700 Level Section of Litigation MEC 185807 Required to Comply with ABA Ethical Standards for Experts? 8:30 a.m. Health Care Reform: A Comparative Look at Access and MTCC, South Building Room 801A, 800 Level Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory 185902 Quality Issues Practice MC 8:30 a.m. Hot Topics in Animal Law MTCC, South Building Room 714B, 700 Level Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section MC 186190 8:30 a.m. Hot Topics in Environmental Law MTCC, South Building Room 715B, 700 Level Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law MC 185207 8:30 a.m. International Patent Litigation Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Regency Ballroom Centre, 2nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law M 185264 8:30 a.m. Is FCPA Enforcement Overly Aggressive? MTCC, South Building Room 717B, 700 Level Criminal Justice Section MC 187324 8:30 a.m. Justice for All: A Comparison of the Crime Victims' Rights in MTCC, South Building Room 703, 700 Level Criminal Justice Section MC 185869 the U.S. and Canada 8:30 a.m. Juvenile and Family Drug Courts: A Non-Traditional Model MTCC, South Building Room 706, 700 Level Standing Committee on Substance Abuse MC 187152 of Providing Access to Services 8:30 a.m. Lawyering For Homeless Youth Throughout The Globe: Best Hyatt Regency Toronto King Ballroom II, Convention Level Commission on Homelessness and Poverty M 186020 Practices in Representation and Emerging Model Laws 8:30 a.m. Long-Range Planning Committee Meeting InterContinental Toronto Yorkville Barclay 1, 2nd Floor Senior Lawyers Division 186344 8:30 a.m. Meet Me at the Border: Issues of Interface with Canadian MTCC, South Building Room 810, 800 Level Standing Committee on the Law Library of Congress MC 186004 and U.S. Law and Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector 8:30 a.m. National Conference of State Trial Judges Delegate Assembly Hilton Toronto Toronto Ballroom II, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185332 8:30 a.m. Our Highest Courts: A Comparison of the Canadian and MTCC, South Building Room 716A, 700 Level Section of Litigation MC 185810 U.S. Supreme Courts 8:30 a.m. Practice Information You Can Bank On: Update on Trust MTCC, South Building Room 717A, 700 Level Standing Committee on Client Protection MEC 185826 Account Regulation 8:30 a.m. Psychology & the Computer: Their Effective Use in Mediation MTCC, South Building Room 713B, 700 Level Section of Dispute Resolution MC 186288 of Complex Cases 8:30 a.m. Retreat for New and Current Members Ritz-Carlton Toronto Gallery Room, 4th Floor Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary 187094 8:30 a.m. SBA Conference / Election of Vice Chair-SBA Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Grand Ballroom East, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186120 8:30 a.m. Secrets, Lawsuits and Mediation: US and Canadian MTCC, South Building Room 704, 700 Level Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice MC 187231 Alternatives to FOIA Litigation 8:30 a.m. Section Council Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Dominion Ballroom North Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186390 8:30 a.m. Shattering the Legal Glass Ceiling: The Myths and Realities MTCC, South Building Room 718A, 700 Level Section of Litigation MC 185801 of Law-Firm Compensation Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

friday, August 5 (Continued)

8:30 a.m. Solo Day: 90 Tips in 90 Minutes MTCC, South Building Room 711, 700 Level General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division MC 186236 8:30 a.m. Take the High Road: Mastering Top Ethical Challenges Facing MTCC, South Building Room 713A, 700 Level Section of Dispute Resolution MEC 187170 ADR Advocates and Neutrals 8:30 a.m. The Intersection of Arbitration and the Appellate System MTCC, South Building Room 714A, 700 Level Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section MC 186198 8:30 a.m. The Once and Future Firm: Facts v. Fiction MTCC, South Building Room 803A, 800 Level Law Practice Management Section MC 185662 8:30 a.m. The Postville Raids and Agri-Processors Case: Internal MTCC, South Building Room 705, 700 Level Criminal Justice Section MC 185868 Investigations, Criminal Prosecutions, and Immigration Consequences for Corporations 8:30 a.m. Turning Good Intentions into Good Actions - Examining and MTCC, South Building Room 707, 700 Level General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division MEC 186237 Eliminating Bias 8:30 a.m. Twenty-Five Years and Counting: A Look at Justice Scalia's MTCC, South Building Room 809, 800 Level Judicial Division MC 185338 Tenure on the Supreme Court 8:30 a.m. Urban Lawyer Advisory Board Meeting Delta Chelsea Stevenson Room, 2nd Floor Section of State and Local Government Law 185582 8:30 a.m. When is Private Use Privileged? Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Regency Ballroom East, 2nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law M 185255 8:30 a.m. Women's Bar Leader Summit: Strength Across Borders The Law Society of Upper 130 Queen Street West National Conference of Women's Bar Associations 186814 Canada 8:45 a.m. Ensuring Real "Win-Win" Cross-Border Mergers and Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Forest Hill Ballroom, 1st Floor Section of Labor and Employment Law M 186038 Acquisitions 8:45 a.m. Plenary Session Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre Grand Ballroom, Lower Level Young Lawyers Division 187230 9:00 a.m. ABA Women Rainmakers Committee LeMeridien King Edward Knightsbridge, 2nd Floor Law Practice Management Section 185666 9:00 a.m. Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York New Brunswick, Main Mezzanine Standing Committee on Continuing Education 187153 9:00 a.m. Council Meeting Fairmont Royal York Alberta, Main Mezzanine Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 186070 9:00 a.m. Council Orientation The Westin Harbour Castle Marine, Main Lobby Business Law Section 187346 9:00 a.m. Diversity Committee LeMeridien King Edward Hyde Park, 2nd Floor Law Practice Management Section 185663 9:00 a.m. Division Office InterContinental Toronto Yorkville Britannia, 2nd Floor Senior Lawyers Division 186339 9:00 a.m. Executive Committee Hyatt Regency Toronto Executive Boardroom, Convention Level Criminal Justice Section 185856 9:00 a.m. Government Affairs Practice The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 5, Lower Level Business Law Section 187530 9:00 a.m. International Labor and Employment Law Committee Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville High Park I, 1st Floor Section of Labor and Employment Law 186047 Meeting 9:00 a.m. Joint Meeting of NCBP/NABE/NCBF - Plenary Session: How Fairmont Royal York Canadian, Convention Floor National Conference of Bar Presidents 186651 the Public Finds Lawyers and Roundtable Discussions 9:00 a.m. Liaison Orientation Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel York, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186123 9:00 a.m. Meeting Fairmont Royal York Concert Hall, Convention Floor ABA Board of Governors 185628 9:00 a.m. Members Meeting InterContinental Toronto Centre Grenadier, Main Level Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Profession 187541 9:00 a.m. Membership Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Quebec, Main Mezzanine Section Officers Conference 186436 231

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friday, August 5 (Continued)

9:00 a.m. Perspectives Newsletter Editorial Board Meeting InterContinental Toronto Centre Haliburton, Main Level Commission on Women in the Profession 185172 9:00 a.m. Section Business Meeting and Council Meeting Fairmont Royal York Imperial Room, Main Floor Section of Family Law 185962 9:00 a.m. Section Staff Office/Open Meeting Room Park Hyatt Toronto Hazelton, Upper Level Section of Antitrust Law 186474 9:00 a.m. Securities Arbitration The Westin Harbour Castle Bay Room, Conference Centre, Street Business Law Section 187447 Level 9:00 a.m. Sharon Corbitt Award Reception InterContinental Toronto Yorkville Portman, 2nd Floor Commission on Domestic Violence 186582 9:00 a.m. Strategy & Planning Committee LeMeridien King Edward Chelsea, 2nd Floor Law Practice Management Section 185664 9:00 a.m. Webzine Board LeMeridien King Edward Kensington, 2nd Floor Law Practice Management Section 185665 9:15 a.m. Estate Planning Committee Meeting InterContinental Toronto Yorkville Barclay 2, 2nd Floor Senior Lawyers Division 186345 9:15 a.m. Judiciary Committee Meeting InterContinental Toronto Yorkville Barclay 1, 2nd Floor Senior Lawyers Division 186346 9:30 a.m. Cloud Computing Meeting Hilton Toronto Adelaide, 3rd Floor Section of Science & Technology Law 187290 9:30 a.m. Council Meeting Delta Chelsea Churchill Ballroom B, 2nd Floor Section of State and Local Government Law 185583 9:30 a.m. Membership/YLS Board Meeting Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Windows South, 32nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185270 9:45 a.m. Covenants not to Compete-North American International Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre York B, Lower Level Young Lawyers Division M 186321 Employee Mobility Issues 9:45 a.m. The Latest Techniques and Skills in Cross-Examination Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre York A, Lower Level Young Lawyers Division M 186320 10:00 a.m. Book Board Hyatt Regency Toronto Studio F, Conference Level Criminal Justice Section 185909 10:00 a.m. Business Meeting InterContinental Toronto Centre Halton, Main Level Standing Committee on Medical Professional Liability 186859 10:00 a.m. Lifestyles & Leisure Committee Meeting InterContinental Toronto Yorkville Barclay 1, 2nd Floor Senior Lawyers Division 186347 10:00 a.m. Syndications and Lender Relations The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 3, Lower Level Business Law Section 187466 10:30 a.m. "Wanna Keep A Secret, Eh?": Enforcing Restrictive Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Forest Hill Ballroom, 1st Floor Section of Labor and Employment Law M 186040 Covenants in Canada and the United States 10:30 a.m. A Closer Look at Recent Changes in Canadian and U.S. Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Tudor/Stuart, 3rd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law M 185267 Oppositions Practice 10:30 a.m. ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: MTCC, South Building Room 701A, 700 Level Section of Litigation MC 185802 "Implicit Bias" and the Myth of Equal Justice 10:30 a.m. ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: MTCC, South Building Room 701B, 700 Level Section of International Law MC 186386 9/11—A Decade Later, and A World Apart 10:30 a.m. Aircraft Financing (Session 1) The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 5, Convention Level Business Law Section 187453 10:30 a.m. Books Board Meeting Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Windsor/Sussex, 2nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185271 10:30 a.m. Corporate Compliance The Westin Harbour Castle Yonge, Conference Centre, Street Level Business Law Section 187483 10:30 a.m. Defending the Pill: Lessons from Airgas The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon B, Convention Business Law Section M 187273 Level 10:30 a.m. Electronic Transactions and Payments, Joint Meeting The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom East, Business Law Section 187352 Conference Centre, 2nd Level Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

friday, August 5 (Continued)

10:30 a.m. Global Transfer of Business Data: Regulation of Privacy and The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom West, Business Law Section M 187277 Beyond Conference Centre, 2nd Level 10:30 a.m. If You Were In My Shoes: Corporate Social Responsibility The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 2/3, Convention Level Business Law Section M 187276 and Community Rights 10:30 a.m. Is the World Ready for a New Form of IP Protection? Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Lancaster, 3rd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law M 185269 10:30 a.m. Law Student Outreach Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Prince Edward Island, Main Mezzanine Section Officers Conference 186438 10:30 a.m. Model Pipeline Diversity Programming - A Roundtable Delta Chelsea Seymour Room, 2nd Floor Council for Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Educational 186032 Pipeline 10:30 a.m. On a Clear Day You Can Trade Forever: Well, Not Exactly, The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon A, Convention Business Law Section M 187272 but Intra- and Inter- nation Clearance and Settlement Level Organizations for Securities 10:30 a.m. Q&A Session (Room 1) Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room B, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186128 10:30 a.m. Q&A Session (Room 2) Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room C, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186131 10:30 a.m. Q&A Session (Room 3) Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room D, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186132 10:30 a.m. Q&A Session (Room 4) Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room E, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186133 10:30 a.m. Q&A Session (Room 5) Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room F, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186134 10:30 a.m. Q&A Session (Room 6) Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room G, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186135 10:30 a.m. Q&A Sessions with the Candidates for Division Delegate Conference Room G, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186188 10:30 a.m. Task Force on Federal Involvement in Insurance Regulation Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Kent, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186191 Modernization Meeting 10:30 a.m. The Business of Healthcare: The Development of State Based The Westin Harbour Castle Queen's Quay I/II, Conference Centre, Business Law Section M 187274 Health Care Exchanges Street Level 10:30 a.m. The Demise of Junk Science in the Calculation of Reasonable Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Kent, 3rd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law M 185268 Royalties 10:30 a.m. The Global Response to the Financial Crisis: the Canadian, The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon C, Convention Business Law Section M 187275 U.K. and U.S. Perspective Level 10:50 a.m. Sponsor Networking Break Fairmont Royal York Ballroom, Convention Floor National Conference of Bar Presidents 186652 11:00 a.m. Administrative Committee Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Cosmopolitan, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186192 11:00 a.m. Diversity Outreach Committee Meeting Delta Chelsea Stevenson Room, 2nd Floor Section of State and Local Government Law 185584 11:00 a.m. Energy Business The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 5, Lower Level Business Law Section 187514 11:00 a.m. Ethical Considerations and Boundaries in Conducting Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre York B, Lower Level Young Lawyers Division ME 186323 Effective Business Development & Marketing 11:00 a.m. Experience and Voice of Experience Meeting InterContinental Toronto Yorkville Barclay 2, 2nd Floor Senior Lawyers Division 186343 11:00 a.m. History Committee Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Spring Song, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186193 233

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Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

friday, August 5 (Continued)

11:00 a.m. Maritime Financing The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 3, Lower Level Business Law Section 187464 11:00 a.m. Navigating Issues in Same-Sex Marriages, Civil Unions & Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre York A, Lower Level Young Lawyers Division M 186322 Domestic Partnerships 11:00 a.m. Officers and Council Meeting Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Norfolk/Cornwall, 2nd Floor Section of Taxation 186443 11:00 a.m. Shareholder and Investor Relations The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 9, Convention Level Business Law Section 187494 11:25 a.m. Joint Workshop 1A - Regulation and Delivery of Legal Fairmont Royal York Ontario, Convention Floor National Conference of Bar Presidents 186654 Services in the Modern Borderless Marketplace, or "Guess Who's Coming to Practice?" 11:25 a.m. Joint Workshop 2A - The World Justice Project and the Rule Fairmont Royal York Territories, Main Mezzanine National Conference of Bar Presidents 186655 of Law 11:25 a.m. Joint Workshop 3A - Bar Leadership and Indigent Defense: Fairmont Royal York Tudor 7/8, Main Mezzanine National Conference of Bar Presidents 186656 Why Your Bar Should Be Involved 11:25 a.m. Joint Workshop 4A - Supporting the Solo: What Fairmont Royal York Confederation 5/6, Main Mezzanine Metropolitan Bar Caucus 186657 Metropolitan Bar Associations Can Do to Serve their Solo Practitioners 11:25 a.m. Joint Workshop 5A - Corporate Social Responsibility, A Fairmont Royal York Salon A, Convention Floor National Conference of Bar Foundations 186658 Strategy For Bar Whose Time Has Come 11:30 a.m. 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 General Committee Boards Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Civic Ballroom South, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186194 Joint Meeting 11:30 a.m. Educational Programming The Westin Harbour Castle Bay Room, Conference Centre, Street Business Law Section 187512 Level 11:30 a.m. Professional Development Program: Defining and Creating Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Regency Ballroom West, 2nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185272 Your Leadership Plan 11:30 a.m. Swearing In Ceremony for the US Court of Appeals for the Fairmont Royal York Nova Scotia, Main Mezzanine General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 186234 Armed Forces 11:45 a.m. Annual Business Meeting Hilton Toronto Toronto Ballroom I, Convention Floor Section of Science & Technology Law 185381 12:00 Noon ABA/TIPS Committee Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Cosmopolitan, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186195 12:00 Noon Annual Awards Luncheon Fairmont Royal York Library, Main Mezzanine Section of Family Law 185963 12:00 Noon Annual Section Luncheon Hilton Toronto Osgoode, 3rd Floor Section of Science & Technology Law 185382 12:00 Noon Board Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon 3, 19th Floor National LGBT Bar Association 186610 12:00 Noon Committee Chairs Luncheon Hyatt Regency Toronto Regency Ballroom D, Convention Level Criminal Justice Section 185858 12:00 Noon Committee Meeting Delta Chelsea Mountbatten Salon B, 2nd Floor Coordinating Council for the Center for Professional 185944 Responsibility 12:00 Noon Council Meeting and Luncheon LeMeridien King Edward Sovereign, Lobby Level Law Practice Management Section 185667 12:00 Noon Deposition Workshop Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Windsor East/West, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186143 Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

friday, August 5 (Continued)

12:00 Noon Facilitating Diversity: Similar Countries, Different Law Firm Toronto-Dominion Centre, 77 King Street Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the 187563 Experiences; How Historical Context Informs How We West, Suite 400 Profession M Address Diversity Today in the U.S. 12:00 Noon Graduation Luncheon Fairmont Royal York Upper Canada, 18th Floor ABA Board of Governors 185630 12:00 Noon HIV Testing MTCC, South Building Room 712, 700 Level ABA AIDS Coordinating Committee 187565 12:00 Noon Jefferson B. Fordham Award Luncheon Delta Chelsea Brasserie Restaurant Section of State and Local Government Law 185586 12:00 Noon Keithe E. Nelson Memorial Military Law Luncheon Fairmont Royal York Salon B, Convention Floor General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 186235 12:00 Noon Leadership Award Luncheon Fairmont Royal York British Columbia, Main Mezzanine Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 186071 12:00 Noon LSD Board Briefing Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room H, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186147 12:00 Noon NCWBA Awards Luncheon The Law Society of Upper 130 Queen Street West National Conference of Women's Bar Associations 186815 Canada 12:00 Noon Public Interest Careers for Lawyers: From Advocacy to Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Sheraton Hall E, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186144 Representation, to Policy Development and Beyond 12:00 Noon Snergy Group The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 9, Lower Level Business Law Section 187347 12:15 p.m. Question Time with Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, Keynote InterContinental Toronto Centre Ballroom A/B, Lower Level Section of Litigation 185804 Speaker at the International Human Rights Award and Passing of the Gavel Luncheon 12:25 p.m. NCBP/NABE/NCBF Joint Awards Luncheon Fairmont Royal York Canadian, Convention Floor National Conference of Bar Presidents 186665 12:30 p.m. Committees Networking Buffet Luncheon Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Regency Ballroom West, 2nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185278 12:30 p.m. Fellows State Chair Luncheon Fairmont Royal York Salon 1, 19th Floor American Bar Foundation 185602 12:30 p.m. Magazine Board Meeting Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Windows West, 32nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185273 1:00 p.m. Angel Venture Capital The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 2, Lower Level Business Law Section 187341 1:00 p.m. Business Meeting InterContinental Toronto Centre Halton, Main Level Standing Committee on Gun Violence 186860 1:00 p.m. CLE Board Committee Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Ice Palace, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186196 1:00 p.m. Commercial Finance and Uniform Commercial Code Joint The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon A, Convention Business Law Section 187353 Meeting Level 1:00 p.m. Council Committee on Committee Support and Structure The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 9, Convention Level Business Law Section 187467 1:00 p.m. CyberRogues and Web Pirates! New Frontiers of Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Regency Ballroom East, 2nd Floor Forum on Entertainment and Sports Industries M 186324 Counterfeits and Squatters in Film, Fashion & Music 1:00 p.m. Diversity and Mental Health Hyatt Regency Toronto King Ballroom II, Convention Level Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs M 186296 1:00 p.m. Election Polls (Division Delegate Election) Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Grand Ballroom Foyer, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186156 1:00 p.m. First Annual SCJI Forum on Judicial Independence: Hilton Toronto Tom Thomson, Convention Floor Standing Committee on Judicial Independence MC 185437 Challenges to Judicial Independence - Today and Tomorrow 1:00 p.m. International Developments in Corporate Governance The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 4, Convention Level Business Law Section 187491 235

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friday, August 5 (Continued)

1:00 p.m. Job Search? Government and Public Sector Resume Review Renaissance Toronto Downtown Northern Lights Ballroom, 2nd Floor Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division 184868 and Advice Hotel 1:00 p.m. Membership Committee Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Huron, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186197 1:00 p.m. Section Annual Meeting Fairmont Royal York British Columbia, Main Mezzanine Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 186072 1:00 p.m. Section Council Meeting Metropolitan Hotel Toronto/Victoria Ballroom, 2nd Floor Section of International Law 186377 1:00 p.m. Speaker Ready Room MTCC, South Building Room 710, 700 Level Section of Science & Technology Law 187125 1:00 p.m. Wisconsin and Beyond: The State of Public Sector Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Forest Hill Ballroom, 1st Floor Section of Labor and Employment Law M 186049 Bargaining in the United States 1:00 p.m. YLD Assembly Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre Grand Ballroom, Lower Level Young Lawyers Division 186308 1:30 p.m. ABA Representatives Training Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Grand Ballroom East, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186149 1:30 p.m. Court Technology Showcase: New Applications for You and Hilton Toronto Toronto Ballroom II, Convention Floor Judicial Division M 185339 Your Court 1:30 p.m. Executive Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York York, Main Mezzanine General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 186226 1:30 p.m. Lt. Governors Roundtables Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Grand Ballroom Centre, Lower Law Student Division 186151 Concourse 1:30 p.m. SBA Panel Discussion Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Grand Ballroom West, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186154 1:30 p.m. Supervision The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 7/8, Convention Level Business Law Section 187500 2:00 p.m. 2011 SCOTIS Annual Meeting Hyatt Regency Toronto Regency Ballroom B, Convention Level Standing Committee on Technology and Information Systems 186222 2:00 p.m. Aircraft Financing (Session 2) The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 5, Convention Level Business Law Section 187454 2:00 p.m. Allies, Influence, Power, and Politics in the Office MTCC, South Building Room 803A, 800 Level Law Practice Management Section MC 185668 2:00 p.m. Book Publishing Board Meeting Hilton Toronto Harris, Convention Floor Section of Science & Technology Law 185384 2:00 p.m. Business Law Committee Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Civic Ballroom North, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186914 2:00 p.m. Canada v. U.S. Mock Arbitration - Advocacy in International MTCC, South Building Room 713B, 700 Level Section of Dispute Resolution MC 186285 Arbitration: Different Cultural and Procedural Approaches 2:00 p.m. Changing Landscape of LGBT Rights: A Global Look MTCC, South Building Room 717A, 700 Level Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity MC 186519 2:00 p.m. Civil Immigration Detention: Myth or Reality? MTCC, South Building Room 706, 700 Level Commission on Immigration MC 186063 2:00 p.m. Cloud Computing Demystified!! Is It A Revolution or an MTCC, South Building Room 716B, 700 Level Section of Science & Technology Law MC 186855 Evolution?? 2:00 p.m. Collaborative Justice Makes Cent$: Cost-Effective MTCC, South Building Room 809, 800 Level Commission on Homelessness and Poverty MC 186021 Interdisciplinary Courts in Canada and the U.S. 2:00 p.m. Content Community Committee LeMeridien King Edward Hyde Park, 2nd Floor Law Practice Management Section 185669 2:00 p.m. Current Events and Emerging Issues The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 4, Convention Level Business Law Section 187489 2:00 p.m. Cutting Edge: The Current Legal and Business Issues Faced Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Regency Ballroom Centre, 2nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law M 185280 by High Tech Companies 2:00 p.m. Cyberspace Law The Westin Harbour Castle Marine, Main Lobby Business Law Section 187501 Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

friday, August 5 (Continued)

2:00 p.m. Data Privacy & HIPAA: What Every Lawyer Needs to Know MTCC, South Building Room 717B, 700 Level Health Law Section MC 186264 in the U.S. and Canada 2:00 p.m. Do-It-Yourself Historical Trial: Louis Riel Treason Trial - Traitor, MTCC, South Building Room 709, 700 Level General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division MC 186239 Patriot or Insane? 2:00 p.m. eLawyering Task Force LeMeridien King Edward Kensington, 2nd Floor Law Practice Management Section 185670 2:00 p.m. Families Do Matter MTCC, South Building Room 704, 700 Level Section of Family Law MC 186024 2:00 p.m. Fellows Officers Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon 4, 19th Floor American Bar Foundation 185603 2:00 p.m. Getting on the Rolls: A Comparative Look at Voter MTCC, South Building Room 705, 700 Level Standing Committee on Election Law MC 186016 Registration Models in Canada and the United States 2:00 p.m. Healthcare Reform and Medical Malpractice Law: How MTCC, South Building Room 801B, 800 Level Standing Committee on Medical Professional Liability MC 186878 Canada Balances Patient Rights, Physician Interests, and System Costs 2:00 p.m. Hospitality/Office Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Windows East, 32nd Floor Section of Public Utility, Communications and Transportation 185844 Law 2:00 p.m. Human Rights, Domestic and Sexual Violence: A Cross- University of Toronto, Faculty of Flavelle House, 78 Queen's Park Commission on Domestic Violence 186581 Border Perspective Law Crescent West 2:00 p.m. Improving Your Public Speaking Skills MTCC, South Building Room 715A, 700 Level Center for Continuing Legal Education MC 186943 2:00 p.m. International Government Investigations, SEC MTCC, South Building Room 703, 700 Level Criminal Justice Section MC 185870 Whistleblowers, and Private Follow-On Actions: Playing Chess on Multiple Boards 2:00 p.m. International Business Law The Westin Harbour Castle Regatta, Main Lobby Business Law Section 187339 2:00 p.m. IOLTA Commission Meeting Delta Chelsea Scott Room, 3rd Floor Commission on Interest on Lawyers' Trust Accounts 185892 2:00 p.m. Licensure the Impaired Professional: Effective Practice MTCC, South Building Room 714B, 700 Level Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section MC 186206 and Intervention Strategies for Attorneys and Healthcare Practitioners 2:00 p.m. Magazine Board LeMeridien King Edward Chelsea, 2nd Floor Law Practice Management Section 185671 2:00 p.m. Making Money Talk MTCC, South Building Room 713A, 700 Level Section of Dispute Resolution MC 186293 2:00 p.m. Plenary Session Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Norfolk/Cornwall, 2nd Floor Section of Taxation 187172 2:00 p.m. Program Committee Meeting Hilton Toronto Opus, 3rd Floor Section of Science & Technology Law 185383 2:00 p.m. Property Rights, Political Drama, and Smart Growth: The MTCC, South Building Room 715B, 700 Level Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law MC 185208 Challenge of Sustainable Development in 2011 2:00 p.m. Race to the Courthouse: Resolution and Litigation of MTCC, South Building Room 714A, 700 Level Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section MC 186199 Complex Cross-Border Insurance Coverage Disputes and Bad Faith Cases 2:00 p.m. Solo Day: Law Firm Marketing and Management MTCC, South Building Room 711, 700 Level General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division MC 186238 2:00 p.m. The Law and Politics of Health Care Reform MTCC, South Building Room 801A, 800 Level Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice MC 185903 237

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friday, August 5 (Continued)

2:00 p.m. The Omar Khadr Case: America's War on Terror MTCC, South Building Room 716A, 700 Level Section of Litigation MC 185808 2:00 p.m. The Restructuring of the Americas: How Insolvency Courts MTCC, South Building Room 718A, 700 Level Section of Litigation MC 185800 in Canada, Mexico and the United States Are Reshaping Business 2:00 p.m. The Roberts Court: Three Women, Year Five, and More MTCC, South Building Room 718B, 700 Level Section of Litigation MC 185806 2:00 p.m. White-Collar Crime The Westin Harbour Castle Wellington, Conference Centre, Street Business Law Section 187354 Level 2:15 p.m. Substantive Committees Business Meetings Delta Chelsea Seymour Room, 2nd Floor Section of State and Local Government Law 185591 2:20 p.m. Joint Workshop 1B - Funding Courts Fairmont Royal York Ontario, Convention Floor National Conference of Bar Presidents 186660 2:20 p.m. Joint Workshop 2B - Comparative Challenges and Solutions Fairmont Royal York Territories, Main Mezzanine National Conference of Bar Presidents 186661 in Funding Civil Legal Services in the U.S. and Canada 2:20 p.m. Joint Workshop 3B - Quick Hits: How to Get and Keep Fairmont Royal York Tudor 7/8, Main Mezzanine National Conference of Bar Presidents 186662 Members Happy 2:20 p.m. Joint Workshop 4B - Learning from our Brethren Up North: Fairmont Royal York Confederation 5/6, Main Mezzanine Metropolitan Bar Caucus 186663 How Ontario's Local Bars Operate 2:20 p.m. Joint Workshop 5B - Ten Easy Ways to Involve Your Board in Fairmont Royal York Salon A, Convention Floor National Conference of Bar Foundations 186664 Gift Acquisition and Stewardship 2:30 p.m. Content Advisory Board Meeting Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Windows South, 32nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185281 2:30 p.m. Council Committee on Finance The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 9, Convention Level Business Law Section 187468 2:30 p.m. Council Meeting Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville High Park I/II/III, 1st Floor Section of Labor and Employment Law 186041 2:30 p.m. Discovery Issues in Transnational Litigation The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon B, Convention Business Law Section M 187281 Level 2:30 p.m. Insurance Regulation Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Kenora, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186200 2:30 p.m. Long Range Planning Subcommittee on Strategic Planning Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Civic Ballroom South, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186203 Meeting 2:30 p.m. Mergers, Investment Reviews, Competitor Collaborations The Westin Harbour Castle Queen's Quay I/II, Conference Centre, Business Law Section M 187279 and Distribution Practices in the US and Canada - What You Street Level Need to Know For Your Business 2:30 p.m. Obstruction of Justice and In-House Counsel: After the The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon C, Convention Business Law Section ME 187282 GlaxoSmithKline In-House Counsel Indictments, What Has Level Changed from an Ethical and Legal Perspective 2:30 p.m. Prosecution Function Committee Hyatt Regency Toronto Studio E, Conference Level Criminal Justice Section 185906 2:30 p.m. Regulatory Burdens on U.S.-Canada Trade: A Titan in Chairs The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 2/3, Convention Level Business Law Section M 187280 2:30 p.m. State and Local Bar Relations The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 9, Lower Level Business Law Section 187348 2:30 p.m. Stop! Border Crossing Ahead: Navigating Cross-Border DIP The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon A, Convention Business Law Section M 187278 Loans and Restructurings Level Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

friday, August 5 (Continued)

2:30 p.m. The CFTC and SEC Dodd-Frank Rulemaking for Derivatives: The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom West, Business Law Section M 187356 Compliance Issues for Businesses that Use Swaps and Conference Centre, 2nd Level Securities-Based Swaps 2:30 p.m. Trial Techniques Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Wentworth, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186202 2:30 p.m. Victims Committee Meeting Hyatt Regency Toronto Studio F, Conference Level Criminal Justice Section 186189 3:00 p.m. Corporate Governance Roundtable The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 4, Convention Level Business Law Section 187488 3:00 p.m. CPR Policy Implementation Committee Delta Chelsea Mountbatten Salon B, 2nd Floor Center for Professional Responsibility 185943 3:00 p.m. Intellectual Property and the Film and Television Industries Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Regency Ballroom East, 2nd Floor Forum on Entertainment and Sports Industries M 186336 3:00 p.m. Judges Advisory Committee Delta Chelsea Newton, 3rd Floor Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional 185945 Responsibility 3:00 p.m. Jury Commission Meeting Hilton Toronto Adelaide, 3rd Floor Commission on the American Jury 185345 3:00 p.m. Justice is the Business of Government Hilton Toronto Varley, Convention Floor Standing Committee on Judicial Independence 185725 3:00 p.m. Meeting of Subcommittee Chairs, Directors and Liaisons The Westin Harbour Castle Bay Room, Conference Centre, Street Business Law Section 187338 Level 3:00 p.m. Private Equity and Venture Capital The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 2, Lower Level Business Law Section 187342 3:00 p.m. Reentry & Collateral Consequences Committee Hyatt Regency Toronto Studio A, Conference Level Criminal Justice Section 185905 3:00 p.m. Scholarship Fund Board Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Spring Song, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186204 3:00 p.m. Speaker Ready Room MTCC, South Building Room 710, 700 Level Section of Science & Technology Law 187261 3:15 p.m. CoLAP Regional Program Hyatt Regency Toronto King Ballroom I, Convention Level Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs 186297 3:15 p.m. CSI Toronto: The Role of the Court in an Age of Developing Hilton Toronto Toronto Ballroom II, Convention Floor Judicial Division M 185340 Science & Technology 3:15 p.m. Land Use Committee Meeting Delta Chelsea Stevenson Room, 2nd Floor Section of State and Local Government Law 185588 3:30 p.m. ABA Women Rainmakers Reception MTCC, South Building Room 802A, 800 Level Law Practice Management Section 186981 3:30 p.m. Committee Meeting 1 Hilton Toronto Osgoode East, 3rd Floor Section of Science & Technology Law 185387 3:30 p.m. Committee Meeting 2 Hilton Toronto MacDonald, Convention Floor Section of Science & Technology Law 185388 3:30 p.m. Committee Meeting 3 Hilton Toronto Osgoode West, 3rd Floor Section of Science & Technology Law 185389 3:30 p.m. Deans Panel Discussion: Communication with Administration Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Sheraton Hall A, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186159 3:30 p.m. Determining the Age of Majority Hyatt Regency Toronto Regency Ballroom A, Convention Level Criminal Justice Section 185861 3:30 p.m. Fellows Research Advisory Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon 2, 19th Floor American Bar Foundation 185604 3:30 p.m. Forum on Racial and Ethnic Diversity Fairmont Royal York Quebec, Main Mezzanine National Conference of Bar Presidents 186666 3:30 p.m. Plenary and Business Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon B, Convention Floor Metropolitan Bar Caucus 186677 3:30 p.m. Roundtable Discussions Fairmont Royal York Salon A, Convention Floor National Conference of Bar Foundations 186673 3:30 p.m. Task Force on Law Practice Management Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Ice Palace, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186205 3:30 p.m. Task Force on Life Science The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 6, Lower Level Business Law Section 187349 239

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friday, August 5 (Continued)

3:30 p.m. The Extra-Territorial Enforcement of U.S. Securities Laws Hyatt Regency Toronto Regency Ballroom C, Convention Level Criminal Justice Section 185860 3:30 p.m. The Road to Independence: Women's Journeys to Starting InterContinental Toronto Centre Caledon, Main Level Commission on Women in the Profession 185169 Their Own Law Firms 3:45 p.m. Annual Survey of Supreme Court Decisions MTCC, South Building Room 703, 700 Level Criminal Justice Section MC 185871 3:45 p.m. Chemical Regulation in Canada—Lessons for U.S. Reforms MTCC, South Building Room 801A, 800 Level Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice MC 185904 3:45 p.m. Child Trafficking Law, Policy and Practice Reform: U.S. InterContinental Toronto Centre Niagara, Lower Level Commission on Youth at Risk M 187126 -Canadian Perspective 3:45 p.m. Class and Mass Actions Are Back in Vogue: New Strategies MTCC, South Building Room 714A, 700 Level Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section MC 186207 You Need to Know for Handling High-Stakes Litigation 3:45 p.m. Cross Border Ethics, or Just Crossed Ethics: Traps for the MTCC, South Building Room 715B, 700 Level Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law MC 185206 Unwary in the Canadian and U.S. Ethics Rules for Lawyers 3:45 p.m. Debunking the Myth of the Post Racial Society MTCC, South Building Room 803B, 800 Level Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities MC 186075 3:45 p.m. Hot Topics in Internet Law and Strategy MTCC, South Building Room 716B, 700 Level Section of Science & Technology Law MC 185390 3:45 p.m. How Arbitrators Think and What You and They Can Do MTCC, South Building Room 713B, 700 Level Section of Dispute Resolution MC 186291 About It: A Journey Into the Minds of Arbitrators 3:45 p.m. International Discovery: Around the World in 90 Minutes MTCC, South Building Room 718B, 700 Level Section of Litigation MC 185809 3:45 p.m. Multi-Jurisdictional, Cross-Border, and International Class MTCC, South Building Room 718A, 700 Level Section of Litigation MC 185799 Actions: Where Are We Heading? 3:45 p.m. New Hybrid Approaches to Transactions, Dispute Prevention MTCC, South Building Room 713A, 700 Level Section of Dispute Resolution MEC 186286 & Resolution: Shaping ADR Processes to Fit the Problem and People in Deals and Dis 3:45 p.m. Security versus Liberty - Comparative Approaches to MTCC, South Building Room 707, 700 Level Standing Committee on Law and National Security MC 186307 National Security 3:45 p.m. Successful Lawyers Manage Stress MTCC, South Building Room 714B, 700 Level Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section MC 186915 4:00 p.m. Five Bars and Friends Fairmont Royal York Alberta, Main Mezzanine Ohio State Bar Association 186976 4:00 p.m. FTC Enforcement in the Evolving IP Marketplace Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Kent, 3rd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law M 185302 4:00 p.m. How to Better Protect Your Trade Secrets: An Update on U.S. Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Lancaster, 3rd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law M 185303 Case Law and A Comparison to Canadian Trade Secret Law 4:00 p.m. Joint Business Meeting of the Life Insurance & Health and Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Gingersnap, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186208 Disability Law Committee 4:00 p.m. Las Vegas Planning Committee The Westin Harbour Castle Bay Room, Conference Centre, Street Business Law Section 187345 Level 4:00 p.m. Mock Hearing on Preliminary Injunction Motion in Copyright Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Tudor/Stuart, 3rd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law M 185305 Act: To Be or Not To Be...A Fair Use 4:00 p.m. Registration Park Hyatt Toronto Queen's Park Foyer, Lobby Level Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 186009 Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

friday, August 5 (Continued)

4:15 p.m. Revenue Enhancement Committee Meeting Delta Chelsea Stevenson Room, 2nd Floor Section of State and Local Government Law 185585 4:30 p.m. ABA Leadership Coalition for Solo and Small Firm Lawyers Fairmont Royal York Confederation 3, Main Mezzanine General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 186240 4:30 p.m. Chairs and Vice Chairs Meeting The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 7/8, Convention Level Business Law Section 187495 4:30 p.m. Commercial Finance Terms Joint Task Force The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 9, Convention Level Business Law Section 187351 4:30 p.m. Coordinating Council Meeting Hilton Toronto University, 3rd Floor Coordinating Council of the Justice Center 185346 4:30 p.m. Taxation The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 6, Lower Level Business Law Section 187350 5:00 p.m. Access to Justice Reception Fairmont Royal York Upper Canada, 18th Floor ABA Division for Legal Services 186594 5:00 p.m. Administrative Subcommittees and Subcommittee Chairs and The Westin Harbour Castle Bay Room, Conference Centre, Street Business Law Section 187432 Vice Chairs Level 5:00 p.m. Awards Reception Renaissance Toronto Downtown Aurora Room, 2nd Floor Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division 184867 Hotel 5:00 p.m. Minority Lawyers Reception InterContinental Toronto Centre Ballroom B, Lower Level Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Profession 186898 5:00 p.m. TIPS Fellows Reception Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Civic Ballroom North, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186209 5:30 p.m. Allies for Justice Reception Fairmont Royal York British Columbia, Main Mezzanine National LGBT Bar Association 186611 5:30 p.m. Open AA Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon 5, 19th Floor Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs 185990 5:30 p.m. Reception InterContinental Toronto Centre Halton, Main Level Minnesota State Bar Association 186775 5:30 p.m. Reception Canoe Restaurant Toronto Dominion Bank Tower, 66 State Bar of Texas 186808 Wellington Street West, 54th Floor 5:30 p.m. Reception Honoring the Professional Contributions of Steven Fairmont Royal York Toronto, Convention Floor Center for Professional Responsibility 187092 C. Krane 5:30 p.m. Sam Smith Award Reception Lawyers Professional Indemnity 250 Yonge Street, Suite 3101 Law Practice Management Section 187236 Company 5:30 p.m. Section Reception and Dinner Biff’s Bistro 4 Front Street East Section of Dispute Resolution 186270 5:30 p.m. Welcome Reception Hyatt Regency Toronto Regency Ballroom D/E, Convention Level Criminal Justice Section 185862 5:30 p.m. Welcome Reception Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Regency Ballroom Centre/West, 2nd Section of Intellectual Property Law 185282 Floor 6:00 p.m. Alumni & Faculty Reception InterContinental Toronto Centre Kingsway, Main Level The George Washington University Law School 186770 6:00 p.m. Alumni, Faculty & Friends Reception Fairmont Royal York Salon 4, 19th Floor The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law 187187 6:00 p.m. Chair Elect's Reception (RSVP Event) C5 Lounge 100 Queen's Park Section of State and Local Government Law 185587 6:00 p.m. Dean's Reception for Alumni & Friends InterContinental Toronto Yorkville Mayfair, 2nd Floor Case Western Reserve University School of Law 187316 6:00 p.m. Fellows Opening Reception Vertical 100 King Street West American Bar Foundation 185605 6:00 p.m. Section Reception Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Yorkville, 1st Floor Section of Labor and Employment Law 187249 6:00 p.m. Section Reception Park Hyatt Toronto Mezzanine Lounge, Mezzanine Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 186007 6:00 p.m. YLD Annual Fellows Gala Palais Royale 1601 Lake Shore Blvd West, 416/533-3553 Young Lawyers Division 187246 6:30 p.m. Chair's Welcome Reception Metropolitan Hotel Toronto/Victoria Ballroom, 2nd Floor Section of International Law 186337 241

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friday, August 5 (Continued)

6:30 p.m. Kutak Award Reception LeMeridien King Edward Sovereign, Lobby Level Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 186458 6:30 p.m. Reception Ritz-Carlton Toronto Wellington Promenade, 4th Floor Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary 186280 7:00 p.m. Annual Dinner in Honor of the Judiciary and Presentation of Fairmont Royal York Concert Hall, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185350 the Justice Center John Marshall Award 7:00 p.m. Champagne at Center Ice Hockey Hall of Fame 30 Yonge Street Section of Litigation 185813 7:30 p.m. Dinner Ritz-Carlton Toronto Wellington Ballroom, 4th Floor Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary 186281 8:00 p.m. Evening Hospitality Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Windows West, 32nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185283

Saturday, August 6

7:00 a.m. Council Breakfast (Executive Session) Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel City Hall, 2nd Floor Section of Public Contract Law 185498 7:00 a.m. Delegate Certification Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre Prefunction, Lower Level Young Lawyers Division 186332 7:00 a.m. Division Information Center Fairmont Royal York Jasper, 1st Floor General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 186242 7:00 a.m. NABE/NCBP/NCBF Registration Fairmont Royal York Canadian Foyer, Convention Floor National Conference of Bar Foundations 186607 7:00 a.m. Section Information Center Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Rosedale, 1st Floor Section of Labor and Employment Law 186515 7:00 a.m. Section Office Delta Chelsea Baker, 2nd Floor Section of State and Local Government Law 185578 7:00 a.m. TIPS Information/Ticket Sales Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Civic Foyer, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186129 7:00 a.m. TIPS Section Hospitality Center Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Simcoe/Dufferin, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186158 7:30 a.m. Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee Business Meeting MTCC, South Building Room 714B, 700 Level Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186160 7:30 a.m. Automobile Law Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Gingersnap, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186917 7:30 a.m. Business Breakfast Club The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 9, Lower Level Business Law Section 187373 7:30 a.m. Business Meeting InterContinental Toronto Centre Grenadier, Main Level Commission on Civic Education in the Nation's Schools 187320 7:30 a.m. Committee Meetings Fairmont Royal York Saskatchewan, Main Mezzanine Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 186077 7:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast for All Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Regency Ballroom Foyer, 2nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185289 7:30 a.m. Corporate Counsel Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Gold Rush, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186214 7:30 a.m. Deans' Breakfast LeMeridien King Edward Windsor Ballroom B/C, Lower Level Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 186457 7:30 a.m. Delegation Meeting Fairmont Royal York Concert Hall, Convention Floor Kentucky Bar Association 186804 7:30 a.m. Excess, Surplus Lines and Reinsurance Committee Business Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Executive, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186212 Meeting 7:30 a.m. Executive Committee Meeting Renaissance Toronto Downtown Maple Leaf Room, Concourse Level Section of Dispute Resolution 186271 Hotel 7:30 a.m. Fellows Annual Business Breakfast Fairmont Royal York Upper Canada, 18th Floor American Bar Foundation 185606 7:30 a.m. Hospitality Room Fairmont Royal York Library, Main Mezzanine Section of Family Law 185960 7:30 a.m. International Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Spring Song, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186210 7:30 a.m. IP Central Hospitality Hub with Cyber Cafe Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Print Room, 2nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185287 Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

saturday, August 6 (Continued)

7:30 a.m. LPM Registration LeMeridien King Edward Palm Court Foyer, 2nd Floor Law Practice Management Section 185672 7:30 a.m. LPM Staff Office LeMeridien King Edward Hampstead, 2nd Floor Law Practice Management Section 185673 7:30 a.m. Media, Privacy and Defamation Law Committee Business Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Cosmopolitan, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186213 Meeting 7:30 a.m. Mid-Atlantic Bar Conference Breakfast Fairmont Royal York Salon A, Convention Floor Maryland State Bar Association 186774 7:30 a.m. National Conference of Specialized Court Judges Business Hilton Toronto Lismer, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185330 Meeting 7:30 a.m. National Conference of State Trial Judges Executive Hilton Toronto Johnston, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185333 Committee 7:30 a.m. National Conference of the Administrative Law Judiciary Hilton Toronto MacDonald, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185325 Business Meeting 7:30 a.m. Open AA Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon 5, 19th Floor Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs 185993 7:30 a.m. Professionals' Officers' and Directors' Liability Committee Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Kent, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186387 Business Meeting 7:30 a.m. Registration Park Hyatt Toronto Queen's Park Foyer, Lobby Level Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 186006 7:30 a.m. Section Office Fairmont Royal York Boardroom, Main Mezzanine Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 186067 7:30 a.m. Self-Insurers and Risk Managers Committee Business Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Ice Palace, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186211 Meeting 7:30 a.m. Staff Office Hilton Toronto Coat Check, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185313 7:30 a.m. Title Insurance Committee Business Meeting MTCC, South Building Room 714A, 700 Level Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186916 7:30 a.m. Toxic Torts & Environmental Law Committee Business Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Wentworth, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186215 Meeting 8:00 a.m. ABA Registration MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level American Bar Association 186313 8:00 a.m. ABA UN Representatives and Observers Fairmont Royal York York, Main Mezzanine American Bar Association 187258 8:00 a.m. ABF Registration MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level American Bar Foundation 185597 8:00 a.m. ABF Staff Office MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level American Bar Foundation 185600 8:00 a.m. Annual Meeting of the Division Membership Fairmont Royal York Ontario, Convention Floor General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 186243 8:00 a.m. Breakfast Fairmont Royal York Canadian, Convention Floor National Conference of Bar Presidents 187538 8:00 a.m. Breakfast, Membership Meeting, Awards Presentation and Fairmont Royal York Ballroom, Convention Floor National Conference of Bar Foundations 186674 Plenary: Building a Compelling Case for Support 8:00 a.m. Business Meeting InterContinental Toronto Centre Haliburton, Main Level Center for Racial and Ethnic Diversity 185996 8:00 a.m. Career Management and Business Development for the The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon A, Convention Business Law Section M 187283 Diverse Lawyer Level 8:00 a.m. Committee Meeting Delta Chelsea Mountbatten Salon A, 2nd Floor Commission on Ethics 20/20 185941 8:00 a.m. Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Imperial Room, Main Floor Standing Committee on Membership 186995 243

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saturday, August 6 (Continued)

8:00 a.m. Content The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 7/8, Convention Level Business Law Section 187482 8:00 a.m. Council Breakfast Renaissance Toronto Downtown Aurora Room Foyer, 2nd Floor Section of Dispute Resolution 186272 Hotel 8:00 a.m. Council Meeting Hyatt Regency Toronto King Ballroom I, Convention Level Criminal Justice Section 185863 8:00 a.m. Delegate Networking Breakfast Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre Prefunction, Lower Level Young Lawyers Division 187313 8:00 a.m. Environmental Law Coordinating Forum Hyatt Regency Toronto Studio B, Conference Level Standing Committee on Environmental Law 186046 8:00 a.m. Ethics & Professionalism Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Huron, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186388 8:00 a.m. Ethics Committee Meeting Renaissance Toronto Downtown Blue Jays Room, Concourse Level Section of Dispute Resolution 186276 Hotel 8:00 a.m. Executive Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon 6, 19th Floor Metropolitan Bar Caucus 186678 8:00 a.m. General Provisions and Relations to Other Law The Westin Harbour Castle Marine, Main Lobby Business Law Section 187393 8:00 a.m. Hospitality Suite MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level Section of International Law 186380 8:00 a.m. Hospitality/Office Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Windows East, 32nd Floor Section of Public Utility, Communications and Transportation 185845 Law 8:00 a.m. Insider Trading Revisited No. X The Westin Harbour Castle Queen's Quay I/II, Conference Centre, Business Law Section M 187285 Street Level 8:00 a.m. International Bar Leaders Breakfast and Orientation Fairmont Royal York Confederation 3, Main Mezzanine Section of International Law 186383 8:00 a.m. Joint Breakfast of the SC on Federal Judicial Improvements, Hilton Toronto Governor General Suite, 2nd Floor Standing Committee on Federal Judicial Improvements 185443 Federal Trial Judges and Lawyers Conference 8:00 a.m. Joint Breakfast with Standing Committee on Substance Hyatt Regency Toronto King Ballroom II, Convention Level Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs 186298 Abuse 8:00 a.m. Leadership Academy Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Windsor West, Mezzanine Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186389 8:00 a.m. Litigation Information Desk MTCC, South Building Room 718 Foyer, 700 Level Section of Litigation 185816 8:00 a.m. LSD Board Briefing Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Sheraton Hall C, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186163 8:00 a.m. Meeting Hilton Toronto Jackson, Convention Floor Standing Committee on Judicial Independence 185360 8:00 a.m. Meeting of Subcommittee and Working Group Chairs and The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 2, Lower Level Business Law Section 187502 Administrative Subcommittees 8:00 a.m. Nominating Committee Orientation Fairmont Royal York Quebec, Main Mezzanine House of Delegates Nominating Committee 185659 8:00 a.m. Nonprofit Organizations The Westin Harbour Castle Wellington, Conference Centre, Street Business Law Section 187385 Level 8:00 a.m. Operations The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 5, Convention Level Business Law Section 187499 8:00 a.m. Planning Committee Meeting/Breakfast Park Hyatt Toronto University West, Upper Level Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 186008 8:00 a.m. RPTE Group Breakfast Park Hyatt Toronto University Central, Upper Level Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 187166 8:00 a.m. SCAFL Business Meeting Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Stuart, 3rd Floor Standing Committee on Armed Forces Law 185851 8:00 a.m. Section Council Meeting Hilton Toronto Toronto Ballroom I, Convention Floor Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources 186217 Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

saturday, August 6 (Continued)

8:00 a.m. Section Council Meeting with Breakfast Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Essex Ballroom, Mezzanine Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice 186433 8:00 a.m. Section Office Hyatt Regency Toronto Studio D, Conference Level Criminal Justice Section 185854 8:00 a.m. Section Office LeMeridien King Edward Belgravia, 2nd Floor Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 186456 8:00 a.m. Section Office Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Peel, Mezzanine Section of Public Contract Law 185489 8:00 a.m. Section Office Hilton Toronto Richmond, 3rd Floor Section of Science & Technology Law 185392 8:00 a.m. Welcome and Introduction The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Centre, Business Law Section 187480 Conference Centre, 2nd Level 8:00 a.m. Who's Happy Now? ABS Disputes: Trustees Under Siege, The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 2/3, Convention Level Business Law Section M 187284 Investors Enraged, & the Litigation Settlements That Will Determine Who Will "Win" 8:15 a.m. Council Meeting Fairmont Royal York Tudor 7, Main Mezzanine Health Law Section 186265 8:30 a.m. Bankruptcy Basics MTCC, South Building Room 711, 700 Level General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division MC 186244 8:30 a.m. Board of Directors Meeting Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville High Park II/III, 1st Floor American Lawyers Auxiliary 186758 8:30 a.m. Board of Directors Meeting Fairmont Royal York British Colombia, Main Mezzanine National Association of Bar Executives 186642 8:30 a.m. Book Publications Board Meeting Fairmont Royal York Banff, 1st Floor General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 186247 8:30 a.m. Business Meeting Hyatt Regency Toronto Studio E, Conference Level Commission on Homelessness and Poverty 186005 8:30 a.m. Business Meeting InterContinental Toronto Centre Caledon, Main Level Commission on Women in the Profession 185166 8:30 a.m. Commission Meeting InterContinental Toronto Centre Halton, Main Level Commission on Youth at Risk 187127 8:30 a.m. Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon 1, 19th Floor Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary 186279 8:30 a.m. Council Meeting Fairmont Royal York Alberta, Main Mezzanine Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 186079 8:30 a.m. Council Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Dominion Ballroom, 2nd Floor Section of Public Contract Law 185499 8:30 a.m. Council Meeting InterContinental Toronto Yorkville Willard, 2nd Floor Senior Lawyers Division 186353 8:30 a.m. Council Meeting & Election Renaissance Toronto Downtown Raptor Room, Concourse Level Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division 184865 Hotel 8:30 a.m. Debt Collection Practices and Bankruptcy The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Centre, Business Law Section 187472 Conference Centre, 2nd Level 8:30 a.m. Distressed M&A The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom East, Business Law Section 187375 Conference Centre, 2nd Level 8:30 a.m. Foreign Espionage Targets the Private Sector: the MTCC, South Building Room 707, 700 Level Standing Committee on Law and National Security MC 186310 Cybersecurity Threat from Nation States 8:30 a.m. General Counsel with International Issues: What's on Their MTCC, South Building Room 718A, 700 Level Section of Litigation MC 185819 Minds? 8:30 a.m. Health Care Fraud Update: Significant Prosecutions, the MTCC, South Building Room 703, 700 Level Criminal Justice Section MC 185872 "HEAT" Initiative, False Claims Act Developments and Self- Disclosure Strategies 245

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saturday, August 6 (Continued)

8:30 a.m. How Good is the Dirt? The Skinny on Title Issues and Legal MTCC, South Building Room 705, 700 Level General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division MC 186246 Descriptions 8:30 a.m. International Perspectives on Older Persons with Disabilities: MTCC, South Building Room 715A, 700 Level Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law MC 186062 Civil and Criminal Law Practice 8:30 a.m. International Title Insurance Litigation in 2011 - What Issues MTCC, South Building Room 714A, 700 Level Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section MC 186391 are International Title Insurance Litigators Facing Today, and What is on the Horizon 8:30 a.m. Mass Settlements: Beyond Injury Compensation MTCC, South Building Room 714B, 700 Level Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section MC 186178 8:30 a.m. Protecting Heirs Property: Uniform Laws and Social Justice MTCC, South Building Room 809, 800 Level Section of State and Local Government Law MC 185590 8:30 a.m. Public Relations Committee Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Kenora, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186395 8:30 a.m. Redefining the U.S.-Canadian Border: Current Issues in MTCC, South Building Room 706, 700 Level Commission on Immigration MC 186061 Visitation and Migration 8:30 a.m. Same-Sex Marriage in North America: A Look at Where We MTCC, South Building Room 704, 700 Level Section of Family Law MC 186682 Are Eight Years Later 8:30 a.m. Section Staff Office/Open Meeting Room Park Hyatt Toronto Hazelton, Upper Level Section of Antitrust Law 186475 8:30 a.m. Social Media & Healthcare: The Good, The Bad, and The MTCC, South Building Room 810, 800 Level Special Committee on Bioethics and the Law MC 186018 Ugly 8:30 a.m. Strategic Choices in International Arbitration: The Impact of MTCC, South Building Room 718B, 700 Level Section of Litigation MC 185817 Forum Selection and Choice-of-Law Decisions 8:30 a.m. The CSI Effect: What Have we Learned Over the Last Decade MTCC, South Building Room 716A, 700 Level Section of Science & Technology Law MC 185393 8:30 a.m. The Purchase and Sale Agreement: Negotiating Strategies MTCC, South Building Room 715B, 700 Level Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law MC 185204 from a U.S. and International Perspective 8:30 a.m. Update from the USPTO Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Regency Ballroom West, 2nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law M 187182 8:45 a.m. The Ins and Outs of Contracting Out Legal Work Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Forest Hill Ballroom, 1st Floor Section of Labor and Employment Law M 186052 9:00 a.m. Aircraft Financing (Session 3) The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 4, Convention Level Business Law Section 187455 9:00 a.m. Appellate Litigation The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 2, Lower Level Business Law Section 187434 9:00 a.m. Board of Directors Meeting Fairmont Royal York Confederation 6, Main Mezzanine Rule of Law Initiative 186875 9:00 a.m. Business Meeting Hyatt Regency Toronto Regency Ballroom E, Convention Level Standing Committee on Substance Abuse 186030 9:00 a.m. Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York New Brunswick, Main Mezzanine Standing Committee on Constitution and Bylaws 187091 9:00 a.m. Corporate Documents and Process The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 9, Lower Level Business Law Section 187486 9:00 a.m. Council Meeting Renaissance Toronto Downtown Aurora Room, 2nd Floor Section of Dispute Resolution 186273 Hotel 9:00 a.m. Creditors' Rights The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 9, Convention Level Business Law Section 187458 9:00 a.m. Diversity in the Profession Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Kent, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186396 9:00 a.m. Division Office InterContinental Toronto Yorkville Britannia, 2nd Floor Senior Lawyers Division 186340 Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

saturday, August 6 (Continued)

9:00 a.m. Election Polls (Division Delegate Election) Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Grand Ballroom Foyer, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186168 9:00 a.m. Evolving Business Task Force LeMeridien King Edward Chelsea, 2nd Floor Law Practice Management Section 185674 9:00 a.m. International The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 4, Lower Level Business Law Section 187389 9:00 a.m. International Bar Leaders Summit Fairmont Royal York Territories, Main Mezzanine Section of International Law 186384 9:00 a.m. IP Deskbook for the Business Lawyer, Third Edition Project The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 6, Lower Level Business Law Section 187362 9:00 a.m. Jewish Sabbath Service Fairmont Royal York Salon B, Convention Level American Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists 187247 9:00 a.m. Joint Task Force on Filing Office Operations and Search The Westin Harbour Castle Bay Room, Conference Centre, Street Business Law Section 187394 Logic Joint Meeting Level 9:00 a.m. Judges Initiative The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 5, Lower Level Business Law Section 187364 9:00 a.m. Lawyers Conference Business Meeting Hilton Toronto Varley, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185327 9:00 a.m. National Conference of Federal Trial Judges Business Hilton Toronto Carmichael, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185336 Meeting 9:00 a.m. Resources for Law Student Wellness Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room C, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186167 9:00 a.m. SBA Presidents Roundtable and Idea Raiser Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Grand Ballroom West, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186165 9:00 a.m. SOGI Annual Business Meeting Fairmont Royal York Confederation 5, Main Mezzanine Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity 184859 9:00 a.m. Standing Committee on Constitution and Bylaws Fairmont Royal York Nova Scotia, Main Mezzanine House of Delegates 185706 9:00 a.m. The Brief Editorial Board Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Gold Rush, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186397 9:00 a.m. YLD Assembly Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre Grand Ballroom, Lower Level Young Lawyers Division 186325 9:15 a.m. Bullet Points on Key Developments; ABA President-Elect Fairmont Royal York Canadian, Convention Floor National Conference of Bar Presidents 186671 Speaks; Business Meeting; and Plenary Session; Hot Tips on Hot Topics 9:15 a.m. CoLAP Policy Committee Hyatt Regency Toronto Regency Ballroom C, Convention Level Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs 186299 9:30 a.m. Financial Advisor Disclosures Task Force The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom East, Business Law Section 187376 Conference Centre, 2nd Level 9:30 a.m. Meeting Hilton Toronto Harris, Convention Floor Standing Committee on Federal Judicial Improvements 185444 9:30 a.m. Passing the Puck: The Future of International Patent Law Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Regency Ballroom West, 2nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law M 185291 Harmonization 9:30 a.m. Privacy The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Centre, Business Law Section 187478 Conference Centre, 2nd Level 9:45 a.m. Development Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon 3, 19th Floor American Bar Foundation 185607 10:00 a.m. A Conversation on Civic Education in the Nation's Schools InterContinental Toronto Centre Ballroom B, Lower Level Commission on Civic Education in the Nation's Schools 187318 10:00 a.m. ABA Journal Liaison Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon 4, 19th Floor ABA Journal 187233 10:00 a.m. Annual Business Meeting LeMeridien King Edward Windsor Ballroom A, Lower Level Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar 186461 10:00 a.m. Business Meeting InterContinental Toronto Centre Humber, Main Level Special Committee on Disaster Response and Preparedness 186858 10:00 a.m. Committee Meeting 4 Hilton Toronto Osgoode West, 3rd Floor Section of Science & Technology Law 185394 247

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saturday, August 6 (Continued)

10:00 a.m. Committee Meeting 5 Hilton Toronto Osgoode East, 3rd Floor Section of Science & Technology Law 185395 10:00 a.m. Committee Meeting 6 Hilton Toronto Opus, 3rd Floor Section of Science & Technology Law 185396 10:00 a.m. Committee Meetings Hilton Toronto Casson, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185367 10:00 a.m. Consortium on Professionalism Delta Chelsea Scott B, 3rd Floor Center for Professional Responsibility 185946 10:00 a.m. Credentials and Admissions Fairmont Royal York Prince Edward Island, Main Mezzanine House of Delegates 185707 10:00 a.m. Diversity The Westin Harbour Castle Marine, Main Lobby Business Law Section 187506 10:00 a.m. Drafting Fairmont Royal York Tudor 8, Main Mezzanine House of Delegates 185704 10:00 a.m. Health Law The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 5, Lower Level Business Law Section 187531 10:00 a.m. IP Transactions Around the World Project The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 6, Lower Level Business Law Section 187363 10:00 a.m. Judges' Journal Editorial Board Meeting Hilton Toronto Adelaide, 3rd Floor Judicial Division 185365 10:00 a.m. Judicial Division Council Meeting Hilton Toronto Tom Thomson, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185368 10:00 a.m. Leadership Meeting The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 9, Lower Level Business Law Section 187484 10:00 a.m. LLCs, Partnerships and Unincorporated Entities The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 3, Lower Level Business Law Section 187368 10:00 a.m. Model Nonprofit Corporation Act The Westin Harbour Castle Wellington, Conference Centre, Street Business Law Section 187386 Level 10:00 a.m. Private Equity and Venture Capital Funds The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 4, Lower Level Business Law Section 187390 10:00 a.m. Real Property Division Sub-Council Park Hyatt Toronto University East, Upper Level Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 186011 10:00 a.m. SCLAID Business Meeting Delta Chelsea Rossetti Room, 3rd Floor Standing Committee on Legal Aid and Indigent Defendants 185894 10:00 a.m. Small Business Issuers Joint Meeting The Westin Harbour Castle Yonge, Conference Centre, Street Level Business Law Section 187526 10:00 a.m. Spouse/Guest Brunch Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Truffles, 2nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185296 10:00 a.m. Trust and Estate Division Sub-Council Park Hyatt Toronto Queen's Park Ballroom Central, Lobby Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 186010 Level 10:30 a.m. A Divided North America: Comparing LGBT Rights in the Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Forest Hill Ballroom, 1st Floor Section of Labor and Employment Law M 186053 U.S. and Canada 10:30 a.m. ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: More MTCC, South Building Room 701A, 700 Level Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities MC 186081 to Overcome: Civil Rights in the 21st Century 10:30 a.m. ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: The MTCC, South Building Room 701B, 700 Level Section of State and Local Government Law MC 185589 Bully at School Goes High Tech: Protecting Students in the Internet Age 10:30 a.m. ABA Representatives Roundtable and Idea Raiser Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Sheraton Hall E, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186170 10:30 a.m. Brand Ownership 2.0 - Navigating the Competing Online The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon B, Convention Business Law Section M 187291 Demands for the non-IP Lawyer Level 10:30 a.m. Business Meeting InterContinental Toronto Centre Grenadier, Main Level Commission on Immigration 186060 10:30 a.m. Careers in Criminal Justice Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Sheraton Hall A, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186179 10:30 a.m. Careers in National Security Law Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room G, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186317 Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

saturday, August 6 (Continued)

10:30 a.m. Cross-Border Bankruptcies: Current Issues and Trends The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon A, Convention Business Law Section M 187293 Level 10:30 a.m. Director and Officer Liability The Westin Harbour Castle Bay Room, Conference Centre, Street Business Law Section 187503 Level 10:30 a.m. In Sickness and in Health: Fundamentals of Healthcare The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom West, Business Law Section M 187287 Finance Conference Centre, 2nd Level 10:30 a.m. Institutional Investors (Session I) The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 9, Convention Level Business Law Section 187359 10:30 a.m. International Business Lawyer of Mystery? Insider's Guide to The Westin Harbour Castle Regatta, Main Lobby Business Law Section M 187286 Legal Careers in National Defense and Security Industries 10:30 a.m. Litigation and Arbitration The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Centre, Business Law Section 187476 Conference Centre, 2nd Level 10:30 a.m. Majority and Minority Investments in Canadian Businesses The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 2/3, Convention Level Business Law Section M 187288 by U.S. and Other Foreign Investors 10:30 a.m. Making the Transition from Law Student to Lawyer Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Sheraton Hall C, Lower Concourse Law Student Division 186173 10:30 a.m. New Projects Task Force The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 7, Lower Level Business Law Section 187377 10:30 a.m. Plenary Session and Roundtable Discussion: Diversity and Fairmont Royal York Canadian, Convention Floor National Conference of Bar Presidents 187543 Inclusion in the U.S. and Canada - Shared and Diverging Challenges 10:30 a.m. Progressive Board/Shareholder Engagement The Westin Harbour Castle Queen's Quay I/II, Conference Centre, Business Law Section M 187292 Street Level 10:30 a.m. Secrets to Success in Project Finance in Emerging Markets The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon C, Convention Business Law Section M 187289 Level 10:45 a.m. Executive Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon 3, 19th Floor American Bar Foundation 185608 11:00 a.m. CoLAP Committee Meetings Hyatt Regency Toronto King Ballroom II, Convention Level Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs 186300 11:00 a.m. Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 2, Lower Level Business Law Section 187513 11:00 a.m. Enterprise Fund Board Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Spring Song, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186423 11:00 a.m. Insider Trading Legislation The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 7/8, Convention Level Business Law Section 187358 11:00 a.m. Resolution and Impact Review Committee Fairmont Royal York Confederation 3, Main Mezzanine House of Delegates 185705 11:15 a.m. Membership Meeting Hyatt Regency Toronto King Ballroom I, Convention Level Criminal Justice Section 185864 11:30 a.m. Annual Business Meeting and Election of Officers InterContinental Toronto Yorkville Willard, 2nd Floor Senior Lawyers Division 186354 11:30 a.m. Annual Business Meeting with Elections Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Regency Ballroom West, 2nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185292 11:30 a.m. Business Meeting Fairmont Royal York Tudor 7, Main Mezzanine Health Law Section 186266 11:30 a.m. Institutional Investors (Session 2) The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 9, Convention Level Business Law Section 187360 11:30 a.m. Section Business Meeting and Elections Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Windows West, 32nd Floor Section of Public Utility, Communications and Transportation 185846 Law 11:30 a.m. Working Group on M&A Jurisprudence - Judicial The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom East, Business Law Section 187383 Conference Centre, 2nd Level 249 Interpretations

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saturday, August 6 (Continued)

12:00 Noon ABA ROLI Luncheon Panel: The Role of Lawyers During MTCC, South Building Room 801A/B, 800 Level Rule of Law Initiative 186856 Times of Transition: Lessons from Mexico, Nepal and the Middle East 12:00 Noon Business Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon A, Convention Floor Standing Committee on Bar Activities and Services 186679 12:00 Noon Council Meeting and Lunch Park Hyatt Toronto Queen's Park Ballroom South, Lobby Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 186012 Level 12:00 Noon CPR/SOC Joint Committee on Ethics and Professionalism Delta Chelsea Wren Room, 3rd Floor Center for Professional Responsibility 185947 12:00 Noon Leadership Academy Lunch and Caucus Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel City Hall, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186399 12:00 Noon Membership Joint Meeting The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 9, Lower Level Business Law Section 187374 12:00 Noon Scribes Annual Luncheon InterContinental Toronto Centre Kingsway, Main Level Scribes—The American Society of Legal Writers 186796 12:00 Noon Section Luncheon Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Yorkville, 1st Floor Section of Labor and Employment Law 186054 12:00 Noon Section Luncheon (Ticketed) Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Windows West, 32nd Floor Section of Public Utility, Communications and Transportation 185847 Law 12:00 Noon Section Luncheon and Annual Alan E. Peterson Lecture Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Civic Ballroom South, 2nd Floor Section of Public Contract Law 185500 (Ticketed) 12:00 Noon Section Luncheon with Award Presentations and Guest Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Regency Ballroom East/Centre, 2nd Section of Intellectual Property Law 185295 Speaker Floor 12:00 Noon Teacher of the Year Award & Installation Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville High Park I, 1st Floor American Lawyers Auxiliary 186759 12:30 p.m. Commission Meeting InterContinental Toronto Yorkville Portman, 2nd Floor Commission on Domestic Violence 186583 12:30 p.m. Committee Leadership Meeting Hilton Toronto Governor General Suite, 2nd Floor Section of Science & Technology Law 185397 12:30 p.m. Fellows Board Meeting Toronto Marriott Eaton Centre York A/B, Lower Level Young Lawyers Division 186327 12:30 p.m. International Commercial Law The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 7/8, Convention Level Business Law Section 187395 12:30 p.m. Juvenile Justice Committee Hyatt Regency Toronto Studio B, Conference Level Criminal Justice Section 185866 12:30 p.m. Private Equity M&A The Westin Harbour Castle Frontenac, Conference Centre, Street Business Law Section 187378 Level 12:30 p.m. Robert's Rules & Resolutions Review for Assembly Delegates Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Osgoode Ballroom East, Lower Law Student Division 186181 Concourse 1:00 p.m. "Friend" is Now a Verb: Judicial Ethics and the New Social Hilton Toronto MacDonald/Lismer, Convention Floor Judicial Division ME 185342 Media 1:00 p.m. Bankruptcy Litigation The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 2, Lower Level Business Law Section 187435 1:00 p.m. Business Meeting Delta Chelsea Austen Room, 3rd Floor Council for Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Educational 186033 Pipeline 1:00 p.m. Credit Unions The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 5, Convention Level Business Law Section 187497 1:00 p.m. Delegate Involvement Fairmont Royal York York, Main Mezzanine House of Delegates 185656 1:00 p.m. Dispute Resolution The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 3, Lower Level Business Law Section 187505 1:00 p.m. GPSolo Division Council Meeting Fairmont Royal York Ontario, Convention Floor General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 186249 Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

saturday, August 6 (Continued)

1:00 p.m. Homeland Security Committee Hyatt Regency Toronto Studio A, Conference Level Criminal Justice Section 185910 1:00 p.m. Loan Documentation The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 9, Convention Level Business Law Section 187463 1:00 p.m. Long-Range Planning Committee Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Wentworth, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186401 1:00 p.m. Task Force on Outreach to Law Students Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Spindrift, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186400 1:00 p.m. TortSource Editorial Board Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Gingersnap, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186402 1:30 p.m. Acquisitions of Public Companies The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom East, Business Law Section 187379 Conference Centre, 2nd Level 1:30 p.m. Board of Directors Meeting Fairmont Royal York Quebec, Main Mezzanine American Bar Endowment 185930 1:30 p.m. Book Publishing Board Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Executive, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186404 1:30 p.m. Investigations and Litigation The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 4, Convention Level Business Law Section 187492 1:30 p.m. Law and Technology Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Cosmopolitan, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186403 1:30 p.m. Membership Committee Meeting Delta Chelsea Stevenson Room, 2nd Floor Section of State and Local Government Law 185592 1:30 p.m. Mentoring 360: Raising Your Bottom Line by Using New LeMeridien King Edward Windsor Ballroom B, Lower Level Law Practice Management Section 187188 Tools to Build Diverse Talent 1:30 p.m. Sale of Goods The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 7/8, Convention Level Business Law Section 187396 1:30 p.m. Truth in Lending The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Centre, Business Law Section 187479 Conference Centre, 2nd Level 2:00 p.m. Acting on ACTA Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Regency Ballroom West, 2nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law M 185297 2:00 p.m. Advising the Small Business MTCC, South Building Room 705, 700 Level General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division MC 186253 2:00 p.m. Annual Business Meeting Park Hyatt Toronto Queen's Park Ballroom South, Lobby Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law 186015 Level 2:00 p.m. Annual Meeting of the Membership Renaissance Toronto Downtown Aurora Room, 2nd Floor Section of Dispute Resolution 186274 Hotel 2:00 p.m. Annual Section Business Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Civic Ballroom South, 2nd Floor Section of Public Contract Law 185501 2:00 p.m. Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Initiatives and The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 9, Lower Level Business Law Section 187371 Task Force on Record Owner Legislation Joint Meeting 2:00 p.m. Assembly Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Grand Ballroom Centre/East, Lower Law Student Division 186182 Concourse 2:00 p.m. Business Meeting Hyatt Regency Toronto Executive Boardroom, Convention Level Special Committee on Bioethics and the Law 186019 2:00 p.m. Committee Meeting Delta Chelsea Whistler, 3rd Floor Standing Committee on Professionalism 185950 2:00 p.m. Committee on Technology and Communications Fairmont Royal York Confederation 3, Main Mezzanine House of Delegates 185709 2:00 p.m. Courting Disaster: Tools to Help You Create a Disaster Plan MTCC, South Building Room 715A, 700 Level Special Committee on Disaster Response and 186877 Now Preparedness MEC 2:00 p.m. Criminal Tax Fraud: Hot Buttons and Hot Topics MTCC, South Building Room 703, 700 Level Criminal Justice Section MC 185873 2:00 p.m. Death Penalty Moratorium Implementation Project Meeting Fairmont Royal York Saskatchewan, Main Mezzanine Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 186227 251

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saturday, August 6 (Continued)

2:00 p.m. Elder Law, Estate Planning & Probate- New Ideas to Expand MTCC, South Building Room 711, 700 Level General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division MC 186251 & Excel Your Practice 2:00 p.m. Health Care Reform: Looking Back at Where Things Stand MTCC, South Building Room 716B, 700 Level Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law MC 185745 Now 2:00 p.m. Institutional Investors (Session 3) The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 9, Convention Level Business Law Section 187361 2:00 p.m. May It Please the Court (Or Not) MTCC, South Building Room 714A, 700 Level Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section MC 186394 2:00 p.m. New Restrictions on U.S. Internet Sales: Data Passes, MTCC, South Building Room 716A, 700 Level Section of Science & Technology Law MC 185398 Negative Options, Automatic Renewals and Recurring Charges 2:00 p.m. Nuclear Regulation in North America After Fukushima MTCC, South Building Room 712, 700 Level Section of Public Utility, Communications and 185848 Daiichi Transportation Law MC 2:00 p.m. Officers Meeting Park Hyatt Toronto Bedford, Upper Level Section of Antitrust Law 186477 2:00 p.m. On The Docket: The 2010-2011 Supreme Court Term MTCC, South Building Room 718A, 700 Level Standing Committee on Public Education MC 186861 2:00 p.m. Open Hearing Fairmont Royal York Territories, Main Mezzanine House of Delegates Rules and Calendar Committee 185710 2:00 p.m. Psychology in the Courtroom: Hot Topics for the Tort and MTCC, South Building Room 714B, 700 Level Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section MC 186393 Insurance Law Practitioner 2:00 p.m. Task Force on Leadership-Diversity Initiative Committee Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room F, Mezzanine Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186422 Meeting 2:00 p.m. The Future of Gun Control in the United States After the MTCC, South Building Room 713A, 700 Level Standing Committee on Gun Violence MC 186879 Heller and McDonald Cases, with a Canadian Perspective on Gun Control Issues 2:00 p.m. The Impact of Budget Reductions on State and Local Drug MTCC, South Building Room 810, 800 Level Standing Committee on Substance Abuse MC 186026 Control and Criminal Justice Programs—Time for a New Paradigm? 2:00 p.m. The UN Human Rights Council: What Does Its First Five Years MTCC, South Building Room 803B, 800 Level Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities MC 186083 Say about Its Future? 2:00 p.m. TIPS Law Journal Editorial Board Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Huron, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186406 2:00 p.m. United States and Canadian Environmental Issues: Cross MTCC, South Building Room 717A, 700 Level Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section MC 186392 Border Litigation and Regulatory Priorities 2:00 p.m. Waterfront Re-Development Program and Walking Tour MTCC, South Building Room 715B, 700 Level Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law MC 185205 2:15 p.m. 2011-2012 Section Leadership Brainstorming Session Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Civic Ballroom South, 2nd Floor Section of Public Contract Law 185502 2:30 p.m. After the Closing Dinner: Managing Post-Closing Issues in The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom West, Business Law Section M 187297 Secured Transactions Conference Centre, 2nd Level 2:30 p.m. Business Meeting and Election Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Forest Hill Ballroom, 1st Floor Section of Labor and Employment Law 186055 2:30 p.m. Commercial Transportation Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Ice Palace, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186408 2:30 p.m. Dodd-Frank's Regulatory Triangle: Love or Bermuda? The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Centre, Business Law Section M 187294 Conference Centre, 2nd Level Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

saturday, August 6 (Continued)

2:30 p.m. Electronic Communications Committee Delta Chelsea Stevenson Room, 2nd Floor Section of State and Local Government Law 185593 2:30 p.m. Enforcement of Data Breach Notification Laws and Other The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon A, Convention Business Law Section M 187296 Laws Safeguarding Personal Information: Legal Perspectives Level From Both Sides of the Cou 2:30 p.m. Government Law Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Gold Rush, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186407 2:30 p.m. Healthcare—Dispute Resolution Meeting Renaissance Toronto Downtown Blue Jays Room, Club Concourse Level Section of Dispute Resolution 187599 Hotel 2:30 p.m. Law Student Board Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Kenora, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186409 2:30 p.m. Market Trends The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom East, Business Law Section 187380 Conference Centre, 2nd Level 2:30 p.m. Multi-Level (International, National, Regional & Local) The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 2/3, Convention Level Business Law Section M 187357 Non-Profit Organizations: How to Structure Them Plus Unexpected Issues 2:30 p.m. Products, General Liability and Consumer Law Committee Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Kent, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186410 Business Meeting 2:30 p.m. Project Finance The Westin Harbour Castle Bay Room, Conference Centre, Street Business Law Section 187391 Level 3:00 p.m. Council Meeting The Westin Harbour Castle Frontenac, Conference Centre, Street Business Law Section 187392 Level 3:00 p.m. Council of Appellate Lawyers Annual Business Meeting Hilton Toronto Carmichael, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185370 3:00 p.m. Cross Border Legal Issues: A Judicial Perspective Hilton Toronto Toronto Ballroom II, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185341 3:00 p.m. Inside the Boardroom The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 4, Convention Level Business Law Section 187490 3:00 p.m. Long-Range Planning Committee Meeting Renaissance Toronto Downtown Maple Leaf Room, Concourse Level Section of Dispute Resolution 186275 Hotel 3:00 p.m. Open Forum Fairmont Royal York Toronto, Convention Floor Standing Committee on Membership 187186 3:00 p.m. Standing Committee on Governmental Affairs and ABA Day Fairmont Royal York Confederation 5, Main Mezzanine Standing Committee on Governmental Affairs 187241 in Washington Planning Committee Business Meeting 3:00 p.m. Steering Committee of the Nominating Committee Fairmont Royal York Tudor 7, Main Mezzanine House of Delegates 185711 3:15 p.m. Judicial Division New Council Meeting Hilton Toronto Johnston, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185372 3:30 p.m. Content Advisory Board Delta Chelsea Stevenson Room, 2nd Floor Section of State and Local Government Law 185708 3:30 p.m. Revised Asset Purchase Agreement Task Force The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 9, Convention Level Business Law Section 187384 3:30 p.m. Technology Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Spring Song, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186411 3:45 p.m. Business Method Patenting in a Post-Bilski World Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Regency Ballroom West, 2nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law M 187096 3:45 p.m. Practicing in Privacy - Can the Law Keep Up with Technology MTCC, South Building Room 713B, 700 Level Section of Antitrust Law MC 187237 and Can Self-Regulation Help? 3:45 p.m. What is Legally Defensible Data Security? MTCC, South Building Room 716A, 700 Level Section of Science & Technology Law MC 185399 253

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saturday, August 6 (Continued)

3:45 p.m. Wikileaks, National Security and Free Speech MTCC, South Building Room 803B, 800 Level Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities MC 186086 4:00 p.m. Animal Law Committee Awards Reception Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Civic Ballroom North, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186413 4:00 p.m. Battle Space & Contingency Procurements Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room H, Mezzanine Section of Public Contract Law 185513 4:00 p.m. Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room B, Mezzanine Section of Public Contract Law 185511 4:00 p.m. Fidelity & Surety Law Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Kent, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186414 4:00 p.m. International Procurement Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room C, Mezzanine Section of Public Contract Law 185512 4:00 p.m. Middle Market and Small Business The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 7/8, Convention Level Business Law Section 187388 4:00 p.m. National Trial Academy Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Gold Rush, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186412 4:00 p.m. State and Local Procurement Division Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Conference Room E, Mezzanine Section of Public Contract Law 185515 4:00 p.m. Task Force on Litigation Reform and Rules Revision The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 2, Lower Level Business Law Section 187448 4:00 p.m. Young Lawyer Committee The Westin Harbour Castle Regatta, Main Lobby Business Law Section 187397 4:30 p.m. Leadership Meeting The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 9, Convention Level Business Law Section 187462 4:30 p.m. Speed Networking Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Stuart, 3rd Floor Section of Public Utility, Communications and Transportation 185849 Law 4:30 p.m. Subcommittee Chairs and Vice-Chairs The Westin Harbour Castle Marine, Main Lobby Business Law Section 187398 4:30 p.m. Tennessee Reception Honoring Lucian Pera Fairmont Royal York Upper Canada, 18th Floor Tennessee Bar Association 186806 4:30 p.m. Young Lawyers The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Centre, Business Law Section 187481 Conference Centre, 2nd Level 5:00 p.m. Joint Reception with Canadian Bar Thompson Landry Gallery at the 55 Mill Street, 416/203-2363 Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources 187104 Cooperage Space 5:00 p.m. Section Reception (Ticketed) Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Windows East, 32nd Floor Section of Public Utility, Communications and Transportation 185850 Law 5:30 p.m. Local Women Outreach Reception The Law Society of Upper 130 Queen Street West Commission on Women in the Profession 187314 Canada 5:30 p.m. GPSolo Leadership Recognition Reception Fairmont Royal York British Colombia, Main Mezzanine General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 187314 5:30 p.m. Margaret Brent Welcome Reception Fairmont Royal York Imperial Room, Main Floor Commission on Women in the Profession 185168 5:30 p.m. Open AA Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon 5, 19th Floor Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs 185991 5:30 p.m. Opening Assembly 273 Bloor Street West, Toronto Koeerner Hall American Bar Association 186587 5:30 p.m. Reception Honoring Judith Kaye Fairmont Royal York Territories, Main Mezzanine New York State Bar Association 186782 7:00 p.m. President’s Reception 100 Queen’s Park, Toronto Royal Ontario Museum American Bar Association 186588 7:00 p.m. Section Celebration Malaparte at the TIFF Bell 350 King Street West, 6th Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185298 Lightbox 7:30 p.m. Section Reception and Dinner Canoe Restaurant Toronto Dominion Bank Tower, 66 Section of International Law 187326 Wellington Street West, 54th Floor 8:00 p.m. Evening Hospitality Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Windows West, 32nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185299 8:00 p.m. Thurgood Marshall Award Dinner Fairmont Royal York Concert Hall, Convention Floor Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 186088 Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

Sunday, August 7

7:00 a.m. Section Office Delta Chelsea Baker, 2nd Floor Section of State and Local Government Law 185579 7:00 a.m. Strategic Planning Committee Breakfast Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel City Hall, 2nd Floor Section of Public Contract Law 185518 7:00 a.m. TIPS Information/Ticket Sales Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Civic Foyer, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186130 7:00 a.m. TIPS Section Hospitality Center Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Simcoe/Dufferin, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 187337 7:30 a.m. Admiralty and Maritime Law Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Gingersnap, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186415 7:30 a.m. Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon 2, 19th Floor Committee on Scope and Correlation of Work 185448 7:30 a.m. Committee Meeting InterContinental Toronto Centre Grenadier, Main Level Standing Committee on Public Education 187319 7:30 a.m. Delegation Meeting Fairmont Royal York New Brunswick, Main Mezzanine State Bar of Wisconsin 186816 7:30 a.m. Employee Benefits Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Cosmopolitan, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186416 7:30 a.m. Intellectual Property Committee Business Meeting MTCC, South Building Room 7148, 700 Level Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186424 7:30 a.m. National Conference of Federal Trial Judges New Executive Hilton Toronto Carmichael, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185337 Committee 7:30 a.m. Open AA Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon 5, 19th Floor Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs 185994 7:30 a.m. Property Insurance Law Committee Business Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Ice Palace, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186418 7:30 a.m. Section Office Fairmont Royal York Boardroom, Main Mezzanine Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities 186068 7:30 a.m. Solo and Small Firm Lawyers Breakfast Caucus Fairmont Royal York Upper Canada, 18th Floor General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division 186255 7:30 a.m. Staff Office Hilton Toronto Coat Check, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185314 7:30 a.m. Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Law Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Kenora, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186417 Committee Business Meeting 8:00 a.m. 2011-2012 Meetings and Orientation Training Planning Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Huron, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186420 Meeting 8:00 a.m. ABA Registration MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level American Bar Association 186314 8:00 a.m. ABF Staff Office MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level American Bar Foundation 186994 8:00 a.m. Appellate Judges Conference Executive Committee Hilton Toronto Tom Thomson, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185391 8:00 a.m. Business Meeting: Teen Violence Roundtable Discussion Delta Chelsea Carlyle Room, 3rd Floor Coalition on Racial and Ethnic Justice 186025 8:00 a.m. Business Torts The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 9, Convention Level Business Law Section 187437 8:00 a.m. Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Confederation 3, Main Mezzanine Standing Committee on Publishing Oversight 187146 8:00 a.m. Council Meeting Hyatt Regency Toronto King Ballroom I, Convention Level Criminal Justice Section 185867 8:00 a.m. Delegates Breakfast Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon 1, 19th Floor The Missouri Bar 186778 8:00 a.m. Housing Finance and RESPA and Personal Property The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Centre, Business Law Section 187475 Financing Joint Meeting Conference Centre, 2nd Level 8:00 a.m. IP Central Hospitality Hub with Cyber Cafe Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Print Room, 2nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185300 8:00 a.m. Issues of Concern to the Profession Fairmont Royal York British Columbia, Main Mezzanine House of Delegates 185712 8:00 a.m. Law & Accounting The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 7/8, Convention Level Business Law Section 187400 255

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sunday, August 7 (Continued)

8:00 a.m. National Conference of Specialized Court Judges New Hilton Toronto Harris, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185331 Executive Committee 8:00 a.m. National Conference of State Trial Judges New Executive Hilton Toronto Varley, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185334 Committee 8:00 a.m. National Conference of the Administrative Law Judiciary Hilton Toronto Johnston, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185326 New Executive Committee 8:00 a.m. Roman Catholic Sunday Mass with Archbishop Thomas St. Michael's Cathedral 65 Bond Street St. Thomas More Society of Toronto 187181 Collins Sponsored by The Thomas More Lawyers' Guild of Toronto 8:00 a.m. Section Council Meeting with Breakfast Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Essex Ballroom, Mezzanine Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice 186434 8:00 a.m. Section Office Hyatt Regency Toronto Studio D, Conference Level Criminal Justice Section 185855 8:00 a.m. Section Office Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Peel, Mezzanine Section of Public Contract Law 185490 8:00 a.m. Website Editorial Board Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Spring Song, 4th Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186421 8:30 a.m. AIDS Turns 30: Where the Law and the Virus Are Today Fairmont Royal York Confederation 6, Main Mezzanine ABA AIDS Coordinating Committee 186090 8:30 a.m. Annual ABA Children's Breakfast InterContinental Toronto Centre Halton, Main Level Commission on Youth at Risk 187128 8:30 a.m. Arbitration Case Law Update MTCC, South Building Room 713A, 700 Level Section of Dispute Resolution MC 186292 8:30 a.m. Bio Terrorism, Bio Ethics and Intellectual Property on Trial MTCC, South Building Room 714B, 700 Level Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section MC 186405 8:30 a.m. Council Meeting & Nominating Committee Report Delta Chelsea Churchill Ballroom B, 2nd Floor Section of State and Local Government Law 185594 8:30 a.m. From Oil Spills to Nuclear Waste: Why Cross-Border MTCC, South Building Room 803B, 800 Level Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities MC 186220 Environmental Justice Matters 8:30 a.m. Leadership Development Session Four Seasons Hotel Toronto Regency Ballroom East, 2nd Floor Section of Intellectual Property Law 185306 8:30 a.m. Officer & Delegate Orientation Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Carleton, Mezzanine Law Student Division 186183 8:30 a.m. Secured Lending, Commercial Finance and Secured The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 4, Convention Level Business Law Section 187417 Transactions, Joint Meeting 8:30 a.m. Stockholders & Board of Directors Meeting Fairmont Royal York Quebec, Main Mezzanine American Bar Insurance Plans Consultants, Inc. 185932 8:30 a.m. Task Force on Dictionary of M&A Terms The Westin Harbour Castle Frontenac, Conference Centre, Street Business Law Section 187407 Level 9:00 a.m. Antitrust and Trade Litigation The Westin Harbour Castle Bay Room, Conference Center, Street Business Law Section 187433 Level 9:00 a.m. Business Courts The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 9, Convention Level Business Law Section 187436 9:00 a.m. CoLAP Business Meeting Hyatt Regency Toronto King Ballroom II, Convention Level Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs 186301 9:00 a.m. Emerging Companies The Westin Harbour Castle Regatta, Main Lobby Business Law Section 187410 9:00 a.m. Hospitality Suite MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level Section of International Law 186381 9:00 a.m. Intellectual Property The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 6, Lower Level Business Law Section 187399 9:00 a.m. Lawyers Conference New Executive Committee Hilton Toronto Casson, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185328 Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

sunday, August 7 (Continued)

9:00 a.m. Leadership Development The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 9, Lower Level Business Law Section 187401 9:00 a.m. New Board Meeting Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville High Park II/III, 1st Floor American Lawyers Auxiliary 186760 9:00 a.m. Nominating Committee Business Meeting and Meet the Fairmont Royal York Concert Hall, Convention Floor House of Delegates Nominating Committee 185713 Candidates Forum 9:00 a.m. Pressing Issues Confronting In-House and Agency Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Dominion Ballroom North, 2nd Floor Section of Public Contract Law M 185519 Government Contracts Counsel and Responding to Cybersecurity Challenges 9:00 a.m. Section Staff Office/Open Meeting Room Park Hyatt Toronto Hazelton, Upper Level Section of Antitrust Law 186476 9:00 a.m. Task Force on Preservation of the Justice System Meeting Fairmont Royal York Confederation 5, Main Mezzanine Office of the President 186956 9:30 a.m. Environmental The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 7/8, Convention Level Business Law Section 187515 9:30 a.m. Legal Opinions The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 5, Convention Level Business Law Section 187402 9:30 a.m. Two-Step Auctions Task Force The Westin Harbour Castle Frontenac, Conference Centre, Street Business Law Section 187408 Level 10:00 a.m. Business Law Education The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 9, Lower Level Business Law Section 187603 10:00 a.m. Business Law Fellows, Ambassadors and Diplomats The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 3, Lower Level Business Law Section 187452 10:00 a.m. Corporate Counseling and Litigation and Indemnification & The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 9, Convention Level Business Law Section 187439 Insurance Joint Meeting 10:00 a.m. Dancing with the Dragon: Intellectual Property and Licensing The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon B, Convention Business Law Section M 187299 Strategies for North American Companies Doing Business Level with China 10:00 a.m. Delegates Meeting Fairmont Royal York Alberta, Main Mezzanine National Caucus of State Bar Associations 186680 10:00 a.m. Open Mic The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Centre, Business Law Section 187477 Conference Centre, 2nd Level 10:00 a.m. Pro Bono The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 2, Lower Level Business Law Section 187446 10:00 a.m. Uniform Law Commission The Westin Harbour Castle Regatta, Main Lobby Business Law Section 187412 10:30 a.m. ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: MTCC, South Building Room 701B, 700 Level Section of Labor and Employment Law MC 186593 Investigating and Forgetting on the Web 10:30 a.m. ABA CLE CENTRE SHOWCASE PROGRAM: The MTCC, South Building Room 701A, 700 Level Criminal Justice Section MC 185874 Globalization of Anti-Corruption Law 10:30 a.m. Change of Control Transactions Involving Dual-Class Share The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon C, Convention Business Law Section M 187303 Structures Level 10:30 a.m. Emerging Payment Systems: Latest Developments in Deposit The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Centre, Business Law Section M 187301 and Payment Systems and their Cross-Border Implications Conference Centre, 2nd Level 10:30 a.m. Everything Old is New Again: Covered Bonds Come (Back) The Westin Harbour Castle Queen's Quay I/II, Conference Centre, Business Law Section M 187300 to the U.S. Street Level 10:30 a.m. International M&A The Westin Harbour Castle Frontenac, Conference Centre, Street Business Law Section 187405

257 Level

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sunday, August 7 (Continued)

10:30 a.m. Toronto Stock Exchange Listings: What U.S. Practitioners The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon A, Convention Business Law Section M 187302 Need to Know Level 11:00 a.m. Chairs and Vice Chairs The Westin Harbour Castle Regatta, Main Lobby Business Law Section 187411 11:00 a.m. Conference of State Delegates Fairmont Royal York Ontario, Convention Floor House of Delegates 185714 11:00 a.m. Environmental Litigation The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 2, Lower Level Business Law Section 187442 11:00 a.m. The Role of Auditors in the Post-Financial Crisis World The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 2/3, Convention Level Business Law Section M 187304 11:45 a.m. 21st Annual Margaret Brent Women Lawyers of MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall F/G, 800 Level Commission on Women in the Profession 185164 Achievement Luncheon 12:30 p.m. Mergers and Acquisitions The Westin Harbour Castle Frontenac, Conference Centre, Street Business Law Section 187406 Level 12:30 p.m. Professional Responsibility The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 9, Lower Level Business Law Section 187413 1:00 p.m. Employment Litigation The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 2, Lower Level Business Law Section 187441 1:00 p.m. Partnerships and Alternative Business Entities The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 9, Convention Level Business Law Section 187445 1:00 p.m. Section Council Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Civic Ballroom North, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 187589 1:00 p.m. Securitization and Structured Finance and Structured Finance The Westin Harbour Castle Bay Room, Conference Centre, Street Business Law Section 187415 Litigation Joint Meeting Level 1:30 p.m. Audit Responses The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 4, Convention Level Business Law Section 187430 1:30 p.m. Business Meeting Fairmont Royal York Tudor 7/8, Main Mezzanine Conference of Section and Division Delegates 186444 1:30 p.m. Committee Leadership Meeting The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Centre, Business Law Section 187470 Conference Centre, 2nd Level 1:30 p.m. Investment Securities The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 7/8, Convention Level Business Law Section 187418 2:00 p.m. 2012 Spring Annual Meeting Program Planning Committee Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Huron, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186425 Meeting 2:00 p.m. Current Crisis in Court Funding: Efficiency, Effectiveness, MTCC, South Building Room 714A, 700 Level Office of the President MC 187151 Accountability, and Education 2:00 p.m. ERISA Litigation - Effect on Plan Design MTCC, South Building Room 716B, 700 Level Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law MC 185744 2:00 p.m. Government Contracting Opportunities Abroad - Rewards Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Dominion Ballroom North, 2nd Floor Section of Public Contract Law M 185520 Await for Those Who Are Diligent 2:00 p.m. Intellectual Property Litigation The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 2, Lower Level Business Law Section 187444 2:00 p.m. Meeting Fairmont Royal York Confederation 5, Main Mezzanine Center for Human Rights 186097 2:00 p.m. Open Hearing Fairmont Royal York Territories, Main Mezzanine House of Delegates Rules and Calendar Committee 185720 2:00 p.m. Reconciling the First Amendment and Antidiscrimination MTCC, South Building Room 803B, 800 Level Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities MC 186093 Policies: The Implications of Christian Legal Society v. Martinez 2:00 p.m. Select Committee Fairmont Royal York British Columbia, Main Mezzanine House of Delegates 185721 Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

sunday, August 7 (Continued)

2:00 p.m. Women's Caucus Fairmont Royal York Ballroom, Convention Floor Commission on Women in the Profession 185171 2:30 p.m. Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon 3, 19th Floor Annual Meeting Task Force 187598 2:30 p.m. Council Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon 1, 19th Floor ABA Fund for Justice and Education 185484 2:30 p.m. Current Legal Opinion Topics From Both Sides of the Border The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon C, Convention Business Law Section ME 187298 Level 2:30 p.m. Disclosure and Continuous Reporting The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 5, Convention Level Business Law Section 187518 2:30 p.m. Gotcha: A Survey of Cross-Border Traps for the Unwary The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 2/3, Convention Level Business Law Section M 187306 2:30 p.m. Joint Task Force on Legislative Enactment of the 2010 The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 9, Convention Level Business Law Section 187460 Revisions to Revised Article 9 2:30 p.m. The Future of US Housing Finance Reform: What Comes The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom East, Business Law Section M 187305 After Fannie and Freddie? Conference Centre, 2nd Level 2:45 p.m. Business Meeting Park Hyatt Toronto Queen's Park Ballroom South, Lobby Section of Antitrust Law 186479 Level 3:00 p.m. ABA House of Delegates Minority Caucus Fairmont Royal York Salon B, Convention Floor Center for Racial and Ethnic Diversity 186268 3:00 p.m. ABA Task Force on Financial Markets Regulatory Reform The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 2, Lower Level Business Law Section 187429 3:00 p.m. Asia Council Meeting Fairmont Royal York Confederation 6, Main Mezzanine Rule of Law Initiative 187198 3:00 p.m. Council Meeting Park Hyatt Toronto Queen's Park Ballroom South, Lobby Section of Antitrust Law 186480 Level 3:00 p.m. Division and Judge Member House of Delegates Meeting Hilton Toronto Varley, Convention Floor Judicial Division 185402 3:30 p.m. Civil Litigation and SEC Enforcement Matters The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 5, Convention Level Business Law Section 187516 3:30 p.m. Employee Benefits, Executive Compensation The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 3, Lower Level Business Law Section 187519 3:30 p.m. Joint Task Force on Survey of the Law of Guaranties The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 9, Convention Level Business Law Section 187461 3:30 p.m. Task Force on Shareholder Proposals The Westin Harbour Castle Bay Room, Street Level Business Law Section 187528 4:00 p.m. ACA President's Reception (Ticketed) CN Tower 301 Front Street West American Counsel Association 187225 4:00 p.m. Caucus Fairmont Royal York Alberta, Main Mezzanine California Delegation 186765 4:00 p.m. Committee Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon 2, 19th Floor Standing Committee on Meetings and Travel 187311 4:00 p.m. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Involvement The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 2, Lower Level Business Law Section 187508 4:30 p.m. Caucus of Young Lawyer Delegates to the ABA House Fairmont Royal York Quebec, Main Mezzanine Young Lawyers Division 186331 4:30 p.m. Securities Law Opinions The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 3, Lower Level Business Law Section 187524 5:00 p.m. Business Meeting Hilton Toronto Governor General Suite, 2nd Floor Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources 186218 5:00 p.m. FJE President's Club Reception Fairmont Royal York Upper Canada, 18th Floor ABA Fund for Justice and Education 185493 5:30 p.m. Open AA Meeting Fairmont Royal York Salon 5, 19th Floor Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs 185992 5:30 p.m. Subcommittee Chairs, Task Force Chairs, Vice Chairs and The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 5, Convention Level Business Law Section 187527 Advisory Committee Joint Meeting


259 6:00 p.m. Awards Ceremony and Reception Hilton Toronto Governor General Suite, 2nd Floor Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources

Please refer to the sponsoring entities for CLE pricing. Calendar 260

Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

sunday, August 7 (Continued)

6:00 p.m. Diversity Networking Reception The Westin Harbour Castle Regatta, Main Lobby Business Law Section 187507 6:00 p.m. Reception Fairmont Royal York Ontario, Convention Floor The Florida Bar 186769 6:30 p.m. James K. Carroll Leadership and Awards Dinner Fairmont Royal York Ballroom, Convention Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186432 6:30 p.m. Reception Fairmont Royal York Concert Hall, Convention Floor Conference of Section and Division Delegates 186445 8:00 p.m. Section Leadership Dinner Jump Restaurant 18 Wellington Street West, 416/363- Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources 187144 3400 9:00 p.m. Fellows Singalong Fairmont Royal York Salon A, Convention Floor American Bar Foundation 186221 10:30 p.m. TIPS Section Hospitality Suite Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Suite of Ginger Busby Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186426

Monday, August 8

7:00 a.m. Construction Program Continental Breakfast (Ticketed) Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Dominion Ballroom South, 2nd Floor Section of Public Contract Law 185521 7:00 a.m. Delegate Meeting and Breakfast Fairmont Royal York Library, Main Mezzanine State Bar of Texas 186807 7:00 a.m. Delegates Breakfast MTCC, South Building Room 712, 700 Level New Jersey State Bar Association 186780 7:00 a.m. Delegation Breakfast MTCC, South Building Room 710, 700 Level State Bar of Michigan 186776 7:00 a.m. Delegation Breakfast Caucus MTCC, South Building Room 705, 700 Level Pennsylvania Bar Association 186795 7:00 a.m. Delegation Breakfast Meeting Fairmont Royal York Alberta, Main Mezzanine New York State Delegation 186781 7:00 a.m. Delegation Caucus Breakfast Fairmont Royal York Quebec, Main Mezzanine Illinois State Bar Association 186771 7:00 a.m. Western "Small States" Caucus Fairmont Royal York Territories, Main Mezzanine Oregon Delegation 186794 7:15 a.m. Breakfast Fairmont Royal York Tudor 8, Main Mezzanine New England Bar Association 186779 7:15 a.m. House of Delegates Breakfast for Section of Litigation MTCC, South Building Room 714B, 700 Level Section of Litigation 185825 Members of the House 7:30 a.m. Caucus Fairmont Royal York Suite of Linda Klein Georgia Delegation 187562 7:30 a.m. Caucus Fairmont Royal York British Columbia, Main Mezzanine The Florida Bar 186768 7:30 a.m. Delegation Breakfast MTCC, South Building Room 707, 700 Level Louisiana State Bar Association 187567 7:30 a.m. Delegates Caucus Breakfast MTCC, South Building Room 704, 700 Level Indiana State Bar Association 186772 7:30 a.m. Delegation Caucus Breakfast Fairmont Royal York Nova Scotia, Main Mezzanine Ohio State Bar Association 186977 7:30 a.m. House of Delegates Breakfast MTCC, South Building Room 803B, 800 Level Business Law Section 187234 7:30 a.m. House of Delegates Breakfast MTCC, South Building Room 703, 700 Level Virginia State Bar 186809 7:30 a.m. Open AA Meeting Fairmont Royal York Prince Edward Island, Main Mezzanine Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs 185995 7:30 a.m. Over There, Over There - Construction Contracting with the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Dominion Ballroom South, 2nd Floor Section of Public Contract Law M 185522 Federal Government Overseas 7:30 a.m. Pro Bono Breakfast The Westin Harbour Castle Marine, Main Lobby Business Law Section 187424 7:30 a.m. Tennessee Delegation Breakfast Fairmont Royal York York, Main Mezzanine Tennessee Bar Association 186805 8:00 a.m. ABA Registration MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level American Bar Association 186315 Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

Monday, August 8 (Continued)

8:00 a.m. ACC Value Challenge: What's Working and What's Not The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon A, Convention Business Law Section M 187307 Level 8:00 a.m. Delegation Breakfast MTCC, South Building Room 706, 700 Level Maryland State Bar Association 186773 8:00 a.m. Dialogue with the Director of the Division of Corporation The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon B, Convention Business Law Section 187517 Finance Level 8:00 a.m. Section Business Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Simcoe/Dufferin, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186427 8:00 a.m. Section Office Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Peel, Mezzanine Section of Public Contract Law 185491 8:15 a.m. Annual Meeting of Members MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall F/G, 800 Level American Bar Endowment 185931 8:30 a.m. House of Delegates Meeting MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall F/G, 800 Level American Bar Association 186585 8:30 a.m. Investment Companies and Investment Advisers The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 4, Convention Level Business Law Section 187522 8:30 a.m. TIPS Leadership Continental Breakfast Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Civic Ballroom North, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186428 9:00 a.m. Compliance for Contractors - Enhanced Exposures that Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Dominion Ballroom North, 2nd Floor Section of Public Contract Law M 185523 Require Redoubled Efforts 9:00 a.m. Compliance Management The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Centre, Business Law Section 187471 Conference Centre, 2nd Level 9:00 a.m. Federal and State Trade Practices The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Centre, Business Law Section 187474 Conference Centre, 2nd Level 9:00 a.m. Hospitality Suite MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level Section of International Law 186382 9:00 a.m. Pro Bono The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 2, Lower Level Business Law Section 187423 9:00 a.m. Women's Business Law Network The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 3, Lower Level Business Law Section 187509 9:30 a.m. Class and Derivative Actions and Securities Litigation Joint The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 9, Convention Level Business Law Section 187438 Meeting 9:30 a.m. Hedge Funds The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 5, Convention Level Business Law Section 187520 9:30 a.m. International Securities Matters The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 7/8, Convention Level Business Law Section 187521 9:30 a.m. Proxy Statements and Business Combinations The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 2/3, Convention Level Business Law Section 187523 10:00 a.m. 2011-2012 General Committee Chairs & Chairs-Elect Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Civic Ballroom South, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186429 10:00 a.m. 2011-2012 Section Council Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Essex Ballroom, Mezzanine Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186430 10:00 a.m. Business Financing The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon C, Convention Business Law Section 187449 Level 10:00 a.m. Fair Access to Services The Westin Harbour Castle Metropolitan Grand Ballroom Centre, Business Law Section 187473 Conference Centre, 2nd Level 10:00 a.m. Technology The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 9, Lower Level Business Law Section 187426 10:30 a.m. Bridging Borders: Trends in Canadian-U.S. Business The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon C, Convention Business Law Section M 187309 Financings Level 10:30 a.m. Criminal and Enforcement Litigation, Financial Institution The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 2, Lower Level Business Law Section 187440 Litigation and Securities Litigation Joint Meeting 261

Please refer to the sponsoring entities for CLE pricing. Calendar 262

Time Topic/Event Hotel/Site Room Primary Sponsor

monday, August 8 (Continued)

10:30 a.m. Indemnification The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 3, Lower Level Business Law Section 187504 10:30 a.m. Institutional Investors and Hedge Funds: A Maturing The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon B, Convention Business Law Section M 187308 Relationship Level 10:30 a.m. State Regulation of Securities The Westin Harbour Castle Bay Room, Conference Centre, Street Business Law Section 187425 Level 11:00 a.m. 2011-2012 General Committee Board Meeting Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel Civic Ballroom South, 2nd Floor Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 186431 11:00 a.m. ERISA and Pension Litigation The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 9, Convention Level Business Law Section 187443 11:45 a.m. Officers and Directors Meeting Fairmont Royal York Nova Scotia, Main Mezzanine American Counsel Association 186763 12:00 Noon 9th Annual Ruth C. Burg Luncheon for Women in Public CN Tower 360 Restaurant, 301 Front Street West Section of Public Contract Law 187060 Contract Law (Ticketed) 12:00 Noon Luncheon MTCC, South Building Room 802A, 800 Level House of Delegates Rules and Calendar Committee 185722 12:00 Noon Pro Bono Publico Awards Luncheon MTCC, South Building Room 801A/B, 800 Level Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service 186979 12:30 p.m. Lunch for Section of Labor & Employment Law Member MTCC, South Building Room 803B, 800 Level Section of Labor and Employment Law 186057 Delegates 12:30 p.m. Section Luncheon The Westin Harbour Castle Frontenac, Conference Centre, Street Business Law Section 187422 Level 12:30 p.m. Task Force on Private Placement Broker Dealer The Westin Harbour Castle Pier 7/8, Convention Level Business Law Section 187419 1:30 p.m. Trading and Markets The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 3, Lower Level Business Law Section 187529 2:30 p.m. Investors Have Their Say on Pay: Lessons Learned from the The Westin Harbour Castle Harbour Ballroom Salon B, Convention Business Law Section M 187310 2011 Proxy Season Level 4:30 p.m. Securities Registration The Westin Harbour Castle Dockside 3, Lower Level Business Law Section 187525 6:00 p.m. Alumni & Friends Reception Fairmont Royal York Library, Main Mezzanine University of Michigan Law School 186777 6:00 p.m. Lawyers with Disabilities Reception MTCC, South Building Room 803A/B, 800 Level Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law 186064 6:30 p.m. Alumni and Friends Reception Fairmont Royal York British Columbia, Main Mezzanine Columbia Law School 187059 7:15 p.m. ACA Annual Reception and Dinner (Ticketed) Royal Canadian Yacht Club Island Room American Counsel Association 187226

Tuesday, August 9

TBD 2011-2012 Board of Governors Meeting MTCC, South Building Room 701A/B, 700 Level Board of Governors 186934 8:00 a.m. ABA Registration MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall E, 800 Level American Bar Association 186316 8:30 a.m. House of Delegates Meeting MTCC, South Building Exhibit Hall F/G, 800 Level American Bar Association 186586 12:00 Noon Luncheon MTCC, South Building Room 802A, 800 Level House of Delegates Rules and Calendar Committee 185723 MEETING DATES and Locations

Midyear and Annual Meeting Sites 1971-2014

Year Midyear Site Annual Site 1971 Chicago, IL New York, NY/London 1972 New Orleans, LA San Francisco, CA 1973 Cleveland, OH Washington, D.C. 1974 Houston, TX Honolulu, HI 1975 Chicago, IL Montreal, Canada 1976 Philadelphia, PA Atlanta, GA 1977 Seattle, WA Chicago, IL 1978 New Orleans, LA New York, NY 1979 Atlanta, GA Dallas, TX 1980 Chicago, IL Honolulu, HI 1981 Houston, TX New Orleans, LA 1982 Chicago, IL San Francisco, CA 1983 New Orleans, LA Atlanta, GA 1984 Las Vegas, NV Chicago, IL 1985 Detroit, MI Washington, D.C./London 1986 Baltimore, MD New York, NY 1987 New Orleans, LA San Francisco, CA 1988 Philadelphia, PA Toronto, Canada 1989 Denver, CO Honolulu, HI 1990 Los Angeles, CA Chicago, IL 1991 Seattle, WA Atlanta, GA 1992 Dallas, TX San Francisco, CA 1993 Boston, MA New York, NY 1994 Kansas City, MO New Orleans, LA 1995 Miami, FL Chicago, IL 1996 Baltimore, MD Orlando, FL 1997 San Antonio, TX San Francisco, CA 1998 Nashville, TN Toronto, Canada 1999 Los Angeles, CA Atlanta, GA 2000 Dallas, TX New York, NY/London 2001 San Diego, CA Chicago, IL 2002 Philadelphia, PA Washington, D.C. 2003 Seattle, WA San Francisco, CA 2004 San Antonio, TX Atlanta, GA 2005 Salt Lake City, UT Chicago, IL 2006 Chicago, IL Honolulu, HI 2007 Miami, FL San Francisco, CA 2008 Los Angeles, CA New York, NY 2009 Boston, MA Chicago, IL 2010 Orlando, FL San Francisco, CA 2011 Atlanta, GA Toronto, Canada 2012 New Orleans, LA Chicago, IL 2013 Dallas, TX San Francisco, CA 2014 Chicago, IL Boston, MA

263 Waterfront Festival 2010 Photo Credit:

264 SPEAKERS Index

This chapter is an index of notable public figures and renowned experts in their respective fields. The page numbers refer you to the programs in which they are participating.

Journey Behind the Falls Photo Credit: Tourism Niagara

265 A Biskupic, Joan, 155 Christmas, Bernd, 145 Bjorkquist, Sonia, 141 Christopoulos, Nick, 129 Abdulaleem, Raheemah, 162 Black, Nicole, 168 Cisneros, Laura, 147 Acevedo, Jeannine L., 121 Blagg, CJ, 120 Clarke, Stephen, 88 Adams, Ashley D., 132 Blostein, Katherine, 158 Clayborn, Ulysses “Deke”, 142 Aiken, Jeffrey, 135 Boies, David, 36, 200 Coffee Jr., John C., 158 Alderson, David, 172 Boortz, Andrew, 195 Coffey, Patrick, 130 Allen, Jeffrey, 140 Booth-Glen, Kristin, 98 Cohen, Leslie, 141 Almy, Jessica, 187 Borzi, Phyllis, 177 Cohen, Robert S., 156 Altschul, Andrew, 159 Bostick, George, 177 Cohn, Deborah, 150 Amendola, Anthony J., 159 Bowers, Grant, 184 Colby, Kim, 147 Anand, Raj, 158 Bowman, Rebecca, 134 Coleman Mayes, Michele, 172 Anderson, Chrsitine P., 188 Brancher, Paulo, 113 Colombaro, Billie, 136 Anderson, Karen Kwan, 134 Braun, Matthew, 88 Conrad, James, 109 Andrews, Mark J., 116 Bray, Catherine, 176, 177 Conrad Jr., Robert J., 156 Archer, Dennis W., 170 Brost, Lisa, 171 Corodemus Judge, Maria, 189 Aronow, Geoffrey F., 116 Brotman, Ellen C., 132 Corriero, Michael, 132 Arwine, Elizabeth, 192 Brown, David, 98, 127 Cragg, Mike, 149 Askew, Kim J., 188 Brown, David M., 98 Crisci, George S., 159 Aspen, Marvin E., 168 Brown, John P., 171 Criswell, Jack, 188 Aspinwall, Timothy, 108 Brown, T. Andrew, 161 Crolla, Domenic, 108 Bruner, Philip L., 135 Cross, Pamela, 93 B Bryan, Leslie J., 189 Cruden, John C., 176 Buchanan, Michael, 131 Cukier, Wendy, 83 Baden, Michael M., 180 Busch-Geertsema, Volker, 94 Baker, Bonnie, 141 Butcher, Sidney, 166 D Baker, Stewart, 84 Butler, Professor Paul, 145 Balboni, Paolo, 111 Butler, Russell, 130 D’Aquila, Barbara, 158 Baltierra, Cindy, 125 Butler III, James F., 174 Darraby, Alexandra, 195 Bannon, David J., 159 Daugherty, Carmen, 164 Baran, Tim, 140 C David, Bob, 127 Barkett, John, 171, 176 Davies, Matthew, 123 Barth Ph.D., Robert, 190 Cabraser, Elizabeth J., 188 Days III, Drew S., 170, 171 Bass, Hilarie, 168, 169, 171 Cahn, Jonathan D., 121 Dayton, Paul, 191 Bassiouni, Cherif, 146 Call, Craig M., 176 Dean, S. Bobo, 145 Bauer, Robert M., 151 Cameron, Lisa, 149 Derin, Greg David, 134 Baumgarten, Jon, 148 Canni, Todd J., 173 Devonish, Terrie-Lynne, 172 Bayha, Betsy E., 179 Caplan PC, Elinor, 109 Dexter, Douglas E., 160 Beard, Paula, 95 Carman, Mary, 151 Dianis, Judith Browne, 145 Beaver, Jeffrey A., 169 Carnevale, Dr. John, 87 Dietrich, David, 184 Belgrano, Nestor, 121 Casey, J. Brian, 136 Dill, Sara, 130 Belkin, Janet, 109 Castrilli, Joseph, 109 Dixon Jr., Herbert B., 155, 156 Bellinger III, John B., 152 Cathcart, Blaise, 83 Dobbs, Ashley, 187 Bellot, Celine, 94 Cearley, David, 179 Domitrovich Ph.D., Stephanie, 156 Bergen, Bruce, 108 Chaffee, Devon, 146 Donald, Bernice B., 38, 157 Berger, Marjorie, 175 Chang, Vincent, 141 Dornbaum, Neil, 96 Bettinger-Lopez, Carrie, 93 Chen, Raymond T., 151 Dougherty, Daniel, 149 Bierman, Luke, 168 Chester, Simon, 127 Downey, Michael, 87 Binder, Steve, 95 Childers, David, 109 Dryovage, Mary, 145 Binnie, W. Ian C., 170 Chin, Sylvia Fung, 129 DuBey, Richard, 191 Birke, Richard, 134 Chiu, Irene, 168 Dunlap, Barbara, 103 Chown, Kirby, 118 Dunlap, Charles, 120

266 Speakers Index 267 Index (continued) Speakers Jackson, T. Warren, 158 Warren, Jackson, T. Jamrozinski, Mark, 121 Jansen, Julie, 188 Johnsen, Sarah, 94 Johnson, Barbara L., 158 Johnson, Dixie, 118 Johnson, Kristy M., 188 Johnson, Sylvia, 96 Jones, Catherine, 121 Jones, Paul D., 151 I Ifill, Sherrilyn, 86 Iglesias, Capt. David C., 171 Ingis, Stuart, 111 Isaac, Brian, 195 151 Iwai, Yoshiyuki, Izquieta, Renato, 86, 164 J H Murtaza, 176 Haider, 151 Halverson, Richard, 159 Handelman, Gwen, 132 Peter, Hardy, Harris, Kathleen, 174 Harrison, Robert S., 188 Hartman, Joan, 174 150 Hassi, Ted, 156 Haycox, T.J., Thomas S., 171 Heather, Heenan, Roy L., 160 Heintzman, Thomas, 170 Hendrickson, Janet, 149 Hennigan, Dennis A., 83 Hernandez, Enrique, 171 133 W., Hodgson, Tyler Hogan, Carol, 162 Holmes, Eugene, 177 Hood, Denise Page, 171 Richard, 94 Hooks Wayman, Hopkins, Kathleen, 124, 142 Huff, Margaret M., 137 Hughes, Jack, 108 Hughes, Nicholas, 191 John, 177 Hutmacher, Hutnik, Alysa, 180 Hutton, Susan, 115 Fulton, Scott, 191 Funk, Markus, 133 Furlong, Jordan, 87 Gaetz, Stephen, 94 Gaines, Kristi, 164 Carolyn, 184 Gaines-Varner, Gardere, Jeff, 184 Geragos, Mark J., 170 146, 156 Honorable Nancy, Gertner, 156 146, Nancy, Gertner, 135 Glaholt, Duncan W., James, 175 Glasgow, 127 Donald W., Glazer, Gleason, John, 80 Goh, Jim, 170 Goldberg, Mitchell, 189 Erik, 121 Goldsilver, Gordon, Daniel I., 173 Gorelick, Jamie S., 93, 152 Gorman, Thomas, 130 James, 174 Gormley, Gottheil, Michael, 159 156 Goudge, Stephen T., Gould-Soil, Robin, 112 120 Gramlich, William, Aaron L., 159 Granger, Granston, Michael D., 174 Scott D., 174 Gray, Gray Esq., Cynthia, 157 190 Greeley Ph.D., Ann T., Green, Bruce, 130, 166 Green, Evan, 96 100 Amanda, Green Alexander, Green, Jeff, 112 Greene, Arthur G., 161 Greene, Jeffrey E., 173 Greenhouse, Linda, 86, 170 Greenspan, Edward, 141 Greenstein, Marla N., 157 Greffe, Jacques, 174 Grella, Thomas C., 161 Griesing, David, 135 Griesing, Francine, 135 Grieve, Deborah, 113, 116 Allan L., 120, 171 Gropper, Gunderson MD, Erik, 188 Gura, Alan, 83 G F Fabiano, Daniel, 144 Falcigno Esq., Nisha A., 156 Farnsworth, Julianne, 168 Fasanelli, Antonia, 164 130 Feldman, Andrew, Fernandez, Jack, 132 Fershtman, Julie I., 100 Fiflis, Christina, 130 Fishlock, Robert, 109 123 Fitzsimmons, Matthew F., Flaschen, Hartford, 116 Foggo, Gavin, 171 Rajeev Sharma, 171 Fokeer, Foltin, Richard, 147 Fong, Ivan K., 152 142 Foonberg, Jay, Foran, Margaret M., 121 Susan, 87 Foster, Fox, Lawrence J., 169 Richard, 125 Fraher, 146 David T.S., Fraser, C. Elisia, 145, 146 Frazier, Freese, Paul, 95 Friedman, Judith, 166 Friedman, Richard, 86 Frink, Keathan B., 168 Janet M., 148 Fuhrer, Michael, 141 Fuller, E Eastman, John C., 95 Edleman, Scott A., 168 Dennis, 171 Edney, 187 Edwards, Jennifer, Einhorn, Bruce, 95 118 Eisenberg, Meyer, 121 Eldridge, Tom, Nanette, 103, 201 Elster, Emmert, Michael, 169 Brad, 141 Englander, Engel, Devon, 173 Epstein, Gloria J., 168 149 Erstling, Jay, Ervin, Susan C., 116 Dunne, Michael J., 127 149 Lisa, Dunner, Duvall, Mark, 109 Joseph, Jonathan, 144 Levins, Karen, 109 McPharland, Shaun, 188 Joseph, Marc, 159 Liebenberg, Roberta D., 100, 170 Mears, Rena, 112 Jourdan, Dawn, 176 Lifshitz, Lisa R., 123 Meisner, Mitchell R., 177 Judge, John A.M., 136 Lincenberg, Gary S., 131 Mendelsohn, Mark, 174 Linde, Stephen, 177 Metcalfe, Daniel, 108 K Lindefjeld, Robert, 149 Meyer Ph.D., Mercedes, 192 Linder, Jason, 130 Meyerson, Bruce, 137 Kamalii, Naunaniknau, 145 Lindsey, David M., 172 Mighell, Tom, 161 Kappos, David J., 151 Lipkus, Lorne M., 195 Miles, Jerry Alfonso, 174 Karlan, Pamela S., 155, 171 Little, J. Anderson, 136 Minami, Dale, 146 Kearse, Bernard, 177 Lockwood, Karen M., 100 Minter, Shannon Price, 159 Keefe, Blair W., 127 Loeffler, Evan, 142 Mitchell, Thomas, 184 Keest, Kathleen, 127 Lohier Jr., Raymond J., 131 Mitchnick, Mort, 158 Keith, Priscilla Diane, 114 Long, Phillip, 144 Mogg, Jason, 121 Kelly, Maureen T., 173 Lopez, Orlando, 192 Moldof, Stephen B., 158 Kelly, William, 141, 156 Lorne, Simon M., 118 Montague, Chris, 118 Kelly, William G., 156 Lucibello, Wanda, 130 Mooney, Jeffrey S., 114 Kennedy, Dennis, 87 Luneburg, William, 108 Moore, Annette, 122 Kennedy, Sheryl, 114 Moore, Charley, 141 Kerry, Cameron F., 152 M Morales, Manar S., 170 Kettering, Kenneth, 113 Morante, Thomas, 114, 115 Khaki, El Farouk, 99 MacDonald, Robert, 125 Morawetz, Geoffrey B., 120 Kingsley, Jean-Pierre, 81 Macdonald, Johanna, 94 Morefield, Richard, 190 Kirsh, Harvey, 135 Macdonald, Kathy, 184 Moreno, Jonathan, 192 Klimpel, Laura, 114 Mach, Daniel, 147 Moringiello, Juliet M., 86 Klinger, Shannon Thyme, 116 Madison, George W., 114 Morrison, Lynn, 108 Knapp, John, 114 Mahony, Dennis, 176 Mukherjee-Gothi, Sudevi, 162 Knight, Bernard, 150 Maidment, Scott, 168 Mullins, Robert, 176 Knopf, Kevin, 177 Malyshev, Peter Y., 116 Munneke, Gary A., 104, 161 Kocoras, John, 116 Mandhane, Renu, 93 Munson-Regala, Manny, 114 Koeltl, John G., 169 Marcus, David, 148 Murphy, Capt. John F., 171 Kolko, Hanan B., 160 Marion, Kieran, 184 Myers, Verna, 140 Kovick, David, 114 Marlatt, Jerry, 125 Kushner, Amiad M., 118 Marley, Tom, 114 N Kusturin, David, 177 Marrow, Paul Bennett, 136 Kuwabara, Bruce, 177 Marshall, Raymond, 162 Nadler, David M., 174 Martin, Christine, 168 Nance, Cynthia E., 160 L Martin Jr., John S., 134 Naser, Cristeena, 118 Mary Carter, Andrues, 131 Navetta, David, 181 Lack, Jeremy, 137 Mathiascheck, Susan, 176 Neiditz, Jon, 123 Lambreth, Susan, 161 Mayden, Barbara Mendel, 118 Neill, Andrea, 108 Lang, Georgialee A., 100 McAree, Marc, 191 Neiman, Jeffrey A., 132 Larson, Keith, 121 McCahey, John P., 134 Neiman, John C., 190 LeSage, Patrick, 112 McCarthy, Martha, 139 Newman, Zachary, 134 Leahy, Cheryl, 187 McClure, David L., 179 Newsom, Kevin C., 155 Leber, Bernice K., 136 McDougall, Gay J., 146 Nisbet, Miriam, 108 Leck, Brian, 112 MacFarlane, Alex L., 116 Nolan, John R., 176 Lefort, Serena, 121 McGahan, Susan E., 149 Norris Ph.D., Gareth, 190 Lennox, Ron, 116 McIsaac, Barbara, 174 Nowbar, Hossein, 179 Leo, Kristi, 125 McKenzie, Douglas, 129 Leon, Jeffrey S., 136 McLachlin, Beverley, 1, 215 Letalik, Norman G., 189 McLaughlin, Hooley, 178

268 Speakers Index 269 Index (continued) Speakers Sandler, Paul Mark, 168 Sandler, Saul, Dean, 116 168 Scassa, Teresa, 139 Schepard, Andrew, 124, 176 Schnapf, Lawrence, Johannes, 174 Schnitzer, Paula, 146 Schriefer, Schurz, James M., 137 Schwartz,Robert, 132 Schwartzreich, Lauren, 160 Scieszinski, Annette, 157 Scott, Dayna Nadine, 147 Sears, Robin, 112 Segal, Debbie, 92, 93 Selznick, Stephen, 195 168 Sequeira, Kiran P., Sewell, Bruce, 149 135 Sexton, J. Edgar, 158 Richard T., Seymour, Shampnoi, Elizabeth J., 136 Shanmugam, Kannon, 155 132 Shapiro, David T., Sheehan, Anne, 121 Shelton, Darlene, 141 Shelton, Dominique, 168 Shelton, Donald, 155, 180 Shepard, Michelle, 171 132 Shepherd, William, Shore, Jacques J.M., 120 Siegfried, Jonathan, 162 Simpson, Robert R., 168 Singh, Sajai, 112, 118 Joseph E., 159 Slater, Slesnick, Donald D., 159 Smart, Patricia S., 148 112 Smith, Andrew, Smith, Angela, 80 Smith, Lewis, 129 Smith, Paul M., 146 Smith, Rogers, 95 121 Smith, Timothy, Smolenski, Carol, 101 Snowden, Marcus B., 188 Sommarstrom, Sara, 201 195 Sookman, Barry, Sorensen, Juliet, 133 Spaulding, Suzanne, 84 Helena, 112 Sprenger, Stahl, Philip, 139 Ken, 170, 171 Starr, Starrs, James, 141 Steele, Roberta L., 158 124, 125, 127 Potter, Trevor, 108 Trevor, Potter, 125, 181 David, Power, 181 Michael, Power, Puri, Poonam, 112 S Sackheim, Michael, 116 Saenz, Thomas, 95 Alka, 132 Sagar, Saks, Michael, 156 Salimi, Niaz, 99 Sanborn, Jarisse, 120 Sandeen, Sharon K., 116, 118, 119, Sanders Reach, Catherine, 104 R 170 Rachlinski, Jeffrey J., Radke, Mark S., 131 Myrna, 93 Raeder, Ramrattan, Hemma B., 130, 131 156, 157 Randall, Gary, 108 Randall, Vernellia, Ranking, Gerald L.R., 136 Razzano, Frank, 130 149 Rea, Teresa, 111 Reding, Viviane, Rees, Caroline, 114 180 Reichs, Kathy, Reuben, Richard, 135 Susan, 120 Richey, Panagiotis, 151 Rigopoulos, Dr. 83, 84, 166 Rishikof, Harvey, Rives, Jack L, 120 Robertson, Mark A., 161 115 Robins, Harry, Robinson, Alfreda, 134 Roebuck, L. David, 168 Rogers, Estelle, 81 Rogers, Linc A., 120 Roland, Ian J., 159 Rosenberg, Steve, 86 James D., 174 Rosener, Rosenfield, David, 116 Rosenthal, Edward H., 150 H. Alan, 150 Rothenbuecher, Roussel, Kathleen, 191 Rowden, Marianne, 116 159 Royal, Michael P., Rubin, Michael, 176 P Paez, Mauricio, 160 Panossian, Natalie, 118, 128, 166 Michael, 195 Pantalony, Papperman, Raymond, 191 Parrish, Austen, 191 Parsi, Kayhan, 103 Corrine, 108 Parver, Patel, Parag, 142 Bill, 148 Patry, Patterson, Richard, 142 Paul, Marcia B., 150 Pedowitz, Arnold, 159 Pelton, Erik, 120 Pepall, Sarah, 171 Pereira, Marcelo Freitas, 112 Susan, 142 Pesner, Petro, Nerino, 161 Petrovich, Ronald, 103 Phillips, Carlin, 141 Phillips, John, 137, 174 Phillips, Richard M., 118 Darrell, 174 Phillips, W. 146 Piccone, Ted, Pickholz, Jason, 131 Piechowski Ph.D., Lisa Drago, 190 Pietrangelo, Bonita, 81 Pina, Olga, 168 Pinnington, Dan, 104, 161 L. Lee, 116 Podair, Pollard, Alfred, 127 Polsenberg, Daniel, 187 Earl, 109 Pomeroy, O 200 Sandra Day, O’Connor, Bill, 94 O’Grady, 108 James T., O’Reilly, O’Sullivan, Eoin, 94 Olcott, Jacob, 173 Oles, Douglas S., 135 Olsen, Thomas J., 189 118 Olson, John F., Olson, Theodore B., 36, 155, 200 Mark, 115 Opashinov, 166 Cynthia Hujar, Orr, Fiona K., 168 Orr, Kevyn D., 120 Orr, Osburn, C. Dixon, 99 Stengel, Scott, 125 U X Stephens Gayton, Jennifer, 189 Stephenson, James W., 174 Utterback, Meg, 171 Xandrine, Damier, 180 Stock, Margaret, 95 Stoddart, Jennifer, 111 V Y Stong, Elizabeth S., 118 Strathy, George R., 171, 189 Van Barr, Christopher, 150 Yang, Elizabeth, 164 Strawn, Susan, 174 VanDruff, Laura Riposo, 123 Young, Ken, 161 Strommer, Geoffrey, 145 Varghese, Vinoo, 141 Young, Laura Wen-Yu, 125 Susman, Stephen D., 168 Vento, John S., 174 Young, Michael D., 134 Susman, Thomas M., 108 Vercammen, Kenneth, 142 Younger, Stephen P., 136 Sussman, Edna, 136, 137 Vidas, Mary, 139 Yu, Peter, 125 Swanson, James W., 120 Vladeck, Steve, 146 Yukins, Christopher R., 174 Swartz, Salli A., 152 Vogel, Robert L., 174 Swick, Brenda C., 174 Z Swirsky, Eric, 103 W Sylvestre, Marie-Eve, 94 Zack, Stephen N., 5, 6, 7, 37, 38, Szymanski, Kathryn T., 173 Waks, Larry, 195 200 Waldman, Ellen, 137 Zack Quindel, Barbara, 159 T Walker, Janet, 171 Zhao, Yong, 174 Waller, Irwin, 130 Zimmerman, Susan, 127 Targ, Nicholas, 147 Walrath, Mary, 168 Zinn, Matthew, 149 Tate, Eric A., 158 Walther, Hank B., 132 Zschau, Julius J., 142 Taylor, Bernard, 189 Walthour, Nicole M., 158 Zupkus, Robert A., 188, 202 Tedder, David, 142 Walts, Katherine Kaufk, 101 Zwack, Andrea, 159 Teillet, Jean, 141 Walwyn, Donna, 158 Tennille, Ben F., 156 Waque, Stephen F., 177 Thevenin, Nancy M., 172 Washington, George L., 158 Thomas, Sheila, 145 Watkiss, Ulli, 81 Thompson, Robin, 101 Watson, Michael S.F., 168 Thompson II, Kenneth R., 172 Waxse, David J., 156 Tighe, Gavin, 189 Weise, Steven O., 122, 127 Tikk, Eneken, 83 Welner, Michael, 192 Tillman, Bridgette, 188 Westman, Daniel P., 159 Title, Gayle Migdal, 134 Whelan, David, 108 Tobin, Charles D., 146, 195 White, Mark, 114, 161 Tomaszewski, John, 179 White Jr., Walter H., 90, 133 Torres, Gerald, 145 Williams, John R., 98 Townsend, Akisha, 187 Williams, Lee, 146 Trapp Judge, Mary Jane, 190 Williams LL.B., John, 190 Trecroce, Riccardo, 172 Wilson, Richard, 139 Trkla, Kathryn M., 114, 116 Winders, Delcianna, 187 Trupin, Casey, 94 Witkin, Merrie-Faye, 114 Tucker, Vicki O., 126, 127 Witte, G. Michael, 155, 157 Trapp Judge, Mary Jane Wong, Genevieve, 176 Trecroce, Riccardo Wong, Michelle, 112 Trkla, Kathryn M. Wood Circuit Judge, Diane P., 188 Trupin, Casey Tucker, Vicki O.

270 Notes

271 The Don Valley Brick Works is a former quarry and industrial site located in the Don River valley in Toronto, Ontario. Currently the buildings sit mostly unused while the quarry has been converted into a city park which includes a series of naturalized ponds. The Don Valley Brick Works operated for nearly 100 years and provided bricks used to construct many well-known Toronto landmarks, such as Casa Loma, Osgoode Hall, Massey Hall, and the Ontario Legislature. Photo Credit: