Slippery When Wet

Vol 20 Issue 32 April 2020

“To Carry This Message To Alcoholics And To Practice These Principles In All Our Affairs”

Greetings from the editors’ desk: I hope all is well with the AA fellowship here in the Treasure Valley. I’m trying to include as many resources as possible in Slip- pery When Wet. Most of the fellowship get the electronic version of the newslet- ter, when you see something blue click on it and you will be taken to that web page. This works on your PC or any mobile device. You will find on page 2 links to virtual meetings. If your meeting has been temporarily canceled please email Central Office, [email protected] and they will add it to the list. If your meeting is now virtual, zoom etc. please email the information to Central Office, for those of you sending me meeting information I forward it to Central Office. Upcoming events The International Convention in Detroit has been cancelled and will not be rescheduled. The next International Convention will be in 2025 in Vancouver BC. Please see the letter from the GSO on page 5 for more details. The Women’s Brunch scheduled for May 2nd has been canceled. The Spring As- sembly scheduled for May 9th has also been canceled. All scheduled events in the treasure valley are a go, as of this printing. Changes will be reflected on the TVICO website. Currently Central Office has Limited hours Monday’s noon to 2pm and Thursdays 10am to noon. Social distancing will be in effect and no cash will be accepted only credit cards. I have updated the business meetings listings to include district 8. Please check with your GSR as to whether your business meeting has been canceled or moved online. TSNAC Barbeque and fundraiser tickets are available online at TSNAC Tickets. Speaking of TSNAC they have a new mailing address please see page 15. I believe this covers everything in this issue. If there are important matters for the fellowship, I will put out another spe- cial edition. Otherwise the May edition will go out the 1st week of May. I can leave you with this, faith in God, keep your side of the street clean, find another alcoholic to work with.

Be Safe

Jason S.

Born December 18th, 1969. Passed April 7th, 2020.

Stu B., 50, died on the 7th of April 2020 at his home in Boise, ID. He was born on the 18th of December 1969 in Santa Monica, CA. His family relocated to San Diego in 1979, where Stu spent the majority of his youth. After earning marketing (2000) and education (2004) degrees from Boise State University, he made Boise his permanent home. Stu was a passionate educator at the elementary level until his health declined. He was the grateful recipient of a heart transplant in 2007. From that point forward, he championed heart health and edu- cation. In doing so, he formed Someone Really Cares, a non-profit organization focused on heart-related education for the youth of America. Stu was a very proud member of Alcoholics Anonymous, creating many life-long relationships and celebrating 25 years of so- briety. He was a passionate photographer, inspired by sunsets and riv- erscapes. Stu was generous, loving, and had a great sense of humor. He is survived by and will be missed tremendously by his mother (Julie), father (Stuart M.), two younger brothers (Richard, Christo- pher), nieces (Charlotte, Adeline), nephews (Finnegan, Fletcher), aunts, uncles, cousins, and very loving neighbors and friends. "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." -Henry David Thoreau


If your meeting has been canceled due to Coronavirus let us know and if you've set up a tele-conference meeting or a zoom video meeting we will post it here. Let us know by emailing [email protected].



1111 S. Orchard St. Suite 180

Boise Idaho 83705

Phone 208.344.6611

AA Hotline 208.344.6611


[email protected]

Hotline Chair Email

[email protected]

TVICO Website


Idaho Area 18 Website

Slippery When Wet Email

[email protected]

Office Hours

Monday Noon to 2pm

Thursdays 10am to Noon

Closed Saturday, Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays 3

Yahoo! Some Class IV rapids on this stream of life! Thank God we have the program of Alcohol- ics Anonymous as the rudder of the boat. The Hotline is receiving numerous Newcomer calls. It’s up about 300 percent. We’re doing what we can to get them in contact with someone in the program to help them navigate their journey to sobriety.

*We’re continually updating the website to accommodate the multitude of online (Zoom) meetings as well as those that are on conference calls. Passwords and Links are being changed seemingly daily so it’s suggested you check the website for the more cur- rent information.

On that note if your group is holding a Zoom meeting and it’s not listed. Email the Zoom or conference call invite to [email protected]. We’ll include it on the list .

*On the 7th tradition. I have set up a PayPal donate button under the 7th tradition tab.https:// If you’re group is interested in setting up a stream of contributions thru the Intergroup website email [email protected] to get the details. Once confirmed, your group will be included in the drop down options for your members to designate where they want the funds to go to. The monies will be trans- ferred from the PayPal fund to your group if it was so designated by the donor. When making contributions consider paying it forward in a larger denomination as there is a 30 cent per transaction fee as well as a 3% charge. I’d suggest including a statement in your meeting format regarding 7th tradition that a $10 minimum donation is suggested.

*The Central Office is open 2 times a week. Monday from Noon to 2PM and Thursday from 10AM to Noon. We keep the door locked. Please knock for entrance. We follow safety protocols and only take Credit Cards. There is a $.50 Credit Card fee applied for purchases less then $5.00.

In Service,


4 2020 International Convention, July 2-5, Detroit, Michigan, is Canceled Announcement by Michele Grinberg, Chair of the General Service Board of A.A. It is with heavy hearts that we announce the cancellation of the 2020 International Convention in Detroit, July 2-5. We know that this is a disappointment to our Fellowship, as every five years we look forward to celebrating sobriety, the Alcoholics Anonymous program of hope and recovery, and meeting dear friends, old and new, from around the world. Planning for the International Convention started in 2008 when Detroit was chosen to host the 2020 event. From the moment the city was selected, lo- cal leaders extended a warm welcome to A.A., and the event was representative of Detroit’s own rebirth as a great convention city. The excitement shown by the A.A. community and the people of the greater Detroit area was seen throughout the 12-year planning process. We experienced a phe- nomenal response from local A.A. members ready to volunteer and welcome members from all over the world to the International Convention. The appreciation and welcome we received from the Detroit community, including their desire to share the city with the A.A. Fellowship, has been especially warm and overwhelming. For many weeks, the General Service Board, directors, man- agement team and planning partners for the International Convention have been monitoring the public health announcements in real time as daily life continues to change for every citizen across the globe. This is not a decision that is taken lightly. However, because of our numerous concerns related to the health and safety of our attendees, especially if 50,000 of us were to gather in Detroit in early July, were confident it is the correct decision at this time. It has become clear that proceed- ing with a Convention of this magnitude in Michigan at that time is an unacceptable safety risk because of the uncertainty of the disease spread and containment. These are unprecedented times, impacting travel possibilities and requiring restrictions on large mass gatherings. For all of us, the health and well-being of our community comes first. Due to the size and scale of the International Convention, the necessary contracts and work which must be started now, as well as travel ar- rangements, hotel availability, and Michigan’s Statewide shutdown creating more uncertainty and inability to move forward on convention production, we are called to make a decision now. We want to share clearly that we have made this determination based on the facts available today and, most importantly, based on the sense of responsibility and genuine care we feel for all our at- tendees, as well as for the citizens of Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Canada. We have thought long and hard in these past few weeks, consulting in depth with our planning partners, staff and the Detroit community before making this decision. Our theme “Love and Tolerance is our Code” has never felt truer, nor more important in these times of uncertainty. We remain grateful for your love and support. We look forward to a large and happy gathering of our Fellowship in Vancouver, British Columbia in 2025. While the decision to cancel our International Convention is a difficult one, it is important to remember that Alcoholics Anonymous is not a place or an event; it exists in the hearts, minds and help freely offered. A.A. groups and members across the globe continue to focus on our primary purpose of carrying a message of hope and recovery; and with our shared code of love and tolerance, may we continue for so long as we are needed. Sincerely, Michele Grinberg

5 All Information contained in this edition is from the TVICO website, Area 18 Website and the CDC. What we need to know, 1) wash your hands frequently, 2) cover your mouth and face when you sneeze or cough, 3) Practice social distancing 6 feet. The symptoms of COVID-19 (coronavirus) are fever, cough and shortness of breath, symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure. Call your doctor: If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever and symptoms, such as cough or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider for medical advice. If you develop emergency warning signs for COVID-19 get medical attention immediately. Emergency warning signs include*:

• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest • New confusion or inability to arouse Bluish lips or face *This list is not all inclusive. Please consult your medical provider for any other symptoms that are se- vere or concerning. There is nothing to be feared, concern however is perfectly normal. Be safe and practice common sense. CDC Website Regarding Corona Virus General Service Office Idaho Health and Welfare Idaho and Covid-19 Dashboard for Covid-19 in Idaho

In response to several requests, we are sending a note to the fellowship regarding the Coronavirus and how it may impact AA meetings in our area. Since the Coronavirus seems to be more contagious than most strains of the flu, we are asking groups and members to exercise caution and common sense. We recognize that each group is autonomous, so it is up to each group wheth- er it wants to address hand-holding and other safeguards. However, as individual AA members, we are responsible for our own recovery– that responsibility extends to maintaining our own health, regardless of what our groups and meetings decide to do. Most importantly, if you have a desire to drink, reach out for help to friends in the fellowship or call the hotline: 208-344- 6611. Thank you for sharing this information with your groups. Here’s wishing everyone good health and continued sobriety.

6 ATTENDEES: 8 Scott, Margo, Kimmie, Lori, Melissa, Barbara, 3 other gentlemen I didn’t catch their names. Secretary: Margo motioned to accept the minutes from last month, Jordan seconded, motion passed Treasurer Report: 1,667.34 Founders day picnic in June 13th 11a-4p the cost is $5 - service needed: raffle ticket sellers, food servers, clean up Webmaster: none SWW : First week of march delayed due to no minutes, always looking for material. Subscribe if you like to the free e-letter!! Answering service: Heather K is stepping down, and would like someone to take over as soon as possible, call central office, and Margo will train you. Her stay in North Dakota looks like it will be long term. 1st and 2nd Tuesday and 5th Wednesday spots are open, and please consider filling. TSNAC: 1. The Chair and Treasurer had to be re-elected for banking purposes. 2. Treasurer's Re- port: a. Beginning balance - $6224.34 b. Pink Can - $406.47 c. Group Contributions - $2045.83 (25% of $511.46 diverted to Pink Can) d. Expenses & Transactions - $3937.66 (which includes the Q1 Literature order) e. Ending Balance - $4738.98 3. Q1 order was available for distribution 4. Corrections a. New Pink cans available for groups 5. Hospital/Treatment Literature distributed to facilities b. Some facilities raised concerns about war stories being shared. Jesse will attend affected meetings. 6. Bridge the Gap a. The Boise & Meridian volunteer lists need updated. Need volunteers so please announce at your home group meetings. 7. Picnic Report a. Pavilion 1 (which is at the back) for June 6th from noon to 4 or 5 pm. b. Planning committee that will work with Dog Pile will be meeting. 8. New webmaster, Shane P. was nominated and elected. 9. Still discussing name change - no formal decision yet. 10. volunteer Coordinator posi- tion filled by Brian S Gem state roundup: Will be taking place, Kristin will take over the reigns. May be in jeopardy due to the coronavirus Prison service positions always available!! Group Announcements: camping trip end of July serenity seekers, rule 62 potluck speaker meeting last Thursday of the month Speaker BBQ meeting 5-7 primary purpose

7 Central office Financial Breakdown: wasn’t able to get work done in time, will be available next months meeting Steering Committee: we almost have the credit card that will give us points to utilize. Process has begun to get it going. Telephone and Internet contract has ended. If you have tickets to sell, contact Central office and they will put them online. Store Report: Independently published, non-official AA books are available at Central Office (a whole wall of books) they’re really good, just not AA sanctioned. 3 new ones highly praised by Margo. Bullets points are monthly, and we will see how this goes, and reevaluate it’s effectiveness, efficacy, etc.… You can find the weekly bullet points online Unfinished Business: Bylaw committee updates: They got some more work done on them, but are taking some time. New Business: Define AA approved events: Kimmie motions to table, Barbara 2nds Define AA fellowship Events: COVID-19 Coronavirus & meetings: There is a handout, some churches are being closed, and meetings are at risk. Teleconferences, phone meetings, skype, etc... Some ideas are outlined, but each group is autonomous and may handle things as they see best. But please let the Central Office know so they can not send someone to a meeting that has been closed down, or give them the info to gain access to the teleconference, skype, FaceTime, etc.… We do have an AA sponsored non “in -person” option listed in case a group doesn’t want to use google, skype, etc.… Telephone & Internet service changes: At the steering meeting, contracts are being suspended to give time to evaluate $156 currently and a month for 2 phone lines and internet. Denied a 3 year contract. CenturyLink was contacted $114.99 for essentially the same solid phone service and good internet with dedicated IP address. 3 separate options, stay with current service , and pay a little more, go with no contract and pay more $144, or go with century link $114. Margo will look into internet accessibility with someone experiencing spam instead of Meeting adjourned

8 Below are the 3 options for phone internet service. The cost covers 2 phone lines and high speed internet. Because 2 of these options include a contract, per the bylaws, there needs to be group approval. 1. CenturyLink. $114.95 per month includes 2 phone lines with various call forwarding options. No need to call Cable one on the weekends to change forwarding. Internet service is 40 Mbps download speed and 3 Mbps up load speeds. Dedicated IP address guaranteed speed. Two year contract $100 installation fee. This is what the Steering committee recommends 2. Cable One or Spark light. $155.00 per month includes 2 phone lines with standard call forwarding. We need to call Cable one on the weekends to change forwarding. Internet speed is up to 50 Mbps download speed and up to 5 Mbps upload speed. Three year contract, no installation fee, as they are our current provider 3. Cable One or Spark light. $204 per month includes 2 phone lines with standard call forwarding. We need to call Cable one on the weekends to change forwarding. Internet speed is up to 50 Mbps download speed and up to 5 Mbps upload speed. No contract Please take this to your groups and either email your choices or have your Intergroup rep bring your choice to the next intergroup meeting . In Service Scott H TVICO Co-Chair

6101 Lubkin

Boise Idaho 83704 208 867-3428

9 District 3 Business Meeting 1st Tuesday of every month @7pm 4444 Taft (Collister United Methodist Church)

District 4 Business Meeting 2nd Saturday of every month @4pm 619 12th Ave S. Nampa (First Christian Church Downstairs)

District 5 Business Meeting 1st Sunday of every month @3pm 324 S. Meridian Rd. Meridian

District 8 Business Meeting 4th Thursday of the month @7pm 950 West State Street (First Presbyterian Church, Boise, ID)

TVICO Steering Committee Meeting 2nd Tuesday of every month @6pm Due to the Covid-19 Virus The 1111 S. Orchard Suite 180 Boise (Central Office) Meetings on this page be may be postponed or they are a virtual meet- TVICO Intergroup Meeting ing. Please contact Central Office for the most recent information. 2nd Thursday of every month @6pm 1111 S. Orchard Suite 180 Boise (Central Office)

TSNAC West Volunteer Meeting 1st Saturday of every month @10am 3820 Cassia St. Boise

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Stay Calm And Six Feet Wash Your Hands

This 2 shall Also Pass

Keep Working The Program

F.E.A.R. False Evidence Appearing Real

Practice Good Hygiene

Social Distancing