The Macaroni Journal
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I \ THE MACARONI JOURNAL Volume 62 No.8 December, 1980 The Macaroni Journal '101. 62 Olllcilll ".,bIk.. , ... 01 1M NOIi_ M"",,,,"; MlUUllfKI.rm Auo<i.. Io •• No. 8 /9 South BOIh_tIl SIrM. Pdllll;n~. IIlinoi~ . AddrtJS all rorrnpotllhrtu December ,tront/", atlVtTfW", or nli,orial m41rriols 10 Rob,,, M. GInn, £11;'01. 1980 1'.0 . Box JJ6. I'DhltI... /lUfIOiI 6()(]67. P.,e __ ..........1. R. Thunton, Jr • Pastaville USA ...................................... .. .. .. .. 4 ...... ••.•••.. J<Kq1h P. \'Iviano' II.... ...................... ......................... 6 PI ...........Anthony II. Gioia ChanJICI for Conoda ............. ............... ...... .. ... 10 D._ ••- •• - •.• D. Harld< ~!"'oo.,:oll•• ~ ..- Jobo ~ ...Icr ~t~ COn.kkr ~~r . ........ .. .. .. ......... 12 ..._ 5ecnWy ........R. M. G,... Hilhli&bts from Prosreuive Grocer', Ex«ulivt Roundtable .. J4 olllelear<h .... J. J. Winston Counsel ........ Cary Kusbner Conmttiona! Supen Want &"., Deal. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. IS Cost Cuttin. Conswnen • .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • . .. .. .. .. .. 18 Nationwide Fund Consumption 5un"<y .. ............. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 Durum ProdU<lion ... ............................ ............. 23 L ~L (Andy) Andenon J_W._ The Common ~.,k.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. 26 \'_1 DeDomenlro Cercal MakcR Face FTC ChafFS . • . • •• • • • . • •• • • . 10 AII'.hooy II. Gioia H.... VOlt eaten Pasta Lately? ........ .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. 32 Jolm D. Harid< Ted J. 5<11o"I1Y Pau•• Puttini and Other Pure Plcasurn ...... •• .•• ... .. .. 40 [man..... Ronzonl. Jr. Index 10 Ad\'Cniscn •• ... ..... •••. ..... ..... ..... .. .. .... ... 42 naJpb SuU l.loYd F. SId ....r S:lIggt.~t a hurty mOlC'.amnl·huS.l")' 1 "11' di"od carrots I nter R. Thunton. Jr. ,trw. It'. \~ry raqt. ~Iale stock with 1 ('Up sliet.J (,'('1('1)' 1".,uI A. Vmnyl... the lurkcy In the n-rrignator. SUr In ;1 ,ups dhow ..",,"Vonl (8omlt't"S) , .!Oph P. Viviano \-cgnahlrs and ..·100'" nw..... onl. The "",.Iey .prig.. opllonal . Jobo Westerberg mull? A 6ne-tuting. nutritious mr:at In a large saucrpot or .on,,;h O\"rn, ,hn R. William which supplin llrotrln, II \ilamlm l'Urnhlne can:ass, watt"f, tur1t")" 0',.. and Iron plus carbohydrate ront ..,.t II) Ions. ,·hoppnl panlt")·, All. sage and I JOUaNAL furnish merg)', If, an ltin ",hid. (k"ppc.'m,ms. Ilrat 10 boilluJ;. eo,'.. ' r; ' ..... pnn'es once again bow macaroul pr0- , _ __ ._ S 12.00 pet' yeor rnluC'(! Iwat 10 low alMl slmnlt'f for _ ____ $1 S.OO PI' yeor ducts mil 10 wdl "ith otlM'r foods. _ ______ 11.00 eoch 3 hours. Itrmcn'c fmm ht-al. Rrtno\'C and gh'c )'00 more fur your mUllt")', _ _____ '2.00 each t'aJ'l"aSi and huu('I; di.Jcanl. Alld air· Anothn limc ",1:(n you rna)' h .. \,r' rots and aolrry to lu""t')· broth. ConT IICInthIJ e.,. the No,ional tur\;t")' nn hand. try a samr)" casse aud slmltK"r .hout 10 minutes. or un· ~ IwodoUon role - Turke)' Enror(", II ~Ion .we MIrt. 1919. Ul \'rgl"labl" arc almost IrndCT. I ..• n pop. pold at Awleton lTI'aJe hrat to high and heat broth ond ........ 1I1ino1, Macaroni Turlt.y St_ mb.hue to hoiling. Graduall)' add (Mal:n 6 to 8 sen·jugs) nuearnlll 10 rapidly boiling broth 1 turlot)· carau.s. hml.:..'" "1' miliure so that hroth mbiture con· a 'luarts water Unlil'S to boll. Cook unCO\'~ stir· d!nnt-r'. O\Off. It', \'n)' 2 cups cut-up rouknl lC'honT ring OCC'IUlonally. until macaroni " today'. food prices turkey just tc.-ndt'r. about 10 to 15 minutcL may be left from the 1v.. cups mopped onions s.n·. lnunnlbtoly. Garnish with ""' Fold·PakCorp., Newark, New York 14513/315-331-3200 ~ <up dooPFnI parsll')' sley. If cIoslred. To ",he.~ add chick ... bouillon or ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS SALES OFFICE: 110 CHARLonE PLACE tb:~!:~be:""'" In al>pel"- 4 teaspoons salt v.. teaspoon lage hroth. If 1110", 1"IUld Is desired. ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, NEW JERSEY 07832JPHONE: 201-5118-7800 10 prpptrronu IContlrued on poot 40J 3 , astaville USA M I N o T, N. D . -.NOIth DIbu, Ioc:at..t In the mestlc put. Industry throughout tbc Coli<,&" to ha,.. squads of ....... I. ihurdtea - heart of the dumm w ....t bdt. was t1nitnl Statrs for man)' )'ean to , lIumOO during service - ml dalgnated 10 bocome Past ..ille. USA (:olne: IlOUnce 1IeI..&1 Spar;hettl Sul'I'" from N....."bor 5-11. The ",...,t had A Khedule 01 e\-mll wu announc· ~Ionda)' nlghl. not takm place as we wrnt to pus. ed u follow" but plans wore annooneed u follow., W......... y. 101 ...•• S - OJ1"Olng Oay Monday. Nov. 10 - "The ....tion of Pasta,1I1.. USA, Aethitl., - pasta ""'-..\ In pobllc to sun,.,. linn! displays In thh North Dakota city of 35,000 In· win"., .. 10 b. IIIII<IUIIC-.d ......... lunchnm. 10 to II ooon. habitants. Is to call a1tmtion to Ih. nlUl'MLr.)', NO\', 6 - Pasta\iUe 1..... thmn at Serv\ ... Cubs. Importance of lhe pasta Industry to I ..... go up Ihroughoullhe dty. Farm Spaghetti SpodaI- Minot, the JIal•• ~on and nation: madllnrr)' display Opl'UI at Duala 2.000 IIIPI""'- 5 to 9 lOki Lesler R. Thuman. I'" .,...1d ..1I1. StlnaR! al 10 Lm, Dilpla)' 10 run National Macwonl Manufadurrn AJ. Ihrough NO\', 12. Future Farmm of ..... - FaI, Crounds. wne couponiug: 00)' one IOdation. A....-rIca prm1d .. posl .... ",latlng .... "Durum ,,'hrat-, ~Ir. · ThuntOl' d'lint'1')' to durum fanning. nntaurants one frt't'. Co&t $3 adults. 16 .nd ulld... Enliertlllnn..... , polnled ou~ "I, 110. principal Ing'" ~n fralnring puta IprtiaJllt'I, Store dlenlln most of lhe two billion pounds dilpla)'1 un\'rllnl. Pasta Trt"C! of Na Bands, Musil'''' Groups frum of pasta produet, ron,umed In thl' Uonal BraJKb Un\T"") at RaUlad. Inn. ,..est Bible Colleg.. Mh ..1 S<hool. ~lInot CoII<g... 7 p.m. oount.ry nTI)' ). ....,.. Siner Sorth MOo Frida)" N... ·. 7 - Pula Cftrt", ap _ Caoorlite I\oom. Ramalb ta producn as pt'fl't'llt of thr durum rUI at Town tAC Counlr)' Cnlln. 2O-z.t IpOUWrrd h~' Production Cn~lil wllNt ~ In the UnUf'tI Stairs, it grouP' In rooIc and ..II thd, pasta Is only 6t1tlng lhal tbc II hillion do Iptdahin 5 to 9 p.m. Pasta\iIJr, daUon. ml'Itlc pasta Industr), salute the pro-. USA SilWire Dilnce Festh-al - 6 to Tund.. )', Nov. II - Fon l ~ gram ."d l..-glnnlng of Inh,,, .. duCftl of pasta's raw material," 9 p.m. tP-41 The citluns of Mluol. 'J1"arl ....ted Salll,da),. Nov. 8 - Spaghelll Spl.1 Durum Forum ScsslDnl at h)' the Ownhcor of Commm:r. lla\'c _ lnlrmatlonal curling toumamt'nt Inn. "Challengn oflhe DOIII' the Nory 0 ...thu, .. tlcally ""POIMInI 10 thn' "ith 32 groups from tbr Unltf'd Statts I. Industr)'" - dty'. new titlt. Schools, W'nice and a"d Canada partldpalulg - 8 Lm. from I.... R.. 1d 10 lhe table It dustl)' rt"}ftWntath·n., Prl' business organluUons. hn:ohing \ 'if Flnt Annual m~atonl Run '~Inl at ollhe NM~IA Swcepatakn } tually n 'rr),one in ~linot and the Statr fairground - 10:30 a,m, 5,(0) l'OO1munities wUhin • oo.mile radius. and 10,(8) meter n "rnb sponlOmi by brst rntry In show. Prnnl were phnnlng a hanner crlehralion II .. Minot Ie', and lhe nICA. Pula f<llow,hlp clore'" 10 AglOlI whldl was to rf'\'f1'hrralr throughout rool:ing dnoo'llltTation at Town T«llIIology D<put, the North Dakota Statr U lhe ,Ial.. PasI.,1I1... USA T·,hlrts. &: Country Outrr - 11 Lm, IURatonl and Best Wishes for a Healthy, " ....tI .... caps. hullons, han.... and Lunl'iM'On for runurn at Ja)",'ft'I "'..... ,I.llon of distinguish< award to Smalor Milton R. , hunting adOrned hoth 1... ",J1"OP'" nuilding. State Fairgrounds. 12 noon. and town. A ""rt'k.long puta en"lIt S~I ...t Spaghetti Slu'1"'" COIII ...I Prosperous and Happy New Year Klw:dulc f:ulmlnalrd nn TutsWa)'o S ..• at TO'o~o'Il be Country Ct'fltrr, 1:30 p.m. IIlptonl lIunners \'rmoo 11. when the domesUc pasta Pasta rooking drmcmmatlon It Town fOl't'fDOSt.McKrw)II, Inc, of Indust,y. lis hlslory .nd challeng.... & C'AltUItry Cent" :2:30 p.m. ~la)'Or's Franc:Isro has ... lemI du.. · Mutrrpi«T5 at Dakota "..,., tbc k<y loplc of lhe F... rlh I". ~Iacaroni In the Rlguonl Run. h1ghllgl , trmational Durum forum. a gathrr Slluare - 40 to 50 tna\'On - 3:30 pom. Pasta\ille USA adl\;"" hi iflg of f&rn'K"fS., grain hu~'rrs. mlUns drmonstratkm at DaJ.:ota North Dakota. D. mnLD'UI f. Sons, Inc. and pasta manufatturM'S. 5<1'''''' - ~ p.m. Spaghetti Spi.1 can Fomnosl.McK.....,.. Is I... · 557 THIRD AVL IlDOKLYH. H.Y .. u.s.A. 11215 "W", aim 10 mab Pasta\illr, USA tiIlUl'1. Pastavtllto, US." Scilla"' Dmce ate part"llt of thr Nation'. 1_1;; 1.'''' T.leph ..... (212) 4".3555 An annual ('\'ml." said Thuntou.. fMth... l 6 to 9 p.m. SUllday. So... ·ml .., 9 - Spaghetti ta produCt'" lhe C. F. Mutll.. "~' hlcb will continue 10 crlrhratr lhe pany of lent)· City. New I"""· importance of North Dal:ota durum Spirl continua Church §toni,," t..rm IoI«"roIlJ Die SinC'l" 19(J,l . Will, MtJlUlttmmt CCJlltinllow/), Rrtainrd In Sam~ Family ."a h.nI red 'pri"g w.... 1 10 lhe do- throughool Minot. Northwnl Bible ICcntinued on poot 61 4 ---~-"--", ....... ------ - - Fo-,-McK_n IConti",Jed ,,...,.. poQIt 6) I en DeFrancisci is CnJrge Constantino, .. ice (WCSldellt prnonnrl fur anothn foremost-Me-- Kmon dhislon. Mol'...... Chomkal Compau)' of San Frand>ro. ...d Jobn ..,d Vlrgi ..1a Push of Louls\ill •• K... • IudI'. will rep ......1 F......... I·M< Knson in the r\Tllt. John 8wh is ","ag'" 01 lhe Loulsvlll. brao<h 01 MoK ....n Chornloal COm .....y .nd his wile.