I \ THE MACARONI JOURNAL Volume 62 No.8 December, 1980 The Macaroni Journal '101. 62 Olllcilll ".,bIk.. , ... 01 1M NOIi_ M"",,,,"; MlUUllfKI.rm Auo<i.. Io •• No. 8 /9 South BOIh_tIl SIrM. Pdllll;n~. IIlinoi~ . AddrtJS all rorrnpotllhrtu December ,tront/", atlVtTfW", or nli,orial m41rriols 10 Rob,,, M. GInn, £11;'01. 1980 1'.0 . Box JJ6. I'DhltI... /lUfIOiI 6()(]67. P.,e __ ..........1. R. Thunton, Jr • Pastaville USA ...................................... .. .. .. .. 4 ...... ••.•••.. J<Kq1h P. \'Iviano lodu.tl)' II.... ...................... ......................... 6 PI ...........Anthony II. Gioia ChanJICI for Conoda ............. ............... ...... .. ... 10 D._ ••- •• - •.• D. Harld< ~!"'oo.,:oll•• ~ ..- Jobo ~ ...Icr ~t~ COn.kkr ~~r . ........ .. .. .. ......... 12 ..._ 5ecnWy ........R. M. G,... Hilhli&bts from Prosreuive Grocer', Ex«ulivt Roundtable .. J4 olllelear<h .... J. J. Winston Counsel ........ Cary Kusbner Conmttiona! Supen Want &"., Deal. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. IS Cost Cuttin. Conswnen • .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • . .. .. .. .. .. 18 Nationwide Fund Consumption 5un"<y .. ............. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 Durum ProdU<lion ... ............................ ............. 23 L ~L (Andy) Andenon J_W._ The Common ~.,k.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. 26 \'_1 DeDomenlro Cercal MakcR Face FTC ChafFS . • . • •• • • • . • •• • • . 10 AII'.hooy II. Gioia H.... VOlt eaten Pasta Lately? ........ .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. 32 Jolm D. Harid< Ted J. 5<11o"I1Y Pau•• Puttini and Other Pure Plcasurn ...... •• .•• ... .. .. 40 [man..... Ronzonl. Jr. Index 10 Ad\'Cniscn •• ... ..... •••. ..... ..... ..... .. .. .... ... 42 naJpb SuU l.loYd F. SId ....r S:lIggt.~t a hurty mOlC'.amnl·huS.l")' 1 "11' di"od carrots I nter R. Thunton. Jr. ,trw. It'. \~ry raqt. ~Iale stock with 1 ('Up sliet.J (,'('1('1)' 1".,uI A. Vmnyl... the lurkcy In the n-rrignator. SUr In ;1 ,ups dhow ..",,"Vonl (8omlt't"S) , .!Oph P. Viviano \-cgnahlrs and ..·100'" nw..... onl. The "",.Iey .prig.. opllonal . Jobo Westerberg mull? A 6ne-tuting. nutritious mr:at In a large saucrpot or .on,,;h O\"rn, ,hn R. William which supplin llrotrln, II \ilamlm l'Urnhlne can:ass, watt"f, tur1t")" 0',.. and Iron plus carbohydrate ront ..,.t II) Ions. ,·hoppnl panlt")·, All. sage and I JOUaNAL furnish merg)', If, an ltin ",hid. (k"ppc.'m,ms. Ilrat 10 boilluJ;. eo,'.. ' r; ' ..... pnn'es once again bow macaroul pr0- , _ __ ._ S 12.00 pet' yeor rnluC'(! Iwat 10 low alMl slmnlt'f for _ ____ $1 S.OO PI' yeor ducts mil 10 wdl "ith otlM'r foods. _ ______ 11.00 eoch 3 hours. Itrmcn'c fmm ht-al. Rrtno\'C and gh'c )'00 more fur your mUllt")', _ _____ '2.00 each t'aJ'l"aSi and huu('I; di.Jcanl. Alld air· Anothn limc ",1:(n you rna)' h .. \,r' rots and aolrry to lu""t')· broth. ConT IICInthIJ e.,. the No,ional tur\;t")' nn hand. try a samr)" casse­ aud slmltK"r .hout 10 minutes. or un· ~ IwodoUon role - Turke)' Enror(", II ~Ion .we MIrt. 1919. Ul \'rgl"labl" arc almost IrndCT. I ..• n pop. pold at Awleton lTI'aJe hrat to high and heat broth ond ........ 1I1ino1, Macaroni Turlt.y St_ mb.hue to hoiling. Graduall)' add (Mal:n 6 to 8 sen·jugs) nuearnlll 10 rapidly boiling broth 1 turlot)· carau.s. hml.:..'" "1' miliure so that hroth mbiture con· a 'luarts water Unlil'S to boll. Cook unCO\'~ stir· d!nnt-r'. O\Off. It', \'n)' 2 cups cut-up rouknl lC'honT ring OCC'IUlonally. until macaroni " today'. food prices turkey just tc.-ndt'r. about 10 to 15 minutcL may be left from the 1v.. cups mopped onions s.n·. lnunnlbtoly. Garnish with ""'­ Fold·PakCorp., Newark, New York 14513/315-331-3200 ~ <up dooPFnI parsll')' sley. If cIoslred. To ",he.~ add chick ... bouillon or ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS SALES OFFICE: 110 CHARLonE PLACE tb:~!:~be:""'" In al>pel"- 4 teaspoons salt v.. teaspoon lage hroth. If 1110", 1"IUld Is desired. ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, NEW JERSEY 07832JPHONE: 201-5118-7800 10 prpptrronu IContlrued on poot 40J 3 , astaville USA M I N o T, N. D . -.NOIth DIbu, Ioc:at..t In the mestlc put. Industry throughout tbc Coli<,&" to ha,.. squads of ....... I. ihurdtea - heart of the dumm w ....t bdt. was t1nitnl Statrs for man)' )'ean to ,..now lIumOO during service - ml dalgnated 10 bocome Past ..ille. USA (:olne: IlOUnce 1IeI..&1 Spar;hettl Sul'I'" from N....."bor 5-11. The ",...,t had A Khedule 01 e\-mll wu announc· ~Ionda)' nlghl. not takm place as we wrnt to pus. ed u follow" but plans wore annooneed u follow., W......... y. 101 ...•• S - OJ1"Olng Oay Monday. Nov. 10 - "The ....tion of Pasta,1I1.. USA, Aethitl., - pasta ""'-..\ In pobllc to sun,.,. linn! displays In thh North Dakota city of 35,000 In· win"., .. 10 b. IIIII<IUIIC-.d ......... lunchnm. 10 to II ooon. habitants. Is to call a1tmtion to Ih. nlUl'MLr.)', NO\', 6 - Pasta\iUe 1..... thmn at Serv\ ... Cubs. Importance of lhe pasta Industry to I ..... go up Ihroughoullhe dty. Farm Spaghetti SpodaI- Minot, the JIal•• ~on and nation: madllnrr)' display Opl'UI at Duala 2.000 IIIPI""'- 5 to 9 lOki Lesler R. Thuman. I'" .,...1d ..1I1. StlnaR! al 10 Lm, Dilpla)' 10 run National Macwonl Manufadurrn AJ. Ihrough NO\', 12. Future Farmm of ..... - FaI, Crounds. wne couponiug: 00)' one IOdation. A....-rIca prm1d .. posl .... ",latlng .... "Durum ,,'hrat-, ~Ir. · ThuntOl' d'lint'1')' to durum fanning. nntaurants one frt't'. Co&t $3 adults. 16 .nd ulld... Enliertlllnn..... , polnled ou~ "I, 110. principal Ing'" ~n fralnring puta IprtiaJllt'I, Store dlenlln most of lhe two billion pounds dilpla)'1 un\'rllnl. Pasta Trt"C! of Na­ Bands, Musil'''' Groups frum of pasta produet, ron,umed In thl' Uonal BraJKb Un\T"") at RaUlad. Inn. ,..est Bible Colleg.. Mh ..1 S<hool. ~lInot CoII<g... 7 p.m. oount.ry nTI)' ). ....,.. Siner Sorth MOo Frida)" N... ·. 7 - Pula Cftrt", ap­ _ Caoorlite I\oom. Ramalb ta producn as pt'fl't'llt of thr durum rUI at Town tAC Counlr)' Cnlln. 2O-z.t IpOUWrrd h~' Production Cn~lil wllNt ~ In the UnUf'tI Stairs, it grouP' In rooIc and ..II thd, pasta Is only 6t1tlng lhal tbc II hillion do­ Iptdahin 5 to 9 p.m. Pasta\iIJr, daUon. ml'Itlc pasta Industr), salute the pro-. USA SilWire Dilnce Festh-al - 6 to Tund.. )', Nov. II - Fon l ~ gram ."d l..-glnnlng of Inh,,, .. duCftl of pasta's raw material," 9 p.m. tP-41 The citluns of Mluol. 'J1"arl ....ted Salll,da),. Nov. 8 - Spaghelll Spl.1 Durum Forum ScsslDnl at h)' the Ownhcor of Commm:r. lla\'c _ lnlrmatlonal curling toumamt'nt Inn. "Challengn oflhe DOIII' the Nory 0 ...thu, .. tlcally ""POIMInI 10 thn' "ith 32 groups from tbr Unltf'd Statts I. Industr)'" - dty'. new titlt. Schools, W'nice and a"d Canada partldpalulg - 8 Lm. from I.... R.. 1d 10 lhe table It dustl)' rt"}ftWntath·n., Prl' business organluUons. hn:ohing \ 'if­ Flnt Annual m~atonl Run '~Inl at ollhe NM~IA Swcepatakn } tually n 'rr),one in ~linot and the Statr fairground - 10:30 a,m, 5,(0) l'OO1munities wUhin • oo.mile radius. and 10,(8) meter n "rnb sponlOmi by brst rntry In show. Prnnl were phnnlng a hanner crlehralion II .. Minot Ie', and lhe nICA. Pula f<llow,hlp clore'" 10 AglOlI whldl was to rf'\'f1'hrralr throughout rool:ing dnoo'llltTation at Town en..al T«llIIology D<put, the North Dakota Statr U lhe ,Ial.. PasI.,1I1... USA T·,hlrts. &: Country Outrr - 11 Lm, IURatonl and Best Wishes for a Healthy, " ....tI .... caps. hullons, han.... and Lunl'iM'On for runurn at Ja)",'ft'I "'..... ,I.llon of distinguish< award to Smalor Milton R. , hunting adOrned hoth 1... ",J1"OP'" nuilding. State Fairgrounds. 12 noon. and town. A ""rt'k.long puta en"lIt S~I ...t Spaghetti Slu'1"'" COIII ...I Prosperous and Happy New Year Klw:dulc f:ulmlnalrd nn TutsWa)'o S ..• at TO'o~o'Il be Country Ct'fltrr, 1:30 p.m. IIlptonl lIunners \'rmoo 11. when the domesUc pasta Pasta rooking drmcmmatlon It Town fOl't'fDOSt.McKrw)II, Inc, of Indust,y. lis hlslory .nd challeng.... & C'AltUItry Cent" :2:30 p.m. ~la)'Or's Franc:Isro has ... lemI du.. · Mutrrpi«T5 at Dakota "..,., tbc k<y loplc of lhe F... rlh I". ~Iacaroni In the Rlguonl Run. h1ghllgl , trmational Durum forum. a gathrr­ Slluare - 40 to 50 tna\'On - 3:30 pom. Pasta\ille USA adl\;"" hi iflg of f&rn'K"fS., grain hu~'rrs. mlUns C.onl:lng drmonstratkm at DaJ.:ota North Dakota. D. mnLD'UI f. Sons, Inc. and pasta manufatturM'S. 5<1'''''' - ~ p.m. Spaghetti Spi.1 can­ Fomnosl.McK.....,.. Is I... · 557 THIRD AVL IlDOKLYH. H.Y .. u.s.A. 11215 "W", aim 10 mab Pasta\illr, USA tiIlUl'1. Pastavtllto, US." Scilla"' Dmce ate part"llt of thr Nation'. 1_1;; 1.'''' T.leph ..... (212) 4".3555 An annual ('\'ml." said Thuntou.. fMth... l 6 to 9 p.m. SUllday. So... ·ml .., 9 - Spaghetti ta produCt'" lhe C. F. Mutll.. "~' hlcb will continue 10 crlrhratr lhe pany of lent)· City. New I"""· importance of North Dal:ota durum Spirl continua Church §toni,," t..rm IoI«"roIlJ Die MaJr.us SinC'l" 19(J,l . Will, MtJlUlttmmt CCJlltinllow/), Rrtainrd In Sam~ Family ."a h.nI red 'pri"g w.... 1 10 lhe do- throughool Minot. Northwnl Bible ICcntinued on poot 61 4 ---~-"--", ....... ------ - - Fo-,-McK_n IConti",Jed ,,...,.. poQIt 6) I en DeFrancisci is CnJrge Constantino, .. ice (WCSldellt prnonnrl fur anothn foremost-Me-- Kmon dhislon. Mol'...... Chomkal Compau)' of San Frand>ro. ...d Jobn ..,d Vlrgi ..1a Push of Louls\ill •• K... • IudI'. will rep ......1 F......... I·M<­ Knson in the r\Tllt. John 8wh is ","ag'" 01 lhe Loulsvlll. brao<h 01 MoK ....n Chornloal COm .....y .nd his wile.
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