No more junk food pg. 2 Thrift shopping is the new fad pg. 5 The best summer concerts pg. 9

TheARROWHEAD The Montoursville Area High School Student Newspaper Volume 42, Number 1 September 2014 100 N. Arch St. Montoursville, PA 17754 Brought to you by The Montoursville Area School District Foundation

Montoursville Area High The Arrowhead School has been open for 83 years has been in print for 42 years 154 days of school left

lockers There are 249 in Freshman hallway

204 lockers in There are There are Sophomore hallway 224 in Junior hallway lockers

There are 209 lockers in Senior hallway 12 AP classes are offered at MAHS

Continued on Page 12 Page by Haylie McQuillen, Copy and Layout Editor NEWS The Arrowhead page 2 September 2014 New foundation site benefits schools jilliano’connor The funds the Scotland comes to news editor foundation raise are The Montoursville Area School for onetime special District Foundation is aiming grants and are used Montoursville for certain fields, jilliano’connor for more public exposure with news editor pretty cool,” said Thomson. such as purchasing its new website. Thomson plays basketball, soc- science equipment. “We have been in existence for With a new school year brings cer, boxing, track, and golf. He’s The money raised a while and are now looking for more students and one of those playing basketball for this school can go to a variety more exposure,” said foundation students one has traveled all year and either track or baseball of things the school President Keevin Larson Sr. “So the way from in the spring. needs depending on marketing and advertisement Glasgow, Scot- Thomson is a what the school’s are the phase [we are in].” The Montoursville Area School District Foud- land. huge sports fan application was sent Larson said the things he nation’s new website can be found at masd- Foreign ex- and loves about in for hopes the website will bring are Information regarding the change student every sport. “Every building additional foundation members, foundation can also be found on its Facebook Joshua Thom- His favorite has applied for the community involvement, and page. son is 18 years memory so far at foundation and donations. have ideas to receive a possible old and a senior his time in Mon- the foundation has School district Superintendent grant and then they would go to for this school toursville has been helped every school at least Dr. Tim Bowers, who acts as a the principal of the school and year. going to school once,” said Bowers. liasion between the district and fill out the application and send Thomson said football games. Larson said the foundation the foundation, said he hopes it to the superintendent and if he will only be Thomson said tries to never reapply grants but the website reaches those who he approves it, then it is sent to staying here for Foreign exchange student his favorite parts gives grants for something dif- are interested in the foundation, the foundation who then talks it this year and Joshua Thomson poses for about the U.S. are ferent each time. However, Lar- and that they will then be able to over and sees if they have an idea then moving a head shot. Thomson came “The sports, food, son said there are certain special support educational issues. to raise money. back home at from Scottland at the begin- and the people are grants that they accept as an ex- Class of 2008 graduate and The foundation has helped the end of the ing of the school year. friendly.” emption to this rule. former Editor-in-Chief of The schools for years, and Larson year. Thomson is in- For example, once in the past Arrowhead Sarah Weber, the said it is now ready to take a His host fami- terested in all the foundation raised money to founder and lead marketing bigger step in helping. ly that he is staying with are the kinds of music and movies and help with a Gettysburg trip and consultant of Sweb Marketing, One way they can reach this Robinsons. sports. if it were to come up again they created the website for the foun- goal is through donations from Thomson decided to do the The movies he is most interest- would probably help again. dation. community members, alumni exchange program because it’s a ed in are horror, comedies, and This happens very rarely but it The foundation, which was and parents, which will be easier good opportunity and it’s a great action films. does happen. It would have to be established in 2007 and has 11 with its new website. experience, and he gets to see While staying the United a very special grant though. board members, is for the school A major benefit to donating to the different culture between the States Thomson would very The foundation helps school district. It is to help raise funds the foundation is that all dona- countries, he said. much like to go to a NBA game, districts in two important pro- for special items, events, etc., tors will recieve tax credit since “[Montoursville] is a fun en- a college football game, and a cedures. that are not in the school’s bud- it is a 501 C.D., or non-profit vironment and the teachers are professional baseball game. get. Teachers or administrators entity. New teacher: MAHS excels again Unhealthy food isaacmiller getting noticed at our school,” news staff Missjosh Donahuethomson said teacher Mr. Mitch Hart staff writer when asked how he felt about isaacmillerbannedit into school to eat.” MAHS was recognized again Miss Alycia Donahue is a new the school being nationally re- news staff “No because you’re only here for its educational achieve- teacher and she is a very import- conginized. from 8:20 you 3:15 for 180 days ments. For years students and teach- ant part of the special education “I think it is very cool that were and can eat it anywhere else oth- “I am very proud of how our ers at our school have depended program. taken seriously,” said Senior Se- er times and places” said Taormi- students are performing,” said on the selling of food and candy “Helping someone understand irra Hyuak when asked how she na when asked if he thought this Principal Mr. Dan Taormina. from the teachers. math makes me feel good, it helps felt about the schools ranking would affect kids. Newsweek’s America’s Top It was a great snack for stu- me know that I have picked out “I am proud to have the chance Teachers also have depended High Schools has named dents in the morning or during the right career,” said Donahue to graduate from such a highly on selling food in their class as a MAHS as one of the top 500 the day and a great way for as to what her favorite teaching thought of school.” big fundraiser. high schools in the country, for teachers to make extra money in moment is. Even freshmen at the school Taormina said “It will have a the second consecutive year. fundraisers. Donahue said she chose to teach are proud to have the chance to big effect on fundraising because Newsweek ranked MAHS as Although the marketing of special education because her go to a school that is nationally kids will not have all the choices 424th out of the 500 top schools. these foods has been very use- best friend’s little sister is autistic noticed. to pick from, like Orange Julius Even more impressive is that it ful there are now restraints on and that she understands the dif- “I am very proud of my school and buffalo chicken dip” when was only one of 41 other schools what the school can sell and not ficulties of students with different and its acheivements” said fresh- asked if he thought it would af- within the Commonwealth. sell. Foods claimed to be un- needs, and she said she loves to man Keegan Leahy. fect fundraising. Additionally, the school was healthy for students have been help people. Taormina also said “None of The food in classrooms is not recognized by the Washington banned in hope to reduce obesi- Donahue said she chose Mon- this could be done without the the only thing being limited Post as on of the Most Chal- ty in schools, said principal Dan toursville High because she feels athletics and other clubs at the in schools. School lunches are lenging High Schools in the Taormina. it has very friendly staff workers school that all majorly help stu- also being changed to be made nation for the third consecutive But what can be classified as an and also kind students. dents at the school.” healthier. year. unhealthy food? Senior Michae- Previously, Donahue gradu- When asked what he thought The AP scores for the school la Phillips said “Chips, candy, ated from South Williamsport about the changes to school were also very impressive. 28 and chocolate” when asked what in 2006, and then majored in lunches Taronimo said “I believe students who took the test she thought were unhealthy. elementary and also special edu- it’s wrong because the portions passed with a 3 or better. Taormina was given a list of cation at Lock Haven Universi- are already too small and some That means the school had a guidelines that can be sold in ty. She graduated from there in students are not getting the 94% pass rate out of the stu- the school that are considered 2011. right amout on food in school.” dents who took AP tests. healthy. The lists consist of lim- When asked about his plans its for sodium, sugar and many for future AP courses Taormina other ingredients in foods to said “There is definitely room Photo by M. Stoner determine if they’re healthy or unhealthy, he said. for expansion but I don’t plan on Montoursville Area High It has been thought by many dropping any courses.” School was recognized again that by getting rid of unhealthy Many students at the school for being one of the best and food in school it will help with feel very honored to be going to most challenging high schools our school. student obesity in schools. Miss Alycia Donahue is the in the nation. Its accolades “I feel that my school is very When asked if this banning new special education teach- come from reputable critics, effective” said Senior Sean Little would help student obesity Se- er. Donahue previosly taught such as Newsweek and The “I feel very blessed to go here.” nior Mikey Signor said “No, be- at Williamsport and Bucktail Washington Post. “I’m glad that good things are cause students will just get what schools. they want from home and bring NEWS/PHOTO STORY Mr. Bradley Deacon page 3 watches Clyde Frog perform on Saturday night at the festival. Deacon is a member Just like old times: of the Kiwanis Club, which organized the Fall Festival. In pre- Fall Festival vious years the bor- ough organized the festival. returns after three years, by Jenny Yocum

Sophmores Gillian Mitchell, Bri Ulmer, Freshman Before the Clyde Frog concert started, Freshmen Kylie Kreitz, Senior Kiersten Fagerstrom and Tatyana Kraft, Sophmore Jess Mattiace, Freshmen 3-year-old Maggie Casale chases her Sophmore Sherri Boyles take a break and peer through a cheer- Shelby Kurtz and Madelyn McDonald pose for a pic- dad, Nick Casale while playing a game leader cutout. At the cheerleaders’ stand, people could pay fifty ture while working the girls’ soccer stand Saturday of “Dragon.” Elemetary kids were able cents to either “sponge a cheerleader,” $1 to throw three darts night. The stand allowed kids to kick soccer balls at to play games like Duck, Duck, Goose at balloons to win candy. Passersby could also take a photo in soda bottles that were decorated with silly faces to try in the open field. the cutout for free. and knock them down. New school building plans approved Editor’s Picks jilliano’connor news editor feet. ready is. The quote that The ‘E’ hallway rooms will re- The parking lot should be big The new school year has started main where they stand right enough for every student to have and that means further progress now. The classrooms will be oc- on campus parking. changedmeganstoner my life... for the new plans for the new cupied by different teachers but There will also be a bridge on editor-in-chief high school building. the rooms will be unchange- the second floor connecting to As The Arrowhead’s first person to choose something for the Editor’s New plans have been made to able. the second part of the building Picks, I decided to pick a quote that I love. My sister showed me this build the new school building. “I haven’t seen much but the at the end of the “E” hallway. quote a couple of years ago, and I have kept it with me forever. The architects that will be build- three floor building, I love it,” The bridge will be glass that ing the school have come up said Mr. Taormina, “It’s efficient way the students will be able to “This life is what you make it. No matter what, you’re going to with a structure the school board and it gives us a smaller foot- see outside while walking across mess up sometimes, it’s a universal truth. But the good part approved. print on the property.” it. is you get to decide how you’re going to mess it up. Girls will 80 percent of the school is be- The auditorium is going to Part of the building will have be your friends - they’ll act like it anyway. But just remember, ing rebuilt over the next two and have a black box theater in it. A 100 percent of student’s sugges- some come, some go. The ones that stay with you through a half years. They are going to try black box theater is just a smaller tions. everything - they’re your true best friends. Don’t let go of them. to have the minimum amount of preforming space. It seats about Also remember, sisters make the best friends in the world. disruption to education during 200 to 250 people. As for lovers, well, they’ll come and go too. And baby, I hate school hours. There will be a field house out to say it, most of them - actually pretty much all of them are Construction will start at the by the stadium as well. going to break your heart, but you can’t give up because if end of this school year in early The main field’s grass will be you give up, you’ll never find your soulmate. You’ll never find May of 2015. The cost for the replaced with artificial turf. that half who makes you whole and that goes for everything. building is $35.9 million. There will also be updates for Just because you fail once, doesn’t mean you’re gonna fail at The architects that are in the track and the field events everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always charge of the building are from like the high jump. believe in yourself, because if you don’t, then who will, Crabtree, Rohrbaugh and Asso- The stadium is the first phase sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and ciates. to the whole construction. The architects are coming up most importantly, keep smiling, because life’s a beautiful thing The new school will have three The student parking lot is also with the new school building and there’s so much to smile about.” floors to it along with a bigger going to be reconstructed. There plans. The plans for the school - Marilyn Monroe auditorium, science lab, band, are going to be well over 100 have been well thought out and choir room. parking spaces of what there al- and put down on paper. The exterior stones will not be there but instead the architects are going to reuse them in the new building design. All the rooms are going to be new. The only rooms that are going to remain where they are are the gymnasium and locker rooms, but they will be recon- figured so it will look completely My older sisters, Bethany and Alyson and I are all really close. different from how it is now. All three of us were bridesmaids in our cousin’s wedding, as All the classrooms will now pictured above. be the same size of 800 square EDITORIAL The Arrowhead page 4 September 2014 Arowhead Through the mind of Megan Staff Editorial Campaigning for The stress, stress, and stress of Homecoming Homecoming season is quickly College. approaching and senior girls have when I am up late, and I can’t to spend a day reading a book, Now, I know that I am nothigh school taken notice. Every day the antic- figure out that last Physics prob- the realization dawns that per- meganstoner someone that should be com- ipation rises as to who is going to lem, and I start to cry because I haps the situation has become editor-in-chief plaining about the stress that I be on the court and who wants feel dumb. well that’s just great. a little more stressful than you have this year because I am the to be on it. All of a sudden girls Welcome back! I mean, who doesn’t love to would like,” said by Julian As- one that chose my classes…but I are becoming much friendlier in And to the class of 2015 I say feel dumb? sange. will anyway. the hallways, whereas a few short “Congrats” because we’re se- Along with all of these AP Julian Assange basically Here we go. weeks ago they barely lowered niors and we’ve started our last classes I am also in: National summed up my life in just a cou- I decided to take AP Physics, themselves to make eye contact. year of school where we will all Honor Society (treasurer), Sci- ple of sentences. AP Calculus, AP Psychology, In the past few years it seems be together. ence National Honor Society, When I was in middle school AP Economics, AP Govern- that Homecoming is rising in As a senior, I can personally Math National Honor Society, I used to read book after book ment, and AP Literature my se- importance. Girls are becoming say that I have never ever been English National Honor Society, after book. I mean I read a lot of nior year (you know the senior more competitive to be on the so stressed in my life…my en- Rho Kappa, along with being books, and would get close to a year that is supposed to be fun court, when in reality there is no tire life. the senior class representative thousand AR points, that’s how and not hard and make me want real purpose. While being queen And yes, this early in the on the school board, and work- much I read. to cry). is appealing to every girl, nothing school year, I am stressed. Just ing four to five days a week at And, now I hardly read at all. Psychology isn’t that bad, and is actually gained by receiving the wait, you’ll be there to. Giant. Honestly, I couldn’t even tell Mrs. Quick makes the class fun title except a plastic tiara and a Everyone who says that junior And I know, you’re probably you what the last book that I with a lot of projects that will blue sash. year is the worst is wrong. thinking, “MEGAN, I don’t care read for fun was, which is sad help you learn what you need The tradition, overall, has a pos- Yeah, you may have to take about your stress. You signed because I love to read. in order to take the dreaded AP itive idea. It is nice to see alum- the SAT’s and just begin, and up for all of this,” and I would And I know that after I gradu- Test in May. ni return for the game, but to by begin I mean sort-of start probably say “I know.” ate from high school there will But some of them on the other some it seems that is no longer thinking about what college But, something would feel still be a stressful like ahead, hand, *cough cough* Physics what Homecoming is about. The you would like to go to or what weird if I would have done it but the optimism in me likes and *cough cough* Calculus are night now revolves around girls you would like to major in, but differently, if I would have tak- to think that it will still be less pretty awful. in dresses attempting to prove when you’re a senior you actu- en an easier road in high school. than now. It’s not even that these two they are the most popular in the ally have to make those serious I came across a quote, and I I hope that every knows that classes have material that I don’t school. life decisions. read it, and it made me laugh so they will face some sort of stress- understand, not yet anyway. It is rumored that the stress of And along with making these hard. ful situation in high school, and It’s more of there being a lot being put on the court pushes serious and possibly deadly “When it comes to the point I just want you to be prepared of material and lots and lots of people to cheat. As a result, this choices in your life, you also where you occasionally look fo it. homework, where I am up late year the student government is have to keep your grades up and forward to being in prison on To everyone, “Good luck in the at night doing it. being forced to take votes on the play sports and work a job so the basis that you might be able future!” you can save money for what? And every once in a while computers to eliminate any ques- tion of the results. The fact that kids feel it is really important enough to compromise their ideals is disappointing. No Look out, it’s Liz! one should feel so much pressure that they need to cheat. Granted, riding on the back of a Men need to pick up the mantel car feeling like royalty sounds like fun, but is it really worth ruining One of the goals of the cam- affected. By men taking up for the right to just attend school. friendships? A crown isn’t going paign is to create a healthier en- the cause it will give it more of a Just because we have more rights to make you a better person. vironment free of prejudice and elizabethlee presence. in the U.S. doesn’t mean we can As we gear up for yet another assistant editor unrealistic expectations for wom- So go ahead gents. go forth and stop fighting for equal rights. Homecoming court selection, the en. Along with this Watson wants be feminists. You don’t have to girls are gearing up as well. Subtly, Welcome back ladies and gents. the world to be a place where boys be feminie to be a feminists. The you can see the ladies becoming You have somehow survived Sep- can be vulnerable and sensitive only thing required to be a fem- friendlier with those around them tember and have also figured out without being perceived as less inist is to be- or bluntly asking for peoples’ why Green Day’s song “Wake Me masculine. lieve women votes. Up When September Ends” was Bringing to light the fact guys are equal to If you need to campaign for your such a big hit. are also victims of gender in- men. Which place on the court, you shouldn’t As I was scrolling through Twit- equality is important. So many we are. have one to begin with. ter, in between a Tweet about a people think that only women are In the US The process of voting for the pumpkin spice latte and a Tweet treated unfairly. we take our court should be done naturally, concerning sleep deprivation I Watson brings to light feminism freedoms for with no pressure from those at- saw that Seventeen Magazine as well. She claims that too often granted, I tempting to be on it. This isn’t a had posted a video of the lovely feminism is considered man hat- know I’m as presidential campaign; the queen Emma Watson giving a speech to ing. guilty of it. I and princess have no real power. the UN. One of my favorite quotes is one get upset when All this contest tells us is who is Watson is a United Nations that I found on a t-shirt, “ femi- I get in trouble the most popular girls in school. Women Goodwill ambassador. nism is the radical idea that wom- at school for Being a Homecoming queen or According to the UN website, an en are people too.” wearing shorts princess shouldn’t reveal that you ambassador is a “prominent” per- I consider myself a feminist but that are too were popular, it should tell every- son who helps draw attention to you don’t see me burning my bras. short when a one around you that you were the key issues. Feminism to me isn’t about not 15-year-old most respected, and well liked. Watson has just launched a cam- relying on men at all. Instead I girl was shot Popular doesn’t always mean well paign for gender equality called see it as about knowing that I am by the Taliban Cartoon By: T. Akers liked, often it just means that you HeForShe. In her speech she said just as important, and have just as for fighting for held the most power. the basis of the movement is that much worth as a guy. Homecoming also has the high- “We should stop defining each Something that makes this cam- Have something to say? est standards. With the parade other by what we are not and start paign stand out is that women are putting the contestants into the defining ourselves by who we are.” not the only ones being called on public eye they need to have the This hit me right in the feels. At to make this movment successful. Write a letter to the editor or be most poise. some point or another everyone Men are being asked to “pick up The girls who truly belong on has wished they were different. the mantel.” The best way to make a guest writer and have your the court don’t care if they win or In middle school I wished I was HeForShe make an impact is to not, they are just there to have a taller, now I’m just thankful for have everyone on board. opinion published in The Arrow- fun experienceand they are hon- the ankle length pants becoming The key to making a movement ored to have been chosen in the popular again because it hides the successful is finding people to head. first place. fact all my pants are high waters. support it who won’t actually be FEATURES page 5 Popping some tags: thrift shopping jordynneharvey Boy and Girl of the Month features staff Why some students thrift shop: Nevan Matthew Schulte Thrift shopping, or the proccess Son of: Steve and Elizabeth Schulte of buying used clothes, is becom- Birthdate: 12/3/96 ing more popular nowadays. Status: Single Senior Staci Shoemaker said “You can find anything there. It’s FAVORITES just a little bit of everything.” Senior Grace McNamara and Color: Yellowy orange that looks Junior Kylie Savidge said flannels kinda green are the best things they buy at Book: “The Hobbit” thrift stores. Movie(s): “Ping Pong Playa” Mainstream shopping is still a Show: “Colbert Report” necessity, as Savidge said, “When Class(es): Lunch I need seasonal clothes I go to Pet(s): Two dogs, Buster and the mall, but I go to thrift stores Duke when I just want to shop for fun.” “I’m gonna pop some tags, “I like to see what they had Song: “My Country Tis of Thee” The local thrift shops are the Magazine: Seventeen Salvation Army on Lycoming and I only got $20 in my in that point of history, Mall Drive, and the American pocket.” and I like to see what other Historical Figure: Moses Rescue Workers shop in Wil- -Grace McNamara, 12 people owned.” Cuisine: Smoked chicken wrapped in bacon liamsport. -Michaela Way, 12 Describe yourself in one word: Swanky McNamara said she shops at Goodwill and Salvation Army. Describe your fantacy date: “Swimming and kayaking in Bigger thrift stores in Selins- the river followed by good food, preferrably cheesesteaks grove consist of the Community cooked to perfection, and then going clubbing.” Aid Thrift Store and Donation Center, and the Goodwill Store Most Memorable High School Moment: “Messing around and Donation Center. in the back physics room with ‘crotch rocket’.” Shoemaker said “My aunt lives in Harrisburg and she takes me to all the good stores there.” Most Embarrassing moment: “When I blacked out in 8th In the Community Aid thrift grade health class and landed on Logan Koser.” shop, all high school and college students get 50% off all clothes Activities: Soccer (9), Swimming (9-12), Track (9-11), Na- when they show their school ID. tional Honor Society (10, 11, president 12), Key Club (9, 10, Senior Michaela Way said “I ask 11, Sergent of Arms 12), FBLA (9-12), Math Honor Society a lot of questions about the items “Everything is really “Looking through all the (11-12), Physics Club (12) and I feel like I’m on ‘American cheap.” clothes.” Plans after graduation: The dream is to go to Duke for bas- Pickers’.” If finding deals is your thing, try -Staci Shoemaker, 12 -Kylie Savidge, 11 ketball. I don’t even play basketball. QUOTE: “With much reserve in the tank, 220 is a willing paras- going thrift shopping for once. Photos by Jenny Yocum titic host for many a classmate.” -Mr. Theodore Barbour Is MAHS into it or over it? maddygorini Amelia Braque Deacon features staff High waisted shorts Daughter of: Brad and Judy 52% Into it Deacon Into it “They’re cute!” Birthdate: 9/12/97 48% Over it -Junior Mariah Ireland Status: Married to my work

FAVORITES Color: Green iPhone Book: “Un Lun Dun” by China “[The iPhone] makes complicated Mieville 78% Into it technology simple.” Movie(s): “Men In Black” -Senior Alex Fischer 22% Over it Show: “” Pet(s): Rabbit-Cinnamon, Dog-Penny, Gecko-Ecko, and tadpoles Song: “Comfortably Numb” by Pink Floyd Magazine: Scientific American Historical Figure: Marie Curie Over it Cuisine: Indian/Anything spicy “My gram is on Facebook.” Describe yourself in one word: Bookish Facebook -Freshmen Maddie McDonald 27% Into it Most Memorable High School Moments: “Water crayon “It’s just people complaining.” battle with Woody (Cayla Treaster), Isthmus (Sarah Musheno), -Sophomore Patrick Bowes 73% Over it and Mr. Deacon on the 2014 AP Chem kayaking trip.”

Activities: Mu Alpha Theta (11-12), National Honor Soci- Ice Bucket Challenge ety (10,11, secretary 12), Science National Honor Society 38% Into it (10, historian 11, vice-president 12), Spanish National “Raises awareness and Honor Society (10, 11, vice-president 12), Ac Dec (silver in 62% Over it money for ALS.” math at states 11, 12), ballet (12), Battle of the Books (12), -Mrs. Ashley Christ Physics Club (secretary 12) Illustrations by Ashlyn McQuillen Plans after graduation: Major in Materials Science and Axe (Deoderant/Body spray) Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh Honors College

36% Into it “Smells cheap.” QUOTE: “Unique? Given the choice of any item on the menu, -Sophomore Carter Sechrist BobbyD chooses black bean soup.” 64% Over it -Mr. Theodore Barbour “Because it’s for hygeine...” Percentages based on 100 -Senior April Ulmer MHS students surveyed. FEATURES The Arrowhead page 6 September 2014 MAHS students spread their wings during summer 2014 to discover the world

Traveler: Mrs. Tammy Morgan

Destination- Costa Rica Travel companion(s)- MAHS students Purpose of travel- “To learn more about Spanish culture, Traveler: Senior Grace McNamara people, and to practice Spanish. Destination- “I went to a YoungLife- It was an awesome opportunity camp in Antelope, Oregon, popu- for them.” lation 32, two hours from civiliza tion.” Travel time- Flight with layovers was eleven hours Favorite Memory- “The cookies and the cool people.”

Traveler: Junior Bryce Bower Traveler: Senior Sierra Huyck

Destination- Costa Rica Destination- Fort Jackson, South Accommodations- Four different Carolina hotels Purpose for travel- to attend basic Unexpected events- “I touched a wild training for the National Guard. - crocodile.” Favorite Memory- “I enjoyed shoot Favorite Memory- “Becoming ing the weapons.” friends with bilingual students from Activities- “They would never tell California.” you what you would do. Every day was something different.” page 7 MAHS students spread their wings during summer 2014 by Kendra Parke and Mackenzie Rodrigues to discover the world Photos by J. Yocum

Items to Take on a Long Trip: 1. Map or GPS 2. iPod or CD collection 3. Snacks/ drinks 4. Toiletries 5. Sunglasses/ Sunscreen 6. Camera Traveler: Senior Addison Duvall 7. Blanket/ pillow Destination- Bahamas 8. Money Purpose- “I wanted to help people and I wanted to travel.” 9. First Aid Supplies Activities- “We built the interior of a house for a homeless mother and her two 10. Chargers kids.” Travel time- 14 hours with a 6 hour layover Accommodations- A church Favorite Memory- “Playing soccer with the kids from the neighborhood.”

Traveler: Senior Jamie Atondo

Destination- Fort Jackson, South Destination- Northern California Carolina Purpose- To visit family Purpose for travel- to attend basic Travel time- Five hours there and six training for the National Guard. - hours back Favorite Memory- “I enjoyed shoot Activities- Visited beaches, went to ing the weapons.” , and went shopping Activities- “They would never tell Favorite Memory- “Going to San you what you would do. Every day Franciso because there are lots of was something different.” different people and cultures.” ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT The Arrowhead page 8 September 2014 Students binging on Nexflix shows Turn Blue review torimayo legal activity. Shows like “Break- are people too and that everyone torimayo a&e staff ing Bad”, “Gossip Girl”, “Orange has a story. a&e staff it was . Gold On , once a simple movie is the New Black” , and “Weeds” The doors didn’t open until the Ceiling was amazing live. mailing system has expanded and show explicit content. Things like 7:00 pm; we were there by 5:30. Their entire set was. They “end- has now taken over social media, bad language, drug use, sexual Waiting for ed” without playing my favorite and even some people’s social content and violence. These shows to come out song from lives. display things we know are mor- was the lon- the album, Binge watching has become a ally wrong and glorifies them but gest period of “Weight new craze and having “no life” has exactly that draws viewers in . time, ever. Fi- of Love”. become the mainstream way. We dig the action because, liv- nally the lights They only With thousands of things to ing in Montoursville, the most came off and played it pick from there are countless we get is trying to figure out who opening band once before hoto cred to lack eys nsta choices. Many popular televi- John Doe’s subtweet was about. MHS favorite on the stage. P B K I - live so I was gram sion shows are offered on Netflix, The content in these shows are They killed it, trying to even shows that ended years ago unfamiliar to most teenagers and Netflix Shows Matthew Ray accept that like “Freaks and Geeks”. There that is another reason it interests Shultz was nuts, he crowed surfed I wouldn’t be hearing it. But the is also an enormous selection of them. at least three times. I went cra- crowd roared on even after they movies. Many students admit to Shows like “Orange is the New “Criminal Minds” zy when “Cigarette Daydreams” left the stage. We all turned on losing sleep over these shows and Black” give viewers excitement. If came on. It was beautiful. They our phone’s flashlights and it lit canceling plans to go home and you are familiar with the show, ended on Come a Little Closer, up the entire arena. We were all snuggle up to their tablet. it shows various women’s lives in “Pretty Little which was also amazing. I was sad yelling and praying they’d come Junior Aidan Plants claimed to prison. Or “Breaking Bad” this until I realized The Black Keys back out. Six minutes passes and watch Netflix everyday on top of show shows a Chemistry teacher Liars” would be coming on after a short they still didn’t come back. Finally football and school work. “It dic- that turns into a crystal metham- set change. They hit the stage and they came they heard our cheers, tates when I go to sleep,” he said. phetamine supplier in order to the crowd was yelling so loud. I how couldn’t they? I seriously Junior Cheyenne Wood who has support his family whom he loves “Blue Mountain couldn’t hear my own voice! They cried, it was way better than the been in the top ten of her class dearly. State” started their show with Dead and recorded version. They continued since Freshman year even claims The writers for these shows are gone. A lot complained that they with Turn Blue and ended with that Netflix, “hurt her grades,” last taking criminals, usually unde- didn’t play much of the Turn Blue the amazing Little Back Subma- year. She now tries to only watch sirable characters and are giving album but it was fine by me, heck rine that sent chills up my spine. on the weekends. them likable, relatable personas. “ Set List: Senior Savannah Wilton even Usually a viewer would think Gossip Girl” Dead and Gone Collins Cover) admitted to canceling plans to poorly of the drug dealer or mur- Next Girl Money Maker watch the ever so addicting Net- der. But the creators use charac- Run Right Back Gotta Get Away flix. So what is it that makes terization to further develop these Same Old Thing She’s Long Gone Netflix so desirable and so inter- fictional people. Characters we “Breaking Bad” Fever esting? Could it be the vast selec- would once look at as monsters Strange Times Tighten Up tion of shows? Over 70 percent of have families and feelings and Nova Baby students who answered the survey good intentions, so we relate to them and end up feeling for them. Leavin’ Trunk Lonely Boy: given stated that they watch tele- “Orange is the Too Afraid to Love You Weight of Love vision shows opposed to movies. It’s creating open minds Howlin’ For You Turn Blue Teenagers are being exposed to throughout students because it New Black” shows with content that have il- helps them realize that criminals A Girl Like You (Edward Little Back Submarine Artist of the Month: Turning pages with Tori, by Tori Mayo, A&E Staff I don’t know about you, but finding the next book to tear into is too often a stuggle of mine. Here below you will be able to find your next read! taylorakers Bloomsburg. Mackenziea&e editor Wise Q: What is your favorite song to Q: How long have you partic- play and conduct? ipated in school band? A: Since sixth grade. Q: What instru- ment did you learn to play in the band and why? A: The clairnet because I couldn’t hold the big in- struments and I thought the flute was annoying.

Q: You are also the Senior Drum Ma- jor. What made you want to try for Photo By J. Yocum the position? Senior Mackenzie Wise conducts at the A: It’s a fun way to Montourvile v. Mifflinburg football game. get more involved This is Wise’s second year as drum in the band. major.

Q: What is your A: I like conducting “Saturday favorite thing about being Drum Night’s Alright for Fighting” and Major? I like to play “Party Rock An- A: It gives me a chance to show them” the most. my leadership skills. I also have fun with friends in the band that I Q: What do you do outside of have known throughout the years. school? A: I go to Katie Benson’s School Q: What are you planning to do of Dance and attend band prac- after high school? tice every Wednesday. A: I’m planning to attend college for Speech Pathology possibly at Photo credit to: page 9 The blazing sun and the best beats Starting On A New taylorakers Corpse.” says Bomboy.Cannibal nor “new music to listen to.” a&e editor Corpse, Korn, Trivium, Asking Regardless of what festival fits Alexandria, Texas Hippy Coali- your tastes, be sure to get out Noteukulele players, taught by Mrs. The school bell rings and sud- tion, and Avenged Sevenfold just there next summer! nateripley a&e staff Jaclyn Gilbert. The class is denly the students of Montours- a few of the many bands that par- called “Uke & Roll” and has ville Area High School are re- ticipated in the one day festival. As the new school year rolls already become quite popular, leased to do as they wish without Another one day festival is the around there is new faces, a having acquired 15 students. any homework, tests or other aca- Van’s Warped Tour. new senior hallway, and then The class spans over two mark- demic responsiblities. Artists like , a newer senior hallway, but the ing periods. It is available to After a few weeks, they [the stu- Bowling for Soup, Less Than music department has changed students in any dents] tend to wither away and Jake, Ice Nine Kills, Of Mice and the most. grade on 7th pe- fall into the trap of boredom. Men all participated on the Pavil- For one, riod odd days. Summer concerts are one of the lion Mountain in Scranton. there is a The already ways students spice up the sum- Sophmore and fan of Of Mice whole new county-re- mer. Music festivals and concerts and Men, Emily Fravel said she class built nowned Mon- like Bonnaroo, Firefly, Warped goes to warped because “home around learn- toursville High Tour, Mayhem Fest, Liberty Fest is boring and warped is an ad- ing Ukulele, School band has and the Electric Tree Festival are venture.” Meeting people like secondly, Ju- gotten fresher just a couple of these creative out- DFizzy, eyr and Jason from You- nior Collin with a new set list lets for boredom. tube channel, VeeOneEye. Payne is the of songs with a Seniors Jason Bomboy and Tyler Mayhem Festival wasn’t the only first male new “Fight Club” Ulmer are a couple of these stu- music event this summer as stu- drum major themed list. dents that attended a music festi- dents explored outside of the state after a long They are con- val over the summer. like Senior Bryce O’Connor did. line of fe- tinuing their two In reference to Mayhem Fest, Gathering in the Vibes is anoth- male majors, year halftime tra- Ulmer says he “was in it for the er festival hailing in Connecticut. Junior Collin Payne directs the the marching dition of dancing mosh.” This alternative festival includ- band during their pre-game show. band is fea- to a song that Moshing is a type of dance for ed bands like Disco Biscuits and This is Payn’s first year as drum turing a new they are also the Hardcore genre. Slightly Stupid and gave O’Con- major. “Fight Club” playing is now themed rou- going to be to Elton John’s “Fri- tine, and receiving new uniforms. day Night’s Alright for Fighting” Payne joined band in 5th The new band uniforms grade and he is now the first are changing from a lighter blue male drum major after a long to a darker blue. Sophmore line of female majors, which band member Amy Updgraff he thinks could be good be- said “I am excited for the new Rapper and poet George cause of the change of pace. uniforms, and I like the new Watsky performs his “I think the band has a color compared to last years” new single, “Whoa Whoa lot of respect for me and The additions to the mu- Whoa.” Fellow rapper, I have a lot of respect for sic department shows our schools , accompanied him at them as well,” said Payne. interest in not only athletics and Warped Tour. There is also a brand new academics, but also the arts. ukulele class for beginner Meet the Warrior: Warren Pride Fans gather around one of the several outdoor stages to taylorakers express their enthusiasm. This a common sight at any a&e editor Stripes. music festivals as the head count reaches over 3,000 Introducing: Full name: ME! people. Warren Otstawakin Hobbies: Pride Long walks Status: on the Loyalsock Creek, It’s complicated. scrapbooking, Color: hunting, archery and Blue and Gold political debate.

Parents: Guilty Plea-

Madame Montour sures: and John Burrows buying flowers for his latest love Favorite class: interest at Nev- Wood Shop illustration by A. McQuillen ille’s Flowers. 90’s band, Bowling for Soup plays at Warped Tour 2014. Playing tracks like “1985”, the band gained a lot of audi- Favorite book: Most Embarassing Moment: “Tuesdays with Mor ence participation. Losing against the Loyalsock Lancers All photos courtesy rie” of A. Akers Favorite Movie: Favorite food:

It’s a tie between Breaded chicken and macaroni salad “Dances with from Rupert’s. Wolves” and “Indian in the Cupboard.” Favorite place to be: On the front of The Arrowhead starting this month! Favorite Song: Every song except “Seven Nation Army” by the White SPORTS The Arrowhead page 10 September 2014 Football team: By the School sports success: September cheyennewood numbers sports editor cheyennewood The Football Team won its first game, away sports editor at South Williamsport, which was previously Montoursville’s Football Team has been playing competitively in The ranked 2nd in A States. Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association since 1930. The Senior Carly Mill scored her 50th goal on current Saturday, Aug. 30 during the first game of the head Burke Tournament against Mansfield. coach, Mr. J.C. Keefer The Girls’ Soccer Team won the Burke Tour- is the nament over Lewisburg 3-0 in the final game. 12th coach of Photo courtesy of Yearbook Photo courtesy of Jennifer Marriot the pro- The 1953 Montoursville Football Team was one gram. of the earliest team pictures. Senior Carly Mill, Junior Katie Harlacher, and Sophomore Gillian Mitchell celebrate Montoursville’s only coach to never have a losing season was Mr. Ted a goal during the Burke Tournament. The Streinwith 58 wins, 17 losses, and 2 ties throughout the late 1950’s and Montoursville Lady Warriors go on to win early 1960’s. the game 11-0. There have been ten District IV Championships, the most recent be- ing in 2008. The Boys’ Soccer Team got revenge on Mil- Not in- ton, which had beaten the Warriors 3-0 pre- cluding viously this month in the Burke Tounament, the 2014 with a 2-1 overtime win on Sept. 16. Senior season, Nick Russo scored the overtime goal from a the overall Photo courtesy of Madi DeWald franchise free kick. record has Montoursville girl cross country athletes 557 wins, take off during a home meet. DeWald has The Cross Country Team won its first 287 loss- been consistently placing at meets. home meet against Jersery Shore, Loyal- Photo by J. Yocum es, and 21 sock, and Mid-West September 2nd. Senior ties. Madi DeWald placed first at a later meet. The Football Team plays their first Against the Loyalsock home game against Lewisburg on Football Team, Montours- The Girls’ Tennis Team’s 3 singles varsity players, Juniors Autumn Hall and Mikala Sept. 5. They started the season ville’s cross-town rivals, Shaffer and Freshman Karina Dangle, do not include any seniors, making the program’s 2-2. the record is 28 wins to 17 future look promising. losses. Puttin’ in work to know the golf team “Wood ya’ look at briulmer held on Mon- sports staff days and Tuesdays. MAHS has a golf team?! Yes! They are coached that!” Little people know this but the by the Whiteman school does in fact have one, and sibling’s uncle Jeff a decent one at that! Whiteman. School, sports, and stress The golf team is made up of five The girl’s team’s people: Senior Bryce O’Con- goal this year is to overload students nor, Juniors Will Bagwell, Gar- go far into districts cheyennewood ret Whiteman, Sophomore and maybe even sports editor Gage Alter, Freshman Arianna win. Whiteman Everyone knows how stressful Whiteman. said she is definitely coming back to school is-getting Due to little participation here playing next year. used to new teachers, reconnect- in Montoursville, the team com- The boys goals are ing with friends, taking on a huge bines with Loyalsock students to much more simple. workload all at once. make one team. The team has a The boys hope to Many students are also involved record of 6 wins and 14 losses. have a better season in fall sports, adding an extra few Most of the golf team’s matches than last year and Your social life is begging for at- hours to each day. are held at Susquehanna Valley, Bagwell hopes to Photo By: The Yearbook Staff tention with football games, fall On practice days, student ath- Shade Mountain, Clinton Coun- also do better than Senior Bryce O’Connor drives a ball bonfires, and friends wanting to letes don’t get home until around ty Country Club, and White he did last year with have fun. hard onto the green. O’Connor has 6 to 6:30, which is early compared Deer. his personal record. On the other hand you have par- been a member on the Montours- to game days. Away games cause Freshman Arianna Whiteman “It’s cool because ents and teachers reminding you ville-Loyalsock Golf Team for four years buses not to return to the high took summer lessons and you get to meet so every day how important junior now. school until 9o’clock and later. “Thought playing on the golf many more peo- year is, or if you are a senior you Then, you are somehow sup- team was a good way to get bet- ple from so many the golf team. This is unfortunate are dealing with college applica- posed to go home, eat dinner, and ter,” she said. During the off sea- different schools and everyone is because golf is known to promote tions and writing good essays. slave over several hours of mind son Whiteman plays golf with really nice from Loyalsock.” said virtuous skills such as sportsman- And then the athletes deal with numbing homework and study- her family, including her brother, Bagwell. ship, honesty, and being calm and coaches wanting complete focus ing. Junior Garret Whiteman, who is “People should join becuase it’s collected if things don’t go your at practice. Coming from a stress- The amount of work shoved on also on the team. easy to learn and you really don’t way. ful day of school to a physically students at the beginning of the One would think there would be have to work at it to be good.” said From 2005 teen golf participa- exhausting practice can be diffi- year after a stress-free summer is a rivalry between team members, Bagwell.Bagwell would like to tion dropped by 24% between the cult to handle. exhausting and overwhelming for because it’s compomised of Mon- more people to join next year be- years of 2005 and 2008. This is a Spreading youself too thin is a anyone, and even more stressful toursville and Loyalsock students, cuse of how great his experience little over a millioin less partici- natural part of dealing with high for student athletes. but not so. has been the last few years. paticipators in three years accord- school, and in the long run we Being able to balance everything “Were like one big golf family,” The Golf Team is hidden be- ing to the National Golf Foun- will be thankful for learning to without losing your mind is an said Arianna Whiteman, “We hind other fall sports. Football, dation’s most recent participation balance our time before we hit the accomplishment in itself. Howev- pretty much forget about it, [the soccer, and girl’s tennis are sports report. real world. For now, don’t let the er, every aspect of life is trying to rivalry].” also going on in the fall that take stress weigh you down and ruin pull you more in a certain direction. The golf team’s matches are most of our students from joining these 4 years. page 11 Athletes of the

briulmer Month Freshmen create frenzy sports staff ashlynnmcquillen sports staff Carly Mill Freshmen to watch This year’s Freshman class has Girls’ Soccer Q: Besides win- made an impact on fall sports due ning what do you to the size of their class. strive for in a The Class of 2018 has 184 stu- game? dents in their class. A: Playing with Just to show how big the class actually is, this year instead of heart. having only two lunch periods we Lauren O’Malley now have three to have enough “She’s really good with her positioning. But, overall I think our Fresh- Q: Are you look- seating. men Class is very solid.”-Coach Vic Gorini ing to continue Along with the Class of 2018 to play soccer in comes with new, fresh athletes to Cross Country replace the graduated Seniors. college? The Varsity Football team has A: Yes, at Tus- two Freshmen, Josh Dinges and calum College. Dalton Tubbs. Girls’ Varsity Socccer, three Q: Why did you start playing? Freshmen, Lauren O’Malley, Mattlyn Markley Tatyana Kraft, and Shelby Kurtz. A: Because it was fun. “She’s consistently in the top five for the girl’s Varstiy Cheerleading has seven team.”-Coach Katiera Nettles Freshmen, Hannah McLaughlin, Q: What role do your parents play in your athletics? Breanne Doane, Hayley Mont- Golf A: They are very supportive but annoying at times. gomery, Kayla Herr, Kylie Kreitz, Breanna Moser, and Mackenzie Lewis. Q: What are some pre-game rituals? The Cross Country team has A: All I do is hug Gillian Mitchell. eight Freshmen, Stephanie Beck, Olivia Conklin, Mattlyn Markley, Arianna Whiteman Q: What are your goals for the year? Kathryn Plankenhorn, Rebecca “She is doing it the right way, working hard and A: Be league champs, and districts. Reeder, Jacob McDonald, Sam taking lessons from an LPGA Professional Laura Sacavage, and Nick Williams. Tyler weekly. If she continues to work hard and take lessons she will be Golf team has only one Fresh- someone to watch.” -Coach Jeff Whiteman Q: What’s your biggest accomplishment in your men, Arianna Whiteman. high-school career? Girls’ Tennis team has six Fresh- Girl’s’Tennis A: Winning districts Freshman and Junior year. men, Alana Clary, Madison Clary, Karina Dangle, Olivia Ev- ans, Madison Myers, and Emily O’Connor. Nick The Boys’ Varsity Soccer has one Freshmen, Nick Musto. Karina Dangle “I think that all of the athletes “She had shown the most improvement from Russo that I have been watching have pre-season until now. She is very smart player. She knows how to read Q: Besides been doing well off season and her opponents well and has excellent ball placement. I can always count winning what do druring season. The best part of on her to pull through at any point for us in a tough match.” -Coach my job is to watch as our athletes Erica Wurster you strive for in excell. As a whole our fall sports a game? are very successful,” said the Ath- A: Being able to letic Director Evelynn Wynn. Cheerleading say you played your hardest. Fall sports Q: Are you look- success Kylie Kreitz ing to continue thus far “Kylie is a very talented and determined cheer- to play soccer in college? leader. She always rises to the occasion and goes A: Yes, either soccer or football. above and beyond for her squad. Kylie continues to amaze us every day Football and we’re very excited to watch her grow as a cheerleader and improve 2-3 through her career as a Montoursville cheerleader.” -Coaches Kari Ul- Q: Why did you start playing? rich and Ashley Rupert A: For the ladies! Girls’ Soccer Boys’ Soccer 9-1 Q: What role do your parents play in your athlet- ics? Boys’ Soccer A: Charles (his father) is quite the motivational speak- 4-7 Nick Musto er. “He can step into a varsity game as a midfielder and does as good as a varsity player. Also, he knows how to play the ball Q: What are some pre-game rituals? Girls’ Tennis well when he is in trouble.” - Coach Lee A: I really don’t have any. 7-7 Football Q: What are your goals for the year? Girls’ Cross Country A: Win a playoff game. 8-9

Q: What’s your biggest accomplishment in your high-school career? Boys’ Cross Country A: Getting revenge on Milton after them beating us in 3-9 the Burke tournament this year. Josh Dinges and Dalton Tubbs “Both boys stand out and start JV. They are very close to playing on Varisty friday nights.” -Coach J.C. Keefer PEOPLE The Arrowhead page 12 September 2014 184 Freshman 11 board members in the Montoursville Area School District Foundation

146 Sophomores 148 Juniors 155 Seniors

171 students playing a fall sport

13 AP Scholars 9 School Board last year Members

2014 Page by Sarah Musheno The Arrowhead Staff

Editor-in-Chief Assistant Editor Copy and Layout Editor People Page Editor Megan Stoner Elizabeth Lee Haylie McQuillen Sarah Musheno Features Editors News Editor Kendra Parke A&E Editor Jillian O’Connor Mackenzie Rodrigues Taylor Akers A&E Staff Sports Staff Photo Editor Sports Editor Tori Mayo Ashlynn McQuillen Jenny Yocum Cheyenne Wood Nate Ripley Bri Ulmer

Features Staff Reporters Photo Staff Maddy Gorini Bri Ulmer Jordynne Harvey Patrick Bowes Emma Pentz Lauren Caviston Dominic Prato Breanne Doane News Staff Business Manager Kaylie Schans Ashley Little Isaac Miller Rachel Eichenlaub Lane Snyder Lydia Minium Joshua Thompson Breanna Moser Jen Wentz Class Adviser Cartoonist Maddy Myers Mrs. Sandra M. Trick Ashlynn McQuillen

The Arrowhead, the official newspaper of Montoursville Area High School that is published nine times a year, has been established as a public forum for student expres- sion and as a voice in the uninhibited, free and open discussion of issues. Letters to the editor are encouraged. Letters may be published anonymously, but all must be signed when submitted for publication. The Arrowhead has the right to edit, reject or respond to any material. Letters can be submitted to Mrs. Sandra Trick in B207 or any staff member. If interested in advertising in The Arrowhead, contact the high school at (570) 368-2611.