, Ha ..... ey's News 1.30 p.m., THE DAILY· NEWS AVAILABLE AT, 6.45 p.m./ 9.45 p.m/ FORECAST: Cloudy with snow, High tod~y 2'1.

, , .- ---____~M ______Charles 'Hutton &Sons • • ______...... _V.;.;o;,;;I • ..;:6;,:2:,.. ...;N~o;.:., .,;;2;..... ______-.-;5;,;T.;., • .:.J O;.;H~N~/S;.:"..;:N.;;E~W;.;,F.;O.;U.;.;N.:.DL;;;.A;;.N;,;;D.;.;, ,..;,T.;;,;U E;.;;S.;;.D;.;A Y~/..;J;.;.A;.;.N.;;.U;.;AR;.;.;Y....;.;4'..;.1;.;,9.;;.55;;"" ______'(_~ice _5 Cents) In The,Law/s Grip I Pope Asks . Earl w. Rowe Is l .. Reds Announce I"Bridge Acting Leader I Of . Of Opposition. ore U.S. Spy Drew Not Well Enough To Attend Peace" Opening Session ACROSS GULF BETWEEN Confe'ssions REDS AND WEST POWERS OTTAWA (CP) - Progressh'el three weeks of the session. A U. N. A I Lonserl'allve headquarters sal.dl Mr. ROWe I.~ depuly Opposition 8' ttelnpts PM SuhJ"ected VATICAN CITY-Reuters ~Iondny Han. W. Earl Rowe 11'111 Icadcr. ' • • . 0 • -The Pope Monday called be acting leadcr of the Opposition He Is a formcr member of Ihe I fOb ' h" 1111ti1 lion. Gcorgc DrelV !s wcll I~tc pr,lme minister Bennctt's, 1930· SRI To Bottle Assault or 'a ridge of trut ' be- rnough to return to his parllamcnl· 3d cabmet. , e cur e e e a s e tween East and West, to j ~ry duties. Mr. Drew now is al Sic. Adcle, . B S t Gt I eliminate the agonizing state A slalemcnt Issued by parly Que., with his famll~'. He may slay V CO S Ir S of uneasiness and danger beadqllarlers saId Mr. Drew, not at Ste. Adele unlll inid·January Of -I d FI- I'rt full:-- rccovered {rani an attack and then take a short trIp else· Ja I e I e .... 0 • which "public opinion de- J. ~( meningitis, will be unable to at· where before rdurnlllg to Ottawa , • t:J LONDON (AP) - Tcn Downing I scribed as the ." lend Ihe Jan. 7 opening of Parlla· etdy in r'ehruary. .sircet. already reported in danger I The 78.year.old pontiff, still sel'- ( men!. He cntered hospital Nov. 11 with 01 collapsIng, suffered additio03I' lously ill, issued a Christmas meso :r.he statemenl saId Dr. 11. T. C. a bigh lever alter returning by NEW DELHI-Reuters-Dag Hammarskjold left by blows Monday night at the hands sage to \lIe world which miny ob- , \\·:IIl!e~·. ~Ir. Drew's physicIan, plane froln a speaking engngemcnt • . h d h '11 of two young Scottish women. servers took to be his political .'I roulll not Indica Ie when the Op. at London, Onto When be left hos· ,air Monday for PClpmg, were to· ny e WI try to per· Polico said the girls hurled milk testamenl. j p,:.;iUon leader will. return 10 .bls pllal,nee. 8 he lold reporlers he Isunde Communist Chinese Premier ChOll En·lai to free and Coke bollles through windows He declared there is some hope Commons se~t. HOI\ever, he is .ex· relt fine .and planne() to attend the 11 American airmen jailed as "spies." at t!'!e traditional London residence tlJat true peace might emerge irom peeled to miss at least the fIrst full se~,;lOn of Parliament. . • , ' ., of British prime ministers. Sir (NEA Telephoto) the present coexistence of the Rus. ~. As the, Untted Nahons I,Tohn K110x Arnold, on mission~ that Winston Churc.hill, now occupying A burclar, Gellrge P. McI.auglllin, !ltruggJes jlS he is held by Lt. Joseph sian and Weslern blocs-but ollly ,'T,'h ~ ,'" secretary· general began th'.l includcd recollnaiE$anCe .w 0 r It the more than 200·year·old build· Reagan (left) amI patrolman Roland Duchene (right) of tbe Salem, if a bridge of truth could be built '"ter last leg of his mission Peip. along llle coasts of Sibena and ing, was at home at the ti,,!e .but Mass., police .orcc. The hurglar was captured along with an aeeom· between the hUman beings living In e ourpoJ .. 'Soviet Far Eastern Islands. not ncar Ihe front of t~e bUlldtng. pUce after a funning gun bailie in which nearly a score of shots were botll blocs, not between their gov· mg radiO released the sec· Some 24 hours earlier, Peiping Sir WInston wa,sn't dlslurbed. ' 1 g d ernmcnls or social systems. J , ond "spy confession" ill two radio recounled details of another Police gave tile names of the exc Ian e • While totaUy condemning com. days from Americans held IDl'ritten deposiftiotn bUYS JO.h~I·' T. Wi~so~ou~f ~~'~~~ant~ ~:~t7~~dt' munism as a system and 85 • prac~ ··· owney, one 0 11'0 .•. CIVllnns '" , .. ' lice. he freely criticized the We,,[.. T In Chmese prlsons. senlenced with the 11 U.S. airmen. and Jane Cross~an, 18, Shrltng, J V R I ern nations and thcir rulers and ~, 1S P resen t ed B 1. an s Y Bcfore boarding an airliner from T.lle broadcast claimed Downey Scotland. They Will appear in courl Y' I deplored the lack of progress to- ;1 Calcutta, lIammamkjold talked for conle5.;ed he had bran the leader tod3Y. ., ~' Iwards European unification and , 011 011 tea t1)At! a~out 2\'~ hours with Indi~n Prime of n s;lY !II at again,t China. NO IIIOTIVE SEES the return instead to l kind .f L d TZ MlIli,ster Nehru, II'ho Is believcd to KEEP DOOR OPEN I Til r I\' . , d' d B I nationalistic state ha\'e urged him 10 try to I1mler· Before Hammarskjold left New, for lehe II.al·n·~rI110 mmotl\CI1 , a laAnlce(]I It{ . , t an! I Cli. I nn ' s POIn. t 0 f'lI CIV (urtngI' DC II' 11.. he Wa,5 I1n dieerstood to lave p~lice stalinn owt,!'!ay 5 wercas mg. rhargNI n OnOllI'8e Y 'S\CRIFICESFORGOTfEN' . • ~ thc delicate told Nchyu Ihat no malter !low he with "wiUl1l1v will miik 1 This Ihat "too Boon JIave ne~.otla~lol1s. dama~ing ~.ho\\'ed By GHACE !'vI. SPARKES A!rh~lAN "CIO~FEfSSE.S"" b I !:'krcd 1\'h'lth IChou, he" "b'Oltlld try.ltn bottles nnd 'Cokc, pane's Oil glass i been forgot\en Ihe rnormous mau '1'1 L cl 'I'! C h . . 1 r seco~[. con ~sslOn ro~(· ,~ep e [oor open. e wcen ,Ie at No. 10 Downing strce!." I' of liI'es sacrificed anr! ~ood,os ex· le on on 'wCltre Onl!Jany, in tell' olJcnll1g I) a.v casl b" PC1PIII" 1'3(ho wns attrlb Unlte[1 Statc' n I Cllinil A · t , , . ~.. •• • • ." a [ • . ,The\' also werc charged with a e s 'torted by this type of 61ate,.. and (01' thc 1955 scmson. iast night played "Thc FOUl'poster", I1tcd to Maj. \\llham ,Baum~r. 32, Nehru I~ kn~w~ to regard. t.he' hreakim: windows in ncarhy of. S SOC 1 , the crushing economic and spirit. b.,' .1 an dc rl artog, fhis play has bean running for man." one of the 11. Amel'lC~n au'men UN cnvo)' 5 nuss.lOn as .a ma~or fices of the Privy Council. 'ual burdens imposed by it." 1 " SC:1tenccu to pmon two months ago stcp to\\'ard belterlng reI allons WIth I SCREons in London and New York, and has been filmed. i I T~ I I ,He blamcd the promoters c! na· ~ on esp onage e 13rges. "cy were Communist C IIna whic I, he feels. CNR Off'c'I I CII.. 'sZ Make Presenta":onl t I tio.,alistic policy for the fact ~:Iat .~ FI'OIll Ihe opp.lIlng scene whel'c I ' captured whcn their plane WM shot ~.h[ll,t1d be admitted 10 the Unilcd V. p 'd t i Europe is losing ground in colonial MIchael brIngs his brIde oyer'n t A · clown ncar \.he Korean·:'Ilanchurlan Nation.;. Kill~ Of Sureden To Retiring Ice,. res. en i Icrritories-"in what she sbnd~ tllC threshold on their maniage erOIC ctJOn border in January, 1953. The secrclaf)'·general also is Ink· (j n : for as widdom and organizaha night to the last scene when In broadcasting It..; latest "con· in~ 10 Pei;ling dOE,siers on al\ Ihe F I" 0 .. ,[ associated Jiving and a.s all ill they have been marrIed ovcr R · d fesslonj" ~elpi~g radio made n~ UN ~en who are still mi~sing afle~ ro ICS n lee Officials of the Canadian National Railway ~ade:. :i.:"ncc of culture." " f ecognlze mcntl~ "hal~\er of Ha",!marsl! fightmg In. Korea. The~ are be 'N Y ," It 'lfr and Mrs J V. Ryan at their how, The Pone was too ~lck to CGn1. f or ty years tl Ie 5t age Is se t n hold's Impendmg arrlval In Pel' Ileved to Include more than 500 ew ear .• ca On l' • • • , • , th b d f th I h me o S f d B'd R d t da to express formal!·' '11"te hiS 7 ODD'llord messa"c 11\ e e room Co e r O. ,-- ping. It reported that Maj.Baunyer, Am~ricans, 45 Briton~, 43 AilS' IR rea Iis' HIS IJeCS on Water or rJ gP ,oa yes er y , " i;'I;I;' (or cill'i.'lma~ .nd w;~ '/1ot Hilary Vernun as Agnes the GOlernment House has recent· sentenced to eIght ycars for SPYI~g, trahans~ 15 South AfrICans, 2,100 their farewell to r..lr. Ryan after 44 years of loyal :1110 .;I·,mg enough to bl'n~(:cast it Mun. b Id I d 'd ly rccelved a parchmcnt from the said In a slafement he worked With South Koreans and a number ot -- f 'thf 1 . . 1------, . dnv' • "[I :' 1oa ~~ an young, VI a:. RO~'al Canadian Humane Assocla· nine olher U.S. spies undcr Lt..Col.j Turks. LONDON (Reufer,s)-Snow, Ice I' al u serv,lce·S t f 11 t', W"f If ~11 'i;slead lJIe text and translali"!l; e ae I e groom, c or tlon whIch bcars an honorary and near·zero temperatures were Mr. James Pike, up. 0 ,0 1\ e . 1 e ill S . J.s,' d b th V Ii ..... ,\dams, I newcon.er to the Lon· testimonial to the bravery oC N h W R ° I .D reported over most ot Ellrope MOJ!' Power, _'Y.~o .has .serycd 45 .y~ars!,. ',' '- ~f~f:e. sue yea can p •• ,,, don Theatre, playing the part o[ Azarlah Pennell o( Wood's Is. e ru as . e910na tama d~y. as 'winter clampe~ down. Its wIth the Ra~llVa~, lVas c~lalrman! H h d W" 'J The pontiff said Ihe "eold wal'" the poetic ami shy young man land In recognition of his heroic 0:. frllM grasp. for the th~~ stra!ght for the occaSIOn, and on ~ebalf of I US an It 1 nnw had given place 10 • periml filiI of charm. amused and de· n'l'o A II 10th 1954 I . Y .' T F t I B [lar nnd ~1~lmed amon o lIs mmor the officers and Ihe sCnlor mem" of reduced tension, I\hi~h "we will· li~hted their first night audien· ~,c I tnhonl' pr r I ' b ,npstav eal S Op es IVa s egln m',hap vlehms the king of SII·cden. bers o[ Iheir staffs prcsented ~Ir, Bread IfnI"fe in~ly rccognize as l"I!presenting In!: e IVCS 0 I\'U 0\'5 e cr I "'ir ~erl'ice in some parts was ' 1\ I • ~ I bo . ces with theil' small ta Ik and 11 k \I I r i,'. h S IJ N WI" : " Ryan with a beautiful R~arraasing moment'S. I T~~S: bo)':,n:Wlhl.:~~e 8 ~~;~;:.r,~,~~ tatesman I ~cre ext ee { :~f~~~~~ ~ocs~n~~~;~~~i~~dsl~~I:Oc~~~ i graph \~ilh the !nscriptio~:. "1'0 ,T.ORO";TO (CP) :- 1lrs. Bmir.: ~~l~Jn,~ of peaCe properly ~r Tbcsc two peo )Ie carry the tell through the hal'bour icc on .•. , ' 'r.red ma't of Francc, Germany,l Jnmes ,. Ryan, In reco~l1ItlOn o( Ll\·w;:~tonc., 61, liaS rcmand~d! • , 1 It" I t I I . -- , 011A\\A (Cr,-Canada s annuall AII"tria Swilzerland paris of Italy 44 years of devoled service 3nd of :'lol1,la), untll.Tan. 10 on a ehar~el B\SED ON FEAR. whole play and other pcople l IIClr way lome rom sc 100. wcre WASlIl;';G'l'ON (nelllel") - .In sCI'ic, of reglon~1 (Ira rna lestil'als, and mo'st of Scandin~l'i~ ;l'elll era-I thc innulller~hle and la '\in" hcnc' 01 llllll'der ill connection with the ,. , r'lmllll! Into Ilwir \I"es arc n.nly rc~cllerl from drowning. by Mr. II'h~l'Ial !\'chrll, prime lll.ini~lcr or i lea'din~ la I!le '!na!., in ~!a)', he::i11II illl'es dinrcri to zcro ;,r a ~ittle! fl. I u'lt u 'hI' him l~;' his" [ellow dea~h of ber hu,banll Snturda.y fol· Bllt the princi~al foundation 01 nlrl throul:h lhclr conl'ersaltoll, Pennc.1I whn at ~rc .. t mk. to hIs I~dl". was thc ~lOA Impol'Iant, nc~t week 111 Newro\l~dland 11~~er al1we and the usually balmyl I J ~ P 'i' I' f I IO\l'Ill~ an ~mergenr)' operallon. the present relative ealm II lcar ,. hich Is at times loving, some. cI\'n hfe wcnt out on Ihc ICC, fell 'In:lle stalesman .. n the worlrl at, ~he ~)'e. of an accomphshed Dnhsh Rivieren was liI;c an icc box. I emplo) ces. a.n,~ ,In .to ,en o. ,I Ie .1'~hcc salrl Al~xa11der (Sandy) Ii • times stormy, thcn ~ad, but Ul\. Ihrough himself, but managed 10 Ihe closc Of. 1904. sa)'s .Ioscphl 'lcIO!.dlre~tor. . 1 King Gustav Adolf of Swcden he. cslcem, a,lmUHllllll ,lO(I, ~ff~ctlull' ~'l\'~ngstone: 61, rllC~ frO!ll a WOI-Ind, Each 01 Ihe.grollP~ .'.nto whIch nCl'lIcath It alt giving 11 llolJd I'~ach Ihe bo)'s and kccp thcm: Harsl·\. specI~J. correspondent of . T~c Nellfollmll1lnd fcstl\,:al shows c~llle so entranced with scein" his'ate rea~rrl uf 011 nalllla: cm, llll.hclcd I'/Ith an cI~ht-lIleh bread l lhe buman}amlly IA dluded,tolrr' . .., thr. Chmlian SCIence Monitor In Corner Brook ,Ian 11.1., . . ," plm'ces" kntfe Iates the c:mtcnce of the other bl': p,cturr. or .(h~ life of II man ~lId n~lvc by holdmg Ihell' hcnds abo.ve I (Iarsch wrol~ lhat the mllsl im. For Anrll'c van (iYEcllh·nm. 4B. s~;;a~~a~~§t~~k.:~I~~k~e o~:~~~~(ttl:~ ~'Ir.' \\' ..1. Zci;:ler, ~IallllIl. 'Ifmil!,! alII (Ol\lp.lfI) .1IU all III I, "1.. I~, WIU b I~I! 1,,11 ell • t1blll1!:lIisb~LI \\'t'sl Hull )taJ(<'s. () F' . I R "II .. Was l'hlinl! IIII! II'a\'~ 01 I.!ll' I l:iL·h:1I'l1 'ML·llonalll. llin'I'IIII' of, FfJllI··),I':u·."ltl Le01lal',1 A11 II 1'1'.,11 II, Ih" Nl'wll1l1ndlalllt 1('1I1wa)" :111<1 IIf till' 11.t,.W.A., lII"l1l1l1l1c(1 that H a~alll "sillcerdy, ~llIlust relig. \'o~ like 1111 first lIlel'llll" III HI II 11M ,(1:1\.' :\1111 il Was UIl'I'cI,1' a >.II\II,llIlfljllll' IllJlo',I'l'le:Lsl'd lhl' f"lIuII'ill',: fllllltl!l' ~il'l's hl'uth"I', l'aLl, 1'1'0111 Ilw mall), allIlisilll( :IIll'Ctl"lcs 111' th("l"lar~c IHIIllllcl', ilf Ihe genel'al ell(. jUlIsI)" "ume til c011"iller war as " un all object of tIle llIoral order, Whose INI Ilia)', :ulll we thillk the \l~ll' 'I'lie S. S. I'\nl'lh"I'l1 It:lJIg~I' lell u! Ihe til~ICS I,lwt I'r~sitl"111 Titll ofl I~Sl .~I: V~~IIWS .'mll 'dales [III' 1!li~ Isllwke·fillcti ""tbge [III'. I1l'I(I. .. \I(oI'iUlls were l'c1a.kd. : I'lu~'c~~ I.lad cXIl~'esSClI 8 wi~h to violation COll,tillltes in fact a cuI; pl~ who Hilt! lh~ 1,Iay thl'llllglllllll l'ul'l\t!t lll'(lok ycstCI'II~y (In her fin. ~ u~.O'I:II'la II'~" tlw fll·.,t: hut 11I'~~'1 )~al s 19".1 regwn.tls, h~ be ~:lI'!ICI" "~lullIm)', the house IS 011 fIre~". ~Ir. 11)'0111 IV:'S VISibly affected by. h.1! assucH~led. WIth. lIw. prescnt., pability which will not go unpun. the week will £'I\Joy It and get to al run o[ the seasun to this port: abl) not the Ia,t, 10 makl! ~ pohtl' pated i~ by amnII,,:, lneatl'lCal he screamcd as he rail to hiS Ihe prcscntallon anu Ihe thought i Iton and In hne With hIS request ished." like Victor to') and agrce (hat Icc Is closing ·the northcrn sea cal plIgrl~agc lo Nc~.Dclhl to tcst gr~npS/ln 3rrt pr?vlllce: B k mother who was visiting a neigh· of his associales which inspired it.IIhe Association,is arranging a later .. J • • ." he Is I grand addItion 10 London lancs to boats now ami, the land an(1 sam Plhe the IPd~heles la~dlIPur. lane\\l'lc1"~~ N~en\V:DrCIIOnI'Snll~I·lc' k' .r,oo', bour n fcw

HULL, Que. (CP )"':'Eugene he·

newspaper OpInIon De Hull and OTTAWA.....,cP-The fed-· again for some action that WOUld/ enable a sub.s!antial and modern sidies sin~e a one-year r.llpcrim~nt· '8' C,8 nC ,I es n en a eone·tIme head ot fhe Quebec pro· . • . vival of a 1950 agreement between Canadian·flag flect to operate. In 1948 \\,'len it put up $3.00II.000 , ,- vlnclal pollce in the Hull dl.~trlet, eral cabmet WIll conSIder Canada and the Unitcd Kingdom. "What Ls needed," says the asso· to keep a "nuclcus" fleet und~'r ~ OTTA WA-CP-Prime Minister St. Laurent, back dIed in hospital Sunday night a shortly the question of help Of those remaining under Ihe l dation In a statemcnl to be dis· the Can~dian flag. .. fl'om a 10.·la~' Yu' letl..le holl'day,'h~s schedul"d a mc'elI'ng JTOI\'e on tIle .rlllcnl n"tllre of few hours after suffering a Rtrokp.., for Canada's ailing deep-sea I home flag, nine arc opcrated by' Iribuled to members of Parliament. - ' . U II n , • ' c" lIJr. DeCO$3e, former prcddent of I Ithe gOl'ernment • owncrl Canndian. "i, a plnn which will !lot merely I:------l of the full ca,binet tor lO.:lO a.m. EST lo.day. Geneva trade ncgotiations under Ihe Inlcrpl'ol'incial BMcballlmerchant navy. . Natiollal SIenm

PAGE 2, January 4. 1954 THE DAilY NI:WS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDlAtJD Christmas.' buying' casler, 'In the Ihuughts to the training, so well Recitation-Caroline Hobbs. , LOk T'h rHE 'DAIL~ Postal StaU, C.N.R.'and C.N.T lnr Deat~ Approaches' they did their parts. Rev. Mr. Win· II Hymn 57 lee prompt service and to' all L~wls· sor in his remarks said he would Recitation-),Iarie Wheeler. Green Christmas portt!' Reililers' a very happy New like it possible to have, the pro-I Exercise":"Christmas: BIo Bo •• ./ Year, and'may it be 'prosp~l'OUS for gram repeated as unfortunately, Singing _ Christmas at' o~r !! ys , you all Is the wish of your ,cor· .because of other socials as large', ~use. LONDON - (Reuters) '- Br'itish respondent. a crowd as had been hoped for I itecitation-Geraldine Martin. movielloers' pr.efer mature, strong SANTA CLAUS was not present. However those Recitation-The Missionary Hen and silent American actors-to,any 1 At The name Santa Claus is alway~ who did attend had a real treat. -Dianne Anstey. other kind of stars, a national p~1l 1 J I connected with, ChristmuR. and The program was excellently pre· Offering - (White Gilt) by shows. ' t . .. IIle Babe of Bethlehem, and may what a keen dislppol.ntment 10 pared ,aJ:1d much credit is due, Schools. Alan Ladd, James Stewart and ,;I '( ~~e dream of a white Christ· we through 1955 stili. follow the children it would be, should he Misses Burt and Woolfrey who Offering' Prayer-)Ir. Moody Gregory Peck rate as top three as ,m:i3 remained' just a dream a~ 'j ;the rain poured down on Christ­ SIring ot Iighls which he left to fall to appear. liowever no such although very busy in their reo HaywarU. 1954 box office attractions in an guide us this dark world. tragedy occurred, and althllugh speclive jobs as office workers Christmas Story-lIIr. W. )Ioul· annual survey of British theatre 'inasEl'c, leaving the streets com· throu~ For we know although the season his Reindeer were resting through found time to train this group of and. owners. The fourth biggest draw .~ pletely barc of snow. Only the perhaps brings more rush, and lack of snow, he duly arrlvetl, llPre little girls. Exercise-"l\ly Christmas Wish". was the comedy team' of Dean Christmas trees with tbeir "make ,. , we grow at times more restless, on Christmas dril'ing In a t:llrk, U. C. SERVICES Exercise-Why do bells of !\Iartin and Jerry Lawis. .. it snow," could really boast of a White Christmas. Today it's quite os we try to pack so much in our nodding and evidently smiling at On Christmas Eve Divine Ser. Christmas Ring. A British member of the strong, every day life, that we become everyone. Long before his arrival, vice was held in the United Hymn 50. silent tribe,' Jack Hawkins, took \, coltl and snowy. giving eVerything " the appearance of winter. How tired and perhaps at times Jr. practically hundreds of children Church, and again on Christmas Benediction. nfth place. ritable, yet Christmas remains stood near the large lighted tree morning, At the Evening Service )'lr. G. Gale Sup!. East Sunday Doris Da)" the only woman In XJ ever. just the lack of snow took the ,same, and each year the outside the of!ice of R.C.M.P., the order of service was some- School was Chairman for the ser· the top 10, was eighth. nothing from the, usual fcstivitles ~e. thought or Jesus as the Prince of spite tbe down pour of rain wIllIe what different, being mostly a vice, assisted by ~lr. Moody Hay. The top three money.making pic. ani! sucials which took place. The called he Peace fans Into our hearts the the Mayor and Counclllors, Clersy service of Song. The Church was ward, Supt West Sunday School. A tures in Britain during 1954 were don, toda fush of the pre Christmas Season hope of peace on earth, and that .and Representatives from Mn30nic practically filled, and the Singing large crowd attended, the program, unpretentious British comedies: for:' 1954 has ended but lhe splrl! described li'ars shaU cease and all nations and other Organlzations sang was as one person expressed "Just which was well given by those tak· "Doctor in the House," "Trouble Christma of' peace and goodwill still re- sing together: Clrols from the Lion's Song Wonderful." ing parI. in Store" and "The Belles of SI. eign cou 1lI11ins. With but two days of the, "Joy to the world the Lord is sheets. They were supported by Following is the order of Ser. PERSONALS Trinian's." Fourth was "The Glenn The' B( present year belore US, we face come." the Salvation Army Band. A shout vice: Miller Story," followed by "Knock regret, f. 1955 with all it.~ problems, dis­ "He's coming," brought loud Organ Prelude-Organist, Mrs. E. HowleyMiss Elsiespent j,'reake,the Christmas U.C. teacher week· ______On Wood." _ it terme, I\JlpDlntments, and sadness, its CHEERFUL SERVICE The di shouts of cheer from children and II' .• '!, arc h end at home with her parents Mr. Oskar Sc surprises anll joyS, with the The two week's previous to the adults, tben assisted by friends, C"ll t \" hi R N "V' Jllr and lIIrs • -ch Northcott en spirit or Christmas still in our u O'f ors p- ev. ,. , msor and Mrs. Sidney Freake. . - . lU - former I hearts; may it there abide duro Christmas Day were exceptionally thc grand Old Gentleman (note Invocation and Lord's Prayer Mr. James Hobbs has bought a tertained a large number of friends actress, busy at the Post 'Offlce, where a tbls Lion Reg) distributed bays of Hymn 59 new 1955 Royal Ford cat. including several from Salt Pond" sTher ' Ing the coming year. The bells of record number of Christmas par· fruit and candy to each child, thus FI'rst Scrl'pture r ad' b E'I on Wednesday nl'ght Col u d question Christmas have finished for this e mg 'I I cen The many friends of Mr. John " .' 0 re eels, cards and C.O.D. parcels IVere making elchllttle heard glad, that Hobbs Stuckless who is a patient at Bot- fllm~ taken by. theIr son Tom, was 'man M year their pealing out, the carols I handled, and Inspite of the extra Santa had again found time to S 1I:r N' 111"2)' l' : (NEA Telephoto) First Anthem-"Shepherds - 'Sing d H 't I '11 b gl d t shown ,and ~hss Haynes (their SchlitteI .I hal'c been sun!, and the presents help, Mrs. J. Carpenter and Staff visit Lewlsporte, then at 9.30 a or ames lCO ,~, Irs I ~'I~~ on a Bronx, N.Y., street after being N I" woo OSPI a Wl e a 0 guest ) wh . r h d gl\'cn 'h , under thc' Christmas tree are .re· were taxed to the utmost, but as p.m. Immedlatel.v after a program shot by off duty patrohnan Snlney Eisenberg. Elspnberg sait! he ' oe know she is feeling much belter . . 0 IS an acc?mp IS e sion in stopped NI 0111 I hi I Second ScriptUre Reading-Eileen and expects to return home Sat. muslcla~ gave several plano ~olol j mintlers o~ the past, but the in previous years, their work was, by the S. "A. Sunday School, Santa c anI. s COlnlJan on, Eugene Ger'lri. The sailor was Woolfrey d ' ducts WIth IIIary Lou accompany. Soon nounce~ 1 spirit of Christmas is eternal, and done efficiently, and because alr.-. again appeared and distributed I51101, according to Eisenberg, when he refused to keep his distance. Sluro a-"Star of the East" ay. !lIr. and Mrs. Harris DaIVe, .mg hAil. cr.. presen t·enjoyed .tht the world remains happy and em'o)"s Carpenter wanted this to be so, the gUts from the well filled trees, - Solo Part-"Mrs. Rev. N. Winsor, lIIrs. Chas. Fudge, !lIrs. Walter ev?nm.g Immensely; and apprec.lat. slon. ,n" .i cheerful because of the birth of ng ,j worked long hours after c1o,~ing and again no child was forgotten. . st Christmas Carols, and de· Song-Some Folks do. Mrs. Leonard Budden taking Woolfrey, Mr. and lIIrs. Harold thIS kmd gesture for an evenmg. ScbUtte timc, so that eVerything would be The {ollowing night In the LOA 1 vered baskets o.f cheer. This Exej'cise-~Ierry Christmas. Alto part In Refrain Starkes, lIlr. and Mrs. Smith PIC, asure (by the Northcotts) . nian~·'.3 .j -' '... In order for the following d~y. hall he (Santa) was again found was' much appreCIated ,and ap· Recitation-Christmas Eve. Hymn 50 W If M d M J' H bb lIrss Lilah Stuckless spent Chrlst· Washln ' ,J . 00 an , • 1 Each )'car the task becomes great. as jolly as ever, where two large preci~tion is cxtendc~ to the re· Song-Dolly's Lullaby. Prayer-~rr. E. Rideout, (Senior '1 EreYH' r'l\l h' rs. ~m 0 5{ mas week·end here, visiting witb Second 'j .:,:.. STOP -, cr, but the Postal Staff face up I'trees bending with gifts for dis· spechve groups for tins thoughtful Exercise-When I'm a man. Layman) "rs. . . arc a.n sever~ her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alec on lea,' to their task with sometimes ver" trlbutlon were quicklv stripped by gest.ure. Baskels o.f fruit, wns also Rccltation-To You from me Second Anthem"':" "0 others have held parlles at thm Stu Ckl 1l!' St kl t ht affair. THAI , d I I Radiant homes during the week, nnd sev· h leshs. lssf uc ess aug d ,. BRUSJ 00 a little appreciation. The public take, Santa and his assistants and ns e Iverel on Cllrlstmas Eve from with 101'c. Morn" 1 I d sc ere ew years ago ,an ,In L ,i It all {or granted, little realizing' before lIt'tle heart~ were made U. C. Woman's Association, and SALE OF CANDY Announcements and Offering er~I mor~ ~~e p~n~t .Po ell and her frien~ are always happy to I VHEADACHE' hal'e exacting ,arc the demands. I happy as each child received his R~d, Cross Work Committee. The Christmas Contl'ol'ers),-(Play). Hymn 65 ' r. an • rs. e ey w see her In town. She returned to ,"I This also applies to the C.~ T. or her gilt. A "ery happy New LlUn s and Masonic also delivered Recitation - There's alll'a)'s a Third Scripture Reading by Dianne dau~hter. Yvonne who s~e?t St. John's Tuesday, where she i. J 'I When YIU lulflr Irom pain ot office where lIlr. Harris Dawc had Year Santa Claus is the wish ex· chicken etc., from their respective renson. ~nstey .ChflStma3 .th!\l at CornerP Il' Brook, t VlSlt· St eno".ap"" hor WI'ht a CI'1 'I "lrm.,. ' M. J Headache, Neuralgia 01 m,,1;: to wOI'k long hours 10 ke~p up tended from all children of Lewis· Organlzat}ons, thus displaying the Exercise-What I like. Third Anthem "A Son the world 10;1 WI d~:- ~wec s:r.i~~e~ s'and Mrs. Max Moyles who has been • 1,1usculal aches you want to ;';.' with the unu;ual large busin2S,\, porte, who al I hope to see you true spirit of him who left those P1a~'-A deaf Grandmother. is Singing" , - r. al,l rs. '.' u e . a patient at General Hospital for stop thai pain !:lSt : ". So 1'0 Rot taile Aspirin! Atablel Sl31ls also the C.N.R. express, where one around again next Christmas, and children of his to OUr care, and. Recitation-This Year's request. Hymn 53 little daughter 11ntlOn~pentl C~rl~~' some weeks past, recently under- 'disintegrating almosllhe instant yOU had but to glimpse the loads of Thanks for the gifts so much en· no better way can we celebrale Play-Get up and bar thc door. Fouth Scripture Reading-Rev. N. mas week,end ~t ~. 10 u et s went surgery there, and is doin. take it-stalts to lelieve that pain parcels in the express room 10 Joyed, and rna)' we older folk, his birthday than by helping those Song-Deck Ihe halls. Winsor home at WesleYVIlle. well, expects to be home 500n. almost inslantly! knolV how great was the task of never be too old or too busy to I:ho have reached the El'entide of Recitalion-Good Night. H),mn 51 Mr. an~ Jllrs. Oswa~d Anste), Mr. William Moyles who was Men immediate deU\'ery. And last, but enjoy your arrival. hfc or who through various cir· Chairman's Remarks. Benediction . spe~t ChrIStmas here WIth the for· very ill at Gander Hospital i.. Club not least one thinks of Ihe clerks DIVINE SERVICE cllmstances are Icss fortunate than National Anthem. Tlie service wa. much enjoyed, mer s parents, .Mr. and lIlrs. A. J. daily improving at home, but will place~ in the stores, whose job Is not On Chri~tmas morning Divine others. The Chairman, 1111'. W. -'Iouland and the spirit of Christmas, its ~nstey. returmng to. Gander duro need to rest for some period yct. Florid only to ser,'c, but help seleci sen'lce was held In the S.A. Citadel, EAST SCIIOOL PROGRA~I called Oll Rev. N. Winsor who con. meaning and reality was brought 109 the week.. iIII5S .lIIargaret 1I1r. Sidney Northcott wbo' sur. ,elcged that list of parcels, almost for. and in the afternoon the Ban? ac· On Friday December 171h, the I gratulated the. pupils and, children to many hearts in the Singing of Nort~cotl who IS attendmg Co~. iered a severe chill during Christ- 1I0lal; gotten, and their co.operation is companied by the Curps OffIcers, pupils of East School presented· on the SplendId program and the those beautiful Hymns. The An. mercl?l "Scho?l at Gr~nd Falls ~s mas is now feeling better, and B.A .• the stimulus to the tired custom. Sr. Capt. and Mrs. F. Howse and their Annual Schoop program at very efficient manner each item thcms by the Choir were splendid- spendm" Chmlmas 'Hth hcr pa.· hopes to return to Glenwood' dur­ ,. meeti, er. Their smile stili retained. al. other Soldiers serenaded, bringing Central School. IIlr. W.· 1I10uland was giVen. All items were given by Iy given. The Regular Choir and ents here. lIIr. and Mrs. LelVls ing comIng week, where he is em· Time TRADE SU~PLIED BY though very tired, they are In. music and cheer to shut·lns and acting as Chairman. Following is the Primary and B lower grades, male Choir combined, and blend- Nor~hcott.. ployed by A.N.D. Company. the ! ~~~~~!!!~!!!!!!~~a~~ deed to be appreciated, and it others. . the program: and was all agreed the best ever ed beautifully. lIhss ShIrley Hodder. student IIliss 1I1arcie Eveleigh, U.C. back ~ • must be with a feelin g of ~E:ller, GIRL GUIDES AND C.G,I.T. Song-Sing of Christmas. given. The teachers arc to be con- U.C. SUNDAY SCHOOL nurse at General HospItal, St. teacher is spending Christmas at junk'! GERALD So DOYla: they see the store doo:s close.~t On the week preceding Christ. Recit~tion-Welcome Ev~rYline. gratulatc~ as well as those taking John's spent Christ~as home. her home at Comford Cove. turke full I • :zr\~:f 15 p.m. on Christmas Eve. We wl>h mas the Girl Guides, and C.G.!.T. ExerCISe _ Merry Christmass. part, theIr efforts were rewarded 0 S d PROGRA~[ Glad to see ~'ou lookmg 50 well Miss Bernice Andrew U.C. teach. ___ "*' all th s I hId t k tl Ibnun ay afternoon in the and happy Shlrley. er spendl'ng holl'days at her hom. talk • a e w 10 e pe 0 rna e IC v sited the sick and shut·ins and Everybody. 'I a capacity attendance, who all Um.e ·t d Ch urc h,the East, West and lIliss Mary Lou Northcott and spoke very highly of the pro· Beginners Depts. the . Sunday brother Tom who attend l\Iem. at Wesleyville and with friend at issue or Ilucel gram ,which was under the leader· Sch?ol c.ombine,~ for the Annual orial University are spending holi. Gander. sh", of Misses 'Dorothy Wells, White Gift ServIce. A large crowd davs here with their parents Mr. Miss lIfargaret Porter is spend. also whie :II.,. ~ul'et Porter, Miss Humphries, attended with the boys in left side nnd. Mrs. Arch Northcott. They ing holidays at Porterville, Miss Mr. Penney, (Principal)' was also pews and the girls right side. Mrs. ,have as their guest :lliss Winnie Humphries at Botwood and Mis. rOlln Sil present, and help'ed in directing Len Buddc.n acted as Organist and Hayn~s from St. John's. This is Dorothy Wells at ·Exploits. If and keeping good order. The pro· th I tl trodl e 0 oWing program was given: lIIiss Hayne's first visit to our }Ir. and Mrs. Max Humplorin as fl ceeds .were satisfactory, and will Ca II t 0 \V ors h'IP town. Hope you will enjoy It, and spent holidays at .the former'.\~ • go towards re·decorating the II 62 1II1 ' ymn come back again. home, Botwood. C. I newly built class rooms. Prayer & Scripture Reading-~rr. 1I!r. and Mrs. J. Carpenter, :'Ilr. CENTRAL SCHOOL PROGRMI Geo'Gale and lIlrs. L. W. Pelley spent Mrs. Frank Broderick (nec Olga ~lay Sung-Chrislmas time is come Poems from the printed Pro. Christmas week.end at Port Bland. Bursey) spent a few days 'bere ~!r. FIRST. Mr. • • again. g~amme by Geraldine )Iartin and ford where lIfessrs. Pelley and visiting with her mother,' Mrs: Ed· Recitation-Opening. EIleen WooUrey. Carpenter visiled rcspectively with ward Bursey. She has now gone to -, JOhl Exercise-Stury of a Fir Tree. Recitation-David Dawe. their aged mothers and othcr rela. SI. John's where Frank is nolY TI Song-Welcome, Jolly Santa. Exercise-Christmas (by klnder- lives. at the Despatching of[jce at St. Clul n.tsl Recitation-If I were big. garten. illr. and Mrs. Alec Perry spent John's. IN CONSU'MER Pre: Drll-Lilltle Wooden Soldiers. 'waqal1nag JO JBIS-IlO\IBll~~U Christmas at Gander vislling with lI!r. Rell Hicks who was at Gan- Exercise-Two Tiny Wishes. II"ttl'e Fr k . . " loll' u ea e. ' their son, Otto Perr'·. d' I' h f I' Monologue-Let's talk it over, A h 'er Hosplta IS no\\' o!D e ee lng C nt em-East School Choir. 'The many friends of ~Irs. Reg. much better. Play-The grumps meet the Exercise-Steady light. Hicks regret that through illness hra I liar ACCEPTANCE Groucher's. Recitation-By Christine Small. she W

.~, . • 1 ,'.

'. .. rHE'DAILY. NEWS,.ST. JOHN'S,. ·NEWFPUND't~ND,-,~-.,------"",,·_J·------....,;------PAGE' 3, Janu~ry 4, 1955 .. ', '.... ~. •• .... · New' ~.~ e reen s an ay " ' I \ omat's .. . . lP Po~er '.. • .or I Project unis.e ...... ' . A 'four hundred' 'thousand • u·rvlves ,. . .'. dollar proj~c~ py United ·.'. . BI d'r Towns will add the waters'D D- Arrives For Treatment P t.'y'.',' of M~nuel~ River to their .. OC' t.O· . ar ·un..' e. Topsail plant system, giving rs . lagnose BONN (AP)- reo office brushed the incident 'oCf as REGRETS "SLIP" an estimated increased an- ealledher top diplomat.from Lon· I"a purely Internal German·aUalr,'~ In this, connectl~n, the statement nua! production of 5,000,000 don. today because his wife !lad London newspapers, splashing went on, Mrs. Schlitter had chosen kilowatt hours. The work True'. Co nd. -It I- on . described Britain at an offlelal the story, quoted, Schlitter's wife the "unacceptable expression 'en· " . Christma& party as "an enemy for· as teUing t.l!e party lor employees emy foreign country'.n may commen~e In Apnl If eign country," at the German mls.slon: "My hus· This had offended gU0Sls, It said, weather conditions pennit. 'r.he· Bonn go\'ernment expressed band. and I llndagnln and again and found 11& ·way Into the British. The damming of the river . regret for this expre.!slon, which what treacherous ground . Londoo press. . 1 .. The Hea!th Deparmtent was advised yesterday it termed unacceptable. can be. and realize agalrt and T.ne press office statement con'l wll take place two mIles m h h M L b b • I'd' • - • f The diplomat, Charge iJ'Affaires again that We live among enem· tlnued: . '.from the road A larr1 e t at tee ean a y glr S con Ihon IS sahs actory, Oskar Schlitter, and his wife Dalsl', Ie.;." . . Mrs.' Schlitter de.eply regretted/artifiCial pond '~iII thu b following the removal of a growth known as a 10.rmer German beauty queen and Mrs. Schlitter denied Intending to this slip,. whleh was' due to her s e actress, returncd to ·BQnn. express anti . British. sentiments. "nervousness and Inexperience" In created and a canal dug to teratoma from the base of her sP.ine. .• They wcre recalled 10 answer She explained that she meant OIlly m~klng~n Impromptu speech .. But brinr1 the waters into West- It is this little girl's birth ---'"------questions about' British and Ger- to Impress' Illi the' mlsslmi staff some preSli ,Iformulations" con· P d d P dd ' .... I man newspaper reports of !IIrs. that they mMt pull togej,.'ler, be· ecrning her words were Inaccur· ern on an a y s Pond which first ga~e l'lse to a ~chlilter'&remarks at the party CRuse they were "In foreign sur ate. '. . and thus to the Topsail plant. story that Siamese twins Sinclair To given . b~' the' West German mls· roundlng.~."· The federal government found A spillway will be built jhad been born at Green Is- slon In London. T,be oICicial statement distributed the Incident eXceptionally regret· ·tl hId h Attend Fisl1 .1 Soon aCterward, an official an. by the"federal press oUiee here ex· table and sent the chief' of the WI 1 t e ( am an t e waters land Cove in the c'htl'ict of nouncement aecnowledged b'lat the plained that Mrs. ,Schlitter was orelgn office personnel depart· will still flow down Manuels St. Barbe. I cn\'oy's wife had' used tile expres· called upon to make the cus'tomary ment, Dr. Josef Loens, to London River perhaps with even D L A M'll N- \ F~deration ~Ieet \. ~ion. nThe announcement 5 aid speech o( seasonal greetings to the to Invcstlgate. . ., r. . . I er, ew SchUiter, Who served In Nazi Ger· staff becnuse her husband.had to .Thls Investigation &howed the In· greater strength than here- !foundland's Deput~ Minister , manr'.. diplomatic' missions In go to another official function. eldent to have been exaggerated tofore. of Health received· a message' Some lime ago, Canada's Federal , Washington and London before th'e S!le underlined the 'statement that and that no political conclusions .: Fisheries :llinister, Hon. James Sin· •• Second World War, had been "sent all Germans had to remember they were to be drawn from It. flom Dr. Thomas of the clair indicated that he would very on leave" pendlne a decision on the were In foreign countries and that· Schlitter. ha.s· offered to resign, Grenfell Mission Hospital at much like to attend the annual I affair. . the terrible events of the last warj but no dedslon has been' take.n on St. Anthony saving that the meeting of the Newfoundland Fed. BRUSHED OFF bad not yet faded. from people's this, the government said. Me.an Holidays For .'. . ..In Lond. on,. the Brltis.h 'orelgn minds. .... while, he had been sent on. leave. .. operation ~ad bee~ perform- crall on 0.1 FIshermen. . ~=--:"":"~-=--~=--":""'------"---.""'---.-----'----:-.---'-- Yea 19 .... 5 formed sabsfactol'llv and the AcCordIng~y, he was wrItten by . .. . . r tJ ,. . v • the Federahon and extended a ° Of S f SlidlOng' . baby s conditIOn was sabs- warm Invitation to be present. It M. F~ Harrington Annlversary a e The ••next whole holiday factory. is now reported that Mr. Sinclair (NEA Telephoto) 'd L . A for 19;);) will be on January Post·operative diagnosis has accepted the invitation and ILinda Puentes, 7, or Brooklyn, N.Y., WIIO Cor nearly five years J wi!! Rotary Spe.aker Len ease reas 25th., ac~ording to a sched- proved the growth to be a be coming here in May. battled pain from a diseasL oC the blooll "essels and connecth'c t1ss~uesHI~~~i£\ ule published yestertlay by teratoma rather than a arrives in Washington on her way to the National In!'Jlitute DC "p:>Itl",,;'L'li~ -- . Yesterday was the fourteenth Two of thesaIe sliding areas Cor the Department of Provin- minogencele as had bcen re- F" d F in nearby Be:hesda. Md .. for treatment. Accnmpanring Linda Mcmbers of St.. John's Rotary annll'ersary .o[ Lend Lease, by children are noll' read~', The,Y a~e ·cial Affairs. ported at one time. IDe or h.er mother. mil. rather, ~Vi.'fred Pue~tes, who lost hoth legs In ('lub and gucsts hailing from which the United States and Can· at Victoria Park and in 0 Dea s Other hoIiuay~ arc outlin- Th . ft' th d r1h- pel " !'\ ormanlly mnslon •. ASSIS~Jng them I~ Red Cross worker !llrs. I 'd ltd ada secured agreements which gal'e field. d f II e m an IS e au" arty ras lIDO' beth Hams p aces as WI e y separs e as them bases In Newfoundland. The The sliding places were arranged e as 0 OWS:- !ter of Mr. and NII'S, R~y-. tJ . florida and Vancolll'cr were priv· "} I 1 I I I ------... ------: eleged~to hear an old friend of agreement was dated January 3rd, as the City Council became fear· !J arc 1 7t 1., Apri Sf I mond McLean. Green Island. .N!,..... t.~ ltotary, ·Mr. llichacl Harrington, 1941. . (ul or the accident toll on city I(Good Friday), April 11th I Cove. Her birth made world, A delayed report tells. of how Des PI- e WI- n e'.' In t t ""i,'''''&;)"i streets (E t M d ) A 'I?" d I dl' h' f' Cour young men broke on a B.A., at Thursda~"s iuncheon . as er 0 ay, prl _.,t· , 1ea mes w en It was m.t Iparty at South Brook, Springdale, meeting. Taking as his topic "Old Seals Ap'pear May 24th, .•June 24th, July flashed that Siamese twins and started a row. They were hail. Time Christmas In'Newfoundland," F.alor FIOshing 1st, July 12th, Regatta Day, had been born at the little ed belore Magistrate Abbott at G I . the speaker took his audience h G d F 11 'j ~I~~ hack to the janneys, the "back· Off Labrador August 1at , September 5th fishing-sawmill . settlement (an a s. . . . a es Coas t ers .. ·.' (Labour Day) Thanksgiv- of 104 persons. Charges of cal1~Ing malICIOUS , junk" and the "Newfoundland Off St. John's • ' • .. damage and oC beIng drunk and turkey" of a. century ago. (The Seals have already. been taken mg Day to be set In October, As a hehcopter trIed to disorderlv were laid against the " full leyt 0 ' this most Interesting on Newfoundland Labrador. --' Nov mber 11th Ch' t h tl . ttl t f . . .. A • Though data on how many seals There's been fair fishIng off the e. ' liS mas reac ~e se emen or aIrmen: All were. fmed an~ told by I K 0 S -ce" ' talk will appear in a subsequent have been shot so far is lacking, harbour. Some flshe.rmen hal'e still Day wIll be observed on evacuatIon of the baby, two Jlla~lstrale. Abbott that In f.uture, ee p ".n er ri '.' issue l. Mr. Harrington was intro- D b 2 h d • h t ld h d V ouced by Rotarian Gus Duffy who It is known that men at Henley been going out despite the stormy ecem er 6t, an Hoxmg snowstroms )nterfered and sue ae IOns wou, .. e Vlcwe I t'iiJ!·l\.-~ also proposed the vote of thanks Harbour and Hopedale . have 81~ weather. However, they have not Day, December 27tb (made the drama of the storv had gravely by the authorItIes. .. which lVas passed by a hearty ready been successful In. taking been catching enough' tnell. their necessary because Christmas the story still on top ~f the other children.' .The fierce blasts of pl(~ recent storm h~\'e pI'o"er ~~i ~l~~ round of applause. some seals. offerings to the fish plants. In- Day falls on Sunday). world headlines after four News that the tin bab .. beyond all doubt ·t!"'at wmter has once agal11 come tt :.J Six t r R t i i stead they sell them to smallcr re- . Y J iN f dl· I ...... ' -;. '~i'~';;!l;:'. guess 0 oaranwere n· I til tit I . These' are all Statutory.orfive.da\ls., " .....• hascome'thraugh·thc;opel'~ ewoun am ..... ,·..... ";':" ..... _...... " trotluced by Rotarian Leo Shea H' °d S h d I a ou e 50 • • ..' • Yet, th~re are shU a fel\' of OlJr ,-_. --,. as follows: 0 I ay c e u e Hoh~ays ~nd have no COil- The father IS a fisherman. ahon successfully will be Isturdy mariners who pmisl in .. aid. "wr wm nn (Jllr own.'" 11:1 Mr; S. R. Saxby, ~tontreal; Mr. Thl, morning sees the whole nection WIth days observed The parents haye only been hailed by those who were so piloting the icy seas of our more will nol be makin" anothel' Iri! m;;t.ii~ C. Forsey, Grand Bank; Deputy city back to work. Federal and Clerks' Elects by city business establisll- married five 01' six' years. interested in the story of the northerly shores. At this time of this sca.

-_._ ..... ------~-~---.- The' General Heath had a sin· gle-cylinder, verHcalbeam low· NEXT 'ATTRACTION '·LAST. ':iMESTO-DA Y pre~SUre . engine-the same ferry JE~~. l'ETEm::-JEFFREY IIUNTER-CON8TANCE engIne that had powered them BING .CROSBy in cround the ltorn In '49. Perhaps s:'tii'l'lI III "LURE OF TilE ,ViLDERNESS"- '. ."' . . .. . : her sloping prolY Ilave the. Healh . ;\Dn:NTURE ~ SUSI)E\~SE' -\'DRILLS CHRISTMAS 1/. ' I, the look of a scow, yet Crotch lias' bringing her Gown to Castle Dome in a Uttle more· than Jive


'. ',' 'HE DAllY .NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLANb~'';';''';''' _' ______~-----~;.;...~~~,.;;.;...;.;;...,;;~;.;.:.;..;;.. .. ;;;.._.;;.;,._;.;;_..-:.;_ ..;.;; ...,;;.;-.;;.--.;.;; ... ,;:.;;_..;;.;. .. ;;;.,-~;.;;.;.;.;.._.-:.._~ ___..PAGE 5, January-4, J954. , • - ' "I .. ' . .. ~ . ' . : :.::.':: ~, "~. _.: ~ .~; .::i :C:.,',::;:;:;-::.-i:;:,;:" ::::;;:.::~:: I. I,i!~':;" Faniily, Still.·,· .," '::;01:' ':':'::"' .. ": ";,,",:,:: ,I. ~; ... ;." .. ,: ~ ... ~: :.. :~ ,,: .• : ,: i: :;,.1:'. ~:. J~ :: .. ;,:r.,,:::;,.J'~:U:'.I;;,::~:·::".:'::L·:~i'·':':!;:::~;:''::';;::;;:;,lL,::;;:,:: ~ ,. . , ' I ,,' Of Interest Se:~~~~!, Que.-pp _ The .' (. Staffords who le[t Fruitland, Ont., .19 To two months ago !or .Campbellton, ,~ '. N.B., spent their third day In the. fi\. Veterans Montmagny jailhouse Sunday, anx· ~ War lous to continue to' New Brunswlrk ~ but maybe destined for Ontario. ~ Earl Stafford, 44, his wife, Marge: , ~ . 34, th'elr three chlldrch and· Earl's ij . .the brother, George, 24, were· through '~ their last nickel two wecks a~o m when their stalled .1941 model'car m ! was struck by a truck and wrp~k· i!!i Legion Corner cd ncar this Industrial town mty ~ . ',. ~ miles east of Quebec. tl! '. ... The car wa sto have laken them ffi By LIC. MI 10 Campbellton whcre' EKd lnd ~ . , .,' George hoped to find work as lum· !l, "HOGMANAY" Wednesday luI and wl11 soon be \" . . bcrjacks. During their tw.l.month' . ~j To the \'elcl'~ns who have now convalescent.· He went with the ' (NEA Telephoto) journe)' it broke down at T.Il'.'l~. ~? passcd their Clftics, ',the recollec. first draft of Naval Reservists In· President Eisenhower has announc· Que., and Beaumont, Que., . hut (l lion or the School "neader" wl11 1914. . ed the selection ~f John Davis kind citizens and police helped ttl CHESTERFIELD hr a call back through the years. Former Seaman Albert En· Lodge (above), o~·,~golng Repub· thcm put I~ on the road again. . :~ ' A few slightl SUITES Some may remembcr It well, but I wood, n.C.N.V.R. of Burnt· Is· Iican ~o~ernor of Connecticut, as All were In hospital for a wc.·k S tremendous Y damaged olle thing is ccrtaln-they would land, 1'. 'u B, underwent a mao the ne~ U.S. Ambassador to Spain. aUer the accident and ,vhen r~· ~ and uPhOlster:ed~ction for :hree. piece suite . ,.iell' it In a rllfferent light in jor operatio'. last week, and is leased New Year's EI'c tlley wr"/l 9.' . Regill ~n blue and g~:~ck C;learances, olfe;ed at a 19j5-if they had one al'allablc reported as making' satisfactory Attemp' t Settle housed .In the jail while the Qne. ~ ar $1 from that they did In 1902, or progress. . bee attorney general's dep?rtm~nt ~; FIVe only s/, 5.00...... n velour. . Spring filled thereabouts. John Kellly, formcriy of Bay, F d S Ok consulted \V1tI1 Ontario welfare or. i wearing t Igh/ty dam~ · ...... C1earin In the co lttmts-as 1 remem· Rolierts who served'· botb the' or tr} e ficlals. ~ Regil/ 1;~5ry caverin:S~d three piece : ~f $139.50 I ber-was an 'artcle describing Merchant Marine and Royal TORONTO (CP)-Negot!alors al. The family hopes provincial po· : ar Here's .00.... Ultes With I all aged man ~lttlllg ncar a win· Navy in World War II and was tempting to .settle HIe Ford Motor lice will consider driving them to . ~ Ch an exc .. ,.... Cl Ong dow. and the Inference was _ recently hopltallzed, 15 now able Company strike recessed Thurs· Campbellton, but the Ontario wei· );i esterfifild S .eptianal b·:.. ·.. earing watching the' Old Ycar out and to get around again.. day until Monday. rare department may arrange for !il ed With W I Ulfe. Up'h I uy In a th at $99.50 the entrance DC the .New. It was "HOG MANA Y" . IN GLASGOW The recess followed four sessions their return to Ontario, police say. B a nut ... 0 stered . ree·pi .... e ..,Ood I . In r' h' ~~e s . a beautifUl simile-but, seen No. 3368 S\~rgt. Wm. J. Drls-slnce Toe.sday between compact The Staffords spent New Year's ~ R guI ar $2 rIm. IC silk v' I Prlng·fill Ihro'Jgh the haze of a half.cen· coli of the Royal Nfld. Regiment top teams representing the com· !IJ STUDIO L 25.00 ,eOUr and f' . ed lur.v and not with the clear eyes was In Glasgo"" Scoti.~nd, on the panyW k and(CCL) the United Automobile ,DayNew qUietly.Year's dinnerThey ofwere roast given beef a ti.,~ti\ A s OUNGE ...... In Ish. I of a teen.ager, II has a hallowed· ~ew Year's"EvP o! 1917, and saw ~heer~eek-end break.up wa.s be· and then strolled through this town >':i f'1 peciol tw S .... · ..... Ior onl l I led and uph Purpose fur' Y $179.50 . If I"h Ilad the prl\'11 tlHOgtml aneaby aals . lIeved to Indicate' Ihat enough to visit the youngest of the fam· a,"':' 51~I?1IfiCancfc.lose 0 us .. 0 , . Ie m· ono...~~IseedrvedustWomlths c , ground had been covered to give Ily, their flve·month101d baby boy ri Re I ostered • nlture b gil a $ In ass uy. C e;le of being overseas at year s 1918 was duly ushered Inl An~ union representatives something who was keot in the hospital nurs· U CHESTER r 69.50 Orted fabric omfortobly • end, particularl3 In S~otiand, why shouldn't he, when he was concrete to lake back to home. r .' -, is Left FIELD CHA ...... C'I s and colo SPrIng. should not furget what "Hog· enjoying the tompan Y of the base for, discussion. e y. ' = OVers ~ .... IRS .•. lear' rs. manny" meant to the Scottish ilIacFarlar.e family, relatives of Today they will meet stewards, 5i are Ver ,rom Suite Ing at $5 1 family. At Illverness and Ayr, raconteur Dave James and the picket captains and execu~lve ~ blue y Comfartobfurchases th 5.00 "first [ult In" and ihe attendantt old St. Andrew's football . start boardfeeling, of at the this Wlnd,sor meeting plants, probably and UN Cl lleOeS0 f G ~- , gr~en and . e. Vel I ese Coil . customs C811110t be soon forgo· the sister of whom he eventua ly wUl bi! highly deCisive next week. ' • Reoll/ wIne. OUr and spring fill ~ .. ar $39;50 tapestry Co e? chairs T len! married. Sai.l! Drl~coll c:an spin The rece~.s presumably. puts a T P 0 0 ll! W.len the G.W.V.A. was fUllc, a good yarn 01' two about Auld strike settlement over Into the 0, elpID2: I ...... vermgS in' lionill/: under the Prl;sldeney of Scotia and H81eley Down Camp, New Year and the 13th week since YORK v g ~ ·..... for I Lieut..Col. L, Paterson, O.B.E., as well as th" material for the the strike started at Windsor Oct. NEkWJ Id r (tAP)-Dga Hlam •f ,..~. on y $29.50 . of revered memory, there was "Blue Puttees:' He came over 1O-followed by the Oakville plant mars 0 , sc~ e ary· cncra 0 a"_=,-, 1 \\',o.,'s a re.Ulllon o[ the Domin' from Harbour .Grace on Wednes-• Oct .. 15 antt the Etoblcoke• plant theday Unltedfor Pel Nalions, ping. His took mission off Thurs· Is to ~ al 1011 Executive on the night of day and is nllw In the D.V.A. N~i 11:~st 9 400 employees arc not obtain the release of 11 American ~ December 31~1 !'lew Year's E,·c Ward at the General Hospital, working be~ausc oC the strlke- airmen and otJer UN persOllncl !li _"J\ogmnna:-:' or the Doctor's reeel"lng attcntlon for war dis· 5,700 at Windsor, 2,700 at Oakville, who arc prlsoner·s of the Chinese ~,1,. llirlhd:l~'-what.~I'er we might abilities.. 125 at Etoblcoke, plus 870 office Communists. . . ~ tcrm It. It was an occasion of LEST WE FORGET workers ,t Windsor who are on Hammarskjold carried a great '" unalloyed good fellowship, of Robert Sheppard, Royal Nfld. "lay' oll"-and It is considered responsibility on his shoulders ~s i s!lciablllly, mulunl understand. RegIment. mor~ would likely be working un' he boarded a U. S. mllltarr aIr ~ hI" and rCQI fraternity. Richard Crane Royal (Nfld) der normal conditions. ftran.sLopordt planNe at Dldlleh\~lld RdlrPRordt ~ " . I th II "f th N I R" or non, ew e I an e ~ And now n e s ence 0 cava eservc 0" China.' With him went the hopes }:I D.V.A. w:lrd, as I witness the Thomas Curran, Merchant Navy. JustIce Hope noL only of tlte families of the 1m· ~ out of 1954 against CHAIN' OF REMEMBRANCE. prlsoned men, but of most of the Three . r~.tlillg th~ ~ co . Plece'b b:lckcround of St. John's city, Strengthening the Hnks In the p A Free Western world. .. nS/slin .. edroo . ti:c Catheth'al towers, Newfound. chain of remembrance during the asses way Hammarskjold faces the most :,l daubl ·rg·.of dres m Suites . . land Hotel, !;Uhouc\ted by the war years, greetings for the • C ) '1'1' J tl dramatic task ever placed upon a ,e !ull ser h' h In p I d d f ' TORONTO ( P - .r. us ce United Nations chief !t.l~ . . Rego/' Panel be'd Ig boy a dopular Wal ~eon II ghts, [ am rem nco New Year ha\'e come to your John Andrew Hope ·of the SUo If his negotiations' are success· m G . . . ar. $11 . An . n ch' nut f . tile framed IT,otto 1 once saw columnist from the Odam family preme Court of Ontario died ful, the achievement 1V0uid be cer· .. OSS/P 'B 0,00 unusual' olce of· ,"Ish, 1\.lth lil~e dGsk of eve?lng on the (Merchant Navy) of Caldlcot, Friday of a hf.'art attack. He was taln to boLster the UN's position m These a~ ENCHES ... ,Cleari,.,saving ~ Single Or ":nll of Br. J. E, llyan s classroom Nonmonthshlrf; Gunner Cecil '14 . . a~ arbiter of International dis· ~ and sPa e natural ~. . 9 at only ;jartunity. ill the St. Pt trlel,"s Hnll. Schools: Wheeler (16llth Nfld.' Field 'Mr Justice Hope I member pules. ... = RegUcle for te/eph/~lsh and h 9.50 Oil it was printed the phrase: Regiment) and wife, TGronto, man ~f the royal co:Omlsslon on It is believed that rel~ase of the . ar $ one aVe ";)an.t lock back, look forward. Onl., Russell C. Hall, Jr., (U.S.' of the Appeal Court was chair. pr~soners by Red China would ; ,:ARD TAB! 15.50. and directo ~arnfortable DOII's lock down; look up." We r'orccs) wIfe and rlaughter, Ruth· education for ontarl~ from 1945 POtn~ t~e way tObl furth"e~. st~ttle. ~ .' '(ery sl ES ...... fles. CUshion 1.la~' look. idck for a few mo' erford ' N.J. , e:<.Lleut. Edward C. to 1050. menBut s no y reasonaone Is ecertam ne,,? la Ham-Ion. ·m~,·~~. branoOrd f ,g and ...... "Or 0171. . ments _ its disappointments, Ball (U.S. Infuntry, World War Called to the bar In 1914, Mr. marskjold's quest will succeed, ;;I R °ps. The gOod looki y $8.95 hoped and partial Ilchlcl·emcnts. 11) Rothschild, WIsconsin, and Justice Hope practised law In least of all the secretary·general. l:l Our matured hlends will speak his wife and nearer home, Gun· Perth, Onto He acted as crown Earlier In, the day, he .said: "I egll/ar '$ y cOme in ng Card /0 = kITCHEN 8.25 aSSorted' bles With" ' buoyantly of tlle good old days; ner Philip Butler (59th Nfld. counsel at Ottawa and other can only say that I shall .do my ; Here's CHAIRS ...... ;.,... Colors. checker yes, there" ert; but we fervent· Regiment ot Royal Artillery) centres from 1923 to 1933.. He best." . ~ 01 YOur 0 ...... for ly bellcve anrl trust that there Avondale, C.B: was appointed to the Supremc ij a big Co h Pportunit. only $6.7 I r.re good new days to come. S? A WHITE NEW YEAR Court In Dccember, 1945. S Reglll s SaVing.; to secUre' " ,5 he It! The "green" ChrlstmJls of 1954 N Y k ~ outside thc snow Is working is now receding Into 'the past; I ew or ~ FLOOR L ar $3.25 :. a/ural fin' h sOme kit h lis magic. Insidc the cx·servlce· the prcsent Is with us. The old Fas·t Talking Gir 0 0 !l .Chrome AMPS ...... Clear' IS • ,C en Chairs I r,lcn pntients from many parts firs are now quite still; the white . Stnke ContInues ~ In and b ,. Ing o( the PI'ol'lnc~ arc seeing o[ the snow lays on every' bough and LONDON (Rcuters)-Communlst . aSSorted' ronZe" al onl $ Old Year out 111 the security or the trces sparkle In the glorious ,Poland has ruefully· revealed th:1 Reg I colors Tri/ite" ~l y 1.95 cir OOr /a . tllclr warm,I ('omfortableI d cots.Ith sunshine. From all accounts by, oave[arstt'htaelkclonugntCr~~sgplrrlodalllmctolosnt' . tmo a~ employerNEW YORK negotiation,~ (AP)-Union brokc downand . u $ . . ror myse f, 1 am conso e w the visitors It If a glistening city chlnery from 'bedazzled bureau early tad a)" contlnuljg a strikc ....-..--..... ,. .' 20~OO e;'" h . mps With sil'· ~ ,,I ... c If sh d that memory ,.r the far.of! "Hog· of snoW. ' crats recently. . that began New Year's Eve and ...... I.' a es manay," when, ancr the annual There is joy In the prospect of I Beautiful nit u c y n R Hartman threaten~ to cut off a large por· I'cunlon, we werc cordlnllY In· bdng together at this time. The hadn't a credential to her name, tlon of New York City's fresh fruit • HOlley 0: Only $16.95 "I' i ",ited to severnl homes wherc recent Informai visit of Comrade but she did hoye a shapely figure, and I'egetable supply. Scottish wlvcs of Ncwroundland Malcolm Holl~tt, M.A., ~f.H.A., good clothes .and enough poise to Louis Yagoda, assistant director l Veterans had arranged suitable House ,Leader of the P.C. Party convince one .smitten factory man· to !he state mediation board, said .' . Smart h lllsh· Bed full Pan:,ney' and Wal ). parties for the occasion. There and Comrat:\e Charlie' Garlam\, ~::~y a~e~'s:~I~;e[n.~~he~\o~:f I~h! ~:il~~~!rtr:g!~n g~~~~a;~o parties ~ ,S was thc humourous,. as well as Secretary of the Liberal Assn· ministry of contro!." Local 202 of the AFL three. WOOd b nut fini h Tcamster.~ ~ qUarter 0 eds, in s beel the scntlmental side. One wlfc clatlon of Newfoundland (both Lucyna's story Is related In the Union 15 demallding a $10-a·week ;~ s remarked to hcr husband-a ,"eterans of thu Royal Nfld. Regi.' Warsaw newspaper Zycle War· wage Increase and 8 one·year con· ii1 . Regular $ r dOUble s' choice of 32,50 I. .'~e. former Sergeant.Major in "Ours" ment In 1914.UI18; C,F.G. Is a szawy, of Dec. 23, a copy of which {ract for Its 1,725 members. ,. , ~ Or 0171· . "If this were the first time, I "Blue puttee") made up happily reached tondon'tOday. The paper ·1 . ,Y $19,50 could forgive you, but yo\! came content at this gesture of the tells hO,~ the ~Iamorous "Mrs. In· . o .. home like, this on the night of fraternal spirit •. And,. of c'oursc, ,spector WCllt from. one .litate.run H . d r it; the Armistice•. In 1918." came,. Pt.as Le" "I on 'presldent. furnishedfactory to bya, nothcrmanagcr5. m oflleial cars an y Ip 5iii Ah, me, 1929 1955-how· quick· Myles. Murray, M.H.A. (veteran . The nmanagers we r e usually 0 ~ Iy the time flies! o[ the 106th Field' Regiment, more than willing to make hefty For GIrls Ii UNDERWENT SURGICAL R.A., 1939.194~) Minister of Pro- cash loans to Lucyna after she Zlad· a TREATMENT vlnclal Affairs. The best of all finished discussing drawbacks. In LONDON (AP) - Hcre's a ~ William Smith of North West Is for an old friend to come and theirI PhrOdducftflondStet~Pts-or alter· handY tip for girls who want ~ Brook, Trinity Bay, was operated give us his hhnd, as he used to na~e Y B, 0 ere 0 111 ervene ~er. to know If their engagement ~ on In the General Hospital on do long ago. It gives one such SO~~IY [or theT Inp Weh contdo~ rings contain real diamonds. ~, S'~ye, .upto Over ______.:... a comforting feeling In the hear,~ ti n stry govern n: 0.5 pro U· All you do, says Dr., MarY n .. to find everything that, Is dear ;~ tbls way, says Zycie War· Waller, leadln/! British phys!- . ~ ..... ' " . .' " to us onee more., szawy, 'she virtually "controlled" clst, Is. touch the gems Wlt~I, a ,~ • • I • • ~. ',' • . , The, clear b~l1s from far and a' bul1dlng' enterprise in Nowa piece of. solid carbon. diOXIde- t:1 .. , -, · near in St. John's call·us'all to Huta, a· &ilk mlll, a velvet fac· "dry Ice." Elfj the New Year, with tlie prayer, tory and a communications equip· If you hear a squeak, the i SO~.. ' 0 we hope: ment plant In Knlisz, two found·. slones are ~'eai Glass or paste '. "Out of darkr.ess shall come rle.s In Sllesin, the central man· produce no sound. '\ agement of decon.tlve fabrics and Dr. Waller dropped the hint dawn . the WroclaW building union. Other . ii! Out of winter shall come ~prlng factories in'Lodz, Creow and Stnl· In a lecture on the vibrations. It .' Out of strll'lng shall come peace in grad also,5uccumbed to Lycyna's excited by cubon dioxide.. 1i Not by our power but by thc treatment. ~ ., , ,~ power, of God!;" sLucyna's gay career lasted two ~ monll!ls. When 'securilY police fl· S f T :..;. ~ ...... ,... nall~ ·cau&i1t:uP,.with her she was • a ety uague ~ • .d' ' .d on vacation In a mountain resort,. ' ~ ur er an'. In Zakopane, aecompanle,d by two I MONf'REAL (I;:p);"-The Quebec ~. ·. M ...... ," ,.,.. . ',...... " red.faced factory milDagers who, Safety League Thursday. offered F. : SUI'-Clo d' . were .. still .~fYlng .!o .butter up thcir \ the following sugg~stlons to Cana· i' . . e " ,. charming . boss. ; dlnns fol' an accident and "taUly· .~ , ..... ,...... STE. ADELE, Que.-CP ~A Ste. '. . ' .! free New Year~s ·hollday:.· I, Adekresta'Urant owner shot and FO D" .' HI': 1. Leave automobiles at home:'1 \ '. ,kll1ep~ls p~rtner ~a:rlY New Year's· ; Jre ~stroys ote and !ravel by, taxi, bus, streetcar .Day:.nnd then'. turned the gu~. on AMOS QuP.. (CP)-Flre de. or o~ fo?t.. . ~;;;"j~';'I:-";:;:;;I' '. lilm8elf"".' p.,ollce' said '.Sunday .:.... stroye!!. .. ,. "the 31~room.. , HoLel ,2.Bar· parties Encourage to go home . frIends by tIxl at orhouse with -~~~~~r. '.Tb~ ~ocll~s ofJl~rve,!orget, :is, fa~t. Sunday: In, tbls lown some a non.drinklng frIend. . ~ , .' . . " and,A1!ce,Caza, 31, were {,OUnd In 400 miles no!1hwest of Mon 3 "'h I ltd' d 't'l ~b " t:.:i. '. " .. ', •. , 'd n of' th' . ~..' . " en p ann ng 0 rIve, on ~:1::'~:~~'::'~iiti!~ft"~!ci~~~!1 ' a"",,~on ,!.e:se~~n.· 001', ~, treal, causln!! damage estimated drink ' . ' DUCKWORTH STREET'; .'.If!t~ •. :,tdele:, clialet,)I.r~~.cur. b~: ~t $70,000. .:...... , . It.w~ .;¥s~urant . emDloy.eell 'satll~' ,·'Th~,:blaz.e, brokc· o~t .. shortly the.·.bulldlng.Mo~t of, theguesls · 'I day. mornln~. Po\l.cP..,· d~scribl'~l arter,. noon ,:.aud .coulrl n~t be were out of the ',building. when .. f.lIIII~~ .I,~! __ J 'Ithe ..shootln/l.as'8 clc3r, case ,of. brought In',check by a \'oluntcer the fire ·started and non, was IlOMINION SHD HD\)\E II H • t, ~ I.f I '1 linlll'der and; suicide.·' " , fire br.1itade- untillt, destroyed In~ured. . /'

.,' , , , .' '. . " , . THE· DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWfOUNDLANb .. Source· Of Funds .. • Attention. has been. draWn . in , the The DAlLY NEWI II • morn1q pal* ....bUlbed lD I. oct publllhtd at the Finance Mininer's yeir.ind· report to the Newt Builclln" 8M .• Duckwmll street. sources of revenue noW av~ilable to the BY. WAYFARER '.. ir ·St. John'.. NewfoUllcl!ud, '117 lIoblDaoa • Provincial .. Government. These· indicate " . ., - . JI ":1ID1PaJl1, Limited. tbat t I'tat~tol1'h Bubsidi~I' tax rent.at~ay- PEns B~HIND THE SCENES . .convenient manner of travel iban allau or 'l'III: CANADIAN PREll! men ~ an ot er contractual .contnbubons December 21" . mine own coach, which I do have '~ .. . f:- . The Canadian . Prell II exeluslvel, e;' of the Fed~ral Government~0w. amount so" many have 'written .to ask the greatest. trouble In finding a IUtd to Ibe use for repubUcatlon· 01 all to 45.7 per cent of the total income of the that I do continue the writing of place for,. save for the one thing , .or to Tbe Alloclated Prell or Reuten province. To this must·be· added another this, my journal~ that I am con.: t~at there 15 a long wait bct,:"c~n IIld abo the local DeWI' publlabed therelli. 5,8 per cent represented' by federal assist- Rtralned to acquiescence albeit ~l'gQ~lllcSJl.,_AIIBtl!edday ~us~ and thiS • . I do flnde that "u. aIr to inVite me to lHocl AU Pre'; service and feature artJclel lD . ance t 0 special servIces s~h as university as my yea res grow dinne itb t k f :hb paper ar. eopnJabt and their re~ education and health grealer I am less and less Inclined enjo~ r wt ~oose. 5t cars or our leWI dhpatMes In thIJ paper credited to . • . to order myself to such a degree men an mea 0 a, most duction II prohibited. The principal sou~ces t;lfrevenue avail- 83 to keepe a daily journBlI .. YeU excellent quality which! did enjoy IF able to the province from taxation license Ihlnkln'g now upon the past I to the stage of repletion. So to ..' .~ or /" ..., . Authorized al second Clill .all Pon' a 10 at ,. fees and sales and services are the sales may see what valuable re~ord raltl Playin"l cardes but having 'j QUlce Department, Ottawa. . ' .' . f t It Id h b I ,ea en so muc 1 of the moose 50 and !lasolme taxes the .entertainment tax' 0 even s wou ave een f I did I h d'ff' •. I"",' ." •.•.• ! had persisted Ip Ihls dally chore ' ave some I Iculty in stay· . • Member Audit Bureau ot :<"mmg and tlmber royalties and lIcences. since !lrst I did begin it nigh ['v Ing awake through the evening. January CireulaUolll 'mot~r licences and interest on investments, and thirty yeares agone. For II~ Dece~ber 3&. . and profits on the sale of spirits and other these past times it seemes that ThiS day the fIrSt great fall of DAILY 8UBSCIUP'J10.'i IATES: alcohullc bevera~es Few of these are there was a gre~ter diversity o( (slnow. for tht.e season and reaches '. I ( t th I' th d Ie propor Ions or a blizzard so St. John's Se capable of much further contribution to the n eres s . an snow e ca.se an tfiat th . I : .CaDad.. • ...... $ 8.00 per annum . people of Importance who did make . ere II as t Ie utmost con· gue decided at . United Kingdom and all provmcial revenue~ the newes were also less reluctant fUSIOn in the streets with traffick WARM ,J r.eld at the 51 Forelan ClllUltriel .... $12 PO per annulll The gasoline tax is now collected at tu be quote~. Indeed. looking back \;astly diseomoded and as much that It would w ....______.. ' the rate of 15 ~ents a gallon and can hardly IIllon some p~ges of that early (,ue to the want of c~nsideratlon , before opening I; stadium hocke~ • '-";'"1 be increased without invoking the law of journan, 1 do flnde them replete :~ow~ by so many drIVers as to ~. : ~'.. ~ d' I . h' t Th • I . with conversations with men whose e s ress of the storme. So to WINTER 17th as the dal .' -.: ·TUESDAY, JANUARY'4, 1955 ' ..': 1m nJS mit re urns. • e socIa se:unty names are little re~al1ed today and tlie clubb for my lunch where many game between I assessment or sales tax Is·now apphcable had 'then notable renown among o!hers had gathered and among and runners·up to almost every commodity, inCluding food. them Sir R. Bond, my lord Morris, o~her Ihinas is discussed the It had been .. Canadain Outlook stuff.;. and an increase would constitute a Sir R. Squires, Sir M. Cashin, Sir bullad of J.ohnny Burlle on the COMPANIONS t'pen the new \ p.ry loth, next Back in the last days of 1953, Canada's lowering of living standards by reducing "'.'. Coaker, Mr. Gosling, Captain Y"Lttehr taTx Ithat was printed lately .~ delegates held • .r' • t f T d d C th I f h . ,. A Kean and so many others that In e e egram sheet and one lll.mlS cr. o. ra e an omme~ce, ~r. e .va ue o. t ? consumer s doUar. The I 'could fill this whole space with fhnt Is so ful1 of Innuendos as to \ .:c;. in which , ! Howe, predIcted that a more mtenslve profIts of the LIquor Control Board, now the mere listing o[ Ulem. And a cause great amusement. So do I FOR ,oing before t! .' competitive situation would emerge in esthmted at $3,320,000, probably represent tit!nq to note Is how Impressive wonder if there. is anywhere a Stadium ma: .', 1954 lind would delineate the' dIfference .the highest that can be collected from this all these publick figures were chompleal col1echon of Burke's lin heard the , • •• • Ib It thO 'h b 1 I d road·sheets and would be pitty league and 31 ... between the men. and the boys. That fore- sour::e..• WIthout a maJor Increase m general toa emy ownIS ma~youth ave and centheir re aown e If th ere were not for he was the would change cast was confirmed. The outlook for the earnmg power that WIll allow an Increased Me rather than to their stature Inst of the balladeers in SI. John's ·YOUNG· eral skating fl · new ~'ear, is not worse and may even be consumption of alcohol. A rise in motor by comparison with the publick and his writings deserve' to be ·" 9.00 to 11.00 bettel' "'ith much depending on what Can- fees t'an onlv come about through a major m~n of the day. Yett making this preserved in the P~bl1ck L!brary. teams two ho each evening " adian industry does to face up' to a changhlg extension of road services.' qualifica~lon, I cannot. bring my· This day to tal~e with. Lesltc Yeo GALS· • ld ' C t'b t' f' Ott d l' self to believe In it for these were cof the ~ondon players .come to to 8.30. starti . . " or . .on rl u Ions rom awa are ec m· f t f . . f d present another season of tbeatre lasting up to . 'f' h • men 0 grea orce 0 energy an ~ Last year was a very good one for mIt. Irst because of t e annual reductIon personnUty thnt did seem to out. In the cltty and tells m eof some the 1955 sed ., Canadians in spite of some soft spots, in- of $850.000 in the transitional grant, and shine the publlck figures of a of the plays to be produced,. among ON· The Feild\; c1udinR a decline in farm output, but from secontll:v in the coming year because of a later time as does the sun Its them ~Is Excellency, whi~h I have final hour al the pessimism voiced In some quarters it declille in the Canadian gross national in- planets. This being the Boxing long Wished to see and I~ related the stadium '. . h'ch Day whole day I was happy in to the experiences of a I:.abour League pr mlgh~ have been thought that a grave de- come cn w I th~ tax re~tal payments are the rest It did 'give me aftcr the politician as a colonial governor. lies, sccretar~ THE· recording s( preS510n had occurred. Actually, gross partI:) based. ThIs latter mstance suggests strenuous period of Xtmas and So may it well excite recollections pi'odlAction was down only two per cent a measure of vulnerability in the revenne lay abed, all the morning, to my o! ~ pe.rlod in our own recent past. • I'Itre presen' while \'ice pi from 1953 and left 1954 as the second most system which is disconcerting. Were a \'erry goode content. This nigllt 'lOIS mght the .storm abating but Donnelly wa rosperous year in Canada's history more general economic decline to occur. to the' opening of the Stadium t.he streets a Jungle of confused GOI P . • whel'e the discourses were goode traffick butt I (0 go abroad to the referees ass! . The competitive note will be sounded revenues from the tax rental and other and chnracterized mercifully by Pantomime, most amusing, and • 1 session. more. loudly in this new year and domestic sources woul~ fall as the ne~d f~r more great brevity, and the Ice show s~me goode talke at the interval St. John industry may find itself compelled to look .money for rellef of unemployment mcreas- better than I did expect, yeti was With, many.others, A. Fraser, that '.1 Referees wi , contests aur .;~ i for new means of increasing efficiency and ed. I so chilled that it was a mercy Is the p~r~lament man fr~m the When you bundle them off for hours of fun out-doors you'll e with a flat L lowerinlf costs to enable It to cope success- And this brings us to the poi~t of. this thaI Mr. Hall did invhlte me tof. thd De8e~tee~nberrld311ng of 5t. John s. I cleree will . II'; 0 d' • h' h' h t tn . , f committee roome were to m e know they'll be snug and warm when they're dr.ned in' j';l ~ully with t.be threat .of a larger inflow ot lSCU3StIOf~ w ~cl IS It t~ 'e tsuccess thO many I hadd not seen over the [11!P bvery betimes and to the ing each ga pf,,4 ';., Imports. That warnmg has issued from presen manela re a lons b e ween e Xtmas season with whom there 0 !ce ut no work done for comes. these. wrap'up, zip.up cosies. See the complet. group of The stadi ':! many authoritative sources including the fringe provinces and the federal govern· was goode discourse to be hadd. a. constant stream of callers to gathering II heads of the chartered banks. ment have depended through the last So comes Sir L. Outerbridge, that ~Idd me a happy new yeare, al\ winter togs for the 8 to 14 year olds at Ayre'! to-day ~ • .'. . 1" I I f C d' Is Lieutenant·Governor, to ten me ,cry pleasant, and doubt thnt i be issued I ''; B~t It should not cause alarm. Can· severa :VearsTohn a t;smg eve .0. a;a Ian how wel1 he did like my travel there is any parl of the world key games .dlan mdustry may have lost some of its prosperI t y. ere IS no pro~slon or ;e. journan and others to speak in where there Is more warmth and will be fOI J~itiative in an extended period free from versal of the trend, no cushIon on whIch ~iml\ar terms of praise which did gOOd. wm than Is to be found in seats. rlaY4 stiff ('ompetition but that do'es not imply this r.rovince, for ~xample, could fall back deUght me beyond anything that this Island. To Povey's, there. to and league a ,'n bTt t f t th bl f in the event of recession. my poore writings should so please sec In t~le new yeare, and WIth goal judges ~,I a I I Y 0 ace ~~ 0 e p~o ,ems 0 . . them. The Stadium, me thinks, as the commg 01 midnight there Is allotted pa: the moment. In addItIon there IS a grow· The hope, of course, must prevaIl that d if I b It th 'th b t much cheering singing and drink· SNOW SUITS 1/' Delegale! · I \ • • '11 B' . goo no e er an e es , demanded ing dcmestic market to consume Canadian no recessIOn WI occur. ut m our own that is east of Montreal and great lng, and all the gentlemen to buss Satin finish gabardine in lovely two-tone' colours. Snow pentl products. The population has risen by case, with the normal annual increment in credit to all that hadd a part in the ladies and proud thereafter to passes lor and jackets with detachable hoods. fit 8·12 years ...... 13.00. wouldn't h mOre than a million since 1951 and is likely the cost of our services and the deficiencies t~e making of It of who~ F. wear their badges of lipstick ~s ing room t . t 'd t . th futu to be made good in our capital structure 0 Leary was tbe most persistent did any knight of old his lady s o gro": a a mor.e rapl ra e mere. '. ..' and to his persistence and energy glove or' scnrf. So endes this And wlth that IS the knowledge of vast speclal problems are emergmg. ThIs New· t b attributed much of the yeare, a yeare that was prosperous Freize Cloth Suits with bright plaid trim and warm quilted lining. ., Chure projects that must ultimately make their foundland situation is obviously a special :~!on ~or Its existence. at home and saw some measure o[ Fit 8-14 years ...... ~,...... 14.95 contribution to a great permanent enhance. one an.d the remedy should lie in the re- December 28 inter!"itlent progress abroad which m'ent of the Dominion's economic strength vision of the Terms of Union. But it may This morning to the office which Is gIven new emphas!s by th.e Cluhs . . . . be f 1 'd • 1 t th t th dill fte the long F'rench Assembly WhICh, albeit All-nylon with warm quilted lining. Snow· pants with braces, Thert IS certamly nothing on the horizon sa e y sal m genera erms a ere seemes a u p ace a r re'uctantly ratifies the treaties of .! at the moment to suggest 'that Canada is room for a great deal of improvement in holidayIS so that jI do t petrceivbe P;ris and 'London. jacket with detachab'le hoods. Fit 7-12 years ...... ·..... 20.50 AlIeY,1 I I · . . 1 f d al fi . 1 el t' there s more en oymen 0 e. 8.15-\~ sn,ould not do as well in 1955 as it has done provmcla· e er nancla.r a Ions. hadd from ieisure than from work January 1, 1955 ... Alleys 3 in ~1954. albeit a sadd and sorry world 1£ It Suffering this day from a great 7.00-C ',' . were to be all play Bnd no work. rheum, I was constrained to fore· 9.30-5 ,.. Strength For To-day The Interest this day even here go my invitation to lunch with R 'II They Come Thl·s Y·ear.... in distant Newfoundland lies in B1abbs and go a-calling In the Alre!!" .'i WI , B, EARL L DOUGLASI the voat to be taken in the French afternoon. So not to trouble my· SKI JACKETS 8.1li-1i Assembly on the rearmament' o[ self about· dressing butt to stay Beautifully tailored salin·finish· gabardine, they'll love te wear What, We wonder, is the prospect of ' Germany butt is further delayed nil the day by the fireside, drink· ..' Airey, 1 ~eei~~ the attainment this year of some THB TEST OF FAITH yctt do 1 think, in the end. all will ing a hott rhum punch and dip· skiing ar skating. Has full xipper front, half belt, elastic waish 7.00-' of the things this province needs in the Several year. ago at an exhibition of daring be well. ~Ing into my Xtmas bookes and to and two large pockets. Two-tone colours •. 9.30-~ AI/cu~ 3 form offederal and provinci~l services. We driVing, a motorcycle rider Ibowed his skill by Dec:ember %9 find 8 new life of Lloyd George Fit 8·12 years ...... ,...... 11 ...... 8.30 riding blindfold up an Inelln~d plank and leaping This morning I. was early .up Ihe most absorbing of a!1 so that 8.1li-~ are thinking particularly of. things which hll madtlne over a parked car To the grOWhlfl' and to the oEllce III the pubhck 1 did not lay It down utI it was ,llltys 5 h~"e been on the carpet for some time. applause of the crowd, he then le~ped over two cars. coach. which 1 do Hnde a more time for bedd. 7.00-1 , 'nIey are urgently wanted and have been and finally over three. Then flCiDg the cheerin, , . 9.30- m.~re than half·promised. grand~and, he liked them if they thought he could Fortune In ••~. · Of outstanding importance is the do it Igain, this time with some Doe on his IhouId· P.MD.F. PARKAS economic and social need of the road link ers. :ne crowd roared Its filth In him; 7el, lurely 1954 CHAIN Diamonds Lost C~lton gabardine with detachable fur trimmed hOods, .ll:Istlc ¥.~ween Clarenville. and Gander. It can· he CI~~~t ~~~~~ ~:c~n~:~need, "I'U do It.- Now LINK NO. 2O-Mr. Fred .J. The ( waists. Fit 8-14 years ...... g.90 I petition not be completed thIS year. On the other' whD wants to ride on my .boulders?" , Lewis ...... ~lO.OO LONDON (AP)-London evening at the I h~nd, apart from the finaJ stages in open· .And then, for the first tIme, the grandstand newspapers report that diamonds , lowing i~g the road to Port aux Basques, tbis was perfectly silent. worth nearly £500,000 were lost in eastel'll gap should be the main project of This Is the real test of faith, after an-personal - Conr! the crash of the British Overseas Robel the Trans-Canada Highway prol11'amme for commitment. It is easy to say, "I believe." It Is Toronto Star Airways Stratocruiser at Prestwick Han 1955 . Q,- pasy to encllura,e others to go along. It Is easy to on Christmas Day, but 8 post office • . . join the ralllel. and drives and .campaigns. to take official said nD claims have been . SNOW PANTS Hlckl Editor Retires I part \:I the whooping add the bollerlng But will received. I Tayl( ,. At ~he recent rate of construction, it you stake your own life on It? That I! Ihe real test. TORONTO (CP) - George H. Brown, royal, green an'd wine freize cloth with knitt.d cuff bands. Mew) "\ Rock might easily take more th~n five years to When It comes to faith, a\1 the rest is Irrelevant. Maitland, editor·ln·chier o[ the The newspapers ,ay the dia· Fit 8-14 years. ·! build. It can be built in two years if proper WlII you stake your life on It? Or to put It Toronto Star and Star Weekly. is monds were in registered mail 20 Madr retiring. He will be succeeded by packets which have not been reo UNLlNED· .. ·· ...... ·.. ··· ...... ·6· LINED ...... 7;00 Maddie concentration is devoted to it and bene· anoth~r way, vim you put your lire .Into It? That's J Beland Honderich, The Star's fin· covered. The plane, bound for New .' The ficial results would' immediately flow from faith-the. faltb' that moves mountains. Measures your own against It. anclal editor. . York, burned. Dealers said that witl! t linking Avalon with the West. The change Is imnounced in an diamonds. being carbon, would be ,>~ lion: I There are certain lesser but neverthe· Wh 0 bArS. editorial In The Star Weekly which dcstroyed in a hot fire. 1 ' also reports that W. R. Plewman, " . Mo;~. 1ess lmportant services' which should. be·at t .r. • lYing Mr. Maitland's first assistant, Is reo There was' a great deal of mail SKI PANTS ·• Clift ipiilated this year. They include the con- tiring and will be succeeded by H on the plane, letters and parcels , Cro~bl s~ction of new terminal. buildings at _ R. 'Barney Armstrong, 58, cditoriai lIlllng 250 bags," the post office Nylon Tiger Tuf with strap cuffs. Navy only, . \ Kent

G,ander and Torbay, the .provision of a BOY,' OH BO¥ writer and formerly The Star's official said. "There might· have Fit. 7·12 years ...... ,...... I .... ' ...... Ottawa correspondent. bee,n diamonds 'In the mall, but we ~6.;0 (S int J h T I b.J " ' . Bearn Federal of.fice building in St. John's, and" a 0 n e egrap ourna1) . t t 11 t h lh thl f . . FIY~ minutes in a toy. department .tore and ' Mr. Maitland, 73, and Mr. Plew. can. e ye weer an~j ng 0 Mainv s9,me consideration for a centralization of everything his that he could carry out of the store man, 74, both began newspaper great value has been lost. Fit 11-14x years ...... 8.00 Norril .tl ..~~,;" *6.vi:!ciat offices in the capit'al. in that perlodl· That WII the wonderfUl oppor. work.ln 1899. Mr.·Maltland started Lush :". Th .. '. th .' . tunlty IIwardfd I forteen·year-old Baltimore boy with the old Herald In his native ... :' ';' ere remam tw~ 0 er pro.lects ~hlCh. II titt. winner of an'~: eonte.t .polllored br . a Stratford, Onl.; joined The Star In ·Ato· mJ·c Sub Oijght to be started In 1955. One IS the biter)" How did be mat. oUt? Well'Frank Della 1906 and became editor·ln·chlef In Qu Natior.at Park in the Clode Sound area and Noece, son of a fU'leral !llrector,'m'lI~ged to trans- 1937. Mr. Plewman,'born in Bristol, . ·WASmNGTON (APl-The navy the other is the conversion' of SignaI' Hilt port prizes worth $393 to th., cleslJnated"IPot out- England, started with the old said Thursday It now expects to ' Ra t~~!i'i;';~ inti> a national historical shrine. The first .Ide the ltore. ~ 'i,70.bleycle;··andin four Toronto News. He became widely have the atomic submarine Nauti· .", . 'd h . • . more- trips such· articles' I. a' $'TO train' 'let, a $40 known for his war reviews written' Ius ready for trial runs about NE lr't'11~ s~ps towar s t e prOVISion of all. these doll for his Sister and ~$40 building set: The dally for The ,Star In both the March 1. . Quee' this ."'\"'.~'" t~mg!'l sho~ld be taken this year and it will second prize winner, Darlynri Heiadl, limited to First and Second World Wars. ., b' t . t' t r 'resting of the world's first ·nu· racl~ !Jt.l!t~~ .~.In eres mg 0 see in the Federal esti- our mlnut,es, made oU witli salol worth anoys, but . Mr. IIonderlch, 36, was born in clear engine' submersible, which sr: JOHN'.,' 2011 male'l·whether Ottawa Is conscious of their Jay Di"mant, aged twelVe, 'probahly profiting by Kltchener, Ont., wherl! he started was launched In January, orlginnl. lamo "IJrWl'OtNIOI. 11S'~,,:::.l importance 'and the need to get ihemstart- th~ e~l,erlence of the lirst two, mnnaged ~o.rol1 newspaper work with'l'hc Record. Iy was 'scheduled 'ror last October .. ANII~ Qu ed. • .. up· the best per minute average in loot with $33~ He joined The Sta~ In 1943:and Ilafi but all error in inslallatlon of Char . worth In hla three·minute period. • , been financial editor since 1946. steam piping scrapped that plan. man

'. .\ I, "

'~ , _...;.~ ______~ ______..:... ______.. ___ ~ ______PAGE 7; January 4, 1955 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND .. -:j.. :r.; Practice Schedule .Trabert In Action To Opening Ni'ght N. H. L.Presidenf'1 . Of Senior Hockev With the new target for .the opening of the St. John's Senior Scores Red .Wings I·· Hockey Leaguel set for January 17th, each team In the league wlll get five one·hour practices, In ad. dltion to the Initial hour and I half practice, before their first For Bad Lang~age! Hockey Opening Deferred game. ------~.. --- ~ , ' . Schedule of practices drawn up I by recording secretary Toe Byrne Detroit's Saturday Cussing 'A Poor I, last night for the remaining prac· , For Week ,Of Practices tice sessions Is as follows:­ Advertisement' Wednesdal/, Jan. Sth:- '. 41.30, Holy Cross; 7.30, St. Pat's. Cussing hgt ...... , .. what's league bu.slness is my bls· iI '11Iursdnl/, Jan. 6th: ' MONTREAL (CP) - Pre.sidcnt nc;c;s. ~ . January 17 Set For Opener; NAHA Deadline 8.30, 51. Bon's: 7.30, Guards. Clarence Campbell of llle National OFFICIALS TOO BUSY Fridal/, Jan. 7th:- Hockey League said Monday au· "I tried to call !lIs attention to i scene language by players is a what was' going on. ~o he couldn't : ~ig Discu~sion On P~sses Approaching For 6.30, Felldlans; 7.30, 51. Pat's. poor advertisement for hOc!ley and say it didn't happen. . : Saturda!l, Jan. 8111:- he is taking that general approach "This Is a matter iliat the offi· : 51. John's Senl[lr Hockey' Lea· scati, they declared. . , ' 1955 E t ts 6.30, Fellcjlansj 7.30, Guards. in dealing spccifically with Detroit cial in charge of the game "'ould i tlle decided at I speelal meetil1l Team representatives felt that n ran Sundal/, Jail. 9th: Red Wings. find It exceedingly difficult to $leal, ! 'rid at the StadlulT last night since the players themselves were 9.00, st. Bon's; 10.00, Holy Cross; Campbeli said 'th~re have bcen with. M[lst of the time he is out I that It would walt a further week getllng' nothing' out of hockey Leagues which wm have a vote 11.00, St. Pat's. "lots of spectator protests" but no on the ice discharging ,bis duties.: I specific complaints agaillost any He may Ilear the plafers occasion· . hdore opening Its first season of and since their dubs were taking at the annual meeting of the MondaV. Jail. 10th: 8.30, Guards; 7.30, Feildlans. club other than Detroit. He said ally abusing one another but he ! !Indlum hockey and aet january cn I big financial outlay of equip. Newfoundland Amateur Hockey the protcsts "have been passed on" may not hear language from the ! lith as the date for the opening ping the teams, the stadium should Association during Ihe c[lmlng Tuesday, Jan. 11th: but made no comment on any par· bench unless directed specifically" .amc between champion st. Bon's show appreciation and a comfort· finals In March must have their Up, St. Bon's; 7.30, S1. Pat's. .ticlliar moyo he might make. at him." . ' lnd runners·up Felldians. able seat in return. entrance fee paid by January Wednesday, Jan. 1%111:- Campbell himself heard out ... C~mpbell ~aid .he feels ob~cenity it had been hoped originally to ' The league executlve was told Inth, assistant secretary Gordon 8.30, Holy Cross; 7.30, Feild· burs!., of obscenity at the Red has no p~ace In our business, ' rpcn the new campaign on Janu· by the delegates Ihat their teams Duff of tlie NAHA reminds east ians. Wings.:\!ontreal Canadicns game i can't benefit anyone and can bal" ~")' lOth, next Monday, but team desired good seats or none at all. coast leagues. ' 7'/lursdoy, Jan. 13th: here S;turday night won bv ~lont.1 no defender." rle]cgates held out for' an extra Discussion 'surrounding the con· Entrance fee Is !Ifteen dollars. 8.30, Guards; 7.30, S1. Bon's. real, 4·1., The leagu~ head 'Iert his He indicated that in thestrenu. , ;: in whIch to pracllce belore d\lct of players prior. to the stnrt Deadline for entering teams' In ]''ridal/, Jan.· 14th: seat and went bchin.d the Detroit ous play of ~ockey and re.;U!tant (NEA Rndi[l Telephoto) bench to talk with coach Jimmy harassed feehngs,an occaslDnal ~oin;: before the publlc. 0\ tbe game saw the league lay the coming NAHA series 15 Jan· 6.30, st. Pat's; 7.30, Holy Cro~s. Skinner. mild expletive might be tolerated' , Stadium manager Lorne Wake. dc.wn hard and fast rules of pre· uary 15th .. Senior A entry costs Saturdal/, Jan. 15th: Tony Trabert of the Unitcd Sinles Davis Cup team gocs high for I , -such as when you hit your thumb. . lin heard the suggcsUons of the game ceremony. fifteen dollars while Senior Ben· 6.30, Guards; 7.30, Feildians. ball in his lIIateh with Australia's Lewis 1I0ali during' openlng·day "In eUcct, he told me to mind Iwith a hammcr-"but it is revolt/· I Irague and announced that he Teams will, In future, skate on· \t'Rnce fee Is ten dollars. Junior SUlldal/, Jan. 16th: play al WhIte CIty Stadium in Sydney. Trabert aOlI "Ie Seixas scor· my oll'n booiness," said Campbell. ing to make obscenity part of ilan;' "This is, league business, and dard speech." . ~ , I'. auld change the hours for gen. to the Ice led by the goalie and AlI·Nfld.· enlries will cost just 10.00, st.' Bon's; 11.00, Holy ed four·sct ~Iclories (or an almost unbeatable 2·0 cllallcnge round rral skating from 8,30 to 10.30 to IJne up In their own end of the one dollar. Cross. lead over Australia. r 9.00 to 11.00. This would give rink to take shots from the blue Registration of players for the RAY POWELL 'Toweel's Terms t~ams two Ilours of practice time line. No scrimmages wlll be ·per· 1955 All·Newfoundland hockey America Regains Davis Cup mh evening after supper, 6.30 mltted. playoffs must be made by Febru· For Title'Scrap to 8,30, startlng Wednesday and There will b~ no tossing of a ary 1st. Aussies Struggle RETAINS LEAD la~ting up to the opening date of coin to decide ends. The home To date St. John's and Bell , the 1955 serles. teom, 50 designated prior to the Island have made' 80me commit· To Catch British QHlSCORING Are Re.lected The Felldians will hold the game, will defend Ihe southern men! that they would participate MONTREAL (CP)-Ray Powell JOHANNESBURG CAP) - The final hour and a hall session at end of the rink. I this year. So far, however, no of Quebec Ace.s pickcd up only one Transvaal National Sporting Club the stadium tonight. Some discussion of group insur. word has been forthcoming from In Set assist last week but continues to Monday rejected the terms of world League president .George Gll. ance for hockey players also took the Conception Bay North Lea· MELBOURNE, Au.stralia (Reu· lead the scorcrs in the Quebec bantamweight ,champion Robert I;r,<. secretary John M. Tobin and Iplace with most opinion In favour gue and NAHA officials are await· ters) - T.be Australian cricket Hockey League, tile official statis· Cohen of France to defend hl.~ tiUe recording secretary Toc Byrne of a sinking fund to take care of ing word from the CBN centre as team scored 188 for eight tics showed ]\[onday. again.st South African ,champion. \'.'ere prcsent for the meeting, injured players. Insurance rates to their Intentions. In a grim struggle to pass Eng· Powell now has 19 goaTs and 31 Willie Toweel. . whilc \'ice prcsldent Frank "Dec" will, howevl\f, be investigated by land's first innings total of 191 Sat· assi,sts for a total of SO points. Club chairman Julius Martin said' urday the second day of the third three more than Keliy Burnett of the purse dcmanded by Cohen lionnelly WAS meeling with the league secretary John M. Tobin. test. Montreal Royals who cut the would mean charging "fantastic" I derees association In another Delegates -attending last night's Hockey Officials Fa,sl. hostile by Brian leadcr's margin by scoring one admission prices. ,c,sion. I meeting were Vince Rossiter ,of Statham and Frank Tl'sonn broce goal and two assists. He said Cohen demanded $4.2,000: St. John's Association of St. Pat's, Mike Woods of lIoly the back of the Austrllan batting. Orval Tessier of Royals follow., or 40 per cent of the gate, wbich· Hdcrees will handle the league Cross, Ewart HUller of the For Comin~ Year Between them they took four wick· with 43 points, ma,de up of 25 goals ever was greater. plus the' return (lmtc;\s during the coming year Guards, Dick Parsons of Feild and ets for 65 before lunch. and 18 a,ssists. Mike Labadie of air fare and hotel accommodation." From the time Tyson trapped Quebce is another three points with R nat fee of ten dollars per Jim Vinicombe of st. Bon's. Named By League opening bat Arthur Morris LBW baek with 10 goals and 28 assis~. PI R d I creree with two arbiters work. TROPHIES FOR 1955 with only 15 on "the board, Aus· Others among the first 10 and an e uee in; each game. The league decided that the A tentative list of officials tralla were always struggling for lies, with goals, assists and tot a]" PI,Al'ER PASSES hmod Boyle Trophy .would go to drawn up by the St. John's Senior runs. shown: The stadium manager laid the the team on top of the standings Hockey League for the duties of Statha'm was tho most Sllccess .Jim Unlac. Qucbec, 14·19'-33; Evaporatl"on:J • ~.Iherillg that season plllises will at the conclu~ion of three rounds. scorers, timekeepers, goal judges lui bowler laking three wickets for G err y Desaulniers, Shawinigan be issued players to see all hoc· Subsequent best or three playofls for the coming 8eaSOD Is as fol· 49 and Ty~on took two for 51. Bob Falls. 15·11-32; Fern Perreault, Of Water Appleyard, ilie Yorkshire spinner, Shawinigan Falls, 10·20-30; Can· ' hy games of the league. Passes between the top two squads wlll lows: \lilI be for general admission decide the winner of the. Tobin captured two wickets in the after· nie Broden. Shao,yinigan Falls. 13. SYDNEY (CP) - Scientlsls 'n Timekeepers-Tony Ryan, Roger noon, and finished with two for 35. 16-29; Gary Blame, 1I!0ntreal. 13· Australia, where water supplies ~~als. Players, managers, coaches Tie Cup. i.leaney, Pele Smith, Edward gthe other spin bowler, Jobnny 1?-28; Roland Leclerc, Valle}:. are often precious and drought~. ~nd league timekeepers, scorers, Trophy for the league's best Murphy. Wardle, to[lk one for 20. . field! ~1.17-28; GIII~s Dube, Chi· commonpiace, will, begin larg~, ~oal Judges and execuUve wll! be goalie wlll be the Art Hamlyn Goa! Judges - Ron Corbett, When eight .,Australian .. wlckets . " (NEA nadl,OTcl.epho!~). ,couhml, 11·11~~; SkIPPY Burc~ell, scale tests soon In an effort uf allotted passes. MemorIal Trophy to be decided on Curly Earles, Spinky Armstrong, had crashed for 151, England ap· J tl e far court Tony Trabcrt (left) RUlI Vic Seillas of the' UDltc~ I Montreal, 1·21-28. . reduce water evaportation: Delegates, howe\'er, adamantly a goals·against average. Ed Janes, Frank Gamberg; Andy peared set for the lead, but then S~ te~ Davis Cl\~ team Jllay tllcir tloubles malch against Au •.tralla's The scientists will cover 32 areas' ri',manded permanent seating Most gentlemanly-eflective play. Joy and Des White. came a unbroken sph:ited .stand ?f La lIoed (ri~iIt) and K~n RosewalJ In Sydney. The Amcrlcans de. l MotllAr Famous of wat~r, r~nging .from one to 35Q;. passes for league games. They cr will receive the Douglas Pin· 37 between the all,VlctOrlall pm ew . f tl f" l fm since 19.19 in Davis Cup play. j 1. acres m SIZC, With a substance Scorers - BJII Duggan, Doug of Len maddocks and his Captain, feated the AIISSICS or Ie Irs I e _", __ , ___ .____ Imown as cetyl alcohol. ',: - wouldn't be sallsfled with stand· roent Memorial Trophy,donated by Eaton ,members of executive and in~ room or general admission the Lions. press. Ian Jonnson. c -'-I-'V' AN IRWIN Hoclrev Player The tests follow small·scale ex-' sMaddocks, Who Only, came into perimenls over the last 18 montl1& ' Referees-St. John's Association the sIde as wlcketkeeper at the ORIOLES\ GRAB . ), " ' waich resuJIe)l in considerable re- ol Referees. . I D '1 Church Service New Starting '. last minute. In place of injured Gil I IS SIDEI INED S .. ea( ~uctions in outdoor evaporation' Other officials, to be nominated Langley, hit the top score of 36 HOOT EVERS I .J - , figures. -: ! by same teams in the league, will not [lut. TOnONTO-CP-Eibheth Black The ccientists. belonging 10 the, Clubs Bowling Time For ~kating be added to the lIst later. BALTI)WRE CAP) _ Baltimore WITH INJURY Conacher; mother of the famed Coml!10n\\~ealt~ SC.ientlI!c and In· . I d M day they Conncher athletes. died in ho;. dustrlal Orga~lzahon, first started ,SECTION A starting Wednesday night gen· Orio es announce on on YORK (AP) N • York . . . the evaportaUon tests by covering Alley.1 I alld 2: Marilyn Bell had bought outlielder ,Hoot Evers NEW. d • dell pltal on Sunday artcr II bm! Ill· water with a film of thick oil This eral skalhig sessions wl\l start at Guards Have 30 from D~troit Tigcrs. . Range:s ~ald ;\on ay 'de1~n~~mf~~ ness. She was 84. wa, oolv successful in the l~bora~; R.l5-Wesley v~. George st. nine o'clock and 11'111 last until m b ,\lleys 3 alld 4: cleven Q'clock, manager Lorne, Is Top Athlete The Orioles said. they rai~ 'f'm ItV~n ,n'il' a~vla rc~ua :r'~nJ'uries Mrs. Conacher. mother or hoc l~r~" . ,; excess of the waiver price or 1\0 'lee s " , . I l' ~ R • d I I did fil tJl 7.00-Cathedral \'.~. Cochrane. Wakelin announced last night. . Hockey Tryouts E '11'111 b 34 ext month Isuffered in Sunday night's 3·3 tie' 1;cy p13),ers C Inr III an" or an T ICY t len evc ope am. P,3G-SI. Thomas (2) "5 Queen's The neW starting time lor gen· ,In Ontario PoIl ~rs ~;'. ah~~ a~ce ma~~ger Paui with BOoSton. the latc Lionel Bi!! Tr~in Cona the c~t~'i ~Icohol onl.Y on~ mol,: .. Road. Rich!id: said 'h~ boughl Ever.~1 X·rays ,~bowed two .,\lipped bnnes c1u'T. na:nNI Cannr\a'~ f!l"r.alest culc 10 thlcknes~. With thIS t·!I,,., eral skating Is, necessary in order e d A1/ C1/.( .1 nlld 6: 10 proylde more practlce time for At FI"rst PractI"ce TORONTO (CP)-Pert Marilyn because "he's'still a line defensive Iin Irwin's lelt shoulder. Bob Chry· i 3lhldr. oC the haH ccntur~'. was' :cdr: et~po~at~on ab:d s:::e~ c;~: R,I5-Klrk vs. St. Thomas (1). hockey teams who wll\ work out ~1~1:~t b::l~fr le~~~ng: I~~a~~~ player and he bats right •. whi.ch s~~l, I1t~itYh!orwrd • dcfcnccman, • born In Irelancl and canie to Can· i ~~nt i~r~~iJl ~su~door leslJ. .;, I SI-;CTION B . .t the stadium from 6.30 to 8.30 },fonday. The Ontario spor~' Writ. means w~ co~!d alternate WIth lum \\111 ta c IS pace. :Hh wilen a girl. . Guards first hockcy practice at I .;:: .II/C!!' 1 nlld 2: until Ihe opening [If Ihe hockey ers and Sportscasters Association on occnsJOns. ndnre her marriMc In Ben Con· ! the Stadium saw about thirty ! I . 7.00-Wesiey George st. season. chose her as the province's athlete acher she lived in Peterllorougil.· "5. hopefllis turn up for the workout Red Cnnrse N E I . 0,30-St. Mary's \'5. Gower St. Final 8.30 to 10.30 general skat· last night with coach Hal Ball and of the year for 1954. • • WIt C. ' "Ontario. 1 0 nt mSlaSm ,. .111 CII.1 :y Rnd 4: 'I ----,- ing session 11'111 be held tonight manager Ewart Hillier. On a 3·1 point baSIS, Marilyn e er 1own N b'Soccerltcs R.lli-SI. Michael's Ys. Kirk. coUected 96 of a possible 108 points. . a '. b S i NATO M - ,'.. Many of last year'. regulars Alleys 5 and 6: Her nearest rival was Rich Fergu· Declared Vacant 'H K Ham urO' L tages flt eetmg;~:~ Including the Goobles, Bensons, son of Toronto, wh[lse spectacular ORO' ~, 7.00-Cochrane St. \'S. St. Saint Jolm Forum F om ong Thomas. Vaughan MacDonald, Herk PIll I· showing in the miracle mile In QUEBEC (CP) - The Canadian r " '.' C h k LONDON (CP)-The Manehestl1' !;he Brltlsh Empire Game& ,brought welterweight title held by Claude HONG KONG (AP)-Several Chi· Guardian says no enthusiasm wit.. g,30-Queen'8 Rd. vs. Cathedral lips, Max Howell and others were ome ac Closed To Sports on hand. Also present for the him 32 points. Fortin of Montreal has been ruled nese soccer players who have been By A. B. GARRETf displayed at the recent NATO~ practice and looking surprisingly The awards have been coming vacant by' the Canadian Boxing playlng in the Hong Kong football Cana"dlan Press Staff Writer meetings in Paris for the ldell or an; smart was Gordon Duff, former thick .1Id fast lor, Marilyn for her Federation, national commissioJler league have leitfor Red Cltlna to HAMBURG, Germany (CP)- "Atlantic assembly" of parRameD' ,Curling By Fire Inspecto~ rO-mlle swim across Lake Ontario Gene Letourneau announced Mon· train under Russian, coaches and Twenty.five miles from. tlle Iron tarians. rear guard , stalwart with the Jast September. She was named day night. ' represent Red, China in the 1956 P bl thl If. The Great Lakes Curling Com. SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP)-De· Royals. Canada s w~man of the year and Mr. Letourneau said Fortin was Olympics at Melbourne, Australia, Curtain, this war.battered seaport resuma Y ,s s • re ere~e '. Jlctllion Willi contlnued last night clslon to keep the Saint John Felldlans conclude the hour the country & outstanding woman notlIied Oct. 25 of the ~ederatl'on's sport sourc D • "Ol'd "onday. Is .staging a comeback In world. to ~e declaration of Atlantic unl,,\r.:, thl tiC dl P 11 "' ~ p" '" trade In the face of heavy odds. calhng for greater emphasis onll!e, at the Curling Rlng with the 101. Forum closed this winter, 5D far and a half practices with I work· a e e n ana an ress po s. decision to giVe him 60 days to They said at least one player Three million bombs ahattered economic a.nd political aspects 'of, lowing scores: aa hockey and othc;r sports are con out tonight from 6.30 to B.OO. Conroy 10 Fosler II cerned, was announced MOl!day. The artificial lake formed by defend his title but he did not,re· did not show up for a game last Hamburg during the Second World NATO, which was presented:to, , . The city's only arena with arilll· .sume training. wcek and "Is definitely known to War. Its harbor was reduced to a N.ATO officials Dec. 16 by Cana: Roberts 2, Parsons 23. cial Ice faelllUes for skaUng did" ' Fort Peck dam, In Montana, Is "On that basis the federation has have gone to Red China," adding confused heap of rubble with 2,900 dwn publisher R

, . - It • I " , ,.- /' ., , " " HIE DA!l Y tlEW5,' 51. JCI·:t'I'~,' ~~EV,lFaUt mLMlr PAGE"B, Ja~uary 4, 1954 AD}~MS~HA['.L. \VEDC:lNG PERSQNAL', :", CHIT"',-CHA T II' ENGAGEMENT"', ,: i'~ ", ed in the 'City on Saturday. DUrlng'\ Mr.- 'and Mrs. Har.Vey. Small, 164 his stay here be is' also vlsitlnr Hamilton Avenue, recently, ,an· his brother, Mr. Gus Norman, whc nounce'd the, engagement 'of"thelr Is a patient at the Grace Hospital . youngest daughler, Jinet '10 Mr. following, an operation' recently'. ' John C. Wad, Jr., son of Mr. and The last report from the hospllal Mrs. John C. Warf of Pulaski, Is that Mr. Norman Is Improving '" Virginia. The wedding wlll take rapidly since his operation. place early In Fe~r\Ulry. ~ , Th~ , FROM LEWISPORTE DRISCOLL-SCEVIOUR WEDDING " FROM GAMBO . Mr. G. Osmond, of Lewlsporte Mrs. Ambrose Keily o! Gambo Is Wholesalers, Is at present In the ·y ~~r Child's spending a holiday In Ihe city city on business for his firm. and Is registered af the Browns· . HEALTH dale Ho\el. LEFT YESTERDAY Miss Julia Woodrow, who spenl BY EDWIN ,Po JORDAN, lIf. p. ENGA(,TED. ' , the Christmas holiday In St. John's, BLEACHING, SHA\'ING HELP ,The engagement has recently left here yestcrday for St. Vln· CONCEAL DARK HAIR ON LIP been ann~unced of Carmel, daugh· .cent's, where she Is teachhlg. ter of Mr. and Mrs. H., French, 30 The problem of exccs.sive haiti· . ness Is not confined to grown wo­ Scott Street 10 'Cbde, son of Mr. ON HOLIDAY men. Mrs. M., for example, writes . and Mrs. Eo' J, Jqhnston. 56 Miss Emma Sampson of Gand~r that her, daughter who is not yet CI FlemlDl ,St~e~t is at prcsent sp~ndlng a holiday 11 years old has a ~ark h~avy Tuesday, J , , ; In the city. growth of hair ,on her upper lip FROM CORNER BROOK and asks whether bleaching would A.}.1. , Miss !ilary Lu'ndrlgan arrived In be advisable. " ' 7.3O:-Sign On. In the vast majority of case.s 7.3().,-Top o[ t~ the city on holiday from Corner 80o-CBC Nel' Brook on Saturday and Is register· excessivc hairiness of this sort on the face or possibly, the arms or 8:15-Musi~al I ed at the Newfoundland Hotel. !I,Oo-Mornm!: legs presents more of a psycho· 9.15_Prori ran;r logical or emotional problem, than 'il 9 20~on Para! it docs. a physical onc; it is said 9'3O-Mcb~)' ~ that only in one case in a hundred 10.00-Triple ~I i is some disorder of the endocrine 10.l5-~llUd l' ( .glands (glands of internal sccre­ IO.2'i-CBC Nc' tion) at fault. • IO.3o-ToP 01 t ',I 10.45-Breakl.a~ , 1 BLEACHING l.s one mcUtod of ,I I ll.l5-A!lantlc approaching the problem. Need· 11.30-Plall\)r~ll I less to say it does not give a per· t 1 I 11.45-Sacrcd I :'1 !eet answer. Another met..'lOd 15 P.}!. 1 FROM WOODSTOCK to rub off the hairs. with a cos­ ',I 12.00-Annou!ll Mr. G. Sakery,', business man metic device which' is well known. 12.l5-Dinr.cr I from Woodstock, White ,Bay, ar· Shaving is a further possibility. 12.3o-Fal'm B rived in the city last week on The only safe permanent method The grooms mother from flamingo gowns of lace and tulle 12.45-Aunl Lt 1.0o-:-lid Da~ business for his firm. Is by use of an .e!ectric needle 1\IIami, Florida, attended the and carried cream chrysanthe- J:\ known as .electrol~l;ls.' I.n an 11· . SI John's Angli· mums and yellow roses. The l.15-Laura ) ON BUSINESS year-old girl however It would ceremony 111 • "!.. I.SO-CBC :--:c '\ TO VISIT BAY ROBERTS Mr. G. Grant of Corbin, Burin, usually seen: wise not'to pay too can Church, Nllvember 12, whc.n bride's three attendants wore ". 1,45-Doyle 1 Mrs. G. Bradbury of Toronto much attention to, the situation or Robert Car~ Adams chose as h~s matching headdresses and ilov.. 2.0o-Your G arrived In the city during the 2.15-Words : arrived In the city by TeA on week.end on business for his !lrm. build up a serious self-conscious. bride Helen Gcdfrcy Hall of tlus of flamingo tulle. , nes.s. city. Rev. Charles Bishop ofliciat- The best man was JIlr. Thoma! 2,30-O[f the 'I Sunday on her way to visit her 2A5-The lIa ,! daughter, Mrs. Macklnson at Bay LEFT FOR SYDNEY ANOTHER PROBLEM IV h i chI cd at the rites for the son of Dooley. Ushers were Angus Hall 3.l5-King C I 3,30-Trans ( ! Roberts. Mrs.' Bradbury I. reo Mr. and IIlrs. Donald Halliday, ihas trou~led uncount~d numbers of Mr. and 11rs. Paul Admas of the and Aime Nadeau. 4.30-CBC 'I glstered at the, Brownsdale Holel. who spent their Christmas holidays pare~f.o; IS the questIOn of thumb· Amcrican ci!Y, and the elder During the ~ignlng of the reo :1 suckl~g. One mother wrote that d ght r f l\!r and !llrs. trnest gister the chili! rendered "Per- f' ENGAGEMENT In St. John's With Mrs. Halliday's her flVe.month.old baby sucks her au e 0 I • .," ( I , . sister, Mrs. ,lIlax ,Simmons and thumb and asks if It would hurt V. Hall, North Vancouver. fect Love and Jl!r. K. "alson ~ I !rTr. and Mrs. Charles S. Janes of Constable Simmons at 20 ,Fresh· the child emqtionaJly, if she tried , The fully choral service t~ok 1presided at the organ, • 27 Kltchener Avcnu~recent1y an· water Road left here yesterday by to break her of the habit at t.iat place at 7:30 II.m. and the bride A reception followed at the nouneed the engagement of their TCA to reiurn to their home In age. This i~ a, difficult que.l!ion was preccded down the aisle by, Thunderbird Room. Capilano only daughter, Helen. Mary. to Sydney N.S. to answer since there are two ihe robed choir and a trio of at· Suspension Bridge, where Rev. Airman Robert Anthony, son of ' schools of .thought in the. ~atter. tendants. She was lovely in her Bishop proposed the toast to the ,:~ Ernest and the late Theresa De Some beheve that a definite ef. full length' gown of nylon tulle bride and I\lr. Angus Hall wa. fort should be made to break the ' '1 d' Pollta of Port Jervis, New York. ENGAGEMENT , Utumb,sucking habit early in order over satm, to!:red WI h. a ro I~' toast master. . Airman Dc PoJlta Is stationed at . Mr. and Mrs. A. J; Fogarty, Ham· GOlVer SI. United Church was Ilet hat of nylon tulle trimmed \Where the grooms mother wear· to avoid possible trouble with lJ1e Igote of Chantl.ly lace wllh Petel- For the aceasion the bride'. Pepperrell Air Force Base. Ilton Avenue, wish to announce the seere of a' very pretty wed. with sequins and seed pearls. She Ing n dress of marina blue with teeth. Others feel that this is un. Pan collar anel lily, point sleeves. Imother chose a gown of pale the engagement of their daughter, ding when on Nov. 11th. at 7 carried a bou,quet of baby red navy accessories and, II' corsage impQrtant. I am inclined to feel Her coronet o[ seed pearls and blue with navy accesslJtles, while FRO)l rACQUET Ruth Lorraine Sheppard, to Ern· p.m. Madllne daughter of 1I1r. roses and 'fern: of pInk and white carnations re- personally that too much eUort sequins held a finger tiP veil of the groom's mnther wore a gown ~Ir. A. Norman, well known est, Jr., son of IIIr. and Mrs. E. .and Mrs. James Scevlour of 51. Attending the bride was her ceived the guests. ' 3hould not ~e devoted, to .break~ng French lllusioll net, and she c~r· of mauve with black accessories. " bU5ln~ss man from Pacquel, arrlv· Shute, Hamilton Ave. Extension. John's, became the bride of sister Mrs. Leonard Moore as up the habit at .the ngl! of. five ried red roses and stephanotis. The happy couple left for I months. The child at all, hOles f I tl bride's . - Douglas, son of Mr, and I\lrs. matron of ,honour and 1\IIss Violet The toastmaster was M,r. Vic· should be given love and affection Matron 0.' IOnor, Ie honeymoon tnp to Vr.. 'lcouvcr . anners a e ~onnan Driscoll of SI. John's. 1Brushell as bridesmaid. They to: Noseworthy. The toastt.o :,the and, as soon as possible, ot-ier ,in: slster·ln·law, .:llr5. Angus Hall. Island and after returning will M Mk The double ring ceremony was were gowned In dresses of acqa ~rl~ an~ groom was proposed terests and In all probability the wore a ballerma length, gown. of I motor to their future home In 'BetWeen' Us:, . d performed by Rev. F. E. Vipond. and pink rl!spectively. Their y Ir. E ward Carberry and reo little one will stop her 'ha'bit'.OO- Ch~mllagne .la~e and ,earned I Miami, Florid!! . :.nen S Organist was JIIr •. Douglas Os- gowns were of tulle over satin spond:d to by the g,r~om ,who fore it has done any ,l\l!rril,. ; bronze chrysa!1themum~ and tal'l' • . F,', _ ,_, mond ... , " ' .'r' '. with boleros 1'0 match with head. al~o pr?posed. a toast to : the A CORRESPONDENT' \vho ',~igns Is'ni~11 roses. I For tra\'elllll!! the bride chang- J :', ' ·~Women ~'~":' ,. " Given In marriage, b1 ,her bro- dresses of tUl1!1 and tiny flowers. bridesmaids which was respond- her~elf "worried mother:" wants to , Miss sylvia Hall, sisler of the icd to a pale pink ensemble with • i " When Introducing, your brother. ther tjJe bride wore a strapless 1\Ir. Albert' Driscoll brother of ed to by the best man. know If her son's feet ~ho.!llil be bride, imd Mi~s' .10an Petereder Inavy blue ~ccr!nts. Her corsage By RUTH MILLET'l' operated on because .whl1~ only 5 'w~re bridesmoids They wore was of orchids. }~~I~W'y~~:sew na~e Is d~fferint gown of white nylon \tIUe O\'cr the groom performed the duties The brides going away outfit years old he walks PH/eon·toe. By --" ._, ,,, .. -, ... -...... _,'.- GIRL NEVER' CAN FOllETELL hIs name. olf nyoU e j;{eln~o!u~: traditional satin pleated at the of best man and 1\Ir. Wm. Scev· was a princess style dr~ss of '&cqa this I presume'the motber'means .. '. ' '. . HOW MARRIAGE WILL' WORK him as "my brother.ln.law" the front wllh a over-sklrt of lace and lour acted as usher. taffeta with bmwn accessories. OUT.', . . ., bhat the youngster turns the' toes D' t' l' I \ Fash'lon T,'ps person who Is talking to hom won't lace bolero. The veil of nylon Following thc ceremony II re· The happy couple are now reo inward on walking. This 'is not omes IC onc 1 •.. know what to call him. aulle was held In place by a j\l. ccption was held at Smithville siding at. d7 'Warliury'.St. considered a di,sease by itself but .' " A hlgb sebool teacher who bas is often found." associated, with followed the lives of her former _So don't put your friend on the . ,.' . other conditions of the foot.'·At Ne,\V YeaI' I; The new slimmer siUtoueUe "pon- It would be wise to have the' __ sorod by Dior and Chane! requires stu~e!lts with c1ncerned intere"t spot. DALEY-HIBBS WEDDING after they have left her classroom y~?gst~r exami~ed for such. foot B MURIEL NARRAWAY Icoif~u~cs that give the face ~ soft asks: ' There ought to be some way to dIfficulties but plgeon.toe of Itself C y d' P St ff '\triler feminine appearance,. a COIffure .1 , "How can a IIlrl know that the make a young' man understand Is likely to be cor.rected without L~~~~~n (C~~:Th a New Year I that will easily fit under the. sm~ll young man she falls In love with that w.oen he ·refers to his 'father treatment as the child grows older 1 d .!th d ~. t uch for 1 hats that complement the shm sll- IIIId wants. to marry Is going to as "myoid 01l1li" he Is making unless ~ome otller deformity is, opene \H .a 0l,"es IC. ,0 , 0 1 houeUe. Most important, It will ( , have the qualities that will make himself look 'small. "lIfy 0 I d present. Sometimes raising the thr~e Canadlaus In Brlh~-!\, sh IV give the head an attractive rounded hl~, a, gild husband and .lalber?". man" Is a pretty callous 'way 'of outer border of the soies of the bu~es~i L f C I"ar and Ed. look to offset the extreme elongat· '.; shoes may Improve t..'Je gait. tiS c deanV 0 a ,~ r'ltY Shc'lla ed appearance that tends to make ,I . 1 m talking about the so-called referring to the person who should man on an ancou\e e., ~ h II d t f IIttlQ things. How does she, know be called "my !ather" or "my 1 K' d' J h Milligan t"e e~d seem ~ma an 01J n ; 1\ ac cnzlc an, O? . , proporhon. th~t lie will be the klnd.'of father dad." .. toasted chC>5tnuts at their own fire .. ~v~q,\yfll,ta~e hLs son hunting with ·It Isn't "sophisticated" as'somc Lovely Gifts side and kept open housc for 'visit· - him., .• ,. , ,. youngsters think. ing friends and theatre compatri· Fashion-conscious women choo~e " "HoW' ,does' slit 'know If he will ,-- ots: their coiffures as carefully as thcy • have an .affectionate ,regard for s"It was wonderful to plan a real choose their wardrobe. Nothing her parents? Canadian _ style festive season just dates a woman, more than her 'r "How does'she know :If he' will Baby fur oncc," sai9 thc 28.year·old 1\1IE.S hair style_ Each styling trend h:ls pe the kind of father who will McLen, a .brunette who, like Milli· variations that can be adapted to take, over "'ie children when she A terrible .)·owl from Baby's gan, came to Britain in 1951. She every age group with .!1attering re- needs a few hours of rest? room at about ten months. He has :celebrated the holidays in so suIL,. Debutante or grandmoUter. "How does she know if he will ha~n't hurt himself, oe's standing ma'riy .different boardin~ houses ~!iere's an attractive coiffure to go lake pride In Ute things she does up, his feet twtsted, his hand.~ that a' place of !lcr own was ai- ,IV,iUi your new ensemble. well and ,encourage her to make clutching'the crib railing. Lower mo~t too good, to be true. " .some' ~Ind of life of her own? him gently to the matlress and . The' yen for home atmospherc, Back of the head perfection Is "How does she know If he will he's up again In II minute. It'll ,gopd ~ cooking and freedom drove a must these days. The little hal.-; be strong when :sbe ,needs it i 5 take about a week for hlin to learn 'thj) three actors to join forces with Ile3\'e nothing to the imagination. strength? , . to sit down by himself. Just be , 'We1sh, teacher 1\1011y Oakley. T.bey, patient. ,have II semi • detached house in -- Whal'. A "G~d", Marriage ; . ! , "A girl falls In love wlt..'J a boy He's mUch, more sloppy In feed· . ~Qit~~i ~n~~~IT i ,J:_======jll" -but how does she know 'how he ing himself than you are In feed· "Not too bad with· four fharing will react' to the problems of ing him; but Baby has to learn." expenses," said blue - eyed Sheila everyday ~vlng?" .' Just resigil yourself to a big' bib, Jl!acKenzie, a freckle·faced blqnde a little more laundl7 and let him of 23 and the newest recruit of the "The answer 'ui, .of eouroSe that experiment. Don't apoll his Inltla· three to Briti~Ji show business. She she doesn't. And neither' does tlve by feeding hlni speedily and came to Britain last May and ,has , anyone' else. . ' neatly. since toured agent,' offices mak­ ;, 'f!1at Is why'lt Is so foolish for ing contaCt~: In December, 'she p~rents ~o. think that a girl 15 Crib pads shrink wlJdly the landed her first television part in ptakln,g .. a .'g,oo~" J:IIarriaie, simp. first few times they're, washed. "Willie the Squouse," first play by b',Jje.cluse.a young man pas !noney ,Jf t..'Jey don't cover a 'reasonable Montreal's TeJl Allan on British 9.1' po,dt,l!!ll be-h.lnd him. ' It Is also amount of the waterproof mat· television. ' ~hYJt, i~' fooljsh for. parents to tress covering, Baby will be over- , , The year has 'been a good one I [or JIliss JltcLean. &'Je worked for '3;• ~aI:ry (1II',becliuse they think their warm, 'So get toe mtoo big to , ~augbter'ls not 'making, I ~'gocid" start and let them shrink to Blze. the most part as production man· , marrlage. '" ~ . ager to Peter Cotes, producer hus­ I', '. t: ;' ~ band of Vancouver actres.s Joan j!·,A.lood mamale Is made up of ' ... .'. ' Mill~r, •touring in the cqmedy, 10, .m~ny:', things;., . And. no' 'one" Fa's h"lon T'lps "Walk'into lily, Parlour," .and in I!na,rJ, looking at.; a young man, ' . n" "" . "Jlfouritain Fire," an American GREETINGS & GIFTa Fhat kind o~ a ¥~lIa?d: and father. , .,:." r '. . . Htlce' C'" n. folk'play,., .. .:: lte will.6ecome." ' . - ' , , .;' . ., ' ' , 'Much of Miss Jl{cLean's work . Bre brought, to you from ;~" .•' .~ , ,,' . For, a dD"uble chin,' trY this: ,sit , lnt ~ I~ In, a chair,' drop' head far back,' (Photo'.by Don.~. Richardson) Four brand.new designsl 'Huck· In radio playing children's parts. Friendly Neighbors opel! and close mouth sharply In flie. of at the marriage ceremony, and Ge Id H t d b t weave ,moti!Jlon aproDs, J9wels, An excellent ,mimic, she is one of &: Civic & So'cial Welfare· chewing motlpn. Then relax be· w~dillng Marg;r~t 'L~/.I ,tween' eacb several bites bY'bring. ralne Hibbs, daughter of Mr. and ~~r. A. Collingwood played the m!~' ra, aye ae e as. es, ~:~~\o~!~~OI~oth~~~er:;t~~t~~ ;~~~: :h~i.d~~ in Londo,n W_ho can Leaders ing head down slowly to rest on Mrs. Ward Hibbs of Clarenvllle \Ied~lng .muslc. . ' ',,' , do! Ideal foa bazaars! . Milligan IS III London s wcst end through your· chest. __ " to L. A. C. Donald Gordon Daley Given III marrIPge bY,her gra!ld. .~. A. C. anil ¥r~. paley :are Pattern 7249:· Charts and ilirec-I in Thornton Wilder's "T.he Match· If your hips', are just'a touch too of Montrcal, took place at. SI. fnther, Mr. David Ryan; the bilde hvmg at 72 Monroe Street at pres· lions for makhig,,four" huck·weave JIl.aker," a comedy starrmg' Arthur WELCOME WAG01~ wide,' get oul the tape measure Michael's Anglican 'Church, St. wore a rose dressmaker suit with cnt and plan to leave St. John's, motifs. Jiffy I ,Ea'sy! " ' ~11l !If lI~c~fort .. SaoSk;, and ~an· On th~ OCCQS;OIl of: and fln.d the wlde.~t poln,t. Never; John's on November 20th at' 5 n:.vy accessories, and llliss Jean early In the New Year .to take" up, Send TWENTY·FIVE CEo N'fS in couver. IIhlhgan and Tim. othy, Fmd· Change of residence butat thatnever, point. let yourJt wouldsuit jackel only end"em. )I.m. Rev. T. Greavett officiated Sparkes, R,N., was the bridesmahj: residence in Montreal ,Icoins for each pattex:n can- ey 0 f Toron to P::!I wal t ers. r . Arrivals of NeWllomcr. to' , pbaslze that'w~lch'You wish con. . '. ,- .,' not be accepted) to, (st~mpsST.·,JOHN'S It's steady·wor" and ~he,p ay IS \ , cealed. ' ,. " A piece of soft cotton, or a large ,matter 11011' much .!land cream'or wiDter colors',' If 'comes' Iii, rouge' DAILY NEWS, (Hbuseholil Arts expecteda to make a long rWl:-but CitJ handkerchief, . folded 'corncr.wlse, lotion you usc, will'usually re~po~d nail, lacquer 'and 'lipstick. Greeri Dept.) 60 FRONT.f'ST.,:'WE.ST, it's i 10.ng way from th.~ parts . Little 'cardboard 'II Ips " .to, slip' placed,at the halr·lIne' and t!ed to camphor lee or cocoa' butter. eye' shadow Is .suggc.stedfor the TORONTO, ONT. Prlllt plamly lIl!l!lian wants. The. 23.}.ear.old . ' MRS. RUBY CRANE , betw. een :tbe lips, wlien slipping' In tight ,at the back .ot the neck" Is Buy both at any drug store .. Pretty, p~rfect "ensemble." • . N A M E, ADDRESS,,, PA'ITERN ac\or, won a ~cholarsblp, WIth the See! he~r and. play the heautiful wonderful for keepl~g the halr-, hands, are so Important " ' ' , NUJIIBER;. ' " ," ,: ,BrIS~ol' Old VIC 5ch?ol, where ~e 'phone 3~64 J:.p~~AN.S and PIANOS tll.a'prettY,dress will keep It frolJl IIne~.fr~e frOnl make.up and POW-\" ' , __ ' '. Brimful of thrifty girt Ideas .' .. ~tu~,led.two yea:s. Sm~e tben he s getUng, an ugly lipstick, ~~mear, der. 'Iry It and sec, by the ppwde:' There's a' new ~hade in 'make. , ; our Alice Brooks Needlccraft Cat· ..:-:..;..;...:-'---,-'---'----- MRS. CATHERINE, FOSTER " :',\",e . 90w' have. iJ.!" dlspiayl , rl,ht .wllere .It sh'ows. A ,piece III It collects, what a help It Is., up.' It's a. deep violet, overtone ·Prevent waste, of flour by .usln.g alog ••• 82 of 'the mo.,t pepular Plus 4 pattcrns printed.' in .' book. I '. ,4'.1., .CqLLlS & SON . tissue. held between lbe'lIp.s, will 1Which, is completely !1atlering with a large salt shaker for dustmg It' embroidery, ,crochet, sewing. col· S~nd 25 cents. for your, cop )'·1 'Phone' 80364 .i,.,t Pllno luilln',' Service .. answer t..ie same purpose. ! Hand.!; that crack and spJil, no the beautiful, rich autumn ail d illto meats, fish, or poultry. or·transfer design.s to scnd for.: Ideas for gifts, bazaars, f5s..iions: Top.ln HI.hWIY· .DIAL 4902·A ';fX,' TilE DAILY NEWS, ST, JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND PAGE 9, January 4, 1954

.....------:-. I LET'S EO IN "/'H' IoIOUS! FOil .. 1 : loIAi' TO PUT ON lHl 5NCWMANJ. ' This Page IsPreselited··· I with the:

{ . .Complim·en·ls. '01 The Great Eastern Oil Company Limited

8.30-Bob--- -Lewis Sh"w, 9.l5-Dr. Kildare,---- B.35-Bob Lewis Show. I 9.ol5-Doseo Ncws. 9.OlI-Best from the West. lO.DO-Tlie Falcon. 9.20-Blrthday Party, 11.DO-Natlonal New!. ».SO-You Name It. IU5-Sports Parade. 9.ol5-Women's News. I2.01-Houseparty. lU.02-Housewlve~ Hit Parade. l2.3~News. IO.IS-What's on My MInd 123~Houseparty. 1030-Scotti&h Melodies. l2.5'-Ncws. lO.45-Memory Hit of the Day. _ 1.1I00Queen...1 __ ._,-.,;;. and Sign ._. OlI.___ _ 4.!l5-Timely Tunes. lO.50-"X" Marks tb!l Spot.· 4.45-Chlldren's Story. n.OI-Bm RinG Show. CBN 5.1~-Carnat1on Entertains .. Il.I5-Plantation Houseparty. V'OCM Tuesda)', January 4th. 5.30-Flsheries I3roadeast. 11.30-The Devil and the Lady. TUesday, January 4111. 5.45-Klndergarten of the Air. lU5-Davld', Children. . A~1. 6.00--Intermeuo. P.U. A.l1. 7.30-Sign On. 6.25-Pro!,ramme Pm·jew. l:!.Oil-News. 7.00-Break£ast Club. FIlECKlES AND HIS FRIENDS 'i.:IO-Top 01 the Morning. O.23-Programme Preview; 12.05-Homebakers Quiz. 7.30-News. ROO-CSC News Ponti Weathcr. a.30-Supper Guest. 1:l,J u-hlt ot tile Da)·. 8.00-1!reakfast Club. II 15-~luslcnl Clock. (J.45-H eartbeats In Sport. l!l.15-Bob Lewis Show. 8.30-Hlt ot thc DlY. !l:OO-~lorning Devotions. 7.00-CBC News and Welther. l.U5-\Veatller l!·or!(!ast. 8.a5-NelVs . !I.15-Prorirarr.me Preview. 7.I5-Curtaln Calls. I.l5-11lue Star News. B.4O-Name tile Ncwfoundlander. n.20-0n Parade. 7.30-Tops Today. 1.aO-News DIgest. 1l.5:>-Gospel Singer. n.30-~I~btiy Scrapbouk. 7.45-Doyle Bulletin. 1.40-Bargail1 Hour. .D.OO-Muslc. 1O.OU- Triple Trcasure. 8.lJ-The :lturphy SlsICf.l. U5-Road of LIte. 9.1~Man From Yestcrday lU.15-~llUd Ferguson. B.30-Rawhlde. . 2.0]-Perry Mason. 9.30-MlIsle In the Mornlni . 1O,2'i-CIlC News . 8.45-Invltatlon 10 Worship. 2,.llS-Young Dr. Malone. 1I.4:s-,.The Dark God. • 1O.30-Top or the Bill. !l.I5-In Reply.' I .• ~.I '-lied :lkelton. 10.OO-News. J0A5-Brcakfast Club. D.30-Songs Coet Nous-Allan 3.01-IIousewives Club (prizes): 10.IIS-Music from Coast to Coast. 11.15-AlIanllc School Bruadcasl. Mills. .·.··-News. 10.30-Tlle Women In 111, Life • 11.30-Pinllllrnma. IO.OO-Lets Make llusle. 4.15-Rar.eh Parly. lM5-0rgan ~nchorts. 1t.45-Sacrcd Heart Program. 11O.30-Lux Jtadio Theatre. ·,.,),l-hO"leD8I\crs Quiz lIUI6-Ncws . 1'.. \1. ll.30-CSC Natlonal News. News •.35-Ra'nch Partr. 11.DO-:'lusJc Irom thc West. l~.llu-Announccrs CllOlcc. I Roundup and Oltawa Od· a.!u--Kldaic Carnival. n.30-Keyboard Campers. 1~.15-Dinncl' Bell Breakdown. lliLles. 6.3()-WlId B1I1 Hlckock. 1l.ol5-Soni 'l·ime. 1~.3U-Fal·1II Broadenst. l:!.OO-Close Down. H.OI-CJON Bulletin Board. 1'.M. . l~A5-A\lnt Lucy. --:0:-- 1i.G3-Record Shop. 12.W-Tops in Pops. 1.00-~1i1l Day Serenade. O.lS-Sports Parade. l!.!.1:>-2ank of Happiness. l.1rl-Laura LImited. H.2;S-~dle F'Jsher. l2.3~News. 1.20-CBC News and Weather. CJON 6.45-Pat Dawilsh. 12.Si)-Muslcal Menu. H5-Doylc Hullctin. TIIC9da)', January 4!b. ·/.ul-(Aurtshlp and Marrl.,e. 1.30-News. 2.00-Your Good Nel~hbour. 7.1 ~-"A" ~Ht bprin~. U3-Tunes for Toda)'. 2.15-\\·orlls end ~!USIC. ..ur. 7.30-Ncw!. 2.DO-Betty Grable-harry James 2.311-0ff the llecord. 7.00-Wake up anll LIve. ., ..• ...-.... ~.'1!y Goose. Show. 2.45-The Happy Gang. 7.10-News. li.lIl_··~" "~pl Panorama.' 2.5~N.ws. J.15-Klng Canar.l Sholl'. 7.Iii-Sacred Heart Program. 8.11i-Voice or the Arm),. 3.0~Dollars on Parade. :\30-Trans Canlda ~Iatincc. 7.30-Nell'~. ~.iill--.1' Uu .l14l " .... e. 4.00-Nom. 4,:\O-CBC News. 7.45-Bob LClI'ls Sholl'. . I 9.0l-Stranie storIes of the Sea. ol.~Newloundland Paralle. 4.S3-Dank of Happlnm. ------4.00-Homebaker·s QUiz. o.UT OUR WAY By J. R. WILLIAMS 4.5:i-Nc\;·s. 5.00-Junlor Jamboree. AH, ,HERE 'lev NO, li'6 COI>JilWl.. a.SO-Aunt Anna's story time. HAVE SlJPSRS OVER 0'1lI::1:: PEOPl.E! 5.45-.Supper Serenade. IIlAiUf\:AL. Dl6I-J1TY,· EVER.'fSOD'/' RL!SHES 6.00-News and Weather. UI.:RUFFLEP E\efoJ 10 PO 'THe UNDlC,NIFIED 6.U~-Suppcr Sercnade. '''' A MG.SS! SC'I, STUFF FER HIM! ME 6.25-Lost nnd Found. "THAT 'TAKES'IEARS iHEY'D KEEP RU/oJJoJIt.f 6.40-It's a Queer Old World. OF i~I"'IIIl' A'-lD MOUJD 110.1 MY BARE 6.4li-News. ,sEl.F COf.JTROl.! HIDE WHIL.E ll£Y 7.00-·1'ne lInrre1man: HIP ALL SPARE 7.1li-Doclor }laul. PANT5/' 7.30-'1'hc llargain HOUl·. B.lKJ.-Music. B.l3-Hook Talk. 8.SO-Penthouse Part)'. 1l.00-I:"'ronUer '1'own. U.S~~lect June Christie. MG-News. 10.()()-Muslcal Comedy 'fhealrc. 1'0.30-0ne Night Stand. lu.45-Ncws. 1l.OO-Sportscast. l1.15-hntas), lIandsland. l:l.00-Nc\\'s. 12.UI-Fant~sy Bandstand. 12.3IJ.-Ncws. l2.3l1-F,n1.Js)· llandsl;nd. 1.00-News in a Minutc and Closedown. Jacoby On Bridge EXPERT 1I1.41\£S IiIS OWN BRIDGE BRE.1KS a soft coiffure the ~mall NOJITH 1 slim ~i1. It '86~2 will 'QH roundcll .fa2 e clongal· to m~ke \tEST ."13t:AST 0111 nl ,1:J1 4Q 1Q 9 54 • J 10 7 ~ • Q 1087 '3+H .J 10 1.0 "Qt64 SOUTH (D) .AKau,'" +"'U3 .152 .• • c: POP By AL VERME.E~ ~~III sides \'u) SllIth West Nfltl! 'East 50 THAT'S WHAr's ALWAYS 1 • Pan ~ • Pa!S \..~~I:IU"~ UP OUR SINK) 4 • Pus Pass PIIS Openln&lead-. J

.By OSWALD JACOBY One of the most interesting hands that I have· seen In a long time was played by Ibe Ireat Howard Schenken, famous New York e~re·1. 1:1 a tournament heltl I::.~ :. ,.. ;: In Monte Carlo. The eonil'Hct seemed to depend 011 gettlnl reasonably good breaks In both l'ed 8ulls, but Scbenken li1ade hill contract even though both suits broke badly. THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE By WILSON SCRUGGS The bIdding. was reasonable ~;:;:;-'~~~~~~ fnough •. North had normal trump !UPport and I points in \ high c... ds, . 50 could, well afford to raise. South had about an ace better thin an opening bid, aD could well a[ford to, invite I . ' . bamc. North haled to, refuse th~. in: "itation despite the flct that he had,' ,·ery. ,poor distribution, ,and so the final contnct WI~ a aUght- 1$1 ambitious ,arne. Wes! opened the jack oC clubs, holdln, the trick, and continued , wltb the ten. ·Schenken. won the seeond trick lnl.dummy wIth the , . ",' ., ace 01 ,lubs and led I low dla· trumps. cashed the king of hearts as his C ld wr h' Great Yarmouth Roads' of{ii-it mOlld. East played the lour, and The bind now seemed full of tenth trick., . 0 1f eat er aln's Norlolk coast: Snow'!ett:;J. Belleilken covered with' the five losen. There were two losing The last trick was won by both Sweden.' .,:-.' ":;".:,, :..: :1. t dl cIJ d kl th tri It I . Berlin and Frankfurt \ rccordi4 () ~D,l0.!1., uc nl e c cubs,. losing trump, a diamond opponents - West with the last In Europe' below.fre!!:!ing· ·temperaturc.n· ,iiii Into the W!,~ ".nd. already lost and perhaps another Irump, and East with the king light snow feU In both CiUes·ln'tii. It ~dn't ~1I1 matter wbat dlamol!d to be lost. . of clubs. . -- . Wellt ltd ~,elt, but' West actually Schenken continued calmly by . LONDON (AP )-Bi:;: Irce~e sct in' nirt'chill' drizzle fell' in Romp.. ebo;se to ~ead a ~pade. Schenken l~fflng a spade in his hand. He The Nurnberg trials were a new. today across west Europe. There wa.:; snow in northern It;:ly. won with the ace, drew ('!'10 next took the king and ace of departure in International l~w The winter's first cold wave . • , .• ' ~undlol, trumps with the ace· diamonds and rurred his' last dla- since It was the.first time thc lead. spread from Britain over the Con· . ,~, . . . Unent with $now. rain' andslect . . . 'boo Inll !,IlIeen, and then stopPed for mond with dum)l1y's last trump. ers of a government had been in some places. Easterly gal.es . George r,. king of Engl~n.d, .• rn . ,tllou,ht 'vhen E.ast dlsc.arded '. l!'~nally he .rurred another .spade Ibrought to trial on. the charge of w~iJlPcd ~,!l tlJe :trorth sea. scnral/1n German), could not speak the. ~Iub on the Itcond·· round of WIth ilie nme of hearts . and starting a \\'ar. sm~ll' .hI1'5· ran for shelter In I~nguage of the country .be.,rul.ed., • • ~. '.' • . ~ I' . :: . , . ' •. :"'~~~_:

'. . , ..

. '. I' : · .. '. .'. .; ;', .' rHE .DAILY _NE fiAG£"10,:January ~,'T';5l-: ...... ' ;;..;..;.- _____~ __ ~_--__ - __ -~..-..---....;...;..;;,----.....------·f:iE CAllY NEWS, ST JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND S{Oi!k;.Iiiirk~f'~·:'iiePJf.t :."Gamm~::Girls .. Tor.ont~ Globe ~elv TrIal IT Drture·Hollse ~J;~~~~£:::"' om .. \ :., ~'." .. :': :',. -, ;.,~', I\~;:" • Visit Infants' A~d Man Goes' ,For Slieppard l.amHord Held P~~:~I ;~o~:~.IV~~~~dd~:'i~eg ~:i.~' ':. ~~TO CL~'DlG~' ,'" , Ii&i }·.d ,,,, " 420 '4" 4l' 0 "A · BI k I 0 u1 d FE" I for 2S yeal·s. . . . Last year· I " I, n. c ...- ,'n... . . ',~q,F.nI; 4J~ 31: to'! ,n u.c,hon OC ~ " S v,err e or- xamJnatloll I opcneci a driving school and 1:1'e % la1., SlOe. ~,' . 1IIP Lo.. CIoot 11'IO,Fopl b ,,'1. • 441:':' 4J·. "::, , ' . 1:. I taught Gundreds of peoplc to drive ~'f. =: ~~~. U:": : .. ~~~ l:~A~~ 1JtI':~~:'ii~bl ,'" 17 II' .,. 'On Chrlstmas·Eve. Miss Morgaret TORONTO (CPl-The Globe and CLEVELAND (APl-Judgc Ed· OTTAWA (CP)-Alex Kcnin5ki: safcly. :~ 1\10 Ala>< ',. II' " 'I I~ Frob ""!tl to,' II: 110', " M 11 'C d' I . . I II b ..) d'd ' ' 1\110 "'I"'~' .. 61' N' II' IhI.Qallwln 10 '. ,r: '57, Newbury and Miss Louise Rose of a" ana as' argest mornmg IVarll BI)·thln Monday overruled a 65·year.old rooming house land· ..• e (tI,c, VIctim I n t .sec 'I 13701~ :, ,101.· ... 1M IlIGOG',,-,El\ 'I~'" Jj70'L '1201·~. '~-" ,. '. the Service' Comm,l.ttee of Ga,mma newspaper. will be offercd for sale motion ,for a new trill for Dr. lord charged with cr.using gricI" mc as hc ran acro.~s in front '0' '\'.' 300II .lbtI' 'iii., . ~l' U' 2.1 *0 GICO MI.... .,,., J 10 It ' .' ' .' d" d II 'I f d h , _AI&.I;III\, , . '11&-, lA. ,115 1\o·O,n p.' m_ &10 ~' ' .. '. '" j I ' .'" Chapter, Beta 'Slgma Phi, aecom· an. • WB"...announce mon ay Samllel':Sheppard, ostcopath, con. ous bodily harm to 3 73,year·old ano leI' car ... y en er caug I ~l' IHG'kP f; , . so .- 21 10$0 G•• "1' A ..,. - • I d t I ' night ... ' , '~,,' , pcnsiOllcr, Monday was remanded him and threw him five feet intI ; 1710 A!.~~I, • • mi '!P.' '0, ISOC. !W.oa", I?' 15 ,I," The-, Bellevolcnt :An Pro, e~t ve panled by the President, Mis! Isa, Th Chart d T C vicled or slaying his wife. Marilyn. I ' [1 d f - i 11m "., .• Wue', . 114 lIS 11' mo,Cllut Yk m "1'" 7151\, Ord~,r:'or l,ElkS'l 5t;, John's Lod. ge bel Templeton" vIsited the Infants' e ere' rust ' 0., co· Th tl h j did to Jan. 10 for mental cxamination. t Ie air. I e an cd ace down or .\ .~ • ..;. "'-b. 1M I~ 103 :u 0 Glonon' " 21 2 L executor of the estates of thc late e mo on t e u ge. ru c on .1I1aul·straie Glenn Strl'ke ordernd 1 the road, uncon,scl'ous. '~ •.•;--10.mnu:"~.·., . 7.....-M ,." -~ ."~"""."'--'.:' ", Tto '71' 72, No. '2.5 gratefully. rcknowledges Home at '''aterford"George Hall. They McCuMagh' and William H. was base d on a contentIOn by Dr. the examination~ at thc rea,uest •of I ." A man bcnt over him._ HI 330 1 12 13,., '1'," • • I :tOOl""'" _..~Col' nl!uro~n " 1'33~70 13~~,oG:I1Uialt'l._ T"'" 11.2. 1,1 '1 the'·"-( fol,lowln.1 'd.oiuiUons towards brought Chrls'tmas greetings to the "r• I g h to' anno" nced th'·'" elr mtent i on Sh eppar d' sawyersI th nt th ere were crown counsel. Kcnin.ski'oS bail of sto od up and said fo me: 'T hal': • 4 7* AN IloUj'A 41 • ,ft' 4.' mlO Gr- Ut.. 1:1'. 1p5., I~~ the.'F.~·;SI~~s. ,~)re. Re.lIee Fund. thirty·seven tiny tots an,d a toy inr to"ofler t!!e newspaPer for sale. 41 errors' In the l().week trial at $1,500 was cancelled. • mr brother." ~' 2$410 Alll:tJlo ',1:. ,. " '3M,'Oold.lIboI. "" -\ k I "" d '"121" 71 I I H E L gf did It . t f th . I ,*.\pes II.. ,v.,4'1.,4"- IV. mu06ldh,wk )I' 211> 30' Prevo .Be nowe_e ..... , 01. eath child. lIIss Carme J.'Caser. .. an or. genera man' which the osteopath was convicte The 265·pound Keninskl was ar. was 45 mmu es a ter e aecl llJOIIII"ulrius .21 " II \211 loo&·Gol\lOlI'· '~11 ~ ,~v. I G' . t' '. ' "'00 R.N Sit" d t f th I ge f Ih trust c m any aid d t d D f 11' I'd t Ih ... f' II l·fted th The L.O.A. eooo Artl' 41 'i41 47 2S400,Qlleil/l.)t... Il. I' ,I' I}ro.\ us'~''''I n.!'f I, ..... ," OJ. " ., uper n en en 0, e n· a roe 0 p. • -s of secon .degree murder. res e cc,29 0 owmg camp amts en I' cn ""ey lOa y I ( PiM "r:!.n II II I. IMM"Gr I (lra.. :w~ ns w. "ro IF '-razar '.' 100 'ants' Home expressed her thanks lbat the' two' estates hold all of Stili to be heard Is a motion by by a neighbor thai he bruta]]" man off the street. He died in' hos , Banquet and • _ ... ,.;,,\$11.. 13 . ',12 ' 12 uo Gr:4+1" 130 !15 'IS'," " .'~ • ,'" :',.' ~. ". tb I ri I C '- ·1~O'A, •• t MV." '-1' ~ Glli .u " ... ' .10 I,. BJo."R~ A..,SpIl:kes ...'" 1.00 and appreciation to Gamma Chap. the stock of e G obe.1' nt ng 0 •• chief defence counsel William J. bent Ivan Onowrichuk, a long· pital the same night. :~ will be held I a I' I~ I' Gunn.r ' lII" la" 1* .' . I h" 'd' '\ 200 I ' I which publishes the paper. He said. . tl'me friend. Onow'rlchuk IYas ad. I came home. I couldn't eat 01 ,-£.... H 'I~SOO ·~.:"II'·' I" ,',,, 7'lL I~'= -LGWI .- - IIR" I..... II'." Bro.• '.' W\. R e ,II,T. s •• ••• " ter.·for the r .very suitable Chr st· C g n f tin the ..... ,.. • ,. ...." ;,' TO the advertiseriuintil will appear In orr! a or a new ria 0 mitted to hosnital suffcrlng Irom steep. J~nuary 26th 15M WIIa.ho tnt"11 1m 3 H ...it 1.3\·L·. 172, 1,2,. Bro.'·C.\. SI.mm·.ollds...... 2,00 Illa' gifts. .' In C d basis of "newly dis"overed eVI' .. I Id h' k tho . ldoo IS' '13'11 33OO.H IIIb ! ' ,. I' 109 AVlllo~U' vanous new5papers' ana a. . ' • • injuries to his ears face mouth cou n't t m of anr but ,) Members 01 .IGOO AIlIlbona It ,It 14 500 1I·.oI:L 15 '15 \ 15.-, Irii.:W.IHoWl;tt ' .. ' .... , 5,00 Christmas 'Party Great Britain' and the Uliited dence." Judge Blythln, at a hear· arms and hands which he'told po: that man running in front of ml ) ·~= ~:l\:y Sel A":' 7~11 71~15 7J'~ !=,~~J;'., ~;. .- 2i· ~ H~b', S#~"Erripi?y\ees •• '. 18:00 ' Mrs, Eileen ':I'hompson. Social State~ Jan. 10. ing last Thursday, said he would lice were inflicted in an attempt car. 1.. obtain their IiI 3~ ~~;:"lt '. J ;,,~; 'r:' ~:'. 10~~,U,,~~sI Drill ,:•. Ill, I:~ John:C.louston E~'p~yees 1UO Sponsor of' Ga~ma Chapter, gave It Is understood ihe McCullagh hear that motion Jan. 8. to obtain a conCession concerllingr--N-'--'-'-t---d-I--'d-- possible as all 6m Bin",. '. 143 140, I~' 2000 lII,h"cI - . I~" I' It ,AliliilJ', Const,', EmploYees 211.00 a Christmas Party for the' sisters estate holds a majority interest In Judge Blythln, who presided at $800 in mL~sing rent money. ew oun an : be accounted =:a~~~, ~ ~ ~ ~m ~!~-'Oll' ~~:~ .lr 8l~1O B; .Green~lad~ :'::;'...... 1.00 of the Sorority on Dec: 29 at her the newspaper. H, G, Kimber is the trial which ended Dec. 21, has Police said Onowrichuk claimed !'lItO ."~I Q 41 45 cC~ Rom' Ylt 17 15 III ,Ir_ry 'Kielty'- "" <" ' 1 00 home it 340 Duckworth Street president and ,publlsh.cr. sentenced Dr. Sheppard to life in he lI'as detaincd forcibly In Ken· Servl'ces 201 h. Tickets r 4MO-Ial. ' 'I' II II :n.li Bi~' .. ~~I> 531' "\1 "'111\ 'II '" ...... 2'00 Th :. t f h ",,' The Globq and Mall, whlc,1] re· , . inski's home wherc his mouth was wr.' D"· ' M M ,.~ ..... , •• " 101/, II· Palll .. J(f :M V. Rowse •• :...., ., . e gucs S :0 onQur, were mrs., I prison Sheppard would not be ' from Comm ... m 120 12~ , ' ported a clrcu ation of' 2~,OOO last • burned with a hot pokcr, rcd,hot · :~ :~, 1.' • ':~.' :. ~, 32: l~·~t~;. It:' II II' ,J" B• .,Hind .... ,...... 2.00 Grace Butt,· Programme Director September came into being in Its eligible for parole for at least 10 wires were passed L'troug.1] -his I FINAL CONNECTION LEWIS. following n~ t= ::11:~~:·" "ur 3 "Ju iH ~~:·t.rli~~I, ~\•. ~: -, ~m F'-·."T~'~ Byrne':. ••.••. 3,00 of the Chapter.",'~nd 'Miss. Olive present 'fo~m' In 'November,' 1936, yean undcr that sentence. ears. his teeth wcre brok~n 0([ I' PORTE.COOK'S HARBOUR 'i 7983F;. 6065.e I~OO' II Gam.: - %'.'%1 :I$~~ 2n.\·Jasper' IN III Ie!. Anonymous '.'."' •••• '.. 5.00 Blalr,'The p~rty'liegan with sup· When Mr. McCullagh merged the with pliers, he \\'a,' kicked and SERV'.C"-TODAY 1000 I!.,.. . II~' I' 1Il< :\f00 Je'II' \I' II II' -1-, I ' 200 t 715 Aft d 1 I GI h' w"l 3579H; 5393t .- lllbl.· , II'· III,' 11\" , 7- Job 10'.. IDl~ 1Oi> MI.'.s.·.B .. Chann III .... :" ,per I " •• ErWar S Be,'era 0 d obe, II' Ich he had bought PI t NS FI bcaten and his fingcrs and wr~lts' T . • Th C'b I" ~ TO' - MIlt lid fll'e lI'eek" earll'er for $1,850,000, an s . . ag I ralll' c an ou·, ea'·mg ;: ~l~.' . r,,; .~\, rr \iJ~ ittt, , ;: ,g;. is: Mlke:.Walsh •• "," ". 2,50 riterlest ng games an ,col!tests 0 hammere~.. 1St. .lohn's 5 p.m. today, Tuesday, H. COlli l:wll!raloml 21:1'290:110, II03·K.~rand '1',.,.71> ow. D.l'arsons .. ' ••• ; ..... 2.50 prov ded,very enjorable 'entertaln- alld The Mail and Empire ,which Kcninskl has madc no plea 10' will make ',onnectlon at Lewis- 21DQ:J 1"",11 m. 'IO~ lQ~' IQ& lien,' Add In,' 15)lt' I~ B' . ., Roach . 100 inent for .. the gathering Prize 'win ,he' purchase'd for ~,,929.ooo. Mr. thc charge. porte \1'I'tll S.S•. Springdale fo' r :l8COO 11 ...... 1. " - , Hi Int,. , 101. 1I(IOj) Ke)'bol"on . II 1%, : 16\! 110 • ..-...... :" • . , .' .. C II .. dl d A 5 19-2 On Sea Bottom Ll< '.. J. , 11Il00 .rlluM· 110 110 ~170 42.'10 ...... I~,,,: '71. n'"7" 43''I; li. 'V. Cas hi n •• '... : .. :.. OJ."00' ners f or.. th e ,~vcn In g ,were: Mrs. 'Ole u ag.'1 e ug., POiI1t"," to Cook's Hr. i: ~~!.l::r~t '3~ ; al~' 'I; I=: U;;:t:•• \ . I', 15 ~. P;,M~ 0'Donnel1 .... '.. 1.00 ADlf,'Hopklns,' Mrs: June Argall st~~: b~~ill~~" ~~~~~~d Inro: ~~ HALIFAX (CPl-As a symbol of I Or deal For Drl','el' CONNECTION SOUTH COAST '-l 13w.l BNlI>ml" ,.11 ,:UI" IIS8(I Kror 01 130 117, I ' . . \ " and'Mlss Isabel Templeton. Mrs, pllrpose at thn cornAr of Xing and his faith In thc sea as a source of, SERVICE VIA PORT AUX 4100 ."'~llon 14,. .:K. :U. ""'iLlto, , t!ll, JIG· ,Hit , • ,,;.,,:' , .',' , 0, d d 11 J h S 11m Bue~I •• " 1:4' 122 122 1200 L"'D)lI1' ' II ~ ll, $1,3,7.91 Thomps!!n presented a silver can· York streets'ln downto\l'n Toronto foo an wea t~. 0 n wecney WI Kill d M BASQUES-TODAY f: ~~:I·tdJI '. I~U 'I:~' J~ 1: t':s~!~.· -';, 'QI" A8 dO, dIe snuffer and banner to the and named for'WllIlam H. Wright, plung~,d into the IC)' surf off ~earby 10 e an Train "The Carillou" Icavlng ::aM ~~?t~r ~;. I ~'" ::1>:11 to: t~~~.. : :.~ ~ m V: P. ROSSITER. C?iPter as /a ~hrlstmas,gift, With multl·millionalre mining man who Padd~ 5 head on New Year s Day , 51. .lohn's 5 p,m. today. 'Tuesdav 300' Coli \I '18' Ie 33 Lan', • I:l. 1m ~14" ~ Sec.Treasurer. her good wishes. This was gracious- backed Mr. McCullagh in his first and planted a flag of Nova Scotia :r.!ONT~EAL (CP)-Thc G?ZCtl~'i will make connettion at Port g3~ ell 'and F.d IJI. '~'. ·a·. 4000 La,pa' Cod II II '11 • , newspaper purchase.'!. Mr. 'Wright \In the ocean floor. 60 feet under nohng t"lat 228 persons died m I nux Basques with 5,5, Baccalicu eJoo C.ln.rlk I~ 131> '131'. _ lAp .' • 'jl?~' 21~ 1'1 recflved by Mis! Isabel Temple· dle'd Sept. 20,' 1951. water. . l\Iontrcal traffic accidents in 19:;41 for South Coast Service. 1361 Cal Con ' la~ 620 20 " 1000 1.0' 1 I, .19~ ~·ol'. ton, the p.r.e. sld,ent. A,t the end of T1 I ! d th 7:r..o comp Chlb W 4U 430. II~ Uollch • • , 'In 1948 -Mr. McCullagh bought Ie a r was rcezm~ _ an, e a~d one', chi,ld alread~' .bas b~en .m Camp III 140 125 140 11500 Lei<. 161~ IS ~~ P Ii 'BI the evehhig'Mrs. Olive Wylie ex· the 'Toronto Telegram, an evening sea only. 38 degrces, as .SlIc.ency, killcd thiS lear, Monday carried CONNECTION ST. JOHN'S· ( CC 0011i11 LLo•• !:°5 ", u.Ub LaP.' ,3.. :' 0' . thanks ,a'nd -atltude to d d f g t·" h f LEWISPORTE SERVICE Prod I~OOI'• • r.d~~..... ~5!!~ _.. t-1_ 3~~ ~- - ce', otter pr~'sed.... paper, for $3.610,000.' Mr. Wright ressc m ~ ro mall 5 SUi WI"" an t e story a a driver Who acci· - :!JOO Cdlt 'Ad OU 43 a 4Z - Lom •• a .~, -i,v. 4,'1a Mrs. Thompson on behalf, -of the '''ad no nnrt In' that purchase. underwater camera ab.ollt his ncck. dentall" killed a pedestrian. TODAY, no Cdn All 011 ,110 W 89~ 31¥13L1'P.ele • 'Clt' 11 rt' It" k hi J 1I00'C ·Cgll. rro", 170 %IllS Lorado ~60 440 44! ' Y po ce repo a qu e Chapter for such a' 1I'0nderfui The Telegram lI'as sold In Oc- IVai cd Into tile frot ng waves. The story of thc unidcntified Train "The Caribou" leal'lnlt BY 1·115 HOI i: g~~';.. ,. ,:g'. 1:#: =l1:;U'rtl ~r-' 4I J nl8ht .last night· with only one party. tober, 1952. to 'John', Bassett and .He held th~ lIag carefu.lly abo.vc motorist. as told to reporter Peter; 51. .Tohn's to~ay, Tuesday: 11'1\1 IItOOO C (0 and G II,. I!( ~\~ ~7' 'mil MI.keno .' M 41 50 arrest. on a charge of drunken· associates for an undisclosed hiS h.ead nnhl a waVe IIltcd him Desbarats, ,lays: I r~ake connection at Lew.lsportc tIXi'C P'L POI.. 110 110 170 3NI U..I.od 1M 111 I" E II I 'th I amount belie\'ed' I'n nelvspaper off hiS feet, then swam 500 yards I slept last nl'lIht for Ihe fl'r •• t'l \\Ith 5.5" Glencoe for POints ,to mo C WUlII 50l 443 SOO 600 ~h ....a . m 113 113 n~s.· ar er n , e even nl. - SI J h -; 4~ Call1ar' 641 64Q 110 2200 lllllrlie IU In 115 between 5· and fJ o'clock a young. circles to be: about $4000000, offshore and submcrgcd. time nsince Ihe accident. Four . 0 n s. Leonard 1 , t~ g.,:-c~~. I~~ .. 11~ 11~ ~: ~;~~;t Uran ~~ 3: 4: • ster' was bitten by. German To' Tile Edi' tor' The papers had, be'en 'operated The f1ag.st~ff snap~ed as he at· time since the accident. Four CONNECTION WEST RUN Oulerbridge 7&~ Ce" Lake tI ao IQ eot Maddn In . l~ I~\, p'olice dOl while' playing on as '.~eparate entitlcs by Mr. Mc. tcmpted to Jam it Into a rock man falling ill front of my car, PLACENTIA BAY- Lieut~nnnt· I~J Cl1ambln U ~ 2S 3!OO Manl,o " I~' Cullagh Who held a controlling J'n. cr,evlce. so he anchored the clot.h I ~tiil shake when I remember. TOMORROW 21'0' Chari 0:1 200 190 190 1- )Ia,benor 13 1120" 10'" Empire Avp. The child, Roland th t k H k d t t GOI'ern9r 5\10 Chlm lie.' 3U 375 SID 15M ~Iarcul 10 This 'paper. assumu 110 repson~. terest in both when he died. WI 11'0. roc s. e 1I'0r e a I Every time I drive. [ sec him run· R I 900 . I tAl" :)0'1 C,I,I. 3~'~:r.:·32 ~OOO Marl ~,I., 3I,~ 3I1!i Rideout of No, 18 Winchester The Globe and Mail has s'lncc for 40 mlDutcs, 10 fat.11om.s down. ning in front of my car. Ic.gU art . l,a.~. t,I\~ Idl 0 d ' (L.S.) 4303 tillb Exp 9! n ,. 5~ Mlm .• ,.,. t I Ie Ilk .- th .nlly IIf the opinions of Its ' RIPPLING GENTLY T""'d I 't gcn In omor 0\\. e n~s a\. 730llhlmo 1,3 112 m 1000 )I .....a)'n. 13 15 13 Stree. was a r en.., e then been operated by trustees of ·"c coroner s Jllry sal wasn, 'I wll makc conncction with ~J.t. , 1~'i.\~1 ~~aliar 1I1:~ 1ri.7 ~r:, 1000 ~::j:run ~~ 7~~ 7~~ Grace Hospital Iii a pDlIce car correspondence. the estate Iv.bose beneficiaries are When he su~aced ~or a rcst he to blamc. But e\'en whcn )'ou rc Burin for Wcst Run or Placentia II 3100 eoeh WII IQ 10.. 3775 M.IL... I. 41 40 41 and··treated for abrasions to his Mr. McC:lllag,~,~ widow, children found t~t besllies hiS tll'O '.tecn. dril'ing safely accident., can hap,l Bay. • I: ~~rJ' ~~. 13~ 12~1t I~!. :;;: ::~::I\~:· 1411 1\1. U right forearm and then taken SEEKS INFORMATION and sisters.' age as~lstants he had an a~dlen~e p~n. You can nCl'er relax at thc: 10000 CoIn Lak. I 7~~ T!' 11$ Mentor 41l" !7~ lTo~." home. Hi; will, disposing of an estate of an elderly I!'an and Sl)( ch~l. whecl. You alll'a),o5 hal'c to watch CONNECTION SOUTH CO~ST II)[)() Co!d.tm U 1% U 5000 Mer • , ... ~ F.ditor Daily News. valued at $4 &24 749, did not specif. dren. TJte man finally shrugged hIS e\,erything. SERVICE VIA ARGENTlA- L, R. 1 IDel Co:o 3 , w. St. &30 Mer P 100 100 ~ Dear Slr'.-I am '\~I'tl'ng to "sk •• ' . shouldcr and went '\'a\' I'd l'k k I I FRIDAY ::(10 Conal'" 45 01.1 45 lQ'/4QO Mell Ur MIla M, M '. ft leany mention The Globe and Mall . .·5 a • . . I C to ta e tiC care ess H. ,,1. Attor 470) C Alltnb I! W' 1411 'loG Mld~on 44 :I!I 44 you If "'ou could possibly furnish nor~ did It mentl'on the extent of his' Sweene~.· went under agam and drivcrs and make them fcd what Regular 9 a.m. train to Ar· ::0:, ('on A'I I: 12 11 100 Mlntlamar 130 130 130 £ 30 t I k It I f h WllEREA !l:.l C t: ... Cr -13 ~I 43 25IIO'Mlndl.Seol 6. S PI'ersona me any Information regarding interest in that paper or The Tele. or mmu es 00 p. 0 os 0 telgentia Friday. January 7th, will ,~ 10:1 Con Gil 101> 101,. 101, 2169 Mn, Cp 1m 17~ m. h d gram. However, one clause. deal- flag and the I!cean bottom. make connection with S,S. B. al certain d~'l 5SII1 C D:le :130 :10 2'i" , 2000 )loneta 50 50 !Il t e eath of a Mr. John Whalen In Wh S th d II f 5 tJ C t 5 21:'!J r.; Denl. ~9 210 235 1000 MODtoc. 14~ 14~ 14~ M D W. Mupherson, Allan. the United Slates. He was the ing by name··wlth The Telegram en weeney. an au or an aven or ou 1 oas en'lce, tloned, shm :;:3 C Guay :a 'rI %/', 194J0 )lulMdla :tel ItS 2M r.. empowered the trustees to sell ai amat.eur sea-p~ober, ret~rne.d the SHIPPERS PLEASE NOTE Public lIoli ••~" •• C,.l, cc' GI",!aIIY.. ". =-1:: :l~i !~ NNea~~1 film :KIS ~ dale load. received word on New son of Mr, Thomas Whalen who I tb d d' d I 30 miles to Halifax he 'ald hiS last " • • - ~ -'.' .n - I Id I any t me ey eeme It a v 5" Gasolene and othcr restrl'ctcd , of ?':",VfOUll 1111 Con How m 1611 181 11.'· N Labl... = Ito 200 Year's Day of the Budden pass ng res ed It Br gus. Newfoundland. bl glance at the flag showed I't rl'p II 'L 11>< - 12 II •• a e • cargo for forwarding I'ia Argen. I DO THI 70(; n on Dec. 31st of his brother, Angus On the probability that the As' a modern version of the old pllng eMily back and forth with tia and next trip !If.V. Marlorita ~;:{ f:"\I~klar ~~~ 70~ ~ ~ ~fr 411~ ,4i~ . Proelamati( (,::. I. ~:,' )11. 2"l 2'1"~ !5!0 N Brlal" ~ .!.~ !1! W. Mltpheraon It Saskatoon. while news of Mr. John Whalen's death Globe. founded 110 years ago, The the curren.t., for South Coast Service will be II ~;.] C,n ~.I'h 11 20 21 1100 N 1 Dom - - - S Id h f It N S t that Ihc fl 3)111 C ;';or.!Il,nd 1:14 I" h. 3300 N Cal eo 57 eo visiting ' his daughter for the New, was forwarded from the United Globe and Mail is Toronto's olde.st wee~e~ sa e c ova co 13 accepted Rallway Freight Shed , I::lloo Orl.. 14 II It .100 N con~ ~ ".o!ll Year. One time ma"or IIf SIska. States to Newfoundland as a news newspa""r. . .had a right to have Its flag planted Thursday. Jan. 6th. 9 a,m. to 5 , apart and f~15 (;,n re:~, 13 12~ 13 .100 N conI 55 - • , J .. - under lbe sea because that was p,m. :::3 C r..~wk ~I 4' !Il 31000 N Dal.. 20 sa sa toan the l"'e "r u-cpherson was I'tem, and that you may be faml·l. the said Pr !;,-, U L,,:' m 11O'~ IMO N Deihl 106 1M 106 , ~ III...... where "a great deal of our wealth ~ days during H~I (O.I'",t 3!~ 310 3IQ 10.1 N Dldlen flO Jill 113 livln.at Regina, and was the chair. jar with the facts, 1 make this reo Defence Spendm' e: will come from." ..IW."UI.! l:g ~~~,~I:n II~ 1"~, l!t ~~~ NF3$~: 1:11012'" 121:112 man of the \ Advisory Board for quest. If this Information is avail· \.i ~"'---i! Saturday, ' :'d\::6:OW' iir ,J': . eX im ~ m.rr fA\! ~~ ~~ Securities Act IIf the l'rovlnce of able kindly furnish the date and Below Estl"mate BUFFALO, N. Y. (AP1-Five N ,ary (:'\e~ 1•• J t;,-ol'ilh SI, I IV. 24!00 N Kelo" 21 211 11 Saskatehewan \ at the time IIf hb year of Mr. John Whalen', death. .lflONaL .. Tucsday, t ; .. TJ:':;."n U . 1% I. 31100 N La, I'!\! 10el~ IJ death,' Ind the City Ind State in the young men whose' wild ride in '~:J Uc:r HorD. ,. 106 106 106 13700 N LaN U ~ OTrAWA (CPl-Defence spend- search ot excitement Sunday left . January \:;·~~i~r.a, • I~ 'I~ I:~ I=~ ~t:l'D m'34~ JS~~~ Dr. ltaymond'.Gushue. preslhdent United States in which hI! death ing In the -current fiscal year is a trail of damage estimated at Thursday :~ ;-' D'en·Rty 7 7 7 1040 Norm 315 3ll 3lS ery ru y yours, March 31. 1955. B" that time, fire to a house under construction. Tuesday. ·T.lOG 'E~ Sol, ' . , \:1' 11 12 13l36O Norpa~ 32 21 32 7500 ZoMlU JS 11 .m HERBERT MOVELLE J I , MJ'l:l\\' UI,cl., :0.1~ %l:l2 1400 N COUI ~os 490 lOS CURB 't. ' . ' spendIng is expected to amount to The fiVe, pick~d up on felon)' of :\lal ~;ee, Eynn of st. 1952·53, when the outlay was $1,. , uQ60Q"Nlc:ket 1Sl 10 241 •••••• -,.-- ••• , •••• . QQ.oI) - ~';'Fort AI'alon ;. .. Jan, 27 2000 Qu"",ton :r:z 22 :r:z Cocksh ...... _ ..... _ aVo George', Naval Company of the ...... 000,000. or in 1953·54, when ex-' X of I: ":::F,ort Hamilton • ;Feb. 4 IT'S (Chri ~: :!':t,:1 :11 :~ :~ D Brld ...... ' ..... , ..... 20 Church Lads' Brlpdeat Petty Bar. pendlturel were $1,805,000,000. The F-r.OM ·ST.JOHN. N.I,: Tuesda •.:. Fort· Jan: 7 ~IOO lIatll.,. t5 n n D Tar ... , .'••• ,,,,...... •• lOY, bour. estimate for 1954--55' was about I Malon ,.- .. day , ~'i:",or~ '!A"aloll .. '. ;Jan. 29' I:J :a~~~.r ~ ~~ ;: D Tar Pro •• .: ...... , 23~ Jobn was a fllundlnl IIItmbtr of $100,000,000 lower than in the pre-I • of B :'FRP'M H~L,I'AX: ,;.. 4Il00 Iif.r I' IU 7 7 Gt 'Lakes" •• ' -... ;. - _ •• 31'% St. G~oril!" Company Ind .1. rlDOus two y~ar8. . .' 40lMll< ..r I' IU 7 7 II Smith ...... _ _ _ _ _ •• 31 :' t Cence .,~peudltllrts took tllelr I ~~;~'ul'£-'.Avi\lull'.·; :'.Jan; 11 OF :... Fort Hallll\tul\ : .Jail. til ~:: ~:~::!., li ,~ 7~ II Bay...... ~_'- •••••• li3Y. tblJugh or a quiet and retiring nl· bhUllmp In 1951·52 wilh h~avler 1 ... cerned 31"~ l<1.h.da 4' 40 14 Imp '011 .. : ..... ' .... __ • 40 ture was extremely ICtive. amon~ rear.mament resultlng from the i 11.. 1m 17\1 111\ I Nick ... : ...... :••••• _ .. 577h contributed In no small way 10 the ,000,000 In 1950.51 and $1,415.000.000 ' ~ :x: " : 'Fort ,Hamilton ".. Feb. 15 I: ~:~d ~t ~ ~~~, I Pap ...... _ •. 86 Influence the C.L,B. holds In the the following year. I X • GlV &!IJ3 s.Pi> 4%~!:5 m : I Pete ...... _ .. 29 parish of Petty Harbour and the 'The estimates for defence in the I AT THE NEW lOW PRICE :x:- S( m ~~~:.:~?::'~~;'~GS I'>' m~n~:~·t;~. ~,I!l9 ~ Lake Wes ...... _ ...... 44 Gould~ 1955-56 fiscal year are expected to I St ,;' .. :.' ... ' FIJOM . ~ Sheep C .~\i 5'1'0'!! Masse~'...... :...... 9lA . 'be roughly the same as in the cur· I, D IIIG Sh,rr ' , "- DW , l.ikewise was hI'. I'nfluenctl and rent ·year with, 1/ an"thing. a dc, , ~ :: .. V. , si. JoHN"5. 21M S:,ma !t.l !M sa:I McColJ .. ,.. •• •••• •• . . .. 35\~" ",to- 4 " • t 'I.. • By CI loeOll SUaM II lOll 1m N Stl Car...... •..... " 26\~ energy felt in the ~hool. \ John crease in light., ' I J , , ;;T~; ~C,~,NU ~~C?~K:' i 's~l~fills~ld 1\; I~ I:; Noranda ....,...... B1 would hal'e no part of ahoddy fun I ~ ·PER TON ~:;rorr AVllon •• ,.. Jan. llll • '.3. Mill .·(Fort AYllon .. . .Feb. S' ": ~~ .;; ~~.;; l'rlce,...... ,.. . •••• •... 45 and was an excellent student and ITwins ,Born III :; • 2173 Stan ..... 11 e~ 5'1 57 Que Pwr...... '...... 261~ young churchman IlIld was beld iii .- :x \~ -ret 'HALIfAX: ' .. ' . mu S lIo.k 110 710 100 RO"alite ...... • ., • ...... 12~~ X ,.. " : Flirt :'i=lamllton •• Jan. 4· 1110 SulII .. m ..0 .13 • high esteem by his teachel'll and Diff Y DELIVERED-PLUS TAX :x: .,. "Fort I,HamUton .,:Jan. 22 '- Surf In m~ m~ Ill. ltoyallte Pr...... • .. 30 t T hi hi t f th' er' ent' ears , Th. iJ: tf:~.. n~1I m, m Sbwngn...... ; .... 54¥.! pas or. 0 5 S pmaes a e , ; . '. Fort·· Hamilton •• Jan. 211 10100 TI.k " .,. t30'" Shwngn 4¥.o pc Pr...... M - Naval Company John's passlnl at WINNIPEG (CP) _ Twins born tonde .• Fol'\ '. Hamilton oj Fcb,~ 12'. NO SLACK - UNIFORM SIZING ! by · Fort,"Hamilton, .:.Feb. 22 ,. "00 T•• ' elf 110 110 110 Steel .... "., ...... ~¥.o the early age of 1~ y~rs Is keenly here' at New Year's have the dis- .i bank: ,:TO ~.EVI YORK: ' :: ~~~liL \ Ir'lll 1*1> uIII·Steel ...... ',"...... 14¥.o felt,. and all officers and lads ~x· tinction of being born In dlHerent I ... ~ 1100 Torbrll Wa ker...... ,... ~ .... 69¥.o tend their JIDcere aympathy to his yea- I ~ • " _. ,Fort. liamlitoll fl57 Trao. Emp 2011 117 (197 '. I. ••" , CLEANER - SAFER - CHEAPR on '" :·.··(Fort Avalon :: '1720 me. '40 35 3tH' parents Bnd family In the passins . The twin boys were born to Mr. : .r•• t : ··';·IMrt.:'Avalon ... .. Feb. 11' . ~~ i~n~~~: ~ ~~\\ ~ NEW YORK (AP) .Clo.sing. quotes: of, their only son. and Mr5. Gordon Gimby. IX h.pp teel :r: '. :.~_ 'Fort •.. Hamilton ... Feb, 2~, :z.uoo,U_W",.. .2'5 :~O' :W BBelh SW ... , ...... '111120~ The' St'.· Geor' ae"s" Naval Com' "" -ny ROll aId Charles, w.ho weighed five ~. , , Ichll 19I12lU Asb: ,. •1 _.IO org arner"... • • . .. ..; 14 ...... pounds' 10 ounces," wa,s born three I X -:x: a'f fer I <~sse1s ~·lU .ealJ 'Newfo'~nd', '1: B~;~~Ub- 7~_ a;g .. 7;:._ 'Ches alld :Ohio ...., · ..'to -; .... 46 C.L.B. attended the funeral af mhlUles Iifore midnight Friday. 'PHONES , -Th :·..\an4 -Outpnrts IS .Induce , 3900 U·C.n I I~. I~ u: Cons Eillson...... ' .,... . 461-8 Petty 'Harbour and the' pall bear. Dpc. 31, 1954. , .: roent' "ffers. ' .' ,".. '~~~~I ~~ .l2\,.21~ all; ,EI Aulo .. L ... :., .., ••.•• ,.. , ..... 40Vs ers were six of his shipmates: The Gordon MC~llloch. Who weighed E " . with ;", \,;-e.us Corner. Brook afte.:" ,013)<) V.olam ' '. ., a07 '195, In , Gen ,Elec ...... ,' ...... , 48IA Company' Chaplain. Rev., F. W, seven pOUlid.!, was'born three min· cienl 43011 Vtollm;',' '. W, ,ItS' !H -', ~G ' M 1 • , ',' 1051-8 '\ ":;,:.. , St: •. John·s, . .- ,i·:.;· .. ·:' 'I 'cu~ :lOll Vu' ... ,.... ", '}S' 34 - 31' ,el'! 0 o~.s...... Ralph, officiated.' Attending ·.from utes after 1955 arrived. ", " 5586 ~ 5863 - ,6077 "l I ; ,!·... CClpts., iefrlkeratlon:' : lftLWilt.· Am . 12'A1.1~14 la1ti :Coodyeir'.• }· .:./ H.: ,';.;106, . Neither quaJlfied for a pr'f-e'ln" I thoF ,". .io • - " ' ,;.MIt:W... ' 'yr." "" 24 :14',:14 'Gt, Nor 'By' , , "'T'IL SI. John's.N/lval. Company were' ... .:;. _car""., ...... "!111'~."'" <"'.114 '''1~' $1\\" .... , ...... "" .' " Wlnnlpeg'~ . contest as, flrst,born , ~. ., .... ~,to'" .. 1...-...... - ';." "'. 'WlI.W,"t A.h, ,III '" tuo. Kennecott· .-:;' '-'-:;"·':':•• ·'·;;.,;1061~ Lt. H, Mosdell and C.P.O. Lloyd bab)', iri 1~55. " ' •.. " "'I~ pub · /,,-GINIRAL' AGINTS ' 'lIOOG W 'I' on I 211 I'~.' :11)" "I t ,.W· -.. '. . . ~~ S I' ' , " . I_.W :.ru~&:'~, ' • .-11 ', Ii Ml u n gl~ry. '...... •. ',," 81. '111 re~. . , .,' , ' :x rem .- ...,ve{l ·c·i .• Lh!. Dlat 2151:' ' 17IlIifW!!l!'."l~."' , ' .. ,102' I,.,. III'J, .N.Y ,(~ntrul .. , ...... 3a[~ '1'1 '1'111 t t II 'fl'l Oldpst knilli'll element~ry school 'j' i . W. :O;'~rt :" .. :Dllr5l90' thl =J~~~i~:(":',\~; .,~~i ~::' Rallio Corp:,.,. \::. '.;'.. -' .. 39~B ' illS, was a. 0 res, Ie. r~ In, th~ Unitell'Siates Is 'near Rleh. , Newfoundland Coal Co.,' Ltd. ::z:: , ~:!lt WllIQra :';:""." . II "·,m 10' !M ,Oil. N.J .'.;. ,'., '., .... , .. 111.. member \ of . st.. George& Na,val mood Stuten Islan,I' 'New 'York: • tleu , :,~~~.%BNESS, ·wifiIY: :,:-; fall • " ""-L Co. L",n" . '~;"~4iAf.' • ':" , ~lr' ]t:" :~r 'W. .\lfc,rall ... : '; ...... ~~.". 781. Company of the.Cliurch Lnds·-BrI· Thi! "lit . h d . d 'd tI b" " . . • ...... ~ ., • ,.. 1.1.111'., ,\ '" lVl E .. .' • - 39" 3' 3g 40 gade'tci'ansIVcr the,last rqll,calL b Ildl be a,pt'L • . layl ':.,-V.rJc'·, ':, r•• ' MHktlL ~ '_y~ ..:~:. ~ ,Van~altiil"",,:··.. '.: \ ... .,,, delYt~S km~ ~2;Or-'1 ,.'IIOt.Y..caMlck-;, J'. ,~.-~. _ ,,_ ,UT U ,Tel \' ,. • , ••• , .... " , ;,' .", ., .'-, II ng a es ac more nan" HI.HEAT HI·HEAT HI·HEAT· '. HI·HEAT HI-HEAT cutl )f!,~a" '.It.· Ji.IJ~. ~.I ..... ·,It. YI("~" "'- It;b 11% I.; "I.. ,," ...... , . , ,,'" j ~OOpuilt : :.:;. ,,'~.. .: .~}!",::1~1' ,II ,f,e.8,~J1.s~~u~e.~. ::' "r' t \.~~ '. 81 \? -Contribut~d. ~ ears. ' , Acl '~."'''' ~. ~1.. .J • .. '. • • •• ' .'." • ,I ,..... - ••, I J • "' ....~ :. : I, ... _...... " ,. , I·, , " . . ",J' i.: ...... ~,'; .;. ',I', . · , , , .. , ..· ' -. .,', 1 ~ :' J : ~'. , "'.,'~ ' .... V',.:~,. ,'.,. "~ ...... ".~.. .. . :'J.' 'lj • ..: '~'" . ~' .. '-\ i ~

'. To Let , • \.','·1 .. :~l"'~"~ ," IIIIm'/llrl1'm~~~FIBI __"', OUT OF RESPECT TO THE LATE _._-_. __ ...... _--- TO LET-Two unfurnished rooma OUT OF RESPECT TO THE. LATE in heatcd home, suitable .. fOI' ERNEST P. NICHOLLE wCl'!tlng couple or business lady :[: .ERNEST P. ·NICHOLLE A DIRECTOR OF OUR FIRM or gentlcman'. In vicinity of th,· , . .. ! GeJleral Hospital. 'Phone 4.~5B·H TO·NlGHT THE OF~ICES AND STORES OF ------TO lET-To married cDuple, The A.' T. Wood The L.O.A. of St. John's larg~ heated furnished bed·slt A PRIVATE illig room, In vicinity ,of st ,. Banquet and Turkey Dinner BAINE, JOHNSTON &CO. Ltd •. Clarc'H .. Hospital. For .furUICi 5, 10, 50 cts. to. 51_DO Stores DANCE " .. will be held at Barney's on WILL BE CLOSED TO·DAY, TUESDAY In,formatiori 'Phone 471Z.I~. . >j' WILL BE' CLOSED , ~.! January 26th at 8 p.m. FROM 2 - .4 P.M. For Sale AUCtiON TO·DAY, TUESDAY, FROM 2·4 P.M. Members are requested to obtain their tickets as soon as ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~F-O-R"--S-A-LE~l-;;~'-a-nd-'.'-c."";If"'"'. Ap. ~==~=~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __-=..._..::-..::= __ .:.;.;. ".,,,:,"'_ possible as all tickets have to la114.5ply to , John Power, Outer.' cove·W .. ednes. da.y, Jan. 5 be accounted for by January WANTED' 'Newfoundland Academy of Art 201h. Tickets may be obtained 1.30 p.m. r··~1 . Male' Help Wanted' , 1~ - WINTER TERM COMMENCES· TUESDAY, . f ram Committee by calling ,. ACTUAL J"'BS In Canada, U.S., . JANUARY 4fh following numbers: - 5370F; TWO JUNIOR CLERKS So. Am., Europe. To $15,000 j ;./ " LESSONS IN DRAWING AND PAINTiNG 7983F;. 6065A; 6::l06l; 6734F; Travel· ·pald .. ' Write Employmcnt .~ FOR RETAIL HARDWARE AND PAINT DEPARTMENT. Info. Center. Room C·74. 4 Green 20 Head ChQice INDIVlDUAL iNSTRUCTION .. 3579H; 5393H. St., Boston, ·14. dec.29.12w Some experience necessary. Good positions for two' Local Cattle New. .students who cannot 'begin imrTled· The funeral of our late H. COlLINS, Secretary Comrade, Richard Crane,wili. active young men. Personal tely please contact the Academy, 'Ph.one 5660. take place from his . late re-: Apply BOX 17, c/o The D'aily News Sten.dor Tablets areetfectlve. 3 sidence, 123 Merrymeeting; jan4,5 . weeks' supply 52; 9 weeks $5; at Satur.day morning class starts January. 8th: . LeMarchant, R. G. MacDonald, Road, To.day, ,Tuesday, af, and· Rickett's Drug' Stores. 2.30 pim. .\ jan4(h) . . All available ex·servkem·en are' HhlLlested to attend .. ·· . ,,., ~ INFO,RMAL." DANCE Mus!ca'l .Instruments .. · . .. Required CITY' OF ST. JOHN'S: J. W. GOODYEAR, GIBSON GUITARS-Horner But AT THE OLD COlONY CLUB IMMEDIATELY ton Stop Accordeons and Har '. Sec~efar}'" Sf. 101m's B~i:mi:~ monicas, Richmond Saxophones, '~:-:",.--",".","-- Prodamation Boose)' .Clarlnets.-Charles Hut ,= ton & Sons, P.O. 5060·E, St. Il Y IiIS HONOUR Sir Leonarel EXPERIENC£D BOOK·KEEPER John'L Thursday, Ja.n. 6th Cecil Outerbrldgt, .. Skating, Knight Bachelor, (Female) P";nces· Orchestra Tickets $3.50 double Commandlr of' the InsuranC:,G ., . ST. JOHN'S I.eonard M~st Excelflnt 0,.. INSURE aow with· Farnell With, Programme'.: ( b Id d f th B It I h Apply to " Cclmpauy. Ltd., for Auto· Fire, MUNICIPAL' COU~CIL Spcr.~"red by St.)~hn's 'Chapter 0': the R(,~!!s!!,,~ed .llItcr r ge er 0 • r I Transportatlo!!t Marine.' IPbone Llcut~nant· Empire, Camplnlon OFFICE MANAGER, ZO'T3 or Rex Mlland, 501(, '. Nurses Association. FOR Vv'EEK OF JANUARY 4~9, OOl·ern.or of the DI~lIngullhld TE)".IDERS ROBERT DAWE " SON, Fire lad . .. . . 1"11 ... •. J (L.S.) Service Order, Col. THE DAILY NEWS 'AutomobUe Insurance. Be safe, Tickets.cjbtai~able".at· Departmen't of Health, , ontl In the Army, be"I11re, Insure. Telephone 2882. T d .... k"d'IIT 'd f . lieutenant· Gover· dee29,tf 'P;O. " Box 85; Royal Bank Cham en ers mar e en er or . City Hospitals' and Charles Huflon. . ! Tuesday Afternoon Gp.:rierr.d'; I - ~.=~.:=-==;:==;:= Skcting 2·4 p.m. . ,.' nor of Newfound· ======- bars, st. Johu's. ap15,6m Salt", addressed to the :under- ...... lind. .CDailn. STAN FOWLER, Renon signed, will be received up to W .sundlnt, for "ire; Automobile. and h d' J . ". Tue~day' N i g h t'.Gene:ci L. R. Curtis, . Plata Glass .Insurance. Claims ,Npon pn T urs. ay, anuar-y Skating 8.30·10.30. H. ~1. Attorney' General. ANTED, p~mpt1YBett1cd. 'Ph'llle 5531- 13 .for the supply of Four P.O; Box 63.' Ipl,llll' . (Under .lIspices Navy League of Canada,:. ; '." Wednesday, Thum:ay;' Fri~ WHEREAS it Is desirable that . . . " Hundred Tons (new)' Coarse . Newfoundland .pivlsion): ' ,. certain days, ~s hereinafter men· INSURANCE - BowrJn~lIrolbel'l S l' (2 O' 00 . 'd' t" h" 'f ) day~Y:()"12 a.m.: Learn f~ I .• tloned, should be proclaimed as Limited, . Insurance Department:- .a t . p~un .s o!. e on , ... t Public HolJdays In Ihe Province STENOGRAPHER rlre: AutomobUe.Marine. and aU ,t~. b~ delive.redto .the, City . 'GAIETY "·AUtllrO.RIU.M .' Skate -Cla'sses for pre-schoo!'! ClIl!alb' lines. Telepbolle 3131.. St t . P, I t F h t . .' . ,. .. '. age chJ[dre.!1. . of ~:··,vfoundlal\d. . " -- [ee s· ,'0 n, res wa er I DO THER8FORE. by this my Apply by leHer to: J. B. MITCHELL Ito SON, LTD. Rd' .•Nightgenerql Proclamation, order nnd direct 'lor . efficient service' and prompt 00. .' .... ·To .. N'ight·.. ·at:.. 9 ·~'clo~k:,,~unday 'IlUlement 'of Insurance claims. . I •• .' • " '. . that the following days be set BOX. 101. c/o Daily News ~ '.. Dill 2128-2128.' :'" feb17,6m Parhculars·may-be obtamed . '...... EXC·ELLEf.r(~Rj.iES'" .. 'Sk~ling 9-~ 1. Adults only. . apart and obs~r\'ed th;oughout dec21,tf " t:;· " '. CONTACI' A. I. meDIAN co. 'upon' ttpp1ii:atioll to the' C'ity ." ...·.30 G.A. M.ES FOR : $ tOO ". Skating continues every day the said Provillce, as Public Hall· LTD., Insurance Agents. 'rbones Engin'eer:." , "... .. (Tel) h days during the year 1955, namely: U32~-5.S. .P.O.B .. 984, for YDur '.' .', '.:' ...... -':~ .. -::::"'==='.:"':;'-=-='_'- t is: week during the above hours, SaturdnY,·thef·lrst .day ot Janu' £OR' ~niurani:e' reqwre.mebts. . . m2il The lowesror'any tender will 'p.... 'lJi . .' . ". N t· :... ary' (Xew Y('ar's Day) '. . DEPE~DABLI!l. FIRE INSUR :n'ot :n;;c"s~ariJy'.be accep' ted." '.~ • _f.e tmlnar·y ..0 IC,' ST. JOHN'S 'j·uesdaY,·the· ·twenty.flfth day. of _ ...... -,;. _. .. SALE·' ANCE:-Don't riSk your·valuables ":" '" r ,...... , to "save" I few, dollars. ,.Our , , ":E . S' FORAN ., . MEMORIAL 5T AD/UiA January I falr·rlte,· 'rellable policY gives., '" " ..' ~ .. , .t.. Thursday .the Scventeenth day 7953 COMMER (HILLMAN) V~N ImmedIate. p1'tltectlon~ . Phon City Clerk. of March (St. Patrlck's Day). ':. Friday, the Eighth day of April ::::Efis:",r~t~~. ~. Lace:':;~Ri jan4.5 .. ',' . , Good buy for mec:hanic. No reasonable. offer . ..' ; WANTED· ., (Good Friday). _ ; refused; " ...... ~ ~ "c' .• FO~ GOVERNMENT HOUSE . :llonday, thc Elc\'cnth ,day of .. V.netJan·: ~Jind •.:::' April (Eastcr III0nday).· Apply The Third annual Convention of the Newfou'ridland~' Satl1l"day,' the Twenty·thlrd day Ii 'ROuts DELIVEKY 'leneU'1I Government Employees: Associa'tio~,' will be held in the' Kitchen Maid Bllillls ' Flexllum. Alumlnun: oC :\prlf CSt Georgc's Day). CIRCULATION: MANAGER, Cathedral Parish Hall, Queen's' Road, on January'" To live in. Tuesdny, thc Twenty·fourth day Steel, plastic, cotton tap'es. Maau· THE DAILY NEWS 'ifactllnd by Keameys Llm!led. . 17 - 19. The annual·General Meeling will also be·heid References required • of ;\lay U~mplre Day) which 4S. ·Wl1er Street-Phonl' 1151'?, will also m:u k the observance .". , ·in conjunction with· the ConveiJlion. DIAL 2177 Apply .". of lIer Majesty's Birthday. jan4,tf . . 'R"t : d' '. : and Election of Officers for . MRS. FORD Fl'itla~·. the Twenty·Court h d ay :::======~~== .... , . e rea inS . 'T~e p~sentation;of ~~~O~~5" year. will· take place.6n the night of Jan\Jary.·, For appointment P'hone 6307 of June (St. John's Day). non't take chances. Have.your , th~ en~uing jan4,5 . !'I'lda)', the First day of July .-r .111'...... :ar equipped fo~ winter driving. '; 19th •. The annual.Convention Banquet will also be ~eld... · -'. Obsel'l'ancc of Commcmora· r.lres. rebuilUn snow·.mud design .:. Hotel on the evening of 20.,' -"'"======._"-.--, , 86 at'th~:Newfoundland Ja~; • lion Day). t.I,ISED TIRE SALES, Hamil· .' . ·,WANTED·· l TI:esclay ,tile Twelfth day of ton, 5trll~.· nov6,lmth · PL.EASJ; NOTE-ThEl··N.G.E:A. Christmas Drawing will. Jul~'. IMMEDIATELY i Thc clay sct ap&rt for thc Annu· Barber Shop : fake place following .the. ferminatin!\l .. of other b'usirless: i ...... ,.' on 'tlie' night. of Janua(y..·18th...... : ". Furnished KittheneHe with Bed i • al Hcgatta...... \. ; -,'., :\Iondoy, the flftcenth day of 'rRB CENTJlAL BARBER SHOP­ SWing RooitJ· ';or' • Furnished; • .Fast· efficient, sanitary service;' AU FRANK-MA~NARD,Ho~. Secretary' August (Observance of V·Day). .modern. equipment, . five· barbera. Apartment in central location, i ::r )Ior.cla)·, the Fifth dny of Sep· . , i" Zoning Appeal Bo.ard The least possible y,oaltlng. 24 ·New. by ,canadian c ~ ~ p I ~. No I ::r temher (LailOUr DO:i). Gower St.,. cipp. Adelaide Motors October-the date to be fixed . ~~ .. , "..: ., Jyll,lmo. =:::;==:::;:::===== ~HOLY CROSS:~OWLING ALLEYS'" children. I' E (er the abservance of Thanks­ . TO RENT'," ... : DIAL 7163 ; gh'lng Day. . Miscellaneous" .', '7 • • , Friday, the Elcventh day, of PUBLIC· NiOTICE · Bookings are now'av'ailable'at the Alleys as . AFTER 9:00 A.M. i • Novcmber (Observance o( Re· Gln,,.I· Eleotrl~.1 Mahitlniilce =~======::I'l and construction, electric motor Six room Apartl'(lent. High,er ' follows: , • membrance Da,). CONCERNING CHANGES /N rewinding and. repairs, .prompt I' . I Monday, the Twenty·sIxth day ::r: . ZONING REGULAl/ONS efficient. service. Call Stephen Levels. Three bedrooms, IVlng ·A.. ·FTER. NO, O.N.·.5. : .Mon. d. ay t~ S~tur.daYI 2.00.;,~.• .o.O·... t , of December (Observance oC F. DelaneY, 3692·H. '. ,'. ~, .room, kitchen, bathroom with . ! 'X- (Christmas Day). , ~ Tuesday, the Twenty·seventh ~=~~~~~~." CARPET· ·AND sho~er: Refrigeraior' a ~ d . EVENINGS: Thursday~, 9:00~11·.OO. " ;: .•. f' -I day of December (Observance The following parties have ob1ected to contemplated Chesterfield Cleaners." A trial Range. $120.00 per month. of Boxing Day). wl11 convince you; .Call us today...... ' :Apply- MANAGER . 'PHONE :6286 . .. . . changes or have requested changes in the draft Zoning OF WHICH all per~ns con· Dill! ~~7B·F..· , ·dec15tf Apply. BO~ Nci; 26, .: I . Regulations which are being studied, preparatory to . cerned are hl·reby requested to STOVE 'OiL-Any amount ffom . Daily.News . L'ICE~IC' :r:S ! tnke due notice and govern 'the revision and submission of a report on the regula­ '11 (lillons 'up, delivered: .. Ken· ' 1-.. ~ : mount·'Olls. 'Phone 1i472·A. . . themselves 'accordingly. tions by the Zoning Appeal Board: W .' t d . ., :z:, dec3,lm!h'" . ", ,.•. Penetangu.ishene an e All persons wbo'opF.rali! or: - GJVE~ under my Hand and . ...., prOllose 'to operate any oC tbe: :z: Seal lit Government· House, Mrs, louise Carew, Kilbride, requests that land CASH. PAID FOR COMICS, : Portugal C~ve Road' . . trades for whl.ch. a .Llccnfic is reo): St. John's this 23rd day of at her property, neor Bowring Park, be not defined. magazines, ·.pocket novels, 'slight. New Sub.Divislon . Thoroughly experien~ec!9alesinan fo~cover wholes.91~:· qui red under .. t~e. Food and, E December, A.D., 1954. a, Residential' 1. . 7oh~o~ S~~~~~ N~~ cfo~~~est aUILDING. LOTS. FO.R SALE and retail trade with. RURITAN,CANNED ME~~S.· Drug8 Act. are., here~y nollIiedl By Command, deci4(in) . .' . " .. . . AND TO LEASE hi' I d"1 h d'''' that Licen.. s~s "fo... r ..1955. a.re .n. ow I , . .. ·15rt!·x 200ft.' Experience in w 0 esa e an. . retal mere an ISing , I MYLES J\JURRAY. Mrs. Gertrude M. Parsons, Junction Hamilton' PRINCESS "'EAUTY PARLOUR, ''': ,. -"-' ' I G d '1" d'·· .' '''t' .', available, and must be apPll.etlj Minister of Provincial ACialrs. Avenue and LeMarchant Road, requests that exi,ting:·. 13 ·Lelliarebant.D Road, Dial 4310.. Here Is' the oPJlortunl1y you have , essentia. 00 so aryan ·.,"ce.. nfl.ve. remunera Ion.• '. . for "-t once ...... - . Residential 2 in which her property is located, be;' We specialize In balr styling and been, .walting,cor... Wlth·a· small Car supplied. . . Appllcations frpm: the L1cens-1 NOTE. cutting, also tinting and. cold dow1\. payment you. can. pow ~tart Interview will be :arranged at: St •. John'~ eady ·i.n :'. ing .are:\!l· of 51 •• Jo~n'!, ~en J5' changed to Commercial Zone. waves ... OPlln nights by· appoint· that pew. ~.Q!P~. which: you. hnve limd,' Placentia and-,Fogo. should 1 Thl foregoing' holld~YI Ire In· ment. '. .... , ripv24,lmth always been . dreaming of. January. be dlrect.·~. d to the "D. epartmentj tended primarily for observance Colonial Cordage Company,' Limited, obiec~s to Located ... ln one of' the beauty ...... bv Government .offlet. Ind CAR ·.·OWNERS . - rlr •. ·.re.·p· Rtra spots; on the. Portugal Cove Road A '1' by I~tte/ to '. '.. ;. of Health, Fort 'William, St. blnk,. Th.y Irt not h.ollday. a classification of Open Space being given lands owned irease; oU 'chang., motor tune u; only, a short distance. from the . pp y ..; , .. John's.' .' ; ,'- '. .l 'carburetor, valves, brake relining, City', the. new sub·division known • Aprlications from the clec·l on which .hopl In shop ,clollng by them. Iprmgs, battery charging, BLUE as PerietaJ1giilshi!lIe is 'In thc Alberta' 'M". ea' t.·'Co. Ltd..•· ::. toral dl$trlct of, Grand . F~Jl!'i Irlll must cloll unill., thlY BONNET' SElWICE .STATION, center of :l growing communlly. . the electoral. district 01, St.," happ.n to be Included In the Steers limited have requested that no change be PboM 488S., . ap23,lm So If you are Interested In secur· BOX 28 c/o THE,DA,I.LY '. NEWS :;"=~'::::=---~I~"'-'::':":""::" ing one of these lots to build ~n George's·Port au Port;· the 'elec-: :c, sch,dull of whole holidaYI fixed . made in the industrial area at Wat&rford Bridge Road. - ALL WOOL MATmESSES re In the spring, it would be Wlse !~d:C:C3~1!!===~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 torat district of Ilumber -and! :c for any .uch .'11., and Water Street. ' Pitted, re·covered; .prInKs. day for you, to do. '50 immediately as the lIcenslrig area ot' Ch,11l!,eI. j

Thll InformatIon II publilhed bedJ rewired; Imler spring. m~tt· the remaining lots arc going fast. Port-aux Ba~q' I!es shoo utd be. cU...t with I view to Ivoldlng ml.un· Wescott Venetian Blinds request that the existing feuel reconditioned. Write.' Pbone For furthcr informntlon contacl E 3891, wire H. J. Keats. 111 Mounl AVALON' REALTY CO., LTD;' rected to the Rcgional . Healthj dentlndlngl such I. have oc· Residential 2 area at the norfh west corner. of Elizabeth Jloyal ' Avenue. : .... Inspector, P. U. Box 250, Corner: curred In the pl.' wh.n· '0"" IhopkHpln In' shop clo.ln, Avenue. and, Portugal. Cove Road be changed to a , HARDING'S l~UCKING ",GAS STAN CONDON' Brook.: Commercial Zone. . STATION-Gas, '011 & AccesRor· : ,.. SE(L.ING AGEN.T LEONARD.MIL.LER. M.D., I,.", clolld tIIelr .t.,.. on the . , public and bank holldaYI .nd &:leI, Piano General MovIng TrUcking, a Specialty. Furrilure Dial . DIAL 7848 OR' "813 D.·p·uly· Mlnisttr,of. ·,HII.lth; ::r remllnld optn f.r, bUlln... on . . Parties wh~ may wis~ to comment on these. matters 3214. Springdale Street. jnell,lm dec28,tf 22nn. 1954.~ .. : ::'," I may do so at a . meeting of the Zoning Appecsl Board' l:- the holiday fhlld for thllr pI" 'OUll .pelMl tlDlPI..t .&1I'D.W""· ". T • tleular Irtl .which h.pplned to to be held in the Council 'Chamber, City Hall, at Noon rick. to serve you, Gre8sin¥, on '. ,. axts ····Diy .Cleaning,·i: ... : ~ Ind W8BhInR whU ..u·walt..· . -I fall within the Ilml wllk, thul 'on January 7, 1955. chan" Ilying themselves opln •• pros ... Carl caller: (or 'Iltfdellveted tor FOR QUICK Ind Better. Service LTD.. : \C .: these· and gener.~· repalrs..:.Terra 'the .troll TAXI. near \he RaUw:!y ~ItAF1'ClltA.I(IRI w...... cutlon for I breach of til. Sho,.. E. B. FORAN,· Cil'l CI.rt··· the 'charm"ot newness II; II. '. Nova Mot('tS Ltd., rear Newfound It-any time, to any place, call Dial 61183 •. H .SamUlon. Slr:s.J. Act. Jan4,~ land Hob!. ocU •• tI SlaUon. Dial 2011. , "

.~ \ ,. , . ":. ~. , , , ." PAGE 12, January 4, 1954 ----.;..-----~------....;.~------.:.--_:___:_------THE DAILY NEWS, sT, JOHN'S, NEWFOUNVtAND

Howse Education 8.~ " ' FOR PROMPT AND' UNEXCELLED 9.1 CQntroversy y, The following ;esolution, has 9.~ , passed by the United Church OF .: 10.~ MILLEY'S people of Glovertoll'n, through tlie agency of a petition clrculal, THE i Ph~to .Finishing ed In that settlement: Whereas Lloyd Howse was un· __L..MIT.... ~D BO.OK i BOYS' BREEKS animously recommended by the BRING YOUR U.C, Council of Education for Heavy weight with leather kneis, tbe position of school supervisor; A Strange' Woman's Girls' And whereas the R,C. Church h Navy Blue and Brown. stopped the appointment because Daug ter, White Mr. Howse criticized statements Maurice Walsh ,; ...... 1.50 by two Bishops and advocated The Island Where ' ALL WOOL Siles 24 10 34 amalgamation of "P rot est ant school!, Time. Stands Still , We the und~rslgned feel com·, penn, is ,Wheatley -TO- 'Bobby Socks pclled to cond<}mn this action' be, caUSe It has del1rlvcd Mr. Howse Jeeves and the j s SillS 9 1010Y2 $3·20 of a position which Is rightfully Feudai Spirit J his, and Is therefore llJega) and ' unjust. Moreover, It constitutes P. G. Wodehouse .. " .. " 1.75 TOOTON'S LIMITED '~ Pair a flagrant repudiation of a basic The Steam Tawler 7Sc principle vested In our system Uganda CHILDREN'S of denominational educatlon, WE HAVE ON HAND AMPLE SUPPLIES OF FILM, FLASH Signed: B. 1. Taylor ... "."" ...... ,3.00 FANCY BULBS, BATTERIES, ETC., TO TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR .,i James Sweetapple J. P., J. W. Sense of Humour ,GIRLS' Howse, Austin Wel\s,Alex Croc-' HOLIDAY RE'QUIREMENTS I ker, Leslie Harris, N. B. Sparkes,' Sfephen Polfer ...... ,,2.75 Heavy Weight A. K, Diamond, Alice Sweeney, C" I f A Old d Maxwell Burry, C. E, Ackerman, aro son Co ger ;. H. C. Feltham Abcl Feltham, ,Robert Service .""" ... ,,3,00 Abel Feltham, Loretta Higgins, h TOOTON'S liMITED' SNOW PANTS Ella Higgins, ' Alepheus Howse, T e Four Continents KODAK CAMERAS and SUPPLIES " , Navy Blue and Brown. All siles Vernon Howoe, Blanche Wells, Osbert Silwell " ...... 4.75 Distributors lor Kodak in Newfoundland Weslcy Sparkes, J. W. Butt, D. HR H P' P,L'I' :.1 L. Butt, Gertle Brooking, Greta· ':' rmee -01 Ip '!:J Sizes 8 to 16 Glover, Ell Glover, Matwell Glo· Duk~ of Edinburgh Top , $1.00 ver, Andrew Sweetapple, Mrs, • ' • Douglas BrlfMt, John Harris" Fifty Centuries of Art member .staff [or 20 years. matriCUlated from Jarvis collegi. Roya I Yor k Has The 48·year-old new executive ate and went direcUy to the CPI~ , Sophia Harris" Vernon Genge, Francis H. Taylor ... : ...... 5.00 , who started as an office boy wlUt where he has been ever since. Ralph Pike, William Pike, Blan, h' k the Canapian Pacific Railway in che Pike, Mary Pike, Maud Pike, T e Yu on During the Second World War In , ew Manager 1922 comes into the managership the army he bossed the feeding ot James Pike, Martin House, Luke Arthur Cherry Hinton, 4.00 in the 25th anniversary year of the OT' TORONTO (CP) - Toronto's hotel. Camp Borden troops and eventu. Feltham, Samuel Feltham, Regl· A CI k f 0 f d Royal York Hotel, which ,nns coped ally became assistant quarter- '1'0 LAT nald Feltham, Flossie Feltham, er 0 xen or successfully with everything from Before he mOI'ed to hotel work master-general In charge of catcr. 'u.s. TO Robert Swectapple, 'Gertrude Gilbert Highet .... " ...... 2.50 royal visits to football fans, has a in 1933 Mr. MacKinnon was sec· ing for the CanJdian Army. PORT :1 Parsons, Mrs. Hedley Genge, Mrs 'Across the Roof of nelV manager. ' retary to the general supe~in' VENT " MILLEY LTD. Caleb Rowsell, IIIrs. Morgan Row ' Angus P. MacKinnon moved Into tend~nt and sccretary to the VICC- 0 'b'II' Id llv. ,~ . \ s. I preSident of CPlt ne I Ion persons eou .... scU, Morgan Ro~scll, Ephraim The World the top position In the huge hote I .,' on the food that could be prlo FREE' Feltham, Alexander Genge,Ralph Wilfred Shede ...... 2.50 on Jan. 1. He 6ucceeds Jack John· Born In Paisley, Ont., ;I[r. Mac'l ' , ERAL son who has managed the 1,350· Kinnon came 10 Toronlo where he duced In thc Umted states. I Genge, :RIchard ~aston, Mrs, t TRADE. Ephraim Fcllham ,Daisy F~1tham, O· k & C Ltd Trade Min Swiss joined {orelgn visitors to Eul Feltham, Mary E Easton, Ie s ' o. . panierl by E ',-I enjoy cxccllent skiing. William Crewe, Pleman Arnold, Isler Pcar.'o THE ,BOOKSELLERS Wild ,New Year In Vicnna, tens of thousand~' or Nonnan Arnold, Doris Crewe, _-i Ister Harris. Auslrians danced in snol~ , mid WaUace Crewe, Mrs.WaUace Ion r.hursc1a) slush In Sl. Slcphen's Square, Crewe i\lrs, Jobn Saunders, John Genuine NEW before U. S. Placcs oC entertainmcnt were com. Saunders Gcorge Saunders, Mrs, les. Trcasur~ Ind Agricull pleldy sold oul. Gcorge Saunders, Miss. Elvie 1011. 'Parties In Europe LIllie pigs ran sllucaling throu!:h Feltham. Emma Feltham, Reg. Add a leaspoon of lemon juIce A brief am I'c;lauranls at the slroke of twcl\'c Fcltham, Claude Paul, Edgar North Sydney LOW lernal affair: :: to each quart of water In which whilc laughing gucsts tried, ,10 Fcltham. Wm, C, .Tanes, Mrs. Wm you're cooking riee and the grains ,:. details other (By n~utersJ' dren's I\lrn to ~h'c Ihelr parcnts pluck a brislle from them for luck, C. Janes Rose .swectapple, Na· will centre '" will stay separate and whit •• <·t'" Icy winds and snow swcpt an!1 relath'cs pl'cscnls. The chll' About 40 Ilalians were taken 10 bolh, Swcetapple, John Ske£flng, e arising out ; ,f WASHED and SCREENED COAL . ence 10 revi through the strects or Europc on drcn reech'cd 'I!Hts 011 Saint Nlch· hOSPital at Naples bccause of ex, ton, Benjamin Parsons, Heber The First Bank of the United' PRICE , ,'~ J Howel'er. NClv Year's Dayan d brus IIe d th e 0 Ias Da~.• D·cc.,. 6 plodlng fIreworks,' Two persons Arna, ·)d J .,'P Denamln Sweel·I St at es was c ha rt ere d In 179 1 by . '~ f nil the Wash .. ~' litter left after 'the wlldest eele- In Holland, the scrubbed streets were hurt because of the Italian apple, Thoma':! Sweetapple, E· an Act of Congress . .,," the fain no hratiOJis 'since pre.war" days, with were fmcd with Dutch families custom of throwing old erocke'n. len ,SweetaPlllc, Ralph Wyat~ ______.' negotiations liquor and blood' both' flowing In their' holiday best. walking about and olher household utensils o~t Harry Perry, Harriett Perry, ~o~ ANNOUNCEMENT Basic Price ...... $17.67 per ton ~;, ture !If the freely. shaking nands and wishing each of the wIndow' lit mldnll(ht Perry, Selma L, Arnold" E t ------, ; '.el'pn yea rl Ski enthusiasts headell for other pr"~"erltv In Ihe New Year. KREMLIN OPENED Arnold, Edgar L. But!, !r~es , Mr. and Mrs. John Day wish 3% Sales Tax...... 53 per ton , trade by ; mountain areas. but most Eurl)· TWO STABBED , Perry. Louise Sparkes, va on to announce the engagement of Rnd ' ~;:rtrlr In Moscow, the Kremlin B mar, S arkes Elijah Feltham,· Dallas their only daughter Beulah to abide hy pcans !Iept late and nursed their In West Germany, police In the ble halls were thrown open for p 'Moses Feltham Clayton Violet to Edward Boyd, son of Cartage ...... 2.50 per ton (within City Limits) y I'U! G 1.00 hangovers. , large towns were kept busy all the first of a series of official chilo Halrvthe , J nette Brlffett Gld, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Soper, both I 'Member r Ambulance and police car slrcn~ nlr.ht settling nr~llment~ as beer dre~'s parties Some 2500 h'l Fe am, ea I S' weet of this clly; • $20.70 per ton Delivered Allemplin;: d d III ft d I d 'I f1 ' 1 r I' T en' , ,c I· eon Sweetapple,' Da sy - lOUD e un n er awn n many an II ne o\\e( rer~. wO.m drcn danced around a tree anrt Ie Rev. David E. Lovewell, ______Hamper or Bag Service $2.50 per ton extra. .' pluggin!! GI eillei as hundreds of rcvcliers we~e slabI blcd htol dheath, altl~ 01111th r.heered "Grandfather Frost," the itel' Feltham, Louise Brlffett, BIRTHS escape c1~11 wer. sent to hospitals or to fall an" a ~ r ~ 0, 01 h rr en v, R I I I t f S t CI H Str ud tries. coul~ In London,. there were :\6 cas. and fil'e persons killed In tralCie U55 an equ va en 0 an a aus, Richard Brlrfelt. Mrs" 0, CLEARY-Born at st. Clare's, I:xtra Cartage charged outside City Limits according to agreenlenls ualtles at thc ,tradltionnlly wild rlt\ t~' In Communist China, the t:ew lIlrs. J, W. Howse, lIIaxwell Glo- lIIercy' Hospital on January 2.. to I ; reduce the ac cn" . . , Year was welcomed by attcnding ver Adolph Wells, Lester Felt, Cathcrlne, wife of Jerome, quantity ordered and distance to be delivered. , : tions. C~8lsca Arts Ball, Four wer~ ho;;· Wcst Herlln harl o~r s\\lrHI~ and publlc parks, clubs chess cxhibi I ' Cleary, 116 TO)l'Sall Road, (\ AO~, i The U. 5 pltat cases, At Pircadllly Clrell~. nine attempted ~111c·.lcs nnel an tl lel k I" , h I lam. REES-Born at SI. Clare B I , : POrts I re Ie\'eral "hbhhies" lI'ere Injllr~!I1 olr1 woman wns ldl1crl bv a hll.~nrl. on ma ICS, s a mg, Ice oc :ey Mercy Hospital on Dec-ember! : only In a tryin!! 10 handlc thc riolous run itl'l\'cr. Police 660 glames, folk 1 dances, balls anrl and Elizabeth : fect her 0 ~n~w"rell l *~~~ l~ Ji~;I~fer d 'rh ~o I II I {' 110 II c lOra conccr 5, ; She wants crow : ere Werc., •arrrs s, c~~.·t1f 'relllen ,co S, Millions oC Japancsc slarlcd lhe A H ," Make a New Year Resolution to buy and use Canadian l ctor as .., ____ _ ; U!e of cur :NO BnOJiEN Hl ••\I)S In Ilennm {. 5c\crall'mn"~ d ' with v; 'i 1 I I I I DEATHS Coal- it will keep Canadian Miners busy and Canadian Ships ,(" dollar and Scotland. where Nel\' Year's I':vc Were hUI'ncr! I1\' rlrc"' .... h, inehuI, a> .lSI s a ell p cs an! p p ages. Tha f'.-"lIUally tile year's rowdiest (r5- InC! 0I1e m~11 who hk1\' nlfl his shrines 10 pra~' that the New Yenr 001' loeSS "'ARR _ Pass cd peacefully operating and St. John's; 'Longshoremen working. ; and most, tivil, pam

-";" ,~

,' '. " ... '.' ,'.1