My True Loye Gave To
■ 1 ~ - ref • 5 = v '«r => ,i. TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 18T1 7 - ■ -PAGE EIGHTEEN '. / Average Dafly Net Press Run The Weather inmtrIrrBtpr lEngnte^ Ijg^ralb For The Week Ended N ovem ber 14, lOTO Meetly clear and cold through . The Confirmation Oass of Stanley Chcle of Swth United David Jerome Forman, son of entry, found guU^ at vlolaU on Friday. Tonight’s low about 20. Tomorrow’s high In upper 20e to North united Methodist Church Methodlat Church will meet to Mr. and Mr>- Harry Forman of state traffic control sign,' About Town 16,080 m id 80s. will meet tonight at 7 at the night at 7:15 at Susannah Wes 08 Benton St., has been accvpMa, Court Cases fin ed $60. F M M T Y i ^ Daidel Henry, 87, of Glaston Tli« Senior Rhjrtlim Choir o( church. The Senior HI Touth ley Hall of the church. at 'the Blast Coast Aerp Teuinl: - M anehester^A City of Vim g e C h a r m North United Methodist Church bury,'found gvilty of intoxica \ Forum will also meet at 7 at cal School, Hanscom PTeld, Lex OOtOUIT COURT 13 tion, KMlay suMiwided smitence. will rdieane tooisht at • St the church. Taro circles of the Women'# ington, Maas. He will-prepare Manchester Session M arvin BlUis, found g u ^ y on VOL. LXXXX, NO. 81 ^ (CtaMlfted AdvertlftDig on Page SO) the church. Society of the Commimlty for hla Federal AVution Admln- (THIR’TY-’TWO PAGES—TWO SEfTnONS,) MANCHES’TER; CONN., W1 SDNESDAY, JANUARV 6, 1971 PRICE TEN CENTS a substitute Information c h a ^ TgTJ.
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