Ssi'-S-r1'wfc J r$Jpv »<•; O ; v : r r . - 1 19J * ' •’ T” :.. i . / ’ .• WEATHER Min. Max. Piooili, .... 7 ;2H 0.06 -.25 82 Tr, QUOTE ..28 88 Tc. * ..26 81 0.00 Hatred is the coward’s re- galuiuNj* ^ ,.26 . 81 Tr, ivenge for being- intimidated. Sundayi Jjw* X .26 81 Tv,.' MonJay. J«n* l —George Bernard Shaw Tutii^iuy.- J,in* 3 . 26 • 88 Te. ]S t Y.SECOND~ YEAR— N o. 28 12 Pages This Week CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10fi n«r Conv — — — Clinics Slated Safetagging For Rabies D r. H . G . Pearce, Far Behind Vaccination Retired M inister, It was. pointed out yesterday , The Washtenaw County Veter­ ,w nioi'c than half of the period;. inary Association and' the Wa'sR- L v t to Feb. 28, fo r purchasing tenaw^County ^Health Department in,53 license plates has slipped by.' are, apnofinfiing the schedule for Succum bs Saturday According to Wallace- Wood, Chel- Itabies .V a.o-ei-n-a t i o n,=s“Clinics Aj_ _ T^^pclrnnnragev'of the Sec^ throughout the county. rotary of State office. hcenso sales The clinics are being arranged Served 41 Years have been far below that of last this year by Dr, George E. Bowler, year This means that, unless, mo­ Public Health Veterinarian and by In Ministry of torists begin to g et their plate.s: members :of the Washtenaw County goon, they will have to stand in a Veterinary ,Medical v._Aaaa<iiath»w4-| MethodistCfturcK gj^wdad4iae.-WHwlbly-out-«»; KBEitT-srOMEIT Members of “the association will the'street. _____ !------ :-------* •1* * TI i o t R u v , Dr. Harvey (I, Pearcef Thl* State Department has ruled Again this-year the v^elh^ised 89, retired M ethodist'm inister ami a descendant of a pioneer’ North that all tirka, pickups and trail'-. New Pastor will be the type which1 has been ers weighing more th an 450 legalized for1, two-year ’ immunity Lake arpa family, died . Saturday pounds must be reweighed before by. the State of Michigan. The afternoon at Colonial M anor Nurs.- ing Homo..following a long-.illness. 11)03 plate,- may, he issued. Nam ed fo r charge at the clinics will he .$3.00 per dog, He had been,a patient there since £ —this ynrrr-as- in-the-past'iout. June _2(j, 1 1 1 1 . ■ years, Wood will take the License The clinics at Chelsea. Dext Duj’ing"his 41 years.in the ac- TranrrrPux'ter un four Batina £ and—Mancnesfor are scheduled for Wednesday; Jan, 1G. tive ministry of... the -M ethodikt day afternoons. This community . The Rev. Herbert C, Spomer^who, Church lie served eHurchnn:at„Uhol>— service is' an innovation of S ecret — A t -Dexter “the cllnie hours "are is at present is attending- the Uni-J Ma^SeoHeldv^arleto n ^ tiy-City;: tary of State James M.jJIiii: from 2- until—6-p.in, at the Fire ersity of Michigan, where he ia H ast^ajv as, Jtfor-enci,:-Pontiac--,and _ be-j’orrvc:■ _‘ ' " ! ' znr " d e g r e e -i n -clinic will"be h'eld'at'Sylvan Town Hall ROBERT ‘ f) A NIELS, left, warn installed Mon­ of only-tw o- pins . in .. the/ state that have been Detroit, At Detroit he was associ­ areas" that do hot- have a local Old vTesta.ment studies and Semit-. ate.pastor With. Dr. M erton.S. Rice, branch office.' The schedule is as. from 7 until 9 p.m. , day flight as president of the Kiwanis club of handed dnwn'~iu ibis manner since the charter its, has begun a two-year appoint­ - Dr. P. E. Sharrard and-Dr. Wil­ pt East Grand Boulevard Metho­ follows: Frank- Giobs Chevrolet ment as frastor of • St. Thomas Chelsea ~ the third member of Ids faiiiily to hold president ..-first-, wore it,. Installing officer was fred Lane will be in charge both at dist church. • ■- ■■ Sales on Jail. 12 and Feb. 9; -Alfred: Evangelical -Lutheran church in the office; His father, Warren Daniels (center) John H. Tluimpson of Ann Arhor Western Ki­ The Rev. Dr. Harvey Pearce Gross Font Rales on J a iv 26 and Dexter and Chelsea. He retired-in119.38 after year’s Freedom tow.nshjp. was the first-president of the chib following its wanis. club, who is lieutenant-governor of Ki­ leave of absence during' which H e^ Feb."IS.-Hours will .be from.l to The M anchester clinic is .also, organization in 1924, and the new president’s The church' has been without sehedyled for the evening of Jan, wanis Division VI, The installation look place in and hi.s'jwife toured the Holy Land. 5 p.m. ,, ; '. a .regular-pastor since the death, brother, James Daniels served" as-Tpresident” i»T. ■—"Don’t forget to,: reweigh - the 1(3 from 7 until 9 o’clock, The “the .social center of tlie Metliodist _clun:ch._Qtlnir- In I960 he- realized his-often ex­ the club five years ago in l958, Outgoing Presi-" Area Hunting trWkr;W!'Tvatleyiraml”in’ing your Oct, 17, of the .‘former pastor, the clinic will be held at the Washte­ 7 offtcers installed are Wallace Wood, first vice-- pressed wish to-visit Oberammer- Rev, Richard Bierlein. _i_ L^ey-aMd...truck-, title*/' - Wood—re~ naw County -Highway " garage. dent A. S. Penhallegon handed the president's. pin/ president; Don Turner, second vice-president; Lor- gau, in -Bavaria, to s.ee the world- mimls prospective purchasers of The Rev, Spomer formerly served Other county -areas where clinics he has worn the nasi year . In Jjini^ Ikiw l^ 4ng-^(L—Bah's,- treasurerj and" Paul FM\iehans, as- famcd" Pussiuri -play, m aklng the V io la to rs license "plates. ■as—assistant -pastor’—at Bethlehem" are scllcdueld Jan. 10 included Mi­ Daniels, in turn, handed it to his father who pinned secretary for his 32nd consecutive year. Members trip with one of his daughters and Lutheran church, in Baltimore, Md. lan* T-9 p.m.., a t the Community it -the lapel of the newest president, the 3(Uh his son, the Rev. Edwin 4-lc-v -»X..the.J.UHii;(l of. .directors—also took—offlee-fot—tirg" of—D etroit, Never Learn ’*4 ~ " " "laline "FiTeFire HallHalf 7-9 to act in that capacity. The president’s pin is—tlitr- >reirr—Louis Allen, Fred Anderson, William Rich, at- the Baltimore church, Oct, 7, .p.m,; and Ypsilanti Township Hall," The son was pastor of the Dexter MasonsPlan same one worn by Warren Daniels and all other (J. A. Staffa-n, Floyd Fowler, Ray Knickerbocker Conseivation Officer Donlev lJlfil-Uf.t.eai=aa’c.eivi ng-a-bachel of- - of 2-7—p.nj.--------r. M.ethodikt church’in the li) ’s . ’ presidents of the club. It is believed to be one and Dr. Clare Warren, 20 Boyer has reported a number <4 divinity degree at Concordia Theo­ Additional clinics are to be held Dr, Pearce was bom at Leoni, hunting violations which took Banquet for logical Seminary', St. Louis, Mo. He Saturday, Jan, 19, as followsr Su- Aiig. 24^ 187.3, n son of; the...Rev/ had -receiV-ed his, bachelor^ of arts F nine is "aiid A della Glenn Pearce. place itr the past two weeks. perj.Q.r.,_TownsUp.._Hall^ 2J4--p,mi, * ~o- ^-O n Dec--27r in-M unieipal Court, "degree' "In-iT)54~.~ Whitmore Lake Fire Hall, 2-4 p.m.; M Waterloo Historical Society He -graduated from""Hudson' High school and,, iri 1’897. fr?>m Albion Ann Arbor, John Urbani, 21, of ■ - Born Nov—l(i, 11132, at Wadena-, ■Salem Fire Hall—l^L-qnmr Dearborn, was . .found guilty: of - -Mimh, the College. On Oet; 25, 1899, at f enn—Arbor—-the-^-eHnies—are C o u n cil Plans Illustrated Talks N c w - killing a doe deer and -fined $50. ■ Glenn L. AIFofTUnrTArboiYM. W attended.;. Concordia- High school being held Jan. 16 from 2' unti pm:t, he was irraFried to EE: m m a He was also ordered to pay $20 Grand Master of the Grand Lodge; and Junior College at St. Paul, 7 p.m. in the offices of veter'i'n Of special' interest to area resi- Buhl. His father, a Cojrgregational- costs. The offense occured Dee. 21 MAM of Michigan* will be the Minn,, from 1946 until 1952. ■ ftrians—,J. A. Hergott,' 2150 Lib- dinits-is -a; sod<^a-’of-TRust-H>-tetFtn 1 ky ics man­ Mothodiiit m inister'-officiatm L-Thg at 4 a,m. behind Turner .Electric Tl^-vicarcrt~at: Our to be offered by the Waterloo aged', luvv they cooked and what Pearces : celebrated • -their golden Co. on dacksdn Rd* wedding in 1949 -at N.ort.h_Lnkn banquet here Saturday evening. ■ eran church, New Orleans, La., in Jackson Rd.; J.- C. Schwabland Al'ca-liistoi'icai Soclety.'- tlie TiraL Jiicy. ji.te, jthair-c-lotluiSf=thei r - wea p-^ O .tH W V iH 1 u t ibTTf^uvhdd is po sitio n Leslie Frisk of..Ann .Arbor, who: 1955*an<l 1966-and "attended—John^ -4 518- P a ekard -Rdfr-D. 'E f S hi pwah The RevrHaroRPSrBilottn, "pi- of the series being scheduled for on si and their games,’ comprise" "an where- they had acquired" the Glenn of cases _are, listed—as follows:- -' fj" president of the • betffrd ,gf the Hojrkins University, where he re 2626 Geddes Rd.; and N. E. Wright tor of -the Chelsea Assembly of Thursday.-' Jan,_10, at .
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