M Council Conducted by Staff "Members from FREE with 7-GALLON-GASOLINE PURCHASE
Ssi'-S-r1'wfc J r$Jpv »<•; O ; v : r r . - 1 19J * ' •’ T” :.. i . / ’ .• WEATHER Min. Max. Piooili, .... 7 ;2H 0.06 -.25 82 Tr, QUOTE ..28 88 Tc. * ..26 81 0.00 Hatred is the coward’s re- galuiuNj* ^ ,.26 . 81 Tr, ivenge for being- intimidated. Sundayi Jjw* X .26 81 Tv,.' MonJay. J«n* l —George Bernard Shaw Tutii^iuy.- J,in* 3 . 26 • 88 Te. ]S t Y.SECOND~ YEAR— N o. 28 12 Pages This Week CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10fi n«r Conv — — — Clinics Slated Safetagging For Rabies D r. H . G . Pearce, Far Behind Vaccination Retired M inister, It was. pointed out yesterday , The Washtenaw County Veter ,w nioi'c than half of the period;. inary Association and' the Wa'sR- L v t to Feb. 28, fo r purchasing tenaw^County ^Health Department in,53 license plates has slipped by.' are, apnofinfiing the schedule for Succum bs Saturday According to Wallace- Wood, Chel- Itabies .V a.o-ei-n-a t i o n,=s“Clinics Aj_ _ T^^pclrnnnragev'of the Sec^ throughout the county. rotary of State office. hcenso sales The clinics are being arranged Served 41 Years have been far below that of last this year by Dr, George E. Bowler, year This means that, unless, mo Public Health Veterinarian and by In Ministry of torists begin to g et their plate.s: members :of the Washtenaw County goon, they will have to stand in a Veterinary ,Medical v._Aaaa<iiath»w4-| MethodistCfturcK gj^wdad4iae.-WHwlbly-out-«»; KBEitT-srOMEIT Members of “the association will the'street.
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