United States Patent Office Patented Feb
3,642,901 United States Patent Office Patented Feb. 15, 1972 2 converted to oxidation products, which are responsible for 3,642,901 . the eye-irritating, plant-damaging, and reduced visibility BORONTRFLUORDE, ETHERATEAMNE REACTION PRODUCTS characteristics of smog; that the intermediate product is Abraham M. Herbsman, 9721 3rd Ave., believed to break down to form ozone, which in turn may Los Angeles, Calif. 90305 further oxidize certain hydrocarbons, principally olefins; No Drawing. Application Sept. 13, 1968, Ser. No. 759,780, and that some of these intermediate products and the now Patent No. 3,488,169, dated Jan. 6, 1970, which is ozone itself are believed to comprise the high "oxidant' a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 283,550, content of the Los Angeles atmosphere. (Chemistry and May 27, 1963. Divided and this application July 31, Physiology of the Los Angeles Smog, Industrial and Engi 1969, Ser. No. 864,241 neering Chemistry 44, pp. 1342-6; 1952 and "Ozone For Int. CI. C07c35/00, 87/00, 87/06 O mation in Photochemical Oxidation of Organic Sub U.S. C. 260-583 A 4 Claims stances,” Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 45, pp. 2086-9; 1953). In a paper, entitled “Relative Reactivity of Various Hydrocarbons in Polluted Atmospheres' by ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE E. R. Stephens and W. E. Scott, presented May 17, 1962 A composition of matter, which is soluble in gasoline 5 to the American Petroleum Institute's Division of Refin and in liquid aliphatic hydrocarbons, and which consists ing, it is stated that irradiated "dilute
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