
For these , losing a few scales is worth it to stay alive By PBS NewsHour, adapted by Newsela staff on 02.10.17 Word Count 432 Level 750L

TOP: Geckolepis megalepis in its scaleless form. BOTTOM: The on a tree branch. Photo by: Frank Glaw

Have you ever tried to grab a Geckolepis megolepis gecko? If you have tried, it probably slipped from your hand, and you were left holding just the scales.

This is a new kind of gecko, or , that has been discovered. It is similar to some other geckos that scientists already know about, called fish-scaled geckos. They look like geckos but have skin like fish.

On Tuesday, the science journal PeerJ wrote about the Geckolepis megolepis. Like other , these geckos have a superpower. They can drop their tails after being caught by predators. In fact, they can even leave their skin behind if they have to escape.

This article is available at 5 reading levels at https://newsela.com. "It is remarkably easy" to shed the skin, said Mark Scherz. He is a herpetologist, or expert. "It is hard to catch these geckos without some scales coming off," he added.

Predators Are Left With A Mouthful Of Scales

To learn more, Scherz and other scientists went to Madagascar. This African island nation is where these geckos come from. There are four species of fish-scaled geckos in Madagascar. The scientists decided to try a gentler way of catching the geckos. They lured them into bags, without grabbing them. Even then, some scales came off.

All fish-scaled geckos have tearaway skin. So do a few other gecko species. They lose their scales as a way to defend themselves.

Aaron Bauer, another herpetologist, described it. "A predator grabs them, they spin, ripping their own skin off," he said. "Then this little naked pink gecko runs away while the predator is left chewing on these fishlike scales."

They're left naked, but alive. The scales take a few weeks to grow back. Scientists are still learning how all this works. While it's happening, the geckos are soft and slimy. They also have less protection. Scherz said that the might find a dark, damp place to hide until they are back to normal.

Regrowing Body Parts Takes A Lot Of Energy

The trick works, but it is not easy. It takes a lot of energy to shed and regrow body parts. Most geckos have soft skin made of tiny scales. However, this species of gecko has larger scales than any other. The escape plan may be tough, but it's better than being eaten.

Madagascar is home to many kinds of geckos. There are leaf-tailed geckos, fish-scaled geckos and others. Sadly, it is becoming harder to learn about these animals because their habitat is in danger.

We find more and more interesting animals in Madagascar as they lose more and more of their habitats, Bauer said.

This article is available at 5 reading levels at https://newsela.com.