Awwwards.Com Web Design Trends 2013
Web Design Trends 2013 1 TRE NDS Project ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Our gra- titude for the generosity of all the participants who have collaborated in this project by giving their valua- ble opinions: Dan Mall, Karen Mc- Grane, Jenn Lukas, Mike Kus, Nick Pettit, Dave Rupert, Veerle Peters, Denise Jacobs, Simon Foster, Bruce Lawson, Luciano Foglia, Ben Cline, Aarron Walter, Trent Walton, Oli- ver Reichenstein, Legwork Agency, Ultranoir, Ian Hickson, Brad Frost, Hinderling Volkart, Jeffrey Zeldman, Rachel Andrew, Epic Agency, Unit9, B-Reel, Fantasy-Interactive Lon- don,Hello Monday and Davin Wil- frid. EDITOR IN CHIEF and ART DIREC- TION: Awwwards Team. 2013 Web Design Trends 2013 2 Index/ Index Index 3 Rachel Andrew 78 Preface 4 Simon Foster 32 Interviews 7 Trent Walton 51 Aarron Walter 48 Ultranoir 60 Ben Cline 45 Unit9 86 Brad Frost 68 Veerle Peters 26 B-Reel 89 Conclusions 105 Bruce Lawson 36 Data 113 Dan Mall 8 Dave Rupert 23 Davin Wilfrid 102 Denise Jacobs 29 Epic Agency 81 F-i London 92 Hello Monday 95 Hinderling Volkart 72 Ian Hickson 64 Jeffrey Zeldman 75 Jenn Lukas 14 Karen McGrane 11 Legwork Agency 57 Luciano Foglia 42 Mike Kus 16 Nick Pettit 19 Oliver Reichenstein 53 Web Design Trends 2013 3 Preface Chapter. 1 Web Design Trends 2013 4 Commandments of needs based Why Trends firmly on their own experiences as users. The Awwwards community are a faithful audience, always interested Trends is not only a prediction for in learning and dedicating their 2013. It reflects a natural interest in time to acquiring the necessary how all aspects of web design will technical knowledge to apply in evolve over the next few years.
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